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PSY 315 Entire Course
PSY 315 Week 3 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 1
PSY 315 Week 4 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 2
PSY 315 Week 5 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 3
Presentation PSY 315 Week 3 Practice Problem Worksheet (Version
7) PSY 315 Week 4 Practice Problem Worksheet (Version 7) PSY
315 Week 1 Practice Problem Worksheet (Version 7) PSY 315 Week
3 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 1 (PTSD) PSY 315
Week 4 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 2 (PTSD)
PSY 315 Week 5 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 3
Presentation (PTSD) PSY 315 Week 2 Practice Worksheet (New,
2018) PSY 315 Week 3 Practice Worksheet (New, 2018) PSY 315
Week 1 Discussion Question 1 PSY 315 Week 1 Discussion Question
2 PSY 315 week 1 Individual Assignment Research, Statistics, and
Psychology Paper PSY 315 Week 1 Practice Problems Worksheet
PSY 315 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 PSY 315 Week 2 Discussion
Question 2 PSY 315 Week 2 Practice Problems Worksheet PSY 315
week 2 Individual Assignment Ch 1 Practice Problems 12 15 19 20
21 and 22 PSY 315 week 2 Learning team assignment Descriptive
and Inferential Statistics Paper andTeam Charter PSY 315 week 2
Learning team assignment Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Presentation (New) PSY 315 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 PSY 315
Week 3 Discussion Question 2 PSY 315 Week 3 Practice Problems
Worksheet PSY 315 Week 3 Team Assignment Hypothesis Testing
Lesson Presentation PSY 315 week 3 individual assignment Chapter
2 Practice Problems 11 12 13 16 21 and Chapter 3 Practice
Problems 14 15 22 25 PSY 315 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 PSY
315 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 PSY 315 Week 4 Practice
Problems Worksheet PSY 315 week 4 individual assignment
Chapter 4 Practice Problems 13 16 and 20 PSY 315 week 4 Learning
team assignment Hypothesis Testing Paper on Psycological reason
for Depression PSY 315 Week 4 Team Assignment Research Data
Critique PSY 315 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 PSY 315 Week 5
Discussion Question 2 PSY 315 week 5 Individual Assignment Ch 7
Practice Problem 14, Ch 8 Practice Problem 18, Ch 9 Practice
Problem 17 Ch 11 Practice Problems 11,12 PSY 315 Week 5
Individual Assignment Hypothesis Testing Paper PSY 315 Week 5
Practice Problem Worksheet (NEW)
PSY 315 Week 1 Discussion Question 1
What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative data?
What are some examples of each?
PSY 315 Week 1 Discussion Question 2
What are descriptive statistics, and how might you use descriptive
statistics in your personal life?
PSY 315 Week 1 Individual Assignment Research, Statistics, and
Psychology Paper
1. Individual Assignment: Research, Statistics, and Psychology
Resources: Assigned readings, ERRs, the Internet, and other sources
Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine the role of
research and statistics in the field of psychology.
Address the following items thoroughly:
o Define research and the scientific method (include an explanation
of all five steps).
o Compare and contrast the characteristics of primary and
secondary data.
o Explain the role of statistics in research. (Keep the focus within the
field of psychology).
Format your paper according to APA standards.
Complete the Certificate of Originality Report and submit to the
Assignments link as an attachment along with this assignment.
PSY 315 Week 1 Practice Problems Worksheet
Resource:Statisticsfor Psychology
Complete the Week One Practice Problems Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Note. Computation methods may include the use of Microsoft®
Excel®, SPSS™, Lotus®, SAS®, Minitab®, or by-hand computation.
Chapter 1
12. Explain and give an example for each of the following types of
a. Equal interval:
b. Rank-order:
c. Nominal:
d. Ratio scale:
e. Continuous:
f. Discrete:
15. Following are the speeds of 40 cars clocked by radar on a
particular road in a 35-mph zone on a particular afternoon:
30, 36, 42, 36, 30, 52, 36, 34, 36, 33, 30, 32, 35, 32, 37, 34, 36, 31, 35,
24, 46, 23, 31, 32, 45, 34, 37, 28, 40, 34, 38, 40, 52, 31, 33, 15, 27, 36,
Make a frequency table and a histogram, then describe the general
shape of the distribution.
21. Raskauskas and Stoltz (2007) asked a group of 84 adolescents
about their involvement in traditional and electronic bullying. The
researchers defined electronic bullying as “…a means of bullying in
which peers use electronics {such as text messages, emails, and
defaming Web sites} to taunt, threaten, harass, and/or intimidate a
peer” (p.565). The table below is a frequency table showing the
adolescents’ reported incidence of being victims or perpetrators or
traditional and electronic bullying.
a. Using this table as an example, explain the idea of a frequency
table to a person who has never had a course in statistics.
b. Explain the general meaning of the pattern of results.
22. Kärnä and colleagues (2013) tested the effects of a new
antibullying program, called KiVa, among students in grades 1–3 and
grades 7–9 in 147 schools in Finland. The schools were randomly
assigned to receive the new antibullying program or no program. At
the beginning, middle, and end of the school year, all of the students
completed a number of questionnaires, which included the following
two questions: “How often have you been bullied at school in the last
couple of months?” and “How often have you bullied others at school
in the last couple of months?” The table below is a frequency table
that shows students’ responses to these two questions at the end of the
school year (referred to as “Wave 3” in the title of the table). Note that
the table shows the results combined for all of the students in the
study. In the table, “victimization” refers to students’ reports of being
bullied and “bullying” is students’ reports of bullying other students.
a. Using this table as an example, explain the idea of a frequency
table to a person who has never had a course in statistics.
b. Explain the general meaning of the pattern of results. (You may
be interested to know that the KiVa program successfully reduced
victimization and bullying among students in grades 1–3 but the
results were mixed with regards to the effectiveness of the program
among those in grades 7–9.).
PSY 315 Week 2 Discussion Question 1
The median home price in your area has increased in the last 10 years,
how does this differ from the mean home price in your area? How
does this illustrate what the mean and median are?
PSY 315 Week 2 Discussion Question 2
How effective are the pie charts that often accompany a newspaper
article in explaining the statistics being used in the article? Can you
find an example of a pie chart?
PSY 315 Week 2 Learning team assignment Descriptive and
Inferential Statistics Paper andTeam Charter
1. Learning Team Assignment:Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Paper & Team Charter: see Rubric in the Course MaterialsForum,
Also post the team charter to the Assignments section with the
completed assignment.
Resources: Assigned readings, ERRs, the Internet, and other sources
Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine the
differences between descriptive and inferential statistics.
Address the following items:
o Describe the functions of statistics.
o Define descriptive and inferential statistics.
o Provideat least one example of the relationship between descriptive
and inferential statistics.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
Complete the Certificate of Originality Report and submit to the
Assignments link as an attachment along with this assignment.
PSY 315 Week 2 Learning team assignment Descriptive and
Inferential Statistics Presentation (New)
Resource: Assigned journal article
Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation with speaker notes examining the
differences between descriptive and inferential statistics used in the
journal article you were assigned.
Address the following items as they apply to the article:
Describe the functions of statistics.
Define descriptive and inferential statistics.Provide at least one
example of the relationship between descriptive and inferential
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
PSY 315 Week 2 Practice Worksheet (New, 2019)
Week 2 Practice Worksheet Provide a response to the following
prompts. 1. The Wilcox &Keselman (2003) article from this
week’s electronic readings discusses two problems with measures of
central tendency: skewness of the data and outliers. Discuss each of
these issues and how they affect measures of central tendency. 2.
How do the sample mean and the population mean differ?
What is the symbol for each type of mean? 3. An expert reviews a
sample of 10 scientific articles (n = 10) and records the following
numbers of error in each article: 0, 4, 2, 8, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5, and 7. 1.
Compute the mean, median, mode, sum of squares (SS), the
variance, and the standard deviation for this sample using the
definitional and computational formulas. You may use Microsoft®
Excel® data anlysis to compute these statistics and copy your output
into this worksheet. Explain, to a person who has never had a course
in statistics what you have done. 1. Note the ways in which the
means and standard deviations differ, and speculate on the possible
meaning of these differences, presuming they are representative of
U.S. governors and large corporations’ CEOs in general. 4. A
researcher records the levels of attraction for various fashion
models among college students. He finds that mean levels of
attraction are much higher than the median and the mode for these
data. 5. What is the shape of the distribution for the data in this
study? 1. What measure of central tendency is most appropriate
for describing these data? Why? 5. On a standard measure of
hearing ability, the mean is 300, and the standard deviation is 20.
Provide the Z scores for persons whose raw scores are 340, 310, and
260. Provide the raw scores for persons whose Z scores on this test
are 2.4, 1.5, and -4.5. 6. Using the unit normal table, find the
proportion under the standard normal curve that lies in the tail for
each of the follow useing table starting on page 673 (Hint:
Remember to change all percents to decimals): 1. Z = 1.00 2.Z = -
1.05 3. Z = 0 4. Z = 2.80 5.Z = 1.96 7.Suppose the scores of
architects on a particular creativity test are normally distributed.
Using a normal curve table (pp. 673-676 of the text), what
percentage of architects have Z scores 8. above .10? 9. below .10?
10. above .20? 11. below .20? 12. above 1.10? 13. below 1.10? 8.
A statistics instructor wants to measure the effectiveness of his
teaching skills in a class of 102 students (N = 102). He selects
students by waiting at the door to the classroom prior to his lecture
and pulling aside every third student to give him or her a
questionnaire. 1. Is this sample design an example of random
sampling? Explain. Assuming that all students attend his class that
day, how many students will the instructor select to complete his
questionnaire? 9. Suppose you were going to conduct a survey of
visitors to your campus. You want the survey to be as representative
as possible. 1. How would you select the people to survey? 1. Why
would that be your best method? 10. In a school band, 9 kids play
string instruments, 10 kids play woodwind instruments, 7 kids play
brass instruments, and 4 kids play percussion instruments. 1.
What is the probability that you randomly select a kid who
plays a string or percussion instrument? 1. What is the
probability that you randomly select a kid who does not play a brass
PSY 315 Week 3 Discussion Question 1
What are some terms related to hypothesis testing with which you are
already familiar? What are the five steps of hypothesis testing? Why do
the null and alternative hypotheses have to be mutually exclusive?
PSY 315 Week 3 Discussion Question 2
What is the difference between null and alternative hypotheses
statements in one-tailed and two-tailed tests? What are
significance/alpha levels and how does using a one versus a two tailed
test affect significance levels?
PSY 315 Week 3 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 1
Select one of the following scenarios based on your
particular field of interest in psychology: •
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: o A few
months ago, the upper management at a large
corporation decided they wanted to make major
changes in the organization. Leadership is concerned
that employees may be resistant to the change, and
they want to find out if there is a change
management method that would help employees
accept change more effectively and keep employee
satisfaction high. Two methods they have considered
are the ADKAR Framework and the Prosci Change
Management Methodology. The company wants to
implement a small change in two departments before
they make any major organization changes and would
like to test the methods. The corporation uses the
Devine Company to measure employee satisfaction
with an anonymous survey. • Applied Psychology: o
A large medical facility is experiencing too
many missed appointments in its primary and
specialty care clinics. The facility has noticed that
not all patients respond well to reminder calls
regarding follow-up appointments. Some patients do
not answer calls and do not seem to respond to voice
mail requesting they call the facility. The result is
that many follow up appointments are missed.
Management has read articles that people respond
very well to text messages and would like to see
which method provides the least amount of missed
appointments. Missed appointments are tracked in
the facility database on a monthly basis. • General
Psychology: o Clinicians at a small clinic have been
introduced to a new method to treat post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) in their clients for veterans.
Research indicates that virtual reality (VR) is a
highly effective treatment option for patients with
PTSD. Currently, the clinic uses only cognitive
processing therapy (CPT) with their patients
suffering from PTSD. The clinicians would like to
find out whether VR therapy has different results
from CPT therapy. The measure used by the clinic to
measure PTSD symptoms is the Combat Exposure
Scale. Both therapies need to be applied for a
minimum of 12 weeks to be effective. Write a 525- to
750-word paper that addresses the following for
your chosen scenario: • Clearly define the problem
or issue you are addressing. Provide a brief
background of any research you have found that
might affect your research hypothesis. • Create a
research hypothesis based on the information
provided in each scenario. You will be given a data
set with two sets of interval data (just the numbers,
as you must decide what they represent, such as
method A results or method B results). This means
you are going to test one thing against another, such
as which method works best (step 1 of the steps to
hypothesis testing). State the null and research
hypotheses. Explain whether these hypotheses
require a one-tailed test or two-tailed test, and
explain your rationale. • Describe the sample you will
use. Sample size will be 30 for each group, which will
be provided in your data set. Explain what type of
sampling you selected. You may create your own data
set if you want, as it is only hypothetical—you do
not need to collect any data. • Do you think you
would also collect some descriptive data, such as
gender, age, or shift? Why do you think it makes
sense to collect descriptive data? Format your paper
according to APA guidelines. Example You have a
hypothesis that two drugs have different effects on
lowering anxiety. You would have anxiety scores for
drug A and anxiety scores for drug B (all after 4
weeks of treatment) to run inferential analysis after
4 weeks. • Null hypothesis is H0: drug A = drug B •
Research hypothesis is H1: drug A ≠ drug B •
Dependent variable: Anxiety score changed after
treatment. • Independent variable: drug treatment
Because you did not state a direction in your
hypotheses (better than or worse than), this will be a
two-tailed test. You are looking for differences in
either direction. You would set your alpha level of
.05 and have a sample for each group of 30 people
that were volunteers for the study.
PSY 315 Week 3 Practice Worksheet (New, 2019)
Week 3 Practice Worksheet Provide a response to the following
prompts. Note: Each team member should compute the following
questions and submit them to the Learning Team forum. The team
should then discuss each team member’s answers to ascertain the
correct answer for each question. Once your team has answered all
the questions, submit a finalized team worksheet. 1. When a result
is not extreme enough to reject the null hypothesis, explain why it is
wrong to conclude that your result supports the null hypothesis. 2.
List the five steps of hypothesis testing and explain the
procedure and logic of each. 3. A researcher wants to know whether
people who regularly listen to radio talk shows are more or less
likely to vote in national elections than people in general. 1. State
the research hypothesis and null hypothesis 1. Would the
researchers use a one- or two-tailed Z test? 4. The general
population (Population 2) has a mean of 30 and a standard deviation
of 5, and the cutoff Z score for significance in a study involving one
participant is 1.96. If the raw score obtained by the participant is 45,
what decisions should be made about the null and research
hypotheses? 5. One hundred people are included in a study in
which they are compared to a known population that has a mean of
73, a standard deviation of 20, and a rectangular distribution. 1.
μM = __________. 2. σM = __________. 3.The shape of the
comparison distribution is __________. 4. If the sample mean is 75,
the lower limit for the 99% confidence interval is __________. 5.
If the sample mean is 75, the upper limit for the 99%
confidence interval is __________. 6.If the sample mean is 75, the
lower limit for the 95% confidence interval is __________. 7. If
the sample mean is 75, the upper limit for the 95% confidence
interval is __________. 6. A psychology professor of a large class
became curious as to whether the students who turned in tests first
scored differently from the overall mean on the test. The overall
mean score on the test was 75 with a standard deviation of 10; the
scores were approximately normally distributed. The mean score for
the first 20 students to turn in tests was 78. Using the .05 significance
level, was the average test score earned by the first 20 students to
turn in their tests significantly different from the overall mean? 1.
Use the five steps of hypothesis testing. 1. Figure the
confidence limits for the 95% confidence interval.
PSY 315 Week 3 Team Assignment Hypothesis Testing Lesson
Prepare a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation with
speaker notes, as a lesson to explain the null and alternative
hypothesis and how to use a z-test to test the null hypothesis.
Provide an example to illustrate your lesson.
Include a minimum of 1-2 peer-reviewed resources as references.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
PSY 315 Week 4 Discussion Question 1
What is a t-Test? How is the t-Test different from what we learned last
week? What is the normal distribution and how does it relate to the t-
test? What is an example of a situation in which you would use a t Test
for dependent means?
PSY 315 Week 4 Discussion Question 2
What is the theory underlying the ANOVA? Why is it important?
What are the differences between a two sample t-test and ANOVA
hypothesis testing? What is an example of a research idea that would
need to be analyzed using an ANOVA?
PSY 315 Week 4 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 2
Analyze the data from Part 1 using Microsoft® Excel® software.
Write a 700- to 875-word paper that includes the following
information: • Describe what method you are using to compare
groups. • Copy and paste the output into a Microsoft® Word
document, and also answer the following questions: o What is
the significance level of the comparison? oWhat was the alpha level
you identified in Week 3? o What was the means and variance
for each variable? o What was the test statistic? o What was the
critical value for both the one- and two-tailed test? o Was your test
one-tailed or two-tailed? oWere you able to reject the null
hypothesis? In other words, did you prove there was a difference? •
Talk about what these results mean in everyday language and
in context to your chosen scenario. • Make a recommendation based
on the findings. Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Example of Output You Would Use to Answer These Questions
PSY 315 Week 4 Learning team assignment Hypothesis Testing
Paper on Psycological reason for Depression
1. Learning Team Assignment: Hypothesis Testing Paper
Resources: Assigned readings, ERRs, the Internet, and other sources
Select a research issue, problem, or opportunity in the field of
Obtain instructor approval for your research issue, problem, or
opportunity before completing your Hypothesis Testing Paper.
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you formulate a
hypothesis based on your selected research issue, problem, or
opportunity. See the rubric in the Course Materials forum.
Address the following:
o Describe your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity.
o Formulate both a numerical and verbal hypothesis statement
concerning your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity.
o Explainhow the five steps of hypothesis testing were carried out for
analyzing your data, and how the five steps of hypothesis testing may
be used to evaluate other solutions for your selected research issue,
problem, or opportunity.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
Complete the Certificate of Originality Report and submit to the
Assignments link as an attachment along with this assignment.
2. Learning Team Assignment: Hypothesis Testing Presentation
Resources: Assigned readings, ERRs, the Internet, and other sources
Prepare a 10- to 15-slides (not including the title and reference slides)
Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with presenter notes
illustrating your Hypothesis Testing Paper. (Remember the title and
references slides do not count towards the needed total slide count).
Follow the rubric provided in the Course Materials forum.
PSY 315 Week 4 Practice Problem Worksheet (NEW)
1. Two boats, the Prada (Italy) and the Oracle (USA), are
competing for a spot in the upcoming America’s Cup race. They race
over a part of the course several times. The sample times in minutes
for the Prada were as follows: 12.9, 12.5, 11.0, 13.3, 11.2, 11.4, 11.6,
12.3, 14.2, and 11.3. The sample times in minutes for the Oracle were
as follows: 14.1, 14.1, 14.2, 17.4, 15.8, 16.7, 16.1, 13.3, 13.4, 13.6, 10.8,
and 19.0. For data analysis, the appropriate test is the t test: two-
sample assuming unequal variances. The next table shows the results
of this independent t test. At the .05 significance level, can you
conclude that there is a difference in their mean times? Explain these
results to a person who knows about the t test for a single sample but
who is unfamiliar with the t test for independent means. 2. The
Willow Run Outlet Mall has two Haggar Outlet Stores, one located on
Peach Street and the other on Plum Street. The two stores are laid out
differently, but both store managers claim their layout maximizes the
amounts customers will purchase on impulse. A sample of 10
customers at the Peach Street store revealed they spent the following
amounts more than planned: $17.58, $19.73, $12.61, $17.79, $16.22,
$15.82, $15.40, $15.86, $11.82, $15.85. A sample of 14 customers at
the Plum Street store revealed they spent the following amounts more
than they planned when they entered the store: $18.19, $20.22, $17.38,
$17.96, $23.92, $15.87, $16.47, $15.96, $16.79, $16.74, $21.40, $20.57,
$19.79, $14.83. For data analysis, a t test: two-sample assuming
unequal variances was used. At the .01 significance level, is there a
difference in the mean amount purchased on an impulse at the two
stores? Explain these results to a person who knows about the t test for
a single sample but who is unfamiliar with the t test for independent
means. 3. Fry Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. employs
Larry Clark and George Murnen to make service calls to repair
furnaces and air conditioning units in homes. Tom Fry, the owner,
would like to know whether there is a difference in the mean number
of service calls they make per day. Assume the population standard
deviation for Larry Clark is 1.05 calls per day, and 1.23 calls per day
for George Murnen. A random sample of 40 days last year showed that
Larry Clark made an average of 4.77 calls per day. For a sample of 50
days, George Murnen made an average of 5.02 calls per day. At the .05
significance level, is there a difference in the mean number of calls per
day between the two employees? What is the p-value? Chapters 11 &
12 1. A consumer organization wants to know if there is a difference in
the price of a particular toy at three different types of stores. The price
of the toy was checked in a sample of five discount toy stores, five
variety stores, and five department stores. The results are shown below.
An ANOVA was run and the results are shown below. At the .05
significance level, is there a difference in the mean prices between the
three stores? What is the p-value? Explain why an ANOVA was used
to analyze this problem. 2. A physician who specializes in weight
control has three different diets she recommends. As an experiment,
she randomly selected 15 patients and then assigned 5 to each diet.
After three weeks the following weight losses, in pounds, were noted.
At the .05 significance level, can she conclude that there is a
difference in the mean amount of weight loss among the three diets?
An ANOVA was run and the results are shown below. At the .01
significance level, is there a difference in the weight loss between the
three plans? What is the p-value? What can you do to determine
exactly where the difference is?
PSY 315 Week 4 Practice Problems Worksheet
Chapter 7
The table below shows ratings of various aspects of work and home
life of 100 middle-class men in India who were fathers. Pick three
rows of interest to you and explain the results to someone who is
familiar with the mean, variance, and Z scores, but knows nothing else
about statistics.
Chapter 8
Barker and colleagues (2012) compared 61 parents fo children who
had a serious mental illness (SMI) to 321 parents of children withour
such an illness. The researchers examined the parents’ reported levels
of stress, their levels of a hormone called cortisol (levels of this
hormone provide an indication of chronic stress), and their use of
several types of medication. The table below shows the results of the
study. Focusing on the parents’ number of stressors (the first row of
the table) and the parents’ use of medications for anxiety or depression
(the last row in the table), explain these results to a person who knows
about the t test for a single sample but is unfamiliar with the t test for
independent means.
14. For each of the following studies, say whether you would use a t
test for dependent means or a t test for independent means.
a. A researcher measures the heights of 40 university students who
are the firstborn in their families and compares the 15 who come from
large families to the 25 who come from smaller families.
b. A researcher tests performance on a math skills test of each of
250 individuals before and after they complete a one-day seminar on
managing test anxiety.
c. A researcher compares the resting heart rate of 15 individuals
who have been taking a particular drug to the resting heart rate of 48
other individuals who have not been taking the drug.
Chapter 9
An experiment is conducted in which 60 participants each fill out a
personality test, but not according to the way the participants see
themselves. Instead, 15 are randomly assigned to fill it out according
to the way they think theur mothers see them (that is, the way they
think their mothers would fill it out to describe the participants); 15 as
their fathers would fill it out for them; 15 as their best friends would
fill it out for them; 15 as the professors they know best would fill it out
for them. The main results appear in Table 9-17. Explain these results
to a person who has never had a course in statistics.
24. Rosalie Friend (2001), and educational psychologist, compared
three methods of teaching writing. Students were randomly assigned to
three different experimental conditions involving different methods of
writing a summary. At the end of the two days of instructions,
participants wrote a summary. One of the ways it was scored was the
percentage of specific details of information it included from the
original material. Here is a selection from her article describing one of
the findings:
The effect of summarization method on inclusion of important
information was significant F(2, 144) = 4.1032, p < .019. The mean
scores (with standard deviations in parantheses) were as follows:
Argument Repetition, 59.6% (17.9); Generalization, 59.8% (15.2); and
Self-Reflection, 50.2% (18.0). (p.14)
a. Explain these results to a person who has never had a course in
b. Using the information in the preceding description, figure the
effect size for the study.
PSY 315 Week 5 Discussion Question 1
What is a correlation? What are the different types of correlation
research? Why is it important to determine correlation? How is the
strength of a correlation determined?
PSY 315 Week 5 Discussion Question 2
If anxiety and depression are correlated, what three possible directions
of causality might explain this correlation?
PSY 315 Week 5 Individual Assignment Hypothesis Testing Paper
Resource: Instructor approved research issue, problem, or opportunity
in the field of psychology
Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you formulate a
hypothesis based on your selected research issue, problem, or
Address the following:
Describe your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity.
Formulate a hypothesis statement concerning your selected research
issue, problem, or opportunity.
Determine your population and describe which sampling method you
would use to generate your sample
Describe how you would collect your data, the level of measurement of
your data and which statistical technique you would use to analyze the
data. Explain why you chose that statistical technique.
Include a conclusion of your anticipated findings.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
PSY 315 Week 5 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 3
Presentation (PTSD)
Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation using the information you
gathered and submitted in Weeks 3 & 4. Include the following: •
Describe the problem, and provide some brief background
about the situation. • Explain the research hypothesis. • Describe
your sample and your sampling method. • Explain the four steps of
the research process you followed, and define the critical value and
the test statistic your analysis provided. • Provide the main finding
of the study. What did you prove or fail to prove? • Provide
recommendations based on your findings. Format any citations in
your presentation according to APA guidelines.
PSY 315 Week 5 Practice Problem Worksheet (NEW)
Provide a response to the following questions. Note: Each team
member should compute the following questions and submit them to
the Learning Team forum. The team should then discuss each team
member’s answers to ascertain the correct answer for each question.
Once your team has answered all the questions, submit a finalized
team worksheet. Your research team has been tasked with finding the
correlation of the following scenario: Four research participants take
a test of manual dexterity (high scores mean better dexterity) and an
anxiety test (high scores mean more anxiety). The scores are as
follows: Person Dexterity Anxiety 1 1 10 2 1 8 3 2 4 4 4 -2 Describe the
process your research team would go through by completing the
following: 1. Create a scatter diagram of the scores, which should be a
negative direction. 2. Describe in words the general pattern of
correlation, if any. 3. Figure the correlation coefficient. 4. Explain the
logic of what you have done, writing as if you are speaking to someone
who has never heard of correlation (but who does understand the
mean, standard deviation, Z scores, and hypothesis testing). 5. Provide
three logically possible directions of causality, indicating for each
direction whether it is a reasonable explanation for the correlation in
light of the variables involved. Explain why.

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  • 2. team assignment Hypothesis Testing Paper on Psycological reason for Depression PSY 315 Week 4 Team Assignment Research Data Critique PSY 315 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 PSY 315 Week 5 Discussion Question 2 PSY 315 week 5 Individual Assignment Ch 7 Practice Problem 14, Ch 8 Practice Problem 18, Ch 9 Practice Problem 17 Ch 11 Practice Problems 11,12 PSY 315 Week 5 Individual Assignment Hypothesis Testing Paper PSY 315 Week 5 Practice Problem Worksheet (NEW) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 1 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative data? What are some examples of each? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 1 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What are descriptive statistics, and how might you use descriptive statistics in your personal life? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 1 Individual Assignment Research, Statistics, and Psychology Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 3. 1. Individual Assignment: Research, Statistics, and Psychology Paper Resources: Assigned readings, ERRs, the Internet, and other sources Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine the role of research and statistics in the field of psychology. Address the following items thoroughly: o Define research and the scientific method (include an explanation of all five steps). o Compare and contrast the characteristics of primary and secondary data. o Explain the role of statistics in research. (Keep the focus within the field of psychology). Format your paper according to APA standards. Complete the Certificate of Originality Report and submit to the Assignments link as an attachment along with this assignment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 1 Practice Problems Worksheet FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 4. Resource:Statisticsfor Psychology Complete the Week One Practice Problems Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Note. Computation methods may include the use of Microsoft® Excel®, SPSS™, Lotus®, SAS®, Minitab®, or by-hand computation. Chapter 1 12. Explain and give an example for each of the following types of variables: a. Equal interval: b. Rank-order: c. Nominal: d. Ratio scale:
  • 5. e. Continuous: f. Discrete: 15. Following are the speeds of 40 cars clocked by radar on a particular road in a 35-mph zone on a particular afternoon: 30, 36, 42, 36, 30, 52, 36, 34, 36, 33, 30, 32, 35, 32, 37, 34, 36, 31, 35, 20 24, 46, 23, 31, 32, 45, 34, 37, 28, 40, 34, 38, 40, 52, 31, 33, 15, 27, 36, 40 Make a frequency table and a histogram, then describe the general shape of the distribution. 21. Raskauskas and Stoltz (2007) asked a group of 84 adolescents about their involvement in traditional and electronic bullying. The researchers defined electronic bullying as “…a means of bullying in which peers use electronics {such as text messages, emails, and
  • 6. defaming Web sites} to taunt, threaten, harass, and/or intimidate a peer” (p.565). The table below is a frequency table showing the adolescents’ reported incidence of being victims or perpetrators or traditional and electronic bullying. a. Using this table as an example, explain the idea of a frequency table to a person who has never had a course in statistics. b. Explain the general meaning of the pattern of results. 22. Kärnä and colleagues (2013) tested the effects of a new antibullying program, called KiVa, among students in grades 1–3 and grades 7–9 in 147 schools in Finland. The schools were randomly assigned to receive the new antibullying program or no program. At the beginning, middle, and end of the school year, all of the students completed a number of questionnaires, which included the following two questions: “How often have you been bullied at school in the last couple of months?” and “How often have you bullied others at school in the last couple of months?” The table below is a frequency table that shows students’ responses to these two questions at the end of the school year (referred to as “Wave 3” in the title of the table). Note that the table shows the results combined for all of the students in the study. In the table, “victimization” refers to students’ reports of being bullied and “bullying” is students’ reports of bullying other students.
  • 7. a. Using this table as an example, explain the idea of a frequency table to a person who has never had a course in statistics. b. Explain the general meaning of the pattern of results. (You may be interested to know that the KiVa program successfully reduced victimization and bullying among students in grades 1–3 but the results were mixed with regards to the effectiveness of the program among those in grades 7–9.). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT The median home price in your area has increased in the last 10 years, how does this differ from the mean home price in your area? How does this illustrate what the mean and median are? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 2 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How effective are the pie charts that often accompany a newspaper article in explaining the statistics being used in the article? Can you find an example of a pie chart? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 8. PSY 315 Week 2 Learning team assignment Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Paper andTeam Charter FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1. Learning Team Assignment:Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Paper & Team Charter: see Rubric in the Course MaterialsForum, Also post the team charter to the Assignments section with the completed assignment. Resources: Assigned readings, ERRs, the Internet, and other sources Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine the differences between descriptive and inferential statistics. Address the following items: o Describe the functions of statistics. o Define descriptive and inferential statistics. o Provideat least one example of the relationship between descriptive and inferential statistics. Format your paper according to APA standards. Complete the Certificate of Originality Report and submit to the Assignments link as an attachment along with this assignment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 9. PSY 315 Week 2 Learning team assignment Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Presentation (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resource: Assigned journal article Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation with speaker notes examining the differences between descriptive and inferential statistics used in the journal article you were assigned. Address the following items as they apply to the article: Describe the functions of statistics. Define descriptive and inferential statistics.Provide at least one example of the relationship between descriptive and inferential statistics. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 2 Practice Worksheet (New, 2019) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Week 2 Practice Worksheet Provide a response to the following prompts. 1. The Wilcox &Keselman (2003) article from this week’s electronic readings discusses two problems with measures of
  • 10. central tendency: skewness of the data and outliers. Discuss each of these issues and how they affect measures of central tendency. 2. How do the sample mean and the population mean differ? What is the symbol for each type of mean? 3. An expert reviews a sample of 10 scientific articles (n = 10) and records the following numbers of error in each article: 0, 4, 2, 8, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5, and 7. 1. Compute the mean, median, mode, sum of squares (SS), the variance, and the standard deviation for this sample using the definitional and computational formulas. You may use Microsoft® Excel® data anlysis to compute these statistics and copy your output into this worksheet. Explain, to a person who has never had a course in statistics what you have done. 1. Note the ways in which the means and standard deviations differ, and speculate on the possible meaning of these differences, presuming they are representative of U.S. governors and large corporations’ CEOs in general. 4. A researcher records the levels of attraction for various fashion models among college students. He finds that mean levels of attraction are much higher than the median and the mode for these data. 5. What is the shape of the distribution for the data in this study? 1. What measure of central tendency is most appropriate for describing these data? Why? 5. On a standard measure of hearing ability, the mean is 300, and the standard deviation is 20. Provide the Z scores for persons whose raw scores are 340, 310, and 260. Provide the raw scores for persons whose Z scores on this test are 2.4, 1.5, and -4.5. 6. Using the unit normal table, find the proportion under the standard normal curve that lies in the tail for each of the follow useing table starting on page 673 (Hint: Remember to change all percents to decimals): 1. Z = 1.00 2.Z = - 1.05 3. Z = 0 4. Z = 2.80 5.Z = 1.96 7.Suppose the scores of architects on a particular creativity test are normally distributed. Using a normal curve table (pp. 673-676 of the text), what percentage of architects have Z scores 8. above .10? 9. below .10? 10. above .20? 11. below .20? 12. above 1.10? 13. below 1.10? 8. A statistics instructor wants to measure the effectiveness of his teaching skills in a class of 102 students (N = 102). He selects
  • 11. students by waiting at the door to the classroom prior to his lecture and pulling aside every third student to give him or her a questionnaire. 1. Is this sample design an example of random sampling? Explain. Assuming that all students attend his class that day, how many students will the instructor select to complete his questionnaire? 9. Suppose you were going to conduct a survey of visitors to your campus. You want the survey to be as representative as possible. 1. How would you select the people to survey? 1. Why would that be your best method? 10. In a school band, 9 kids play string instruments, 10 kids play woodwind instruments, 7 kids play brass instruments, and 4 kids play percussion instruments. 1. What is the probability that you randomly select a kid who plays a string or percussion instrument? 1. What is the probability that you randomly select a kid who does not play a brass instrument? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What are some terms related to hypothesis testing with which you are already familiar? What are the five steps of hypothesis testing? Why do the null and alternative hypotheses have to be mutually exclusive? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 12. What is the difference between null and alternative hypotheses statements in one-tailed and two-tailed tests? What are significance/alpha levels and how does using a one versus a two tailed test affect significance levels? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 3 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 1 (PTSD) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Select one of the following scenarios based on your particular field of interest in psychology: • Industrial/Organizational Psychology: o A few months ago, the upper management at a large corporation decided they wanted to make major changes in the organization. Leadership is concerned that employees may be resistant to the change, and they want to find out if there is a change management method that would help employees accept change more effectively and keep employee satisfaction high. Two methods they have considered are the ADKAR Framework and the Prosci Change Management Methodology. The company wants to implement a small change in two departments before they make any major organization changes and would like to test the methods. The corporation uses the Devine Company to measure employee satisfaction with an anonymous survey. • Applied Psychology: o A large medical facility is experiencing too
  • 13. many missed appointments in its primary and specialty care clinics. The facility has noticed that not all patients respond well to reminder calls regarding follow-up appointments. Some patients do not answer calls and do not seem to respond to voice mail requesting they call the facility. The result is that many follow up appointments are missed. Management has read articles that people respond very well to text messages and would like to see which method provides the least amount of missed appointments. Missed appointments are tracked in the facility database on a monthly basis. • General Psychology: o Clinicians at a small clinic have been introduced to a new method to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in their clients for veterans. Research indicates that virtual reality (VR) is a highly effective treatment option for patients with PTSD. Currently, the clinic uses only cognitive processing therapy (CPT) with their patients suffering from PTSD. The clinicians would like to find out whether VR therapy has different results from CPT therapy. The measure used by the clinic to measure PTSD symptoms is the Combat Exposure Scale. Both therapies need to be applied for a minimum of 12 weeks to be effective. Write a 525- to 750-word paper that addresses the following for your chosen scenario: • Clearly define the problem or issue you are addressing. Provide a brief background of any research you have found that might affect your research hypothesis. • Create a research hypothesis based on the information
  • 14. provided in each scenario. You will be given a data set with two sets of interval data (just the numbers, as you must decide what they represent, such as method A results or method B results). This means you are going to test one thing against another, such as which method works best (step 1 of the steps to hypothesis testing). State the null and research hypotheses. Explain whether these hypotheses require a one-tailed test or two-tailed test, and explain your rationale. • Describe the sample you will use. Sample size will be 30 for each group, which will be provided in your data set. Explain what type of sampling you selected. You may create your own data set if you want, as it is only hypothetical—you do not need to collect any data. • Do you think you would also collect some descriptive data, such as gender, age, or shift? Why do you think it makes sense to collect descriptive data? Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Example You have a hypothesis that two drugs have different effects on lowering anxiety. You would have anxiety scores for drug A and anxiety scores for drug B (all after 4 weeks of treatment) to run inferential analysis after 4 weeks. • Null hypothesis is H0: drug A = drug B • Research hypothesis is H1: drug A ≠ drug B • Dependent variable: Anxiety score changed after treatment. • Independent variable: drug treatment Because you did not state a direction in your hypotheses (better than or worse than), this will be a two-tailed test. You are looking for differences in either direction. You would set your alpha level of
  • 15. .05 and have a sample for each group of 30 people that were volunteers for the study. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 3 Practice Worksheet (New, 2019) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Week 3 Practice Worksheet Provide a response to the following prompts. Note: Each team member should compute the following questions and submit them to the Learning Team forum. The team should then discuss each team member’s answers to ascertain the correct answer for each question. Once your team has answered all the questions, submit a finalized team worksheet. 1. When a result is not extreme enough to reject the null hypothesis, explain why it is wrong to conclude that your result supports the null hypothesis. 2. List the five steps of hypothesis testing and explain the procedure and logic of each. 3. A researcher wants to know whether people who regularly listen to radio talk shows are more or less likely to vote in national elections than people in general. 1. State the research hypothesis and null hypothesis 1. Would the researchers use a one- or two-tailed Z test? 4. The general population (Population 2) has a mean of 30 and a standard deviation of 5, and the cutoff Z score for significance in a study involving one participant is 1.96. If the raw score obtained by the participant is 45, what decisions should be made about the null and research hypotheses? 5. One hundred people are included in a study in which they are compared to a known population that has a mean of 73, a standard deviation of 20, and a rectangular distribution. 1. μM = __________. 2. σM = __________. 3.The shape of the comparison distribution is __________. 4. If the sample mean is 75, the lower limit for the 99% confidence interval is __________. 5. If the sample mean is 75, the upper limit for the 99% confidence interval is __________. 6.If the sample mean is 75, the
  • 16. lower limit for the 95% confidence interval is __________. 7. If the sample mean is 75, the upper limit for the 95% confidence interval is __________. 6. A psychology professor of a large class became curious as to whether the students who turned in tests first scored differently from the overall mean on the test. The overall mean score on the test was 75 with a standard deviation of 10; the scores were approximately normally distributed. The mean score for the first 20 students to turn in tests was 78. Using the .05 significance level, was the average test score earned by the first 20 students to turn in their tests significantly different from the overall mean? 1. Use the five steps of hypothesis testing. 1. Figure the confidence limits for the 95% confidence interval. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 3 Team Assignment Hypothesis Testing Lesson Presentation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Prepare a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation with speaker notes, as a lesson to explain the null and alternative hypothesis and how to use a z-test to test the null hypothesis. Provide an example to illustrate your lesson. Include a minimum of 1-2 peer-reviewed resources as references. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
  • 17. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is a t-Test? How is the t-Test different from what we learned last week? What is the normal distribution and how does it relate to the t- test? What is an example of a situation in which you would use a t Test for dependent means? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is the theory underlying the ANOVA? Why is it important? What are the differences between a two sample t-test and ANOVA hypothesis testing? What is an example of a research idea that would need to be analyzed using an ANOVA? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 4 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 2 (PTSD) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Analyze the data from Part 1 using Microsoft® Excel® software. Write a 700- to 875-word paper that includes the following information: • Describe what method you are using to compare
  • 18. groups. • Copy and paste the output into a Microsoft® Word document, and also answer the following questions: o What is the significance level of the comparison? oWhat was the alpha level you identified in Week 3? o What was the means and variance for each variable? o What was the test statistic? o What was the critical value for both the one- and two-tailed test? o Was your test one-tailed or two-tailed? oWere you able to reject the null hypothesis? In other words, did you prove there was a difference? • Talk about what these results mean in everyday language and in context to your chosen scenario. • Make a recommendation based on the findings. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Example of Output You Would Use to Answer These Questions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 4 Learning team assignment Hypothesis Testing Paper on Psycological reason for Depression FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1. Learning Team Assignment: Hypothesis Testing Paper Resources: Assigned readings, ERRs, the Internet, and other sources Select a research issue, problem, or opportunity in the field of psychology. Obtain instructor approval for your research issue, problem, or opportunity before completing your Hypothesis Testing Paper.
  • 19. Prepare a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you formulate a hypothesis based on your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity. See the rubric in the Course Materials forum. Address the following: o Describe your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity. o Formulate both a numerical and verbal hypothesis statement concerning your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity. o Explainhow the five steps of hypothesis testing were carried out for analyzing your data, and how the five steps of hypothesis testing may be used to evaluate other solutions for your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity. Format your paper according to APA standards. Complete the Certificate of Originality Report and submit to the Assignments link as an attachment along with this assignment. 2. Learning Team Assignment: Hypothesis Testing Presentation Resources: Assigned readings, ERRs, the Internet, and other sources
  • 20. Prepare a 10- to 15-slides (not including the title and reference slides) Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with presenter notes illustrating your Hypothesis Testing Paper. (Remember the title and references slides do not count towards the needed total slide count). Follow the rubric provided in the Course Materials forum. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 4 Practice Problem Worksheet (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1. Two boats, the Prada (Italy) and the Oracle (USA), are competing for a spot in the upcoming America’s Cup race. They race over a part of the course several times. The sample times in minutes for the Prada were as follows: 12.9, 12.5, 11.0, 13.3, 11.2, 11.4, 11.6, 12.3, 14.2, and 11.3. The sample times in minutes for the Oracle were as follows: 14.1, 14.1, 14.2, 17.4, 15.8, 16.7, 16.1, 13.3, 13.4, 13.6, 10.8, and 19.0. For data analysis, the appropriate test is the t test: two- sample assuming unequal variances. The next table shows the results of this independent t test. At the .05 significance level, can you conclude that there is a difference in their mean times? Explain these results to a person who knows about the t test for a single sample but who is unfamiliar with the t test for independent means. 2. The Willow Run Outlet Mall has two Haggar Outlet Stores, one located on Peach Street and the other on Plum Street. The two stores are laid out differently, but both store managers claim their layout maximizes the amounts customers will purchase on impulse. A sample of 10 customers at the Peach Street store revealed they spent the following amounts more than planned: $17.58, $19.73, $12.61, $17.79, $16.22, $15.82, $15.40, $15.86, $11.82, $15.85. A sample of 14 customers at the Plum Street store revealed they spent the following amounts more than they planned when they entered the store: $18.19, $20.22, $17.38, $17.96, $23.92, $15.87, $16.47, $15.96, $16.79, $16.74, $21.40, $20.57,
  • 21. $19.79, $14.83. For data analysis, a t test: two-sample assuming unequal variances was used. At the .01 significance level, is there a difference in the mean amount purchased on an impulse at the two stores? Explain these results to a person who knows about the t test for a single sample but who is unfamiliar with the t test for independent means. 3. Fry Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. employs Larry Clark and George Murnen to make service calls to repair furnaces and air conditioning units in homes. Tom Fry, the owner, would like to know whether there is a difference in the mean number of service calls they make per day. Assume the population standard deviation for Larry Clark is 1.05 calls per day, and 1.23 calls per day for George Murnen. A random sample of 40 days last year showed that Larry Clark made an average of 4.77 calls per day. For a sample of 50 days, George Murnen made an average of 5.02 calls per day. At the .05 significance level, is there a difference in the mean number of calls per day between the two employees? What is the p-value? Chapters 11 & 12 1. A consumer organization wants to know if there is a difference in the price of a particular toy at three different types of stores. The price of the toy was checked in a sample of five discount toy stores, five variety stores, and five department stores. The results are shown below. An ANOVA was run and the results are shown below. At the .05 significance level, is there a difference in the mean prices between the three stores? What is the p-value? Explain why an ANOVA was used to analyze this problem. 2. A physician who specializes in weight control has three different diets she recommends. As an experiment, she randomly selected 15 patients and then assigned 5 to each diet. After three weeks the following weight losses, in pounds, were noted. At the .05 significance level, can she conclude that there is a difference in the mean amount of weight loss among the three diets? An ANOVA was run and the results are shown below. At the .01 significance level, is there a difference in the weight loss between the three plans? What is the p-value? What can you do to determine exactly where the difference is? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 22. PSY 315 Week 4 Practice Problems Worksheet FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Chapter 7 The table below shows ratings of various aspects of work and home life of 100 middle-class men in India who were fathers. Pick three rows of interest to you and explain the results to someone who is familiar with the mean, variance, and Z scores, but knows nothing else about statistics. Chapter 8 Barker and colleagues (2012) compared 61 parents fo children who had a serious mental illness (SMI) to 321 parents of children withour such an illness. The researchers examined the parents’ reported levels of stress, their levels of a hormone called cortisol (levels of this hormone provide an indication of chronic stress), and their use of several types of medication. The table below shows the results of the study. Focusing on the parents’ number of stressors (the first row of the table) and the parents’ use of medications for anxiety or depression (the last row in the table), explain these results to a person who knows
  • 23. about the t test for a single sample but is unfamiliar with the t test for independent means. 14. For each of the following studies, say whether you would use a t test for dependent means or a t test for independent means. a. A researcher measures the heights of 40 university students who are the firstborn in their families and compares the 15 who come from large families to the 25 who come from smaller families. b. A researcher tests performance on a math skills test of each of 250 individuals before and after they complete a one-day seminar on managing test anxiety. c. A researcher compares the resting heart rate of 15 individuals who have been taking a particular drug to the resting heart rate of 48 other individuals who have not been taking the drug. Chapter 9 An experiment is conducted in which 60 participants each fill out a personality test, but not according to the way the participants see themselves. Instead, 15 are randomly assigned to fill it out according to the way they think theur mothers see them (that is, the way they
  • 24. think their mothers would fill it out to describe the participants); 15 as their fathers would fill it out for them; 15 as their best friends would fill it out for them; 15 as the professors they know best would fill it out for them. The main results appear in Table 9-17. Explain these results to a person who has never had a course in statistics. 24. Rosalie Friend (2001), and educational psychologist, compared three methods of teaching writing. Students were randomly assigned to three different experimental conditions involving different methods of writing a summary. At the end of the two days of instructions, participants wrote a summary. One of the ways it was scored was the percentage of specific details of information it included from the original material. Here is a selection from her article describing one of the findings: The effect of summarization method on inclusion of important information was significant F(2, 144) = 4.1032, p < .019. The mean scores (with standard deviations in parantheses) were as follows: Argument Repetition, 59.6% (17.9); Generalization, 59.8% (15.2); and Self-Reflection, 50.2% (18.0). (p.14) a. Explain these results to a person who has never had a course in statistics.
  • 25. b. Using the information in the preceding description, figure the effect size for the study. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is a correlation? What are the different types of correlation research? Why is it important to determine correlation? How is the strength of a correlation determined? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 5 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT If anxiety and depression are correlated, what three possible directions of causality might explain this correlation? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 5 Individual Assignment Hypothesis Testing Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resource: Instructor approved research issue, problem, or opportunity in the field of psychology
  • 26. Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you formulate a hypothesis based on your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity. Address the following: Describe your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity. Formulate a hypothesis statement concerning your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity. Determine your population and describe which sampling method you would use to generate your sample Describe how you would collect your data, the level of measurement of your data and which statistical technique you would use to analyze the data. Explain why you chose that statistical technique. Include a conclusion of your anticipated findings. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 5 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 3 Presentation (PTSD) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 27. Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation using the information you gathered and submitted in Weeks 3 & 4. Include the following: • Describe the problem, and provide some brief background about the situation. • Explain the research hypothesis. • Describe your sample and your sampling method. • Explain the four steps of the research process you followed, and define the critical value and the test statistic your analysis provided. • Provide the main finding of the study. What did you prove or fail to prove? • Provide recommendations based on your findings. Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSY 315 Week 5 Practice Problem Worksheet (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Provide a response to the following questions. Note: Each team member should compute the following questions and submit them to the Learning Team forum. The team should then discuss each team member’s answers to ascertain the correct answer for each question. Once your team has answered all the questions, submit a finalized team worksheet. Your research team has been tasked with finding the correlation of the following scenario: Four research participants take a test of manual dexterity (high scores mean better dexterity) and an anxiety test (high scores mean more anxiety). The scores are as follows: Person Dexterity Anxiety 1 1 10 2 1 8 3 2 4 4 4 -2 Describe the process your research team would go through by completing the following: 1. Create a scatter diagram of the scores, which should be a negative direction. 2. Describe in words the general pattern of correlation, if any. 3. Figure the correlation coefficient. 4. Explain the logic of what you have done, writing as if you are speaking to someone who has never heard of correlation (but who does understand the mean, standard deviation, Z scores, and hypothesis testing). 5. Provide
  • 28. three logically possible directions of causality, indicating for each direction whether it is a reasonable explanation for the correlation in light of the variables involved. Explain why. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------