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Wolf Messing: Cel mai dotat om cu capacitati Psi pe care l-a avut
secolul al XX-lea
Wolf Messing: The 20th Century's Greatest Psychic
Le clairvoyant de Stalin/ Clarvazatorul lui Stalin
Wolf Messing(1899-1974)
Wolf Messing(1899-1974)a fostcel mai important clarvazator si telepat din secolul
al XX-lea. El a prezis infrangerea lui Hitler (in ziua de 4-5 mai 1945),daca va ataca
URSS (lucru pt. care Hitler a pus un premiu de 200.000 Marci pe capul sau).
AcelasiWolf Messing i-a prezis în 1940,pe cand era la Moscova, lui Stalin(care a
fostîn stare de şoc)ca desi era semnat un tratat de neagresiune cu Hitler,
Germania va ataca URSS (intr-o perioada cand nu exista nici un indiciu că va fi
incalcat Pactul Molotov-Ribbentrop semnatin 24 August 1939,dar datat in 23
Wolf Messing i-a făcut lui Stalin două demonstraţii spectaculoase, folosind tehnicile
sugestiei mentale. In prima demonstraţie el a ridicat de la bancă 100.000 de ruble,
cu o simpla foaie de hârtie goală ruptă dintr-un caiet de elev . In a doua
demonstraţie, a pătruns nonşalant în cel mai bine păzit bunker al dictatorului,
sugerându-le gărzilor că este Lavrenti Beria şeful KGB, cu care de altfel nu semăna
Wolf Grigorievich Messing: Russia's Greatest Psychic and Telepath
Wolf GrigorieviciMessing: Omulcu cea mai mare inzestrare cu capacitati Psi
şi telepatice al Rusiei
Fate Magazine August 2006
by Paul Stonehill
Creierul uman este misterios,şi
capacitaţile sale cognitive complexe
sunt departe de a fi înţelese.În cei mai
întunecosiani ai turbulentului secolal
20-lea trăia un om care imblanzit si
valorificat puterile misterioase ale
creierului, ca nici o altă fiinţă umană
cunoscuta in istoria recenta. El a fostun
telepat, un cititor al gandurilor, un om
dodat cu puteri psihice,un vizualizator la
distanţă(remote viewer), precum şi un
supravieţuitor norocos care a evitat atât
Holocaustul, cât şi lagărele
morţii(gulagurile) lui Iosif Vissarionovici
Stalin. Noi nu vom putea cunoaşte
niciodată, adevarata măsura sau
extensie a abilităţilor sale extraordinare.
Wolf GrigorieviciMessing s-a născut în
1899 într-o familie săracă evrei din micul
oraş Gora-Kavaleriya lângă
Varşovia,Polonia, care era pe atunci
parte a Imperiului Rus.
In copilărie a suferit de la
"somnambulism/lunatism",o tulburare
despre care se credeaca ar fi cauzată
de fazele Lunii. Messing a fostvindecat
atunci când părinţii săi au pus o cadă cu
apă rece, langă patul lui, asa ca la
ridicare din pat trebuia sa paseascaîn ea
şi se trezea.
La vârsta de şase ani Messing a fost
trimis la o şcoală religioasă, unde s-a
remarcat prin capacitatea sa de
devotiune/devotamentşi prin incredibila
sa capacitate de a memorarugăciuni.
The human brain is mysterious, and its
complexcognitive powers are far from
being understood.In the darkest years of
the turbulent 20th century there lived a
man who harnessed the mysterious
powers of the brain like no other human
being known to history. He was a
telepath, a mind reader, a psychic, a
remote viewer, and a lucky survivor who
avoided both the Holocaust and the
death camps of JosephStalin.
We may never know the full extent of his
extraordinary abilities.
Wolf GrigorievichMessing was born in
1899 to a poor Jewish family in the tiny
town of Gora-Kavaleriya near Warsaw, in
what was then part of the Russian
As a young child he suffered from
“lunatism,” a disorderbelieved to be
caused by the phases of the moon.
Messing was cured when his parents
placed a tub of cold water by his bed, so
he would step into it and wake up.
At the age of six Messing was sent to a
religious school,where he distinguished
himself by his devotion and his incredible
ability to memorize prayers. Later he was
enrolled in a yeshiva, but ran away after
two years.
Mai târziu, el a fostînrolat într-un
Yeshiva Rabbinical School, dar a fugit
după doi ani.
Messing luat primul tren de pasageri pe
care l-a putut găsi, s-a ascuns sub o
bancă, şi a adormit. Atunci cand
conductorul trenului i-a cerut biletul,
Messing a luat o bucată de hârtie de pe
podeaşi a înmânat-o omului, privind în
ochii lui şi dorind ca acesta sa creada ca
acea hârtie era un adevărat bilet de tren.
El a reusit, şi a ajuns in Berlin, fără alte
probleme suplimentare.
Un medium care murea de foame
Messing era plătit cu sume derizorii
pentru munci dezonorante, şi o dată
leşinat de foame pe strada. El a fostdus
la o morgă, unde a fostsalvat din starea
de letargie de către celebrul psihiatru şi
neurolog ProfesorulAbel. Acestom a
fostprimul care a realizat incredibilele
capacitati psi ori puteri mentale ale lui
Messing şi capacitatea sa de a-si
controla corpul. Abela începutsă
efectueze experimente de
telepatie(lectură mentală)cu băiatul.
Messing putea deveni cataleptic la
dorinţă(intrand intr-o stare de conştiinţă
similara transei in care realiza izolarea-
nu răspundea la stimuli exteriori). Mai
târziu a aflat că în aceasta stare el putea
vedea (prevesti) viitorul. Între timp,
tanarul Wolf Messing a început să
lucreze în Panopticum din Berlin (un
circ), precum şi la un teatru de Varieté.
Profesorula fostuimit de rezultatele
experimentelorsale. Messing înţelegea
imediat toate comenzile mentale şi le
executa cu precizie.El s-a antrenat
mergand intr-o piaţă din Berlin ca sa
citeasca mintile celor care vindeau acolo.
Messing got on the first passengertrain
he could find, hid under a bench, and fell
asleep.Whenthe train conductor
demanded his ticket, Messing picked a
piece of paper off the floorand handed it
to the man, looking into his eyes and
willing that the man believe the scrap to
be a genuine train ticket. He was
successful,and arrived in Berlin with no
further problems.
A Starving Medium
Messing was paid a pittance for
menial work, and once fainted from
hunger right on the street. He was taken
to a morgue, where he was saved from
his lethargy by the famous psychiatrist
and neurologist ProfessorAbel.This man
was the first to realize Messing’s
incredible mental powers and his ability
to control his body. Abel began to
conduct mind-reading experiments with
the boy.
Messing could becomecataleptic
(entering a trancelike or unresponsive
state of consciousness)at will. Later he
found out that he could foretellthe future
in this state. Meanwhile, young Wolf
began to work in the Berlin Panopticum
(a circus) and a variety theater.
The professorwas amazed with results
of his experiments.Messing immediately
understood all mental commands and
executed them with precision.He trained
himself by going to the Berlin market to
read the minds of the vendors.
Abel, l-a învăţat de asemenea, pe
adolescentsa opreasca senzatiile sale
de durere fizică. Messing a devenit un
fachir, si pt a-şi mari venitul (şi să trimită
bani familiei sale sărace)el ii lăsa pe
oameni să-i intepe pieptul şi gâtul cu ace
si cuie in fata publicului.
Faima Internationala
Când a facut 16 ani, Messing a
începutprimul său turneu, călătorind in
orasul Vienna.
Dar el nu mai era o atracţie de circ.
Messing a creat un program de
experimente psihologice,aşa cum
modestface referire la ele.
În timpul acestor"experimente"
adolescentuls-ar executa comenzi care ii
erau trimise mental, spunea biografia
unor oameni pe care el nu i-a întâlnit
niciodată înainte, şi găsea obiecte
ascunse de public.
Faima in creştere a lui Messing a atras
atenţia lui Albert Einstein. Marele fizician
l-a invitat pe talentatul tanar la el acasa,
si acolo Messing l-a întâlnit pe Sigmund
Psihanalistul(S. Freud) si-a început
imediat propriile experimente mentale. El
a dat tanarului Wolf o comandă mentală
“sa ia o pensetă şi sa smulgă trei fire de
păr din renumita mustaţă a lui Einstein.
Tanărul a făcut asa cum i s-a cerut, deşi
era incurcat. Dar Einstein (nu s-a
suparat)si i-a spus sa vină la el pt ajutor,
dacă ar avea vreodată nevoie de el.
Messing nu s-a mai întâlnit niciodată din
nou cu Einstein, dar a învăţat de la
Freud, arta de concentrarii şi a auto-
hipnozei. Mai târziu, în viaţa sa Messing
s-a mai întâlnit cu alţi oameni celebri,
inclusiv cu Gandhi în 1927.
Abel also taught the teenager to turn off
his feelings of physical pain. Messing
became a fakir, and to supplementhis
income (and send money to his
impoverished family), he let people
pierce his chest and neck with nails in
front of an audience.
When he turned 16, Messing began
his first tour, traveling to the city of
But he was no longer a circus attraction.
Messing had developeda program of
psychologicalexperiments,as he
modestlyrefered to them. During these
“experiments”the teenagerwould
execute commands sent to him mentally,
tell biographies of people he never met
before,and find items hidden by the
Messing’s growing fame attracted the
attention of Albert Einstein. The great
physicist invited the talented youth to his
home, where Messing met Sigmund
The psychologistimmediatelybegan his
own mental experiments.He gave a
mental command to young Wolf to get a
pair of tweezers and pluck three hairs
from Einstein’s fabulous mustache. The
youth did as he was instructed, albeit
with embarrassment. But Einstein told
him to turn to him for assistance, should
he ever need it.
Messing never met with Einstein
again, but learned from Freud the art of
concentration and self-hypnotism.Later
in his life Messing met with other famous
people,including Gandhi in 1927.
În 1917,Messing a început un turneu
mondial, cu oameni uimitori de pe
întreaga planetă. Zile sale de circ au fost
sfarsit. În 1921 sa întors în Polonia,
acum o ţară liberă, şi si-a făcut armata.
(serviciul militar).
Mai târziu, acum celebrul tanar a plecat
din nou intr-un turneu mondial, cu un
medium de renume în calitate de
manager. El a avut duşmani printre
şarlatani, care se exploatau naivitatea şi
credinţele oamenilor; acestia au încercat
să-l compromităpe Messing, dar el ştia
de planurile lor, prin puterile sale
incredibile de percepţie.Messing a ajutat
de asemeneala rezolvarea unor crime si
la gasirea unor obiectele de valoare
Inamiculcelui de-altreilea Reich
In 1937,Wolf Messing a starnit mânia
dementui Adolf Hitler. În timp ce sustinea
un spectacolîntr-un teatru din Varşovia,
telepatul a prezis infrangerea lui Hitler în
cazul în care germanii vor ataca Rusia
Sovietică. Hitler era fascinat de ideile
mistice , şi a reacţionat imediat şi isteric.
Naziştii au pus un preţ 200000de marci
pe capul lui Messing.
Nu este clar dacă Hitler a vrut să-l
omoare pe Messing, ori sa-i exploateze
puterile sale în captivitate. (tinand cont
ca celalalt faimos om dotat cu puteri
psihice, Hanussen, un confidentinfluent
al superstiţiosuluiFührer, fusese
asasinat într-o luptă pentru putere a
nazistilor.) Messing a trebuit să ascundă
pentru o lungă perioadăde timp pentru a
scapa de germani.
După 1939,Varşoviaocupata de nazisti a
fostumpluta de afise si pliante, care
anuntau oferireaunei mari recompense
pentru capturarea lui Messing. La un
moment dat, el a rătăcit neglijent pe o
stradă aglomerată a oraşului,de unde a
fostarestat şi bătut cu sălbăticie.
La secţia de poliţie, el si-a adunat toată
puterea lui mentala şi a emis gandul ca
toti gardienii sa vina in celula lui. Aşa ca
In 1917,Messing began a world tour,
amazing people throughout the planet.
His circus days were over. In 1921 he
returned to Poland, now a free country,
and served in the army.
Later, the now-famous young
man toured the world again, with a
renowned medium as his manager. He
had enemies among charlatans who
preyed on naïve people and their beliefs;
they tried to compromise the psychic,but
he knew of their plans through his
incredible powers of perception.
Messing also solved crimes and found
lost valuables.
Enemy of the Third Reich
In 1937 Wolf Messing incurred the
wrath of the demented Adolf Hitler. While
performing in a Warsaw theater, the
telepath foretold Hitler’s demise if the
Germans attacked Soviet Russia. Hitler
was fascinated by mystical ideas, and
reacted immediately and hysterically.
The Nazis put a price of 200,000
Reichsmarks on Messing’s head.
It is not clear whether Hitler wanted to
murder Messing or to harness his powers
in captivity. (His other famed psychic,
Hanussen, an influential confidant of the
superstitious Führer, was murdered in a
Nazi power struggle.) Messing had to
hide for a long time to evade the
After 1939,Nazi-occupied Warsaw was
plastered with leaflets offering a reward
for Messing’s capture. On one occasion,
he wandered carelesslyon a busy city
street where he was arrested and
savagely beaten.
At the police station, he collected all his
mental strength and willed the guards to
come to his cell. As they staggered
in timpt ce se inghesuiau în interior,
Messing a părasit incaperea, a incuiat-o,
şi a scăpat.
El a părăsit Varşovia prin tunelurile de
canalizare, ascunzandu-se apoi într-o
căruţă acoperit cu fân, şi s-a indreptat
Uniunea Sovietică (călătorind numai pe
timp de noapte, cu ghizi de încredere).El
a traversat râul Bug, în noiembrie 1939 ..
Omul viclean al lui Stalin
Messing a înmânat sovieticilorun
anunt nazist care promitea o
recompensăpentru capturarea lui. Ca
refugiat evreu cu talente ciudate, el nu a
găsit de lucru imediat. El a fost norocos
că nu a fost trimis imediat în gulag, intr-
un lagăr de concentrare .
Mai târziu, Messing a fostprotejat de
Panteleymon Ponomarenko, liderul
comunist al RepubliciiBelaruse, şi i s-a
permis să dea spectacole.Curând după
aceea NKVD (poliţia secretă)i-a întrerupt
prezentarea capacitatilor sale psihice şi
l-a expediat la Moscova pentru a-l intalni
pe formidabilul lider sovietic.
Stalin a devenit destul de interesat de
Messing. Deşinu era un credincios
religios, el a consideratabilităţile
paranormale ca fiind o posibilitate. Stalin
l-a testat pe extraordinarul refugiat
ordonandu-i să spargă o bancă.
La scurt timp după aceea, Messing,
urmat de o echipa de ofiţeri de poliţie, a
intrat în sediul Băncii Centrale din
Moscova, cu un ordin de a scoate
100000 ruble.Mergand până la fereastra
casierului, Messing i-a înmânat o foaie
goală de hârtie şi si-a deschis servieta.
Casierului i se daduse un ordin de
mental, pe care l-a urmat imediat şi cu
corectitudine,si entuziasm a predat
suma cerută. Messing a părăsit clădirea
cu banii, dar apoi a revenit imediat şi a
dat banii înapoi la casierului.
inside, Messing left it, locked them in,
and escaped.
He left Warsaw through the sewer
tunnels, hiding in a cart covered with hay,
and made his way (traveling only at
night, with trusted guides)to the Soviet
Union. He crossed the Bug River in
Stalin’s Cunning Fellow
Messing handed the Soviets a
Nazi leaflet that promised a reward for
his capture. A Jewish refugee with
strange talents, he did not find work
immediately. He was lucky not to be sent
to the gulag concentration camps.Later,
Messing was protected by Panteleymon
Ponomarenko, the Communistleader of
the Byelorussian Republic,and allowed
to perform.Soonthereafter the NKVD
(secretpolice)interrupted his
performancesand dispatched the
psychic to Moscow to meetthe
formidable Sovietleader.
Stalin became quite interested in
Messing. Though he was not a religious
believer, he did considerparanormal
abilities to be a possibility.Stalin tested
the extraordinary refugee by ordering him
to rob a bank.
Shortly thereafter, Messing,
followed by a squad of police officers,
walked into the Central Bank
headquarters in Moscow with an order to
take away 100,000 rubles.Walking up to
the teller’s window, Messing handed him
a blank sheet of paper and opened his
briefcase.The teller was given a mental
order, which he followed immediatelyand
correctly, enthusiastically producing the
required sum. Messing left the building
with the money, but then immediately
came back and gave the money back to
the teller.
Bietul om s-a uitat la bucata de hârtie
goală şi la teancurile de bacnote, şi a
suferit un atac de cord. Messing a fost
fericit să afle că acesta a supravietuit.
Stalin a fost convins.
Faima a venit imediat; Messing a devenit
ceva de genul unei mari vedete, iar
succesulsău a adus venituri incredibile
guvernului. Asistenta lui Messing ,
Valentina Ivanovskaya, isi reaminteste
faptul că mediumul se întâlnea cu Stalin,
Beria, Voroşilov,Kalinin, precum şi cu alţi
lideri sovietici.
Odată Stalin i-a spus, "Ce om viclean
sunteţi, Messing!",La care telepatul a
răspuns într-o rusă nu prea perfectă:
"Nu eu sunt cel viclean, dumneavoastra
suntetii cel care este cu adevărat
viclean!" Kalinin nervos si-a tras
manecile, dar Stalin a fost,evident, într-o
dispoziţie bună în acea zi. Poate că
Messing a citit asta mintea dictatorului.
Stalin şi Lavrenti Beria (şeful poliţiei
secrete)au decis să testeze din nou
abilitatile hipnotizatorului. Ei l-au intrebat
dacă ar putea ieşi din Kremlin fără un
pasaport în cazul în care gardienii au fost
avertizaţi să nu-l lase sa iasa afară.
Messing a răspuns că el ar putea. Şi el a
părăsit clădirea fără probleme,deşiun
secretar l-a urmat. Nimeni nu a l-a oprit
pe medium, şi el a fluturat mana catre
liderii sovieticidin strada. Gardienii au
jurat că omul care a iesit trecand pe
langa ei nu a fostnimeni altul decat
Stalin însuşi.
Când Messing a intrat înapoi în clădire
(dupa cum si-a amintit intamplarea în
interviul său din ziarul Leningradskaya
Pravda în 1964),comandantul garzii i-a
trimis un mesaj în mintea lui: "Tu evreu
imputit!" Telepatul l-a lovit peste obraz cu
propriul sau gând. Şi ofiţerul s-a dat la o
The poor man looked at a blank piece of
paper and the stacks of bills, and
suffered aheart attack. Messing was
happy to learn that the man survived.
Stalin was convinced.
Fame came immediately; Messing
became something of a superstar, and
his success broughtincredible income to
the government. Messing’s assistant,
Valentina Ivanovskaya, recalled that the
medium met with Stalin, Beria,
Voroshilov, Kalinin, and other Soviet
Once Stalin told him,“What a cunning
fellow you are, Messing!” to which the
telepath replied in less-than-perfect
“It is not I who is the cunning one, it is
you who is truly cunning!”
Kalinin nervously pulled his sleeve, but
Stalin was obviously in a good mood that
day. Perhaps Messing read the dictator’s
Stalin and Lavrenti Beria (head of the
secretpolice)decided to test the
hypnotist’s abilities again.They asked if
he could exit the Kremlin without a pass
if the guards were warned not to let him
out. Messing replied that he could. And
he did leave the building without any
problems,although a secretary followed
him. No one stopped the medium,and he
waved to the Soviet leaders from the
street. The guards swore that the man
who walked out past them was none
other Stalin himself.
When Messing walked back into the
building (as he recalled in his interview to
Leningradskaya Pravda newspaper in
1964),the watch commandersent a
message in his mind: “You dirty Yid!” The
telepath struck him on the cheek with his
own thought. And the officerjumped
Messing a fost consultat atât de Stalin
cat şi de şef NKVD-ului intr-o serie de
ocazii. Alte intalniri cu varfurile partidului
şi cu oficialii poliţiei secrete a avut loc, şi
ca rezultat Messing a suferit mult de
Sprijinirea efortului de război
Messing nu a dat spectacole din 1943
până la sfârşitul războiului, deoarece se
presupune că guvernul sovietic l-a trimis
într-o misiune în Siberia, unde a fost
insarcinat cu intemeierea unui institut pt
dezvoltarea capacitatilor divine ale
fiintelor umane, iar nu un colegiude
spionaj, cum sustin cei interesati in
monopolizarea acesteiactivitati. Dar
această perioadăa vieţii sale nu a fost
acoperita, în memoriile sale, şi rămâne
un mister.
Nu cu mult timp înainte ca naziştii sa
invadeze Rusia Sovietică, Messing a fost
invitat să vorbeascăcu partea superioara
a comandanţilor Armatei Roşii.El a
prezis că va exista un război masiv cu
Germania, dar ca se va termina cu o
victorie sovietica in perioada 3 - 5 din
luna mai, 1945.
Stalin a fost informat despre această
predicţie,şi atunci când războiul sa
încheiat, dictatorul sovietic a trimis o
telegramă de felicitare lui Messing. El a
păstrat telegrama de ani de zile. Messing
si-a donat banii lui proprii pentru
construirea a două avioane militare în
timpul războiului, şi a ajutat ţara care l-a
adoptat în multe alte feluri. Familia sa a
pierit în Holocaust.
O recenta emisiune de televiziune a
difuzat stirea că faimosul detinator de
caacitati psihice l-ar fi întâlnit pe Stalin cu
aproximativ 20 de ore înainte de moartea
dictatorului, şi ca ar prezis că va muri în
curând. Messing ar fi cerut audienţă,
fiindaca ar fi vrut să intervină pe langa
Stalin, în numele medicilorarestaţi în
infamul "Complotal Doctorilor'" (în care
un numar de medicievrei au fostacuzaţi
de o conspiraţie pentru otravirea liderilor
The psychic consulted both Stalin and
the chief of the NKVD on a number of
occasions.Other meetings with the top
party and secretpolice officials took
place, and Messing suffered much stress
as a result.
Aiding the War Effort
Messing did not perform from 1943
until the end of the war, allegedly
because the Soviet government sent him
on a missionto Siberia where he was
placed in charge of an institute for
unfolding of divine powers in human
beings,and not an espionage college,as
is said by the part interested in
monopolizing this field. But this period of
his life has not beencovered in his
memoirs,and remains a mystery.
Not long before the Nazis invaded
Soviet Russia, Messing was invited to
speak with top Red Army commanders.
He predicted that there would be a
massive war with Germany, but it would
end between May 3 and 5, 1945,with a
Soviet victory.
Stalin was informed about this prediction,
and when the war ended,the Soviet
dictator sent a congratulatory telegram to
Messing. He kept the telegram for years.
Messing donated his own money
for the construction of two military aircraft
during the war, and helped his adopted
country in many other ways. His family
perished in the Holocaust.
A recently aired Russian television
specialimplied that the famous psychic
met Stalin some 20 hours before the
dictator’s death, and predicted that he
would die soon. Messing initiated the
meeting, as he wanted to intervene with
Stalin on behalf of the doctors arrested in
the infamous “Doctors’Plot” (in which a
circle of Jewish physicians were accused
of conspiring to poisonsenior Soviet
leaders, including the dictator;
sovietici, inclusiv a dictatorului;
unii istorici considera că acest complota
fostorchestrat de către Stalin pentru a
justifica o nouă epurare a partidului şi a
poliţiei şi ca să pregăteascăţara pentru
un război cu Occidentul).
Stalin l-a avertizat pe Messing că va fi
trimis in lagar(gulag)l dacă nu se opreste
sa se mai amestece.După moartea sa,
mostenitorii lui Stalin au renuntat la
acuzaţiile împotriva medicilorşi în loc de
aceasta l-au arestat şi executat pe Beria;
Messing ar fi prezis si aceasta.
Unii au remarcat că moartea lui Stalin
in martie 1953 a coincis cu sarbatoarea
de Purim, şi trag concluzia că magicianul
evreu l-ar fi eliminat pe tiran. Insa
Messing a fost nici un ucigaş, şi nici nu a
jucat un rol în sportul sângeros al luptei
pt putere din politica sovietica. În caz
contrar, el nu ar fi trăit o viaţă
indelungată în ţara care l-a adoptat.
Curios, un alt film rus de televiziune
despre Messing a fosttransmis imediat
după primul, şi a afirmat destul de clar că
nici o astfel de întâlnire a avut loc
vreodată. Parea ca cineva din Rusia, a
încercat să dea vina moartii lui Stalin pe
un refugiat evreu caruia i s-a dat un
refugiu în URSS, dar ca există si cei
care protejeaza numele şi onoarea lui
În timpul războiului, faimosul telepat a
dat mai multe spectacole în unităţile
militare sovietice,in spitale militare, şi
uzine care lucrau pt apărare.
Demonstraţia sa a capacitatilor
misterioase ale psihicului şi creierului
uman i-a iritat pe ideologiicomunisti şi
propaganda lor intemeiata pe
După 1950,inainte de fiecare spectacol,
trebuia citita publicului o declaraţie a
Institutului de Filosofie al Academiei
Sovietice de Ştiinţe,in care se anunţa că
abilităţile lui Messing de a citi mintea
altora se bazau pe "reflectare somaticaa
gândurilor"(teoria ideo-motoare)-
some historians allege the plot was
orchestrated by Stalin to justify a new
purge of the party and the police and to
prepare the country for a war with the
Stalin warned Messing that he would be
sent to the gulag if he did not stop
meddling.After his death, Stalin’s heirs
quashed the accusations against the
doctors and instead arrested and
executed Beria; Messing could have
predicted as much.
Some have noted that Stalin’s death
in March 1953 coincided with the holiday
of Purim, and the implication is that the
Jewish psychic removed the evil tyrant.
But Messing was no murderer, and he
did not play a role in the blood sport of
Soviet politics. Otherwise, he would not
have lived a long life in his adopted
country. Curiously, another Russian
television film about Messing was aired
right after the first one, and made it quite
clear that no such meeting ever took
place. It looked like someone in Russia
was trying to blame Stalin’s death on the
Jewish refugee who was given a haven
in the USSR, yet there are those who
protectMessing’s name and honor.
During the war, the famous telepath
gave many performances in the Soviet
military units, military hospitals, and
defense plants.His demonstration of
mysterious qualities of human psyche
and brain irked Communistideologues
and their materialistic propaganda.
Before every performance after 1950,a
statement from the Institute of
Philosophy of the Soviet Academyof
Sciences had to be read to the public
announcing that Messing’s abilities to
read others’ minds were based on
“reflectionof thoughts on motor human
adică, el ghicea gândurile altora in baza
mişcărilor lor involuntare şi inconştiente.
Telepatia nu există, proclamau aşa-
numiţii oamenii de ştiinţă, fiindcă dogma
marxism-leninismului nu a furnizat
orientări cu privire la existenţa sa. Un
gând uman nu poate exista în afara
creierului sau a lumii materiale, şi
experimentele lui Messing nu au nimic
de-a face cu telepatia-aceasta era linia
Lui Messing nu-i plăcea să dea
spectacoleîn oraşele mari, pentru că nu
voia sa atraga prea mult atentia liderilor
comunişti. Dar poporulsovietic a iubit
demonstraţiile lui Messing şi a umplut
teatrele ori de câte ori a fost în oraş.
La un moment dat, în timpul unui
spectacolîn Kiev, la sfârşitul anilor 1940,
el a fost reţinut şi adus la Moscova,
pentru că lui Nikolai Bulganin, un inalt
oficial sovietic, la momentul respectiv, i
se ordonase de catre Stalin sa găseasca
o servietă cu documente ultrasecrete
care fusese pierduta.Messing a fostadus
la biroul individului care a pierdut
servieta, unde s-a folositabilităţile sale
de a vedea la distanţă in timp ce a privit
la elementele din camera. Messing a
vizualizat o scena de pe un mal in panta,
o mica biserica, si un pod peste un râu.
Era un obiectnegru sub pod. Era
Messing a vorbit cu experţi in geografia
locala, oferindu-le descriereadin mintea
lui, şi acestia au recunoscut două astfel
de locaţii, în apropiere de Moscova.
Două camioane pline cu soldaţi înarmaţi
au fosttrimise, şi dupa câteva ore
servieta, cu conţinutul său preţios a fost
plasat în faţa oficialilor sovietici.
that is, he guessed the thoughts of others
based on their involuntary and
unconscious movements.
Telepathy does not exist, proclaimed the
so-called scientists,because Marxism-
Leninism did not provide the guidelines
as to its existence.A human thought
cannot exist outside of the brain or the
material world, and Messing’s
experiments had nothing to do with
telepathy—this was the official
Messing did not like to perform in
big cities because he did not like to
attract too much attention from the
Communist leaders.But the Soviet
people loved Messing’s performances
and filled the theaters whenever he was
in town.
Once while performing in Kiev in the late
1940s,he was detained and brought to
Moscow because Nikolay Bulganin, a top
Soviet officialat the time, had been
ordered by Stalin to find a lost briefcase
with topsecretdocuments.Messing was
brought to the office of the individual who
had lost the briefcase,where he
concentrated his remote viewing abilities
as he looked at the items in the room.
Messing visualized a scene with a
sloping riverbank, a small church, and a
bridge across the river. There was a
black item under the bridge. It was the
Messing spoke with local geography
experts, giving them the descriptionin his
mind, and they recognized two such
locations in the vicinity of Moscow. Two
trucks full of armed soldiers were
dispatched,and a few hours later the
briefcase with its precious contents was
placed in front of the Soviet officials.
Messing a rugat oamenii de ştiinţă
sovietici să-l studieze şi să ofere
explicaţii pentru abilităţile sale unice. Dar
in mare parte acesti oameni de ştiinţă
erau închisi la minte, îngroziti de linia
oficială a partidului comunist, şi i-au
ignorat cererea sa. Unele teste au fost
efectuate în Institutul de Psihiatrie al
Academieide Ştiinţe Medicale, a URSS.
Dar oamenii de ştiinţă de acolo au
preferat sa nu discute probleme care nu
ar putea fi descrise prin acţiunile
ideomotoare.Posibilitateade a studia un
fenomennou a fostpierduta.
Wolf Messing credea în existenţa unui
"camp" special, responsabilde abilităţile
telepatice.El a simţit că ar trebui să fie
descoperitşi cercetat, şi că aceasta ar
putut oferiposibilităţi minunate, la fel
cum făcut-o campul electromagnetic.
El a fost, de asemenea,fascinat de
hipnoză, şi si-a reamintit că în tinerete, în
Polonia a folosithipnoza pentru a
vindeca boli mentale în cazuri extreme.
Intr-o ocazie, cel puţin, Messing a fost în
măsură să prezică soarta unui om privind
fotografiaacestuia. El a fost în stare să
prezică viitorul cu precizie (când a fost
forţat să de împrejurări). Messing a scris
că precognitia, previziunea sau
clarviziunea nu există(vedeti articolul
despre functionarea divina sau
holografica). Noi nu putem explica astfel
de fenomene pentru că nu am înţeles in
mod clar încă esenta timpului,
conexiunea sa cu spaţiul, precum şi
interconectivitatea dintre trecut, prezent
şi viitor.
Legendarul artist şi faimos telepat a
lucrat până în 1974.Până atunci el a fost
fluent în limba rusă, poloneză, ebraică şi
germană. KGB-ul ar fi confiscatjurnalele
sale personale şi notele imediat după
moartea sa. Documentele au rămas
clasificate.Wolf Messing a murit în 1974,
şi a fost îngropatalături de soţia sa, la
cimitirul Vostryakovsky din Moscova
Messing beggedSovietscientists to
study him and provide explanations for
his unique abilities. But for the most part
such scientists were closed-minded
people,terrified of the officialCommunist
party line, and they ignored his pleas.
Some tests were carried out in the
Institute of Psychiatry of the Academyof
Medical Sciences,USSR.
But the scientists there preferred not to
discuss issues that could not be
describedby the ideomotoractions. The
opportunity to study a new phenomenon
was lost.
Wolf Messing believed in the existence
of a special “field”responsible for
telepathic abilities. He felt it should be
discovered and researched,and that it
could provide wonderful possibilities,just
as the electromagnetic
field did. He was also fascinated by
hypnosis, and recalled that in his
younger days in Poland he used
hypnosis to cure mental illnesses in
extreme cases.
On at least one occasion,Messing
was able to predicta man’s fate by
looking at his photograph. He was able to
foretellthe future (when he was forced to
by circumstances)with accuracy.
Messing wrote that foresightor
clairvoyance does exist. We cannot
explain such phenomena because we
have yet to clearly understand the
essence of time, its connection to space,
and the interconnectedness between
past, present,and future.
The legendary artist and famous
telepath worked until 1974.By then he
was fluent in Russian, Polish, Hebrew
and German languages. The KGB
allegedly confiscated his personaldiaries
and notes immediately after his death.
The documents remain classified.
Wolf Messing passed away in 1974,and
was buried next to his wife at the
Vostryakovsky cemeteryof Moscow.
Creierul uman este misterios,şi capacitaţile sale cognitive complexe sunt departe
de a fi înţelese.În cei mai întunecosiani ai turbulentului secolal 20-lea trăia un om
care imblanzit si valorificat puterile misterioase ale creierului, ca nici o altă fiinţă
umană cunoscuta in istoria recenta. El a fost un telepat, un cititor al gandurilor, un
om dodat cu puteri psihice, un vizualizator la distanţă(remote viewer), precum şi un
supravieţuitor norocos care a evitat atât Holocaustul, cât şi lagărele
morţii(gulagurile) lui Iosif VissarionoviciStalin. Noi nu vom putea cunoaşte niciodată,
adevarata măsura sau extensie a abilităţilor sale extraordinare.
Wolf GrigorieviciMessing s-a născut în 1899 într-o familie săracă evrei din micul
oraş Gora-Kavaleriya lângă Varşovia,Polonia, care era pe atunci parte a Imperiului
In copilărie a suferit de la "somnambulism/lunatism",o tulburare despre care se
credeaca ar fi cauzată de fazele Lunii. Messing a fost vindecat atunci când părinţii
săi au pus o cadă cu apă rece, langă patul lui, asa ca la ridicare din pat trebuia sa
paseascaîn ea şi se trezea.
La vârsta de şase ani Messing a fosttrimis la o şcoală religioasă, unde s-a remarcat
prin capacitatea sa de devotiune/devotamentşi prin incredibila sa capacitate de a
memora rugăciuni. Mai târziu, el a fost înrolat într-un Yeshiva Rabbinical School, dar
a fugit după doi ani.
Messing luat primul tren de pasageri pe care l-a putut găsi, s-a ascuns sub o bancă,
şi a adormit. Atunci cand conductorultrenului i-a cerut biletul, Messing a luat o
bucată de hârtie de pe podeaşi a înmânat-o omului, privind în ochii lui şi dorind ca
acesta sa creada ca acea hârtie era un adevărat bilet de tren. El a reusit, şi a ajuns
in Berlin, fără alte probleme suplimentare.
Un medium care murea de foame
Messing era plătit cu sume derizorii pentru munci dezonorante, şi o dată leşinat de
foame pe strada. El a fostdus la o morgă, unde a fost salvat din starea de letargie
de către celebrulpsihiatru şi neurolog ProfesorulAbel. Acestom a fost primul care a
realizat incredibilele capacitati psi ori puteri mentale ale lui Messing şi capacitatea
sa de a-si controla corpul. Abel a început să efectueze experimente de
telepatie(lectură mentală)cu băiatul.
Messing putea deveni cataleptic la dorinţă(intrand intr-o stare de conştiinţă similara
transei in care realiza izolarea- nu răspundea la stimuli exteriori). Mai târziu a aflat
că în aceasta stare el putea vedea (prevesti) viitorul. Între timp, tanarul Wolf
Messing a început să lucreze în Panopticum din Berlin (un circ), precum şi la un
teatru de Varieté.
Profesorula fostuimit de rezultatele experimentelorsale. Messing înţelegeaimediat
toate comenzile mentale şi le executa cu precizie.El s-a antrenat mergand intr-o
piaţă din Berlin ca sa citeascamintile celor care vindeau acolo.
Abel, l-a învăţat de asemenea, pe adolescentsa opreascasenzatiile sale de durere
fizică. Messing a devenit un fachir, si pt a-şi mari venitul (şi să trimită bani familiei
sale sărace)el ii lăsa pe oameni să-i intepe pieptul şi gâtul cu ace si cuie in fata
Faima Internationala
Când a facut 16 ani, Messing a începutprimul său turneu, călătorind in orasul
Dar el nu mai era o atracţie de circ. Messing a creat un program de experimente
psihologice,aşa cum modestface referire la ele.
În timpul acestor"experimente" adolescentuls-ar executa comenzi care ii erau
trimise mental, spunea biografia unor oameni pe care el nu i-a întâlnit niciodată
înainte, şi găsea obiecte ascunse de public.
Faima in creştere a lui Messing a atras atenţia lui Albert Einstein. Marele fizician l-a
invitat pe talentatul tanar la el acasa, si acolo Messing l-a întâlnit pe Sigmund
Psihanalistul(S. Freud) si-a început imediat propriile experimente mentale. El a dat
tanarului Wolf o comandă mentală “sa ia o pensetă şi sa smulgă trei fire de păr din
renumita mustaţă a lui Einstein. Tanărul a făcut asa cum i s-a cerut, deşiera
incurcat. Dar Einstein (nu s-a suparat)si i-a spus sa vină la el pt ajutor, dacă ar avea
vreodată nevoie de el.
Messing nu s-a mai întâlnit niciodată din nou cu Einstein, dar a învăţat de la Freud,
arta de concentrarii şi a auto-hipnozei. Mai târziu, în viaţa sa Messing s-a mai
întâlnit cu alţi oameni celebri,inclusiv cu Gandhi în 1927.
În 1917,Messing a început un turneu mondial, cu oameni uimitori de pe întreaga
planetă. Zile sale de circ au fostsfarsit. În 1921 sa întors în Polonia, acum o ţară
liberă, şi si-a făcut armata. (serviciul militar).
Mai târziu, acum celebrul tanar a plecat din nou intr-un turneu mondial, cu un
medium de renume în calitate de manager. El a avut duşmani printre şarlatani, care
se exploatau naivitatea şi credinţele oamenilor; acestia au încercatsă-l compromită
pe Messing, dar el ştia de planurile lor, prin puterile sale incredibile de percepţie.
Messing a ajutat de asemenea la rezolvarea unor crime si la gasirea unor obiectele
de valoare pierdute.
Inamiculcelui de-altreilea Reich
In 1937,Wolf Messing a starnit mânia dementui Adolf Hitler. În timp ce sustinea un
spectacolîntr-un teatru din Varşovia, telepatul a prezis infrangerea lui Hitler în
cazul în care germanii vor ataca Rusia Sovietică. Hitler era fascinat de ideile mistice
, şi a reacţionat imediat şi isteric. Naziştii au pus un preţ 200000 demarci pe capul
lui Messing.
Nu este clar dacă Hitler a vrut să-l omoare pe Messing,ori sa-i exploateze puterile
sale în captivitate. (tinand cont ca celalalt faimos om dotat cu puteri psihice,
Hanussen, un confidentinfluent al superstiţiosuluiFührer, fusese asasinat într-o
luptă pentru putere a nazistilor.) Messing a trebuit să ascundă pentru o lungă
perioadă de timp pentru a scapa de germani.
După 1939,Varşoviaocupata de nazisti a fostumpluta de afise si pliante, care
anuntau oferireaunei mari recompensepentru capturarea lui Messing. La un
moment dat, el a rătăcit neglijent pe o stradă aglomerată a oraşului,de unde a fost
arestat şi bătut cu sălbăticie.
La secţia de poliţie, el si-a adunat toată puterea lui mentala şi a emis gandul ca toti
gardienii sa vina in celula lui. Aşa ca in timpt ce se inghesuiau în interior, Messing a
părasit incaperea, a incuiat-o, şi a scăpat.
El a părăsit Varşovia prin tunelurile de canalizare, ascunzandu-se apoi într-o căruţă
acoperit cu fân, şi s-a indreptat Uniunea Sovietică (călătorind numai pe timp de
noapte, cu ghizi de încredere).El a traversat râul Bug, în noiembrie 1939 ..
Omul viclean al lui Stalin
Messing a înmânat sovieticilorun anunt nazist care promitea o recompensăpentru
capturarea lui. Ca refugiat evreu cu talente ciudate, el nu a găsit de lucru imediat. El
a fostnorocos că nu a fosttrimis imediat în gulag, intr-un lagăr de concentrare .
Mai târziu, Messing a fostprotejat de Panteleymon Ponomarenko,liderul comunist
al RepubliciiBelaruse, şi i s-a permis să dea spectacole.Curând după aceea NKVD
(poliţia secretă)i-a întrerupt prezentarea capacitatilor sale psihice şi
l-a expediat la Moscova pentru a-l intalni pe formidabilul lider sovietic.
Stalin a devenit destul de interesat de Messing. Deşinu era un credincios religios,el
a consideratabilităţile paranormale ca fiind o posibilitate.Stalin l-a testat pe
extraordinarul refugiat ordonandu-i să spargă o bancă.
La scurt timp după aceea, Messing, urmat de o echipa de ofiţeri de poliţie, a intrat
în sediul Băncii Centrale din Moscova, cu un ordin de a scoate 100000 ruble.
Mergand până la fereastra casierului, Messing i-a înmânat o foaie goală de hârtie şi
si-a deschis servieta. Casierului i se daduse un ordin de mental, pe care l-a urmat
imediat şi cu corectitudine,si entuziasm a predat suma cerută. Messing a părăsit
clădirea cu banii, dar apoi a revenit imediat şi a dat banii înapoi la casierului.
Bietul om s-a uitat la bucata de hârtie goală şi la teancurile de bacnote, şi a suferit
un atac de cord. Messing a fost fericit să afle că acesta a supravietuit. Stalin a fost
Faima a venit imediat; Messing a devenit ceva de genul unei mari vedete, iar
succesulsău a adus venituri incredibile guvernului. Asistenta lui Messing , Valentina
Ivanovskaya, isi reaminteste faptul că mediumul se întâlnea cu Stalin, Beria,
Voroşilov,Kalinin, precum şi cu alţi lideri sovietici.
Odată Stalin i-a spus, "Ce om viclean sunteţi, Messing!",La care telepatul a răspuns
într-o rusă nu prea perfectă: "Nu eu sunt cel viclean, dumneavoastra suntetii cel
care este cu adevărat viclean!" Kalinin nervos si-a tras manecile, dar Stalin a fost,
evident, într-o dispoziţie bună în acea zi. Poate că Messing a citit asta mintea
Stalin şi Lavrenti Beria (şeful poliţiei secrete)au decis să testeze din nou abilitatile
hipnotizatorului. Ei l-au intrebat dacă ar putea ieşi din Kremlin fără un pasaport în
cazul în care gardienii au fostavertizaţi să nu-l lase sa iasa afară. Messing a
răspuns că el ar putea. Şi el a părăsit clădirea fără probleme,deşiun secretar l-a
urmat. Nimeni nu a l-a oprit pe medium, şi el a fluturat mana catre liderii sovieticidin
strada. Gardienii au jurat că omul care a iesit trecand pe langa ei nu a fostnimeni
altul decat Stalin însuşi.
Când Messing a intrat înapoi în clădire (dupa cum si-a amintit intamplarea în
interviul său din ziarul Leningradskaya Pravda în 1964),comandantul garzii i-a trimis
un mesaj în mintea lui: "Tu evreu imputit!" Telepatul l-a lovit peste obraz cu propriul
sau gând. Şi ofiţerul s-a dat la o parte.
Messing a fost consultat atât de Stalin cat şi de şef NKVD-ului intr-o serie de ocazii.
Alte intalniri cu varfurile partidului şi cu oficialii poliţiei secrete a avut loc, şi ca
rezultat Messing a suferit mult de stress.
Sprijinirea efortului de război
Messing nu a dat spectacole din 1943 până la sfârşitul războiului, deoarece se
presupune că guvernul sovietic l-a trimis într-o misiune în Siberia, unde a fost
insarcinat cu intemeierea unui institut pt dezvoltarea capacitatilor divine ale fiintelor
umane, iar nu un colegiu de spionaj, cum sustin cei interesati in monopolizarea
acesteiactivitati. Dar această perioadă a vieţii sale nu a fostacoperita, în memoriile
sale, şi rămâne un mister.
Nu cu mult timp înainte ca naziştii sa invadeze Rusia Sovietică, Messing a fost
invitat să vorbeascăcu partea superioara a comandanţilor Armatei Roşii. El a prezis
că va exista un război masiv cu Germania, dar ca se va termina cu o victorie
sovietica in perioada3 - 5 din luna mai, 1945.
Stalin a fost informat despre această predicţie,şi atunci când războiul sa încheiat,
dictatorul sovietic a trimis o telegramă de felicitare lui Messing. El a păstrat
telegrama de ani de zile. Messing si-a donat banii lui proprii pentru construirea a
două avioane militare în timpul războiului, şi a ajutat ţara care l-a adoptat în multe
alte feluri. Familia sa a pierit în Holocaust.
O recenta emisiune de televiziune a difuzat stirea că faimosul detinator de caacitati
psihice l-ar fi întâlnit pe Stalin cu aproximativ 20 de ore înainte de moartea
dictatorului, şi ca ar prezis că va muri în curând. Messing ar fi cerut audienţă,
fiindaca ar fi vrut să intervină pe langa Stalin, în numele medicilorarestaţi în infamul
"Complotal Doctorilor'" (în care un numar de medicievrei au fostacuzaţi de o
conspiraţie pentru otravirea liderilor sovietici, inclusiv a dictatorului;
unii istorici considera că acest complota fost orchestrat de către Stalin pentru a
justifica o nouă epurare a partidului şi a poliţiei şi ca să pregăteascăţara pentru un
război cu Occidentul).
Stalin l-a avertizat pe Messing că va fi trimis in lagar(gulag)l dacă nu se opreste sa
se mai amestece.După moartea sa, mostenitorii lui Stalin au renuntat la acuzaţiile
împotriva medicilorşi în loc de aceasta l-au arestat şi executat pe Beria; Messing ar
fi prezis si aceasta.
Unii au remarcat că moartea lui Stalin in martie 1953 a coincis cu sarbatoarea de
Purim, şi trag concluzia că magicianul evreu l-ar fi eliminat pe tiran. Insa Messing a
fostnici un ucigaş, şi nici nu a jucat un rol în sportul sângeros al luptei pt putere din
politica sovietica. În caz contrar, el nu ar fi trăit o viaţă indelungată în ţara care l-a
adoptat. Curios, un alt film rus de televiziune despre Messing a fost transmis imediat
după primul, şi a afirmat destul de clar că nici o astfel de întâlnire a avut loc
vreodată. Parea ca cineva din Rusia, a încercat să dea vina moartii lui Stalin pe un
refugiat evreu caruia i s-a dat un refugiu în URSS, dar ca există si cei care
protejeaza numele şi onoarea lui Messing.
În timpul războiului, faimosul telepat a dat mai multe spectacole în unităţile militare
sovietice,in spitale militare, şi uzine care lucrau pt apărare. Demonstraţia sa a
capacitatilor misterioase ale psihicului şi creierului uman i-a iritat pe ideologii
comunisti şi propaganda lor intemeiata pe materialism.
După 1950,inainte de fiecare spectacol,trebuia citita publicului o declaraţie a
Institutului de Filosofie al AcademieiSovietice de Ştiinţe,in care se anunţa că
abilităţile lui Messing de a citi mintea altora se bazau pe "reflectare somatica a
gândurilor"(teoria ideo-motoare)-
adică, el ghicea gândurile altora in baza mişcărilor lor involuntare şi inconştiente.
Telepatia nu există, proclamau aşa-numiţii oamenii de ştiinţă, fiindcă dogma
marxism-leninismului nu a furnizat orientări cu privire la existenţa sa. Un gând uman
nu poate exista în afara creierului sau a lumii materiale, şi experimentele lui
Messing nu au nimic de-a face cu telepatia-aceasta era linia ideologicăoficială.
Lui Messing nu-i plăcea să dea spectacole în oraşele mari, pentru că nu voia sa
atraga prea mult atentia liderilor comunişti. Dar poporul sovietic a iubit demonstraţiile
lui Messing şi a umplut teatrele ori de câte ori a fost în oraş.
La un moment dat, în timpul unui spectacolîn Kiev, la sfârşitul anilor 1940,el a fost
reţinut şi adus la Moscova, pentru că lui Nikolai Bulganin, un inalt oficial sovietic, la
momentul respectiv, i se ordonase de catre Stalin sa găseascao servietă cu
documente ultrasecrete care fusese pierduta.Messing a fostadus la biroul individului
care a pierdut servieta, unde s-a folositabilităţile sale de a vedea la distanţă in timp
ce a privit la elementele din camera. Messing a vizualizat o scena de pe un mal in
panta, o mica biserica, si un pod peste un râu. Era un obiectnegru sub pod.Era
Messing a vorbit cu experţi in geografialocala, oferindu-le descriereadin mintea
lui, şi acestia au recunoscut două astfel de locaţii, în apropiere de Moscova. Două
camioane pline cu soldaţi înarmaţi au fosttrimise, şi dupa câteva ore servieta, cu
conţinutul său preţios a fost plasat în faţa oficialilor sovietici.
Messing a rugat oamenii de ştiinţă sovieticisă-l studieze şi să ofere explicaţii pentru
abilităţile sale unice. Dar in mare parte acesti oameni de ştiinţă erau închisi la
minte, îngroziti de linia oficială a partidului comunist, şi i-au ignorat cererea sa.
Unele teste au fostefectuate în Institutul de Psihiatrie al Academieide Ştiinţe
Medicale, a URSS.
Dar oamenii de ştiinţă de acolo au preferatsa nu discute probleme care nu ar putea
fi descriseprin acţiunile ideomotoare.Posibilitateade a studia un fenomennou a
Wolf Messing credea în existenţa unui "camp" special,responsabilde abilităţile
telepatice.El a simţit că ar trebui să fie descoperitşi cercetat, şi că aceasta ar putut
oferi posibilităţi minunate, la fel cum făcut-o campul electromagnetic.
El a fost, de asemenea,fascinat de hipnoză, şi si-a reamintit că în tinerete, în
Polonia a folosithipnoza pentru a vindeca boli mentale în cazuri extreme.
Intr-o ocazie, cel puţin, Messing a fost în măsură să prezică soarta unui om privind
fotografiaacestuia. El a fost în stare să prezică viitorul cu precizie (când a fostforţat
să de împrejurări). Messing a scris că precognitia,previziunea sau clarviziunea nu
există(vedeti articolul despre functionarea divina sau holografica). Noi nu putem
explica astfel de fenomene pentru că nu am înţeles in mod clar încă esenta timpului,
conexiunea sa cu spaţiul, precum şi interconectivitatea dintre trecut, prezent şi viitor.
Legendarul artist şi faimos telepat a lucrat până în 1974.Până atunci el a fostfluent
în limba rusă, poloneză, ebraică şi germană. KGB-ul ar fi confiscatjurnalele sale
personale şi notele imediat după moartea sa. Documentele au rămas clasificate.
Wolf Messing a murit în 1974,şi a fost îngropatalături de soţia sa, la cimitirul
Vostryakovsky din Moscova
The human brain is mysterious, and its complexcognitive powers are far from being
understood.In the darkest years of the turbulent 20th century there lived a man who
harnessed the mysterious powers of the brain like no other human being known to
history. He was a telepath, a mind reader, a psychic,a remote viewer, and a lucky
survivor who avoided both the Holocaust and the death camps of JosephStalin.
We may never know the full extent of his extraordinary abilities.
Wolf GrigorievichMessing was born in 1899 to a poorJewish family in the tiny
town of Gora-Kavaleriya near Warsaw, in what was then part of the Russian Empire.
As a young child he suffered from “lunatism,” a disorderbelieved to be caused by
the phases of the moon. Messing was cured when his parents placed a tub of cold
water by his bed,so he would step into it and wake up.
At the age of six Messing was sent to a religious school,where he
distinguished himself by his devotionand his incredible ability to memorize prayers.
Later he was enrolled in a yeshiva, but ran away after two years. Messing got on the
first passengertrain he could find, hid under a bench, and fell asleep.Whenthe train
conductordemanded his ticket, Messing picked a piece of paper off the floor and
handed it to the man, looking into his eyes and willing that the man believe the scrap
to be a genuine train ticket. He was successful,and arrived in Berlin with no further
A Starving Medium
Messing was paid a pittance for menial work, and once fainted from hunger right
on the street. He was taken to a morgue, where he was saved from his lethargy by
the famous psychiatrist and neurologistProfessorAbel.This man was the first to
realize Messing’s incredible mental powers and his ability to control his body.Abel
began to conductmind-reading experiments with the boy. Messing could become
cataleptic (entering a trancelike or unresponsive state of consciousness)at will.
Later he found out that he could foretellthe future in this state. Meanwhile, young
Wolf began to work in the Berlin Panopticum (a circus) and a variety theater.
The professorwas amazed with results of his experiments. Messing immediately
understood all mental commands and executed them with precision.He trained
himself by going to the Berlin market to read the minds of the vendors.
Abel also taught the teenager to turn off his feelings of physical pain. Messing
became a fakir, and to supplementhis income (and send money to his impoverished
family), he let people pierce his chest
and neck with nails in front of an audience.
Whenhe turned 16, Messing began his first tour, traveling to the city of Vienna.
But he was no longer a circus attraction. Messing had developed a program of
psychologicalexperiments,as he modestlyrefered to them. During these
“experiments”the teenagerwould execute commands sent to him mentally, tell
biographies of people he never met before,and find items hidden by the audience.
Messing’s growing fame attracted the attention of Albert Einstein. The great
physicist invited the talented youth to his home, where Messing met Sigmund Freud.
The psychologistimmediatelybegan his own mental experiments.He gave a mental
command to young Wolf to get a pair of tweezers and pluck three hairs from
Einstein’s fabulous mustache. The youth did as he was instructed, albeit with
embarrassment. But Einstein told him to turn to him for assistance, should he ever
need it.
Messing never met with Einstein again, but learned from Freud the art of
concentration and self-hypnotism.Later in his life Messing met with other famous
people,including Gandhi in 1927.
In 1917,Messing began a world tour, amazing people throughout the planet.
His circus days were over. In 1921 he returned to Poland, now a free country, and
served in the army. Later, the now-famous young
man toured the world again, with a renowned medium as his manager. He had
enemies among charlatans who preyed on naïve people and their beliefs;they tried
to compromise the psychic,but he knew of their plans through his incredible powers
of perception.Messing also solved crimes and found lost valuables.
Enemy of the Third Reich
In 1937 Wolf Messing incurred the wrath of the demented Adolf Hitler. While
performing in a Warsaw theater, the telepath foretold Hitler’s demise if the Germans
attacked Soviet Russia. Hitler was fascinated
by mystical ideas, and reacted immediately and hysterically. The Nazis put a price of
200,000 Reichsmarks on
Messing’s head.
It is not clear whether Hitler wanted to murder Messing or to harness his powers
in captivity. (His other famed psychic,Hanussen, an influential confidant of the
superstitious Führer, was murdered in a Nazi power struggle.) Messing had to hide
for a long time to evade the Germans.
After1939,Nazi-occupied Warsaw was plastered with leaflets offering a reward
for Messing’s capture. On one occasion,he wandered carelesslyon a busy city
street where he was arrested and savagely beaten.
At the police station, he collected all his mental strength and willed the guards to
come to his cell. As they staggered inside,Messing left it, locked them in, and
He left Warsaw through the sewer tunnels, hiding in a cart covered with hay, and
made his way (traveling only at night, with trusted guides) to the Soviet Union. He
crossed the Bug River in November1939.
Stalin’s Cunning Fellow
Messing handed the Soviets a Nazi leaflet that promised a reward for his
capture. A Jewish refugee with strange talents, he did not find work immediately. He
was lucky not to be sent to the gulag concentration camps.Later, Messing was
protected by Panteleymon Ponomarenko, the Communist leader of the Byelorussian
Republic,and allowed to perform. Soonthereafter the NKVD (secretpolice)
interrupted his performances and dispatched the psychic to Moscow to meetthe
formidable Sovietleader.
Stalin became quite interested in Messing. Though he was not a religious
believer, he did considerparanormal abilities to be a possibility.Stalin tested the
extraordinary refugee by ordering him to rob a bank.
Shortly thereafter, Messing,followed by a squad of police officers,walked into
the Central Bank headquarters in Moscow with an order to take away 100,000
rubles. Walking up to the teller’s window, Messing handed him a blank sheet of
paper and opened his briefcase.The teller was given a mental order, which he
followed immediately and correctly, enthusiastically producing the required sum.
Messing left the building with the money, but then immediately came back and gave
the money back to the teller. The poor man looked at a blank piece of paper and the
stacks of bills, and suffereda heart attack. Messing was happy to learn that the man
Stalin was convinced. Fame came immediately; Messing became something of a
superstar, and his successbrought incredible income to the government. Messing’s
assistant, Valentina Ivanovskaya, recalled that the medium met with Stalin, Beria,
Voroshilov, Kalinin, and other Soviet leaders. Once Stalin told him,“What a cunning
fellow you are, Messing!” to which the telepath replied in less-than-perfectRussian:
“It is not I who is the cunning one, it is you who is truly cunning!”
Kalinin nervously pulled his sleeve, but Stalin was obviously in a good mood that
day. Perhaps Messing read the dictator’s mind.
Stalin and Lavrenti Beria (head of the secretpolice)decidedto test the hypnotist’s
abilities again.They asked if he could exit the Kremlin without a pass if the guards
were warned not to let him out. Messing replied that he could. And he did leave the
building without any problems,although a secretary followed him. No one stopped
the medium, and he waved to the Soviet leaders from the street. The guards swore
that the man who walked out past them was none other Stalin himself.
When Messing walked back into the building (as he recalled in his interview to
Leningradskaya Pravda newspaper in 1964),the watch commandersent a message
in his mind: “You dirty Yid!” The telepath struck him on the cheek with his own
thought. And the officerjumped back.
The psychic consulted both Stalin and the chief of the NKVD on a number of
occasions.Other meetings with the top party and secretpolice officials took place,
and Messing suffered much stress as a result.
Aiding the War Effort
Messing did not perform from 1943 until the end of the war, allegedly because
the Soviet government sent him on a mission to Siberia where he was placed in
charge of an espionage college.But this period of his life has not been covered in
his memoirs,and remains a mystery.
Not long before the Nazis invaded Soviet Russia, Messing was invited to
speak with top Red Army commanders.He predicted that there would be a massive
war with Germany, but it would end between May 3 and 5, 1945,with a Soviet
Stalin was informed about this prediction, and when the war ended, the Soviet
dictator sent a congratulatory telegram to Messing. He kept the telegram for years.
Messing donated his own money for the construction of two military aircraft
during the war, and helped his adopted country in many other ways. His family
perished in the Holocaust.
A recently aired Russian television specialimplied that the famous psychic met
Stalin some 20 hours before the dictator’s death, and predicted that he would die
soon. Messing initiated the meeting, as he wanted to intervene with Stalin on behalf
of the doctors arrested in the infamous “Doctors’Plot” (in which a circle of Jewish
physicians were accused of conspiring to poisonsenior Soviet leaders, including the
dictator; some historians allege the plot was orchestrated by Stalin to justify a new
purge of the party and the police and to prepare the country for a war with the West).
Stalin warned Messing that he would be sent to the gulag if he did not stop
meddling.After his death, Stalin’s heirs quashed the accusations against the doctors
and instead arrested and executed Beria; Messing could have predicted as much.
Some have noted that Stalin’s death in March 1953 coincidedwith the holiday
of Purim, and the implication is that the Jewish psychic removed the evil tyrant.
But Messing was no murderer, and he did not play a role in the blood sport of Soviet
politics.Otherwise, he would not have lived a long life in his adopted country.
Curiously, another Russian television film about Messing was aired right after the
first one, and made it quite clear that no such meeting ever took place. It looked like
someone in Russia was trying to blame Stalin’s death on the Jewish refugee who
was given a haven in the USSR, yet there are those who protect Messing’s name
and honor.
During the war, the famous telepath gave many performances inthe Soviet
military units, military hospitals, and defense plants.His demonstrationof mysterious
qualities of human psyche and brain irked Communistideologues and their
materialistic propaganda. Before every performance after 1950,a statement from
the Institute of Philosophyof the Soviet Academyof Sciences had to be read to the
public announcing that Messing’s abilities to read others’ minds were based on
“reflectionof thoughts on motor human controls”—
that is, he guessed the thoughts of others based on their involuntary and
unconscious movements.Telepathy does not exist, proclaimed the so-called
scientists,because Marxism-Leninism did not provide the guidelines as to its
existence.A human thought cannot exist outside of the brain or the material world,
and Messing’s experiments had nothing to do with telepathy—this was the official
Messing did not like to perform in big cities because he did not like to attract too
much attention from the Communist leaders. But the Soviet people loved Messing’s
performancesand filled the theaters whenever he was in town. Once while
performing in Kiev in the late 1940s,he was detained and brought to Moscow
because Nikolay Bulganin, a top Soviet officialat the time, had been ordered by
Stalin to find a lost briefcase with topsecretdocuments.Messing was brought to the
office of the individual who had lost the briefcase,where he concentrated his remote
viewing abilities as he looked at the items in the room. Messing visualized a
scene with a sloping riverbank, a small church, and a bridge across the river. There
was a black item under the bridge. It was the briefcase.
Messing spoke with local geography experts,giving them the descriptionin his
mind, and they recognized two such locations in the vicinity of Moscow. Two trucks
full of armed soldiers were dispatched,and a few hours later the briefcase with its
precious contents was placed in front of the Soviet officials.
Messing beggedSovietscientists to study him and provide explanations for his
unique abilities. But for the most part such scientists were closed-mindedpeople,
terrified of the official Communistparty line, and they ignored his pleas. Some tests
were carried out in the Institute of Psychiatry of the Academyof Medical Sciences,
USSR. But the scientists there preferred not to discuss issues that could not be
describedby the ideomotoractions.The opportunity to study a new phenomenon
was lost.
Wolf Messing believed in the existence of a special“field”responsible for
telepathic abilities. He felt it should be discoveredand researched,and that it could
provide wonderful possibilities,just as the electromagnetic
field did. He was also fascinated by hypnosis, and recalled that in his younger days
in Poland he used hypnosis to cure mental illnesses in extreme cases.
On at least one occasion,Messing was able to predicta man’s fate by looking at
his photograph. He was able to foretellthe future (when he was forced to by
circumstances)with accuracy. Messing wrote that foresightor clairvoyance does
exist. We cannot explain such phenomena because we have yet to clearly
understand the essence oftime, its connectionto space,and the
interconnectednessbetweenpast, present,and future.
The legendary artist and famous telepath worked until 1974.By then he was fluent
in Russian, Polish, Hebrew and German languages. The KGB allegedly confiscated
his personal diaries and notes immediately after his death. The documents remain
WolfMessing passedaway in 1974,and was buried next to his wife at the
Vostryakovsky cemeteryof Moscow.
Paul Stonehill is a Soviet-born American author, lecturer, consultant, broadcaster,
and freelance journalist. He is the author of The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal
Encounters behind the Iron Curtain (1998,Quadrillion Publishing Inc.).
"Dacă acordarea Premiului Nobel este criteriul cel mai valid al valorii ştiinţifice a unor
savanţi, atunci o atitudine pozitivă a acestora faţă de fenomenele PSI le conferă
autorizaţia de a fi studiate cu toată încrederea;amintim printre aceştia pe A.
Einstein, S. Freud, Pierre şi Marie Currie, Th. Edison,N. Bergson.Mai mult,
Einstein, Freud şi marele om politic Mahatma Ghandi îl cunosc personal pe Wolf
Messing, prognostulcel mai apropiat de zilele noastre, pe care îl supun unor probe
şi experienţe ce îi conving pe deplin de capacităţile extrasenzoriale ale acestuia.
Messing explică, într-un interviu acordat unui ziar celebrudin acea vreme,
mecanismul ce stă la baza precogniţieiastfel : “Alături de metodele ştiinţifice şi
logice de cunoaştere, mai există şi o cunoaştere directă, care este prezicerea.
Printr-un efortde voinţă, văd deodată rezultatul final al unui eveniment, care îmi
apare ca un fulger în faţa ochilor mei. Mecanismul cunoaşterii directe
scurtcircuitează cauza logică şi efectulîn lanţ şi-mi relevă numai etapa finală şi
definitivă ce determină un eveniment. ”
[PRECOGNIŢIA,de Alexa GeorgetaUniversitatea ,,Andrei Şaguna'' Facultatea de
Psihosociologie Specializareapsihologie]]
Wolf Messing -Stalin's Psychic
Most psychics' stories are not very creditable.Especially in this day and age, anyone
who claims to have psychic ability is either suspectedof watching too many
episodes of Heroes,or having spent too much time around the same people.Wolf
Messing's legacy in this sense is a bit different.His witnesses/references include the
likes of Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud and JosephStalin.
Wolf Messing's story mainly took place during the first half of the 20th century.
Whether or not his psychic powers were real or merely wartime propaganda is
therefore up for debate.It is very possible that Stalin allowed the rumours about
Messing to spread, in an attempt to make Hitler questionwhether or not Stalin had
an ace up his sleeve. Afterreading Wolf Messing's story you will probably be able to
make up your own mind on the subject.
Messing's firstpsychic experience
Wolf Messing was born a Polish Jew near Warsaw on the 10th of September,1899.
At the time Russia was being ruled by its last czar, Nicholas II. Messing ran away
from schoolwhen he was 11, and without having purchased a ticked, boarded a
train heading to Berlin. Legend has it that on the train he was caught by a brutal
ticket collectorwho repeatedlyasked him to show his ticket. Messing ended up
handing the collectora peace of paper from his pocket,willing the collectorto
mistake it for a ticket. And surely enough the iron jaws of the collector's ticket punch
snapped and Messing was handed back his "ticket". The collectorapparently even
asked Messing why he had been sleeping under a seat when he had a perfectly
valid ticket on him.
How Messing establishedhimselfas a psychicin Berlin
Once in Berlin Messing suffered from chronic malnutrition. Over time he did however
manage to establish himself as a mind-reader in city theatres. Thanks to his ability
he earned the grand sum of five marks a day. He claimed that by setting himself into
a light trance he could concentrate on the thoughts at the top of a person's mind. His
success wasn'tto go unnoticed. Soon enough he would find himself in company of
some truly great men of his time: Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud.
Both Einstein and Freud were highly interested in the 17 year old Messing's abilities.
And when tested, Messing did not disappoint. As the story goes Freud told Einstein
that he would think of a command for Messing to interpret and carry out. One day
when all three were seated in Freud's salon in Vienna, Messing went into a trance,
upon which he sat up, walked across the room to a pair of scissorslying on a desk,
and then proceededto clip exactly three hairs from Einstein's moustache.
Apparently he had carried out the exact command that Freud had been thinking off.
Accounts of this story do wary somewhat. Some say instead of cutting three hairs he
plucked them using a pair of tweezers.
The yearsbetweenWorld War I and II
During World War I messing toured South Africa and the Far East, and afterwards
returned to his birthplace, which had become an independentPoland. After more
years of compulsoryMilitary service he started travelling throughout Europe again.
He never struggled to make a living, showcasing his mind reading talents to amazed
audiences. His mostfamous trick was to drive a car whilst blindfolded,receiving all
the information that he required from the passenger.
The rise of Hitler and the coming of World War II
As the Second World War was approaching Messing fled to Moscow. Hitler's non-
fondness of Polish Jews who happened to be capable of extra-sensory perception
and psychic arts was not really a secret.However, Stalin was just as wary as Hitler
in regards to people with specialpowers, leaving Messing in a quandary as to how
he should make a living. When he did find work as a last act in various nightclubs,
he often found himself as a guest of either the police or worse, the KGB.
The accuracy of his antics did not go unnoticed by the KGB.This explains how one
day, after being arrested, he was told that he was soon to expecta visitor with
immense authority. This was no exaggeration. The visitor was Stalin himself.Stalin
began to question Messing about his life in Poland and the situation there. A few
days later, after being released,the KGB again rounded Messing up, informing him
that Stalin had a few special tests in mind, to determine the true extent of his
The first test was more or less the same scenario as when Messing handed the
scrap of paper to the brutal ticket conductorwhen he was 11. Only this time the
stakes were higher. He was to walk into an officialstate bank and ask an officialto
hand over 100'000roubles while presenting a blank piece of paper at the same time.
After successfullycompleting this test Messing often found himself in Stalin's
presence.Messing spoke of his foreboding that Hitler was planning to invade the
USSR. He claimed that he had a vision of the war coming to Russia in the June of
1941.So did Messing's abilities include those of a prophetas well as mind reading?
Or did he merely gather some information of the top of some German military
official's minds? Either way, on June 22 of that year Hitler's armies invaded the
Throughout the war Messing's ability was used by Stalin to raise public spirits. At
one point Messing was summoned to the Kremlin by Stalin, who was curious if he
himself could be made a foolof by Messing. He was to display his powers by exiting
the building without a pass,while Stalin's private secretary was to follow 10 steps
behind him. Several minutes later, after having gone into his deepesttrans yet,
Messing found himself outside the gates, looking up at the window of Stalin's study.
This stunt promoted Messing to the positionof Stalin's personal seer. He was
foreverbeing invited to Stalin's private apartments in the Kremlin. For what ever
reason however, Stalin did not seem to heed Messing's advice regarding the war.
Messing's life after World War II
In the 1950s Stalin ordered Messing to undergo extensive testing at the hands of
Soviet scientists.They decided that electrical impulses in Messing's brain were
acting as radar signals. These signals would bounce of similar strong thought
patterns from his targets' minds, allowing him an insight into their thoughts. Messing
himself was not too curious about the workings of his gift.
He would spend the next 20 year touring the USSR, performing in small villages.
Along the way he also gained a reputation as a faith healer. In 1972 he tragically
died from a heart attack. He had gained such a high status in the USSR that he was
giving a hero's burial.
What to make of Messing'sstory?
Even if Wolf Messing was merely a skilled trickster, he still lived a remarkable life.
Being able to fool the likes of JosephStalin is no easy task. Often the stakes for him
were not merely his reputation, but instead his life.
A few areas of his legacy have without a doubt become exaggerated.To go from
mere mind reader to prophet and then to also become afaith healer does sound
rather unrealistic. In my opinion he might have been the David Blain/ David
Copperfield of his day and age, employed by Stalin to both raise public spirits and as
a war time propaganda tool. What makes his story so special is his association with
three highly recognisedfigures of his time, and that even the biggestdoubter(like
myself)cannot say with 100% certainty that he was a fake.
Paranormal TV: Wolf Messing Mentally Robs a Bank
Born to a Jewish family, Messing fled from Germany to the USSR before World War
II. His abilities came to the attention of JosephStalin.
Stalin became interested in the case of Wolf Messing,and was determined to check
the authenticity of his supposed abilities.In one experiment,Messing walked into a
bank, presented the teller with a “note”,and requested 100,000rubles. The “note”
was actually a blank piece of paper. The cashier handed over the money, and
Messing packed the banknotes into his briefcase and left the bank. Messing then re-
entered the bank with two observers who had witnessed the transaction, and
handed back the money. The cashier collapsed with a heart attack when he realized
what he had done.
A second testset by Stalin was to enter his house — surrounded by armed guards
— without a pass. Later, as Stalin was working in his office,Messing walked in.
Messing explained that he had broadcasted amental suggestionthat he was the
feared head of the secretpolice Lavrenti Beria, and that the guards had seen Beria,
not Messing.
Cultural references
Wolf Messing is mentioned in Suvorov's novel The Choice (Выбор),under the name
“Rudolf Messer”
Wolf Messing is also mentioned in The Coming of Tan, by Riley L. Martin (allegedly
with extraterrestrial O-Qua Tangin Wann), as one who has “neurologicalattributes or
powers that the aliens don't or no longer have”.
Ostrander, Sheila and Schroeder,Lynn (1970).Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron
Curtain. Prentice-Hall, Inc. ISBN 0-13-732230-5.
Nagel, Alexandra Een mysterieuze ontmoeting(Une rencontre mystérieuse
) :Sai Baba en mentalist Wolf Messing/A mysterious meeting... :Sai Baba and
mentalist Wolf Messing published in Tijdschriftvoor Parapsychologie/Journalfor
parapsychology368, vol. 72 nr 4, Dec. 2005,pp. 14-17 (Dutch language)
TopsyKüppers:Wolf Messing – Hellseher und Magier. Langen/Müller, München
2002.ISBN 3784428800 (German)
TopsyKüppers:Wolf Messing – Der Hellseher in Stalins Diensten/Le voyant dans
les services de Staline ;“Wolf Messing:Clarvăzătorul în slujba lui Stalin”, 2002
WOLF MESSING:The 20th Century's Greatest Psychic by Brian Alan Burhoe
in Spirituality / Metaphysical (submitted 2006-04-25)
Wolf Messing. The One Who Had Seen through Time Episode 1 of 16.avi
Eu Wolf Messing Я - Вольф Мессинг
Вольф Мессинг (Фильм 1) ч. 1 из 5
Режиссер: Николай Викторов
Как жить, точно зная дату своей смерти? Каково любить женщину, читая все ее мысли? Как жить,
зная все помыслы и чаяния окружающих тебя людей?
Люди ждали от него помощи, и он помогал им. Ждали правды, которую только он мог им сообщить.
И он говорил им правду.
Гитлер за его пророчества объявил на него охоту.
Его испытывалСталин.
Он предсказывалдаты начала войн и мировых катаклизмов.
Вольф Мессинг. Слишком многое ушло вместе с этим необыкновенным человеком. Сведения о нем
до сих пор скрыты в недрах архивов.
Известно одно: он никогда не ошибался, - маг, пророк, человек-легенда.
"You're Wolf Messing! It is you who predicted the death of our Fuhrer!"
Wolf Messing a schimbat soarta celui de-al doilea razboi mondial.A fost fara indoiala
cel mai dotat on in precognitie
Hitler il avea pe Erik Jan Hanussen.
In literatura parapsihologicaa secolului al XX-lea Wolf Messing ar putea fi comparat
doar cu legendarul Gérard Croiseta. A calatorit in India, Viena , unde s-a intalnit cu
Albert Einstein si Sigmund Freud in faimosul apartament din Berggasse 19.
Messing, the Psychic who fled Hitler, was tested by Stalin and astounded the world
with his telepathic and predictive powers!
Experienta din copilarie
While still a boy, he had his first psychic experience:"My father sent me to the
store... It was already dusk. The porch of our little wooden house was in darkness.
Suddenly on the steps there appeared a gigantic, dark figure clad in a white
garment. From above came a voice that said, 'My son! I am a messengerto
foretellyour future! Go to school! Your prayers will please heaven!' "
Later, he moved to Berlin, where he developedhis psychic abilities. He developed a
mind reading stage act that quickly drew attention throughout Europe.
In Vienna he met Sigmund Freud, who tested him. Freud was amazed at the results.
It took places in Albert Einstein's apartment. Freud gave Messing a mental
command.In Messing's own words: "To this day I still rememberFreud's mental
command.Go to the bathroom cupboard and pick up some tweezers. Return to
Albert Einstein and pull out from his luxuriant moustache three hairs." Messing did
as told.
Years later, when speaking of the incident, Freud concluded that "If I had my life to
live over again, I would devote it to Psychic Research."
When he predicted Hitler's death if the Fuhrer "turned toward the East," Hitler had a
sum of 200,000 marks put on his head.
If Hitler, who was fascinated by the occult arts, had listened to Messing rather than
his advisors, the war would have gone differently.Messing was arrested by the
Germans. At the police station, he gave the officers a mental orderto go to a room
in the other end of the building, even his guards.
He wrote: "When, responding to my will, the police had all gathered in that room, I
lay completelymotionless,as if dead. Then, quickly, I ran into the corridor. Instanly,
before they could come to, I slid the iron bolt on the door..."
He escaped to Russia, where he continued his career as a telepathic entertainer. A
career that had been interupted the night he was taken off the stage by green-
uniformed Russian police officersand presented to "a man with a moustache." It
was Josef Stalin, Dictator of the Soviet Union.
Stalin commanded a frightened Messing to prove his psychic abilities of thought
control. He told Messing to pull off a psychic bank robbery. Messing was to walk into
the Moscow Gosbank, alone and unarmed, and come back with 100,000rubles.
Plainclothes agents would be inside and outside as witnesses.
"I walked up to the cashier and handed him a blank sheet of paper torn from a
schoolnotebook." Stern Soviet agents watched as the elderly male teller looked at
the paper, went to the safe, came back and handed Messing 100,000rubles.
Messing walked outside to waiting Soviet agents. Amazed, they counted the money
then handed it back. When Messing returned to the bank counter and handed back
the money, the teller looked at the money in surprise,looked at Messing then at the
blank sheet of paper. He fell to the floorwith a heart attack. "Luckily, it wasn't fatal."
Stalin tested Messingagain a numberof times -- all successful.
After that, Messing went on to prove, more than any other woman or man, the
validity of psychic mind reading, telepathy and precognition.(Stalin didn't believe
Messing's predictionthat "Soviet tanks would roll into Berlin" a year before Hitler
invaded Russia.) Soviet parapsychologists threw every test at him they could think
of. He astounded them all.
For the decades to follow, Messing alternated clinical testing with performancesof
his stage show, amazing and delighting audiences with his mentalist abilities.
Even though the Soviet authorities prevented the officialprinting of his
autobiography, ABOUT MYSELF,in 1967,it was smuggled out of Russia in
manuscript form.Now, with Russia free once more, it is available in published form.
Messing wrote: "My ability to see the future may seem to contradict the materialist
understanding of the world. But there is not a particle of the unknowable or
supernatural about precognition...The Future is shaped from the past and the
present. There are patterns of connections between them... After an effortof will, I
suddenly see the final result of some event flash before me... The time is coming
when Humankind will understand all these phenomena. There is nothing strange
about it."
And about his telepathic powers:"People's thoughts come to me as pictures. I
usually see visual images of a specific action or place. I first put myself into a certain
state of relaxation in which I experience a gathering of feeling and strength. Then it's
easy to achieve telepathy. I can pick up just about any thought. If I touch the sender,
it helps me sort out the thought being sent from the general 'noise.' But contact isn't
necessaryfor me."
Wolf Messing diedsuddenlyand mysteriously in 1974.
Recommended Reading:
ABOUT MYSELF an Autobiography by Wolf Messing
Titiana Lungin
D. Scott Rogo also edited the English-language version of Wolf Messing:The True
Story of Russia’s Greatest Psychic by Tatiana Lungin (Translated from the Russian
by Cynthia Rosenbergerand John Glad). New York: Paragon House, 1989.
Para todos los interesados en la historia de lo paranormal, este es uno de los
capítulos más interesantes de dichos eventos en el siglo XX. Lo siguiente
corresponde brevemente a pasajes de la vida de Wolf GrigorievichMessing el
psíquico Judío-Polaco,lectorde mentes, hipnotista lector mental a larga distancia
(remote viewer) Ruso mas grande de todos los tiempos.Perseguido porAdolf Hitler
y por JosephStalin, este Judío Polaco que escapó el Holocausto nazi y los Campos
de Concentración Estalinista protagonizo durante su vida los eventos más
enigmáticos de la historia de los síquicos.
Por razones de tiempo solo voy a traducir los dos pasajes mas significativos de la
vida de Messing y están vinculados a su relación con el dictador ruso JosephStalin.
El artículo sobre la vida de este hombre lo incluyo textualmente in Ingles al final de
este post.
Entre los grandes logros de Messing se incluye ganarse la "credibilidad" de Stalin y
de Beria el Jefe de la NKVD (la Policíasecretaque antecedió a la KGB). Para
demostrarsus habilidades Stalin le ordeno entrar a un Banco en Moscú y extraer
una cantidad grande de dinero, lo cual Messing hizo cuando siendo supervisado por
un escuadrónde policías asignados por Stalin para ver si mentía o decíala verdad,
el psíquicoentro a la cede principal del Banco Central de Moscú con una orden
supuesta de extraer $100,000rublos. Messing se acerco a la ventana del banquero
y le entrego una hoja en blanco y un maletín abierto. El banquero entonces recibió
una orden mental la cual el acato rápida y entusiastamente produciendo la suma
requerida. Messing abandono el edificio delBanco Central y al poco rato regreso
devolviéndole el dinero al banquero y mostrándole que este solo le había
presentado una hoja en blanco. El cajero entonces al ver una hoja en blanco y
darse cuenta que había regalado 100 mil rublos por gusto sufrió un ataque al
No siendo esta prueba suficiente el dictador Ruso JosephStalin y Lavrenti Beria
(Jefe de la NKVD) ordenan a Messing la más dura prueba de todas para corroborar
realmente las habilidades hipnóticas de Messing. Llaman al psíquico/hipnotistaal
despacho de Stalin y el dictador en persona le dice que la prueba consistirá en que
Messing tendría que salir del Kremlin con el obstáculo de que los guardias de
custodia de la salida tendrían órdenes directas de Stalin mismo de no dejarlo salir.
El psíquico abandono el edificio delKremlin y los guardias lo dejaron salir. Desde
fuera del Kremlin Messing dio una vuela y saludo a los lideres soviéticos frente a los
guardias para demostrar que lo había logrado.¿Como lo hizo? Los guardias de
custodia del Kremlin luego dijeron que ellos hubieran jurado que quien salio del
edificio fue JosephStalin en persona.
Messing entro nuevamente al Kremlin poco rato después delincidente y el
Comandante de Posta, ya conociendo de todo lo que había pasado pensó
mentalmente "Sucio Judío" El telépata se acerco al Comandante y le dio unas
cachetadas devolviéndole la respuestamentalmente a lo que el guardia dio un
brinco hacia atrás de la sorpresa.
Las anedoctas anteriores y mas fueron reportadas por el periódico Leningradskaya
Pravda en 1964.
Existe por cierto este interesante libro sobre la vida de Messing, se titula:
Sheila Ostrander şi Lyn Schroeder,au fostprimii americani care, în cartea lor
„Descoperiripsihice în spatele Cortinei de Fier”, publicată în 1971
Wolf Messing:The True Story of Russia's Greatest Psychic por Tatiana Lungin
TopsyKüppers:Wolf Messing – Hellseher und Magier. Langen/Müller, München
2002.ISBN 3784428800 (German)
Nagel, Alexandra Een mysterieuze ontmoeting… :Sai Baba en mentalist Wolf
Messing/A mysterious meeting... :Sai Baba and mentalist Wolf Messing published in
Tijdschriftvoor Parapsychologie/Journalfor parapsychology368, vol. 72 nr 4, Dec.
2005,pp. 14-17 (Dutch language)
"Orice adevar trece prin 3 faze:mai intai este ridiculizat, apoi trezeste o opozitie
violenta,si in sfarsit este acceptat ca fiind evident de la sine"-Avicena.
Wolf Gregorevich Messing
Wolf GregorevichMessing (10. September1899 in Góra Kalwaria (Polen); † 8.
November1974 in Moskau) war ein bekannter Hellseher und Hypnotiseur.
Geborenund aufgewachsen in einer deutschstämmigenjüdischenFamilie, sollte
Messing nach Wunsch seines Vaters eigentlich Rabbinerwerden. Schon als kleiner
Junge soll er durch seine parapsychologischenFähigkeiten aufgefallen sein.
Die in Warschau begonnene Ausbildung brach der junge Mann ab. Er zog dann als
Hellseher, Hypnotiseur und Magier durch die Weltund erlangte so rasch
Berühmtheit. Bei einem dieserAuftritte soll ihn angeblich Albert Einstein gesehen
und in sein Haus eingeladen haben, wo Sigmund Freud diverse Experimente mit
ihm durchgeführt haben soll.
Eine seiner Reisenführte Messing nach Indien, wo er eine Begegnung mit dem
bekannten, aber recht umstrittenen Guru Sathya Sai Baba gehabt haben soll. 1937
soll Messing bei einem Auftritt in Warschau den Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs und
Hitlers Niederlage vorausgesagthaben, woraufhin er inhaftiert wurde. Angeblich
befreite Messing sich mit Hilfe seiner hypnotischen Fähigkeiten aus dem Gefängnis,
um dann nach Russland zu fliehen.
Später sei er auf Stalin getroffen,welcher äußerst interessiert an den Fähigkeiten
Messings war. Um die Authentizität dieserFähigkeiten zu überprüfen,seien ihm
Aufgabengestellt worden. In einem Experiment sei Messing in eine Bank gegangen,
habe einem Angestelltenein Stück Papier überreicht und daraufhin die Auszahlung
von 10.000 Rubel gefordert.Der Angestellte zahlte das Geld ohne weiteres aus –
das Papierstück, welches Messing überreichte hatte, war unbeschrieben.
Messing verließ die Bank, kam mit zwei Zeugen wieder und gab das Geld zurück.
Als der Angestellte erkannte, was er getan hatte, und nicht wusste, wie dieses hatte
passierenkönnen, erlitt er einen Herzanfall.
In einem weiteren TestStalins drang Messing ohne Ausweis in ein bewachtes Haus
ein. Auch als Stalin in seinem Büro arbeitete, sei Messing ungehindert an den
Wachen vorbeigegangenund bis ins Büro vorgedrungen. Wie Messing erklärt habe,
hatte er die Gedanken der Wachen beeinflusstund sie einen Vorgesetzten(Stalins
Geheimdienstchef Lawrenti Beria) statt seiner selbstsehen lassen.
Вольф Мессинг
Wolf Messing
( 10.09.1899 года [Гура-Кальвария, Варшавская губерния ]- 08.11.1974 года
Сверхъестественные способностине раз спасали жизнь – его жизнь,и вещали
смерть – чужую смерть.Не оставляя места ни страху, ни надежде...Но где он,
божественныйли, сатанинский ли дар, сейчас, осеньюсемьдесятчетвёртого,
когда в советчиках лишь страх, а в помощниках – вполне традиционная,
отнюдь не сверхъестественнаясоветская медицина? Судьба и смерть пришли
за ним в свой черёд,и перед их лицом предсказатель гибели Третьегорейха,
заклинатель империи зла и научного атеизма стал страдающим, испуганным
Во́ льф Григо́ рьевич (Ге́ ршикович) Ме́ ссинг (10 сентября 1899,Гура-Кальвария,
Польша — 8 ноября 1974,Москва, СССР) — эстрадный артист, выступавший в
СССР с психологическими опытами «по чтению мыслей» зрителей,
заслуженный артист РСФСР (1971)[1].
Содержание [убрать]
1 Биография
2 Автобиографияи проверка её достоверности
2.1 Происхождение легенд
3 Участие в раскрытии преступлений
4 В кинематографе и на телевидении
5 Примечания
6 Литература
7 Ссылки
[править] Биография
Вольф Мессинг родился в еврейскойсемье в городе Гура-Кальвария,
расположенном в 25 км на юго-востокот Варшавы — на территории
Российскойимперии. В юности участвовал в номерах иллюзионистов в
польских бродячих цирках. Затем освоил «эстрадную телепатию» (т. н.
«контакты через руку»). В интервью П. Орешкину Мессинг таким образом
описывал свои выступления:
…Это не чтение мыслей, а, если так можно выразится, «чтение мускулов»…
Когда человек напряженно думает о чём-либо, клетки головного мозга
передают импульсы всем мышцам организма. Их движения, незаметные
простому глазу, мною легко воспринимаются. … Я часто выполняю мысленные
задания без непосредственного контакта с индуктором. Здесь указателем мне
можетслужить частота дыхания индуктора, биение его пульса, тембр голоса,
характер походки и т. д.[2]
Аналогично объяснял методику Мессинга и член-корреспондентАкадемии
медицинских наук СССР Д. А. Бирюков, руководитель медицинского института,
в котором артист демонстрировал своё умение.[3]
В 1939 году после начала Второймировой войны бежал в Советский Союз, где
начал выступать с «чтением мыслей», сначала в составе агитбригад, затем с
индивидуальными концертами от Госконцерта.Выступал в качестве
иллюзиониста в советском цирке.
Во время Второй Мировой войны на средстваартиста Мессинга были
построены два истребителя (на одном из них Герой Советского Союза
Константин Ковалёв сбил 4 вражескихсамолёта).
Ассистентом в номерах Вольфа Мессинга до своей болезни и смерти была его
жена — Аида Михайловна Мессинг-Рапопорт.[4]
С 1961 по 1974 годы ассистентом Мессинга была В. И. Ивановская.[5]
8 ноября 1974 года в 23 часа Вольф Мессинг скончался в больнице после
продолжительной болезни. Смерть наступила от отёка лёгких после отказа
почек. Похоронен на Востряковском кладбище в Москве[6].
[править] Автобиография и проверка её достоверности
В 1965 году в журнале «Наука и религия» (номера с 7 по 11) были
опубликованы «мемуары» Мессинга, фрагменты которых также печатались в
«Смене»,«СоветскойРоссии» и ряде других изданий. Попытки проверки
наиболее сенсационных заявлений артиста показали их недостоверность.
Мессинг утверждал, что в 1915 году 16-летним встречался с Эйнштейном на
его квартире в Вене, где его поразило обилие книг, и провёл телепатический
сеанс с Эйнштейном и Фрейдом. Однако доподлинно известно, что у
Эйнштейна вообще не было квартиры в Вене, и с 1913 по 1925 годы он Вену не
посещал. Кроме того, Эйнштейн всегда держалв своих квартирах лишь
несколько справочников и оттиски наиболее важных статей.[7]
Мессинг утверждал, что когда немецкая армия оккупировала Польшу, его
голова была оценена в 200 тыс. марок, так как он в одном из театров Варшавы
предсказал гибель Гитлера, если он повернёт на восток. Его якобы схватили и
посадили в полицейский участок, откуда он якобы сбежал, используя свои
сверхъестественные способности.Однако никаких доказательств столь
громких утвержденийне существует.
В ходе проверки 857 фондов трофейных документов в Российском
государственном военном архиве (фонды архивов Имперской канцелярии,
министерств, управлений тайной полиции, управления государственной
безопасности, личные фонды нацистских лидеров) не было обнаружено
никаких сведений об артисте Вольфе Мессинге. Аналогичный результат дала
проверка каталога Берлинской библиотеки. При проверке архивов
Правительства Генерал-губернаторства (Польши), Министерства иностранных
дел Германии, немецкого посольства в Москве, Канцелярии рейха,
министерства рейха по народному просвещению и пропаганде, Немецкого
бюро известий, немецкого зарубежного научного института, мест нахождения
службы Розенберга,Руководствапропаганды рейха никаких документов о
реакции Гитлера по поводу публичных выступлений Мессинга не
В журналах межвоенногопериода Польши, писавших на темы тайных знаний,
парапсихологии и оккультизма («Обэим», «Подсолнечники», «Мир духа», «Мир
сверхчувственный»,«Духовные знания», «Свет») упоминаний о Вольфе
Мессинге не обнаружено (в отличие от других гипнотизёров и ясновидцев). В
справочнике «Библиография Варшавы. Издания за 1921—1939 г.г.» не указано
ни одной статьи, посвященной Мессингу. В книге Юзефа Свитковского
«Оккультизм и магия в свете парапсихологии» («Лотос», Львов,1939 / Краков,
1990)фамилия Мессинг не встречается.В «SonderfahndungsbuchPolen»,
(«Подробная книга Слежки (Наблюдений) в Польше»), изданной криминальной
полицией в июне 1940 года, фамилия Мессинг не встречается.[5]
Мессинг якобы встречался в 1940 году в Гомеле со Сталиным, якобы
«интересовавшимся положением в Польше, встречами Мессинга с
руководителями Речи Посполитой». Подобные встречи со Сталиным якобы
проходили и позднее, в том числе и в Москве. Такой интерес руководителя
государства к беглому эстрадному телепату, далёкому от политики, весьма
сомнителен. Кроме того, отсутствуют какие-либо документы, подтверждающие
подобные встречи Сталина с Мессингом, в Центральном архиве ФСБ РФ,
архиве ЦК КПСС (ныне — Российский государственныйархив социально-
политической истории), в Центральном архиве КГБ Республики Беларусь, в
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28293537 wolf-messing-cel-mai-dotat-om-cu-capacitati-psi-pe-care-l-a-avut-secolul-al-xx-lea

  • 1. Wolf Messing: Cel mai dotat om cu capacitati Psi pe care l-a avut secolul al XX-lea Wolf Messing: The 20th Century's Greatest Psychic Le clairvoyant de Stalin/ Clarvazatorul lui Stalin Wolf Messing(1899-1974) Wolf Messing(1899-1974)a fostcel mai important clarvazator si telepat din secolul al XX-lea. El a prezis infrangerea lui Hitler (in ziua de 4-5 mai 1945),daca va ataca URSS (lucru pt. care Hitler a pus un premiu de 200.000 Marci pe capul sau). AcelasiWolf Messing i-a prezis în 1940,pe cand era la Moscova, lui Stalin(care a fostîn stare de şoc)ca desi era semnat un tratat de neagresiune cu Hitler, Germania va ataca URSS (intr-o perioada cand nu exista nici un indiciu că va fi incalcat Pactul Molotov-Ribbentrop semnatin 24 August 1939,dar datat in 23 August).
  • 2. Wolf Messing i-a făcut lui Stalin două demonstraţii spectaculoase, folosind tehnicile sugestiei mentale. In prima demonstraţie el a ridicat de la bancă 100.000 de ruble, cu o simpla foaie de hârtie goală ruptă dintr-un caiet de elev . In a doua demonstraţie, a pătruns nonşalant în cel mai bine păzit bunker al dictatorului, sugerându-le gărzilor că este Lavrenti Beria şeful KGB, cu care de altfel nu semăna deloc. Wolf Grigorievich Messing: Russia's Greatest Psychic and Telepath Wolf GrigorieviciMessing: Omulcu cea mai mare inzestrare cu capacitati Psi şi telepatice al Rusiei Fate Magazine August 2006 by Paul Stonehill Creierul uman este misterios,şi capacitaţile sale cognitive complexe sunt departe de a fi înţelese.În cei mai întunecosiani ai turbulentului secolal 20-lea trăia un om care imblanzit si valorificat puterile misterioase ale creierului, ca nici o altă fiinţă umană cunoscuta in istoria recenta. El a fostun telepat, un cititor al gandurilor, un om dodat cu puteri psihice,un vizualizator la distanţă(remote viewer), precum şi un supravieţuitor norocos care a evitat atât Holocaustul, cât şi lagărele morţii(gulagurile) lui Iosif Vissarionovici Stalin. Noi nu vom putea cunoaşte niciodată, adevarata măsura sau extensie a abilităţilor sale extraordinare. Wolf GrigorieviciMessing s-a născut în 1899 într-o familie săracă evrei din micul oraş Gora-Kavaleriya lângă Varşovia,Polonia, care era pe atunci parte a Imperiului Rus. In copilărie a suferit de la "somnambulism/lunatism",o tulburare despre care se credeaca ar fi cauzată de fazele Lunii. Messing a fostvindecat atunci când părinţii săi au pus o cadă cu apă rece, langă patul lui, asa ca la ridicare din pat trebuia sa paseascaîn ea şi se trezea. La vârsta de şase ani Messing a fost trimis la o şcoală religioasă, unde s-a remarcat prin capacitatea sa de devotiune/devotamentşi prin incredibila sa capacitate de a memorarugăciuni. The human brain is mysterious, and its complexcognitive powers are far from being understood.In the darkest years of the turbulent 20th century there lived a man who harnessed the mysterious powers of the brain like no other human being known to history. He was a telepath, a mind reader, a psychic, a remote viewer, and a lucky survivor who avoided both the Holocaust and the death camps of JosephStalin. We may never know the full extent of his extraordinary abilities. Wolf GrigorievichMessing was born in 1899 to a poor Jewish family in the tiny town of Gora-Kavaleriya near Warsaw, in what was then part of the Russian Empire. As a young child he suffered from “lunatism,” a disorderbelieved to be caused by the phases of the moon. Messing was cured when his parents placed a tub of cold water by his bed, so he would step into it and wake up. At the age of six Messing was sent to a religious school,where he distinguished himself by his devotion and his incredible ability to memorize prayers. Later he was enrolled in a yeshiva, but ran away after two years.
  • 3. Mai târziu, el a fostînrolat într-un Yeshiva Rabbinical School, dar a fugit după doi ani. Messing luat primul tren de pasageri pe care l-a putut găsi, s-a ascuns sub o bancă, şi a adormit. Atunci cand conductorul trenului i-a cerut biletul, Messing a luat o bucată de hârtie de pe podeaşi a înmânat-o omului, privind în ochii lui şi dorind ca acesta sa creada ca acea hârtie era un adevărat bilet de tren. El a reusit, şi a ajuns in Berlin, fără alte probleme suplimentare. Un medium care murea de foame Messing era plătit cu sume derizorii pentru munci dezonorante, şi o dată leşinat de foame pe strada. El a fostdus la o morgă, unde a fostsalvat din starea de letargie de către celebrul psihiatru şi neurolog ProfesorulAbel. Acestom a fostprimul care a realizat incredibilele capacitati psi ori puteri mentale ale lui Messing şi capacitatea sa de a-si controla corpul. Abela începutsă efectueze experimente de telepatie(lectură mentală)cu băiatul. Messing putea deveni cataleptic la dorinţă(intrand intr-o stare de conştiinţă similara transei in care realiza izolarea- nu răspundea la stimuli exteriori). Mai târziu a aflat că în aceasta stare el putea vedea (prevesti) viitorul. Între timp, tanarul Wolf Messing a început să lucreze în Panopticum din Berlin (un circ), precum şi la un teatru de Varieté. Profesorula fostuimit de rezultatele experimentelorsale. Messing înţelegea imediat toate comenzile mentale şi le executa cu precizie.El s-a antrenat mergand intr-o piaţă din Berlin ca sa citeasca mintile celor care vindeau acolo. Messing got on the first passengertrain he could find, hid under a bench, and fell asleep.Whenthe train conductor demanded his ticket, Messing picked a piece of paper off the floorand handed it to the man, looking into his eyes and willing that the man believe the scrap to be a genuine train ticket. He was successful,and arrived in Berlin with no further problems. A Starving Medium Messing was paid a pittance for menial work, and once fainted from hunger right on the street. He was taken to a morgue, where he was saved from his lethargy by the famous psychiatrist and neurologist ProfessorAbel.This man was the first to realize Messing’s incredible mental powers and his ability to control his body. Abel began to conduct mind-reading experiments with the boy. Messing could becomecataleptic (entering a trancelike or unresponsive state of consciousness)at will. Later he found out that he could foretellthe future in this state. Meanwhile, young Wolf began to work in the Berlin Panopticum (a circus) and a variety theater. The professorwas amazed with results of his experiments.Messing immediately understood all mental commands and executed them with precision.He trained himself by going to the Berlin market to read the minds of the vendors.
  • 4. Abel, l-a învăţat de asemenea, pe adolescentsa opreasca senzatiile sale de durere fizică. Messing a devenit un fachir, si pt a-şi mari venitul (şi să trimită bani familiei sale sărace)el ii lăsa pe oameni să-i intepe pieptul şi gâtul cu ace si cuie in fata publicului. Faima Internationala Când a facut 16 ani, Messing a începutprimul său turneu, călătorind in orasul Vienna. Dar el nu mai era o atracţie de circ. Messing a creat un program de experimente psihologice,aşa cum modestface referire la ele. În timpul acestor"experimente" adolescentuls-ar executa comenzi care ii erau trimise mental, spunea biografia unor oameni pe care el nu i-a întâlnit niciodată înainte, şi găsea obiecte ascunse de public. Faima in creştere a lui Messing a atras atenţia lui Albert Einstein. Marele fizician l-a invitat pe talentatul tanar la el acasa, si acolo Messing l-a întâlnit pe Sigmund Freud. Psihanalistul(S. Freud) si-a început imediat propriile experimente mentale. El a dat tanarului Wolf o comandă mentală “sa ia o pensetă şi sa smulgă trei fire de păr din renumita mustaţă a lui Einstein. Tanărul a făcut asa cum i s-a cerut, deşi era incurcat. Dar Einstein (nu s-a suparat)si i-a spus sa vină la el pt ajutor, dacă ar avea vreodată nevoie de el. Messing nu s-a mai întâlnit niciodată din nou cu Einstein, dar a învăţat de la Freud, arta de concentrarii şi a auto- hipnozei. Mai târziu, în viaţa sa Messing s-a mai întâlnit cu alţi oameni celebri, inclusiv cu Gandhi în 1927. Abel also taught the teenager to turn off his feelings of physical pain. Messing became a fakir, and to supplementhis income (and send money to his impoverished family), he let people pierce his chest and neck with nails in front of an audience. InternationalFame When he turned 16, Messing began his first tour, traveling to the city of Vienna. But he was no longer a circus attraction. Messing had developeda program of psychologicalexperiments,as he modestlyrefered to them. During these “experiments”the teenagerwould execute commands sent to him mentally, tell biographies of people he never met before,and find items hidden by the audience. Messing’s growing fame attracted the attention of Albert Einstein. The great physicist invited the talented youth to his home, where Messing met Sigmund Freud. The psychologistimmediatelybegan his own mental experiments.He gave a mental command to young Wolf to get a pair of tweezers and pluck three hairs from Einstein’s fabulous mustache. The youth did as he was instructed, albeit with embarrassment. But Einstein told him to turn to him for assistance, should he ever need it. Messing never met with Einstein again, but learned from Freud the art of concentration and self-hypnotism.Later in his life Messing met with other famous people,including Gandhi in 1927.
  • 5. În 1917,Messing a început un turneu mondial, cu oameni uimitori de pe întreaga planetă. Zile sale de circ au fost sfarsit. În 1921 sa întors în Polonia, acum o ţară liberă, şi si-a făcut armata. (serviciul militar). Mai târziu, acum celebrul tanar a plecat din nou intr-un turneu mondial, cu un medium de renume în calitate de manager. El a avut duşmani printre şarlatani, care se exploatau naivitatea şi credinţele oamenilor; acestia au încercat să-l compromităpe Messing, dar el ştia de planurile lor, prin puterile sale incredibile de percepţie.Messing a ajutat de asemeneala rezolvarea unor crime si la gasirea unor obiectele de valoare pierdute. Inamiculcelui de-altreilea Reich In 1937,Wolf Messing a starnit mânia dementui Adolf Hitler. În timp ce sustinea un spectacolîntr-un teatru din Varşovia, telepatul a prezis infrangerea lui Hitler în cazul în care germanii vor ataca Rusia Sovietică. Hitler era fascinat de ideile mistice , şi a reacţionat imediat şi isteric. Naziştii au pus un preţ 200000de marci pe capul lui Messing. Nu este clar dacă Hitler a vrut să-l omoare pe Messing, ori sa-i exploateze puterile sale în captivitate. (tinand cont ca celalalt faimos om dotat cu puteri psihice, Hanussen, un confidentinfluent al superstiţiosuluiFührer, fusese asasinat într-o luptă pentru putere a nazistilor.) Messing a trebuit să ascundă pentru o lungă perioadăde timp pentru a scapa de germani. După 1939,Varşoviaocupata de nazisti a fostumpluta de afise si pliante, care anuntau oferireaunei mari recompense pentru capturarea lui Messing. La un moment dat, el a rătăcit neglijent pe o stradă aglomerată a oraşului,de unde a fostarestat şi bătut cu sălbăticie. La secţia de poliţie, el si-a adunat toată puterea lui mentala şi a emis gandul ca toti gardienii sa vina in celula lui. Aşa ca In 1917,Messing began a world tour, amazing people throughout the planet. His circus days were over. In 1921 he returned to Poland, now a free country, and served in the army. Later, the now-famous young man toured the world again, with a renowned medium as his manager. He had enemies among charlatans who preyed on naïve people and their beliefs; they tried to compromise the psychic,but he knew of their plans through his incredible powers of perception. Messing also solved crimes and found lost valuables. Enemy of the Third Reich In 1937 Wolf Messing incurred the wrath of the demented Adolf Hitler. While performing in a Warsaw theater, the telepath foretold Hitler’s demise if the Germans attacked Soviet Russia. Hitler was fascinated by mystical ideas, and reacted immediately and hysterically. The Nazis put a price of 200,000 Reichsmarks on Messing’s head. It is not clear whether Hitler wanted to murder Messing or to harness his powers in captivity. (His other famed psychic, Hanussen, an influential confidant of the superstitious Führer, was murdered in a Nazi power struggle.) Messing had to hide for a long time to evade the Germans. After 1939,Nazi-occupied Warsaw was plastered with leaflets offering a reward for Messing’s capture. On one occasion, he wandered carelesslyon a busy city street where he was arrested and savagely beaten. At the police station, he collected all his mental strength and willed the guards to come to his cell. As they staggered
  • 6. in timpt ce se inghesuiau în interior, Messing a părasit incaperea, a incuiat-o, şi a scăpat. El a părăsit Varşovia prin tunelurile de canalizare, ascunzandu-se apoi într-o căruţă acoperit cu fân, şi s-a indreptat Uniunea Sovietică (călătorind numai pe timp de noapte, cu ghizi de încredere).El a traversat râul Bug, în noiembrie 1939 .. Omul viclean al lui Stalin Messing a înmânat sovieticilorun anunt nazist care promitea o recompensăpentru capturarea lui. Ca refugiat evreu cu talente ciudate, el nu a găsit de lucru imediat. El a fost norocos că nu a fost trimis imediat în gulag, intr- un lagăr de concentrare . Mai târziu, Messing a fostprotejat de Panteleymon Ponomarenko, liderul comunist al RepubliciiBelaruse, şi i s-a permis să dea spectacole.Curând după aceea NKVD (poliţia secretă)i-a întrerupt prezentarea capacitatilor sale psihice şi l-a expediat la Moscova pentru a-l intalni pe formidabilul lider sovietic. Stalin a devenit destul de interesat de Messing. Deşinu era un credincios religios, el a consideratabilităţile paranormale ca fiind o posibilitate. Stalin l-a testat pe extraordinarul refugiat ordonandu-i să spargă o bancă. La scurt timp după aceea, Messing, urmat de o echipa de ofiţeri de poliţie, a intrat în sediul Băncii Centrale din Moscova, cu un ordin de a scoate 100000 ruble.Mergand până la fereastra casierului, Messing i-a înmânat o foaie goală de hârtie şi si-a deschis servieta. Casierului i se daduse un ordin de mental, pe care l-a urmat imediat şi cu corectitudine,si entuziasm a predat suma cerută. Messing a părăsit clădirea cu banii, dar apoi a revenit imediat şi a dat banii înapoi la casierului. inside, Messing left it, locked them in, and escaped. He left Warsaw through the sewer tunnels, hiding in a cart covered with hay, and made his way (traveling only at night, with trusted guides)to the Soviet Union. He crossed the Bug River in November1939. Stalin’s Cunning Fellow Messing handed the Soviets a Nazi leaflet that promised a reward for his capture. A Jewish refugee with strange talents, he did not find work immediately. He was lucky not to be sent to the gulag concentration camps.Later, Messing was protected by Panteleymon Ponomarenko, the Communistleader of the Byelorussian Republic,and allowed to perform.Soonthereafter the NKVD (secretpolice)interrupted his performancesand dispatched the psychic to Moscow to meetthe formidable Sovietleader. Stalin became quite interested in Messing. Though he was not a religious believer, he did considerparanormal abilities to be a possibility.Stalin tested the extraordinary refugee by ordering him to rob a bank. Shortly thereafter, Messing, followed by a squad of police officers, walked into the Central Bank headquarters in Moscow with an order to take away 100,000 rubles.Walking up to the teller’s window, Messing handed him a blank sheet of paper and opened his briefcase.The teller was given a mental order, which he followed immediatelyand correctly, enthusiastically producing the required sum. Messing left the building with the money, but then immediately came back and gave the money back to the teller.
  • 7. Bietul om s-a uitat la bucata de hârtie goală şi la teancurile de bacnote, şi a suferit un atac de cord. Messing a fost fericit să afle că acesta a supravietuit. Stalin a fost convins. Faima a venit imediat; Messing a devenit ceva de genul unei mari vedete, iar succesulsău a adus venituri incredibile guvernului. Asistenta lui Messing , Valentina Ivanovskaya, isi reaminteste faptul că mediumul se întâlnea cu Stalin, Beria, Voroşilov,Kalinin, precum şi cu alţi lideri sovietici. Odată Stalin i-a spus, "Ce om viclean sunteţi, Messing!",La care telepatul a răspuns într-o rusă nu prea perfectă: "Nu eu sunt cel viclean, dumneavoastra suntetii cel care este cu adevărat viclean!" Kalinin nervos si-a tras manecile, dar Stalin a fost,evident, într-o dispoziţie bună în acea zi. Poate că Messing a citit asta mintea dictatorului. Stalin şi Lavrenti Beria (şeful poliţiei secrete)au decis să testeze din nou abilitatile hipnotizatorului. Ei l-au intrebat dacă ar putea ieşi din Kremlin fără un pasaport în cazul în care gardienii au fost avertizaţi să nu-l lase sa iasa afară. Messing a răspuns că el ar putea. Şi el a părăsit clădirea fără probleme,deşiun secretar l-a urmat. Nimeni nu a l-a oprit pe medium, şi el a fluturat mana catre liderii sovieticidin strada. Gardienii au jurat că omul care a iesit trecand pe langa ei nu a fostnimeni altul decat Stalin însuşi. Când Messing a intrat înapoi în clădire (dupa cum si-a amintit intamplarea în interviul său din ziarul Leningradskaya Pravda în 1964),comandantul garzii i-a trimis un mesaj în mintea lui: "Tu evreu imputit!" Telepatul l-a lovit peste obraz cu propriul sau gând. Şi ofiţerul s-a dat la o parte. The poor man looked at a blank piece of paper and the stacks of bills, and suffered aheart attack. Messing was happy to learn that the man survived. Stalin was convinced. Fame came immediately; Messing became something of a superstar, and his success broughtincredible income to the government. Messing’s assistant, Valentina Ivanovskaya, recalled that the medium met with Stalin, Beria, Voroshilov, Kalinin, and other Soviet leaders. Once Stalin told him,“What a cunning fellow you are, Messing!” to which the telepath replied in less-than-perfect Russian: “It is not I who is the cunning one, it is you who is truly cunning!” Kalinin nervously pulled his sleeve, but Stalin was obviously in a good mood that day. Perhaps Messing read the dictator’s mind. Stalin and Lavrenti Beria (head of the secretpolice)decided to test the hypnotist’s abilities again.They asked if he could exit the Kremlin without a pass if the guards were warned not to let him out. Messing replied that he could. And he did leave the building without any problems,although a secretary followed him. No one stopped the medium,and he waved to the Soviet leaders from the street. The guards swore that the man who walked out past them was none other Stalin himself. When Messing walked back into the building (as he recalled in his interview to Leningradskaya Pravda newspaper in 1964),the watch commandersent a message in his mind: “You dirty Yid!” The telepath struck him on the cheek with his own thought. And the officerjumped back.
  • 8. Messing a fost consultat atât de Stalin cat şi de şef NKVD-ului intr-o serie de ocazii. Alte intalniri cu varfurile partidului şi cu oficialii poliţiei secrete a avut loc, şi ca rezultat Messing a suferit mult de stress. Sprijinirea efortului de război Messing nu a dat spectacole din 1943 până la sfârşitul războiului, deoarece se presupune că guvernul sovietic l-a trimis într-o misiune în Siberia, unde a fost insarcinat cu intemeierea unui institut pt dezvoltarea capacitatilor divine ale fiintelor umane, iar nu un colegiude spionaj, cum sustin cei interesati in monopolizarea acesteiactivitati. Dar această perioadăa vieţii sale nu a fost acoperita, în memoriile sale, şi rămâne un mister. Nu cu mult timp înainte ca naziştii sa invadeze Rusia Sovietică, Messing a fost invitat să vorbeascăcu partea superioara a comandanţilor Armatei Roşii.El a prezis că va exista un război masiv cu Germania, dar ca se va termina cu o victorie sovietica in perioada 3 - 5 din luna mai, 1945. Stalin a fost informat despre această predicţie,şi atunci când războiul sa încheiat, dictatorul sovietic a trimis o telegramă de felicitare lui Messing. El a păstrat telegrama de ani de zile. Messing si-a donat banii lui proprii pentru construirea a două avioane militare în timpul războiului, şi a ajutat ţara care l-a adoptat în multe alte feluri. Familia sa a pierit în Holocaust. O recenta emisiune de televiziune a difuzat stirea că faimosul detinator de caacitati psihice l-ar fi întâlnit pe Stalin cu aproximativ 20 de ore înainte de moartea dictatorului, şi ca ar prezis că va muri în curând. Messing ar fi cerut audienţă, fiindaca ar fi vrut să intervină pe langa Stalin, în numele medicilorarestaţi în infamul "Complotal Doctorilor'" (în care un numar de medicievrei au fostacuzaţi de o conspiraţie pentru otravirea liderilor The psychic consulted both Stalin and the chief of the NKVD on a number of occasions.Other meetings with the top party and secretpolice officials took place, and Messing suffered much stress as a result. Aiding the War Effort Messing did not perform from 1943 until the end of the war, allegedly because the Soviet government sent him on a missionto Siberia where he was placed in charge of an institute for unfolding of divine powers in human beings,and not an espionage college,as is said by the part interested in monopolizing this field. But this period of his life has not beencovered in his memoirs,and remains a mystery. Not long before the Nazis invaded Soviet Russia, Messing was invited to speak with top Red Army commanders. He predicted that there would be a massive war with Germany, but it would end between May 3 and 5, 1945,with a Soviet victory. Stalin was informed about this prediction, and when the war ended,the Soviet dictator sent a congratulatory telegram to Messing. He kept the telegram for years. Messing donated his own money for the construction of two military aircraft during the war, and helped his adopted country in many other ways. His family perished in the Holocaust. A recently aired Russian television specialimplied that the famous psychic met Stalin some 20 hours before the dictator’s death, and predicted that he would die soon. Messing initiated the meeting, as he wanted to intervene with Stalin on behalf of the doctors arrested in the infamous “Doctors’Plot” (in which a circle of Jewish physicians were accused of conspiring to poisonsenior Soviet leaders, including the dictator;
  • 9. sovietici, inclusiv a dictatorului; unii istorici considera că acest complota fostorchestrat de către Stalin pentru a justifica o nouă epurare a partidului şi a poliţiei şi ca să pregăteascăţara pentru un război cu Occidentul). Stalin l-a avertizat pe Messing că va fi trimis in lagar(gulag)l dacă nu se opreste sa se mai amestece.După moartea sa, mostenitorii lui Stalin au renuntat la acuzaţiile împotriva medicilorşi în loc de aceasta l-au arestat şi executat pe Beria; Messing ar fi prezis si aceasta. Unii au remarcat că moartea lui Stalin in martie 1953 a coincis cu sarbatoarea de Purim, şi trag concluzia că magicianul evreu l-ar fi eliminat pe tiran. Insa Messing a fost nici un ucigaş, şi nici nu a jucat un rol în sportul sângeros al luptei pt putere din politica sovietica. În caz contrar, el nu ar fi trăit o viaţă indelungată în ţara care l-a adoptat. Curios, un alt film rus de televiziune despre Messing a fosttransmis imediat după primul, şi a afirmat destul de clar că nici o astfel de întâlnire a avut loc vreodată. Parea ca cineva din Rusia, a încercat să dea vina moartii lui Stalin pe un refugiat evreu caruia i s-a dat un refugiu în URSS, dar ca există si cei care protejeaza numele şi onoarea lui Messing. MediumulSovietic În timpul războiului, faimosul telepat a dat mai multe spectacole în unităţile militare sovietice,in spitale militare, şi uzine care lucrau pt apărare. Demonstraţia sa a capacitatilor misterioase ale psihicului şi creierului uman i-a iritat pe ideologiicomunisti şi propaganda lor intemeiata pe materialism. După 1950,inainte de fiecare spectacol, trebuia citita publicului o declaraţie a Institutului de Filosofie al Academiei Sovietice de Ştiinţe,in care se anunţa că abilităţile lui Messing de a citi mintea altora se bazau pe "reflectare somaticaa gândurilor"(teoria ideo-motoare)- some historians allege the plot was orchestrated by Stalin to justify a new purge of the party and the police and to prepare the country for a war with the West). Stalin warned Messing that he would be sent to the gulag if he did not stop meddling.After his death, Stalin’s heirs quashed the accusations against the doctors and instead arrested and executed Beria; Messing could have predicted as much. Some have noted that Stalin’s death in March 1953 coincided with the holiday of Purim, and the implication is that the Jewish psychic removed the evil tyrant. But Messing was no murderer, and he did not play a role in the blood sport of Soviet politics. Otherwise, he would not have lived a long life in his adopted country. Curiously, another Russian television film about Messing was aired right after the first one, and made it quite clear that no such meeting ever took place. It looked like someone in Russia was trying to blame Stalin’s death on the Jewish refugee who was given a haven in the USSR, yet there are those who protectMessing’s name and honor. SovietMedium During the war, the famous telepath gave many performances in the Soviet military units, military hospitals, and defense plants.His demonstration of mysterious qualities of human psyche and brain irked Communistideologues and their materialistic propaganda. Before every performance after 1950,a statement from the Institute of Philosophy of the Soviet Academyof Sciences had to be read to the public announcing that Messing’s abilities to read others’ minds were based on “reflectionof thoughts on motor human
  • 10. adică, el ghicea gândurile altora in baza mişcărilor lor involuntare şi inconştiente. Telepatia nu există, proclamau aşa- numiţii oamenii de ştiinţă, fiindcă dogma marxism-leninismului nu a furnizat orientări cu privire la existenţa sa. Un gând uman nu poate exista în afara creierului sau a lumii materiale, şi experimentele lui Messing nu au nimic de-a face cu telepatia-aceasta era linia ideologicăoficială. Lui Messing nu-i plăcea să dea spectacoleîn oraşele mari, pentru că nu voia sa atraga prea mult atentia liderilor comunişti. Dar poporulsovietic a iubit demonstraţiile lui Messing şi a umplut teatrele ori de câte ori a fost în oraş. La un moment dat, în timpul unui spectacolîn Kiev, la sfârşitul anilor 1940, el a fost reţinut şi adus la Moscova, pentru că lui Nikolai Bulganin, un inalt oficial sovietic, la momentul respectiv, i se ordonase de catre Stalin sa găseasca o servietă cu documente ultrasecrete care fusese pierduta.Messing a fostadus la biroul individului care a pierdut servieta, unde s-a folositabilităţile sale de a vedea la distanţă in timp ce a privit la elementele din camera. Messing a vizualizat o scena de pe un mal in panta, o mica biserica, si un pod peste un râu. Era un obiectnegru sub pod. Era servieta. Messing a vorbit cu experţi in geografia locala, oferindu-le descriereadin mintea lui, şi acestia au recunoscut două astfel de locaţii, în apropiere de Moscova. Două camioane pline cu soldaţi înarmaţi au fosttrimise, şi dupa câteva ore servieta, cu conţinutul său preţios a fost plasat în faţa oficialilor sovietici. controls”— that is, he guessed the thoughts of others based on their involuntary and unconscious movements. Telepathy does not exist, proclaimed the so-called scientists,because Marxism- Leninism did not provide the guidelines as to its existence.A human thought cannot exist outside of the brain or the material world, and Messing’s experiments had nothing to do with telepathy—this was the official ideologicalline. Messing did not like to perform in big cities because he did not like to attract too much attention from the Communist leaders.But the Soviet people loved Messing’s performances and filled the theaters whenever he was in town. Once while performing in Kiev in the late 1940s,he was detained and brought to Moscow because Nikolay Bulganin, a top Soviet officialat the time, had been ordered by Stalin to find a lost briefcase with topsecretdocuments.Messing was brought to the office of the individual who had lost the briefcase,where he concentrated his remote viewing abilities as he looked at the items in the room. Messing visualized a scene with a sloping riverbank, a small church, and a bridge across the river. There was a black item under the bridge. It was the briefcase. Messing spoke with local geography experts, giving them the descriptionin his mind, and they recognized two such locations in the vicinity of Moscow. Two trucks full of armed soldiers were dispatched,and a few hours later the briefcase with its precious contents was placed in front of the Soviet officials.
  • 11. Messing a rugat oamenii de ştiinţă sovietici să-l studieze şi să ofere explicaţii pentru abilităţile sale unice. Dar in mare parte acesti oameni de ştiinţă erau închisi la minte, îngroziti de linia oficială a partidului comunist, şi i-au ignorat cererea sa. Unele teste au fost efectuate în Institutul de Psihiatrie al Academieide Ştiinţe Medicale, a URSS. Dar oamenii de ştiinţă de acolo au preferat sa nu discute probleme care nu ar putea fi descrise prin acţiunile ideomotoare.Posibilitateade a studia un fenomennou a fostpierduta. Wolf Messing credea în existenţa unui "camp" special, responsabilde abilităţile telepatice.El a simţit că ar trebui să fie descoperitşi cercetat, şi că aceasta ar putut oferiposibilităţi minunate, la fel cum făcut-o campul electromagnetic. El a fost, de asemenea,fascinat de hipnoză, şi si-a reamintit că în tinerete, în Polonia a folosithipnoza pentru a vindeca boli mentale în cazuri extreme. Intr-o ocazie, cel puţin, Messing a fost în măsură să prezică soarta unui om privind fotografiaacestuia. El a fost în stare să prezică viitorul cu precizie (când a fost forţat să de împrejurări). Messing a scris că precognitia, previziunea sau clarviziunea nu există(vedeti articolul despre functionarea divina sau holografica). Noi nu putem explica astfel de fenomene pentru că nu am înţeles in mod clar încă esenta timpului, conexiunea sa cu spaţiul, precum şi interconectivitatea dintre trecut, prezent şi viitor. Legendarul artist şi faimos telepat a lucrat până în 1974.Până atunci el a fost fluent în limba rusă, poloneză, ebraică şi germană. KGB-ul ar fi confiscatjurnalele sale personale şi notele imediat după moartea sa. Documentele au rămas clasificate.Wolf Messing a murit în 1974, şi a fost îngropatalături de soţia sa, la cimitirul Vostryakovsky din Moscova Messing beggedSovietscientists to study him and provide explanations for his unique abilities. But for the most part such scientists were closed-minded people,terrified of the officialCommunist party line, and they ignored his pleas. Some tests were carried out in the Institute of Psychiatry of the Academyof Medical Sciences,USSR. But the scientists there preferred not to discuss issues that could not be describedby the ideomotoractions. The opportunity to study a new phenomenon was lost. Wolf Messing believed in the existence of a special “field”responsible for telepathic abilities. He felt it should be discovered and researched,and that it could provide wonderful possibilities,just as the electromagnetic field did. He was also fascinated by hypnosis, and recalled that in his younger days in Poland he used hypnosis to cure mental illnesses in extreme cases. On at least one occasion,Messing was able to predicta man’s fate by looking at his photograph. He was able to foretellthe future (when he was forced to by circumstances)with accuracy. Messing wrote that foresightor clairvoyance does exist. We cannot explain such phenomena because we have yet to clearly understand the essence of time, its connection to space, and the interconnectedness between past, present,and future. The legendary artist and famous telepath worked until 1974.By then he was fluent in Russian, Polish, Hebrew and German languages. The KGB allegedly confiscated his personaldiaries and notes immediately after his death. The documents remain classified. Wolf Messing passed away in 1974,and was buried next to his wife at the Vostryakovsky cemeteryof Moscow.
  • 12. Creierul uman este misterios,şi capacitaţile sale cognitive complexe sunt departe de a fi înţelese.În cei mai întunecosiani ai turbulentului secolal 20-lea trăia un om care imblanzit si valorificat puterile misterioase ale creierului, ca nici o altă fiinţă umană cunoscuta in istoria recenta. El a fost un telepat, un cititor al gandurilor, un om dodat cu puteri psihice, un vizualizator la distanţă(remote viewer), precum şi un supravieţuitor norocos care a evitat atât Holocaustul, cât şi lagărele morţii(gulagurile) lui Iosif VissarionoviciStalin. Noi nu vom putea cunoaşte niciodată, adevarata măsura sau extensie a abilităţilor sale extraordinare. Wolf GrigorieviciMessing s-a născut în 1899 într-o familie săracă evrei din micul oraş Gora-Kavaleriya lângă Varşovia,Polonia, care era pe atunci parte a Imperiului Rus. In copilărie a suferit de la "somnambulism/lunatism",o tulburare despre care se credeaca ar fi cauzată de fazele Lunii. Messing a fost vindecat atunci când părinţii săi au pus o cadă cu apă rece, langă patul lui, asa ca la ridicare din pat trebuia sa paseascaîn ea şi se trezea. La vârsta de şase ani Messing a fosttrimis la o şcoală religioasă, unde s-a remarcat prin capacitatea sa de devotiune/devotamentşi prin incredibila sa capacitate de a memora rugăciuni. Mai târziu, el a fost înrolat într-un Yeshiva Rabbinical School, dar a fugit după doi ani. Messing luat primul tren de pasageri pe care l-a putut găsi, s-a ascuns sub o bancă, şi a adormit. Atunci cand conductorultrenului i-a cerut biletul, Messing a luat o bucată de hârtie de pe podeaşi a înmânat-o omului, privind în ochii lui şi dorind ca acesta sa creada ca acea hârtie era un adevărat bilet de tren. El a reusit, şi a ajuns in Berlin, fără alte probleme suplimentare. Un medium care murea de foame Messing era plătit cu sume derizorii pentru munci dezonorante, şi o dată leşinat de foame pe strada. El a fostdus la o morgă, unde a fost salvat din starea de letargie de către celebrulpsihiatru şi neurolog ProfesorulAbel. Acestom a fost primul care a realizat incredibilele capacitati psi ori puteri mentale ale lui Messing şi capacitatea sa de a-si controla corpul. Abel a început să efectueze experimente de telepatie(lectură mentală)cu băiatul. Messing putea deveni cataleptic la dorinţă(intrand intr-o stare de conştiinţă similara transei in care realiza izolarea- nu răspundea la stimuli exteriori). Mai târziu a aflat că în aceasta stare el putea vedea (prevesti) viitorul. Între timp, tanarul Wolf Messing a început să lucreze în Panopticum din Berlin (un circ), precum şi la un teatru de Varieté. Profesorula fostuimit de rezultatele experimentelorsale. Messing înţelegeaimediat toate comenzile mentale şi le executa cu precizie.El s-a antrenat mergand intr-o piaţă din Berlin ca sa citeascamintile celor care vindeau acolo.
  • 13. Abel, l-a învăţat de asemenea, pe adolescentsa opreascasenzatiile sale de durere fizică. Messing a devenit un fachir, si pt a-şi mari venitul (şi să trimită bani familiei sale sărace)el ii lăsa pe oameni să-i intepe pieptul şi gâtul cu ace si cuie in fata publicului. Faima Internationala Când a facut 16 ani, Messing a începutprimul său turneu, călătorind in orasul Vienna. Dar el nu mai era o atracţie de circ. Messing a creat un program de experimente psihologice,aşa cum modestface referire la ele. În timpul acestor"experimente" adolescentuls-ar executa comenzi care ii erau trimise mental, spunea biografia unor oameni pe care el nu i-a întâlnit niciodată înainte, şi găsea obiecte ascunse de public. Faima in creştere a lui Messing a atras atenţia lui Albert Einstein. Marele fizician l-a invitat pe talentatul tanar la el acasa, si acolo Messing l-a întâlnit pe Sigmund Freud. Psihanalistul(S. Freud) si-a început imediat propriile experimente mentale. El a dat tanarului Wolf o comandă mentală “sa ia o pensetă şi sa smulgă trei fire de păr din renumita mustaţă a lui Einstein. Tanărul a făcut asa cum i s-a cerut, deşiera incurcat. Dar Einstein (nu s-a suparat)si i-a spus sa vină la el pt ajutor, dacă ar avea vreodată nevoie de el. Messing nu s-a mai întâlnit niciodată din nou cu Einstein, dar a învăţat de la Freud, arta de concentrarii şi a auto-hipnozei. Mai târziu, în viaţa sa Messing s-a mai întâlnit cu alţi oameni celebri,inclusiv cu Gandhi în 1927. În 1917,Messing a început un turneu mondial, cu oameni uimitori de pe întreaga planetă. Zile sale de circ au fostsfarsit. În 1921 sa întors în Polonia, acum o ţară liberă, şi si-a făcut armata. (serviciul militar). Mai târziu, acum celebrul tanar a plecat din nou intr-un turneu mondial, cu un medium de renume în calitate de manager. El a avut duşmani printre şarlatani, care se exploatau naivitatea şi credinţele oamenilor; acestia au încercatsă-l compromită pe Messing, dar el ştia de planurile lor, prin puterile sale incredibile de percepţie. Messing a ajutat de asemenea la rezolvarea unor crime si la gasirea unor obiectele de valoare pierdute. Inamiculcelui de-altreilea Reich In 1937,Wolf Messing a starnit mânia dementui Adolf Hitler. În timp ce sustinea un spectacolîntr-un teatru din Varşovia, telepatul a prezis infrangerea lui Hitler în cazul în care germanii vor ataca Rusia Sovietică. Hitler era fascinat de ideile mistice , şi a reacţionat imediat şi isteric. Naziştii au pus un preţ 200000 demarci pe capul lui Messing.
  • 14. Nu este clar dacă Hitler a vrut să-l omoare pe Messing,ori sa-i exploateze puterile sale în captivitate. (tinand cont ca celalalt faimos om dotat cu puteri psihice, Hanussen, un confidentinfluent al superstiţiosuluiFührer, fusese asasinat într-o luptă pentru putere a nazistilor.) Messing a trebuit să ascundă pentru o lungă perioadă de timp pentru a scapa de germani. După 1939,Varşoviaocupata de nazisti a fostumpluta de afise si pliante, care anuntau oferireaunei mari recompensepentru capturarea lui Messing. La un moment dat, el a rătăcit neglijent pe o stradă aglomerată a oraşului,de unde a fost arestat şi bătut cu sălbăticie. La secţia de poliţie, el si-a adunat toată puterea lui mentala şi a emis gandul ca toti gardienii sa vina in celula lui. Aşa ca in timpt ce se inghesuiau în interior, Messing a părasit incaperea, a incuiat-o, şi a scăpat. El a părăsit Varşovia prin tunelurile de canalizare, ascunzandu-se apoi într-o căruţă acoperit cu fân, şi s-a indreptat Uniunea Sovietică (călătorind numai pe timp de noapte, cu ghizi de încredere).El a traversat râul Bug, în noiembrie 1939 .. Omul viclean al lui Stalin Messing a înmânat sovieticilorun anunt nazist care promitea o recompensăpentru capturarea lui. Ca refugiat evreu cu talente ciudate, el nu a găsit de lucru imediat. El a fostnorocos că nu a fosttrimis imediat în gulag, intr-un lagăr de concentrare . Mai târziu, Messing a fostprotejat de Panteleymon Ponomarenko,liderul comunist al RepubliciiBelaruse, şi i s-a permis să dea spectacole.Curând după aceea NKVD (poliţia secretă)i-a întrerupt prezentarea capacitatilor sale psihice şi l-a expediat la Moscova pentru a-l intalni pe formidabilul lider sovietic. Stalin a devenit destul de interesat de Messing. Deşinu era un credincios religios,el a consideratabilităţile paranormale ca fiind o posibilitate.Stalin l-a testat pe extraordinarul refugiat ordonandu-i să spargă o bancă. La scurt timp după aceea, Messing, urmat de o echipa de ofiţeri de poliţie, a intrat în sediul Băncii Centrale din Moscova, cu un ordin de a scoate 100000 ruble. Mergand până la fereastra casierului, Messing i-a înmânat o foaie goală de hârtie şi si-a deschis servieta. Casierului i se daduse un ordin de mental, pe care l-a urmat imediat şi cu corectitudine,si entuziasm a predat suma cerută. Messing a părăsit clădirea cu banii, dar apoi a revenit imediat şi a dat banii înapoi la casierului. Bietul om s-a uitat la bucata de hârtie goală şi la teancurile de bacnote, şi a suferit un atac de cord. Messing a fost fericit să afle că acesta a supravietuit. Stalin a fost convins. Faima a venit imediat; Messing a devenit ceva de genul unei mari vedete, iar succesulsău a adus venituri incredibile guvernului. Asistenta lui Messing , Valentina Ivanovskaya, isi reaminteste faptul că mediumul se întâlnea cu Stalin, Beria, Voroşilov,Kalinin, precum şi cu alţi lideri sovietici. Odată Stalin i-a spus, "Ce om viclean sunteţi, Messing!",La care telepatul a răspuns într-o rusă nu prea perfectă: "Nu eu sunt cel viclean, dumneavoastra suntetii cel care este cu adevărat viclean!" Kalinin nervos si-a tras manecile, dar Stalin a fost,
  • 15. evident, într-o dispoziţie bună în acea zi. Poate că Messing a citit asta mintea dictatorului. Stalin şi Lavrenti Beria (şeful poliţiei secrete)au decis să testeze din nou abilitatile hipnotizatorului. Ei l-au intrebat dacă ar putea ieşi din Kremlin fără un pasaport în cazul în care gardienii au fostavertizaţi să nu-l lase sa iasa afară. Messing a răspuns că el ar putea. Şi el a părăsit clădirea fără probleme,deşiun secretar l-a urmat. Nimeni nu a l-a oprit pe medium, şi el a fluturat mana catre liderii sovieticidin strada. Gardienii au jurat că omul care a iesit trecand pe langa ei nu a fostnimeni altul decat Stalin însuşi. Când Messing a intrat înapoi în clădire (dupa cum si-a amintit intamplarea în interviul său din ziarul Leningradskaya Pravda în 1964),comandantul garzii i-a trimis un mesaj în mintea lui: "Tu evreu imputit!" Telepatul l-a lovit peste obraz cu propriul sau gând. Şi ofiţerul s-a dat la o parte. Messing a fost consultat atât de Stalin cat şi de şef NKVD-ului intr-o serie de ocazii. Alte intalniri cu varfurile partidului şi cu oficialii poliţiei secrete a avut loc, şi ca rezultat Messing a suferit mult de stress. Sprijinirea efortului de război Messing nu a dat spectacole din 1943 până la sfârşitul războiului, deoarece se presupune că guvernul sovietic l-a trimis într-o misiune în Siberia, unde a fost insarcinat cu intemeierea unui institut pt dezvoltarea capacitatilor divine ale fiintelor umane, iar nu un colegiu de spionaj, cum sustin cei interesati in monopolizarea acesteiactivitati. Dar această perioadă a vieţii sale nu a fostacoperita, în memoriile sale, şi rămâne un mister. Nu cu mult timp înainte ca naziştii sa invadeze Rusia Sovietică, Messing a fost invitat să vorbeascăcu partea superioara a comandanţilor Armatei Roşii. El a prezis că va exista un război masiv cu Germania, dar ca se va termina cu o victorie sovietica in perioada3 - 5 din luna mai, 1945. Stalin a fost informat despre această predicţie,şi atunci când războiul sa încheiat, dictatorul sovietic a trimis o telegramă de felicitare lui Messing. El a păstrat telegrama de ani de zile. Messing si-a donat banii lui proprii pentru construirea a două avioane militare în timpul războiului, şi a ajutat ţara care l-a adoptat în multe alte feluri. Familia sa a pierit în Holocaust. O recenta emisiune de televiziune a difuzat stirea că faimosul detinator de caacitati psihice l-ar fi întâlnit pe Stalin cu aproximativ 20 de ore înainte de moartea dictatorului, şi ca ar prezis că va muri în curând. Messing ar fi cerut audienţă, fiindaca ar fi vrut să intervină pe langa Stalin, în numele medicilorarestaţi în infamul "Complotal Doctorilor'" (în care un numar de medicievrei au fostacuzaţi de o conspiraţie pentru otravirea liderilor sovietici, inclusiv a dictatorului; unii istorici considera că acest complota fost orchestrat de către Stalin pentru a justifica o nouă epurare a partidului şi a poliţiei şi ca să pregăteascăţara pentru un război cu Occidentul). Stalin l-a avertizat pe Messing că va fi trimis in lagar(gulag)l dacă nu se opreste sa se mai amestece.După moartea sa, mostenitorii lui Stalin au renuntat la acuzaţiile
  • 16. împotriva medicilorşi în loc de aceasta l-au arestat şi executat pe Beria; Messing ar fi prezis si aceasta. Unii au remarcat că moartea lui Stalin in martie 1953 a coincis cu sarbatoarea de Purim, şi trag concluzia că magicianul evreu l-ar fi eliminat pe tiran. Insa Messing a fostnici un ucigaş, şi nici nu a jucat un rol în sportul sângeros al luptei pt putere din politica sovietica. În caz contrar, el nu ar fi trăit o viaţă indelungată în ţara care l-a adoptat. Curios, un alt film rus de televiziune despre Messing a fost transmis imediat după primul, şi a afirmat destul de clar că nici o astfel de întâlnire a avut loc vreodată. Parea ca cineva din Rusia, a încercat să dea vina moartii lui Stalin pe un refugiat evreu caruia i s-a dat un refugiu în URSS, dar ca există si cei care protejeaza numele şi onoarea lui Messing. MediumulSovietic În timpul războiului, faimosul telepat a dat mai multe spectacole în unităţile militare sovietice,in spitale militare, şi uzine care lucrau pt apărare. Demonstraţia sa a capacitatilor misterioase ale psihicului şi creierului uman i-a iritat pe ideologii comunisti şi propaganda lor intemeiata pe materialism. După 1950,inainte de fiecare spectacol,trebuia citita publicului o declaraţie a Institutului de Filosofie al AcademieiSovietice de Ştiinţe,in care se anunţa că abilităţile lui Messing de a citi mintea altora se bazau pe "reflectare somatica a gândurilor"(teoria ideo-motoare)- adică, el ghicea gândurile altora in baza mişcărilor lor involuntare şi inconştiente. Telepatia nu există, proclamau aşa-numiţii oamenii de ştiinţă, fiindcă dogma marxism-leninismului nu a furnizat orientări cu privire la existenţa sa. Un gând uman nu poate exista în afara creierului sau a lumii materiale, şi experimentele lui Messing nu au nimic de-a face cu telepatia-aceasta era linia ideologicăoficială. Lui Messing nu-i plăcea să dea spectacole în oraşele mari, pentru că nu voia sa atraga prea mult atentia liderilor comunişti. Dar poporul sovietic a iubit demonstraţiile lui Messing şi a umplut teatrele ori de câte ori a fost în oraş. La un moment dat, în timpul unui spectacolîn Kiev, la sfârşitul anilor 1940,el a fost reţinut şi adus la Moscova, pentru că lui Nikolai Bulganin, un inalt oficial sovietic, la momentul respectiv, i se ordonase de catre Stalin sa găseascao servietă cu documente ultrasecrete care fusese pierduta.Messing a fostadus la biroul individului care a pierdut servieta, unde s-a folositabilităţile sale de a vedea la distanţă in timp ce a privit la elementele din camera. Messing a vizualizat o scena de pe un mal in panta, o mica biserica, si un pod peste un râu. Era un obiectnegru sub pod.Era servieta. Messing a vorbit cu experţi in geografialocala, oferindu-le descriereadin mintea lui, şi acestia au recunoscut două astfel de locaţii, în apropiere de Moscova. Două camioane pline cu soldaţi înarmaţi au fosttrimise, şi dupa câteva ore servieta, cu conţinutul său preţios a fost plasat în faţa oficialilor sovietici.
  • 17. Messing a rugat oamenii de ştiinţă sovieticisă-l studieze şi să ofere explicaţii pentru abilităţile sale unice. Dar in mare parte acesti oameni de ştiinţă erau închisi la minte, îngroziti de linia oficială a partidului comunist, şi i-au ignorat cererea sa. Unele teste au fostefectuate în Institutul de Psihiatrie al Academieide Ştiinţe Medicale, a URSS. Dar oamenii de ştiinţă de acolo au preferatsa nu discute probleme care nu ar putea fi descriseprin acţiunile ideomotoare.Posibilitateade a studia un fenomennou a fostpierduta. Wolf Messing credea în existenţa unui "camp" special,responsabilde abilităţile telepatice.El a simţit că ar trebui să fie descoperitşi cercetat, şi că aceasta ar putut oferi posibilităţi minunate, la fel cum făcut-o campul electromagnetic. El a fost, de asemenea,fascinat de hipnoză, şi si-a reamintit că în tinerete, în Polonia a folosithipnoza pentru a vindeca boli mentale în cazuri extreme. Intr-o ocazie, cel puţin, Messing a fost în măsură să prezică soarta unui om privind fotografiaacestuia. El a fost în stare să prezică viitorul cu precizie (când a fostforţat să de împrejurări). Messing a scris că precognitia,previziunea sau clarviziunea nu există(vedeti articolul despre functionarea divina sau holografica). Noi nu putem explica astfel de fenomene pentru că nu am înţeles in mod clar încă esenta timpului, conexiunea sa cu spaţiul, precum şi interconectivitatea dintre trecut, prezent şi viitor. Legendarul artist şi faimos telepat a lucrat până în 1974.Până atunci el a fostfluent în limba rusă, poloneză, ebraică şi germană. KGB-ul ar fi confiscatjurnalele sale personale şi notele imediat după moartea sa. Documentele au rămas clasificate. Wolf Messing a murit în 1974,şi a fost îngropatalături de soţia sa, la cimitirul Vostryakovsky din Moscova The human brain is mysterious, and its complexcognitive powers are far from being understood.In the darkest years of the turbulent 20th century there lived a man who harnessed the mysterious powers of the brain like no other human being known to history. He was a telepath, a mind reader, a psychic,a remote viewer, and a lucky survivor who avoided both the Holocaust and the death camps of JosephStalin. We may never know the full extent of his extraordinary abilities. Wolf GrigorievichMessing was born in 1899 to a poorJewish family in the tiny town of Gora-Kavaleriya near Warsaw, in what was then part of the Russian Empire. As a young child he suffered from “lunatism,” a disorderbelieved to be caused by the phases of the moon. Messing was cured when his parents placed a tub of cold water by his bed,so he would step into it and wake up. At the age of six Messing was sent to a religious school,where he distinguished himself by his devotionand his incredible ability to memorize prayers. Later he was enrolled in a yeshiva, but ran away after two years. Messing got on the first passengertrain he could find, hid under a bench, and fell asleep.Whenthe train conductordemanded his ticket, Messing picked a piece of paper off the floor and handed it to the man, looking into his eyes and willing that the man believe the scrap to be a genuine train ticket. He was successful,and arrived in Berlin with no further problems.
  • 18. A Starving Medium Messing was paid a pittance for menial work, and once fainted from hunger right on the street. He was taken to a morgue, where he was saved from his lethargy by the famous psychiatrist and neurologistProfessorAbel.This man was the first to realize Messing’s incredible mental powers and his ability to control his body.Abel began to conductmind-reading experiments with the boy. Messing could become cataleptic (entering a trancelike or unresponsive state of consciousness)at will. Later he found out that he could foretellthe future in this state. Meanwhile, young Wolf began to work in the Berlin Panopticum (a circus) and a variety theater. The professorwas amazed with results of his experiments. Messing immediately understood all mental commands and executed them with precision.He trained himself by going to the Berlin market to read the minds of the vendors. Abel also taught the teenager to turn off his feelings of physical pain. Messing became a fakir, and to supplementhis income (and send money to his impoverished family), he let people pierce his chest and neck with nails in front of an audience. InternationalFame Whenhe turned 16, Messing began his first tour, traveling to the city of Vienna. But he was no longer a circus attraction. Messing had developed a program of psychologicalexperiments,as he modestlyrefered to them. During these “experiments”the teenagerwould execute commands sent to him mentally, tell biographies of people he never met before,and find items hidden by the audience. Messing’s growing fame attracted the attention of Albert Einstein. The great physicist invited the talented youth to his home, where Messing met Sigmund Freud. The psychologistimmediatelybegan his own mental experiments.He gave a mental command to young Wolf to get a pair of tweezers and pluck three hairs from Einstein’s fabulous mustache. The youth did as he was instructed, albeit with embarrassment. But Einstein told him to turn to him for assistance, should he ever need it. Messing never met with Einstein again, but learned from Freud the art of concentration and self-hypnotism.Later in his life Messing met with other famous people,including Gandhi in 1927. In 1917,Messing began a world tour, amazing people throughout the planet. His circus days were over. In 1921 he returned to Poland, now a free country, and served in the army. Later, the now-famous young man toured the world again, with a renowned medium as his manager. He had enemies among charlatans who preyed on naïve people and their beliefs;they tried to compromise the psychic,but he knew of their plans through his incredible powers of perception.Messing also solved crimes and found lost valuables. Enemy of the Third Reich In 1937 Wolf Messing incurred the wrath of the demented Adolf Hitler. While performing in a Warsaw theater, the telepath foretold Hitler’s demise if the Germans attacked Soviet Russia. Hitler was fascinated by mystical ideas, and reacted immediately and hysterically. The Nazis put a price of 200,000 Reichsmarks on
  • 19. Messing’s head. It is not clear whether Hitler wanted to murder Messing or to harness his powers in captivity. (His other famed psychic,Hanussen, an influential confidant of the superstitious Führer, was murdered in a Nazi power struggle.) Messing had to hide for a long time to evade the Germans. After1939,Nazi-occupied Warsaw was plastered with leaflets offering a reward for Messing’s capture. On one occasion,he wandered carelesslyon a busy city street where he was arrested and savagely beaten. At the police station, he collected all his mental strength and willed the guards to come to his cell. As they staggered inside,Messing left it, locked them in, and escaped. He left Warsaw through the sewer tunnels, hiding in a cart covered with hay, and made his way (traveling only at night, with trusted guides) to the Soviet Union. He crossed the Bug River in November1939. Stalin’s Cunning Fellow Messing handed the Soviets a Nazi leaflet that promised a reward for his capture. A Jewish refugee with strange talents, he did not find work immediately. He was lucky not to be sent to the gulag concentration camps.Later, Messing was protected by Panteleymon Ponomarenko, the Communist leader of the Byelorussian Republic,and allowed to perform. Soonthereafter the NKVD (secretpolice) interrupted his performances and dispatched the psychic to Moscow to meetthe formidable Sovietleader. Stalin became quite interested in Messing. Though he was not a religious believer, he did considerparanormal abilities to be a possibility.Stalin tested the extraordinary refugee by ordering him to rob a bank. Shortly thereafter, Messing,followed by a squad of police officers,walked into the Central Bank headquarters in Moscow with an order to take away 100,000 rubles. Walking up to the teller’s window, Messing handed him a blank sheet of paper and opened his briefcase.The teller was given a mental order, which he followed immediately and correctly, enthusiastically producing the required sum. Messing left the building with the money, but then immediately came back and gave the money back to the teller. The poor man looked at a blank piece of paper and the stacks of bills, and suffereda heart attack. Messing was happy to learn that the man survived. Stalin was convinced. Fame came immediately; Messing became something of a superstar, and his successbrought incredible income to the government. Messing’s assistant, Valentina Ivanovskaya, recalled that the medium met with Stalin, Beria, Voroshilov, Kalinin, and other Soviet leaders. Once Stalin told him,“What a cunning fellow you are, Messing!” to which the telepath replied in less-than-perfectRussian: “It is not I who is the cunning one, it is you who is truly cunning!” Kalinin nervously pulled his sleeve, but Stalin was obviously in a good mood that day. Perhaps Messing read the dictator’s mind. Stalin and Lavrenti Beria (head of the secretpolice)decidedto test the hypnotist’s abilities again.They asked if he could exit the Kremlin without a pass if the guards were warned not to let him out. Messing replied that he could. And he did leave the building without any problems,although a secretary followed him. No one stopped the medium, and he waved to the Soviet leaders from the street. The guards swore that the man who walked out past them was none other Stalin himself.
  • 20. When Messing walked back into the building (as he recalled in his interview to Leningradskaya Pravda newspaper in 1964),the watch commandersent a message in his mind: “You dirty Yid!” The telepath struck him on the cheek with his own thought. And the officerjumped back. The psychic consulted both Stalin and the chief of the NKVD on a number of occasions.Other meetings with the top party and secretpolice officials took place, and Messing suffered much stress as a result. Aiding the War Effort Messing did not perform from 1943 until the end of the war, allegedly because the Soviet government sent him on a mission to Siberia where he was placed in charge of an espionage college.But this period of his life has not been covered in his memoirs,and remains a mystery. Not long before the Nazis invaded Soviet Russia, Messing was invited to speak with top Red Army commanders.He predicted that there would be a massive war with Germany, but it would end between May 3 and 5, 1945,with a Soviet victory. Stalin was informed about this prediction, and when the war ended, the Soviet dictator sent a congratulatory telegram to Messing. He kept the telegram for years. Messing donated his own money for the construction of two military aircraft during the war, and helped his adopted country in many other ways. His family perished in the Holocaust. A recently aired Russian television specialimplied that the famous psychic met Stalin some 20 hours before the dictator’s death, and predicted that he would die soon. Messing initiated the meeting, as he wanted to intervene with Stalin on behalf of the doctors arrested in the infamous “Doctors’Plot” (in which a circle of Jewish physicians were accused of conspiring to poisonsenior Soviet leaders, including the dictator; some historians allege the plot was orchestrated by Stalin to justify a new purge of the party and the police and to prepare the country for a war with the West). Stalin warned Messing that he would be sent to the gulag if he did not stop meddling.After his death, Stalin’s heirs quashed the accusations against the doctors and instead arrested and executed Beria; Messing could have predicted as much. Some have noted that Stalin’s death in March 1953 coincidedwith the holiday of Purim, and the implication is that the Jewish psychic removed the evil tyrant. But Messing was no murderer, and he did not play a role in the blood sport of Soviet politics.Otherwise, he would not have lived a long life in his adopted country. Curiously, another Russian television film about Messing was aired right after the first one, and made it quite clear that no such meeting ever took place. It looked like someone in Russia was trying to blame Stalin’s death on the Jewish refugee who was given a haven in the USSR, yet there are those who protect Messing’s name and honor. SovietMedium During the war, the famous telepath gave many performances inthe Soviet military units, military hospitals, and defense plants.His demonstrationof mysterious qualities of human psyche and brain irked Communistideologues and their materialistic propaganda. Before every performance after 1950,a statement from the Institute of Philosophyof the Soviet Academyof Sciences had to be read to the
  • 21. public announcing that Messing’s abilities to read others’ minds were based on “reflectionof thoughts on motor human controls”— that is, he guessed the thoughts of others based on their involuntary and unconscious movements.Telepathy does not exist, proclaimed the so-called scientists,because Marxism-Leninism did not provide the guidelines as to its existence.A human thought cannot exist outside of the brain or the material world, and Messing’s experiments had nothing to do with telepathy—this was the official ideologicalline. Messing did not like to perform in big cities because he did not like to attract too much attention from the Communist leaders. But the Soviet people loved Messing’s performancesand filled the theaters whenever he was in town. Once while performing in Kiev in the late 1940s,he was detained and brought to Moscow because Nikolay Bulganin, a top Soviet officialat the time, had been ordered by Stalin to find a lost briefcase with topsecretdocuments.Messing was brought to the office of the individual who had lost the briefcase,where he concentrated his remote viewing abilities as he looked at the items in the room. Messing visualized a scene with a sloping riverbank, a small church, and a bridge across the river. There was a black item under the bridge. It was the briefcase. Messing spoke with local geography experts,giving them the descriptionin his mind, and they recognized two such locations in the vicinity of Moscow. Two trucks full of armed soldiers were dispatched,and a few hours later the briefcase with its precious contents was placed in front of the Soviet officials. Messing beggedSovietscientists to study him and provide explanations for his unique abilities. But for the most part such scientists were closed-mindedpeople, terrified of the official Communistparty line, and they ignored his pleas. Some tests were carried out in the Institute of Psychiatry of the Academyof Medical Sciences, USSR. But the scientists there preferred not to discuss issues that could not be describedby the ideomotoractions.The opportunity to study a new phenomenon was lost. Wolf Messing believed in the existence of a special“field”responsible for telepathic abilities. He felt it should be discoveredand researched,and that it could provide wonderful possibilities,just as the electromagnetic field did. He was also fascinated by hypnosis, and recalled that in his younger days in Poland he used hypnosis to cure mental illnesses in extreme cases. On at least one occasion,Messing was able to predicta man’s fate by looking at his photograph. He was able to foretellthe future (when he was forced to by circumstances)with accuracy. Messing wrote that foresightor clairvoyance does exist. We cannot explain such phenomena because we have yet to clearly understand the essence oftime, its connectionto space,and the interconnectednessbetweenpast, present,and future. The legendary artist and famous telepath worked until 1974.By then he was fluent in Russian, Polish, Hebrew and German languages. The KGB allegedly confiscated his personal diaries and notes immediately after his death. The documents remain classified. WolfMessing passedaway in 1974,and was buried next to his wife at the Vostryakovsky cemeteryof Moscow.
  • 22. Paul Stonehill is a Soviet-born American author, lecturer, consultant, broadcaster, and freelance journalist. He is the author of The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain (1998,Quadrillion Publishing Inc.). "Dacă acordarea Premiului Nobel este criteriul cel mai valid al valorii ştiinţifice a unor savanţi, atunci o atitudine pozitivă a acestora faţă de fenomenele PSI le conferă autorizaţia de a fi studiate cu toată încrederea;amintim printre aceştia pe A. Einstein, S. Freud, Pierre şi Marie Currie, Th. Edison,N. Bergson.Mai mult, Einstein, Freud şi marele om politic Mahatma Ghandi îl cunosc personal pe Wolf Messing, prognostulcel mai apropiat de zilele noastre, pe care îl supun unor probe şi experienţe ce îi conving pe deplin de capacităţile extrasenzoriale ale acestuia. Messing explică, într-un interviu acordat unui ziar celebrudin acea vreme, mecanismul ce stă la baza precogniţieiastfel : “Alături de metodele ştiinţifice şi logice de cunoaştere, mai există şi o cunoaştere directă, care este prezicerea. Printr-un efortde voinţă, văd deodată rezultatul final al unui eveniment, care îmi apare ca un fulger în faţa ochilor mei. Mecanismul cunoaşterii directe scurtcircuitează cauza logică şi efectulîn lanţ şi-mi relevă numai etapa finală şi definitivă ce determină un eveniment. ” [PRECOGNIŢIA,de Alexa GeorgetaUniversitatea ,,Andrei Şaguna'' Facultatea de Psihosociologie Specializareapsihologie]] Wolf Messing -Stalin's Psychic From: Most psychics' stories are not very creditable.Especially in this day and age, anyone who claims to have psychic ability is either suspectedof watching too many episodes of Heroes,or having spent too much time around the same people.Wolf Messing's legacy in this sense is a bit different.His witnesses/references include the likes of Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud and JosephStalin. Wolf Messing's story mainly took place during the first half of the 20th century. Whether or not his psychic powers were real or merely wartime propaganda is therefore up for debate.It is very possible that Stalin allowed the rumours about Messing to spread, in an attempt to make Hitler questionwhether or not Stalin had an ace up his sleeve. Afterreading Wolf Messing's story you will probably be able to make up your own mind on the subject. Messing's firstpsychic experience Wolf Messing was born a Polish Jew near Warsaw on the 10th of September,1899. At the time Russia was being ruled by its last czar, Nicholas II. Messing ran away from schoolwhen he was 11, and without having purchased a ticked, boarded a train heading to Berlin. Legend has it that on the train he was caught by a brutal
  • 23. ticket collectorwho repeatedlyasked him to show his ticket. Messing ended up handing the collectora peace of paper from his pocket,willing the collectorto mistake it for a ticket. And surely enough the iron jaws of the collector's ticket punch snapped and Messing was handed back his "ticket". The collectorapparently even asked Messing why he had been sleeping under a seat when he had a perfectly valid ticket on him. How Messing establishedhimselfas a psychicin Berlin Once in Berlin Messing suffered from chronic malnutrition. Over time he did however manage to establish himself as a mind-reader in city theatres. Thanks to his ability he earned the grand sum of five marks a day. He claimed that by setting himself into a light trance he could concentrate on the thoughts at the top of a person's mind. His success wasn'tto go unnoticed. Soon enough he would find himself in company of some truly great men of his time: Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud. Both Einstein and Freud were highly interested in the 17 year old Messing's abilities. And when tested, Messing did not disappoint. As the story goes Freud told Einstein that he would think of a command for Messing to interpret and carry out. One day when all three were seated in Freud's salon in Vienna, Messing went into a trance, upon which he sat up, walked across the room to a pair of scissorslying on a desk, and then proceededto clip exactly three hairs from Einstein's moustache. Apparently he had carried out the exact command that Freud had been thinking off. Accounts of this story do wary somewhat. Some say instead of cutting three hairs he plucked them using a pair of tweezers. The yearsbetweenWorld War I and II During World War I messing toured South Africa and the Far East, and afterwards returned to his birthplace, which had become an independentPoland. After more years of compulsoryMilitary service he started travelling throughout Europe again. He never struggled to make a living, showcasing his mind reading talents to amazed audiences. His mostfamous trick was to drive a car whilst blindfolded,receiving all the information that he required from the passenger. The rise of Hitler and the coming of World War II As the Second World War was approaching Messing fled to Moscow. Hitler's non- fondness of Polish Jews who happened to be capable of extra-sensory perception and psychic arts was not really a secret.However, Stalin was just as wary as Hitler in regards to people with specialpowers, leaving Messing in a quandary as to how he should make a living. When he did find work as a last act in various nightclubs, he often found himself as a guest of either the police or worse, the KGB. The accuracy of his antics did not go unnoticed by the KGB.This explains how one day, after being arrested, he was told that he was soon to expecta visitor with immense authority. This was no exaggeration. The visitor was Stalin himself.Stalin began to question Messing about his life in Poland and the situation there. A few days later, after being released,the KGB again rounded Messing up, informing him
  • 24. that Stalin had a few special tests in mind, to determine the true extent of his abilities. The first test was more or less the same scenario as when Messing handed the scrap of paper to the brutal ticket conductorwhen he was 11. Only this time the stakes were higher. He was to walk into an officialstate bank and ask an officialto hand over 100'000roubles while presenting a blank piece of paper at the same time. After successfullycompleting this test Messing often found himself in Stalin's presence.Messing spoke of his foreboding that Hitler was planning to invade the USSR. He claimed that he had a vision of the war coming to Russia in the June of 1941.So did Messing's abilities include those of a prophetas well as mind reading? Or did he merely gather some information of the top of some German military official's minds? Either way, on June 22 of that year Hitler's armies invaded the USSR. Throughout the war Messing's ability was used by Stalin to raise public spirits. At one point Messing was summoned to the Kremlin by Stalin, who was curious if he himself could be made a foolof by Messing. He was to display his powers by exiting the building without a pass,while Stalin's private secretary was to follow 10 steps behind him. Several minutes later, after having gone into his deepesttrans yet, Messing found himself outside the gates, looking up at the window of Stalin's study. This stunt promoted Messing to the positionof Stalin's personal seer. He was foreverbeing invited to Stalin's private apartments in the Kremlin. For what ever reason however, Stalin did not seem to heed Messing's advice regarding the war. Messing's life after World War II In the 1950s Stalin ordered Messing to undergo extensive testing at the hands of Soviet scientists.They decided that electrical impulses in Messing's brain were acting as radar signals. These signals would bounce of similar strong thought patterns from his targets' minds, allowing him an insight into their thoughts. Messing himself was not too curious about the workings of his gift. He would spend the next 20 year touring the USSR, performing in small villages. Along the way he also gained a reputation as a faith healer. In 1972 he tragically died from a heart attack. He had gained such a high status in the USSR that he was giving a hero's burial. What to make of Messing'sstory? Even if Wolf Messing was merely a skilled trickster, he still lived a remarkable life. Being able to fool the likes of JosephStalin is no easy task. Often the stakes for him were not merely his reputation, but instead his life. A few areas of his legacy have without a doubt become exaggerated.To go from mere mind reader to prophet and then to also become afaith healer does sound rather unrealistic. In my opinion he might have been the David Blain/ David
  • 25. Copperfield of his day and age, employed by Stalin to both raise public spirits and as a war time propaganda tool. What makes his story so special is his association with three highly recognisedfigures of his time, and that even the biggestdoubter(like myself)cannot say with 100% certainty that he was a fake. Paranormal TV: Wolf Messing Mentally Robs a Bank Biography Born to a Jewish family, Messing fled from Germany to the USSR before World War II. His abilities came to the attention of JosephStalin. Stalin became interested in the case of Wolf Messing,and was determined to check the authenticity of his supposed abilities.In one experiment,Messing walked into a bank, presented the teller with a “note”,and requested 100,000rubles. The “note” was actually a blank piece of paper. The cashier handed over the money, and Messing packed the banknotes into his briefcase and left the bank. Messing then re- entered the bank with two observers who had witnessed the transaction, and handed back the money. The cashier collapsed with a heart attack when he realized what he had done. A second testset by Stalin was to enter his house — surrounded by armed guards — without a pass. Later, as Stalin was working in his office,Messing walked in. Messing explained that he had broadcasted amental suggestionthat he was the feared head of the secretpolice Lavrenti Beria, and that the guards had seen Beria, not Messing. Cultural references Wolf Messing is mentioned in Suvorov's novel The Choice (Выбор),under the name “Rudolf Messer” Wolf Messing is also mentioned in The Coming of Tan, by Riley L. Martin (allegedly with extraterrestrial O-Qua Tangin Wann), as one who has “neurologicalattributes or powers that the aliens don't or no longer have”.
  • 26. References Ostrander, Sheila and Schroeder,Lynn (1970).Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. Prentice-Hall, Inc. ISBN 0-13-732230-5. Nagel, Alexandra Een mysterieuze ontmoeting(Une rencontre mystérieuse ) :Sai Baba en mentalist Wolf Messing/A mysterious meeting... :Sai Baba and mentalist Wolf Messing published in Tijdschriftvoor Parapsychologie/Journalfor parapsychology368, vol. 72 nr 4, Dec. 2005,pp. 14-17 (Dutch language) TopsyKüppers:Wolf Messing – Hellseher und Magier. Langen/Müller, München 2002.ISBN 3784428800 (German) TopsyKüppers:Wolf Messing – Der Hellseher in Stalins Diensten/Le voyant dans les services de Staline ;“Wolf Messing:Clarvăzătorul în slujba lui Stalin”, 2002 WOLF MESSING:The 20th Century's Greatest Psychic by Brian Alan Burhoe in Spirituality / Metaphysical (submitted 2006-04-25) Wolf Messing. The One Who Had Seen through Time Episode 1 of 16.avi Eu Wolf Messing Я - Вольф Мессинг Вольф Мессинг (Фильм 1) ч. 1 из 5 Режиссер: Николай Викторов Как жить, точно зная дату своей смерти? Каково любить женщину, читая все ее мысли? Как жить, зная все помыслы и чаяния окружающих тебя людей? Люди ждали от него помощи, и он помогал им. Ждали правды, которую только он мог им сообщить. И он говорил им правду. Гитлер за его пророчества объявил на него охоту. Его испытывалСталин. Он предсказывалдаты начала войн и мировых катаклизмов. Вольф Мессинг. Слишком многое ушло вместе с этим необыкновенным человеком. Сведения о нем до сих пор скрыты в недрах архивов. Известно одно: он никогда не ошибался, - маг, пророк, человек-легенда. "You're Wolf Messing! It is you who predicted the death of our Fuhrer!" précognitionprecognitive Wolf Messing a schimbat soarta celui de-al doilea razboi mondial.A fost fara indoiala cel mai dotat on in precognitie Hitler il avea pe Erik Jan Hanussen. In literatura parapsihologicaa secolului al XX-lea Wolf Messing ar putea fi comparat doar cu legendarul Gérard Croiseta. A calatorit in India, Viena , unde s-a intalnit cu Albert Einstein si Sigmund Freud in faimosul apartament din Berggasse 19. Messing, the Psychic who fled Hitler, was tested by Stalin and astounded the world with his telepathic and predictive powers! Experienta din copilarie While still a boy, he had his first psychic experience:"My father sent me to the store... It was already dusk. The porch of our little wooden house was in darkness.
  • 27. Suddenly on the steps there appeared a gigantic, dark figure clad in a white garment. From above came a voice that said, 'My son! I am a messengerto foretellyour future! Go to school! Your prayers will please heaven!' " Later, he moved to Berlin, where he developedhis psychic abilities. He developed a mind reading stage act that quickly drew attention throughout Europe. In Vienna he met Sigmund Freud, who tested him. Freud was amazed at the results. It took places in Albert Einstein's apartment. Freud gave Messing a mental command.In Messing's own words: "To this day I still rememberFreud's mental command.Go to the bathroom cupboard and pick up some tweezers. Return to Albert Einstein and pull out from his luxuriant moustache three hairs." Messing did as told. Years later, when speaking of the incident, Freud concluded that "If I had my life to live over again, I would devote it to Psychic Research." When he predicted Hitler's death if the Fuhrer "turned toward the East," Hitler had a sum of 200,000 marks put on his head. If Hitler, who was fascinated by the occult arts, had listened to Messing rather than his advisors, the war would have gone differently.Messing was arrested by the Germans. At the police station, he gave the officers a mental orderto go to a room in the other end of the building, even his guards. He wrote: "When, responding to my will, the police had all gathered in that room, I lay completelymotionless,as if dead. Then, quickly, I ran into the corridor. Instanly, before they could come to, I slid the iron bolt on the door..." He escaped to Russia, where he continued his career as a telepathic entertainer. A career that had been interupted the night he was taken off the stage by green- uniformed Russian police officersand presented to "a man with a moustache." It was Josef Stalin, Dictator of the Soviet Union. Stalin commanded a frightened Messing to prove his psychic abilities of thought control. He told Messing to pull off a psychic bank robbery. Messing was to walk into the Moscow Gosbank, alone and unarmed, and come back with 100,000rubles. Plainclothes agents would be inside and outside as witnesses. "I walked up to the cashier and handed him a blank sheet of paper torn from a schoolnotebook." Stern Soviet agents watched as the elderly male teller looked at the paper, went to the safe, came back and handed Messing 100,000rubles.
  • 28. Messing walked outside to waiting Soviet agents. Amazed, they counted the money then handed it back. When Messing returned to the bank counter and handed back the money, the teller looked at the money in surprise,looked at Messing then at the blank sheet of paper. He fell to the floorwith a heart attack. "Luckily, it wasn't fatal." Stalin tested Messingagain a numberof times -- all successful. After that, Messing went on to prove, more than any other woman or man, the validity of psychic mind reading, telepathy and precognition.(Stalin didn't believe Messing's predictionthat "Soviet tanks would roll into Berlin" a year before Hitler invaded Russia.) Soviet parapsychologists threw every test at him they could think of. He astounded them all. For the decades to follow, Messing alternated clinical testing with performancesof his stage show, amazing and delighting audiences with his mentalist abilities. Even though the Soviet authorities prevented the officialprinting of his autobiography, ABOUT MYSELF,in 1967,it was smuggled out of Russia in manuscript form.Now, with Russia free once more, it is available in published form. Messing wrote: "My ability to see the future may seem to contradict the materialist understanding of the world. But there is not a particle of the unknowable or supernatural about precognition...The Future is shaped from the past and the present. There are patterns of connections between them... After an effortof will, I suddenly see the final result of some event flash before me... The time is coming when Humankind will understand all these phenomena. There is nothing strange about it." And about his telepathic powers:"People's thoughts come to me as pictures. I usually see visual images of a specific action or place. I first put myself into a certain state of relaxation in which I experience a gathering of feeling and strength. Then it's easy to achieve telepathy. I can pick up just about any thought. If I touch the sender, it helps me sort out the thought being sent from the general 'noise.' But contact isn't necessaryfor me." Wolf Messing diedsuddenlyand mysteriously in 1974.
  • 29. Bibliografie Recommended Reading: ABOUT MYSELF an Autobiography by Wolf Messing WOLF MESSING:THE TRUE STORY OF RUSSIA'S GREATESTPSYCHIC by Titiana Lungin PSYCHIC DISCOVERIES BEHIND THE IRON CURTAINby Ostrander & Schroeder D. Scott Rogo also edited the English-language version of Wolf Messing:The True Story of Russia’s Greatest Psychic by Tatiana Lungin (Translated from the Russian by Cynthia Rosenbergerand John Glad). New York: Paragon House, 1989. THE MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS byPauwels & Bergier WOLF MESSING:UNO DE LOS MAS GRANDE SIQUICOSDE TODOS LOS TIEMPOS Para todos los interesados en la historia de lo paranormal, este es uno de los capítulos más interesantes de dichos eventos en el siglo XX. Lo siguiente corresponde brevemente a pasajes de la vida de Wolf GrigorievichMessing el psíquico Judío-Polaco,lectorde mentes, hipnotista lector mental a larga distancia (remote viewer) Ruso mas grande de todos los tiempos.Perseguido porAdolf Hitler y por JosephStalin, este Judío Polaco que escapó el Holocausto nazi y los Campos de Concentración Estalinista protagonizo durante su vida los eventos más enigmáticos de la historia de los síquicos. Por razones de tiempo solo voy a traducir los dos pasajes mas significativos de la vida de Messing y están vinculados a su relación con el dictador ruso JosephStalin. El artículo sobre la vida de este hombre lo incluyo textualmente in Ingles al final de este post. Entre los grandes logros de Messing se incluye ganarse la "credibilidad" de Stalin y de Beria el Jefe de la NKVD (la Policíasecretaque antecedió a la KGB). Para demostrarsus habilidades Stalin le ordeno entrar a un Banco en Moscú y extraer una cantidad grande de dinero, lo cual Messing hizo cuando siendo supervisado por un escuadrónde policías asignados por Stalin para ver si mentía o decíala verdad, el psíquicoentro a la cede principal del Banco Central de Moscú con una orden supuesta de extraer $100,000rublos. Messing se acerco a la ventana del banquero y le entrego una hoja en blanco y un maletín abierto. El banquero entonces recibió una orden mental la cual el acato rápida y entusiastamente produciendo la suma requerida. Messing abandono el edificio delBanco Central y al poco rato regreso devolviéndole el dinero al banquero y mostrándole que este solo le había presentado una hoja en blanco. El cajero entonces al ver una hoja en blanco y darse cuenta que había regalado 100 mil rublos por gusto sufrió un ataque al corazón.
  • 30. No siendo esta prueba suficiente el dictador Ruso JosephStalin y Lavrenti Beria (Jefe de la NKVD) ordenan a Messing la más dura prueba de todas para corroborar realmente las habilidades hipnóticas de Messing. Llaman al psíquico/hipnotistaal despacho de Stalin y el dictador en persona le dice que la prueba consistirá en que Messing tendría que salir del Kremlin con el obstáculo de que los guardias de custodia de la salida tendrían órdenes directas de Stalin mismo de no dejarlo salir. El psíquico abandono el edificio delKremlin y los guardias lo dejaron salir. Desde fuera del Kremlin Messing dio una vuela y saludo a los lideres soviéticos frente a los guardias para demostrar que lo había logrado.¿Como lo hizo? Los guardias de custodia del Kremlin luego dijeron que ellos hubieran jurado que quien salio del edificio fue JosephStalin en persona. Messing entro nuevamente al Kremlin poco rato después delincidente y el Comandante de Posta, ya conociendo de todo lo que había pasado pensó mentalmente "Sucio Judío" El telépata se acerco al Comandante y le dio unas cachetadas devolviéndole la respuestamentalmente a lo que el guardia dio un brinco hacia atrás de la sorpresa. Las anedoctas anteriores y mas fueron reportadas por el periódico Leningradskaya Pravda en 1964. Existe por cierto este interesante libro sobre la vida de Messing, se titula: Sheila Ostrander şi Lyn Schroeder,au fostprimii americani care, în cartea lor „Descoperiripsihice în spatele Cortinei de Fier”, publicată în 1971 Wolf Messing:The True Story of Russia's Greatest Psychic por Tatiana Lungin TopsyKüppers:Wolf Messing – Hellseher und Magier. Langen/Müller, München 2002.ISBN 3784428800 (German) Nagel, Alexandra Een mysterieuze ontmoeting… :Sai Baba en mentalist Wolf Messing/A mysterious meeting... :Sai Baba and mentalist Wolf Messing published in Tijdschriftvoor Parapsychologie/Journalfor parapsychology368, vol. 72 nr 4, Dec. 2005,pp. 14-17 (Dutch language) "Orice adevar trece prin 3 faze:mai intai este ridiculizat, apoi trezeste o opozitie violenta,si in sfarsit este acceptat ca fiind evident de la sine"-Avicena. Wolf Gregorevich Messing Wolf GregorevichMessing (10. September1899 in Góra Kalwaria (Polen); † 8. November1974 in Moskau) war ein bekannter Hellseher und Hypnotiseur. Geborenund aufgewachsen in einer deutschstämmigenjüdischenFamilie, sollte Messing nach Wunsch seines Vaters eigentlich Rabbinerwerden. Schon als kleiner Junge soll er durch seine parapsychologischenFähigkeiten aufgefallen sein. Die in Warschau begonnene Ausbildung brach der junge Mann ab. Er zog dann als Hellseher, Hypnotiseur und Magier durch die Weltund erlangte so rasch Berühmtheit. Bei einem dieserAuftritte soll ihn angeblich Albert Einstein gesehen
  • 31. und in sein Haus eingeladen haben, wo Sigmund Freud diverse Experimente mit ihm durchgeführt haben soll. Eine seiner Reisenführte Messing nach Indien, wo er eine Begegnung mit dem bekannten, aber recht umstrittenen Guru Sathya Sai Baba gehabt haben soll. 1937 soll Messing bei einem Auftritt in Warschau den Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs und Hitlers Niederlage vorausgesagthaben, woraufhin er inhaftiert wurde. Angeblich befreite Messing sich mit Hilfe seiner hypnotischen Fähigkeiten aus dem Gefängnis, um dann nach Russland zu fliehen. Später sei er auf Stalin getroffen,welcher äußerst interessiert an den Fähigkeiten Messings war. Um die Authentizität dieserFähigkeiten zu überprüfen,seien ihm Aufgabengestellt worden. In einem Experiment sei Messing in eine Bank gegangen, habe einem Angestelltenein Stück Papier überreicht und daraufhin die Auszahlung von 10.000 Rubel gefordert.Der Angestellte zahlte das Geld ohne weiteres aus – das Papierstück, welches Messing überreichte hatte, war unbeschrieben. Messing verließ die Bank, kam mit zwei Zeugen wieder und gab das Geld zurück. Als der Angestellte erkannte, was er getan hatte, und nicht wusste, wie dieses hatte passierenkönnen, erlitt er einen Herzanfall. In einem weiteren TestStalins drang Messing ohne Ausweis in ein bewachtes Haus ein. Auch als Stalin in seinem Büro arbeitete, sei Messing ungehindert an den Wachen vorbeigegangenund bis ins Büro vorgedrungen. Wie Messing erklärt habe, hatte er die Gedanken der Wachen beeinflusstund sie einen Vorgesetzten(Stalins Geheimdienstchef Lawrenti Beria) statt seiner selbstsehen lassen. Вольф Мессинг Wolf Messing ( 10.09.1899 года [Гура-Кальвария, Варшавская губерния ]- 08.11.1974 года [Москва]) Россия(Russia) Сверхъестественные способностине раз спасали жизнь – его жизнь,и вещали смерть – чужую смерть.Не оставляя места ни страху, ни надежде...Но где он, божественныйли, сатанинский ли дар, сейчас, осеньюсемьдесятчетвёртого, когда в советчиках лишь страх, а в помощниках – вполне традиционная, отнюдь не сверхъестественнаясоветская медицина? Судьба и смерть пришли за ним в свой черёд,и перед их лицом предсказатель гибели Третьегорейха, заклинатель империи зла и научного атеизма стал страдающим, испуганным стариком. Во́ льф Григо́ рьевич (Ге́ ршикович) Ме́ ссинг (10 сентября 1899,Гура-Кальвария, Польша — 8 ноября 1974,Москва, СССР) — эстрадный артист, выступавший в СССР с психологическими опытами «по чтению мыслей» зрителей, заслуженный артист РСФСР (1971)[1]. Содержание [убрать]
  • 32. 1 Биография 2 Автобиографияи проверка её достоверности 2.1 Происхождение легенд 3 Участие в раскрытии преступлений 4 В кинематографе и на телевидении 5 Примечания 6 Литература 7 Ссылки [править] Биография Вольф Мессинг родился в еврейскойсемье в городе Гура-Кальвария, расположенном в 25 км на юго-востокот Варшавы — на территории Российскойимперии. В юности участвовал в номерах иллюзионистов в польских бродячих цирках. Затем освоил «эстрадную телепатию» (т. н. «контакты через руку»). В интервью П. Орешкину Мессинг таким образом описывал свои выступления: …Это не чтение мыслей, а, если так можно выразится, «чтение мускулов»… Когда человек напряженно думает о чём-либо, клетки головного мозга передают импульсы всем мышцам организма. Их движения, незаметные простому глазу, мною легко воспринимаются. … Я часто выполняю мысленные задания без непосредственного контакта с индуктором. Здесь указателем мне можетслужить частота дыхания индуктора, биение его пульса, тембр голоса, характер походки и т. д.[2] Аналогично объяснял методику Мессинга и член-корреспондентАкадемии медицинских наук СССР Д. А. Бирюков, руководитель медицинского института, в котором артист демонстрировал своё умение.[3] В 1939 году после начала Второймировой войны бежал в Советский Союз, где начал выступать с «чтением мыслей», сначала в составе агитбригад, затем с индивидуальными концертами от Госконцерта.Выступал в качестве иллюзиониста в советском цирке. Во время Второй Мировой войны на средстваартиста Мессинга были построены два истребителя (на одном из них Герой Советского Союза Константин Ковалёв сбил 4 вражескихсамолёта). Ассистентом в номерах Вольфа Мессинга до своей болезни и смерти была его жена — Аида Михайловна Мессинг-Рапопорт.[4] С 1961 по 1974 годы ассистентом Мессинга была В. И. Ивановская.[5] 8 ноября 1974 года в 23 часа Вольф Мессинг скончался в больнице после продолжительной болезни. Смерть наступила от отёка лёгких после отказа почек. Похоронен на Востряковском кладбище в Москве[6]. [править] Автобиография и проверка её достоверности
  • 33. В 1965 году в журнале «Наука и религия» (номера с 7 по 11) были опубликованы «мемуары» Мессинга, фрагменты которых также печатались в «Смене»,«СоветскойРоссии» и ряде других изданий. Попытки проверки наиболее сенсационных заявлений артиста показали их недостоверность. Мессинг утверждал, что в 1915 году 16-летним встречался с Эйнштейном на его квартире в Вене, где его поразило обилие книг, и провёл телепатический сеанс с Эйнштейном и Фрейдом. Однако доподлинно известно, что у Эйнштейна вообще не было квартиры в Вене, и с 1913 по 1925 годы он Вену не посещал. Кроме того, Эйнштейн всегда держалв своих квартирах лишь несколько справочников и оттиски наиболее важных статей.[7] Мессинг утверждал, что когда немецкая армия оккупировала Польшу, его голова была оценена в 200 тыс. марок, так как он в одном из театров Варшавы предсказал гибель Гитлера, если он повернёт на восток. Его якобы схватили и посадили в полицейский участок, откуда он якобы сбежал, используя свои сверхъестественные способности.Однако никаких доказательств столь громких утвержденийне существует. В ходе проверки 857 фондов трофейных документов в Российском государственном военном архиве (фонды архивов Имперской канцелярии, министерств, управлений тайной полиции, управления государственной безопасности, личные фонды нацистских лидеров) не было обнаружено никаких сведений об артисте Вольфе Мессинге. Аналогичный результат дала проверка каталога Берлинской библиотеки. При проверке архивов Правительства Генерал-губернаторства (Польши), Министерства иностранных дел Германии, немецкого посольства в Москве, Канцелярии рейха, министерства рейха по народному просвещению и пропаганде, Немецкого бюро известий, немецкого зарубежного научного института, мест нахождения службы Розенберга,Руководствапропаганды рейха никаких документов о реакции Гитлера по поводу публичных выступлений Мессинга не обнаружено.[5] В журналах межвоенногопериода Польши, писавших на темы тайных знаний, парапсихологии и оккультизма («Обэим», «Подсолнечники», «Мир духа», «Мир сверхчувственный»,«Духовные знания», «Свет») упоминаний о Вольфе Мессинге не обнаружено (в отличие от других гипнотизёров и ясновидцев). В справочнике «Библиография Варшавы. Издания за 1921—1939 г.г.» не указано ни одной статьи, посвященной Мессингу. В книге Юзефа Свитковского «Оккультизм и магия в свете парапсихологии» («Лотос», Львов,1939 / Краков, 1990)фамилия Мессинг не встречается.В «SonderfahndungsbuchPolen», («Подробная книга Слежки (Наблюдений) в Польше»), изданной криминальной полицией в июне 1940 года, фамилия Мессинг не встречается.[5] Мессинг якобы встречался в 1940 году в Гомеле со Сталиным, якобы «интересовавшимся положением в Польше, встречами Мессинга с руководителями Речи Посполитой». Подобные встречи со Сталиным якобы проходили и позднее, в том числе и в Москве. Такой интерес руководителя государства к беглому эстрадному телепату, далёкому от политики, весьма сомнителен. Кроме того, отсутствуют какие-либо документы, подтверждающие подобные встречи Сталина с Мессингом, в Центральном архиве ФСБ РФ, архиве ЦК КПСС (ныне — Российский государственныйархив социально- политической истории), в Центральном архиве КГБ Республики Беларусь, в