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Home schooling Versus Traditional Schooling
Home schooling Versus Traditional SchoolingAbstract
This research paper examines the difference between home
schooling verses traditional schooling. It also unearths the deep
rooted education concepts that brought about homeschooling.
The study then describes why the number of parents choosing
homeschooling as an educational option for their children is on
the rise. This shift in educational options has in turn led to an
increase in the popularity of home schooling. The paper will
through analyses of the research, examine the causes of the
current popular trends.
Children who are homeschooled are distinctively different from
those who are traditionally schooled. This research paper shows
that the level of success for children who are homeschooled
gives a good agent for the home schooling type of education.
Through research studies, this research paper will address other
concerns which have been raised over time regarding success
homeschooling. These concerns raised against home schooling
are parental education levels and socialization, but research has
proven that homeschooling as a form of education is very
Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Discussion 4
The advantages of homeschooling 5
Excellent education 5
Educational Freedom 5
Physical Freedom 6
Emotional Freedom 6
Religious Freedom 6
Closer Family Relationships. 6
Stability During Difficult Times. 7
Well-Rested Kids 7
Integrated and consistent education 8
No Busywork. 8
Disadvantages of homeschool 9
Academic achievement 10
Getting results 11
Socialization of Home schooled Students 11
Two major issues emerged as of significance in this study. 11
College for Home Schooled Students 12
Conclusion 16
References 17
There are options for parents when deciding on their children's
education. In order to make a worthy educational decision,
parents need to understand the facts that surround the options
they have and the implications that accompany their decisions.
Although there is no research clearly showing which option is
more beneficial to students, an argument for traditional
schooling is that parents will always reap the fruits of
traditional schooling each and every day (McGrath, 2000).
Children who are homeschooled are socially deprived and
backward is a key argument raised by those who are opposed to
homeschooling. A contrast to their argument, research gives the
opposite. It shows that children who are homeschooled are in a
better position socially (Taylor, 2001). Both homeschooling of
children and traditionally schooling obviously has positive
Homeschooling is becoming more popular every day, with a
growth rate of 7 to 15 percent per year. There are about two
million children currently learning at home. Homeschooled kids
do well on standardized tests, are welcome at colleges and
universities, and as adults, have a reputation for being self-
directed learners and reliable employees.Almost ten years ago,
when I was making the decision to homeschool, I wrote up a list
of pros and cons. The pros won me over, but since then, I've
discovered there were many more pros and cons that I couldn't
possibly have anticipated!
To help other parents who are considering homeschooling, here
is a new list of advantages and disadvantages. This list is based
on both my experience and the experiences of dozens of
families who've shared with me the ups and downs of their day-
to-day homeschooling.The advantages of homeschooling
Excellent education
The most important goal in education educate children and
give them better education. In this, homeschoolchildren excel
academically. There is simply no better way to educate a child
than homeschooling beecause of the many advantages attached
to it. Homeschooling is a better way to educate a child and this
can be proved in several ways. Many of these benefits can be
easily understandood and the positive impact earnessed there in
can be easily evaluated. Children who are homeschooled
produce better performance on standardized tests compared to
those who are school in the traditional public schooling way. In
A recent comparison of SAT scores on the verbal and math test
for example, homeschooled children averaged 568on the verbal
and 525 on math. The national average score on the other hand
was 506 and 514 on the verbal and on math respectively. These
differences may appear insignificant for individuals since the
differences in averages for populations of students, they have a
huge significants. Students who are homeschooled are being
givcen more consideration for higher education. Many
universities and colleges have begun to tune their admission
requirements so as not only allow for, but to encourage
admission applications from students who are homeschooled.
Educational Freedom
Most homeschooled students have the the freedom to choose
what they want to study and to learn what they want. Also, they
are free to choose when they want learnt for as long as they
desire to learn. This is not to say that coverage of all the basics
is being violated but those basics can be covered at varrying
ages depending on child's ability, maturity, and interest. It is
unfortunate that a few states do have restrictive legal
requirements for basic studies. Educational freedom may be
compromised in such states and thus, they should be considered
exceptional cases.
Physical Freedom
Parents who homeschool their children admit experiencing a
real sense of freedom after the passage of the initial shock of
leaving the school system. Theirlives are freed from revolving
around children homework, school hours, and the school
calendar. These parents are able to plan off-season vacations,
make visots to mesuams and parks during the week, and and
spent their lives in a way that works best for them.
Emotional Freedom
A typical school day in public schooling sadly is charectrized
by peer pressure, boredom, competition and bullies. This
problem can particular affect girls. According to studies on
self-esteem, it has been established that self-esteem in girls
plummets mostly they are in middle-school level. This is
attributed mostly to the vices associated with public schooling.
However, similar studies shows that self-esteem for
homeschooled girls remains intact and that these girls continue
to thrive. Kids who omeschooled can always address issues, act
and think the way they want, without fearing any form of
redicule that may arise. Such children therefore live in the real
world that is characterized by absence of dictation by by
adolescent trends and perilous experiments.
Religious Freedom
Religious and spiritual beliefs are perceived by many parents as
important components defining who thay are. Parents who home
schooled their children have the opportunity to incorporate their
religious and spiritual believes to their children in their day to
day living.
Closer Family Relationships.
Every family find time to foster love ties between their children
and all the family members when they homeschool their
kids.This interaction is is enormously beneficial to teens. This
helps to diminish rebellious and destructive behaviors that are
often developed in public schools.
Education in home schooling is custom made to suit child's
capabilities and personality. This is because homeschooing of
children focuses mainly on child as individuals. A child's
education can be tailored and tuned to suit his or her
capabilities and personalities. If a child excels in a specific
area, it is recommendable to accelerate his or her education in
that area. If a child struggles in a particular area, additional
resources can be brought to bear to help. Also, the way children
are taught can be based on how the child best learns because of
the child's personality. In which case, a child who is a visual
learner can ave more visual elements incorporated into the
learning instruction . This works better than the cookie-cutter
approach to education that is required in an intuitional setting; a
key characteristic of public schooling.
Stability During Difficult Times.
Families who home school their children find it easy to cope wit
challenges during difficult times. Home schooling children is a
stabilizing factor in the otherwise mixed-up lives of parents
when faced difficult situations such as birth of a new baby,
death in the family, or an illness.
Well-Rested Kids
Sufficient sleep is important to the emotional and physical well-
being of teens and preteens. The effects associated with early
morning classes can be devastating to many children, especially
those who are not early morning birds.
Integrated and consistent education
Homeschooled child's education is managed by the same
person over a long period of time. AS a result, education can be
consistent enable for a long-term plan in which each topic
taught. The experience gained thereon seamlessly benefits with
those that have come before. Because the parent is intimately
involved with the student over some period of time, parent can
easily understands the child's background and experiences and
uses that knowledge to design future educational facilties and
No Busywork.
Homeschooled children can accomplish in a few hours what
takes a typical classroom a week or more to cover. In a recent
interview, John Taylor Gatto, New York City Teacher of the
Year and a 26-year teaching veteran, said that in many
classrooms less than one hour out of each school day is spent on
"on task" learning. No wonder these kids have so much
homework. And that brings us to a major "pro" of
homeschooling: No more homework!Disadvantages of
There have been homeschooling advertisements with the use of
it's students and and graduates. The idea of homeschooling has
been a dynamic growth over the last three years and now at its
best. Home schoolers have been achieving high test scores and
winning spelling bees. They have interacted maturely with peers
and adults. Children with special learning needs have exceeded
the expectations of everyone around them. Homeschool
graduates have embarked confidently on college, careers, and
starting families of their own. The anecdotal evidence of
homeschooling’s success has been backed by multiple research
There is a clear evidence that homeschooling is academically
advantageous to students over the public schooling systems.
Reading the results that pertain to socioeconomic factors and
analyzing the data should reinforce the existing belief that every
child has the capacity to learn anywhere. The success of
homeschooling has interestingly been revealed by research that
it has no connection to parent's education. The number of
college attendance is made up of a huge number home-schooled
students and a few public schooled students. Statistics further
show that only 50% of home schooled student's parents
attended. However, the same statistics show that approximately
75 percent of students who are home schooled attend college.
On the other hand, 50 percent of students who attend public
school drop out of school.
Academic achievement
Home schoolers are still achieving well beyond their public
school counterparts. This is, no matter what their family
background, socioeconomic level, or style of homeschooling. In
the study, home schoolers scored 34–39 percentile points higher
than the norm on standardized achievement tests. The
homeschool national average ranged from the 84th percentile
for Language, Math, and Social Studies to the 89th percentile
for Reading. The study also found that whether or not parents
were teacher certified had no impact on these high scores.
Critics of homeschooling have long insisted that parents who
want to teach their own children should become certified
teachers first. But in this study, students received slightly
higher scores if neither parent had ever held a state-issued
teaching certificate than if one or both parents had. Critics also
insist that the government should regulate homeschooling in
order to ensure the quality of education that students receive.
However, in this study, the degree to which homeschooling was
regulated by state governments had no bearing on student test
scores. That’s a good reason for state governments to redirect
scarce funds from regulating homeschooling to where the money
is actually needed.
Getting results
The study took into consideration the many approaches that
students who are homeschooled take on their education. It was
found that there is hardly any difference. The difference their
achievements are based on the degree of structure ranging from
many unstructured approaches such as eclectic teaching
approaches to very structured, pre-planned, and prescribed
approaches, the amount of time spent per day in parent directed
learning activities and the enrollment in a full-service
curriculum (Aesen, 2010).
Socialization of Home schooled Students
Although academics in home schooling are important, other
areas of concern affect student achievement. Socialization is an
important area of concern. A study conducted by Rothermel
(2004), looked at the socialization factor in students who are
home schooled. Since there is a wide range of methods of
homeschooling, the experience of different students varies from
one student to another. Depending on the child, isolation does
not necessarily have to impact negatively. Although this is not
part of this study, it is important to mention as an argument
against homeschooling. Two major issues emerged as of
significance in this study.
1.Students from lower socioeconomic groups who are
homeschooled performed better than the middle class students
(Rothermel, 2004).
2. It emerged that the first year at school is a predictor of future
development and that it has a powerful influence on the student
(Rothermel, 2004).
This study also included information on ‘socialization’ of home
schoolers. This is a question that seems to surface when talking
about homeschooled students on a regular basis. Despite the
fact students who are home schooled remain active members of
churches, clubs, and other social networks and activities, this is
not typically a problem. The study found that children who are
homeschooled were more socially mature than those who attend
public schools (Chang et al., 2011). In addition to socialization
homeschooled students have a higher self-esteem compared to
those of attend public school in areas of math, science, verbal
skills and are not socially deprived. College for Home Schooled
It is a general goal of each and every student to be successful in
college. Therefore, it is important for all college bound students
have the skills that are necessary to enter college. Students
journey through three stages of transition as they adjust and
become assimilated into college life; transition, separation, and
incorporation (Bolle, Wessel &Mulvihill, 2007).
A comparison of students who transitioned from home school
into college life with those who are transitioning from public
school shows no significant difference. It was important to
understand the reasons as to why parents choose to home school
their children is to give them a better education, to avoid a poor
school environment, for certain religious reasons, for family
reasons, and to instill character and good morality (Bolle et al.,
From ancient times to date, there have been tremendous changes
in education. These changes have come into a full circle from
homeschooling as the primary form of education to public
schooling, and now to both. Because of this kind of transition,
home schooling has received a lot of respect and it is becoming
a more prominent practice in the world we live in. This form of
education was originally characterized by boys being
homeschooled until the age of 16 years and girls on the other
hand being homeschooled mainly by women in the society. This
practice greatly changed the course of education (Aesen, 2010)
Private Schools in the U.S. Number and Percentage by NCES
Typology 2011-12, Table 1 by NCES Typology 2011-12
Other religious
Conservative Christian
Special Emphasis
Special Education
Private Schools by School Level 2011-12, Table 1
Private School Students in the U.S. Number and Percentage by
NCES Typology 2011-12 Table 5
Other religious
Conservative Christian
Other affiliated
Special emphasis
Special education
Private Schools by School Level 2011-12, Table 5
Home schooling can be an effective educational tool for
students. It provides parents with time to spend with their
children while learning in a way that is conducive to their
learning style.
If done appropriately, these students can have an even greater
advantage over public schooled students. Since test scores tend
to be higher for home schoolers than their public school
counterparts, homeschooling is a very effective option for many
parents. In addition,
Homeschooled students are accepted at a high rate to
universities. Their acceptance is based on both their test scores
and their college success rate. This gives them great
opportunities to be accepted into universities or colleges who at
times seek out homeschooled students, because they usually
complete their education at high rates. Seventy-five percent of
homeschooled students attend college and their success rate is
equal or better than their public school counterparts (Aasen,
Bauman, KJ. (2002). Home-schooling in the United States:
Trends and characteristics.
Lines, P. (2002). Support for home-based study.” Eric
Clearinghouse on Educational Management, University of
Oregon. National Center for Education Statistics(NCES).
2001. Homeschooling in the United States: 1999.
Romanowski, Michael H.(2006) Revisiting the Common Myths
about Homeschooling. Clearing House: A Journal of
Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas. Philadelphia: Heldref
Publications, 2006.125-129.
Stevens, ML. (2001). Kingdom of Children. Culture and
Controversy in the Home- Schooling Movement. Princeton
University Press: Princeton.
To: Mike Bowman
From: Peter Malon
Date: July 12, 2015
Subject: Proposal to compare the difference between
homeschooling vs. traditional schooling
Every year parents make a decision weather their children will
attend homeschooled or attend the traditional public school
system. This is something that society has never really been
able to define completely because everyone has different
opinions. I have often meet people that homeschooled all their
life and they tell me all their accomplishments, how they were
able to graduate 2 or 3 years younger due to the fact they didn’t
have the distractions that high school students had to deal with.
I have also met the people that tell me the public educational
system is the best due to their children having the opportunity
to engage with other people oppose to homeschooling which
they have no one. But in reality which is the best way to
educate your child?
State of problem
The problem is that parents need to be aware of what is better
for their children for them to attend to be homeschooled or
attend public school. There are a lot of places that can say one
is better than the other but those are very bias opinions. We
need to find out the truth behind what is better for the child to
attend before they take a path without completely knowing all
the facts about each one.
1.What impact does each path give the child on his future?
2.Why would anyone be homeschooled?
3.Why would anyone attend public school?
4.Does home schooling benefit over attending public school?
5.How is the child’s social life after attending either or.
6.Does home schooling affect a student’s ability to get into
Proposed solution
Many parents have busy schedules and don’t have the time do
so research or have an easy access of finding out what is better
for their child. There should be research done all throughout the
United States, children that have been homeschool and have
attended the public school system. My recommendation is that
there should be an article or a paper that comes in the mail for
every house with children suggesting which form of schooling
is better for a child and from there the parent could choose what
is better.
My primary search would be to contact the department of
education of the United States of America. They are responsible
for setting up the educational system and setting up the rules, I
would ask them to conduct a study on certain a amount of
students that have gone through the public school system. They
will provide insight on a certain amount of students that will be
monitored throughout their years in the public school system.
While them being monitored they will be recording their test
results as well as their achievements. For the children attending
homeschool I would contact certain homeschools and have them
do the same as in the public school system and compare results
once the children have finished their school.
I am young adult that will be personally affected by this in the
near future. When I have my children I want to know what is the
best way for my child to obtain his education. By there being
research done and when accomplished, articles and official
papers being send to every home could benefit everyone and
myself in making such a decision. I could go on the Internet and
search for the answer but at the end of the day they are all bias
opinions that people have.
If research is done for this matter it cold benefit everyone and it
could give the new generation less stress if to decide weather to
put his or her children in public school or to be homeschooled.
It will give society an easier way of making of making a choice
they don’t have to listen to anyone or anything because there
will be proven facts which one is actually better for the child. I
would highly appreciate if you take this research into
Assignment Sheet Research Proposal
Readings: The following chapters (13e numbers) are required
reading for this
22 Analytical Reports
23 Proposals
9 Summarizing Research Findings and Other Information
13 Designing Pages and Documents
12 Designing Visual Information
Assignment Description
Your semester project will be a research-based document that
takes the form of an
analytical report that answers the questions laid out in your
research proposal. An
analytical report has an informative focus, as it studies a
problem and makes
Recommendations based on a series of research questions. The
quality of your
questions will determine the quality of your report. In chapter
22, the text gives several
examples for research focus:
• Causal Analysis: Why does X happen?
• Comparative Analysis: Is X better than Y?
• Feasibility Analysis: Is this a good idea?
Analytical Report Samples: outline p. 522, full reports: pp. 539-
Assignment Requirements
All of the following are required components of the semester
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Abstract or Executive Summary
The abstract or executive summary is a one page breakdown of
your entire report,
including your findings. For explanation see: 184-187, 535. For
model, see 541.
Report Body
The body should be a minimum of 6 pages single-spaced, and
should include a
Minimum of two graphics (tables, charts, line graphs, diagrams,
etc). This is not as
much as it sounds, since you are using page design principles
such as white space,
headings, bullets, and graphics.
Additionally, depending on your audience and purpose, you may
also choose to List of
Tables and Figures, Glossary, Appendices, and other
Works Cited Page – See the models in the text for formatting.
Assignment Sheet
Visuals: As noted in Report Body, you must include two visuals
of any type, which may
include tables. These should be labeled with a title above and
numbered figure caption
Minimum Length (Entire Report): Given the guidelines above,
the minimum acceptable
length for your semester project is 10 single-spaced pages, from
cover to cover (3
pages of Front Matter, 6 pages of body including graphics, and
a Works Cited page at
the end.
Grading Criteria
I will grade according to these criteria.
CONTENT (8 Points)
• Clearly identifies goal or purpose
• Provides sufficient background, citing for sources as needed to
build credibility
• Avoids the appearance of bias or rushing to a conclusion
• Anticipates objections and questions
• Acknowledges limitations of analysis
• States benefits, costs and drawbacks
• Uses Visuals effectively, and labels all key parts of the visual
• Includes all the required front and back matter
RESEARCH (6 points)
• Uses at least four properly cited* sources (primary and/or
• Includes a rhetorically-effective mix of primary and secondary
• Research is effectively incorporated and documented
consistently according to
the guidelines of the chosen citation system
• Works Cited page is included, correctly formatted
• Headings, bullets, and formatting are used increase readability
• Paragraphing and transitions are clear and appropriate
• Each sentence can be understood the first time it is read
• Writing is fluent, with an appropriate mix of shorter and
longer sentences
• Language is accessible, grammar is correct
• Writing is clear and concise
* Citing Sources: As long as you are consistent, you can cite
according to any system
you want to use (MLA, APA, Chicago). Just be consistent, and
cite material that you did
not write.

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  • 1. Running Head: HOME SCHOOLING VERSUS TRADITIONAL SCHOOLING HOME SCHOOLING VERSUS TRADITIONAL SCHOOLING 6 Home schooling Versus Traditional Schooling Name Institution Home schooling Versus Traditional SchoolingAbstract This research paper examines the difference between home schooling verses traditional schooling. It also unearths the deep rooted education concepts that brought about homeschooling. The study then describes why the number of parents choosing homeschooling as an educational option for their children is on the rise. This shift in educational options has in turn led to an increase in the popularity of home schooling. The paper will through analyses of the research, examine the causes of the current popular trends.
  • 2. Children who are homeschooled are distinctively different from those who are traditionally schooled. This research paper shows that the level of success for children who are homeschooled gives a good agent for the home schooling type of education. Through research studies, this research paper will address other concerns which have been raised over time regarding success homeschooling. These concerns raised against home schooling are parental education levels and socialization, but research has proven that homeschooling as a form of education is very viable. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Discussion 4 Homeschooling4 The advantages of homeschooling 5 Excellent education 5 Educational Freedom 5 Physical Freedom 6 Emotional Freedom 6 Religious Freedom 6 Closer Family Relationships. 6 Stability During Difficult Times. 7 Well-Rested Kids 7 Integrated and consistent education 8 No Busywork. 8 Disadvantages of homeschool 9 Academic achievement 10 Getting results 11 Socialization of Home schooled Students 11 Two major issues emerged as of significance in this study. 11 College for Home Schooled Students 12 Conclusion 16 References 17
  • 3. Discussion There are options for parents when deciding on their children's education. In order to make a worthy educational decision, parents need to understand the facts that surround the options they have and the implications that accompany their decisions. Although there is no research clearly showing which option is more beneficial to students, an argument for traditional schooling is that parents will always reap the fruits of traditional schooling each and every day (McGrath, 2000). Children who are homeschooled are socially deprived and backward is a key argument raised by those who are opposed to homeschooling. A contrast to their argument, research gives the opposite. It shows that children who are homeschooled are in a better position socially (Taylor, 2001). Both homeschooling of children and traditionally schooling obviously has positive views.Homeschooling Homeschooling is becoming more popular every day, with a growth rate of 7 to 15 percent per year. There are about two million children currently learning at home. Homeschooled kids do well on standardized tests, are welcome at colleges and universities, and as adults, have a reputation for being self- directed learners and reliable employees.Almost ten years ago, when I was making the decision to homeschool, I wrote up a list of pros and cons. The pros won me over, but since then, I've discovered there were many more pros and cons that I couldn't possibly have anticipated! To help other parents who are considering homeschooling, here is a new list of advantages and disadvantages. This list is based on both my experience and the experiences of dozens of families who've shared with me the ups and downs of their day- to-day homeschooling.The advantages of homeschooling Excellent education The most important goal in education educate children and give them better education. In this, homeschoolchildren excel academically. There is simply no better way to educate a child
  • 4. than homeschooling beecause of the many advantages attached to it. Homeschooling is a better way to educate a child and this can be proved in several ways. Many of these benefits can be easily understandood and the positive impact earnessed there in can be easily evaluated. Children who are homeschooled produce better performance on standardized tests compared to those who are school in the traditional public schooling way. In A recent comparison of SAT scores on the verbal and math test for example, homeschooled children averaged 568on the verbal and 525 on math. The national average score on the other hand was 506 and 514 on the verbal and on math respectively. These differences may appear insignificant for individuals since the differences in averages for populations of students, they have a huge significants. Students who are homeschooled are being givcen more consideration for higher education. Many universities and colleges have begun to tune their admission requirements so as not only allow for, but to encourage admission applications from students who are homeschooled. Educational Freedom Most homeschooled students have the the freedom to choose what they want to study and to learn what they want. Also, they are free to choose when they want learnt for as long as they desire to learn. This is not to say that coverage of all the basics is being violated but those basics can be covered at varrying ages depending on child's ability, maturity, and interest. It is unfortunate that a few states do have restrictive legal requirements for basic studies. Educational freedom may be compromised in such states and thus, they should be considered exceptional cases. Physical Freedom Parents who homeschool their children admit experiencing a real sense of freedom after the passage of the initial shock of leaving the school system. Theirlives are freed from revolving around children homework, school hours, and the school
  • 5. calendar. These parents are able to plan off-season vacations, make visots to mesuams and parks during the week, and and spent their lives in a way that works best for them. Emotional Freedom A typical school day in public schooling sadly is charectrized by peer pressure, boredom, competition and bullies. This problem can particular affect girls. According to studies on self-esteem, it has been established that self-esteem in girls plummets mostly they are in middle-school level. This is attributed mostly to the vices associated with public schooling. However, similar studies shows that self-esteem for homeschooled girls remains intact and that these girls continue to thrive. Kids who omeschooled can always address issues, act and think the way they want, without fearing any form of redicule that may arise. Such children therefore live in the real world that is characterized by absence of dictation by by adolescent trends and perilous experiments. Religious Freedom Religious and spiritual beliefs are perceived by many parents as important components defining who thay are. Parents who home schooled their children have the opportunity to incorporate their religious and spiritual believes to their children in their day to day living. Closer Family Relationships. Every family find time to foster love ties between their children and all the family members when they homeschool their kids.This interaction is is enormously beneficial to teens. This helps to diminish rebellious and destructive behaviors that are often developed in public schools. Education in home schooling is custom made to suit child's capabilities and personality. This is because homeschooing of children focuses mainly on child as individuals. A child's education can be tailored and tuned to suit his or her
  • 6. capabilities and personalities. If a child excels in a specific area, it is recommendable to accelerate his or her education in that area. If a child struggles in a particular area, additional resources can be brought to bear to help. Also, the way children are taught can be based on how the child best learns because of the child's personality. In which case, a child who is a visual learner can ave more visual elements incorporated into the learning instruction . This works better than the cookie-cutter approach to education that is required in an intuitional setting; a key characteristic of public schooling. Stability During Difficult Times. Families who home school their children find it easy to cope wit challenges during difficult times. Home schooling children is a stabilizing factor in the otherwise mixed-up lives of parents when faced difficult situations such as birth of a new baby, death in the family, or an illness. Well-Rested Kids Sufficient sleep is important to the emotional and physical well- being of teens and preteens. The effects associated with early morning classes can be devastating to many children, especially those who are not early morning birds. Integrated and consistent education Homeschooled child's education is managed by the same person over a long period of time. AS a result, education can be consistent enable for a long-term plan in which each topic taught. The experience gained thereon seamlessly benefits with those that have come before. Because the parent is intimately involved with the student over some period of time, parent can easily understands the child's background and experiences and uses that knowledge to design future educational facilties and activities. No Busywork.
  • 7. Homeschooled children can accomplish in a few hours what takes a typical classroom a week or more to cover. In a recent interview, John Taylor Gatto, New York City Teacher of the Year and a 26-year teaching veteran, said that in many classrooms less than one hour out of each school day is spent on "on task" learning. No wonder these kids have so much homework. And that brings us to a major "pro" of homeschooling: No more homework!Disadvantages of homeschool There have been homeschooling advertisements with the use of it's students and and graduates. The idea of homeschooling has been a dynamic growth over the last three years and now at its best. Home schoolers have been achieving high test scores and winning spelling bees. They have interacted maturely with peers and adults. Children with special learning needs have exceeded the expectations of everyone around them. Homeschool graduates have embarked confidently on college, careers, and starting families of their own. The anecdotal evidence of homeschooling’s success has been backed by multiple research studies There is a clear evidence that homeschooling is academically advantageous to students over the public schooling systems. Reading the results that pertain to socioeconomic factors and analyzing the data should reinforce the existing belief that every child has the capacity to learn anywhere. The success of homeschooling has interestingly been revealed by research that it has no connection to parent's education. The number of college attendance is made up of a huge number home-schooled students and a few public schooled students. Statistics further show that only 50% of home schooled student's parents attended. However, the same statistics show that approximately 75 percent of students who are home schooled attend college. On the other hand, 50 percent of students who attend public school drop out of school. Academic achievement
  • 8. Home schoolers are still achieving well beyond their public school counterparts. This is, no matter what their family background, socioeconomic level, or style of homeschooling. In the study, home schoolers scored 34–39 percentile points higher than the norm on standardized achievement tests. The homeschool national average ranged from the 84th percentile for Language, Math, and Social Studies to the 89th percentile for Reading. The study also found that whether or not parents were teacher certified had no impact on these high scores. Critics of homeschooling have long insisted that parents who want to teach their own children should become certified teachers first. But in this study, students received slightly higher scores if neither parent had ever held a state-issued teaching certificate than if one or both parents had. Critics also insist that the government should regulate homeschooling in order to ensure the quality of education that students receive. However, in this study, the degree to which homeschooling was regulated by state governments had no bearing on student test scores. That’s a good reason for state governments to redirect scarce funds from regulating homeschooling to where the money is actually needed. Getting results The study took into consideration the many approaches that students who are homeschooled take on their education. It was found that there is hardly any difference. The difference their achievements are based on the degree of structure ranging from many unstructured approaches such as eclectic teaching approaches to very structured, pre-planned, and prescribed approaches, the amount of time spent per day in parent directed learning activities and the enrollment in a full-service curriculum (Aesen, 2010). Socialization of Home schooled Students
  • 9. Although academics in home schooling are important, other areas of concern affect student achievement. Socialization is an important area of concern. A study conducted by Rothermel (2004), looked at the socialization factor in students who are home schooled. Since there is a wide range of methods of homeschooling, the experience of different students varies from one student to another. Depending on the child, isolation does not necessarily have to impact negatively. Although this is not part of this study, it is important to mention as an argument against homeschooling. Two major issues emerged as of significance in this study. 1.Students from lower socioeconomic groups who are homeschooled performed better than the middle class students (Rothermel, 2004). 2. It emerged that the first year at school is a predictor of future development and that it has a powerful influence on the student (Rothermel, 2004). This study also included information on ‘socialization’ of home schoolers. This is a question that seems to surface when talking about homeschooled students on a regular basis. Despite the fact students who are home schooled remain active members of churches, clubs, and other social networks and activities, this is not typically a problem. The study found that children who are homeschooled were more socially mature than those who attend public schools (Chang et al., 2011). In addition to socialization homeschooled students have a higher self-esteem compared to those of attend public school in areas of math, science, verbal skills and are not socially deprived. College for Home Schooled Students It is a general goal of each and every student to be successful in college. Therefore, it is important for all college bound students have the skills that are necessary to enter college. Students journey through three stages of transition as they adjust and become assimilated into college life; transition, separation, and incorporation (Bolle, Wessel &Mulvihill, 2007). A comparison of students who transitioned from home school
  • 10. into college life with those who are transitioning from public school shows no significant difference. It was important to understand the reasons as to why parents choose to home school their children is to give them a better education, to avoid a poor school environment, for certain religious reasons, for family reasons, and to instill character and good morality (Bolle et al., 2007). From ancient times to date, there have been tremendous changes in education. These changes have come into a full circle from homeschooling as the primary form of education to public schooling, and now to both. Because of this kind of transition, home schooling has received a lot of respect and it is becoming a more prominent practice in the world we live in. This form of education was originally characterized by boys being homeschooled until the age of 16 years and girls on the other hand being homeschooled mainly by women in the society. This practice greatly changed the course of education (Aesen, 2010) Private Schools in the U.S. Number and Percentage by NCES Typology 2011-12, Table 1 by NCES Typology 2011-12 Catholic Parochial Diocesan Private 6,873 2,910 2,922 1,041 (22.3%) (9.4%) (9.5%) (3.4%) Other religious Conservative Christian
  • 11. Affiliated Unaffiliated 14,214 4,744 3,060 6,579 (46.1%) (14.8%) (8.6%) (24.3%) Nonsectarian Regular Special Emphasis Special Education 9,775 4,882 3,280 1,613 (31.7%) (15.8%) (10.6%) (5.2%) Private Schools by School Level 2011-12, Table 1 Elementary Secondary Combined 19,697 2,677 8,488 (63.8%) (8.7%) (27.5%) Private School Students in the U.S. Number and Percentage by
  • 12. NCES Typology 2011-12 Table 5 Catholic Parochial Diocesan Private 1,928,388 728,669 830,813 368,906 (42.9%) (16.2%) (18.5%) (8.2%) Other religious Conservative Christian Other affiliated Unaffiliated 1,676,649 630,557 486,746 559,347 (37.3%) (14.0%) (10.8%) (12.4%) Nonsectarian Regular Special emphasis Special education 889,807 611,529 173,773 104,505 (19.8%)
  • 13. (13.4%) (3.9%) (2.3%) Private Schools by School Level 2011-12, Table 5 Elementary Secondary Combined 2,124,106 757,448 1,613,291 (47.3%) (16.9%) (35.9%) Conclusion Home schooling can be an effective educational tool for students. It provides parents with time to spend with their children while learning in a way that is conducive to their learning style. If done appropriately, these students can have an even greater advantage over public schooled students. Since test scores tend to be higher for home schoolers than their public school counterparts, homeschooling is a very effective option for many parents. In addition, Homeschooled students are accepted at a high rate to universities. Their acceptance is based on both their test scores and their college success rate. This gives them great opportunities to be accepted into universities or colleges who at times seek out homeschooled students, because they usually complete their education at high rates. Seventy-five percent of homeschooled students attend college and their success rate is equal or better than their public school counterparts (Aasen, 2010). References
  • 14. Bauman, KJ. (2002). Home-schooling in the United States: Trends and characteristics. Lines, P. (2002). Support for home-based study.” Eric Clearinghouse on Educational Management, University of Oregon. National Center for Education Statistics(NCES). 2001. Homeschooling in the United States: 1999. Romanowski, Michael H.(2006) Revisiting the Common Myths about Homeschooling. Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas. Philadelphia: Heldref Publications, 2006.125-129. Stevens, ML. (2001). Kingdom of Children. Culture and Controversy in the Home- Schooling Movement. Princeton University Press: Princeton. To: Mike Bowman From: Peter Malon Date: July 12, 2015 Subject: Proposal to compare the difference between homeschooling vs. traditional schooling Introduction Every year parents make a decision weather their children will attend homeschooled or attend the traditional public school system. This is something that society has never really been able to define completely because everyone has different opinions. I have often meet people that homeschooled all their life and they tell me all their accomplishments, how they were able to graduate 2 or 3 years younger due to the fact they didn’t have the distractions that high school students had to deal with. I have also met the people that tell me the public educational
  • 15. system is the best due to their children having the opportunity to engage with other people oppose to homeschooling which they have no one. But in reality which is the best way to educate your child? State of problem The problem is that parents need to be aware of what is better for their children for them to attend to be homeschooled or attend public school. There are a lot of places that can say one is better than the other but those are very bias opinions. We need to find out the truth behind what is better for the child to attend before they take a path without completely knowing all the facts about each one. Scope 1.What impact does each path give the child on his future? 2.Why would anyone be homeschooled? 3.Why would anyone attend public school? 4.Does home schooling benefit over attending public school? 5.How is the child’s social life after attending either or. 6.Does home schooling affect a student’s ability to get into college? Proposed solution Many parents have busy schedules and don’t have the time do so research or have an easy access of finding out what is better for their child. There should be research done all throughout the United States, children that have been homeschool and have attended the public school system. My recommendation is that there should be an article or a paper that comes in the mail for every house with children suggesting which form of schooling is better for a child and from there the parent could choose what is better.
  • 16. Methods: My primary search would be to contact the department of education of the United States of America. They are responsible for setting up the educational system and setting up the rules, I would ask them to conduct a study on certain a amount of students that have gone through the public school system. They will provide insight on a certain amount of students that will be monitored throughout their years in the public school system. While them being monitored they will be recording their test results as well as their achievements. For the children attending homeschool I would contact certain homeschools and have them do the same as in the public school system and compare results once the children have finished their school. Qualifications I am young adult that will be personally affected by this in the near future. When I have my children I want to know what is the best way for my child to obtain his education. By there being research done and when accomplished, articles and official papers being send to every home could benefit everyone and myself in making such a decision. I could go on the Internet and search for the answer but at the end of the day they are all bias opinions that people have. Conclusion If research is done for this matter it cold benefit everyone and it could give the new generation less stress if to decide weather to put his or her children in public school or to be homeschooled. It will give society an easier way of making of making a choice they don’t have to listen to anyone or anything because there will be proven facts which one is actually better for the child. I would highly appreciate if you take this research into
  • 17. consideration. Assignment Sheet Research Proposal Readings: The following chapters (13e numbers) are required reading for this assignment: 22 Analytical Reports 23 Proposals 9 Summarizing Research Findings and Other Information 13 Designing Pages and Documents 12 Designing Visual Information Assignment Description Your semester project will be a research-based document that takes the form of an analytical report that answers the questions laid out in your research proposal. An analytical report has an informative focus, as it studies a problem and makes Recommendations based on a series of research questions. The quality of your questions will determine the quality of your report. In chapter 22, the text gives several examples for research focus: • Causal Analysis: Why does X happen? • Comparative Analysis: Is X better than Y? • Feasibility Analysis: Is this a good idea? Analytical Report Samples: outline p. 522, full reports: pp. 539- 549 Assignment Requirements
  • 18. All of the following are required components of the semester project: Cover Page Table of Contents Abstract or Executive Summary The abstract or executive summary is a one page breakdown of your entire report, including your findings. For explanation see: 184-187, 535. For model, see 541. Report Body The body should be a minimum of 6 pages single-spaced, and should include a Minimum of two graphics (tables, charts, line graphs, diagrams, etc). This is not as much as it sounds, since you are using page design principles such as white space, headings, bullets, and graphics. Additionally, depending on your audience and purpose, you may also choose to List of Tables and Figures, Glossary, Appendices, and other Documentation. Works Cited Page – See the models in the text for formatting. Assignment Sheet Visuals: As noted in Report Body, you must include two visuals of any type, which may include tables. These should be labeled with a title above and numbered figure caption below.
  • 19. Minimum Length (Entire Report): Given the guidelines above, the minimum acceptable length for your semester project is 10 single-spaced pages, from cover to cover (3 pages of Front Matter, 6 pages of body including graphics, and a Works Cited page at the end. Grading Criteria I will grade according to these criteria. CONTENT (8 Points) • Clearly identifies goal or purpose • Provides sufficient background, citing for sources as needed to build credibility • Avoids the appearance of bias or rushing to a conclusion • Anticipates objections and questions • Acknowledges limitations of analysis • States benefits, costs and drawbacks • Uses Visuals effectively, and labels all key parts of the visual • Includes all the required front and back matter RESEARCH (6 points) • Uses at least four properly cited* sources (primary and/or secondary) • Includes a rhetorically-effective mix of primary and secondary research • Research is effectively incorporated and documented consistently according to the guidelines of the chosen citation system • Works Cited page is included, correctly formatted STYLE AND PAGE DESIGN (6 points • Headings, bullets, and formatting are used increase readability • Paragraphing and transitions are clear and appropriate • Each sentence can be understood the first time it is read • Writing is fluent, with an appropriate mix of shorter and longer sentences
  • 20. • Language is accessible, grammar is correct • Writing is clear and concise * Citing Sources: As long as you are consistent, you can cite according to any system you want to use (MLA, APA, Chicago). Just be consistent, and cite material that you did not write.