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Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 09
Generally, the species of fish found right here and the periods of their best abundance are far as on
Browns Bank. The principal fishes taken are halibut, cusk, cod and haddock and hake, and a
extremely small amount of pollock. Except for the haddocking, the ideal minn kota maxxum season is
from March to October. The occasional good fares are helped bring from these grounds, perhaps
more often in the spring and early summer time and a few at other conditions, though halibut are
said to obtain been extremely plenty here in the past however are said to have been comparatively
unusual in recent years. In April they may be found most frequently in 80 fathom depths; in May in
30 to 40 fathoms, in June the best halibuting is had in 25-fathom depths or even in shoaler water.
(The halibut catch shown for your year picked (1927) is unusually little, most many years yielding a
decent amount of this species using this ground. Apparently no part of the American halibut fleet
visited this ground for your year.)
The swordfish get there on Georges on the South west Part as well as on the The southern part of
Edge about June 5, and the vacationing schools move over the lender, northward bound, up to
August 10. The truth is, all through the time of year when they are within northern seas, even up to
November, they could be found on Georges. Probably the very best area of the bank for this varieties
is on the parallel of 41? N., where the shoal rises steeply out of "blue water."
Cusk are present in this article during most of the year in 80 fathoms on the challenging bottom.
Pollock are handful of on this terrain at any time of the year. This species, as well as herring and
mackerel, are abundant around the "shore soundings" of Close Island Floor, whence, pursuing the
abundant food items furnished with the smaller fish, they range a quick distance within the Bay of
Fundy. Numerous mackerel are taken in the traps within the vicinity of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia,
which seems to symbol the reduce of their penetration in any significant schools on the western
shoreline of Nova Scotia.
The numbers of the find from Clarks Bank have been shown as well as those of Georges Bank. in
which, in fact, this area is a part.
The proportion of cod taken here by these vessels is very small, even smaller than that from other
reasons fished with the otter-trawl method. Pollock and hake, way too, make a little item inside the
fares through the neighborhood in the South Shoal. In the regular otter-trawl fare haddock can
make up the better part of the get because, usually, this type of gear is run mostly about the smooth,
soft sandy bottom which this kinds prefers. The otter-trawl fishery the following is at its best from
early May possibly throughJuly and June, and the first stop of August. Few journeys are documented
from this floor at other seasons. Perhaps the haddock simply leaves the shoal grounds here earlier
than if it moves out from the same depths in The Funnel.
By far the greatest percentage of the swordfish find landed from the ports ofGloucester and Boston,
and Portland comes from Georges Bank. A considerable area of the minn kota maxxum listed using
this ground within the heading "Miscellaneous" is made up of this species.
pollock, hake, halibut, cusk, cod and Haddock will be the principal foods fishes procured from this
banking institution, ranking in volume from the order named. In importance, however, halibut takes
third place in a list. Cod are plentiful here in winter months, though much less vessels minn kota
maxxum right here than on Georges Financial institution, at that season. At other seasons the
codfishery on Browns Lender compares positively with that of other banks in the location. Cod are
present the year about, in Might and June feeding in depths of around 40 fathoms, going into 80
fathoms in August, and into depths of about 100 fathoms in cold weather.
While not considered a halibut terrain, as compared with several of the other offshore banks,
Georges can show a very considerable find of this species. Because of its nearness to the
marketplaces it is a lot more intensely fished than any other ground of equal region and by a far
better variety of projects, most of which take a increased or much less amount of halibut. The otter-
trawl fleet, the two here as well as in The Route, takes a lot of this varieties when its total catch is
considered; and these fish are mainly modest, of from 4 to 10 pounds in weight, with only rarely a
larger one particular. The sea salt fishers, also, and the other market fleet combine to produce an
imposing total from the poundage of halibut from Georges as well as its vicinity. The Georges halibut
is prestigious by the buy and sell above the halibut from other reasons. For what explanation it is
difficult to mention, unless due to the fact, since the travels to this terrain average less days in size,
the species of fish are received in the markets inside a fresher issue than are those from more
distant banking institutions, though probably its flesh may be exceptional.
Over a lot of the bank the bottom is fine sand, although areas of difficult ground (gravel, pebbles,
and rocks) of greater or less level are found in some localities. Its position in between the Bay of
Fundy as well as the Gulf Supply cause the tide to run swifter than on other banks and to swirl
around rather than passing directly over, forth and rear. The writer has seen two men have difficulty
in keeping an empty dory against the existing.
Nantucket Shoals; Davis Bank; Crab Bank. It is an irregular component of bottom telling lies in a
usually ENE. and WSW course at about 20 miles distance ESE from Sankaty Head. It is perhaps 14
miles extended by 5 miles wide at its broadest. Depths upon it are from 4 to 9 fathoms, with
soundings of 12 to 18 regarding it, over a base of fine sand and cracked shells.
Haddock, also, can be found all the year, the duration of greatest abundance being usually January
and February. In April and March they can be most numerous in 27 to 30 fathoms; at other periods
they are in 50 fathoms and deeper, especially in winter season, when usually they can be obtained
from 80 to 100 fathoms. Cusk are present in the deeply water all the year.
Nantucket Shoals (To the south Shoal). This name is applied to the sport fishing floor about
Nantucket Lightship, which marks the existing South Shoal and the New South Shoal, the two
building a continuous reef of unusual form some 10 to 12 mls in length and from 1 to 3 miles large.
The upper end with this lies about 12 miles S. by E. from Sankaty Brain (the Old To the south Shoal),
as well as the southern extremity of the New South Shoal reaches to around 20 a long way S. ? E.
from the same point. The minn kota maxxum ground is mostly for the S. of such shoals and
approximately the lightship, where otter trawling is carried on in most directions through the ship
except from N. to NE., where lay the vessels sunk with the German submarine in the late war. This
fishery is also carried on WNW. from the dispatch for a length of 40 miles, even into 7 fathom depths
near Muskeget Inlet.
Nantucket Shoal--Wonderful Rip. Lies 13 mls E. by S. ? S. from Sankaty Head Lighting. Nantucket. It
is actually 5 mls long from N, to S. and three miles large. The angling is performed mainly around
the edges in 6 to 12 fathoms where the bottom is pea gravel and seashells covered with kelp and
sponges, even though over this place the depths are from 9 to 18 feet. Right here, as on all these
shoals, the greater portion of the fishing is done by that approach known as "rip sportfishing." Cod
are taken chiefly by hand-lining in May. , and August.June and July
Elsewhere depths common from 13 to 18 fathoms on the inner elements of the grounds, whence they
slope out gradually from the shore soundings into 50, 80, or even more on the outer edge, the
location where the ground falls away swiftly into the deeps. You can find small stretches of coarse
gravel, brokenpebbles and seashells, and a few dirty spots, even though for the most part this place
has a bottom part of beach sand.
Depths range from 2 to 50 fathoms. Around the western aspect, between the parallels of 41? 10' and
41? 53' to the north latitude as well as the meridians of 87? 68 and 20'? 37' west longitude are a
number of shoals, known as the East Shoal, To the north Shoal, Southwest Shoal. Cultivator, etc. The
Southwest Shoal is the greatest, being 15 miles very long SSW and NNE., having an average
thickness of 2? miles. The position of the center with this shoal is 41? 39' north latitude and 67? 48'
western longitude. There are actually from 2 to 15 fathoms of water on the shoals and between them
are depths of from 12 to 30 fathoms. The tide sweeps around these with great pressure, causing
powerful rips, and through rough weather conditions the sea smashes heavily about them, rendering
strategy to their area extremely hazardous.
In its manufacturing Georges Lender itself is rather evenly divided up between cod and haddock, the
cod exhibiting a slightly larger sized proportion. The South Station, on the western edge of Georges,
shows primarily as a haddock ground, and also the haddock through the Channel is recognized as a
better minn kota maxxum than that from Georges. Georges Bank itself is also a vital haddock soil in
the spring and early summertime, when this species abounds concerning the Cultivator Shoal (SE.
by S. 88 miles from Highland Light. Cape Cod) in depths from 18 to 30 fathoms; and at the same
year along the Northern Edge (140 to 200 miles E. by S. ? S. from Boston Lightship in about 41? to
42? N. lat. and 66? to 88? W. lengthy.) in 45 to 80 fathoms in summer, the fish moving away from
into the deeper water (90 to 100 fathoms) from the neighborhood of the Corner of the Channel
because the winter will come on. Lots of people are found in March, when they come back from the
serious water, when fishing is carried on 65 a long way SE. from Highland in 70 fathoms; then they
come into the 40-fathom depths in the North Shoal westward to the Corner of The Channel over the
Northern Side. In Apr the Cultivator Cove is nice ground even into 20-fathom depths.
Close off Island Floor. This is called also on the maps in its north west part, the German Bank and
lies off the european part of Nova Scotia. Very few charts display it, since it is somewhat difficult to
define its exact restrictions. It is a primary continuation from the shore soundings, which slope
gradually from your land to the S. and W. and continue in a northerly route beyond what might be
deemed the range of the reasons. To the S. it extends nearly to Browns Financial institution, from
which it really is separated with a narrow gully 70 to 80 fathoms deep. To the N. it reaches 38 miles
above Seal Tropical island and to the NW. about 35 mls from the identical island. The southern
restriction of the ground is in 43? and the northern 43? 45' north latitude, while the traditional
western boundary can be placed at 66? 40' west longitude. The entire floor outside the 3 mile
restrict covers a location of 1,250 mls.
Browns Banking institution. This banking institution lies in a northeastern route from Georges and is
split up from it from a gully 15 miles large, in which the depths range from 100 to 450 fathoms. Its
area is approximately 2,275 square miles. The greatest size, from SE to NW, is 63 miles as well as
the greatest width is 43 miles. It is actually situated among 64? 52" and 68? 29" western side
longitude, and 41? 50" and 43? 02" northern latitude. There is a small rocky shoal around the
northern part, on which, it is known, there is not 9 to 15 fathoms. The bank slopes away from the
shoal, S. and E. to depths of 55 to 75 fathoms, but at a distance of 12 or 15 miles off of, it again rises
to 30 to 50 fathoms. This area of shoal normal water, within the 50 fathom limit, is 50 miles very
long and has an average width of 15 miles. North in the shoal the water deepens abruptly to 70 and
80 fathoms. The bottom is largely coarse pebbles, gravel and sand and rocks and is rich in dog life.
The area of the bank is approximately 1,370 sq . geographical miles.
Nantucket Shoals, Madisons Place. SSE. 13 miles top Round Shoal buoy, has 9 fathoms over a clean
hard bottom of fine sand. It is about 3 miles long, from SE. to NW. by 1? miles wide. This can be a
flounder soil for the higher part of the season and a great cod soil in October and December. As it is
the tip elsewhere in this particular neighborhood, tides are heavy over this ground.
Nantucket Shoals Minn Kota Maxxum Rip is an elongate bank lying 29 a long way SE. from Sankaty
Mind Light. It can be 10 mls long within a NE and SW direction and Southeast Rip (Nantucket
Shoals) is SE. from Sankaty Brain 35 miles. It has depths from 8 to 10 fathoms over an area about 10
a long way long by 2 kilometers wide, with from 22 to 30 fathoms on the sandy underside around it.
The travel fleet functions here also, but, as a rule, more of these vessels are found on the soil lying
some 10 miles farther eastward, on the fringe of Georges in somewhat further water (30 to 50
fathoms) over a rougher and rockier base, where you will discover a greater amount of cod in the
capture than on the western region.
The part of the whole lender is approximately 8,050 sq miles, which, except for the shoals, is
available in summer for that taking of halibut, cusk, cod and haddock and hake, with a considerable
amount of mackereling and swordfishing, as well as the taking of other varieties.
The Channel. [14] The Channel represents the american edge of Georges Bank. Its boundaries are
somewhat indefinite, but the aged Eldridge chart states that for the fishermen the 30 fathom process
running southerly from Competition Point. Cape Cod, boundaries its european edge. This ground is
much visited with the Boston fleet, both cruise and water vapor, line trawlers and otter trawlers, the
fleet of Gloucester, and the otter-trawl fleet which has developed in Ny in recent years. Perhaps the
most important is the fact that part telling lies 25 miles E, even if this area will be all good angling
terrain in the appropriate season. ? S. from Sankaty Head, Nantucket. Here is a levels, sandy bottom
part, where, during May,June and July, and August, the otter trawlers operate efficiently in 18 to 30
fathoms of water, making a catch that is comprised principally of haddock, having a considerable
amount of cod, especially in July and June, together with a fair quantity also ofcusk and pollock, and
hake. Small halibut are pretty abundanthere and also, these minn kota maxxum becoming of from 5
to R lbs, rarely bigger. Flounders are abundant, with a good number of "lemon soles" and "gray
soles," which are extremely popular with the buy and sell.
[Footnote 14: Capt. John Smith wrote of this region: "Toward the To the south and South west with
this Cape (Cape Cod) is available a lengthy and harmful shoal of sands and rocks. But so far while i
incircled it, I found thirtie fadom h2o aboard the shore, and a strong present; which makes mee
thinke you will discover a Channell about the shoales; exactly where is the finest and very best minn
kota maxxum to be Winter months, Summer along with in all of the that Countree. But the Savages
say there is absolutely no Channell; but that the shoales begin from your main at Pawmet, towards
the Ile of Nausit; and so extends beyond their understanding into the water." That this captain's
history of far-visioned information may not be kept too gently, let these figures speak, taken since
they are from the bureau's records in the landings at the three ports of Boston, Gloucester. and
Portland for the year 1927, when the fares from his "Channell" numbered 2,036, with a poundage of
121,688,693 and a price of $3,607,358.]
The principal halibut grounds on Georges for your summer and spring season months (Apr to July)
lie between the Cultivator Shoal and the North Shoal in depths from 10 to 18 fathoms, and E., S.,
and SW. in the North Shoal in the exact same soundings. This place is sometimes named Little
Georges. There are also several mussel grounds on the south west part of Georges, having depths
averaging 20 fathoms, which furnish excellent feeding reasons and a substantial catch of halibut in
the seasons when these sea food are in the shoal water.
While in July and August the halibut are found along the Northern Side, over a extend of floor about
65 miles very long in 60 to 100 fathoms; and from this time until the challenging weather of your
winter begins the minn kota maxxum proceeds about the Northeast Peak (about 42? 00' N. and 66?
00' W.) over the narrow location on the edge of the instantly deepening water, beginning in from 60
to 70 fathoms, then out to 200 and in many cases 300 fathoms. The winter angling on Georges is
quite difficult and somewhat harmful, so that the halibut fishery over these waters is rarely carried
on or, at best, by very few vessels after October or well before March.
A considerable area of the minn kota maxxum listed underneath the heading "Miscellaneous" are
swordfish, which arrive upon this bank throughout their summer wanderings.
The depths here are from 70 to 100 fathoms spanning a broken base ofgravel and mud, and in places
fine sand. The floor falls away rapidly on all sides apart from toward Seal off Island as well as the
Nova Scotia coast, leaving an area at its end of relatively indeterminate size, perhaps 18 or 20,
miles, and getting a distance across of approximately 8 miles at its widest component.
Rose and Crown Shoal. This is a tiny piece of floor 7 miles ESE. from Sankaty Go. The fishing
location lies in between the Round Shoal and Crown and Rose buoys, making a stretch perhaps 6
miles lengthy by 1? miles broad. Sometimes great minn kota maxxum may be possessed from 6 to 12
mile, from Great Spherical Shoal buoy. As someplace else on and about these shoals, the cod is the
primary species caught, pollock getting next in importance, as well as some haddock.
[Footnote 15. "The earliest history of this title (Saint Georges Shoal) that the writer finds appears
with a map discovered in the library of Simancas, in Spain, where a graph said to are already made
by a surveyor sent to Virginia by James I of England, in 1610, was discovered in 1885 or 1888, after
having long before disappeared from England. This chart is assumed to embody, besides the work of
Champlain and other foreigners, the information within the English graphs of Bright white,Gosnold
and Pring, and probably of Waymouth's Ideal Geographical Road map. It is shown to have been
drawn by Robert Tyndall or Captain Powell." Genesis of the United States. Alexander Brown.]
Within fairly recent years this ground has become much utilized by the otter trawlers, what sort of
craft has continued to evolve a successful fishery here, which is being operated in steadily growing
volume and takes a capture that is primarily of haddock.
It will be mentioned that the quantity of otter-trawl fares from this terrain is tiny. It is only in recent
years that the method of minn kota maxxum has become employed right here, the bottom possessing
been regarded as too hard for the productive operation of gear on this type upon it.
The larger part of the sail fleet is found fishing in the grounds of your eastern aspect of the Channel
and of the western edge of Georges Financial institution, in part to escape the damage the otter
trawlers cause for them in hauling away their gear. It is usually impossible for these steamers in
order to avoid some damage of this kind: specially is this the situation in the thick weather so
prevalent essential oil Georges. During the summer time months of your "mackerel years" a large
get of this kinds is obtained from the oceans of the Route.
What is apparently a gradually deepening extension of Seal Tropical island Ground is located about
65 miles SSE. from Mount Desert Rock and 60 miles W. from Close Island. There seems to be no
distinguishing reputation for this area.
Cod are present here the year close to, perhaps the best fishing taking place in May and June, if the
minn kota maxxum are found within 40 fathoms They go deep into deeper drinking water, about 60
fathoms, in August and into 100 fathoms since the cold weather improvements. This Seal off Island
ground may be deemed essentially as a feeding terrain for the cod, which seem to appear on this
page after the spawning season is around, to fatten upon the crabs and mollusks residing on the
bottom and on the herring and other little minn kota maxxum that swim forth and again In the tide
Mackerel are usually rather abundant on Georges with their season, generally being sizeable or
method fish. Herring are found there in great deal but are fairly distant from market as fresh minn
kota maxxum.
The Statement on the Fishery Industry of the usa, in 1887, says that the 1st attempt at minn kota
maxxum here (of which there is any record) was developed in 1821 by a few Gloucester vessels. The
cod and halibut industry, in line with the same influence, began in 1830, although not fully
established as a permanent industry till 1835.
The early minn kota maxxum for the swordfish usually takes place within this vicinity, and also in
normal seasons mackerel are located here in plethora from May possibly 15 to August, and, as is the
custom using this uncertain sea food, it might appear on this page again from the late tumble.
Phelps Bank. This bank lies 38 miles SE, ? S. from Sankaty Mind Light and agrees basically in shape,
trend and size and character of your bottom with Minn Kota Maxxum Rip. Depths are from 10 to 17
fathoms. Around the southeast edge of this is placed Rogers Minn Kota Maxxum Soil, with 24 to 40
fathoms above fine gray sand. It is perhaps generally a haddock ground.
St. Georges Bank, much more generally called Georges Bank. [15] This is by far the greatest and
most significant fishing ground near the coast of the usa and is first rate in the traditional western
Atlantic apart from the Fantastic Bank of Newfoundland. It lies eastward of Cape Nantucket and Cod
Shoals and is apparently an extension of your latter, because the water is not any deeper between
the southern section of the shoals and the western part of the bank compared to many places on it.
Its southern restrict, as displayed on the chart, is 40? The 50-fathom series extends 7 miles farther
south, although 40' northern latitude. The southern restrict, therefore, can be considered to be
about 40? 30' and the upper as 42? 08' to the north latitude. The eastern part is in about 66? and the
western within 69? to the west longitude. According to the maps of the Coast Survey, the greatest
length from your northeastern towards the southwestern extremity is about 150 miles; the greatest
width, N. and S., about 98 miles.
OFFSHORE Banking companies
The Southwest Aspect. To be able to clear the shoals, then SSE, (120 a long way SSE. from Highland
Light, Cape Cod, with 45 to 80 fathom depths) is a good ground for haddock from the beginning in
the fall as much as about Xmas, after which the best winter minn kota maxxum for this species is
found on the Southeast Part (arrived at by steaming 145 kilometers ESE. from Boston Lightship. 40
to 50 mls, depending upon what part of the ground it is desired to seafood). Jan is perhaps the ideal
fishing month upon this part of Georges.
There is a modest shoal known as Pollock Rip, with a degree of 7 fathoms, displaying SW from Seal
Island, distant 9? miles; but otherwise the ground slopes rather gradually, the depths being from 15
to 70 fathoms. The bottom is mainly coarse. gravel and pebbles with occasional rocky areas of better
or much less extent. The tides sweep over this ground with considerable push out in and from
toward the Bay of Fundy. the flood working strongest.
Haddock are also present all the season, the schools being most abundant as well as the number
greatest in January and Feb, when the minn kota maxxum are in about 50 to 60 fathoms. Apparently
they are offered into depths of from 27 to 30 fathoms in Mar and Apr for spawning.
More aged reports say (1880-81): "Halibut were actually formerly located here in great quantity, but
at present the fishery is limited with an occasional vacation off the the southern part of and western
edge." It will probably be noted that a fair volume of halibut was taken in this minn kota maxxum
article during 1923, when this lender ranked next in amount of halibut taken, which seems a good
showing when the comparatively small dimensions of the ground is known as. Fairly good catches
have been made SW from the North west Peak of Browns, about 66? 50' west longitude and 42? 40'
to the north latitude, over the 100-fathom curve and subsequent eastward towards the southward of
La Have and above, perhaps to 63? western longitude. The Southeast Optimum is perhaps the most
productive in the halibut grounds here, "setting" off from your shoaler parts into the slim deep-water
route between this and Georges perhaps 20 miles far-away.
DuringFebruary and Mar, and April huge schools of cod make their appearance about the bank. At
the season they are found most abundantly about the "Winter season Fishing Ground"; a part of
Georges lying eastward and southeastward of the North Shoal involving the parallels of 41? 42 and
30'? 00' north latitude and 66? 67 and 38'? 30' to the west longitude. The location of this Winter
Minn Kota Maxxum Ground is approximately 1,100 square a long way. This section of the bank
seems entirely offered over to the codfish, because it is too damaged, sharp, and rocky to impress
the haddock. Depths here are from 30 to 40 fathoms, deepening away from the North Shoal. This
area is essentially a spawning floor for the cod, which seem to come on the hank from the SE., as
they almost usually, after hitting the ground, relocate slowly for the N. and W. as spring approaches.
This is toward the shoals. As soon as the spawning season is over the schools of cod breakup, but
basically fish are captured on various areas of the ground all the time of the year, though rarely is it
found so plentiful as when the winter school is on the ground. Many of the winter season school
move on to the inner oceans of the gulf and others review to Browns Bank, where the early comers
seem to can be found in the first events of April, although cod are normally found along the North
Edge almost the year close to.
[Table 4--Fishing reasons of the Georges Area, demonstrating the principal kinds taken upon them.]
Tides listed here are quite as strong as in the eastern aspect of Georges Bank, the ebb through an
average durability of 1 1/3 miles an hour and the flood is somewhat stronger. The best strength of
the flood tide sets W. the ebb in practically an reverse direction.
The Sankaty Head ground is about 20 miles long by about 8 mls wide, extending from 55 miles SE.
from Highland Light to 78 mls SE. by S ? S. from the identical point (the base of the Route), and is
bounded on every side by bits of bottom much less favorable towards the operation of your otter
trawl because of the reputation ofstones and sponges, or another obstacles, which interfere with the
free passageway of the web over the underside but supply less issues to the series-trawl fishermen.
An excellent spring haddock ground is situated ESE. 65 miles from the Highlands in 70 fathoms.
best in Mar and April. Entering the greater water, the catches in the fall and winter months
becoming taken mostly In depths of from 60 to 100 fathoms, as the cold weather advances the fish
move out in fantastic part from the grounds. At this particular season and then in these depths the
vicinity of the Corner of the Route, Clarks Area. and the area W and N of the Cultivator usually have
a great winter institution of haddock. This has been particularly huge during the past about three
year. (1923 to 1925). Thus, it could be seen the Channel is an important ground while in most of the
calendar year.

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Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 09

  • 1. Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 09 Generally, the species of fish found right here and the periods of their best abundance are far as on Browns Bank. The principal fishes taken are halibut, cusk, cod and haddock and hake, and a extremely small amount of pollock. Except for the haddocking, the ideal minn kota maxxum season is from March to October. The occasional good fares are helped bring from these grounds, perhaps more often in the spring and early summer time and a few at other conditions, though halibut are said to obtain been extremely plenty here in the past however are said to have been comparatively unusual in recent years. In April they may be found most frequently in 80 fathom depths; in May in 30 to 40 fathoms, in June the best halibuting is had in 25-fathom depths or even in shoaler water. (The halibut catch shown for your year picked (1927) is unusually little, most many years yielding a decent amount of this species using this ground. Apparently no part of the American halibut fleet visited this ground for your year.) The swordfish get there on Georges on the South west Part as well as on the The southern part of Edge about June 5, and the vacationing schools move over the lender, northward bound, up to August 10. The truth is, all through the time of year when they are within northern seas, even up to November, they could be found on Georges. Probably the very best area of the bank for this varieties is on the parallel of 41? N., where the shoal rises steeply out of "blue water." Cusk are present in this article during most of the year in 80 fathoms on the challenging bottom. Pollock are handful of on this terrain at any time of the year. This species, as well as herring and mackerel, are abundant around the "shore soundings" of Close Island Floor, whence, pursuing the abundant food items furnished with the smaller fish, they range a quick distance within the Bay of Fundy. Numerous mackerel are taken in the traps within the vicinity of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, which seems to symbol the reduce of their penetration in any significant schools on the western shoreline of Nova Scotia. The numbers of the find from Clarks Bank have been shown as well as those of Georges Bank. in which, in fact, this area is a part. The proportion of cod taken here by these vessels is very small, even smaller than that from other reasons fished with the otter-trawl method. Pollock and hake, way too, make a little item inside the fares through the neighborhood in the South Shoal. In the regular otter-trawl fare haddock can make up the better part of the get because, usually, this type of gear is run mostly about the smooth, soft sandy bottom which this kinds prefers. The otter-trawl fishery the following is at its best from early May possibly throughJuly and June, and the first stop of August. Few journeys are documented from this floor at other seasons. Perhaps the haddock simply leaves the shoal grounds here earlier than if it moves out from the same depths in The Funnel. By far the greatest percentage of the swordfish find landed from the ports ofGloucester and Boston, and Portland comes from Georges Bank. A considerable area of the minn kota maxxum listed using this ground within the heading "Miscellaneous" is made up of this species. pollock, hake, halibut, cusk, cod and Haddock will be the principal foods fishes procured from this banking institution, ranking in volume from the order named. In importance, however, halibut takes third place in a list. Cod are plentiful here in winter months, though much less vessels minn kota
  • 2. maxxum right here than on Georges Financial institution, at that season. At other seasons the codfishery on Browns Lender compares positively with that of other banks in the location. Cod are present the year about, in Might and June feeding in depths of around 40 fathoms, going into 80 fathoms in August, and into depths of about 100 fathoms in cold weather. While not considered a halibut terrain, as compared with several of the other offshore banks, Georges can show a very considerable find of this species. Because of its nearness to the marketplaces it is a lot more intensely fished than any other ground of equal region and by a far better variety of projects, most of which take a increased or much less amount of halibut. The otter- trawl fleet, the two here as well as in The Route, takes a lot of this varieties when its total catch is considered; and these fish are mainly modest, of from 4 to 10 pounds in weight, with only rarely a larger one particular. The sea salt fishers, also, and the other market fleet combine to produce an imposing total from the poundage of halibut from Georges as well as its vicinity. The Georges halibut is prestigious by the buy and sell above the halibut from other reasons. For what explanation it is difficult to mention, unless due to the fact, since the travels to this terrain average less days in size, the species of fish are received in the markets inside a fresher issue than are those from more distant banking institutions, though probably its flesh may be exceptional. Over a lot of the bank the bottom is fine sand, although areas of difficult ground (gravel, pebbles, and rocks) of greater or less level are found in some localities. Its position in between the Bay of Fundy as well as the Gulf Supply cause the tide to run swifter than on other banks and to swirl around rather than passing directly over, forth and rear. The writer has seen two men have difficulty in keeping an empty dory against the existing. Nantucket Shoals; Davis Bank; Crab Bank. It is an irregular component of bottom telling lies in a usually ENE. and WSW course at about 20 miles distance ESE from Sankaty Head. It is perhaps 14 miles extended by 5 miles wide at its broadest. Depths upon it are from 4 to 9 fathoms, with soundings of 12 to 18 regarding it, over a base of fine sand and cracked shells. Haddock, also, can be found all the year, the duration of greatest abundance being usually January and February. In April and March they can be most numerous in 27 to 30 fathoms; at other periods they are in 50 fathoms and deeper, especially in winter season, when usually they can be obtained from 80 to 100 fathoms. Cusk are present in the deeply water all the year. Nantucket Shoals (To the south Shoal). This name is applied to the sport fishing floor about Nantucket Lightship, which marks the existing South Shoal and the New South Shoal, the two building a continuous reef of unusual form some 10 to 12 mls in length and from 1 to 3 miles large. The upper end with this lies about 12 miles S. by E. from Sankaty Brain (the Old To the south Shoal), as well as the southern extremity of the New South Shoal reaches to around 20 a long way S. ? E. from the same point. The minn kota maxxum ground is mostly for the S. of such shoals and approximately the lightship, where otter trawling is carried on in most directions through the ship except from N. to NE., where lay the vessels sunk with the German submarine in the late war. This fishery is also carried on WNW. from the dispatch for a length of 40 miles, even into 7 fathom depths near Muskeget Inlet. Nantucket Shoal--Wonderful Rip. Lies 13 mls E. by S. ? S. from Sankaty Head Lighting. Nantucket. It is actually 5 mls long from N, to S. and three miles large. The angling is performed mainly around the edges in 6 to 12 fathoms where the bottom is pea gravel and seashells covered with kelp and sponges, even though over this place the depths are from 9 to 18 feet. Right here, as on all these shoals, the greater portion of the fishing is done by that approach known as "rip sportfishing." Cod are taken chiefly by hand-lining in May. , and August.June and July
  • 3. Elsewhere depths common from 13 to 18 fathoms on the inner elements of the grounds, whence they slope out gradually from the shore soundings into 50, 80, or even more on the outer edge, the location where the ground falls away swiftly into the deeps. You can find small stretches of coarse gravel, brokenpebbles and seashells, and a few dirty spots, even though for the most part this place has a bottom part of beach sand. Depths range from 2 to 50 fathoms. Around the western aspect, between the parallels of 41? 10' and 41? 53' to the north latitude as well as the meridians of 87? 68 and 20'? 37' west longitude are a number of shoals, known as the East Shoal, To the north Shoal, Southwest Shoal. Cultivator, etc. The Southwest Shoal is the greatest, being 15 miles very long SSW and NNE., having an average thickness of 2? miles. The position of the center with this shoal is 41? 39' north latitude and 67? 48' western longitude. There are actually from 2 to 15 fathoms of water on the shoals and between them are depths of from 12 to 30 fathoms. The tide sweeps around these with great pressure, causing powerful rips, and through rough weather conditions the sea smashes heavily about them, rendering strategy to their area extremely hazardous. In its manufacturing Georges Lender itself is rather evenly divided up between cod and haddock, the cod exhibiting a slightly larger sized proportion. The South Station, on the western edge of Georges, shows primarily as a haddock ground, and also the haddock through the Channel is recognized as a better minn kota maxxum than that from Georges. Georges Bank itself is also a vital haddock soil in the spring and early summertime, when this species abounds concerning the Cultivator Shoal (SE. by S. 88 miles from Highland Light. Cape Cod) in depths from 18 to 30 fathoms; and at the same year along the Northern Edge (140 to 200 miles E. by S. ? S. from Boston Lightship in about 41? to 42? N. lat. and 66? to 88? W. lengthy.) in 45 to 80 fathoms in summer, the fish moving away from into the deeper water (90 to 100 fathoms) from the neighborhood of the Corner of the Channel because the winter will come on. Lots of people are found in March, when they come back from the serious water, when fishing is carried on 65 a long way SE. from Highland in 70 fathoms; then they come into the 40-fathom depths in the North Shoal westward to the Corner of The Channel over the Northern Side. In Apr the Cultivator Cove is nice ground even into 20-fathom depths. Close off Island Floor. This is called also on the maps in its north west part, the German Bank and lies off the european part of Nova Scotia. Very few charts display it, since it is somewhat difficult to define its exact restrictions. It is a primary continuation from the shore soundings, which slope gradually from your land to the S. and W. and continue in a northerly route beyond what might be deemed the range of the reasons. To the S. it extends nearly to Browns Financial institution, from which it really is separated with a narrow gully 70 to 80 fathoms deep. To the N. it reaches 38 miles above Seal Tropical island and to the NW. about 35 mls from the identical island. The southern restriction of the ground is in 43? and the northern 43? 45' north latitude, while the traditional western boundary can be placed at 66? 40' west longitude. The entire floor outside the 3 mile restrict covers a location of 1,250 mls. Browns Banking institution. This banking institution lies in a northeastern route from Georges and is split up from it from a gully 15 miles large, in which the depths range from 100 to 450 fathoms. Its area is approximately 2,275 square miles. The greatest size, from SE to NW, is 63 miles as well as the greatest width is 43 miles. It is actually situated among 64? 52" and 68? 29" western side longitude, and 41? 50" and 43? 02" northern latitude. There is a small rocky shoal around the northern part, on which, it is known, there is not 9 to 15 fathoms. The bank slopes away from the shoal, S. and E. to depths of 55 to 75 fathoms, but at a distance of 12 or 15 miles off of, it again rises to 30 to 50 fathoms. This area of shoal normal water, within the 50 fathom limit, is 50 miles very long and has an average width of 15 miles. North in the shoal the water deepens abruptly to 70 and 80 fathoms. The bottom is largely coarse pebbles, gravel and sand and rocks and is rich in dog life.
  • 4. The area of the bank is approximately 1,370 sq . geographical miles. Nantucket Shoals, Madisons Place. SSE. 13 miles top Round Shoal buoy, has 9 fathoms over a clean hard bottom of fine sand. It is about 3 miles long, from SE. to NW. by 1? miles wide. This can be a flounder soil for the higher part of the season and a great cod soil in October and December. As it is the tip elsewhere in this particular neighborhood, tides are heavy over this ground. Nantucket Shoals Minn Kota Maxxum Rip is an elongate bank lying 29 a long way SE. from Sankaty Mind Light. It can be 10 mls long within a NE and SW direction and Southeast Rip (Nantucket Shoals) is SE. from Sankaty Brain 35 miles. It has depths from 8 to 10 fathoms over an area about 10 a long way long by 2 kilometers wide, with from 22 to 30 fathoms on the sandy underside around it. The travel fleet functions here also, but, as a rule, more of these vessels are found on the soil lying some 10 miles farther eastward, on the fringe of Georges in somewhat further water (30 to 50 fathoms) over a rougher and rockier base, where you will discover a greater amount of cod in the capture than on the western region. The part of the whole lender is approximately 8,050 sq miles, which, except for the shoals, is available in summer for that taking of halibut, cusk, cod and haddock and hake, with a considerable amount of mackereling and swordfishing, as well as the taking of other varieties. The Channel. [14] The Channel represents the american edge of Georges Bank. Its boundaries are somewhat indefinite, but the aged Eldridge chart states that for the fishermen the 30 fathom process running southerly from Competition Point. Cape Cod, boundaries its european edge. This ground is much visited with the Boston fleet, both cruise and water vapor, line trawlers and otter trawlers, the fleet of Gloucester, and the otter-trawl fleet which has developed in Ny in recent years. Perhaps the most important is the fact that part telling lies 25 miles E, even if this area will be all good angling terrain in the appropriate season. ? S. from Sankaty Head, Nantucket. Here is a levels, sandy bottom part, where, during May,June and July, and August, the otter trawlers operate efficiently in 18 to 30 fathoms of water, making a catch that is comprised principally of haddock, having a considerable amount of cod, especially in July and June, together with a fair quantity also ofcusk and pollock, and hake. Small halibut are pretty abundanthere and also, these minn kota maxxum becoming of from 5 to R lbs, rarely bigger. Flounders are abundant, with a good number of "lemon soles" and "gray soles," which are extremely popular with the buy and sell. [Footnote 14: Capt. John Smith wrote of this region: "Toward the To the south and South west with this Cape (Cape Cod) is available a lengthy and harmful shoal of sands and rocks. But so far while i incircled it, I found thirtie fadom h2o aboard the shore, and a strong present; which makes mee thinke you will discover a Channell about the shoales; exactly where is the finest and very best minn kota maxxum to be Winter months, Summer along with in all of the that Countree. But the Savages say there is absolutely no Channell; but that the shoales begin from your main at Pawmet, towards the Ile of Nausit; and so extends beyond their understanding into the water." That this captain's history of far-visioned information may not be kept too gently, let these figures speak, taken since they are from the bureau's records in the landings at the three ports of Boston, Gloucester. and Portland for the year 1927, when the fares from his "Channell" numbered 2,036, with a poundage of 121,688,693 and a price of $3,607,358.] The principal halibut grounds on Georges for your summer and spring season months (Apr to July) lie between the Cultivator Shoal and the North Shoal in depths from 10 to 18 fathoms, and E., S., and SW. in the North Shoal in the exact same soundings. This place is sometimes named Little Georges. There are also several mussel grounds on the south west part of Georges, having depths
  • 5. averaging 20 fathoms, which furnish excellent feeding reasons and a substantial catch of halibut in the seasons when these sea food are in the shoal water. While in July and August the halibut are found along the Northern Side, over a extend of floor about 65 miles very long in 60 to 100 fathoms; and from this time until the challenging weather of your winter begins the minn kota maxxum proceeds about the Northeast Peak (about 42? 00' N. and 66? 00' W.) over the narrow location on the edge of the instantly deepening water, beginning in from 60 to 70 fathoms, then out to 200 and in many cases 300 fathoms. The winter angling on Georges is quite difficult and somewhat harmful, so that the halibut fishery over these waters is rarely carried on or, at best, by very few vessels after October or well before March. A considerable area of the minn kota maxxum listed underneath the heading "Miscellaneous" are swordfish, which arrive upon this bank throughout their summer wanderings. The depths here are from 70 to 100 fathoms spanning a broken base ofgravel and mud, and in places fine sand. The floor falls away rapidly on all sides apart from toward Seal off Island as well as the Nova Scotia coast, leaving an area at its end of relatively indeterminate size, perhaps 18 or 20, miles, and getting a distance across of approximately 8 miles at its widest component. Rose and Crown Shoal. This is a tiny piece of floor 7 miles ESE. from Sankaty Go. The fishing location lies in between the Round Shoal and Crown and Rose buoys, making a stretch perhaps 6 miles lengthy by 1? miles broad. Sometimes great minn kota maxxum may be possessed from 6 to 12 mile, from Great Spherical Shoal buoy. As someplace else on and about these shoals, the cod is the primary species caught, pollock getting next in importance, as well as some haddock. [Footnote 15. "The earliest history of this title (Saint Georges Shoal) that the writer finds appears with a map discovered in the library of Simancas, in Spain, where a graph said to are already made by a surveyor sent to Virginia by James I of England, in 1610, was discovered in 1885 or 1888, after having long before disappeared from England. This chart is assumed to embody, besides the work of Champlain and other foreigners, the information within the English graphs of Bright white,Gosnold and Pring, and probably of Waymouth's Ideal Geographical Road map. It is shown to have been drawn by Robert Tyndall or Captain Powell." Genesis of the United States. Alexander Brown.] Within fairly recent years this ground has become much utilized by the otter trawlers, what sort of craft has continued to evolve a successful fishery here, which is being operated in steadily growing volume and takes a capture that is primarily of haddock. It will be mentioned that the quantity of otter-trawl fares from this terrain is tiny. It is only in recent years that the method of minn kota maxxum has become employed right here, the bottom possessing been regarded as too hard for the productive operation of gear on this type upon it. The larger part of the sail fleet is found fishing in the grounds of your eastern aspect of the Channel and of the western edge of Georges Financial institution, in part to escape the damage the otter trawlers cause for them in hauling away their gear. It is usually impossible for these steamers in order to avoid some damage of this kind: specially is this the situation in the thick weather so prevalent essential oil Georges. During the summer time months of your "mackerel years" a large get of this kinds is obtained from the oceans of the Route. What is apparently a gradually deepening extension of Seal Tropical island Ground is located about 65 miles SSE. from Mount Desert Rock and 60 miles W. from Close Island. There seems to be no distinguishing reputation for this area.
  • 6. Cod are present here the year close to, perhaps the best fishing taking place in May and June, if the minn kota maxxum are found within 40 fathoms They go deep into deeper drinking water, about 60 fathoms, in August and into 100 fathoms since the cold weather improvements. This Seal off Island ground may be deemed essentially as a feeding terrain for the cod, which seem to appear on this page after the spawning season is around, to fatten upon the crabs and mollusks residing on the bottom and on the herring and other little minn kota maxxum that swim forth and again In the tide rips. Mackerel are usually rather abundant on Georges with their season, generally being sizeable or method fish. Herring are found there in great deal but are fairly distant from market as fresh minn kota maxxum. The Statement on the Fishery Industry of the usa, in 1887, says that the 1st attempt at minn kota maxxum here (of which there is any record) was developed in 1821 by a few Gloucester vessels. The cod and halibut industry, in line with the same influence, began in 1830, although not fully established as a permanent industry till 1835. The early minn kota maxxum for the swordfish usually takes place within this vicinity, and also in normal seasons mackerel are located here in plethora from May possibly 15 to August, and, as is the custom using this uncertain sea food, it might appear on this page again from the late tumble. Phelps Bank. This bank lies 38 miles SE, ? S. from Sankaty Mind Light and agrees basically in shape, trend and size and character of your bottom with Minn Kota Maxxum Rip. Depths are from 10 to 17 fathoms. Around the southeast edge of this is placed Rogers Minn Kota Maxxum Soil, with 24 to 40 fathoms above fine gray sand. It is perhaps generally a haddock ground. St. Georges Bank, much more generally called Georges Bank. [15] This is by far the greatest and most significant fishing ground near the coast of the usa and is first rate in the traditional western Atlantic apart from the Fantastic Bank of Newfoundland. It lies eastward of Cape Nantucket and Cod Shoals and is apparently an extension of your latter, because the water is not any deeper between the southern section of the shoals and the western part of the bank compared to many places on it. Its southern restrict, as displayed on the chart, is 40? The 50-fathom series extends 7 miles farther south, although 40' northern latitude. The southern restrict, therefore, can be considered to be about 40? 30' and the upper as 42? 08' to the north latitude. The eastern part is in about 66? and the western within 69? to the west longitude. According to the maps of the Coast Survey, the greatest length from your northeastern towards the southwestern extremity is about 150 miles; the greatest width, N. and S., about 98 miles. OFFSHORE Banking companies The Southwest Aspect. To be able to clear the shoals, then SSE, (120 a long way SSE. from Highland Light, Cape Cod, with 45 to 80 fathom depths) is a good ground for haddock from the beginning in the fall as much as about Xmas, after which the best winter minn kota maxxum for this species is found on the Southeast Part (arrived at by steaming 145 kilometers ESE. from Boston Lightship. 40 to 50 mls, depending upon what part of the ground it is desired to seafood). Jan is perhaps the ideal fishing month upon this part of Georges. There is a modest shoal known as Pollock Rip, with a degree of 7 fathoms, displaying SW from Seal Island, distant 9? miles; but otherwise the ground slopes rather gradually, the depths being from 15 to 70 fathoms. The bottom is mainly coarse. gravel and pebbles with occasional rocky areas of better or much less extent. The tides sweep over this ground with considerable push out in and from
  • 7. toward the Bay of Fundy. the flood working strongest. Haddock are also present all the season, the schools being most abundant as well as the number greatest in January and Feb, when the minn kota maxxum are in about 50 to 60 fathoms. Apparently they are offered into depths of from 27 to 30 fathoms in Mar and Apr for spawning. More aged reports say (1880-81): "Halibut were actually formerly located here in great quantity, but at present the fishery is limited with an occasional vacation off the the southern part of and western edge." It will probably be noted that a fair volume of halibut was taken in this minn kota maxxum article during 1923, when this lender ranked next in amount of halibut taken, which seems a good showing when the comparatively small dimensions of the ground is known as. Fairly good catches have been made SW from the North west Peak of Browns, about 66? 50' west longitude and 42? 40' to the north latitude, over the 100-fathom curve and subsequent eastward towards the southward of La Have and above, perhaps to 63? western longitude. The Southeast Optimum is perhaps the most productive in the halibut grounds here, "setting" off from your shoaler parts into the slim deep-water route between this and Georges perhaps 20 miles far-away. DuringFebruary and Mar, and April huge schools of cod make their appearance about the bank. At the season they are found most abundantly about the "Winter season Fishing Ground"; a part of Georges lying eastward and southeastward of the North Shoal involving the parallels of 41? 42 and 30'? 00' north latitude and 66? 67 and 38'? 30' to the west longitude. The location of this Winter Minn Kota Maxxum Ground is approximately 1,100 square a long way. This section of the bank seems entirely offered over to the codfish, because it is too damaged, sharp, and rocky to impress the haddock. Depths here are from 30 to 40 fathoms, deepening away from the North Shoal. This area is essentially a spawning floor for the cod, which seem to come on the hank from the SE., as they almost usually, after hitting the ground, relocate slowly for the N. and W. as spring approaches. This is toward the shoals. As soon as the spawning season is over the schools of cod breakup, but basically fish are captured on various areas of the ground all the time of the year, though rarely is it found so plentiful as when the winter school is on the ground. Many of the winter season school move on to the inner oceans of the gulf and others review to Browns Bank, where the early comers seem to can be found in the first events of April, although cod are normally found along the North Edge almost the year close to. [Table 4--Fishing reasons of the Georges Area, demonstrating the principal kinds taken upon them.] Tides listed here are quite as strong as in the eastern aspect of Georges Bank, the ebb through an average durability of 1 1/3 miles an hour and the flood is somewhat stronger. The best strength of the flood tide sets W. the ebb in practically an reverse direction. The Sankaty Head ground is about 20 miles long by about 8 mls wide, extending from 55 miles SE. from Highland Light to 78 mls SE. by S ? S. from the identical point (the base of the Route), and is bounded on every side by bits of bottom much less favorable towards the operation of your otter trawl because of the reputation ofstones and sponges, or another obstacles, which interfere with the free passageway of the web over the underside but supply less issues to the series-trawl fishermen. An excellent spring haddock ground is situated ESE. 65 miles from the Highlands in 70 fathoms. best in Mar and April. Entering the greater water, the catches in the fall and winter months becoming taken mostly In depths of from 60 to 100 fathoms, as the cold weather advances the fish move out in fantastic part from the grounds. At this particular season and then in these depths the vicinity of the Corner of the Route, Clarks Area. and the area W and N of the Cultivator usually have a great winter institution of haddock. This has been particularly huge during the past about three year. (1923 to 1925). Thus, it could be seen the Channel is an important ground while in most of the