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This project will implement a simple username/password lookup system using hash tables. You
should create the Hash Table from scratch. It may be helpful to create a separate class called
HashEntry, in which you can store a String username and String password. The Hash Table will
store these entries using the username as the key and the password as the value.
Create a hash code using the key to determine where the value is stored in the Hash Table. Here
is a sample hash method. Feel free to borrow it for your program:
privateint calcHashCode(String key) {
int mod = key.hashCode() % size;
return mod < 0 ? mod + size : mod;
You will be provided with a data file containing comma separated usernames and passwords.
Read the data in from the file and put it into the table. Once the table is populated, ask the user to
log into the system. If their username and password match the data in the table, alert the user that
access has been granted:
Login: trevor
User trevor not found.
Login: mary
Password: test
Authentication Failure
Login: mary
Password: contrary
Authentication Successful
Welcome mary
Provided Data File (containing comma separated usernames and passwords):
#include "HashTable.cpp"
using namespace std;
/// the struct for the login and password
struct Account
/// variables
string login;
string password;
/// hash function
static unsigned int hash(const string& str)
unsigned int val = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) {
val += str[i];
return val;
/// get key function
string getKey() const
return login;
int main()
string loginI;
string passwordI;
string temp;
/// open file
ifstream fin ("password.dat");
/// make new account to read into
Account acct;
/// make the hash table
HashTable data (8);
/// read in
while (fin.good())
fin >> acct.login >> acct.password;
//cout << acct.login << " " << acct.password << endl;
/// read in
cout << "Login: ";
cin >> loginI;
cout << "Password: ";
cin >> passwordI;
/// check for login
if (data.retrieve(loginI, acct))
/// check if passwords are the same
if ((acct.password == passwordI))
/// same password, print success
cout << "Authentication successful" << endl;
/// different password, print failure
cout << "Authentication failure" << endl;
/// if the data login is not saved print failure
cout << "Authentication failure" << endl;
cout << "Login: ";
cin >> loginI;
return 0;
#include "HashTable.h"
#include "show10.cpp"
using namespace std;
HashTable::HashTable(int initTableSize)
/// save size
tableSize = initTableSize;
/// initialize the array
dataTable = new BSTree[tableSize];
HashTable::HashTable(const HashTable& other)
/// copy size and create new table
tableSize = other.tableSize;
dataTable = new BSTree[tableSize];
*this = other;
HashTable& HashTable:: operator=(const HashTable& other)
/// if the same return
if (this = &other)
return *this;
/// clear
/// copy the size and create new table
tableSize = other.tableSize;
dataTable = new BSTree[tableSize];
/// go through tables and copy the trees
for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; ++i)
dataTable[i] = other.dataTable[i];
return *this;
delete[] dataTable;
void HashTable::insert(const DataType& newDataItem)
/// get hash
int location = newDataItem.hash(newDataItem.getKey()) % tableSize;
/// insert into tree
bool HashTable:: remove(const KeyType& deleteKey)
/// get its location in the array
int location = DataType::hash(deleteKey) % tableSize;
/// check to delete it
return dataTable[location].remove(deleteKey);
bool HashTable:: retrieve(const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& returnItem) const
/// find location in the array
int location = DataType::hash(searchKey) % tableSize;
/// check if the item is there
return dataTable[location].retrieve(searchKey, returnItem);
void HashTable:: clear()
/// iterate through the complete hash table
for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; ++i)
* Not Used
bool HashTable:: isEmpty() const
bool flag = true;
for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; ++i)
/// check to see if each tree insdie the table is empty
flag = dataTable[i].isEmpty();
/// if flag is ever turned into false, then return false
if (flag == false)
return false;
return true;
double HashTable:: standardDeviation() const
void HashTable:: copyTable(const HashTable& source)
*this = source;
// HashTable.h
using namespace std;
#include "BSTree.cpp"
class HashTable {
HashTable(int initTableSize);
HashTable(const HashTable& other);
HashTable& operator=(const HashTable& other);
void insert(const DataType& newDataItem);
bool remove(const KeyType& deleteKey);
bool retrieve(const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& returnItem) const;
void clear();
bool isEmpty() const;
void showStructure() const;
double standardDeviation() const;
void copyTable(const HashTable& source);
int tableSize;
BSTree* dataTable;
#endif // ifndef HASHTABLE_H
#include "BSTree.h"
#include "show9.cpp"
using namespace std;
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
BSTree::BSTreeNode::BSTreeNode( const DataType& nodeDataItem, BSTreeNode *leftPtr,
BSTreeNode *rightPtr )
: dataItem(nodeDataItem), left(leftPtr), right (rightPtr)
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
root = NULL;
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
BSTree::BSTree(const BSTree& source)
*this = source;
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
BSTree& BSTree::operator=(const BSTree& source)
if (this == &source)
return *this;
copyHelp(root, source.root);
return *this;
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
void BSTree::copyHelp( BSTreeNode*& home, BSTreeNode* RHS )
/// Stopping condition, end of tree
if (RHS == NULL)
home = NULL;
/// Create node
home = new BSTreeNode (RHS->dataItem, NULL, NULL);
/// Recall with the other parts of the tree
copyHelp(home->left, RHS->left);
copyHelp(home->right, RHS->right);
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
BSTree::~BSTree ()
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
void BSTree::insert(const DataType& newDataItem)
insertHelper(root, newDataItem);
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
void BSTree::insertHelper(BSTreeNode* & location, const DataType& newDataItem)
/// if reached location, create the new node
if (location==NULL)
location = new BSTreeNode(newDataItem, NULL, NULL);
/// if the current location is larger than data go left
if (location->dataItem.getKey() > newDataItem.getKey())
insertHelper(location->left, newDataItem);
/// if the current location is smaller than data, go right
if (location->dataItem.getKey() < newDataItem.getKey())
insertHelper(location->right, newDataItem);
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
bool BSTree::retrieve(const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& searchDataItem) const
return retrieveHelper(root, searchKey, searchDataItem);
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
bool BSTree::retrieveHelper(BSTreeNode* location, const KeyType& searchKey, DataType&
searchDataItem) const
/// if checked the complete tree, return false
if (location == NULL)
return false;
/// if found, return true
if (location->dataItem.getKey() == searchKey)
searchDataItem = location->dataItem;
return true;
/// if what were are looking for is smaller go left else go right
if (location->dataItem.getKey() > searchKey)
return retrieveHelper(location->left, searchKey, searchDataItem);
return retrieveHelper(location->right, searchKey, searchDataItem);
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
bool BSTree:: remove ( const KeyType& deleteKey )
return removeHelper(root, deleteKey);
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
bool BSTree:: removeHelper ( BSTreeNode* & location, const KeyType& deleteKey )
/// if at the end and not found, return false
if (location == NULL)
return false;
/// if found, delete
if (location->dataItem.getKey() == deleteKey)
/// if no children
if ((location->left == NULL) && (location->right == NULL))
delete location;
location = NULL;
return true;
/// if one child
/// left child, no right
if ((location->left != NULL) && (location->right == NULL))
BSTreeNode* temp;
temp = location;
location = location->left;
delete temp;
return true;
/// no left, right child
if ((location->left == NULL) && (location->right != NULL))
BSTreeNode* temp;
temp = location;
location = location->right;
delete temp;
return true;
/// if two children
if ((location->left != NULL) && (location->right != NULL))
BSTreeNode* temp;
temp = location;
/// get predecessor
temp = temp->left;
while (temp->right != NULL)
temp = temp->right;
/// overwrite the value to delete with the predecessor
location->dataItem = temp->dataItem;
/// delete the node with the value just written to the new location
return removeHelper(location->left, temp->dataItem.getKey());
/// keep searching
if (location->dataItem.getKey() > deleteKey)
return removeHelper(location->left, deleteKey);
return removeHelper(location->right, deleteKey);
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
void BSTree:: writeKeys () const
cout << endl;
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
void BSTree:: writeKeysHelper (BSTreeNode* location) const
if (!isEmpty())
/// go all the way to the left
if (location->left != NULL)
/// once all the way to the left print out the current
cout << location->dataItem.getKey() << " ";
/// check for the children to the right of the most left node
if (location->right != NULL)
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
void BSTree:: clear()
root = NULL;
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
void BSTree:: clearHelper( BSTreeNode* & location )
/// if there is more to the left recall with child
if (location->left != NULL)
/// if leftmost has a right child repeat process with the right child
if (location->right != NULL)
/// deallocate
delete location;
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
bool BSTree:: isEmpty () const
return (root == NULL);
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
int BSTree:: getHeight () const
if (isEmpty())
return 0;
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
int BSTree:: heightHelper ( BSTreeNode* location) const
/// if we reached a null spot, return 0 since nothing is added
if (location == NULL)
return 0;
/// get the size of the left and right by recalling and going to the left and right
int leftTree = heightHelper(location->left);
int rightTree = heightHelper(location->right);
/// return which ever is larger plus one since the current node is part of the height
if (leftTree > rightTree)
return leftTree+1;
return rightTree+1;
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
int BSTree:: getCount () const
return countHelper(root);
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
int BSTree:: countHelper (BSTreeNode* location) const
if (location == NULL)
return 0;
return (countHelper(location->left)+countHelper(location->right)+1);
template < typename DataType, class KeyType >
void BSTree:: writeLessThan ( const KeyType& searchKey ) const
#ifndef BSTREE_H
#define BSTREE_H
using namespace std;
template < typename DataType, class KeyType > // DataType : tree data item
class BSTree // KeyType : key field
// Constructor
BSTree (); // Default constructor
BSTree ( const BSTree& other ); // Copy constructor
BSTree& operator= ( const BSTree& other );
// Overloaded assignment operator
// Destructor
~BSTree ();
// Binary search tree manipulation operations
void insert ( const DataType& newDataItem ); // Insert data item
bool retrieve ( const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& searchDataItem ) const;
// Retrieve data item
bool remove ( const KeyType& deleteKey ); // Remove data item
void writeKeys () const; // Output keys
void clear (); // Clear tree
// Binary search tree status operations
bool isEmpty () const; // Tree is empty
// !! isFull() has been retired. Not very useful in a linked structure.
// Output the tree structure -- used in testing/debugging
void showStructure () const;
// In-lab operations
int getHeight () const; // Height of tree
int getCount () const; // Number of nodes in tree
void writeLessThan ( const KeyType& searchKey ) const; // Output keys < searchKey
class BSTreeNode // Inner class: facilitator for the BSTree class
// Constructor
BSTreeNode ( const DataType &nodeDataItem, BSTreeNode *leftPtr, BSTreeNode *rightPtr );
// Data members
DataType dataItem; // Binary search tree data item
BSTreeNode *left, // Pointer to the left child
*right; // Pointer to the right child
// Recursive helpers for the public member functions -- insert
// prototypes of these functions here.
void showHelper ( BSTreeNode *p, int level ) const;
void insertHelper(BSTreeNode* & location, const DataType& newDataItem);
bool retrieveHelper(BSTreeNode* location, const KeyType& searchKey, DataType&
searchDataItem) const;
bool removeHelper ( BSTreeNode* & location, const KeyType& deleteKey );
void writeKeysHelper (BSTreeNode* location) const;
void clearHelper( BSTreeNode* & location );
int heightHelper ( BSTreeNode* location) const;
int countHelper (BSTreeNode* location) const;
void copyHelp( BSTreeNode*& home, BSTreeNode* RHS );
// Data member
BSTreeNode *root; // Pointer to the root node
#endif // define BSTREE_H
template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >
void BSTree:: showStructure () const
if ( root == 0 )
cout << "Empty tree" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >
void BSTree:: showHelper ( BSTreeNode *p,
int level ) const
int j; // Loop counter
if ( p != 0 )
showHelper(p->right,level+1); // Output right subtree
for ( j = 0 ; j < level ; j++ ) // Tab over to level
cout << "t";
cout << " " << p->dataItem.getKey(); // Output key
if ( ( p->left != 0 ) && // Output "connector"
( p->right != 0 ) )
cout << "<";
else if ( p->right != 0 )
cout << "/";
else if ( p->left != 0 )
cout << "";
cout << endl;
showHelper(p->left,level+1); // Output left subtree

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  • 1. This project will implement a simple username/password lookup system using hash tables. You should create the Hash Table from scratch. It may be helpful to create a separate class called HashEntry, in which you can store a String username and String password. The Hash Table will store these entries using the username as the key and the password as the value. Create a hash code using the key to determine where the value is stored in the Hash Table. Here is a sample hash method. Feel free to borrow it for your program: privateint calcHashCode(String key) { int mod = key.hashCode() % size; return mod < 0 ? mod + size : mod; } You will be provided with a data file containing comma separated usernames and passwords. Read the data in from the file and put it into the table. Once the table is populated, ask the user to log into the system. If their username and password match the data in the table, alert the user that access has been granted: Login: trevor User trevor not found. Login: mary Password: test Authentication Failure Login: mary Password: contrary Authentication Successful Welcome mary Provided Data File (containing comma separated usernames and passwords): jack, jill,tumblin'down mary,contrary bopeep,sheep!lost Solution //main.cpp #include #include #include
  • 2. #include #include #include "HashTable.cpp" using namespace std; /// the struct for the login and password struct Account { /// variables string login; string password; /// hash function static unsigned int hash(const string& str) { unsigned int val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) { val += str[i]; } return val; } /// get key function string getKey() const { return login; } }; int main() { string loginI; string passwordI; string temp; /// open file ifstream fin ("password.dat"); fin.clear(); /// make new account to read into Account acct; /// make the hash table
  • 3. HashTable data (8); /// read in while (fin.good()) { fin >> acct.login >> acct.password; //cout << acct.login << " " << acct.password << endl; data.insert(acct); //data.showStructure(); } data.showStructure(); /// read in cout << "Login: "; cin >> loginI; do { cout << "Password: "; cin >> passwordI; /// check for login if (data.retrieve(loginI, acct)) { /// check if passwords are the same if ((acct.password == passwordI)) { /// same password, print success cout << "Authentication successful" << endl; } else { /// different password, print failure cout << "Authentication failure" << endl; } } else { /// if the data login is not saved print failure cout << "Authentication failure" << endl;
  • 4. } cout << "Login: "; cin >> loginI; } while(!cin.eof()); return 0; } ===================================================================== ===== #include #include #include #include #include "HashTable.h" #include "show10.cpp" using namespace std; template HashTable::HashTable(int initTableSize) { /// save size tableSize = initTableSize; /// initialize the array dataTable = new BSTree[tableSize]; } template HashTable::HashTable(const HashTable& other) { /// copy size and create new table tableSize = other.tableSize; dataTable = new BSTree[tableSize]; *this = other; } template
  • 5. HashTable& HashTable:: operator=(const HashTable& other) { /// if the same return if (this = &other) return *this; /// clear clear(); /// copy the size and create new table tableSize = other.tableSize; dataTable = new BSTree[tableSize]; /// go through tables and copy the trees for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; ++i) { dataTable[i] = other.dataTable[i]; } return *this; } template HashTable::~HashTable() { clear(); delete[] dataTable; } template void HashTable::insert(const DataType& newDataItem) { /// get hash int location = newDataItem.hash(newDataItem.getKey()) % tableSize; /// insert into tree dataTable[location].insert(newDataItem); } template bool HashTable:: remove(const KeyType& deleteKey) {
  • 6. /// get its location in the array int location = DataType::hash(deleteKey) % tableSize; /// check to delete it return dataTable[location].remove(deleteKey); } template bool HashTable:: retrieve(const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& returnItem) const { /// find location in the array int location = DataType::hash(searchKey) % tableSize; /// check if the item is there return dataTable[location].retrieve(searchKey, returnItem); } template void HashTable:: clear() { /// iterate through the complete hash table for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; ++i) { dataTable[i].clear(); } } /** * Not Used */ template bool HashTable:: isEmpty() const { bool flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; ++i) { /// check to see if each tree insdie the table is empty flag = dataTable[i].isEmpty();
  • 7. /// if flag is ever turned into false, then return false if (flag == false) return false; } return true; } template double HashTable:: standardDeviation() const { } template void HashTable:: copyTable(const HashTable& source) { *this = source; } ================================================== // HashTable.h #ifndef HASHTABLE_H #define HASHTABLE_H #include #include using namespace std; #include "BSTree.cpp" template class HashTable { public: HashTable(int initTableSize); HashTable(const HashTable& other); HashTable& operator=(const HashTable& other); ~HashTable(); void insert(const DataType& newDataItem); bool remove(const KeyType& deleteKey); bool retrieve(const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& returnItem) const; void clear();
  • 8. bool isEmpty() const; void showStructure() const; double standardDeviation() const; private: void copyTable(const HashTable& source); int tableSize; BSTree* dataTable; }; #endif // ifndef HASHTABLE_H ==================================================================== //BSTree.cpp #include #include #include #include #include "BSTree.h" #include "show9.cpp" using namespace std; template < typename DataType, class KeyType > BSTree::BSTreeNode::BSTreeNode( const DataType& nodeDataItem, BSTreeNode *leftPtr, BSTreeNode *rightPtr ) : dataItem(nodeDataItem), left(leftPtr), right (rightPtr) { } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > BSTree::BSTree() { root = NULL; } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > BSTree::BSTree(const BSTree& source) { root=NULL;
  • 9. *this = source; } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > BSTree& BSTree::operator=(const BSTree& source) { if (this == &source) return *this; clear(); copyHelp(root, source.root); return *this; } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > void BSTree::copyHelp( BSTreeNode*& home, BSTreeNode* RHS ) { /// Stopping condition, end of tree if (RHS == NULL) { home = NULL; return; } /// Create node home = new BSTreeNode (RHS->dataItem, NULL, NULL); /// Recall with the other parts of the tree copyHelp(home->left, RHS->left); copyHelp(home->right, RHS->right); return; } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > BSTree::~BSTree () { clear(); } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > void BSTree::insert(const DataType& newDataItem)
  • 10. { insertHelper(root, newDataItem); } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > void BSTree::insertHelper(BSTreeNode* & location, const DataType& newDataItem) { /// if reached location, create the new node if (location==NULL) location = new BSTreeNode(newDataItem, NULL, NULL); /// if the current location is larger than data go left if (location->dataItem.getKey() > newDataItem.getKey()) insertHelper(location->left, newDataItem); /// if the current location is smaller than data, go right if (location->dataItem.getKey() < newDataItem.getKey()) insertHelper(location->right, newDataItem); } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > bool BSTree::retrieve(const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& searchDataItem) const { return retrieveHelper(root, searchKey, searchDataItem); } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > bool BSTree::retrieveHelper(BSTreeNode* location, const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& searchDataItem) const { /// if checked the complete tree, return false if (location == NULL) return false; /// if found, return true if (location->dataItem.getKey() == searchKey) { searchDataItem = location->dataItem; return true; } /// if what were are looking for is smaller go left else go right
  • 11. if (location->dataItem.getKey() > searchKey) { return retrieveHelper(location->left, searchKey, searchDataItem); } else { return retrieveHelper(location->right, searchKey, searchDataItem); } } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > bool BSTree:: remove ( const KeyType& deleteKey ) { return removeHelper(root, deleteKey); } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > bool BSTree:: removeHelper ( BSTreeNode* & location, const KeyType& deleteKey ) { /// if at the end and not found, return false if (location == NULL) return false; /// if found, delete if (location->dataItem.getKey() == deleteKey) { /// if no children if ((location->left == NULL) && (location->right == NULL)) { delete location; location = NULL; return true; } /// if one child /// left child, no right if ((location->left != NULL) && (location->right == NULL)) {
  • 12. BSTreeNode* temp; temp = location; location = location->left; delete temp; return true; } /// no left, right child if ((location->left == NULL) && (location->right != NULL)) { BSTreeNode* temp; temp = location; location = location->right; delete temp; return true; } /// if two children if ((location->left != NULL) && (location->right != NULL)) { BSTreeNode* temp; temp = location; /// get predecessor temp = temp->left; while (temp->right != NULL) temp = temp->right; /// overwrite the value to delete with the predecessor location->dataItem = temp->dataItem; /// delete the node with the value just written to the new location return removeHelper(location->left, temp->dataItem.getKey()); } } /// keep searching if (location->dataItem.getKey() > deleteKey) return removeHelper(location->left, deleteKey); else return removeHelper(location->right, deleteKey); }
  • 13. template < typename DataType, class KeyType > void BSTree:: writeKeys () const { writeKeysHelper(root); cout << endl; } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > void BSTree:: writeKeysHelper (BSTreeNode* location) const { if (!isEmpty()) { /// go all the way to the left if (location->left != NULL) { writeKeysHelper(location->left); } /// once all the way to the left print out the current cout << location->dataItem.getKey() << " "; /// check for the children to the right of the most left node if (location->right != NULL) { writeKeysHelper(location->right); } } } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > void BSTree:: clear() { clearHelper(root); root = NULL; } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > void BSTree:: clearHelper( BSTreeNode* & location ) { if(!isEmpty())
  • 14. { /// if there is more to the left recall with child if (location->left != NULL) clearHelper(location->left); /// if leftmost has a right child repeat process with the right child if (location->right != NULL) clearHelper(location->right); /// deallocate delete location; } } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > bool BSTree:: isEmpty () const { return (root == NULL); } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > int BSTree:: getHeight () const { if (isEmpty()) return 0; heightHelper(root); } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > int BSTree:: heightHelper ( BSTreeNode* location) const { /// if we reached a null spot, return 0 since nothing is added if (location == NULL) return 0; /// get the size of the left and right by recalling and going to the left and right int leftTree = heightHelper(location->left); int rightTree = heightHelper(location->right); /// return which ever is larger plus one since the current node is part of the height
  • 15. if (leftTree > rightTree) return leftTree+1; else return rightTree+1; } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > int BSTree:: getCount () const { return countHelper(root); } template < typename DataType, class KeyType > int BSTree:: countHelper (BSTreeNode* location) const { if (location == NULL) return 0; else return (countHelper(location->left)+countHelper(location->right)+1); } /** * NOT USED */ template < typename DataType, class KeyType > void BSTree:: writeLessThan ( const KeyType& searchKey ) const { } ================================================================== //BSTree.h #ifndef BSTREE_H #define BSTREE_H #include #include using namespace std; template < typename DataType, class KeyType > // DataType : tree data item
  • 16. class BSTree // KeyType : key field { public: // Constructor BSTree (); // Default constructor BSTree ( const BSTree& other ); // Copy constructor BSTree& operator= ( const BSTree& other ); // Overloaded assignment operator // Destructor ~BSTree (); // Binary search tree manipulation operations void insert ( const DataType& newDataItem ); // Insert data item bool retrieve ( const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& searchDataItem ) const; // Retrieve data item bool remove ( const KeyType& deleteKey ); // Remove data item void writeKeys () const; // Output keys void clear (); // Clear tree // Binary search tree status operations bool isEmpty () const; // Tree is empty // !! isFull() has been retired. Not very useful in a linked structure. // Output the tree structure -- used in testing/debugging void showStructure () const; // In-lab operations int getHeight () const; // Height of tree int getCount () const; // Number of nodes in tree void writeLessThan ( const KeyType& searchKey ) const; // Output keys < searchKey protected: class BSTreeNode // Inner class: facilitator for the BSTree class { public: // Constructor BSTreeNode ( const DataType &nodeDataItem, BSTreeNode *leftPtr, BSTreeNode *rightPtr ); // Data members DataType dataItem; // Binary search tree data item BSTreeNode *left, // Pointer to the left child
  • 17. *right; // Pointer to the right child }; // Recursive helpers for the public member functions -- insert // prototypes of these functions here. void showHelper ( BSTreeNode *p, int level ) const; void insertHelper(BSTreeNode* & location, const DataType& newDataItem); bool retrieveHelper(BSTreeNode* location, const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& searchDataItem) const; bool removeHelper ( BSTreeNode* & location, const KeyType& deleteKey ); void writeKeysHelper (BSTreeNode* location) const; void clearHelper( BSTreeNode* & location ); int heightHelper ( BSTreeNode* location) const; int countHelper (BSTreeNode* location) const; void copyHelp( BSTreeNode*& home, BSTreeNode* RHS ); // Data member BSTreeNode *root; // Pointer to the root node }; #endif // define BSTREE_H ===================================================================== = //show9.cpp template < typename DataType, typename KeyType > void BSTree:: showStructure () const { if ( root == 0 ) cout << "Empty tree" << endl; else { cout << endl; showHelper(root,1); cout << endl; } } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >
  • 18. void BSTree:: showHelper ( BSTreeNode *p, int level ) const { int j; // Loop counter if ( p != 0 ) { showHelper(p->right,level+1); // Output right subtree for ( j = 0 ; j < level ; j++ ) // Tab over to level cout << "t"; cout << " " << p->dataItem.getKey(); // Output key if ( ( p->left != 0 ) && // Output "connector" ( p->right != 0 ) ) cout << "<"; else if ( p->right != 0 ) cout << "/"; else if ( p->left != 0 ) cout << ""; cout << endl; showHelper(p->left,level+1); // Output left subtree } } ======================================================