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Assessment 2 of
Colonisation of Australia
IND 150
By: Adlu Rahman (s272352)
Charles Darwin University
Adlu Rahman (AR) - Hi everyone, my name is Adlu Rahman. In
this presentation I am going to talk little bit about colonization
of Australia which we have been doing in ou last two
assignments of this unit. In this unit we have already done a
summary of a text about the colonsed point of view regarding
colonization. Well, from my honest point of view colonization
could be considered as two major events, first it was an attemp
by the British people to set up a new colony as because they
were struggling with high crime rates and were full with
convicts. Thus they needed a new place to set up the colony.
Secondly, it was an invasion. How? well we will discuss it very
The First Fleet
The first fleet consisted of 11 ships and around 1500 people
who sailed from England to New South Wales.
Adlu Rahman (AR) - The First Fleet left England on 13th May
1787 for the ‘lands beyond the seas’ – Australia. The fleet
arrived at Botany Bay between 18th and 20th January 1788.
However, this area was deemed to be unsuitable for settlement
so they moved north arriving at Port Jackson on the Australian
East coast on 26 January 1788 after deciding that Botany Bay
was not suited for a Settlement due its lack of fresh water –
even though it had been recomended by Captain James Cook in
1770 as a possible location for a settlement. Botany Bay had
other shortcomings as well, it was open to the sea, making it
unsafe for the ships and Captain Arthur Phillip, the first
Governor of the new colony, considered the soil around Botany
Bay was poor for crop growing.
Later on they came to know about the existence of indigenous
Adlu Rahman (AR) -
Adlu Rahman (AR) - After they settled in, and started to build
up their colony they came to know aboout the exiscence of the
Indigenous,also known as the aboriginals living on the same
land. They had no idea about other people living on the land
they've chosen. For Aboriginal people and, in this instance, the
clans living on the northern shores of Sydney, nothing could
have been further from the truth. What the early colonists never
understood, and perhaps what many Australians are only now
beginning to grasp, was that the Aboriginal lifestyle was based
on total kinship with the natural environment. Wisdom and
skills obtained over the millennia enabled them to use their
environment to the maximum. For the Aboriginal people, acts
such as killing animals for food or building a shelter were
steeped in ritual and spirituality, and carried out in perfect
balance with their surroundings.
Adlu Rahman (AR) - 'Terra Nullius' - meaning land belongs to
no one. Although, the aborifines arrives here early but accoring
to British law and rules they believe that they are not making
use of the land, the are just roaming anround and completely
wasting the use of this land, thus they decided to take over and
deny the indigenous people of any kind of ownership of the
land. So they were kicked out of the territory and forced to live
far away from the society. Aboriginals were slowly sufferening
because of the shortage of foods and they were left with no
place left for hunting. As they had no idea about agricultural
process or industrial process, they had no hope because they
rely on land and the things it produces by itself.
Adlu Rahman (AR) - From my perspective, I believe that
indigenous and European people had differences but they could
have overcome it. It seemed more like the British colonists
never bothered about approaching towards aboriginals and try to
sort out about what the expect from them. Culture, tradition,
beliefs, religion and specially language were the key
differences. This makes it hard for them to have
communication. Due to the Age of Enlightenment- (age of
reasons), colonists bellieved everything in scientific way trying
to find out reasons behind the fact while aboriginals believed in
pre colonial religious beliefs. They way they gain knowledge
was different and most importantly the way they plan to lead
their lives were different.
The Collision
Adlu Rahman (AR) - The expansion of British settlements,
including the establishment of colonies in Van Diemen’s Land
(Tasmania), Adelaide, Moreton Bay (Brisbane) and Port Phillip
(Melbourne), resulted in competition over land and resources,
and quickly lead to violence. Levels of frontier violence are
hotly debated, but historical records do document numerous
occasions on which Indigenous people were hunted and brutally
murdered. Massacres of Indigenous people often took the form
of mass shootings or driving groups of people off cliffs. There
are also numerous accounts of colonists offering Indigenous
people food laced with arsenic and other poisons. It is estimated
that at least 20,000 Aboriginal people were killed as a direct
result of colonial violence during this era of shared Australian
history. Between 2,000- 2,500 settler deaths resulted from
frontier conflict during the same period.
Adlu Rahman (AR) - Other than that there were many other
important factors which destroyed the aboriginal culture, such
as, Assimilation, The Stolen Generation, Protection Policy etc.
But overall if we look it can be said that civilization has caused
more harm than good for the aboriginal people and culture. But
I want to conclude by ending this presentation on a positive
note that, after all the tough battle indigenous people did get
their well deserved right as citizens of this country. Also, the
got to know more about westerner's lifestyle which has many
goods to bring in their life. They now know how to live by
themselves as a society and be a part of a progress of the
country but the sacrifices they have made should never be
White, S. (2012). FamilyHistory4u: First Fleet Memorial
Gardens - Wallabadah NSW. Retrieved 26 April
2016, from
Indigenous Australian art. (2016). Wikipedia. Retrieved 26
April 2016, from
Mabo. (2016). Retrieved 26 April 2016, from
Aboriginal culture pictures | (2016).
Retrieved 26 April 2016, from
Historians say the Australian War Memorial should recognise
frontier conflicts. (2016). NewsComAu. Retrieved 26 April
2016, from
Aboriginal flag. (2015). Australian Institute of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Studies. Retrieved 26 April 2016, from
Assignment 2 – IND150
Title Text Analysis
Value 35%
Week Due Friday Week 7
Length 1000 words and 15 minute oral presentation
Learning Outcomes
Unit Outcomes
Task Description
In assessment 1 you completed a mind map of the process of
colonisation. In assessment two
you are to select an article written about the colonisation
process that portrays the point of
view of the coloniser. Your job is to reinterpret the text into a
1000 word document so that it is
now written from the point of view of the colonised. Obviously,
this is not to be done word for
word but in a way that conveys the central messages.
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your
knowledge of the opposing
perspectives, and of the mechanism at play in the colonisation
process. It should highlight a
cause and effect element.
Then, you must present your work.
To prepare for this assignment you need to;
1. Know the mechanisms of colonisation.
2. Understand the chosen article and the impact of actions
3. Decide how this may be expressed from ‘the other’
4. Think about how to effectively present your work.
The presentation for this is assessment may be a PowerPoint .
As you will not be presenting
this in a class environment your notes section needs to contain
what you would say if you were
giving this presentation orally. Use the appropriate referencing.
APA is preferred.
The assessment criteria document gives information on how
your assessment will be marked.
Read this carefully.
HD (8 5 -1 0 0 ) D (7 5 -8 4 ) C (6 5 -7 4 ) P ass (5 0 -6 4 )
Fail (0 -4 9 ) Total
(4 0 %)
Content is accurate and
thoroughly and
consistently supported
with academic
evidence. All
requirements are met
40 39 38 37 36 35 34
Content is mostly
accurate and effectively
and consistently
supported with
academic evidence. All
requirements are met
33.6 33 32 31 30
Content is generally
accurate and
moderately supported
with academic evidence.
Most of the
requirements are met
29.6 29 28 27 25 24
Content is satisfactory
and at times supported
with academic
evidence. Some of the
requirements are met.
23.6 23 22 21 20
Content is limited and
frequently unsupported
with academic
evidence. Limited or
none of the
requirements are met.
19.6 19 18 17 16 15
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Or ganis atio n
(2 0 %)
Information is
organised in highly
effective structure
which is clear and
logical. Presentation
has a clear, concise and
a very effective
development and
20 19 18 17 16.8
Information is
organised in an
effective structure
which is clear and
logical. Presentation
has an effective and
concise beginning,
development and
16.8 15 14.9
Information is organised
in good structure which
is logically sequenced.
Presentation has a
reasonable and clear
beginning, development
and conclusion
14.8 14 13 12 11.9
Information is
somewhat organised
with little structure and
at times is not logical.
Presentation is
acceptable but at times
is has an unclear
development and
11.8 11 10 9.9
Information is limited
and at times has no
organisation or
structure. Presentation
is unclear, incoherent
or under developed;
transitions are unclear
or missing
9.8 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
1 0
D esign / Cr eativit y
(1 5 %)
All graphics and visual
aids are outstanding
and support the
content of the
All graphics and visual
aids are effective and
support the content of
the presentation.
Presentation shows
Graphics and visual aids
are acceptable and
support the content of
the presentation.
Presentation shows
Graphics and visual aids
are reasonable but
inconsistent and at
times do not support
the content of the
Graphics and visual aids
are limited or not used
and often do not
support the content of
the presentation.
Presentation shows
extensive originality,
creativity and
15 14 13 12.7
considerable originality,
creativity and
12.6 12 11.2
moderate originality,
creativity and
11.1 10 9 8.86
Presentation shows
flaws in originality,
creativity and
8.85 8 7.36
Presentation does not
show originality,
creativity or innovation
7.35 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Refer encin g
(1 5 %)
Sources are clearly
integrated into and
advance the argument.
The presentation
consistently and
accurately uses
appropriate Harvard
referencing style.
15 14 13 12.7
Sources are clearly
related to and advance
the argument. The
consistently and
strongly uses the
Harvard referencing
12.6 12 11.2
Sources are used to
substantiate the
argument. The
presentation uses
appropriate Harvard
referencing style,
however some errors
11.1 10 9 8.86
Sources are used but
inconsistently. The
presentation attempts
to use Harvard
referencing style with
errors present.
8.85 8 7.36
Source material is
misquoted, used out of
context or not used at
all. The presentation
frequently has
inaccurate use of
Harvard referencing
7.35 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Effective ness an d
D eliver y /
Gr ammar and
S pellin g
(1 0 %)
Presentation includes
all information needed
to gain an extensive
understanding of the
topic. It is an highly
effective presentation
with no grammatical or
text errors
10 9 8.5
Presentation includes
all information needed
to gain a considerable
understanding of the
topic. It is an effective
presentation with
minimal grammatical,
or text errors
8.4 8 7.5
Presentation includes
most information
needed to gain a
understanding of the
topic. It is an very good
presentation with some
grammatical or text
7.4 7 6
Presentation includes
some information
needed to gain a
understanding of the
topic. It is a good
presentation but with
many grammatical or
text or errors.
5.9 5
Presentation does not
provide enough
information needed to
gain an understanding
of the topic. Grammar
and text errors are
consistently present
4.9 4 3 2 1 0
Co m m e n t s
To t a l
This is the summary of an article which argues about the
colonization process was justified by denying that indigenous
people have recognizable societies, law, land rights or
sovereignty. It focuses on early colonial Australian construction
on ‘savagery’ and ‘civilization’ and try to justify their actions
for invading of indigenous land and unable to recognize
indigenous rights, laws, society and relationship with their land.
Here the author describes how the Europeans try to justify their
savagery in a form of civilization by implementing the Western
In 1788 when the first fleet arrived they hand no idea of (us) the
indigenous people who come thousands of years ago but was
never acknowledged as the owner of the land by the westerners.
James Cook the Lieutenant of the first fleet who later became
the Captain, described the land as a state of nature, after finding
out about the existence of indigenous population he declared
that (we) the indigenous has no industrial contribution towards
the land and thus by the theory of “terra nullius” – which means
the land belongs to no one it was declared that it was a free
land. Although they had cultural differences and language
barriers but did they ever try to communicate and hear our side
of the story? How we got here and what we lead our lives?
Through their colonization process, they tried to enforce their
culture and law into the indigenous lifestyle, unable to do so
has caused us severe consequences. Many have been kept as
convicts, slaves, and labours who got nothing in return. Many
have lost lives trying to defend their land and culture. Children
were taken away from their mother intentionally and tried to
educate them on their knowledge and culture in an attempt to
wipe away our system and knowledge. This event is known as
“The Stolen Generation”. We have been also assimilated from
their society and facilities, also barred from hunting or
gathering foods from nature unless we adapt to their civilization
process and cultivate own crops and herd own farms by their
first colony process.
Although, a famous historian who became famous for his
controversial statement by justifying the colonization process
and saying that it was much needed and was completely legal by
the standard of that time. He looks onto the positive side of the
process. He indicates that the British has given us a new way of
living. He thinks the British has removed the pre-colonial
lifestyle of indigenous people and has taught us to live with the
new world and the new technology. He compares the event with
Spain and tells it is much less brutal and has given us a polite
way to live the social life in a society. But how do you justify
the killing? How do you explain the policy and the actions
which has caused loss of thousands of lives and mothers losing
their child just because Europeans are trying to make us
civilized? Was it really necessary and legal?
The Governor of the new colony Philip was the one responsible
for establishing the colony and implemented the British law on
the new society but he ignored any other law from the foreign
region was given the sovereignty and was ignored. For them,
it’s their rules and regulations that matters, did that ever looked
fair to anyone to put your own law after coming to a place
where the other people had no idea about? Do you think you law
should be applied to anyone at any place?
Australia was the only colony where they got the land for free
without buying, leasing or coming to an agreement with anyone.
The westerners didn’t think it was necessary for any sorts of
agreement with anyone living on this land far before they
arrived. We the indigenous people were not acknowledged of
any property rights by their terra nullius doctrine and believes
the indigenous were needed to vanish from the land where they
settle their colony. They could impose any of their English law
and government and take away the land for their use because
they think they are the first people who are setting up the
colony on this land. From their point of perspective, as long as
you are roaming around the land and not making any use of it,
you don’t get the ownership of the land and considered as a
visitor. They believe it is a complete waste to leave the land in
the hands of the indigenous population. You need to be making
proper use of it by agricultural or industrial use to obtain the
Although, not every colonist has the same view. Some believed
that it was not necessary to forcefully put us in British lifestyle
and could be left alone. Many beliefs they had no clear idea of
what the rules of terra nullius are. One of the Individual named
Joseph Banks who came off the ship with Captain James Cook
believed they had no idea about the nature of the Government
on which they lived in. They admitted they did not try to
understand whether the indigenous law exists, they could not
grasp the indigenous system, culture, tradition or lifestyle. It is
still questionable if there was a law for people like (us)
indigenous, was that similar to colonial law and did they
intentionally avoided it?
To it is easier to conclude by saying that the Colonization has
brought more harm than good on indigenous people. It is still
questionable that whether it was really necessary for Europeans
to assimilate, torture or kill any people to enforce their
civilization. Couldn’t they try to come to an agreement? Why
didn’t our opinions matter and why we were not considered as a
society? Why were they considered as superiors or decision
makers? This might remain unanswered but looking to the
positive side, yes colonization did bring indigenous people a
new lifestyle by which it is possible to live a better lifestyle.
Summary taken from:
· BUCHAN, B., & HEATH, M. (2006). Savagery and
civilization: From terra nullius to the 'tide of
history'.Ethnicities, 6(1), 5-26. doi:10.1177/1468796806061077

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  • 1. Assessment 2 of Colonisation of Australia IND 150 By: Adlu Rahman (s272352) Charles Darwin University 1 Adlu Rahman (AR) - Hi everyone, my name is Adlu Rahman. In this presentation I am going to talk little bit about colonization of Australia which we have been doing in ou last two assignments of this unit. In this unit we have already done a summary of a text about the colonsed point of view regarding colonization. Well, from my honest point of view colonization could be considered as two major events, first it was an attemp by the British people to set up a new colony as because they were struggling with high crime rates and were full with convicts. Thus they needed a new place to set up the colony. Secondly, it was an invasion. How? well we will discuss it very shortly. The First Fleet The first fleet consisted of 11 ships and around 1500 people who sailed from England to New South Wales. Adlu Rahman (AR) - The First Fleet left England on 13th May 1787 for the ‘lands beyond the seas’ – Australia. The fleet arrived at Botany Bay between 18th and 20th January 1788. However, this area was deemed to be unsuitable for settlement so they moved north arriving at Port Jackson on the Australian
  • 2. East coast on 26 January 1788 after deciding that Botany Bay was not suited for a Settlement due its lack of fresh water – even though it had been recomended by Captain James Cook in 1770 as a possible location for a settlement. Botany Bay had other shortcomings as well, it was open to the sea, making it unsafe for the ships and Captain Arthur Phillip, the first Governor of the new colony, considered the soil around Botany Bay was poor for crop growing. Discovery Later on they came to know about the existence of indigenous people. Adlu Rahman (AR) - Adlu Rahman (AR) - After they settled in, and started to build up their colony they came to know aboout the exiscence of the Indigenous,also known as the aboriginals living on the same land. They had no idea about other people living on the land they've chosen. For Aboriginal people and, in this instance, the clans living on the northern shores of Sydney, nothing could have been further from the truth. What the early colonists never understood, and perhaps what many Australians are only now beginning to grasp, was that the Aboriginal lifestyle was based on total kinship with the natural environment. Wisdom and skills obtained over the millennia enabled them to use their environment to the maximum. For the Aboriginal people, acts such as killing animals for food or building a shelter were steeped in ritual and spirituality, and carried out in perfect balance with their surroundings. Adlu Rahman (AR) - 'Terra Nullius' - meaning land belongs to no one. Although, the aborifines arrives here early but accoring to British law and rules they believe that they are not making
  • 3. use of the land, the are just roaming anround and completely wasting the use of this land, thus they decided to take over and deny the indigenous people of any kind of ownership of the land. So they were kicked out of the territory and forced to live far away from the society. Aboriginals were slowly sufferening because of the shortage of foods and they were left with no place left for hunting. As they had no idea about agricultural process or industrial process, they had no hope because they rely on land and the things it produces by itself. Differences *Culture *Tradition *Religion *Language 5 Adlu Rahman (AR) - From my perspective, I believe that indigenous and European people had differences but they could have overcome it. It seemed more like the British colonists never bothered about approaching towards aboriginals and try to sort out about what the expect from them. Culture, tradition, beliefs, religion and specially language were the key differences. This makes it hard for them to have communication. Due to the Age of Enlightenment- (age of reasons), colonists bellieved everything in scientific way trying to find out reasons behind the fact while aboriginals believed in pre colonial religious beliefs. They way they gain knowledge was different and most importantly the way they plan to lead their lives were different.
  • 4. The Collision Adlu Rahman (AR) - The expansion of British settlements, including the establishment of colonies in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania), Adelaide, Moreton Bay (Brisbane) and Port Phillip (Melbourne), resulted in competition over land and resources, and quickly lead to violence. Levels of frontier violence are hotly debated, but historical records do document numerous occasions on which Indigenous people were hunted and brutally murdered. Massacres of Indigenous people often took the form of mass shootings or driving groups of people off cliffs. There are also numerous accounts of colonists offering Indigenous people food laced with arsenic and other poisons. It is estimated that at least 20,000 Aboriginal people were killed as a direct result of colonial violence during this era of shared Australian history. Between 2,000- 2,500 settler deaths resulted from frontier conflict during the same period. Adlu Rahman (AR) - Other than that there were many other important factors which destroyed the aboriginal culture, such as, Assimilation, The Stolen Generation, Protection Policy etc. But overall if we look it can be said that civilization has caused more harm than good for the aboriginal people and culture. But I want to conclude by ending this presentation on a positive note that, after all the tough battle indigenous people did get their well deserved right as citizens of this country. Also, the got to know more about westerner's lifestyle which has many goods to bring in their life. They now know how to live by themselves as a society and be a part of a progress of the country but the sacrifices they have made should never be forgotten.
  • 5. References- White, S. (2012). FamilyHistory4u: First Fleet Memorial Gardens - Wallabadah NSW. Retrieved 26 April 2016, from memorial-gardens-wallabadah.html Indigenous Australian art. (2016). Wikipedia. Retrieved 26 April 2016, from Mabo. (2016). Retrieved 26 April 2016, from t8wdFkB5e2 Aboriginal culture pictures | (2016). Retrieved 26 April 2016, from Historians say the Australian War Memorial should recognise frontier conflicts. (2016). NewsComAu. Retrieved 26 April 2016, from australian-war-memorial-should-recognise-frontier- conflicts/story-fncynjr2-1226733223666 Aboriginal flag. (2015). Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. Retrieved 26 April 2016, from Assignment 2 – IND150 Title Text Analysis Value 35%
  • 6. Week Due Friday Week 7 Length 1000 words and 15 minute oral presentation Learning Outcomes Unit Outcomes 2,3,4 Task Description In assessment 1 you completed a mind map of the process of colonisation. In assessment two you are to select an article written about the colonisation process that portrays the point of view of the coloniser. Your job is to reinterpret the text into a 1000 word document so that it is now written from the point of view of the colonised. Obviously, this is not to be done word for word but in a way that conveys the central messages. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of the opposing perspectives, and of the mechanism at play in the colonisation process. It should highlight a cause and effect element. Then, you must present your work. Preparation To prepare for this assignment you need to; 1. Know the mechanisms of colonisation. 2. Understand the chosen article and the impact of actions described. 3. Decide how this may be expressed from ‘the other’
  • 7. perspective. 4. Think about how to effectively present your work. Presentation The presentation for this is assessment may be a PowerPoint . As you will not be presenting this in a class environment your notes section needs to contain what you would say if you were giving this presentation orally. Use the appropriate referencing. APA is preferred. The assessment criteria document gives information on how your assessment will be marked. Read this carefully. HD (8 5 -1 0 0 ) D (7 5 -8 4 ) C (6 5 -7 4 ) P ass (5 0 -6 4 ) Fail (0 -4 9 ) Total Content (4 0 %) Content is accurate and thoroughly and consistently supported with academic evidence. All requirements are met
  • 8. 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 Content is mostly accurate and effectively and consistently supported with academic evidence. All requirements are met 33.6 33 32 31 30 Content is generally accurate and moderately supported with academic evidence. Most of the requirements are met 29.6 29 28 27 25 24 Content is satisfactory and at times supported with academic evidence. Some of the requirements are met. 23.6 23 22 21 20 Content is limited and frequently unsupported
  • 9. with academic evidence. Limited or none of the requirements are met. 19.6 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Or ganis atio n (2 0 %) Information is organised in highly effective structure which is clear and logical. Presentation has a clear, concise and a very effective beginning, development and conclusion 20 19 18 17 16.8 Information is organised in an effective structure which is clear and logical. Presentation has an effective and concise beginning, development and
  • 10. conclusion. 16.8 15 14.9 Information is organised in good structure which is logically sequenced. Presentation has a reasonable and clear beginning, development and conclusion 14.8 14 13 12 11.9 Information is somewhat organised with little structure and at times is not logical. Presentation is acceptable but at times is has an unclear beginning, development and conclusion 11.8 11 10 9.9 Information is limited and at times has no organisation or structure. Presentation is unclear, incoherent or under developed;
  • 11. transitions are unclear or missing 9.8 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 D esign / Cr eativit y (1 5 %) All graphics and visual aids are outstanding and support the content of the presentation. All graphics and visual aids are effective and support the content of the presentation. Presentation shows Graphics and visual aids are acceptable and support the content of the presentation. Presentation shows Graphics and visual aids
  • 12. are reasonable but inconsistent and at times do not support the content of the Graphics and visual aids are limited or not used and often do not support the content of the presentation. Presentation shows extensive originality, creativity and innovation. 15 14 13 12.7 considerable originality, creativity and innovation. 12.6 12 11.2 moderate originality, creativity and innovation. 11.1 10 9 8.86 presentation.
  • 13. Presentation shows flaws in originality, creativity and innovation 8.85 8 7.36 Presentation does not show originality, creativity or innovation 7.35 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Refer encin g (1 5 %) Sources are clearly integrated into and advance the argument. The presentation consistently and accurately uses appropriate Harvard referencing style. 15 14 13 12.7 Sources are clearly related to and advance the argument. The presentation consistently and strongly uses the Harvard referencing
  • 14. style. 12.6 12 11.2 Sources are used to substantiate the argument. The presentation uses appropriate Harvard referencing style, however some errors present 11.1 10 9 8.86 Sources are used but inconsistently. The presentation attempts to use Harvard referencing style with errors present. 8.85 8 7.36 Source material is misquoted, used out of context or not used at all. The presentation frequently has inaccurate use of Harvard referencing style. 7.35 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
  • 15. Effective ness an d D eliver y / Gr ammar and S pellin g (1 0 %) Presentation includes all information needed to gain an extensive understanding of the topic. It is an highly effective presentation with no grammatical or text errors 10 9 8.5 Presentation includes all information needed to gain a considerable understanding of the topic. It is an effective presentation with minimal grammatical, or text errors 8.4 8 7.5 Presentation includes most information needed to gain a moderate
  • 16. understanding of the topic. It is an very good presentation with some grammatical or text errors 7.4 7 6 Presentation includes some information needed to gain a satisfactory understanding of the topic. It is a good presentation but with many grammatical or text or errors. 5.9 5 Presentation does not provide enough information needed to gain an understanding of the topic. Grammar and text errors are consistently present 4.9 4 3 2 1 0 Co m m e n t s
  • 17. To t a l This is the summary of an article which argues about the colonization process was justified by denying that indigenous people have recognizable societies, law, land rights or sovereignty. It focuses on early colonial Australian construction on ‘savagery’ and ‘civilization’ and try to justify their actions for invading of indigenous land and unable to recognize indigenous rights, laws, society and relationship with their land. Here the author describes how the Europeans try to justify their savagery in a form of civilization by implementing the Western law. In 1788 when the first fleet arrived they hand no idea of (us) the indigenous people who come thousands of years ago but was never acknowledged as the owner of the land by the westerners. James Cook the Lieutenant of the first fleet who later became the Captain, described the land as a state of nature, after finding out about the existence of indigenous population he declared that (we) the indigenous has no industrial contribution towards the land and thus by the theory of “terra nullius” – which means the land belongs to no one it was declared that it was a free land. Although they had cultural differences and language barriers but did they ever try to communicate and hear our side of the story? How we got here and what we lead our lives? Through their colonization process, they tried to enforce their culture and law into the indigenous lifestyle, unable to do so has caused us severe consequences. Many have been kept as convicts, slaves, and labours who got nothing in return. Many have lost lives trying to defend their land and culture. Children were taken away from their mother intentionally and tried to
  • 18. educate them on their knowledge and culture in an attempt to wipe away our system and knowledge. This event is known as “The Stolen Generation”. We have been also assimilated from their society and facilities, also barred from hunting or gathering foods from nature unless we adapt to their civilization process and cultivate own crops and herd own farms by their first colony process. Although, a famous historian who became famous for his controversial statement by justifying the colonization process and saying that it was much needed and was completely legal by the standard of that time. He looks onto the positive side of the process. He indicates that the British has given us a new way of living. He thinks the British has removed the pre-colonial lifestyle of indigenous people and has taught us to live with the new world and the new technology. He compares the event with Spain and tells it is much less brutal and has given us a polite way to live the social life in a society. But how do you justify the killing? How do you explain the policy and the actions which has caused loss of thousands of lives and mothers losing their child just because Europeans are trying to make us civilized? Was it really necessary and legal? The Governor of the new colony Philip was the one responsible for establishing the colony and implemented the British law on the new society but he ignored any other law from the foreign region was given the sovereignty and was ignored. For them, it’s their rules and regulations that matters, did that ever looked fair to anyone to put your own law after coming to a place where the other people had no idea about? Do you think you law should be applied to anyone at any place? Australia was the only colony where they got the land for free without buying, leasing or coming to an agreement with anyone. The westerners didn’t think it was necessary for any sorts of agreement with anyone living on this land far before they arrived. We the indigenous people were not acknowledged of any property rights by their terra nullius doctrine and believes the indigenous were needed to vanish from the land where they
  • 19. settle their colony. They could impose any of their English law and government and take away the land for their use because they think they are the first people who are setting up the colony on this land. From their point of perspective, as long as you are roaming around the land and not making any use of it, you don’t get the ownership of the land and considered as a visitor. They believe it is a complete waste to leave the land in the hands of the indigenous population. You need to be making proper use of it by agricultural or industrial use to obtain the land. Although, not every colonist has the same view. Some believed that it was not necessary to forcefully put us in British lifestyle and could be left alone. Many beliefs they had no clear idea of what the rules of terra nullius are. One of the Individual named Joseph Banks who came off the ship with Captain James Cook believed they had no idea about the nature of the Government on which they lived in. They admitted they did not try to understand whether the indigenous law exists, they could not grasp the indigenous system, culture, tradition or lifestyle. It is still questionable if there was a law for people like (us) indigenous, was that similar to colonial law and did they intentionally avoided it? To it is easier to conclude by saying that the Colonization has brought more harm than good on indigenous people. It is still questionable that whether it was really necessary for Europeans to assimilate, torture or kill any people to enforce their civilization. Couldn’t they try to come to an agreement? Why didn’t our opinions matter and why we were not considered as a society? Why were they considered as superiors or decision makers? This might remain unanswered but looking to the positive side, yes colonization did bring indigenous people a new lifestyle by which it is possible to live a better lifestyle. Summary taken from: · BUCHAN, B., & HEATH, M. (2006). Savagery and civilization: From terra nullius to the 'tide of
  • 20. history'.Ethnicities, 6(1), 5-26. doi:10.1177/1468796806061077