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The Serbian Ministry of Diaspora – Department for Status Issues, Unification of the Serbs
(Обједињење Срба) Moscow, Сербское земљачество Москва, the Association for
Preservation and Cultivation of the Culture of Vinĉa VINĈANSKI NEOLIT, the Association
Milutin Milanković, the Association for the Protection of Cyrillic Alphabet ЋИРИЛИЦА, and
KолоВенија Belgrade are inviting you to participate, either as a lecturer or as a listener, in
International Scientific Conference
September 2012 – Belgrade, “Sava Centar“ (Plenary Session)
September 2012 – Sections at Belgrade universities
September 2012 – the archeological site of Vinĉa and the archeological site of
Lepenski Vir
The Conference aims to consider on a multi-disciplinary basis:
a) the origins of the word CULTURE and the CULTURE itself, and on what basis and
when the ancient people changed the nomadic for a sedentary way of life, and the way
it relates to the orientation of a cyclic renewal on nature.
b) various aspects of interdependence between the achievements of the people of the
original epoch of:
 Lepenski Vir (on the right bank of the Danube: Lepenski Vir, Vlasac, Hajduĉka
Vodenica, Padina and on the left bank of the Danube: Vetrenj, Terase, Ikoana,
Razvrat, Ostrovul Banuluj, Skela Kladovej, Kuina Turkuluj) and
 Starĉevo-Cris Culture: Starĉevo in Serbia, Körös/Kereš in Hungary and Criş/Кriš in
 Vinĉa and
 the achievements of the modern world.
c) the earliest ingeniously simple (and accurate) world view/мировозрење of the epoch of
Lepenski Vir: the view of the unity of men, nature and celestial motion, which gave birth
to technological progress after having conceived in the epoch of Lepenski Vir and
Vinĉa the basics of sciences and knowledge such as mathematics/calendar and
astronomical knowledge, literacy, architecture, geology, agronomy, law, medicine,
d) development of the main features of the culture of Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa, not only
from the standpoint of archeology and classical history and sociology, but also using
the facts offered by the exact and natural sciences (mathematics,
medicine/genetics/DNA research, astronomy, physics, mining, architecture,
climatology, geology, paleobotanics, genetics, agronomy, linguistics, ethnology,
theology, jurisprudence etc.),
e) the continuity of the culture of mankind despite numerous natural and social
cataclysms and the cyclical nature of the development of civilization, and within that
 the questions: do nations and genera - na(rodi) disappear and what is the method
to achieve that, or
 does the dominant organizer of the society within the area of (''his own'') territory
adapt the names of nations to his lexis (change the name, impose his language, his
religion, his view of the world, his ethics) or
 do various genera and nations – (na)rodi survive within the scope of tolerance of
the rodoVerna (English: “faithful to the genus”) civilization,
f) колоДарско/каленДарско (“calendar”) secret knowledge '' when to sow and when to
expect harvest'', as the basis of expansion of the agricultural culture and civilization of
g) based on what logic (and how to overcome that absurd) are, at schools and
 the Serbs and other South Slavs taught that our ancestors migrated to the Balkans
from the north in the VI century!
 the Russians taught that in the same VI and in VII century they migrated from the
Danube region /the Balkans to the present territory of the city of, or the river
phase, be the main activity with the associated events ''Everything is Kolo/Circle'', while in
the years to come, in addition to the conference, the event ''Everything is Kolo/Circle'' will
be the primary area of development intended to include several towns and subsequently
the whole Serbia.
1. The scientific conference ''AT THE ORIGINS OF CULTURE AND SCIENCE'':
a) on 21st
September the plenary session – from 9 o'clock at the Congress Center
b) on 22nd
September the sessions of the university sections – from 9 o'clock in the
Conference Hall of the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade and at faculties,
c) on 23rd
September the visits to archeological sites of Vinĉa and Lepenski Vir.
2. the associated culturological events EVERYTHING IS KOLO/CIRCLE:
a) from 14th
to 24th
September the exhibition CONTINUITY IN THE ART OF
 Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa (originals and replicas of artifacts, pottery workshop with
a potter's wheel, Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa as an inspiration),
 GUEST TO THE EPOCH (Lepenski Vir - Vinĉa) in the year 2012: Gornja Vinĉa –
the Republic of Srpska,
b) 21st
September from 18:00 to 18:37 and continuing after the sunset, at the
Kalemegdan fortress SUNSET AND SPIRITUAL PRESERVATION by ancient
songs, flutes, good vine, mead nectar and winter stores (on occasion of the autumn
equinox) in the presence of Serbian physicians (in Russian – врач, who were high
priests in the epoch of Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa),
c) 22nd
September at 18:00 at Republic Square – Knez Mihailova Street LET'S MAKE
THE BIGGEST KOLO/CIRCLE: assembly and dances of koloVeni ensembles of
Slavic peoples,
d) 23rd
September at 6:00 till 6:27 the EQUINOX DAWN GATHERING OF VINĈA
All the invited and accepted papers will be included in the monograph on the equality
basis, which monograph shall also include the additional materials and shall be published
after the conference. The authors of the papers and other registered participants will be
provided with all the working texts on compact discs at the beginning of the conference.
The conference will, as the starting but not exclusive and only, include the following
basis and discoveries on the origins of CULTURE AND SOME OF THE FOLLOWING
The word KULTuRA / Culture (as well as culture itself) originated from the
Serbian/ancient Russian word KOLO, which was transformed in KVLV then in
CVLT/Kult, (it is even recorded in Latin language that the word culture originated from
the word (cult) COLLO/KOLO). The earliest world view (mirovozrenje) of the ancient
Slavs/SloVena, who used to name themselves KoloVeni, was ingeniously simple -
“Everything is Kolo/Circle” (the unity of the movement of the Earth round the Sun,
nature and man), on which basis they discovered that this Kolo (Circle) of
interdependence within the cyclical movement was materialized in the cross section of
wood in the form of a growth ring – in Serbian: God (Godovi), which allowed the
people of Lepenski Vir to specify a period of one year (God-ina is the Serbian/Russian
word for “year”) as the time of resurrection of nature, thanks to which finding they were
able to change the nomadic for sedentary way of life (which also accounts for the
beginning of culture), and to start building houses of (divine) wood in Vinĉa, to plant
crops in furrows and to harvest crops at the same place.
The mother (мать) of all sciences is mathematics, not philosophy, as some erroneously
teach. Recently discovered research of Miloš Mitrović, a graduate of the Faculty of
Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University ''M.V.
Lomonosov'' shows that the foundation of mathematics was ZERO (  0) which, at the
times of Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa did not mean ''nothing'', but was the concept of Az - Аз/
(primordial source – the Sun ), as the eternal resurrection of Kolo (Circle) of the
ancient KoloVena (Slavs), which is why it was divided into three divine, equilateral crosses
(the cross of the Sun, the cross of the Earth and the cross of the night Sun/Moon ),
which account for the origins of a Clock / ĈasoVenik (in Cyrillic alphabet:
часоВеник/часоВник), the most widespread temple in the world, thus having:
 12 figures
 the space between each of them having five papillary circles – points accounting
for fingers of a human hand, as an expression of the identity of cosmic and divinely
human, which resulted in this eternal koloVrat/(колоВрат)/S/ДЗело/Zero having
 60 minutes,
which concept was taken from Vinĉa to mathematics of Mesopotamia/MeĊureĉje (engl.
''the land between the rivers''), and which Gaius Julius Caesar did not manage to destroy
in the mountainous and forested ''Trans-Alpine Galia'', thus being preserved to present
days in that capital of ''ĉasoVenik/ часоВеника'' (clocks and watches) – Switzerland, which
in those ancient times constituted a part of the culture of Vinĉa, bearing the name
KoloVenija (Latinized version: HelVetija) the same like RasSija/Racija/Russia (in Cyrillic
alphabet: РасСија/Рација/Русија) (Latinized version: Ruthenia).
Therefore, the first Cyrillic-alphabet tower clock, built by the Serbian master Lazar
Hilandarac in Moscow in 1404, had the Cyrillic alphabet character A, that is Az/Аз in place
of the figure 0, not in the place of figure 1, as the same clock, under the influence of Latin
deceptions, was later restored (in Suzdal and in Moscow in Poljanka Street) by the Soviet
restorers, who neither understood the Orthodox religion nor, as a consequence, the
religion of the ancient KoloVena/КолоВена, where the RELIGION was the system of
knowledge (ведать – to know RA (in Cyrillic alphabet - PA): genus Аз/Az: primary,
primordial) of the civilization of Vinĉa, whose real name was RasSija/РасСија or
KoloVenija/ КолоВенија.
This simple world view/мировозрења of the ancient SloVena/СлоВена/Slavs gave birth to
architecture, law and medicine (med-Isina/медИсина), which account for the very origins
of culture, although the origins of law, medicine and architecture have unreasonably and
arbitrarily been attributed to Rome or Greece:
In I century BC, the famous Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius, in his work ''Ten
Books on Architecture'' (''De architectura libri decum’’), argued that the Greek Callimachus
constructed the Corinthian Capital after having seen a food basket braided with the
leaves of achantus (Emily Cole: ''The Grammar of Architecture'').
The book: «(KoloVeni/SloVeni/ КолоВени/СлоВени and the Continuity of Culture
and Law’’ has, on the basis of the most recent scientific research, presented the evidence
that the capital (kapitel) originated from the мировозрења (the world view) of the ancient
Slavs/SloVena/KoloVena (in Cyrillic alphabet: СлоВена/КолоВена) ’’Everything is
Kolo/Circle’’, as the cross section of the capital did express and still expresses Kolo
a. circle on the Doric capital, and the same in the shape of
b. two equilateral crosses which on the Corinthian capital include:
 the Cross of the Sun, which on the external/visible part ends in a flower and
 the Cross of the Mother Earth, which passes into a volute.
This unity of the movement of the Mother Earth round the Sun is created by the Spirit of
God – the Sun Rays expressed in the form of cannelures, which emerge out of the
The same cosmogony is nowadays expressed by the Orthodox Slavs (SloVeni) in the form
of the most beautiful spiritual capital – the five-domed cross-shaped temple.
The word iustitia (Justitia/Justice) is, according to a Russian scientist Nokolai Ryzhkov,
derived from a Serbian word ustiti (in Cyrillic alphabet: устити), which is true, because
in the primordial source of Roman Law ''The Law of the Twelve Tables'' the subjective law
was not divided into the power of attorney and prosecution, but the prosecutor had to
correctly pronounce the formula of charges in order to be granted the LAW, which,
according to the cult Kolo from Lepenski Vir, was the right / Russian: прямо from God
(English: down right), but also Russian: наПРАВО/English: right, that is to the right, to
the movement of the Sun, because ’’Everything is Kolo / Circle’’, in which a prosecutor
today may be a defendant tomorrow, which accounts for the reliable proof that the source
of Roman Law was Etruscan Law, and not the law of the alleged Greek colonies, because
it was: KOLO(Ve)nija.
The deities of Lepenski Vir were egglike (ovoid) and fishlike (ichthyoidal) because they did
present and still present the мировозрење (world view) of the ancient KoloVena/SloVena
(Slavs), who used to fish for beluga from the genus of sturgeon, which at exactly the
same time emerged to the surface of water for spawning as the goddess Morena, and it
appeared that the world’s first physicians used to treat the rodoVerna (''faithful to the
genus'') brethren with roes (sturgeon eggs), wine, honey and secret knowledge of
KoloDar/kalenDar (Calendar), about the arrival of the Savior (from pestilence) – the Spring
Sun, as the eternal resurrection of the annual movement of the Mother Earth round her
offspring, the Sun.
According to Professor Srboljub Ţivanović, Miloje Vasić has, in his diary kept at the
National Museum in Belgrade, expressed the view that the signs found in Vinĉa are – the
script and argued that the same must be examined and systematized on the basis of a
multidisciplinary research. Not only did this fail to be performed for a long period of time,
but the systematization of Professor Radivoj Pešić: ''The Vinĉa Script'' (and his use of the
term the Vinča alphabet and comparison of it being identical to Etruscan alphabet) had
been ignored until the symposium of the SASA held in Novi Sad, when the world's leading
paleolinguists acknowledged that this is a script (but at the same time suggested that the
name the Vinča script should be changed into the Danubian alphabet, in order to
prevent it from being associated with the Slavs (SloVena)), which fact still fails to reach the
people who are paid to be involved in Vinĉa and the Vinĉa script, as the earliest of in the
world of science recognized scripts, regardless of whether it accounts for the script of an
unknown nation or the alphabet of the SloVena (Slavs), the concept which, both in the
linguistic and in the socio-historical framework, offers plenty of evidence.
Archeology has determined the traces of mining reaching as far as to the times of the
Vinĉa culture:
 Rudna Glava in Eastern Serbia is the oldest copper mine in the world,
 the cinnabar mine Šuplja Stena, on Avala mountain, used to be of extreme importance
for the development of the first forms of trade.
The most recent discovery of the traces of copper processing and determination that the
world's first metallurgy originated in the area of the Vinĉa culture more than seven
millennia ago is yet another addition to a number of other evidence that the roots of
civilization originated in the Danube region and the area of Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa.
The title of the work must be submitted for registration by 15th
August 2012 at the address
The application for participation must be submitted no later than 25th
August 2012 (the
application must indicate whether an applicant will participate with a study or as a listener)
at the address
The complete text of the study in electronic form (the file name should state the author's
surname or surnames of several authors and the first two words of the title of the work)
must be submitted no later than 5th
September 2012 at the address
The papers should be written in Serbian, in Cyrillic alphabet – Word Perfect, version 2003,
A4 page format, with margins of 25 mm on each side, single spacing, the Times New
Roman font, 12 pt. Images suitable for reproduction in print and formulas should be
integrated in the text. The photographs, drawings, graphs and tables should be submitted
in a separate supplement, in the jpg or tif format, with the resolution of minimum 300 dpi.
Foreign authors can submit their papers in Russian or in English language. .
The paper title should be in uppercase letters, font size 14 (bold and centered); under the
title in italics, centered, font size 13: the name and surname of the author, or, in case of
several authors – the names and surnames of the authors; the name of institution where
the author is employed, or institutions where the authors are employed (with e-mail
address of each of the authors for communication) in italics and centered under the name
(with markings accompanying the names), the name of the conference for which the paper
is submitted ''At the Origins of Culture and Science'', Belgrade, 21st
– 23rd
2012. Below that the following should be indicated: The scientific or practical issues or
problems the paper discusses and/or resolves; The objectives of the research or the
paper; Key words, including new concepts; The text of the paper on the following page, the
Times New Roman font, 12 pt.
Chapters should be numbered in Arabic numbers, and the headings should be centered, in
bold lowercase letters, font size 12. The titles of tables and images should be centered
under the table (image). Photographs and other illustrations and equations should be
incorporated in the text.
Footnotes at the end of each page must specify the quoted author, the title of the work, the
publisher, the publisher's location, the year of publication and the page number.
In order to avoid the possibility of errors while processing the text for publishing, in addition
to the text of the paper in wpt-document, it is obligatory to submit a pdf-version of the work.
The language of the conference is Serbian, with translation of foreign works into Serbian
being provided. The end of the paper must contain the paper title and the short abstract in
The scope of the work is limited to 10 pages, which restriction does not apply to invited
The costs of both days of the session for listeners from Serbia and the BALkan (Balkans)
in Belgrade amount to RSD 5000
The respective entry fee shall NOT be paid by:
1) the members of the Association for Preservation and Cultivation of the Vinĉa
Culture VINĈANSKI NEOLIT, the Association Milutin Milanković, the Association for
the Protection of Cyrilic Alphabet ĆIRILICA, the Regional Association
UNIFICATION OF THE SERBS, and the Regional Organization СЕРБСКОЕ
2) lecturers invited by the Scientific Committee
The costs of a one-day visit to Vinĉa and Lepenski Vir amount to RSD 5000
The costs for foreign participants amount to EUR 300
The lecturers invited by the Scientific Committee are exempt from paying the entry fee
Hotel accommodation may be booked directly at the hotel
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Jasmina Vujic, KoChairman of the Scienfic Committee, Prim.
Tatjana Radosavljevic, Drsci med, MSc Dragoljub Antić, Scientifc Secretary, the members:
Prof. Dr Srboljub Ţivanović, Dr ĐorĊe Janković, MSc Dragan Jacanović, Dr Giancarlo
Tomezzoli, Dr Tome Boševski, Dr Aristotel Tentov, Dr Andrei Alexandrovich Tunyaev, Dr
Anatoly Alexeyevich Klyosov, Dr Radmilo Petrović, Dr Vojislav Jelić, Dr Duško Šljivar, Dr
Jasmina Vujić, Prof. Dr Dragan Milovanović, Boţidar Mitrović, LL.D.,
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Boţidar Mitrović (Chairman), Slobodan Dobrić (Vice
Chairman), Miodrag Kojić (Assistant Chairman), Dragoljub Antic, Scientifc Secretary, Sava
Rosić, Dr Dimitrije Rosić, Zoran Matović, Slavko Maksimović, Milomir Stošković, Miloš
Đošan, Jasmina Mavrenović, SrĊan Stojanĉev, Milorad Đošić, Darinka Daca Paunović,
Branko Stefanović, Dijana Devetak (Technical Secretary).
Still not formed.
All details may be further specified in contact with:
1. Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Committee Dragoljub Antić in Serbian and in English language, tel. +381 64 367 41 06
2. Chairman of the Organizing Committee Boţidar Mitrović in Serbian and in Russian language, tel. +7929 932 2372 or +381
6488 49
In anticipation of your participation at the conference we wish you all the best and please
be free to recommend other colleagues who might submit their studies for the conference
Secretary of the Scientific Committee MSc Dragoljub Antić
Chairman of the Organizing Committee Dr Boţidar Mitrović

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  • 1. The Serbian Ministry of Diaspora – Department for Status Issues, Unification of the Serbs (Обједињење Срба) Moscow, Сербское земљачество Москва, the Association for Preservation and Cultivation of the Culture of Vinĉa VINĈANSKI NEOLIT, the Association Milutin Milanković, the Association for the Protection of Cyrillic Alphabet ЋИРИЛИЦА, and KолоВенија Belgrade are inviting you to participate, either as a lecturer or as a listener, in the International Scientific Conference AT THE ORIGINS OF CULTURE AND SCIENCE 21st September 2012 – Belgrade, “Sava Centar“ (Plenary Session) 22nd September 2012 – Sections at Belgrade universities 23rd September 2012 – the archeological site of Vinĉa and the archeological site of Lepenski Vir OBJECTIVES OF THE CONFERENCE: The Conference aims to consider on a multi-disciplinary basis: a) the origins of the word CULTURE and the CULTURE itself, and on what basis and when the ancient people changed the nomadic for a sedentary way of life, and the way it relates to the orientation of a cyclic renewal on nature. b) various aspects of interdependence between the achievements of the people of the original epoch of:  Lepenski Vir (on the right bank of the Danube: Lepenski Vir, Vlasac, Hajduĉka Vodenica, Padina and on the left bank of the Danube: Vetrenj, Terase, Ikoana, Razvrat, Ostrovul Banuluj, Skela Kladovej, Kuina Turkuluj) and  Starĉevo-Cris Culture: Starĉevo in Serbia, Körös/Kereš in Hungary and Criş/Кriš in Romania.  Vinĉa and  the achievements of the modern world. c) the earliest ingeniously simple (and accurate) world view/мировозрење of the epoch of Lepenski Vir: the view of the unity of men, nature and celestial motion, which gave birth to technological progress after having conceived in the epoch of Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa the basics of sciences and knowledge such as mathematics/calendar and astronomical knowledge, literacy, architecture, geology, agronomy, law, medicine, d) development of the main features of the culture of Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa, not only from the standpoint of archeology and classical history and sociology, but also using the facts offered by the exact and natural sciences (mathematics, medicine/genetics/DNA research, astronomy, physics, mining, architecture, climatology, geology, paleobotanics, genetics, agronomy, linguistics, ethnology, theology, jurisprudence etc.), e) the continuity of the culture of mankind despite numerous natural and social cataclysms and the cyclical nature of the development of civilization, and within that scope:
  • 2. 2  the questions: do nations and genera - na(rodi) disappear and what is the method to achieve that, or  does the dominant organizer of the society within the area of (''his own'') territory adapt the names of nations to his lexis (change the name, impose his language, his religion, his view of the world, his ethics) or  do various genera and nations – (na)rodi survive within the scope of tolerance of the rodoVerna (English: “faithful to the genus”) civilization, f) колоДарско/каленДарско (“calendar”) secret knowledge '' when to sow and when to expect harvest'', as the basis of expansion of the agricultural culture and civilization of Vinĉa, g) based on what logic (and how to overcome that absurd) are, at schools and universities,  the Serbs and other South Slavs taught that our ancestors migrated to the Balkans from the north in the VI century!  the Russians taught that in the same VI and in VII century they migrated from the Danube region /the Balkans to the present territory of the city of, or the river Moscow. METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION The CONFERENCE ''AT THE ORIGINS OF CULTURE AND SCIENCE'' will, in its first phase, be the main activity with the associated events ''Everything is Kolo/Circle'', while in the years to come, in addition to the conference, the event ''Everything is Kolo/Circle'' will be the primary area of development intended to include several towns and subsequently the whole Serbia. 1. The scientific conference ''AT THE ORIGINS OF CULTURE AND SCIENCE'': a) on 21st September the plenary session – from 9 o'clock at the Congress Center ''Sava'' b) on 22nd September the sessions of the university sections – from 9 o'clock in the Conference Hall of the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade and at faculties, c) on 23rd September the visits to archeological sites of Vinĉa and Lepenski Vir. 2. the associated culturological events EVERYTHING IS KOLO/CIRCLE: a) from 14th to 24th September the exhibition CONTINUITY IN THE ART OF LEPENSKI VIR AND VINĈA held the GALLERY ''PROGRES'' in Knez Mihailova Street:  Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa (originals and replicas of artifacts, pottery workshop with a potter's wheel, Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa as an inspiration),  GUEST TO THE EPOCH (Lepenski Vir - Vinĉa) in the year 2012: Gornja Vinĉa – the Republic of Srpska, b) 21st September from 18:00 to 18:37 and continuing after the sunset, at the Kalemegdan fortress SUNSET AND SPIRITUAL PRESERVATION by ancient songs, flutes, good vine, mead nectar and winter stores (on occasion of the autumn equinox) in the presence of Serbian physicians (in Russian – врач, who were high priests in the epoch of Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa), c) 22nd September at 18:00 at Republic Square – Knez Mihailova Street LET'S MAKE THE BIGGEST KOLO/CIRCLE: assembly and dances of koloVeni ensembles of Slavic peoples, d) 23rd September at 6:00 till 6:27 the EQUINOX DAWN GATHERING OF VINĈA All the invited and accepted papers will be included in the monograph on the equality basis, which monograph shall also include the additional materials and shall be published after the conference. The authors of the papers and other registered participants will be provided with all the working texts on compact discs at the beginning of the conference.
  • 3. 3 STARTING POINTS: The conference will, as the starting but not exclusive and only, include the following basis and discoveries on the origins of CULTURE AND SOME OF THE FOLLOWING SCIENCES: CULTURE, AGRICULTURE AND OENOLOGY The word KULTuRA / Culture (as well as culture itself) originated from the Serbian/ancient Russian word KOLO, which was transformed in KVLV then in CVLT/Kult, (it is even recorded in Latin language that the word culture originated from the word (cult) COLLO/KOLO). The earliest world view (mirovozrenje) of the ancient Slavs/SloVena, who used to name themselves KoloVeni, was ingeniously simple - “Everything is Kolo/Circle” (the unity of the movement of the Earth round the Sun, nature and man), on which basis they discovered that this Kolo (Circle) of interdependence within the cyclical movement was materialized in the cross section of wood in the form of a growth ring – in Serbian: God (Godovi), which allowed the people of Lepenski Vir to specify a period of one year (God-ina is the Serbian/Russian word for “year”) as the time of resurrection of nature, thanks to which finding they were able to change the nomadic for sedentary way of life (which also accounts for the beginning of culture), and to start building houses of (divine) wood in Vinĉa, to plant crops in furrows and to harvest crops at the same place. MATHEMATICS The mother (мать) of all sciences is mathematics, not philosophy, as some erroneously teach. Recently discovered research of Miloš Mitrović, a graduate of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University ''M.V. Lomonosov'' shows that the foundation of mathematics was ZERO (  0) which, at the times of Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa did not mean ''nothing'', but was the concept of Az - Аз/ (primordial source – the Sun ), as the eternal resurrection of Kolo (Circle) of the ancient KoloVena (Slavs), which is why it was divided into three divine, equilateral crosses (the cross of the Sun, the cross of the Earth and the cross of the night Sun/Moon ), which account for the origins of a Clock / ĈasoVenik (in Cyrillic alphabet: часоВеник/часоВник), the most widespread temple in the world, thus having:  12 figures  the space between each of them having five papillary circles – points accounting for fingers of a human hand, as an expression of the identity of cosmic and divinely human, which resulted in this eternal koloVrat/(колоВрат)/S/ДЗело/Zero having also  60 minutes, which concept was taken from Vinĉa to mathematics of Mesopotamia/MeĊureĉje (engl. ''the land between the rivers''), and which Gaius Julius Caesar did not manage to destroy in the mountainous and forested ''Trans-Alpine Galia'', thus being preserved to present days in that capital of ''ĉasoVenik/ часоВеника'' (clocks and watches) – Switzerland, which in those ancient times constituted a part of the culture of Vinĉa, bearing the name KoloVenija (Latinized version: HelVetija) the same like RasSija/Racija/Russia (in Cyrillic alphabet: РасСија/Рација/Русија) (Latinized version: Ruthenia).
  • 4. 4 Therefore, the first Cyrillic-alphabet tower clock, built by the Serbian master Lazar Hilandarac in Moscow in 1404, had the Cyrillic alphabet character A, that is Az/Аз in place of the figure 0, not in the place of figure 1, as the same clock, under the influence of Latin deceptions, was later restored (in Suzdal and in Moscow in Poljanka Street) by the Soviet restorers, who neither understood the Orthodox religion nor, as a consequence, the religion of the ancient KoloVena/КолоВена, where the RELIGION was the system of knowledge (ведать – to know RA (in Cyrillic alphabet - PA): genus Аз/Az: primary, primordial) of the civilization of Vinĉa, whose real name was RasSija/РасСија or KoloVenija/ КолоВенија. This simple world view/мировозрења of the ancient SloVena/СлоВена/Slavs gave birth to architecture, law and medicine (med-Isina/медИсина), which account for the very origins of culture, although the origins of law, medicine and architecture have unreasonably and arbitrarily been attributed to Rome or Greece: ARCHITECTURE In I century BC, the famous Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius, in his work ''Ten Books on Architecture'' (''De architectura libri decum’’), argued that the Greek Callimachus constructed the Corinthian Capital after having seen a food basket braided with the leaves of achantus (Emily Cole: ''The Grammar of Architecture''). The book: «(KoloVeni/SloVeni/ КолоВени/СлоВени and the Continuity of Culture and Law’’ has, on the basis of the most recent scientific research, presented the evidence that the capital (kapitel) originated from the мировозрења (the world view) of the ancient Slavs/SloVena/KoloVena (in Cyrillic alphabet: СлоВена/КолоВена) ’’Everything is Kolo/Circle’’, as the cross section of the capital did express and still expresses Kolo (Circle): a. circle on the Doric capital, and the same in the shape of b. two equilateral crosses which on the Corinthian capital include:  the Cross of the Sun, which on the external/visible part ends in a flower and  the Cross of the Mother Earth, which passes into a volute. This unity of the movement of the Mother Earth round the Sun is created by the Spirit of God – the Sun Rays expressed in the form of cannelures, which emerge out of the capiTal. The same cosmogony is nowadays expressed by the Orthodox Slavs (SloVeni) in the form of the most beautiful spiritual capital – the five-domed cross-shaped temple. LAW The word iustitia (Justitia/Justice) is, according to a Russian scientist Nokolai Ryzhkov, derived from a Serbian word ustiti (in Cyrillic alphabet: устити), which is true, because in the primordial source of Roman Law ''The Law of the Twelve Tables'' the subjective law was not divided into the power of attorney and prosecution, but the prosecutor had to correctly pronounce the formula of charges in order to be granted the LAW, which, according to the cult Kolo from Lepenski Vir, was the right / Russian: прямо from God (English: down right), but also Russian: наПРАВО/English: right, that is to the right, to the movement of the Sun, because ’’Everything is Kolo / Circle’’, in which a prosecutor today may be a defendant tomorrow, which accounts for the reliable proof that the source of Roman Law was Etruscan Law, and not the law of the alleged Greek colonies, because it was: KOLO(Ve)nija. MEDICINE The deities of Lepenski Vir were egglike (ovoid) and fishlike (ichthyoidal) because they did present and still present the мировозрење (world view) of the ancient KoloVena/SloVena (Slavs), who used to fish for beluga from the genus of sturgeon, which at exactly the
  • 5. 5 same time emerged to the surface of water for spawning as the goddess Morena, and it appeared that the world’s first physicians used to treat the rodoVerna (''faithful to the genus'') brethren with roes (sturgeon eggs), wine, honey and secret knowledge of KoloDar/kalenDar (Calendar), about the arrival of the Savior (from pestilence) – the Spring Sun, as the eternal resurrection of the annual movement of the Mother Earth round her offspring, the Sun. (PALEO)LINGUISTICS According to Professor Srboljub Ţivanović, Miloje Vasić has, in his diary kept at the National Museum in Belgrade, expressed the view that the signs found in Vinĉa are – the script and argued that the same must be examined and systematized on the basis of a multidisciplinary research. Not only did this fail to be performed for a long period of time, but the systematization of Professor Radivoj Pešić: ''The Vinĉa Script'' (and his use of the term the Vinča alphabet and comparison of it being identical to Etruscan alphabet) had been ignored until the symposium of the SASA held in Novi Sad, when the world's leading paleolinguists acknowledged that this is a script (but at the same time suggested that the name the Vinča script should be changed into the Danubian alphabet, in order to prevent it from being associated with the Slavs (SloVena)), which fact still fails to reach the people who are paid to be involved in Vinĉa and the Vinĉa script, as the earliest of in the world of science recognized scripts, regardless of whether it accounts for the script of an unknown nation or the alphabet of the SloVena (Slavs), the concept which, both in the linguistic and in the socio-historical framework, offers plenty of evidence. MINING AND GEOLOGY Archeology has determined the traces of mining reaching as far as to the times of the Vinĉa culture:  Rudna Glava in Eastern Serbia is the oldest copper mine in the world,  the cinnabar mine Šuplja Stena, on Avala mountain, used to be of extreme importance for the development of the first forms of trade. The most recent discovery of the traces of copper processing and determination that the world's first metallurgy originated in the area of the Vinĉa culture more than seven millennia ago is yet another addition to a number of other evidence that the roots of civilization originated in the Danube region and the area of Lepenski Vir and Vinĉa. DEADLINES: The title of the work must be submitted for registration by 15th August 2012 at the address The application for participation must be submitted no later than 25th August 2012 (the application must indicate whether an applicant will participate with a study or as a listener) at the address The complete text of the study in electronic form (the file name should state the author's surname or surnames of several authors and the first two words of the title of the work) must be submitted no later than 5th September 2012 at the address INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS: The papers should be written in Serbian, in Cyrillic alphabet – Word Perfect, version 2003, A4 page format, with margins of 25 mm on each side, single spacing, the Times New Roman font, 12 pt. Images suitable for reproduction in print and formulas should be integrated in the text. The photographs, drawings, graphs and tables should be submitted in a separate supplement, in the jpg or tif format, with the resolution of minimum 300 dpi. Foreign authors can submit their papers in Russian or in English language. .
  • 6. 6 The paper title should be in uppercase letters, font size 14 (bold and centered); under the title in italics, centered, font size 13: the name and surname of the author, or, in case of several authors – the names and surnames of the authors; the name of institution where the author is employed, or institutions where the authors are employed (with e-mail address of each of the authors for communication) in italics and centered under the name (with markings accompanying the names), the name of the conference for which the paper is submitted ''At the Origins of Culture and Science'', Belgrade, 21st – 23rd September 2012. Below that the following should be indicated: The scientific or practical issues or problems the paper discusses and/or resolves; The objectives of the research or the paper; Key words, including new concepts; The text of the paper on the following page, the Times New Roman font, 12 pt. Chapters should be numbered in Arabic numbers, and the headings should be centered, in bold lowercase letters, font size 12. The titles of tables and images should be centered under the table (image). Photographs and other illustrations and equations should be incorporated in the text. Footnotes at the end of each page must specify the quoted author, the title of the work, the publisher, the publisher's location, the year of publication and the page number. In order to avoid the possibility of errors while processing the text for publishing, in addition to the text of the paper in wpt-document, it is obligatory to submit a pdf-version of the work. The language of the conference is Serbian, with translation of foreign works into Serbian being provided. The end of the paper must contain the paper title and the short abstract in English. The scope of the work is limited to 10 pages, which restriction does not apply to invited lectures. COSTS OF PARTICIPATION: The costs of both days of the session for listeners from Serbia and the BALkan (Balkans) in Belgrade amount to RSD 5000 The respective entry fee shall NOT be paid by: 1) the members of the Association for Preservation and Cultivation of the Vinĉa Culture VINĈANSKI NEOLIT, the Association Milutin Milanković, the Association for the Protection of Cyrilic Alphabet ĆIRILICA, the Regional Association UNIFICATION OF THE SERBS, and the Regional Organization СЕРБСКОЕ ЗЕМЉАЧЕСТВО 2) lecturers invited by the Scientific Committee ........ The costs of a one-day visit to Vinĉa and Lepenski Vir amount to RSD 5000 The costs for foreign participants amount to EUR 300 The lecturers invited by the Scientific Committee are exempt from paying the entry fee ………………… Hotel accommodation may be booked directly at the hotel CONFERENCE BODIES: SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Jasmina Vujic, KoChairman of the Scienfic Committee, Prim. Tatjana Radosavljevic, Drsci med, MSc Dragoljub Antić, Scientifc Secretary, the members: Prof. Dr Srboljub Ţivanović, Dr ĐorĊe Janković, MSc Dragan Jacanović, Dr Giancarlo Tomezzoli, Dr Tome Boševski, Dr Aristotel Tentov, Dr Andrei Alexandrovich Tunyaev, Dr Anatoly Alexeyevich Klyosov, Dr Radmilo Petrović, Dr Vojislav Jelić, Dr Duško Šljivar, Dr Jasmina Vujić, Prof. Dr Dragan Milovanović, Boţidar Mitrović, LL.D.,
  • 7. 7 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Boţidar Mitrović (Chairman), Slobodan Dobrić (Vice Chairman), Miodrag Kojić (Assistant Chairman), Dragoljub Antic, Scientifc Secretary, Sava Rosić, Dr Dimitrije Rosić, Zoran Matović, Slavko Maksimović, Milomir Stošković, Miloš Đošan, Jasmina Mavrenović, SrĊan Stojanĉev, Milorad Đošić, Darinka Daca Paunović, Branko Stefanović, Dijana Devetak (Technical Secretary). HONORABLE COUNCIL Still not formed. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION AND THE WORK LIST OF INVITED LECTURERS 1. THE FIRST TRACES OF CULTURE, AGRICULTURE AND OENOLOGY IN LEPENSKI VIR AND VINĈA 2. ANCIENT MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMICAL KNOWLEDGE 3. ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE OF LEPENSKI VIR AND VINĈA AND CONTINUITY OF ARCHITECTURE 4. ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A SOCIAL COMMUNITY AND THE LAW 5. ANCIENT MEDICINE AND CONTEMPORARY MEDICAL DISCOVERIES ABOUT ANTIQUITY 6. ORIGINS AND SPREAD OF LITERACY 7. ANCIENT MINING AND METTALURGY 8. CONTINUITY OF THE VINĈA CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION 9. PRESERVATION OF MATERIAL AND IMMATERIAL CULTURAL HERITAGE OF THE VINĈA CULTURE – THE FIRST EUROPEAN CULTURE All details may be further specified in contact with: 1. Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Committee Dragoljub Antić in Serbian and in English language, tel. +381 64 367 41 06 2. Chairman of the Organizing Committee Boţidar Mitrović in Serbian and in Russian language, tel. +7929 932 2372 or +381 6488 49 In anticipation of your participation at the conference we wish you all the best and please be free to recommend other colleagues who might submit their studies for the conference AT THE ORIGINS OF CULTURE AND SCIENCE. Secretary of the Scientific Committee MSc Dragoljub Antić Chairman of the Organizing Committee Dr Boţidar Mitrović