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MATTHEW 12:50Forwhoeverdoes the will of my
Father in heavenis my brother and sisterand
Christ's Spiritual Family
Matthew 12:50
Marcus Dods
Whosoevershalldo the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my
brother, and sister, and mother. There is nothing new or peculiarly Christian
in the idea that there is a bond strongerthan that of blood. It is too obvious to
escape notice. Nor does the assertioncastany disparagementon the institution
of the family; less is not made of blood, but more of spiritual affinity. That our
Lord did not make less of family ties is shownby his care for his mother; that
he made much of spiritual ties also is shownby his commending her to the
care of his most sympathetic friend. The family bulks less in his life because
the community, the world, bulks larger. The proportion of thought he gave to
the family was smaller, the actualamount greater, than that given by most
men. That which is peculiar in these words is - The distinct assertionofwhat
constitutes the bond of this more enduring, truer relationship. It is the
recognitionand acceptanceofGod's will. This is the true basis of eternal
society, the one bond we can trust to, to keepus ever united. The doing of
God's will implies an inward, deep-seatedacknowledgmentthat his will is
holy, just, and good, and that God is the Ruler of our life; it implies that
devout love for God from which flows light and regenerationto every part of
a man's life and nature. Other associations dissolve,pass away, become
obsolete, but all that comes ofaccepting God's will from a genuine love of him
2. But Christ here indirectly presents himself as the Centre of this new
spiritual family. This is so
(1) because he is the actual, visible embodiment of God's will, in whom men
can best see whatthat wilt is. And
(2) because it is through him they become able to do God's will. Only by
becoming brethren of Christ can we become children of God. From this truth
flow severalinferences.
passes judgment on himself by his affinities. You cannotjudge a man by his
family, his origin; but you canjudge him, or he canjudge himself, by the
professionhe chooses, the friendships he forms, the course of life he freely
adopts. But the greattestof men is Christ. He is set for the fall and rising of
many, and by him are the thoughts of many hearts revealed. By the treatment
men give him they reveal what is in them, and whether their talk about virtue
is merely talk, or if they have hearty love for it when presentedin actual life.
which are developed in the family must be fed. from a more enduring root if
they are to abide. They are like the bindings which join the graft to the tree;
they keepus togetheruntil the vital sapknits us into one. There is no
guarantee for the endurance of love but that it goes downto and roots itself in
the deepestsprings of our life. In family life the pain of want of sympathy is
only the keenerfor the superficial affection. It is thus that Christ brings
sometimes, not peace, but division. It is the magnet passing through the heap
of dust and iron filings; the superior attraction at once produces separation. It
is not that we must buy his favour by perfect submission, or propitiate his
jealousyby disliking others, but that he is worthy of and can command a
deeper. holier, more devoted love than any other; and the further we
ourselves advance in all that is good, the more we see the necessarytruth of
his saying, "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of
me." Let parents try to win their children to that permanent and eternal
family in which the relationship lies not in the flesh, but in the deepestrecesses
of the spirit, and from which there are no banishments, no deaths, no
separations. Deaththen loses the greaterpart of its terrors - is, indeed,
recognizedas the apparently necessarymeans of purifying and deepening our
natural affections.
1. We have claims on Christ superior to those which canbe assertedevenby
his relatives. He wants to be trusted, confided in, counted on. ]f you would
have counted it happy to be born in the same family, and would have expected
from him, your ownBrother, all the help he could give, you may still count on
that help and with greaterassurance.
2. Christ takes pleasure in us, if we are doing God's wilt, such as he finds in
nothing else. We cannot understand his longing for human love and
acceptance, but we know that even as God he loved human fellowship, and
when he became man we find him the same. To be closerto Christ than to
father or mother, to be more truly at one with him than with any one besides,
this is salvation. In his own day he could point to some anti say, "Behold my
mother and my Brethren!" Surely there are among ourselves those who long
above all things to be truly the brethren of the Lord Jesus Christ. - D.
Biblical Illustrator
The same is My brother, and sister, and mother.
Matthew 12:46-50
Christians are Christ's Relations
U. B. Thomas.
1. It is similar to that of the family.
2. It is superior to that of the family.
(1)It is non-artificial
(2)It is intimate.
(3)It is dear.
(4)It is completer.
(5)It is vaster.
(6)It is more lasting.
II. That Jesus here proclaims that the bond by which men sustain this
supreme relationship to Himself, IS BY THEIR OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S
WILL. When we do His will.
1. There is the kinship of sympathy.
2. Kinship of resemblance.
III. That Jesus here suggests thatthe Christian relationship to Christ IS
1. Brotherhood. Active men.
2. Sisterhood. The intercourse of heart.
3. Motherhood.
(U. B. Thomas.)
Morala affinity the true ground of unity
H. W. Beecher.
Christ saw things in their superior relationships. All true relationship springs
from moral states, not from the mechanicalarrangements ofsociety.
1. It is the realand proper tendency of all moral affections to seek eachother,
and to coalesce. The lowerfeelings are to a certain extent centrifugal. Policy,
self interest, gifts, are perpetually separating men. All attempts to compromise
union, to reasonmen into external union have failed. It is not found in
contiguity. It is found in divergence of thought and feeling. All harmonies are
in the direction of diversity. Love will do what reasonnever could do.
2. Human affections are never carried to their full power, and sweetnessand
beauty, till they are lifted up into the higher sphere, by their affinities and
associations, religious. It is not enough to love the human that is in man; but
that which is to live after the body. An unsanctified affection an imperfect one.
3. It is a matter of greatrejoicing to those who ponder the spirit of this
passage, thatthis world, after all, is as rich as it is. Although hearts are
distributed and unrecognized, yet you can feelwhat a wealthof relationship
there is after all.
4. The true man of God, in our day, is he who feels most sensitivelyhis
relationship to the Divine element which is in his fellow man. The largestman
is the man of the largestheart.
5. It is piteous to see how men have spent their lives in resisting their
relationships, and in putting trust and charity upon hard conditions. We must
change awayfrom the hating and fighting to the loving principle.
(H. W. Beecher.)
A wealth of relationship
H. W. Beecher.
I never read a book of a fine nature that I do not instantly feel, "Well, he is
mine, too." The Guerins — brother and sister — are as much mine as though
I had been brought up on their mother's knee. Fenelonis mine. Bossuetis
mine. All those noble men who carrieddown the light of a true Christian
example through stormy times, and held steadfastlyto the faith, and suffered
nobly — they are mine. Pascalis mine. Newtonis mine. All the greatnatures
of the earth that have lifted themselves up under the genial Sun of
Righteousness, andhave begun to show heavenly colours and heavenly
blossoms-theyare mine. The same Father is mine. The same Saviour is mine.
And I hear my Saviour saying, "All those that do the will of God are mothers
to eachother, brothers to eachother, sisters to eachother.
(H. W. Beecher.)
Relationshiprevealedin heaven
H. W. Beecher.
You do not know how many relations you have till you are in heaven. Oh!
when those that are around you, and that you meet from day to day with little
pleasure, meet you again, and they have thrown off the cerements of the body;
when you see that in them which is good, and in conditions in which
counterpoising evil is takenaway, and the whole evolutions of their glorious
nature are disclosed, you will never know them! It will be as when one looks
upon the banks in January, and says, "How dreary are these banks I " and
then in June looks upon the same landscape, and says, "It is not the thing that
I lookedat before." It is winter here, and we are frost-bitten, or ice-clad. It
will be summer there; and we shall be in fragrant leaf and glorious blossom.
And when you reachheaven, you will never be lonesome, orrestrained. Here
the necessities ofearth, and. the proprieties of life, and the laws and
conditions of our lowernature, partition and divide us; and we belong to each
other more than we do to all the world. But in heaven all that will be gone.
Every soul there will belong to every soul; every heart to every- heart; every
love to every love. We shall be God's, and He shall be ours.
(H. W. Beecher.)
The family of our Lord
W. Jay.
I. THEIR CHARACTER. "They do the will of His Father."
1. Some do the will of the devil.
2. Some do the will of men.
3. Some do their own will.
4. The Christian makes the will of God the rule of his life.
5. God has revealedHis will. Their obedience is
II. THEIR PRIVILEGE. His disciples are Christ's kindred.
1. We look for family likeness, and we have it — "Conformedto the image of
His Son." "'We shall also bearthe image of the heavenly." The resemblance
not complete in this world: but it is real.
2. He confers honour upon them as His kindred. It is glorious to belong to
persons of illustrious endowments.
3. If they are relations, Christ will love them.
4. Since He declares them to be His relations, He will provide for them.
5. He will keepup an intercourse with them.
6. He will defend them.
7. Admire the grace and condescensionofour Lord Jesus Christ.
8. The advantages of religion.
9. The holiness of the gospel.
10. The duty derived from this alliance.
(W. Jay.)
Descriptionand dignity of true Christians
E. Cooper.
I. A DESCRIPTIONOF CHRIST'S DISCIPLES — "They do the will," etc.
What is the will of God?
1. God would have us to believe in Jesus Christ.
2. God requires of us to repent of our sins and to walk in newness oflife.
Naturally men cannot do these things; only the children of God.
1. Christ here declares how dear and precious to Him are His true disciples. A
true brother will watch over the interests of His brethren.
III. THE PRIVILEGES DERIVED from this dignity.
1. Confidence in prayer.
2. Comfort in death.
(E. Cooper.)
Spiritual relationship with Christ
Various., J. Benson., Dr. Burns.
Brother and sister, because ofeither sex. The faithful soul is also the mother
of Christ, because by teaching, exhorting, and counselling, she brings forth
Christ in herselfand in others. Thus St. Gregorysays:"We must know that
he who is the brother or sisterof Christ through believing is made His mother
by preaching. Forhe, as it were, brings forth the Lord, whom he infuses into
the hearts of his hearers." He subjoins the example of , who, by the Spirit,
bore to God the sevensons to whom she had given birth in the flesh, because
she strengthenedthem in persecution, and animated them for martyrdom.
These words of Christ were also exemplified in Victoria, a virgin-martyr
under Diocletian. She replied to the pro-consul, on his asking her whether she
would join her brother Fortunatianus, who was a heathen: "No, for I am a
Christian; and those are my brethren who keepthe commandments of God."
Wherefore she was shut up in prison, and perishing by hunger, obtained the
martyr's crown.
relationship not natural, ecclesiastical, but spiritual — faith and obedience.
II. Spiritual relationship to Christ is SUPERIOR TO NATURAL. It is more
intimate, happy, honourable, comprehensive, permanent.
III. The love of Christ to Christians as His relatives COMPRISESWITHIN
1. Let us honour the relatives of Christ.
2. Seek to be of their number.
3. Choose them for our companions.
4. Do them all the goodin our power.
I. The characterof the disciple of Christ. Relates to — What we are to believe,
experience, be, do, suffer, enjoy.
II. How near and dear they are to Christ.
III. How near and dear they ought to be to eachother.
(J. Benson.)
I. The spiritual relatives of Jesus. Closeand intimate. All the saints have one
Father, one nature, one mind, one name with Christ.
II. The greatprinciple of this relationship. Obedience. God's will is revealed to
us. Obedience must be evangelical, affectionate, full, constant.
III. The advantages ofthis relationship. Exaltedhonour, greatestblessings,
everlasting security. Rejoice, walk worthy, etc.
(Dr. Burns.)
Christ's kindred
J. Parker.
This reply of our Lord shows —
circumstance to spiritual account. Christ spiritualized because He was
as man. The world is made one in relationship as it enters into Christ's love.
1. Connectionwith Christ is not determined by social position.
2. It is not determined by material relationships.
3. It is determined by obedience to the Divine will.
(1)That there is but one infallible will;
(2)That this infallible will may be disregarded;
(3)That this infallible will appeals for universal obedience.
1. Here is the idea of infinite relationship.
2. Here is the idea of socialcommunion.Inferences:
1. If we are to obey the Divine will, a greatchange must pass overour moral
2. If our union with Christ is moral, it will also be eternal.
3. If all the goodare Christ's kindred, their meeting-place must be heaven.
4. If we are all Christ's, joy should be the pervading emotion of our hearts.
(J. Parker.)
The kingdom's similitude
C. H. Parkhurst, D. D.
Not the kingdom of heavenis, but the kingdom of heaven is like, so and so.
Truth is a separate matterfrom the forms of phrase along which it is
conveyed, or the forms of thought under which it is apprehended. In this
respectit resembles the light. No painter canpaint light. He cangive you
colours, the greens, the blues, the crimsons, but he cannot give you light; and
yet if he is a genius he will succeedin filling his picture with those tinted
suggestionsthat will somehow quickenin you a deep, thrilling sense oflight.
So Christ, in a similar manner, did not point out to His disciples this
particular thing and that particular thing, but loaded His sentenceswith
suggestions, andstarted in men's minds presentiments that went leaping along
aheadof the spokenword He cut no grooves formen's opinions to slip in,
fashionedno moulds for those opinions to be castin; did not care to have them
think preciselythis, or preciselythat; tied them to no nice forms of
declaration;did not accentuate with periods. And so their minds moved as
vessels move at sea;at the direction of the compass, to be sure. but without the
sea everbeing worn down into ruts and roadways. He drew for them pictures
of the truth, and then let them make what they could of these pictures. A truth
never can be quite told. It is best seenwhen we are not trying too hard to see
it, not straining our eyes to see it — as faint stars become visible when we look
a little off from them.
(C. H. Parkhurst, D. D.)
The sevenparables of the kingdom
Bishop Wn. Ingraham Kip.
History of the Church in all ages, from the first preaching of the gospelto the
last generaljudgment, tracing the different steps of its advancement, both
externally and internally, from its commencementto its consummation.
1. Sower— the preaching of the gospel, when the apostles and their successors
went through the world, sowing everywhere the goodseed.
2. Tares — the development of those evils of doctrine, the germs of which
existed even in an earlier day.
3. Mustard seed-the extensionand progress ofthe Church. It needs no
support for itself, but affords a shelterto others who resortto it.
4. Leaven— the manner in which its vital spirit silently makes its progress,
gradually changing the characterof the whole mass into which it has been
5. Hid treasure — actionof Christianity upon some. In such a ease as this,
some unlooked-for occurrence brings the man into contactwith this treasure,
for which he was not seeking.He finds it accidentally, and at once gives up all
to possessit.
6. Pearlof greatprice — actionof Christianity upon others. Here the man is
engagedin the business of his life. He gains that for which he has all along
been seeking.
7. Net— the solemn winding-up of the mighty drama — the separation— the
(Bishop Wn. Ingraham Kip.)
The generalteaching of these sevenparables
J. Henry Burn, B. D.
No one should miss gathering from these parables some notion of the all-
embracing characterofthe kingdom which Christ came to set up among men.
We need not wonder that Christ exhibits the truth lie wanted to impress upon
them in a great variety of lights. It would have been surprising if He had not
supplemented the parable of the hid treasure with that of the pearl, for the
four parables which precede these are arrangedin pairs. First, we have the
actionof Christ upon the Church, in the parable of the sower, supplemented
by the field and the tares; then the expansive and permeating power of the
Christian society, in the mustard and leaven; and, in the third pair, we are
shown the attitude of the individual in relation to the saving grace ofGod. The
king, the kingdom, the subjects — under eachof these aspects two
illustrations are given to enforce important varieties, and to exhibit, in more
than one light, the manifold wisdom of God.
(J. Henry Burn, B. D.)
The diversity of Christ's parables
T. Adams.
His parables were divers, when yet by those sundry shadows He did aim
directly at one light. The intention of which course in our greatPhysicianis to
give severalmedicines for the same malady in severalmen, fitting his receipts
to the disposition of his patients. The soldierdoth not so well understand
similitudes takenfrom husbandry, nor the husbandman from the war. The
lawyer conceivesnot an allusion from physic, nor the physician from the law.
Home-dwellers are ignorant of foreign matters; neither doth the quiet, rural
labourer trouble his head with matters of state. Therefore Christderives a
parable from an army, to teach soldiers;from legalprinciples, to instruct
lawyers;from the field and sewing, to speak familiarly to the husbandman's
(T. Adams.)
A. Carr.
The word used (masdal) means a "likeness" or"comparison."Parables differ
from fables in being pictures of possible occurrences — frequently of actual
daily occurrences — and in teaching religious truths rather than moral truths.
(A. Carr.)
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(50) Whosoevershalldo the will.—This is, then, what Christ recognisesas the
ground of a spiritual relationship. Not outward, but inward fellowship; not
the mere factof baptism, but that which baptism signifies;that doing the will
of God, which is the essenceofholiness—this is that which makes the disciple
as dear to the heart of Christ as was the mother whom He loved so truly.
Sister, and mother.—The specialmention of the sister suggeststhe thought
that those who bore that name had joined the mother and the brethren in
their attempt to interrupt the divine work.
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
12:46-50 Christ's preaching was plain, easy, and familiar, and suited to his
hearers. His mother and brethren stoodwithout, desiring to speak with him,
when they should have been standing within, desiring to hear him.
Frequently, those who are nearestto the means of knowledge and grace are
most negligent. We are apt to neglectthat which we think we may have any
day, forgetting that to-morrow is not ours. We often meet with hinderances in
our work from friends about us, and are taken off by care for the things of
this life, from the concerns ofour souls. Christ was so intent on his work, that
no natural or other duty took him from it. Not that, under pretence of
religion, we may be disrespectful to parents, or unkind to relations;but the
lesserduty must stand by, while the greateris done. Let us ceasefrom men,
and cleave to Christ; let us look upon every Christian, in whatever condition
of life, as the brother, sister, or mother of the Lord of glory; let us love,
respect, and be kind to them, for his sake, andafter his example.
Barnes'Notes on the Bible
Who is my mother? ... - There was no want of affectionor respectin Jesus
toward his mother, as is proved by his whole life.
See especiallyLuke 2:51, and John 19:25-27. This question was askedmerely
to "fix the attention" of the hearers and to prepare them for the answer - that
is, to show them who sustained towardhim the nearestand most tender
relation. To do this he pointed to his disciples. Dearand tender as were the
ties which bound him to his mother and brethren, yet those which bound him
to his disciples were more tender and sacred. How greatwas his love for his
disciples, when it was more than even that for his mother! And what a bright
illustration of his owndoctrine, that we ought to forsake father, and mother
and friends, and houses, and lands, to be his followers!
Remarks On Matthew 12
1. Our Saviourhas taught us the right use of the Sabbath, Matthew 12:1-13.
His conduct was an explanation of the meaning of the fourth commandment.
By his example we may learn what may be done. He himself performed only
those works on the Sabbath which were strictly necessaryfor life, and those
which tended to benefit the poor, the afflicted, and needy. Whatever work is
done on the Sabbath that is not for these ends must be wrong. All labor that
can as well be done on another day all which is not for the support of life, or to
aid the ignorant, poor, and sick. must be wrong. This example justifies
teaching the ignorant, supplying the wants of the poor, instructing children in
the precepts of religion, teaching those to read in Sunday schools who have no
other opportunity for learning, and visiting the sick, whenwe go not for
formality, or "to save time on some other day," but to do them good.
2. The Sabbath is of vast service to mankind. It was made for man - not for
man to violate or profane, or to be a day of mere idleness, but to improve to
his spiritual and eternal good. Where people are employed through "six" days
in worldly occupations, it is kind toward them to give them one day
particularly to prepare for eternity. Where there is no Sabbath there is no
religion. This truth, from the history of the world, will bear to be recordedin
letters of gold - "that true religionwill exist among men only when they
strictly observe the Sabbath." They, therefore, who do most to promote the
observance ofthe Sabbath, are doing most for religion and the welfare of
man. In this respectSunday schoolteachers may do more, perhaps, than all
the world besides for the best interests of the world.
3. In the conduct of Christ Matthew 12:14-15 we have an illustration of the
nature of Christian prudence. He did not throw himself needlesslyinto
danger. He did not remain to provoke opposition. He felt that his time was not
come, and that his life, by a prudent course, shouldbe preserved. He therefore
withdrew. Religionrequires us to sacrifice ourlives rather than deny the
Saviour. To throw our lives awaywhen, with goodconscience, theymight be
preserved, is self-murder.
4. The rejection of the gospelin one place is often the occasionofits being
receivedelsewhere,Matthew 12:15. People may rejectit to their own
destruction; but somewhere it "will" be preached, and will be the powerof
God unto salvation. The wickedcannotdrive it out of the world. They only
secure their ownruin, and, againsttheir will, benefit and save others. To
rejectit is like turning a beautiful and fertilizing streamfrom a man's own
land. He does not, he cannotdry it up. "It will flow somewhere else."He
injures himself and perhaps benefits multitudes. People nevercommit so great
foolishness and wickedness,and so completely fail in what they aim at, as in
rejecting the gospel. A man, hating the light of the sun, might get into a cave
or dungeon, and be in totaldarkness;but the sun will continue to shine, and
millions, in spite of him, will be benefited by it. So it is with the gospel.
5. Christ was mild, quiet, retiring not clamorous or noisy, Matthew 12:19. So
is all religion. There is no piety in noise; if there was, then thunder and
artillery would be piety. Confusionand discord are not religion. Loud words
and shouting are not religion. Religionis love, reverence, fear, holiness, a deep
and awful regard for the presence ofGod, profound apprehensions of the
solemnities of eternity, imitation of the Saviour. It is still. It is full of awe - an
awe too greatto strive, or cry, or lift up the voice in the streets. If people ever
should be overawedand filled with emotions "repressing"noise and clamor, it
should be when they approach "the great God."
6. The feeble may trust to Jesus, Matthew 12:20. A child of any age, an
ignorant person, the poorestman, may come, and he shall in nowise be east
out. It is a sense ofour weaknessthat Jesus seeks.Where that is "he" will
strengthen us, and we shall not fail.
7. Grace will not be extinguished, Matthew 12:20. Jesus, where he finds it in
the feeblestdegree, willnot destroy it. He will cherishit. He will kindle it to a
flame. It will burn brighter and brighter, until it "glows like that of the pure
spirits above."
8. People are greatlyprone to ascribe all religion to the devil, Matthew 12:24.
Anything that is unusual, anything that confounds them, anything that
troubles their consciences, they ascribe to fanaticism, overheatedzeal, and
Satan. It has always beenso. It is sometimes an easywayto stifle their own
convictions, and to bring religion into contempt. "Somehow orother," like the
Pharisees,infidels must accountfor revivals of religion, for striking instances
of conversion, and for the greatand undeniable effects which the gospel
produces. How easyto say that it is "delusions," andthat it is the work of the
devil! How easyto show at once the terrible opposition of their own hearts to
God, and to boastthemselves in their own wisdom, in having found a cause so
simple for all the effects which religion produces in the world! How much
pains, also, men will take to secure their own perdition, rather than to admit it
to be possible that Christianity is true!
9. We see the danger of blasphemy - the dangerof trifling with the influences
of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 12:31-32. Evenif we do not commit the
unpardonable sin, yet we see that all trifling with the Holy Spirit is a sin very
near to God, and attended with infinite danger. He that "laughs away" the
thoughts of death and eternity; he that seeksthe societyofthe frivolous and
trifling, or of the sensualand profane, for the express purpose of driving away
these thoughts; and he that struggles directly againsthis convictions, and is
resolvedthat he will not submit to God, may be, for aught he knows, making
his damnation sure. Why should God "ever" return when a man has "once"
rejectedthe gospel? Who would be to blame if the sinner is then lost?
Assuredly not God. None but himself. Children sometimes do this. Then is the
time, the very time, when they should begin to love God and Jesus Christ.
Then the Spirit also strives. Many "have then" given their hearts to him and
become Christians. Many more might have done so, if they had not grieved
awaythe Spirit of God.
10. We see the dangerof rejecting Christ, Matthew 12:38-42. All pastages, all
the wickedand the good, the foolish and the wise, will rise up in the day of
judgment, and condemn us, if we do not believe the gospel. No people,
heretofore, have seenso much light as we do in this age. And no people can be
so awfully condemned as those who, in a land of light, of Sundays and Sunday
schools, rejectChristand go to hell. Among the 120,000children of Nineveh
Jonah4:11 there was not one single Sunday school. There was no one to tell
them of God and the Saviour. They have died and gone to judgment. Children
now living will die also, and go to meet them in the day of judgment. How will
they condemn the children of this age, if they do not love the Lord Jesus
11. Sinners, when awakened, if they grieve away the Spirit of God, become
worse than before, Matthew 12:43-45. Theyare never as they were before.
Their hearts are harder, their consciencesare more seared, they have a more
bitter hatred of religious people, and they plunge deeperand deeper into sin.
Sevendevils often dwell where one did, and God gives the man over to
blindness of mind and hardness of heart. This shows, also, the greatguilt and
danger of grieving the Holy Spirit.
Jamieson-Fausset-BrownBible Commentary
50. For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same
is my brother, and sister, and mother—that is, "There stand here the
members of a family transcending and surviving this of earth: Filial
subjection to the will of My Father in heaven is the indissoluble bond of union
betweenMe and all its members; and whosoeverenters this hallowed circle
becomes to Me brother, and sister, and mother!"
Matthew Poole's Commentary
Ver. 46-50. Mark repeateththe same passage, Mark 3:31-35.Luke repeateth
it more shortly, Luke 8:20,21. BothMark and Luke say more than one spake
to our Saviour; first one, then others.
Thy mother and thy brethren: most interpreters think brethren here
signifieth no more than some of his kindred, whom the Hebrews usually called
brethren. By the following words of our Saviour, Matthew 12:48-50, we must
not understand that our Saviour slighted his mother or brethren, we are
elsewhere taughtwhat honour he gave to his parents, Luke 2:51; yet he
seemethto speak something angrily, because he was interrupted in his work:
so Luke 2:49 John 2:3-4. We may show a just respectto our parents, and
respectto our relations, though we do not neglectour duty to God out of
respectto them. The only thing to be further learned from this paragraph, is,
how dear believers and holy persons are to Christ; he counts them as dear as
mother, brethren, or sisters, andthereby teachethus the esteemwe ought to
have for such. Luke saith, he that heareth my word, and doth it. Matthew
saith, he that doth it. It is the will of God, that we should believe on him whom
he hath sent:
See Poole on"John 1:12", See Poole on"John6:40", See Poole on "John
8:47";This text derogates nothing from the honour truly due to the blessed
virgin, as the mother of the Messias;but it shows the madness of the papists,
exalting her above Christ, whom Christ, consideredonly as his mother,
seemethhere to set beneath every true believer, though, consideredas a
believer also, she hath a just preference.
Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father,.... This is not to be understood
of a perfect obedience to the will of God, revealedin his righteous law; for
since this cannotbe performed by any mere man, no one could be in such a
spiritual relation to Christ: but of the obedience of faith to the will of God,
revealedin the Gospel;which is to believe in Christ, and have everlasting life;
see John 6:40. This is the will of Christ's Father,
which is in heaven, and which is good news from heaven, to sinners on earth;
and which Christ came down from heaven to do, and to declare to the
children of men: such as "hear the word of God and do it", as Luke says,
Luke 8:21 that is, hear the Gospel, understand and believe it, and become
obedient to the faith of it; these are in this near manner related to Christ,
evidentially and openly, as well as those who were now present:
the same is my brother, and sister, and mother; as dear to me, as such are to
those, to whom they stood thus relatedin the flesh: and these natural relations
serve to convey some ideas of that relation, union, nearness, and communion,
there are betweenChrist and his people;all these relative characters maybe
observedin the book of Solomon's Song, to which our Lord may be
reasonablythought to have respect;see Sol3:11.
Geneva Study Bible
For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is
my brother, and sister, and mother.
Expositor's Greek Testament
Matthew 12:50. efinition of spiritual kinsmanship. The highest brotherhood
basedon spiritual affinity.—ὅστις γὰρ ἂν ποιήσῃ: a generalpresent
supposition expressedby the subjunctive with ἂν followedby present
indicative.—τὸ θέλημα τ. πατρός μ. τ. ἐν οὐρανοῖς:this probably comes
nearestto Christ’s actualwords. In such a solemn utterance He was likely to
mention His Father, whose supreme claims His filial heart ever owned. Mark
has “the will of God”;Luke “those who hear and do the word of God”—
obviously secondary.
Cambridge Bible for Schools andColleges
50. whosoevershalldo the will of my Father] “These whichhear the word of
God and do it” (Luke 8:21).
Bengel's Gnomen
Matthew 12:50. Ποιήσῃ, shall do) He does not say does, but He speaks
somewhatconditionally.—τὸ θέλημα, the will) by which we are born
again.[596]—ΑὐΤῸς, he)This man, and he only.—ἀδελφὸς, brother) This
word is said for the third time with greatforce.—καὶ ἀδελφὴ, andsister)The
plural appellation of brethren in Matthew 12:46-49, includes sisters also.—
μήτηρ, mother) The climax.
[596]Jam 1:18.—E. B.
Pulpit Commentary
Verse 50. - For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father which is in heaven,
the same (he, RevisedVersion; αὐτός:ch. 1:21, note) is my brother, and sister,
and mother. He is fall; he sums up in himself all such relations. Observe that
our Lord does not raise the question whether or not his mother and brethren
now believed on him. He is only speaking of the claims of relationship as such.
From Mark 3:21, however(which seems to refer to the same occasion), we
may conclude that the motive for this endeavour to interrupt him lay in
unbelief. If so, Mary was either unaware of this or had herself been over-
persuaded into momentary impatience (John 2:3) and distrust. If the latter
alternative be adopted, she forms a parallel to the Baptist (Matthew 11:3,
Matthew 12:48 But Jesus answeredthe one who was telling Him and said,
“Who is My mother and who are My brothers?”
NET Matthew 12:48 To the one who had saidthis, Jesus replied, "Who is my
mother and who are my brothers?"
GNT Matthew 12:48 ὁ δὲ ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπεν τῷ λέγοντι αὐτῷ, Τίς ἐστιν ἡ
μήτηρμου καὶ τίνες εἰσὶν οἱ ἀδελφοί μου;
NLT Matthew 12:48 Jesus asked, "Who is my mother? Who are my
KJV Matthew 12:48 But he answeredand said unto him that told him, Who
is my mother? and who are my brethren?
ESV Matthew 12:48 But he replied to the man who told him, "Who is my
mother, and who are my brothers?"
NIV Matthew 12:48 He replied to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my
ASV Matthew 12:48 But he answeredand said unto him that told him, Who
is my mother? and who are my brethren?
CSB Matthew 12:48 But He replied to the one who told Him, "Who is My
mother and who are My brothers?"
NKJ Matthew 12:48 But He answeredand saidto the one who told Him,
"Who is My mother and who are My brothers?"
NRS Matthew 12:48 But to the one who had told him this, Jesus replied,
"Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?"
YLT Matthew 12:48 And he answering said to him who spake to him, 'Who is
my mother? and who are my brethren?'
NAB Matthew 12:48 But he said in reply to the one who told him, "Who is
my mother? Who are my brothers?"
NJB Matthew 12:48 But to the man who told him this Jesus replied, 'Who is
my mother? Who are my brothers?'
GWN Matthew 12:48 He replied to the man speaking to him, "Who is my
mother, and who are my brothers?"
BBE Matthew 12:48 But he in answersaidto him who gave the news, Who is
my mother and who are my brothers?
Who is: Mt 10:37 De 33:9 Mk 3:32,33 Lu 2:49,52 Joh2:3,4 2Co 5:16
Mark 3:33 Answering them, He said, “Who are My mother and My
But Jesus answeredthe one who was telling Him - Jesus was the Masterat
using common circumstances to make uncommon comments that had
profound implications! Mark has Jesus addressing the crowd but Matthew is
more specific identifying Jesus answeras directedto the one who had brought
him news about His family.
And said “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” - Like a good
teacher, He asks a question to introduce a profound principle dealing with
salvationand relation to Him. His teaching point by asking this question was
that the only relationship to Him that matters eternally is one's spiritual
relationship not one's physical relationship. In proclaiming this principle He
demolished the argument of the Jews who were taught they would enter the
Kingdom of God because theywere physically related to Abraham, their
father (cf John 8:33, 39). His spiritual family was comprisedof those who have
a saving relationship with Him through faith and at this time "not even His
brothers were believing in Him." (Jn 7:5) They may have been His physical
family but at this time were not yet in his spiritual family which is the far
more important relationship.
Leon Morris comments "In the light of the ministry he is exercising in the
name of God, what do ordinary family ties mean? Must Jesus forsakethe
service of the heavenly Fatherin order that he may please his earthly
family?" (PNTC-Mt)
Matthew 12:49 And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said,
“BeholdMy mother and My brothers!
NET Matthew 12:49 And pointing toward his disciples he said, "Here are my
mother and my brothers!
GNT Matthew 12:49 καὶ ἐκτείνας τὴν χεῖρα αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ τοὺς μαθητὰς αὐτοῦ
εἶπεν, Ἰδοὺ ἡ μήτηρμου καὶ οἱ ἀδελφοί μου.
NLT Matthew 12:49 Then he pointed to his disciples and said, "Look, these
are my mother and brothers.
KJV Matthew 12:49 And he stretched forth his hand towardhis disciples,
and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!
ESV Matthew 12:49 And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said,
"Here are my mother and my brothers!
NIV Matthew 12:49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother
and my brothers.
ASV Matthew 12:49 And he stretched forth his hand towards his disciples,
and said, Behold, my mother and my brethren!
CSB Matthew 12:49 And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He
said, "Here are My mother and My brothers!
NKJ Matthew 12:49 And He stretchedout His hand toward His disciples and
said, "Here are My mother and My brothers!
NRS Matthew 12:49 And pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my
mother and my brothers!
YLT Matthew 12:49 And having stretchedforth his hand toward his
disciples, he said, 'Lo, my mother and my brethren!
NAB Matthew 12:49 And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he
said, "Here are my mother and my brothers.
NJB Matthew 12:49 And stretching out his hand towards his disciples he
said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers.
GWN Matthew 12:49 Pointing with his hand at his disciples, he said, "Look,
here are my mother and my brothers.
BBE Matthew 12:49 And he put out his hand to his disciples and said, See,
my mother and my brothers!
His disciples:Mt 28:7 Mk 3:34 Joh 17:8,9,2020:17-20
Mark 3:34 Looking about at those who were sitting around Him He said,
“BeholdMy mother and My brothers!
And stretching out His hand toward His disciples - While Mark depicts Jesus
looking around the room, Matthew adds that He pointed to His twelve
disciples. Presumably His twelve disciples were seatedaround Him in close
proximity, probably in a circle or semi-circle. It is to them that He points.
Stretching (1614)(ekteino from ek = out + teino = to stretch) means stretch out
literally, as a gesture with one's hand stretchedout. Here Jesus stretchedHis
hands out "towardHis disciples" (Mt 12:49), later He stretchedout His hand
to Peterwho was drowning (Mt 14:31), and He also stretchedout His hand to
touch the untouchable leper (Mk 1:41, Mt 8:3, Lk 5:13).
He said, “BeholdMy mother and My brothers! - Jesus had just askeda
question to peak the attention of the crowdand now proceeds to answerHis
own question. He is saying that spiritual relation supersedes physical
relationship. In this new family the ties are spiritual, not natural! He is
singling the disciples out of the large crowd as those who while not physically
related to Him, were more importantly spiritually related to Him. Jesus
defines in essencethe New Family of God! One is reminded of the old song
"We Are Family." (the lyrics are not a bad "Christian song")
Edersheim points out that Jesus'declarationdid not demean Mary or His
family "“For, had He not entered into earthly kinship solelyfor the sake of
the higher spiritual relationship which He was about to found…? Thus, it was
not that Christ setlightly by His Mother, but that He confounded not the
means with the end."
Matthew 12:50 “For whoeverdoes the will of My Fatherwho is in heaven, he
is My brother and sister and mother.”
NET Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of my Father in heaven is my
brother and sisterand mother."
GNT Matthew 12:50 ὅστις γὰρ ἂν ποιήσῃ τὸ θέλημα τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν
οὐρανοῖς αὐτός μου ἀδελφὸς καὶ ἀδελφὴ καὶ μήτηρἐστίν.
NLT Matthew 12:50 Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my
brother and sisterand mother!"
KJV Matthew 12:50 For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father which is in
heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.
ESV Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of my Father in heavenis my
brother and sisterand mother."
NIV Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of my Fatherin heavenis my
brother and sisterand mother."
ASV Matthew 12:50 For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father who is in
heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother.
CSB Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of My Father in heaven, that
person is My brother and sisterand mother."
NKJ Matthew 12:50 "Forwhoeverdoes the will of My Father in heaven is
My brother and sisterand mother."
NRS Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of my Father in heaven is my
brother and sisterand mother."
YLT Matthew 12:50 for whoevermay do the will of my Father who is in the
heavens, he is my brother, and sister, and mother.'
NAB Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of my heavenly Father is my
brother, and sister, and mother."
NJB Matthew 12:50 Anyone who does the will of my Fatherin heavenis my
brother and sisterand mother.'
GWN Matthew 12:50 Whoeverdoes what my Father in heaven wants is my
brother and sisterand mother."
BBE Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the pleasure of my Father in heaven,
he is my brother, and sister, and mother.
Does:Mt 7:20-23 17:5 Mk 3:35 Lu 8:21 11:27,28 Joh6:29,40 15:14 Ac 3:22,23
16:30,31 17:30 26:20 Ga 5:6 6:15 Col 3:11 Heb 5:9 Jas 1:21,22 1Pe 4:2 1Jn
2:17 3:23,24 Rev22:14
he is My brother: Mt 25:40,45 28:10 Ps 22:22 Joh20:17 Ro 8:29 Heb 2:11-17
and sister:Song 4:9,10,12 5:1,2 1Co 9:5 2Co 11:2 Eph 5:25-27
and mother: Joh19:26,27 1Ti5:2
For whoeverdoes the will of My Fatherwho is in heaven - One could misuse
this passageto teach"works based" salvation, but from many other NT
passages, the only one who can do the will of His Father is the one who has
been born again. The key in this passage is does the will of God. In other
words Jesus is saying that it is not professionof being His disciple that
identifies one who is truly spiritually relatedto Him, but it is active obedience.
Notice the pronoun whoever(KJV - whosoever)which means "anyone at all"
which flings open wide the Gospelgates to any and all who would come by
grace through faith and enter through those glorious gates into the Kingdom
of God! Romans gives a similar invitation, Paul writing "for “WHOEVER
10:13+)Jesus'invitation given almost 2000 years ago is still open to all who
what to experience true life in Him “Come to Me, all who are wearyand
heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29“Take Myyoke upon you and learn
from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST
FOR YOUR SOULS. 30“ForMy yoke is easyand My burden is light.”
(Matthew 11:28-30+)
THOUGHT - The antithesis of doing the will of God is committing sins!
Practitioners of sin are not of God! They are not regeneratedand indwelt by
the Holy Spirit as indicated by their unholy lives! They are not born from
above as shownby their pattern of living like those from below!A W Tozer
said "The Bible recognizes no faith that does not lead to obedience, nor does it
recognize any obedience that does not spring from faith. The two are at
opposite sides of the same coin."
Will is the whole man active. I cannotgive up my will; I must exercise it. I
must will to obey. When God gives a command or a vision of truth, it is never
a question of what He will do, but what we will do. To be successfulin God's
work is to fall in line with His will and to do it His way. All that is pleasing to
Him is a success. —Henrietta Mears (COMMENT -Praise God we are not left
on our own, but the indwelling Spirit continually energizes us giving us the
desire and the powerto actively obey God's will - see Php 2:13NLT+)
D A Carsonpoints out "We do not make ourselves Jesus’close relatives by
doing the will of His heavenly Father. Rather, doing the Father’s will
identifies us as his mother and sisters and brothers (cf. Mt 7:21)." (EBC)
Leon Morris - Jesus is not saying that earthly familial ties are unimportant,
only that they are not all-important. Doing the will of God is all-important.
As alluded to above, in declaring this profound principle Jesus obliteratedthe
Jewishbelief that they were spiritually "safe" becauseAbraham was their
father. John records "They answeredand said to Him, “Abraham is our
father.” Jesus *saidto them, “If you are Abraham’s children, DO THE
DEEDS ofAbraham." (Jn 8:39) Do you see the same principle Jesus taught
here in Matthew 12? He qualified their claim to be in Abraham's family, by
stating if that were true then they must "DO" (imperfect tense) the deeds
which Abraham did. Their deeds would not save them, but they would
demonstrate that they were spiritual children of Abraham. James echoedthis
same truth writing "Was not Abraham our father justified (IN CONTEXT
THE MEANING IS SHOWN TO BE JUSTIFIED)by works whenhe offered
up Isaac his son on the altar? 22 You see that faith was working with his
works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected; 23 and the Scripture
was fulfilled which says, “AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS
RIGHTEOUSNESS)and he was calledthe friend of God. 24 You see that a
TRULY JUSTIFIED)by works and not by faith alone." (James 2:21-24+)
Faith alone saves, but the faith that saves is not alone!
Speaking to His disciples in the Upper RoomJesus declared“You are My
friends (philos) if you do what I command you." (John 15:14) Do is in the
present tense which speaks oftheir obedient behavior as a lifestyle, not a
passing fancy. Such a lifestyle is not possible by relying on one's old nature,
but is made possible only as we rely on the Holy Spirit to obey Jesus'
commands! Trying to obey in our own powercan lead to legalismand will
result in failure and a sense offutility in our Christian life. The secretto an
obedient life is wholeheartedreliance on the Holy Spirit of Christ. None of us
will ever achieve this goalperfectly in this lifetime, but as the present tense
indicates such obedient behavior should be the generaldirection (as opposed
to complete perfection) of our life and lifestyle.
We see the criticalimportance of doing the will of God the Fatherin Jesus'
closing words of warning in His famous Sermon on the Mount...
So then, you will know them by their fruits (= "Fruit is evidence of the root")
21 “Noteveryone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ (PROFESSIONOF JESUS)
will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does (present tense - not
perfectly but habitually a habit which is enabled by the Holy Spirit) the will of
My FatherWho is in heavenwill enter. 22 “Many (NOTE THIS
FRIGHTENING ADJECTIVE)will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did
we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name castout demons, and in
Your name perform many miracles?’(HE DOES NOT DENYTHEY DID
- cf Mt 10:7,8)23“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you;
WHO PRACTICE (present tense-habitually) LAWLESSNESS.’(Mt7:20-
He is My brother and sisterand mother - Clarke has calledthis "the adoption
of the obedient."
Henry Morris has an interesting comment - This mild rebuke to Mary did not
indicate a lack of love or filial respecton Jesus'part (John 19:27), but does
show that she does not hold priority with Him over other believers in the
family of God. (Defender's Study Bible)
In the book of Hebrews we read of this new spiritual family - "Forboth He
who sanctifies (CHRIST AND HIS SPIRIT)and those who are sanctified
(ALL WHO BELIEVE) are all from one Father; for which reasonHe is not
ashamedto call them brethren, 12 saying, “I WILL PROCLAIM YOUR
GIVEN ME.” (Heb 2:11-13+)
Knox Chamblin - These words callfor severalcomments.
1. To become a disciple of Jesus is to enter a genuine family. Given the arrival
of Jesus’mētēr and adelphoi (Mt 12:46), the accenton these terms in Mt
12:47–50 is especiallynoteworthy. Conspicuous by its absence from these
references to human beings is the term patēr: Josephhas apparently died;
and within the family of Jesus’followers,the heavenly Fatheris the only one
to whom this name is rightly applied (Mt 23:9). Jesus here speaks of‘my
Father [tou patros mou],’ which makes it plain that the only others permitted
to address God in this way are those who belong to Jesus (Mt 6:9).
2. While Jesus teacheslove for the neighbors within one’s own family (Mt
15:4–9;19:19), he also insists that commitment to him and his mission must
exceedall others (see comments on Mt 8:21–22;10:34–39).
3. This passage, farfrom excluding Jesus’mother and brothers from the
circle of his disciples, invites them to join it: ‘whoeverdoes the will of my
Father’ (Mt 12:50). On this occasion, his mother and brothers show a lack of
faith (Mark 3:21); and John 7:5 reports that ‘his brothers did not believe in
him.’ But Mary is at the cross (John19:25–27);and both she and Jesus’
brothers gather with other believers in the upper room to awaitthe coming of
the Spirit (Acts 1:14).
4. The mark of the true disciple, and the one escape from this generation’s
rampant evil, is doing the heavenly Father’s will (Matt. 12:50)—which
especiallymeans loving him and loving one’s neighbors (Mt 22:37–40), by
which means goodconquers evil (Rom. 12:21), the very point of Mt 12:43–45.
Counterfeit Reality - When people see a photograph or video today, they often
ask, "Is it real?" A home computer can manipulate images to create a picture
of an event that never happened. Images canbe inserted into or removed from
photographs. A video can be doctored to make it appear that a personwas
caught committing a crime or performing an actof heroism. The camera may
not lie, but the computer can.
Centuries before such modern technology, the apostle Paul warnedTimothy
about counterfeit reality in the church. He said that in the lastdays people
would be self-absorbed, "having a form of godliness but denying its power"
(2Ti 3:5+). He repeatedly emphasized the need to live a godly life, warning
that "evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being
deceived" (2Ti3:13+).
Paul chargedTimothy to "continue in the things which you have learned and
been assuredof" (2Ti3:14+). True godliness honors and obeys God while its
counterfeit seekspleasure and personalgain. One pleases the Lord; the other
gratifies natural desire. Both are identified by their actions.
When people hear us say we are Christians, they may wonder if our faith is
real. Our lives will answerthe question by reflecting the reality of Christ. —
David C. McCasland(Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand
Rapids, MI. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved)
DearHeavenly Father, Help me, I pray,
to honor You with all that I do today.
By Your Holy Spirit's power, may my words and actions
cause others to glorify Your Name. Amen.
Question:"Is Jesus our brother?" (from Got Questions - highly
recommended conservative resource).
Answer: The Bible clearly presents Jesus Christas being one with the Father
(John 10:30), a Member of the triune Godheadwho setaside His rights as
God and took on human flesh to dwell among us (Philippians 2:5–11+;
Galatians 4:4–5). Therefore, it is right to call Him Saviorand Lord (Luke
2:11+; 2 Peter3:18+; Jude 1:25+). However, a few passagesalso referto Jesus
as our brother (Hebrews 2:11+; Romans 8:29+; Mark 3:34). In order to fully
understand the conceptof Jesus as our brother, let’s look more closelyat each
of those passages:
Hebrews 2:11+ says, “Forhe who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all
have one source. Thatis why he is not ashamedto callthem brothers” (ESV).
The word translated “brothers” is the word used for blood relatives, but it
also refers to Christians. The generic term brother in Scripture usually also
includes sisters. In this passage, the writer of Hebrews is explaining how the
perfect God-Man, Jesus, couldcall imperfect humans His brothers and sisters.
This is more easily understoodin terms of physical relationships. Jesus
explained spiritual realities by telling Nicodemus that he must be “born
again” (John 3:3+). He used this physical term because we all understand
birth. When two babies have shared the same womb or the same father, they
are of the same family. They carry similar DNA, inherited traits, and rights to
claim parentage. When a human being is born into the family of God, through
faith in the death and resurrectionof Jesus, Godbecomes our Father
(Romans 8:15+; Galatians 4:4–6+). This happens through an actof the Holy
Spirit who moves into our spirits and begins to change us (2 Corinthians
5:17+). God is also the Fatherof the Lord Jesus Christ, and we share in that
relationship as adopted children. Jesus, our brother, purchased with His
blood the right for us to call His Father our Father. He is not ashamedto call
us brothers because His righteousness is imputed to us, making us blameless
as He is blameless (2 Corinthians 5:21+).
Romans 8:29+ says, “ThoseGodforeknew he also predestined to be
conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many
brothers and sisters.”
Some cults have misinterpreted this verse to mean that Jesus was only the first
of God’s many adopted children. However, in the Bible, the word firstborn
does not always referto physical or even spiritual birth; rather, being
“firstborn” implies preeminence and position, as it is used in Psalm 89:27:“I
will appoint him to be my firstborn, the most exalted of the kings of the
earth.” In Jeremiah31:9+, God calls the nation of Israel His “firstborn son.”
So when Paul uses the term firstborn in Romans 8:29+, he means that Jesus
holds the preeminent position of “only begottenSon of God” (John 3:16+) and
that, through His obedience to the Father, Christ made it possible for His holy
Father to adopt unholy human beings as His own children. The resurrection
of Christ was the first of many to follow, as God gathers His children home (1
Corinthians 15:20–23).
In Mark 3:34–35, Jesus declaresthatthose who follow Him are His brothers:
“He lookedat those seatedin a circle around him and said, ‘Here are my
mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister
and mother.’”
The setting for this statementis a house where Jesus was teaching. His
physical family had begun to worry about Him, and they had come to take
Him home with them. As they waited outside the packedhouse, messengers
informed Jesus of their presence. Seatedaround Jesus were the disciples. His
statementtold everyone that, while earthly relationships are important,
spiritual relationships are those that last. From then on, He would be focused
upon establishing those eternal relationships with everyone who trusted in
It is important to note that the qualifier for being consideredJesus’brother or
sisteris not the mental exercise of“believing,” since many in the room with
Jesus in Mark 3 would have consideredthemselves believers in Him. The
qualifier for being a brother or sisterof Christ is “doing the will of the
Father.” The ultimate will of the Father is that we love, trust, and obey His
Son (John 3:36+; 2 Thessalonians 1:8;Romans 2:7–8+). When we believe in
our hearts the gospelofJesus Christ and surrender our lives to His lordship,
God adopts us into His family and considers us “joint heirs” with His Son,
Jesus (Romans 8:17+;Ro 10:9–10+). Ourheavenly Father wants His children
to bear a family resemblance, andHe gave us the perfectexample in our big
Brother, Jesus Christ.
"The Heavenly Family Circle"
Matthew 12:46-50
Theme: Whoeverplaces their faith in Jesus is a permanent part of His
heavenly family.
(Delivered Sunday, September 3, 2006 atBethany Bible Church. Unless
otherwise noted, all Scripture references are takenfrom The Holy Bible, New
King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.)
There is a story that is told in the Bible of Jesus' childhood, found in the
Gospelof Luke. It's the only reliable story from His childhood that we have. It
reveals, at a very early point in the Gospelstory, what our Lord's
fundamental commitment was.
This story tells us of how, when our Lord was only twelve years old, He was
takenby Mary and Josephto Jerusalemto celebrate the Feastof Passover.
When the days of the feastwere completed, Mary and Josephwent with the
throng of relatives and acquaintances ontheir way home—having assumed
that Jesus was somewhere among the crowd. But when they searchedfor Him
along the way, they were unable to find Him.
As a parent, have you ever lost sight of one of your children in a large crowd?
It's a helpless and frightening feeling. After searching desperatelyfor Jesus,
they decided to return to Jerusalemto look for Him there. And after three
days, they found Him—sitting in the temple in the midst of the teachers of
Israel; listening to them, asking them questions, and astounding them all with
His understanding and answers.
I believe that Mary probably had a remarkable motherly mix of emotions at
that moment. All at once, she was experiencing relief, anger, pride,
amusement, anxiety and—in this particular case—profoundamazement at
her Son. And I'm sure that our Lord—who was the divine makerof all
mothers—knew that very a serious 'lecture' would begin as soonas the
hugging and tears came to an end. She said, “Son, why have you done this to
us? Look, Your father and I have soughtyou anxiously” (Luke 2:48).
And it was then that He said something surprising—something that Mary and
Josephdidn't quite understand; but that revealedwhere His heart's devotion
truly was. He said, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be
about My Father's business?” (v. 49).
Josephwas our Lord's adopted father on earth. But here, Jesus spoke ofa
different Father—a Fatherwhose business was in the Temple; and whose
business Jesus felt compelledto “be about”. And in those words, Jesus
revealedthat He had a family circle that transcendedthat of Mary and
Joseph. It was a family circle that was not “physical” or “genealogical”, but
“spiritual” in nature. It was a family that is headedby a heavenly Father—
and that was distinct from that which was headed by Joseph.
And what is most wonderful of all—as we learn from this morning's
passage—isthat this is a family circle that the Lord Jesus has made available
to you and me, and that we may now enter into and enjoy eternalfellowship
in, with Him. Matthew tells us;
While He was still talking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers
stoodoutside, seeking to speak with Him. Then one said to Him, “Look, Your
mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with You.”
But He answeredand said to the one who told Him, “Who is My mother and
who are My brothers?” And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples
and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoeverdoes the will
of My Fatherin heavenis My brother and sisterand mother” (Matthew
* * * * * * * * * *
Considerthe context of this morning's passagewith me. It is found at the end
of an important sectionof Matthew's Gospel. The unique focus of this Gospel
is the presentationof our Lord Jesus as the long-awaitedKing of the Jewish
people; but chapter 12 is a sectionin which the religious leaders of His day
begin to display their growing hostility to and opposition toward their King.
We've been studying this chapter for some time now. It has been, in many
ways, a very sadchapter to study. We have seenin it that our Lord was
opposedas “Lord of the Sabbath”, because He showedmercy to people and
healed them on the Sabbath day (vv. 1-21). We have also seenthat He was
opposedwith respectto His spiritual-authority, because He castout demons—
provoking the accusationthat He castthem out by the powerof the devil (vv.
22-37). And most recently, we have seenthat He receivedopposition with
respectto authenticating signs, because He refused to gratify the demand of
the religious leaders that He show them a miraculous sign of His authority—
exceptfor the signof His own resurrectionafter they would crucify Him (vv.
And then comes this morning's passage. At first glance, the event it describes
seems out of place. But it is actually a crucial part of this whole story of the
opposition He was receiving. For one thing, it has a natural connection—a
natural continuity—with the story of the growing opposition againstHim;
because it begins by saying that it occurred “[w]hile He was still talking to the
multitudes . . .” (v. 46).
The “multitudes” were those people who were mentioned back in verse 23—
the people who had beheld as He healed a demon-possessedman, and askedin
amazement, “Couldthis be the Son of David?”—whichwas anotherway of
asking, “Couldthis be the long-awaitedKing of our people; the one that God
promised would come to us through King David?” It was this very that caused
scribes and Pharisees to blaspheme Him and oppose Him.
But this passage alsogives us a crucialconclusionto the story of this growing
opposition—andI would saya very happy conclusion!In fact, it is what the
whole story of the opposition He was receiving was leading up to. Though the
religious leaders of His people were opposing Him; and though He had
announced to them that their particular generationwould suffer
condemnation because oftheir rejectionof Him; and though even His own
family stood—in some measure—inopposition to His ministry; there
nevertheless were some people present that He could call “family”.
You can look at it this way: the story of the opposition He was receiving began
with His warning that “no one knows the Son exceptthe Father. Nor does
anyone know the Fatherexcept the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to
revealHim” (Matthew 10:27)—andthen, with the invitation; “Come unto Me,
all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke
upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will
find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easyand My burden is light” (vv. 28-
30). Here, at the end of the story of this mounting opposition He received,
were some who had takenHim up on His invitation. And it is them that He
calls “family”.
This family circle was not simply constitutedthose who were members of His
physical family. Nor was it composedof those who would have considered
themselves “related” to the Messiahsimply because theywere Jewish. Rather,
His “family” was composedofthose people who were, even right then, sitting
before Him with receptive hearts, and listening to His teaching, and believing
on Him.
Jesus, the Son of God in human flesh, has a family circle that He considers
more important to Him than any other earthly relationship—evenmore
important to Him than His earthly family. And this passageshows us that you
and I may be a part of that wonderful heavenly family circle. It shows us that
whoeverplaces their faith in Jesus is a permanent part of His heavenly family.
* * * * * * * * * *
Look a little closerwith me at this wonderful passage.The first thing we see in
it is something sad; that there was . . .
If you have placedyour faith in Jesus, have you ever receivedopposition from
your earthly family because ofyour love for Him and trust in Him? Have
family members misunderstood your faith? Have some of your loved ones
even accusedyou of becoming a member of some “cult”? Have they calledyou
a “religious nut”; or a “holy roller”; or an “extremist”? It really hurts when
people we love don't understand our new love for Jesus.
Perhaps this passagecanbe an encouragementto you. Jesus knew how that
felt personally. Even the members of His own earthly family didn't
understand Him.
The Bible tells us that, after Jesus was born, Mary had other sons and
daughters—mostprobably through Joseph. We even know their names. In the
next chapter, we're told that the people from His own hometown Nazareth
were amazed at Him, and saidof Him, “Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not
His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses,Simon, and Judas?
And His sisters, are they not all with us?” (Matthew 13:55-56).
And yet, we're told that—in adulthood—His ownbrothers didn't believe on
Him. John, in his Gospel, tells us that at the Feastof Tabernacles, His
brothers derisively saidto Him, “Departfrom here and go into Judea, that
Your disciples also may see the works that You are doing. Forno one does
anything in secretwhile he himself seeks to be known openly. If You do these
things, show Yourself to the world” (John 7:3-4). And John adds, “Foreven
His brothers did not believe in Him” (v. 5).
Now;I have to add that at leastsome of His brothers did eventually come to
believe on Him. We know of at leasttwo; because it the Lord's half-brother
James who later became an important leader of the church in Jerusalem
(Galatians 1:18-19), and who later wrote the New Testamentbook of James.
And it has also beenthe tradition of the church from its earliestdays that the
New Testamentbook of Jude was written by the half-brother of our Lord
named Judas—the man who humbly called himself “a bondservant of Jesus
Christ, and brother of James” (Jude 1). I like to believe that others of His
half-brothers also became His followers. Butduring the time of His earthly
ministry, our Lord's brothers—including even these two great leaders ofthe
early church—did not believe on Him.
Apparently, even His mother Mary struggled with what to think about her
Son. There were times when she, it seemed, tried to push Him along further
than it was the will of His heavenly Father for Him to go. She was, after all,
“highly favored” above all women (Luke 1:28); because she was the mother of
the Messiah. Perhaps she feltfree to try to 'hurry things along' as she thought
best. At the wedding of Cana of Galilee, for example, it was Mary who found
out that the wine had ran out—and who then went to her divine Son and said,
“Theyhave no wine” (John 2:3). (Personally, I believe she even followedthose
words up with that kind of look that only mothers know how to give—a look
that, in this case, said, “And I'm expecting you to do something about it . . .
my Sonthe Messiah!"). Jesus hadto lovingly rebuke her, saying, “Woman,
what does your concernhave to do with Me? My hour is not yet come” (v. 4).
Again, I hasten to add that whatever struggles Marymay have had with the
identity and ministry of Jesus, she did eventually believe on Him with humble,
saving faith. We're told that, when the early disciples were gatheredtogether
in the upper room after Jesus'resurrection, among them was “Mary the
mother of Jesus, and with His brothers” (Acts 1:14). But during the time of
His earthly ministry, I believe Mary misunderstood Him. I believe she
struggledwith His identity and with His ministry.
* * * * * * * * * *
There is important piece of background information to our story this
morning; and it's found in the third chapter of Mark's Gospel. We're told that
greatmultitudes of people had come togetherto hear Jesus teachand to be
healed by Him—so many people, in fact, that He and His disciples could not
even so much as eatbread. And we're told that “when His own people heard
about this, they went out to lay hold of Him, for they said, 'He is out of His
mind'” (Mark 3:21). The King James Versiontranslates it that it was His
“friends” who came to lay hold of Him; but the New International Version has
it that it was His “family”.1
His brothers and His mother heard about how He castdemons out of people
and healedthem; and they heard about His claims concerning Himself; and
they heard about how mobs and mobs of people were crowding around Him
and pressing in on Him; and they heard about how He was developing a
following of disciples. And they put it all togetherand concluded, “He's gone
crazy! This is all getting out of hand. We need to go and rescue Him and take
Him home.” And so, we readthat, “While He was still talking to the
multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers stoodoutside, seeking to speak
with Him” (Matthew 12:46).
Clearly, they wanted to “speak to Him” in order to talk Him into ceasing His
work in His heavenly Father's business, and into coming home with them.
This was a form of opposition that was more subtle—and perhaps more
painful—than any other. Even the members of His own earthly family
* * * * * * * * * *
Our Lord knows what it's like to have loved ones in our family—the people
with whom we have the closestearthly connection—standin disapproval of
our faith in Him, and in oppositionour desire to follow Him. He felt
disapproval and opposition from His loved ones.
This reminds us of one of His harder words of instruction to us as His
followers. Whenit comes to being one of His faithful disciples, He lets us know
in advance how much it may costus. He said,
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring
peace but a sword. For I have come to 'set a man againsthis father, a
daughter againsther mother, and a daughter-in-law againsther mother-in-
law'; and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household'” (Matthew
And then, He gave this challenge:
“He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he
who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of Me. And he who
does not take up His cross andfollow after Me is not worthy of Me” (vv. 36-
Many a followerof Jesus has found this to be so. Saying 'yes' to the Savior
who loves them has meant, for some, saying 'goodbye'to loved ones who hate
Him. Many a young man, who felt the call of ministry, has found that it meant
following a path that bitterly disappointed the expectations ofparents and
family members. For some, it has meant being expelled from the family. For
others, following Jesus has meant actually being attackedand abused by those
that are closestto them. In fact, Jesus warned, “Now brother will deliver up
brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against
parents and cause them to be put to death” (Matthew 10:21);and many
followers of Jesus in many different cultures and parts of the world—even
today—have experiencedthe very things that Jesus warnedabout.
But Jesus teachesus that our commitment to Him is to be greaterthan any
other commitment on earth. It is even to exceedour natural commitment to
our physical, earthly family members. He teaches us that, if our family puts us
to the choice and says, “It's either going to be this 'Jesus', or us”; then we
must always choose Jesus first. He is to be given first place in our heart's
devotion—evenabove the commitments our family demands of us—or we
cannot be His disciple.
* * * * * * * * * *
But Jesus doesn'task anything of His own followers that He didn't do
Himself. Here, we see that He displayed the sortof commitment toward His
disciples that He demands from them. He placed his own earthly family
behind His commitment to His spiritual family.
And this leads us to the next thing we see about Jesus. In the light of the
demands of His earthly family, He expressed. . .
Do you notice that His mother and brothers were not found among those who
were sitting among the crowdthat was listening to Him? They kept
themselves outside. They didn't even go in to the place where He was
speaking. Instead, they allowedsome bystander to go in and tell Him to stop
His talking and come out to them. We're told, “Thenone said to Him, 'Look,
Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with
You” (v. 47). They expected Him to stop whateverwork of the kingdom it was
that He was doing, put them first, and come out to them as soonas He heard
that they were waiting for Him—simply because Marywas His earthly
mother, and those who were with her were His earthly brothers.
At at this point, let me affirm something about our wonderful Savior. I don't
believe that, at any time, He was ever disrespectfulto His mother, or that He
ever treated His brothers in a hostile or inappropriate way. Our Lord Jesus is
the SecondPersonofthe triune Godhead; and it is He who gave us the
commandment of His heavenly Father: “Honor your father and your mother,
that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving
you” (Exodus 20:12).
I believe that Jesus never—atany time—ceasedto appropriately love the
members of His earthly family; and that He always perfectly fulfilled His just
obligations to them. He never neglectedthem or responded to them in a way
that violated the spirit of that commandment. Even as He died on the cross,
He made sure that His mother was properly caredfor. He lookeddown from
the cross onHis poor, distraught mother; and then casting an eye upon the
apostle John, He said, “Woman, behold your son” (John 19:26). And then, He
lookedupon John; and casting an eye to Mary, He said, “Beholdyour
mother!” John understood what the Lord was commanding; and from that
day, he took Mary into his home and cared for her as if she was his own. In
fact, I believe that the full expanse of Jesus'love for His family is shown in
that Mary and His brothers eventually became His followers and were saved
by Him. They are with Him right now—evenas we speak—inheavenly glory.
But as much as He loved his earthly family over whom Josephhad been the
head, that family took secondplace to His spiritual family over whom His
heavenly Father was head. Matthew tells us, “But He answeredand said to the
one who had told him, 'Who is My mother and who are My brothers?'” (v.
48). It wasn't those who were outside—those who didn't believe on Him, or
who would not honor His fundamental commitment to the Father's business.
Clearly, it was someone else that had that chief place in His heart.
Matthew tells us, “And He stretchedout His hand towardHis disciples”—that
is, to the crowds of people that were, right then, listening to Him as He talked
and were believing on Him—“and said, 'Here are My mother and My
brothers!” (v. 49). Jesus had identified Himself with a family circle that was
more precious to Him, closerto Him, of a higher priority to Him, and that
receiveda greatercommitment from Him, than even His own earthly mother
and sisters and brothers.
The members of that spiritual family are the ones of whom He said, “In My
Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I
go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will
come againand receive you to Myself; that were I am, there you may be also”
(John 14:2-3). They are the ones of whom it is said that they have been
begottenagainto “a living hope through the resurrectionof Jesus Christ from
the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade
away;” and that is “reservedin heaven” for them (1 Peter1:3-4). He treats
them in every wayas “family”; and awards them all the rights and privileges
that come from being members of His Father's household.
* * * * * * * * * *
And it wasn't just that crowd before Him on that day that constituted His
spiritual family. Jesus went on to say, “For whoeverdoes the will of My
Father in heaven is My brother and sisterand mother” (v. 50). That is a
wonderfully far-reaching word; “whoever”. Whoevermeets the qualification
is a member of His heavenly family.
This leads us to consider. . .
FAMILY (v. 50).
Jesus saidthat membership in His “family circle” was true of “whoeverdoes
the will” of His Fatherin heaven. So then; what is His Father's will? We can
see from the context that it is—above all else—a matterof believing on Jesus
and entering into a relationship with Him by faith.
In another passage, Jesussaid, “Noteveryone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,'
shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Fatherin
heaven” (Matthew 7:21). And then, as if to answerthe question of what the
will of His Fatherwas, He went on to say, “Many will say to Me on that day,
'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, castout demons in Your
name, and done many wonders in Your name?'And then I will sayto them, 'I
never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness'” (vv. 22-23).
So, the will of the Father is not a matter of doing all of those marvelous things
'in Jesus'name'; but rather, a matter of being known by Jesus personally—of
being in a relationship with Him by faith.
On anotheroccasion, some ofthe people who heard Him teachaskedHim,
“What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?”;and Jesus
answeredand said, “This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom
He sent” (John 6:28-29). So this is the great qualification for being a member
of His heavenly family—that we believe on Him and have a relationship with
Him by faith.
It's a faith that demonstrates itself in active obedience to His commands. In a
parallel accountof the same story from the Gospelof Luke, we're told that
Jesus said, “My mother and My brothers are those who hear the word of God
and do it” (Luke 8:21). Jesus obeys the will of His Father. He is always about
His Father's business. And so must those be who are a part of His family.
And it's also a faith that demonstrates itself in an active love for other
members of His heavenly family. The apostle John wrote, “And this is His
commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ
and love one another, as He gave us commandment” (1 John 3:23). Jesus loves
all those who believe on Him as members of His own spiritual family circle;
and those same members of His family must love one another as well.
Whoeverhears the truth about Jesus, andputs their faith in His sacrifice on
the cross forthem, has enteredinto a saving relationship with Jesus. Theyso
trust Him and so love Him that they walk in the steps that He commands them
to walk. They prove their trust and love by obeying His commandments, by
keeping His word, and by loving others of His family as He loves them.
Whoeverdoes this is doing the will of the Father. And whoeverdoes the will of
His Fatheris a member of His family—His brother and sisterand mother.
And if I am now in Jesus'family by faith, then that means that whoeveris
Jesus'brother and sisterand mother is also my brother and sisterand
mother! If you have trusted Jesus, thenI'm a family member with you; and
you are a family member with me.
* * * * * * * * * *
Let me end with a closing thought. Bible records many things that Jesus has
said that canonly truly be said by Him. But here—in this very last verse of
our passage—isanaffirmation that Jesus made, that every person who
believes on Him, and who loves Him, and who walks with Him, can also make.
In Christ, you and I can say—withabsolute truthfulness—“Whoeverdoes the
will of Jesus' Fatherin heaven is my brother and sisterand mother.”
“. . . [A]s many as receive Him, to them He gave the right to become the
children of God, to those who believe on His name: who were born, not of the
will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:12-13). That
makes us children of the Fathertogetherwith Jesus!That makes us members
togetherwith Him of a heavenly family.
What a privilege it is to be in Jesus'heavenly “family circle”!
1The preposition para is used here with the definite article;and the meaning
of this phrase is “the 'from Him' ones”. This is an idiom that identifies those
who came for Him as His kin.
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True Kinship (Matthew 12:46-50)
12:46-50 While he was still speaking to the crowds, look you, his mother and
his brothers stoodoutside, for they were seeking anopportunity to speak to
him. Someone said to him: "Look you, your mother and your brothers are
standing outside, seeking anopportunity to speak to you." He answeredthe
man who had spokento him: "Who is my mother? And who are my
brothers?" And he stretchedout his hand towards his disciples. "See,"he
said, "my mother and my brothers! Whoeverdoes the will of my Father in
heaven is my brother and sisterand mother."
It was one of the great human tragedies of Jesus'life that, during his lifetime,
his nearestand dearestnever understood him. "For even his brothers," says
John, "did not believe in him" (John 7:5). Mark tells us that when Jesus set
out on his public mission, his friends tried to restrain him, for they said that
he was mad (Mark 3:21). He seemedto them to be busily engagedin throwing
his life awayin a kind of insanity.
It has often been the case that, when a man embarked on the wayof Jesus
Christ, his nearestand dearestcould not understand him, and were even
hostile to him. "A Christian's only relatives," saidone of the early martyrs,
"are the saints." Manyof the early Quakers had this bitter experience. When
Edward Burrough was moved to the new way, "his parents resenting his
'fanaticalspirit' drove him forth from his home." He pleaded humbly with his
father: "Let me stay and be your servant. I will do the work of the hired lad
for thee. Let me stay!" But, as his biographer says, "His father was adamant,
and much as the boy loved his home and its familiar surroundings, he was to
know it no more."
True friendship and true love are founded on certain things without which
they cannot exist.
(i) Friendship is founded on a common ideal. People who are very different in
their background, their mental equipment, and even their methods, canbe
firm friends, if they have a common ideal, for which they work, and towards
which they press.
(ii) Friendship is founded on a common experience, and on the memories
which come from it. It is when two people have togetherpassedthrough some
greatexperience and when they cantogetherlook back on it, that real
friendship begins.
(iii) True love is founded on obedience. "You are my friends," said Jesus, "if
you do what I command you" (John 15:14). There is no way of showing the
reality of love unless by the spirit of obedience.
For all these reasons true kinship is not always a matter of a flesh and blood
relationship. It remains true that blood is a tie that nothing can break and
that many a man finds his delight and his peace in the circle of his family. But
it is also true that sometimes a man's nearestand dearestare the people who
understand him least, and that he finds his true fellowshipwith those who
work for a common ideal and who share a common experience. This certainly
is true--even if a Christian finds that those who should be closestto him are
those who are most out of sympathy with him, there remains for him the
fellowship of Jesus Christ and the friendship of all who love the Lord.
-Barclay's Daily Study Bible (NT)
FAMILIAL CLARIFICATION (46-50)We Are Family A. His Earthly Family
B. They intruded upon His Holy service, i.e. while He was still talking to the
multitudes. 1. Jesus is not negating the importance of the natural family, but
He is emphasizing the greaterimportance of the spiritual family. 2.
Commitment to Jesus and His cause is a higher loyalty than familial loyalty.
3. Never, never interfere with Supreme Matters. He must be about His
Fathers business. You must be about your Fathers business & none should
dissuade. C.Marks accountsame context3:20,21, One time Jesus entereda
house, & the crowds beganto gather again. Soonhe and his disciples couldn’t
even find time to eat. 21 When his family heard what was happening, they
tried to take him away. “He’s out of his mind,” they said. 1. His mother &
brothers did love him, but they thought He was a little bit fanatical...kind
of…well…crazy. Fixatedw/faith...over-enthusiastic.a)I think His diagnosis
today would be obsessive-compulsive. 2. He is out of His mind, a Messiah
3. I believe this family intervention is what they really thought would be best
for Him. He’s throwing away security & safety...wemust take charge of him.
A well-meaning, but mistakenaction. 4. They thought...This religious fervor
was going to ruin His health. a) Jesus don’t you know, you could lose your life
doing this. b) 1stHe gave up a decent careerin the carpentry union. Then,
look at the posse He’s running with. We hear He sometimes stayup all night,
w/no sleep. And, He seems to be given to extremes. It’s ok to be devout, but
NOT fanatical! 5. Ps: Jn.7:1-9 tells us that Jesus’brothers were still not
believing in Him, even later in His ministry. D. His Eternal Family E. All
believers in Jesus are of the RoyalFamily. F. Note the Invitation again,
Whoever!G. We say, “you can chose your friends, but you can’t chose your
family.” Well the Lord did, He chose His family. He chose me. 1. Are you a
whoeverwho has receivedthe Lord as Tenantof your house? And now as a
result are doing the will of the Father? H. There are 3 things Jesus tips us off
to in vss. 41,42,50. The Ninevites repented, the Queenheard the wisdom, &
the eternalfamily does the will of God. Repent, hear, do. I. Family Perks:The
Lord has provided for your needs. He has protectedyou from harm. He has
adopted you. And He has given you His name.
J. What happened to Jesus’family? 1. Then [the disciples]went back to
Jerusalemfrom the Mount of Olives...Theyallcontinued praying together
with some women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, andJesus’brothers.
Acts 1:12,14. 2. What a change!The ones who mockedhim now worship him.
The ones who pitied him now pray for him. 3. What if Jesus had disowned
them? Or worse still, what if he’d suffocatedhis family with his demand for
change? He didn’t. He instead gave them space, time, & grace(Title). And
because he did, they changed. How much did they change?
a) 1 brother became an apostle (Gal.1:19)& others became missionaries (1
K. Jesus wasn’tsevering family ties. 1. On the cross he was very concerned
about His mother. 2. Later, His ½ brother James would be the leaderin the
Jerusalemchurch. His ½ brother Jude would write his book. 3. He meant,
there is a deeper kinship than flesh & blood, a spiritual kinship which is
characterizedby obedience to the Father. a) Of course obedience doesn’t
originate relationship w/God (faith does that) but obedience is a signof it.
(Kent Hughes) 4. Jesus describes the New family, which is far superior to the
human family… for it lasts longer (eternal); it’s stronger;it’s more satisfying.
a) The highest relationships of life are spiritual, not physical. b) You’ve
witnessedthis. You meet someone, youfind out they are born-again. You talk
about Christ, ministry, His love. And you sense that warm wonderful feeling
of family. c) Do you have more in common with your spiritual family than
w/your earthly family? 5. Will you humble yourself and come and sit as Jesus
feet? a) Isn’t that a whole lot better than,“try harder; do more; stop that; you
don’t measure up; do it better.” b) Isn’t it a whole lot better to hear, “Believe
in Jesus Christ; just sit at His feet; learn of Him; take Him for who He is;
acceptHis ministry…& you will become an Insider.” (1) Picture Jesus saying
this adage, “One door& only one, yet its sides are two; I am on the Inside on
which side are you?”
VS 12:46-50 -“46 While He was still speaking to the multitudes, behold, His
mother and brothers were standing outside, seeking to speak to Him. 47 And
someone saidto Him, “Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are standing
outside seeking to speak to You.” 48 But He answeredthe one who was telling
Him and said, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” 49 And
stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, “Behold, My mother
and My brothers! 50 “Forwhoeverdoes the will of My Father who is in
heaven, he is My brother and sisterand mother”” - Jesus reveals here whom
He considers to be His true family
8.1. We know from the scriptures that Jesus’brothers were unbelieving
until after He had risen from the dead, and it appears that what Jesus’mother
and brothers are attempting to do here is to take Him back home since it
appearedto them that He had really kind of gone off too far, and, that if He
didn’t tone down His preaching some the religious leaders would find a way to
take His life
8.2. Jesus had greatrespectand love for His mothers and brothers, and
the point of this teaching is not to saythat He didn’t love and respectthem,
rather it is just for Him to communicate whom He really consideredto be His
closestfamily, ‘whoeverdoes the will of My Father who is in heaven’
8.2.1. We know that Jesus loved His mother deeply for we see His love and
concernfor her when He hung on the cross and His thoughts were upon His
mother and that she be well takencare of , and thus He askedthe apostle John
to take her into his house and care for her
8.2.2. Jesus considersus a mother, brother, or a sister if we are a personlike
Himself who seeksto do the will of God in our life blessing it is as a disciple of Christ to be thought of as Jesus’
most intimate family, to be His brother, sister, or mother
8.2.3. It is interesting to me that Catholics canread passagessuchas this and
yet still desire to worship Mary a faithful saint and had an incredible blessing in being
designatedby God to be the mother of our Lord. However, scripture records
her imperfections also, as well as the factthat she was no different than any
other saint who has tried to walk close to the Lord’words towardMary here are a rebuke for her, as well as His
brothers, for their motives are surely wrong in approaching Him at this time that the scripture tells us that Jesus’brothers didn’t
believe in Him until after His resurrection
Matthew 12:48. Jesus and his mother. (1) Trained by her, Luke 2:40. (2)
Subject to her, (Luke 2:51) (3) Gently rebuking her—(a)Luke 2:49; (b) John
2:4; (c) Matthew 12:48. (4) Providing for her, John 19:26 f. (5) Loving all true
Christians even more than he loved her, Matthew 13:50. Edersheim: "Forhad
he not entered into earthly kinship solelyfor the sake ofthe higher spiritual
relationship which he was about to found? Thus it was not that Christ let
lightly by his mother, but that he confounded not the means with the end, nor
yet surrendered the spirit for the letter of the law of love." Bengel:"He does
not contemn the mother, but he puts the Father first." Chrys.: "If she is
nothing profited by being his mother, were it not for piety in her, hardly will
any one else be saved by his kindred. For there is one only nobleness, to do the
will of God. This kind of noble birth is better than the other, and more real."
46-50 Jesus’true family
:46 While He was still talking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and
brothers stoodoutside, seeking to speak with Him.
John tells us
(John 7:5 NKJV) For even His brothers did not believe in Him.
We know that after the resurrection, James and Jude did come to believe, but
at this point they don’t believe.
Mark tells us a little bit more…
(Mark 3:20-22 NLT) When Jesus returned to the house where he was staying,
the crowds beganto gatheragain, and soonhe and his disciples couldn't even
find time to eat. {21} When his family heard what was happening, they tried
to take him home with them. "He's out of his mind," they said. {22} But the
teachers ofreligious law who had arrived from Jerusalemsaid, "He's
possessedby Satan, the prince of demons. That's where he gets the power to
castout demons."
For the most part, Jesus’family thought He was crazy.
:47 Then one said to Him, "Look, Your mother and Your brothers are
standing outside, seeking to speak with You."
There is no mention of Jesus’father, Joseph. One possibility is that Josephis
dead by this time in Jesus’life.
:48 But He answeredand said to the one who told Him, "Who is My mother
and who are My brothers?"
:49 And He stretchedout His hand towardHis disciples and said, "Here are
My mother and My brothers!
:50 "Forwhoeverdoes the will of My Fatherin heavenis My brother and
sisterand mother."
Two observations:
1. If you are a Christian, you are closerto Jesus than His own earthly family
was at that time.
Some people have this notion that if they really need something from God,
they can pray to Mary and since she’s closer to Jesus than any of us, she can
get our prayers answered.
The truth is, if you are a believer in Jesus, you’re just as close as Mary.
I guess you could tell your Catholic friends that if they don’t want to bother
Mary, they could ask you to pray for them…
Betteryet, share with them about having faith in Jesus, and they canpray for
themselves as well.
2. It’s really important that we do the will of God.
It’s God’s will that we believe in Jesus.
It’s God’s will that we do what He commands.
Condemnation of the Enemies of the Kingdom, Part 6: Whoeverdoes the will
of my Father
Sermon by J. Ligon Duncan on Apr 19, 1998
Matthew 12:46-50
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If you have your Bibles, I’d invite you to turn with me to Matthew chapter 12.
Throughout this chapter the Lord Jesus'characteris contrastedwith the
characterof the Pharisees. In eachsuccessiveeventthat is recorded, we see
what is in Jesus'heart revealedby His words and actions, and conversely, we
see what is in the hearts of the Pharisees by their words and actions. And
especiallythe blasphemous response to the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ,
which we saw earlier. And as if recognizing that His disciples were in need of
some encouragementin light of these events, at the very end of this chapter
the Lord Jesus hands out a tender and loving expressionof encouragement
and comfort to all those who are His disciples. And that's what we are going to
study togethernow. Look with me then at Matthew chapter 12 beginning in
verse 46 to the end of the chapter. Hear God's holy word.
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Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
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Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
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Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
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Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed
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Christ's Spiritual Family Revealed

  • 1. JESUS WAS IDENTIFYINGHIS FAMILY EDITED BY GLENN PEASE MATTHEW 12:50Forwhoeverdoes the will of my Father in heavenis my brother and sisterand mother." BIBLEHUB RESOURCES Christ's Spiritual Family Matthew 12:50 Marcus Dods Whosoevershalldo the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. There is nothing new or peculiarly Christian in the idea that there is a bond strongerthan that of blood. It is too obvious to escape notice. Nor does the assertioncastany disparagementon the institution of the family; less is not made of blood, but more of spiritual affinity. That our Lord did not make less of family ties is shownby his care for his mother; that he made much of spiritual ties also is shownby his commending her to the care of his most sympathetic friend. The family bulks less in his life because the community, the world, bulks larger. The proportion of thought he gave to the family was smaller, the actualamount greater, than that given by most men. That which is peculiar in these words is - The distinct assertionofwhat constitutes the bond of this more enduring, truer relationship. It is the recognitionand acceptanceofGod's will. This is the true basis of eternal society, the one bond we can trust to, to keepus ever united. The doing of
  • 2. God's will implies an inward, deep-seatedacknowledgmentthat his will is holy, just, and good, and that God is the Ruler of our life; it implies that devout love for God from which flows light and regenerationto every part of a man's life and nature. Other associations dissolve,pass away, become obsolete, but all that comes ofaccepting God's will from a genuine love of him abides. 2. But Christ here indirectly presents himself as the Centre of this new spiritual family. This is so (1) because he is the actual, visible embodiment of God's will, in whom men can best see whatthat wilt is. And (2) because it is through him they become able to do God's will. Only by becoming brethren of Christ can we become children of God. From this truth flow severalinferences. I. IT IS NOT YOUR BIRTH, BUT YOUR CHOICE, WHICH DETERMINES YOUR ETERNALRELATIONSHIPS AND SURROUNDINGS.Everyman passes judgment on himself by his affinities. You cannotjudge a man by his family, his origin; but you canjudge him, or he canjudge himself, by the professionhe chooses, the friendships he forms, the course of life he freely adopts. But the greattestof men is Christ. He is set for the fall and rising of many, and by him are the thoughts of many hearts revealed. By the treatment men give him they reveal what is in them, and whether their talk about virtue is merely talk, or if they have hearty love for it when presentedin actual life. II. THE FAMILY IS NOT AN ETERNALINSTITUTION, Those affections which are developed in the family must be fed. from a more enduring root if they are to abide. They are like the bindings which join the graft to the tree; they keepus togetheruntil the vital sapknits us into one. There is no guarantee for the endurance of love but that it goes downto and roots itself in the deepestsprings of our life. In family life the pain of want of sympathy is only the keenerfor the superficial affection. It is thus that Christ brings sometimes, not peace, but division. It is the magnet passing through the heap of dust and iron filings; the superior attraction at once produces separation. It is not that we must buy his favour by perfect submission, or propitiate his
  • 3. jealousyby disliking others, but that he is worthy of and can command a deeper. holier, more devoted love than any other; and the further we ourselves advance in all that is good, the more we see the necessarytruth of his saying, "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me." Let parents try to win their children to that permanent and eternal family in which the relationship lies not in the flesh, but in the deepestrecesses of the spirit, and from which there are no banishments, no deaths, no separations. Deaththen loses the greaterpart of its terrors - is, indeed, recognizedas the apparently necessarymeans of purifying and deepening our natural affections. III. FROM THIS STATEMENTWE UNDERSTAND BETTEROUR OWN POSITION, IF WE BE DOING THE WILL OF GOD. 1. We have claims on Christ superior to those which canbe assertedevenby his relatives. He wants to be trusted, confided in, counted on. ]f you would have counted it happy to be born in the same family, and would have expected from him, your ownBrother, all the help he could give, you may still count on that help and with greaterassurance. 2. Christ takes pleasure in us, if we are doing God's wilt, such as he finds in nothing else. We cannot understand his longing for human love and acceptance, but we know that even as God he loved human fellowship, and when he became man we find him the same. To be closerto Christ than to father or mother, to be more truly at one with him than with any one besides, this is salvation. In his own day he could point to some anti say, "Behold my mother and my Brethren!" Surely there are among ourselves those who long above all things to be truly the brethren of the Lord Jesus Christ. - D.
  • 4. Biblical Illustrator The same is My brother, and sister, and mother. Matthew 12:46-50 Christians are Christ's Relations U. B. Thomas. I. That Jesus here implies THAT THE SUPREME RELATIONSHIPS OF LIFE ARE MORAL 1. It is similar to that of the family. 2. It is superior to that of the family. (1)It is non-artificial (2)It is intimate. (3)It is dear. (4)It is completer. (5)It is vaster. (6)It is more lasting. II. That Jesus here proclaims that the bond by which men sustain this supreme relationship to Himself, IS BY THEIR OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S WILL. When we do His will.
  • 5. 1. There is the kinship of sympathy. 2. Kinship of resemblance. III. That Jesus here suggests thatthe Christian relationship to Christ IS INDIVIDUAL, VARIED AND SATISFYING. 1. Brotherhood. Active men. 2. Sisterhood. The intercourse of heart. 3. Motherhood. (U. B. Thomas.) Morala affinity the true ground of unity H. W. Beecher. Christ saw things in their superior relationships. All true relationship springs from moral states, not from the mechanicalarrangements ofsociety. 1. It is the realand proper tendency of all moral affections to seek eachother, and to coalesce. The lowerfeelings are to a certain extent centrifugal. Policy, self interest, gifts, are perpetually separating men. All attempts to compromise union, to reasonmen into external union have failed. It is not found in contiguity. It is found in divergence of thought and feeling. All harmonies are in the direction of diversity. Love will do what reasonnever could do. 2. Human affections are never carried to their full power, and sweetnessand beauty, till they are lifted up into the higher sphere, by their affinities and associations, religious. It is not enough to love the human that is in man; but that which is to live after the body. An unsanctified affection an imperfect one. 3. It is a matter of greatrejoicing to those who ponder the spirit of this passage, thatthis world, after all, is as rich as it is. Although hearts are distributed and unrecognized, yet you can feelwhat a wealthof relationship there is after all.
  • 6. 4. The true man of God, in our day, is he who feels most sensitivelyhis relationship to the Divine element which is in his fellow man. The largestman is the man of the largestheart. 5. It is piteous to see how men have spent their lives in resisting their relationships, and in putting trust and charity upon hard conditions. We must change awayfrom the hating and fighting to the loving principle. (H. W. Beecher.) A wealth of relationship H. W. Beecher. I never read a book of a fine nature that I do not instantly feel, "Well, he is mine, too." The Guerins — brother and sister — are as much mine as though I had been brought up on their mother's knee. Fenelonis mine. Bossuetis mine. All those noble men who carrieddown the light of a true Christian example through stormy times, and held steadfastlyto the faith, and suffered nobly — they are mine. Pascalis mine. Newtonis mine. All the greatnatures of the earth that have lifted themselves up under the genial Sun of Righteousness, andhave begun to show heavenly colours and heavenly blossoms-theyare mine. The same Father is mine. The same Saviour is mine. And I hear my Saviour saying, "All those that do the will of God are mothers to eachother, brothers to eachother, sisters to eachother. (H. W. Beecher.) Relationshiprevealedin heaven H. W. Beecher. You do not know how many relations you have till you are in heaven. Oh! when those that are around you, and that you meet from day to day with little pleasure, meet you again, and they have thrown off the cerements of the body; when you see that in them which is good, and in conditions in which
  • 7. counterpoising evil is takenaway, and the whole evolutions of their glorious nature are disclosed, you will never know them! It will be as when one looks upon the banks in January, and says, "How dreary are these banks I " and then in June looks upon the same landscape, and says, "It is not the thing that I lookedat before." It is winter here, and we are frost-bitten, or ice-clad. It will be summer there; and we shall be in fragrant leaf and glorious blossom. And when you reachheaven, you will never be lonesome, orrestrained. Here the necessities ofearth, and. the proprieties of life, and the laws and conditions of our lowernature, partition and divide us; and we belong to each other more than we do to all the world. But in heaven all that will be gone. Every soul there will belong to every soul; every heart to every- heart; every love to every love. We shall be God's, and He shall be ours. (H. W. Beecher.) The family of our Lord W. Jay. I. THEIR CHARACTER. "They do the will of His Father." 1. Some do the will of the devil. 2. Some do the will of men. 3. Some do their own will. 4. The Christian makes the will of God the rule of his life. 5. God has revealedHis will. Their obedience is (1)Affectionate; (2)Impartial. II. THEIR PRIVILEGE. His disciples are Christ's kindred.
  • 8. 1. We look for family likeness, and we have it — "Conformedto the image of His Son." "'We shall also bearthe image of the heavenly." The resemblance not complete in this world: but it is real. 2. He confers honour upon them as His kindred. It is glorious to belong to persons of illustrious endowments. 3. If they are relations, Christ will love them. 4. Since He declares them to be His relations, He will provide for them. 5. He will keepup an intercourse with them. 6. He will defend them. 7. Admire the grace and condescensionofour Lord Jesus Christ. 8. The advantages of religion. 9. The holiness of the gospel. 10. The duty derived from this alliance. (W. Jay.) Descriptionand dignity of true Christians E. Cooper. I. A DESCRIPTIONOF CHRIST'S DISCIPLES — "They do the will," etc. What is the will of God? 1. God would have us to believe in Jesus Christ. 2. God requires of us to repent of our sins and to walk in newness oflife. Naturally men cannot do these things; only the children of God. II. THE DIGNITY CONFERRED ON THE. 1. Christ here declares how dear and precious to Him are His true disciples. A true brother will watch over the interests of His brethren.
  • 9. III. THE PRIVILEGES DERIVED from this dignity. 1. Confidence in prayer. 2. Comfort in death. (E. Cooper.) Spiritual relationship with Christ Various., J. Benson., Dr. Burns. Brother and sister, because ofeither sex. The faithful soul is also the mother of Christ, because by teaching, exhorting, and counselling, she brings forth Christ in herselfand in others. Thus St. Gregorysays:"We must know that he who is the brother or sisterof Christ through believing is made His mother by preaching. Forhe, as it were, brings forth the Lord, whom he infuses into the hearts of his hearers." He subjoins the example of , who, by the Spirit, bore to God the sevensons to whom she had given birth in the flesh, because she strengthenedthem in persecution, and animated them for martyrdom. These words of Christ were also exemplified in Victoria, a virgin-martyr under Diocletian. She replied to the pro-consul, on his asking her whether she would join her brother Fortunatianus, who was a heathen: "No, for I am a Christian; and those are my brethren who keepthe commandments of God." Wherefore she was shut up in prison, and perishing by hunger, obtained the martyr's crown. I. CHRISTIANS ARE THE RELATIVES OF CHRIST. The ground of the relationship not natural, ecclesiastical, but spiritual — faith and obedience. II. Spiritual relationship to Christ is SUPERIOR TO NATURAL. It is more intimate, happy, honourable, comprehensive, permanent. III. The love of Christ to Christians as His relatives COMPRISESWITHIN ITSELF ALL, THE DIFFERENT PHASES OF NATURAL AFFECTIONS. 1. Let us honour the relatives of Christ.
  • 10. 2. Seek to be of their number. 3. Choose them for our companions. 4. Do them all the goodin our power. (Various.) I. The characterof the disciple of Christ. Relates to — What we are to believe, experience, be, do, suffer, enjoy. II. How near and dear they are to Christ. III. How near and dear they ought to be to eachother. (J. Benson.) I. The spiritual relatives of Jesus. Closeand intimate. All the saints have one Father, one nature, one mind, one name with Christ. II. The greatprinciple of this relationship. Obedience. God's will is revealed to us. Obedience must be evangelical, affectionate, full, constant. III. The advantages ofthis relationship. Exaltedhonour, greatestblessings, everlasting security. Rejoice, walk worthy, etc. (Dr. Burns.) Christ's kindred J. Parker. This reply of our Lord shows — I. THE PERVADING SPIRITALITY OF CHRIST'S MIND. He turned every circumstance to spiritual account. Christ spiritualized because He was spiritual. II. THE PURE PHILANTHROPY OF CHRIST'S HEART. His love for man as man. The world is made one in relationship as it enters into Christ's love.
  • 11. III. IT SHOWS THE TRUE BOND OF MAN'S CONNECTIONWITH CHRIST. 1. Connectionwith Christ is not determined by social position. 2. It is not determined by material relationships. 3. It is determined by obedience to the Divine will. (1)That there is but one infallible will; (2)That this infallible will may be disregarded; (3)That this infallible will appeals for universal obedience. IV. IT SHOWS THE HIGH PRIVILEGES RESULTING FROM MORAL UNION WITH CHRIST. 1. Here is the idea of infinite relationship. 2. Here is the idea of socialcommunion.Inferences: 1. If we are to obey the Divine will, a greatchange must pass overour moral nature. 2. If our union with Christ is moral, it will also be eternal. 3. If all the goodare Christ's kindred, their meeting-place must be heaven. 4. If we are all Christ's, joy should be the pervading emotion of our hearts. (J. Parker.) The kingdom's similitude C. H. Parkhurst, D. D. Not the kingdom of heavenis, but the kingdom of heaven is like, so and so. Truth is a separate matterfrom the forms of phrase along which it is conveyed, or the forms of thought under which it is apprehended. In this respectit resembles the light. No painter canpaint light. He cangive you
  • 12. colours, the greens, the blues, the crimsons, but he cannot give you light; and yet if he is a genius he will succeedin filling his picture with those tinted suggestionsthat will somehow quickenin you a deep, thrilling sense oflight. So Christ, in a similar manner, did not point out to His disciples this particular thing and that particular thing, but loaded His sentenceswith suggestions, andstarted in men's minds presentiments that went leaping along aheadof the spokenword He cut no grooves formen's opinions to slip in, fashionedno moulds for those opinions to be castin; did not care to have them think preciselythis, or preciselythat; tied them to no nice forms of declaration;did not accentuate with periods. And so their minds moved as vessels move at sea;at the direction of the compass, to be sure. but without the sea everbeing worn down into ruts and roadways. He drew for them pictures of the truth, and then let them make what they could of these pictures. A truth never can be quite told. It is best seenwhen we are not trying too hard to see it, not straining our eyes to see it — as faint stars become visible when we look a little off from them. (C. H. Parkhurst, D. D.) The sevenparables of the kingdom Bishop Wn. Ingraham Kip. History of the Church in all ages, from the first preaching of the gospelto the last generaljudgment, tracing the different steps of its advancement, both externally and internally, from its commencementto its consummation. 1. Sower— the preaching of the gospel, when the apostles and their successors went through the world, sowing everywhere the goodseed. 2. Tares — the development of those evils of doctrine, the germs of which existed even in an earlier day. 3. Mustard seed-the extensionand progress ofthe Church. It needs no support for itself, but affords a shelterto others who resortto it.
  • 13. 4. Leaven— the manner in which its vital spirit silently makes its progress, gradually changing the characterof the whole mass into which it has been infused. 5. Hid treasure — actionof Christianity upon some. In such a ease as this, some unlooked-for occurrence brings the man into contactwith this treasure, for which he was not seeking.He finds it accidentally, and at once gives up all to possessit. 6. Pearlof greatprice — actionof Christianity upon others. Here the man is engagedin the business of his life. He gains that for which he has all along been seeking. 7. Net— the solemn winding-up of the mighty drama — the separation— the consummation. (Bishop Wn. Ingraham Kip.) The generalteaching of these sevenparables J. Henry Burn, B. D. No one should miss gathering from these parables some notion of the all- embracing characterofthe kingdom which Christ came to set up among men. We need not wonder that Christ exhibits the truth lie wanted to impress upon them in a great variety of lights. It would have been surprising if He had not supplemented the parable of the hid treasure with that of the pearl, for the four parables which precede these are arrangedin pairs. First, we have the actionof Christ upon the Church, in the parable of the sower, supplemented by the field and the tares; then the expansive and permeating power of the Christian society, in the mustard and leaven; and, in the third pair, we are shown the attitude of the individual in relation to the saving grace ofGod. The king, the kingdom, the subjects — under eachof these aspects two illustrations are given to enforce important varieties, and to exhibit, in more than one light, the manifold wisdom of God. (J. Henry Burn, B. D.)
  • 14. The diversity of Christ's parables T. Adams. His parables were divers, when yet by those sundry shadows He did aim directly at one light. The intention of which course in our greatPhysicianis to give severalmedicines for the same malady in severalmen, fitting his receipts to the disposition of his patients. The soldierdoth not so well understand similitudes takenfrom husbandry, nor the husbandman from the war. The lawyer conceivesnot an allusion from physic, nor the physician from the law. Home-dwellers are ignorant of foreign matters; neither doth the quiet, rural labourer trouble his head with matters of state. Therefore Christderives a parable from an army, to teach soldiers;from legalprinciples, to instruct lawyers;from the field and sewing, to speak familiarly to the husbandman's capacity. (T. Adams.) Parables A. Carr. The word used (masdal) means a "likeness" or"comparison."Parables differ from fables in being pictures of possible occurrences — frequently of actual daily occurrences — and in teaching religious truths rather than moral truths. (A. Carr.) COMMENTARIES Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
  • 15. (50) Whosoevershalldo the will.—This is, then, what Christ recognisesas the ground of a spiritual relationship. Not outward, but inward fellowship; not the mere factof baptism, but that which baptism signifies;that doing the will of God, which is the essenceofholiness—this is that which makes the disciple as dear to the heart of Christ as was the mother whom He loved so truly. Sister, and mother.—The specialmention of the sister suggeststhe thought that those who bore that name had joined the mother and the brethren in their attempt to interrupt the divine work. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 12:46-50 Christ's preaching was plain, easy, and familiar, and suited to his hearers. His mother and brethren stoodwithout, desiring to speak with him, when they should have been standing within, desiring to hear him. Frequently, those who are nearestto the means of knowledge and grace are most negligent. We are apt to neglectthat which we think we may have any day, forgetting that to-morrow is not ours. We often meet with hinderances in our work from friends about us, and are taken off by care for the things of this life, from the concerns ofour souls. Christ was so intent on his work, that no natural or other duty took him from it. Not that, under pretence of religion, we may be disrespectful to parents, or unkind to relations;but the lesserduty must stand by, while the greateris done. Let us ceasefrom men, and cleave to Christ; let us look upon every Christian, in whatever condition of life, as the brother, sister, or mother of the Lord of glory; let us love, respect, and be kind to them, for his sake, andafter his example. Barnes'Notes on the Bible Who is my mother? ... - There was no want of affectionor respectin Jesus toward his mother, as is proved by his whole life. See especiallyLuke 2:51, and John 19:25-27. This question was askedmerely to "fix the attention" of the hearers and to prepare them for the answer - that is, to show them who sustained towardhim the nearestand most tender relation. To do this he pointed to his disciples. Dearand tender as were the
  • 16. ties which bound him to his mother and brethren, yet those which bound him to his disciples were more tender and sacred. How greatwas his love for his disciples, when it was more than even that for his mother! And what a bright illustration of his owndoctrine, that we ought to forsake father, and mother and friends, and houses, and lands, to be his followers! Remarks On Matthew 12 1. Our Saviourhas taught us the right use of the Sabbath, Matthew 12:1-13. His conduct was an explanation of the meaning of the fourth commandment. By his example we may learn what may be done. He himself performed only those works on the Sabbath which were strictly necessaryfor life, and those which tended to benefit the poor, the afflicted, and needy. Whatever work is done on the Sabbath that is not for these ends must be wrong. All labor that can as well be done on another day all which is not for the support of life, or to aid the ignorant, poor, and sick. must be wrong. This example justifies teaching the ignorant, supplying the wants of the poor, instructing children in the precepts of religion, teaching those to read in Sunday schools who have no other opportunity for learning, and visiting the sick, whenwe go not for formality, or "to save time on some other day," but to do them good. 2. The Sabbath is of vast service to mankind. It was made for man - not for man to violate or profane, or to be a day of mere idleness, but to improve to his spiritual and eternal good. Where people are employed through "six" days in worldly occupations, it is kind toward them to give them one day particularly to prepare for eternity. Where there is no Sabbath there is no religion. This truth, from the history of the world, will bear to be recordedin letters of gold - "that true religionwill exist among men only when they strictly observe the Sabbath." They, therefore, who do most to promote the observance ofthe Sabbath, are doing most for religion and the welfare of man. In this respectSunday schoolteachers may do more, perhaps, than all the world besides for the best interests of the world. 3. In the conduct of Christ Matthew 12:14-15 we have an illustration of the nature of Christian prudence. He did not throw himself needlesslyinto danger. He did not remain to provoke opposition. He felt that his time was not
  • 17. come, and that his life, by a prudent course, shouldbe preserved. He therefore withdrew. Religionrequires us to sacrifice ourlives rather than deny the Saviour. To throw our lives awaywhen, with goodconscience, theymight be preserved, is self-murder. 4. The rejection of the gospelin one place is often the occasionofits being receivedelsewhere,Matthew 12:15. People may rejectit to their own destruction; but somewhere it "will" be preached, and will be the powerof God unto salvation. The wickedcannotdrive it out of the world. They only secure their ownruin, and, againsttheir will, benefit and save others. To rejectit is like turning a beautiful and fertilizing streamfrom a man's own land. He does not, he cannotdry it up. "It will flow somewhere else."He injures himself and perhaps benefits multitudes. People nevercommit so great foolishness and wickedness,and so completely fail in what they aim at, as in rejecting the gospel. A man, hating the light of the sun, might get into a cave or dungeon, and be in totaldarkness;but the sun will continue to shine, and millions, in spite of him, will be benefited by it. So it is with the gospel. 5. Christ was mild, quiet, retiring not clamorous or noisy, Matthew 12:19. So is all religion. There is no piety in noise; if there was, then thunder and artillery would be piety. Confusionand discord are not religion. Loud words and shouting are not religion. Religionis love, reverence, fear, holiness, a deep and awful regard for the presence ofGod, profound apprehensions of the solemnities of eternity, imitation of the Saviour. It is still. It is full of awe - an awe too greatto strive, or cry, or lift up the voice in the streets. If people ever should be overawedand filled with emotions "repressing"noise and clamor, it should be when they approach "the great God." 6. The feeble may trust to Jesus, Matthew 12:20. A child of any age, an ignorant person, the poorestman, may come, and he shall in nowise be east out. It is a sense ofour weaknessthat Jesus seeks.Where that is "he" will strengthen us, and we shall not fail. 7. Grace will not be extinguished, Matthew 12:20. Jesus, where he finds it in the feeblestdegree, willnot destroy it. He will cherishit. He will kindle it to a
  • 18. flame. It will burn brighter and brighter, until it "glows like that of the pure spirits above." 8. People are greatlyprone to ascribe all religion to the devil, Matthew 12:24. Anything that is unusual, anything that confounds them, anything that troubles their consciences, they ascribe to fanaticism, overheatedzeal, and Satan. It has always beenso. It is sometimes an easywayto stifle their own convictions, and to bring religion into contempt. "Somehow orother," like the Pharisees,infidels must accountfor revivals of religion, for striking instances of conversion, and for the greatand undeniable effects which the gospel produces. How easyto say that it is "delusions," andthat it is the work of the devil! How easyto show at once the terrible opposition of their own hearts to God, and to boastthemselves in their own wisdom, in having found a cause so simple for all the effects which religion produces in the world! How much pains, also, men will take to secure their own perdition, rather than to admit it to be possible that Christianity is true! 9. We see the danger of blasphemy - the dangerof trifling with the influences of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 12:31-32. Evenif we do not commit the unpardonable sin, yet we see that all trifling with the Holy Spirit is a sin very near to God, and attended with infinite danger. He that "laughs away" the thoughts of death and eternity; he that seeksthe societyofthe frivolous and trifling, or of the sensualand profane, for the express purpose of driving away these thoughts; and he that struggles directly againsthis convictions, and is resolvedthat he will not submit to God, may be, for aught he knows, making his damnation sure. Why should God "ever" return when a man has "once" rejectedthe gospel? Who would be to blame if the sinner is then lost? Assuredly not God. None but himself. Children sometimes do this. Then is the time, the very time, when they should begin to love God and Jesus Christ. Then the Spirit also strives. Many "have then" given their hearts to him and become Christians. Many more might have done so, if they had not grieved awaythe Spirit of God. 10. We see the dangerof rejecting Christ, Matthew 12:38-42. All pastages, all the wickedand the good, the foolish and the wise, will rise up in the day of judgment, and condemn us, if we do not believe the gospel. No people,
  • 19. heretofore, have seenso much light as we do in this age. And no people can be so awfully condemned as those who, in a land of light, of Sundays and Sunday schools, rejectChristand go to hell. Among the 120,000children of Nineveh Jonah4:11 there was not one single Sunday school. There was no one to tell them of God and the Saviour. They have died and gone to judgment. Children now living will die also, and go to meet them in the day of judgment. How will they condemn the children of this age, if they do not love the Lord Jesus Christ! 11. Sinners, when awakened, if they grieve away the Spirit of God, become worse than before, Matthew 12:43-45. Theyare never as they were before. Their hearts are harder, their consciencesare more seared, they have a more bitter hatred of religious people, and they plunge deeperand deeper into sin. Sevendevils often dwell where one did, and God gives the man over to blindness of mind and hardness of heart. This shows, also, the greatguilt and danger of grieving the Holy Spirit. continued... Jamieson-Fausset-BrownBible Commentary 50. For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother—that is, "There stand here the members of a family transcending and surviving this of earth: Filial subjection to the will of My Father in heaven is the indissoluble bond of union betweenMe and all its members; and whosoeverenters this hallowed circle becomes to Me brother, and sister, and mother!" Matthew Poole's Commentary Ver. 46-50. Mark repeateththe same passage, Mark 3:31-35.Luke repeateth it more shortly, Luke 8:20,21. BothMark and Luke say more than one spake to our Saviour; first one, then others. Thy mother and thy brethren: most interpreters think brethren here signifieth no more than some of his kindred, whom the Hebrews usually called
  • 20. brethren. By the following words of our Saviour, Matthew 12:48-50, we must not understand that our Saviour slighted his mother or brethren, we are elsewhere taughtwhat honour he gave to his parents, Luke 2:51; yet he seemethto speak something angrily, because he was interrupted in his work: so Luke 2:49 John 2:3-4. We may show a just respectto our parents, and respectto our relations, though we do not neglectour duty to God out of respectto them. The only thing to be further learned from this paragraph, is, how dear believers and holy persons are to Christ; he counts them as dear as mother, brethren, or sisters, andthereby teachethus the esteemwe ought to have for such. Luke saith, he that heareth my word, and doth it. Matthew saith, he that doth it. It is the will of God, that we should believe on him whom he hath sent: See Poole on"John 1:12", See Poole on"John6:40", See Poole on "John 8:47";This text derogates nothing from the honour truly due to the blessed virgin, as the mother of the Messias;but it shows the madness of the papists, exalting her above Christ, whom Christ, consideredonly as his mother, seemethhere to set beneath every true believer, though, consideredas a believer also, she hath a just preference. Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father,.... This is not to be understood of a perfect obedience to the will of God, revealedin his righteous law; for since this cannotbe performed by any mere man, no one could be in such a spiritual relation to Christ: but of the obedience of faith to the will of God, revealedin the Gospel;which is to believe in Christ, and have everlasting life; see John 6:40. This is the will of Christ's Father, which is in heaven, and which is good news from heaven, to sinners on earth; and which Christ came down from heaven to do, and to declare to the children of men: such as "hear the word of God and do it", as Luke says, Luke 8:21 that is, hear the Gospel, understand and believe it, and become obedient to the faith of it; these are in this near manner related to Christ, evidentially and openly, as well as those who were now present:
  • 21. the same is my brother, and sister, and mother; as dear to me, as such are to those, to whom they stood thus relatedin the flesh: and these natural relations serve to convey some ideas of that relation, union, nearness, and communion, there are betweenChrist and his people;all these relative characters maybe observedin the book of Solomon's Song, to which our Lord may be reasonablythought to have respect;see Sol3:11. Geneva Study Bible For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. EXEGETICAL(ORIGINAL LANGUAGES) Expositor's Greek Testament Matthew 12:50. efinition of spiritual kinsmanship. The highest brotherhood basedon spiritual affinity.—ὅστις γὰρ ἂν ποιήσῃ: a generalpresent supposition expressedby the subjunctive with ἂν followedby present indicative.—τὸ θέλημα τ. πατρός μ. τ. ἐν οὐρανοῖς:this probably comes nearestto Christ’s actualwords. In such a solemn utterance He was likely to mention His Father, whose supreme claims His filial heart ever owned. Mark has “the will of God”;Luke “those who hear and do the word of God”— obviously secondary. Cambridge Bible for Schools andColleges 50. whosoevershalldo the will of my Father] “These whichhear the word of God and do it” (Luke 8:21). Bengel's Gnomen Matthew 12:50. Ποιήσῃ, shall do) He does not say does, but He speaks somewhatconditionally.—τὸ θέλημα, the will) by which we are born again.[596]—ΑὐΤῸς, he)This man, and he only.—ἀδελφὸς, brother) This word is said for the third time with greatforce.—καὶ ἀδελφὴ, andsister)The plural appellation of brethren in Matthew 12:46-49, includes sisters also.— μήτηρ, mother) The climax.
  • 22. [596]Jam 1:18.—E. B. Pulpit Commentary Verse 50. - For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same (he, RevisedVersion; αὐτός:ch. 1:21, note) is my brother, and sister, and mother. He is fall; he sums up in himself all such relations. Observe that our Lord does not raise the question whether or not his mother and brethren now believed on him. He is only speaking of the claims of relationship as such. From Mark 3:21, however(which seems to refer to the same occasion), we may conclude that the motive for this endeavour to interrupt him lay in unbelief. If so, Mary was either unaware of this or had herself been over- persuaded into momentary impatience (John 2:3) and distrust. If the latter alternative be adopted, she forms a parallel to the Baptist (Matthew 11:3, note). PRECEPTAUSTIN RESOURCES BRUCE HURT MD Matthew 12:48 But Jesus answeredthe one who was telling Him and said, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” NET Matthew 12:48 To the one who had saidthis, Jesus replied, "Who is my mother and who are my brothers?" GNT Matthew 12:48 ὁ δὲ ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπεν τῷ λέγοντι αὐτῷ, Τίς ἐστιν ἡ μήτηρμου καὶ τίνες εἰσὶν οἱ ἀδελφοί μου;
  • 23. NLT Matthew 12:48 Jesus asked, "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" KJV Matthew 12:48 But he answeredand said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? ESV Matthew 12:48 But he replied to the man who told him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" NIV Matthew 12:48 He replied to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" ASV Matthew 12:48 But he answeredand said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? CSB Matthew 12:48 But He replied to the one who told Him, "Who is My mother and who are My brothers?" NKJ Matthew 12:48 But He answeredand saidto the one who told Him, "Who is My mother and who are My brothers?" NRS Matthew 12:48 But to the one who had told him this, Jesus replied, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" YLT Matthew 12:48 And he answering said to him who spake to him, 'Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?' NAB Matthew 12:48 But he said in reply to the one who told him, "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" NJB Matthew 12:48 But to the man who told him this Jesus replied, 'Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?' GWN Matthew 12:48 He replied to the man speaking to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" BBE Matthew 12:48 But he in answersaidto him who gave the news, Who is my mother and who are my brothers? Who is: Mt 10:37 De 33:9 Mk 3:32,33 Lu 2:49,52 Joh2:3,4 2Co 5:16
  • 24. ParallelPassage: Mark 3:33 Answering them, He said, “Who are My mother and My brothers?” JESUS INTRODUCESA NEW FAMILY RELATIONSHIP But Jesus answeredthe one who was telling Him - Jesus was the Masterat using common circumstances to make uncommon comments that had profound implications! Mark has Jesus addressing the crowd but Matthew is more specific identifying Jesus answeras directedto the one who had brought him news about His family. And said “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” - Like a good teacher, He asks a question to introduce a profound principle dealing with salvationand relation to Him. His teaching point by asking this question was that the only relationship to Him that matters eternally is one's spiritual relationship not one's physical relationship. In proclaiming this principle He demolished the argument of the Jews who were taught they would enter the Kingdom of God because theywere physically related to Abraham, their father (cf John 8:33, 39). His spiritual family was comprisedof those who have a saving relationship with Him through faith and at this time "not even His brothers were believing in Him." (Jn 7:5) They may have been His physical family but at this time were not yet in his spiritual family which is the far more important relationship. Leon Morris comments "In the light of the ministry he is exercising in the name of God, what do ordinary family ties mean? Must Jesus forsakethe service of the heavenly Fatherin order that he may please his earthly family?" (PNTC-Mt) Matthew 12:49 And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, “BeholdMy mother and My brothers! NET Matthew 12:49 And pointing toward his disciples he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers!
  • 25. GNT Matthew 12:49 καὶ ἐκτείνας τὴν χεῖρα αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ τοὺς μαθητὰς αὐτοῦ εἶπεν, Ἰδοὺ ἡ μήτηρμου καὶ οἱ ἀδελφοί μου. NLT Matthew 12:49 Then he pointed to his disciples and said, "Look, these are my mother and brothers. KJV Matthew 12:49 And he stretched forth his hand towardhis disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! ESV Matthew 12:49 And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! NIV Matthew 12:49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. ASV Matthew 12:49 And he stretched forth his hand towards his disciples, and said, Behold, my mother and my brethren! CSB Matthew 12:49 And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! NKJ Matthew 12:49 And He stretchedout His hand toward His disciples and said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! NRS Matthew 12:49 And pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! YLT Matthew 12:49 And having stretchedforth his hand toward his disciples, he said, 'Lo, my mother and my brethren! NAB Matthew 12:49 And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. NJB Matthew 12:49 And stretching out his hand towards his disciples he said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers. GWN Matthew 12:49 Pointing with his hand at his disciples, he said, "Look, here are my mother and my brothers. BBE Matthew 12:49 And he put out his hand to his disciples and said, See, my mother and my brothers!
  • 26. His disciples:Mt 28:7 Mk 3:34 Joh 17:8,9,2020:17-20 ParallelPassage: Mark 3:34 Looking about at those who were sitting around Him He said, “BeholdMy mother and My brothers! THE FAMILY OF GOD And stretching out His hand toward His disciples - While Mark depicts Jesus looking around the room, Matthew adds that He pointed to His twelve disciples. Presumably His twelve disciples were seatedaround Him in close proximity, probably in a circle or semi-circle. It is to them that He points. Stretching (1614)(ekteino from ek = out + teino = to stretch) means stretch out literally, as a gesture with one's hand stretchedout. Here Jesus stretchedHis hands out "towardHis disciples" (Mt 12:49), later He stretchedout His hand to Peterwho was drowning (Mt 14:31), and He also stretchedout His hand to touch the untouchable leper (Mk 1:41, Mt 8:3, Lk 5:13). He said, “BeholdMy mother and My brothers! - Jesus had just askeda question to peak the attention of the crowdand now proceeds to answerHis own question. He is saying that spiritual relation supersedes physical relationship. In this new family the ties are spiritual, not natural! He is singling the disciples out of the large crowd as those who while not physically related to Him, were more importantly spiritually related to Him. Jesus defines in essencethe New Family of God! One is reminded of the old song "We Are Family." (the lyrics are not a bad "Christian song") Edersheim points out that Jesus'declarationdid not demean Mary or His family "“For, had He not entered into earthly kinship solelyfor the sake of the higher spiritual relationship which He was about to found…? Thus, it was not that Christ setlightly by His Mother, but that He confounded not the means with the end." Matthew 12:50 “For whoeverdoes the will of My Fatherwho is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother.”
  • 27. NET Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sisterand mother." GNT Matthew 12:50 ὅστις γὰρ ἂν ποιήσῃ τὸ θέλημα τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν οὐρανοῖς αὐτός μου ἀδελφὸς καὶ ἀδελφὴ καὶ μήτηρἐστίν. NLT Matthew 12:50 Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sisterand mother!" KJV Matthew 12:50 For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. ESV Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of my Father in heavenis my brother and sisterand mother." NIV Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of my Fatherin heavenis my brother and sisterand mother." ASV Matthew 12:50 For whosoevershalldo the will of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother. CSB Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of My Father in heaven, that person is My brother and sisterand mother." NKJ Matthew 12:50 "Forwhoeverdoes the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sisterand mother." NRS Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sisterand mother." YLT Matthew 12:50 for whoevermay do the will of my Father who is in the heavens, he is my brother, and sister, and mother.' NAB Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother." NJB Matthew 12:50 Anyone who does the will of my Fatherin heavenis my brother and sisterand mother.' GWN Matthew 12:50 Whoeverdoes what my Father in heaven wants is my brother and sisterand mother."
  • 28. BBE Matthew 12:50 For whoeverdoes the pleasure of my Father in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother. Does:Mt 7:20-23 17:5 Mk 3:35 Lu 8:21 11:27,28 Joh6:29,40 15:14 Ac 3:22,23 16:30,31 17:30 26:20 Ga 5:6 6:15 Col 3:11 Heb 5:9 Jas 1:21,22 1Pe 4:2 1Jn 2:17 3:23,24 Rev22:14 he is My brother: Mt 25:40,45 28:10 Ps 22:22 Joh20:17 Ro 8:29 Heb 2:11-17 and sister:Song 4:9,10,12 5:1,2 1Co 9:5 2Co 11:2 Eph 5:25-27 and mother: Joh19:26,27 1Ti5:2 THE WONDERFULWORD "WHOEVER" For whoeverdoes the will of My Fatherwho is in heaven - One could misuse this passageto teach"works based" salvation, but from many other NT passages, the only one who can do the will of His Father is the one who has been born again. The key in this passage is does the will of God. In other words Jesus is saying that it is not professionof being His disciple that identifies one who is truly spiritually relatedto Him, but it is active obedience. Notice the pronoun whoever(KJV - whosoever)which means "anyone at all" which flings open wide the Gospelgates to any and all who would come by grace through faith and enter through those glorious gates into the Kingdom of God! Romans gives a similar invitation, Paul writing "for “WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.” (Ro 10:13+)Jesus'invitation given almost 2000 years ago is still open to all who what to experience true life in Him “Come to Me, all who are wearyand heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29“Take Myyoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30“ForMy yoke is easyand My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30+) THOUGHT - The antithesis of doing the will of God is committing sins! Practitioners of sin are not of God! They are not regeneratedand indwelt by the Holy Spirit as indicated by their unholy lives! They are not born from
  • 29. above as shownby their pattern of living like those from below!A W Tozer said "The Bible recognizes no faith that does not lead to obedience, nor does it recognize any obedience that does not spring from faith. The two are at opposite sides of the same coin." Will is the whole man active. I cannotgive up my will; I must exercise it. I must will to obey. When God gives a command or a vision of truth, it is never a question of what He will do, but what we will do. To be successfulin God's work is to fall in line with His will and to do it His way. All that is pleasing to Him is a success. —Henrietta Mears (COMMENT -Praise God we are not left on our own, but the indwelling Spirit continually energizes us giving us the desire and the powerto actively obey God's will - see Php 2:13NLT+) D A Carsonpoints out "We do not make ourselves Jesus’close relatives by doing the will of His heavenly Father. Rather, doing the Father’s will identifies us as his mother and sisters and brothers (cf. Mt 7:21)." (EBC) Leon Morris - Jesus is not saying that earthly familial ties are unimportant, only that they are not all-important. Doing the will of God is all-important. (Ibid) As alluded to above, in declaring this profound principle Jesus obliteratedthe Jewishbelief that they were spiritually "safe" becauseAbraham was their father. John records "They answeredand said to Him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus *saidto them, “If you are Abraham’s children, DO THE DEEDS ofAbraham." (Jn 8:39) Do you see the same principle Jesus taught here in Matthew 12? He qualified their claim to be in Abraham's family, by stating if that were true then they must "DO" (imperfect tense) the deeds which Abraham did. Their deeds would not save them, but they would demonstrate that they were spiritual children of Abraham. James echoedthis same truth writing "Was not Abraham our father justified (IN CONTEXT THE MEANING IS SHOWN TO BE JUSTIFIED)by works whenhe offered up Isaac his son on the altar? 22 You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected; 23 and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS,” (ABRAHAM'S FAITH
  • 30. RESULTED IN HIS JUSTIFICATION, HIS DECLARATION OF RIGHTEOUSNESS)and he was calledthe friend of God. 24 You see that a man is justified (AGAIN THE SENSE IS THAT ONE IS SHOWN TO BE TRULY JUSTIFIED)by works and not by faith alone." (James 2:21-24+) Faith alone saves, but the faith that saves is not alone! Speaking to His disciples in the Upper RoomJesus declared“You are My friends (philos) if you do what I command you." (John 15:14) Do is in the present tense which speaks oftheir obedient behavior as a lifestyle, not a passing fancy. Such a lifestyle is not possible by relying on one's old nature, but is made possible only as we rely on the Holy Spirit to obey Jesus' commands! Trying to obey in our own powercan lead to legalismand will result in failure and a sense offutility in our Christian life. The secretto an obedient life is wholeheartedreliance on the Holy Spirit of Christ. None of us will ever achieve this goalperfectly in this lifetime, but as the present tense indicates such obedient behavior should be the generaldirection (as opposed to complete perfection) of our life and lifestyle. We see the criticalimportance of doing the will of God the Fatherin Jesus' closing words of warning in His famous Sermon on the Mount... So then, you will know them by their fruits (= "Fruit is evidence of the root") 21 “Noteveryone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ (PROFESSIONOF JESUS) will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does (present tense - not perfectly but habitually a habit which is enabled by the Holy Spirit) the will of My FatherWho is in heavenwill enter. 22 “Many (NOTE THIS FRIGHTENING ADJECTIVE)will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name castout demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’(HE DOES NOT DENYTHEY DID THOSE WORKS - E.G., JUDAS ISCARIOT LIKELY DID THOSE WORKS - cf Mt 10:7,8)23“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART (COMMAND CALLING FOR IMMEDIATE OBEDIENCE - PROBABLYSPOKEN TO THEM IN Rev20:11-15, 12+)FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE (present tense-habitually) LAWLESSNESS.’(Mt7:20- 23+)
  • 31. He is My brother and sisterand mother - Clarke has calledthis "the adoption of the obedient." Henry Morris has an interesting comment - This mild rebuke to Mary did not indicate a lack of love or filial respecton Jesus'part (John 19:27), but does show that she does not hold priority with Him over other believers in the family of God. (Defender's Study Bible) In the book of Hebrews we read of this new spiritual family - "Forboth He who sanctifies (CHRIST AND HIS SPIRIT)and those who are sanctified (ALL WHO BELIEVE) are all from one Father; for which reasonHe is not ashamedto call them brethren, 12 saying, “I WILL PROCLAIM YOUR NAME TO MY BRETHREN, IN THE MIDST OF THE CONGREGATIONI WILL SING YOUR PRAISE.” 13 And again, “I WILL PUT MY TRUST IN HIM.” And again, “BEHOLD, I AND THE CHILDREN WHOM GOD HAS GIVEN ME.” (Heb 2:11-13+) Knox Chamblin - These words callfor severalcomments. 1. To become a disciple of Jesus is to enter a genuine family. Given the arrival of Jesus’mētēr and adelphoi (Mt 12:46), the accenton these terms in Mt 12:47–50 is especiallynoteworthy. Conspicuous by its absence from these references to human beings is the term patēr: Josephhas apparently died; and within the family of Jesus’followers,the heavenly Fatheris the only one to whom this name is rightly applied (Mt 23:9). Jesus here speaks of‘my Father [tou patros mou],’ which makes it plain that the only others permitted to address God in this way are those who belong to Jesus (Mt 6:9). 2. While Jesus teacheslove for the neighbors within one’s own family (Mt 15:4–9;19:19), he also insists that commitment to him and his mission must exceedall others (see comments on Mt 8:21–22;10:34–39). 3. This passage, farfrom excluding Jesus’mother and brothers from the circle of his disciples, invites them to join it: ‘whoeverdoes the will of my Father’ (Mt 12:50). On this occasion, his mother and brothers show a lack of faith (Mark 3:21); and John 7:5 reports that ‘his brothers did not believe in him.’ But Mary is at the cross (John19:25–27);and both she and Jesus’
  • 32. brothers gather with other believers in the upper room to awaitthe coming of the Spirit (Acts 1:14). 4. The mark of the true disciple, and the one escape from this generation’s rampant evil, is doing the heavenly Father’s will (Matt. 12:50)—which especiallymeans loving him and loving one’s neighbors (Mt 22:37–40), by which means goodconquers evil (Rom. 12:21), the very point of Mt 12:43–45. (Matthew-MentorCommentary) Counterfeit Reality - When people see a photograph or video today, they often ask, "Is it real?" A home computer can manipulate images to create a picture of an event that never happened. Images canbe inserted into or removed from photographs. A video can be doctored to make it appear that a personwas caught committing a crime or performing an actof heroism. The camera may not lie, but the computer can. Centuries before such modern technology, the apostle Paul warnedTimothy about counterfeit reality in the church. He said that in the lastdays people would be self-absorbed, "having a form of godliness but denying its power" (2Ti 3:5+). He repeatedly emphasized the need to live a godly life, warning that "evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived" (2Ti3:13+). Paul chargedTimothy to "continue in the things which you have learned and been assuredof" (2Ti3:14+). True godliness honors and obeys God while its counterfeit seekspleasure and personalgain. One pleases the Lord; the other gratifies natural desire. Both are identified by their actions. When people hear us say we are Christians, they may wonder if our faith is real. Our lives will answerthe question by reflecting the reality of Christ. — David C. McCasland(Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved) DearHeavenly Father, Help me, I pray, to honor You with all that I do today.
  • 33. By Your Holy Spirit's power, may my words and actions cause others to glorify Your Name. Amen. Question:"Is Jesus our brother?" (from Got Questions - highly recommended conservative resource). Answer: The Bible clearly presents Jesus Christas being one with the Father (John 10:30), a Member of the triune Godheadwho setaside His rights as God and took on human flesh to dwell among us (Philippians 2:5–11+; Galatians 4:4–5). Therefore, it is right to call Him Saviorand Lord (Luke 2:11+; 2 Peter3:18+; Jude 1:25+). However, a few passagesalso referto Jesus as our brother (Hebrews 2:11+; Romans 8:29+; Mark 3:34). In order to fully understand the conceptof Jesus as our brother, let’s look more closelyat each of those passages: Hebrews 2:11+ says, “Forhe who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. Thatis why he is not ashamedto callthem brothers” (ESV). The word translated “brothers” is the word used for blood relatives, but it also refers to Christians. The generic term brother in Scripture usually also includes sisters. In this passage, the writer of Hebrews is explaining how the perfect God-Man, Jesus, couldcall imperfect humans His brothers and sisters. This is more easily understoodin terms of physical relationships. Jesus explained spiritual realities by telling Nicodemus that he must be “born again” (John 3:3+). He used this physical term because we all understand birth. When two babies have shared the same womb or the same father, they are of the same family. They carry similar DNA, inherited traits, and rights to claim parentage. When a human being is born into the family of God, through faith in the death and resurrectionof Jesus, Godbecomes our Father (Romans 8:15+; Galatians 4:4–6+). This happens through an actof the Holy Spirit who moves into our spirits and begins to change us (2 Corinthians 5:17+). God is also the Fatherof the Lord Jesus Christ, and we share in that
  • 34. relationship as adopted children. Jesus, our brother, purchased with His blood the right for us to call His Father our Father. He is not ashamedto call us brothers because His righteousness is imputed to us, making us blameless as He is blameless (2 Corinthians 5:21+). Romans 8:29+ says, “ThoseGodforeknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” Some cults have misinterpreted this verse to mean that Jesus was only the first of God’s many adopted children. However, in the Bible, the word firstborn does not always referto physical or even spiritual birth; rather, being “firstborn” implies preeminence and position, as it is used in Psalm 89:27:“I will appoint him to be my firstborn, the most exalted of the kings of the earth.” In Jeremiah31:9+, God calls the nation of Israel His “firstborn son.” So when Paul uses the term firstborn in Romans 8:29+, he means that Jesus holds the preeminent position of “only begottenSon of God” (John 3:16+) and that, through His obedience to the Father, Christ made it possible for His holy Father to adopt unholy human beings as His own children. The resurrection of Christ was the first of many to follow, as God gathers His children home (1 Corinthians 15:20–23). In Mark 3:34–35, Jesus declaresthatthose who follow Him are His brothers: “He lookedat those seatedin a circle around him and said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.’” The setting for this statementis a house where Jesus was teaching. His physical family had begun to worry about Him, and they had come to take Him home with them. As they waited outside the packedhouse, messengers informed Jesus of their presence. Seatedaround Jesus were the disciples. His statementtold everyone that, while earthly relationships are important, spiritual relationships are those that last. From then on, He would be focused upon establishing those eternal relationships with everyone who trusted in Him.
  • 35. It is important to note that the qualifier for being consideredJesus’brother or sisteris not the mental exercise of“believing,” since many in the room with Jesus in Mark 3 would have consideredthemselves believers in Him. The qualifier for being a brother or sisterof Christ is “doing the will of the Father.” The ultimate will of the Father is that we love, trust, and obey His Son (John 3:36+; 2 Thessalonians 1:8;Romans 2:7–8+). When we believe in our hearts the gospelofJesus Christ and surrender our lives to His lordship, God adopts us into His family and considers us “joint heirs” with His Son, Jesus (Romans 8:17+;Ro 10:9–10+). Ourheavenly Father wants His children to bear a family resemblance, andHe gave us the perfectexample in our big Brother, Jesus Christ. GREG ALLEN "The Heavenly Family Circle" Matthew 12:46-50 Theme: Whoeverplaces their faith in Jesus is a permanent part of His heavenly family. (Delivered Sunday, September 3, 2006 atBethany Bible Church. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are takenfrom The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) There is a story that is told in the Bible of Jesus' childhood, found in the Gospelof Luke. It's the only reliable story from His childhood that we have. It reveals, at a very early point in the Gospelstory, what our Lord's fundamental commitment was. This story tells us of how, when our Lord was only twelve years old, He was takenby Mary and Josephto Jerusalemto celebrate the Feastof Passover. When the days of the feastwere completed, Mary and Josephwent with the
  • 36. throng of relatives and acquaintances ontheir way home—having assumed that Jesus was somewhere among the crowd. But when they searchedfor Him along the way, they were unable to find Him. As a parent, have you ever lost sight of one of your children in a large crowd? It's a helpless and frightening feeling. After searching desperatelyfor Jesus, they decided to return to Jerusalemto look for Him there. And after three days, they found Him—sitting in the temple in the midst of the teachers of Israel; listening to them, asking them questions, and astounding them all with His understanding and answers. I believe that Mary probably had a remarkable motherly mix of emotions at that moment. All at once, she was experiencing relief, anger, pride, amusement, anxiety and—in this particular case—profoundamazement at her Son. And I'm sure that our Lord—who was the divine makerof all mothers—knew that very a serious 'lecture' would begin as soonas the hugging and tears came to an end. She said, “Son, why have you done this to us? Look, Your father and I have soughtyou anxiously” (Luke 2:48). And it was then that He said something surprising—something that Mary and Josephdidn't quite understand; but that revealedwhere His heart's devotion truly was. He said, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?” (v. 49). Josephwas our Lord's adopted father on earth. But here, Jesus spoke ofa different Father—a Fatherwhose business was in the Temple; and whose business Jesus felt compelledto “be about”. And in those words, Jesus revealedthat He had a family circle that transcendedthat of Mary and Joseph. It was a family circle that was not “physical” or “genealogical”, but “spiritual” in nature. It was a family that is headedby a heavenly Father— and that was distinct from that which was headed by Joseph. And what is most wonderful of all—as we learn from this morning's passage—isthat this is a family circle that the Lord Jesus has made available to you and me, and that we may now enter into and enjoy eternalfellowship in, with Him. Matthew tells us;
  • 37. While He was still talking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers stoodoutside, seeking to speak with Him. Then one said to Him, “Look, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with You.” But He answeredand said to the one who told Him, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoeverdoes the will of My Fatherin heavenis My brother and sisterand mother” (Matthew 12:46-5). * * * * * * * * * * Considerthe context of this morning's passagewith me. It is found at the end of an important sectionof Matthew's Gospel. The unique focus of this Gospel is the presentationof our Lord Jesus as the long-awaitedKing of the Jewish people; but chapter 12 is a sectionin which the religious leaders of His day begin to display their growing hostility to and opposition toward their King. We've been studying this chapter for some time now. It has been, in many ways, a very sadchapter to study. We have seenin it that our Lord was opposedas “Lord of the Sabbath”, because He showedmercy to people and healed them on the Sabbath day (vv. 1-21). We have also seenthat He was opposedwith respectto His spiritual-authority, because He castout demons— provoking the accusationthat He castthem out by the powerof the devil (vv. 22-37). And most recently, we have seenthat He receivedopposition with respectto authenticating signs, because He refused to gratify the demand of the religious leaders that He show them a miraculous sign of His authority— exceptfor the signof His own resurrectionafter they would crucify Him (vv. 38-42). And then comes this morning's passage. At first glance, the event it describes seems out of place. But it is actually a crucial part of this whole story of the opposition He was receiving. For one thing, it has a natural connection—a natural continuity—with the story of the growing opposition againstHim; because it begins by saying that it occurred “[w]hile He was still talking to the multitudes . . .” (v. 46).
  • 38. The “multitudes” were those people who were mentioned back in verse 23— the people who had beheld as He healed a demon-possessedman, and askedin amazement, “Couldthis be the Son of David?”—whichwas anotherway of asking, “Couldthis be the long-awaitedKing of our people; the one that God promised would come to us through King David?” It was this very that caused scribes and Pharisees to blaspheme Him and oppose Him. But this passage alsogives us a crucialconclusionto the story of this growing opposition—andI would saya very happy conclusion!In fact, it is what the whole story of the opposition He was receiving was leading up to. Though the religious leaders of His people were opposing Him; and though He had announced to them that their particular generationwould suffer condemnation because oftheir rejectionof Him; and though even His own family stood—in some measure—inopposition to His ministry; there nevertheless were some people present that He could call “family”. You can look at it this way: the story of the opposition He was receiving began with His warning that “no one knows the Son exceptthe Father. Nor does anyone know the Fatherexcept the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to revealHim” (Matthew 10:27)—andthen, with the invitation; “Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easyand My burden is light” (vv. 28- 30). Here, at the end of the story of this mounting opposition He received, were some who had takenHim up on His invitation. And it is them that He calls “family”. This family circle was not simply constitutedthose who were members of His physical family. Nor was it composedof those who would have considered themselves “related” to the Messiahsimply because theywere Jewish. Rather, His “family” was composedofthose people who were, even right then, sitting before Him with receptive hearts, and listening to His teaching, and believing on Him. Jesus, the Son of God in human flesh, has a family circle that He considers more important to Him than any other earthly relationship—evenmore
  • 39. important to Him than His earthly family. And this passageshows us that you and I may be a part of that wonderful heavenly family circle. It shows us that whoeverplaces their faith in Jesus is a permanent part of His heavenly family. * * * * * * * * * * Look a little closerwith me at this wonderful passage.The first thing we see in it is something sad; that there was . . . 1. SOME OPPOSITION FROMJESUS'EARTHLY FAMILY (v. 46). If you have placedyour faith in Jesus, have you ever receivedopposition from your earthly family because ofyour love for Him and trust in Him? Have family members misunderstood your faith? Have some of your loved ones even accusedyou of becoming a member of some “cult”? Have they calledyou a “religious nut”; or a “holy roller”; or an “extremist”? It really hurts when people we love don't understand our new love for Jesus. Perhaps this passagecanbe an encouragementto you. Jesus knew how that felt personally. Even the members of His own earthly family didn't understand Him. The Bible tells us that, after Jesus was born, Mary had other sons and daughters—mostprobably through Joseph. We even know their names. In the next chapter, we're told that the people from His own hometown Nazareth were amazed at Him, and saidof Him, “Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses,Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us?” (Matthew 13:55-56). And yet, we're told that—in adulthood—His ownbrothers didn't believe on Him. John, in his Gospel, tells us that at the Feastof Tabernacles, His brothers derisively saidto Him, “Departfrom here and go into Judea, that Your disciples also may see the works that You are doing. Forno one does anything in secretwhile he himself seeks to be known openly. If You do these things, show Yourself to the world” (John 7:3-4). And John adds, “Foreven His brothers did not believe in Him” (v. 5).
  • 40. Now;I have to add that at leastsome of His brothers did eventually come to believe on Him. We know of at leasttwo; because it the Lord's half-brother James who later became an important leader of the church in Jerusalem (Galatians 1:18-19), and who later wrote the New Testamentbook of James. And it has also beenthe tradition of the church from its earliestdays that the New Testamentbook of Jude was written by the half-brother of our Lord named Judas—the man who humbly called himself “a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James” (Jude 1). I like to believe that others of His half-brothers also became His followers. Butduring the time of His earthly ministry, our Lord's brothers—including even these two great leaders ofthe early church—did not believe on Him. Apparently, even His mother Mary struggled with what to think about her Son. There were times when she, it seemed, tried to push Him along further than it was the will of His heavenly Father for Him to go. She was, after all, “highly favored” above all women (Luke 1:28); because she was the mother of the Messiah. Perhaps she feltfree to try to 'hurry things along' as she thought best. At the wedding of Cana of Galilee, for example, it was Mary who found out that the wine had ran out—and who then went to her divine Son and said, “Theyhave no wine” (John 2:3). (Personally, I believe she even followedthose words up with that kind of look that only mothers know how to give—a look that, in this case, said, “And I'm expecting you to do something about it . . . my Sonthe Messiah!"). Jesus hadto lovingly rebuke her, saying, “Woman, what does your concernhave to do with Me? My hour is not yet come” (v. 4). Again, I hasten to add that whatever struggles Marymay have had with the identity and ministry of Jesus, she did eventually believe on Him with humble, saving faith. We're told that, when the early disciples were gatheredtogether in the upper room after Jesus'resurrection, among them was “Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers” (Acts 1:14). But during the time of His earthly ministry, I believe Mary misunderstood Him. I believe she struggledwith His identity and with His ministry. * * * * * * * * * *
  • 41. There is important piece of background information to our story this morning; and it's found in the third chapter of Mark's Gospel. We're told that greatmultitudes of people had come togetherto hear Jesus teachand to be healed by Him—so many people, in fact, that He and His disciples could not even so much as eatbread. And we're told that “when His own people heard about this, they went out to lay hold of Him, for they said, 'He is out of His mind'” (Mark 3:21). The King James Versiontranslates it that it was His “friends” who came to lay hold of Him; but the New International Version has it that it was His “family”.1 His brothers and His mother heard about how He castdemons out of people and healedthem; and they heard about His claims concerning Himself; and they heard about how mobs and mobs of people were crowding around Him and pressing in on Him; and they heard about how He was developing a following of disciples. And they put it all togetherand concluded, “He's gone crazy! This is all getting out of hand. We need to go and rescue Him and take Him home.” And so, we readthat, “While He was still talking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers stoodoutside, seeking to speak with Him” (Matthew 12:46). Clearly, they wanted to “speak to Him” in order to talk Him into ceasing His work in His heavenly Father's business, and into coming home with them. This was a form of opposition that was more subtle—and perhaps more painful—than any other. Even the members of His own earthly family opposedHim. * * * * * * * * * * Our Lord knows what it's like to have loved ones in our family—the people with whom we have the closestearthly connection—standin disapproval of our faith in Him, and in oppositionour desire to follow Him. He felt disapproval and opposition from His loved ones. This reminds us of one of His harder words of instruction to us as His followers. Whenit comes to being one of His faithful disciples, He lets us know in advance how much it may costus. He said,
  • 42. “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to 'set a man againsthis father, a daughter againsther mother, and a daughter-in-law againsther mother-in- law'; and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household'” (Matthew 10:34-35). And then, He gave this challenge: “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take up His cross andfollow after Me is not worthy of Me” (vv. 36- 38). Many a followerof Jesus has found this to be so. Saying 'yes' to the Savior who loves them has meant, for some, saying 'goodbye'to loved ones who hate Him. Many a young man, who felt the call of ministry, has found that it meant following a path that bitterly disappointed the expectations ofparents and family members. For some, it has meant being expelled from the family. For others, following Jesus has meant actually being attackedand abused by those that are closestto them. In fact, Jesus warned, “Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death” (Matthew 10:21);and many followers of Jesus in many different cultures and parts of the world—even today—have experiencedthe very things that Jesus warnedabout. But Jesus teachesus that our commitment to Him is to be greaterthan any other commitment on earth. It is even to exceedour natural commitment to our physical, earthly family members. He teaches us that, if our family puts us to the choice and says, “It's either going to be this 'Jesus', or us”; then we must always choose Jesus first. He is to be given first place in our heart's devotion—evenabove the commitments our family demands of us—or we cannot be His disciple. * * * * * * * * * * But Jesus doesn'task anything of His own followers that He didn't do Himself. Here, we see that He displayed the sortof commitment toward His
  • 43. disciples that He demands from them. He placed his own earthly family behind His commitment to His spiritual family. And this leads us to the next thing we see about Jesus. In the light of the demands of His earthly family, He expressed. . . 2. A COMMITMENT TO A MORE IMPORTANT FAMILY (vv. 47-49). Do you notice that His mother and brothers were not found among those who were sitting among the crowdthat was listening to Him? They kept themselves outside. They didn't even go in to the place where He was speaking. Instead, they allowedsome bystander to go in and tell Him to stop His talking and come out to them. We're told, “Thenone said to Him, 'Look, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with You” (v. 47). They expected Him to stop whateverwork of the kingdom it was that He was doing, put them first, and come out to them as soonas He heard that they were waiting for Him—simply because Marywas His earthly mother, and those who were with her were His earthly brothers. At at this point, let me affirm something about our wonderful Savior. I don't believe that, at any time, He was ever disrespectfulto His mother, or that He ever treated His brothers in a hostile or inappropriate way. Our Lord Jesus is the SecondPersonofthe triune Godhead; and it is He who gave us the commandment of His heavenly Father: “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12). I believe that Jesus never—atany time—ceasedto appropriately love the members of His earthly family; and that He always perfectly fulfilled His just obligations to them. He never neglectedthem or responded to them in a way that violated the spirit of that commandment. Even as He died on the cross, He made sure that His mother was properly caredfor. He lookeddown from the cross onHis poor, distraught mother; and then casting an eye upon the apostle John, He said, “Woman, behold your son” (John 19:26). And then, He lookedupon John; and casting an eye to Mary, He said, “Beholdyour mother!” John understood what the Lord was commanding; and from that day, he took Mary into his home and cared for her as if she was his own. In
  • 44. fact, I believe that the full expanse of Jesus'love for His family is shown in that Mary and His brothers eventually became His followers and were saved by Him. They are with Him right now—evenas we speak—inheavenly glory. But as much as He loved his earthly family over whom Josephhad been the head, that family took secondplace to His spiritual family over whom His heavenly Father was head. Matthew tells us, “But He answeredand said to the one who had told him, 'Who is My mother and who are My brothers?'” (v. 48). It wasn't those who were outside—those who didn't believe on Him, or who would not honor His fundamental commitment to the Father's business. Clearly, it was someone else that had that chief place in His heart. Matthew tells us, “And He stretchedout His hand towardHis disciples”—that is, to the crowds of people that were, right then, listening to Him as He talked and were believing on Him—“and said, 'Here are My mother and My brothers!” (v. 49). Jesus had identified Himself with a family circle that was more precious to Him, closerto Him, of a higher priority to Him, and that receiveda greatercommitment from Him, than even His own earthly mother and sisters and brothers. The members of that spiritual family are the ones of whom He said, “In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come againand receive you to Myself; that were I am, there you may be also” (John 14:2-3). They are the ones of whom it is said that they have been begottenagainto “a living hope through the resurrectionof Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away;” and that is “reservedin heaven” for them (1 Peter1:3-4). He treats them in every wayas “family”; and awards them all the rights and privileges that come from being members of His Father's household. * * * * * * * * * * And it wasn't just that crowd before Him on that day that constituted His spiritual family. Jesus went on to say, “For whoeverdoes the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sisterand mother” (v. 50). That is a
  • 45. wonderfully far-reaching word; “whoever”. Whoevermeets the qualification is a member of His heavenly family. This leads us to consider. . . 3. THE QUALIFICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN JESUS'HEAVENLY FAMILY (v. 50). Jesus saidthat membership in His “family circle” was true of “whoeverdoes the will” of His Fatherin heaven. So then; what is His Father's will? We can see from the context that it is—above all else—a matterof believing on Jesus and entering into a relationship with Him by faith. In another passage, Jesussaid, “Noteveryone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Fatherin heaven” (Matthew 7:21). And then, as if to answerthe question of what the will of His Fatherwas, He went on to say, “Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, castout demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?'And then I will sayto them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness'” (vv. 22-23). So, the will of the Father is not a matter of doing all of those marvelous things 'in Jesus'name'; but rather, a matter of being known by Jesus personally—of being in a relationship with Him by faith. On anotheroccasion, some ofthe people who heard Him teachaskedHim, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?”;and Jesus answeredand said, “This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom He sent” (John 6:28-29). So this is the great qualification for being a member of His heavenly family—that we believe on Him and have a relationship with Him by faith. It's a faith that demonstrates itself in active obedience to His commands. In a parallel accountof the same story from the Gospelof Luke, we're told that Jesus said, “My mother and My brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it” (Luke 8:21). Jesus obeys the will of His Father. He is always about His Father's business. And so must those be who are a part of His family.
  • 46. And it's also a faith that demonstrates itself in an active love for other members of His heavenly family. The apostle John wrote, “And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment” (1 John 3:23). Jesus loves all those who believe on Him as members of His own spiritual family circle; and those same members of His family must love one another as well. Whoeverhears the truth about Jesus, andputs their faith in His sacrifice on the cross forthem, has enteredinto a saving relationship with Jesus. Theyso trust Him and so love Him that they walk in the steps that He commands them to walk. They prove their trust and love by obeying His commandments, by keeping His word, and by loving others of His family as He loves them. Whoeverdoes this is doing the will of the Father. And whoeverdoes the will of His Fatheris a member of His family—His brother and sisterand mother. And if I am now in Jesus'family by faith, then that means that whoeveris Jesus'brother and sisterand mother is also my brother and sisterand mother! If you have trusted Jesus, thenI'm a family member with you; and you are a family member with me. * * * * * * * * * * Let me end with a closing thought. Bible records many things that Jesus has said that canonly truly be said by Him. But here—in this very last verse of our passage—isanaffirmation that Jesus made, that every person who believes on Him, and who loves Him, and who walks with Him, can also make. In Christ, you and I can say—withabsolute truthfulness—“Whoeverdoes the will of Jesus' Fatherin heaven is my brother and sisterand mother.” “. . . [A]s many as receive Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God, to those who believe on His name: who were born, not of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:12-13). That makes us children of the Fathertogetherwith Jesus!That makes us members togetherwith Him of a heavenly family. What a privilege it is to be in Jesus'heavenly “family circle”!
  • 47. 1The preposition para is used here with the definite article;and the meaning of this phrase is “the 'from Him' ones”. This is an idiom that identifies those who came for Him as His kin. Misseda message?Check the Archives! Copyright © 2006 BethanyBible Church, All Rights Reserved BARCLAY True Kinship (Matthew 12:46-50) 12:46-50 While he was still speaking to the crowds, look you, his mother and his brothers stoodoutside, for they were seeking anopportunity to speak to him. Someone said to him: "Look you, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, seeking anopportunity to speak to you." He answeredthe man who had spokento him: "Who is my mother? And who are my brothers?" And he stretchedout his hand towards his disciples. "See,"he said, "my mother and my brothers! Whoeverdoes the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sisterand mother." It was one of the great human tragedies of Jesus'life that, during his lifetime, his nearestand dearestnever understood him. "For even his brothers," says John, "did not believe in him" (John 7:5). Mark tells us that when Jesus set out on his public mission, his friends tried to restrain him, for they said that he was mad (Mark 3:21). He seemedto them to be busily engagedin throwing his life awayin a kind of insanity. It has often been the case that, when a man embarked on the wayof Jesus Christ, his nearestand dearestcould not understand him, and were even hostile to him. "A Christian's only relatives," saidone of the early martyrs, "are the saints." Manyof the early Quakers had this bitter experience. When Edward Burrough was moved to the new way, "his parents resenting his
  • 48. 'fanaticalspirit' drove him forth from his home." He pleaded humbly with his father: "Let me stay and be your servant. I will do the work of the hired lad for thee. Let me stay!" But, as his biographer says, "His father was adamant, and much as the boy loved his home and its familiar surroundings, he was to know it no more." True friendship and true love are founded on certain things without which they cannot exist. (i) Friendship is founded on a common ideal. People who are very different in their background, their mental equipment, and even their methods, canbe firm friends, if they have a common ideal, for which they work, and towards which they press. (ii) Friendship is founded on a common experience, and on the memories which come from it. It is when two people have togetherpassedthrough some greatexperience and when they cantogetherlook back on it, that real friendship begins. (iii) True love is founded on obedience. "You are my friends," said Jesus, "if you do what I command you" (John 15:14). There is no way of showing the reality of love unless by the spirit of obedience. For all these reasons true kinship is not always a matter of a flesh and blood relationship. It remains true that blood is a tie that nothing can break and that many a man finds his delight and his peace in the circle of his family. But it is also true that sometimes a man's nearestand dearestare the people who understand him least, and that he finds his true fellowshipwith those who work for a common ideal and who share a common experience. This certainly is true--even if a Christian finds that those who should be closestto him are those who are most out of sympathy with him, there remains for him the fellowship of Jesus Christ and the friendship of all who love the Lord. -Barclay's Daily Study Bible (NT)
  • 49. BRIAN BELL FAMILIAL CLARIFICATION (46-50)We Are Family A. His Earthly Family B. They intruded upon His Holy service, i.e. while He was still talking to the multitudes. 1. Jesus is not negating the importance of the natural family, but He is emphasizing the greaterimportance of the spiritual family. 2. Commitment to Jesus and His cause is a higher loyalty than familial loyalty. 3. Never, never interfere with Supreme Matters. He must be about His Fathers business. You must be about your Fathers business & none should dissuade. C.Marks accountsame context3:20,21, One time Jesus entereda house, & the crowds beganto gather again. Soonhe and his disciples couldn’t even find time to eat. 21 When his family heard what was happening, they tried to take him away. “He’s out of his mind,” they said. 1. His mother & brothers did love him, but they thought He was a little bit fanatical...kind of…well…crazy. Fixatedw/faith...over-enthusiastic.a)I think His diagnosis today would be obsessive-compulsive. 2. He is out of His mind, a Messiah complex! 4 3. I believe this family intervention is what they really thought would be best for Him. He’s throwing away security & safety...wemust take charge of him. A well-meaning, but mistakenaction. 4. They thought...This religious fervor was going to ruin His health. a) Jesus don’t you know, you could lose your life doing this. b) 1stHe gave up a decent careerin the carpentry union. Then, look at the posse He’s running with. We hear He sometimes stayup all night, w/no sleep. And, He seems to be given to extremes. It’s ok to be devout, but NOT fanatical! 5. Ps: Jn.7:1-9 tells us that Jesus’brothers were still not believing in Him, even later in His ministry. D. His Eternal Family E. All believers in Jesus are of the RoyalFamily. F. Note the Invitation again, Whoever!G. We say, “you can chose your friends, but you can’t chose your family.” Well the Lord did, He chose His family. He chose me. 1. Are you a whoeverwho has receivedthe Lord as Tenantof your house? And now as a result are doing the will of the Father? H. There are 3 things Jesus tips us off
  • 50. to in vss. 41,42,50. The Ninevites repented, the Queenheard the wisdom, & the eternalfamily does the will of God. Repent, hear, do. I. Family Perks:The Lord has provided for your needs. He has protectedyou from harm. He has adopted you. And He has given you His name. J. What happened to Jesus’family? 1. Then [the disciples]went back to Jerusalemfrom the Mount of Olives...Theyallcontinued praying together with some women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, andJesus’brothers. Acts 1:12,14. 2. What a change!The ones who mockedhim now worship him. The ones who pitied him now pray for him. 3. What if Jesus had disowned them? Or worse still, what if he’d suffocatedhis family with his demand for change? He didn’t. He instead gave them space, time, & grace(Title). And because he did, they changed. How much did they change? 5 a) 1 brother became an apostle (Gal.1:19)& others became missionaries (1 Cor.9:5). K. Jesus wasn’tsevering family ties. 1. On the cross he was very concerned about His mother. 2. Later, His ½ brother James would be the leaderin the Jerusalemchurch. His ½ brother Jude would write his book. 3. He meant, there is a deeper kinship than flesh & blood, a spiritual kinship which is characterizedby obedience to the Father. a) Of course obedience doesn’t originate relationship w/God (faith does that) but obedience is a signof it. (Kent Hughes) 4. Jesus describes the New family, which is far superior to the human family… for it lasts longer (eternal); it’s stronger;it’s more satisfying. a) The highest relationships of life are spiritual, not physical. b) You’ve witnessedthis. You meet someone, youfind out they are born-again. You talk about Christ, ministry, His love. And you sense that warm wonderful feeling of family. c) Do you have more in common with your spiritual family than w/your earthly family? 5. Will you humble yourself and come and sit as Jesus feet? a) Isn’t that a whole lot better than,“try harder; do more; stop that; you don’t measure up; do it better.” b) Isn’t it a whole lot better to hear, “Believe in Jesus Christ; just sit at His feet; learn of Him; take Him for who He is; acceptHis ministry…& you will become an Insider.” (1) Picture Jesus saying
  • 51. this adage, “One door& only one, yet its sides are two; I am on the Inside on which side are you?” JIM BOMKAMP VS 12:46-50 -“46 While He was still speaking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers were standing outside, seeking to speak to Him. 47 And someone saidto Him, “Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside seeking to speak to You.” 48 But He answeredthe one who was telling Him and said, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” 49 And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, “Behold, My mother and My brothers! 50 “Forwhoeverdoes the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sisterand mother”” - Jesus reveals here whom He considers to be His true family 8.1. We know from the scriptures that Jesus’brothers were unbelieving until after He had risen from the dead, and it appears that what Jesus’mother and brothers are attempting to do here is to take Him back home since it appearedto them that He had really kind of gone off too far, and, that if He didn’t tone down His preaching some the religious leaders would find a way to take His life 8.2. Jesus had greatrespectand love for His mothers and brothers, and the point of this teaching is not to saythat He didn’t love and respectthem, rather it is just for Him to communicate whom He really consideredto be His closestfamily, ‘whoeverdoes the will of My Father who is in heaven’ 8.2.1. We know that Jesus loved His mother deeply for we see His love and concernfor her when He hung on the cross and His thoughts were upon His
  • 52. mother and that she be well takencare of , and thus He askedthe apostle John to take her into his house and care for her 8.2.2. Jesus considersus a mother, brother, or a sister if we are a personlike Himself who seeksto do the will of God in our life blessing it is as a disciple of Christ to be thought of as Jesus’ most intimate family, to be His brother, sister, or mother 8.2.3. It is interesting to me that Catholics canread passagessuchas this and yet still desire to worship Mary a faithful saint and had an incredible blessing in being designatedby God to be the mother of our Lord. However, scripture records her imperfections also, as well as the factthat she was no different than any other saint who has tried to walk close to the Lord’words towardMary here are a rebuke for her, as well as His brothers, for their motives are surely wrong in approaching Him at this time that the scripture tells us that Jesus’brothers didn’t believe in Him until after His resurrection JOHN BROADUS Matthew 12:48. Jesus and his mother. (1) Trained by her, Luke 2:40. (2) Subject to her, (Luke 2:51) (3) Gently rebuking her—(a)Luke 2:49; (b) John 2:4; (c) Matthew 12:48. (4) Providing for her, John 19:26 f. (5) Loving all true Christians even more than he loved her, Matthew 13:50. Edersheim: "Forhad he not entered into earthly kinship solelyfor the sake ofthe higher spiritual relationship which he was about to found? Thus it was not that Christ let lightly by his mother, but that he confounded not the means with the end, nor yet surrendered the spirit for the letter of the law of love." Bengel:"He does not contemn the mother, but he puts the Father first." Chrys.: "If she is
  • 53. nothing profited by being his mother, were it not for piety in her, hardly will any one else be saved by his kindred. For there is one only nobleness, to do the will of God. This kind of noble birth is better than the other, and more real." RICH CATHERS 46-50 Jesus’true family :46 While He was still talking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers stoodoutside, seeking to speak with Him. John tells us (John 7:5 NKJV) For even His brothers did not believe in Him. We know that after the resurrection, James and Jude did come to believe, but at this point they don’t believe. Mark tells us a little bit more… (Mark 3:20-22 NLT) When Jesus returned to the house where he was staying, the crowds beganto gatheragain, and soonhe and his disciples couldn't even find time to eat. {21} When his family heard what was happening, they tried to take him home with them. "He's out of his mind," they said. {22} But the teachers ofreligious law who had arrived from Jerusalemsaid, "He's possessedby Satan, the prince of demons. That's where he gets the power to castout demons." For the most part, Jesus’family thought He was crazy. :47 Then one said to Him, "Look, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with You." There is no mention of Jesus’father, Joseph. One possibility is that Josephis dead by this time in Jesus’life.
  • 54. :48 But He answeredand said to the one who told Him, "Who is My mother and who are My brothers?" :49 And He stretchedout His hand towardHis disciples and said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! :50 "Forwhoeverdoes the will of My Fatherin heavenis My brother and sisterand mother." Two observations: 1. If you are a Christian, you are closerto Jesus than His own earthly family was at that time. Some people have this notion that if they really need something from God, they can pray to Mary and since she’s closer to Jesus than any of us, she can get our prayers answered. The truth is, if you are a believer in Jesus, you’re just as close as Mary. I guess you could tell your Catholic friends that if they don’t want to bother Mary, they could ask you to pray for them… Betteryet, share with them about having faith in Jesus, and they canpray for themselves as well. 2. It’s really important that we do the will of God. It’s God’s will that we believe in Jesus. It’s God’s will that we do what He commands. Condemnation of the Enemies of the Kingdom, Part 6: Whoeverdoes the will of my Father
  • 55. Series:Matthew Sermon by J. Ligon Duncan on Apr 19, 1998 Matthew 12:46-50 Play Mute Loaded: 0% Progress:0% Remaining Time -0:00 DownloadAudio Print If you have your Bibles, I’d invite you to turn with me to Matthew chapter 12. Throughout this chapter the Lord Jesus'characteris contrastedwith the characterof the Pharisees. In eachsuccessiveeventthat is recorded, we see what is in Jesus'heart revealedby His words and actions, and conversely, we see what is in the hearts of the Pharisees by their words and actions. And especiallythe blasphemous response to the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, which we saw earlier. And as if recognizing that His disciples were in need of some encouragementin light of these events, at the very end of this chapter the Lord Jesus hands out a tender and loving expressionof encouragement and comfort to all those who are His disciples. And that's what we are going to study togethernow. Look with me then at Matthew chapter 12 beginning in verse 46 to the end of the chapter. Hear God's holy word.