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Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61     Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 1 of 21

                                                                        FIED b
                                                                         L            D.

                                                                          10Y 1 2 1
                                                                            u. 1i 1 j
                       I TH E UNI
                        N         TED STATES DI  STRICT COU RT FOR       S V MI t
                                                                          TE EN - MOR: 1
                          TH E SO UTHERN DI   STRI O F FLO RI
                                                  CT         DA           CL RKu b Dl- cT. '
                                                                            E        sr    .
                          CA SE NO . 11 20l20- V- TZ/ M ONTON
                                   : -        Cl SEl S1
                                                                           s. o C i -MlMI
                                                                            o. fk/ k

          TRAI BUJ UVEAN U,
              AN  D
          Pl ntf,
           ai if

          DE T
           S HOMASand I V.ANA GIP
            REK    TE :N           S ERT,
          D ef nt
             enda s.

                       S      O                       ON
                                       ON             FI     D
                           SECOND SET OF INTERRO GATO RIES

          Pli if Tr inBudu a Pr Se he ena trM ov nt mov t s plme
           antf aa j ve nu, o , r i fe          a , es o up e nt
          Second M oton To Compelt i udeaddii docum ent asf l s
                    i            o ncl     tonal      s olow :

                                     1 BACK G ROUND

          1. On Se em ber17,20l1,Afert M ovant hasfl t M otonst Com pelt
                  pt                t he            ied wo   i o        he
          Producton ofDocum ent and Res est t l er ogat i M ovantr ved an
                 i            s        pons o he nt r ores,       ecei
          envel f om t D ef
              ope r he endant whi cont ned copi ofs e oft r quesed
                                  s, ch     ai       es om    he e t
          document i t scas s
                   s n hi e, ome oft bei copi mor t once,t cr et
                                      hem ng     ed    e han   o eat he
          i essonsofmassveam ountofdocument
           mpr i           i                  s.
          On Sept ber l 20l1,M ovantadvied t Ator r es i t Def
                 em     9,                s he t ney epr entng he endant,of
          t r c i oft doc n sa d t fc t ti r p e e si o eea we s ( e
          he e ept he ume t n he a t ha t e r snt nc mplt ns r . Se
          Exi tA)
          2. Defendant do nothave t conceali
                      s           o         mport docum ent oft scas i t e i
                                                ant        s hi e f her s
          opennes and tans enc on t rpar,and t f t y di notdo anyt ng
                 s     r par y       hei t       hey eel he d          hi
          wr ong,assat bef e by t rator On t contar t M ova belevest
                    t ed or       hei t ney. he        r y, he    nt i     hat
          t e i a l t hi i t scase,and f good r ons.The peopl and t court w il
           her s ot o de n hi              or     eas           e    he    s l
          fnd t t zh.
           i he rtt

          3. W hen r quesed t r ala cha ofa1 Di masCha ii e pl
                    e    t o eve       rt    1 s      rtes m oyeesatDania
          f lt t def nda svehementy deni Notal D im asChartesempl
           aciiy, he e nt             l     ed.    l s       ii     oyees s r
                                                                           ha e
          t s e opi on,t t can r es a gr dangert t Def
          he am       ni hus hey      epr ent eat       o he endant s.

          4. l nttesoft tlee Dim asChartesem pl
              de ii     he lr    s       ii      oyees t m an and a women,t
                                                      , wo                hat
          have viied t M ovantatM i iFDC viii ar a pr ent hi w ih one page
                st he              am       stng ea, nd es ed m t
          f i t Vi aton,Gr es Of e Code 1 wasnotr
           abrca ed ol i      eat t f nse       08,       eveal becaus i tm e
                                                              ed      en i
          t sf sedoc entw asel at and t
           hi al     um         abor ed    oday hasse alpages.
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61     Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 2 of 21

          O fcour e a Pol aph t tcan s lghti o t sm ater l t Def
                 s      ygr   es      hed i nt hi    t . f he endant ar
                                                                      s e
          capabl ofconcealng evi nce,t t y ar capa e ofm any ot t ngs
                e         i     de     hen he e   bl           her hi .

                i oday t M ovantdoesnotexacty know t r i ntt ofLas
                       he                   l      he eal de iy      handa
          A dam s.l hername Las
                   s           handa Ada s Les aAdam s orLashonda Adam s?.
                                        m , hot        ,
          Ator f t Def nt ans e ed LashondaA dam s a a s t l att
            t ney or he enda s w r                       , nd dvie o ook he
          si ur on t r pons t t i erogat i How e ,even t e,s si
           gnat e he es es o he nt r ores.             ver      her he gned
          La h nd Ada .( bi B)
            s a a ms Exhi t
          6. M ovantal as t Def nda sat ney t pr de f lnam esoft
                     so ked he e nt tor     o ovi ul           he
          de e da t,icl n midl n me . n ve r c i da a we .( hi tC)
            f n n s n udig d e a s He e r e eve n ns r Ex bi
          7.W ihoutany i or aton M ovanti notabl t conductan i tgaton and he
               t        nf m i          s      eo            nvesi i
          cannotputa cas t t .
                        e ogeher

          8. l af i erogat i questonst t have a w e ed,Def
              n ew nt r ores        i hat hey       ns r       endant pr de
                                                                     s ovi d
          and contnuest pr de onl vague and m il ng sat e s i a cal at d
                  i   o ovi     y             seadi t em nt , n     cul e
          atmptt mila e r ne. ao iy o t eq sinswe enota wee a d o y a
           te o se d veyo M j rt f h ue to       r    ns r d n nl
          f w doc ent,whih ar conveni t t Def
           e     um s      c e       ent o he endant .The Def nda shave
                                                     s.      e nt
          sgnal fom t begi ng,t do noti e t pr de any docum ent t anyone.
           i ed r he         nni hey       nt nd o ovi            so
          Eihert y have a 1 ofcour ort have s ever power ulpeopl be nd t r
            t he          ot      age hey       om   y     f      e hi hei

          9. Defendat have caus t M ovanthaln and hum ii i by notalow i hi t
                    s          ed he       n           laton       l ng m o
          atend Chur Servi on Sunday,ata Gr ort
           t        ch      ces             eek- hodox chur on Sunda l ed
                                                             ch       ys, ocat
          1 m i esf om t D im asCharteshalway hous t vi atng t M ovants
           6 nut r he s              ii    f         e, hus ol i he         '
          Fis Ame dme tRiht. Ex bi D)
           rt n n g s ( hi t
          l Thi i an exam pl ofam i l ng sat
           0. s s          e       seadi t ementby t Def
                                                   he endant l en- ores
                                                           s: nt ogat i
          Qu tonNo:
            esi   l
          Descrbe i det l why Pl ntf ,whie atDim asHouse,wasneveralow ed t atend
               i n ais         ai if     l     s                   l     o l
          r i ousser ceson Sunda atany oft t Orhodox chur ,l ed 16
           elgi     vi          ys,         he wo t         ches ocat
          mi e a y fo DimasCh rtesHo e.GPS Ti Ditn e .Alo e anwhy
           nuts wa r m s     a ii us (      me sa c ) s xpli
          he wasnotalowed t ate s rvi even whe hewason Hom e Confnement
                     l    o t nd e ces        n                  i     .

          Res e:t-- Pl ntf wasne de ed t opporuniy t atend r i ous s vi
             pons * he ai if
                   l             ver ni he   t t o t        elgi    er ces
          t m etFede alBur ofprs Gui i '
          hat       r     eau  ions delnes.'

          1l.TheM ova woul lke t poi putt t scourtand t def
                      nt   d i o nt        o hi          he endant ,t t r ar
                                                                  s hat he e e
          no s gui i s by t Feder Bur ofPrs f t Halway Hous ,and
              uch delnes et he        al eau      ions or he f         es
          fl hert t M ovantwoul lket poi outt f thatUnied St es
           trt han hat            d i o nt       he ac        t at
          Govern entr m ai neutalwhen i comest r i on pr i ordit
                 m    e ns    r        t      o elgi    actces  sances.Thi i
          expl ned i t Fr Exer se Cl
              ai   n he ee     ci    auseoft Fis Am endm ent
                                            he r t           .

          l2. The BilofRi sguar eest t gover
                   l     ght     ant hat he    mnentca neverdeprve peopl i t
                                                      n         i      e n he
          U . ofcerai f ndam ent rght i udi t rghtt f eedom ofr i on and t
            S.     tn' u       al i s ncl ng he i o r          elgi      o
          fee s
           r peech and t duepr
                        he      ocessofl

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61     Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 3 of 21

           1 I er aori sQuesin No:
           3. ntrog t re    to    9
          St e whet ornott pr i wer equi d wih vi s veil
            at     her       he em ses e     ppe t deo ur lance cam er and,
          i s whos r ponsbiiy wason t dat oft occurencet m oniort
           f o,    e es i lt            he es he      r   o    t he
          s veilnce cam e a and weat t ear silt pesf om t dat oft occurence
           ur la         r         her her e tl a r he es he          r
          and t w ee bot bef e and afert oc r .
               he k h or             t he curence

          Res e:t-he pr i have s
             pons t f    em ses     urveil
                                         lancecam er . The ca er ar monior by
                                                    as       m as e     t ed
          saf .Thet
           t f    apesf om t tm e oft aleged occurencesdo notexif'
                       r he i        he l          r             s .

          1 Thevi s
           4.      deo urveil
                            lanceequi entatDi
                                     pm       smasChartes, i Dani Fl i do no
                                                      ii n       a, orda,
          us any t
            e    apes.I t dat colect fom t s
                      ns ead a l ed r he urveil e cam er i sor on a
                                                    lanc       as s t ed
          comput har drve i adi t f m atwhi a sasaD i t Vi Recor r. The
                er d i n gial or             ch ct       gial deo      de
          Oper i Sysem aswel asRemot Vi ng s t eenabl t us t m onior
              atng t           l        e ewi ofwar         es he er o    t
          t s urt s t vi com put , overt i er .
           he ec iy ysem a          er    he nt net

          l5.D at hasbeen e ase fom t com put ha d drve due t t f t i
                 a         r d r he          er r i         o he act hat t
          r pr ent dam agi evi nce agai Di m asChartes Feder Bur au OfPrs
           e es ed        ng de        nst s         ii .      al e        ions
          Regul i r r t al dat bear ved and keptf 30 year .
               atons equies hat l a      chi           or        s

          l Se ondSe ofI e r t re Que tonNo.3
          6. c      t ntrogao is si
          D es i i det l t lm iatonsofDi
              crbe n ais he i t i       smasChartesdici i y dicr i and t
                                                ii s plnar s etons     he
          lm iatonsofs i t can appl on r dent . Pr dedet l ofa s i
          i ti        anctons hey     y    esi s ovi      ais ny erous
          s i r r d appr s,asr r undert conta wih t government
           anctons equie     oval  equied     he    r ct t he        .

          Respons tl r pons t t squesi , t Pl ntf i diect t t Resdent
                 e: tn es   e o hi    ton he ai if s r ed o he     i
          Handbook,whi i avaia e f i pe i atD ef
                       ch s   lbl or ns cton     endant couns ' ofi .''
                                                      s'     els fce

          l Fis Se OfI e r tre Que to No.
          7. rt t ntrogao is sin 4
          El ntf each empl
           tde iy         oyee,agenta lors vantorany ot per on wih pe onal
                                     nc/ er            her s       t rs
          knowl dge oft f sperai ng t t occur ence and i cat t ew ho w e e eye
               e      he act t ni o he         r        ndi e hos         r
          winess ,and sat t s t
            t es       t e he ubs ance oft r knowl
                                         hei     edge and ari at t re t
                                                            tcul e hei xpec ed
          t tmo Fore c s hi vi ll niyhi orhe j ttea j bfn in
          esi ny. ah uc ndi dua,de tf s rob il nd o u cto
          bei per or ed by t i vi att tme oft e i dent, a t s mar of
            ng f m         hat ndi dual he i     hes nci s nd he um y
          whatknowl dge t wines has, ari at t re t t tm ony.''
                   e     he t s      and tcul e hei xpeced es i

          Ans :çAnaGi pe ,Ada sLashanda and Der Thom ashave i or aton about
             wer ç     s rt m                    ek            nf m i
          t Pl ntf sactonsand noncomplancew ih nleshe agr t abi by'
          he ai if    i               i     t l          eed o de '

          Ther s alpeopl awar oft event a i pari art sout i prvat
              e ever     e     e hese       s n n tcul hi sde i e
          contact t wasw or ng i i t buidi , and compl ni a1 t tme about
              r or hat       ki nsde he l ng            ai ng l he i
          i oxi t f esi t buidi , ge r tdbyt s keo s t t mai na i a
           nt caed um n he l ng ne ae            he mo f ynhei rj ,n
                                                                c     ua
          way t tanor alpe son coul notbr Such peopl w ilneve ber
               ha    m    r       d      eed.        e l     r eveal of
          cour e.Howevert def
              s         he endant ,e pl
                                   s m oyeesand f m err i s
                                                  or   esdent
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61     Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 4 of 21

          coul be br
              d     oughti t coul,by cons ntorby f ce t t iy and t lt t h a
                         n he '  t       e        or o estf      el he rut nd
          not ng butt tut
             hi      he r h.
          M ovantsr y belevest i t sCourtdesr t fnd t t h i t scas t e
                  tongl i       hat f hi        ie o i he rut n hi e, her
          aet sa d me n a ia l . tralt pur os of usiei t fn t etut
           r ool n a valb e Afe l,he p e j tc s o id h r h.
          1 Fis Se Ofl trog t isQue tonNo.4
           8. rt t n er aore       si     1
          tl iy a1 Di m asChartesempl
           ldentf 1 s         ii     oyeest wer a ar oft f t Tr an
                                          hat e w e he act hat ai
          Budu a uwa tke bya ulnc t Br r Hos tla t these mos o
            j ve n s a n mb a e o owad pia, nd ha p nt t f
          t ni ,bef e t a r tand r oval i t em er y r
          he ght or he r es       em   , n he    genc oom atBrowar Hos t .
                                                                  d   pial
          Due t pai a lve dicom f oflverand abdom en.'
              o n nd i r s      ort i               '

          Ans e ton Oct
             w r: f   ober 1 201 De ek Thom aswasm ade a e t t pl ntf was
                            9, 0, r                     war hat he ai if
          tans ed t t hos t butwasnotaw a e oft m edi c ton t r r
          r port o he pial                r   he     cal ondii hat equied
          t eat ent
          r m     .
          De e a swe ealf ly a r oft M o ntsme c lc to . EXHI T E )
            f nd nt r l ul wa e he va ' dia ondiins (       BI
          1 Payi t e pl
           9.     ng he m oyeesofD im asChartesf f sand pr ecton w asa daiy
                                    s       ii or avor       ot i           l
          actviy atDim asChartesi Dani For e r i nt can be i er ewed by t
             it      s       ii n      a. m r esde s        nt vi        he
          l aut ii i t gover entdesiest fnd t tut I t have difc tes
           egal hortes f he      nm      r o i he r h. f hey        f iuli ,
          t t M ova can poi t qui a f oft .l woul t an i pende
           han he     nt      nt o et ew     hem t     d ake nde       nt
          i tgaton,t t outt D im asChartesr a vi ouscor pt notf pr i
           nves i i o ind      hat s        ii uns ci         nl ed    or oft
          cor aton,hi ng behi a wal ofr i on and God.
             por i     di    nd     l elgi

          20.Thi i nott fr ttm e t s event ha occ r d atDim asChartes
                ss     he is i hat uch      s ve ur e    s        ii ,
          alhough Def
           t         endant deni havi any know l
                          s    ed   ng         edge.
          tl Atant Geor a,f
          tn l a,      gi onnerD im asChartesempl e Terence Cl rece ved a
                                 s        ii    oye    r     ay    i
          s ntnceofoneye ra oneda i p i o a a$100 fne f rs i ii a t ki
           e e             a nd        y n r s n nd    , 0 i o olc tng nd a ng
          brbes.Cl wasem pl
            i      ay         oyed by Dismas.a non- oftor za i ata halway house
                                                  pr i gani ton,      f
          f rf d r lp i o r . l a tt c i 2007 Cl y s lc td a d r ceve $10 f o
           o e e a r s ne s At e s wi e n        , a o i ie n e i d , 00 r m
          a pr s
              i oneri exchange f cerai f s.'
                    n           or t n avor '

          21. M ova cannotconductany backgr
                   nt                      ound i tgaton on any oft Def ndant
                                                nves i i          he e       s
          becaus t cat
                e hey egori l r us t pr de a i onnaton.Ther i a l i o t
                            caly ef e o ovi ny nf        i      e s ot nt he
          Defendant backgr
                   s      ound t needst be r
                               hat      o eveal t t sCour i or t beter
                                                 ed o hi   t n der o t
          under t who t
               sand     hesepeopl ar i r iy.
                                 e e n ealt

          22.The m ateroft f her i t Def ndant cons r d t and caus M ovant
                     t   he act e s hat e     s    pie o,         ed
          i ce aton when t knew i f i wasnotl .
          ncar r i        hey     n act t     egal

          23.Defendant have f s y i ione t M ovantby r t ni hi t f alprs
                     s       alel mprs d he            e ur ng m o eder ion
          on achar t even i t z wasnotpuni habl by re-ncar aton.
                 ge hat       f rte,      s e         i cer i

          The poss s on ofa ce l art ephone,i nota vi aton s i enough t r ove
                  es i        lul el        s       ol i erous         o em
          M ovantf om t pr am .Besde,t M ova ne had acelul t e
                  r he ogr           i he        nt ver       l ar elphone i hi
                                                                            n s
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61      Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 5 of 21

          pos esson,he neverus onewhie atDim asHous and t D ef nt neve
             s i              ed     l    s        e,   he enda s     r
          found onei hi poss si durng t r i body s ch.
                   n s      es on i he outne        ear

          24.Di masCha tesdoesnothavet l aut iy t r voke a pr s '
               s       rii              he egal hort o e           i oner s
          Com m uniy Cusody,and t r ar no docum ent w ih r pectt t Pl ntf '
                   t    t       he e e             s t es      o he ai if s
          Com m uniy Cusody Re
                   t    t     vocaton,is by any l gala hor t
                                  i s ued          e ut iy.

          25.Ther eques s lbe m adet ough t Bur ofCom m uniy Sanctonspe
                       t hal        hr    he eau           t      i    r
          A dm i sr i Rul 5120-1 08,Retzn t t l tt i f Adm i statve
               nitatve e         2-     tr o he nsiuton or     ni r i

          26.The M ovantneve atended a Dici i r Hea ng,i fontofa Di plnar
                            r t          s plna y  ri n r          sci i y
          Com mit whie atDim as Hous f r ' n orr vocaton ofhom e confnem entand
                tee l        s         e, or etur e    i             i
          CommuniyCuso a r tln t af d r lp io i a c r n ewih di so ( of
                 t tdy nd e t o e e a rs n n c o da c t viin F)
          s i 2967. oft Revi ed Code.
           ecton  26 he     s
          27. D im asChartesi nmni a Dem ocr se by t owner a empl
                s        ii s     ng        acy t he        s nd   oyeesto
          beneftt rprvat age
               i hei i e nda.They do notr pecta lw sorr esand t go by
                                            es    ny a     ul    hey
          t rown rul ,s
           hei       es peaki m any tm esi t nam e oft sat orf algove nm e .
                            ng       i   n he        he t e eder     r nt

           28.The M ovantw asnots t f r prs becaus hedr fom hom e t
                                 ent o ede al i on      e     ove r         o
          Dim asCharteson hi r
            s        ii       s eportng day.TheM ovantwass t f alprson on a
                                    i                      end o eder i
          f s char Gr estVi a i Code 108,satng t acelul t e
           ale    ge, eat      olton            t i hat      l ar elphone was f
          on t gl comparm entoft vehi e t the dr t D imasChartes,and i
              he ove        t       he     cl ha     ove o s          ii       t
          coul be us asahazar
              d     ed         douswea pon,i ended t do har st ot r
                                            nt     o       m o he s.

          29.The ve cl w aspar
                   hi e        ked,a an il s c wasconduct wihoutM ovants
                                    nd legal ear h          ed t           '
          c     edge.The t ephonew asal t tm e i t gl comparm ent f em e genc
                         el            l he i n he ove       t   , or r y
          pur es duet M ovantsm ot m edi condii ,whi i blnd and
             pos ,     o        '    her     cal   tons  ch n i
          ha capped.M ova wasnoteven awar oft exit nce oft phonei t gl
            ndi            nt                 e he s e      he      n he ove
          com parm e oft ve cl t day,orhe woul l ve t phonehom e.
                 t nt he hi e hat                 d ea he

          30.A celul t e
                   l ar elphone mus be i t pos es i oft r i nt and us on t
                                   t n he s son he esde ,             ed he
          pr m i esoft Buidi ofahal
            e s       he l ng          fway house,wihoutpermi i i or t be
                                                    t       sson, n der o
          consi ed an ofens Even i t cas t poss son ofa t ephoner es sa
               der       f e.       n hat e, he      es i     el     epr ent
          m i ofens a ar dents d notbe s t Fede alPrs undert char
            nor f e, nd esi          houl        ent o    r ion       he    ges
          ofpos es i ofaweapon.
                s son

          31 Una ho i d us o pos e sonoft lp ne(ncudngc lulrpho sa
            . ut rze e r s si           ee ho i l i el a ne nd
          a c s o is wiho pemisoni lse a aLo Low/ ode a eOfe eCode
           c e s re ) t ut r si s itd d w-          M r t f ns     ,
          and t s i ar ls e bel :
              he anctons e it d ow
          a Lo so p i lge f r2da ( ne viis p s s v hil, s ki
           )    s f rvie s o      ys Pho , st, ase , e ce mo ng,
          tlvii n, e r ai o i ,lt ni t)
           ee so r c e ton, utngs ae gh s
          b) Cha o q re s
                 nge f ua tr
          c Re va fom pr r m/ r up a tvii sf 2 d ys
           )    mo l r     og a g o c i te or a
          d) Confs aeConr ba d
                  ic t ta n
          e Exr Dut Hou s
           )    ta y r
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61     Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 6 of 21

              M onet y Resiuton/ m uniy Ser ce hours
                   ar     tt i com   t     vi

          Low/ oderat
              M      e
          a Los o p i lge f r7da ( e v st, ase , hce, mo ng,ee so
           )       s f rvie s o    ys Phon , iis p s s ve il s ki tlviin,
          r c e ton, utngs lt ni s
           e r ai o i , ae ght)
          b) Cha ofqua tr
                    nge      res
          c) Re    mova fo pr grm/ o a tviisf r7da d
                        l r m o a gr up ci te o      ys )
          d) Co i c t Co rba
                   nts ae nta nd
          e) ExtaDut Ho so a iina ho e dc r s
                    r y ur r ddto l us hol ho e
          9      Co tveBe a o al ntr e in (. Thi ng Re rs
                   gnii - h vir l e v nto i  e. nki po t)
          g) M on t r Resi in/
                     e ay tt o communiy Se vc ho s
                              m          t r ie ur

                         lI LEGAL STANDAR DS AND A RTI LES.
                           .                          C

          TheCCC Conta o,t o i ro omeCohne n,s l v lp as tmf
                    r ctr hepr vde fh     n me t halde eo yse or
          h dln voaton o o am r ls whihmeeste ' u ocs 'c ie i o l//
           an ig il i s fprgr ue, c        t h ' epr es'rtra f ' /-
                                               d                IS
          v Mc nal an icude pr viins orde igwihmi ika inso o am
           . Do t d n l s o so f aln t nor n cto fpr gr
          rle orprs r i Ho Co fne n.( pt o sie
           llsf ione s n me n me t De . flu tc )

          The Free Exercie Cl
                        s auseoft Fis Am e
                                   he r t    ndm e gi you tz rghtt wors p or
                                                  nt ves     le i o      hi
          notasyou choos The gove nm e can'penalzeyou becaus ofyourr i ous
                        e.       r nt t        i            e       elgi
             i s.
          The rght t Fr
               i s o eedom ofRelgi and t fee e cie t r m eans:
                                 i on     he r xer s he eof
                a TheFr e m ofReii n i a i le a erg .
                )     e do      lg o s n nain bl iht
                b)TheFis Ame me pr vi sf t eFr e om ofRei o f ral
                      rt nd nt o de or h e d            lgin o l
                Am ercans
                     i .

                c TheFr eEx r ieClus pr vi st tgo r me wiln ihe c nto no
                )     e e c s a e o de ha ve n nt l et r o r l r
               pr bi t f ee e cie ofone' r i on.
                 ohi t he r xer s        s elgi
              The gover entwilr m ai neutal
                       nm    l e n      r .

          Til Vl ' pr bii agai tr i ousdicrm i ton may overa wih Til Vl '
            te ls ohi ton       ns elgi     s i na i           lp t te ls
          pr bii agai tdi rm i i bas on natonalorgi r and col W her a
            ohi tons     ns sc i naton ed         i    i n, ace,      or.     e
          gi r i on i sr y ass at - orper ved t beas ocit - w ih a cerai
            ven elgi s tongl oci ed            cei o       s a ed    t     tn
          natonalorgi t s e f sm ay sat a cl m ofbot r i ousand natonalorgi
             i     i n, he am act       t e ai        h elgi          i     i n
          di crm i i A l f bas m i bei plcat wher f exam pl co- or s
            s i naton. l our es ght m i ed              e, or     e, w ker
          t geta da k- ki
           ar      r s nned M uslm empl
                                 i     oyeef om SaudiAr bi f ha as m e becaus of
                                            r          a a or r s nt         e
          hi r i on,natonalorgi r and/ col
            s elgi      i    i n, ace, or or.

          The ator clentprviege i noti ended t pe m i tan ator t conducthi
                t ney- i  il s       nt      o r t t t ney o             s
          cint busnes a fisi s c e. I r GrndJ r S poe a ( rc ,8 F.
           le ' i s far n e r t' n e a u y ub n s His h) 03 2d
              s                    '
          49 496( t Ci.98 . Ast Se on Cic t i rf sngt e e t prvie
            3, 9h r1 6)          he c d r ui,n e u i o xtnd he i lge
          beyond t pr ec i ofconfde i l com muniatons sat ç tsee sevi nt
                 he ot ton       i ntal egal   c i , t ed: ç
                                                           l m      de
          t ust abr prviege agai tt di cl ur oft i iy ofclent and off
           o hat oad i l          ns he s os e he dentt   i s       ee
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61     Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 7 of 21

          i or tonmi e iybe omea i niy f c r p orc i na a t .ct in
          nf ma i ght asl c     n mmu t or oru t rmi l cs giato
          o te .
          Such a s el woul cr e unneces ar butconsder et atonst us l
                  hi d    d eat        s y        i abl empt i o e awyers
          asconduisofi or i orofcom m odii necess r t crm i sc esoras
                   t   nf maton             tes      a y o i nal hem
          lund rr ofmo y. Theba a dt s tm ofusi wils frltl i al
          a ees       ne      r n he yse j tce l ufe ite f 1
          i ved ar awar t ass ed s e y f om di cl ur doesnotexit
          nvol    e    e hat ur af t r        s os e    ''    s.


          The busnes ofope atng sat orf alcom muniy r enty pr am sf prs r
                 i s      r i t e eder            t e- r ogr      or ione s
          hasf tbecom c one oft m os pr i busnes esi t c r . Ther
              as              he    t ostng i s n he ounty         ecenta t
          (i dbeow)a ne r po t o Dima Chaiiso lnet eme a- linsof
           lnke l nd ws e rs n s s rte uti h g milo
          dolarse h ye Dim ase nsi t com muniy corectonsi ty.
             l ac ar s        ar n he       t     r i ndusr
          l f c,i 200 Dima Cha iisrpore att l $ , 4,5 i r ve ue fo
           n a t n 9, s s rte e td o a of 3892 6 4 n e n s r m
          t rcombi f r and sat conta s donatons publc conti i ,gr sand
          hei    ned ede al te    r ct ,   i , i         rbutons ant
          me rhi f e s Outoft t $ 376.67c mefo t Fe e a Bur a ofPrs ns
            mbe s p e '.       ha, 27, 0 a r m he d r l e u      io
          a d $2 53 0 c m e fom prs e ' s bsse epa nt .
           n , 9, 50 a r          ion r s u it nc yme s
          Dim as' M isi St em entcl m st t y..tpr dequalt cos- f i ,
            s s s on at            ai hat he . t ovi      iy, tefectve
          com m uniy-bas s
                   t    ed upervii teat e s ces a pr a st i vi swihi
                                son, r m nt ervi , nd ogr m o ndi dual t n
          teci n j tc s tm a asitt m i beomigpostve pr uci me e s
          h rmialusie yse nd ss he n c n ii , od tve mb r
          oft rcomm uniy.'l r iy,t rpr am s s
             hei       t ' n ealt hei ogr    ound gr on pa a i s es
                                                    eat   per nd n al
          pichest t publc.
            t    o he   i
          I fc,us i 2 ,Dima ofiil bYae t dctz nsi Ma t bugW V,ha
          n atj tn 009 s s fca Bo ts ol iie n ri r    ns      tt
          i alowed t open a pr r easef lt i t rnei
           f l     o          e-el     aciiy n hei ghborhood,t l i woul
                                                             hat ocaton  d
          onl hous 'l -ik of ender 'W hi i t s em it t gi n t Tyl M ount n
             y    e 'ow rs f        s.' ch s he am    snlh ve o er         ai
          r i si 2001.
           esdent n
           Botom lne..ta
              t i .l ppear on t s f ce t ,D im asExecutvesand Boa d m e ber
                               s he ur a hat s            i          r  m s
          ma bet bus e j yi lf ont tx ye ' d lr,i ta ofopea i
            y o y n o ng ie he a pa rs ola s nse d        rtng
          com m uniy bas corectonsf ciii I alo appe ssom e l l empl
                  t     ed r i     a ltes. t s     ar      ocal evel oyees
          a d r sde t aee j yi t ms l sto.W e tVigii Ne 20l )
           n e i n s r n o ng he eve o t s r na ws 1

                                    1 1.CO NCLU SI N
                                     1            O

          Def nda sf l d t r pond t M ovantswrten Di cover r
             e nt aie o es        o        ' it     s    y eques s Pur uantt
                                                                t. s       o
          Rul 3 Dee nt s ul bec le t rs dwih ta obe to
            e 7, fnda s ho d ompeld o epon tou ny j cin.
          M ovantcannotm ake a cas unl sDef ndant pari pat i t dicove y pr s,
                                  e es     e    s tci e n he s r oces
          and he i noti aposton wher he can i geD ef
                 s    n     ii       e      ndul      endant us oflsal t i 'i
                                                           s' e çt l actcs' n
          or t gai tm e.Ti e f D icover i t shor.
            der o n i       m or s       y s oo     t

          M ova wasnevercha ged wih any vi aton,by any l a hort
               nt          r      t      ol i          egal ut iy.

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61    Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 8 of 21

          W HEREFORE,pr iesconsde ed,t M ovantr pectuly r
                          em s     i r he         es f l equesst Courtt
                                                                   t he     o
          ent a Or com peli t Def ndant t r pond pr ry and meani uly t
             er n der        lng he e     s o es      ope l           ngf l o
          t Pl ntf s Sec Reques ForPr
           he ai if      ond      t    oducton OfDocum ent , and FistSetand
                                            i             s       r
          Second SetofI erogat i t t Def
                       nt r ores o he endant ,and f s ot and f herr lef
                                               s    or uch her       urt e i
          t whiht Plitfj tyma b e ild.
          o c he anifusl y e ntte
          Dat Sept ber28,201l
            e: em

          Res ct l s it d,
             pe fuly ubm t
          M       t        r
          / &/ /
               /                pt m p z
                                 r     t
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61    Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 9 of 21

                                CERTIFICA TE O F SERVICE

          1her ceriy t on oraboutSEPTEM BER 28, 2011 at e a c r tcopy oft
              eby tf hat                              nl nd or ec       he
          f egoi docum entw ass d upon t f l i vi t Unied St esPosal
           or ng               erve    he olow ng a he t     at    t
          Ser ce,Fis Cl sM ai:
             vi   r t as     l

          Dim asChartes l ,
             s        ii , nc.
          1 N . .1 St Avenue
           41 W        .
          D ani FL 33004-
               a,          2835
          Ana Giper
                 s t
          Di m asChartes,nc.
             s        ii l
          1 N . .1 St Avenue
           41 W        .
          Dani FL 33004-
               a,         2835
          Der Thom as
          Dim asChartesl
             s        ii ,nc.
          1 N . .l St Avenue
           41 W        .
          Dani FL 33004-
               a,         2835
          Las handa Adam s
          D im asChartes,nc.
             s        ii l
          1 lN . .l St Avenue
           4 W         .
          Da a , 33004-
             ni FL        2835
          Davi S.ChaitEs r
               d       e , quie
          A tor f Def
            t ney or endant    s
          4000 Holywood Boulvar
                  l           e d
          Suie 265- h
             t      Sout
          Holyw ood, 3302l
              l      FL

          EX ECUTED ON THI 28t DAY OF SEPTEM BER , 201l
                          S h

         r A#                f / - J*
                                ,  r
          5601W .BROW ARD BLVD .
          PLANTATI ,FL 3331
                   ON       7
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61   Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 10 of 21

                                     EX H I I A
                                          B T
Wi dows Li 1:11-cv-20120-PAS
  nCase Hot lPrn Mes
         ve mai i t sage       Document 61   Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 11 28/ 21011 17:
                                                                                        of09/2     05

 (No Subj )
         Tr an Buj
          ai     duveanu ( i v@ms c
         Mon9/ 9 11 1 1 PM
               1 / 2: 8
         Davd Chae ( h et sng l c
            i it dc ai @eii

   DearMr Chai ,
          .    et
   Ihave r ei an envelpe fom you on Sept ber17,2011,f whi Iki y t
          ec ved      o r               em           or ch ndl hank you.
   The envel cont n some ofthe document r
            ope   ai                  s eques ed,whi ar copi some mor t one tm e.
                                             t     ch e     ed,        e han    i
   Howevercopi ofi porantdocument ar m i i Al many oft r
               es m t              s e ssng. so          he eques ed i erogat i ar not
                                                                 t nt r ores e
   These ar s e oft document and t ngs t I need i or t puta cas t her
           e om    he        s     hi hat         n der o        e oget :

   1.Com pl e copi oft fr t shot i
          et     es he ist wo   s ssued by Der Thom as t m e,Bef e t Gr es Vi aton Ofense
                                             ek         o       or he eat t ol i    f
   s t1 (h icu st sh t tIh veal ge yr f s d t sgn
    ho 08. t at n lde he ot ha a l dl e u e o i )
   2.Iwoul I e t e def dan st ans t e qu tonsr ar ngj shel i t e p t1 ye s
         d i h en t o wer h esi eg di ob d n h as 0 ar .
   3.Answeri t have been ares ed bef e and i t
           f hey           r t     or      f hey have any crm i r d.
                                                            i nal ecor
   4.Answeri t have everbeen i ved i l
           f hey             nvol n awsui bef e and i whatc
                                             t or       n       apaciy.

   Mr Ch e ,you ha e as ed me t e e qu ton i yourr qu s an Idi n h e an obedi .
     . ait         v k        h s es i s n         e e t d d ot av y j ons
   W hen Iasked t Def
                 he endant t s
                           s he ame questons, t e s j tb ome i
                                         i    h ubec ec d mmedit yan is e ofh a s .
                                                                  a el s u    ar s ment
   Appar l Mr Chai ,t e ar many t ngs t the Def
        enty . et her e            hi hat         endant di nott lyou.
                                                        s d      el
   Mr Chai ,pl e be ki and under t t 1need t
      . et eas        nd        s and hat       hese i or i and mor i or t puta case
                                                     nf maton         e, n der o
   t her and thatt tme f di
    oget ,         he i or scover i r ng shor.
                                   y s unni      t
   Ifyou and t Def
             he endant contnue att s r e,I have no choie butt fl a Moton ForSum mar Judgment
                       s   i       hi at              c      iie      i            y        .

   Tr an Budu anu
    ai j ve
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61   Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 12 of 21

                                     EXH I T B
WiCaseve Hot lPrntMess
 ndows Li 1:11-cv-20120-PAS
             mai i    age     Document 61   Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 13 28/212011 17: 1
                                                                                      of 09/      0

 R E:D efendants true i
         Tr an Buj
          ai      duveanu ( i a ms c
                          oron v@
         Wed 9 21 1 1 37AM
              / / 1 0:
         Da d Ch e ( h e @eii
           vi ait dc ait snge l c

   Iunder t Mr Chai Iwas t one '
          s and .     et.    he     ' gothername wr ' and f t e I t9 ( n mon h h ral
                                     who               ong',      or h as nie) t er e
   nam e and i iy coul notbe r
              dentt    d      eveal
   WihaIdu r pe Mrch e,t it rgaore ( esi 1 rve anobedi t t tque ton and not
      t l e es d . ait he nero t is qu ton ) e al                   j on o ha si ,
   herr name,and you us hernam e, i t same i erogat i as L
        eal               e         n he      nt r ores, ashanda Adam s.
   Hersi ur Mr Chai ,r
         gnat e . et eveal s et ng ot t herr i iy.
                             s om hi     her hat     eal dentt
   Mr Chai ,i t me ni mot t fnd outheral
      . et t ook        ne  ho i            l
                                            eged t ue nam e. Jus m ak s e Mr Chaitt t ar
                                                  r             t    e ur . e hat hey e
   t lng you t t ut
    eli       he r h.

   Bes Regar
      t    ds
   Tr an Budu nu
    ai j vea

  F om:Dc e @ esigera c
   r     hait i n
  To:oron @
       i av    c
   Sub e RE:Def dan stu iden i
      j d:    en t r e n tt   y
   Dat W ed,21 Sep 2011 14: 37 +0000
      e:                  06:

   Lashonda Adam s

   I w as '
   t      'reveal 'i heri err or responsesand hersi
                ed' n   nt ogat y                 gnatur Ine.

  You w er the one w ho gothernam e w r . No one i concealng thei i
          e                            ong       s        i     r dentiy.

  Fr :Tr an Buj ve E ior i a ms c
   om ai      du anu mal oron v@
  Sent:W ednesday,Sept ber21,2011 9: AM
                      em           50
  To:Davi Chai
         d    et
  Subj Def danstuei tt
      eu: en t r ndeniy

  DearMr Chai ,
        .   et

  Please be ki and r
             nd     evealt t ue i iy oft Def
                          he r dentt '    he endant , and i pari art ofone oft Def
                                                     s     n tcul hat             he endants
  t goes by t f l ng nam es:L
   hat         he olowi          eshot Adam s Lashonda Adam s and L
                                     a       ,                     ashanda Adams.

  Iver m uch di i t be r
     y        sl o
                ke      ude,butIneed t r i ii oft def
                                      he eal denttes he endant .
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61   Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 14 of 21

                                      EX H I T C
WiCaseveHot aiPrntMess
           m l i      age   Document 61   Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 15 of 09/ 011 17:
                                                                                    28/ 2        01

 D efendants Identi es
        Tr anBu duveanu ( i v@ms c
          ai    j         orona
        Fr 9/ / 4: PM
         i 23 11 52
        Da d Ch et( ch e @eiigera c
          vi ai d ait sn

   Dear Mr Chai ,
          .   et
    ease be ki and pr de f lname ofeach Def
             nd      ovi ul                endant i udi t m i e name,i any.
                                                 , ncl ng he ddl     f
   Tr an Bu du anu
    ai j ve
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61   Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 16 of 21

                                     EXH I T D
Case s a Ula l s -Fr hst r
  l 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61
   /l m s l nte     es a t                                                                   P of
                                                      Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 17 ge 21 1
                                                                                              a 1of

              * **
          .   *.
              ..                 I AS
                                 SM                   HA RI ES
      Q '    &i
      x N.,.-..
       .      .
                               Home se r h n s s Re o t Ad i str i
                                      ac      k    p rs   m ni aton
  Tr an Bu duve
   ai     j anu
  AcnoN Rsotss's
           l r                ACTI RE
                                 ON QUEST DETAIS
  cAsENoTEs                   St f
                               af       Adams, Lashonda
  ctE I o
    lxr Ng                    Cl t
                               en              Budu ean Tr a
                                                 j v u, ain
     ENT      NF              Num ber          3235
 coNA r
      wc' s                   Requested
    I                         Date             7/ 2010 12: PM
                                                29/      24
 DISCHARGE                    st us
                               at           com pl ed
          NF                               j
 EMPLOYMENT                   R             woul Ik t atend Chur Sevi ,ever Sunday m om i att
                                                d ie o t       ch    ces  y             ng, he
 E                             eason       Romani Orhodox Chur l ed on ST .Road 441and Pembr e
                                                  an t         ch ocat                       ook
  MRLOYMENT scHeouue                       Pi .
 H xEo
 Ft MovEMEN's  r              Pr ous
                                evi        You ar onl al
                                                 e y l   owed t tavel t n 5ve m i oft f ly f
                                                              o r wihi          les he acit or
  oMe coNF.                   Responses    r i ous ser ces.
                                            elgi      vi
 MOVE  MENT REQUESTS                          Ad , as n a72 / 1 4:3:0PM
                                                ams L ho d /920 0 2 0
 OF FENSES                    Response
    EN         s
           S                  Save     Reset     Cancel    Reassi
   l sTENcE

hup:/ ni s > er r hst
    /dn a-e T es G                   e i nt he esAc i eque t/ ioO equesDe l .asp.. 9/ 2011
                                      s de sc dul / toG   ssAc        t Gis      . 7/
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61               Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 18 of 21
                                                                                           Pa e 1of1
     DimasCha ii s-Fr s a t
       s     rte     e hstr

..        .
               +%     .
                      .                     ..       . .
              *                I AS
                               SM            K        I ES
        ' O ,'
        - u -
        M 4, t
         +      x
                             Home qe rf ' ék-' ë ot -
                                    ack f : -n p rà
                                      - â                                         '

     Tr in Budu
      aa j veanu             M OVEMENTREQIE DE L
                                         J ST TAIS
     AcnoN REQUESTS          St f
                               af              Adams,Lashonda
     CLENT I O
       I NF
                             Cl t
                              en                  Bt u an Tr a
                                                   td ve u, ain
     CLI ST I O
       ENT AY NF             Request Dat
                                     ed e         8/ 2010
     CONTACTS                Reques ed ForDat
                                    t        e    8/ 2010
     CuEs TASKS
       l T                   Locatons
                                  i               General                     s xe ci
                                                                               u u v        s aeZp
                                                                                             tt i
                                                  Name           Steet
                                                                  r l
       SCHARGE                                    Hol Cr
                                                    y oss        6232 yimor
                                                                       j e
                                                                        l             Hol
                                                                                        l cIu 33::4
                                                                                         ywoo jz
      DRl sG I
         vl NFO                                   church         Steet
                             Reques ed OutTi
                                   t       me     9: AM
       xEo                   Dur i
                               aton                4 Hou l) 0 Miu es
                                                        rs     n t l)
      HOME CONF.             Mode Of              Tr
                                                   anspoded by Fami Frend
                                                                  l i
      MOVEMENT REQUES TS     W anspofaton VO
                                     t i
      OFFENSE:               M ode Of             Transpoded by Fami / i
                                                                   l Frend
      OPEN MOVEMEN TS        Transporaton Fr
                                     ti     om                                               b
                                                  lwoul l t atend Chur h SeNi . Di anc 7. mia out
                                                       di o t
                                                          ke            c   ces st e: 3 -
      PAYMENT:                Reason              15 mins
      PROGM MS
      R                       St us
                               at                  Deni
           RED                                     Good eveni Canyot GI afd 5ne a C lc W ih k fve mi
                                                            ng.    l - l
                                                                      Y            htrh t n i      les
      SrAzus HITORY
               S              oeni Reason
                                 al                  j
                                                   oftj f ly,
                                                      e acit
      SUMMARY                  C8rCOl
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61      Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 19 of 21
   D im a Cha i -Fr s a t
     s s dtes e hst r                                                                Pa e lof l

     St f
       af            Adams,Lashonda
     Cl t
      en            Budu ean Tri
                      j v u, aan
     Reques ed Dat 1 6/
           t      e 0/ 2010
     Reques ed For 10/ 2010
           t         10/
          i         Gener
                    Name                  st e l
                                            r at           St eet Ciy
                                                             r z t       St e Zi
                                                                           at p
                    Rom ani Orhodox Chur 6232 Fil e Steet
                          an t         ch       lmor r           Hol
                                                                   lywood FL 33024
     Request O ut
     Ti    ed       10: AM
     Dur i
       aton         3 Ho t) 0 Miues
                        urs    n tt)
     Mode Of
     T               Tr spoded by Fam i / i d
                       an              l Fren
      ranspodatcn To
     Mode Of
               i     Transpodsd by Fam i / i
                                       l Frend
                     Thi i a r
                        s s eques f '
                                   t or' ch Atendanc '
                                        Chur   t    e'Chur i I ed at9. M iand shoul t e about
                                                         ch s ccat      5         d ak
     Reas on         16 Mi es by car Ther ar ONLY t Odhodox chur
                          nut        .    e e      wo           ches i Sout Flrda, bot ar
                                                                     n    h o i and h e
                     lcat about1 mi es awayfom my hom e.
                     o ed         6 nut         r
     St us
       at            Denied
     Deni Reason You need t fnd a pl ofwor p wihi 5 mi ofyourhome.
         al                    oi      ace     hshi t n   l
      C ne 1
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61   Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 20 of 21

                                     EXH I I E
                                          B T
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61                                                 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 21 of 21

                                                                                                      * *
                                                                                                    * + *
                                                                                                    *     *
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My Hashitalk Indonesia April 2024 Presentation

Plaintiff's m otio n to supplem en t m otion to com pel second reouest for production of docum ents. first an d second set of interro gato ries

  • 1. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 1 of 21 FIED b L D. C. 10Y 1 2 1 u. 1i 1 j 3l I TH E UNI N TED STATES DI STRICT COU RT FOR S V MI t TE EN - MOR: 1 AR TH E SO UTHERN DI STRI O F FLO RI CT DA CL RKu b Dl- cT. ' E sr . CA SE NO . 11 20l20- V- TZ/ M ONTON : - Cl SEl S1 s. o C i -MlMI o. fk/ k TRAI BUJ UVEAN U, AN D Pl ntf, ai if DE T DIMASCHARII S ADAM S LESHOTA S HOMASand I V.ANA GIP REK TE :N S ERT, D ef nt enda s. PLAINTIFF' M OTI N TO SUPPLEM EN T M OTI TO COM PEL S O ON SECOND REOUEST FOR PRODUCTI OF DOCUM ENTS. RST AN- ON FI D SECOND SET OF INTERRO GATO RIES Pli if Tr inBudu a Pr Se he ena trM ov nt mov t s plme antf aa j ve nu, o , r i fe a , es o up e nt Second M oton To Compelt i udeaddii docum ent asf l s i o ncl tonal s olow : 1 BACK G ROUND . 1. On Se em ber17,20l1,Afert M ovant hasfl t M otonst Com pelt pt t he ied wo i o he Producton ofDocum ent and Res est t l er ogat i M ovantr ved an i s pons o he nt r ores, ecei envel f om t D ef ope r he endant whi cont ned copi ofs e oft r quesed s, ch ai es om he e t document i t scas s s n hi e, ome oft bei copi mor t once,t cr et hem ng ed e han o eat he i essonsofmassveam ountofdocument mpr i i s. On Sept ber l 20l1,M ovantadvied t Ator r es i t Def em 9, s he t ney epr entng he endant,of s t r c i oft doc n sa d t fc t ti r p e e si o eea we s ( e he e ept he ume t n he a t ha t e r snt nc mplt ns r . Se Exi tA) bi 2. Defendant do nothave t conceali s o mport docum ent oft scas i t e i ant s hi e f her s opennes and tans enc on t rpar,and t f t y di notdo anyt ng s r par y hei t hey eel he d hi wr ong,assat bef e by t rator On t contar t M ova belevest t ed or hei t ney. he r y, he nt i hat t e i a l t hi i t scase,and f good r ons.The peopl and t court w il her s ot o de n hi or eas e he s l fnd t t zh. i he rtt 3. W hen r quesed t r ala cha ofa1 Di masCha ii e pl e t o eve rt 1 s rtes m oyeesatDania f lt t def nda svehementy deni Notal D im asChartesempl aciiy, he e nt l ed. l s ii oyees s r ha e t s e opi on,t t can r es a gr dangert t Def he am ni hus hey epr ent eat o he endant s. 4. l nttesoft tlee Dim asChartesem pl de ii he lr s ii oyees t m an and a women,t , wo hat have viied t M ovantatM i iFDC viii ar a pr ent hi w ih one page st he am stng ea, nd es ed m t f i t Vi aton,Gr es Of e Code 1 wasnotr abrca ed ol i eat t f nse 08, eveal becaus i tm e ed en i t sf sedoc entw asel at and t hi al um abor ed oday hasse alpages. ver
  • 2. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 2 of 21 O fcour e a Pol aph t tcan s lghti o t sm ater l t Def s ygr es hed i nt hi t . f he endant ar s e capabl ofconcealng evi nce,t t y ar capa e ofm any ot t ngs e i de hen he e bl her hi . 5.Untlt i oday t M ovantdoesnotexacty know t r i ntt ofLas he l he eal de iy handa A dam s.l hername Las s handa Ada s Les aAdam s orLashonda Adam s?. m , hot , Ator f t Def nt ans e ed LashondaA dam s a a s t l att t ney or he enda s w r , nd dvie o ook he si ur on t r pons t t i erogat i How e ,even t e,s si gnat e he es es o he nt r ores. ver her he gned La h nd Ada .( bi B) s a a ms Exhi t 6. M ovantal as t Def nda sat ney t pr de f lnam esoft so ked he e nt tor o ovi ul he de e da t,icl n midl n me . n ve r c i da a we .( hi tC) f n n s n udig d e a s He e r e eve n ns r Ex bi 7.W ihoutany i or aton M ovanti notabl t conductan i tgaton and he t nf m i s eo nvesi i cannotputa cas t t . e ogeher 8. l af i erogat i questonst t have a w e ed,Def n ew nt r ores i hat hey ns r endant pr de s ovi d and contnuest pr de onl vague and m il ng sat e s i a cal at d i o ovi y seadi t em nt , n cul e atmptt mila e r ne. ao iy o t eq sinswe enota wee a d o y a te o se d veyo M j rt f h ue to r ns r d n nl f w doc ent,whih ar conveni t t Def e um s c e ent o he endant .The Def nda shave s. e nt sgnal fom t begi ng,t do noti e t pr de any docum ent t anyone. i ed r he nni hey nt nd o ovi so Eihert y have a 1 ofcour ort have s ever power ulpeopl be nd t r t he ot age hey om y f e hi hei backs. 9. Defendat have caus t M ovanthaln and hum ii i by notalow i hi t s ed he n laton l ng m o atend Chur Servi on Sunday,ata Gr ort t ch ces eek- hodox chur on Sunda l ed ch ys, ocat 1 m i esf om t D im asCharteshalway hous t vi atng t M ovants 6 nut r he s ii f e, hus ol i he ' Fis Ame dme tRiht. Ex bi D) rt n n g s ( hi t l Thi i an exam pl ofam i l ng sat 0. s s e seadi t ementby t Def he endant l en- ores s: nt ogat i Qu tonNo: esi l Descrbe i det l why Pl ntf ,whie atDim asHouse,wasneveralow ed t atend i n ais ai if l s l o l r i ousser ceson Sunda atany oft t Orhodox chur ,l ed 16 elgi vi ys, he wo t ches ocat mi e a y fo DimasCh rtesHo e.GPS Ti Ditn e .Alo e anwhy nuts wa r m s a ii us ( me sa c ) s xpli he wasnotalowed t ate s rvi even whe hewason Hom e Confnement l o t nd e ces n i . Res e:t-- Pl ntf wasne de ed t opporuniy t atend r i ous s vi pons * he ai if l ver ni he t t o t elgi er ces t m etFede alBur ofprs Gui i ' hat r eau ions delnes.' 1l.TheM ova woul lke t poi putt t scourtand t def nt d i o nt o hi he endant ,t t r ar s hat he e e no s gui i s by t Feder Bur ofPrs f t Halway Hous ,and uch delnes et he al eau ions or he f es fl hert t M ovantwoul lket poi outt f thatUnied St es trt han hat d i o nt he ac t at Govern entr m ai neutalwhen i comest r i on pr i ordit m e ns r t o elgi actces sances.Thi i ss expl ned i t Fr Exer se Cl ai n he ee ci auseoft Fis Am endm ent he r t . l2. The BilofRi sguar eest t gover l ght ant hat he mnentca neverdeprve peopl i t n i e n he U . ofcerai f ndam ent rght i udi t rghtt f eedom ofr i on and t S. tn' u al i s ncl ng he i o r elgi o fee s r peech and t duepr he ocessofl aw. 2
  • 3. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 3 of 21 1 I er aori sQuesin No: 3. ntrog t re to 9 St e whet ornott pr i wer equi d wih vi s veil at her he em ses e ppe t deo ur lance cam er and, a i s whos r ponsbiiy wason t dat oft occurencet m oniort f o, e es i lt he es he r o t he s veilnce cam e a and weat t ear silt pesf om t dat oft occurence ur la r her her e tl a r he es he r and t w ee bot bef e and afert oc r . he k h or t he curence Res e:t-he pr i have s pons t f em ses urveil lancecam er . The ca er ar monior by as m as e t ed saf .Thet t f apesf om t tm e oft aleged occurencesdo notexif' r he i he l r s . 1 Thevi s 4. deo urveil lanceequi entatDi pm smasChartes, i Dani Fl i do no ii n a, orda, us any t e apes.I t dat colect fom t s ns ead a l ed r he urveil e cam er i sor on a lanc as s t ed comput har drve i adi t f m atwhi a sasaD i t Vi Recor r. The er d i n gial or ch ct gial deo de Oper i Sysem aswel asRemot Vi ng s t eenabl t us t m onior atng t l e ewi ofwar es he er o t t s urt s t vi com put , overt i er . he ec iy ysem a er he nt net l5.D at hasbeen e ase fom t com put ha d drve due t t f t i a r d r he er r i o he act hat t r pr ent dam agi evi nce agai Di m asChartes Feder Bur au OfPrs e es ed ng de nst s ii . al e ions Regul i r r t al dat bear ved and keptf 30 year . atons equies hat l a chi or s l Se ondSe ofI e r t re Que tonNo.3 6. c t ntrogao is si D es i i det l t lm iatonsofDi crbe n ais he i t i smasChartesdici i y dicr i and t ii s plnar s etons he lm iatonsofs i t can appl on r dent . Pr dedet l ofa s i i ti anctons hey y esi s ovi ais ny erous s i r r d appr s,asr r undert conta wih t government anctons equie oval equied he r ct t he . Respons tl r pons t t squesi , t Pl ntf i diect t t Resdent e: tn es e o hi ton he ai if s r ed o he i Handbook,whi i avaia e f i pe i atD ef ch s lbl or ns cton endant couns ' ofi .'' s' els fce l Fis Se OfI e r tre Que to No. 7. rt t ntrogao is sin 4 El ntf each empl tde iy oyee,agenta lors vantorany ot per on wih pe onal nc/ er her s t rs knowl dge oft f sperai ng t t occur ence and i cat t ew ho w e e eye e he act t ni o he r ndi e hos r winess ,and sat t s t t es t e he ubs ance oft r knowl hei edge and ari at t re t tcul e hei xpec ed t tmo Fore c s hi vi ll niyhi orhe j ttea j bfn in esi ny. ah uc ndi dua,de tf s rob il nd o u cto bei per or ed by t i vi att tme oft e i dent, a t s mar of ng f m hat ndi dual he i hes nci s nd he um y whatknowl dge t wines has, ari at t re t t tm ony.'' e he t s and tcul e hei xpeced es i Ans :çAnaGi pe ,Ada sLashanda and Der Thom ashave i or aton about wer ç s rt m ek nf m i t Pl ntf sactonsand noncomplancew ih nleshe agr t abi by' he ai if i i t l eed o de ' Ther s alpeopl awar oft event a i pari art sout i prvat e ever e e hese s n n tcul hi sde i e contact t wasw or ng i i t buidi , and compl ni a1 t tme about r or hat ki nsde he l ng ai ng l he i i oxi t f esi t buidi , ge r tdbyt s keo s t t mai na i a nt caed um n he l ng ne ae he mo f ynhei rj ,n c ua way t tanor alpe son coul notbr Such peopl w ilneve ber ha m r d eed. e l r eveal of ed cour e.Howevert def s he endant ,e pl s m oyeesand f m err i s or esdent
  • 4. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 4 of 21 coul be br d oughti t coul,by cons ntorby f ce t t iy and t lt t h a n he ' t e or o estf el he rut nd not ng butt tut hi he r h. M ovantsr y belevest i t sCourtdesr t fnd t t h i t scas t e tongl i hat f hi ie o i he rut n hi e, her aet sa d me n a ia l . tralt pur os of usiei t fn t etut r ool n a valb e Afe l,he p e j tc s o id h r h. 1 Fis Se Ofl trog t isQue tonNo.4 8. rt t n er aore si 1 tl iy a1 Di m asChartesempl ldentf 1 s ii oyeest wer a ar oft f t Tr an hat e w e he act hat ai Budu a uwa tke bya ulnc t Br r Hos tla t these mos o j ve n s a n mb a e o owad pia, nd ha p nt t f t ni ,bef e t a r tand r oval i t em er y r he ght or he r es em , n he genc oom atBrowar Hos t . d pial Due t pai a lve dicom f oflverand abdom en.' o n nd i r s ort i ' Ans e ton Oct w r: f ober 1 201 De ek Thom aswasm ade a e t t pl ntf was 9, 0, r war hat he ai if tans ed t t hos t butwasnotaw a e oft m edi c ton t r r r port o he pial r he cal ondii hat equied t eat ent r m . De e a swe ealf ly a r oft M o ntsme c lc to . EXHI T E ) f nd nt r l ul wa e he va ' dia ondiins ( BI 1 Payi t e pl 9. ng he m oyeesofD im asChartesf f sand pr ecton w asa daiy s ii or avor ot i l actviy atDim asChartesi Dani For e r i nt can be i er ewed by t it s ii n a. m r esde s nt vi he l aut ii i t gover entdesiest fnd t tut I t have difc tes egal hortes f he nm r o i he r h. f hey f iuli , t t M ova can poi t qui a f oft .l woul t an i pende han he nt nt o et ew hem t d ake nde nt i tgaton,t t outt D im asChartesr a vi ouscor pt notf pr i nves i i o ind hat s ii uns ci nl ed or oft cor aton,hi ng behi a wal ofr i on and God. por i di nd l elgi 20.Thi i nott fr ttm e t s event ha occ r d atDim asChartes ss he is i hat uch s ve ur e s ii , alhough Def t endant deni havi any know l s ed ng edge. tl Atant Geor a,f tn l a, gi onnerD im asChartesempl e Terence Cl rece ved a s ii oye r ay i s ntnceofoneye ra oneda i p i o a a$100 fne f rs i ii a t ki e e a nd y n r s n nd , 0 i o olc tng nd a ng brbes.Cl wasem pl i ay oyed by Dismas.a non- oftor za i ata halway house pr i gani ton, f f rf d r lp i o r . l a tt c i 2007 Cl y s lc td a d r ceve $10 f o o e e a r s ne s At e s wi e n , a o i ie n e i d , 00 r m a pr s i oneri exchange f cerai f s.' n or t n avor ' 21. M ova cannotconductany backgr nt ound i tgaton on any oft Def ndant nves i i he e s becaus t cat e hey egori l r us t pr de a i onnaton.Ther i a l i o t caly ef e o ovi ny nf i e s ot nt he Defendant backgr s ound t needst be r hat o eveal t t sCour i or t beter ed o hi t n der o t under t who t sand hesepeopl ar i r iy. e e n ealt 22.The m ateroft f her i t Def ndant cons r d t and caus M ovant t he act e s hat e s pie o, ed i ce aton when t knew i f i wasnotl . ncar r i hey n act t egal 23.Defendant have f s y i ione t M ovantby r t ni hi t f alprs s alel mprs d he e ur ng m o eder ion on achar t even i t z wasnotpuni habl by re-ncar aton. ge hat f rte, s e i cer i The poss s on ofa ce l art ephone,i nota vi aton s i enough t r ove es i lul el s ol i erous o em M ovantf om t pr am .Besde,t M ova ne had acelul t e r he ogr i he nt ver l ar elphone i hi n s
  • 5. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 5 of 21 pos esson,he neverus onewhie atDim asHous and t D ef nt neve s i ed l s e, he enda s r found onei hi poss si durng t r i body s ch. n s es on i he outne ear 24.Di masCha tesdoesnothavet l aut iy t r voke a pr s ' s rii he egal hort o e i oner s Com m uniy Cusody,and t r ar no docum ent w ih r pectt t Pl ntf ' t t he e e s t es o he ai if s Com m uniy Cusody Re t t vocaton,is by any l gala hor t i s ued e ut iy. 25.Ther eques s lbe m adet ough t Bur ofCom m uniy Sanctonspe t hal hr he eau t i r A dm i sr i Rul 5120-1 08,Retzn t t l tt i f Adm i statve nitatve e 2- tr o he nsiuton or ni r i Reasons. 26.The M ovantneve atended a Dici i r Hea ng,i fontofa Di plnar r t s plna y ri n r sci i y Com mit whie atDim as Hous f r ' n orr vocaton ofhom e confnem entand tee l s e, or etur e i i CommuniyCuso a r tln t af d r lp io i a c r n ewih di so ( of t tdy nd e t o e e a rs n n c o da c t viin F) r s i 2967. oft Revi ed Code. ecton 26 he s 27. D im asChartesi nmni a Dem ocr se by t owner a empl s ii s ng acy t he s nd oyeesto beneftt rprvat age i hei i e nda.They do notr pecta lw sorr esand t go by es ny a ul hey t rown rul ,s hei es peaki m any tm esi t nam e oft sat orf algove nm e . ng i n he he t e eder r nt 28.The M ovantw asnots t f r prs becaus hedr fom hom e t ent o ede al i on e ove r o Dim asCharteson hi r s ii s eportng day.TheM ovantwass t f alprson on a i end o eder i f s char Gr estVi a i Code 108,satng t acelul t e ale ge, eat olton t i hat l ar elphone was f ound on t gl comparm entoft vehi e t the dr t D imasChartes,and i he ove t he cl ha ove o s ii t coul be us asahazar d ed douswea pon,i ended t do har st ot r nt o m o he s. 29.The ve cl w aspar hi e ked,a an il s c wasconduct wihoutM ovants nd legal ear h ed t ' lnowl c edge.The t ephonew asal t tm e i t gl comparm ent f em e genc el l he i n he ove t , or r y pur es duet M ovantsm ot m edi condii ,whi i blnd and pos , o ' her cal tons ch n i ha capped.M ova wasnoteven awar oft exit nce oft phonei t gl ndi nt e he s e he n he ove com parm e oft ve cl t day,orhe woul l ve t phonehom e. t nt he hi e hat d ea he 30.A celul t e l ar elphone mus be i t pos es i oft r i nt and us on t t n he s son he esde , ed he pr m i esoft Buidi ofahal e s he l ng fway house,wihoutpermi i i or t be t sson, n der o consi ed an ofens Even i t cas t poss son ofa t ephoner es sa der f e. n hat e, he es i el epr ent m i ofens a ar dents d notbe s t Fede alPrs undert char nor f e, nd esi houl ent o r ion he ges ofpos es i ofaweapon. s son 31 Una ho i d us o pos e sonoft lp ne(ncudngc lulrpho sa . ut rze e r s si ee ho i l i el a ne nd a c s o is wiho pemisoni lse a aLo Low/ ode a eOfe eCode c e s re ) t ut r si s itd d w- M r t f ns , and t s i ar ls e bel : he anctons e it d ow Low a Lo so p i lge f r2da ( ne viis p s s v hil, s ki ) s f rvie s o ys Pho , st, ase , e ce mo ng, tlvii n, e r ai o i ,lt ni t) ee so r c e ton, utngs ae gh s b) Cha o q re s nge f ua tr c Re va fom pr r m/ r up a tvii sf 2 d ys ) mo l r og a g o c i te or a d) Confs aeConr ba d ic t ta n e Exr Dut Hou s ) ta y r
  • 6. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 6 of 21 M onet y Resiuton/ m uniy Ser ce hours ar tt i com t vi Low/ oderat M e a Los o p i lge f r7da ( e v st, ase , hce, mo ng,ee so ) s f rvie s o ys Phon , iis p s s ve il s ki tlviin, r c e ton, utngs lt ni s e r ai o i , ae ght) b) Cha ofqua tr nge res c) Re mova fo pr grm/ o a tviisf r7da d l r m o a gr up ci te o ys ) d) Co i c t Co rba nts ae nta nd e) ExtaDut Ho so a iina ho e dc r s r y ur r ddto l us hol ho e 9 Co tveBe a o al ntr e in (. Thi ng Re rs gnii - h vir l e v nto i e. nki po t) g) M on t r Resi in/ e ay tt o communiy Se vc ho s m t r ie ur lI LEGAL STANDAR DS AND A RTI LES. . C TheCCC Conta o,t o i ro omeCohne n,s l v lp as tmf r ctr hepr vde fh n me t halde eo yse or h dln voaton o o am r ls whihmeeste ' u ocs 'c ie i o l// an ig il i s fprgr ue, c t h ' epr es'rtra f ' /- d IS v Mc nal an icude pr viins orde igwihmi ika inso o am . Do t d n l s o so f aln t nor n cto fpr gr i rle orprs r i Ho Co fne n.( pt o sie llsf ione s n me n me t De . flu tc ) The Free Exercie Cl s auseoft Fis Am e he r t ndm e gi you tz rghtt wors p or nt ves le i o hi notasyou choos The gove nm e can'penalzeyou becaus ofyourr i ous e. r nt t i e elgi belef i s. The rght t Fr i s o eedom ofRelgi and t fee e cie t r m eans: i on he r xer s he eof a TheFr e m ofReii n i a i le a erg . ) e do lg o s n nain bl iht b)TheFis Ame me pr vi sf t eFr e om ofRei o f ral rt nd nt o de or h e d lgin o l Am ercans i . c TheFr eEx r ieClus pr vi st tgo r me wiln ihe c nto no ) e e c s a e o de ha ve n nt l et r o r l r pr bi t f ee e cie ofone' r i on. ohi t he r xer s s elgi The gover entwilr m ai neutal nm l e n r . Til Vl ' pr bii agai tr i ousdicrm i ton may overa wih Til Vl ' te ls ohi ton ns elgi s i na i lp t te ls pr bii agai tdi rm i i bas on natonalorgi r and col W her a ohi tons ns sc i naton ed i i n, ace, or. e gi r i on i sr y ass at - orper ved t beas ocit - w ih a cerai ven elgi s tongl oci ed cei o s a ed t tn natonalorgi t s e f sm ay sat a cl m ofbot r i ousand natonalorgi i i n, he am act t e ai h elgi i i n di crm i i A l f bas m i bei plcat wher f exam pl co- or s s i naton. l our es ght m i ed e, or e, w ker t geta da k- ki ar r s nned M uslm empl i oyeef om SaudiAr bi f ha as m e becaus of r a a or r s nt e hi r i on,natonalorgi r and/ col s elgi i i n, ace, or or. The ator clentprviege i noti ended t pe m i tan ator t conducthi t ney- i il s nt o r t t t ney o s cint busnes a fisi s c e. I r GrndJ r S poe a ( rc ,8 F. le ' i s far n e r t' n e a u y ub n s His h) 03 2d s ' 49 496( t Ci.98 . Ast Se on Cic t i rf sngt e e t prvie 3, 9h r1 6) he c d r ui,n e u i o xtnd he i lge beyond t pr ec i ofconfde i l com muniatons sat ç tsee sevi nt he ot ton i ntal egal c i , t ed: ç l m de t ust abr prviege agai tt di cl ur oft i iy ofclent and off o hat oad i l ns he s os e he dentt i s ee
  • 7. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 7 of 21 i or tonmi e iybe omea i niy f c r p orc i na a t .ct in nf ma i ght asl c n mmu t or oru t rmi l cs giato o te . mitdj Such a s el woul cr e unneces ar butconsder et atonst us l hi d d eat s y i abl empt i o e awyers asconduisofi or i orofcom m odii necess r t crm i sc esoras t nf maton tes a y o i nal hem lund rr ofmo y. Theba a dt s tm ofusi wils frltl i al a ees ne r n he yse j tce l ufe ite f 1 i ved ar awar t ass ed s e y f om di cl ur doesnotexit nvol e e hat ur af t r s os e '' s. Artces il The busnes ofope atng sat orf alcom muniy r enty pr am sf prs r i s r i t e eder t e- r ogr or ione s hasf tbecom c one oft m os pr i busnes esi t c r . Ther as he t ostng i s n he ounty ecenta t udi (i dbeow)a ne r po t o Dima Chaiiso lnet eme a- linsof lnke l nd ws e rs n s s rte uti h g milo dolarse h ye Dim ase nsi t com muniy corectonsi ty. l ac ar s ar n he t r i ndusr l f c,i 200 Dima Cha iisrpore att l $ , 4,5 i r ve ue fo n a t n 9, s s rte e td o a of 3892 6 4 n e n s r m t rcombi f r and sat conta s donatons publc conti i ,gr sand hei ned ede al te r ct , i , i rbutons ant me rhi f e s Outoft t $ 376.67c mefo t Fe e a Bur a ofPrs ns mbe s p e '. ha, 27, 0 a r m he d r l e u io a d $2 53 0 c m e fom prs e ' s bsse epa nt . n , 9, 50 a r ion r s u it nc yme s Dim as' M isi St em entcl m st t y..tpr dequalt cos- f i , s s s on at ai hat he . t ovi iy, tefectve com m uniy-bas s t ed upervii teat e s ces a pr a st i vi swihi son, r m nt ervi , nd ogr m o ndi dual t n teci n j tc s tm a asitt m i beomigpostve pr uci me e s h rmialusie yse nd ss he n c n ii , od tve mb r oft rcomm uniy.'l r iy,t rpr am s s hei t ' n ealt hei ogr ound gr on pa a i s es eat per nd n al pichest t publc. t o he i I fc,us i 2 ,Dima ofiil bYae t dctz nsi Ma t bugW V,ha n atj tn 009 s s fca Bo ts ol iie n ri r ns tt i alowed t open a pr r easef lt i t rnei f l o e-el aciiy n hei ghborhood,t l i woul hat ocaton d onl hous 'l -ik of ender 'W hi i t s em it t gi n t Tyl M ount n y e 'ow rs f s.' ch s he am snlh ve o er ai r i si 2001. esdent n Botom lne..ta t i .l ppear on t s f ce t ,D im asExecutvesand Boa d m e ber s he ur a hat s i r m s ma bet bus e j yi lf ont tx ye ' d lr,i ta ofopea i y o y n o ng ie he a pa rs ola s nse d rtng com m uniy bas corectonsf ciii I alo appe ssom e l l empl t ed r i a ltes. t s ar ocal evel oyees a d r sde t aee j yi t ms l sto.W e tVigii Ne 20l ) n e i n s r n o ng he eve o t s r na ws 1 1 1.CO NCLU SI N 1 O Def nda sf l d t r pond t M ovantswrten Di cover r e nt aie o es o ' it s y eques s Pur uantt t. s o Rul 3 Dee nt s ul bec le t rs dwih ta obe to e 7, fnda s ho d ompeld o epon tou ny j cin. M ovantcannotm ake a cas unl sDef ndant pari pat i t dicove y pr s, e es e s tci e n he s r oces and he i noti aposton wher he can i geD ef s n ii e ndul endant us oflsal t i 'i s' e çt l actcs' n or t gai tm e.Ti e f D icover i t shor. der o n i m or s y s oo t M ova wasnevercha ged wih any vi aton,by any l a hort nt r t ol i egal ut iy. 7
  • 8. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 8 of 21 W HEREFORE,pr iesconsde ed,t M ovantr pectuly r em s i r he es f l equesst Courtt t he o ent a Or com peli t Def ndant t r pond pr ry and meani uly t er n der lng he e s o es ope l ngf l o t Pl ntf s Sec Reques ForPr he ai if ond t oducton OfDocum ent , and FistSetand i s r Second SetofI erogat i t t Def nt r ores o he endant ,and f s ot and f herr lef s or uch her urt e i t whiht Plitfj tyma b e ild. o c he anifusl y e ntte Dat Sept ber28,201l e: em Res ct l s it d, pe fuly ubm t M t r / &/ / / pt m p z r t TRAI BUJDUVEANU,PRO SE AN
  • 9. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 9 of 21 * CERTIFICA TE O F SERVICE 1her ceriy t on oraboutSEPTEM BER 28, 2011 at e a c r tcopy oft eby tf hat nl nd or ec he f egoi docum entw ass d upon t f l i vi t Unied St esPosal or ng erve he olow ng a he t at t Ser ce,Fis Cl sM ai: vi r t as l Dim asChartes l , s ii , nc. 1 N . .1 St Avenue 41 W . D ani FL 33004- a, 2835 Ana Giper s t Di m asChartes,nc. s ii l 1 N . .1 St Avenue 41 W . Dani FL 33004- a, 2835 Der Thom as ek Dim asChartesl s ii ,nc. 1 N . .l St Avenue 41 W . Dani FL 33004- a, 2835 Las handa Adam s D im asChartes,nc. s ii l 1 lN . .l St Avenue 4 W . Da a , 33004- ni FL 2835 Davi S.ChaitEs r d e , quie A tor f Def t ney or endant s 4000 Holywood Boulvar l e d Suie 265- h t Sout Holyw ood, 3302l l FL EX ECUTED ON THI 28t DAY OF SEPTEM BER , 201l S h /r&/' r A# f / - J* , r TRAI BUJDUV AN U ,PRO SE AN 5601W .BROW ARD BLVD . , PLANTATI ,FL 3331 ON 7
  • 10. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 10 of 21 # EX H I I A B T
  • 11. Wi dows Li 1:11-cv-20120-PAS nCase Hot lPrn Mes ve mai i t sage Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 11 28/ 21011 17: of09/2 05 (No Subj ) ect Tr an Buj ai duveanu ( i v@ms c orona Mon9/ 9 11 1 1 PM 1 / 2: 8 Davd Chae ( h et sng l c i it dc ai @eii DearMr Chai , . et Ihave r ei an envelpe fom you on Sept ber17,2011,f whi Iki y t ec ved o r em or ch ndl hank you. The envel cont n some ofthe document r ope ai s eques ed,whi ar copi some mor t one tm e. t ch e ed, e han i Howevercopi ofi porantdocument ar m i i Al many oft r es m t s e ssng. so he eques ed i erogat i ar not t nt r ores e answered. These ar s e oft document and t ngs t I need i or t puta cas t her e om he s hi hat n der o e oget : 1.Com pl e copi oft fr t shot i et es he ist wo s ssued by Der Thom as t m e,Bef e t Gr es Vi aton Ofense ek o or he eat t ol i f s t1 (h icu st sh t tIh veal ge yr f s d t sgn ho 08. t at n lde he ot ha a l dl e u e o i ) e 2.Iwoul I e t e def dan st ans t e qu tonsr ar ngj shel i t e p t1 ye s d i h en t o wer h esi eg di ob d n h as 0 ar . k 3.Answeri t have been ares ed bef e and i t f hey r t or f hey have any crm i r d. i nal ecor 4.Answeri t have everbeen i ved i l f hey nvol n awsui bef e and i whatc t or n apaciy. t Mr Ch e ,you ha e as ed me t e e qu ton i yourr qu s an Idi n h e an obedi . . ait v k h s es i s n e e t d d ot av y j ons W hen Iasked t Def he endant t s s he ame questons, t e s j tb ome i i h ubec ec d mmedit yan is e ofh a s . a el s u ar s ment Appar l Mr Chai ,t e ar many t ngs t the Def enty . et her e hi hat endant di nott lyou. s d el Mr Chai ,pl e be ki and under t t 1need t . et eas nd s and hat hese i or i and mor i or t puta case nf maton e, n der o t her and thatt tme f di oget , he i or scover i r ng shor. y s unni t Ifyou and t Def he endant contnue att s r e,I have no choie butt fl a Moton ForSum mar Judgment s i hi at c iie i y . BestRegar ds Tr an Budu anu ai j ve
  • 12. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 12 of 21 EXH I T B BI
  • 13. WiCaseve Hot lPrntMess ndows Li 1:11-cv-20120-PAS mai i age Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 13 28/212011 17: 1 of 09/ 0 R E:D efendants true i ndenti ty Tr an Buj ai duveanu ( i a ms c oron v@ Wed 9 21 1 1 37AM / / 1 0: Da d Ch e ( h e @eii vi ait dc ait snge l c Iunder t Mr Chai Iwas t one ' s and . et. he ' gothername wr ' and f t e I t9 ( n mon h h ral who ong', or h as nie) t er e nam e and i iy coul notbe r dentt d eveal . WihaIdu r pe Mrch e,t it rgaore ( esi 1 rve anobedi t t tque ton and not t l e es d . ait he nero t is qu ton ) e al j on o ha si , herr name,and you us hernam e, i t same i erogat i as L eal e n he nt r ores, ashanda Adam s. Hersi ur Mr Chai ,r gnat e . et eveal s et ng ot t herr i iy. s om hi her hat eal dentt Mr Chai ,i t me ni mot t fnd outheral . et t ook ne ho i l eged t ue nam e. Jus m ak s e Mr Chaitt t ar r t e ur . e hat hey e t lng you t t ut eli he r h. Bes Regar t ds Tr an Budu nu ai j vea F om:Dc e @ esigera c r hait i n To:oron @ i av c Sub e RE:Def dan stu iden i j d: en t r e n tt y Dat W ed,21 Sep 2011 14: 37 +0000 e: 06: Lashonda Adam s I w as ' t 'reveal 'i heri err or responsesand hersi ed' n nt ogat y gnatur Ine. ei You w er the one w ho gothernam e w r . No one i concealng thei i e ong s i r dentiy. t Fr :Tr an Buj ve E ior i a ms c om ai du anu mal oron v@ t Sent:W ednesday,Sept ber21,2011 9: AM em 50 To:Davi Chai d et Subj Def danstuei tt eu: en t r ndeniy DearMr Chai , . et Please be ki and r nd evealt t ue i iy oft Def he r dentt ' he endant , and i pari art ofone oft Def s n tcul hat he endants t goes by t f l ng nam es:L hat he olowi eshot Adam s Lashonda Adam s and L a , ashanda Adams. Iver m uch di i t be r y sl o ke ude,butIneed t r i ii oft def he eal denttes he endant . s
  • 14. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 14 of 21 EX H I T C BI
  • 15. ndowsLi1:11-cv-20120-PAS WiCaseveHot aiPrntMess m l i age Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 15 of 09/ 011 17: 21 28/ 2 01 D efendants Identi es ti Tr anBu duveanu ( i v@ms c ai j orona Fr 9/ / 4: PM i 23 11 52 Da d Ch et( ch e @eiigera c vi ai d ait sn Dear Mr Chai , . et Pl ease be ki and pr de f lname ofeach Def nd ovi ul endant i udi t m i e name,i any. , ncl ng he ddl f BestRegar ds Tr an Bu du anu ai j ve
  • 16. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 16 of 21 EXH I T D BI
  • 17. Case s a Ula l s -Fr hst r l 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 /l m s l nte es a t P of Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 17 ge 21 1 a 1of * * ** . . *. .. I AS SM HA RI ES TI )....y)?7 Q ' &i - x N.,.-.. . . .. . ,:. .j r7 L) x:j :: . . Home se r h n s s Re o t Ad i str i ac k p rs m ni aton Tr an Bu duve ai j anu AcnoN Rsotss's l r ACTI RE ON QUEST DETAIS L cAsENoTEs St f af Adams, Lashonda ctE I o lxr Ng Cl t i en Budu ean Tr a j v u, ain CUI STAY I o ENT NF Num ber 3235 coNA r wc' s Requested CLENTn sKs I Date 7/ 2010 12: PM 29/ 24 DISCHARGE st us at com pl ed et DRM NG I O NF j EMPLOYMENT R woul Ik t atend Chur Sevi ,ever Sunday m om i att d ie o t ch ces y ng, he E eason Romani Orhodox Chur l ed on ST .Road 441and Pembr e an t ch ocat ook MRLOYMENT scHeouue Pi . nes H xEo Ft MovEMEN's r Pr ous evi You ar onl al e y l owed t tavel t n 5ve m i oft f ly f o r wihi les he acit or i oMe coNF. Responses r i ous ser ces. elgi vi MOVE MENT REQUESTS Ad , as n a72 / 1 4:3:0PM ams L ho d /920 0 2 0 OF FENSES Response OP MovEMeNT EN s PAYMENTS PROGRAMS RK UI CHECKS RED STATUS HITORY S Save Reset Cancel Reassi gn Stssl l sTENcE SUMMARY hup:/ ni s > er r hst /dn a-e T es G e i nt he esAc i eque t/ ioO equesDe l .asp.. 9/ 2011 s de sc dul / toG ssAc t Gis . 7/
  • 18. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 18 of 21 Pa e 1of1 g DimasCha ii s-Fr s a t s rte e hstr .. . *' +% . . .. . . *' V * I AS SM K I ES TI ' O ,' - u - M 4, t IM - + x Home qe rf ' ék-' ë ot - ack f : -n p rà - â ' Tr in Budu aa j veanu M OVEMENTREQIE DE L J ST TAIS AcnoN REQUESTS St f af Adams,Lashonda CASE NOTES CLENT I O I NF Cl t i en Bt u an Tr a td ve u, ain CLI ST I O ENT AY NF Request Dat ed e 8/ 2010 4/ CONTACTS Reques ed ForDat t e 8/ 2010 8/ CuEs TASKS l T Locatons i General s xe ci u u v s aeZp tt i Name Steet r l DI SCHARGE Hol Cr y oss 6232 yimor j e l Hol l cIu 33::4 ywoo jz DRl sG I vl NFO church Steet r EMPLOYMEKT Reques ed OutTi t me 9: AM 00 EMPLOYMENT SCHEDUL E Fl M OVEMERTS xEo Dur i aton 4 Hou l) 0 Miu es rs n t l) HOME CONF. Mode Of Tr anspoded by Fami Frend l i y/ MOVEMENT REQUES TS W anspofaton VO t i OFFENSE: M ode Of Transpoded by Fami / i l Frend y OPEN MOVEMEN TS Transporaton Fr ti om b lwoul l t atend Chur h SeNi . Di anc 7. mia out di o t ke c ces st e: 3 - PAYMENT: Reason 15 mins PROGM MS R St us at Deni ed EQUI CHECKS RED Good eveni Canyot GI afd 5ne a C lc W ih k fve mi ng. l - l Y htrh t n i les SrAzus HITORY S oeni Reason al j oftj f ly, e acit i SUBSISTEKCE SUMMARY C8rCOl 1
  • 19. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 19 of 21 D im a Cha i -Fr s a t s s dtes e hst r Pa e lof l g M OVEMENT REQUEST DE L TAIS St f af Adams,Lashonda Cl t i en Budu ean Tri j v u, aan Reques ed Dat 1 6/ t e 0/ 2010 Reques ed For 10/ 2010 t 10/ Dat e Locatons i Gener al Name st e l r at St eet Ciy r z t St e Zi at p Rom ani Orhodox Chur 6232 Fil e Steet an t ch lmor r Hol lywood FL 33024 Request O ut Ti ed 10: AM 00 me Dur i aton 3 Ho t) 0 Miues urs n tt) Mode Of T Tr spoded by Fam i / i d an l Fren y ranspodatcn To i Mode Of Transpodaton i Transpodsd by Fam i / i l Frend y From Thi i a r s s eques f ' t or' ch Atendanc ' Chur t e'Chur i I ed at9. M iand shoul t e about ch s ccat 5 d ak Reas on 16 Mi es by car Ther ar ONLY t Odhodox chur nut . e e wo ches i Sout Flrda, bot ar n h o i and h e lcat about1 mi es awayfom my hom e. o ed 6 nut r St us at Denied Deni Reason You need t fnd a pl ofwor p wihi 5 mi ofyourhome. al oi ace hshi t n l es C ne 1 acl
  • 20. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 20 of 21 # EXH I I E B T
  • 21. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 61 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/04/2011 Page 21 of 21 * * * + * * * * # - - - --- -.- - . - .- .- - - - - .- .-. . - - y jv é j q jy-kj jgj j C . -. - ---- . - jy- .- - l- z g . - - - - -- g . - $- N '. . . = . .u a. * (' ... t.' . - - 'a .. ! .. '.- ,j ' - 1 j 51 -- . '. Atgts l 201) 1 lt 0, ( CarosE.Rodrguez,CM l i Feder Bur ofPrs al eau ions 40lN orh M i Ave l t ami nke M i i Fl da 33l am . ori 28 RE: Em pl entW ai oym ver Buj ve Tr i du anu, aan 80655-004 De M r Rodrguez, ar . i M r Budu an i a ffy sx y aroI wh a rv d a Dima Ch rte on 0 28 1 He i . j ve u s it. i e d o rie t s s a iis 7- - 0. s s h dte t b r l sd on0103 l1 M r Buduv a tha s v r l lr ni me c lc n to sfr c e l d o e eea e l - - . . j e nl s e e a cno c dia o diin o wlcl he i tk s v a me c to .N r Budu a slf r fo Chr c He aii C. nl i s a en e erl diains l. j ve nu t es r mf oni p t st Hypert on. Cirn i of Li , Dibet M elits Type 2- Hyperi dem i and ensi r loss ver a es ltl lpi a. Tlr lombocyt-openi Att stmeaIam r l tng t thi e pl a. hi i eqtesi ha s m oymentr lr eqtiementbe wai ved. Thank you i advance and i you ne any flt i or i pi e f fee t cont tme a n f ed trher nf maton, eas eel r o ac t ( 4)9 - 58. 95 20 65 Si er y. nc el ' ' j j 'œ Lashonda A dam s Couns or el z)-z -- , . Der 'Thomas ' e Asssal iect it r or FA .' f-- .jQ3f-n-$) p .k '% J ). .:')Lr J A '. . ' 2 ' , - .q - l ' $ # . .