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le Noqeoana Rao
Naganjuna 13
n-OhH 3
pinlP oe) piPTwo'» porae (Tee Joe
o/p Onekoo Pnee
1o, 20
. n A 2
eyee (
O/p- 1O 20 5
va elTons
ndavd edPhr -(aee (6jec)
Coye jova,
advanee java
evpvises edtion jaee co)jee)
vo edttm (3ame (odjme)
Biandalorne opplfcatfons Runs o a Sinele
chne not ghoyable to olhey machibe rmuoPRee,
ishfbufed applicairs-vun 1e broote
Shayable to d%erv 'oachibe t
e-notSile opplicotiocg -o91SymblanCoutdaled vevafon)
onchdid,os oirelou)s
Ktevenceg betoeen Canejava
ohfect overled languae
VOceduroe erled
no Secut Secured tang
->Tn javo thene b no olihlevs
poiney menna cddhess dala
plolfhvo deper:dlent
CP no polhle ue Cannet Meh cata)
Mge (oppltatd) ) delharo holepernclert
c SuppOvs ava doeent Suppovt to
fava Suppovs clynamic
ve does not Suppost
dynamic declayation
proceduac otened c p ooram Stoucteure 15 dlRded
o 1Br3hat
oto Some pocedung tRais why is poocedune
functon aenicd lanauager
-Tn Doceduse e data fsceyouing froo Te
module TO arpthe module thee s no ontio on e dote
-In Cc
by delaut functfan9 ave qlobal Scope,
global Scope
whereven we Loar uwe Cor Call then
In c thee s no Secuity fo the data, hat 3 wh
e Cort develop businexs applfcathons
txe10, Y=20
void add proceclune
void Sub )
wic ma ()
Spg oops Conceptcoe Con provialc restictons
usina Oops
PostRe data o
povatc ttx= 1o, Y=20,2 ltdata mcmbersS
of soo povate /publfe yotd addl procedune
mersbex RmcsnS
pub lic void 3ub () rocedure
by C plafovo ependent
enecutable -fe
Source G9le
a Cie
CoCotc9 natie Cacle os
ative undensandable fov poarnteulon os)
jovo urhia
Source ic Closs-fMC
ojovo byte
ova Coroplen Ceates byte Code that Conno be
undevstcad by any Os
- vn iepetes Corveys to naie Code poticulay cg
qoto sucd to transfes the Cortrol ro one to
onother plac with n a unction
jova Suppot oll Contol taternents ecepi cto
Sclection atcmens
9else etse P (todde P); nesed Sortch
gurnping 3iaternerhst ja does rotSppera
ovra Corhue, oto) ctur 9etp 9cdemert- dua o
mulfthresdrg oncept
loopi Staterrent
h m rfel
ohPie do-while fo
5 Whct cdunarrie Declanation
declove vanables uoherreNeT ue want
we Con
Cproqam vofd oon)
pitf wekome";
r 1O /esvoo
Calfog any unchon we Cont declone asobies
javd -ornes qosl?qSun roicio Bytcr (1995)
1verssoeleagcd 199G Cjd61.0)
yovo developroert
ava 9un roco Sysiern didrc oe ony obbevatiön tox
ScJPSun Ceyted javo proororn, (Ccore java)
ocjp Oracle Certited avap1oofasme
avo Sloaen
wORA- wte once un ayohesC
Sova 3logan cprcsents platfosm 1Deependerd
ConverotorS oava procrammir
hruy pd hslom
)lov Class narnes-
elass ame hould 3tat uit uppeicose lete
9P4 9s having mulple words ach OTd 1
PPret leHer 3hould be Capital
class Student
cla99mployee Tnfo
class-raIndeOut OPBoundsEcephaon
DMeifod narnes
method narne Should iant th
louwen Cose
Iellers + 9 hauing muHple wod Cach ovcd of
Re-hs lete Should be opiHal Cieept wovd
Nod qel c)
vdtd qe DataC)
void qet SudertTofo
voia ecualsTqnoveCaseC)
vaables must be în louey Case eters
publfe she
pivate Shqpuod br
piokcted o Sal
Hoat ovg defaut /package
Conetants utel
Constarns must be uppercaee,f f +shovnd
muthple words ust be Sepevaed by undevecoeC-)
PAGE UP u re
wbat ae be outpu SAatemeris ava
C->pitp C) unction nclude 2stcfo:bz
t Cout object nclude 2fosteornb
Sysiern.outpito ()- t Pse Stakrnent nest e
9ystero Out piot C) Sarnc 1me
Syster Out pioAPC) - Sarne line
Syprem- class larg pachage
Outobject pfot Streo class
ropovavatarg frnpovt ava-lang:yse
all Re classes F ang
java- ma pochagc
aung 3ub pochage
-How to wte mai ( mettod Java
public Siate void mon(ShRoq ags[ 1)
Statc publie void main (Shing TTemve)
Stin-clss tn jova
java Saßtuoov jd re
ava untime enviTonment
java developme ri
jly- javac -jrc e =jvm +api
ppT Applfcation programminq InETface Collection
ava Javax
ohat pat
port T9 a aperaing Sustem environment Seaiche
Con Set e pal D tuo LOays
TerpovOny Path
pearmanent path
TeroperoTY patb- TP we Set te poatt in Coromand
prormpt,her + s Called Heroporoasy pct TPuoe
close Be Cmd prompt partR ust11 be emoved
Comiler oddre
epath poqrom Flesjava jaa.o bin
peimaneot parth
Cornputey >propevhes> ctuanee
Systern ScHnqsenvironmert vatiables clfck new i
use vaiobles
wamabe Dorne potk
vnioble vatue :Complfley adde
clich o
prorar iropoytjovo.Iang
closs Sormple
pubfc 1atic void main (Sq oqst)
S5tem.out pitn(welcorne to jao old
how to Cornpile
gavac Penooe
jovac ga java
houto un
Jova classnorme >
Java Sarople
note - TP class cleclared publie int
narnc as elassname java"
we Should Save theFle
ote.2-oe Conna wTte tuoo public classes
pTOqram? Proport ova loq*
class Sareple
puble, Siate void moin (Si orast)
sterm-out piintl anC Sho") .
Systero out.pigln ( o Ph:92As3
Dfereee blushrotbase and abrct oviented
ctaes ot Suppas nhetenee
DDumbe Oolartypes
9 Character Oadatype
decimal Oolatype
logcal Dalctype
Dumbe Qatatypes hoeoa es r
Byte abyte -128 to 12 (-to )
a byte -32H68 to 326 to a-
bytes - to +2 -1)
poot w toryo
ocal aniables
The vaniables ohich we are dectàed neide
tey ae Called ocal vaniables
sIn java tRere o feasabilfty os boge valu
CTbeve sno qarbage values ava)
-Before ony vaable t mugt be
to use
Rol eed i Conesponelingalues
Gienerat output c
0 20= -10
I value s O
D2 value s 20
porarm mpat ava. ong.;
Class Somple.
publfc stotfc vo main (Shirg avqet)
t nt= 1O, n2 20
Syshero aut.poiotIn Cn);
Sysher out pritln (o)
sstern-out pitin o n1+inm +)
948tcroout piotln DI value is p2
value sma.
99cm'out piotln (Di n2 +="+(on
4Shero ou peAn Oi- n2+" + n-)-
proqram class Sornple 6
pubfc Btatfc main (Shin9 aqsl)
Gota-5, b2t©
Ayste out lO Ca+b) l/15
System-Out pitn ("a'+1o.llato
Setern out. pitn (aio); l 51o
SystenOut ptn (a+1o:/15
Siemout poirln (as"io'+B-sio10
3y8teout pritH (atlob:15b
9ysterm aut. pitin ("ava"), Ufava
System out pairtln Ctrue) /true
d usterm
Bis ond anqes
ts unsgned 6iSaned
3bits -uto+3
oto 15 8 t0+
5 BRB O to 3 f tG TO t15
OTO63lo n32t0+3)
ts otoin hGu to +63
Oto 255
G bi by to 65535 32168 to 1336
Hou to cpcses -Ne numbers n Binasy?
-Oo s Cormplimentto heqiven+venumbes hopo
-O1-1 OO 1
S Compmerd 1oo 'sCompfmen t'to
O -3
5- O1O)
s Cormpl?ment101O
1OL 5) huomf
Lhot happens data eceeds Eeorge?
-uhereve daia ciceeds thc arge akes
Cnulay manne v
Teue we uorsbto 8tore8 value 8 b
tove 1e
+Pen t becomes
unsigned oee byte rane
O- G5535-0
e-D- 65535-(n-
e enal Typecastng)
unsapedti G5620 lG5535+85
pirsf).u )
op- D-)
-128- 122-0=29 +1-129-
1292-128 t1 -129
-129 2 123-1t26
-12-n= 129- (D-1)»
clas Sample G
publPe 8tatc vd main (Stng on9st)
11byte b=128; //eno
byte ob-(byte)12
Syste out prirtio (); /-125
b (byt) 300
System out. printn (b): /4
N-Pioat xu.|lewai
Ifloat x eu5P 11 vallel
Ploat x Ploot)u5, llvald
3ustem-out pioiIn ( //u5
Conveth9 the valuc rom one typeto anothe
impfåte /idenq type Coeti
)eapite / nowowing type castie
Dplicitr /widerin onvertinq the value from lowe
data type to bighe, claia type. To his type
Casttng memooy toss occuTS
hort o
ubes byte ar /
byte b20
shot 9-b /l valfd
b, 1lvalid
class wideninqnoample
publfc tatc uotd mon (Sh ogt)
oyte b=20
Shavt S-b
tem out pi (b+ l 20 20
SoP Cb+ t7 21020
plicte /narouoaCornveytie the value fsom
haber datatype to loue datetypPe Tn hs
typecasttng odataloss
bye Sher o ong
ot 320
byte b=i
Class NdTowing eiamplr
pSvm Sng eslI
n 320
Il byte ba ero
byte b=(byt)?
Sop (+ aD ll 320 GY
coubie u5
SOP (x ); tlu.5
9 De&roal Darlatype
u bures (u5P
double bytes (u
Floa 3.5 Ihenan
chonacie Ootatypes
cha bytes O to G5535
char es
asi Co to 255)
Dunicode (o td G6535) Jaua Supports unicode
O o
AD ente
32 Space
to C
GS to o
ato 3
97 to 122
n Rie
ocal Datchje
booleon byte tue falsc sd py
wile () /lcno t cvalfc
we (o)I eno in jova 'vaPd nc
CoIe (true)l c enas
Ce Pala)) vald
woTd T6e mearnmg
heyuworel e a Teserved
these wOTcls, alyeaaly detmed i vm/jova ompilen
um/ava Compiler
vey heyuoarc has Spectal meanng in ava. Tk
Cant be changed Tn javg
eanng in ava. 7h
mconin these uwoTds Can be changed In jav
we bave53 eyord3 a
heyuoards oclated to dao type
bute Shart ind, long. char,Ploat double uoid
Deyudords oelated to Control Staterncnts
etse, SustCh Case default, brcab, Conhnue
vetun ohile, doa
heyuoords related ro eccess Specie modAers
public 3tate
vateno reabshact
publie :- we Can accees any he
poivateonly wit i he class
protected'wi6 o te pachage and Sub claases
Othe pacha
2defoult7 (o)pachage aditer;-TP here s o
modPe then s alled dePault
on acces in oitA iD The pachage
The pacoge
we Con
eyuords related to class
Clags,inteface, etends, implemernS, Insiace
heyorcS elated to eiceptiom handlling
tyCatch, thvow 6us, tnaly
Oops object oiented proramming uctureConcepts
) object
data encapaulation
ral ch
u)dota abshachon
) polymophYem
Class s a heyworcd usng class heyuooid e
Can Crocote claiatype (ctass is a use defne
) Class a CollecHon dartarnembevS (vaniables
and ermbevfurctiorn (metkod)
a dala
membene, ave sed to Store Re dat
membe unchians oe uscd to pe-tsvm he
operats on data
iv class s a 10qica epresentation t dosent
any 9pace To Thc memovy
Claes Sornple
Tt xto, Y22O,K3
voicd add () Rd clog3
fornot dove (spamou)
void Sub () oects
objec object the physcal epresentatfon rior
he claes
bluc pii ocloes
Yn9tance class
TO Ccalc object we nee
eeference vaniable
ne opeiatos
Refevence vavioble-T+ Stues e addheas (bascode)
e objec
2Clossname > <vaioablenarmne>;
Sanple S
De beyuoord uging neud Heyuoovd e Can memony
for 16e clas6 hew hcyucrc oetun3 TRe addres
Syiax ne Claagnanme ()
tn ane Siep
Sample Sanew Sample O
Two Stepe
Somple S3
S oe Sarnple O
Cass Sample
t l0, Y-20,Z
Class Maindasss
public 9tatic uo main (Shina onsst)offowj7
Sarmple 3 new SampleO.
7 ic
SOP (e)
Sample 92 neuD Sornpie: gi
SOP piiin (99);
we Con ccate any o.o object to he clo8
wbat Singeton elage?
only One object Can be Ceated
1Calende Sevet
upe vaniables
oocal voviables
2 tate vanables
3Instance Varable
tadhic Naviableahe vaviobles tobich rie we ae
dectared ,uoith te Class w1 3iatic madifer
1S hnown a9 Siotic vaiables
closs Sarnple
SAatie t xy,z:
TO o access Static vamables,no ned to ceate
object t clage name we Can acce&
Sarnple .x
3totc vaiables Occup only one memay
location fov eotre class e, tese ae also
Called class vartableS
ce vantableeThe vaiables which we ae
declared wit be class othout Stortc mocthew
oitout Stortc modife
Rnetance vaTTable
s hnouon
To acces ostance Vaiables we nced to
Create abject wt Obect we an acce
2 Object>.2 vaiablenarne>
Sample 9-ne Sample ()
class Sarmple
Saticind ab.c Static vatiable
ip Xy,7; osance vaviable
ofd fun 10
Ro P-10. 1 local vaiobles
Sote etanc
vorRable clossname.vorioble oject vaniable
aormplc fov nstonce vaiabies
class -91pha
clo9s Mofo Cos9
pevm (Sti onqt)
pra o rcuo fAlpra CO;
a2z= a2x +Oo
SoP Cx :" ta1.x) /ho
9.0P Cy: +an.v112o
30P 2 01.ž) ; |l3o
3-pha a2-neo-9lpha O
a2.Y 2
a2 a2.x 02.y
sop (x"+ a2.x lo
SoP y:"+a.,1lo
SoP a2. lo
pes methods
Stac 99)insance metfods
Sialc metfodeTe meRods chich we arve declanes
cOn i e clas8 uRt Siac mod@fen s Knewn as
Sicrfc oethcd
ctass Sarople
Stoe Noid Puna)
usin clo8 Darte
-we Can acces Statfc nethod9 uSin clag
2Clas9nome 2metßod hame
Somple Pun aC);
Snstonce metPade
he which twe declare h
mehods ane
te clags stout Stoemod?fers hnoun a
rstancc method
Cla Sampl
void fun1()
->oe Con accos ineancc meihod u3i09 object
2 cbject>. 2method namc>
Sample S1 ncuw Sample C)
91.un C)
Y Sia+fc inGkarce
vanfobeSompie-x 9.y
metheds Somple ur9fun2)
Comple proqsar) fov Siatë retods
Slac vid dplay)
3.0.P I arm SHatic mciPcd fror-9tpha)
class Morcla
psvm (SRrg opi
fpha.dspay ()
W mainclaas show().
Static votd 9ho )
9.oP I am tatc method o main")
eiampe far nstance method
Class 9Ipha
vofel abplay C)
3.OP C a in3tance method tem alpha"
cla Dela
vdia 9houo ()
Sop Cam instance metsad som beia")
class Main
pubc se vRd moin ( Shing c)
fpha al= neto AIpha(
ecto a2 - new Beia c)D
Maio a3
neo Man
e Show ()
void Ran ()
sop or oonce fro mafn)3
Siatc Siate Oulc
- e can cal dfcctl Sarme class Satc mehods
irrto 9Hatic methods Sarne clo
gample funa)
not mardato
claxs Saroplc
34atfe fid Puna)
3tatic void inz()
on-9atic to on-iotic Rute
clax Samplc
void Runa()
vofd tun 20
Siatc to an-9iafe aule
class Samplc
Slofc void tuna C)
ofd fun 2 ()
DeD-9latfe to Statf ulc
class Sample
we,Connot GlL drect-
vofc un2)
slatc votd fun 20)
NFun2(); onao
Samplc s newSampe ()
class 1mete
(s end-Pov
Ytx10 Y=20 ;
vRd odd
Syatemout pintn (z="+D
od ub C)
Z= X- Y
Systern out pim (z-"+2),
clas Main
-PTneha, al peu, AsihmcHc
al addC)
at 9ub ()
olp' - 30
Trs heyuoorc
Thi9 denotes cla CuTsen obect THis Ts. used to
dferenae bot local and nsance Vanabies he
Getto and eHex metfhods
Seter metfods 2He meth ods Qe used to Sct thc
Nalueg vaiablea
qeter rmethoda gcter mettod ane used to e te
values the vasiabls
1This heyucord
void getoato(int1,inty)
ctass Šample
ptvate it xYZ:
voicl qgedata ()
go am ct data u
Sastom out pintlo I a getDaa it pora").
veid pAOxta O Clotue1
s.op (: "a
SOP y:"aY):
sor (z"-D;
cla Main cb
psum Shig asqs
Sarmple S-neo Saople)
soP C
Sget Oata ();
Sprint Oaat);
90P C -e -
9 ge ada (1o0,20d
ideinyt ulo
9 print Data y
3 birec
am 3ct data tuT pa
am seh deta tut ps9
Y20 Z300s
poly means
-> nopbism means om
oe function in manyfaon
-> usina Some name To difPereri metRods o ditesent
oplementatio polymapbism,
Statfc dunamic
CCompce fme) (runtime)
eamefod ovevbadim e meRod oemiding
class Studerst
pivate nt 9no
pivate Shing sname
pivate toat au
vod qe Student ()
Snane abc
SoP C am qel Student witfout parametey J
voRd qetSrudent (nisgno, Shing Snamc Ploatav)
s8no -Snoj
SSHame =Sname
SoP C arn get Student th Pavameleys)
vod mirtStuden)
soP Sro+3nd)
sor Shame:" - Srorm)
sor og:" +av
Clos Mafn Class
Psvm (Sng aqsl1)
Student s-neuo StuderhO
S.pint StudentO
SFPStudent ( ) Studert)
SqetStudert(12,"abcd'n.3u59)osut tne
SpintStuden ()
so O
9name tabcd,
Sname enull
am geHStuolert o pasc
Sramc abc
avsi2 12
methods wts rctusn volue
Rt add (ot xcA)
retusn +Y;
-Ploat add (-flool Ploat
Ctur xY
double add (double y doublc)
retunn x*Y
clas ManClass
wsm (Shinq avqpT1)
ddtion a- neuo PddtmO
tR Sum aadd (i0,2d)
1Ssiero- out pailn ot acdd: "-Sum
SP ot add: aadd (o, 2)
SoP (-Ploat odd:d.addusf5GP))
Sop doubie add"a-ad (5-c,7.8))
clas Cicle
float 1,aca
Ploat Rnd-AreaO
avea= 3.1u *
yetuon aco
-Ploat Pdfreaploot)
anca 3.1up+s is.
Clo Moin closs
psvm (Shing av 13)
Ccle Cncw CRrcleO
SOP (freo;C. Piod-PrcaO)
SoP (rea;"ac fndhyeo(96P);
Can you oveslaad moio() method?
In c c°s a piocedurc oriented onquc.geovevlcod
s Cops Conceptnot only mofo() functfom,
Can overload any funthon în c
To C c Suppovts tnciaon oveoading we an
ovesload all funcfors but e ont oveload
main funcon
Toava- we Con ovcload allPunchon n jaua. o one
y Coanestfc ovevlcadfnq. rmain() unction s
ovevloaded vrn eseutes e 9TS
ponaroeer main
roettcd coly
Clos Sompie
psvo (Shirq aqst3)
SOP ("tMetlo) ot be Ecuteo
pBvm ot avgs[3)
Sor tiell o")
Houo to Tcad opuls n ava
Can Tcad the inpus i tto asys
using Command 1frc crgumems
)using Scanner Ctass
Commarnd he aqumens
-passine arqumentS to a Peuncton tough Command
fhe e (81ough Command rampt)
But basically we l pot e Ongumets to te
Panchons when de Col u we oon Call
functiens rom Re Command ompt- wr wi Catl
ancHons from anothe funchanS
But mndi e ony ane funcion which wil be
Called by e vm nepetey at e Command promp
oyPoRe main functfan we an pos agument
Rom Ae Command prompt So basieally arrqumers
pEdto mai tunchm fs Called Commond e asm-
uTaPper clases
(Ls pre pf ve
oDEClas, Hose Classer
vey daa ye bas
ae Called -tlsl)o
OYappes Classe3
datatype closs
Ppr tor muet
Shovt Shovt
Pioa Floot
double Oouble
cho Chavac4e«
->wrapper clases Qe uJel Convert pimive
datatyr efercnce daetupe
clas Sample
psvm (Shng st
soP ( no .oCmd l aTgucmenis+0m9e
ot xTo*getpansdin (a1q-1
Yoy=Tnteqes panscint(mqs);
9oP x :a Sng. value (o
(fnt to Sh
soP y:"ay);
Iptegeparreelnt (")
(shg to n)
HouD to un Java Sompie 1o 20
olp no Cmd ne agumens 2
y 20
Close Sample
PSVmShing arqst
80P wetcome ags i)
SoP wetcorne+ags Lul
Sor addon"+(anesio] argsta), l/1oso
SOp no o Cmd 1ne aqumerts: +a1gs.lenth)
pp ovo Sample 1 20 tingai
oddtiom 020
nooCmd line arqumens 2
Convevting Shing b Ploat
Ploat povscFloo (orgCI
ead 9 Ptoat numbers add hem usinq Cmd he a
claxs Sampe
pavm (Sing crmect))
floal x Float pascFlootCrmieclo)
ftoat Y Float pareeloal (Cmvec[);
s0P (x:,
s0r v:"+
Bop ndd?hon"(x+ V)
3OP("nocne ire aves:cmecAenath)s
Sconner class
> s avoiloble in Gava ufl pachage
impovt java ufl.
mpot javo uil SconnerS
>t s usd o reod nputs fro useY
OEjECT CRETIO Scanney sc=nco Sanne (System i)
Fmeihods neHTiC):+reods the înt value fom use
nentFloat ). it rcads the floct values om
net( eads e Shias(TAout paces
pettLineC): *+ veads be Sngs (uSR Spacesb)
oettDouble ()+ reads te doubie values.
)impot java.ul."
ropott fova uttl-Scanres
class Studer
pavo (Stng arqs[I
Ova.uA. Scanne sc new java.t4l Scanne Syhenin)
SoP (rtey Sno:"
sro =
ScnetLine ); /) Cads the enter ChenaceY
Sop te snarme "):
Shing name =
hing snarme Sc. nettLne);
SoP ier avg"
Ptoat avg=sc.netFloot
9OP (Sno ; "a sno)
SOP snarne:" Sname)
sopaq ava
Contho atemersts
SetectiGn 8tortemertS
1PP else P else (adder#), nested
B)ampin9 Statements
-breah Corhnue,netunn,oto
while do-while,ff
Suntar p
P (Conditiom
else 9P CCondiHion)
Statemernt - e e 1
Shatemenis 2
f elsc f fonefone ) 90
P (Condion)
else f tondlon2)
Statcnents 2
9tctHernent 8
Conshuctov O
1 a Spedal oermbey funcHoD novroall1
uss Ho Halge eobecS of c das and
ablesn hee Object
- Spefal
Spectal because ts name i Same as tBe
Sam as t8e
class and w be Called opli&ty h
an object fs Ceatedfbs he class
Constuctor Connotbe epliCHY.
->Consthuctos Can have Zeso
any Dumbes o
->Consthuetors Cannot have aetunn typt
Spetofon ro evc vod als
>snee ConShuctors also lthetunchom3, all he
acces Specer Can be opplicod
Conshuctos anc 3 types
defaulH Constucto a ovgumernts Gnshuatan
panametniaed Grshucta
Sample (o
Copy Constucto
Sample (Sample o)
Con e Create obfect rthout Conshucoi
D0o without Conshuctav we Cannot Creat obje
toheneva e ar not igConshructoy(rot
vaviables) Then Cormpley tabes the 2sponsi6iiy to
iitalisation o te vaable (tCeates tbe dlefault
a clos3 Sample
Sample (O
SOP ( ao no para Conetructo)
Sample (nt
Sor (a am onc paya onstucto
Sample (ntxinty)
SoP I am two paTa Consthuctu x +Y)
class ManClas
Pevm (Shiq ons
Samplc 9=ncw SampieO;
Saroplc Sa oew Sample 6y
Samplc S2 new Somple (100,2co)
P- am o par Constuctos
a OnC para Consucto 10
am tuoo Para onstuctos ICO200
ass Sample tmployee
Tt eno
Stinq ename
double Sal
-roployee O fnot vc valuea 4e
te deault values are qven
ename =null
Sal 0.0
tmployee C)
Sal - 60000 Oo;
SOP am no as nst
mployee (int eno, Shing cnarnc,doube Sal)
-ts en0-eno
Tsename ename
isSal Sal;
0P I am anq Const;
nployee mployee o)
eno o.eno
ename =Oename
Sal O Sal
Ser a om Copy Const")
void pin Employee (
8or eno:+eno)
SOP ename: "a ename)
SoP Sal asal)
lass Main Class
psvm (Sthinq ovast
tmployee et ne tmployeeO
e1pint Employee ()
Eroployee e- new Ernployee (102, xyz"aoooo.Oo)
epintEroployec O
Enplouee e3a new Employee (ea) s
ep EmployeeO:
Employee eu= new Employee (ea)
eupist Employee) 6
dp om no avos Const
eno i1o
ename: abc
am ags onst
eno o2
ename Yz
9al 0000 Oo
2am CopH Const
ename ahc
I am Copy Cons
onshuctn Chainin9
s) ts usel to call Same class (onshuctus
Rule is () Should be in st tme ue Cant Loite
as a Second Slatemer
class Sarmple
Sample tD
SoP ( am defoultCorst
Sample (t
SOP I am one pa Conet:"ax)
Sample (int xnt D
SOP (a am tuo para onst:"ax, +Y)
clas Main class
psvm (Shinq aes1)
Sample 9-new Semple (too,2oo)
p- om debul Cost
am one pana Cone10
I ap too pana Congt 1o0,20
oOTeusina s. we Can Call Punchcns also
His Pun4C);
s Pu02 )
atic actoy pethods
produces e Same class object
Trmpovt java. util.*
class Calende arnple
psvm Sirq arqeJ
lcalende cDes Calendei leno
Calende C Calernde .getlnstance ;liStaHc facheo
privak rt Yz
pTiate-Aipha C)
90PT am pivale onshuctun
9lohc-Dpha et-Apha Object C) 7 SMarhte jactmy
Npha a new -Plpha (
3etunn a
ucid piotData (
SoP (xa
sor y:
soP z:+2)
class MainClass
psvm (Sg amt
= neD Alpha); ena :+ a
pivate onshuct
ft Ppho
ppha a= -Pipho .e-ipha Onject
a pi Daaa (),
who Shoe doss?
Ao oe dect Can be Crtoe
e Colendc), SeTvIe4 cla
DOTCDovmally we Coan Caeate umbes obj
The class, bu ue Cary Ceateb Singleton
Slatc blocs
the jova picqam uittho maiD
Con e eiccute
metfod ?
we Can wte Te moqram thout mat
we Compile , but we adt exccute tIn cand
t main fancHon must be equeel o enecute poepam
anjavaue Can execute jaua pvogam uithout maîm
meihcd using Staticbloch executfon oseibie thout
mainbeloo vesiens ds1-c)
->To execution ua Pogamava ompme Ceae.
class e jvm enecuhes the class eohilt erecuk
-Rst t Secnches Static bloc s eisie mt
s efsed t eecutes tRe Stotie blockthen ît
Seaches t mon method
-p Satfc bloch s not eaisted, drecty+ acuts
he moin method
class Sample
Sep ( am oac black):
soP T Can aecurt ut moin
Suttm.aît (): Ss pmom eau
clas ampe
SoP T am 9tate bloch)
psvm (Shfnq aiest)
Sop (I am main mettcol")
olp Tam Hatie blcck
a am main mcttod
OteP mooe bars ane latic bloch s efstes
eiecute TP Slatic blccks fRomtop to boHom
DOTE 2- Siahc blocs ane used to iSAalfse Statie
vaiobles te class
class Sample
s0P T am Stotblac)
sOP am non-Slatfe bloch;
Semple C
Sor I am Constucta )
Psvm (Shing nqp)
Somple S=neuSampe
soP T arm aio mettcd)
Oop- Slathe bloch
Oo-91atc bloch ATe class tevel bloc,obich doret
bove an pototypec
The need oa non- SHatfc blochs to eecute an
Lwheneve an object s Cveated rrespechve dF
he onshucto
->Don- 9tattc blochs ave executed Outomatically uOheneve-
otRectis CTeated (befose onshuctos)
Class Sample
Statc Tot S
9tatc -
psvm (Shrg onqe
soP (s Somple s
I/9ystem out piotn (o+" Sormple)enaY
Sbmple S=new Sampie(
Soe (n:" s.
- -DPpng class pTopezteg (dlata memberg
and membe functors to anathe class
-Sip9 Hendes Keyuoord we Cor tnhent he
Iohei-ance ave 5ypes
sigte leve nhesîtance
9nu level nhetance
3 multple inbeitance
)thid Tnheitance
5) Reranchfelbeftarce
Singe teve) Inhettance
Base clas
aren class
uper class
generalfsed class
Deived clos
child class
Sub closs
Sepedliscd clay
mui 1evel inbeHorCe
-D++C C
DLufiple Tnheitarce (java does not Suppa thi)
Hybrid iphetarnce'
thierarchiel Tnheritance'
Collecign Sle leelnheftances
Sineeel Tbbeanr poqra
class Sample lleimde ava-lanq object
inx1o, Y=20, Z
oid addt
soP (-rdton is:'+z):
class SubSample eitnds Sarnple
vofd Sub)
SoP Subtracion îs:+
class MainClas
psvm (Shing args)
liSaople s pew Sample) AEu ta anly
mpe re Conten
9 adld ();
SubSample ss- ncw SubSample )
SS addC)
ss Sub t)
we Ccate object fo base
NOTe wbeneva
bosc Clase Conent he loaded but 2 we crate
obiectfo deve class bott class Contents wil e
toaded (base+ desive)
-java lorq Object s a Supe clas9 all th
classesThese. class me}Rods ane auainble fov all tRe
upe heyworol (
-> 18 used Call bose class (onstuctoss
vevy Conshucto has Supe ) Hayword by defhult
e st ioe
- A Calls te base class Conshructor
Rulett Should be îne &st line
class Object
ctass Sample lextende jaua 1ang. okjcat
Sample )
Aelaull onshucta
Supen ). h als R bre class eaull Grsbu
SoP Ca am Con Sample"
clas SubSample exendsSample
Sub Sarmple )
Sop C am Con9 oSubSample'),
clas MdRnClass
fo psv (Shing anqst)
Saople S- Dei Sample
SubSample ss ncw SubSampleO tleo
class Sample
Sarnple )
SoP (I am defaut Sample Gre");
Sarmple Cint)
SoP CI am one pme Sarnple Const")
ctes Subsample exterds ampe
3ubaople C)
SoP C am defout 9ubSarnple onst)
Sub Somple (fo )
SoP ( am oe pana Subsample Gnst"),
ctas Maîn
psvm (SHRog avgst3)
SubSample s31 rew Subsample(to;
pa be pioed
Multilevet Tnbetance
Gnand pact non-statc
consthuctui a
- non-Staic
Ela Ghardfoer
soP am Stothc block GivandPavent")
SoP (I an non- Sote block o Gnandaoerst )
SoP ( arm Conshuctos oGond rent
class Porent exends Guandloreni
SoPa o Stat blcc oneo)
SoP am non-Siac block paent')
soP(I om Corcshuctos Parent)
Class CHld extends e
SoP am 9atic bloch Cbild
SoP am non-Sloahc block ochild)
soP C a Conshuctos cld
clas M1aioCla
svm (Sa ags
IIGrandPavert P-neus GnandRcotOs
t1 Parcot p- pew Pascoi(Os
Child c Dew cHldd
pT am Sa block oGrandParens
Iam S4ac bloc dpavent
am 34atc bloch dcild
94aic bloch Gnondren?
arn onstucto GaandParen
om ron Siahc bloch aven?
I am Conshucto Pavent
1am nOD: Statc bloch ld
am Conshuca o cd
dRfferenee betweenb local,1sSupes vaziableg
cla Sample
otXal0o, y -200, Z=B00
class SuhSample Catends Sample
b turen
int x O, y:20
NoRd furn1C)
Sct x2
sOP x:a), 12
SoP s. x:" #9.) Iho
soP (supex"Supey X) i/acd hst
SOP (y" ) }l20 7 nerot
soP s y:"+isy) l2o bl
sOP (supey y:Supe. y); l/200
sop ( z;" this.z) :h 300
SoP 'supe z"+Supe ) 11
clas Mainclas
psvm (Shig asI)
SubSomple 9S De SubSarmple ()
9s. funi O
Metkod oveidog (ckunamic Polurpoyphigr
class Sorople
Pot x-1o, y =20,2 7
void funi()
class SubSample ettends Sample
void funa0
SoP ( subhactior s:"dD
clas Mainclass gm be
svm (Sh arqst
Sarnpie S-pew Sampe0;ubv
SubSample ss- oao SubSample0:
ss funa()
ulea oemde e oeod
Dotbpe Tule
twc Should ot chamete piototyee
id nt(ot
cces Spe ule
an it ual bope acces peae
pvate lou
class Sample
pickcia a un3
doss SubSample ettmds Sampk
potces vuna6 lafd
pubic void uni)1 valid
1l aRvate vod fun (O lleno
1/ void Puna ) 1iera
ception ule'
class Sampie
void Pan 1 () rows Jresupedicepion
ClassubSampe exends Sample
i void fun O6nous ception ien
ord fao3)frowST upiei ecepte /lead
-we Soeuld net change Tbe excepon he
oveniddc oetioc
-Dssieda deid class cbje base Closs
eoc vasiable
methed ovenidoa
-uthme eveniding
-> dupamic CYcTidin
-dynarnic rethcd dispotc
*Class oimal
voic ea O
9oP CDmal s'catiog)
void Secp)
Sop -nîmal is steepirg
clox Cot extends oimal
vod eat)
void Srept)
soP(Cat Sleepin)
class Dog eterds -9oima
void aO
soP oos Catin)
voRd 9leepO
sOPCOo seeping
clos Mainclas8
Psvm (9ming ags)
rimal aenew -9nima) () C)
a. Sleep0
rioa a ne Bg e )
aat O
a Sleep OS
Dew Cot C)
ote apiograrn to chet ffe ver is
leap yea not
S importava. uil .Sconne
publfc class Main
psvm (Shfnq dvgsti)
Scanne sc new Sconne
Sc netIi()
P ((veay uoo- =o) 11(veano1co !-o yeon7u=O
sOP CAeap yean)
3oP Coon- kap ycon")
mpovt fava u1Scannei
pubfe Class Main
psvm (Shig avqst)
Scanne 8C De Scantmey
Po (rt o -+t)
soPfotio O;
(o,ienia)r) Co
Por(nt 3-09<o St
() aplanesn
0 so S1 S2
fCot j-o; ieal,j+)
sop ( )
Soiotln (D;
To (ot f-o ien; i+) ye-
Fox (rot s-0 9s+
:SoP (
to (rt -o sjen-i, i+)
Sor ")
90Priniln ();
Sopin ")- o)p-
Sopin O:
Pos i =o.YD
bstoct closscs
asedupon method dleftna+an metPods
clossiHed ipto tooYpes
Concvcte me1hods abetract metfiod
Cornplcte metthod3
- mesfods wrth body mettods orout body
void Run1 () abstract voTd fun;
tet incornplele
->-Dclogshat s modified STBBe eyuood
abghac class Sompe
-> abetract class Cannot be retantiated (.e ,e onro
Cocae object oThe abstoct Clossampe saneoSampel
Can Cveate eference vorablcos ap
- But we
abehact class Sample B/valfc
-)-An abetact classs a class at an ortai
Oe obstract metßods
oettod a metfod orthou bod
(.e no implementakon)
-> -9D abetract class Can Cortain ConcTetc oethods alo
(novmal mekod e methade wth body)
Relevcnce vaiable an be Crectes o 'abetroc
an abstract clo
->An Omal class that
Ovenide all the abstrac methodg iDte cla
CRe, proviefig implermentatiaoo
absract cls tho ertends an abetact
cls oeedTo OVeTmde abstact ethods n
the cls
abstrac class vehicte
abetract voidl SHat O
abetrac vordrnove)
class ov etends vehiele
void 8lantC)
SOP CCan Slated)
voicl move ()
SOP Co s mong o
la8S bihe ertends vehicle
void Stent C)
30P hhe 9tooted)
void movc )
sop BiKe s moving)
claas Mainclass
PSum(Shing anqs
vebicle V neo vchicle ), 1en
VE new arO
v.Start O
V moveO;
Ve new Sthe )
V. Sav (O
V.move ();
abshact class Shape
double di,da ,arta j
void getdim (double didouble d
his di-d
1hisdo- da:
abstract oid nd -frca C)
Rectanaie e1tends 9hape L 95
votd d -rea)
arca = di d2
sOP Recangte oea; aread S
ta mangle ettends Shape
vord-hd Areo O
aea =
0.5 dida
SoP Tangle avea aeo)
cas,Main Clas
t1 Sbape s- new Shape; erO
Shape S: /lvalid
rue-new Rectangie
gel Oio (u5,u69dcn
S.hd ra()
S.getOm (3u,3:5) o
= 20.T
Tntaface a Collecterp all abstraCt
inteface Sampl
void fana);
oid fun 20:
Inteface mettods a deloult obstrac
obsthact ond pubie
vord un2C); public abshac ed funaC).
usi mplernents heywad, u Con impemcnt 1r
class tfart mplements an Spiface hog
ovemide all the methods hot iteface
- we Can rot CTCate obfect fuvYoiejacel but we Can
Cae reference vanable
Sarnple ne darnple O; ERROR
Sample S Il valfd h
usig iptface we Con perfam mutiple nhetan
class all Concretr methods
abstact class-Oomal+ atshoc methods
oterfoce abshoc metRods
ceface Somplc
vd funi1t) lpuble abstact vod-na ).
fan2 (Shing rarn), 11 pubic abshac von ShR
claas SubSample mplemens Sarnpit
rubiic vool fan1)
sOP I am Pun2 fron Sarple inieface):
pubtc void fuoaing
soP C amn2 from Sarople ie-face:
od funs)
a am-fun3 frorn SubSomple closs")
clos 11ain ClasS
psvm (Shicq avat1D
I Sample s-new Sample O; emai
Sample 3, Ilvalft
3 neo Sub Sampl1eO;
S fun1 O3
Ils fun3 ); eno
Sub Sarople es pew Sub Sample
l sstna(); //valRd
s3-funaTmec); /hald
9s.an3(; Ivalid
otefoce ine-facee
class B
ctas B
class G ettends
ilerface B ettnde
void funa ();
iefoce catends
Plepac o)mvet
void un2O;
oteface e eterds
void un3();
clas Sample tmplemers (c
pubtic d -fuoac
Sor CI am Ran 2 om nieAace );
pubfe vofd fuo2) aro o
SoP (I amun9 koro inerface 8
publie uoid un30
soP CT artun3fromoicface C
ctass Main Class
pavm (Shing nqst1)
fuan a C)
a= neu Sample
tl a furna) ou
tl a. fun 2(); ena
t/a tun3(), eTsO
b new sämple
tun1 )
Fun a)
I bPan2()
Ilban30; /lenoT
Ce new Sample () 7
C Run20
cfun2O: funBC)
Ctun3, O
ava de doesnt Sppavt uhple bes
Gn esface meitods ae piai
on u face wcRcds are Sot
class- collecho nly ancet meibade
Eac dass - collecf d cneee and absacs me
Eaca -
citecn abetioc meiods
Cane gisc
pe metd mpie ecdi
vid rome (9 some)
een (Fioot ve
cos avolorqc nplerses
o u
n pabfe vod ane (9ti ome
SoP1 om mehed. n]ou +pose
publc vcid versicn (ftoot vev
SDP (I am fava verion ve)
clas Main Class
pubc Staeodan (i
lonugr 2-neuo Longun O ena
Lanqunne 7 fvalfd
T-Dew JavaLonquo
Z-rome (Tava )
class er
vid loca t)
Sop Ca am progeio per
itcface Urcle
void ha D
Cto Chd eienda Fannermplerners Unei
puble void batis O
sop (I om properh drom Upcle
cloas MainClass
pSvm (Shnq onqe)onbo
r ancle u= new CldO
biloi 3ocpno.
child c=Dew Child pJouol he
C habits (O;
OOTe In one picam e Can mplernent
inany numbe ClaClass3
tcface Sample
pool bini
ctaas clase Claec Clas D
Ctas A Omplements Sample
clas B3
implemen Sample f3
clas C implements Sarnple {
nal Keuocrd
->4nalvanfablea an+ bc Todiktd
nal mettods Cant b ovemidden
hal classes Cant be cxiended obeRtel
class Sample
psvm(Stira ongi)
finalnt x-10;
x4Io; |l erO
soP ();
woTE- inteace
pubfenta= 10
public Stotfe ot a-o;
pubfc Stetfenalintoa-lo;
deautnteY face vaiables ac publie, Staht 9
manhey taq nterface
markee inteyface means +deaen doesn Contan
vommable methodd
intevface iy hmashev oeace
Tfss only -for maning pupose
Tn java aTays eercnee pes (e)whereve
an Omray ory ty one Cray objec
uill be Ceated ctape n heap aea wt6
we CTeate
2 detaut membeTS
1Set values be actual value
senats - he no value n he arsay
JO CTeae
Pray Teference vaiable rCcatio
Te vaI]
tyPe Lvan (
Type CJ vo
ohnin iuslbe
e ota;
9ot a
ne typ [siaeJ:
e oew int
io one Sep
Syoiaa typeC var = eo tyre sz:
qRnI a=neuo in[5];
Sgle dimenal aay r
nt oj-new in5J
mult dimensiana amars
Jgd Orays etetuar
nt alJLI -neu nuJ[J
clase Dray Exa
pavm (SHig 9sl
otD-ateger PorsTtCa9sla)
90Pa:) emnel
s0P (lengtt :a ler)
fon o, izn; ta
aLtJ Totges parser (ovqs 0)
SoP -9nay elemens are)
hsep (ord
be fof.t]-"at)
StocD hap
olp J Cno-vatue)
a:1@uca 9293
freray elernents
aToJ to
alJ= 20
a 30
Readiog aaylemenls usiSconpe claes
impot java.utt Stannen:
psum (Shingst)
Sann sc-oeanne (Syen fo)
30P (nte ae f the omay)
ot a C3- ew intl
sor ne aay tements)
fon (oRo, Rea:lent6 î)
a[] sc-nexlInt )
SOP (-9ray -lernecs a):
Por ( 0e atenajh i
sor (a i-" o
p'--Xnter ae he errva
Eotevq orng elernens
30 28
rvay dlemen
Jo each loop
classfrroy er3
pev (Shing ongt)
/nt o t3 nw i3 io,20,30,uo,0t; eas
it oL3 to, 20, 30o,
-R coch loop
9oP (
pibtSpecial elcmens Rohe awoy?
->IP Be net elemen s opeottthon CurTre eermt
en int t
3 C
ropet jovautl-Scanney
closs Main
Psvm (9hing anqs])
Scanney sc-eusSanneSysiem in)
ntn-Sc netI
aRJ Sc.nexilniO:
elersen Ps
pinthe Cuert element f ne
mebg o1 o35,
/p, 122 2 125
12 122 123 124 125 127
(oPo fenat.)
Tot a]7. 10
o11 7- s1) 5 for9,
Revey se Te qven-au
35 6 9 12 21 G 5 3
clas -Pnay ExG
po (Shira t)
Sconne S= neu Sanoev (Sstenn
nt n Sc netIoD
n oy lun;i.)
at]- seneTi)
nt crnp - o[]
o]- on:
an- ternp
O 20 30
at a1 alal-1
emp a[oJ: tcrmp a[I
ap3]- temp
afo]- ab3:
a-terP a-temP
Iosct oTay eement a SpedA pesrtion
/p 5 oP1o 20 30
10 20
Fompovt java uRl Sronne
class nayex?
psum (shing ongsi1)
Soanne Scene
canner (Sptem .o)
nSc- netn ):
fe(trt Tso, fen :9.)
int C 9c. nerrt
i pos- Sc-netTN)
nsevt egc
tex(rot Fn; >pes,9-
amDJ. anB-
am Cpos-ete
fox (ot o; ?en in
Sor (aTr3- :
pit duplfcae clements e aay
T/e-6 p-12
impot java- u. Scanner
class DupfccteDemo
pavm (Shing ags[)
Scannen Sc- new Scorse (Serm.i
Rn- Sc.netIr (O
Pn(-oen i)
al]-Sc. netIi();
te (oC=-
G; Jenzj*
sor (ar] )
pio the diofnc elemenis the amay
I2 3 2
soleropatava.ul: Scann
class oisinciDemo
PSum (Shiog a [)
Sconney sC= new Scanne (Sptm n;
t a Teus o[nJ
fo -o,ien i
a = sc. net Ini O;
(oT3!= -1)
pot Na.u-Sconne
Scanner sc= peo
Sarna (SysitmRd
SOPrta Tows:")
rtTOuos sc-nettit0
int Cols sc-natIrt(O
to1C3-neo i rouo
Sysicm out piiln (a: 'aa:
syeitm. out. priin Clenat a.lergth)
Sor (ntey mahii elerments")
for t=0 i2ow3;+
int j0j jzcolsjt
skem.Out pintln Cmatit elements:
(rt j-o jzcols j+
System Ourt pirinatI]
Sskem Out.pYotin [D
usgo each loop
Suystem ou palln Cmatii elemer usšing fos bch)
fortJ: a)
fo (rt xd?r)
System out pinilnO;
+ Sum mati elemens
ityt Sum=O
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oCto; ecols+)
Sum Sum aJUGJ
Sustem. Cout piptln (Sum
Suro TO elemers r
For (ntoerows,
pt Sum 0
(oo j4colsj
Sum- Sum+ aRILG
System Out pintlo (Sum
Suro o dagonal elemernts?
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Sum= Sum+af]G
For o ienousir
FoGoecols;j t)
Surn Surm+oIL]
DiGferent and fPervent Colums
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al] neo 3
aJ: new i T]
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mpo GavauR: ScanneT
class Jagged-fhoyexample
pSvm(9ing angst3 U
Scannen Sc new Scanne (Systeor
Sustcm Out pin te nowos:)
int Tows: SCnerIot()
n at1 noniFouwsll]:
a rew int
al]- neu ]
a nau int E:
alne ot]; /
SOP nter t Yow elements
new in Sc netant:
Sustm.outpin es mah elemernts:"):
(to, ica.length
a1G1-Sc-nettInt ()
Systern out priotln Mati elements a)
Por intf-o; %a-ienqth
aRIGJ- Sc DerIot () o
-7Guroup o choyactevS ae Calte Shibgs
e Con perfom Stng operatons usRrg casse
LShing 2-ShingeuPter Shina Bfide
Sing osiects a Tmmutable obiects (Cont
Objects (Con be
Geatirg hings usinghingorshructoss
Shing C)
Shig S- new Shing(
Shig (Chan chansl)
chan st7 l'o', 'b, 'c, 'd,'e';
Shin t= oew Shig()
ysko -at. pintin (Sh) tlabcde
Sthina Cca chas[7 Sarnde n oumchars
Shing Sh neu Shina (c.o3)
System. out pintln (sth) llabc
byt bIJ= 65, 66,69.68, 6 40} /BcoeF
uShing (bye asei acnarsC)
e Shng Str:eo 9ting ( b
SOP (Sh)l ABCDe F r
5Shin bye asdt 4 charsl3}ini 9Haninde1nt num chars
Shinq 9h= Da Shing
class ShinaEx1
p3vm (Sing avqst)
Shing 31= "Cmec elcorne
System Out pritln 'Lench; S11ength O); ll2)
Shing 92- St. im O; o
Sysie out printinhengt;" 92 lenath(); M13
yskout pitln Uppeiase(
Sustmout pitin (Uppercasc92.toAsoueraaeO
Clas ShiaEy2
psum (Shig cst3)
Shing Sh = welcome to osec and to hu
S0plnCot inder
o:stide to
er et)
9-0pln ("lastinde o: sh.losinder efr
S-opn(rs+nde to:4shinde (to)
3-0.pln (last înde too:4Sh )asiindet oF(
3-0p sub Bhinqsh.Subshing ())
9-0pln (sub Shing;9h Subshing(1,)
S-0pl (s emptyst.s fropty )
9.0pln ("chon at:"A sh. char At (4
chan s[j neo chao str lenat(
Str qet chavs (,s,o)
o Grt-o; izs.lerath
Tread Sleep (100o)
Shing ormpariso
-versus equals methods
-+ wed to Cornpare addrass (cfevence
equals method s usedto ompame, Contnt
cla StinaEr 3
psvm(Shina a)
Shing 31-Cme
Shing s2 "Crmec
Shing s3 ne Sthing "Gmec);
Systernout printn (s1--s); Itrue
Sustern- out. pritin (S1-=Sa) I1-Plase
Spber. curt pintlo (s equolsCs) lhrue
Syeem.cut pintin (s1 equals ()lItruc
Systco out piiin (S1. equals ("cmeec"); I1faise
Susem. Out pitin (9equalsiqnoreCoee ("cec );i
class StirgBufEzample
psvm (Shipg avost
ShRng Buf3 ncs ShingBuff );
System. cut pirin (Copocit:2 Capai );llhc
Sustem. out-piin (lenath "s1-lenchh() llo
ShinqBuffes 52 ne Shing Bufer (ed}
Sysiern-out pirnloCapa@ty:"s2-Gpat );lBo
System.ou. pintin ("ength: "-s. lenqthD ; /1 o
Shingeuf 93 new Sinqeufer CGmec Sducaen):
Syslern out pirtin C'Copadtya s3. poary(); Iht*
Systrm. cut piriin Cleqh:" s3. lerqth); Ih5
Sistcm out prinln (s:4s) ls2
S2-append Gmec ducatom);
Sustm out pintln nep:"a9a); l/s2: (mnec dducal
System ot pintln("cha -t 492. Chan i(.
s2.delekchar At (5);
Sysem.out pritln (s2sa)l Cmec tdutin
s2 inse 6,L'); i 7
Systemout pintin 's2492); I7Gmec-Tducat
2.7eplace (o,5, Java"); s lhy
cutprintln C"s2:"+82): lljava Kducaten
Syslem out piptlnReverse:"as2.evcrse);
n eceptian 1S an event, ohich occurs during
The execuho a prorap,that disups be
nomal tow e procrarm's nstuchos(eccu
TTOV occuTS at Comle tmcSuntadca
mistote ane eTOvs. webave anyerraTs
he psoqsam we Cont eiecute theprogra
System. out pîntin (welcome")-buo m
ceptiam Tt OccuTS a un tme uwe
Can un e
Car un he
linig tuom
en: 5 b 0
sn uc o
nia uc rera
Calb (exception)
Compile nc emmoys utime enonS
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Ovevfloo, Segnenatio
Comile time eiceptians Tunhine exceptom9
(cheched eecptiens
--At Cormpile timc runhimc eceptions Cannat he
(unchecked eiecphs)
r s
neicepthon Occurcd io the proam eicautioy
l -kminaefom hat place
aoenupted ExcephioD AroanderOutofPound Eceptom
File MotFound Excephfo Pumbe1 Fovmat Ex ceptioo
IOE Excepheo ThmefcEvceptan
- Converfng sem aeneratd enio mesecanto
uAcT understandabie ena mcssage
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ceiONol hondles
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e blec
Some Set ines ane Kept undes e
to Conch
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hot cepom 34 any ettephien3 octuYed
notihs to JRC m
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Cotch e cceptioan n ho Catch bioch hon
Covweapordig ecephin clo oYhcephon doi
no mfomatiom toode nto eceptioo clas
hcephion class okect e
cepon cla s the Supe class -for a ecphin
pley the enechutibn oCatch bloch, nomal ertutr
hception clas ohject
Ercepfiom class s the Supey chs v all eceptPeo
oPteY he enecution of otch bibc novmol
Coich (cepfiao class obe)
rmo indevdt Bound Eiceprr
OumberFomat Ccephon
PRthmee Esceptiom
+Class Somple
povo (9hq angsf1)D
System-out pintn Cpiognom eccutioro 9ionted)
n 3nteger po selo (ovgst)
9slemoul- mintin (o val s:4d
Ssm-out priinllo Cproopeoro tecutioo Coroptele
Gavo Somple 1o
piooam execution haved
nval s 10
proomam exeutiarn Coropleted
-PrmayTedeOut ofeounds Eicephior
class Sormple
pavm (Shing ovqet1)
SstemOurt pictn prqnam cieuhion 9ianted;
nt n Tnteger panseIrt (orvsTal)
Syeie out pintin o val :"an)
Colch (nayIndet Outat Bound Eicepham e)
ISystem out phnthm ();
n System oul pmilo (e-qet mesaq
Dumbev Fomatercepion
1nec ineuom
povr hirg rga
semout pirtn ieuton 9artea")
nTrteqer poseInt(args[o1)
Syshern oul piln (n vat îs :D
Cahch (umbevFotmatEcephon e) nbolyom
He prindstachTracc O;
Systen. Qut piin (e) pro
YSm Out pitin'U nead to pos vane
System out pintnžheuon omletd
clas Sample
psvm(Stinq agst)
Syetem-out ptn 'pmoqoro eaeaution statd"
ot a-ege pavecint (ovgs[1);
int oJnteqn pavsea(argst
Syetem. out pritin (c val is :
Cotch (Pitbmetic Eiceptian e)
Sysiem:out piptiD (e)
Sysierm. out piiin Cdivigion by a is not possibe);|
Sustem out piotin proqram eiecuhon Completed)
wt muHiple Catches
class Sarople p
pevm (Shig avqst3)
System out pirt poqvam evecuho Stavte);
inta Ieger.panscint (argplo)
ttbTntegev pansIt (aqp[U):
C ab
semout prtin Cc val is:)
i System out pirn (e):
Oystto Out piotin U eed to pos inputs)
Catch (1umber Fomat Eicepfon e
Sstm outt pîrttn(e) thphfe
Systern aut iotn oneed to pass int values").
-3 isrnfiyt
lSystemout pintn(e) fi u te
Systemout otln Divisior by o is not possibie)
Susien-out pritin proqrarn 'eiecuton Corvplecd
cepion class s e Super class o alcepioo
classe using icephion Clags ue an handlee all
S eiceptoms
11-ethmce ¥icepHon Taised
catch (etceptione
Systen rOut
Automctic Gonbog Collechon
wbenever we Ce not dlelettng e cbecsme
2a OccurS
umcPRered objects CP TRerc i ocfevence) one elbbe
gaboge Collectio
initates Re proces qabage Collecton Hen
Utomefe gaba Collectu Coltects (detete Re uneeee
Class Sarople
Sample 81- neuw Sample ()
Sample 82 neuo SampleC)
elble to
Sample% 93- B 9onbag Collechom
Sample S2
Sample clas oame
-x:t othibutes
+etx(Ro): ud
+9ety yt) :vo
ons Snpe
pae A 3 y Cov) #oe ectod
ph rhrtY() as rethod
ctox Mhclaa
Sanple 9 pod SompirO:
3-9e x()
Spem-u pitn vel a:9-n)
Sptem-out pRbtn Cy valte asqet v)
-fonekm ch calls see
prPn Metcoe
calfing-Runefon main
called-Rmese moin
the Colled urnefn and afg-Rrelbo Sore
fen 49s talleo eure urefio
yeneyoe rumibeYs or 3 t vecuson
leops jaNout- ranne
closs Sornple
povm (9Nion ovp)
Scance cneu Sconney (Syekern)
Spem- out prinh es n value)
noxrerT (
tarc vdid oploy os
piem-out pintnl)
f (treyfaetergh a)
ehes hs'a
poeretd pirain(
yssom ul pia (ea)
o ut pleind
Ses Ost,bei
o (nach e hom o )
4 (a
Cnd f
a o+ 2
end-o lp-bsa
mild bra 24153
fot Pl
opa P
P"p P 0
st, bsi
1 ((os pa (e)
end V
pp , ,
93 pp
PP pp
pirs pp4a
3rmey n (ra oih)
n ba-unr (a+2,b-2
Tctunn a-b
end function -Amn()
Set bauo, a- 20 C 20
b 0
CO+ 2
b a
a at 22
C a2
n a br c
Se a:), b1 olp'
for(each rom 1 3) 2
2 2
b:bmod 5
End fo
in ab
3ntrgen funn (rta lot
a-1o, b=10
9Chun 3 funn (0,2)+fann(b-s0)
End f
etun a-b ehn 3-la. )nas)
Aunction kann/1
a 2 b-2
Tntrgerfunn (ndaind )
feseoch Chom -2tb2)
a ate
Ero Pn
t (oe5)
ehu n a4 b
7etus o a
nd 1
etun at
na-tarcfeo funn )
&et =" wetcorme
pint Secord
+Set o- be1, C> 3
bred (1+ 6 modi((mod2)
pina aahrC.
Totger m
Set m-o
rteges aDuJ- {u,3,2,1
R(eachAom tb3)
End fo
pint m
Integex a,b.c
Set a8, b=j)
Poeach cArom uto c)
aat 1
(6> )
a= at 1
Jump out d e loop
end fo
pTit a tb
Toteger a,b, c
Set a- 3, b=6. C-9
ab a o)p-13B
h ab
a a a
C b 'a
Sct b-2, Cl
Totcge 9,5,Cd,
for cach a from 3t
get a-, b=0 ceG d9
Poreachi fom otos)
9(aORb 0R c ANOd)
End foa
prfrt at
pint a+ btc
end P
(a equals2 ole'2
pint at
(aeguals d 13
fump out toop
set m, JF2
Tntepen al{6.¢. C, 3,3s
t End fo
pi Tounney at-a[]-a[
9e-2 Jouney
Sct P=3
r (each S Prorm oto 2
P p+9
to each from 2 to 2)
End fu
fo (each 9 ron oto2
P-P+ olP5
End fuv
Set aG, b=u3
P a b
wHAle (P not quals
Darta Structu
Dala 3ucture ae uscd o oon3e
eiert manne neert, deleie, updote
Dora huctunes are 913pe
Lneav dato 9tructurrc
i) non- 1nca dáa Stuctures
inea Oola Stuctur
TP we ogange 1e data in
ltneo pasien
amays ned1t, Stacns, queues br
Oo-ineay Data Stuctuses-
TP we qanae fe datain hieyanchfal mo
1Frees Grraphs
nked lsis
Jnean Collechon ncdes (elements) ae Coll
1inked t
Sinked 1sts ae 3 ypes
Sinale nked 1sts
)Doubie nked 1ets
rcula inked lsts
ofsaduantaqes aTays
Stat n 8e(we can'tncvease tRe S
te arrsay atuntime
C a Co1lection homogencous eleroers
a[o]10 a[o)10
alJ= "abc
Sequerhia mernony (Continuoug
nt aC3 = new in ioo]
insevhio/delet apeTatong ad Cost
cPtective metgsing proceses)
Suftabie fo vehiving opplatding
frays one
Tn asas andOm accexsing s rossble
Sop (aloa); Ilasec
ne SoP ([1ooco0oal);1l 1See
Sngle ned l ol
nhed 1fst oe way Tet is a
Colled nooles
nca Collechion daa emeis Colled nooles
data elemets
nto tuoo Pelda
3heP&st elc
Contains the ntomation
tcv each node 9 dvded into tuoelda
and he SecondPeld
he eltment
te addve opHe
and he
The st Pield s Called dala eld and Re
eConol Pld Called sclod
Sccond fug
) data field
The poinle to e lst node Contains a
Spectal vatue C&lled nulln
c) 1fred also Contains a pofter vaniable
ohich pofntsto. tbe -Prst Dar
Catled 41EAD
Re n foifrharp poe
Liieby potsis61poite
data cddress doto adde data cddves
10 2000 20 3000 null
20 00 3000pY
TO implement data Shuctures we equre
SeP ePevental closs l 1o) o
whats Selfeferential class?)20e
placing nCerence vaiable a3 Q, membe to
fe baiipoi
.Same clos
clasg Studert
Shin 9name
StuderA S1 neto Sudet()
impot jova.ut, SCanner ois
clas Studeni 3-it b cieb
Stino Sname
Studen OeTt
Main Cas
Student nead oulL ta ncwnode, temp
NOid CTcatenode ()
ncwnode = new Student()
Scanne sC new Scannen (Sustamn)
Syste) Out point entr Sno:").
newnode Sno=Sc.nettI)
Systen out pirt eotc SnamC
Dewnode 3name Sc nen ()
. net = Oull
9P(head =null')
toî= Dewnodeg on
tofnent neonode
a= Dewnace
vod dbplay ()
Fox(emp -head Aeropnull 2
Ste-out. poiotnemp.Sno*
temp 9oame
public Siatfe voc rooin (Sthg l)
new MainClass()
main Cta
Scanne Se- new Sann (Systemin
Systern out. pinin (" do u want to Conthnue '
P (o-0) oessey
break hrsn aboosusrr
gie (tue) bu
bto en
Kod nurnber c node. in e give n ed
vod dRepioyst(
for tep =heod emp)r rutl emp kmp1
Spen.on pín ro rode Cour
alter nate node 1
The qiven linhcd
alfer nae
t Count:O;
intemp-heao temp= null temp temp ert)
F (Court %2 jeo)
SoPtcmp'sno 4 termp. Snarme)
ndout given node s pocsent ov not in e
qiven 1st ?
Nofd Seovch int Keu
n fl0
Postmp =hrad ternpnull, fnP:
Herp Sno-K)
Bopot dourd );

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  • 1. echt) le Noqeoana Rao Naganjuna 13 n-OhH 3 pinlP oe) piPTwo'» porae (Tee Joe o/p Onekoo Pnee nh Pae 1o, 20 . n A 2 eyee ( O/p- 1O 20 5
  • 2. JOVD va elTons ndavd edPhr -(aee (6jec) oejova Coye jova, advanee java evpvises edtion jaee co)jee) vo edttm (3ame (odjme) Ppcoions Biandalorne opplfcatfons Runs o a Sinele chne not ghoyable to olhey machibe rmuoPRee, oecioplayey.nolepodl ishfbufed applicairs-vun 1e broote (o ustneo00 Shayable to d%erv 'oachibe t e-notSile opplicotiocg -o91SymblanCoutdaled vevafon) onchdid,os oirelou)s Ktevenceg betoeen Canejava Java ohfect overled languae VOceduroe erled no Secut Secured tang ->Tn javo thene b no olihlevs poiney menna cddhess dala plolfhvo deper:dlent CP no polhle ue Cannet Meh cata) Mge (oppltatd) ) delharo holepernclert langunge
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  • 6. javd -ornes qosl?qSun roicio Bytcr (1995) 1verssoeleagcd 199G Cjd61.0) yovo developroert ava 9un roco Sysiern didrc oe ony obbevatiön tox 8-ust f-ancter v-stua -fnalyse ScJPSun Ceyted javo proororn, (Ccore java) ocjp Oracle Certited avap1oofasme avo Sloaen wORA- wte once un ayohesC Sova 3logan cprcsents platfosm 1Deependerd ConverotorS oava procrammir hruy pd hslom 1Oorming )lov Class narnes- elass ame hould 3tat uit uppeicose lete 9P4 9s having mulple words ach OTd 1 PPret leHer 3hould be Capital rovn class Student cla99mployee Tnfo class-raIndeOut OPBoundsEcephaon DMeifod narnes method narne Should iant th louwen Cose
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  • 10. how to Cornpile gavac Penooe jovac ga java houto un Jova classnorme > Java Sarople note - TP class cleclared publie int narnc as elassname java" we Should Save theFle ote.2-oe Conna wTte tuoo public classes pTogram pTOqram? Proport ova loq* class Sareple puble, Siate void moin (Si orast) sterm-out piintl anC Sho") . Systero out.pigln ( o Ph:92As3 Dfereee blushrotbase and abrct oviented ctaes ot Suppas nhetenee DRPerenee
  • 11. *Doloupes DDumbe Oolartypes 9 Character Oadatype decimal Oolatype logcal Dalctype Dumbe Qatatypes hoeoa es r Byte abyte -128 to 12 (-to ) a byte -32H68 to 326 to a- 3hort bytes - to +2 -1) poot w toryo ocal aniables The The vaniables ohich we are dectàed neide tey ae Called ocal vaniables meithod sIn java tRere o feasabilfty os boge valu CTbeve sno qarbage values ava) -Before ony vaable t mugt be to use Rol eed i Conesponelingalues mso Gienerat output c 20 O+20-B0 0 20= -10 D22O I value s O D2 value s 20
  • 12. porarm mpat ava. ong.; Class Somple. publfc stotfc vo main (Shirg avqet) t nt= 1O, n2 20 Syshero aut.poiotIn Cn); Sysher out pritln (o) sstern-out pitin o n1+inm +) 948tcroout piotln DI value is p2 value sma. 99cm'out piotln (Di n2 +="+(on 4Shero ou peAn Oi- n2+" + n-)- proqram class Sornple 6 pubfc Btatfc main (Shin9 aqsl) pubifPe Gota-5, b2t© Ayste out lO Ca+b) l/15 System-Out pitn ("a'+1o.llato Setern out. pitn (aio); l 51o SystenOut ptn (a+1o:/15 Siemout poirln (as"io'+B-sio10 3y8teout pritH (atlob:15b 9ysterm aut. pitin ("ava"), Ufava System out pairtln Ctrue) /true d usterm
  • 13. Bis ond anqes ts unsgned 6iSaned 3bits -uto+3 oto 15 8 t0+ 5 BRB O to 3 f tG TO t15 OTO63lo n32t0+3) ts otoin hGu to +63 Oto 255 G bi by to 65535 32168 to 1336 Hou to cpcses -Ne numbers n Binasy? -Oo s Cormplimentto heqiven+venumbes hopo -O1-1 OO 1 S Compmerd 1oo 'sCompfmen t'to O -3 5- O1O) s Cormpl?ment101O 1OL 5) huomf Lhot happens data eceeds Eeorge? -uhereve daia ciceeds thc arge akes Cnulay manne v Teue we uorsbto 8tore8 value 8 b tove 1e
  • 14. +Pen t becomes 2E unsigned oee byte rane O- G5535-0 G5535+0 O-2G5585-1 G5535+2 e-D- 65535-(n- G5535+n-D-1 e enal Typecastng) unsapedti G5620 lG5535+85 pirsf).u ) op- D-) 35-18u 128 -128- 122-0=29 +1-129- 1292-128 t1 -129 -129 2 123-1t26 129+D=-OS4D- -12-n= 129- (D-1)» clas Sample G publPe 8tatc vd main (Stng on9st) 11byte b=128; //eno byte ob-(byte)12 Syste out prirtio (); /-125 b (byt) 300
  • 15. System out. printn (b): /4 N-Pioat xu.|lewai Ifloat x eu5P 11 vallel Ploat x Ploot)u5, llvald 3ustem-out pioiIn ( //u5 TpeCaeta Conveth9 the valuc rom one typeto anothe pe impfåte /idenq type Coeti )eapite / nowowing type castie Dplicitr /widerin onvertinq the value from lowe data type to bighe, claia type. To his type Casttng memooy toss occuTS 3c1-ciec hort o ubes byte ar / 2byes byte b20 shot 9-b /l valfd b, 1lvalid proorn! class wideninqnoample
  • 16. publfc tatc uotd mon (Sh ogt) oyte b=20 Shavt S-b tem out pi (b+ l 20 20 Po-b SoP Cb+ t7 21020 20 plicte /narouoaCornveytie the value fsom 0 haber datatype to loue datetypPe Tn hs occurs8 typecasttng odataloss bye Sher o ong ot 320 byte b=i Class NdTowing eiamplr pSvm Sng eslI n 320 Il byte ba ero byte b=(byt)? Sop (+ aD ll 320 GY coubie u5 SOP (x ); tlu.5
  • 17. 9 De&roal Darlatype u bures (u5P Ploa double bytes (u Floa 3.5 Ihenan chonacie Ootatypes cha bytes O to G5535 char es asi Co to 255) Dunicode (o td G6535) Jaua Supports unicode cha O o AD ente 32 Space to C uetd53 GS to o ato 3 97 to 122 n Rie ocal Datchje booleon byte tue falsc sd py d wile () /lcno t cvalfc we (o)I eno in jova 'vaPd nc CoIe (true)l c enas Ce Pala)) vald
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  • 19. on acces in oitA iD The pachage The pacoge we Con eyuords related to class Clags,inteface, etends, implemernS, Insiace heyorcS elated to eiceptiom handlling tyCatch, thvow 6us, tnaly Oops object oiented proramming uctureConcepts ctass ) object data encapaulation ral ch u)dota abshachon ) polymophYem cnbeitance Class s a heyworcd usng class heyuooid e Can Crocote claiatype (ctass is a use defne cdatatype ) Class a CollecHon dartarnembevS (vaniables class9 and ermbevfurctiorn (metkod) a dala membene, ave sed to Store Re dat )Data membe unchians oe uscd to pe-tsvm he operats on data iv class s a 10qica epresentation t dosent any 9pace To Thc memovy accupy
  • 20. Claes Sornple Tt xto, Y22O,K3 voicd add () Rd clog3 fornot dove (spamou) void Sub () oects objec object the physcal epresentatfon rior he claes bluc pii ocloes Yn9tance class TO Ccalc object we nee eeference vaniable ne opeiatos Refevence vavioble-T+ Stues e addheas (bascode) e objec 2Clossname > <vaioablenarmne>; Sanple S De beyuoord uging neud Heyuoovd e Can memony for 16e clas6 hew hcyucrc oetun3 TRe addres object Syiax ne Claagnanme ()
  • 23. tn ane Siep Sample Sanew Sample O Two Stepe Somple S3 S oe Sarnple O Cass Sample t l0, Y-20,Z Class Maindasss public 9tatic uo main (Shina onsst)offowj7 Sarmple 3 new SampleO. 7 ic otem- SOP (e) Sample 92 neuD Sornpie: gi m SOP piiin (99); 3 loinio OTE we Con ccate any o.o object to he clo8 wbat Singeton elage? only One object Can be Ceated 1Calende Sevet
  • 24. upe vaniables 1 oocal voviables 2 tate vanables 3Instance Varable tadhic Naviableahe vaviobles tobich rie we ae dectared ,uoith te Class w1 3iatic madifer 1S hnown a9 Siotic vaiables closs Sarnple ot SAatie t xy,z: TO o access Static vamables,no ned to ceate object t clage name we Can acce& classname .2vaiablename> Sarnple .x Sample.V 3totc vaiables Occup only one memay location fov eotre class e, tese ae also Called class vartableS ce vantableeThe vaiables which we ae declared wit be class othout Stortc mocthew oitout Stortc modife Rnetance vaTTable s hnouon To acces ostance Vaiables we nced to Create abject wt Obect we an acce
  • 25. 2 Object>.2 vaiablenarne> Sample 9-ne Sample () S.x class Sarmple Saticind ab.c Static vatiable ip Xy,7; osance vaviable ofd fun 10 Ro P-10. 1 local vaiobles Sote etanc vorRable clossname.vorioble oject vaniable aormplc fov nstonce vaiabies class -91pha ?ntN,Z clo9s Mofo Cos9 pevm (Sti onqt) pra o rcuo fAlpra CO; a1.10
  • 26. a1Y20 a2z= a2x +Oo SoP Cx :" ta1.x) /ho 9.0P Cy: +an.v112o 30P 2 01.ž) ; |l3o 9oP 3-pha a2-neo-9lpha O a2.Y 2 a2 a2.x 02.y sop (x"+ a2.x lo SoP y:"+a.,1lo SoP a2. lo 3 pes methods Stac 99)insance metfods methods Sialc metfodeTe meRods chich we arve declanes cOn i e clas8 uRt Siac mod@fen s Knewn as Sicrfc oethcd ctass Sarople Stoe Noid Puna)
  • 27. usin clo8 Darte -we Can acces Statfc nethod9 uSin clag 2Clas9nome 2metßod hame Somple Pun aC); Snstonce metPade he which twe declare h mehods ane te clags stout Stoemod?fers hnoun a rstancc method Cla Sampl void fun1() ->oe Con accos ineancc meihod u3i09 object 2 cbject>. 2method namc> Sample S1 ncuw Sample C) 91.un C) Y Sia+fc inGkarce Sx vanfobeSompie-x 9.y metheds Somple ur9fun2)
  • 28. Comple proqsar) fov Siatë retods Clos9-tpha Slac vid dplay) 3.0.P I arm SHatic mciPcd fror-9tpha) class Morcla psvm (SRrg opi fpha.dspay () W mainclaas show(). ShowC) Static votd 9ho ) 9.oP I am tatc method o main") 3 eiampe far nstance method Class 9Ipha vofel abplay C) 3.OP C a in3tance method tem alpha" 3
  • 29. cla Dela vdia 9houo () Sop Cam instance metsad som beia") class Main pubc se vRd moin ( Shing c) fpha al= neto AIpha( ecto a2 - new Beia c)D Maio a3 = neo Man a-dsplay e Show () void Ran () meies sop or oonce fro mafn)3 Siatc Siate Oulc - e can cal dfcctl Sarme class Satc mehods irrto 9Hatic methods Sarne clo
  • 30. gample funa) not mardato claxs Saroplc 34atfe fid Puna) 3tatic void inz() Pur1C) on-9atic to on-iotic Rute clax Samplc void Runa() vofd tun 20 Pun Siatc to an-9iafe aule class Samplc Slofc void tuna C) ofd fun 2 () Pun s0)
  • 31. DeD-9latfe to Statf ulc class Sample we,Connot GlL drect- vofc un2) slatc votd fun 20) NFun2(); onao Samplc s newSampe () 9.Puna) 1 class 1mete (s end-Pov Ytx10 Y=20 ; vRd odd Syatemout pintn (z="+D od ub C) Z= X- Y Systern out pim (z-"+2), clas Main
  • 32. -PTneha, al peu, AsihmcHc al addC) at 9ub () olp' - 30 Trs heyuoorc Thi9 denotes cla CuTsen obect THis Ts. used to dferenae bot local and nsance Vanabies he ctoss Getto and eHex metfhods Seter metfods 2He meth ods Qe used to Sct thc Nalueg vaiablea qeter rmethoda gcter mettod ane used to e te values the vasiabls 1This heyucord void getoato(int1,inty) ctass Šample ptvate it xYZ: voicl qgedata () 2-Hig-1+*s.3 go am ct data u pev y-20
  • 33. Sastom out pintlo I a getDaa it pora"). veid pAOxta O Clotue1 s.op (: "a SOP y:"aY): sor (z"-D; 3 cla Main cb psum Shig asqs Sarmple S-neo Saople) SpintData) soP C Sget Oata (); Sprint Oaat); 90P C -e - aboin 9 ge ada (1o0,20d ideinyt ulo 9 print Data y 3 birec am 3ct data tuT pa am seh deta tut ps9 Y-200 Y20 Z300s 30
  • 34. polynophiso roa poly means -> nopbism means om oe function in manyfaon -> usina Some name To difPereri metRods o ditesent oplementatio polymapbism, polmespsm Statfc dunamic CCompce fme) (runtime) eamefod ovevbadim e meRod oemiding class Studerst pivate nt 9no pivate Shing sname pivate toat au vod qe Student () SnO1 Snane abc SoP C am qel Student witfout parametey J voRd qetSrudent (nisgno, Shing Snamc Ploatav) s8no -Snoj SSHame =Sname
  • 35. SoP C arn get Student th Pavameleys) vod mirtStuden) soP Sro+3nd) sor Shame:" - Srorm) sor og:" +av Clos Mafn Class Psvm (Sng aqsl1) Student s-neuo StuderhO S.pint StudentO tbure sorC SFPStudent ( ) Studert) S-oPC SqetStudert(12,"abcd'n.3u59)osut tne SpintStuden () olp- SAO,2 so O 9name tabcd, Sname enull a12.B4S avgO.o am geHStuolert o pasc Sramc abc avsi2 12
  • 36. methods wts rctusn volue class-ddition Rt add (ot xcA) retusn +Y; -Ploat add (-flool Ploat Ctur xY double add (double y doublc) retunn x*Y clas ManClass wsm (Shinq avqpT1) ddtion a- neuo PddtmO tR Sum aadd (i0,2d) 1Ssiero- out pailn ot acdd: "-Sum SP ot add: aadd (o, 2) SoP (-Ploat odd:d.addusf5GP)) Sop doubie add"a-ad (5-c,7.8))
  • 37. clas Cicle float 1,aca Ploat Rnd-AreaO avea= 3.1u * yetuon aco 3 -Ploat Pdfreaploot) anca 3.1up+s is. Clo Moin closs psvm (Shing av 13) Ccle Cncw CRrcleO SOP (freo;C. Piod-PrcaO) SoP (rea;"ac fndhyeo(96P); Can you oveslaad moio() method? In c c°s a piocedurc oriented onquc.geovevlcod s Cops Conceptnot only mofo() functfom, Can overload any funthon în c
  • 38. To C c Suppovts tnciaon oveoading we an ovesload all funcfors but e ont oveload main funcon Toava- we Con ovcload allPunchon n jaua. o one y Coanestfc ovevlcadfnq. rmain() unction s ovevloaded vrn eseutes e 9TS ponaroeer main roettcd coly Clos Sompie psvo (Shirq aqst3) SOP ("tMetlo) ot be Ecuteo pBvm ot avgs[3) Sor tiell o") Houo to Tcad opuls n ava Can Tcad the inpus i tto asys ue using Command 1frc crgumems )using Scanner Ctass Commarnd he aqumens -passine arqumentS to a Peuncton tough Command fhe e (81ough Command rampt) But basically we l pot e Ongumets to te
  • 39. Panchons when de Col u we oon Call an functiens rom Re Command ompt- wr wi Catl ancHons from anothe funchanS But mndi e ony ane funcion which wil be Called by e vm nepetey at e Command promp oyPoRe main functfan we an pos agument Rom Ae Command prompt So basieally arrqumers poxed pEdto mai tunchm fs Called Commond e asm- uTaPper clases (Ls pre pf ve oDEClas, Hose Classer vey daa ye bas ae Called -tlsl)o OYappes Classe3 datatype closs Ppr tor muet Bye Shovt Shovt Totege Pioa Floot double Oouble cho Chavac4e« boDr ->wrapper clases Qe uJel Convert pimive datatyr efercnce daetupe clas Sample Funot psvm (Shng st soP ( no .oCmd l aTgucmenis+0m9e Rne ot xTo*getpansdin (a1q-1
  • 40. Yoy=Tnteqes panscint(mqs); 9oP x :a Sng. value (o (fnt to Sh soP y:"ay); Iptegeparreelnt (") (shg to n) HouD to un Java Sompie 1o 20 olp no Cmd ne agumens 2 y 20 Close Sample PSVmShing arqst 80P wetcome ags i) SoP wetcorne+ags Lul Sor addon"+(anesio] argsta), l/1oso SOp no o Cmd 1ne aqumerts: +a1gs.lenth) pp ovo Sample 1 20 tingai welcome20 oddtiom 020 nooCmd line arqumens 2
  • 41. Convevting Shing b Ploat Ploat povscFloo (orgCI ead 9 Ptoat numbers add hem usinq Cmd he a claxs Sampe pavm (Sing crmect)) floal x Float pascFlootCrmieclo) ftoat Y Float pareeloal (Cmvec[); s0P (x:, s0r v:"+ Bop ndd?hon"(x+ V) 3OP("nocne ire aves:cmecAenath)s 3 Sconner class > s avoiloble in Gava ufl pachage impovt java ufl. mpot javo uil SconnerS l >t s usd o reod nputs fro useY OEjECT CRETIO Scanney sc=nco Sanne (System i) Fmeihods neHTiC):+reods the înt value fom use nentFloat ). it rcads the floct values om
  • 42. net( eads e Shias(TAout paces pettLineC): *+ veads be Sngs (uSR Spacesb) oettDouble ()+ reads te doubie values. )impot java.ul." ropott fova uttl-Scanres class Studer pavo (Stng arqs[I Ova.uA. Scanne sc new java.t4l Scanne Syhenin) SoP (rtey Sno:" sro = sc.netJn ScnetLine ); /) Cads the enter ChenaceY Sop te snarme "): Shing name = Se.nestO hing snarme Sc. nettLne); SoP ier avg" Ptoat avg=sc.netFloot 9OP (Sno ; "a sno) SOP snarne:" Sname) sopaq ava
  • 43. Contho atemersts SetectiGn 8tortemertS 1PP else P else (adder#), nested B)ampin9 Statements -breah Corhnue,netunn,oto Apeopin 3AatemenS while do-while,ff Suntar p P (Conditiom Statemers else 9P CCondiHion) Statemernt - e e 1 else Shatemenis 2 f elsc f fonefone ) 90 P (Condion) Stateroers else f tondlon2) Statcnents 2
  • 44. else 9tctHernent 8 3 2012l2 onetuctos Conshuctov O 1 a Spedal oermbey funcHoD novroall1 uss Ho Halge eobecS of c das and ablesn hee Object used - Spefal Spectal because ts name i Same as tBe Sam as t8e ohenevey class and w be Called opli&ty h narne an object fs Ceatedfbs he class Sample Constuctor Connotbe epliCHY. ->Consthuctos Can have Zeso any Dumbes o pOyameters ->Consthuetors Cannot have aetunn typt Spetofon ro evc vod als >snee ConShuctors also lthetunchom3, all he are acces Specer Can be opplicod Conshuctos anc 3 types defaulH Constucto a ovgumernts Gnshuatan Sarnple
  • 45. panametniaed Grshucta Sample (o Copy Constucto Sample (Sample o) Con e Create obfect rthout Conshucoi D0o without Conshuctav we Cannot Creat obje toheneva e ar not igConshructoy(rot (reitalRs vaviables) Then Cormpley tabes the 2sponsi6iiy to iitalisation o te vaable (tCeates tbe dlefault Constucta) a clos3 Sample Sample (O SOP ( ao no para Conetructo) Sample (nt Sor (a am onc paya onstucto Sample (ntxinty) SoP I am two paTa Consthuctu x +Y) 3 1725 class ManClas
  • 46. Pevm (Shiq ons Samplc 9=ncw SampieO; Saroplc Sa oew Sample 6y Samplc S2 new Somple (100,2co) P- am o par Constuctos a OnC para Consucto 10 am tuoo Para onstuctos ICO200 ass Sample tmployee n Tt eno Stinq ename double Sal -roployee O fnot vc valuea 4e te deault values are qven enoO ename =null Sal 0.0 tmployee C) eno- lo ename"abe Sal - 60000 Oo; SOP am no as nst
  • 47. mployee (int eno, Shing cnarnc,doube Sal) -ts en0-eno Tsename ename isSal Sal; 0P I am anq Const; nployee mployee o) eno o.eno ename =Oename Sal O Sal Ser a om Copy Const") void pin Employee ( 8or eno:+eno) 5yley SOP ename: "a ename) SoP Sal asal) lass Main Class psvm (Sthinq ovast tmployee et ne tmployeeO e1pint Employee ()
  • 48. SoP Eroployee e- new Ernployee (102, xyz"aoooo.Oo) epintEroployec O Sop Enplouee e3a new Employee (ea) s ep EmployeeO: SoP Employee eu= new Employee (ea) eupist Employee) 6 3 dp om no avos Const eno i1o ename: abc Sal GOCOO.O am ags onst eno o2 ename Yz 9al 0000 Oo 2am CopH Const enolO ename ahc SalGOCOO O I am Copy Cons enot02
  • 49. onshuctn Chainin9 s) ts usel to call Same class (onshuctus Rule is () Should be in st tme ue Cant Loite as a Second Slatemer class Sarmple Sample tD SoP ( am defoultCorst Sample (t SOP I am one pa Conet:"ax) Sample (int xnt D o.3000 sis(10 11 SOP (a am tuo para onst:"ax, +Y) 3 CD.Oo clas Main class psvm (Shinq aes1) Sample 9-new Semple (too,2oo)
  • 50. p- om debul Cost am one pana Cone10 I ap too pana Congt 1o0,20 oOTeusina s. we Can Call Punchcns also His Pun4C); s Pu02 ) atic actoy pethods produces e Same class object Trmpovt java. util.* class Calende arnple psvm Sirq arqeJ lcalende cDes Calendei leno Calende C Calernde .getlnstance ;liStaHc facheo ettod SOP ( clas-Alpha privak rt Yz pTiate-Aipha C) Y-20
  • 51. 90PT am pivale onshuctun 9lohc-Dpha et-Apha Object C) 7 SMarhte jactmy Npha a new -Plpha ( 3etunn a ucid piotData ( SoP (xa sor y: soP z:+2) class MainClass psvm (Sg amt = neD Alpha); ena :+ a pivate onshuct ft Ppho ppha a= -Pipho .e-ipha Onject a pi Daaa (), 3 who Shoe doss? Ao oe dect Can be Crtoe e Colendc), SeTvIe4 cla
  • 52. DOTCDovmally we Coan Caeate umbes obj an TAe The class, bu ue Cary Ceateb Singleton Slatc blocs the jova picqam uittho maiD Con e eiccute metfod ? matn we Can wte Te moqram thout mat we Compile , but we adt exccute tIn cand Con t main fancHon must be equeel o enecute poepam anjavaue Can execute jaua pvogam uithout maîm man meihcd using Staticbloch executfon oseibie thout mainbeloo vesiens ds1-c) ->To execution ua Pogamava ompme Ceae. class e jvm enecuhes the class eohilt erecuk -Rst t Secnches Static bloc s eisie mt s efsed t eecutes tRe Stotie blockthen ît Seaches t mon method -p Satfc bloch s not eaisted, drecty+ acuts he moin method class Sample Statfc Sep ( am oac black): soP T Can aecurt ut moin Suttm.aît (): Ss pmom eau
  • 53. clas ampe Statfc SoP T am 9tate bloch) psvm (Shfnq aiest) Sop (I am main mettcol") olp Tam Hatie blcck a am main mcttod OteP mooe bars ane latic bloch s efstes eiecute TP Slatic blccks fRomtop to boHom DOTE 2- Siahc blocs ane used to iSAalfse Statie vaiobles te class class Sample Static s0P T am Stotblac) 3 sOP am non-Slatfe bloch; Semple C Sor I am Constucta ) 7 Psvm (Shing nqp)
  • 54. Somple S=neuSampe soP T arm aio mettcd) Oop- Slathe bloch Oo-91atc bloch ATe class tevel bloc,obich doret bove an pototypec The need oa non- SHatfc blochs to eecute an Lwheneve an object s Cveated rrespechve dF he onshucto ->Don- 9tattc blochs ave executed Outomatically uOheneve- otRectis CTeated (befose onshuctos) Class Sample Statc Tot S otD3 9tatc - S-1O n20 psvm (Shrg onqe soP (s Somple s I/9ystem out piotn (o+" Sormple)enaY Sbmple S=new Sampie(
  • 55. Soe (n:" s. Toboiance - -DPpng class pTopezteg (dlata memberg Cne and membe functors to anathe class -Sip9 Hendes Keyuoord we Cor tnhent he Iohei-ance ave 5ypes sigte leve nhesîtance 9nu level nhetance 3 multple inbeitance )thid Tnheitance 5) Reranchfelbeftarce Singe teve) Inhettance Base clas aren class uper class generalfsed class Deived clos child class Sub closs Sepedliscd clay
  • 56. mui 1evel inbeHorCe B -D++C C DLufiple Tnheitarce (java does not Suppa thi) C D+BtC Hybrid iphetarnce' B thierarchiel Tnheritance' D Collecign Sle leelnheftances
  • 57. Sineeel Tbbeanr poqra class Sample lleimde ava-lanq object inx1o, Y=20, Z oid addt Z-xy soP (-rdton is:'+z): 3 class SubSample eitnds Sarnple vofd Sub) Kx-Y SoP Subtracion îs:+ 3 class MainClas psvm (Shing args) liSaople s pew Sample) AEu ta anly mpe re Conten 9 adld (); SubSample ss- ncw SubSample ) SS addC) ss Sub t)
  • 58. we Ccate object fo base NOTe wbeneva Class bosc Clase Conent he loaded but 2 we crate obiectfo deve class bott class Contents wil e toaded (base+ desive) ohjec obfec Sample Sample SubSampe -java lorq Object s a Supe clas9 all th classesThese. class me}Rods ane auainble fov all tRe objects upe heyworol ( -> 18 used Call bose class (onstuctoss vevy Conshucto has Supe ) Hayword by defhult e st ioe qdefault - A Calls te base class Conshructor ine Rulett Should be îne &st line pIeora class Object Ohject ctass Sample lextende jaua 1ang. okjcat Sample )
  • 59. Aelaull onshucta Supen ). h als R bre class eaull Grsbu SoP Ca am Con Sample" clas SubSample exendsSample Sub Sarmple ) 7SupesO Sop C am Con9 oSubSample'), clas MdRnClass fo psv (Shing anqst) Saople S- Dei Sample iurom SubSample ss ncw SubSampleO tleo blui class Sample Sarnple ) SoP (I am defaut Sample Gre"); Sarmple Cint) SoP CI am one pme Sarnple Const")
  • 60. ctes Subsample exterds ampe 3ubaople C) SoP C am defout 9ubSarnple onst) Sub Somple (fo ) Supe(1); SoP ( am oe pana Subsample Gnst"), ctas Maîn psvm (SHRog avgst3) SubSarmple s=newSample(). SubSample s31 rew Subsample(to; pa be pioed Multilevet Tnbetance Statte Gnand pact non-statc consthuctui a toe -Stafe paaer - non-Staic Conshucta Cld slac an-slcc Conshuctov
  • 61. Ela Ghardfoer Stahe soP am Stothc block GivandPavent") SoP (I an non- Sote block o Gnandaoerst ) 3 GrvondPavent SoP ( arm Conshuctos oGond rent 3 class Porent exends Guandloreni Siatc SoPa o Stat blcc oneo) SoP am non-Siac block paent') Pave soP(I om Corcshuctos Parent) Class CHld extends e Siac
  • 62. SoP am 9atic bloch Cbild SoP am non-Sloahc block ochild) 3 chill soP C a Conshuctos cld clas M1aioCla svm (Sa ags IIGrandPavert P-neus GnandRcotOs t1 Parcot p- pew Pascoi(Os Child c Dew cHldd - pT am Sa block oGrandParens Iam S4ac bloc dpavent am 34atc bloch dcild 94aic bloch Gnondren? am arn onstucto GaandParen om ron Siahc bloch aven? I am Conshucto Pavent 1am nOD: Statc bloch ld am Conshuca o cd
  • 63. dRfferenee betweenb local,1sSupes vaziableg cla Sample otXal0o, y -200, Z=B00 class SuhSample Catends Sample b turen int x O, y:20 NoRd furn1C) Sct x2 sOP x:a), 12 pre SoP s. x:" #9.) Iho soP (supex"Supey X) i/acd hst SOP (y" ) }l20 7 nerot soP s y:"+isy) l2o bl sOP (supey y:Supe. y); l/200 sop ( z;" this.z) :h 300 SoP 'supe z"+Supe ) 11 00 clas Mainclas ron psvm (Shig asI) SubSomple 9S De SubSarmple () 9s. funi O
  • 64. Metkod oveidog (ckunamic Polurpoyphigr class Sorople Pot x-1o, y =20,2 7 void funi() soPDddî+ons 3 class SubSample ettends Sample void funa0 -Y SoP ( subhactior s:"dD clas Mainclass gm be svm (Sh arqst Sarnpie S-pew Sampe0;ubv SubSample ss- oao SubSample0: ss funa()
  • 65. ulea oemde e oeod Dotbpe Tule twc Should ot chamete piototyee id nt(ot cces Spe ule an it ual bope acces peae pvate lou Ldeaut protece public class Sample pickcia a un3 doss SubSample ettmds Sampk potces vuna6 lafd pubic void uni)1 valid 1l aRvate vod fun (O lleno 1/ void Puna ) 1iera ception ule' class Sampie void Pan 1 () rows Jresupedicepion
  • 66. ClassubSampe exends Sample i void fun O6nous ception ien ord fao3)frowST upiei ecepte /lead -we Soeuld net change Tbe excepon he oveniddc oetioc -Dssieda deid class cbje base Closs eoc vasiable methed ovenidoa -uthme eveniding -> dupamic CYcTidin -dynarnic rethcd dispotc *Class oimal voic ea O 9oP CDmal s'catiog) void Secp) Sop -nîmal is steepirg clox Cot extends oimal
  • 67. vod eat) soPCatseat void Srept) soP(Cat Sleepin) class Dog eterds -9oima void aO soP oos Catin) voRd 9leepO onf prhiv sOPCOo seeping Pbvo Atom bosre7 clos Mainclas8 Psvm (9ming ags) hotbr rimal aenew -9nima) () C) a. Sleep0 rioa a ne Bg e ) aat O a Sleep OS Dew Cot C)
  • 68. aCat a.Secp ote apiograrn to chet ffe ver is leap yea not S importava. uil .Sconne publfc class Main psvm (Shfnq dvgsti) Scanne sc new Sconne Sc netIi() P ((veay uoo- =o) 11(veano1co !-o yeon7u=O sOP CAeap yean) els 3oP Coon- kap ycon") cligs mpovt fava u1Scannei pubfe Class Main psvm (Shig avqst) Scanne 8C De Scantmey Po (rt o -+t)
  • 69. olp sort soPfotio O; (o,ienia)r) Co renr). Por(nt 3-09<o St sOP () aplanesn 0 so S1 S2 fCot j-o; ieal,j+) sop ( ) OSJo 2 3 Soiotln (D;
  • 70. To (ot f-o ien; i+) ye- p Fox (rot s-0 9s+ :SoP ( to (rt -o sjen-i, i+) Sor ") 90Priniln (); Sopin ")- o)p- 3 Sopin O: Pos i =o.YD SoP
  • 71. bstoct closscs Based asedupon method dleftna+an metPods clossiHed ipto tooYpes Concvcte me1hods abetract metfiod metodJs ncooplele Cornplcte metthod3 - mesfods wrth body mettods orout body void Run1 () abstract voTd fun; tet incornplele ->-Dclogshat s modified STBBe eyuood abghac class Sompe abetract -> abetract class Cannot be retantiated (.e ,e onro Cocae object oThe abstoct Clossampe saneoSampel ena Can Cveate eference vorablcos ap -0-se-1 - But we abehact class Sample B/valfc -)-An abetact classs a class at an ortai Oe obstract metßods oettod a metfod orthou bod abstiact (.e no implementakon) -> -9D abetract class Can Cortain ConcTetc oethods alo (novmal mekod e methade wth body) Relevcnce vaiable an be Crectes o 'abetroc clasçeg an abstract clo etends ->An Omal class that ovenide Ovenide all the abstrac methodg iDte cla basto
  • 72. CRe, proviefig implermentatiaoo e roeihadR absract cls tho ertends an abetact cls oeedTo OVeTmde abstact ethods n the cls abstrac class vehicte abetract voidl SHat O abetrac vordrnove) class ov etends vehiele void 8lantC) SOP CCan Slated) voicl move () SOP Co s mong o la8S bihe ertends vehicle void Stent C) 30P hhe 9tooted) void movc ) sop BiKe s moving)
  • 73. claas Mainclass PSum(Shing anqs vebicle V neo vchicle ), 1en vehicleV/lvalfd VE new arO v.Start O V moveO; Ve new Sthe ) V. Sav (O V.move (); abshact class Shape double di,da ,arta j void getdim (double didouble d his di-d 1hisdo- da: abstract oid nd -frca C) Rectanaie e1tends 9hape L 95 class votd d -rea) arca = di d2 sOP Recangte oea; aread S
  • 74. 3 ta mangle ettends Shape vord-hd Areo O aea = 0.5 dida SoP Tangle avea aeo) cas,Main Clas psvm(Singangst t1 Sbape s- new Shape; erO Shape S: /lvalid rue-new Rectangie gel Oio (u5,u69dcn S.hd ra() -OcTaalc) S.getOm (3u,3:5) o he Srd-rea); 3 3 Rectanal ale-frca = 20.T
  • 75. Irterface method Tntaface a Collecterp all abstraCt inteface Sampl void fana); oid fun 20: Inteface mettods a deloult obstrac obsthact ond pubie vord un2C); public abshac ed funaC). usi mplernents heywad, u Con impemcnt 1r 9erface class tfart mplements an Spiface hog ovemide all the methods hot iteface - we Can rot CTCate obfect fuvYoiejacel but we Can Cae reference vanable Sarnple ne darnple O; ERROR Sample S Il valfd h usig iptface we Con perfam mutiple nhetan ndirctiy class all Concretr methods abstact class-Oomal+ atshoc methods methods oterfoce abshoc metRods Sample subSamplc
  • 76. ceface Somplc vd funi1t) lpuble abstact vod-na ). v fan2 (Shing rarn), 11 pubic abshac von ShR claas SubSample mplemens Sarnpit rubiic vool fan1) sOP I am Pun2 fron Sarple inieface): pubtc void fuoaing soP C amn2 from Sarople ie-face: od funs) Sor a am-fun3 frorn SubSomple closs") clos 11ain ClasS psvm (Shicq avat1D I Sample s-new Sample O; emai Sample 3, Ilvalft 3 neo Sub Sampl1eO; S fun1 O3 SFun 2Cromec") Ils fun3 ); eno
  • 77. Sub Sarople es pew Sub Sample O l sstna(); //valRd )t Se Pan2U Rn2 (Shr s3-funaTmec); /hald S 9s.an3(; Ivalid SsbSormpe tun1O FumtShn Pans SS OoTe otefoce ine-facee class class B iotefaceB ctas B class class G ettends ilerface B ettnde iopemens FrHenface void funa (); 3 iefoce catends Plepac o)mvet void un2O; oteface e eterds void un3(); 3 clas Sample tmplemers (c nu
  • 78. pubtic d -fuoac Sor CI am Ran 2 om nieAace ); pubfe vofd fuo2) aro o SoP (I amun9 koro inerface 8 publie uoid un30 soP CT artun3fromoicface C berit ctass Main Class pavm (Shing nqst1) fuan a C) a= neu Sample tl a furna) ou tl a. fun 2(); ena t/a tun3(), eTsO b new sämple tun1 ) Fun a) I bPan2() Ilban30; /lenoT Ce new Sample () 7 Puna) c:Pana() C Run20 cfun2O: funBC) Ctun3, O
  • 79. ava de doesnt Sppavt uhple bes Gn esface meitods ae piai on u face wcRcds are Sot class- collecho nly ancet meibade Eac dass - collecf d cneee and absacs me Eaca - citecn abetioc meiods ethod Cane gisc pe metd mpie ecdi bod vid rome (9 some) een (Fioot ve cos avolorqc nplerses o u n pabfe vod ane (9ti ome SoP1 om mehed. n]ou +pose
  • 80. publc vcid versicn (ftoot vev SDP (I am fava verion ve) clas Main Class pubc Staeodan (i lonugr 2-neuo Longun O ena Lanqunne 7 fvalfd T-Dew JavaLonquo Z-rome (Tava ) class er vid loca t) Sop Ca am progeio per itcface Urcle m void ha D Cto Chd eienda Fannermplerners Unei
  • 81. puble void batis O sop (I om properh drom Upcle cloas MainClass pSvm (Shnq onqe)onbo r ancle u= new CldO biloi 3ocpno. child c=Dew Child pJouol he Cablood) C habits (O; OOTe In one picam e Can mplernent inany numbe ClaClass3 tcface Sample pool bini ctaas clase Claec Clas D Ctas A Omplements Sample clas B3 implemen Sample f3 clas C implements Sarnple {
  • 82. nal Keuocrd ->4nalvanfablea an+ bc Todiktd nal mettods Cant b ovemidden hal classes Cant be cxiended obeRtel class Sample psvm(Stira ongi) finalnt x-10; x4Io; |l erO soP (); woTE- inteace pubfenta= 10 public Stotfe ot a-o; pubfc Stetfenalintoa-lo; deautnteY face vaiables ac publie, Staht 9 -final manhey taq nterface Contain markee inteyface means +deaen doesn Contan vommable methodd an intevface iy hmashev oeace
  • 83. Tfss only -for maning pupose ample fava Crauys Tn java aTays eercnee pes (e)whereve aC an Omray ory ty one Cray objec uill be Ceated ctape n heap aea wt6 we CTeate 2 detaut membeTS 1Set values be actual value senats - he no value n he arsay 9hof JO CTeae Pray Teference vaiable rCcatio Te vaI] Co tyPe Lvan ( Type CJ vo ohnin iuslbe e ota; Co) ipof 9ot a
  • 84. ne typ [siaeJ: e oew int io one Sep Syoiaa typeC var = eo tyre sz: qRnI a=neuo in[5]; sRo Sgle dimenal aay r nt oj-new in5J mult dimensiana amars Jgd Orays etetuar nt alJLI -neu nuJ[J clase Dray Exa pavm (SHig 9sl otD-ateger PorsTtCa9sla) 90Pa:) emnel s0P (lengtt :a ler) fon o, izn; ta aLtJ Totges parser (ovqs 0) 3 SoP -9nay elemens are)
  • 85. hsep (ord be fof.t]-"at) StocD hap 1G aie2ha (1Rgt olua) era5 olp J Cno-vatue) a:1@uca 9293 tength:55 freray elernents aToJ to alJ= 20 a 30 aJ-O 5o Readiog aaylemenls usiSconpe claes impot java.utt Stannen: class-frayEx2 psum (Shingst) Sann sc-oeanne (Syen fo)
  • 86. 30P (nte ae f the omay) ot a C3- ew intl sor ne aay tements) fon (oRo, Rea:lent6 î) a[] sc-nexlInt ) SOP (-9ray -lernecs a): Por ( 0e atenajh i sor (a i-" o 3 p'--Xnter ae he errva 3 Eotevq orng elernens 30 28 C art rvay dlemen oTo]-19 ali-30 a]2 Jo each loop classfrroy er3 pev (Shing ongt)
  • 87. /nt o t3 nw i3 io,20,30,uo,0t; eas it oL3 to, 20, 30o, uo,so1 -R coch loop 9oP ( pibtSpecial elcmens Rohe awoy? ->IP Be net elemen s opeottthon CurTre eermt en int t olp' S1p5 3 C u2 ropet jovautl-Scanney closs Main Psvm (9hing anqs]) Scanney sc-eusSanneSysiem in) ntn-Sc netI aRJ Sc.nexilniO:
  • 88. sop(oft) elersen Ps pinthe Cuert element f ne mebg o1 o35, /p, 122 2 125 12 12 122 123 124 125 127 12 Fos (oPo fenat.) Tot a]7. 10 o11 7- s1) 5 for9, 9or (aCt]") 3 Revey se Te qven-au /e-G 35 6 9 12 21 G 5 3 clas -Pnay ExG po (Shira t) Sconne S= neu Sanoev (Sstenn
  • 89. nt n Sc netIoD n oy lun;i.) at]- seneTi) nt crnp - o[] o]- on: an- ternp O 20 30 at a1 alal-1 emp a[oJ: tcrmp a[I a[Jso[: trop-of a3-a ap3]- temp afo]- ab3: a-terP a-temP Iosct oTay eement a SpedA pesrtion aTa /p 5 oP1o 20 30 10 20 9o-elrmen
  • 90. Fompovt java uRl Sronne class nayex? psum (shing ongsi1) Soanne Scene canner (Sptem .o) nSc- netn ): fe(trt Tso, fen :9.) a[t]sc.nexlo() 3 int C 9c. nerrt i pos- Sc-netTN) nsevt egc tex(rot Fn; >pes,9- amDJ. anB- am Cpos-ete t fox (ot o; ?en in Sor (aTr3- : 50
  • 91. pit duplfcae clements e aay T/e-6 p-12 212t impot java- u. Scanner s class DupfccteDemo pavm (Shing ags[) Frh5.c Scannen Sc- new Scorse (Serm.i Rn- Sc.netIr (O Pn(-oen i) 3entRrefye al]-Sc. netIi(); Wloic te (oC=- C-1 G; Jenzj* 9 c4t alj]--1 te(c)
  • 92. sor (ar] ) pio the diofnc elemenis the amay õlp' 3 I2 3 2 soleropatava.ul: Scann class oisinciDemo PSum (Shiog a [) Sconney sC= new Scanne (Sptm n; t a Teus o[nJ fo -o,ien i a = sc. net Ini O; (oT3!= -1) c
  • 93. c clas 3 pot Na.u-Sconne class-raErs psum(e Scanner sc= peo Sarna (SysitmRd SOPrta Tows:") rtTOuos sc-nettit0 soPCencols:" t int Cols sc-natIrt(O to1C3-neo i rouo colsl Sysicm out piiln (a: 'aa: syeitm. out. priin Clenat a.lergth) Sor (ntey mahii elerments") for t=0 i2ow3;+ S int j0j jzcolsjt
  • 94. aPJU-Se.nexttnt) skem.Out pintln Cmatit elements: -PaCirt-oerous (rt j-o jzcols j+ System Ourt pirinatI] Sskem Out.pYotin [D usgo each loop Suystem ou palln Cmatii elemer usšing fos bch) fortJ: a) fo (rt xd?r) SoP(x1+ 3 System out pinilnO; + Sum mati elemens ityt Sum=O o int9-o,?2rowsi oCto; ecols+) Sum Sum aJUGJ
  • 95. Sustem. Cout piptln (Sum Suro TO elemers r For (ntoerows, C pt Sum 0 -Pox (oo j4colsj Sum- Sum+ aRILG System Out pintlo (Sum Suro o dagonal elemernts? Q02 Q0 ai o (o Reroosf) 22 Q2 Sum= Sum+af]G For o ienousir FoGoecols;j t) F==1005-1) Surn Surm+oIL]
  • 96. agaedfrays 3 DiGferent and fPervent Colums nOwS 2 3 S ornas ->Collectio of ngle dimensfonal omays al] neo 3 aJ: new i T] a[]- neus n mpo GavauR: ScanneT class Jagged-fhoyexample pSvm(9ing angst3 U Scannen Sc new Scanne (Systeor Sustcm Out pin te nowos:) int Tows: SCnerIot() n at1 noniFouwsll]: a rew int al]- neu ] a nau int E: alne ot]; / SOP nter t Yow elements new in Sc netant:
  • 97. Sustm.outpin es mah elemernts:"): Fos (to, ica.length a1G1-Sc-nettInt () Systern out priotln Mati elements a) Por intf-o; %a-ienqth ho aRIGJ- Sc DerIot () o Shings -7Guroup o choyactevS ae Calte Shibgs e Con perfom Stng operatons usRrg casse Classe LShing 2-ShingeuPter Shina Bfide Te Sing osiects a Tmmutable obiects (Cont Objects (Con be ch Geatirg hings usinghingorshructoss Constructurs Shing C) Shig S- new Shing(
  • 98. Shig (Chan chansl) chan st7 l'o', 'b, 'c, 'd,'e'; Shin t= oew Shig() ysko -at. pintin (Sh) tlabcde Sthina Cca chas[7 Sarnde n oumchars Shing Sh neu Shina (c.o3) System. out pintln (sth) llabc byt bIJ= 65, 66,69.68, 6 40} /BcoeF uShing (bye asei acnarsC) e Shng Str:eo 9ting ( b SOP (Sh)l ABCDe F r 5Shin bye asdt 4 charsl3}ini 9Haninde1nt num chars sth Shinq 9h= Da Shing class ShinaEx1 p3vm (Sing avqst) Shing 31= "Cmec elcorne System Out pritln 'Lench; S11ength O); ll2) Shing 92- St. im O; o Sysie out printinhengt;" 92 lenath(); M13 yskout pitln Uppeiase( Sustmout pitin (Uppercasc92.toAsoueraaeO
  • 99. Clas ShiaEy2 psum (Shig cst3) Shing Sh = welcome to osec and to hu S0plnCot inder o:stide to er et) 9-0pln ("lastinde o: sh.losinder efr S-opn(rs+nde to:4shinde (to) 3-0.pln (last înde too:4Sh )asiindet oF( 3-0p sub Bhinqsh.Subshing ()) der + 9-0pln (sub Shing;9h Subshing(1,) S-0pl (s emptyst.s fropty ) 9.0pln ("chon at:"A sh. char At (4 chan s[j neo chao str lenat( Str qet chavs (,s,o) o Grt-o; izs.lerath Tread Sleep (100o) 3.0piot(ot]) Shing ormpariso -versus equals methods -+ wed to Cornpare addrass (cfevence equals method s usedto ompame, Contnt cla StinaEr 3 psvm(Shina a)
  • 100. Shing 31-Cme Shing s2 "Crmec Shing s3 ne Sthing "Gmec); Systernout printn (s1--s); Itrue Sustern- out. pritin (S1-=Sa) I1-Plase Spber. curt pintlo (s equolsCs) lhrue Syeem.cut pintin (s1 equals ()lItruc Systco out piiin (S1. equals ("cmeec"); I1faise Susem. Out pitin (9equalsiqnoreCoee ("cec );i class StirgBufEzample psvm (Shipg avost ShRng Buf3 ncs ShingBuff ); System. cut pirin (Copocit:2 Capai );llhc Sustem. out-piin (lenath "s1-lenchh() llo ShinqBuffes 52 ne Shing Bufer (ed} Sysiern-out pirnloCapa@ty:"s2-Gpat );lBo System.ou. pintin ("ength: "-s. lenqthD ; /1 o Shingeuf 93 new Sinqeufer CGmec Sducaen): Syslern out pirtin C'Copadtya s3. poary(); Iht* Systrm. cut piriin Cleqh:" s3. lerqth); Ih5 Sistcm out prinln (s:4s) ls2 S2-append Gmec ducatom);
  • 101. Sustm out pintln nep:"a9a); l/s2: (mnec dducal System ot pintln("cha -t 492. Chan i(. s2.delekchar At (5); ion Sysem.out pritln (s2sa)l Cmec tdutin s2 inse 6,L'); i 7 n Systemout pintin 's2492); I7Gmec-Tducat 2.7eplace (o,5, Java"); s lhy Sustem cutprintln C"s2:"+82): lljava Kducaten Syslem out piptlnReverse:"as2.evcrse); Cepttans n eceptian 1S an event, ohich occurs during The execuho a prorap,that disups be nomal tow e procrarm's nstuchos(eccu TTOV occuTS at Comle tmcSuntadca mistote ane eTOvs. webave anyerraTs he psoqsam we Cont eiecute theprogra System. out pîntin (welcome")-buo m uero ceptiam Tt OccuTS a un tme uwe Can un e Car un he programD linig tuom en: 5 b 0 sn uc o nia uc rera Calb (exception) bas
  • 102. Compile nc emmoys utime enonS SumaAICal misabe 2. memoY ervors, 9lach Ovevfloo, Segnenatio faut cephavs Comile time eiceptians Tunhine exceptom9 (cheched eecptiens --At Cormpile timc runhimc eceptions Cannat he (unchecked eiecphs) n r s necognisel neicepthon Occurcd io the proam eicautioy when l -kminaefom hat place aoenupted ExcephioD AroanderOutofPound Eceptom File MotFound Excephfo Pumbe1 Fovmat Ex ceptioo IOE Excepheo ThmefcEvceptan Cephiontiondlin9 - Converfng sem aeneratd enio mesecanto uAcT understandabie ena mcssage -TO andle fe abave exceptians we have ecephionaM handles ceiONol hondles Catch 3) tro throus 5-naH
  • 103. e blec Some Set ines ane Kept undes e to Conch bloch Scan o bloc and t to1 Ss occuYd thy bo hot cepom 34 any ettephien3 octuYed notihs to JRC m 3 JRCjm) appocka to hat ecepho hroos cnceptien Aoo try block to out Side the y bilen ecephon u-the end e ty bloch Gtch vcady to e Cotch e cceptioan n ho Catch bioch hon Covweapordig ecephin clo oYhcephon doi 5' no mfomatiom toode nto eceptioo clas hcephion class okect e cepon cla s the Supe class -for a ecphin chaes pley the enechutibn oCatch bloch, nomal ertutr hception clas ohject Ercepfiom class s the Supey chs v all eceptPeo T clooe oPteY he enecution of otch bibc novmol eccue Coich (cepfiao class obe)
  • 104. itired rmo indevdt Bound Eiceprr OumberFomat Ccephon PRthmee Esceptiom +Class Somple povo (9hq angsf1)D System-out pintn Cpiognom eccutioro 9ionted) n 3nteger po selo (ovgst) 9slemoul- mintin (o val s:4d Ssm-out priinllo Cproopeoro tecutioo Coroptele Gavo Somple 1o output piooam execution haved nval s 10 proomam exeutiarn Coropleted -PrmayTedeOut ofeounds Eicephior class Sormple pavm (Shing ovqet1) SstemOurt pictn prqnam cieuhion 9ianted; nt n Tnteger panseIrt (orvsTal) Syeie out pintin o val :"an)
  • 105. Colch (nayIndet Outat Bound Eicepham e) ISystem out phnthm (); n System oul pmilo (e-qet mesaq Dumbev Fomatercepion claesSample 1nec ineuom povr hirg rga semout pirtn ieuton 9artea") nTrteqer poseInt(args[o1) Syshern oul piln (n vat îs :D Cahch (umbevFotmatEcephon e) nbolyom He prindstachTracc O; Systen. Qut piin (e) pro YSm Out pitin'U nead to pos vane System out pintnžheuon omletd
  • 106. PithmetCTEicepian clas Sample psvm(Stinq agst) Syetem-out ptn 'pmoqoro eaeaution statd" ot a-ege pavecint (ovgs[1); int oJnteqn pavsea(argst Syetem. out pritin (c val is : Cotch (Pitbmetic Eiceptian e) Sysiem:out piptiD (e) Sysierm. out piiin Cdivigion by a is not possibe);| Sustem out piotin proqram eiecuhon Completed) wt muHiple Catches class Sarople p pevm (Shig avqst3) System out pirt poqvam evecuho Stavte); inta Ieger.panscint (argplo) ttbTntegev pansIt (aqp[U): C ab
  • 107. semout prtin Cc val is:) Cafch femaqInder@utofBoundaêxceptoni i System out pirn (e): Oystto Out piotin U eed to pos inputs) Catch (1umber Fomat Eicepfon e Sstm outt pîrttn(e) thphfe Systern aut iotn oneed to pass int values"). S Cctch(thmeticenception -3 isrnfiyt lSystemout pintn(e) fi u te Systemout otln Divisior by o is not possibie) tu Susien-out pritin proqrarn 'eiecuton Corvplecd i NaTE cepion class s e Super class o alcepioo classe using icephion Clags ue an handlee all hind S eiceptoms Catchhceptiane)
  • 108. 11-ethmce ¥icepHon Taised catch (etceptione Systen rOut lul2 Automctic Gonbog Collechon wbenever we Ce not dlelettng e cbecsme 2a OccurS umcPRered objects CP TRerc i ocfevence) one elbbe gaboge Collectio initates Re proces qabage Collecton Hen Utomefe gaba Collectu Coltects (detete Re uneeee jecs Class Sarople 9 ureeet Sample 81- neuw Sample () Sample 82 neuo SampleC) elble to Sample% 93- B 9onbag Collechom Sample S2 Sample clas oame -x:t othibutes +etx(Ro): ud mettool +9ety yt) :vo
  • 109. ons Snpe pote9sKY Yenn3 pae A 3 y Cov) #oe ectod +y-Y ph rhrtY() as rethod oenny ctox Mhclaa Sanple 9 pod SompirO: 3-9e x() Spem-u pitn vel a:9-n) Sptem-out pRbtn Cy valte asqet v)
  • 110. -fonekm ch calls see prPn Metcoe min calfing-Runefon main called-Rmese moin the Colled urnefn and afg-Rrelbo Sore fen 49s talleo eure urefio yeneyoe rumibeYs or 3 t vecuson leops jaNout- ranne closs Sornple 9tofle povm (9Nion ovp) (o Scance cneu Sconney (Syekern) Spem- out prinh es n value) noxrerT ( apoy( tarc vdid oploy os piem-out pintnl)
  • 111. f (treyfaetergh a) ecg- ehes hs'a poeretd pirain( yssom ul pia (ea) o ut pleind pseuderede Ses Ost,bei o (nach e hom o ) fe 4 (a Cons 2 Cnd f a o+ 2 end-o lp-bsa mild bra 24153
  • 112. fot Pl opa P Po P"p P 0 Pa st, bsi ele 1 ((os pa (e) end V pp , , swpp 93 pp PP pp fp pirs pp4a 3rmey n (ra oih) e(b-a>) n ba-unr (a+2,b-2 se eunna
  • 113. Cnd Tctunn a-b end function -Amn() Set bauo, a- 20 C 20 (c(ua) b 0 else aO+2 CO+ 2 op-90 End b a etsc a at 22 C a2 Cnd n a br c Se a:), b1 olp' for(each rom 1 3) 2 aa-c b-b+c+g 2 2 b:bmod 5 End fo in ab 3ntrgen funn (rta lot -(b&a) a-1o, b=10 9Chun 3 funn (0,2)+fann(b-s0)
  • 114. End f etun a-b ehn 3-la. )nas) End Aunction kann/1 a 2 b-2 Tntrgerfunn (ndaind ) 3oegeC feseoch Chom -2tb2) a ate Ero Pn t (oe5) ehu n a4 b Cro 7etus o a nd 1 etun at na-tarcfeo funn ) 9twing-ot,9econd ole'-welcome Dck &et =" wetcorme Second et Fist-stuse pint Secord +Set o- be1, C> 3 bred (1+ 6 modi((mod2) pina aahrC.
  • 115. Totger m Set m-o rteges aDuJ- {u,3,2,1 p-O R(eachAom tb3) m-maR End End fo pint m Integex a,b.c Set a8, b=j) Poeach cArom uto c) aat 1 olp'-10 (6> ) a= at 1 else Jump out d e loop end fo pTit a tb Toteger a,b, c Set a- 3, b=6. C-9 .ano ab a o)p-13B h ab a a a C b 'a
  • 116. Sct b-2, Cl Totcge 9,5,Cd, for cach a from 3t get a-, b=0 ceG d9 b-b+1 Poreachi fom otos) c-C+b 9(aORb 0R c ANOd) End foa prfrt at pint a+ btc end P (a equals2 ole'2 pint at end (aeguals d 13 fump out toop set m, JF2 End Tntepen al{6.¢. C, 3,3s t End fo pi Tounney at-a[]-a[ 9e-2 Jouney Sct P=3 alj-1 eisc ow r (each S Prorm oto 2 P p+9 aeaa]-3 to each from 2 to 2) End mam]+o] P=pt an End fu fo (each 9 ron oto2 pin P-P+ olP5 Erdor End fuv Set aG, b=u3 oTint DAqt P a b frr elp-24 wHAle (P not quals pntP
  • 117. Darta Structu Dala 3ucture ae uscd o oon3e oTqoge eiert manne neert, deleie, updote Dora huctunes are 913pe Lneav dato 9tructurrc i) non- 1nca dáa Stuctures inea Oola Stuctur TP we ogange 1e data in ltneo pasien amays ned1t, Stacns, queues br Oo-ineay Data Stuctuses- TP we qanae fe datain hieyanchfal mo 1Frees Grraphs nked lsis Jnean Collechon ncdes (elements) ae Coll Call JSneas 1inked t Sinked 1sts ae 3 ypes Sinale nked 1sts )Doubie nked 1ets rcula inked lsts ofsaduantaqes aTays TOT Stat n 8e(we can'tncvease tRe S te arrsay atuntime
  • 118. C a Co1lection homogencous eleroers dato a[o]10 a[o)10 alJ= "abc Sequerhia mernony (Continuoug memo 9aro Cquires8 nt aC3 = new in ioo] insevhio/delet apeTatong ad Cost cPtective metgsing proceses) Suftabie fo vehiving opplatding frays one fossible feoens Tn asas andOm accexsing s rossble Sop (aloa); Ilasec ne SoP ([1ooco0oal);1l 1See Sngle ned l ol nhed 1fst oe way Tet is a Colled nooles Stoqle nca Collechion daa emeis Colled nooles dvfded data elemets ncon nto tuoo Pelda 3heP&st elc Contains the ntomation tcv each node 9 dvded into tuoelda and he SecondPeld Centains node Contains he eltment net te addve opHe and he The st Pield s Called dala eld and Re eConol Pld Called sclod nnRed Sccond fug b ) data field 2 The poinle to e lst node Contains a
  • 119. Spectal vatue C&lled nulln c) 1fred also Contains a pofter vaniable ohich pofntsto. tbe -Prst Dar Catled 41EAD Re n foifrharp poe bead Liieby potsis61poite 1000 data cddress doto adde data cddves 10 2000 20 3000 null 20 00 3000pY TO implement data Shuctures we equre 2cquie SeP ePevental closs l 1o) o whats Selfeferential class?)20e placing nCerence vaiable a3 Q, membe to fe baiipoi .Same clos tob clasg Studert ctstls Fom Shin 9name 9Hudentent 3 StuderA S1 neto Sudet() impot jova.ut, SCanner ois clas Studeni 3-it b cieb Stino Sname
  • 120. Studen OeTt Main Cas Class Student nead oulL ta ncwnode, temp NOid CTcatenode () ncwnode = new Student() Scanne sC new Scannen (Sustamn) Syste) Out point entr Sno:"). newnode Sno=Sc.nettI) Systen out pirt eotc SnamC Dewnode 3name Sc nen () Dewnode . net = Oull 9P(head =null') headrewode toî= Dewnodeg on else tofnent neonode a= Dewnace vod dbplay () Fox(emp -head Aeropnull 2 Ste-out. poiotnemp.Sno* temp 9oame
  • 121. public Siatfe voc rooin (Sthg l) new MainClass() hosom main Cta do Scanne Se- new Sann (Systemin mCocatenadC) Systern out. pinin (" do u want to Conthnue ' P (o-0) oessey break hrsn aboosusrr gie (tue) bu mdeplay1() bto en Kod nurnber c node. in e give n ed vod dRepioyst( for tep =heod emp)r rutl emp kmp1 Spen.on pín ro rode Cour
  • 122. alter nate node 1 The qiven linhcd alfer nae print 4he 1fs t Count:O; intemp-heao temp= null temp temp ert) Court+t F (Court %2 jeo) SoPtcmp'sno 4 termp. Snarme) ndout given node s pocsent ov not in e qiven 1st ? Nofd Seovch int Keu n fl0 Postmp =hrad ternpnull, fnP: Herp Sno-K) 9op (ound") elee Bopot dourd );