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Dr. K. Vasantha M.S., F.R.C.S., Edin
Director RIO Chennai (Rtd)
 Watering, pain and redness usually following injury with
vegetative matter
 Defective vision. More if the ulcer is in the center
 Lid edema, muco purulent discharge
 Circum corneal congestion, sometimes conjunctival
congestion also. Chemosis if there is severe
 Signs will be more than the symptoms
 Opacity in the cornea which will take up fluorescein stain
as the epithelium will be abraded.
 Pupil will be constricted and sluggishly reactive due to
irritation to the iris.
 This toxic reaction can produce hypopyon which will be
sterile in bacterial ulcer.
 In fungal ulcer fungal hyphae may be present.
 Stage of progressive infiltration
 Stage of active ulceration
 Stage of regression
 Stage of cicatrization
When you see an ulcer the following tests must done to
find the causative organism
 Smear
 KOH suspension
 Culture
 Detection of antigens, antibodies and endotoxins
 Immunoglobulins
 Confocal microscopy
 Gram stain: for bacteria, yeasts, cysts of Acanthamoeba.
Can detect 60 – 70% of bacteriae. Fungal hyphae are
Gram negative or faintly stained walls with unstained
 Giemsa: viral and Chlamydia inclusion bodies,
polymorphs and mononuclear cells besides the above
 Ziehl-Neilson: Mycobacteria and Nocardia
 Acridine orange: bacteria, fungi and Acanthamoeba
 Calco flour white: fungi and Acanthamoeba will appear
bright white
 Need a fluorescent microscope
 Gomori Methenamine silver: best for fungi. Cell wall and
septa stain black against green background
 KOH suspension: use of KOH suspension is to remove
the other fibers leaving the fungal elements which are
resistant. Very useful as it can be done quickly and
treatment can be started if fungal ulcer is present
 Can detect fungus, Nocardia, Pythium and
Acanthamoeba cysts
 Ink and Lacto Phenol cotton blue also can be used to see
the fungal elements
Many branching septate fungal filaments are seen in
 Lactophenol cotton blue preparations of slide cultures of
Aspergillus fumigatus Curvularia species
Trophozoite Cyst
 Apply topical anesthetic and wait for 3 – 5 mins for the
anesthetic to drain off
 Use a Kimura’s spatula or a surgical blade to take the
sample. This is preferably done under a slit lamp. The
spatula can be sterilized with flame or 70% alcohol.
Contamination by eye lashes is avoided by using a
 Chocolate agar: Haemophilus
 Thioglycollate broth: both aerobic and anaerobic
 Non nutrient agar with E. coli – Acanthamoeba
 Thayer Martin agar: to isolate Neisseria
 Lowenstein Jenson for Mycobacteria
 Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar (SDA) (25°C)
 Blood Agar : for aerobic bacteriae and fungi esp.
 Brain-heart infusion medium(37°C) filamentous fungi and
 It might grow within 24 hrs also,
 Usually 2-3 days
 Fungal medium should be retained for a week to declare
negative result
 Confocal microscopy for Acanthamoeba cysts (10 to 20
microns), fungi (>200 microns), Pythium, some bacteria
and Microsporidia
 Aspergillus antigen can be detected by using Aspergillus
In the following slides you will see the typical
characteristics of fungal ulcers with
 Dry ulcer
 Hyphate margins
 Satellite lesions
 Thick cheesy hypopyon which is immobile and has a
convex surface
 Pigmentation – dematiacious fungi
 Endothelial plaques
It is difficult to treat a fungal ulcer as
 Only few drugs are freely available
 Penetration of the drugs is very poor
 Poor bio availability of the drugs due to the poor
 Toxicity of the systemic drugs
 Drug sensitivity cannot be determined
 Atropine eye drops are given to cause dilatation and
cycloplegia. This will reduce pain as ciliary spasm which
is the cause for the pain is relieved
 Dilatation will break any synechiae and also prevent
synechiae from forming
 Atropine reduces the tear secretion and there by
increases the lysozomal content of the tears
 It also separates the corneal lamellae and helps in
penetration of the drops applied
 If chronic dacryocystitis is present sac excision has to
be done
 As diabetes may predispose to infection and delay
healing, this must be checked for
 History must be taken regarding use of
immunodepressants and immunosuppression
 Natamycin 5% suspension hourly for 2 days and then 2
hourly. Dosage is then adjusted depending up on the
response. Administration of the drug during the night
should be insisted.
 Econazole 2%, Fluconazole 0.3%, Voriconazole 1% or
Amphotericin 0.1 to 0.25% can also be used
 Amphotericin B 5 to 10 micro grams/0.1ml in 5%
dextrose can be injected in to the anterior chamber esp.
for Aspergillus
 Can be repeated after 3 days
 Removing the cheesy hypopyon and the aqueous humor
will also help. Fresh aqueous will have more lysozymes
which will help in healing.
 Can be given intra stromal 0.02mg/ml. Not for Fusarium
 Complications: cataract, hyphema, corneal edema, iritis
due to suppression of T suppressor cells and activation
of pro inflammatory cells
 There is also the danger of breaching the natural barrier
there by spreading the infection to deeper tissues
 Glaucoma
 Endothelial damage
 If the ulcer is not healing with above measures VCZ can
be injected in to the stroma around the ulcer.
 50 to 100 micro grams/0.1ml
 This has to be divided in to 5 doses and injected in to the
stroma around and close to the ulcer
 Used for recalcitrant cases, deep stromal ulcer, after
DSEK for inter face infection, Infection after PRK
 Natamycin also has been tried. Not effective and causes
increased vascularization
Mycotic ulcer treatment study MUTT found
 No advantage of topical Voriconazole over Natamycin
 MUTT II found - Oral Voriconazole as add on therapy to
topical anti fungal drugs did not show any benefit. In
Fusarium keratitis there was less incidence of
perforation, but it was not significant.
 Oral Ketoconazole also did not show much benefit
 Between oral VCZ and Ketoconazole, Voriconazole was
found to be better
 Scleral or limbal involvement
 Pediatric cases
 Peripheral ulcer
 Recalcitrant cases
 Post keratoplasty
 Endophthalmitis
 Polyenes
 Azoles
 Pyrimidines
 Allyl amines
 Echinocandins
 Heterocyclic benzofurans
 Polyenes are fungicidal.
 Interacts with ergosterol present in the fungal cell wall
and leads on to extrusion of vital contents of the cell,
causing death.
 Natamycin acts by inhibiting the amino acid and glucose
transport. This causes a reversible and ergosterol
specific action without altering the permeability
 Large polyenes : Nystatin, Amphotericin B
 Small polyene : Natamycin
 Fungi static at low concentration, fungicidal at high
 14 alpha – sterol demethylase inhibitor
 Inhibits ergosterol synthesis, causing increased cell
membrane permeability and lysis
 Imidazoles: miconazole, clotrimazole, econazole and
 Triazole: voriconazole, posaconazole, fluconazole,
itraconazole, ravaconazole
 Pyrimidine: Interferes with pyrimidine metabolism as well
as RNA, DNA and protein synthesis. E.g.- 5-Flucytosine
 Allylamine: Squalene epoxidase inhibitor which inhibits
ergosterol synthesis – Terbinafine
 Echinocandins : fungicidal – inhibits the beta – 1,3 –d-
glucan synthase leading on to increased permeability
E.g. Caspofungin
 Heterocyclic benzofurans: fungi static – interferes with
microtubules - Griseofulvin
 Also called Pimaricin
 Produced by Streptomyces natalensis
 Has a broad spectrum for filamentous fungi like
Fusarium, Aspergillus, Curvularia
 Does not enter the anterior chamber
 Has to be applied every hour for initially. Reduced to 6 to
8 times later and continued as 4 times per day for 4
weeks after clinical healing of the ulcer
 Adverse effect: Particles remaining in the eye and
causing irritation
 1% solution is prepared from the parentral formulation
 Acts against Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus
 Inhibits growth of Fusarium to some extent. For this
drops have to be applied every hour and not every two
hours which is used for other fungi
 It enters the a.c. and vitreous
 Should be given 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals as
acidic medium will reduce the absorption of drugs
 Best for recalcitrant cases not responding to Natamycin
 Inhibits cytochrome P 450 dependant 14 alpha sterol
demethylase an enzyme needed for synthesis of
 It has fungicidal action on Aspergillus
 It also induces release of tumor necrosis factor alpha in
 Visual disturbances which starts 30 minutes after taking
the drugs and last for 30 minutes
 Photophobia and color vision changes
 Visual hallucinations
 Skin rash, contact dermatitis
 Steven Johnson’s
 Liver toxicity, bone toxicity
 Skin cancer and melanomas in long term use
 Teratogenic
 Produced by Streptomyces nodosus
 Broad spectrum, highly active against Cryptococcus and
 Poorly soluble in water. Photosensitive. Hence must be
stored in the dark and refrigerated at 2 – 8 degrees
 Topical 0.15%
 Intra vitreal liposomal AMB was found to be effective for
Candida endophthalmitis in animals
 Combination with Fluconazole gives good results
 Renal failure and electrolyte imbalance (avoided with IV
 Hepatotoxicity
 Can be used during pregnancy
 An Imidazoles active against dermatophytes, yeasts,
molds. Limited action against filamentous fungi and
some bacteriae
 Dose 200-400 mg/day taken with meal as acidic medium
is needed for absorption. So if the patient is taking
antacids the absorption will be less
 CYP3A4 enzymes are needed for the metabolism of this
drug. So if CYP3A4 substrate drugs like dofetilide,
quinidine, cisapride are given serious adverse reactions
will occur due to accumulation
 No significant benefit seen if added to Natamycin
 It is hepatotoxic, renal toxic ,
 can cause hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension,
 QT prolongation
 Anaphylaxis
 Anorexia or increased appetite
 Insomnia and nervousness
 1% solution and ointment. Oral 200 mg/day for
 Active against Candida, Aspergillus, and minimal action
against Fusarium and Mucorales
 Ocular concentration is low as it is protein bound
 Hepatotoxic, rash, headache, GI upset
 Teratogenic
 Broad spectrum – Candida, Aspergillus, Fusarium,
 Oral suspension is absorbed well with high fat meals
 Poor penetration as it is protein bound
 Oral 200mg/q.i.d with topical 10% prepared from oral
 Fever, NVD, headache, hypokalaemia, rash, purpura,
uremic syndrome, pulmonary embolus, adrenal
insufficiency, hypersensitivity, ECG changes
 Teratogenic
 Echinocandins: Topical Caspofungin 0.5-1% helps in
Candida, Aspergillus and Alternaria. Used for refractory
 Stable for 28 days if refrigerated
 Micafungin 0.1% - Candida and Alternaria
 Headache, GI upsets, hepatotoxic
 Fluconazole: for Candida 100-200mg/day
 Steven Johnsons’, headache, rash, gastritis, hepatotoxic
 Teratogenic
 Flucytosine: converted to 5 fluorouracil which inhibits
intracellular DNA synthesis
 Active against Candida and Cryptococcus, limited
against Aspergillus
 Poor penetrance. Fusarium is resistant
 Patient will feel better
 Reduction in chemosis and conjunctival congestion
 Lack of progression of the ulcer
 Rounding off of the edges. In fungal ulcer the feathery
margin will be blunted
 Reduction in the cellular infiltrate and hypopyon
 Reduction in edema of the cornea around the ulcer
 If hypopyon reappears secondary bacterial infection
should be suspected in a fungal ulcer
 Even when an ulcer heals a scar is produced which will
cause defective vision
 A small peripheral scar may not affect vision .
 If the scar is central mechanical obstruction to vision is
 A nebular opacity or a peripheral opacity especially one
with iris adherence can cause astigmatism and affect
 Even when the ulcer heals there is a complication – scar
 When you see a leucoma one must look for adherence
 In the above slide if you see from the clear area above
you can see whether there is adherence and if any
cataract is there
 The pupil should be dilated and if there is clear cornea
on any one side of the scar, vision and fundus must be
 Thinner scars can be macula or nebula
 An ulcer may perforate as the stroma dissolves due to
infection and by the action of neutrophils
 If the perforation is in the periphery the iris plugs the
leak and the ulcer may heal with an adherent leucoma
 If the perforation is in the center a fistula will form. When
this ulcer heals an anterior polar cataract may form
 Sometimes if a small ulcer perforates it may help in
healing as it acts like a paracentesis
 Before the ulcer perforates the Descemet’s membrane
will with stand for some time as it is elastic. This will
cause the membrane to bulge forward giving raise to
 At this stage and for small perforations glue with either
bandage or bandage contact lens can be used to seal the
 Disappearance of hypopyon may only mean reduction in
the secondary bacterial infection
 Therapeutic keratoplasty must be considered if the
infection is spreading fast.
 It should be tried before the peripheral cornea gets
involved as the wound will not heal well.
 Chances for rejection will be more as one has to choose
a large graft if the ulcer involves the periphery
 Sclero corneal graft do not have a good prognosis
 Compliance must be checked
 If Natamycin is used one can see the white granular
deposits on the ulcer and in the fornix
 Cleanliness of the periocular surface must be insisted
 If total ulcer or panophthalmitis ensues, evisceration
may have to be done
Treating Fungal Corneal Ulcers

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Treating Fungal Corneal Ulcers

  • 1. Dr. K. Vasantha M.S., F.R.C.S., Edin Director RIO Chennai (Rtd)
  • 2.  Watering, pain and redness usually following injury with vegetative matter  Defective vision. More if the ulcer is in the center  Lid edema, muco purulent discharge  Circum corneal congestion, sometimes conjunctival congestion also. Chemosis if there is severe inflammation  Signs will be more than the symptoms
  • 3.  Opacity in the cornea which will take up fluorescein stain as the epithelium will be abraded.  Pupil will be constricted and sluggishly reactive due to irritation to the iris.  This toxic reaction can produce hypopyon which will be sterile in bacterial ulcer.  In fungal ulcer fungal hyphae may be present.
  • 4.  Stage of progressive infiltration  Stage of active ulceration  Stage of regression  Stage of cicatrization
  • 5. When you see an ulcer the following tests must done to find the causative organism  Smear  KOH suspension  Culture  Detection of antigens, antibodies and endotoxins  Immunoglobulins  PCR  Confocal microscopy
  • 6.  Gram stain: for bacteria, yeasts, cysts of Acanthamoeba. Can detect 60 – 70% of bacteriae. Fungal hyphae are Gram negative or faintly stained walls with unstained protoplasm  Giemsa: viral and Chlamydia inclusion bodies, polymorphs and mononuclear cells besides the above microbes  Ziehl-Neilson: Mycobacteria and Nocardia
  • 7.  Acridine orange: bacteria, fungi and Acanthamoeba cysts  Calco flour white: fungi and Acanthamoeba will appear bright white  Need a fluorescent microscope  Gomori Methenamine silver: best for fungi. Cell wall and septa stain black against green background
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  • 9.  KOH suspension: use of KOH suspension is to remove the other fibers leaving the fungal elements which are resistant. Very useful as it can be done quickly and treatment can be started if fungal ulcer is present  Can detect fungus, Nocardia, Pythium and Acanthamoeba cysts  Ink and Lacto Phenol cotton blue also can be used to see the fungal elements
  • 10. Many branching septate fungal filaments are seen in KOH
  • 11.  Lactophenol cotton blue preparations of slide cultures of Aspergillus fumigatus Curvularia species
  • 13.  Apply topical anesthetic and wait for 3 – 5 mins for the anesthetic to drain off  Use a Kimura’s spatula or a surgical blade to take the sample. This is preferably done under a slit lamp. The spatula can be sterilized with flame or 70% alcohol. Contamination by eye lashes is avoided by using a speculum
  • 14.  Chocolate agar: Haemophilus  Thioglycollate broth: both aerobic and anaerobic  Non nutrient agar with E. coli – Acanthamoeba  Thayer Martin agar: to isolate Neisseria  Lowenstein Jenson for Mycobacteria
  • 15.  Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar (SDA) (25°C)  Blood Agar : for aerobic bacteriae and fungi esp. Fusarium  Brain-heart infusion medium(37°C) filamentous fungi and Yeast  It might grow within 24 hrs also,  Usually 2-3 days  Fungal medium should be retained for a week to declare negative result
  • 16.  Confocal microscopy for Acanthamoeba cysts (10 to 20 microns), fungi (>200 microns), Pythium, some bacteria and Microsporidia  Aspergillus antigen can be detected by using Aspergillus kit
  • 17. In the following slides you will see the typical characteristics of fungal ulcers with  Dry ulcer  Hyphate margins  Satellite lesions  Thick cheesy hypopyon which is immobile and has a convex surface  Pigmentation – dematiacious fungi  Endothelial plaques
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  • 29. It is difficult to treat a fungal ulcer as  Only few drugs are freely available  Penetration of the drugs is very poor  Poor bio availability of the drugs due to the poor penetration  Toxicity of the systemic drugs  Drug sensitivity cannot be determined
  • 30.  Atropine eye drops are given to cause dilatation and cycloplegia. This will reduce pain as ciliary spasm which is the cause for the pain is relieved  Dilatation will break any synechiae and also prevent synechiae from forming  Atropine reduces the tear secretion and there by increases the lysozomal content of the tears  It also separates the corneal lamellae and helps in penetration of the drops applied
  • 31.  If chronic dacryocystitis is present sac excision has to be done  As diabetes may predispose to infection and delay healing, this must be checked for  History must be taken regarding use of immunodepressants and immunosuppression
  • 32.  Natamycin 5% suspension hourly for 2 days and then 2 hourly. Dosage is then adjusted depending up on the response. Administration of the drug during the night should be insisted.  Econazole 2%, Fluconazole 0.3%, Voriconazole 1% or Amphotericin 0.1 to 0.25% can also be used
  • 33.  Amphotericin B 5 to 10 micro grams/0.1ml in 5% dextrose can be injected in to the anterior chamber esp. for Aspergillus  Can be repeated after 3 days  Removing the cheesy hypopyon and the aqueous humor will also help. Fresh aqueous will have more lysozymes which will help in healing.  Can be given intra stromal 0.02mg/ml. Not for Fusarium
  • 34.  Complications: cataract, hyphema, corneal edema, iritis due to suppression of T suppressor cells and activation of pro inflammatory cells  There is also the danger of breaching the natural barrier there by spreading the infection to deeper tissues  Glaucoma  Endothelial damage
  • 35.  If the ulcer is not healing with above measures VCZ can be injected in to the stroma around the ulcer.  50 to 100 micro grams/0.1ml  This has to be divided in to 5 doses and injected in to the stroma around and close to the ulcer  Used for recalcitrant cases, deep stromal ulcer, after DSEK for inter face infection, Infection after PRK  Natamycin also has been tried. Not effective and causes increased vascularization
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  • 37. Mycotic ulcer treatment study MUTT found  No advantage of topical Voriconazole over Natamycin  MUTT II found - Oral Voriconazole as add on therapy to topical anti fungal drugs did not show any benefit. In Fusarium keratitis there was less incidence of perforation, but it was not significant.  Oral Ketoconazole also did not show much benefit  Between oral VCZ and Ketoconazole, Voriconazole was found to be better
  • 38.  Scleral or limbal involvement  Pediatric cases  Peripheral ulcer  Recalcitrant cases  Post keratoplasty  Endophthalmitis
  • 39.  Polyenes  Azoles  Pyrimidines  Allyl amines  Echinocandins  Heterocyclic benzofurans
  • 40.  Polyenes are fungicidal.  Interacts with ergosterol present in the fungal cell wall and leads on to extrusion of vital contents of the cell, causing death.  Natamycin acts by inhibiting the amino acid and glucose transport. This causes a reversible and ergosterol specific action without altering the permeability  Large polyenes : Nystatin, Amphotericin B  Small polyene : Natamycin
  • 41.  Fungi static at low concentration, fungicidal at high concentration  14 alpha – sterol demethylase inhibitor  Inhibits ergosterol synthesis, causing increased cell membrane permeability and lysis  Imidazoles: miconazole, clotrimazole, econazole and ketoconazole  Triazole: voriconazole, posaconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole, ravaconazole
  • 42.  Pyrimidine: Interferes with pyrimidine metabolism as well as RNA, DNA and protein synthesis. E.g.- 5-Flucytosine  Allylamine: Squalene epoxidase inhibitor which inhibits ergosterol synthesis – Terbinafine  Echinocandins : fungicidal – inhibits the beta – 1,3 –d- glucan synthase leading on to increased permeability E.g. Caspofungin  Heterocyclic benzofurans: fungi static – interferes with microtubules - Griseofulvin
  • 43.  Also called Pimaricin  Produced by Streptomyces natalensis  Has a broad spectrum for filamentous fungi like Fusarium, Aspergillus, Curvularia  Does not enter the anterior chamber  Has to be applied every hour for initially. Reduced to 6 to 8 times later and continued as 4 times per day for 4 weeks after clinical healing of the ulcer  Adverse effect: Particles remaining in the eye and causing irritation
  • 44.  1% solution is prepared from the parentral formulation  Acts against Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus  Inhibits growth of Fusarium to some extent. For this drops have to be applied every hour and not every two hours which is used for other fungi  It enters the a.c. and vitreous  Should be given 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals as acidic medium will reduce the absorption of drugs  Best for recalcitrant cases not responding to Natamycin
  • 45.  Inhibits cytochrome P 450 dependant 14 alpha sterol demethylase an enzyme needed for synthesis of ergosterol  It has fungicidal action on Aspergillus  It also induces release of tumor necrosis factor alpha in monocytes
  • 46.  Visual disturbances which starts 30 minutes after taking the drugs and last for 30 minutes  Photophobia and color vision changes  Visual hallucinations  Skin rash, contact dermatitis  Steven Johnson’s  Liver toxicity, bone toxicity  Skin cancer and melanomas in long term use  Teratogenic
  • 47.  Produced by Streptomyces nodosus  Broad spectrum, highly active against Cryptococcus and Candida  Poorly soluble in water. Photosensitive. Hence must be stored in the dark and refrigerated at 2 – 8 degrees  Topical 0.15%  Intra vitreal liposomal AMB was found to be effective for Candida endophthalmitis in animals  Combination with Fluconazole gives good results
  • 48.  Renal failure and electrolyte imbalance (avoided with IV fluids)  Hepatotoxicity  Can be used during pregnancy
  • 49.  An Imidazoles active against dermatophytes, yeasts, molds. Limited action against filamentous fungi and some bacteriae  Dose 200-400 mg/day taken with meal as acidic medium is needed for absorption. So if the patient is taking antacids the absorption will be less  CYP3A4 enzymes are needed for the metabolism of this drug. So if CYP3A4 substrate drugs like dofetilide, quinidine, cisapride are given serious adverse reactions will occur due to accumulation
  • 50.  No significant benefit seen if added to Natamycin  It is hepatotoxic, renal toxic ,  can cause hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, infertility  QT prolongation  Anaphylaxis  Anorexia or increased appetite  Insomnia and nervousness
  • 51.  1% solution and ointment. Oral 200 mg/day for Aspergillus  Active against Candida, Aspergillus, and minimal action against Fusarium and Mucorales  Ocular concentration is low as it is protein bound  Hepatotoxic, rash, headache, GI upset  Teratogenic
  • 52.  Broad spectrum – Candida, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucorales  Oral suspension is absorbed well with high fat meals  Poor penetration as it is protein bound  Oral 200mg/q.i.d with topical 10% prepared from oral solution  Fever, NVD, headache, hypokalaemia, rash, purpura, uremic syndrome, pulmonary embolus, adrenal insufficiency, hypersensitivity, ECG changes  Teratogenic
  • 53.  Echinocandins: Topical Caspofungin 0.5-1% helps in Candida, Aspergillus and Alternaria. Used for refractory cases  Stable for 28 days if refrigerated  Micafungin 0.1% - Candida and Alternaria  Headache, GI upsets, hepatotoxic
  • 54.  Fluconazole: for Candida 100-200mg/day  Steven Johnsons’, headache, rash, gastritis, hepatotoxic  Teratogenic  Flucytosine: converted to 5 fluorouracil which inhibits intracellular DNA synthesis  Active against Candida and Cryptococcus, limited against Aspergillus  Poor penetrance. Fusarium is resistant
  • 55.  Patient will feel better  Reduction in chemosis and conjunctival congestion  Lack of progression of the ulcer  Rounding off of the edges. In fungal ulcer the feathery margin will be blunted  Reduction in the cellular infiltrate and hypopyon  Reduction in edema of the cornea around the ulcer  If hypopyon reappears secondary bacterial infection should be suspected in a fungal ulcer
  • 56.  Even when an ulcer heals a scar is produced which will cause defective vision  A small peripheral scar may not affect vision .  If the scar is central mechanical obstruction to vision is caused.  A nebular opacity or a peripheral opacity especially one with iris adherence can cause astigmatism and affect vision
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  • 58.  Even when the ulcer heals there is a complication – scar  When you see a leucoma one must look for adherence  In the above slide if you see from the clear area above you can see whether there is adherence and if any cataract is there  The pupil should be dilated and if there is clear cornea on any one side of the scar, vision and fundus must be checked  Thinner scars can be macula or nebula
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  • 60.  An ulcer may perforate as the stroma dissolves due to infection and by the action of neutrophils  If the perforation is in the periphery the iris plugs the leak and the ulcer may heal with an adherent leucoma  If the perforation is in the center a fistula will form. When this ulcer heals an anterior polar cataract may form  Sometimes if a small ulcer perforates it may help in healing as it acts like a paracentesis
  • 61.  Before the ulcer perforates the Descemet’s membrane will with stand for some time as it is elastic. This will cause the membrane to bulge forward giving raise to Descemetocoele  At this stage and for small perforations glue with either bandage or bandage contact lens can be used to seal the perforation
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  • 63.  Disappearance of hypopyon may only mean reduction in the secondary bacterial infection  Therapeutic keratoplasty must be considered if the infection is spreading fast.  It should be tried before the peripheral cornea gets involved as the wound will not heal well.  Chances for rejection will be more as one has to choose a large graft if the ulcer involves the periphery  Sclero corneal graft do not have a good prognosis
  • 64.  Compliance must be checked  If Natamycin is used one can see the white granular deposits on the ulcer and in the fornix  Cleanliness of the periocular surface must be insisted  If total ulcer or panophthalmitis ensues, evisceration may have to be done