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Table of Contents
1  3Blades Churn Rate Demo
1.1  Demo Goal
1.2  Define the problem
1.3  Import Data & Libraries  Here are our features:
1.4  Cleanse
1.5  Transform
1.6  Cross Validation and Model Preparation
1.7  Spot Check Models
1.8  Fit Model
1.9  What Does This Mean?
3Blades Churn Rate Demo
This Notebook provides an example of how to automate Machine Learning (ML) workflows with scikit-learn ( and Magics
( and applies these to these methodologies to a churn rate predictor. Use this demo by
changing the values of k-folds, x and Y in order to explore! This demo follows the following workflow, adapted from Jason Browlee via Machine
Learning Mastery (
1. Define the problem & Imports
2. Prepare the data
3. Cross Validation and Model Preparation
4. Run Model
5. Spot Check Algorithm
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Demo Goal
This demo's main goal is to make it easy to use the Machine Learning Workflow to solve real life marketing problems. It allows users to perform data
science quickly and cleanly.
Superset provides:
The ability to set X, y, and k-folds for a personalized demo experience.
A rich set of models, tools and helpful hints to guide you through the process step by step.
The ability to code in Python and R and import from a variety of data sources, so you aren't locked in.
Fast run times without sacrificing on folds, model types or model accuracy.
The ability to change performance metrics so you have the power to interpret models in the way with which you're most comfortable.
Define the problem
Churn is the measure of the the amount of people who stop subscribing or buying a product over time. In situations where consumers are subscribing
to a service it is important to measure how likely those people are to stop subscribing. In this demo, when churn is true, it will hold the value of 1.
When a customer does not churn, it will hold a value of 0.
Import Data & Libraries
We will now dowload our data and libraries. We will also list our features and view the first few lines of data.
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In [1]: #Import libraries
%run ./Libraries.ipynb
#Import data and view first few rows
churn_df = pd.read_csv("churndata.csv")
/Users/Annmarie/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarn
ing: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which al
l the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterato
rs are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20.
"This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning)
0 KS 128 415
no yes 25 265.1 110 45.07 197.4 99 16.78 244.7 91 11.01 10.0
1 OH 107 415
no yes 26 161.6 123 27.47 195.5 103 16.62 254.4 103 11.45 13.7
2 NJ 137 415
no no 0 243.4 114 41.38 121.2 110 10.30 162.6 104 7.32 12.2
3 OH 84 408
yes no 0 299.4 71 50.90 61.9 88 5.26 196.9 89 8.86 6.6
4 OK 75 415
yes no 0 166.7 113 28.34 148.3 122 12.61 186.9 121 8.41 10.1
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In [2]: churn_result = churn_df['Churn?']
y = np.where(churn_result == 'True.',1,0)
# We don't need these columns
to_drop = ['State','Area Code','Phone','Churn?']
churn_feat_space = churn_df.drop(to_drop,axis=1)
# 'yes'/'no' has to be converted to boolean values
# NumPy converts these from boolean to 1. and 0. later
yes_no_cols = ["Int'l Plan","VMail Plan"]
churn_feat_space[yes_no_cols] = churn_feat_space[yes_no_cols] == 'yes'
# Pull out features for future use
features = churn_feat_space.columns
X = churn_feat_space.as_matrix().astype(np.float)
Here are our features:
1. Account Length
2. International Plan
3. Voicemail Plan
4. Voicemail Messages
5. Day Minutes
6. Day Calls
7. Day Charge
8. Eve Minutes
9. Eve Calls
10. Eve Charge
11. Night Minutes
12. Night Calls
13. Night Charge
14. International Minutes
15. International Calls
16. International Charge
17. Customer Service Calls
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Now lets do data cleaning. To do this we will isolate target data, get rid of any columns we don't need and then convert any 'yes'/'no' values to values
of 1/0. By doing this, we make it easy to make sense of all of our data. At this point, all missing values have been removed. We will then pull out our
features and place them in a sparse matrix for analysis. It is also important that we standardize our data. This is a common requirement for many
models and can be done with skit-learn's preprocessor. This will create a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance. Once completed, we
can graph our distribution and move on to transforming our data to prepare for modeling.
In [3]: # Isolate target data, remove uneeded columns,
%run ./FeatureEngineering.ipynb
# This is important
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
X = scaler.fit_transform(X)
Now it is time to transform our data. In the following cells we will take our data and begin to optimize it. To do this we will look at what features are the
most important to the data set. We will check the relationship between the variables and make sure that we have the best features in their best
possible format.
We now find that the following three features are the most important to the data set
1. International Plan
2. Voicemail Plan
3. Account Length
Feature space holds 3333 observations and 17 features
Unique target labels: [0 1]
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In [4]: #Check for colinearity
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Day Mins Day Calls
Eve Mins Eve Calls
1.000000 -0.012463 -0.004628 0.006216 0.038470 0.006214 -0.006757 0.019260 -0.006745 -0.008955 -0.0131
-0.012463 1.000000 -0.001994 -0.008264 -0.009646 -0.008264 0.003580 -0.011886 0.003607 -0.005825 0.0165
-0.004628 -0.001994 1.000000 0.000778 -0.009548 0.000776 0.017562 -0.005864 0.017578 0.007681 0.0071
0.006216 -0.008264 0.000778 1.000000 0.006750 1.000000 0.007043 0.015769 0.007029 0.004323 0.0229
0.038470 -0.009646 -0.009548 0.006750 1.000000 0.006753 -0.021451 0.006462 -0.021449 0.022938 -0.0195
0.006214 -0.008264 0.000776 1.000000 0.006753 1.000000 0.007050 0.015769 0.007036 0.004324 0.0229
Eve Mins -0.006757 0.003580 0.017562 0.007043 -0.021451 0.007050 1.000000 -0.011430 1.000000 -0.012584 0.0075
0.019260 -0.011886 -0.005864 0.015769 0.006462 0.015769 -0.011430 1.000000 -0.011423 -0.002093 0.0077
-0.006745 0.003607 0.017578 0.007029 -0.021449 0.007036 1.000000 -0.011423 1.000000 -0.012592 0.0075
-0.008955 -0.005825 0.007681 0.004323 0.022938 0.004324 -0.012584 -0.002093 -0.012592 1.000000 0.0112
-0.013176 0.016522 0.007123 0.022972 -0.019557 0.022972 0.007586 0.007710 0.007596 0.011204 1.0000
-0.008960 -0.005845 0.007663 0.004300 0.022927 0.004301 -0.012593 -0.002056 -0.012601 0.999999 0.0111
Intl Mins 0.009514 -0.018288 0.002856 -0.010155 0.021565 -0.010157 -0.011035 0.008703 -0.011043 -0.015207 -0.0136
Intl Calls 0.020661 -0.024179 0.013957 0.008033 0.004574 0.008032 0.002541 0.017434 0.002541 -0.012353 0.0003
0.009546 -0.018395 0.002884 -0.010092 0.021666 -0.010094 -0.011067 0.008674 -0.011074 -0.015180 -0.0136
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Day Mins Day Calls
Eve Mins Eve Calls
-0.003796 0.027572 -0.013263 -0.013423 -0.018942 -0.013427 -0.012985 0.002423 -0.012987 -0.009288 -0.0128
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In [5]: # %load ./
# In[16]:
from IPython.core.magic import (register_line_magic, register_cell_magic,
get_ipython().magic(u'run ./Libraries.ipynb')
# Isolate target data
churn_result = churn_df["Churn?"]
y = np.where(churn_result == 'True.',1,0)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,6), dpi=1600)
alpha=alpha_scatterplot = 0.2
alpha_bar_chart = 0.55
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,3),(0,0))
# plots a bar graph of those churn vs those who do not.
churn_result.value_counts().plot(kind='bar', alpha=alpha_bar_chart)
ax1.set_xlim(-1, 2)
plt.title("Distribution of churn, (1 = Churn)")
Out[5]: <matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11f6dca10>
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Cross Validation and Model Preparation
Now let's set up the parameters for the model cross validation-- we will use K-Folds. In the next line, chance the "n folds" object to your desired
number of folds and then run!
How well will your ML algorithms perform?
Make predictions for new data for known answers
Resampling methods estimates performance on new data.
It is important to evaluate ML algorithms using data that is different than the data used to train ML algorithm, to avoid overfitting
This notebook uses K-folds to avoid over fitting and ensures we make good predictions!
In [6]: #Set folds by changing the "n_folds" object
kf = KFold(len(y),n_folds=25,shuffle=True)
In [7]: # Construct a kfolds object
def run_cv(X,y,clf_class,**kwargs):
y_pred = y.copy()
# Iterate through folds
for train_index, test_index in kf:
X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
y_train = y[train_index]
# Initialize a classifier with key word arguments
clf = clf_class(**kwargs),y_train)
y_pred[test_index] = clf.predict(X_test)
return y_pred
In [8]: run_cv
Out[8]: <function __main__.run_cv>
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Spot Check Models
For this data set we will test Support Vector Machines, Random Forests and K-nearest neighbors. Note that Random Forest seems to
perform the best. To remove a model, feel free to add # before that line to exclude it.
In [9]: def accuracy(y_true,y_pred):
# NumPy interprets True and False as 1. and 0.
return np.mean(y_true == y_pred)
In [10]: print "Support vector machines:"
print "%.3f" % accuracy(y, run_cv(X,y,SVC))
print "Random forest:"
print "%.3f" % accuracy(y, run_cv(X,y,RF))
print "K-nearest-neighbors:"
print "%.3f" % accuracy(y, run_cv(X,y,KNN))
Support vector machines:
Random forest:
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In [11]: %run ./SpotCheck.ipynb
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[[2818 32]
[ 230 253]]
[[2822 28]
[ 147 336]]
[[2804 46]
[ 309 174]]
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Here we can try Bayesian Optimization to see if this improves our models, let's use the top two models from our intial test harness, SVM and
RF. This will also help correct for overfitting.
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In [12]: ##BaysOpt
def svccv(C, gamma):
return cross_val_score(SVC(C=C, gamma=gamma, random_state=2),
X, y, 'roc_auc', cv=2).mean()
def rfccv(n_estimators, min_samples_split, max_features):
return cross_val_score(RFC(n_estimators=int(n_estimators),
max_features=min(max_features, 0.999),
X, y, 'roc_auc', cv=2).mean()
if __name__ == "__main__":
gp_params = {"alpha": 1e5}
svcBO = BayesianOptimization(svccv, {'C': (0.001, 100), 'gamma': (0.0001, 0.1)})
svcBO.explore({'C': [0.001, 0.01, 0.1], 'gamma': [0.001, 0.01, 0.1]})
rfcBO = BayesianOptimization(rfccv, {'n_estimators': (10, 250),
'min_samples_split': (2, 25),
'max_features': (0.1, 0.999)})
svcBO.maximize(n_iter=10, **gp_params)
rfcBO.maximize(n_iter=10, **gp_params)
print('Final Results')
print('SVC: %f' % svcBO.res['max']['max_val'])
print('RFC: %f' % rfcBO.res['max']['max_val'])
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Step | Time | Value | C | gamma |
1 | 00m00s | 0.81055 | 0.0010 | 0.0010 |
2 | 00m00s | 0.88666 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 |
3 | 00m00s | 0.89423 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 |
4 | 00m00s | 0.84700 | 86.0017 | 0.0679 |
5 | 00m00s | 0.86736 | 73.4304 | 0.0294 |
6 | 00m00s | 0.84798 | 76.8692 | 0.0853 |
7 | 00m00s | 0.85026 | 91.6730 | 0.0468 |
8 | 00m00s | 0.84846 | 73.2358 | 0.0591 |
Bayesian Optimization
Step | Time | Value | C | gamma |
9 | 00m00s | 0.89865 | 0.0018 | 0.0493 |
10 | 00m00s | 0.84834 | 99.9968 | 0.0903 |
11 | 00m00s | 0.89851 | 0.0023 | 0.0606 |
12 | 00m00s | 0.84952 | 99.9998 | 0.0967 |
13 | 00m00s | 0.89715 | 0.0012 | 0.0667 |
14 | 00m00s | 0.84781 | 99.9999 | 0.0486 |
15 | 00m00s | 0.89479 | 0.0021 | 0.0996 |
16 | 00m00s | 0.84526 | 99.9999 | 0.0588 |
17 | 00m00s | 0.89624 | 0.0010 | 0.0717 |
18 | 00m00s | 0.85574 | 99.9998 | 0.0344 |
Step | Time | Value | max_features | min_samples_split | n_estimators |
1 | 00m00s | 0.90436 | 0.1355 | 23.0452 | 72.9172 |
2 | 00m00s | 0.90541 | 0.4411 | 24.9050 | 20.8256 |
3 | 00m03s | 0.90882 | 0.4509 | 15.9022 | 184.0723 |
4 | 00m03s | 0.90432 | 0.9678 | 24.8720 | 148.9929 |
5 | 00m00s | 0.90665 | 0.4795 | 24.1986 | 55.7664 |
Bayesian Optimization
Step | Time | Value | max_features | min_samples_split | n_estimators |
6 | 00m04s | 0.91249 | 0.3783 | 2.0428 | 249.9626 |
7 | 00m05s | 0.91111 | 0.7063 | 2.3792 | 249.8994 |
8 | 00m00s | 0.90606 | 0.8309 | 2.0651 | 10.0192 |
9 | 00m03s | 0.90927 | 0.1809 | 2.5089 | 249.9557 |
10 | 00m00s | 0.90323 | 0.5131 | 2.5986 | 10.0451 |
11 | 00m04s | 0.90892 | 0.4646 | 24.9923 | 249.9656 |
12 | 00m00s | 0.90438 | 0.3056 | 2.2044 | 10.0244 |
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Fit Model
We will now fit a random forest model as it is the highest performing model after both normal cross validation and bayesian optimization.
In [32]: from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import (RandomTreesEmbedding, RandomForestClassifier,
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs = 10,random_state =50)
In [39]: n_estimator = 10
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=5000)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.5)
# It is important to train the ensemble of trees on a different subset
# of the training data than the linear regression model to avoid
# overfitting, in particular if the total number of leaves is
# similar to the number of training samples
X_train, X_train_lr, y_train, y_train_lr = train_test_split(X_train,
13 | 00m03s | 0.90582 | 0.2301 | 24.7868 | 249.9074 |
14 | 00m00s | 0.90339 | 0.8018 | 2.3446 | 10.0055 |
15 | 00m06s | 0.90693 | 0.8106 | 24.8361 | 249.8776 |
Final Results
SVC: 0.898651
RFC: 0.912495
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In [40]: def accuracy(y_true,y_pred):
# NumPy interprets True and False as 1. and 0.
return np.mean(y_true == y_pred)
print "Random forest:"
print "%.3f" % accuracy(y, run_cv(X,y,RF))
Random forest:
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In [41]: # Unsupervised transformation based on totally random trees
rt = RandomTreesEmbedding(max_depth=3, n_estimators=n_estimator,
rt_lm = LogisticRegression()
pipeline = make_pipeline(rt, rt_lm), y_train)
y_pred_rt = pipeline.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
fpr_rt_lm, tpr_rt_lm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_rt)
# Supervised transformation based on random forests
rf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=3, n_estimators=n_estimator)
rf_enc = OneHotEncoder()
rf_lm = LogisticRegression(), y_train), y_train_lr)
y_pred_rf_lm = rf_lm.predict_proba(rf_enc.transform(rf.apply(X_test)))[:, 1]
fpr_rf_lm, tpr_rf_lm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_rf_lm)
grd = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimator)
grd_enc = OneHotEncoder()
grd_lm = LogisticRegression(), y_train)[:, :, 0])[:, :, 0]), y_train_lr)
y_pred_grd_lm = grd_lm.predict_proba(
grd_enc.transform(grd.apply(X_test)[:, :, 0]))[:, 1]
fpr_grd_lm, tpr_grd_lm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_grd_lm)
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# The gradient boosted model by itself
y_pred_grd = grd.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
fpr_grd, tpr_grd, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_grd)
# The random forest model by itself
y_pred_rf = rf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
fpr_rf, tpr_rf, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_rf)
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
plt.plot(fpr_rt_lm, tpr_rt_lm, label='RT + LR')
plt.plot(fpr_rf, tpr_rf, label='RF')
plt.plot(fpr_rf_lm, tpr_rf_lm, label='RF + LR')
plt.plot(fpr_grd, tpr_grd, label='GBT')
plt.plot(fpr_grd_lm, tpr_grd_lm, label='GBT + LR')
plt.xlabel('False positive rate')
plt.ylabel('True positive rate')
plt.title('ROC curve')
plt.xlim(0, 0.2)
plt.ylim(0.8, 1)
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
plt.plot(fpr_rt_lm, tpr_rt_lm, label='RT + LR')
plt.plot(fpr_rf, tpr_rf, label='RF')
plt.plot(fpr_rf_lm, tpr_rf_lm, label='RF + LR')
plt.plot(fpr_grd, tpr_grd, label='GBT')
plt.plot(fpr_grd_lm, tpr_grd_lm, label='GBT + LR')
plt.xlabel('False positive rate')
plt.ylabel('True positive rate')
plt.title('ROC curve (zoomed in at top left)')
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What Does This Mean?
After performing multiple models, checking those models via multiple means of spot checking and cross validation, we can now conclude that the
Random Forest Classifier performs the best. This means that we can predict whether or not a customer will churn with 96.7 percent accuracy.
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Data Science Salon Miami Example - Churn Rate Predictor

  • 1. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 1/23 Table of Contents 1  3Blades Churn Rate Demo 1.1  Demo Goal 1.2  Define the problem 1.3  Import Data & Libraries  Here are our features: 1.4  Cleanse 1.5  Transform 1.6  Cross Validation and Model Preparation 1.7  Spot Check Models 1.8  Fit Model 1.9  What Does This Mean? 3Blades Churn Rate Demo This Notebook provides an example of how to automate Machine Learning (ML) workflows with scikit-learn ( and Magics ( and applies these to these methodologies to a churn rate predictor. Use this demo by changing the values of k-folds, x and Y in order to explore! This demo follows the following workflow, adapted from Jason Browlee via Machine Learning Mastery ( 1. Define the problem & Imports 2. Prepare the data 3. Cross Validation and Model Preparation 4. Run Model 5. Spot Check Algorithm
  • 2. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 2/23 Demo Goal This demo's main goal is to make it easy to use the Machine Learning Workflow to solve real life marketing problems. It allows users to perform data science quickly and cleanly. Superset provides: The ability to set X, y, and k-folds for a personalized demo experience. A rich set of models, tools and helpful hints to guide you through the process step by step. The ability to code in Python and R and import from a variety of data sources, so you aren't locked in. Fast run times without sacrificing on folds, model types or model accuracy. The ability to change performance metrics so you have the power to interpret models in the way with which you're most comfortable. Define the problem Churn is the measure of the the amount of people who stop subscribing or buying a product over time. In situations where consumers are subscribing to a service it is important to measure how likely those people are to stop subscribing. In this demo, when churn is true, it will hold the value of 1. When a customer does not churn, it will hold a value of 0. Import Data & Libraries We will now dowload our data and libraries. We will also list our features and view the first few lines of data.
  • 3. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 3/23 In [1]: #Import libraries %run ./Libraries.ipynb #Import data and view first few rows churn_df = pd.read_csv("churndata.csv") churn_df.head() /Users/Annmarie/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarn ing: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which al l the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterato rs are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20. "This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning) Out[1]: State Account Length Area Code Phone Int'l Plan VMail Plan VMail Message Day Mins Day Calls Day Charge Eve Mins Eve Calls Eve Charge Night Mins Night Calls Night Charge Intl Min 0 KS 128 415 382- 4657 no yes 25 265.1 110 45.07 197.4 99 16.78 244.7 91 11.01 10.0 1 OH 107 415 371- 7191 no yes 26 161.6 123 27.47 195.5 103 16.62 254.4 103 11.45 13.7 2 NJ 137 415 358- 1921 no no 0 243.4 114 41.38 121.2 110 10.30 162.6 104 7.32 12.2 3 OH 84 408 375- 9999 yes no 0 299.4 71 50.90 61.9 88 5.26 196.9 89 8.86 6.6 4 OK 75 415 330- 6626 yes no 0 166.7 113 28.34 148.3 122 12.61 186.9 121 8.41 10.1
  • 4. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 4/23 In [2]: churn_result = churn_df['Churn?'] y = np.where(churn_result == 'True.',1,0) # We don't need these columns to_drop = ['State','Area Code','Phone','Churn?'] churn_feat_space = churn_df.drop(to_drop,axis=1) # 'yes'/'no' has to be converted to boolean values # NumPy converts these from boolean to 1. and 0. later yes_no_cols = ["Int'l Plan","VMail Plan"] churn_feat_space[yes_no_cols] = churn_feat_space[yes_no_cols] == 'yes' # Pull out features for future use features = churn_feat_space.columns X = churn_feat_space.as_matrix().astype(np.float) Here are our features: 1. Account Length 2. International Plan 3. Voicemail Plan 4. Voicemail Messages 5. Day Minutes 6. Day Calls 7. Day Charge 8. Eve Minutes 9. Eve Calls 10. Eve Charge 11. Night Minutes 12. Night Calls 13. Night Charge 14. International Minutes 15. International Calls 16. International Charge 17. Customer Service Calls
  • 5. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 5/23 Cleanse Now lets do data cleaning. To do this we will isolate target data, get rid of any columns we don't need and then convert any 'yes'/'no' values to values of 1/0. By doing this, we make it easy to make sense of all of our data. At this point, all missing values have been removed. We will then pull out our features and place them in a sparse matrix for analysis. It is also important that we standardize our data. This is a common requirement for many models and can be done with skit-learn's preprocessor. This will create a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance. Once completed, we can graph our distribution and move on to transforming our data to prepare for modeling. In [3]: # Isolate target data, remove uneeded columns, %run ./FeatureEngineering.ipynb # This is important from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler scaler = StandardScaler() X = scaler.fit_transform(X) Transform Now it is time to transform our data. In the following cells we will take our data and begin to optimize it. To do this we will look at what features are the most important to the data set. We will check the relationship between the variables and make sure that we have the best features in their best possible format. We now find that the following three features are the most important to the data set 1. International Plan 2. Voicemail Plan 3. Account Length Feature space holds 3333 observations and 17 features Unique target labels: [0 1]
  • 7. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 7/23 Out[4]: Account Length Area Code VMail Message Day Mins Day Calls Day Charge Eve Mins Eve Calls Eve Charge Night Mins Night Calls Account Length 1.000000 -0.012463 -0.004628 0.006216 0.038470 0.006214 -0.006757 0.019260 -0.006745 -0.008955 -0.0131 Area Code -0.012463 1.000000 -0.001994 -0.008264 -0.009646 -0.008264 0.003580 -0.011886 0.003607 -0.005825 0.0165 VMail Message -0.004628 -0.001994 1.000000 0.000778 -0.009548 0.000776 0.017562 -0.005864 0.017578 0.007681 0.0071 Day Mins 0.006216 -0.008264 0.000778 1.000000 0.006750 1.000000 0.007043 0.015769 0.007029 0.004323 0.0229 Day Calls 0.038470 -0.009646 -0.009548 0.006750 1.000000 0.006753 -0.021451 0.006462 -0.021449 0.022938 -0.0195 Day Charge 0.006214 -0.008264 0.000776 1.000000 0.006753 1.000000 0.007050 0.015769 0.007036 0.004324 0.0229 Eve Mins -0.006757 0.003580 0.017562 0.007043 -0.021451 0.007050 1.000000 -0.011430 1.000000 -0.012584 0.0075 Eve Calls 0.019260 -0.011886 -0.005864 0.015769 0.006462 0.015769 -0.011430 1.000000 -0.011423 -0.002093 0.0077 Eve Charge -0.006745 0.003607 0.017578 0.007029 -0.021449 0.007036 1.000000 -0.011423 1.000000 -0.012592 0.0075 Night Mins -0.008955 -0.005825 0.007681 0.004323 0.022938 0.004324 -0.012584 -0.002093 -0.012592 1.000000 0.0112 Night Calls -0.013176 0.016522 0.007123 0.022972 -0.019557 0.022972 0.007586 0.007710 0.007596 0.011204 1.0000 Night Charge -0.008960 -0.005845 0.007663 0.004300 0.022927 0.004301 -0.012593 -0.002056 -0.012601 0.999999 0.0111 Intl Mins 0.009514 -0.018288 0.002856 -0.010155 0.021565 -0.010157 -0.011035 0.008703 -0.011043 -0.015207 -0.0136 Intl Calls 0.020661 -0.024179 0.013957 0.008033 0.004574 0.008032 0.002541 0.017434 0.002541 -0.012353 0.0003 Intl Charge 0.009546 -0.018395 0.002884 -0.010092 0.021666 -0.010094 -0.011067 0.008674 -0.011074 -0.015180 -0.0136
  • 8. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 8/23 Account Length Area Code VMail Message Day Mins Day Calls Day Charge Eve Mins Eve Calls Eve Charge Night Mins Night Calls CustServ Calls -0.003796 0.027572 -0.013263 -0.013423 -0.018942 -0.013427 -0.012985 0.002423 -0.012987 -0.009288 -0.0128
  • 9. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 9/23 In [5]: # %load ./ # In[16]: from IPython.core.magic import (register_line_magic, register_cell_magic, register_line_cell_magic) register_cell_magic('Visualizations') get_ipython().magic(u'run ./Libraries.ipynb') # Isolate target data churn_result = churn_df["Churn?"] y = np.where(churn_result == 'True.',1,0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,6), dpi=1600) alpha=alpha_scatterplot = 0.2 alpha_bar_chart = 0.55 ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,3),(0,0)) # plots a bar graph of those churn vs those who do not. churn_result.value_counts().plot(kind='bar', alpha=alpha_bar_chart) ax1.set_xlim(-1, 2) plt.title("Distribution of churn, (1 = Churn)") Out[5]: <matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11f6dca10>
  • 10. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 10/23 Cross Validation and Model Preparation Now let's set up the parameters for the model cross validation-- we will use K-Folds. In the next line, chance the "n folds" object to your desired number of folds and then run! How well will your ML algorithms perform? Make predictions for new data for known answers Resampling methods estimates performance on new data. It is important to evaluate ML algorithms using data that is different than the data used to train ML algorithm, to avoid overfitting This notebook uses K-folds to avoid over fitting and ensures we make good predictions! In [6]: #Set folds by changing the "n_folds" object kf = KFold(len(y),n_folds=25,shuffle=True) In [7]: # Construct a kfolds object def run_cv(X,y,clf_class,**kwargs): y_pred = y.copy() # Iterate through folds for train_index, test_index in kf: X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] y_train = y[train_index] # Initialize a classifier with key word arguments clf = clf_class(**kwargs),y_train) y_pred[test_index] = clf.predict(X_test) return y_pred In [8]: run_cv Out[8]: <function __main__.run_cv>
  • 11. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 11/23 Spot Check Models For this data set we will test Support Vector Machines, Random Forests and K-nearest neighbors. Note that Random Forest seems to perform the best. To remove a model, feel free to add # before that line to exclude it. In [9]: def accuracy(y_true,y_pred): # NumPy interprets True and False as 1. and 0. return np.mean(y_true == y_pred) In [10]: print "Support vector machines:" print "%.3f" % accuracy(y, run_cv(X,y,SVC)) print "Random forest:" print "%.3f" % accuracy(y, run_cv(X,y,RF)) print "K-nearest-neighbors:" print "%.3f" % accuracy(y, run_cv(X,y,KNN)) Support vector machines: 0.921 Random forest: 0.945 K-nearest-neighbors: 0.893
  • 13. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 13/23 [[2818 32] [ 230 253]] [[2822 28] [ 147 336]] [[2804 46] [ 309 174]]
  • 14. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 14/23 Here we can try Bayesian Optimization to see if this improves our models, let's use the top two models from our intial test harness, SVM and RF. This will also help correct for overfitting.
  • 15. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 15/23 In [12]: ##BaysOpt def svccv(C, gamma): return cross_val_score(SVC(C=C, gamma=gamma, random_state=2), X, y, 'roc_auc', cv=2).mean() def rfccv(n_estimators, min_samples_split, max_features): return cross_val_score(RFC(n_estimators=int(n_estimators), min_samples_split=int(min_samples_split), max_features=min(max_features, 0.999), random_state=2), X, y, 'roc_auc', cv=2).mean() if __name__ == "__main__": gp_params = {"alpha": 1e5} svcBO = BayesianOptimization(svccv, {'C': (0.001, 100), 'gamma': (0.0001, 0.1)}) svcBO.explore({'C': [0.001, 0.01, 0.1], 'gamma': [0.001, 0.01, 0.1]}) rfcBO = BayesianOptimization(rfccv, {'n_estimators': (10, 250), 'min_samples_split': (2, 25), 'max_features': (0.1, 0.999)}) svcBO.maximize(n_iter=10, **gp_params) print('-'*53) rfcBO.maximize(n_iter=10, **gp_params) print('-'*53) print('Final Results') print('SVC: %f' % svcBO.res['max']['max_val']) print('RFC: %f' % rfcBO.res['max']['max_val'])
  • 16. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 16/23 Initialization ----------------------------------------------------- Step | Time | Value | C | gamma | 1 | 00m00s | 0.81055 | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 2 | 00m00s | 0.88666 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 3 | 00m00s | 0.89423 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 4 | 00m00s | 0.84700 | 86.0017 | 0.0679 | 5 | 00m00s | 0.86736 | 73.4304 | 0.0294 | 6 | 00m00s | 0.84798 | 76.8692 | 0.0853 | 7 | 00m00s | 0.85026 | 91.6730 | 0.0468 | 8 | 00m00s | 0.84846 | 73.2358 | 0.0591 | Bayesian Optimization ----------------------------------------------------- Step | Time | Value | C | gamma | 9 | 00m00s | 0.89865 | 0.0018 | 0.0493 | 10 | 00m00s | 0.84834 | 99.9968 | 0.0903 | 11 | 00m00s | 0.89851 | 0.0023 | 0.0606 | 12 | 00m00s | 0.84952 | 99.9998 | 0.0967 | 13 | 00m00s | 0.89715 | 0.0012 | 0.0667 | 14 | 00m00s | 0.84781 | 99.9999 | 0.0486 | 15 | 00m00s | 0.89479 | 0.0021 | 0.0996 | 16 | 00m00s | 0.84526 | 99.9999 | 0.0588 | 17 | 00m00s | 0.89624 | 0.0010 | 0.0717 | 18 | 00m00s | 0.85574 | 99.9998 | 0.0344 | ----------------------------------------------------- Initialization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step | Time | Value | max_features | min_samples_split | n_estimators | 1 | 00m00s | 0.90436 | 0.1355 | 23.0452 | 72.9172 | 2 | 00m00s | 0.90541 | 0.4411 | 24.9050 | 20.8256 | 3 | 00m03s | 0.90882 | 0.4509 | 15.9022 | 184.0723 | 4 | 00m03s | 0.90432 | 0.9678 | 24.8720 | 148.9929 | 5 | 00m00s | 0.90665 | 0.4795 | 24.1986 | 55.7664 | Bayesian Optimization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step | Time | Value | max_features | min_samples_split | n_estimators | 6 | 00m04s | 0.91249 | 0.3783 | 2.0428 | 249.9626 | 7 | 00m05s | 0.91111 | 0.7063 | 2.3792 | 249.8994 | 8 | 00m00s | 0.90606 | 0.8309 | 2.0651 | 10.0192 | 9 | 00m03s | 0.90927 | 0.1809 | 2.5089 | 249.9557 | 10 | 00m00s | 0.90323 | 0.5131 | 2.5986 | 10.0451 | 11 | 00m04s | 0.90892 | 0.4646 | 24.9923 | 249.9656 | 12 | 00m00s | 0.90438 | 0.3056 | 2.2044 | 10.0244 |
  • 17. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 17/23 Fit Model We will now fit a random forest model as it is the highest performing model after both normal cross validation and bayesian optimization. In [32]: from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.ensemble import (RandomTreesEmbedding, RandomForestClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier) from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline model = RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs = 10,random_state =50) In [39]: n_estimator = 10 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=5000) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.5) # It is important to train the ensemble of trees on a different subset # of the training data than the linear regression model to avoid # overfitting, in particular if the total number of leaves is # similar to the number of training samples X_train, X_train_lr, y_train, y_train_lr = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size=0.5) 13 | 00m03s | 0.90582 | 0.2301 | 24.7868 | 249.9074 | 14 | 00m00s | 0.90339 | 0.8018 | 2.3446 | 10.0055 | 15 | 00m06s | 0.90693 | 0.8106 | 24.8361 | 249.8776 | ----------------------------------------------------- Final Results SVC: 0.898651 RFC: 0.912495
  • 18. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 18/23 In [40]: def accuracy(y_true,y_pred): # NumPy interprets True and False as 1. and 0. return np.mean(y_true == y_pred) print "Random forest:" print "%.3f" % accuracy(y, run_cv(X,y,RF)) Random forest: 0.967
  • 19. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 19/23 In [41]: # Unsupervised transformation based on totally random trees rt = RandomTreesEmbedding(max_depth=3, n_estimators=n_estimator, random_state=0) rt_lm = LogisticRegression() pipeline = make_pipeline(rt, rt_lm), y_train) y_pred_rt = pipeline.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] fpr_rt_lm, tpr_rt_lm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_rt) # Supervised transformation based on random forests rf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=3, n_estimators=n_estimator) rf_enc = OneHotEncoder() rf_lm = LogisticRegression(), y_train), y_train_lr) y_pred_rf_lm = rf_lm.predict_proba(rf_enc.transform(rf.apply(X_test)))[:, 1] fpr_rf_lm, tpr_rf_lm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_rf_lm) grd = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimator) grd_enc = OneHotEncoder() grd_lm = LogisticRegression(), y_train)[:, :, 0])[:, :, 0]), y_train_lr) y_pred_grd_lm = grd_lm.predict_proba( grd_enc.transform(grd.apply(X_test)[:, :, 0]))[:, 1] fpr_grd_lm, tpr_grd_lm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_grd_lm)
  • 20. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 20/23 # The gradient boosted model by itself y_pred_grd = grd.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] fpr_grd, tpr_grd, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_grd) # The random forest model by itself y_pred_rf = rf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] fpr_rf, tpr_rf, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_rf) plt.figure(1) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.plot(fpr_rt_lm, tpr_rt_lm, label='RT + LR') plt.plot(fpr_rf, tpr_rf, label='RF') plt.plot(fpr_rf_lm, tpr_rf_lm, label='RF + LR') plt.plot(fpr_grd, tpr_grd, label='GBT') plt.plot(fpr_grd_lm, tpr_grd_lm, label='GBT + LR') plt.xlabel('False positive rate') plt.ylabel('True positive rate') plt.title('ROC curve') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.figure(2) plt.xlim(0, 0.2) plt.ylim(0.8, 1) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.plot(fpr_rt_lm, tpr_rt_lm, label='RT + LR') plt.plot(fpr_rf, tpr_rf, label='RF') plt.plot(fpr_rf_lm, tpr_rf_lm, label='RF + LR') plt.plot(fpr_grd, tpr_grd, label='GBT') plt.plot(fpr_grd_lm, tpr_grd_lm, label='GBT + LR') plt.xlabel('False positive rate') plt.ylabel('True positive rate') plt.title('ROC curve (zoomed in at top left)') plt.legend(loc='best')
  • 22. 2/14/2018 churn_rate file:///Users/gregwerner/Downloads/churn_rate.html 22/23 What Does This Mean? After performing multiple models, checking those models via multiple means of spot checking and cross validation, we can now conclude that the Random Forest Classifier performs the best. This means that we can predict whether or not a customer will churn with 96.7 percent accuracy.