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Book Review:
How I raised myself from Failure to Success in Selling
Frank Bettger
Frank was a successful baseball player who was laid off from injury. He then took up selling life insurance from early
to mid 1900’s. This book outlines 35 Key principals for successful selling:
Part 1
Ideas that lifted me from failure
Part 1
1. Enthusiasm: Force myself to act enthusiastic, and I’ll become enthusiastic. “Make a high and holy resolve
that I will double the enthusiasm that I have been putting into my work and life. If I carry out the resolve, I
will probably double my income and double my happiness.”
2. Calls: Walter LeMar Talbot. “After all, this business of selling narrows down to one thing, just one thing,
seeing people. Make the calls you know we have to make and record it.
3. Fear: We must overcome fear and develop confidence and courage quickly...join public speaking course.
Once I have my fear of talking to crowds under control, I can then talk to anyone, regardless of their
4. Planning: One of the greatest satisfactions in life comes from getting things done and knowing I have done it
to the best of my abilities. If I am having trouble getting organised, if I want to increase my ability to think,
and do things in order of their importance, remember there is only one way: Take more time to think things
in order of their importance. Set aside one day as self organising day or a definite period each week. The
whole secret of freedom from anxiety is not having more hours, but in proper planning of hours.
Part 2
Formula for success is selling...
Part 2
5. The most important secret of salesmanship is to find out what the other fellow wants, and then help him
find the best way to get it. Find out what people want, and helping them get it.
6. Hitting the Bull’s-Eye: When you show a man what he wants, he’ll move heaven and earth to get it. The only
one way to get people to do what you want, There is only one way under heaven to get anybody to do
anything. Did you ever think of that? Just one way. That is making the other person want to do it. There is no
other way.
7. Ask questions in the face of objections. Help him recognise what he wants, then help decide how to get it.
8. Basic principals in making that sale:
i. Make appointments - Shows you appreciate their time
ii. Be Prepared- No difference between audience of 400 and audience of 1.
iii. What is the key question? Or key concern / point of interest. Never cover too many points, it
obstructs the main issue.
iv. Key Word Notes – Remember point to cover, cover in logical order, be brief and stay on the
main point.
v. Ask questions
vi. Explode Dynamite – do something startling, surprising. E.g. “If you were my own brother,
knowing about X industry, I tell you to throw all those proposals out.
vii. Arouse Fear – Two actions desire for gin or fear of loss. Arouse those emotions.
viii. Create Confidence – Praise competitors (if you can’t boost, don’t knock), If you were my own
brother....., assistant buyer (imagine yourself as the buyer), I am in the position this morning
to help you do what no other person on earth can do.
ix. Express honest appreciation of your listeners – people are hungry for praise, importance.
“They have confidence in you...etc”.
x. Assume a close – Take the interview on as if you were closing
xi. Put YOU into conversation - You, You, and You to my speech.
9. Asking questions, increasing the effectiveness of sales interviews.
See things from the other person’s point of view and talk in terms of what his wants, needs, desires.
When someone asserts something you think is an error, deny myself the pleasure of contradicting their
thoughts and use words such as “don’t you think”. We should avoid making s many positive statements
and start asking questions. You can do two things with a question:
- Let the other person know what I think
- I can at the same time play him the compliment of asking his opinions.
1. Helps me to avoid argument
2. Helps me avoid talking to much
3. Allows the other fellow recognise what he wants. Then I can help him decide how to get it.
4. Helps crystallize the others persons thinking. The idea becomes his idea.
5. Helps me find the most valuable point with which to close the sales- the key issue
6. Gives the other person a feeling of importance. When you show what you respect his opinion, his is
more likely to respect mine.
10. The most important reason why a man should buy:
Find the basic need, the main point of interest and then stick to it. Encourage my prospect to talk.
11. The most important three letter word:
Why - most powerful word in selling. Instead of launching into an argument, like most salesmen, I merely ask
why? The prospect then sells himself.
12. How to find the hidden objective:
A prospect usually has two reasons for doing a thing-one that sounds good, and one real one. “In addition, is
there something else in the back of your mind?” If I’ve made a mistake or lost business: Is there something
else, and you tell me what it is, and we can’t clear it up, you’ll feel better for having given a chance. If we are
unable to prove beyond any question or doubt in your mind that is was an unintentional mistake or oversight,
you’ll feel better for giving us a chance to correct the wrong. Isn’t that right, Mr X?
Key Points: Ask why “Why?” and “In addition to that?”
13. The magic In selling:
I can control conversations to ask about other people and be a wonderful listener. E.g. “The prospect could
say, tell me about your trip” Me” alright prospect, but first, I’m anxious to hear all about you. What have you
been doing? How is Mary? And how is business?
Show them you a good listener, showing the other person you are sincerely interested in what he / she is
saying, giving him all the eager attention and appreciation that he craves and is so hungry for, but seldom
INTEREST and see the magic effect it has both yourself and the one who you are talking to.
Use praise such as “you have given me important information. I can see you have had much more success
than most business men; I wouldn’t be so egoistical to come in here and in a few minutes tell you what to do
or give you the right solution. However I’d like to offer some thoughts from my previous experiences which
you can make good judgement on”
Ears no Tongue
Part Two – Summary
A. Find out what the other fellow wants , help him find best way to get it
B. Only one way to get someone to do something that is making the other person want to do it.
C. Stick to key issue, most vulnerable point and stick to it.
D. Learn to use the most powerful word – why.
E. To find the hidden objective ask little things like “why” or “In addition to...?”
F. Remember forget magic of selling – be a great listener. Show sincere interest; give him all the eager
attention and appreciation.
Part 3
Six ways to win and hold the confidence of others...
Part 3
14. They Believe if you believe – The greatest test is not – will the other person believe it. It is whether or not I
believe it.
15. Know your business: The greatest business leaders all seem to know their business and keep knowing their
business. Henry Ford “Anyone who stops learning is old – whether 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning
stays young. The greatest thing in life it keeps your mind young.”
16. Praise competitors: have a thorough understanding of competitors and praise them. When I place my own
company in the same class as the other companies he is already familiar, he is better prepared to accept my
statements as accurate.
17. How to get kicked out – exaggerate the possibilities of the product / service / what I do. This will lose
confidence and win no trust.
18. Use others to gain confidence – During the sales process, use the phone to call an existing client and ask
them questions about the products / services. Just as a lawyer does, bring on your witnesses.
19. How to look you best – Clothes don’t make a man, but they make up 90% of what a person see of him.
When I am well dressed, it improves my mental attitude toward myself and gives more self confidence.
Summary Part 3:
A. Deserve Confidence: real test is if I believe it, not, does the other person believe it?
B. Know my business... and keeping knowing my business.
C. Follow the words of Benjamin Franklin: “I will speak ill of mo man – and speak all good I know of everybody”.
Praise competitors.
D. Make understatements. Never exaggerate.
E. Bring your witness. They are as close as the telephone.
F. Look my best.
Part 4
How to make people want to do business with you...
Part 4
20. An idea that helped me make friends –
A. Men like me to show you believe in them and expect bigger things from them. Many people are hungry
for appreciation and praise. “Mr Barnes, I believe you have a great future ahead of you. I’ll never annoy
you, but if you don’t mind I am going to keep in touch with you from time to time. I saw you speak a few
weeks ago / I saw your work at / I was speaking with X about you the other day... etc (as to show no
cheap flattery).
B. People also love to her how they have helped me. E.g. Morgan, you have been a great inspiration to me.
You helped me make more money and find great contact for example.
C. Another great question is to have genuine interest in the others and how they got where they did. –
“How did you ever get started in this business, Mr. Roth?”
Exceptional example:
21. Making myself more welcome everywhere - SMILE: before entering a man’s office (or any interaction)
pause for an instant and think of the many things I had to be thankful for, work up a great big, honest-to-
good smile. Breaks seem to go to those who have a big enthusiastic smile... Give everything living soul the
best smile we can conjure up. Best way to stop worrying and start living.
22. REMEMBER NAMES – The technique is as follows:
a. Impression - Forget myself and concentrate on them. Ask to say their name again. Get a clear,
vivid impression of his name.
b. Repetition – Repeat often. E.g. How do you do, Mr Hodgson or X. Ask, Am I pronouncing it
correctly? Repeat in conversation a number of times and to myself. In group setting, try getting
three for four names at a time and taking a few minutes to assimilate the names before moving
on. Use their name instead of hello or how are you. Repetition in intervals.
c. Association – associate with an action picture; if possible, include the persons business.
23. Biggest reason why salesman lose business –
Overtaking is one of the worst of all social faults. If you have it, your best friend won’t tell you, he’ll dodge
you. Salesmen talk too much. We resent the person who is abrupt, but admire those who are brief and to
the point.
24. When scared – admit it. People are haunted by the same fears. Speaking with high end people can be
daunting, bur everyone feels it. When I’m wrong or in a bad spot, just admit it 100%. . E.g. I’m more scared
now than when I was facing the Japs in Guadalcanal. Big men – their wives don’t tremble in their presence.
By admitting I’m slightly scared, I actually pay them a compliment.
Summary – Part 4:
A. Become a friend: If you are to win a man to my cause, first convince him that I am a sincere friend –
Abraham Lincoln.
B. Smile: To be welcome everywhere, give every living soul a smile from deep down inside.
C. Remembering name: It comes through Impression, Repetition, and association.
D. Be brief: Don’t talk too much.
E. Admit when scarred:
Part 5
Steps in the sale
Part 5
25. Tips to create a Sale before Sale – tips before the sale:
A. Don’t keep them in suspense about who you are and what you do. Be natural, sincere and
honest and come right to the point.
B. Always make sure it is convenient to talk.
C. If I drop in on someone, always have a sincere reason. E.g. Mr X from XYZ Company said to
pop in and see you next time I was in the area.
26. Tips on getting that appointment – the foundation of sales lies in getting the interviews, and the secret of
getting good, attentive courteous interviews, is selling appointments. Don’t work by normal times, you
become expected. As long as I am courteous, they don’t mind persistency.
27. How to outsmart the secretaries – A man secretary is his right hand person. We must respect that. Write
down their name, be honest and sincere, and show respect for her position. Try finding her name before you
approach her, from someone else in the office. Then speak by name. The say things such as “I wonder
whether or not you could fit me into me XYZ schedule today for 15 minutes. Never try out smart them.
28. How to get into the big leagues – practice, practice, practice the fundamentals. Write out my sales speech,
word for word and read it, read it, read it. Rehearsals are the single most important thing to getting it right.
The best time to right a speech is immediately after I’ve just given one; write down all the things I should
have said, while fresh in mind. Read and re read it until I know it backwards – not just memorised.
29. Getting the customer to help me make the sale – One demonstration is worth more than a thousand words.
Put the customer into action and help you make the sale. For example – get the customer to do the figures
for you. Gains better attention, holds better interest, he convinces himself and understand better.
30. How to find customers and make old ones enthusiastic booster – never forget a customer; never let a
customer forget you. Can never be too enthusiastic, if it’s about them or their possession / property. Make a
fuss over their purchase, remind them of how important their purchase / sale is. Best source of new business
is users. Make follow up calls, thank you cards, letters etc.
Use letter of recommendation from other contacts people know – such as the photo below:
Best time to follow up a referral is immediately after the details are given to you. Be sure the person who
gave me the contact that they won’t be mentioned. ALWAYS report back to the friend who gave it to me. It’s
important in sales as it is billiards to set up the next shot - “Prospecting is like shaving...if you don’t do
something about it every day, first thing you know, you’ll be a bum”.
I. Never forget a customer, never let them forget you.
II. If I take care of customers, they’ll take care of you.
III. Love his property.
IV. New Customers best source of business.
V. Follow up immediately.
VI. Never fail to show appreciation for a lead. Report results back good or bad.
VII. Pleas position for next shot.
31. Seven rules to closing a sale:
We must keep complete records and study them regularly. Every call made, when the prospect was closed,
the outcome of the prospecting – it’s absolutely compulsory.
i. Save the closing points for the close (suppressed excitement is most effective in arousing the
prospects enthusiasm at the close).
ii. Summarise – Get the buyer to summarise. “Will you write these down: Number one... Number
two...Number three...Number four.... They will then close the sale themselves.
iii. Yes, Yes Yes. Get them saying yes. E.g. don’t you think that’s a good idea?
iv. Welcome objections – Best prospects are ones who present objections. I can’t afford it, means
he really wants it. So then show him how to pay for example. They won’t think you’re forceful if
you’re speaking in their interest.
v. Why... An in addition to that...? Try find out the real motives.
vi. Ask prospect to write hi name here X. Have the X pencilled in.
vii. Get the cheque with the order. Don’t be afraid of money. One of the most powerful factors in
closing the sale.
32. Closing Techniques from a master salesman:
i. Write up the contract / application in advance.
ii. Mark Heavy X where signature is required
iii. Ask is that right, Mr Blank? If standing up, place it in his hands.
iv. Momentum is with me – greatest thing you can do is help man make an intelligent decision.
Summary – Part 5:
A. Don’t try to throw the hawser- throw heaving line. The approach must have only objective- selling the
sales interview. Not your product – your interview. It is the sale before sale.
B. Foundation of sales relies on getting good interviews. The secret to getting good, attentive interviews is
in selling appointments. The secret of making appointment is not swinging for home run, and merely try
to get first base. Second, sell my product.
C. Best way to outsmart secretaries, is to never try. Be honest and sincere with them. Take them into your
confidence. Never use trickery or subterfuge.
D. IF I want to be a star in the selling game, I’ve got to have my fundamentals – the ABC’s of my job – so
firmly in my mind, that they are part you... Learn sales talk out word for word. Keep improving it. Read it
and re read it. Drill... Drill....Drill
E. Make most of dramatization. Get the customer involved, let them perform. Let the customer help me
make the sale.
F. Never forget a customer; never let a customer forget me. New customers are best source of business.
Follow up while sizzling hot. Report results – good or bad. Play for the next shot.
G. Check yourself each day on rules for closing sale. Until they become as natural as breathing. What have
a done wrong and what could I do differently.
Part 6
Don’t be afraid to fail
Part 6
33. Don’t be afraid to fail - The unshakable faith in making the law of averages work, can lead me to accept my
bad breaks and failures with a smile. Do I believe it what I do? Check my results the main reason for failure
is lack of effort and exposure. My greatest asset is the number of strikeouts I have since my last hit. We
either discipline ourselves or we are disciplined by the world. I prefer discipline myself.” Courage is not the
absence of fear; it is the conquest over it.
34. Benjamin Franklins secret of success – Here is the list of business related secrets, and the order in which I
need used them:
I believe if a man can maintain enthusiasm long enough, it will produce anything.
Benjamin Franklins:
35. Start with one thing a week and you will be going fast than I would in a year. Make this book count. Time
goes by quickly, particularly when we are over 40. Must make it count.

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How i-raised-from-faulire-to-success-in-selling-frank-bettger

  • 1.
  • 2. Book Review: How I raised myself from Failure to Success in Selling Frank Bettger Frank was a successful baseball player who was laid off from injury. He then took up selling life insurance from early to mid 1900’s. This book outlines 35 Key principals for successful selling: Part 1 Ideas that lifted me from failure Part 1 1. Enthusiasm: Force myself to act enthusiastic, and I’ll become enthusiastic. “Make a high and holy resolve that I will double the enthusiasm that I have been putting into my work and life. If I carry out the resolve, I will probably double my income and double my happiness.” 2. Calls: Walter LeMar Talbot. “After all, this business of selling narrows down to one thing, just one thing, seeing people. Make the calls you know we have to make and record it. 3. Fear: We must overcome fear and develop confidence and courage quickly...join public speaking course. Once I have my fear of talking to crowds under control, I can then talk to anyone, regardless of their position. 4. Planning: One of the greatest satisfactions in life comes from getting things done and knowing I have done it to the best of my abilities. If I am having trouble getting organised, if I want to increase my ability to think, and do things in order of their importance, remember there is only one way: Take more time to think things in order of their importance. Set aside one day as self organising day or a definite period each week. The whole secret of freedom from anxiety is not having more hours, but in proper planning of hours. Part 2 Formula for success is selling... Part 2 5. The most important secret of salesmanship is to find out what the other fellow wants, and then help him find the best way to get it. Find out what people want, and helping them get it. 6. Hitting the Bull’s-Eye: When you show a man what he wants, he’ll move heaven and earth to get it. The only one way to get people to do what you want, There is only one way under heaven to get anybody to do anything. Did you ever think of that? Just one way. That is making the other person want to do it. There is no other way. 7. Ask questions in the face of objections. Help him recognise what he wants, then help decide how to get it. 8. Basic principals in making that sale: i. Make appointments - Shows you appreciate their time ii. Be Prepared- No difference between audience of 400 and audience of 1.
  • 3. iii. What is the key question? Or key concern / point of interest. Never cover too many points, it obstructs the main issue. iv. Key Word Notes – Remember point to cover, cover in logical order, be brief and stay on the main point. v. Ask questions vi. Explode Dynamite – do something startling, surprising. E.g. “If you were my own brother, knowing about X industry, I tell you to throw all those proposals out. vii. Arouse Fear – Two actions desire for gin or fear of loss. Arouse those emotions. viii. Create Confidence – Praise competitors (if you can’t boost, don’t knock), If you were my own brother....., assistant buyer (imagine yourself as the buyer), I am in the position this morning to help you do what no other person on earth can do. ix. Express honest appreciation of your listeners – people are hungry for praise, importance. “They have confidence in you...etc”. x. Assume a close – Take the interview on as if you were closing xi. Put YOU into conversation - You, You, and You to my speech. 9. Asking questions, increasing the effectiveness of sales interviews. See things from the other person’s point of view and talk in terms of what his wants, needs, desires. When someone asserts something you think is an error, deny myself the pleasure of contradicting their thoughts and use words such as “don’t you think”. We should avoid making s many positive statements and start asking questions. You can do two things with a question: - Let the other person know what I think - I can at the same time play him the compliment of asking his opinions. SIX THINGS I CAN GAIN BY THE QUESTION METHOD 1. Helps me to avoid argument 2. Helps me avoid talking to much 3. Allows the other fellow recognise what he wants. Then I can help him decide how to get it. 4. Helps crystallize the others persons thinking. The idea becomes his idea. 5. Helps me find the most valuable point with which to close the sales- the key issue 6. Gives the other person a feeling of importance. When you show what you respect his opinion, his is more likely to respect mine. 10. The most important reason why a man should buy: Find the basic need, the main point of interest and then stick to it. Encourage my prospect to talk. 11. The most important three letter word: Why - most powerful word in selling. Instead of launching into an argument, like most salesmen, I merely ask why? The prospect then sells himself. 12. How to find the hidden objective: A prospect usually has two reasons for doing a thing-one that sounds good, and one real one. “In addition, is there something else in the back of your mind?” If I’ve made a mistake or lost business: Is there something else, and you tell me what it is, and we can’t clear it up, you’ll feel better for having given a chance. If we are unable to prove beyond any question or doubt in your mind that is was an unintentional mistake or oversight, you’ll feel better for giving us a chance to correct the wrong. Isn’t that right, Mr X? Key Points: Ask why “Why?” and “In addition to that?” 13. The magic In selling:
  • 4. I can control conversations to ask about other people and be a wonderful listener. E.g. “The prospect could say, tell me about your trip” Me” alright prospect, but first, I’m anxious to hear all about you. What have you been doing? How is Mary? And how is business? Show them you a good listener, showing the other person you are sincerely interested in what he / she is saying, giving him all the eager attention and appreciation that he craves and is so hungry for, but seldom gets. LOOK STRAIGHT INTO THE FACE OF EVERY PERSON WHO I SPEAK TO, WITH EAGER, ABSORBED INTEREST and see the magic effect it has both yourself and the one who you are talking to. Use praise such as “you have given me important information. I can see you have had much more success than most business men; I wouldn’t be so egoistical to come in here and in a few minutes tell you what to do or give you the right solution. However I’d like to offer some thoughts from my previous experiences which you can make good judgement on” Ears no Tongue Part Two – Summary A. Find out what the other fellow wants , help him find best way to get it B. Only one way to get someone to do something that is making the other person want to do it. C. Stick to key issue, most vulnerable point and stick to it. D. Learn to use the most powerful word – why. E. To find the hidden objective ask little things like “why” or “In addition to...?” F. Remember forget magic of selling – be a great listener. Show sincere interest; give him all the eager attention and appreciation. Part 3 Six ways to win and hold the confidence of others... Part 3 14. They Believe if you believe – The greatest test is not – will the other person believe it. It is whether or not I believe it. 15. Know your business: The greatest business leaders all seem to know their business and keep knowing their business. Henry Ford “Anyone who stops learning is old – whether 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life it keeps your mind young.” 16. Praise competitors: have a thorough understanding of competitors and praise them. When I place my own company in the same class as the other companies he is already familiar, he is better prepared to accept my statements as accurate. 17. How to get kicked out – exaggerate the possibilities of the product / service / what I do. This will lose confidence and win no trust. 18. Use others to gain confidence – During the sales process, use the phone to call an existing client and ask them questions about the products / services. Just as a lawyer does, bring on your witnesses. 19. How to look you best – Clothes don’t make a man, but they make up 90% of what a person see of him. When I am well dressed, it improves my mental attitude toward myself and gives more self confidence. Summary Part 3: A. Deserve Confidence: real test is if I believe it, not, does the other person believe it? B. Know my business... and keeping knowing my business.
  • 5. C. Follow the words of Benjamin Franklin: “I will speak ill of mo man – and speak all good I know of everybody”. Praise competitors. D. Make understatements. Never exaggerate. E. Bring your witness. They are as close as the telephone. F. Look my best. Part 4 How to make people want to do business with you... Part 4 20. An idea that helped me make friends – A. Men like me to show you believe in them and expect bigger things from them. Many people are hungry for appreciation and praise. “Mr Barnes, I believe you have a great future ahead of you. I’ll never annoy you, but if you don’t mind I am going to keep in touch with you from time to time. I saw you speak a few weeks ago / I saw your work at / I was speaking with X about you the other day... etc (as to show no cheap flattery). B. People also love to her how they have helped me. E.g. Morgan, you have been a great inspiration to me. You helped me make more money and find great contact for example. C. Another great question is to have genuine interest in the others and how they got where they did. – “How did you ever get started in this business, Mr. Roth?” Exceptional example: 21. Making myself more welcome everywhere - SMILE: before entering a man’s office (or any interaction) pause for an instant and think of the many things I had to be thankful for, work up a great big, honest-to- good smile. Breaks seem to go to those who have a big enthusiastic smile... Give everything living soul the best smile we can conjure up. Best way to stop worrying and start living. 22. REMEMBER NAMES – The technique is as follows: a. Impression - Forget myself and concentrate on them. Ask to say their name again. Get a clear, vivid impression of his name. b. Repetition – Repeat often. E.g. How do you do, Mr Hodgson or X. Ask, Am I pronouncing it correctly? Repeat in conversation a number of times and to myself. In group setting, try getting three for four names at a time and taking a few minutes to assimilate the names before moving on. Use their name instead of hello or how are you. Repetition in intervals. c. Association – associate with an action picture; if possible, include the persons business. 23. Biggest reason why salesman lose business – Overtaking is one of the worst of all social faults. If you have it, your best friend won’t tell you, he’ll dodge you. Salesmen talk too much. We resent the person who is abrupt, but admire those who are brief and to the point. 24. When scared – admit it. People are haunted by the same fears. Speaking with high end people can be daunting, bur everyone feels it. When I’m wrong or in a bad spot, just admit it 100%. . E.g. I’m more scared now than when I was facing the Japs in Guadalcanal. Big men – their wives don’t tremble in their presence. By admitting I’m slightly scared, I actually pay them a compliment.
  • 6. Summary – Part 4: A. Become a friend: If you are to win a man to my cause, first convince him that I am a sincere friend – Abraham Lincoln. B. Smile: To be welcome everywhere, give every living soul a smile from deep down inside. C. Remembering name: It comes through Impression, Repetition, and association. D. Be brief: Don’t talk too much. E. Admit when scarred: Part 5 Steps in the sale Part 5 25. Tips to create a Sale before Sale – tips before the sale: A. Don’t keep them in suspense about who you are and what you do. Be natural, sincere and honest and come right to the point. B. Always make sure it is convenient to talk. C. If I drop in on someone, always have a sincere reason. E.g. Mr X from XYZ Company said to pop in and see you next time I was in the area. 26. Tips on getting that appointment – the foundation of sales lies in getting the interviews, and the secret of getting good, attentive courteous interviews, is selling appointments. Don’t work by normal times, you become expected. As long as I am courteous, they don’t mind persistency. Suggestions: 27. How to outsmart the secretaries – A man secretary is his right hand person. We must respect that. Write down their name, be honest and sincere, and show respect for her position. Try finding her name before you approach her, from someone else in the office. Then speak by name. The say things such as “I wonder whether or not you could fit me into me XYZ schedule today for 15 minutes. Never try out smart them. 28. How to get into the big leagues – practice, practice, practice the fundamentals. Write out my sales speech, word for word and read it, read it, read it. Rehearsals are the single most important thing to getting it right.
  • 7. The best time to right a speech is immediately after I’ve just given one; write down all the things I should have said, while fresh in mind. Read and re read it until I know it backwards – not just memorised. 29. Getting the customer to help me make the sale – One demonstration is worth more than a thousand words. Put the customer into action and help you make the sale. For example – get the customer to do the figures for you. Gains better attention, holds better interest, he convinces himself and understand better. 30. How to find customers and make old ones enthusiastic booster – never forget a customer; never let a customer forget you. Can never be too enthusiastic, if it’s about them or their possession / property. Make a fuss over their purchase, remind them of how important their purchase / sale is. Best source of new business is users. Make follow up calls, thank you cards, letters etc. Use letter of recommendation from other contacts people know – such as the photo below: Best time to follow up a referral is immediately after the details are given to you. Be sure the person who gave me the contact that they won’t be mentioned. ALWAYS report back to the friend who gave it to me. It’s important in sales as it is billiards to set up the next shot - “Prospecting is like shaving...if you don’t do something about it every day, first thing you know, you’ll be a bum”. I. Never forget a customer, never let them forget you. II. If I take care of customers, they’ll take care of you. III. Love his property. IV. New Customers best source of business. V. Follow up immediately. VI. Never fail to show appreciation for a lead. Report results back good or bad. VII. Pleas position for next shot. 31. Seven rules to closing a sale: We must keep complete records and study them regularly. Every call made, when the prospect was closed, the outcome of the prospecting – it’s absolutely compulsory. i. Save the closing points for the close (suppressed excitement is most effective in arousing the prospects enthusiasm at the close). ii. Summarise – Get the buyer to summarise. “Will you write these down: Number one... Number two...Number three...Number four.... They will then close the sale themselves. iii. Yes, Yes Yes. Get them saying yes. E.g. don’t you think that’s a good idea? iv. Welcome objections – Best prospects are ones who present objections. I can’t afford it, means he really wants it. So then show him how to pay for example. They won’t think you’re forceful if you’re speaking in their interest. v. Why... An in addition to that...? Try find out the real motives. vi. Ask prospect to write hi name here X. Have the X pencilled in.
  • 8. vii. Get the cheque with the order. Don’t be afraid of money. One of the most powerful factors in closing the sale. 32. Closing Techniques from a master salesman: i. Write up the contract / application in advance. ii. Mark Heavy X where signature is required iii. Ask is that right, Mr Blank? If standing up, place it in his hands. iv. Momentum is with me – greatest thing you can do is help man make an intelligent decision. Summary – Part 5: A. Don’t try to throw the hawser- throw heaving line. The approach must have only objective- selling the sales interview. Not your product – your interview. It is the sale before sale. B. Foundation of sales relies on getting good interviews. The secret to getting good, attentive interviews is in selling appointments. The secret of making appointment is not swinging for home run, and merely try to get first base. Second, sell my product. C. Best way to outsmart secretaries, is to never try. Be honest and sincere with them. Take them into your confidence. Never use trickery or subterfuge. D. IF I want to be a star in the selling game, I’ve got to have my fundamentals – the ABC’s of my job – so firmly in my mind, that they are part you... Learn sales talk out word for word. Keep improving it. Read it and re read it. Drill... Drill....Drill E. Make most of dramatization. Get the customer involved, let them perform. Let the customer help me make the sale. F. Never forget a customer; never let a customer forget me. New customers are best source of business. Follow up while sizzling hot. Report results – good or bad. Play for the next shot. G. Check yourself each day on rules for closing sale. Until they become as natural as breathing. What have a done wrong and what could I do differently. Part 6 Don’t be afraid to fail Part 6 33. Don’t be afraid to fail - The unshakable faith in making the law of averages work, can lead me to accept my bad breaks and failures with a smile. Do I believe it what I do? Check my results the main reason for failure is lack of effort and exposure. My greatest asset is the number of strikeouts I have since my last hit. We either discipline ourselves or we are disciplined by the world. I prefer discipline myself.” Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the conquest over it. 34. Benjamin Franklins secret of success – Here is the list of business related secrets, and the order in which I need used them:
  • 9. I believe if a man can maintain enthusiasm long enough, it will produce anything. Benjamin Franklins:
  • 10.
  • 11. 35. Start with one thing a week and you will be going fast than I would in a year. Make this book count. Time goes by quickly, particularly when we are over 40. Must make it count.