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 Introduction
 Definition
 Classification of muscle
 Development of muscle
 Features of masticatory system
 Muscles of mastication
 Significance in Prosthodontics
 Masticatory muscle disorder
 Review of literature
 FISH = necessity for making positive use of
certain muscles to gain denture stability and
 Anatomy of the masticatory machine. It consists
of a fixed and a movable member. The movable
member is activated by a series of voluntary
muscles, and its efficiency is increased by
another set of voluntary muscles that feed the
JPD, vol-4, issue-3, p327-334, may 1954
 As prosthodontists, we are chiefly concerned
with the activating muscles from the
standpoint of their power and the load they
may impose upon the tissues under a saddle
that supports an artificial replacement for lost
 The muscle that are intimately involved in
complete denture service are defined as
skeletal muscle, striated,& voluntary.
 Their chief point of interest to us arises from
the fact that they can be tensed independent
of the relation of the mandible to the maxilla.
 Also, they impinge not only on the denture
borders, but also on the polished surfaces of
dentures. So, they immediately become of
prime importance in securing denture
 During impression making we must be
actively aware of their location and direction
of action, as well as their effect.
• MUSCLE= An Organ that by contraction
produces movements of an animal; a tissue
composed of contractile cells or fibers that effect
movement of an organ or part of the body.
-GPT 9
 MASTICATION= The process of chewing
food for swallowing and digestion.
skeletal muscle
 The skeletal muscle is made up of many long
thin cells called muscle cells or muscle fibers.
 The muscle origin and insert in the tendons
and muscle fibres are arranged parallel.
 The muscle fibres are made up of many fibrils
called myofibrils.
Human physiology, Dr. A K jain 6th edition
 Each myofibril is 1-2micrometer in diameter, lies
parallel to each other and are striated.
 The cytoplasm in the muscle fiber, called
sarcoplasm, contain numerous
mitochondria(sarcosomes), smooth muscle
endoplasmic reticulum(sarcoplasmic reticulum
and is rich in glycogen.
Human physiology, Dr. A K jain 6th edition
Light microscopic appearance
 The cross striation in the skeletal muscle are
due to alternate dark and light bands.
 A band(1.5micrometer)-The dark band is made
of highly refractile material(anisotropic).
H band(0.5micrometer) - In the center of each A
band, a slightly less refractile region called H band
is found.
Human physiology, Dr. A K jain 6th edition
 I band(1micrometer) -The alternate light band
is made of lower refractile material(isotropic).
 Z line – in the center of each I band is found a
narrow line of highly refractile material which
looks dark.
 Sarcomere(2.5micrometer) – the contractile
unit of the muscle is the substance included
between two adjacent Z lines .
Electron microscopic appearance
 The myofibrils are made up of two sets of
protein filaments,
• thick and thin filaments
Thick filament:
 It is approx. twice the diameter of thin filament
and is made up of myosin.
 It is responsible for the formation of 'A ' band .
 There are several hundred (about 500) myosin
molecules in each thick filament.
Human physiology, Dr. A K jain 6th edition
 Myosin filaments are 10-11 nm thick and approx.
45 nm apart extending from one end of the 'A'
band to the other.
 Transverse section through 'A' band shows that
each myosin filament is surrounded by 6 actin
filaments in a regular hexagonal manner.
 The myosin molecule is composed of two large
polypeptide heavy chains and four smaller light .
 These polypeptides combine to form a molecule
that consists of two globular heads (containing
heavy and light chains) and a long tail formed by
the two twisted heavy chains.
 Function : Each globular head has two
important sites:
A. Actin binding site, where myosin comes in
contact with actin.
B. ATPase (catalytic) site, that hydrolyzes
(breaks) ATP.
The myosin molecules aggregate with their heads
pointed in one direction along one half of the
filament and in the opposite direction along the
other half.The heads serve as the cross-bridges.
 It is made up of Actin,Tropomyosin andTroponin.
 They arrange themselves to form 2 chains of
globular units that form a long double helix (i.e.
spiral chain).
 It is responsible for the formation of 'I' band. Each
thin filament contains 300-400 actin molecules
and 40-60 tropomyosin molecules.
 Actin filaments are thinner, 4-5 nm in diameter
and stretch from 'Z' lines to the edge of the 'H'
zone.They occur in 2 forms:
a) G actin(Globular Actin):Each molecule binds one
molecule of ATP firmly.
b) F actin(Fibrous Actin):Formed by polymerization
of 'G' actin molecule with liberation of energy.
G-actin ATP F-actin ADP+ inorganic PO4 +
Energy (7 Kcal)
 Tropomyosin molecules are long filaments
located in the groove between two chains in the
 It covers the binding site of actin where myosin
head comes in contact with actin i.e. prevents
the interaction between actin and myosin
 Troponin molecules are small globular units
located at intervals along the tropomyosin
molecules. It is made up of 3 subunits.
a) TROPONINT: binds the other troponin
components to tropomyosin.
b) TROPONIN I: inhibits the interaction of myosin
with actin.
c) TROPONINC: contains binding site for Ca2+ that
initiates muscle contraction
 At rest, i.e. when the muscle is relaxed the
thin filaments interdigitate with the thick
(myosin) filaments only outside the 'H' band.
 During muscle contraction, the length of 'A'
band (thick filament) remains constant,
whereas 'Z' lines move close together.
Sequence of events in
excitation contraction
• Stimulation of motor nerve with threshold
intensity produces propagated action potential.
• Release of Acetylcholine (A-ch) into synaptic
cleft which binds with "nicotinic A-ch receptors"
concentrated on motor end plate causing
generation of end plate potential.
 Depolarization of muscle membrane
(sarcolemma) by increasing its permeability to
 Generation of action potential in the muscle
 Inward spread of action potential alongT
 Ca2+ binds to troponin C to saturation point
causing tropomyosin to move laterally.This
exposes the binding sites for myosin heads on
 Activates prosthetic group of myosin filament
which acts as enzyme (ATPase) catalyzing the
breakdown of ATP to produce energy for;
1. contraction of actomyosin complex.
 Muscular contraction
 A few milliseconds after the action potential is
over, sarcoplasmic reticulum begins to
reaccumulate Ca.The Ca ions are actively pumped
by Ca2+- Mg2+ ATPase .
 Once Ca2+ concentration decreases in ICF
sufficiently to 10-7 moles/L, chemical interaction
between myosin and actin ceases and muscle
 Cardiac muscle is an involuntary, striated
 The individual muscle cell is 100 μm long and 15
μm broad.
 The fibers are branched and interlock freely
with each other, but each is a complete unit
surrounded by a cell membrane, sarcolemma.
 At the point of contact of two muscle fibers,
extensive folding of cell membrane occurs, called
intercalated discs.
 They provide a strong union between fibers,
thereby help in increasing force of contraction.
 GAP JUNCTION;a specialized intercellular junction
is present in the intercalated disc along the sides
of the adjacent myocardial cells.
 Here ions, electrical currents and other
molecules can be transferred from one cell to
other without coming in contact with the ECF.
 Thus, they provide low resistance bridges for the
spread of excitation from one muscle fiber to the
next and permit cardiac muscle to function as if it
is a functional syncytia (i.e. a single cell).
 There are two such separate syncytia in the heart.
The atrial and ventricular syncytia, connected with
each other by A-V bundle.
 The cardiac muscle fibers are highly vascular i.e.
surrounded by a very rich capillary network. They
show well developed sarcoplasmic reticulum with
plenty of cytoplasm, mitochondria and rich in
Electrical properties
 Cardiac muscle is excitable, i.e. it forms a wave
of depolarization (excitation impulse) in
response to a stimulus.
 The 'extracellular' recording of the electrical
event generated with each heart beat is called
At rest, myocardial fibers (atrial and ventricular) show a
resting (polarised) membrane potential (RMP) of
approx. -90 m V (negative inside with reference to
On stimulation there occurs;
Phase 0 = rapid depolarization and potential reaches
+20 to +30mv.this is due to
o 100 fold increase in Na+ permeability resulting
in Na+ influx, which appears when membrane
potential is -60 mV; but it is short-lived and
o marked increase in Ca2+ permeability causing
Ca2+ influx which appears at membrane
potential of -30 to -40 mV.
 Depolarization lasts for approximately 2 msec
and is followed by slow repolarization.
 Repolarization occurs in 3 phases
PHASE 1 = A rapid initial fall from +30 mV to -10
mV due to five fold increase in k+ permeability
causing k+ efflux.
Phase 2 = A plateau phase in which the
membrane potential falls slowly only to -40 mV
due to:
 inactivation of Na+ influx which starts appearing
at zero potential, and
 Ca2+ influx and K+ efflux continue at a slow rate.
PHASE 3 = A rapid fall during last stage in which
membrane potential falls to the resting value of -
90 mV due to inactivation of Ca2+ and Na+ influx
with rapid K+ efflux.
PHASE 4 = Polarised state. During this phase,
though RMP is achieved yet resting ionic
composition is restored by the activation of Na+
- K+ pump.
The heart continues to beat for quite some time
even after all nerves to it are cut or even if it is cut
into pieces.
This is because of the presence of the specialized ,
pacemaker tissue in the heart that can initiate
repetitive action potentials.
 'Pacemaker' tissue includes sinu atrial node
(SAN); atria ventricular node (AVN); atrio
ventricular bundle and purkinje fibers.
o Involuntary muscle, i.e. not under the control of
o Unstriated (lacks visible cross striations),
therefore also called plain muscle.
o Smooth muscle cells are smaller, spindle shaped
with varying dimensions e.g. fibers in digestive
tract are 30-40μm long and 5μm diameter; in
blood vessels, 15-20μm long and 2-3μm
o In general, it contains few mitochondria and
depends largely on glycolysis for its metabolic
o Sarcoplasmic reticulum is poorly developed.
o The contractions in smooth muscle have a
longer duration.
o they are more variable and they produce less
tension than in skeletal muscle.
 The muscular system develops from intra
embryonic mesoderm.
 Muscle tissue develop from embryonic cells
called myoblast.
 Muscles of mastication are derived from first
or mandibular arch.
 The masticatory system comprises three major
skeletal component.
 Two support the teeth: the maxilla and the
 The third, the temporal bone, supports the
mandible at its articulation with the cranium.
Okeson, 6th edition
 Developmentally, there are two maxillary bones,
which are fused together at the midpalatal
 These bone make up the greater part of upper
facial skeleton.
 The border of the maxilla extends superiorly to
form the floor of the nasal cavity as well as the
floor of each orbit,
 Inferiorly maxillary bone form the palate and the
alveolar ridge, which support the teeth.
 Because the maxillary bone are intricately fused
to the surrounding bony components of the
skull, the maxillary teeth are considered to be a
fixed part of the skull and therefore comprise
the stationary component of the masticatory
 Mandible is U shaped bone that supports the
lower teeth and makes up the lower facial
 It has no bony attachment to the skull. It is
suspended below the maxilla by muscle.
 The superior aspect of arched shaped mandible
consist of the alveolar process and the teeth
Temporal bone
 The mandibular condyle articulate at the base
of the cranium with the squamous portion of
temporal bone.
 These are the muscle that move the mandible
during mastication, speech,& deglutition.
 They move the mandible quickly & precisely
to enable different speech sounds & they are
also capable of exerting enormous forces that
are required to break down tough food.
Principle MUSCLES OF
Accessory Muscles Of
 Greek word masseter a
 It is a quadrilateral
muscle that covers
most of the lateral
aspect of the ramus of
 Consist of 3 layers
Human anatomy, 3rd edition
Superficial layer
from anterior 2/3 of
lower border of
zygomatic arch and
adjoining zygomatic
process of maxilla
pass downwards and
backwards at 45
into lower part of
lateral surface of ramus
of mandible
Middle layer
from lower border of
poterior 1/3rd of zyg-
omatic arch
pass vertically
into the central part of
ramus of mandible
Deep layer
From deep surface of
zygomatic arch
ass vertically
Into the rest of the
ramus of mandible
 Masseteric nerve a branch of anterior division of
mandibular nerve
Retraction of mandible
(deep fibers)
Protrusion of mandible
(superficial fibre)
Elevation of mandible
 The patient is asked to clench their teeth &
the practitioner perform extra oral palpation
of the masseter muscle bilaterally along the
origin (zygomatic arch) to down the ramus of
mandible where it turns to body of mandible.
 Contraction of masseter muscle affect the
distobuccal corner of the lower denture border
 The distobuccal area of the impression will
appeared grooved or reflected superiorly ;this is
the masseteric groove ,the result of masseter
muscle pushing against the buccinator muscle
Masseteric notch action on
denture border
 An active masseter muscle will creat
concavity in the outline of the distobuccal
border & less active muscle may result in
convex border
Activation of masseteric
notch & distal area
 Instruct the patient to open mouth widely &
then close against the resting force of finger.
 Opening wide activates the muscle of
pterygomandibular raphae by stretching
,which thereby define the most distal
Instructing the patient to
close against your finger on
tray handle causes masseter
muscle to contract & push
against the medially situated
buccinator muscle.
 A fan shaped ,fills the temporal fossa
 Floor of temporal
 From overlying
temporal fascia
 Margins & deep
surface of coronoid
 Anterior border of
ramus of mandible
 Two deep temporal branches from
anterior division of mandibular nerve
 Elevates the mandible
 Helps in side to side
grinding movement
 Posterior fibers retract the
protruded mandible
 It act as a stabilizer of tmj when the condyle is
translated into a more protruded position these
posterior fibers are aligned more horizontally.
 It suspends the mandible in centric relation
.anterior group of fibers which are aligned
vertically hold the mandible in superior most
 It is a short thick muscle with two parts or
 Upper head
from infratemporal
surface & crest of
greater wings of
sphenoid bone
 Lower head
from lateral surface of
lateral pterygoid plate
Pterygoid fovea on the
anterior surface of
neck of mandible
Anterior margin of
articular disc & capsule
of tmj
 A branch of anterior division of
mandibular nerve
 Pterygoid branch of 2nd part of
maxillary artery
 Depress mandible to open mouth
 Protrusion of mandible
 Right pterygoid turn the chin to left side as a
part of grinding movements
 During closure of the mouth the backward
gliding of the articular disc & condyle is
controlled by slow elongation of lateral
pterygoid while masseter & temporalis
restore the jaw to the occlusal position, thus
act as stabilizer of tmj.
 It holds the condyle in centric relation
 Quadrilateral ,has a small superficial & a large
deep head
 Superficial head
from tuberosity of
 Deep head
from medial surface
of lateral pterygoid
roughened area on
the medial surface
of angle & adjoining
ramus of
madible,below &
behind the
mandibular foramen
 Branch of the main trunk of the
mandibular nerve
 Pterygoid branch of 2nd part of
maxillary artery
 Elevate mandible
 Protrude the mandible
 Right medial pterygoid with right lateral
pterygoid turn the chin to left side
 Has two bellies united by intermediate
 Anterior belly
From digastric fossa
 Posterior belly
from mastoid notch of
temporal bone
 Both head meet at the
intermediate tendon &
is held by fibrous pully
of hyoid bone
Blood supply
• Anterior belly –submental branch
of facial artery
• Posterior belly-occipital artery
•Anterior belly-mandibular division of trig-
eminal via the mylohyoid –
•Posterior belly-facial nerve
Depresses mandible Elevates hyoid bone
 Mylohyoid line of
 Posterior fibre- body of
hyoid bone
 Middle &anterior
inti the fibrous median
raphae between the
mandible & hyoid bone
Mylohyoid nerve - A motor
branch of the inferior alveolar
nerve branch of the mandibular
division of the trigeminal nerve
 Sublingual artery
 Elevates floor of mouth in first step of
 Help in depression of mandible & elevation of
hyoid bone
Prosthodontics consideration
 Instruct the patient to place the tip of his
tongue into the upper & lower vestibules on
the right & left side .
 The area to be moulded is reheated & patient
is instructed to swallow two or three times in
rapid succession
 The tongue movements raise the level of the
floor of the mouth through contraction of
mylohyoid muscle
 Short and narrow muscle lies above
 Inferior mental
 Fibers runs
downward to be
inserted into the
anterior surface of
the body of hyoid
1st cranial nerve ,the fibers pass
through hypoglossal nerve
 Move hyoid bone & tongue upward during
 On recording labial flange &labial frenum, the
lip is massaged from side to side to mold the
compound to desired extension
 Upper fibers
From maxilla opposite
molar teeth
 Lower fibers
from mandible opposite
molar teeth
 Middle fibers
from pterygomandibular
straight to the upper lip
straight to the lower lip
Decussate before passing
the lip
 Buccal branch of facial nerve
 Flatten cheek against gum & teeth
 Prevent accumulation of food in the vestibule
of mouth &bring the food on occlusal table
during mastication
Prosthodontic consideration
the area is moulded by massaging the check
in an anterior – posterior direction ,this
moves the buccinator fiber & tissue in the
direction of functional action of buccinator
 Human physiology, Dr. A K Jain 6th Edition.
 Human anatomy, B D Chaurasia 3rd Edition.
 Okeson 6th Edition
 JJ Sharry
 shafer’s textbook of oral pathology 6th

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  • 1.
  • 2. CONTENT  Introduction  Definition  Classification of muscle  Development of muscle  Features of masticatory system  Muscles of mastication  Significance in Prosthodontics  Masticatory muscle disorder  Review of literature 1
  • 3.  FISH = necessity for making positive use of certain muscles to gain denture stability and retention.  Anatomy of the masticatory machine. It consists of a fixed and a movable member. The movable member is activated by a series of voluntary muscles, and its efficiency is increased by another set of voluntary muscles that feed the machine. JPD, vol-4, issue-3, p327-334, may 1954 2
  • 4.  As prosthodontists, we are chiefly concerned with the activating muscles from the standpoint of their power and the load they may impose upon the tissues under a saddle that supports an artificial replacement for lost teeth.  The muscle that are intimately involved in complete denture service are defined as skeletal muscle, striated,& voluntary. 3
  • 5.  Their chief point of interest to us arises from the fact that they can be tensed independent of the relation of the mandible to the maxilla.  Also, they impinge not only on the denture borders, but also on the polished surfaces of dentures. So, they immediately become of prime importance in securing denture stability.  During impression making we must be actively aware of their location and direction of action, as well as their effect. 4
  • 6. DEFINATION • MUSCLE= An Organ that by contraction produces movements of an animal; a tissue composed of contractile cells or fibers that effect movement of an organ or part of the body. -GPT 9  MASTICATION= The process of chewing food for swallowing and digestion. 5
  • 8. skeletal muscle  The skeletal muscle is made up of many long thin cells called muscle cells or muscle fibers.  The muscle origin and insert in the tendons and muscle fibres are arranged parallel.  The muscle fibres are made up of many fibrils called myofibrils. Human physiology, Dr. A K jain 6th edition 7
  • 9. 8
  • 10.  Each myofibril is 1-2micrometer in diameter, lies parallel to each other and are striated.  The cytoplasm in the muscle fiber, called sarcoplasm, contain numerous mitochondria(sarcosomes), smooth muscle endoplasmic reticulum(sarcoplasmic reticulum and is rich in glycogen. Human physiology, Dr. A K jain 6th edition 9
  • 11. Light microscopic appearance  The cross striation in the skeletal muscle are due to alternate dark and light bands.  A band(1.5micrometer)-The dark band is made of highly refractile material(anisotropic). H band(0.5micrometer) - In the center of each A band, a slightly less refractile region called H band is found. Human physiology, Dr. A K jain 6th edition 10
  • 12.
  • 13.  I band(1micrometer) -The alternate light band is made of lower refractile material(isotropic).  Z line – in the center of each I band is found a narrow line of highly refractile material which looks dark.  Sarcomere(2.5micrometer) – the contractile unit of the muscle is the substance included between two adjacent Z lines . 12
  • 14. Electron microscopic appearance  The myofibrils are made up of two sets of protein filaments, • thick and thin filaments
  • 15. Thick filament:  It is approx. twice the diameter of thin filament and is made up of myosin.  It is responsible for the formation of 'A ' band .  There are several hundred (about 500) myosin molecules in each thick filament. Human physiology, Dr. A K jain 6th edition 14
  • 16.  Myosin filaments are 10-11 nm thick and approx. 45 nm apart extending from one end of the 'A' band to the other.  Transverse section through 'A' band shows that each myosin filament is surrounded by 6 actin filaments in a regular hexagonal manner. 15
  • 17.  The myosin molecule is composed of two large polypeptide heavy chains and four smaller light .  These polypeptides combine to form a molecule that consists of two globular heads (containing heavy and light chains) and a long tail formed by the two twisted heavy chains.
  • 18.
  • 19.  Function : Each globular head has two important sites: A. Actin binding site, where myosin comes in contact with actin. B. ATPase (catalytic) site, that hydrolyzes (breaks) ATP. The myosin molecules aggregate with their heads pointed in one direction along one half of the filament and in the opposite direction along the other half.The heads serve as the cross-bridges. 18
  • 20.
  • 21. THIN FILAMENT  It is made up of Actin,Tropomyosin andTroponin.  They arrange themselves to form 2 chains of globular units that form a long double helix (i.e. spiral chain).  It is responsible for the formation of 'I' band. Each thin filament contains 300-400 actin molecules and 40-60 tropomyosin molecules. 20
  • 22. ACTIN  Actin filaments are thinner, 4-5 nm in diameter and stretch from 'Z' lines to the edge of the 'H' zone.They occur in 2 forms: a) G actin(Globular Actin):Each molecule binds one molecule of ATP firmly. b) F actin(Fibrous Actin):Formed by polymerization of 'G' actin molecule with liberation of energy. G-actin ATP F-actin ADP+ inorganic PO4 + Energy (7 Kcal) 21
  • 23. TROPOMYOSIN  Tropomyosin molecules are long filaments located in the groove between two chains in the actin.  It covers the binding site of actin where myosin head comes in contact with actin i.e. prevents the interaction between actin and myosin filaments. 22
  • 24.
  • 25. TROPONIN  Troponin molecules are small globular units located at intervals along the tropomyosin molecules. It is made up of 3 subunits. a) TROPONINT: binds the other troponin components to tropomyosin. b) TROPONIN I: inhibits the interaction of myosin with actin. c) TROPONINC: contains binding site for Ca2+ that initiates muscle contraction 24
  • 26.  At rest, i.e. when the muscle is relaxed the thin filaments interdigitate with the thick (myosin) filaments only outside the 'H' band.  During muscle contraction, the length of 'A' band (thick filament) remains constant, whereas 'Z' lines move close together. 25
  • 27. Sequence of events in excitation contraction STEPS IN MUSCULAR CONTRACTION • Stimulation of motor nerve with threshold intensity produces propagated action potential. • Release of Acetylcholine (A-ch) into synaptic cleft which binds with "nicotinic A-ch receptors" concentrated on motor end plate causing generation of end plate potential. 26
  • 28.  Depolarization of muscle membrane (sarcolemma) by increasing its permeability to Na+.  Generation of action potential in the muscle fiber.  Inward spread of action potential alongT system. 27
  • 29.  ROLE OF CALCIUM  Ca2+ binds to troponin C to saturation point causing tropomyosin to move laterally.This exposes the binding sites for myosin heads on actin. 28
  • 30.  Activates prosthetic group of myosin filament which acts as enzyme (ATPase) catalyzing the breakdown of ATP to produce energy for; 1. contraction of actomyosin complex.  Muscular contraction
  • 31. STEPS IN MUSCULAR RELAXTION  A few milliseconds after the action potential is over, sarcoplasmic reticulum begins to reaccumulate Ca.The Ca ions are actively pumped by Ca2+- Mg2+ ATPase .  Once Ca2+ concentration decreases in ICF sufficiently to 10-7 moles/L, chemical interaction between myosin and actin ceases and muscle relaxes. 30
  • 32. CARDIAC MUSCLE  Cardiac muscle is an involuntary, striated muscle.  The individual muscle cell is 100 μm long and 15 μm broad.  The fibers are branched and interlock freely with each other, but each is a complete unit surrounded by a cell membrane, sarcolemma. 31
  • 33.
  • 34.  At the point of contact of two muscle fibers, extensive folding of cell membrane occurs, called intercalated discs.  They provide a strong union between fibers, thereby help in increasing force of contraction.  GAP JUNCTION;a specialized intercellular junction is present in the intercalated disc along the sides of the adjacent myocardial cells. 33
  • 35.  Here ions, electrical currents and other molecules can be transferred from one cell to other without coming in contact with the ECF.  Thus, they provide low resistance bridges for the spread of excitation from one muscle fiber to the next and permit cardiac muscle to function as if it is a functional syncytia (i.e. a single cell).
  • 36.  There are two such separate syncytia in the heart. The atrial and ventricular syncytia, connected with each other by A-V bundle.  The cardiac muscle fibers are highly vascular i.e. surrounded by a very rich capillary network. They show well developed sarcoplasmic reticulum with plenty of cytoplasm, mitochondria and rich in glycogen.
  • 37. Electrical properties EXCIBILITY  Cardiac muscle is excitable, i.e. it forms a wave of depolarization (excitation impulse) in response to a stimulus.  The 'extracellular' recording of the electrical event generated with each heart beat is called Electrocardiogram(ECG). 36
  • 38. At rest, myocardial fibers (atrial and ventricular) show a resting (polarised) membrane potential (RMP) of approx. -90 m V (negative inside with reference to outside). On stimulation there occurs; Phase 0 = rapid depolarization and potential reaches +20 to +30mv.this is due to o 100 fold increase in Na+ permeability resulting in Na+ influx, which appears when membrane potential is -60 mV; but it is short-lived and self-limiting;
  • 39.
  • 40. o marked increase in Ca2+ permeability causing Ca2+ influx which appears at membrane potential of -30 to -40 mV.  Depolarization lasts for approximately 2 msec and is followed by slow repolarization.  Repolarization occurs in 3 phases 39
  • 41. PHASE 1 = A rapid initial fall from +30 mV to -10 mV due to five fold increase in k+ permeability causing k+ efflux. Phase 2 = A plateau phase in which the membrane potential falls slowly only to -40 mV due to:  inactivation of Na+ influx which starts appearing at zero potential, and  Ca2+ influx and K+ efflux continue at a slow rate. 40
  • 42. PHASE 3 = A rapid fall during last stage in which membrane potential falls to the resting value of - 90 mV due to inactivation of Ca2+ and Na+ influx with rapid K+ efflux. PHASE 4 = Polarised state. During this phase, though RMP is achieved yet resting ionic composition is restored by the activation of Na+ - K+ pump. 41
  • 43. Autorhythmicity The heart continues to beat for quite some time even after all nerves to it are cut or even if it is cut into pieces. This is because of the presence of the specialized , pacemaker tissue in the heart that can initiate repetitive action potentials.  'Pacemaker' tissue includes sinu atrial node (SAN); atria ventricular node (AVN); atrio ventricular bundle and purkinje fibers. 42
  • 44. SMOOTH MUSCLE o Involuntary muscle, i.e. not under the control of will. o Unstriated (lacks visible cross striations), therefore also called plain muscle. o Smooth muscle cells are smaller, spindle shaped with varying dimensions e.g. fibers in digestive tract are 30-40μm long and 5μm diameter; in blood vessels, 15-20μm long and 2-3μm diameter. 43
  • 45. o In general, it contains few mitochondria and depends largely on glycolysis for its metabolic needs. o Sarcoplasmic reticulum is poorly developed. o The contractions in smooth muscle have a longer duration. o they are more variable and they produce less tension than in skeletal muscle.
  • 46.  The muscular system develops from intra embryonic mesoderm.  Muscle tissue develop from embryonic cells called myoblast.  Muscles of mastication are derived from first or mandibular arch.
  • 47. FEATURES OF MASTICATORY SYSTEM  The masticatory system comprises three major skeletal component.  Two support the teeth: the maxilla and the ,mandible.  The third, the temporal bone, supports the mandible at its articulation with the cranium. Okeson, 6th edition 46
  • 48. Maxilla  Developmentally, there are two maxillary bones, which are fused together at the midpalatal suture.  These bone make up the greater part of upper facial skeleton.   The border of the maxilla extends superiorly to form the floor of the nasal cavity as well as the floor of each orbit,
  • 49.  Inferiorly maxillary bone form the palate and the alveolar ridge, which support the teeth.  Because the maxillary bone are intricately fused to the surrounding bony components of the skull, the maxillary teeth are considered to be a fixed part of the skull and therefore comprise the stationary component of the masticatory system.
  • 50. MANDIBLE  Mandible is U shaped bone that supports the lower teeth and makes up the lower facial skeleton.  It has no bony attachment to the skull. It is suspended below the maxilla by muscle.  The superior aspect of arched shaped mandible consist of the alveolar process and the teeth
  • 51. Temporal bone  The mandibular condyle articulate at the base of the cranium with the squamous portion of temporal bone.
  • 52. MUSCLES OF MASTICATION  These are the muscle that move the mandible during mastication, speech,& deglutition.  They move the mandible quickly & precisely to enable different speech sounds & they are also capable of exerting enormous forces that are required to break down tough food. 52
  • 53.
  • 56.  Greek word masseter a chewer  It is a quadrilateral muscle that covers most of the lateral aspect of the ramus of mandible  Consist of 3 layers Human anatomy, 3rd edition
  • 57. ORIGIN INSERTION Superficial layer from anterior 2/3 of lower border of zygomatic arch and adjoining zygomatic process of maxilla pass downwards and backwards at 45 into lower part of lateral surface of ramus of mandible 57
  • 58. Middle layer from lower border of poterior 1/3rd of zyg- omatic arch pass vertically downwards into the central part of ramus of mandible 58
  • 59. Deep layer From deep surface of zygomatic arch ass vertically downward Into the rest of the ramus of mandible
  • 60. NERVE SUPPLY  Masseteric nerve a branch of anterior division of mandibular nerve
  • 61. ACTION Retraction of mandible (deep fibers) Protrusion of mandible (superficial fibre) Elevation of mandible
  • 62. PALPATION  The patient is asked to clench their teeth & the practitioner perform extra oral palpation of the masseter muscle bilaterally along the origin (zygomatic arch) to down the ramus of mandible where it turns to body of mandible.
  • 63. PROSTHODONTIC CONSIDERATION  Contraction of masseter muscle affect the distobuccal corner of the lower denture border  The distobuccal area of the impression will appeared grooved or reflected superiorly ;this is the masseteric groove ,the result of masseter muscle pushing against the buccinator muscle 63
  • 64. Masseteric notch action on denture border  An active masseter muscle will creat concavity in the outline of the distobuccal border & less active muscle may result in convex border 64
  • 65. Activation of masseteric notch & distal area  Instruct the patient to open mouth widely & then close against the resting force of finger.  Opening wide activates the muscle of pterygomandibular raphae by stretching ,which thereby define the most distal extension.
  • 66. Instructing the patient to close against your finger on tray handle causes masseter muscle to contract & push against the medially situated buccinator muscle.
  • 67.  A fan shaped ,fills the temporal fossa
  • 68. ORIGIN INSERTION  Floor of temporal fossa  From overlying temporal fascia  Margins & deep surface of coronoid process  Anterior border of ramus of mandible
  • 69. NERVE SUPPLY  Two deep temporal branches from anterior division of mandibular nerve
  • 71. ACTION  Elevates the mandible  Helps in side to side grinding movement  Posterior fibers retract the protruded mandible
  • 73. PROSTHETIC CONSEDATION OF TEMPORALIS MUSCLE  It act as a stabilizer of tmj when the condyle is translated into a more protruded position these posterior fibers are aligned more horizontally.  It suspends the mandible in centric relation .anterior group of fibers which are aligned vertically hold the mandible in superior most position.
  • 74.  It is a short thick muscle with two parts or head
  • 75. ORIGIN INSERTION  Upper head from infratemporal surface & crest of greater wings of sphenoid bone  Lower head from lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate Pterygoid fovea on the anterior surface of neck of mandible Anterior margin of articular disc & capsule of tmj
  • 76. NERVE SUPPLY  A branch of anterior division of mandibular nerve
  • 77. BLOOD SUPPLY  Pterygoid branch of 2nd part of maxillary artery
  • 78. ACTION  Depress mandible to open mouth  Protrusion of mandible  Right pterygoid turn the chin to left side as a part of grinding movements
  • 80. PROSTHODONTIC CONSIDERATION  During closure of the mouth the backward gliding of the articular disc & condyle is controlled by slow elongation of lateral pterygoid while masseter & temporalis restore the jaw to the occlusal position, thus act as stabilizer of tmj.  It holds the condyle in centric relation position.
  • 81.  Quadrilateral ,has a small superficial & a large deep head
  • 82. ORIGIN INSERTION  Superficial head from tuberosity of maxilla  Deep head from medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate roughened area on the medial surface of angle & adjoining ramus of madible,below & behind the mandibular foramen
  • 83. NERVE SUPPLY  Branch of the main trunk of the mandibular nerve
  • 84. BLOOD SUPPLY  Pterygoid branch of 2nd part of maxillary artery
  • 85. ACTION  Elevate mandible  Protrude the mandible  Right medial pterygoid with right lateral pterygoid turn the chin to left side
  • 86.
  • 87.  Has two bellies united by intermediate tendon
  • 88. ORIGIN INSERTION  Anterior belly From digastric fossa of mandible  Posterior belly from mastoid notch of temporal bone  Both head meet at the intermediate tendon & is held by fibrous pully of hyoid bone
  • 89. Blood supply • Anterior belly –submental branch of facial artery • Posterior belly-occipital artery
  • 90. •Anterior belly-mandibular division of trig- eminal via the mylohyoid – nerve •Posterior belly-facial nerve NERVE SUPPLY
  • 93. ORIGIN INSERTION  Mylohyoid line of mandible  Posterior fibre- body of hyoid bone  Middle &anterior fibres- inti the fibrous median raphae between the mandible & hyoid bone
  • 94. Mylohyoid nerve - A motor branch of the inferior alveolar nerve branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve NERVE SUPPY
  • 96. ACTION  Elevates floor of mouth in first step of deglutition  Help in depression of mandible & elevation of hyoid bone
  • 97. Prosthodontics consideration  Instruct the patient to place the tip of his tongue into the upper & lower vestibules on the right & left side .  The area to be moulded is reheated & patient is instructed to swallow two or three times in rapid succession  The tongue movements raise the level of the floor of the mouth through contraction of mylohyoid muscle
  • 98. GENIOHYOID  Short and narrow muscle lies above mylohyoid
  • 99. ORIGIN INSERTION  Inferior mental spine  Fibers runs backward, downward to be inserted into the anterior surface of the body of hyoid bone
  • 100. 1st cranial nerve ,the fibers pass through hypoglossal nerve NERVE SUPPLY
  • 101. ACTION  Move hyoid bone & tongue upward during deglutition
  • 102. PROSTHODONTIC CONSEDIRATION  On recording labial flange &labial frenum, the lip is massaged from side to side to mold the compound to desired extension
  • 104. ORIGIN INSERTION  Upper fibers From maxilla opposite molar teeth  Lower fibers from mandible opposite molar teeth  Middle fibers from pterygomandibular raphae straight to the upper lip straight to the lower lip Decussate before passing the lip
  • 105.
  • 106. NERVE SUPPLY  Buccal branch of facial nerve
  • 108. ACTION  Flatten cheek against gum & teeth  Prevent accumulation of food in the vestibule of mouth &bring the food on occlusal table during mastication
  • 109. Prosthodontic consideration BUCCAL FLANGE the area is moulded by massaging the check in an anterior – posterior direction ,this moves the buccinator fiber & tissue in the direction of functional action of buccinator muscle
  • 110. REFERRENCES  Human physiology, Dr. A K Jain 6th Edition.  Human anatomy, B D Chaurasia 3rd Edition.  Okeson 6th Edition  JJ Sharry  shafer’s textbook of oral pathology 6th Edition