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08/07/13 1
Scripture in Action
to be Christian
08/07/13 2
We are born into a fallen world, as sinful people; satan is
present and actively works against us to separate us from God.
Thankfully Christ provided a bridge to move from one camp to the other
John 3:16 (NIV) 16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that 
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
When we make a true commitment to receive the gift of the cross for the forgiveness of our sins
and choose to make Him Lord of our lives, we pass from death into life, and become part of God’s
family for eternity.
God’s camp
Here we have relationship with
God our Heavenly Father
Jesus Christ our Savior and friend
and the Holy Spirit our helper.
Before we are saved
we find ourselves
living in the enemies
( satan’s) camp
Scripture says:
In the world there are three
enemies at work.
1. Satan and the demonic
2. The world and its beliefs.
3. The flesh – our human nature
that wants to live for self and is
by nature against God’s ways.
to be Christian
to be Christian08/07/13 3
Once I have accepted Christ and chosen to allow Him to be Lord.
I have passed from death into life.
I am now in God’s “camp”
But I am bound in
and chains from before I
was saved.
The “reset” button did not get hit the moment I accepted Christ. I need to be transformed into
the new person Christ created me to be in my heart, mind, and choices, and grow to
experience a personal relationship with Him. My wounds and pain of the past need to be
healed and my unmet needs met. Otherwise I will continue to react in the present based on
them. This results in behaviors such as: emotional withdrawal, anger, driveness, depression,
anxiety, addictions, insecurity, and inability to resolve conflict in a healthy manner. I also need
to experience deliverance and freedom the enemy. This is the sanctification and redemption
process; Christ transforming my life through His power, one walks through in healing prayer.
Scripture is applied in a practical yet deep, life-changing manner.
Too many
Christians live
life on-goingly in
this condition.
08/07/13 4
We all have shackles and chains in life that Christ wants to
free us from, they include the following:
(drugs, sex, porn,
food, shopping,
gambling etc.Relationship
conflict and
Sense of
guilt Depression,
anxiety, post
overly busy,
work too
shut down
unable to be
to be Christian
08/07/13 5
The world’s solution to these struggles often falls short.
In the world people seek to deal with these struggles by ignoring,
denying, or assuming time will fix them, or by trying to work through them on
their own, often unsuccessfully. Some may rely completely on tools such as
counseling and medications to overcome these issues. These are often essential
tools the gifts the Lord uses, but they can be incomplete in themselves. In
addition we have much greater healing and freedom available to us in Christ, the
(drugs, sex, porn,
food, shopping,
gambling etc.Relationship
conflict and
Sense of
guilt Depression,
anxiety, post
overly busy,
work too
shut down
unable to be
to be Christian
08/07/13 6
Even the church
Even in many churches the need for healing and freedom is often
ignored. People settle for the disconnection they see between God’s promises of
and the reality in their lives. Well intended Christians may say; “if you just have a little
more faith”, “just trust God”, or quote scripture inappropriately. So many come to believe
there is something wrong with them, that they are a substandard Christian. In actuality we
need Christ’s healing and freedom to be able to walk in God’s promises. Just reading the
Word, attending church, and general prayer isn’t necessarily enough. We all need
ministry. Christ taught the disciples to go out into the world and heal and
deliver. He instructs each of us to do likewise. “Pray for
one another so that you may be healed”.
(drugs, sex, porn,
food, shopping,
gambling etc.Relationship
conflict and
Sense of
guilt Depression,
anxiety, post
overly busy,
work too
shut down
unable to be
to be Christian
08/07/13 7
How do we break the chains with healing prayer ministry?
1. In healing prayer we examine each area of life in light of Scripture. Checklists help
identify common areas we all struggle in.
2. We invite His presence into each area in specific ways with simple prayers
provided to guide this process.
3. We invite the Lord into our wounds and unmet needs that produced the pain
leading to ungodly coping mechanisms that are harmful.
4. These steps remove the grounds or rights of the enemy to oppress and influence
us, to work in a destructive manner towards us. He can no longer keep us in
bondage to those struggles.
The chains are broken! Christ is the bondage breaker!
(drugs, sex, porn,
food, shopping,
gambling etc.Relationship
conflict and
Sense of
guilt Depression,
anxiety, post
overly busy,
work too
shut down
unable to be
to be Christian
Many struggles, one answer, Christ!
08/07/13 8to be Christian
Scripture tells us the enemy flows from generation to generation, into our
lives and our children’s with “toxins”, the demonic and it’s effects and curses.
Frequently this plays a significant role in our struggles. Therefore seeking to
overcome these in the natural, and through self-effort often falls short.
Through healing prayer generational influences are broken off for you and
the next generation.
08/07/13 9to be Christian
The best news however is there is a generational treasure chest of
blessings in all areas if life that us opened and released through the
healing prayer process for you and future generations!
08/07/13 10
Christ makes us whole!
Romans describe this process
Romans 12:
So, here’s what I want you to do. God helping you: take your
everyday, ordinary life – you’re sleeping, eating, going to work,
and walking around life – and place it before God as an offering.
Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for
him. Do not become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit
into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God.
You will be changed from the inside out. Recognize what he
wants from you, and quickly respond to it.
The healing prayer process is simply scripture in action.
to be Christian
08/07/13 11
Finding the Roots and Clearing the Ground
The leaves of the tree
represent the struggles of
life. In healing prayer you
are taken step-by-step
through each area, or
contributing root causes, in
a simple manner, resolving
according to scripture. If
only part of the roots are
addressed, improvement
may occur but fall short of
the greater freedom and
healing available. Healing
prayer is comprehensive.
So rather than chipping
away at the issues over
time as you learn bits and
pieces of what scripture
offers across many years, a
great leap in healing and
freedom occurs as key
scriptural principles are
pulled together and applied.
As roots are dissolved the
tree falls down, struggles
loose their stronghold.
Here is another illustration of how healing prayer applies
Scripture to life’s struggles.
non-Christian spiritual experiences
occult, false religions
spiritual warfare
healing our wounds
filling unmet needs
confessing sin
self-esteem Addiction
blessing and healing our spirit
to be Christian
08/07/13 to be Christian 12
1. Making space in our life for regular, personal, quiet time
with God, without which it is impossible to have an
intimate, relationship with Him.
2. Studying, coming to know His word, allowing it to fill and
change you, and understand His will for your life.
3. Praying, listening for His voice, just being with Him, learning and growing in
prayer, giving and receiving it.
4. Regularly surrounding yourself with worship, participating, which invites His
presence, draws us near to Him, and turns the enemy back.
5. Joining with others in fellowship, relationship, without which we cannot grow or
experience Christ as deeply.
Healing prayer ministry allows us to present to Christ the gifts we have to give;
our hearts, minds, will, and very lives. He is worthy of all we commit to him.
Essential Ingredients
We choose life by reacting in obedience
to be Christian08/07/13 13
Godly Order
Healing Prayer Encourages Godly Priorities
When we choose to order our lives to match Gods design for us we have great stability.
We step under His covering, God’s umbrella of protection. We are blessed and
strengthened and equipped in adversity.
In the world’s plan if God is in the mix the box is small, church occasionally, prayer once in a
while when difficulty hits. There is a faulty foundation that will not sustain our life in the way
God intended. Life is out of balance, relationships suffer, we become more dysfunctional.
Life is lived under self-power missing God’s plan and destiny for our life. Christ tells us to
build up our treasure in heaven where it cannot be taken away or destroyed.
Stable Unstable
This is
balanced and
The choices we
made re: our work
are directed by
family life
The way we are and
relate in our family
flows out of the
elements in the God
If God is the base
of our lives the
elements in the
blocks will be
present in our life
In families where
Christ is not the
leader –
relationships are
more dysfunctional
08/07/13 14
Yeah But-------------
Why would we avoid God’s plan for our healing and freedom through ministry?
Let’s look at the blocks. These are frequently based on the lies we believe.
1. Fear:
(lie) I will appear weak, be vulnerable, unsafe.
(truth) Jesus was an example of true strength. When we follow His example by taking
these steps fear dissolves and we become strong. Before the end of the first session
people feel fear resolve, even laugh about it.
2. Unworthiness:
(lie) I am worse than others, struggled more, sinned more, I don’t know much about
the Bible or how to pray. I am afraid God won’t speak to me, heal me.
(truth) We are all the same. Those who participate on teams have struggled, been
deeply affected in the “shackles and chains” of life. They are aware these mostly rise
out of pain and we are all in a journey towards healing. They have compassion without
judgment. Christ loves us equally regardless of our life experiences and uses our pain
for His glory, turns defeat into victory.
Healing prayer is a very step-by-step process, no experience required. It’s an
encounter with the one who laid His very life down for you! He meets every single
person without exception.
to be Christian
08/07/13 15
3. Enemy:
(lie) The past doesn’t affect the present, the enemy doesn’t exist or isn’t affecting my
life, I don’t have any issues that need to be addressed, it won’t “work” for me.
(truth) As we go through the process revealed in Scripture we are able to recognize
the enemy and his effect on our life we may have been unaware of and reject the
enemy then freedom occurs.
4. Unbelief and Rebellion:
(lie) If I talk about difficult things I will feel worse.
(truth) Healing prayer is far more than talking, the Lord’s presence and healing is
poured out. The tools gently yet powerfully minister without re-traumatization. The
enemy keeps pain and dysfunctional behavior alive when we don’t share and pray for
one another, grounds are given in silence, isolation and secrecy. When issues are
brought to the light, out in the open, and we connect with one another the enemy loses
his grasp. When issues from the past are truly resolved we feel better about ourselves
and live in healthier ways.
Healing prayer has it’s poignant moments with a range of emotions but it isn’t grueling
or depressing as some have experienced in counseling without the healer – Christ.
This is ministry. Because of Christ’s compassion and power, there is an ease and
deeper and quicker resolutions of issues, marked by camaraderie and a fair amount of
laughter. It lifts up rather than pulls down.
to be Christian
08/07/13 16
Blessings received by going through healing prayer
1. A major step forward is made toward being molded into Godly men and
2. Anxiety and depression decrease, self-esteem rises, we are enabled to
recognize and choose healthy relationships, we are enabled to
communicate and resolve conflict with less defensiveness or
oversensitivity, the ability to be emotionally intimate increases, the hold
of addiction is loosened, anger decreases, pain heals.
3. We learn how to maintain healing and freedom and continue to grow in
4. We are released into a more personal and joyful
relationship with Christ.
5. We have more protection from the enemy and
are better able to protect our family and
loved ones.
to be Christian
to be Christian08/07/13 17
Healing Partners Coming Together
For those who are single and contemplating marriage
Christ instructs “Do not be unequally yoked” He instructs us when
choosing a mate to:
1. Ask the Lord to make clear His choice for a life partner. He has our best
interests at heart and knows the future.
2. The Bible instructs us to marry someone who has also committed their life to Him and is
seeking healing, growth, and maturity, putting Christ first. No one is better than another, God
loves us equally and we are always on a journey of growth and healing, far from perfect.
However, the healthier and closer each individual’s walk with Christ is the healthier their
families and relationships can be, depending, not just on their love and best effort, but God’s
greater love, strength and power! When Christ is the foundation for marriage and family it
can become so much more fulfilling and joyful than what is possible in the world without
Christ, as He is the designer of marriage.
3. And we need to be that person, one who puts Christ first in their time, energy, activity, heart,
and mind in order to attract a partner who does likewise. Otherwise we rob ourselves of all
He intended and our family is much more vulnerable to destruction.
Married partners
* For those who are already married, where there is a willingness it is powerful for both
partners to go through the healing prayer process, building a new or greater foundation
together in Christ. Where there is not keeping praying!
to be Christian08/07/13 18
The Next Generation
God designed us for health
Holy Spirit
human spirit
Soul (mind, will, emotions)
In the world we often operate out of our own thoughts and feelings. The spirit is deprived, and
mental, emotional and behavioral struggles ensue.
When we step into God’s plan and receive ministry our spirit is nourished and restored. Our
spirit becomes intimate with God’s Holy Spirit, filling us with life, health and peace. This flows
down into our soul; our thoughts, feelings and behaviors naturally benefit, even our bodies.
Parents can minister God’s Holy Spirit and great blessing to their child’s spirit from the
moment of conception and also be aware of and stand against attacks of the enemy even in
the womb, making a profound difference. Even as adults we pray through these areas using
these tools in healing prayer and see God restore faulty foundations that bring them new
wholeness in the present. The cross reaches into the past and future.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of
God is living and active. Sharper
than any double-edge sword, it
penetrates even to dividing soul
and spirit.
to be Christian08/07/13 19
Men (as warriors)– A Special Role
Men in particular are called to be spiritual leaders and provide cover over their wives, children and other
loved ones. Where we aren’t walking with Christ, our protection in Him is compromised. Healing Prayer
facilitates men stepping into this role as spiritual leader as outlined in God’s Word. We have the authority
in Christ to minister powerfully in prayer and through God’s word when our families are hurting or
struggling in life changing ways far beyond our own resources.
Deuteronomy 30:19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set
before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children
may live.
Although there are multiple reasons for life’s struggles the following list from Deuteronomy gives
examples of struggles that can be related to curses rather than blessings operating in ones life.
• mental/emotional struggles
• repeated or chronic sickness
• tendency to miscarry, inability to conceive
• breakdown of marriage and family, thoughts and feelings being influenced against one another.
• financial insufficiency
• being accident prone
• suicidal thinking or tendency, untimely death
Healing prayer teaches one to stand against these things for their loved ones as well themselves and
invite God’s blessing, to exchange curses for blessing and be a source of strength and hope in Christ.
to be Christian08/07/13 20
Each went to doctor and
addressed physical, chemical
imbalances which were
In counseling ministry and or
recovery groups they came
to understand and change
thought patterns and beliefs
that contributed and gained
practical tools..
They started going to church,
reading the Bible 15 minutes a
day and began praying simple
prayers. They joined a
fellowship group to engage
with other Christians.
They went through healing prayer
ministry, surrendered each area of
their lives to Christ and invited Him
in. The enemy working against
them was exposed and released,
they were freed. Their wounds and
unmet needs (known and unknown)
were restored and healed by the
Lord. New life was ministered to
them body, soul and spirit.
Sally Depressed
Fred Anxious
Joan Addicted
Pete angry
Mary Emotionally
shut down
A Picture of Healing and Freedom
to be Christian08/07/13 21
Each went to doctor and
addressed physical, chemical
imbalances which were
In counseling ministry and or
recovery groups they came
to understand and change
thought patterns and beliefs
that contributed and gained
practical tools..
They started going to church,
reading the Bible 15 minutes a
day and began praying simple
prayers. They joined a
fellowship group to engage
with other Christians.
They went through healing prayer
ministry, surrendered each area of
their lives to Christ and invited Him
in. The enemy working against
them was exposed and released,
they were freed. Their wounds and
unmet needs (known and unknown)
were restored and healed by the
Lord. New life was ministered to
them body, soul and spirit.
Sally Depressed
Fred Anxious
Joan Addicted
Pete angry
Mary Emotionally
shut down
A Picture of Healing and Freedom
to be Christian08/07/13 22
Each went to doctor and
addressed physical, chemical
imbalances which were
In counseling ministry and or
recovery groups they came
to understand and change
thought patterns and beliefs
that contributed and gained
practical tools..
They started going to church,
reading the Bible 15 minutes a
day and began praying simple
prayers. They joined a
fellowship group to engage
with other Christians.
They went through healing prayer
ministry, surrendered each area of
their lives to Christ and invited Him
in. The enemy working against
them was exposed and released,
they were freed. Their wounds and
unmet needs (known and unknown)
were restored and healed by the
Lord. New life was ministered to
them body, soul and spirit.
Sally Depressed
Fred Anxious
Joan Addicted
Pete angry
Mary Emotionally
shut down
A Picture of Healing and Freedom
to be Christian08/07/13 23
Each went to doctor and
addressed physical, chemical
imbalances which were
In counseling ministry and or
recovery groups they came
to understand and change
thought patterns and beliefs
that contributed and gained
practical tools..
They started going to church,
reading the Bible 15 minutes a
day and began praying simple
prayers. They joined a
fellowship group to engage
with other Christians.
They went through healing prayer
ministry, surrendered each area of
their lives to Christ and invited Him
in. The enemy working against
them was exposed and released,
they were freed. Their wounds and
unmet needs (known and unknown)
were restored and healed by the
Lord. New life was ministered to
them body, soul and spirit.
Sally Depressed
Fred Anxious
Joan Addicted
Pete angry
Mary Emotionally
shut down
A Picture of Healing and Freedom
to be Christian08/07/13 24
Each went to doctor and
addressed physical, chemical
imbalances which were
In counseling ministry and or
recovery groups they came
to understand and change
thought patterns and beliefs
that contributed and gained
practical tools..
They started going to church,
reading the Bible 15 minutes a
day and began praying simple
prayers. They joined a
fellowship group to engage
with other Christians.
They went through healing prayer
ministry, surrendered each area of
their lives to Christ and invited Him
in. The enemy working against
them was exposed and released,
they were freed. Their wounds and
unmet needs (known and unknown)
were restored and healed by the
Lord. New life was ministered to
them body, soul and spirit.
Sally Depressed
Fred Anxious
Joan Addicted
Pete angry
Mary Emotionally
shut down
A Picture of Healing and Freedom
to be Christian08/07/13 25
We welcome you into
Christ’s ministry of Healing Pray

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Freedom process to be christian

  • 1. 08/07/13 1 Healing Prayer Scripture in Action to be Christian
  • 2. 08/07/13 2 We are born into a fallen world, as sinful people; satan is present and actively works against us to separate us from God. Thankfully Christ provided a bridge to move from one camp to the other John 3:16 (NIV) 16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that  whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” When we make a true commitment to receive the gift of the cross for the forgiveness of our sins and choose to make Him Lord of our lives, we pass from death into life, and become part of God’s family for eternity. God’s camp Here we have relationship with God our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ our Savior and friend and the Holy Spirit our helper. Before we are saved we find ourselves living in the enemies ( satan’s) camp Scripture says: In the world there are three enemies at work. 1. Satan and the demonic 2. The world and its beliefs. 3. The flesh – our human nature that wants to live for self and is by nature against God’s ways. to be Christian
  • 3. to be Christian08/07/13 3 Once I have accepted Christ and chosen to allow Him to be Lord. I have passed from death into life. I am now in God’s “camp” But I am bound in shackles and chains from before I was saved. The “reset” button did not get hit the moment I accepted Christ. I need to be transformed into the new person Christ created me to be in my heart, mind, and choices, and grow to experience a personal relationship with Him. My wounds and pain of the past need to be healed and my unmet needs met. Otherwise I will continue to react in the present based on them. This results in behaviors such as: emotional withdrawal, anger, driveness, depression, anxiety, addictions, insecurity, and inability to resolve conflict in a healthy manner. I also need to experience deliverance and freedom the enemy. This is the sanctification and redemption process; Christ transforming my life through His power, one walks through in healing prayer. Scripture is applied in a practical yet deep, life-changing manner. Too many Christians live life on-goingly in this condition.
  • 4. 08/07/13 4 We all have shackles and chains in life that Christ wants to free us from, they include the following: Addictions (drugs, sex, porn, alcohol,computers, food, shopping, gambling etc.Relationship conflict and marriage problems Sense of inferiority, unworthiness, condemnation, guilt Depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress syndrome Unresolved grief, emotional pain Anger problems Driveness overly busy, work too muchEmotionally shut down unable to be intimate to be Christian
  • 5. 08/07/13 5 The world’s solution to these struggles often falls short. In the world people seek to deal with these struggles by ignoring, denying, or assuming time will fix them, or by trying to work through them on their own, often unsuccessfully. Some may rely completely on tools such as counseling and medications to overcome these issues. These are often essential tools the gifts the Lord uses, but they can be incomplete in themselves. In addition we have much greater healing and freedom available to us in Christ, the Healer. Addictions (drugs, sex, porn, alcohol,computers, food, shopping, gambling etc.Relationship conflict and marriage problems Sense of inferiority, unworthiness, condemnation, guilt Depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress syndrome Unresolved grief, emotional pain Anger problems Driveness overly busy, work too muchEmotionally shut down unable to be intimate to be Christian
  • 6. 08/07/13 6 Even the church Even in many churches the need for healing and freedom is often ignored. People settle for the disconnection they see between God’s promises of and the reality in their lives. Well intended Christians may say; “if you just have a little more faith”, “just trust God”, or quote scripture inappropriately. So many come to believe there is something wrong with them, that they are a substandard Christian. In actuality we need Christ’s healing and freedom to be able to walk in God’s promises. Just reading the Word, attending church, and general prayer isn’t necessarily enough. We all need ministry. Christ taught the disciples to go out into the world and heal and deliver. He instructs each of us to do likewise. “Pray for one another so that you may be healed”. Addictions (drugs, sex, porn, alcohol,computers, food, shopping, gambling etc.Relationship conflict and marriage problems Sense of inferiority, unworthiness, condemnation, guilt Depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress syndrome Unresolved grief, emotional pain Anger problems Driveness overly busy, work too muchEmotionally shut down unable to be intimate to be Christian
  • 7. 08/07/13 7 How do we break the chains with healing prayer ministry? 1. In healing prayer we examine each area of life in light of Scripture. Checklists help identify common areas we all struggle in. 2. We invite His presence into each area in specific ways with simple prayers provided to guide this process. 3. We invite the Lord into our wounds and unmet needs that produced the pain leading to ungodly coping mechanisms that are harmful. 4. These steps remove the grounds or rights of the enemy to oppress and influence us, to work in a destructive manner towards us. He can no longer keep us in bondage to those struggles. The chains are broken! Christ is the bondage breaker! Addictions (drugs, sex, porn, alcohol,computers, food, shopping, gambling etc.Relationship conflict and marriage problems Sense of inferiority, unworthiness, condemnation, guilt Depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress syndrome Unresolved grief, emotional pain Anger problems Driveness overly busy, work too muchEmotionally shut down unable to be intimate to be Christian Many struggles, one answer, Christ!
  • 8. 08/07/13 8to be Christian Scripture tells us the enemy flows from generation to generation, into our lives and our children’s with “toxins”, the demonic and it’s effects and curses. Frequently this plays a significant role in our struggles. Therefore seeking to overcome these in the natural, and through self-effort often falls short. Through healing prayer generational influences are broken off for you and the next generation.
  • 9. 08/07/13 9to be Christian The best news however is there is a generational treasure chest of blessings in all areas if life that us opened and released through the healing prayer process for you and future generations!
  • 10. 08/07/13 10 Christ makes us whole! Romans describe this process Romans 12: So, here’s what I want you to do. God helping you: take your everyday, ordinary life – you’re sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking around life – and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Do not become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You will be changed from the inside out. Recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. The healing prayer process is simply scripture in action. to be Christian
  • 11. 08/07/13 11 Finding the Roots and Clearing the Ground The leaves of the tree represent the struggles of life. In healing prayer you are taken step-by-step through each area, or contributing root causes, in a simple manner, resolving according to scripture. If only part of the roots are addressed, improvement may occur but fall short of the greater freedom and healing available. Healing prayer is comprehensive. So rather than chipping away at the issues over time as you learn bits and pieces of what scripture offers across many years, a great leap in healing and freedom occurs as key scriptural principles are pulled together and applied. As roots are dissolved the tree falls down, struggles loose their stronghold. Here is another illustration of how healing prayer applies Scripture to life’s struggles. generational non-Christian spiritual experiences occult, false religions pride rebellion spiritual warfare healing our wounds filling unmet needs confessing sin Emotional withdrawal Anxiety Depression Low self-esteem Addiction Anger blessing and healing our spirit to be Christian
  • 12. 08/07/13 to be Christian 12 1. Making space in our life for regular, personal, quiet time with God, without which it is impossible to have an intimate, relationship with Him. 2. Studying, coming to know His word, allowing it to fill and change you, and understand His will for your life. 3. Praying, listening for His voice, just being with Him, learning and growing in prayer, giving and receiving it. 4. Regularly surrounding yourself with worship, participating, which invites His presence, draws us near to Him, and turns the enemy back. 5. Joining with others in fellowship, relationship, without which we cannot grow or experience Christ as deeply. Healing prayer ministry allows us to present to Christ the gifts we have to give; our hearts, minds, will, and very lives. He is worthy of all we commit to him. Essential Ingredients We choose life by reacting in obedience through:
  • 13. to be Christian08/07/13 13 Godly Order Healing Prayer Encourages Godly Priorities When we choose to order our lives to match Gods design for us we have great stability. We step under His covering, God’s umbrella of protection. We are blessed and strengthened and equipped in adversity. In the world’s plan if God is in the mix the box is small, church occasionally, prayer once in a while when difficulty hits. There is a faulty foundation that will not sustain our life in the way God intended. Life is out of balance, relationships suffer, we become more dysfunctional. Life is lived under self-power missing God’s plan and destiny for our life. Christ tells us to build up our treasure in heaven where it cannot be taken away or destroyed. Work Family God God Family Work church worship prayer Bible studyserving fellowship personal ministry Stable Unstable This is balanced and fulfilling The choices we made re: our work are directed by God Healthy fulfilling family life The way we are and relate in our family flows out of the elements in the God box. If God is the base of our lives the elements in the blocks will be present in our life In families where Christ is not the leader – relationships are more dysfunctional occasional church
  • 14. 08/07/13 14 Yeah But------------- Why would we avoid God’s plan for our healing and freedom through ministry? Let’s look at the blocks. These are frequently based on the lies we believe. 1. Fear: (lie) I will appear weak, be vulnerable, unsafe. (truth) Jesus was an example of true strength. When we follow His example by taking these steps fear dissolves and we become strong. Before the end of the first session people feel fear resolve, even laugh about it. 2. Unworthiness: (lie) I am worse than others, struggled more, sinned more, I don’t know much about the Bible or how to pray. I am afraid God won’t speak to me, heal me. (truth) We are all the same. Those who participate on teams have struggled, been deeply affected in the “shackles and chains” of life. They are aware these mostly rise out of pain and we are all in a journey towards healing. They have compassion without judgment. Christ loves us equally regardless of our life experiences and uses our pain for His glory, turns defeat into victory. Healing prayer is a very step-by-step process, no experience required. It’s an encounter with the one who laid His very life down for you! He meets every single person without exception. to be Christian
  • 15. 08/07/13 15 3. Enemy: (lie) The past doesn’t affect the present, the enemy doesn’t exist or isn’t affecting my life, I don’t have any issues that need to be addressed, it won’t “work” for me. (truth) As we go through the process revealed in Scripture we are able to recognize the enemy and his effect on our life we may have been unaware of and reject the enemy then freedom occurs. 4. Unbelief and Rebellion: (lie) If I talk about difficult things I will feel worse. (truth) Healing prayer is far more than talking, the Lord’s presence and healing is poured out. The tools gently yet powerfully minister without re-traumatization. The enemy keeps pain and dysfunctional behavior alive when we don’t share and pray for one another, grounds are given in silence, isolation and secrecy. When issues are brought to the light, out in the open, and we connect with one another the enemy loses his grasp. When issues from the past are truly resolved we feel better about ourselves and live in healthier ways. Healing prayer has it’s poignant moments with a range of emotions but it isn’t grueling or depressing as some have experienced in counseling without the healer – Christ. This is ministry. Because of Christ’s compassion and power, there is an ease and deeper and quicker resolutions of issues, marked by camaraderie and a fair amount of laughter. It lifts up rather than pulls down. to be Christian
  • 16. 08/07/13 16 Blessings received by going through healing prayer 1. A major step forward is made toward being molded into Godly men and women. 2. Anxiety and depression decrease, self-esteem rises, we are enabled to recognize and choose healthy relationships, we are enabled to communicate and resolve conflict with less defensiveness or oversensitivity, the ability to be emotionally intimate increases, the hold of addiction is loosened, anger decreases, pain heals. 3. We learn how to maintain healing and freedom and continue to grow in it. 4. We are released into a more personal and joyful relationship with Christ. 5. We have more protection from the enemy and are better able to protect our family and loved ones. to be Christian
  • 17. to be Christian08/07/13 17 Healing Partners Coming Together For those who are single and contemplating marriage Christ instructs “Do not be unequally yoked” He instructs us when choosing a mate to: 1. Ask the Lord to make clear His choice for a life partner. He has our best interests at heart and knows the future. 2. The Bible instructs us to marry someone who has also committed their life to Him and is seeking healing, growth, and maturity, putting Christ first. No one is better than another, God loves us equally and we are always on a journey of growth and healing, far from perfect. However, the healthier and closer each individual’s walk with Christ is the healthier their families and relationships can be, depending, not just on their love and best effort, but God’s greater love, strength and power! When Christ is the foundation for marriage and family it can become so much more fulfilling and joyful than what is possible in the world without Christ, as He is the designer of marriage. 3. And we need to be that person, one who puts Christ first in their time, energy, activity, heart, and mind in order to attract a partner who does likewise. Otherwise we rob ourselves of all He intended and our family is much more vulnerable to destruction. Married partners * For those who are already married, where there is a willingness it is powerful for both partners to go through the healing prayer process, building a new or greater foundation together in Christ. Where there is not keeping praying!
  • 18. to be Christian08/07/13 18 The Next Generation God designed us for health Holy Spirit human spirit Soul (mind, will, emotions) Body In the world we often operate out of our own thoughts and feelings. The spirit is deprived, and mental, emotional and behavioral struggles ensue. When we step into God’s plan and receive ministry our spirit is nourished and restored. Our spirit becomes intimate with God’s Holy Spirit, filling us with life, health and peace. This flows down into our soul; our thoughts, feelings and behaviors naturally benefit, even our bodies. Parents can minister God’s Holy Spirit and great blessing to their child’s spirit from the moment of conception and also be aware of and stand against attacks of the enemy even in the womb, making a profound difference. Even as adults we pray through these areas using these tools in healing prayer and see God restore faulty foundations that bring them new wholeness in the present. The cross reaches into the past and future. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edge sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit.
  • 19. to be Christian08/07/13 19 Men (as warriors)– A Special Role Men in particular are called to be spiritual leaders and provide cover over their wives, children and other loved ones. Where we aren’t walking with Christ, our protection in Him is compromised. Healing Prayer facilitates men stepping into this role as spiritual leader as outlined in God’s Word. We have the authority in Christ to minister powerfully in prayer and through God’s word when our families are hurting or struggling in life changing ways far beyond our own resources. Deuteronomy 30:19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Although there are multiple reasons for life’s struggles the following list from Deuteronomy gives examples of struggles that can be related to curses rather than blessings operating in ones life. • mental/emotional struggles • repeated or chronic sickness • tendency to miscarry, inability to conceive • breakdown of marriage and family, thoughts and feelings being influenced against one another. • financial insufficiency • being accident prone • suicidal thinking or tendency, untimely death Healing prayer teaches one to stand against these things for their loved ones as well themselves and invite God’s blessing, to exchange curses for blessing and be a source of strength and hope in Christ.
  • 20. to be Christian08/07/13 20 Each went to doctor and addressed physical, chemical imbalances which were corrected. In counseling ministry and or recovery groups they came to understand and change thought patterns and beliefs that contributed and gained practical tools.. They started going to church, reading the Bible 15 minutes a day and began praying simple prayers. They joined a fellowship group to engage with other Christians. They went through healing prayer ministry, surrendered each area of their lives to Christ and invited Him in. The enemy working against them was exposed and released, they were freed. Their wounds and unmet needs (known and unknown) were restored and healed by the Lord. New life was ministered to them body, soul and spirit. Transformation! Sally Depressed Fred Anxious Joan Addicted Pete angry Mary Emotionally shut down A Picture of Healing and Freedom
  • 21. to be Christian08/07/13 21 Each went to doctor and addressed physical, chemical imbalances which were corrected. In counseling ministry and or recovery groups they came to understand and change thought patterns and beliefs that contributed and gained practical tools.. They started going to church, reading the Bible 15 minutes a day and began praying simple prayers. They joined a fellowship group to engage with other Christians. They went through healing prayer ministry, surrendered each area of their lives to Christ and invited Him in. The enemy working against them was exposed and released, they were freed. Their wounds and unmet needs (known and unknown) were restored and healed by the Lord. New life was ministered to them body, soul and spirit. Transformation! Sally Depressed Fred Anxious Joan Addicted Pete angry Mary Emotionally shut down . . . . . A Picture of Healing and Freedom
  • 22. to be Christian08/07/13 22 Each went to doctor and addressed physical, chemical imbalances which were corrected. In counseling ministry and or recovery groups they came to understand and change thought patterns and beliefs that contributed and gained practical tools.. They started going to church, reading the Bible 15 minutes a day and began praying simple prayers. They joined a fellowship group to engage with other Christians. They went through healing prayer ministry, surrendered each area of their lives to Christ and invited Him in. The enemy working against them was exposed and released, they were freed. Their wounds and unmet needs (known and unknown) were restored and healed by the Lord. New life was ministered to them body, soul and spirit. Transformation! Sally Depressed Fred Anxious Joan Addicted Pete angry Mary Emotionally shut down . . . . . A Picture of Healing and Freedom
  • 23. to be Christian08/07/13 23 Each went to doctor and addressed physical, chemical imbalances which were corrected. In counseling ministry and or recovery groups they came to understand and change thought patterns and beliefs that contributed and gained practical tools.. They started going to church, reading the Bible 15 minutes a day and began praying simple prayers. They joined a fellowship group to engage with other Christians. They went through healing prayer ministry, surrendered each area of their lives to Christ and invited Him in. The enemy working against them was exposed and released, they were freed. Their wounds and unmet needs (known and unknown) were restored and healed by the Lord. New life was ministered to them body, soul and spirit. Transformation! Sally Depressed Fred Anxious Joan Addicted Pete angry Mary Emotionally shut down . . . . . A Picture of Healing and Freedom
  • 24. to be Christian08/07/13 24 Each went to doctor and addressed physical, chemical imbalances which were corrected. In counseling ministry and or recovery groups they came to understand and change thought patterns and beliefs that contributed and gained practical tools.. They started going to church, reading the Bible 15 minutes a day and began praying simple prayers. They joined a fellowship group to engage with other Christians. They went through healing prayer ministry, surrendered each area of their lives to Christ and invited Him in. The enemy working against them was exposed and released, they were freed. Their wounds and unmet needs (known and unknown) were restored and healed by the Lord. New life was ministered to them body, soul and spirit. Transformation! Sally Depressed Fred Anxious Joan Addicted Pete angry Mary Emotionally shut down . . . . . A Picture of Healing and Freedom
  • 25. to be Christian08/07/13 25 We welcome you into Christ’s ministry of Healing Pray

Editor's Notes

  1. God’s desire is for everyone of us to have a deeply personal and intimate relationship with Him, to experience healing and freedom. However, when someone accepts Christ, it is not as though a reset button has been activated, and instantly we are who Christ intended for us to be. Indeed we are a new creation in Christ and have passed from death into life. But He asks us to surrender every area of our life to Him, making Him Lord of each. He wants to heal our wounds and met our needs. He tells us in His Word to submit to Christ and to resist the enemy who is against us; He will provide weapons of warfare and ensure victory in Him. He instructs us to draw near to Him, promising that He will draw near to us in return.   Many of us enter into this journey and over time feel frustrated or blocked. Sometimes we simply do not know how to walk into all He has for us but realize deep inside we aren’t experiencing the abundant life in Christ of which He speaks.   While life on the earth will never be perfect or without problems, we can have those gifts Scripture promises to us; the fruit of His Holy Spirit, love, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. Healing prayer ministry leads us through a practical scriptural application process in a way that creates a new foundation and opens the doors to walk into the healing and freedom Christ promised.
  2. there is a way that seems foolish to men/but *wise” (in human understanding}. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. You cannot please God without faith. This is a life-and-death fight to the finish. Love the word your God with all your heart, mind and soul.
  3. 1 Thessalonians 5: May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together – spirit, soul, and body – and keep you fit for the coming of our master, Jesus Christ. The one who called you is completely dependable and he says he’ll do it, he’ll do it.