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The following messages were preached to audiences where a good number of the people 
were non-Christians, and they brought many forward to receive Christ as their Savior. I am 
making them available for people to use to communicate the Gospel to those they know 
and love who have not gotten the message of this good news. May God bless you as you 
seek to touch somone with these messages. 
A. YOU CAN COME IF YOU WILL Based on John 5:25-46 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
A little boy quietly opened the door to the dentist's office and spoke to the receptionist 
at her desk. "My mother told me to see the dentist about my bad teeth." "Sorry," the 
receptionist responded, "But the dentist is out just now." The boy sighed in relief and 
asked hopefully, "When will he be out again?" Sometimes we just don't want the help we 
most need, because we fear the cure is worst than the disease. Our fear is usually based 
on ignorance. It is like the child who will not try something new because they don't like it. 
But how can they know they don't like it if they never try it? You can argue with them, 
and present all kinds of evidence that it is good, but they stubbornly refuse. 
It is not just children who practice this kind of stubbornness. Our text reveals Jesus 
dealing with the adults of His day on this same level. Jesus came to give them life, and 
they wouldn't even take it. The evidence that they could give them life was enormous. 
John the Baptist had come before Him, and witnessed of His coming, but they rejected 
John's testimony. Jesus came with a powerful display of love and grace. He healed the 
lepers, and the blind were made to see. The lame walked, the deaf were made to hear, 
and the dregs of society were changed and began to follow Him and get their lives 
together. Yet, with all of this evidence, they were not jumping on the bandwagon at all. 
In fact, they were trying to stop the wagon from rolling. 
Jesus said to them that they have all the evidence needed, and that even Moses 
referred to Him, but still they would not come and receive life. In this text we see the 
amazing folly of man. There is no question about it, man is his own worst enemy. The 
problem of history is not God, but man. God has made provision for life. No matter how 
rotten life can get, God has a solution, and that is why He sent His Son into the world. God 
is determined that sin and death will not have the last word. Life is God's goal, even 
though many will not take this gift. It would be understandable if God had made His plan 
so complicated that it would take a lawyer to figure it out. But the message of Jesus was 
so simple, even a child could grasp it easily. Come to me is the message of Jesus. The 
children understood it and came. That is all Jesus required, that people come to Him. 
If you want what Wards has to offer, you have to come to Wards to get it. If you want 
what the Diary Queen has to offer, you have to come to the Dairy Queen. The point is, 
Jesus has something to offer also, and the only way you can get what He offers is to come 
to Him and get it. You can't just come to church and get it. You can't just come to a 
service and get it. You can't just come to a preacher and get it. All of these can bring you 
to where you hear the offer of Christ, but only by coming to Him can you get life, and life 
You can even read the Bible and pray, two of the best things you can do, but that will 
not give you life. If you come to my church, or come to my house, or come to my office, 
and you do not see me, you have not come to me. Christ is a person, and only when you 
come to Him as a person can you receive life. The good news is, you can come to Jesus 
and receive life because He died for you, and wants you to have what He purchased by His 
death on the cross, which is the right to eternal life. If you don't come and receive His gift 
of eternal life, there is only one reason for it, you will not come.
I can eat liver if I want to, but I don't want to, so I don't. There are all kinds of people 
who hear the Gospel and can come to Christ if they want to, but they don't want to, so they 
don't. Jesus hates it when people will not come to Him. He wept over Jerusalem, for He 
said, "I would, but you would not." They had to suffer the judgment and wrath of God 
because they just would not come to Jesus. Jesus wept over the rich young ruler, for He 
could have come to Jesus, but He would not. It is one of the saddest facts of life that men 
can choose to reject God's best, but God will not rob man of this highest freedom. 
Jesus did not say, you cannot come, but, you will not come. The reason you do not 
receive life is because you refuse to receive it. You could if you would, but you don't 
because you won't. The problem is man's will. Anyone who hears the offer of the Gospel 
can come, for God gives everyone the power to say yes to Christ. No man can say I am to 
bad, or I have sinned away my hope, or I have blown it too often, so I cannot come. The 
problem is not that you can't, but that you won't, said Jesus. No man will ever be able to 
raise his fist in hell, and cry out to God, you didn't give me a fair chance. I couldn't get in 
on life, and it is your fault I am here. Not so, for if a man is lost it is his own choice, for 
Jesus died for all sin, and if a man refuses to come to Christ for forgiveness, that is not 
God's choice, but his choice. 
Where there is a will there is a way, and anyone who wills to come to Jesus can come. 
God will not force you to come. He opens the door and invites you to come, but He will 
not push you against your will. You must choose to come. If I ran a restaurant and was 
trying to get more people to come and try my food by giving out coupons, I don't force 
them on people. Imagine me handing a coupon to a man on the street, and he says no 
thanks, and refuses it. I may ask why, and he may tell me he never eats out, and he hates 
to eat out. Wouldn't I be foolish to try and force him to take my coupon? What if I ran after 
him and slipped one in his back pocket? That would be nonsense. A gift is only of value 
to one who wants it. God has the greatest gift for man, but He does not force it on us. We 
must choose to take it. We must choose to come. 
The offer is free, and you don't even need a coupon. The rich have no advantage over 
the poor in getting what Christ has to offer. He offers life, and meets the craving for 
meaning, and it is free to all who will come. All you need to come to God is your sense of 
need for what He offers. Are you thirsty? Come to the Water of life. Are you hungry? 
Come to the Bread of life. 
Delay not, delay not, O sinner draw near, 
The waters of life are now flowing for thee. 
No price is demanded, the Savior is here, 
Redemption is purchased, salvation is free. 
A minister and a atheistic barber were once walking through the city slums. Said the 
barber to the preacher: "This is why I cannot believe in a God of love. If God was as kind 
as you say, He would not permit all this poverty, disease and squalor. He would not allow 
these poor bums to be addicted to dope and other character-destroying habits. No, I 
cannot believe in a God who permits these things." The minister was silent until they met 
a man who was especially unkempt and filthy. His hair was hanging down his neck, and 
he had a half-inch of stubble on his face. Said the minister: "You can't be a very good 
barber or you wouldn't permit a man like that to continue living in this neighborhood 
without a haircut or a shave." 
Indignantly the barber answered: "Why blame me for that man's condition? I can't help 
it that he is like that. He has never given me a chance to help him. If he would only come 
to my shop, I could fix him up and make him look like a gentleman!" Giving the barber a 
penetrating look, the minister said: "Then don't blame God for allowing these people to
continue in their evil ways, when He is constantly inviting them to come and be saved. 
The reason these people are slaves to sin and evil habits is that they refuse the One who 
died to save and deliver them." The barber saw the point. The invitation to come 
can be rejected, and so man can choose not to come. But he can also choose to come, 
and when he does he will receive God's greatest gift in Christ. The greatest choice any 
man can make in relationship to Christ is to come. 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
God spoke in our text through Isaiah to a very weak and wicked people. They have 
rebelled against God, and treated him like dirt. They have disobeyed His commandments; 
they have spurned His love, and have rejected His leading. They deserve nothing but 
God's wrath, but instead, God says, "Come now let's reason together." He is saying, there 
is still a way out of this mess. You do not have to remain in the rut of your sin. You can be 
forgiven and cleansed, and have a new start in life that will lead to success. 
In verse 19 God says, if you are willing and obedient, you will be blessed, and eat the 
good of the land, but in verse 20 He says, if you refuse and rebel you will be destroyed. 
God is always the same in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and also, 
today. He is a God of grace who gives man a choice. He always deals fairly with man, 
even when they are not fair with Him. He always gives them a chance to determine their 
destiny. God says to every man in every situation, "Come now, let's work out this 
problem, and get on the right track." 
God is not willing that any shall perish. He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. 
If any man dies lost, it is not because God willed it, but because that man refused to listen 
to God's invitation, "Come now." The call of God to all men is, "Come." It does not make 
any difference if you are the worse rebel that ever walked on this planet. It does not make 
any difference if you have broken every commandment God ever gave. It does not make 
any difference if you are so rotten to the core that you even hate yourself. God says come, 
let's get together and work this out so you can be forgiven and cleansed. 
No matter how bad your sin, or how black it is, it can be made white as snow. You can 
be so clearly guilty that its like blood all over your hands and face, but if you will come, 
God can make you clean, and give you a fresh start. Thank God there is a way for the 
worst to be saved. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin. It is not just for the moderate 
sinner that this invitation is given, but for the worst and most radical. Nobody is left out. 
God's invitation goes to all men, come now. 
What a marvelous opportunity. You could not receive a greater invitation than this, 
even if you were invited to the White House, or to a royal wedding in England. Here is life's 
greatest invitation, and its not given just to some exclusive set, like the rich, the noble, the 
upper class. The best invitation, and most valuable in history, is offered to the least and 
the lowest, as well as the highest. Everyone has the invitation to come to God, 
and get a fresh clean start in life. You can receive it or reject it; you can respond or ignore 
it, but you cannot escape it. You are involved whether you like it or not. Even if you do 
nothing you are making a choice. You are choosing to miss God's best. 
A man was telling his two buddies why he was so fed up. He said, "These three guys 
jumped out of an alley and knocked me to the sidewalk. One took my billfold, and another 
pounded me in the stomach while the other one kicked my ribs." "What did you do?" 
asked one of his friends. "Nothing," he responded, "I didn't want to get involved." It is
obvious that he could not escape being involved when something so radical was 
happening to him. So it is with the Gospel and God's plan to save all people in Jesus 
Christ. You cannot not be involved. Jesus died for your sins, and paid the ultimate price, 
and bore the pain of your judgment, because He loved you. He now stands ready to 
receive you and save you from sin, death, and hell. All that He did directly involves you. 
There is no escape, for you are involved, like it or not. You have to do something about 
this invitation to come. You can't do nothing, for doing nothing is a major decision. It is 
doing that which loses you the best gift ever offered. 
This is like being in a building they are going to blow up. They call out and ask if 
anyone is in the building, and announce that they must come out now for in 5 minutes the 
dynamite goes off. You can say, I'm not going to make a decision on this matter, and sit 
in your closet. But you cannot avoid making a decision, for that is a decision. You have 
decided to be blown up. Doing nothing is not nothing, it is a decision. 
Spurgeon said, "The cry of the Christian religion is the simple word, come." Jesus was 
always saying come unto me and I will give you rest. The Bible is loaded with invitations 
to all men, and whosoever will may come. It is not a matter of how you feel. You may feel 
helpless and hopeless, with a heart that will not respond. 
My heart, how dreadful hard it is, 
How heavy here it lies, 
Heavy and cold within my breast, 
Just like a rock of ice. 
It makes no difference if you will come. Coming is what counts, and all can come. 
When God says you can come, there is nothing in heaven or on earth that can stop the 
man who wants to come. Satan will fill the mind with fears and doubts. He will tell you it 
is hopeless, and that you are not worthy. It is true, but you can come nevertheless. If you 
come with all of your fears and doubts, God will receive you. God never says depart to 
anyone, until He first says come. All have a chance to come and be forgiven, and only 
when they don't come will they stand judged. God is never to blame for anyone being lost. 
He has done everything possible to prevent it. 
When you come to God, you do not come with excuses, or with false views of your sin. 
You do not try to justify your sin. It doesn't make any difference how scarlet your sin is, 
for God promises to make it white as snow. You sin is probably far worse than you can 
imagine to a holy God. You cannot exaggerate your sin. Those who pretend they are too 
awful to be saved are being foolish. God's invitation is to come as you are, even if you are 
scarlet and blood red with sin. God delights in cleansing the worst, and making them new 
creatures in Christ. 
Zaccheaus, that little scoundrel so hated and despised as a tax collector, came to 
Jesus. He was rejected by his own people as a traitor. He became all the corrupt for being 
hated, and so he over taxed people and became a criminal. He messed up his life with God 
and man. But then he came to Jesus, and his life was changed. He got back into favor 
with God and man. He became such a hero of the faith that children everywhere sing 
about him, because he responded to God's invitation to come and be cleansed. One of the 
saddest verses in the Bible is John 5:40 where Jesus said, "You will not come to me, that 
you might have life." The sadness is not that people can't come, but that they won't come. 
People are only lost for one reason, they will not come. People are saved for one reason, 
they come. Come to Jesus, and be a child of God forever.
C. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO GO HOME Based Luke 15:11-24 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
Did you ever run away from home? I did once, and sat out in a field, and nobody came 
after me. Life gets boring fast alone in a field of weeds, and I was getting hungry so I 
decided to go home, and that is how most people get home. How did the Prodigal son 
ever get back home? The father did not send a wagon to pick him up. The elder brother 
did not ride a horse to the farm, and offer him a lift. The neighbors did not send him a 
ticket for the camel caravan to bring him back. Nobody did anything to get him home. He 
simply said, "I will arise and go home." He got home by choosing to go home. 
That is the way you get anywhere. It is by choice. He did not get home by hoping he 
would some day get there. He didn't wish himself home. He may have wised he was, and 
in fact, we know he did wish he was home, and not feeding those foul pigs. He longed for 
home, but his longing, wishing, and hoping did not get him home. He could have died an 
old man in the pigs slop, and never gotten home if all he had going for him was hoping, 
longing, and wishing. 
There are so many things that just won't get you home, but there is one thing that will 
always get you home, and that is choosing to go home. He chose to get up, and he chose 
to start walking, and he chose to continue walking, and he chose to walk all the way home. 
There was no other way. He was the one who chose to leave home. Nobody booted him 
out, or locked the door after he left. It was his choice that took him to the far country, 
and when he got there, it was his choice to blow his inheritance on wine women and song. 
People are pretty much what they choose to be, and they do pretty much what they chose 
to do. 
Not everything is a matter of choice, of course. Many things are beyond the control of 
our choices. I read of a young man who sold books from house to house one summer. He 
was lame and walked with great difficulty. It was not his choice to be a crippled, but this 
affliction was thrust upon him. At one home the woman of the house said to him, "Doesn't 
being lame color your life?" "Yes," he said, "It does, but thank God I can choose the 
color." He was right, for he did not choose the lameness, but he could still choose how to 
react to it, and he did. He chose the bright color, and not the gloomy dark color. He chose 
to get up and out, and use his body rather than sit and gripe and moan that it was not 
perfect. His choice made him optimistic, rather than pessimistic. We are all pretty much 
what we choose to be. 
The Prodigal chose to be a fast living high spending swinger, who attracted all of the 
people who enjoy seeing a fool and his money part company. You can only choose to be 
foolish like this for so long, however, for it takes money to be a fool with money. When he 
squandered it, he was no longer fun to be with, nor free to be a fool. He suddenly became 
very conservative, and instead of eating at the swankiest place in town, he started eating 
at the stinkiest place in town, or rather, outside of town at the pig ranch. He did not like 
this choice, but without resources you do not have the options available to the man with 
money. The freedom to chose becomes more and more limited by the loss of resources, 
and so he was finally reduced to the level of the swine. 
People who make bad choices in life always lose their freedom. The more bad choices 
they make, the fewer choices of any kind they can make. Their bad choices rob them of 
their options. When the Prodigal left home he had a vast world of choices. He could have 
gone any one of dozens of different directions. But he chose to go the way of eat drink 
and be merry, for tomorrow we die. The problem is we don't die tomorrow, but instead we 
live with the consequences of our eating, drinking, and being merry. He was reduced to 
one choice-eat pig food or become worm food. Not quit the wide open field of choices he 
had at the start.
Why was his life such a mess? Was it because of his poor family life? Was it because 
he was not potty trained right? Was it his environment, or the things he read as a boy? 
Was it friends who influenced him? All of these things may have played some role in his 
life, but the facts are clear, he was there because of his own choices. Sure, he was used, 
and people took advantage of him, and he got some rotten breaks, but the real culprit 
behind it all was his wrong choices. Many have made wrong choices, and they have been 
costly, and many have ended up like the Prodigal. But the good news is, even if this has 
happened to you, you still have a choice. 
A famous painting shows the devil playing chess with a young man. The devil has 
checkmated the man's queen. On his face is a look of defeat and despair. He has made 
too many bad choices, and now he is trapped without hope. Paul Murphy, the chess 
genius, once stood looking at that painting. He studied it carefully, and suddenly his face 
lit up. He shouted out at the man in the painting, "Don't give up, you still have a move!" 
He had spotted a way out, and that is the good news of the Gospel. God has provided one 
more move for those in the most hopeless situations. He gives us a choice. We can chose 
to surrender to Christ and have our paths blotted out, and start life anew as a child of God. 
The choice is there. The choice is yours. You can choose to go home. 
D. GETTING IN Based on Rev. 3:20 and 21:23-27 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
Everybody wants to get in on the action. Back in 1982 a crowd began to form one 
Monday afternoon in December at the River Front Coliseum in Cincinnati. By the time the 
police arrived at 3:00 P.M., hundreds of fans had gathered at the doors, even though they 
would not open until 7:00 P.M. The rock group called The Who was to play a concert, and 
masses of people wanted in. By early evening 8 thousand people were pressing against 
the doors. The crowd became restless, and somebody broke out a glass and opened a 
door. The mob surged forward. The police could not stop it, and those who lost their 
footing were as helpless as if they were in a cattle stampede. After the crowd had passed 
in, 11 people were left dead, and 8 severely injured. That is just how badly people want to 
get in some places. It is as if their life depended upon getting in. 
It is important to people to get in. They wait in lines all the time to get into a favorite 
restaurant, or into a movie, or some sporting event. They wait to get into a store, a doctor, 
or into a line of traffic that is moving. Nobody wants to be left out, and everybody wants to 
get in somewhere. It can be very embarrassing to be shut out, or to even get just half way 
in. A young man in Philadelphia was attempting to get into a store at night to rob it. He 
removed two bolts from the security bars of a window, and began to crawl in. One of the 
bars came crashing down, and he was trapped. Half of his body was inside the store, and 
half was dangling outside. It was a real dilemma. He could hang there, or call for help. 
After a long struggle, he decided to call the emergency 911 number on a phone he could 
just barely reach. He was terribly embarrassed when the police arrived. He confessed it 
was his first burglary, and he just couldn't make it in. 
It is hard not to be in the in-crowd. That is what the American dream is all about-get in 
with the best crowd. Get in on the real estate bonanza. Get in on the life style of the rich 
and famous. We are bombarded by all the media with the message-come with us, follow 
us, and we will lead the way to get you in. The theme of politics is, getting in. After all, 
what good are the best candidates in the world if they can't get into office. You have to get
in to have power, and so the name of the game is getting in. Every student has to be 
concerned about getting into college, and then getting into the right program, and then 
doing well enough to get into the profession he is aiming for. Life is just one struggle after 
another to get in. 
The refugees of the world are struggling to get in on the affluence of the West. So many 
cross the borders from Mexico and Central America to get into the U. S. Masses are 
planning, plotting, and carrying out those plans to get into this country, legally or illegally, 
because the goal of their life revolves around getting in. God understand this quest of 
man to get in, for that is God's goal for man also. God wants to get him into that which 
fulfills all of his dreams, hopes, and desires. The goal of God is to get men into the 
kingdom of God. The goal of Jesus is to get into the lives of men. He said, "Behold, I 
stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door I will come 
in." Jesus wants in, because He wants to bring people into His Father's kingdom. This is 
the highest goal that man can achieve, the letting of Jesus in so they can get in where the 
whole purpose of life is fulfilled. Getting into God's family, and getting into heaven is 
where it is at. It is getting in where God wants us to get in. 
So often we hear stories about dying and coming to the golden gate and dickering with 
Peter whether we should be allowed in or not. This would be a tragic mistake to wait until 
you die to find out if you can get in. The Bible says it is too late then, and if you die before 
you know the way in, you are out forever. That is the hell of missing heaven. It is to be out 
with no hope of getting in, and that is our destiny to get in. To get in anywhere you have 
to go through the door. There is only one door to God, heaven, and into the family of God, 
and that door is Jesus. He said, "I am the Door." He also said, "I am the Way the Truth 
and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me." There is only one way in. 
There is no possible way to break in by some other door, for there is no other door. The 
revelation of God is clear, Jesus is the Way, and the only Way. 
Some people wait until they have a crisis in their life to come to Christ. We see it even 
in the Bible. The thief on the cross was near death when he turned to Christ, and asked to 
be remembered when Jesus came into His kingdom. Jesus said He would be with him in 
paradise, and so he got in just at the last moment. The Philippian jailer thought his 
prisoners had escaped and he would be killed for allowing it, and so he was about to kill 
himself. Paul intervened and showed that the prisoners were all there. The jailer said, 
"What must I do to be saved?" In other words, how can I get in on what you men have? 
And Paul said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." He was so 
near suicide, and being shut out of God's kingdom forever, but in the crisis he believed in 
Jesus, and he made it in. 
Richard Hillary was one of those spit fire pilots in World War II that Churchill was 
talking about when he said, "Never was so much owed to so few." He was shot down, and 
parachuted into the English Channel, and was so badly burned he wanted to die. He 
thought about the stupidity of war, and wondered what the purpose of life was all about. 
His mind was forced to think of God as the only reality that could make sense of life, and 
he found peace as he surrendered to God. He was miraculously found and rescued. He 
made it back into life, but more important for him, he made it into the kingdom of God. His 
name was written down in God's book as a child of the King, a member of the family of the 
redeemed. We all need to ask ourselves- 
Is my name written there, 
On the page bright and fair? 
In the book of God's kingdom, 
Is my name written there? 
Will you make it in? That is the question of all areas of life, and most important, it is the
question of eternal life. Will you make it into that kingdom where sin, sorrow, death, and 
folly will be no more? You don't have to wait for a crisis. In fact, that is very risky, 
for people do not get in automatically just because they have a crisis. The best time to get 
into the kingdom is always right now, for now is always the day of salvation. The greatest 
question of life is, how do we get into heaven, and into the family of God? Jesus says you 
get in by giving in. You open your life to Him, and let Him in. You listen for that knock He 
makes on the door of your heart when the good news of the Gospel is preached. You stop 
trying to be your own saviour and surrender to Him. He wants in because only as He gets 
in, can He get you in. You let Him in, and He lets you in. 
To be born is to get into this world. To be born again is to get into the world to come, 
which has already begun. To be saved is to taste of the world to come. The greatest 
mistake of life is to miss the chance to get in on God's best. The greatest wisdom of life is 
to grab at the chance to get in on God's best. Jesus holds the pen that can write your 
name in the book of life, and He holds the key that can let you in to the house of God. 
Even people who think they want out, really want in. Albert Camus wrote The Plague. 
It is about the town of Oran where the rats began to come out of dark places to die in the 
streets, and then people began to die the same way. People were dying so fast they were 
hauling them to the dumps. The town was quarantined, and nobody could get in or out. 
Dr. Bernard Rieux was the town doctor, and it never occurred to him to get out. He was so 
busy caring for people. A journalist, named Raymond Rambert, was caught in Oran, but he 
wanted out desperately. But there was no escape, and so he went on the daily rounds with 
Dr. Rieux. He was trying to save some of the people, and especially children, so Raymond 
pitched in and did what he could. 
One day a person smuggler offered Rambert a chance to get out for a price, but he 
decided to stay. Why stay asked the doctor? You have a right to get out and be happy. 
Rambert explained that he was happy there, for he no longer felt like a stranger, but he felt 
like he belonged. The point of the story is, you can be happy even in a plague infested 
world if you know you belong, for that feeling of being in on the family is what life is all 
about. Life can be hell, but if you know you are in the family of God, and you belong to the 
only family that will live together forever, you can have peace and be happy even in this 
plague infested life. All people are in two classes: The whosoever wills, and the 
whosoever won'ts. The whosoever wills receive Christ as their Savior, and they get the 
greatest gift man can receive. They receive the gift of getting in, and getting in forever. 
E. WILL YOUR NAME LAST FOREVER Based on Luke 10:17-20 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
It took many years of hard labor for Gutzon Borglum to blast and crave away the rock to 
produce the faces of the four presidents on Mt. Rushmore. He died a short time after the 
work was completed in 1941. He was interviewed before he died, and was asked why it 
took so long. He said the monument would be there for all time, and he wanted to be 
exact. Geologist figure it will erode and inch in one hundred thousand years. He said, 
"You see my name is on that monument just as surely as the face of the four presidents." 
His name is written in rock, and will likely last for all time. We like our names to last, 
and that is why we like to get them written in unusual places. Climb almost any mountain 
or high hill, and you will discover rocks where you have names written or carved by those 
who were there before you. On the edge of trestles and bridges, where there is danger to 
do so, people climb to inscribe their name. Some prefer to carve them in desks at school,
or other public property. Others prefer nature, and carve their names into trees and stubs. 
Others try to find soft cement, and get their name locked in before it hardens. 
One way or another, almost everyone gets their name written somewhere, because they 
feel there name is important, and it is. Your name is a very important part of your identity. 
Businesses know that, and so they have designed computers to send you letters with 
your name, and not just general letters to everyone as dear customer, or occupant. We 
like to see our name in print, and so they use this to appeal to our love for our own name. 
From birth to death our name is important. Our name goes on to our birth certificate 
before we leave the hospital, and it goes on our death certificate before we are buried, and 
in between our name is a basic part of our life. It is on our school records, doctor records, 
employment records, bank records, and tax records. 
All of us have experienced the power of signing our name. You have put your name on 
a little piece of paper, and the bank gives you money for it. You name gives you rights and 
ownership. I read of an old veteran who got his check from the government, and said to a 
friend, "See, there is the name of the treasurer of the United States, big man, but this thing 
is no good till I put my name on it." Every persons name is important, and where it is 
written is important. Jesus even told His disciples that the real key to happiness is in 
knowing that your name is written in heaven. They were excited about miracles, and the 
power they had to cast out demons, but Jesus said they should not make this the 
foundation of their joy, for true and lasting joy is to be in fact that your name is written in 
In a very real sense Jesus is saying, the greatest goal of life is to get your name in the 
proper place, and that place is in the book where God records the names of all His 
children. It might be enjoyable to see your name in the paper, but the next day it is 
garbage. It may be a blast to see your name up in lights, but those lights soon dim and 
your name is forgotten. Even if you get your name in rock, and it lasts till the end of time, 
it will be wiped out, for the Bible says the very elements will melt with fervent heat when 
the world ends. All the names on rocks, steel, and even the pyramids will gone for good. 
Only those written in the Lamb's Book Of Life will have names that endure forever. 
Jesus knew that in the battle with the forces of evil His disciples would not always 
escape injury and death, as they did this time. Many of them would be killed, and evil men 
like Herod and Nero would take their lives, and eliminate their names from the records of 
history. They would pay a heavy price to follow the name of Jesus, but He is saying to 
them, that which is permanent, and which will never be taken away from you is your name 
in heaven. Evil men cannot reach the records of heaven, and no weapon of time has the 
power to erase your name in heaven. Once you put your name there, by putting your trust 
in Christ as your Savior, and following Him as Lord, you have arrived at the peak of human 
exaltation, for no matter who you are in time, you will be somebody in eternity. You will be 
somebody special to God forever, and your name will be known in the family of God 
throughout endless ages. 
Nothing is more important than having your name written in heaven. It is worth any 
price to get it there, but because of Christ, it is free to those who trust Him. Men have paid 
a heavy price to have their name written on the record of history. Those 56 American 
leaders who signed the Declaration of Independence paid a price to put their names on 
that document. We say, put our John Hancock on this when we ask people to sign 
something, because John Hancock wrote his name larger than anyone else who signed the 
Declaration. He wanted the king of England to be able to see his name even without his 
glasses. The king saw it, and all of the others as well, and they became prime targets. 
Five of them were captured by the British and tortured before they died. 12 others had 
their homes looted or burned. 9 of them died fighting the war. They were all rich men who
lived in luxury, but they risk it all by putting their names on that piece of paper. Thank God 
for men who will put their names down for such values as freedom. We are all blessed 
because of them. But there is still a higher place to put your name, and that is in the 
Lamb's Book of Life. The armed forces entice you to put your name on the dotted line for 
your country. Sign up and see the world. Give them your name and they will give you 
training and adventure. All of this is fine, and can change your life, but no matter how 
many places you get your name written, you cannot be truly happy until your name is 
written in heaven. 
Mary Kidder wrote the hymn, Is My Name Written There? The last stanza goes like this- 
Oh that beautiful city with its mansions of light, 
With its glorified beings in pure garments of white, 
Where no evil thing cometh to despoil what is fair, 
Where the angels are watching-yes my name's written there. 
Yes, my name's written there on the page white and fair, 
In the book of thy kingdom, yes my name's written there. 
The good news is, you don't have to be a duke, a prince or princess, or a person of 
fame and fortune, to get your name in that book of life. All you have to be is a sinner who 
knows he needs a Savior. All you have to be is a hungry man who knows he needs the 
bread of life. All you need to be is a thirsty man who knows he needs to drink of the water 
of life. All you have to be is whoever you are saying, I want to be a part of the family of 
God, and I want to yield my life to Christ, and to trust and follow Him. Whosoever will may 
come. And the Bible says they will come, for people from every tribe, tongue, and nation, 
will come, and they will sing praises to the name of Jesus forever. They were nobodies, 
and without earthly fame, but they were redeemed by the blood of the lamb, and their 
names were written in heaven. Where your name is, there you will be forever. So the 
greatest question in life is, is my name written in heaven? 
It all depends on what you do with the greatest name of all time. God has given His Son 
a name above every name. One day every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that 
He is Lord. His name is a name of power and glory. Christianity is named after Christ. 
There are all kinds of isms in the world, communism, fascism, materialism, naturalism, 
and humanism, but long after all these isms will be wasims, the name of Christ will live on, 
and Christians will also, because they bear His eternal name. The rulers of this present 
age have time and time again sought to put out the light of this name, and plunged it into 
oblivion, but they have failed to put out the light, and have themselves plunged into the pit 
of darkness. 
The name of Jesus shines, and all over this world people sing, Jesus Loves Me, 
There's No Other Name Like That Of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus There's Just Something About 
That Name, Take the Name Of Jesus With You, and Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know. 
You might just as well try to erase the sun as to try blotting out the name of Jesus. It is 
engraved in history, and in the hearts of millions to stay forever. Every time persecutors 
have tried to destroy the name of Jesus, they have magnified it. When they killed 
Christians by the thousands, the masses asked, who enables these people to die with 
such peace, and the answer was always Jesus, and so the name of Jesus spread like 
wildfire. The martyrs sang of Jesus as they died, and the very fires that burned them at the 
stake wrote the name of Jesus in the sky, and others bowed to that marvelous name. 
Communism in Russia and China used brutal methods to stamp out the name of Jesus, 
but after decades of forcing Christians underground, we now know that more people love 
and honor the name of Jesus in those lands than they did before communism came. There 
is no way you can eliminate that name. When you have quenched the sun, and dried up 
the oceans, you have not yet tackled the hardest task, for the sun can be blotted out, and 
the seas will be no more says the Bible, but the name of Jesus endures forever.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of Jesus will also live forever. Your name can be 
added to the Book Of Life today if you by faith will receive Christ as your Savior. 
Whosoever will may come. Will you? 
F. THE REBEL RETURNS Based on Luke 15:11-32 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
The main social event of the year in many Sunday Schools is the summer picnic. 
William Porkess was in an English Sunday School that was granted permission by an 
Earl to have a picnic on his large estate. How excited they all were as they were being 
carried to the estate by horse and carriage. The woods on this estate contained a million 
trees, and many were hundreds of years old. In the course of time walks had been planned 
by marking certain trees. All you had to do was follow the marks and you could walk for 
miles under a continuous canopy of leaves, and come back to where you started. It was 
pointed out very strongly the danger in not following the marks. Bill and some others 
boys were not going to bother with such warnings. They determined to do as they 
pleased, and they wandered off the path. After a time they began to sense that they did not 
know where they were. 
Their smart-alick enthusiasm cooled rapidly, and they began to feel desperation. They 
went on and on with no sense of direction most of the day. At last they came to a clearing 
and found a cottage where they got direction back to the camp. It ended happily, but as 
Bill reflected back on the experience, he saw the foolishness of his rebellion against rules. 
He lost two meals and all of the fun that had been planned, and on top of that, he never 
really came to appreciate the woods, for in their wandering they were gripped with fear, 
and could not enjoy the beauty of it. He learned a lesson he never forgot. If you wander 
anywhere in your life according to your own will, and rebel against the path established by 
those who know the way, you are bound to get lost. 
We want to look at the story Jesus told about another youth who learned this lesson the 
hard way. It is often called the parable of the Prodigal Son, but it could just as rightly be 
called the parable of the Faithful Father. Whatever you call it, it is the pearl of the 
parables. It is the most widely known short story in the world. It's message is so simple 
that it needs no comment to make it clear. We want to look at each of the three main 
characters of the story to see if we can get some insight into our own personalities, and 
that of God. Both sons made major mistakes, and so the father is the only hero in the 
story, but we want to look first at- 
I. THE PRODIGAL SON. The first thing to see about him is- 
A. His Rebellion in verses 12 and 13. 
Here is a typical young man in any age. He is not necessarily disrespectful of his 
father, but he had desires he wanted to gratify, and to do so he had to get away from dad. 
Dad is all right, but he has lived his life, and now all he wants to do is hand out rules. I'm 
old enough to make my own rules, and I'm getting out of here. So he gets this things 
together and goes to a far country. It is no good just going into town, for that is too near 
father to be free. He wanted real freedom, and so he went far. There he wasted his 
substance in riotous living. 
He soon learned how deceptive liberty is without law. He lived high off the hog for a 
while, but ended up eating with the hog. What he thought to be freedom became slavery.
All he wanted was to be free. He did not want to destroy his life and disgrace his family. 
No one sets out to wreck his life. No train leaves the station with a plan to derail; no plane 
takes off with the design to crash; no young man goes off to a far country to fling himself 
into famine and filth, but that is what happens when he goes with a misconception of 
freedom. He thinks freedom is having his own way, and doing just as he pleases. He has 
to learn the hard way that true freedom comes by being obedient to law. 
I can walk over to the piano and do just as I please. I am not bound by any rules. There 
are no limitations to the way in which I can bang on the keys. Yet, with all my so-called 
freedom I am a slave to discord. I can not make pleasant sound because my complete 
freedom is based on complete ignorance of the laws of music. My freedom is really a 
form of slavery to my ignorance. I can only be really free to produce music by learning to 
obey the laws of music. Liberty without law is folly, and that is what the Prodigal 
On the other hand, the one who has his freedom limited by rules, and cannot just hit 
anywhere, in any order, is the one who is free to produce harmony. The secret of freedom 
is in obedience to law, and not in rebellion against law. One of the responsibilities of 
parenthood is to teach this to their children, so they don't have to learn it the hard way 
As I said before, no one wants to wreck their life and hurt others, but in order to have 
their own way, they are willing to do so. The youth who drinks and then drives like a wild 
man, does not want to kill himself for others, but he is willing to take that chance so he can 
do what he pleases, and he thinks that is freedom. Freedom is only real when it means 
living according to the laws of God. So many young people think the far country is the 
goal of life. They have a space-age mentality, but a stone-age morality. Their desire for 
pleasure soars across the sky like a rocket, while the desire to please God, or anyone else 
for that matter, drags across the ground like a wounded turtle. The result is, they pay any 
price for pleasure, and if they live they often end up in a asylums and prisons. Sometimes, 
however, they reach the bottom, like the Prodigal, and they do what he did, which we want 
to now consider. 
B. His Repentance in verses 17-20. 
The text says he came to himself. He saw the folly of his way, and was ready to admit 
he had been foolish. He saw that his foolish desire for freedom was like a fish desiring to 
be free from the water. His pleasure had to turned to poison. Sin had weakened, withered, 
and wasted him. As he sat looking at pigs he no doubt thought, these pigs are happier 
than I am. Pigs are happier than people at times, for they live according to nature, 
but man has the freedom to rebel and live contrary to the laws God made for His nature. 
The fortunate thing for this young man was that he was alone with himself and the pigs. 
Most people cannot stand to be alone with themselves, so they never come to themselves. 
Men trying to live without God need something to keep them company. They often cannot 
even enjoy nature without a transistor radio blaring. Silence is a pain, and so they must 
have sound constantly to occupy their minds. I read of a judge who sentenced a youth to 
48 hours alone in a room. He was to set there and reflect on his life. Hopefully, it brought 
him to himself, for when a man comes to himself he wants to come to God next, or at least, 
this was the experience of the Prodigal. 
Afflictions though they seem severe, 
In mercy oft are sent. 
They stop they prodigal's career, 
And cause him to repent. 
He not only was resolved to return home, but he actually arose and went. If a sinner
truly repents, he does not just turn over a new leaf, he goes to God and starts with a new 
book altogether. A man out of fellowship with God is homeless, but he does not feel his 
home sickness until he comes to himself. The Prodigal never thought of home while 
having a fun time, and spending his money. The biggest blessing he had was his poverty. 
Those who can continue indefinitely to please the flesh, and live for pleasure, often never 
get homesick, and never return. That is why Jesus said it is so hard for the rich to enter 
the kingdom. Many feel sorry for their sin, but they are too stubborn to return to the Father 
and confess. So they remain in the pig pen the rest of their lives. The proof of true 
repentance is when the feeling is followed up with action, and the sinner arises and goes 
It is agreed that he represents God, even though we cannot press every detail. We note, 
however, that there is no charge against the father. Some might say, if he was a good 
father he would not have bad boys, but that theory does not fit reality, for God is certainly 
a good Father, yet he has bad boys in his family. 
It is important to note that the rebellion is not due to the father's short comings. Some 
leave home and live in sin because they chance of winding up with the pigs is better than 
staying home. The case here is that of lack of understanding in the son. He rebels, just as 
men rebel against God, even though he is the source of all they need. Free will is a fact, 
and combined with a fallen nature, it leads to perpetual folly. The fault is in the son and 
not the father. A child raised in a home with a good father can grow up and despise all the 
father stands for. Men can do the same with God. God respects the free will He has given 
man, and will not compel them to do His will. He convicts and convinces, and when the 
sinner returns we see Him respond with compassion. 
The father is not a stubborn old man who says I will make my son crawl before I accept 
him back. The father is waiting for his son, and when he sees him afar off, he runs to him, 
and maybe out of breath, but not out of love, he kisses the son even though he must have 
looked and smelled terrible. He reveals God's attitude to the fallen sinner who wants to 
come home. The son had it all planned, and knew just what he was going to say, but the 
fact of his coming was all the father needed. We don't have to worry about the form we 
use, or what to say when we return to God. Just come as you are, and He will receive you, 
and kiss you with His saving grace. 
One of the most outstanding illustrations of how God stoops to kiss us with 
forgiveness is when the Prince of Wales was asked to visit a hospital where 36 men were 
so wounded and maimed in fighting for England they would never leave the hospital. He 
went and talked with them, but there were only 29, and he asked about the other 7. They 
explained how they were so tragically disfigured they were omitted on purpose. He 
insisted on seeing them so he could thank them for their sacrifice. Again, only 6 of the 7 
were there, for the seventh could not see. He was blind, deaf, maimed beyond the likeness 
of a man, but the Prince insisted he be taken to this man. He turned white at the sight of 
this one who could not see or hear him, but he did not move away, but slowly stooped and 
kissed his face. 
Compassion for the unlovely, the hopeless, and the lost, is what the Gospel is all about. 
It is the good news of God's love for anyone who comes to him through Jesus Christ. If 
the rebel will return, he will be received. This is love in its most sacred significance, for it 
means complete forgiveness and restoration to sonship. The Prodigal suffered the loss of 
wealth and health, and not all of his problems were solved, but he was home, and in 
fellowship with his father, who would help him overcome the results of his folly. The 
sinner returning to God is forgiven, but all of his problems are not solved. However, he 
now has a resource to meet those problems that he did not have when he was feeding the
All heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents, just as the father rejoiced over the 
rebels return. He called for the best robe. God is no advocate of plainness or drabness. 
He who made the beauty of the universe does not delight in ragged clothes and drab 
colors. It is the best robe for His own. Jesus, you recall, wore such a beautiful robe that 
the soldiers gambled for it. All will have beautiful robes in glory, and the beauty will be 
dazzling. How can what is right in heaven be wrong on earth? God is a God of joy and 
beauty. I stress this lest we think there is piety in what is dull. It is not so, but just as 
Joseph had a coat of many colors, so all God's people will have garments of beauty. 
The setting is filled with joy and merry making. There is the ring, the robe, the shoes, 
and the fatted calf. This is a kind of a hint of what heaven will be like. Verse 25 says there 
will be music and dancing. No religion is as joyful as Christianity, for it alone celebrates 
the Prodigal's return. It has spread hymn books around the world, for it is a religion of joy. 
The church has always been a singing church. When the Mayflower sets sail the Pilgrim's 
were singing the Psalms of David. Many of the martyrs died with songs of praise on their 
lips. Nothing can kill the song at the heart of the Gospel. As long as sinners repent and 
come home to God there will be singing in this world. 
Why is the father so joyful over his son's return? This is the question we must ask? 
For it made the elder brother angry. He was not happy over his brother's return. The 
elder brother could not see that the lost recovered brings even greater joy than what was 
never lost. We do not rejoice over all the children who return safely every day, as we do 
over one who is almost killed, but is spared. The child who is lost and searched for, and 
then found, gets in the papers, and the story warms many hearts. This does not mean that 
those who never get lost are not as precious. When a thing is lost you know the sorrow of 
its absence, and so greater is your joy when that sorrow is removed. The 20 dollar bill you 
lost and then found causes you more joy than the 20 you never lost. Both are worth the 
very same, but one you always had, and so it never caused you any sorrow, and, therefore, 
no occasion to rejoice. The elder brother did not see this, and he was angry. 
Many feel that the purpose of the parable was to show the Pharisees that they were like 
this elder brother, for they felt the same way about sinners who were coming home to 
Christ. In verse 30 we see his envy. He put the worst interpretation on his brother's 
actions. He had a cold and calculated view of works and reward. He felt if he did what was 
right he should get what was coming to him. He was the Pharisee who did not like to see 
Jesus fellowshiping with the publicans and sinners. They were not good and did not 
deserve to be treated like friends. His brother was bad, and so did not deserve to be 
treated with compassion. 
None of us are above this level when the flood waters of envy overflow, and cause us to 
be soaked with self-centeredness. Envy is that which makes us our own destroyer, like 
the Greek runner who envied the statue put up in honor of a rival. So at night he pulled it 
over, and it fell on him and crushed him. We need to rearrange our list of cardinal sins 
according to the standard of Christ. We often consider jealousy, anger, pride, and harsh 
judgments as false of human nature, only minor defects which we cannot help. But Jesus 
puts them on the top of the black list. Often it is in the church where there is the greatest 
deception as to what sin really is. We pick out 6 or 7 things that are outward signs of 
character, and we eliminate this acts, and then suppose we have conquered sin. Satan 
delights to have us think so for then we all the easier fall into the less obvious sins. The 
world sometimes sees what we are blind to and laughs. Some Christians give the 
impression they are righteous because they never have any fun. This was the elder 
brother who felt that he was so wonderful because he never did anything negative. This is
like a farmer who keeps all the weeds out of the fields, but never plants any seed. 
This brother refused to go in to the party. He is like the Pharisee saying, if God does 
not act like me, I'm not joining in. Either he accepts only those I feel are worthy, or I'm not 
in on any celebration. He is like a mummy, all wrapped up in himself. The story does not 
end happy altogether. The elder brother threw a wet blanket on the whole thing with his 
pride and stubbornness, and he was left out of the banquet. 
God loves all sinners and desires that all come to Him. He is a waiting Father ready to 
accept all who come in humility and brokenness. If you cannot accept those whom God 
accepts, you will not enjoy heaven anyway, and must remain outside with the elder 
brother. Thank God He is such a Father who welcomes all prodigals home. Hawthorn's 
story "Rappocini's Daughter" tells of a chemist who studied poisons. He had a garden full 
of lovely but poisonous flowers. In a fiendish experiment he exposed his beautiful 
daughter to them for years. She was so filled with poison that her own breath was deadly 
to all life. This is what happens when we are like the elder brother. We poison the 
atmosphere of even the most joyous occasions. May God help us to avoid that role and 
join the party of those who celebrate the rebel's return. 
G. THANK GOD Based on Rom. 1:18-21 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
Ed Spencer was a hero of one of the worst shipwrecks ever on Lake Michigan. He was 
studying for the ministry at the Methodist Seminary in Evanston, Ill. On the night of Sept. 
8, 1860 he was awakened by the shouts of other students in the dormitory. A shipwreck 
had taken place not far away. And excursion ship had collided with a lumber freighter, 
and 400 people were out in the cold water struggling for survival. Ed jumped up, dressed, 
and ran the 3 miles to the lake. A strong undertow discouraged many who would have 
become rescuers. But Ed was a strong swimmer, so he plunged into the chilly waters. 
The waves were high, and debris hit an cut him, but he was able to make 15 trips and save 
15 lives. 
He was resting by a fire drinking a cup of coffee when the shout came, "There are two 
more!" In spite of his exhaustion, he plunged into the surf again, and made it to a peace of 
wreckage where a man and a woman were clinging for life. He brought them in, and then 
he collapsed. 287 people drowned, and 98 survived, 17 of them because of Ed Spencer. 
He never became a minister. His body had been so severely weakened, and he became a 
invalid who lived out his days in California. As an old man he was interviewed in Los 
Angeles, and he was asked what he most remembered about the great rescue. "Only 
this," he replied, "Of the 17 people I saved, not one of them even thanked me. You would 
think people would be forever grateful, and write him notes of thanks, and even send gifts. 
Not everyone has a thankful heart. Only one out of 10 that Jesus cured of leprosy 
bothered to come back and thank Him. People can even take a miracle for granted, and 
not be thankful. Not being thankful is one of mankind's greatest sins. It shows that man is 
blind to the grace of God. To go through life and never say thank you to God is to live the 
ultimate in the cursed life. Paul says this was one of the main causes for the wrath of God 
to fall on mankind. Why have so many nations been plunged into darkness? Why do 
many people live like animals and wild beasts? Why must human creatures live like 
savages? Because they were not thankful. They took all of God's gifts, and enjoyed the 
wonders of life, and never once said thank you to God. The result is, they lost God's best, 
and, instead, had to endure His worst.
It is one of the most stupid things you can do, to go through life and never thank God. 
But you might say, what have I got to be thankful for? I'm not exactly living in the lap of 
luxury, just killing time waiting for my Rolys Royce to be fixed. I am aware life is not easy 
for many, but the fact is, there is much to be thankful for, even with all of life's trials. Even 
on the physical level there is food, shelter, and clothing available, because there are 
people who care, and why do they care? Because they are aware that Jesus cares about 
all people and all needs, and that He met the deepest needs of all men. 
Thank God for the forgiveness of sin. All are equally guilty before God, but all are 
equally free to receive pardon, and be cleansed from all sin. Dr. Cook represented 
Christianity in the worlds fair many years ago. All of the religions of the world gathered to 
share their virtues. Dr. Cook came to the platform when it was his turn, and he told the 
story of Lady MacBeth. She plotted the murder of Duncan, and was filled with guilt. She 
walked the floor looking at her hand she felt was blotted with blood. She would cry out, 
"Damed spot! Out, I say," and then in despair moan that all the perfume of Arabia will not 
sweeten this little hand. Dr. Cook turned to the representatives of the world's religion and 
said, "Ladies and gentlemen is there anything in your religion that will take the stains from 
her hands, and the guilt from her heart?" None responded, and then he said, "I present to 
you a Savior who can, for the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanses from all sin." 
There is a lot of good in the religions of the world, just as there is a lot of good in soap, 
and the chemical products of men, but nothing can cleanse from sin but the blood of 
Christ. Thank God there is such a Savior, and thank God you live in a land where the 
knowledge of this good news is known. What does this mean for you? It means hope, no 
matter how foolish or sinful you have been. 
There is a psychiatrist in New York City named John Rosen who works with catatonics. 
He moves right into the ward with them. He sleeps in a bed next to them. He lives with 
them and shares their daily life. If they don't talk, neither does he. He is just there. He 
puts his arms around them and hugs them. This M.D. and PHD is a highly skilled and 
highly paid physician, but he gives up his life of freedom to be limited by their needs. He 
loves them back into life and reality, and often when they begin again to speak their first 
words are thank you. If people could understand what Jesus has done for them, they too 
would say, thank God for Jesus. 
We need to thank God that there is no such thing as a hopeless person. If there was 
such a person, it would have been Mel Trotter. He staggered home drunk one night, and 
found his wife crying and wringing her hands. She said, "Mel, the baby is dying. The 
doctor just left and he gave me this prescription." She said, "Here is 60 cents. Take it to a 
drug store and get it filled. Be careful Mel, it is all we have." Mel Trotter took the money 
and headed for the drug store, but one the way he passed a saloon and went in, and he 
spent the money for drink. 
That night when he staggered back home his wife was clutching in her arms the lifeless 
form of a dead baby. The next day when the baby was buried, Mel was in the saloon. He 
sold some of the babies things, and got money for more drink. This was so low it even hit 
him, and he realized he was not fit to live. He decided to jump off a bridge in South 
Chicago. On his way he came to the old Pacific Garden Mission. Some of the guys he 
knew were standing around the door, and they said, "You seem nervous Mel, come on 
inside." They pushed him through the door, and Harry Monroe, the man who led Billy 
Sunday to Christ, went to work on Mel. He shared with him the good news that he could 
be forgiven, and set free from sin, and become a child of God. Mel Trotter accepted God's 
offer that night, and came out of darkness into God's marvelous light. He went on to found 
63 Gospel Missions across America, and he led thousands of others to Christ.
Thank God there is a rock for every man to stand on, and Jesus is that Rock. There is a 
foundation for everyone, and nobody needs to go through life without security. Many do, 
but not because it is necessary, or because God wills it. God wills just the opposite, for it 
is His will that every man have a solid foundation on which to stand, walk, and to build. 
There are many who feel like the poet who wrote- 
I wish that my room had a floor. 
I don't much care for a door. 
But this floating around, 
Without touching the ground, 
Is getting to be quite a bore. 
It is boring and disturbing to have to float through life and never touch base with what 
really matters. It is this lack of foundation that leads to all of the unhappiness of life. The 
fall of man is really more like the suspension of man. What fell away was the solid 
foundation of his relationship to God. That fell away and he was left hanging like an 
astronaut in weightless space. Now you can get used to this in a space ship, and adjust to 
it, but man can never get used to living without a foundation. The man who floats and 
does not have a solid foundation, never builds a life. He just drifts through life. He is like 
a balloon loose in the air. If the air blows West, he goes West. If it blows East, he goes 
East. Up and down and all around, tossed about by every wind of circumstance, and never 
really in control of his own life. 
I think there is a lot of truth to the idea that people have their hell right here on earth. 
It think the man who is lost, and who is on his way to hell, certainly gets a taste of its 
symptoms here. Hell is always pictured as a place with no meaningful activity. It is a lake 
of fire, and what can you do in a lake of fire but float in meaningless misery. It is a place of 
utter darkness, and like floating in dark space with nothing visible or meaningful. The man 
who has no foundation in this life is getting a taste of hell, just as the man who builds on 
the Rock of Christ, and is established on this foundation, gets a taste of heaven-a place 
which is always pictured just the opposite of hell. It is solid, with mansions and glorious 
walls; with gold streets, and full of meaningful activity. 
Every life on this planet falls into one of these two categories: The floating life, or the 
foundational life. The reason all of us can be thankful is because God offers to us all a 
solid rock on which to stand. He has provided a Savior who will forgive our sin, and who 
will help us start over with a foundation on which to build. You can choose to float, or 
choose to stand on the solid Rock of Christ. The Bible says the wise man will build on the 
Solid Rock. 
H. DELIVERER OR DESTROYER Based on Heb. 9:24-28 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
Paul Aurandt records this fascinating paradox of history. In September of 1776 
Alexander Hamilton was a captain in the army. The British has his division trapped in 
lower Manhattan. They had only two choices it seemed: To fight and die, or to surrender 
and be hanged. With those options, it was no surprise that the order was to fight to the 
death. They awaited the British attack. Suddenly there was the sound of horses hoofs, 
but of a lone rider. It was a Revolutionary soldier. He was a young major who had 
discovered and escape route. Hamilton and his men followed him immediately, and after 
an 8 mile march in a driving rain they were exhausted, but they were alive, thanks to the 
young major.
Alexander Hamilton survived the Revolutionary War, and became a great leader of our 
nation. He became the first Secretary of the Treasury, and devised a federal fiscal system 
that paid off the war debt. He established a National Bank, and set the stage for our 
nation's westward expansion. He determined that the Capital of the U.S. would be in 
Washington D. C., and he helped prevent two wars with France and England. There is no 
telling how much more he may have accomplished had he not been gunned down in a duel 
at age 49. Aaron Burr was the man who cut his life short, but the paradox is, Aaron Burr 
was also the man who made it possible for him to become famous, for Burr, who took his 
life, was also that young army major who saved him earlier. He was both his savior and 
This amazing paradox of being both a deliverer and destroyer fits perfectly the role of 
Jesus in each of our lives. Jesus died for all men, and, therefore, he is the Savior of all 
men. No person needs to die for their own sin, for Jesus paid it all. Every person can 
claim him as Savior, and be free from condemnation and judgment. Yet, on the other 
hand, every man is free to ignore and reject what Jesus has done for them. In this case, 
they will have to pay for their own sin, and face judgment, and Jesus is the judge. He will 
judge all who do not accept Him as Savior. So, even though He died for a man, and is his 
Savior, if the man does not accept that role of Jesus, then he must face Him as judge. 
Jesus is already your Savior, for He has already made it possible for you to be forgiven 
and accepted into the family of God. But if you do not take that gift, He will be your judge 
and destroyer. 
The dividing line that determines which He will be to you for eternity is death. It is 
appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment. It is not death that 
determines your destiny, but it is death that ends your choices as to your destiny. You 
determine if Jesus will be your Savior or you judge, but which choice you have made is 
locked in at death. This means that one of the most important aspects of our lives is 
death. It is hard to think of anything that will have a greater impact on us than our dying. 
It is more important than taxes. We say there are two things that are inevitable, death and 
taxes, but some people escape taxes, but nobody escapes death. Death is so popular 
everybody's is doing it. That is what the Bible is saying- 
It is appointed onto man once to die, and that is one appointment everybody keeps. 
There are about 37 thousand cemeteries in the U. S. alone, but there is no point of moving 
to a country with less, for in most countries in the world you will meet death even sooner 
than here. Edgar Allen Poe told some gruesome stories. One is called the Masque Of Red 
Death. A terrible plague was devastating the country. The victims of this strange disease 
would bleed from all their pours and then quickly die. 
Prince Prospera is determined to outwit this Red Death, and so, with a thousand of his 
friends, he retired to his secluded castle, and when the gates were shut they were welded 
fast so none could enter or leave. There were provisions for a lengthy stay, and so the 
people lived in luxury for many days trying to forget the suffering world outside. But one 
night, during a masquerade ball, a figure appeared with a mask like the Red Death. The 
guest were terrified. Orders were given to seize the intruder, and when the mask was torn 
from his face there was no face. It was the Red Death, and one by one they guests began 
to drop and die. 
Poe was portraying the truth that there is no escape. Men have tried everything to 
escape death, and all they have done is develop a few delaying tactics that hold back 
death for a few years, but never has man been able to stop the march of this inevitable 
conqueror. Life is like a game of chess. The king and queen and bishops and knights, and
the lowly pawns are all there, but one by one each goes off the board back into the box. 
High and low alike are equal in death, for death removes all from the board of life. It is not 
a pleasant thought, and that is why we seldom think of it. You may escape an accident or 
a disease, but you cannot escape death, and that is why we fear it. Shakespeare said, 
"The weariest and most loathed worldly life that age, ache, poverty, and imprisonment can 
lay on nature, is a paradise to what we fear of death." 
There are two things you can do about death. You can flee it, or you can face it. Those 
who flee never get away, but the feel better trying. They called a graveyard a memorial 
garden, and they beautify the funeral with flowers, music, and shiny brass and velvet, but 
all the camouflage does not fool anyone for very long. Tons of poetry and acres of flowers 
cannot stop the stench of death, and all men know they are confronted by a foe against 
which they have no defense. The second way of dealing with it is to face it. That is the 
Easter way. Face it, not with the flimsy weapon of your own flesh, but with the weapon of 
faith in Jesus Christ, the only man who ever fought with death face to face and came out a 
winner. Because Jesus gained victory over death, there is a second point we need to look 
at. Yes it is true that death is certain, but the good news is- 
There is a way to outwit death, and that is by following the only one who ever entered 
the kingdom of death, and stole the keys. Jesus said that He has the keys of death and 
hell. A lot of people have died and come back to tell of it. I have read a number of them, 
but not one ever said just trust in me and follow me, and when you die I will get you 
through. Nobody in all of history has ever said what Jesus said, "I am the Resurrection 
and the Life, he who lives and believes in Me shall never die." That is, they will never be 
held by death, and be kept separated from God. In Christ you do not die when you leave 
the body, for you go to heaven into His presence, and that is not death, but life at its best. 
Now you may not believe what Jesus said, but you have to face these facts. He is the 
only one in all of history who conquered death, and claimed to be able to do it for all who 
trust in Him. You have the choice: You either trust Jesus to be your deliverer, or you try it 
on your own. If you choose to face death in your own power, I cannot wish you good luck, 
for the Bible and history say you are sunk and lost, for no man can face this final foe and 
win on his own. It is like trying to put out a forest fire with a tooth pick. But if you choose 
to face death with faith in Jesus Christ, I can say, "God bless you," and I can rejoice with 
you, for you have chosen the Easter way. This is the way of life, the only way known to 
overcome death and live forever. 
A student once asked a professor, "When is the best time to repent?" The professor 
said, "The day before you die." The student replied, "But how can you know when you will 
die?" The professor said, "You can't, and so the best time to repent is always now." 
Today is the day of salvation. The only way to be absolutely sure you will outwit death is 
to trust Christ as your Savior now. If you wait, you take a chance, and you may end up 
knowing Him as your judge. 
People spend a lifetime preparing to live and retire, but they don't spend a minute 
preparing to die, so they can face the judgment with a Savior who can gain eternal life for 
them. How can men be so foolish? This is like putting your hand into a pot of molten 
metal to save your stick of chewing gum. This is like diving into a hot furnace to retrieve a 
napkin. Nobody is that foolish, to lose their hand or their life for a mere triviality. Yet men 
will cling to that which will soon pass away, and let their eternal soul be lost forever 
because they will not receive Jesus as their Savior. 
Living is uncertain, and nobody knows how long they will live, but dying is certain. All 
of us can be sure of that, but we don't know when. It is appointed unto men once to die
and after that the judgment. Living is so much more fun and enjoyable when you know 
you are ready for the day of judgment, because you have one who is your Savior, and who 
died for your sins and took your judgment. This story is told of the terrible days of the 
blitz in London. A father holding his small son's hand ran from a building that had been hit 
by a bomb. There was a shell hole, and the father jumped in and held up his arm for the 
boy to follow. The boy looked into the dark hole and said, "I can't see you." The father 
could see his son, however, for he was outlined against the night sky. He said to his 
anxious boy, "But I can see you, so jump." By faith he did just that. Faith is not seeing, 
but believing you are seen. It is a jump, but a jump into the hands of one who loves you, 
and gave His life to save you. 
Douglas Kenny was a funny guy all his life. In high school he was the guy who would 
raise his hand in math class and ask the teacher, "Would you explain that again for those 
of me who don't understand?" He graduated from high school, and joined the staff of the 
satire magazine The Harvard Lampoon. He graduated from Harvard, and went on to found 
the popular National Lampoon Magazine. He sold his interest in that for one million 
dollars, and got into movies. He wrote the script for the box office sensation, Animal 
House. This spun off into TV series, and another film, Caddyshack. He was rich and 
famous, and successful in Hollywood at 34. 
But as we well know, money and success does not lead to happiness in the lives of 
those who have no eternal hope. One day Doug's body was found at the bottom of a cliff 
in Hawaii. No one knows if he jumped and committed suicide, or if he was pushed. At 34 
he was dead, because death pursues all, the rich and famous, as well as the poor and 
unknown. There is no escape from death in riches, fame, or success. If you want to be an 
overcomer and conquer this final foe, it is possible for those who know they cannot do it 
in their own power, and so they turn to the only one who can, and put their trust in Jesus 
as their Savior. 
I. GREATEST MISTAKE Based on Luke 14:15-24 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
The janitor of the First Security State Bank of Boise, Idaho, accidentally put a box of 
checks worth $840,000 on the wrong table. The next morning the paper shredder operator 
dumped the contents of the box into his machine, and cut the checks into shreds. When 
the mistake was discovered the bank supervisor could hardly keep from crying. The loss 
was a bookkeeping nightmare. Fifty employees worked in two shifts for 6 hours daily in 6 
rooms plucking, matching, and pasting all those thousands of little pieces of paper back 
together. It was a colossal and costly mistake, but at least it was a mistake that could be 
Many mistakes are far more tragic because there is no way to go back and undo them. 
Two men and a young person were found dead in Death Valley. They had abandoned their 
car. They were strung out in a line. One was 7 miles from the car, another 14, and the last 
made it 17 miles from the car. Obviously, they were trying to get back to a ranch they had 
passed 30 miles back. Had they only known, one mile the other way there was a grove of 
willows and a spring. They chose the wrong way, and it was a deadly mistake. The 
tragedy of a deadly mistake is, you can't learn from it because there is no second chance. 
On May 6, 1902 one of history's worst natural disasters killed 30,000 people all at one 
time. Mt. Pelee on the Island of Martinique erupted sending millions of tons of rock and
boiling lava at the town of St. Piere. The authorities knew for a week it could happen, but 
they did not give the warning. They made the fatal mistake of thinking, if you ignore 
something bad it will go away. The tragedy is all the greater because it could have been 
prevented, but men refused to deal with the dangerous reality. There are some things you 
have to make decisions about, or else. Facts do not cease to exist because they are 
ignored. Our text gives us an example that applies to all men. It deals with the worst 
possible mistake any man can make, the mistake of saying no thanks to God. The mistake 
of refusing His invitation to the banquet, which means life, joy, and abundance. 
It sounds crazy and unbelievable that anybody would refuse an invitation to a free 
banquet, but Jesus told this parable to describe what had already happened to the leaders 
of Israel. God had sent His Son into the world to invite them into His kingdom, and to the 
best banquet of life that men could ever experience, and all they did was find excuses for 
not responding. Can you believe that men can be so foolish and pig headed as to reject 
such an offer, and make up all kinds of weak excuses for not going. It was the biggest 
mistake of their lives, for the generous host, who had all things ready for a great feast, 
invited others, and in verse 24 says, "None of those men who were invited shall taste my 
If all these men missed was a feast, you could call this a minor mistake, but when you 
realize Jesus was talking about missing the kingdom of God, and abundant, and eternal 
life, then you realize it was truly a major mistake. It was so big that there is no other 
mistake that can come close. When God invites you to a banquet, and you say I am to 
busy, you go on the list of history's biggest mistake makers. The banquet, of course, is 
God's invitation to spend eternity with Him in heaven enjoying all that His infinitely 
creative mind can provide for His guests. To miss out on this puts a man in a class by 
himself. There is no other mistake a man could make that even comes close. Playing 
Russian Roulette with a bullet in every chamber is not as foolish as this, for all you lose is 
time, but to reject God's invitation is to lose forever. 
A skeptic once asked a Christian, "What if you die and discover heaven is not real?" 
The Christian said, "It will indeed be a terrible disappointment, but at least I have enjoyed 
living with the hope. But suppose when you die you discover hell is real?" The unbeliever 
did not respond, for it was frightening to think he could make such a tragic mistake, and 
miss heaven, and suffer hell, when the gift was offered him time and time again. Every 
time you refuse God's invitation you add to the agonizing memory which will be a part of 
hell, for you had your chance, but blew it. You made the mistake of holding on to your 
puny pearl, and you lost your crown. 
There are many mistakes in life that can be undone. That is what erasers are for. There 
are many mistakes that can be overcome. Back in the 1890's the Emperor of Ethiopia was 
Menelek II. He heard of the new method of executing criminals in the U. S. 
called the electric chair. He decided to order three of them for Ethiopia. The only problem 
was that when they arrived, he realized his country did not have electricity. It was a very 
foolish mistake, but he was up to making the best of a bad situation. He used one of the 
chairs for his throne for many years. 
Sometimes God uses mistakes for good. A man by the name of Kline was so defeated 
and discouraged. He felt no one cared for him, and so he just as well end his life. As he 
walked down a street brooding, he passed a church where they were singing- 
Saved by grace alone, this is all my plea 
Jesus died for all mankind, and Jesus died for me. 
He stopped and listened, and could not believe it when they sang again that Jesus died 
for all mankind. He thought they were singing, Jesus died for ole man Kline. He slipped
into the back of the church, and listened to the good news that Jesus did die for all 
mankind, and that included ole man Kline. He received Christ that night and became a 
child of God. His mistake brought him to the banquet. 
Felix Neff, the Swiss reformer, once saw a man he thought was an old friend. He tapped 
him on the shoulder and said, "How is it with your soul?" When the man turned, he saw it 
was a stranger, and he apologized for his mistake. Four years later that stranger came to 
one of his meetings and said, "You asked about my soul. I got to thinking and decided to 
get right with God." God can even use mistakes to bring people into the kingdom. 
Some mistakes are humorous, and we have all laughed at someone else's mistakes. 
Peter Joshua was a missionary from Whales. He was a lonely young man when he arrived 
in Africa. He felt so alone and isolated, but a group of retired missionary ladies arranged 
to dispel his gloom with an afternoon tea. At the end he was to say a few words, and he 
said, "What language is there to describe my gratitude to you dear women. All I can say 
is that you are the most homely women I have ever met." He learned the hard way that just 
because homely back in Whales meant wholesome, gracious, kind, loving, and motherly, 
does not mean that is how all women understand it. 
The invitation here says, all things are ready. God does not invite you to a banquet, 
and then wait for you to get there before he prepares. God is already prepared, and there 
will be no last minute arrangements. When you come to Christ you are not kept waiting. 
You open the door, and you are welcome to immediately set at the table and partake of His 
blessings. The sinner does not have to clean up his life first to be welcome into God's 
banquet hall. You come as you are, and enjoy the feast of His love right away, because He 
has all things ready. Jesus died for your sin, and paid the full penalty for all your folly and 
rebellion. You do not owe God anything, for Jesus paid it all. All you need to do is accept 
the invitation and enjoy the banquet. 
If you got an invitation to come to a party, and you came to the house, and it was dark 
and no one answered, you would feel someone has made a mistake. You have the wrong 
house, or the wrong night. But here the invitation says all things are ready, come right 
now and enjoy the feast. Many use the excuse, I am not ready. You don't have to be 
ready, for it is a come as you are party. The important thing is not that you are ready, but 
that the host is ready. If He would have expected you to primp and prepare yourself, He 
would have told you so. He is ready, and invites you to come now, just as you are. In 
another parable Jesus told, the host provides the garments for all the guests. Don't worry 
about how you are dressed. God will clothe you in the garments of Christ's righteousness 
so you will feel comfortable. The law says now you are ready, you have kept the law, so 
come and be welcome. Grace says, all is ready for you, so come as you are and be 
welcome. Law depends on you, but grace depends on God. 
It does not say some things are ready, and so please bring a salad or dessert. It says 
all things are ready, and all you need to do is come. Come, that is your only requirement, 
just come. "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest," 
Jesus said. "He that cometh I will in no wise cast out." All you have to do is come, and 
that is your free ticket to the world's greatest banquet. The world's greatest mistake is 
refusing that invitation. There is only one way to avoid life's greatest mistake, and that is 
to come. Come to Jesus, come to the banquet, come to the party, and become a child of 
God. All things are now ready-come.
J. SURRENDER TO WIN Based on Mark 10:17-23 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
There was only one general that threw fear into the mighty warriors of the Roman Army, 
and that man was Hannibal of Carthage. Carthage was in North Africa, and was the rival 
of Rome. It was the only power great enough to keep Rome from ruling the world. For 
over 60 years they fought a desperate struggle, and Rome was winning. Then in 218 B.C. 
Hannibal took command of the armies of Carthage, and for 16 years he out-fought and 
outwitted the Romans. One of his key weapons was a herd of 80 trained war elephants 
that would charge the enemy lines and soften them up for defeat. 
Rome could not believe the success of Hannibal. He captured a good part of Italy, and 
began to plan the taking of Rome itself. All of history would have been changed had a 
Roman general Scipio not gotten a good idea. When Hannibal's elephants charged in the 
battle of Zama, which could decide the fate of the world, he had loud trumpets blown that 
scared the elephants and sent most of them back into Hannibal's lines disrupting them and 
giving the Romans a chance to attack. Hannibal lost that decisive battle, and Rome went 
on to conquer the world. Hannibal never did surrender, but went on trying to fight Rome 
the rest of his life, but he never regained enough power to make a difference. He is one of 
the heroes of history because he never gave up. 
It is legitimate to never surrender even if you cannot win, when the battle is against evil. 
There are some battles that are perpetual and cannot be won. The battle with sin and 
forces of evil is never over in this life, therefore, it is a perpetual battle. We are not to 
surrender and give up, but like Paul, press on fighting a good fight to the end. Many a 
scientist and doctor has fought against disease, and died before they found the answer, 
but they did not surrender, and those who came after them built on their foundation and 
won the victory. Thank God for those who never surrender. 
On the other hand, it is folly not to surrender when you are fighting with God. The first 
man, Adam, ran from God when he had sinned, and tried to escape from admitting his sin, 
and surrendering to God. This has become the pattern ever since, and we see it so clearly 
in the life of the rich young ruler. He was basically a good guy, and from his youth he had 
been religious, and tried his hardest to please God. Jesus said only one thing thou lackest. 
Wouldn't that be great to lack just one thing? That would be easy to solve, and you would 
be in. Except, the one thing he lacked was the ability to surrender. For him his problem 
was his wealth. He clung to it, and depended on it. It was his idol, and he just could not 
surrender and yield to Christ as his Lord, and give his all to him. It doesn't make any 
difference if you are an up-and-outer; a down-and-outer, or middle-and-outer. The real 
battle of life is in deciding, can I surrender to Christ or not? 
This is the kind of battle where the only winners are those who surrender. Life has two 
kinds of battles. The kind where, when you surrender you lose, and the kind where, when 
you surrender you win. The first step to sobriety in AA is to acknowledge your life is 
unmanageable and in our own power you cannot stop drinking. In other words, the first 
step to victory is surrender. You have to give up on yourself, and say I can't win, for as 
long as you think you can and keep fighting in your own self-sufficient strength, you will 
keep on losing. But when you surrender, and yield yourself to God's power, then you 
begin the journey to victory. 
Some men can stop drinking on their own, but no man can be saved on his own. The 
only way to be saved in your own strength is to never have sinned, and that is not 
possible, for as the Bible says, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It is 
always too late to save yourself, because you are always a sinner, and no one has the 
power to not be what he is. To go on fighting trying to save yourself, and make a 
meaningful life in your own power is to fight as foolish a battle as those Japanese soldiers
who kept fighting for an island many years after the war was over. It is doomed to failure. 
The only way to win in this war is to surrender. But man is by nature stubborn, and that 
is why man is his own worse enemy. If you kick the man in the seat of his pants who gives 
you the most trouble, you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week. Most men just can't let 
go and let God. They are proud and feel they must save themselves. They are like the 
man shipwrecked in the ocean. A rescue boat found him and they threw him a lifeline. But 
he says, "I have been swimming from my youth, and have done exercises every day. I'll 
swim to shore and save myself." But they shout at him," one thing thou lackest, the 
humility to recognize that you need a Savior. You need to give up depending on your own 
strength, and surrender to the power of our rescue boat." But he, in his stubbornness, 
refuses the life line, and they must go on to find others, knowing he will never make it. 
Jesus was sad when this young man did not respond. It is always sad when people 
refuse to be saved, but even God cannot make you chose to surrender. It is sad when men 
will not surrender in a war that cannot be won without surrender. Jesus felt bad when this 
young ruler went away refusing to surrender. Jesus had the power to force him to stop 
being stupid, and to trust him, but He does not use His power that way, for then it would 
not be surrender. God does not crush us into submission. He gives us a choice, and we 
can choose to fight, or we can choose to surrender, but it has to be our choice. 
The rich young ruler went away sorrowful. He wanted to be saved his way, and would 
not choose Christ's way, and the result was that he went away sad. You can count on it, 
he remained sad as long as he refused to reverse this decision. History is full of examples 
of men and nations who refused to surrender to Christ, and they always go away sad. 
Many are like the preacher's son who rebelled, and later wrote home to his father saying, 
"I'm trying to be an atheist, and I'm having a devil of a time of it." He was trying to get help 
at a psychiatrist at 40 dollars a crack, but he would not surrender, and so he was going 
his way in sorrow. 
In Sweden they gave up on the moral principles of God and went their own way. The 
result is they have the highest suicide rate in the world. They refuse to surrender, but go 
on fighting God, and they always go away sorrowful. When you spit against the wind you 
spit in your own face. History is also full of stories of surrender which has led to victory. 
Sometimes surrender leads to immediate change because the folly of a person is a 
matter of a rebel will, and as soon as the rebellion ceases the foolish behavior ceases. 
That is why you have real stories like the one I read of a man in a sanitarium for 
alcoholism. He said to the doctor concerning another patient, "He is really in a bad way 
isn't he?" "Yes," said the doctor, "but in a year he will be well and you never will." The 
shock of that caused him to go into the night and look up at the sky. He realized he was 
just a hard hearted rebel, and he looked up and prayed, "Make me clean." He felt the 
chains drop off and he was free. He never took another drink, and his body was changed 
from a tavern to a temple by the simple act of surrender. 
E. Stanley Jones tells of a big businessman who tried to deal with his guilt by self-punishment. 
He made himself suffer to atone for his sin trying to be his own Savior. 
Many do this, and they get drunk, and they make their life miserable, because they hate 
themselves for the evil they have done. They try to pay for their sin by suffering and 
ruining their own life. When Jones told this man he could receive forgiveness for his sin, 
he said that is too cheap. "Not at all" Jones told him, "for it cost Jesus the agony of the 
cross. It cost God the giving of His Son to be crucified. They were perfect and innocent 
yet they paid the infinite cost beyond what all men could ever pay. It was the most costly 
price ever paid for anything. But it is free to you if you will surrender to Christ and receive 
His free gift of forgiveness." He did just that and won the war. No longer did he have to 
punish himself and suffer. He was free to enjoy life under the Lordship of Christ.
It is happening somewhere everyday. People are hearing the good news of the Savior, 
and they are saying to themselves, what folly to go on fighting and unwinable war. I will 
surrender and be at peace with God and myself. These do not go away sorrowful, but they 
go away rejoicing, for by surrender they gain the victory. 
Jesus recognizes that people are all different. People are like a deck of cards. You 
cannot have all kings and queens; you have to have a variety to have a deck, and so there 
are tens, nines, eights, and so on, down to duces. Jesus knows people are all different, 
and so He does not ask of all what He asked of this rich young ruler. The one thing He 
asks of all, however, is that they surrender; that they take up the cross and follow Him. 
Taking up the cross is dying to self and surrendering your pride and determination to do it 
your way. It is letting Him be Lord of your life. There is no way to win without this kind of 
A psychiatrist in Porto Rico read E. Stanley Jones's book Victory Through Surrender, 
and realized he needed to do just that. He gave His life to Christ, and it changed him 
completely. He began to give many hours of free counseling to alcoholics and drug 
addicts. He set up 12 rehabilitation centers in San Juan which took in 500 patients a day. 
He put half a million of his own money into them. They trained these people for carpentry 
and masonry etc. Five thousand are on the waiting list because 65 % of those who get in 
are cured. He was a miserable rich man, but when he surrendered to Christ, and let Christ 
use what he had, he became the happiest rich man in Porto Rico, and one of the most 
useful and helpful in the world. He did not go away sad but happy because he 
surrendered. It is the same, be you rich or poor, black of white, educated or uneducated. 
It is the same for everybody. Surrender to Christ and you win life's greatest war. 
1. ADMIT you are a sinner and lost without a Savior. As long as you cling to your own 
self-sufficiency you will be a rebel. 
2. SUBMIT. Humble yourself before Christ, and yield to His Lordship. This means you 
cease to direct your own life, and seek His will and guidance. 
3. COMMIT. You say to Christ, "Here am I Lord use me." You surrender your life as an 
instrument to be used for His purpose. You switch armies, for you no longer fight for your 
own cause, or the cause of the world, you become a soldier of the cross and fight for 
Christ, which is a battle to bring others to the point of surrender. 
People fear to surrender because they are not sure they can keep surrendered. They 
know they are sinners, and they have tried to stop bad habits, and just cannot do it. They 
know the facts of life, in their own weakness, and so they are afraid to surrender, because 
they know they will rebel again, and get drunk or sin in other deliberate ways. They just 
don't want to be hypocrites so they don't surrender. It almost sounds noble to be so 
honest about their own weakness, but the fact is, it is still folly not to surrender. 
You can't surrender now for tomorrow, or next week, or next year. All you can do is 
surrender the present moment. All God asks is what is in your present moment to chose. 
There will be plenty of other moments of choice to come, but the only one that matters 
now is the one you have now. Unless our rebel spirits come to that point where they will 
surrender to Christ in some moment, there is never a beginning of the process of 
salvation. It begins with surrender, but it must continue as we fight with the old nature to 
bring it into submission. 
In the Colorado River, the big danger is getting caught in the whirlpool that sucks you
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Come to Jesus for Eternal Life
Come to Jesus for Eternal Life
Come to Jesus for Eternal Life
Come to Jesus for Eternal Life
Come to Jesus for Eternal Life
Come to Jesus for Eternal Life
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Come to Jesus for Eternal Life

  • 1. The following messages were preached to audiences where a good number of the people were non-Christians, and they brought many forward to receive Christ as their Savior. I am making them available for people to use to communicate the Gospel to those they know and love who have not gotten the message of this good news. May God bless you as you seek to touch somone with these messages. A. YOU CAN COME IF YOU WILL Based on John 5:25-46 By Pastor Glenn Pease A little boy quietly opened the door to the dentist's office and spoke to the receptionist at her desk. "My mother told me to see the dentist about my bad teeth." "Sorry," the receptionist responded, "But the dentist is out just now." The boy sighed in relief and asked hopefully, "When will he be out again?" Sometimes we just don't want the help we most need, because we fear the cure is worst than the disease. Our fear is usually based on ignorance. It is like the child who will not try something new because they don't like it. But how can they know they don't like it if they never try it? You can argue with them, and present all kinds of evidence that it is good, but they stubbornly refuse. It is not just children who practice this kind of stubbornness. Our text reveals Jesus dealing with the adults of His day on this same level. Jesus came to give them life, and they wouldn't even take it. The evidence that they could give them life was enormous. John the Baptist had come before Him, and witnessed of His coming, but they rejected John's testimony. Jesus came with a powerful display of love and grace. He healed the lepers, and the blind were made to see. The lame walked, the deaf were made to hear, and the dregs of society were changed and began to follow Him and get their lives together. Yet, with all of this evidence, they were not jumping on the bandwagon at all. In fact, they were trying to stop the wagon from rolling. Jesus said to them that they have all the evidence needed, and that even Moses referred to Him, but still they would not come and receive life. In this text we see the amazing folly of man. There is no question about it, man is his own worst enemy. The problem of history is not God, but man. God has made provision for life. No matter how rotten life can get, God has a solution, and that is why He sent His Son into the world. God is determined that sin and death will not have the last word. Life is God's goal, even though many will not take this gift. It would be understandable if God had made His plan so complicated that it would take a lawyer to figure it out. But the message of Jesus was so simple, even a child could grasp it easily. Come to me is the message of Jesus. The children understood it and came. That is all Jesus required, that people come to Him. If you want what Wards has to offer, you have to come to Wards to get it. If you want what the Diary Queen has to offer, you have to come to the Dairy Queen. The point is, Jesus has something to offer also, and the only way you can get what He offers is to come to Him and get it. You can't just come to church and get it. You can't just come to a service and get it. You can't just come to a preacher and get it. All of these can bring you to where you hear the offer of Christ, but only by coming to Him can you get life, and life eternal. You can even read the Bible and pray, two of the best things you can do, but that will not give you life. If you come to my church, or come to my house, or come to my office, and you do not see me, you have not come to me. Christ is a person, and only when you come to Him as a person can you receive life. The good news is, you can come to Jesus and receive life because He died for you, and wants you to have what He purchased by His death on the cross, which is the right to eternal life. If you don't come and receive His gift of eternal life, there is only one reason for it, you will not come.
  • 2. I can eat liver if I want to, but I don't want to, so I don't. There are all kinds of people who hear the Gospel and can come to Christ if they want to, but they don't want to, so they don't. Jesus hates it when people will not come to Him. He wept over Jerusalem, for He said, "I would, but you would not." They had to suffer the judgment and wrath of God because they just would not come to Jesus. Jesus wept over the rich young ruler, for He could have come to Jesus, but He would not. It is one of the saddest facts of life that men can choose to reject God's best, but God will not rob man of this highest freedom. Jesus did not say, you cannot come, but, you will not come. The reason you do not receive life is because you refuse to receive it. You could if you would, but you don't because you won't. The problem is man's will. Anyone who hears the offer of the Gospel can come, for God gives everyone the power to say yes to Christ. No man can say I am to bad, or I have sinned away my hope, or I have blown it too often, so I cannot come. The problem is not that you can't, but that you won't, said Jesus. No man will ever be able to raise his fist in hell, and cry out to God, you didn't give me a fair chance. I couldn't get in on life, and it is your fault I am here. Not so, for if a man is lost it is his own choice, for Jesus died for all sin, and if a man refuses to come to Christ for forgiveness, that is not God's choice, but his choice. Where there is a will there is a way, and anyone who wills to come to Jesus can come. God will not force you to come. He opens the door and invites you to come, but He will not push you against your will. You must choose to come. If I ran a restaurant and was trying to get more people to come and try my food by giving out coupons, I don't force them on people. Imagine me handing a coupon to a man on the street, and he says no thanks, and refuses it. I may ask why, and he may tell me he never eats out, and he hates to eat out. Wouldn't I be foolish to try and force him to take my coupon? What if I ran after him and slipped one in his back pocket? That would be nonsense. A gift is only of value to one who wants it. God has the greatest gift for man, but He does not force it on us. We must choose to take it. We must choose to come. The offer is free, and you don't even need a coupon. The rich have no advantage over the poor in getting what Christ has to offer. He offers life, and meets the craving for meaning, and it is free to all who will come. All you need to come to God is your sense of need for what He offers. Are you thirsty? Come to the Water of life. Are you hungry? Come to the Bread of life. Delay not, delay not, O sinner draw near, The waters of life are now flowing for thee. No price is demanded, the Savior is here, Redemption is purchased, salvation is free. A minister and a atheistic barber were once walking through the city slums. Said the barber to the preacher: "This is why I cannot believe in a God of love. If God was as kind as you say, He would not permit all this poverty, disease and squalor. He would not allow these poor bums to be addicted to dope and other character-destroying habits. No, I cannot believe in a God who permits these things." The minister was silent until they met a man who was especially unkempt and filthy. His hair was hanging down his neck, and he had a half-inch of stubble on his face. Said the minister: "You can't be a very good barber or you wouldn't permit a man like that to continue living in this neighborhood without a haircut or a shave." Indignantly the barber answered: "Why blame me for that man's condition? I can't help it that he is like that. He has never given me a chance to help him. If he would only come to my shop, I could fix him up and make him look like a gentleman!" Giving the barber a penetrating look, the minister said: "Then don't blame God for allowing these people to
  • 3. continue in their evil ways, when He is constantly inviting them to come and be saved. The reason these people are slaves to sin and evil habits is that they refuse the One who died to save and deliver them." The barber saw the point. The invitation to come can be rejected, and so man can choose not to come. But he can also choose to come, and when he does he will receive God's greatest gift in Christ. The greatest choice any man can make in relationship to Christ is to come. B. ISA. 1:18-20 COME NOW LET US REASON TOGETHER By Pastor Glenn Pease God spoke in our text through Isaiah to a very weak and wicked people. They have rebelled against God, and treated him like dirt. They have disobeyed His commandments; they have spurned His love, and have rejected His leading. They deserve nothing but God's wrath, but instead, God says, "Come now let's reason together." He is saying, there is still a way out of this mess. You do not have to remain in the rut of your sin. You can be forgiven and cleansed, and have a new start in life that will lead to success. In verse 19 God says, if you are willing and obedient, you will be blessed, and eat the good of the land, but in verse 20 He says, if you refuse and rebel you will be destroyed. God is always the same in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and also, today. He is a God of grace who gives man a choice. He always deals fairly with man, even when they are not fair with Him. He always gives them a chance to determine their destiny. God says to every man in every situation, "Come now, let's work out this problem, and get on the right track." God is not willing that any shall perish. He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. If any man dies lost, it is not because God willed it, but because that man refused to listen to God's invitation, "Come now." The call of God to all men is, "Come." It does not make any difference if you are the worse rebel that ever walked on this planet. It does not make any difference if you have broken every commandment God ever gave. It does not make any difference if you are so rotten to the core that you even hate yourself. God says come, let's get together and work this out so you can be forgiven and cleansed. No matter how bad your sin, or how black it is, it can be made white as snow. You can be so clearly guilty that its like blood all over your hands and face, but if you will come, God can make you clean, and give you a fresh start. Thank God there is a way for the worst to be saved. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin. It is not just for the moderate sinner that this invitation is given, but for the worst and most radical. Nobody is left out. God's invitation goes to all men, come now. What a marvelous opportunity. You could not receive a greater invitation than this, even if you were invited to the White House, or to a royal wedding in England. Here is life's greatest invitation, and its not given just to some exclusive set, like the rich, the noble, the upper class. The best invitation, and most valuable in history, is offered to the least and the lowest, as well as the highest. Everyone has the invitation to come to God, and get a fresh clean start in life. You can receive it or reject it; you can respond or ignore it, but you cannot escape it. You are involved whether you like it or not. Even if you do nothing you are making a choice. You are choosing to miss God's best. A man was telling his two buddies why he was so fed up. He said, "These three guys jumped out of an alley and knocked me to the sidewalk. One took my billfold, and another pounded me in the stomach while the other one kicked my ribs." "What did you do?" asked one of his friends. "Nothing," he responded, "I didn't want to get involved." It is
  • 4. obvious that he could not escape being involved when something so radical was happening to him. So it is with the Gospel and God's plan to save all people in Jesus Christ. You cannot not be involved. Jesus died for your sins, and paid the ultimate price, and bore the pain of your judgment, because He loved you. He now stands ready to receive you and save you from sin, death, and hell. All that He did directly involves you. There is no escape, for you are involved, like it or not. You have to do something about this invitation to come. You can't do nothing, for doing nothing is a major decision. It is doing that which loses you the best gift ever offered. This is like being in a building they are going to blow up. They call out and ask if anyone is in the building, and announce that they must come out now for in 5 minutes the dynamite goes off. You can say, I'm not going to make a decision on this matter, and sit in your closet. But you cannot avoid making a decision, for that is a decision. You have decided to be blown up. Doing nothing is not nothing, it is a decision. Spurgeon said, "The cry of the Christian religion is the simple word, come." Jesus was always saying come unto me and I will give you rest. The Bible is loaded with invitations to all men, and whosoever will may come. It is not a matter of how you feel. You may feel helpless and hopeless, with a heart that will not respond. My heart, how dreadful hard it is, How heavy here it lies, Heavy and cold within my breast, Just like a rock of ice. It makes no difference if you will come. Coming is what counts, and all can come. When God says you can come, there is nothing in heaven or on earth that can stop the man who wants to come. Satan will fill the mind with fears and doubts. He will tell you it is hopeless, and that you are not worthy. It is true, but you can come nevertheless. If you come with all of your fears and doubts, God will receive you. God never says depart to anyone, until He first says come. All have a chance to come and be forgiven, and only when they don't come will they stand judged. God is never to blame for anyone being lost. He has done everything possible to prevent it. When you come to God, you do not come with excuses, or with false views of your sin. You do not try to justify your sin. It doesn't make any difference how scarlet your sin is, for God promises to make it white as snow. You sin is probably far worse than you can imagine to a holy God. You cannot exaggerate your sin. Those who pretend they are too awful to be saved are being foolish. God's invitation is to come as you are, even if you are scarlet and blood red with sin. God delights in cleansing the worst, and making them new creatures in Christ. Zaccheaus, that little scoundrel so hated and despised as a tax collector, came to Jesus. He was rejected by his own people as a traitor. He became all the corrupt for being hated, and so he over taxed people and became a criminal. He messed up his life with God and man. But then he came to Jesus, and his life was changed. He got back into favor with God and man. He became such a hero of the faith that children everywhere sing about him, because he responded to God's invitation to come and be cleansed. One of the saddest verses in the Bible is John 5:40 where Jesus said, "You will not come to me, that you might have life." The sadness is not that people can't come, but that they won't come. People are only lost for one reason, they will not come. People are saved for one reason, they come. Come to Jesus, and be a child of God forever.
  • 5. C. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO GO HOME Based Luke 15:11-24 By Pastor Glenn Pease Did you ever run away from home? I did once, and sat out in a field, and nobody came after me. Life gets boring fast alone in a field of weeds, and I was getting hungry so I decided to go home, and that is how most people get home. How did the Prodigal son ever get back home? The father did not send a wagon to pick him up. The elder brother did not ride a horse to the farm, and offer him a lift. The neighbors did not send him a ticket for the camel caravan to bring him back. Nobody did anything to get him home. He simply said, "I will arise and go home." He got home by choosing to go home. That is the way you get anywhere. It is by choice. He did not get home by hoping he would some day get there. He didn't wish himself home. He may have wised he was, and in fact, we know he did wish he was home, and not feeding those foul pigs. He longed for home, but his longing, wishing, and hoping did not get him home. He could have died an old man in the pigs slop, and never gotten home if all he had going for him was hoping, longing, and wishing. There are so many things that just won't get you home, but there is one thing that will always get you home, and that is choosing to go home. He chose to get up, and he chose to start walking, and he chose to continue walking, and he chose to walk all the way home. There was no other way. He was the one who chose to leave home. Nobody booted him out, or locked the door after he left. It was his choice that took him to the far country, and when he got there, it was his choice to blow his inheritance on wine women and song. People are pretty much what they choose to be, and they do pretty much what they chose to do. Not everything is a matter of choice, of course. Many things are beyond the control of our choices. I read of a young man who sold books from house to house one summer. He was lame and walked with great difficulty. It was not his choice to be a crippled, but this affliction was thrust upon him. At one home the woman of the house said to him, "Doesn't being lame color your life?" "Yes," he said, "It does, but thank God I can choose the color." He was right, for he did not choose the lameness, but he could still choose how to react to it, and he did. He chose the bright color, and not the gloomy dark color. He chose to get up and out, and use his body rather than sit and gripe and moan that it was not perfect. His choice made him optimistic, rather than pessimistic. We are all pretty much what we choose to be. The Prodigal chose to be a fast living high spending swinger, who attracted all of the people who enjoy seeing a fool and his money part company. You can only choose to be foolish like this for so long, however, for it takes money to be a fool with money. When he squandered it, he was no longer fun to be with, nor free to be a fool. He suddenly became very conservative, and instead of eating at the swankiest place in town, he started eating at the stinkiest place in town, or rather, outside of town at the pig ranch. He did not like this choice, but without resources you do not have the options available to the man with money. The freedom to chose becomes more and more limited by the loss of resources, and so he was finally reduced to the level of the swine. People who make bad choices in life always lose their freedom. The more bad choices they make, the fewer choices of any kind they can make. Their bad choices rob them of their options. When the Prodigal left home he had a vast world of choices. He could have gone any one of dozens of different directions. But he chose to go the way of eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. The problem is we don't die tomorrow, but instead we live with the consequences of our eating, drinking, and being merry. He was reduced to one choice-eat pig food or become worm food. Not quit the wide open field of choices he had at the start.
  • 6. Why was his life such a mess? Was it because of his poor family life? Was it because he was not potty trained right? Was it his environment, or the things he read as a boy? Was it friends who influenced him? All of these things may have played some role in his life, but the facts are clear, he was there because of his own choices. Sure, he was used, and people took advantage of him, and he got some rotten breaks, but the real culprit behind it all was his wrong choices. Many have made wrong choices, and they have been costly, and many have ended up like the Prodigal. But the good news is, even if this has happened to you, you still have a choice. A famous painting shows the devil playing chess with a young man. The devil has checkmated the man's queen. On his face is a look of defeat and despair. He has made too many bad choices, and now he is trapped without hope. Paul Murphy, the chess genius, once stood looking at that painting. He studied it carefully, and suddenly his face lit up. He shouted out at the man in the painting, "Don't give up, you still have a move!" He had spotted a way out, and that is the good news of the Gospel. God has provided one more move for those in the most hopeless situations. He gives us a choice. We can chose to surrender to Christ and have our paths blotted out, and start life anew as a child of God. The choice is there. The choice is yours. You can choose to go home. D. GETTING IN Based on Rev. 3:20 and 21:23-27 By Pastor Glenn Pease Everybody wants to get in on the action. Back in 1982 a crowd began to form one Monday afternoon in December at the River Front Coliseum in Cincinnati. By the time the police arrived at 3:00 P.M., hundreds of fans had gathered at the doors, even though they would not open until 7:00 P.M. The rock group called The Who was to play a concert, and masses of people wanted in. By early evening 8 thousand people were pressing against the doors. The crowd became restless, and somebody broke out a glass and opened a door. The mob surged forward. The police could not stop it, and those who lost their footing were as helpless as if they were in a cattle stampede. After the crowd had passed in, 11 people were left dead, and 8 severely injured. That is just how badly people want to get in some places. It is as if their life depended upon getting in. It is important to people to get in. They wait in lines all the time to get into a favorite restaurant, or into a movie, or some sporting event. They wait to get into a store, a doctor, or into a line of traffic that is moving. Nobody wants to be left out, and everybody wants to get in somewhere. It can be very embarrassing to be shut out, or to even get just half way in. A young man in Philadelphia was attempting to get into a store at night to rob it. He removed two bolts from the security bars of a window, and began to crawl in. One of the bars came crashing down, and he was trapped. Half of his body was inside the store, and half was dangling outside. It was a real dilemma. He could hang there, or call for help. After a long struggle, he decided to call the emergency 911 number on a phone he could just barely reach. He was terribly embarrassed when the police arrived. He confessed it was his first burglary, and he just couldn't make it in. It is hard not to be in the in-crowd. That is what the American dream is all about-get in with the best crowd. Get in on the real estate bonanza. Get in on the life style of the rich and famous. We are bombarded by all the media with the message-come with us, follow us, and we will lead the way to get you in. The theme of politics is, getting in. After all, what good are the best candidates in the world if they can't get into office. You have to get
  • 7. in to have power, and so the name of the game is getting in. Every student has to be concerned about getting into college, and then getting into the right program, and then doing well enough to get into the profession he is aiming for. Life is just one struggle after another to get in. The refugees of the world are struggling to get in on the affluence of the West. So many cross the borders from Mexico and Central America to get into the U. S. Masses are planning, plotting, and carrying out those plans to get into this country, legally or illegally, because the goal of their life revolves around getting in. God understand this quest of man to get in, for that is God's goal for man also. God wants to get him into that which fulfills all of his dreams, hopes, and desires. The goal of God is to get men into the kingdom of God. The goal of Jesus is to get into the lives of men. He said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door I will come in." Jesus wants in, because He wants to bring people into His Father's kingdom. This is the highest goal that man can achieve, the letting of Jesus in so they can get in where the whole purpose of life is fulfilled. Getting into God's family, and getting into heaven is where it is at. It is getting in where God wants us to get in. So often we hear stories about dying and coming to the golden gate and dickering with Peter whether we should be allowed in or not. This would be a tragic mistake to wait until you die to find out if you can get in. The Bible says it is too late then, and if you die before you know the way in, you are out forever. That is the hell of missing heaven. It is to be out with no hope of getting in, and that is our destiny to get in. To get in anywhere you have to go through the door. There is only one door to God, heaven, and into the family of God, and that door is Jesus. He said, "I am the Door." He also said, "I am the Way the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me." There is only one way in. There is no possible way to break in by some other door, for there is no other door. The revelation of God is clear, Jesus is the Way, and the only Way. Some people wait until they have a crisis in their life to come to Christ. We see it even in the Bible. The thief on the cross was near death when he turned to Christ, and asked to be remembered when Jesus came into His kingdom. Jesus said He would be with him in paradise, and so he got in just at the last moment. The Philippian jailer thought his prisoners had escaped and he would be killed for allowing it, and so he was about to kill himself. Paul intervened and showed that the prisoners were all there. The jailer said, "What must I do to be saved?" In other words, how can I get in on what you men have? And Paul said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." He was so near suicide, and being shut out of God's kingdom forever, but in the crisis he believed in Jesus, and he made it in. Richard Hillary was one of those spit fire pilots in World War II that Churchill was talking about when he said, "Never was so much owed to so few." He was shot down, and parachuted into the English Channel, and was so badly burned he wanted to die. He thought about the stupidity of war, and wondered what the purpose of life was all about. His mind was forced to think of God as the only reality that could make sense of life, and he found peace as he surrendered to God. He was miraculously found and rescued. He made it back into life, but more important for him, he made it into the kingdom of God. His name was written down in God's book as a child of the King, a member of the family of the redeemed. We all need to ask ourselves- Is my name written there, On the page bright and fair? In the book of God's kingdom, Is my name written there? Will you make it in? That is the question of all areas of life, and most important, it is the
  • 8. question of eternal life. Will you make it into that kingdom where sin, sorrow, death, and folly will be no more? You don't have to wait for a crisis. In fact, that is very risky, for people do not get in automatically just because they have a crisis. The best time to get into the kingdom is always right now, for now is always the day of salvation. The greatest question of life is, how do we get into heaven, and into the family of God? Jesus says you get in by giving in. You open your life to Him, and let Him in. You listen for that knock He makes on the door of your heart when the good news of the Gospel is preached. You stop trying to be your own saviour and surrender to Him. He wants in because only as He gets in, can He get you in. You let Him in, and He lets you in. To be born is to get into this world. To be born again is to get into the world to come, which has already begun. To be saved is to taste of the world to come. The greatest mistake of life is to miss the chance to get in on God's best. The greatest wisdom of life is to grab at the chance to get in on God's best. Jesus holds the pen that can write your name in the book of life, and He holds the key that can let you in to the house of God. Even people who think they want out, really want in. Albert Camus wrote The Plague. It is about the town of Oran where the rats began to come out of dark places to die in the streets, and then people began to die the same way. People were dying so fast they were hauling them to the dumps. The town was quarantined, and nobody could get in or out. Dr. Bernard Rieux was the town doctor, and it never occurred to him to get out. He was so busy caring for people. A journalist, named Raymond Rambert, was caught in Oran, but he wanted out desperately. But there was no escape, and so he went on the daily rounds with Dr. Rieux. He was trying to save some of the people, and especially children, so Raymond pitched in and did what he could. One day a person smuggler offered Rambert a chance to get out for a price, but he decided to stay. Why stay asked the doctor? You have a right to get out and be happy. Rambert explained that he was happy there, for he no longer felt like a stranger, but he felt like he belonged. The point of the story is, you can be happy even in a plague infested world if you know you belong, for that feeling of being in on the family is what life is all about. Life can be hell, but if you know you are in the family of God, and you belong to the only family that will live together forever, you can have peace and be happy even in this plague infested life. All people are in two classes: The whosoever wills, and the whosoever won'ts. The whosoever wills receive Christ as their Savior, and they get the greatest gift man can receive. They receive the gift of getting in, and getting in forever. E. WILL YOUR NAME LAST FOREVER Based on Luke 10:17-20 By Pastor Glenn Pease It took many years of hard labor for Gutzon Borglum to blast and crave away the rock to produce the faces of the four presidents on Mt. Rushmore. He died a short time after the work was completed in 1941. He was interviewed before he died, and was asked why it took so long. He said the monument would be there for all time, and he wanted to be exact. Geologist figure it will erode and inch in one hundred thousand years. He said, "You see my name is on that monument just as surely as the face of the four presidents." His name is written in rock, and will likely last for all time. We like our names to last, and that is why we like to get them written in unusual places. Climb almost any mountain or high hill, and you will discover rocks where you have names written or carved by those who were there before you. On the edge of trestles and bridges, where there is danger to do so, people climb to inscribe their name. Some prefer to carve them in desks at school,
  • 9. or other public property. Others prefer nature, and carve their names into trees and stubs. Others try to find soft cement, and get their name locked in before it hardens. One way or another, almost everyone gets their name written somewhere, because they feel there name is important, and it is. Your name is a very important part of your identity. Businesses know that, and so they have designed computers to send you letters with your name, and not just general letters to everyone as dear customer, or occupant. We like to see our name in print, and so they use this to appeal to our love for our own name. From birth to death our name is important. Our name goes on to our birth certificate before we leave the hospital, and it goes on our death certificate before we are buried, and in between our name is a basic part of our life. It is on our school records, doctor records, employment records, bank records, and tax records. All of us have experienced the power of signing our name. You have put your name on a little piece of paper, and the bank gives you money for it. You name gives you rights and ownership. I read of an old veteran who got his check from the government, and said to a friend, "See, there is the name of the treasurer of the United States, big man, but this thing is no good till I put my name on it." Every persons name is important, and where it is written is important. Jesus even told His disciples that the real key to happiness is in knowing that your name is written in heaven. They were excited about miracles, and the power they had to cast out demons, but Jesus said they should not make this the foundation of their joy, for true and lasting joy is to be in fact that your name is written in heaven. In a very real sense Jesus is saying, the greatest goal of life is to get your name in the proper place, and that place is in the book where God records the names of all His children. It might be enjoyable to see your name in the paper, but the next day it is garbage. It may be a blast to see your name up in lights, but those lights soon dim and your name is forgotten. Even if you get your name in rock, and it lasts till the end of time, it will be wiped out, for the Bible says the very elements will melt with fervent heat when the world ends. All the names on rocks, steel, and even the pyramids will gone for good. Only those written in the Lamb's Book Of Life will have names that endure forever. Jesus knew that in the battle with the forces of evil His disciples would not always escape injury and death, as they did this time. Many of them would be killed, and evil men like Herod and Nero would take their lives, and eliminate their names from the records of history. They would pay a heavy price to follow the name of Jesus, but He is saying to them, that which is permanent, and which will never be taken away from you is your name in heaven. Evil men cannot reach the records of heaven, and no weapon of time has the power to erase your name in heaven. Once you put your name there, by putting your trust in Christ as your Savior, and following Him as Lord, you have arrived at the peak of human exaltation, for no matter who you are in time, you will be somebody in eternity. You will be somebody special to God forever, and your name will be known in the family of God throughout endless ages. Nothing is more important than having your name written in heaven. It is worth any price to get it there, but because of Christ, it is free to those who trust Him. Men have paid a heavy price to have their name written on the record of history. Those 56 American leaders who signed the Declaration of Independence paid a price to put their names on that document. We say, put our John Hancock on this when we ask people to sign something, because John Hancock wrote his name larger than anyone else who signed the Declaration. He wanted the king of England to be able to see his name even without his glasses. The king saw it, and all of the others as well, and they became prime targets. Five of them were captured by the British and tortured before they died. 12 others had their homes looted or burned. 9 of them died fighting the war. They were all rich men who
  • 10. lived in luxury, but they risk it all by putting their names on that piece of paper. Thank God for men who will put their names down for such values as freedom. We are all blessed because of them. But there is still a higher place to put your name, and that is in the Lamb's Book of Life. The armed forces entice you to put your name on the dotted line for your country. Sign up and see the world. Give them your name and they will give you training and adventure. All of this is fine, and can change your life, but no matter how many places you get your name written, you cannot be truly happy until your name is written in heaven. Mary Kidder wrote the hymn, Is My Name Written There? The last stanza goes like this- Oh that beautiful city with its mansions of light, With its glorified beings in pure garments of white, Where no evil thing cometh to despoil what is fair, Where the angels are watching-yes my name's written there. Yes, my name's written there on the page white and fair, In the book of thy kingdom, yes my name's written there. The good news is, you don't have to be a duke, a prince or princess, or a person of fame and fortune, to get your name in that book of life. All you have to be is a sinner who knows he needs a Savior. All you have to be is a hungry man who knows he needs the bread of life. All you need to be is a thirsty man who knows he needs to drink of the water of life. All you have to be is whoever you are saying, I want to be a part of the family of God, and I want to yield my life to Christ, and to trust and follow Him. Whosoever will may come. And the Bible says they will come, for people from every tribe, tongue, and nation, will come, and they will sing praises to the name of Jesus forever. They were nobodies, and without earthly fame, but they were redeemed by the blood of the lamb, and their names were written in heaven. Where your name is, there you will be forever. So the greatest question in life is, is my name written in heaven? It all depends on what you do with the greatest name of all time. God has given His Son a name above every name. One day every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that He is Lord. His name is a name of power and glory. Christianity is named after Christ. There are all kinds of isms in the world, communism, fascism, materialism, naturalism, and humanism, but long after all these isms will be wasims, the name of Christ will live on, and Christians will also, because they bear His eternal name. The rulers of this present age have time and time again sought to put out the light of this name, and plunged it into oblivion, but they have failed to put out the light, and have themselves plunged into the pit of darkness. The name of Jesus shines, and all over this world people sing, Jesus Loves Me, There's No Other Name Like That Of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus There's Just Something About That Name, Take the Name Of Jesus With You, and Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know. You might just as well try to erase the sun as to try blotting out the name of Jesus. It is engraved in history, and in the hearts of millions to stay forever. Every time persecutors have tried to destroy the name of Jesus, they have magnified it. When they killed Christians by the thousands, the masses asked, who enables these people to die with such peace, and the answer was always Jesus, and so the name of Jesus spread like wildfire. The martyrs sang of Jesus as they died, and the very fires that burned them at the stake wrote the name of Jesus in the sky, and others bowed to that marvelous name. Communism in Russia and China used brutal methods to stamp out the name of Jesus, but after decades of forcing Christians underground, we now know that more people love and honor the name of Jesus in those lands than they did before communism came. There is no way you can eliminate that name. When you have quenched the sun, and dried up the oceans, you have not yet tackled the hardest task, for the sun can be blotted out, and the seas will be no more says the Bible, but the name of Jesus endures forever.
  • 11. Whosoever shall call upon the name of Jesus will also live forever. Your name can be added to the Book Of Life today if you by faith will receive Christ as your Savior. Whosoever will may come. Will you? F. THE REBEL RETURNS Based on Luke 15:11-32 By Pastor Glenn Pease The main social event of the year in many Sunday Schools is the summer picnic. William Porkess was in an English Sunday School that was granted permission by an Earl to have a picnic on his large estate. How excited they all were as they were being carried to the estate by horse and carriage. The woods on this estate contained a million trees, and many were hundreds of years old. In the course of time walks had been planned by marking certain trees. All you had to do was follow the marks and you could walk for miles under a continuous canopy of leaves, and come back to where you started. It was pointed out very strongly the danger in not following the marks. Bill and some others boys were not going to bother with such warnings. They determined to do as they pleased, and they wandered off the path. After a time they began to sense that they did not know where they were. Their smart-alick enthusiasm cooled rapidly, and they began to feel desperation. They went on and on with no sense of direction most of the day. At last they came to a clearing and found a cottage where they got direction back to the camp. It ended happily, but as Bill reflected back on the experience, he saw the foolishness of his rebellion against rules. He lost two meals and all of the fun that had been planned, and on top of that, he never really came to appreciate the woods, for in their wandering they were gripped with fear, and could not enjoy the beauty of it. He learned a lesson he never forgot. If you wander anywhere in your life according to your own will, and rebel against the path established by those who know the way, you are bound to get lost. We want to look at the story Jesus told about another youth who learned this lesson the hard way. It is often called the parable of the Prodigal Son, but it could just as rightly be called the parable of the Faithful Father. Whatever you call it, it is the pearl of the parables. It is the most widely known short story in the world. It's message is so simple that it needs no comment to make it clear. We want to look at each of the three main characters of the story to see if we can get some insight into our own personalities, and that of God. Both sons made major mistakes, and so the father is the only hero in the story, but we want to look first at- I. THE PRODIGAL SON. The first thing to see about him is- A. His Rebellion in verses 12 and 13. Here is a typical young man in any age. He is not necessarily disrespectful of his father, but he had desires he wanted to gratify, and to do so he had to get away from dad. Dad is all right, but he has lived his life, and now all he wants to do is hand out rules. I'm old enough to make my own rules, and I'm getting out of here. So he gets this things together and goes to a far country. It is no good just going into town, for that is too near father to be free. He wanted real freedom, and so he went far. There he wasted his substance in riotous living. He soon learned how deceptive liberty is without law. He lived high off the hog for a while, but ended up eating with the hog. What he thought to be freedom became slavery.
  • 12. All he wanted was to be free. He did not want to destroy his life and disgrace his family. No one sets out to wreck his life. No train leaves the station with a plan to derail; no plane takes off with the design to crash; no young man goes off to a far country to fling himself into famine and filth, but that is what happens when he goes with a misconception of freedom. He thinks freedom is having his own way, and doing just as he pleases. He has to learn the hard way that true freedom comes by being obedient to law. I can walk over to the piano and do just as I please. I am not bound by any rules. There are no limitations to the way in which I can bang on the keys. Yet, with all my so-called freedom I am a slave to discord. I can not make pleasant sound because my complete freedom is based on complete ignorance of the laws of music. My freedom is really a form of slavery to my ignorance. I can only be really free to produce music by learning to obey the laws of music. Liberty without law is folly, and that is what the Prodigal experienced. On the other hand, the one who has his freedom limited by rules, and cannot just hit anywhere, in any order, is the one who is free to produce harmony. The secret of freedom is in obedience to law, and not in rebellion against law. One of the responsibilities of parenthood is to teach this to their children, so they don't have to learn it the hard way As I said before, no one wants to wreck their life and hurt others, but in order to have their own way, they are willing to do so. The youth who drinks and then drives like a wild man, does not want to kill himself for others, but he is willing to take that chance so he can do what he pleases, and he thinks that is freedom. Freedom is only real when it means living according to the laws of God. So many young people think the far country is the goal of life. They have a space-age mentality, but a stone-age morality. Their desire for pleasure soars across the sky like a rocket, while the desire to please God, or anyone else for that matter, drags across the ground like a wounded turtle. The result is, they pay any price for pleasure, and if they live they often end up in a asylums and prisons. Sometimes, however, they reach the bottom, like the Prodigal, and they do what he did, which we want to now consider. B. His Repentance in verses 17-20. The text says he came to himself. He saw the folly of his way, and was ready to admit he had been foolish. He saw that his foolish desire for freedom was like a fish desiring to be free from the water. His pleasure had to turned to poison. Sin had weakened, withered, and wasted him. As he sat looking at pigs he no doubt thought, these pigs are happier than I am. Pigs are happier than people at times, for they live according to nature, but man has the freedom to rebel and live contrary to the laws God made for His nature. The fortunate thing for this young man was that he was alone with himself and the pigs. Most people cannot stand to be alone with themselves, so they never come to themselves. Men trying to live without God need something to keep them company. They often cannot even enjoy nature without a transistor radio blaring. Silence is a pain, and so they must have sound constantly to occupy their minds. I read of a judge who sentenced a youth to 48 hours alone in a room. He was to set there and reflect on his life. Hopefully, it brought him to himself, for when a man comes to himself he wants to come to God next, or at least, this was the experience of the Prodigal. Afflictions though they seem severe, In mercy oft are sent. They stop they prodigal's career, And cause him to repent. He not only was resolved to return home, but he actually arose and went. If a sinner
  • 13. truly repents, he does not just turn over a new leaf, he goes to God and starts with a new book altogether. A man out of fellowship with God is homeless, but he does not feel his home sickness until he comes to himself. The Prodigal never thought of home while having a fun time, and spending his money. The biggest blessing he had was his poverty. Those who can continue indefinitely to please the flesh, and live for pleasure, often never get homesick, and never return. That is why Jesus said it is so hard for the rich to enter the kingdom. Many feel sorry for their sin, but they are too stubborn to return to the Father and confess. So they remain in the pig pen the rest of their lives. The proof of true repentance is when the feeling is followed up with action, and the sinner arises and goes home. II. THE FATHER. It is agreed that he represents God, even though we cannot press every detail. We note, however, that there is no charge against the father. Some might say, if he was a good father he would not have bad boys, but that theory does not fit reality, for God is certainly a good Father, yet he has bad boys in his family. It is important to note that the rebellion is not due to the father's short comings. Some leave home and live in sin because they chance of winding up with the pigs is better than staying home. The case here is that of lack of understanding in the son. He rebels, just as men rebel against God, even though he is the source of all they need. Free will is a fact, and combined with a fallen nature, it leads to perpetual folly. The fault is in the son and not the father. A child raised in a home with a good father can grow up and despise all the father stands for. Men can do the same with God. God respects the free will He has given man, and will not compel them to do His will. He convicts and convinces, and when the sinner returns we see Him respond with compassion. The father is not a stubborn old man who says I will make my son crawl before I accept him back. The father is waiting for his son, and when he sees him afar off, he runs to him, and maybe out of breath, but not out of love, he kisses the son even though he must have looked and smelled terrible. He reveals God's attitude to the fallen sinner who wants to come home. The son had it all planned, and knew just what he was going to say, but the fact of his coming was all the father needed. We don't have to worry about the form we use, or what to say when we return to God. Just come as you are, and He will receive you, and kiss you with His saving grace. One of the most outstanding illustrations of how God stoops to kiss us with forgiveness is when the Prince of Wales was asked to visit a hospital where 36 men were so wounded and maimed in fighting for England they would never leave the hospital. He went and talked with them, but there were only 29, and he asked about the other 7. They explained how they were so tragically disfigured they were omitted on purpose. He insisted on seeing them so he could thank them for their sacrifice. Again, only 6 of the 7 were there, for the seventh could not see. He was blind, deaf, maimed beyond the likeness of a man, but the Prince insisted he be taken to this man. He turned white at the sight of this one who could not see or hear him, but he did not move away, but slowly stooped and kissed his face. Compassion for the unlovely, the hopeless, and the lost, is what the Gospel is all about. It is the good news of God's love for anyone who comes to him through Jesus Christ. If the rebel will return, he will be received. This is love in its most sacred significance, for it means complete forgiveness and restoration to sonship. The Prodigal suffered the loss of wealth and health, and not all of his problems were solved, but he was home, and in fellowship with his father, who would help him overcome the results of his folly. The sinner returning to God is forgiven, but all of his problems are not solved. However, he now has a resource to meet those problems that he did not have when he was feeding the
  • 14. pigs. All heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents, just as the father rejoiced over the rebels return. He called for the best robe. God is no advocate of plainness or drabness. He who made the beauty of the universe does not delight in ragged clothes and drab colors. It is the best robe for His own. Jesus, you recall, wore such a beautiful robe that the soldiers gambled for it. All will have beautiful robes in glory, and the beauty will be dazzling. How can what is right in heaven be wrong on earth? God is a God of joy and beauty. I stress this lest we think there is piety in what is dull. It is not so, but just as Joseph had a coat of many colors, so all God's people will have garments of beauty. The setting is filled with joy and merry making. There is the ring, the robe, the shoes, and the fatted calf. This is a kind of a hint of what heaven will be like. Verse 25 says there will be music and dancing. No religion is as joyful as Christianity, for it alone celebrates the Prodigal's return. It has spread hymn books around the world, for it is a religion of joy. The church has always been a singing church. When the Mayflower sets sail the Pilgrim's were singing the Psalms of David. Many of the martyrs died with songs of praise on their lips. Nothing can kill the song at the heart of the Gospel. As long as sinners repent and come home to God there will be singing in this world. Why is the father so joyful over his son's return? This is the question we must ask? For it made the elder brother angry. He was not happy over his brother's return. The elder brother could not see that the lost recovered brings even greater joy than what was never lost. We do not rejoice over all the children who return safely every day, as we do over one who is almost killed, but is spared. The child who is lost and searched for, and then found, gets in the papers, and the story warms many hearts. This does not mean that those who never get lost are not as precious. When a thing is lost you know the sorrow of its absence, and so greater is your joy when that sorrow is removed. The 20 dollar bill you lost and then found causes you more joy than the 20 you never lost. Both are worth the very same, but one you always had, and so it never caused you any sorrow, and, therefore, no occasion to rejoice. The elder brother did not see this, and he was angry. III. THE ELDER BROTHER. Many feel that the purpose of the parable was to show the Pharisees that they were like this elder brother, for they felt the same way about sinners who were coming home to Christ. In verse 30 we see his envy. He put the worst interpretation on his brother's actions. He had a cold and calculated view of works and reward. He felt if he did what was right he should get what was coming to him. He was the Pharisee who did not like to see Jesus fellowshiping with the publicans and sinners. They were not good and did not deserve to be treated like friends. His brother was bad, and so did not deserve to be treated with compassion. None of us are above this level when the flood waters of envy overflow, and cause us to be soaked with self-centeredness. Envy is that which makes us our own destroyer, like the Greek runner who envied the statue put up in honor of a rival. So at night he pulled it over, and it fell on him and crushed him. We need to rearrange our list of cardinal sins according to the standard of Christ. We often consider jealousy, anger, pride, and harsh judgments as false of human nature, only minor defects which we cannot help. But Jesus puts them on the top of the black list. Often it is in the church where there is the greatest deception as to what sin really is. We pick out 6 or 7 things that are outward signs of character, and we eliminate this acts, and then suppose we have conquered sin. Satan delights to have us think so for then we all the easier fall into the less obvious sins. The world sometimes sees what we are blind to and laughs. Some Christians give the impression they are righteous because they never have any fun. This was the elder brother who felt that he was so wonderful because he never did anything negative. This is
  • 15. like a farmer who keeps all the weeds out of the fields, but never plants any seed. This brother refused to go in to the party. He is like the Pharisee saying, if God does not act like me, I'm not joining in. Either he accepts only those I feel are worthy, or I'm not in on any celebration. He is like a mummy, all wrapped up in himself. The story does not end happy altogether. The elder brother threw a wet blanket on the whole thing with his pride and stubbornness, and he was left out of the banquet. God loves all sinners and desires that all come to Him. He is a waiting Father ready to accept all who come in humility and brokenness. If you cannot accept those whom God accepts, you will not enjoy heaven anyway, and must remain outside with the elder brother. Thank God He is such a Father who welcomes all prodigals home. Hawthorn's story "Rappocini's Daughter" tells of a chemist who studied poisons. He had a garden full of lovely but poisonous flowers. In a fiendish experiment he exposed his beautiful daughter to them for years. She was so filled with poison that her own breath was deadly to all life. This is what happens when we are like the elder brother. We poison the atmosphere of even the most joyous occasions. May God help us to avoid that role and join the party of those who celebrate the rebel's return. G. THANK GOD Based on Rom. 1:18-21 By Pastor Glenn Pease Ed Spencer was a hero of one of the worst shipwrecks ever on Lake Michigan. He was studying for the ministry at the Methodist Seminary in Evanston, Ill. On the night of Sept. 8, 1860 he was awakened by the shouts of other students in the dormitory. A shipwreck had taken place not far away. And excursion ship had collided with a lumber freighter, and 400 people were out in the cold water struggling for survival. Ed jumped up, dressed, and ran the 3 miles to the lake. A strong undertow discouraged many who would have become rescuers. But Ed was a strong swimmer, so he plunged into the chilly waters. The waves were high, and debris hit an cut him, but he was able to make 15 trips and save 15 lives. He was resting by a fire drinking a cup of coffee when the shout came, "There are two more!" In spite of his exhaustion, he plunged into the surf again, and made it to a peace of wreckage where a man and a woman were clinging for life. He brought them in, and then he collapsed. 287 people drowned, and 98 survived, 17 of them because of Ed Spencer. He never became a minister. His body had been so severely weakened, and he became a invalid who lived out his days in California. As an old man he was interviewed in Los Angeles, and he was asked what he most remembered about the great rescue. "Only this," he replied, "Of the 17 people I saved, not one of them even thanked me. You would think people would be forever grateful, and write him notes of thanks, and even send gifts. Not everyone has a thankful heart. Only one out of 10 that Jesus cured of leprosy bothered to come back and thank Him. People can even take a miracle for granted, and not be thankful. Not being thankful is one of mankind's greatest sins. It shows that man is blind to the grace of God. To go through life and never say thank you to God is to live the ultimate in the cursed life. Paul says this was one of the main causes for the wrath of God to fall on mankind. Why have so many nations been plunged into darkness? Why do many people live like animals and wild beasts? Why must human creatures live like savages? Because they were not thankful. They took all of God's gifts, and enjoyed the wonders of life, and never once said thank you to God. The result is, they lost God's best, and, instead, had to endure His worst.
  • 16. It is one of the most stupid things you can do, to go through life and never thank God. But you might say, what have I got to be thankful for? I'm not exactly living in the lap of luxury, just killing time waiting for my Rolys Royce to be fixed. I am aware life is not easy for many, but the fact is, there is much to be thankful for, even with all of life's trials. Even on the physical level there is food, shelter, and clothing available, because there are people who care, and why do they care? Because they are aware that Jesus cares about all people and all needs, and that He met the deepest needs of all men. Thank God for the forgiveness of sin. All are equally guilty before God, but all are equally free to receive pardon, and be cleansed from all sin. Dr. Cook represented Christianity in the worlds fair many years ago. All of the religions of the world gathered to share their virtues. Dr. Cook came to the platform when it was his turn, and he told the story of Lady MacBeth. She plotted the murder of Duncan, and was filled with guilt. She walked the floor looking at her hand she felt was blotted with blood. She would cry out, "Damed spot! Out, I say," and then in despair moan that all the perfume of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Dr. Cook turned to the representatives of the world's religion and said, "Ladies and gentlemen is there anything in your religion that will take the stains from her hands, and the guilt from her heart?" None responded, and then he said, "I present to you a Savior who can, for the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanses from all sin." There is a lot of good in the religions of the world, just as there is a lot of good in soap, and the chemical products of men, but nothing can cleanse from sin but the blood of Christ. Thank God there is such a Savior, and thank God you live in a land where the knowledge of this good news is known. What does this mean for you? It means hope, no matter how foolish or sinful you have been. There is a psychiatrist in New York City named John Rosen who works with catatonics. He moves right into the ward with them. He sleeps in a bed next to them. He lives with them and shares their daily life. If they don't talk, neither does he. He is just there. He puts his arms around them and hugs them. This M.D. and PHD is a highly skilled and highly paid physician, but he gives up his life of freedom to be limited by their needs. He loves them back into life and reality, and often when they begin again to speak their first words are thank you. If people could understand what Jesus has done for them, they too would say, thank God for Jesus. We need to thank God that there is no such thing as a hopeless person. If there was such a person, it would have been Mel Trotter. He staggered home drunk one night, and found his wife crying and wringing her hands. She said, "Mel, the baby is dying. The doctor just left and he gave me this prescription." She said, "Here is 60 cents. Take it to a drug store and get it filled. Be careful Mel, it is all we have." Mel Trotter took the money and headed for the drug store, but one the way he passed a saloon and went in, and he spent the money for drink. That night when he staggered back home his wife was clutching in her arms the lifeless form of a dead baby. The next day when the baby was buried, Mel was in the saloon. He sold some of the babies things, and got money for more drink. This was so low it even hit him, and he realized he was not fit to live. He decided to jump off a bridge in South Chicago. On his way he came to the old Pacific Garden Mission. Some of the guys he knew were standing around the door, and they said, "You seem nervous Mel, come on inside." They pushed him through the door, and Harry Monroe, the man who led Billy Sunday to Christ, went to work on Mel. He shared with him the good news that he could be forgiven, and set free from sin, and become a child of God. Mel Trotter accepted God's offer that night, and came out of darkness into God's marvelous light. He went on to found 63 Gospel Missions across America, and he led thousands of others to Christ.
  • 17. Thank God there is a rock for every man to stand on, and Jesus is that Rock. There is a foundation for everyone, and nobody needs to go through life without security. Many do, but not because it is necessary, or because God wills it. God wills just the opposite, for it is His will that every man have a solid foundation on which to stand, walk, and to build. There are many who feel like the poet who wrote- I wish that my room had a floor. I don't much care for a door. But this floating around, Without touching the ground, Is getting to be quite a bore. It is boring and disturbing to have to float through life and never touch base with what really matters. It is this lack of foundation that leads to all of the unhappiness of life. The fall of man is really more like the suspension of man. What fell away was the solid foundation of his relationship to God. That fell away and he was left hanging like an astronaut in weightless space. Now you can get used to this in a space ship, and adjust to it, but man can never get used to living without a foundation. The man who floats and does not have a solid foundation, never builds a life. He just drifts through life. He is like a balloon loose in the air. If the air blows West, he goes West. If it blows East, he goes East. Up and down and all around, tossed about by every wind of circumstance, and never really in control of his own life. I think there is a lot of truth to the idea that people have their hell right here on earth. It think the man who is lost, and who is on his way to hell, certainly gets a taste of its symptoms here. Hell is always pictured as a place with no meaningful activity. It is a lake of fire, and what can you do in a lake of fire but float in meaningless misery. It is a place of utter darkness, and like floating in dark space with nothing visible or meaningful. The man who has no foundation in this life is getting a taste of hell, just as the man who builds on the Rock of Christ, and is established on this foundation, gets a taste of heaven-a place which is always pictured just the opposite of hell. It is solid, with mansions and glorious walls; with gold streets, and full of meaningful activity. Every life on this planet falls into one of these two categories: The floating life, or the foundational life. The reason all of us can be thankful is because God offers to us all a solid rock on which to stand. He has provided a Savior who will forgive our sin, and who will help us start over with a foundation on which to build. You can choose to float, or choose to stand on the solid Rock of Christ. The Bible says the wise man will build on the Solid Rock. H. DELIVERER OR DESTROYER Based on Heb. 9:24-28 By Pastor Glenn Pease Paul Aurandt records this fascinating paradox of history. In September of 1776 Alexander Hamilton was a captain in the army. The British has his division trapped in lower Manhattan. They had only two choices it seemed: To fight and die, or to surrender and be hanged. With those options, it was no surprise that the order was to fight to the death. They awaited the British attack. Suddenly there was the sound of horses hoofs, but of a lone rider. It was a Revolutionary soldier. He was a young major who had discovered and escape route. Hamilton and his men followed him immediately, and after an 8 mile march in a driving rain they were exhausted, but they were alive, thanks to the young major.
  • 18. Alexander Hamilton survived the Revolutionary War, and became a great leader of our nation. He became the first Secretary of the Treasury, and devised a federal fiscal system that paid off the war debt. He established a National Bank, and set the stage for our nation's westward expansion. He determined that the Capital of the U.S. would be in Washington D. C., and he helped prevent two wars with France and England. There is no telling how much more he may have accomplished had he not been gunned down in a duel at age 49. Aaron Burr was the man who cut his life short, but the paradox is, Aaron Burr was also the man who made it possible for him to become famous, for Burr, who took his life, was also that young army major who saved him earlier. He was both his savior and executioner. This amazing paradox of being both a deliverer and destroyer fits perfectly the role of Jesus in each of our lives. Jesus died for all men, and, therefore, he is the Savior of all men. No person needs to die for their own sin, for Jesus paid it all. Every person can claim him as Savior, and be free from condemnation and judgment. Yet, on the other hand, every man is free to ignore and reject what Jesus has done for them. In this case, they will have to pay for their own sin, and face judgment, and Jesus is the judge. He will judge all who do not accept Him as Savior. So, even though He died for a man, and is his Savior, if the man does not accept that role of Jesus, then he must face Him as judge. Jesus is already your Savior, for He has already made it possible for you to be forgiven and accepted into the family of God. But if you do not take that gift, He will be your judge and destroyer. The dividing line that determines which He will be to you for eternity is death. It is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment. It is not death that determines your destiny, but it is death that ends your choices as to your destiny. You determine if Jesus will be your Savior or you judge, but which choice you have made is locked in at death. This means that one of the most important aspects of our lives is death. It is hard to think of anything that will have a greater impact on us than our dying. It is more important than taxes. We say there are two things that are inevitable, death and taxes, but some people escape taxes, but nobody escapes death. Death is so popular everybody's is doing it. That is what the Bible is saying- I. DEATH IS CERTAIN. It is appointed onto man once to die, and that is one appointment everybody keeps. There are about 37 thousand cemeteries in the U. S. alone, but there is no point of moving to a country with less, for in most countries in the world you will meet death even sooner than here. Edgar Allen Poe told some gruesome stories. One is called the Masque Of Red Death. A terrible plague was devastating the country. The victims of this strange disease would bleed from all their pours and then quickly die. Prince Prospera is determined to outwit this Red Death, and so, with a thousand of his friends, he retired to his secluded castle, and when the gates were shut they were welded fast so none could enter or leave. There were provisions for a lengthy stay, and so the people lived in luxury for many days trying to forget the suffering world outside. But one night, during a masquerade ball, a figure appeared with a mask like the Red Death. The guest were terrified. Orders were given to seize the intruder, and when the mask was torn from his face there was no face. It was the Red Death, and one by one they guests began to drop and die. Poe was portraying the truth that there is no escape. Men have tried everything to escape death, and all they have done is develop a few delaying tactics that hold back death for a few years, but never has man been able to stop the march of this inevitable conqueror. Life is like a game of chess. The king and queen and bishops and knights, and
  • 19. the lowly pawns are all there, but one by one each goes off the board back into the box. High and low alike are equal in death, for death removes all from the board of life. It is not a pleasant thought, and that is why we seldom think of it. You may escape an accident or a disease, but you cannot escape death, and that is why we fear it. Shakespeare said, "The weariest and most loathed worldly life that age, ache, poverty, and imprisonment can lay on nature, is a paradise to what we fear of death." There are two things you can do about death. You can flee it, or you can face it. Those who flee never get away, but the feel better trying. They called a graveyard a memorial garden, and they beautify the funeral with flowers, music, and shiny brass and velvet, but all the camouflage does not fool anyone for very long. Tons of poetry and acres of flowers cannot stop the stench of death, and all men know they are confronted by a foe against which they have no defense. The second way of dealing with it is to face it. That is the Easter way. Face it, not with the flimsy weapon of your own flesh, but with the weapon of faith in Jesus Christ, the only man who ever fought with death face to face and came out a winner. Because Jesus gained victory over death, there is a second point we need to look at. Yes it is true that death is certain, but the good news is- II. DEATH IS CONQUERABLE. There is a way to outwit death, and that is by following the only one who ever entered the kingdom of death, and stole the keys. Jesus said that He has the keys of death and hell. A lot of people have died and come back to tell of it. I have read a number of them, but not one ever said just trust in me and follow me, and when you die I will get you through. Nobody in all of history has ever said what Jesus said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life, he who lives and believes in Me shall never die." That is, they will never be held by death, and be kept separated from God. In Christ you do not die when you leave the body, for you go to heaven into His presence, and that is not death, but life at its best. Now you may not believe what Jesus said, but you have to face these facts. He is the only one in all of history who conquered death, and claimed to be able to do it for all who trust in Him. You have the choice: You either trust Jesus to be your deliverer, or you try it on your own. If you choose to face death in your own power, I cannot wish you good luck, for the Bible and history say you are sunk and lost, for no man can face this final foe and win on his own. It is like trying to put out a forest fire with a tooth pick. But if you choose to face death with faith in Jesus Christ, I can say, "God bless you," and I can rejoice with you, for you have chosen the Easter way. This is the way of life, the only way known to overcome death and live forever. A student once asked a professor, "When is the best time to repent?" The professor said, "The day before you die." The student replied, "But how can you know when you will die?" The professor said, "You can't, and so the best time to repent is always now." Today is the day of salvation. The only way to be absolutely sure you will outwit death is to trust Christ as your Savior now. If you wait, you take a chance, and you may end up knowing Him as your judge. People spend a lifetime preparing to live and retire, but they don't spend a minute preparing to die, so they can face the judgment with a Savior who can gain eternal life for them. How can men be so foolish? This is like putting your hand into a pot of molten metal to save your stick of chewing gum. This is like diving into a hot furnace to retrieve a napkin. Nobody is that foolish, to lose their hand or their life for a mere triviality. Yet men will cling to that which will soon pass away, and let their eternal soul be lost forever because they will not receive Jesus as their Savior. Living is uncertain, and nobody knows how long they will live, but dying is certain. All of us can be sure of that, but we don't know when. It is appointed unto men once to die
  • 20. and after that the judgment. Living is so much more fun and enjoyable when you know you are ready for the day of judgment, because you have one who is your Savior, and who died for your sins and took your judgment. This story is told of the terrible days of the blitz in London. A father holding his small son's hand ran from a building that had been hit by a bomb. There was a shell hole, and the father jumped in and held up his arm for the boy to follow. The boy looked into the dark hole and said, "I can't see you." The father could see his son, however, for he was outlined against the night sky. He said to his anxious boy, "But I can see you, so jump." By faith he did just that. Faith is not seeing, but believing you are seen. It is a jump, but a jump into the hands of one who loves you, and gave His life to save you. Douglas Kenny was a funny guy all his life. In high school he was the guy who would raise his hand in math class and ask the teacher, "Would you explain that again for those of me who don't understand?" He graduated from high school, and joined the staff of the satire magazine The Harvard Lampoon. He graduated from Harvard, and went on to found the popular National Lampoon Magazine. He sold his interest in that for one million dollars, and got into movies. He wrote the script for the box office sensation, Animal House. This spun off into TV series, and another film, Caddyshack. He was rich and famous, and successful in Hollywood at 34. But as we well know, money and success does not lead to happiness in the lives of those who have no eternal hope. One day Doug's body was found at the bottom of a cliff in Hawaii. No one knows if he jumped and committed suicide, or if he was pushed. At 34 he was dead, because death pursues all, the rich and famous, as well as the poor and unknown. There is no escape from death in riches, fame, or success. If you want to be an overcomer and conquer this final foe, it is possible for those who know they cannot do it in their own power, and so they turn to the only one who can, and put their trust in Jesus as their Savior. I. GREATEST MISTAKE Based on Luke 14:15-24 By Pastor Glenn Pease The janitor of the First Security State Bank of Boise, Idaho, accidentally put a box of checks worth $840,000 on the wrong table. The next morning the paper shredder operator dumped the contents of the box into his machine, and cut the checks into shreds. When the mistake was discovered the bank supervisor could hardly keep from crying. The loss was a bookkeeping nightmare. Fifty employees worked in two shifts for 6 hours daily in 6 rooms plucking, matching, and pasting all those thousands of little pieces of paper back together. It was a colossal and costly mistake, but at least it was a mistake that could be corrected. Many mistakes are far more tragic because there is no way to go back and undo them. Two men and a young person were found dead in Death Valley. They had abandoned their car. They were strung out in a line. One was 7 miles from the car, another 14, and the last made it 17 miles from the car. Obviously, they were trying to get back to a ranch they had passed 30 miles back. Had they only known, one mile the other way there was a grove of willows and a spring. They chose the wrong way, and it was a deadly mistake. The tragedy of a deadly mistake is, you can't learn from it because there is no second chance. On May 6, 1902 one of history's worst natural disasters killed 30,000 people all at one time. Mt. Pelee on the Island of Martinique erupted sending millions of tons of rock and
  • 21. boiling lava at the town of St. Piere. The authorities knew for a week it could happen, but they did not give the warning. They made the fatal mistake of thinking, if you ignore something bad it will go away. The tragedy is all the greater because it could have been prevented, but men refused to deal with the dangerous reality. There are some things you have to make decisions about, or else. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. Our text gives us an example that applies to all men. It deals with the worst possible mistake any man can make, the mistake of saying no thanks to God. The mistake of refusing His invitation to the banquet, which means life, joy, and abundance. It sounds crazy and unbelievable that anybody would refuse an invitation to a free banquet, but Jesus told this parable to describe what had already happened to the leaders of Israel. God had sent His Son into the world to invite them into His kingdom, and to the best banquet of life that men could ever experience, and all they did was find excuses for not responding. Can you believe that men can be so foolish and pig headed as to reject such an offer, and make up all kinds of weak excuses for not going. It was the biggest mistake of their lives, for the generous host, who had all things ready for a great feast, invited others, and in verse 24 says, "None of those men who were invited shall taste my banquet." If all these men missed was a feast, you could call this a minor mistake, but when you realize Jesus was talking about missing the kingdom of God, and abundant, and eternal life, then you realize it was truly a major mistake. It was so big that there is no other mistake that can come close. When God invites you to a banquet, and you say I am to busy, you go on the list of history's biggest mistake makers. The banquet, of course, is God's invitation to spend eternity with Him in heaven enjoying all that His infinitely creative mind can provide for His guests. To miss out on this puts a man in a class by himself. There is no other mistake a man could make that even comes close. Playing Russian Roulette with a bullet in every chamber is not as foolish as this, for all you lose is time, but to reject God's invitation is to lose forever. A skeptic once asked a Christian, "What if you die and discover heaven is not real?" The Christian said, "It will indeed be a terrible disappointment, but at least I have enjoyed living with the hope. But suppose when you die you discover hell is real?" The unbeliever did not respond, for it was frightening to think he could make such a tragic mistake, and miss heaven, and suffer hell, when the gift was offered him time and time again. Every time you refuse God's invitation you add to the agonizing memory which will be a part of hell, for you had your chance, but blew it. You made the mistake of holding on to your puny pearl, and you lost your crown. There are many mistakes in life that can be undone. That is what erasers are for. There are many mistakes that can be overcome. Back in the 1890's the Emperor of Ethiopia was Menelek II. He heard of the new method of executing criminals in the U. S. called the electric chair. He decided to order three of them for Ethiopia. The only problem was that when they arrived, he realized his country did not have electricity. It was a very foolish mistake, but he was up to making the best of a bad situation. He used one of the chairs for his throne for many years. Sometimes God uses mistakes for good. A man by the name of Kline was so defeated and discouraged. He felt no one cared for him, and so he just as well end his life. As he walked down a street brooding, he passed a church where they were singing- Saved by grace alone, this is all my plea Jesus died for all mankind, and Jesus died for me. He stopped and listened, and could not believe it when they sang again that Jesus died for all mankind. He thought they were singing, Jesus died for ole man Kline. He slipped
  • 22. into the back of the church, and listened to the good news that Jesus did die for all mankind, and that included ole man Kline. He received Christ that night and became a child of God. His mistake brought him to the banquet. Felix Neff, the Swiss reformer, once saw a man he thought was an old friend. He tapped him on the shoulder and said, "How is it with your soul?" When the man turned, he saw it was a stranger, and he apologized for his mistake. Four years later that stranger came to one of his meetings and said, "You asked about my soul. I got to thinking and decided to get right with God." God can even use mistakes to bring people into the kingdom. Some mistakes are humorous, and we have all laughed at someone else's mistakes. Peter Joshua was a missionary from Whales. He was a lonely young man when he arrived in Africa. He felt so alone and isolated, but a group of retired missionary ladies arranged to dispel his gloom with an afternoon tea. At the end he was to say a few words, and he said, "What language is there to describe my gratitude to you dear women. All I can say is that you are the most homely women I have ever met." He learned the hard way that just because homely back in Whales meant wholesome, gracious, kind, loving, and motherly, does not mean that is how all women understand it. The invitation here says, all things are ready. God does not invite you to a banquet, and then wait for you to get there before he prepares. God is already prepared, and there will be no last minute arrangements. When you come to Christ you are not kept waiting. You open the door, and you are welcome to immediately set at the table and partake of His blessings. The sinner does not have to clean up his life first to be welcome into God's banquet hall. You come as you are, and enjoy the feast of His love right away, because He has all things ready. Jesus died for your sin, and paid the full penalty for all your folly and rebellion. You do not owe God anything, for Jesus paid it all. All you need to do is accept the invitation and enjoy the banquet. If you got an invitation to come to a party, and you came to the house, and it was dark and no one answered, you would feel someone has made a mistake. You have the wrong house, or the wrong night. But here the invitation says all things are ready, come right now and enjoy the feast. Many use the excuse, I am not ready. You don't have to be ready, for it is a come as you are party. The important thing is not that you are ready, but that the host is ready. If He would have expected you to primp and prepare yourself, He would have told you so. He is ready, and invites you to come now, just as you are. In another parable Jesus told, the host provides the garments for all the guests. Don't worry about how you are dressed. God will clothe you in the garments of Christ's righteousness so you will feel comfortable. The law says now you are ready, you have kept the law, so come and be welcome. Grace says, all is ready for you, so come as you are and be welcome. Law depends on you, but grace depends on God. It does not say some things are ready, and so please bring a salad or dessert. It says all things are ready, and all you need to do is come. Come, that is your only requirement, just come. "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest," Jesus said. "He that cometh I will in no wise cast out." All you have to do is come, and that is your free ticket to the world's greatest banquet. The world's greatest mistake is refusing that invitation. There is only one way to avoid life's greatest mistake, and that is to come. Come to Jesus, come to the banquet, come to the party, and become a child of God. All things are now ready-come.
  • 23. J. SURRENDER TO WIN Based on Mark 10:17-23 By Pastor Glenn Pease There was only one general that threw fear into the mighty warriors of the Roman Army, and that man was Hannibal of Carthage. Carthage was in North Africa, and was the rival of Rome. It was the only power great enough to keep Rome from ruling the world. For over 60 years they fought a desperate struggle, and Rome was winning. Then in 218 B.C. Hannibal took command of the armies of Carthage, and for 16 years he out-fought and outwitted the Romans. One of his key weapons was a herd of 80 trained war elephants that would charge the enemy lines and soften them up for defeat. Rome could not believe the success of Hannibal. He captured a good part of Italy, and began to plan the taking of Rome itself. All of history would have been changed had a Roman general Scipio not gotten a good idea. When Hannibal's elephants charged in the battle of Zama, which could decide the fate of the world, he had loud trumpets blown that scared the elephants and sent most of them back into Hannibal's lines disrupting them and giving the Romans a chance to attack. Hannibal lost that decisive battle, and Rome went on to conquer the world. Hannibal never did surrender, but went on trying to fight Rome the rest of his life, but he never regained enough power to make a difference. He is one of the heroes of history because he never gave up. It is legitimate to never surrender even if you cannot win, when the battle is against evil. There are some battles that are perpetual and cannot be won. The battle with sin and forces of evil is never over in this life, therefore, it is a perpetual battle. We are not to surrender and give up, but like Paul, press on fighting a good fight to the end. Many a scientist and doctor has fought against disease, and died before they found the answer, but they did not surrender, and those who came after them built on their foundation and won the victory. Thank God for those who never surrender. On the other hand, it is folly not to surrender when you are fighting with God. The first man, Adam, ran from God when he had sinned, and tried to escape from admitting his sin, and surrendering to God. This has become the pattern ever since, and we see it so clearly in the life of the rich young ruler. He was basically a good guy, and from his youth he had been religious, and tried his hardest to please God. Jesus said only one thing thou lackest. Wouldn't that be great to lack just one thing? That would be easy to solve, and you would be in. Except, the one thing he lacked was the ability to surrender. For him his problem was his wealth. He clung to it, and depended on it. It was his idol, and he just could not surrender and yield to Christ as his Lord, and give his all to him. It doesn't make any difference if you are an up-and-outer; a down-and-outer, or middle-and-outer. The real battle of life is in deciding, can I surrender to Christ or not? This is the kind of battle where the only winners are those who surrender. Life has two kinds of battles. The kind where, when you surrender you lose, and the kind where, when you surrender you win. The first step to sobriety in AA is to acknowledge your life is unmanageable and in our own power you cannot stop drinking. In other words, the first step to victory is surrender. You have to give up on yourself, and say I can't win, for as long as you think you can and keep fighting in your own self-sufficient strength, you will keep on losing. But when you surrender, and yield yourself to God's power, then you begin the journey to victory. Some men can stop drinking on their own, but no man can be saved on his own. The only way to be saved in your own strength is to never have sinned, and that is not possible, for as the Bible says, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It is always too late to save yourself, because you are always a sinner, and no one has the power to not be what he is. To go on fighting trying to save yourself, and make a meaningful life in your own power is to fight as foolish a battle as those Japanese soldiers
  • 24. who kept fighting for an island many years after the war was over. It is doomed to failure. The only way to win in this war is to surrender. But man is by nature stubborn, and that is why man is his own worse enemy. If you kick the man in the seat of his pants who gives you the most trouble, you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week. Most men just can't let go and let God. They are proud and feel they must save themselves. They are like the man shipwrecked in the ocean. A rescue boat found him and they threw him a lifeline. But he says, "I have been swimming from my youth, and have done exercises every day. I'll swim to shore and save myself." But they shout at him," one thing thou lackest, the humility to recognize that you need a Savior. You need to give up depending on your own strength, and surrender to the power of our rescue boat." But he, in his stubbornness, refuses the life line, and they must go on to find others, knowing he will never make it. Jesus was sad when this young man did not respond. It is always sad when people refuse to be saved, but even God cannot make you chose to surrender. It is sad when men will not surrender in a war that cannot be won without surrender. Jesus felt bad when this young ruler went away refusing to surrender. Jesus had the power to force him to stop being stupid, and to trust him, but He does not use His power that way, for then it would not be surrender. God does not crush us into submission. He gives us a choice, and we can choose to fight, or we can choose to surrender, but it has to be our choice. The rich young ruler went away sorrowful. He wanted to be saved his way, and would not choose Christ's way, and the result was that he went away sad. You can count on it, he remained sad as long as he refused to reverse this decision. History is full of examples of men and nations who refused to surrender to Christ, and they always go away sad. Many are like the preacher's son who rebelled, and later wrote home to his father saying, "I'm trying to be an atheist, and I'm having a devil of a time of it." He was trying to get help at a psychiatrist at 40 dollars a crack, but he would not surrender, and so he was going his way in sorrow. In Sweden they gave up on the moral principles of God and went their own way. The result is they have the highest suicide rate in the world. They refuse to surrender, but go on fighting God, and they always go away sorrowful. When you spit against the wind you spit in your own face. History is also full of stories of surrender which has led to victory. Sometimes surrender leads to immediate change because the folly of a person is a matter of a rebel will, and as soon as the rebellion ceases the foolish behavior ceases. That is why you have real stories like the one I read of a man in a sanitarium for alcoholism. He said to the doctor concerning another patient, "He is really in a bad way isn't he?" "Yes," said the doctor, "but in a year he will be well and you never will." The shock of that caused him to go into the night and look up at the sky. He realized he was just a hard hearted rebel, and he looked up and prayed, "Make me clean." He felt the chains drop off and he was free. He never took another drink, and his body was changed from a tavern to a temple by the simple act of surrender. E. Stanley Jones tells of a big businessman who tried to deal with his guilt by self-punishment. He made himself suffer to atone for his sin trying to be his own Savior. Many do this, and they get drunk, and they make their life miserable, because they hate themselves for the evil they have done. They try to pay for their sin by suffering and ruining their own life. When Jones told this man he could receive forgiveness for his sin, he said that is too cheap. "Not at all" Jones told him, "for it cost Jesus the agony of the cross. It cost God the giving of His Son to be crucified. They were perfect and innocent yet they paid the infinite cost beyond what all men could ever pay. It was the most costly price ever paid for anything. But it is free to you if you will surrender to Christ and receive His free gift of forgiveness." He did just that and won the war. No longer did he have to punish himself and suffer. He was free to enjoy life under the Lordship of Christ.
  • 25. It is happening somewhere everyday. People are hearing the good news of the Savior, and they are saying to themselves, what folly to go on fighting and unwinable war. I will surrender and be at peace with God and myself. These do not go away sorrowful, but they go away rejoicing, for by surrender they gain the victory. Jesus recognizes that people are all different. People are like a deck of cards. You cannot have all kings and queens; you have to have a variety to have a deck, and so there are tens, nines, eights, and so on, down to duces. Jesus knows people are all different, and so He does not ask of all what He asked of this rich young ruler. The one thing He asks of all, however, is that they surrender; that they take up the cross and follow Him. Taking up the cross is dying to self and surrendering your pride and determination to do it your way. It is letting Him be Lord of your life. There is no way to win without this kind of surrender. A psychiatrist in Porto Rico read E. Stanley Jones's book Victory Through Surrender, and realized he needed to do just that. He gave His life to Christ, and it changed him completely. He began to give many hours of free counseling to alcoholics and drug addicts. He set up 12 rehabilitation centers in San Juan which took in 500 patients a day. He put half a million of his own money into them. They trained these people for carpentry and masonry etc. Five thousand are on the waiting list because 65 % of those who get in are cured. He was a miserable rich man, but when he surrendered to Christ, and let Christ use what he had, he became the happiest rich man in Porto Rico, and one of the most useful and helpful in the world. He did not go away sad but happy because he surrendered. It is the same, be you rich or poor, black of white, educated or uneducated. It is the same for everybody. Surrender to Christ and you win life's greatest war. HOW DO YOU SURRENDER? 1. ADMIT you are a sinner and lost without a Savior. As long as you cling to your own self-sufficiency you will be a rebel. 2. SUBMIT. Humble yourself before Christ, and yield to His Lordship. This means you cease to direct your own life, and seek His will and guidance. 3. COMMIT. You say to Christ, "Here am I Lord use me." You surrender your life as an instrument to be used for His purpose. You switch armies, for you no longer fight for your own cause, or the cause of the world, you become a soldier of the cross and fight for Christ, which is a battle to bring others to the point of surrender. FEARS OF SURRENDER People fear to surrender because they are not sure they can keep surrendered. They know they are sinners, and they have tried to stop bad habits, and just cannot do it. They know the facts of life, in their own weakness, and so they are afraid to surrender, because they know they will rebel again, and get drunk or sin in other deliberate ways. They just don't want to be hypocrites so they don't surrender. It almost sounds noble to be so honest about their own weakness, but the fact is, it is still folly not to surrender. You can't surrender now for tomorrow, or next week, or next year. All you can do is surrender the present moment. All God asks is what is in your present moment to chose. There will be plenty of other moments of choice to come, but the only one that matters now is the one you have now. Unless our rebel spirits come to that point where they will surrender to Christ in some moment, there is never a beginning of the process of salvation. It begins with surrender, but it must continue as we fight with the old nature to bring it into submission. In the Colorado River, the big danger is getting caught in the whirlpool that sucks you