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B. Description of the Results
1. The use of Mind MappingTechnique inTeachingWritingNarrative Text
Resultsof researchon the Implementation of MindMappingTechnique inTeachingWriting
Narrative TextinclassXI IPA at one highschool locatedinKarawangobtained throughobservation,
interviews,anddocumentation inthe formof photolearningactivities andstudentlearning
a. Observation
Researchersconductedobservations atthe highschool locatedin Karawangregency,in
observation of researchers observinglessons rangingfromPreliminary activities,the core activities
consistof exploration,elaboration andconfirmation,andthe lastis Closingactivity.
In the preliminaryeventforthe firsttime researchers observed thatwhen teachers give
greetings andcheckingthe attendance of students, thenteachersprepare studentsbefore class
conditions,andtellinglessons will conveytotoday,thispreliminaryevent lasted10minutes.
While core activities are divided into3parts,namely exploration, elaboration,confirmation
berlngsung60 minutesateachmeeting.The researchersobserved inthe core activitiesof students'
response to the use of mindmappingtechniques inlearningmenluisnarrative text.Itturnsoutat
the beginningof the use of mindmappingtechniques studentresponse isquite good butthere are
howmany students feelconfused toknow the purpose of suchmaterial.Thusthe teacherkeeps
tryingto use mindmappingtechniques workand can improve students'writingability.
At the nextmeetingstartedthere changes thatstudentsbeginto feel more comfortable
learningbyusingmindmappingtechniques andenthusiasticstudentswhenthe teachergivesthe
task of makingmindmapping. Students begintoexploreitsabilitytomake mindmapping,they are
very creative inmakingmindmapping, withenthusiasm tocolorwithmarkers, colorinevery
vocabulary whichmade the kertasselainprovidecoloronpaper, alsoprovide picturesorsymbolsto
add to the beautyof the writingthatthey write.
In the fourthmeeting,andsoon,until the study isconsidered sufficient,the studentalways
mangikuti teachingandlearningactivities properly, follow the rules applicable class, before learning
continued teacheralwaysdoarefresherthatisby repeatingthe previousmaterialinorderforthe
studentstorecall previouslylearned materialalready.
As usual everymeeting,inthe learningprocess the teacherexplains the material then gave
the task as an evaluation of studentlearningoutcomes thatmake mindmappingfirstbeforemade
Thisshowsthat studentshave astrong desire anddetermination inlearning.Studentswill
be actively andcreatively if the teacherprovides the appropriatemethodortechnique.Thusthe
applicationof mindmappingtechniques andimprove the abilitiesandinterests of studentsinthe
writingnarrative text.
Andthe last isthe closingberlangusngonly 10minutes.Inactivitiesof thiscoverteachers
alongwiththe students conclude today'slesson,thenaskpemebelajaran atitsnextmeeting,and
the final sayhello.
b. interview
R1 = Respondent1(EnglishTeacher)
1) What is the backgroundof the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwritingnarrative text?
R1 arguedthat as a teacherof English language support EnglishatSMAN 1 Lemahabangandthe
backgroundof the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwritingnarrative textismind
mappingtechnique whilegivingstudents more quicklyunderstand meteri presentedbythe teacher.
Because teachingexperience notonly writingcourse thatbecomes adifficulty,from4to English
language skillsof the mostdifficultspeaking,writing,reading, difficultyin writingit'sown students
do notget usedto write thembecause they getintotrouble whenwriting.
Thenthe learningactivities,especially inlearningwritingnarrativetextbyusingmind
mappingtechnique isunique thatisconsidered abonafide use of images, colors,symbols andforms
inparticularto make it look attractive. Sothat studentsare more interestedin learningandpassion
to follow.Inaddition,by usingmindmappingtechniques togetstudents more vocabulary andeasy
to remember.
In the processof learning towrite narrative textbyusingmindmappingtechniques R1
reveals, the abilityof the students are creative, becausethe more creative studentsinlearning
writingnarrative textitwill be easierandmore vocabulary whichisowned bythe students.
2) What is the purpose of the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwritingnarrative
R1 explained thatthe purpose of the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwriting
textnarrative isthat the students are able toapply the spokenlanguage towrittenlanguage.
Sometimes whatissaid withwhatwaswritten wasdifferent.
Purpose inwritingthe narrative textsothatstudents understandthe textnarrative and
mindmappingtechnique isone of the methodsused inthe teachingprocess,somindmappingisa
technique bywhich became one of the alternatives thatare easiertounderstand narrative text.
In addition R1adds that the purpose of the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwriting
narrative text,namely thatthe studentsare more interested inwritingandreproduce English
3) What factors are inhibitingstudents'writingability?
R1 arguedthat the factor that impedes learning,namely the lackof vocabulary,lackof habituation,
thenthe way whenpronunciation pronunciation asthey could,thenthey couldalsowrite inEnglish.
4) How can the students active andnot passive inthe learningprocess?
R1 Explainthatthe students actively inlearningourroles specifiesthe method/technique where
the methodis students canplayan active role,thenthe students will trytobe as active as possible,
understand, explore,inthe learningprocess.
5) What is the allocation of time spentinlearningtowrite?
AccordingR1 in the processof learningtowrite nothingspecialforhow long,he says writinglessons
have a package of foursuch skill,sodepending onthe lessonplan thatwe prepare.
6) What are the role of fatherwhenteachingEnglish,especiallyinterms of teaching
narrative writingusingmindmapping?
AccordingR1 role of a teacherwhenapplyingthe mindmappingtechniquethatisjustas pasilitator
teacherto students whorequire anunderstanding of the mindmapping?
7) How isthe response of students whenlearningtowrite usingmindmapping?
AccordingR1 studentresponse whenlearningto write usingmindmappingtechniques thatthey
couldunderstand aftergivingthe task tocreate a mindmap on writingnarrative text.
8) Accordingto you,howmotivated studentsin learningmnegikuti writingnarrative text
AccordingR1 more motivatedstudents withmindmappingmethodbecausewhenthe mind
mappingprovides studentsknowthe systematicwritinglikethis, andinsucha narrative text.
9) How do the resultsof the students afterusingmindmappingtechniques?
R1 explain the resultsobtained inthe use of mindmappingtechniques thatthey candominate
narratvie textwithmindmappingmethodfromthe mindmapwhichthey create.
10) Are there advantagesand disadvantages inusingmindmapping?
R1 suggeststhere are shortcomings beforehand studentsshould understandaboutthe narrative text
as a whole sothat they know aboutthe narrative text,andthey canappreciate intomindmapping.
R2 = Respondent2(students)
Name:Siti Syarah
Class:XI IPA 2
In the interviewquestions thathave been attached, R2reveals thatshe likesEnglishclass,the
reasonto be able to know much aboutforeignlanguages.Andthatmakeshimlike the Englishlesson
that they can understand aboutgrammar,can tell the difference of V1,V2and V3. R2 alsobelieves
that itis importanttolearnto write inEnglish,asyou mayknow differenttypesof textinthe formof
Furthermore,on the question thathasbeen attached,R2 narrative textexpressanopinion
aboutit cool because he reallyliked the story.Sohe thinks we canspendtime withwritingthe story
innarrative text.R2 alsoargued that he knew aboutthe narrative textisa textinthe form of a story
inwhich there are lamapustorieslike fairytales,fables, etc.
HoweverR2 reveals thatthere are difficultiesin meulisnarrative textthatdoesnot
understand the beginningof the makingof the text, R2 argueswritingnarrative textusingmind
mappingtechnique isquiteinterestingsohe likestouse thistechnique.Write anarrative textusing
mindmappingtechniques inavery pleasanthe said,because gettingnew kosatakatandmore.
R2 reveals thatthe effortthathas beengiven bythe teachertothe students thatexplains
the material indetail tothe students,sothatstudents become betterunderstood inwriting
narrative text.R2 revealed afterthe use of mindmappingtechniques inwritinganarrative textthat
is,the benefitof makingof mindmapping, whichcanapply throughwritingandaddingnew
R2 = Respondent3(students)
Name:CAWI Pertiwi
Class:XI IPA 2
In the interviewquestions thathave been attachedtoR3 revealed thatshe likes tolearningthe
Englishlanguage,why learnEnglishwascool,more challengingandnew knowledge.Andthatmakes
himlike the Englishlesson istobroaden,cool,especially teachersinpresentingthe material using
the newmethod.R3 alsofound the writingvery importantlesson,tobe able to train and remember
the letteror kosatakato learnat home.
R3 believes writingnarrativetextitdifficulteasy,because if studentsdonotunderstandthe
vocabulary theywill notknow the beginningof makingthe text. R3revealed isknownaboutthe
narrative textisa textthat tellsastory or folklore inthe pastbothfairytales,legends,fables etc.
HoweverR3 alsobelieves there are difficultiesin pempelajari writingnarrativetextisalack
inunderstanding. R3express writtennarrative textusingmindmappingtechnique we getalotof
Englishvocabulary andcan write a narrative textusingamindmap properly.
Accordingto R3 writingnarrative textusingmindmappingtekink funbecause of the terms
of manufacture isnotcomplicated sofacilitate studentsin writingnarrative text.R3revealed efforts
by the teacherto students istobe able to memorize vocabulary.R3alsoarguedsetelhalearnedto
write usingmindmappingtechniques they getprogress, benefithe getsfromknowingtoknowing.
R2 = Respondents 4(students)
Name:Dewi Purwati
Class:XI IPA 2
In the interviewquestions inAppendix R4hasrevealed thatsubjects likeEnglish,because he thinks
it's importantto be able to mastera foreignlanguage.Andthatmakes love isthe way of delivery,
the way teachers deliverlessons usingmethods/techniques are new.R4alsorevealed writingin
Englishclass wasvery important,because itmakesapersonmore creative writing.
R4 argue about narrative text, he thoughtitwas cool because the narrative texttextthat
tellsof the fairytale that happenedinthe past. R4 alsorevealed thathe knew the textnarrative, a
story in the past and inwhichthere is the function andstructure of writingthe text.
Accordingto R4 there are difficultiescontainedin pempelajari writingnarrative textusing
mindmappingtechnique thatislessunderstood inthe way of writingthe text. R4arguednarrative
textusingmindmappingtechnique isvery interesting,unique,andmake studentsmore motivated
to be more creative.
Furthermore,accordingto R4 learningtowrite narrative textusingmindmappingtechnique
isverypleasantbecause of itsunique shape whichhas itsowncharacteristics incomparisonwith
othermethods. R4 alsoarguesthat businesses providetothe students thatthe teacherbyproviding
dailytask for mengahapal vocabulary. R4revealed afterwritinganarrative textusingmindmapping
technique they preferandinterested becausehe thinkswe canbe more aware in writingclearand
detailed narrative text.
R2 = Respondents 5(students)
Name:Sri Nurwulan
Class:XI IPA 2
In the interviewquestions thathave been attachedtoR5 revealed thatlike the Englishlesson,the
reasonfor knowinghow tospeak deganusingthe Englishlanguage,andthatmakeshimlike the
Englishlanguage lessonitmore challenging,andadds new insights.R5believes isimportantin
learningthe Englishlanguage accordingtosmooththe wayof comprehension, writingenglish.
R5 alsothink aboutwritinga narrative textaccordingtoshifteasily,if we donotunderstand
the function andstructure thenkana difficult.AccordingR5isknownaboutthe narrative textisa
textthat meneceritakan astory in the past.But accordingto R5 are difficultiesin writingthe text
that isnot yetbissanarraive to distinguish the function andstructure.
R5 authorof the textnarrative writingusingmindmappingtechniques betterunderstand
and can apply our capabilities through writing.R5alsobelieves learningtowrite narrative textusing
mindmappingtechniques sngatfun,canfacilitate studentsin writingnarrativetext,becausein
additiontoitsunique ynagbentunyawiththeircolors.
R5 addsthat businessesthathave beengiven byteacherstostudents istogive the taskof
writinga story.R5 also revealed thatafterlearningtowrite usingmindmappingtechniques he
prefers andinterested thanothermethods,becausemindmappinghasthe benefitthatwe canbe a
lotof vocabulary thatcouldhelpusin applyingourcapabilities throughwriting.
R2 = Respondents 6(students)
Class:XI IPA 2
In the interviewquestions ynaghave attachedR6express love withlearningEnglish,the reason
Englishisan internationallanguage thatisinuse by manycountries.Andthatmemubuathe likes
withEnglishlanguage lessons istoknow how to use the Englishpronunciation.R6thinkitis
importantto write inEnglishclass thinkswe make iteasiertomemorize vocabulary.
R6 alsoargueswritingnarrative textdifficulteasy because of lackof understanding in
informingthe process intothe text. R6argue about the textnarrative whichtells of events inthe
past.R6 alsorevealed thatthere are difficultiesin writinghow towrite vocabulary islacking. R6
revealedusingmindmappingtekinkaccordingtothistechnique iseasytounderstand becausewe
knowmore clearly the capabilitiesof ourown.
R6 express writtenusingtekink mindmappingisveryexcitingbecause itrequiresprecision
and patience indoingitsothat it takes a highconcentration. R6addedeffortexerted teachersto
students istoassignthe taskand memorize vocabulary.R6revealed afterstudyingwritingnarrative
textusingmindmappingtechniques more understanding toknow how touse these techniques.
R2 = Respondent7(students)
Class:XI IPA 2
In the interviewquestions thathave been attachedR7expresses love withthe Englishclass the
reasonfor learningEnglish isthe international language, therefore learningEnglisheasierforthe
experience. Andthatmakeshimlove Englishclass isthe way teachers deliverthe material well.R7
argue,isvery importantto learnto write asto add new vocabulary,launched usinwritingEnglish.
R7 alsorevealed writingnarrative textitdifficulteasy becausenotunderstandthe contents
of the text. R7 narrative textarguesthatthe story inthe past.R7 expresses difficultyinwriting that
the lack of vocabulary that much.R7 express writtennarrative textusingmindmappingtechnique
we become more creative.R7alsorevealed writingusingmindmappingtechnique isvery easy.
R7 alsorevealed thatefforts have giventhe teacherisgivingthe task tomemorize alotof
vocabulary.R7 arguedafterwritingusingmindmappingtechnique isvery easytomake usbecome
more creative.
a. Documentation
In some RPP researchersattached documentation,Syllabus andphotosabout the activities
of students whilewritingnarrative textbyusingmindmappingtechniques.RPP,Syllabus,photos
and resultsof studentassignments canbe attached.
Basedon documentation,researchersrevealed THATlearningstudentshave followed inaccordance
withthe RPP made andfollowthe procedures inclass,suchas preliminary activities,core andcover.
At the firstmeetingof teachers give explanationsabout mindmapping,sothatmore
students understand the teachergivesanexample of animage andengage learners tojointly create
a mindmappingbasedon physical characteristics thatexistinthe picture.
Afterthat, the teachergivesthe task as an evaluation ismade basedon the characteristics of
mindmappingnarraive text.Thenatthe secondmeeting until the meetingisoverthe teacher
alwaysgives positive directives regardingcreation of mindmappingwiththe objective of making
students betterunderstandthe mindmapping. Afterfollowingstudy usingmindmapping
techniques, studentswere able to recognize bihmanywords,becausethe mindmappingtechniques
helpstudents remember.
Withmindmappingtechniques the students wereable towrite words properly,canpractice
the words througha paperso that they know where itdied. Students canindependently tomake
Afterfollowingthe teachingof writingnarrative textbyusingmindmappingtechniques,in
additiontoindependentstudentsare also more creative inwriting,especially whenthey make a
narrative text,notjustwritingonpaper,they alsoconsiderthe structure of wordsused inmaking
the narrative text.
Writingalsotakespatience andprecision,mustwrite withyourheartand mindthat is
betweenthe heart andthe mindandhand gestures joinedtogethertoproduce a wonderful article
inaccordance withwhattheywant,as has been done of students learningtowrite textnarrtive
2. The resultsof the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwritingtextnarrtive
Judgingfromthe resultsof observations inSMAN 1Lemahabang, that the resultsof the use of mind
mappingtechniques inteachingwritingnarrative textcanimprove students'ability towrite
narrative text.Thiscoupledwiththe revelation of R1that after the studentsfollow the learning
process of narrative textwritingusingmindmappingtechniques the students getalotof new
vocabulary fromthe manufacture of mindmapping, mindmappingtechniques toincrease students'
knowledge, studentsalso didnotoriginallyin writingnarrative text.
Furthermore, R2and R3 revealed thatafterfollowingthe teachingof writingusingmind
mappingtechniques, the students getmore vocabulary of the Englishlanguage aswell asthe
manufacture of mindmappingcancreate a textnarrative.
By midmappingtechniques R2and R3 have a lotof knowledge,especially innarrative text
writingisgoodand right,the numberof newly acquired vocabulary,andcanfacilitate studentsin
writingnarrative text.Thusitcan be seen the increase thatoccurred instudents.
Furthermore,according R4and R5 that mindmappingtechniqueof learningtowrite
narrative textstudentswere able to write the narrative textproperly, andcanmembeedakan other
text,as well as mindmappingtechniques tomotivate studentstobe more active andcreative in
Furthermore, R6and R7 argue write narrative textmenggunkanan mindmappingtechniques make
us more creative,addingnewvocabulary,aswellas easyto understand.
While the views of the documentationof the resultsof the applicationof mindmapping
technique inteachingwritingnarrative texthasincreased,evidentfromthe manufacture of mind
mappingandalsothe taskof writingnarrative text.Thismeansthatincreasingstudents'knowledge
here,andmindmappingtechnique alsomenabahEnglishvocabulary.
C. LimitationResults
1. The applicationof mindmappingtechniqueinteachingwritingnarrative text
Learningoccurs whenthe stimulus situationinconjunctionwiththe memoriesof the students ina
waythat affectsitsability tochange fromtime before he isexperiencingthe situation totime
thereafter.Pleasantlearningprocess canprovide apositiveimpactforsisw.Learningfirststartsof
the student'sbackground,thenaimtodevelopthemselves throughaprocessof adjustment tikah
behavior.Adjustmentof behaviormanifestasa resultof learning.
The implementationof alearningactivity isaprocess of knowledgeattitudesandskillsof
teachers to students. Learningtowrite isnotapart of the curriculumthat have beenset,which
includes learningobjectives thatprovide the knowledge andskillsof the Englishlanguage.To
achieve the goal of learningthe many factors, one of whichis a methodortechnique.Many
methods ortechniques are useddepending onthe objectives of the study.Suchas mindmapping
technique inteachingwritingnarrative text.
Mind mappingtechniqueisatechnique thatisapplied inone of SMA Negeri 1 islocatedin
Karawangdistrictto improve studentinterestin writingsesrtanarrative text,inadditionto the mind
mappingtechnique canalsomake studentsmore indevelopingcapabilities.
Maappingmindtechnique isconsideredvery appropriate foruse inteachingwriting
narrative text,because inpractice involve studentsdirectly totheirimaginationand abilitiesthrough
writingsomengekslporpemebelajaran objectives achievedas desired.
2. Studentresponsestothe applicationof mindmappingtechnique inteachingwriting
narrative text
It can be arguedthatstudentsof SMAN 1 that are inthe areaLemahabangKarawangregencyhas
increasedcapacityaswell asthe students'interestinwritingagoodnarrative textbyusingmind
mappingtechnique,studentscanpractice the mindmappinginteachingwritingnarrative text,and
studentsare able to write whenthe teachergivesdutytomake studentsfollow the textnarrative
afterlearninginSMAN 1 islocatedinKarawangwithusingmindmappingtechnique,studentscan
alsouse the structure of saidwell whenwriting.
Thus the applicationof mindmappingtechniqueinteachingwritingnarrative texthasincreased.The
technique hasbecome more funforstudents,andsiswapunbecome more creativeandmore
aggressive inaddingtohisknowledge bywriting.Aswell asmindmappingtechniquestomotivate
studentstobe more enthusiasmin learning.Studentsandthe otherone will continue tocompete in
a healthyandcreative writingnarrative text.

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  • 1. B. Description of the Results 1. The use of Mind MappingTechnique inTeachingWritingNarrative Text Resultsof researchon the Implementation of MindMappingTechnique inTeachingWriting Narrative TextinclassXI IPA at one highschool locatedinKarawangobtained throughobservation, interviews,anddocumentation inthe formof photolearningactivities andstudentlearning outcomes. a. Observation Researchersconductedobservations atthe highschool locatedin Karawangregency,in observation of researchers observinglessons rangingfromPreliminary activities,the core activities consistof exploration,elaboration andconfirmation,andthe lastis Closingactivity. In the preliminaryeventforthe firsttime researchers observed thatwhen teachers give greetings andcheckingthe attendance of students, thenteachersprepare studentsbefore class conditions,andtellinglessons will conveytotoday,thispreliminaryevent lasted10minutes. While core activities are divided into3parts,namely exploration, elaboration,confirmation berlngsung60 minutesateachmeeting.The researchersobserved inthe core activitiesof students' response to the use of mindmappingtechniques inlearningmenluisnarrative text.Itturnsoutat the beginningof the use of mindmappingtechniques studentresponse isquite good butthere are howmany students feelconfused toknow the purpose of suchmaterial.Thusthe teacherkeeps tryingto use mindmappingtechniques workand can improve students'writingability. At the nextmeetingstartedthere changes thatstudentsbeginto feel more comfortable learningbyusingmindmappingtechniques andenthusiasticstudentswhenthe teachergivesthe task of makingmindmapping. Students begintoexploreitsabilitytomake mindmapping,they are very creative inmakingmindmapping, withenthusiasm tocolorwithmarkers, colorinevery vocabulary whichmade the kertasselainprovidecoloronpaper, alsoprovide picturesorsymbolsto add to the beautyof the writingthatthey write. In the fourthmeeting,andsoon,until the study isconsidered sufficient,the studentalways mangikuti teachingandlearningactivities properly, follow the rules applicable class, before learning continued teacheralwaysdoarefresherthatisby repeatingthe previousmaterialinorderforthe studentstorecall previouslylearned materialalready. As usual everymeeting,inthe learningprocess the teacherexplains the material then gave the task as an evaluation of studentlearningoutcomes thatmake mindmappingfirstbeforemade intotextintact. Thisshowsthat studentshave astrong desire anddetermination inlearning.Studentswill be actively andcreatively if the teacherprovides the appropriatemethodortechnique.Thusthe applicationof mindmappingtechniques andimprove the abilitiesandinterests of studentsinthe writingnarrative text. Andthe last isthe closingberlangusngonly 10minutes.Inactivitiesof thiscoverteachers alongwiththe students conclude today'slesson,thenaskpemebelajaran atitsnextmeeting,and the final sayhello. b. interview R1 = Respondent1(EnglishTeacher) Name:TejaHudaya Education:S1 Occupation:EnglishTeacher
  • 2. 1) What is the backgroundof the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwritingnarrative text? R1 arguedthat as a teacherof English language support EnglishatSMAN 1 Lemahabangandthe backgroundof the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwritingnarrative textismind mappingtechnique whilegivingstudents more quicklyunderstand meteri presentedbythe teacher. Because teachingexperience notonly writingcourse thatbecomes adifficulty,from4to English language skillsof the mostdifficultspeaking,writing,reading, difficultyin writingit'sown students do notget usedto write thembecause they getintotrouble whenwriting. Thenthe learningactivities,especially inlearningwritingnarrativetextbyusingmind mappingtechnique isunique thatisconsidered abonafide use of images, colors,symbols andforms inparticularto make it look attractive. Sothat studentsare more interestedin learningandpassion to follow.Inaddition,by usingmindmappingtechniques togetstudents more vocabulary andeasy to remember. In the processof learning towrite narrative textbyusingmindmappingtechniques R1 reveals, the abilityof the students are creative, becausethe more creative studentsinlearning writingnarrative textitwill be easierandmore vocabulary whichisowned bythe students. 2) What is the purpose of the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwritingnarrative text? R1 explained thatthe purpose of the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwriting textnarrative isthat the students are able toapply the spokenlanguage towrittenlanguage. Sometimes whatissaid withwhatwaswritten wasdifferent. Purpose inwritingthe narrative textsothatstudents understandthe textnarrative and mindmappingtechnique isone of the methodsused inthe teachingprocess,somindmappingisa technique bywhich became one of the alternatives thatare easiertounderstand narrative text. In addition R1adds that the purpose of the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwriting narrative text,namely thatthe studentsare more interested inwritingandreproduce English vocabulary. 3) What factors are inhibitingstudents'writingability? R1 arguedthat the factor that impedes learning,namely the lackof vocabulary,lackof habituation, thenthe way whenpronunciation pronunciation asthey could,thenthey couldalsowrite inEnglish. 4) How can the students active andnot passive inthe learningprocess? R1 Explainthatthe students actively inlearningourroles specifiesthe method/technique where the methodis students canplayan active role,thenthe students will trytobe as active as possible, understand, explore,inthe learningprocess. 5) What is the allocation of time spentinlearningtowrite? AccordingR1 in the processof learningtowrite nothingspecialforhow long,he says writinglessons have a package of foursuch skill,sodepending onthe lessonplan thatwe prepare. 6) What are the role of fatherwhenteachingEnglish,especiallyinterms of teaching narrative writingusingmindmapping? AccordingR1 role of a teacherwhenapplyingthe mindmappingtechniquethatisjustas pasilitator teacherto students whorequire anunderstanding of the mindmapping? 7) How isthe response of students whenlearningtowrite usingmindmapping? AccordingR1 studentresponse whenlearningto write usingmindmappingtechniques thatthey couldunderstand aftergivingthe task tocreate a mindmap on writingnarrative text. 8) Accordingto you,howmotivated studentsin learningmnegikuti writingnarrative text usingmindmapping?
  • 3. AccordingR1 more motivatedstudents withmindmappingmethodbecausewhenthe mind mappingprovides studentsknowthe systematicwritinglikethis, andinsucha narrative text. 9) How do the resultsof the students afterusingmindmappingtechniques? R1 explain the resultsobtained inthe use of mindmappingtechniques thatthey candominate narratvie textwithmindmappingmethodfromthe mindmapwhichthey create. 10) Are there advantagesand disadvantages inusingmindmapping? R1 suggeststhere are shortcomings beforehand studentsshould understandaboutthe narrative text as a whole sothat they know aboutthe narrative text,andthey canappreciate intomindmapping. R2 = Respondent2(students) Name:Siti Syarah Class:XI IPA 2 Age:16 In the interviewquestions thathave been attached, R2reveals thatshe likesEnglishclass,the reasonto be able to know much aboutforeignlanguages.Andthatmakeshimlike the Englishlesson that they can understand aboutgrammar,can tell the difference of V1,V2and V3. R2 alsobelieves that itis importanttolearnto write inEnglish,asyou mayknow differenttypesof textinthe formof English. Furthermore,on the question thathasbeen attached,R2 narrative textexpressanopinion aboutit cool because he reallyliked the story.Sohe thinks we canspendtime withwritingthe story innarrative text.R2 alsoargued that he knew aboutthe narrative textisa textinthe form of a story inwhich there are lamapustorieslike fairytales,fables, etc. HoweverR2 reveals thatthere are difficultiesin meulisnarrative textthatdoesnot understand the beginningof the makingof the text, R2 argueswritingnarrative textusingmind mappingtechnique isquiteinterestingsohe likestouse thistechnique.Write anarrative textusing mindmappingtechniques inavery pleasanthe said,because gettingnew kosatakatandmore. R2 reveals thatthe effortthathas beengiven bythe teachertothe students thatexplains the material indetail tothe students,sothatstudents become betterunderstood inwriting narrative text.R2 revealed afterthe use of mindmappingtechniques inwritinganarrative textthat is,the benefitof makingof mindmapping, whichcanapply throughwritingandaddingnew knowledge. R2 = Respondent3(students) Name:CAWI Pertiwi Class:XI IPA 2 Age:16 In the interviewquestions thathave been attachedtoR3 revealed thatshe likes tolearningthe Englishlanguage,why learnEnglishwascool,more challengingandnew knowledge.Andthatmakes himlike the Englishlesson istobroaden,cool,especially teachersinpresentingthe material using the newmethod.R3 alsofound the writingvery importantlesson,tobe able to train and remember the letteror kosatakato learnat home. R3 believes writingnarrativetextitdifficulteasy,because if studentsdonotunderstandthe vocabulary theywill notknow the beginningof makingthe text. R3revealed isknownaboutthe narrative textisa textthat tellsastory or folklore inthe pastbothfairytales,legends,fables etc. HoweverR3 alsobelieves there are difficultiesin pempelajari writingnarrativetextisalack inunderstanding. R3express writtennarrative textusingmindmappingtechnique we getalotof Englishvocabulary andcan write a narrative textusingamindmap properly.
  • 4. Accordingto R3 writingnarrative textusingmindmappingtekink funbecause of the terms of manufacture isnotcomplicated sofacilitate studentsin writingnarrative text.R3revealed efforts by the teacherto students istobe able to memorize vocabulary.R3alsoarguedsetelhalearnedto write usingmindmappingtechniques they getprogress, benefithe getsfromknowingtoknowing. R2 = Respondents 4(students) Name:Dewi Purwati Class:XI IPA 2 Age:16 In the interviewquestions inAppendix R4hasrevealed thatsubjects likeEnglish,because he thinks it's importantto be able to mastera foreignlanguage.Andthatmakes love isthe way of delivery, the way teachers deliverlessons usingmethods/techniques are new.R4alsorevealed writingin Englishclass wasvery important,because itmakesapersonmore creative writing. R4 argue about narrative text, he thoughtitwas cool because the narrative texttextthat tellsof the fairytale that happenedinthe past. R4 alsorevealed thathe knew the textnarrative, a story in the past and inwhichthere is the function andstructure of writingthe text. Accordingto R4 there are difficultiescontainedin pempelajari writingnarrative textusing mindmappingtechnique thatislessunderstood inthe way of writingthe text. R4arguednarrative textusingmindmappingtechnique isvery interesting,unique,andmake studentsmore motivated to be more creative. Furthermore,accordingto R4 learningtowrite narrative textusingmindmappingtechnique isverypleasantbecause of itsunique shape whichhas itsowncharacteristics incomparisonwith othermethods. R4 alsoarguesthat businesses providetothe students thatthe teacherbyproviding dailytask for mengahapal vocabulary. R4revealed afterwritinganarrative textusingmindmapping technique they preferandinterested becausehe thinkswe canbe more aware in writingclearand detailed narrative text. R2 = Respondents 5(students) Name:Sri Nurwulan Class:XI IPA 2 Age:16 In the interviewquestions thathave been attachedtoR5 revealed thatlike the Englishlesson,the reasonfor knowinghow tospeak deganusingthe Englishlanguage,andthatmakeshimlike the Englishlanguage lessonitmore challenging,andadds new insights.R5believes isimportantin learningthe Englishlanguage accordingtosmooththe wayof comprehension, writingenglish. R5 alsothink aboutwritinga narrative textaccordingtoshifteasily,if we donotunderstand the function andstructure thenkana difficult.AccordingR5isknownaboutthe narrative textisa textthat meneceritakan astory in the past.But accordingto R5 are difficultiesin writingthe text that isnot yetbissanarraive to distinguish the function andstructure. R5 authorof the textnarrative writingusingmindmappingtechniques betterunderstand and can apply our capabilities through writing.R5alsobelieves learningtowrite narrative textusing mindmappingtechniques sngatfun,canfacilitate studentsin writingnarrativetext,becausein additiontoitsunique ynagbentunyawiththeircolors. R5 addsthat businessesthathave beengiven byteacherstostudents istogive the taskof writinga story.R5 also revealed thatafterlearningtowrite usingmindmappingtechniques he prefers andinterested thanothermethods,becausemindmappinghasthe benefitthatwe canbe a lotof vocabulary thatcouldhelpusin applyingourcapabilities throughwriting.
  • 5. R2 = Respondents 6(students) Name:Aditya Class:XI IPA 2 Age:16 In the interviewquestions ynaghave attachedR6express love withlearningEnglish,the reason Englishisan internationallanguage thatisinuse by manycountries.Andthatmemubuathe likes withEnglishlanguage lessons istoknow how to use the Englishpronunciation.R6thinkitis importantto write inEnglishclass thinkswe make iteasiertomemorize vocabulary. R6 alsoargueswritingnarrative textdifficulteasy because of lackof understanding in informingthe process intothe text. R6argue about the textnarrative whichtells of events inthe past.R6 alsorevealed thatthere are difficultiesin writinghow towrite vocabulary islacking. R6 revealedusingmindmappingtekinkaccordingtothistechnique iseasytounderstand becausewe knowmore clearly the capabilitiesof ourown. R6 express writtenusingtekink mindmappingisveryexcitingbecause itrequiresprecision and patience indoingitsothat it takes a highconcentration. R6addedeffortexerted teachersto students istoassignthe taskand memorize vocabulary.R6revealed afterstudyingwritingnarrative textusingmindmappingtechniques more understanding toknow how touse these techniques. R2 = Respondent7(students) Name:Uming Class:XI IPA 2 Age:16 In the interviewquestions thathave been attachedR7expresses love withthe Englishclass the reasonfor learningEnglish isthe international language, therefore learningEnglisheasierforthe experience. Andthatmakeshimlove Englishclass isthe way teachers deliverthe material well.R7 argue,isvery importantto learnto write asto add new vocabulary,launched usinwritingEnglish. R7 alsorevealed writingnarrative textitdifficulteasy becausenotunderstandthe contents of the text. R7 narrative textarguesthatthe story inthe past.R7 expresses difficultyinwriting that the lack of vocabulary that much.R7 express writtennarrative textusingmindmappingtechnique we become more creative.R7alsorevealed writingusingmindmappingtechnique isvery easy. R7 alsorevealed thatefforts have giventhe teacherisgivingthe task tomemorize alotof vocabulary.R7 arguedafterwritingusingmindmappingtechnique isvery easytomake usbecome more creative. a. Documentation In some RPP researchersattached documentation,Syllabus andphotosabout the activities of students whilewritingnarrative textbyusingmindmappingtechniques.RPP,Syllabus,photos and resultsof studentassignments canbe attached. Basedon documentation,researchersrevealed THATlearningstudentshave followed inaccordance withthe RPP made andfollowthe procedures inclass,suchas preliminary activities,core andcover. At the firstmeetingof teachers give explanationsabout mindmapping,sothatmore students understand the teachergivesanexample of animage andengage learners tojointly create a mindmappingbasedon physical characteristics thatexistinthe picture. Afterthat, the teachergivesthe task as an evaluation ismade basedon the characteristics of mindmappingnarraive text.Thenatthe secondmeeting until the meetingisoverthe teacher
  • 6. alwaysgives positive directives regardingcreation of mindmappingwiththe objective of making students betterunderstandthe mindmapping. Afterfollowingstudy usingmindmapping techniques, studentswere able to recognize bihmanywords,becausethe mindmappingtechniques helpstudents remember. Withmindmappingtechniques the students wereable towrite words properly,canpractice the words througha paperso that they know where itdied. Students canindependently tomake mindmappingwithouthavinggivenpriorexamples. Afterfollowingthe teachingof writingnarrative textbyusingmindmappingtechniques,in additiontoindependentstudentsare also more creative inwriting,especially whenthey make a narrative text,notjustwritingonpaper,they alsoconsiderthe structure of wordsused inmaking the narrative text. Writingalsotakespatience andprecision,mustwrite withyourheartand mindthat is betweenthe heart andthe mindandhand gestures joinedtogethertoproduce a wonderful article inaccordance withwhattheywant,as has been done of students learningtowrite textnarrtive usingmindmapping. 2. The resultsof the use of mindmappingtechniques inteachingwritingtextnarrtive Judgingfromthe resultsof observations inSMAN 1Lemahabang, that the resultsof the use of mind mappingtechniques inteachingwritingnarrative textcanimprove students'ability towrite narrative text.Thiscoupledwiththe revelation of R1that after the studentsfollow the learning process of narrative textwritingusingmindmappingtechniques the students getalotof new vocabulary fromthe manufacture of mindmapping, mindmappingtechniques toincrease students' knowledge, studentsalso didnotoriginallyin writingnarrative text. Furthermore, R2and R3 revealed thatafterfollowingthe teachingof writingusingmind mappingtechniques, the students getmore vocabulary of the Englishlanguage aswell asthe manufacture of mindmappingcancreate a textnarrative. By midmappingtechniques R2and R3 have a lotof knowledge,especially innarrative text writingisgoodand right,the numberof newly acquired vocabulary,andcanfacilitate studentsin writingnarrative text.Thusitcan be seen the increase thatoccurred instudents. Furthermore,according R4and R5 that mindmappingtechniqueof learningtowrite narrative textstudentswere able to write the narrative textproperly, andcanmembeedakan other text,as well as mindmappingtechniques tomotivate studentstobe more active andcreative in learningtowrite. Furthermore, R6and R7 argue write narrative textmenggunkanan mindmappingtechniques make us more creative,addingnewvocabulary,aswellas easyto understand. While the views of the documentationof the resultsof the applicationof mindmapping technique inteachingwritingnarrative texthasincreased,evidentfromthe manufacture of mind mappingandalsothe taskof writingnarrative text.Thismeansthatincreasingstudents'knowledge here,andmindmappingtechnique alsomenabahEnglishvocabulary. C. LimitationResults 1. The applicationof mindmappingtechniqueinteachingwritingnarrative text Learningoccurs whenthe stimulus situationinconjunctionwiththe memoriesof the students ina waythat affectsitsability tochange fromtime before he isexperiencingthe situation totime thereafter.Pleasantlearningprocess canprovide apositiveimpactforsisw.Learningfirststartsof the student'sbackground,thenaimtodevelopthemselves throughaprocessof adjustment tikah behavior.Adjustmentof behaviormanifestasa resultof learning.
  • 7. The implementationof alearningactivity isaprocess of knowledgeattitudesandskillsof teachers to students. Learningtowrite isnotapart of the curriculumthat have beenset,which includes learningobjectives thatprovide the knowledge andskillsof the Englishlanguage.To achieve the goal of learningthe many factors, one of whichis a methodortechnique.Many methods ortechniques are useddepending onthe objectives of the study.Suchas mindmapping technique inteachingwritingnarrative text. Mind mappingtechniqueisatechnique thatisapplied inone of SMA Negeri 1 islocatedin Karawangdistrictto improve studentinterestin writingsesrtanarrative text,inadditionto the mind mappingtechnique canalsomake studentsmore indevelopingcapabilities. Maappingmindtechnique isconsideredvery appropriate foruse inteachingwriting narrative text,because inpractice involve studentsdirectly totheirimaginationand abilitiesthrough writingsomengekslporpemebelajaran objectives achievedas desired. 2. Studentresponsestothe applicationof mindmappingtechnique inteachingwriting narrative text It can be arguedthatstudentsof SMAN 1 that are inthe areaLemahabangKarawangregencyhas increasedcapacityaswell asthe students'interestinwritingagoodnarrative textbyusingmind mappingtechnique,studentscanpractice the mindmappinginteachingwritingnarrative text,and studentsare able to write whenthe teachergivesdutytomake studentsfollow the textnarrative afterlearninginSMAN 1 islocatedinKarawangwithusingmindmappingtechnique,studentscan alsouse the structure of saidwell whenwriting. Thus the applicationof mindmappingtechniqueinteachingwritingnarrative texthasincreased.The technique hasbecome more funforstudents,andsiswapunbecome more creativeandmore aggressive inaddingtohisknowledge bywriting.Aswell asmindmappingtechniquestomotivate studentstobe more enthusiasmin learning.Studentsandthe otherone will continue tocompete in a healthyandcreative writingnarrative text.