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The Icelandic
gísli pálsson
What is it, and how did it begin?
1994: New National Survey (FSI)
Low Tech – High Concept
Documents and archives survey
Field survey
Municipalities (hreppur) drives the work, initially for their
own purposes, now legislatively required
Organized at the top level as events relating to data capture
(excavations, survey trips, historical sources written)
Secondly, by the lögbýli structure, a remarkably stable feudal
system of farms persisting with very little change from the 12th
to the 19th century.
Circa 4000 lögbýli through time, with some being abandoned
and changing to deserted land, and a few tenant farms acquir-
ing lögbýli status through time.
A large number of non-lögbýli dwellings coming in and out of
existence through history, but always related in some way to a
Hence both event-driven and historically contextual.
This leads to its own issues, but we feel the data needs historical
context to be useful as a research tool.
Single context excavation records
ca. 500, not well organized (offline Access sheets).
Field survey
Ca. 100.000 sites describing topography,
condition, factors of threat, etc.
Currently sitting in a flat table Access database, but a
PostgreSQL schema has been made and deployed, with a
shift planned once the time is right.
Contextual/historical information
Information derived from the main historical
sources for Icelandic history, organized by lögbýli.
three tiers of data
Farm number as from ISLEIF
Feature number as from ISLEIF
Excavation site code
Trench number as an extension from ISLEIF
Context or Unit number
Type of Context or Unit - Cut, Deposit, Group, TEPHRA
Group number
General description of Context or Unit number
Keyword defining the material nature of the unit
Keyword defining the formation/use of the unit
Data entry date
Creator of database record
As per Main table
Number given to find
Number on box where find is stored
Term for object from lookup table
Term for material from lookup table
Fragment count
Data entry date
Creator of database record
Finds Main
As per Main table
Sample number
Grid info if applicable
Location info
Sample type as per lookup table
Method as per lookup table
Processing method as per lookup table
Estimated volume
Bag count
Sample Info
As per Main table
Number given to photograph
Type of photograph
Orientation drop-down
Description of photograph subject
Data entry date
Creator of database record
Photo Info
As per Main table
Phase that unit relates to
Assigned start date
Assigned end date
Spot date
Heiti jarðar
Númer jarðar
Skipting jarðar
Tún og sléttun
County code; also the first part of ISLEIF ID
Hreppur admninistrative unit name
Hreppur code - inactive designation
Property name
Property number (ISLEIF ID)
Internal property division
Information on tun and tun improvement
Archaeological survey history
Map of archaeological features
Boundary markers
Place names
Spjald 1
Númer jarðar
Metrar yfir sjávarmáli
Ef horfin, af hverju
Fæðingardagur og ár
Heim-maður kom
Aðrar athugasemdir
Skrásetjari á vettvangi
Skrásetjari á gagnagrunn
Dagsetning innsláttar
Property number (ISLEIF ID)
Feature number
Place name
Place name 2
Role 2
Estimated age
Directions to feature
Surveying method
Dimension measured
If gone, why
Protection status
Risk assessment
Reasoning behind risk assessment
Source date of birth
Year source moved to property
Other notes
Aerial photographs
Creator of field entry
Creator of database entry
Netleif link
Spjald 2
Friðlýsingartextinn í heild
Sveitarfélag (núverandi)
Sveitarfélag (árið 1990)
Hvenær þinglýst
Hvenær undirritað
Undirritað af
Friðlýst sem
Field survey
Source survey
Current sveitarfélag
Sveitarfélag as of 1990
Place name
X coordinate
Y coordinate
Declared through parliament?
When declared
When ratified
Ratified by
Protected as
Risk assessment
Source of risk
Role of feature
Definition of role
Feature erosion
Type of feature
Definition of type
I 2
L 1
ln ?
I 3
Site excavation area
Year collected
Notes and comments on context as a whole
The code for the taxa identified, may be UNI
The code for the bone element or body part
The end - proximal, distal, etc.
The number of fragments that share all the listed characteristics
The approximate maximum dimension of the fragments
Taxonomic zones
Fusion state code
Butchery state code
Burning state code
Tooth marks code
Age estimate code
Left or right
Sex assessment code
Comments on the specimen
Metrics reference number
Space for measurement
Space for measurement
Space for measurement
Space for measurement
Space for measurement
Space for measurement
Space for measurement
Space for measurement
Space for measurement
Space for measurement
Space for measurement
Lower or upper tooth
Permanent or deciduous tooth
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Wear state
Finds databases
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Skráðar fornminjar eftir sýslum
what is a farm?
Why is it important to Icelandic settlement structure?
... and what is its spatiality?
Main sources:
Diplomatarium Islandicum
Jarðabók Árna og Páls 1702-1714
Jarðatal J Johnsens 1847
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Skrida (í Skriðuhverfi)
Hálfkirkja eður bænhús hefur hjer að fornu verið, og stendur húsið enn, ekki hefur hjer embættað verið í manna minni.
Jarðardýrleiki tíutíu hundruð með Skriðulandi, og so tíundast fjórum tíundum.
Eigendur Sr. Guðmundur, Sr. Ámundi og Torfi synir Sr. Páls sáluga Ámundasonar, sem hjelt Kolfreyjustað í Fáskrúðsfirði.
Ábúandinn Hallur Jónsson.
Landskult lx álnir nú og tvö fyrirfarandi ár, fyrir 12 árum ii C undir 30 ár, fyrir 40 árum iii C og ekki meiri so hjer undirrjettist.
Betalast í landaurum nú sem stendur, og so atla menn að oftast hafi verið, og þykjast ekki vita að hjer hafi með jafnaði
fiskatal verið áskilið.
Leigukúgildi vi inn til næstu 12 ára, nú i og næstu 2 ár, en þess í milli vita nálægir ekki grant að undirrjetta um kúgildisfjöldan.
Leigan betalast í smjöri, og so var áður þá kúgildin voru vi.
Kvaðir öngvar.
Kvikfje iiii kýr, i kvíga veturgömul, xxxvii ær, xiii sauðir tvævetrir og eldri, xviii veturgamlir, xx lömb, i hestur, i hross, i foli
þrevetur, iii geitur, ii hauðnur.
Fóðrast kann vi kúa þúngi, so sem nálægir þykjast næst komast eftir sinni hyggju, en áþur hefur þetta sæmileg
heyskapargjörð verið, en afskaplega fordjörfuð af órækt bæði til túns og engja.
Útigángur góður meðan niðri nær, en mjög svipull fyrir fannlögum, og þarf roskið fje hey nærri til helminga, og lömb mesta
part fóður. Hestagánga í lakara lagi. Skógur til kolgjörðar að mestu eyddur, en til eldiviðar bjarglegur. Torfrista og stúnga
bjargleg. Reiðíngsrista hefur verið, meinast eydd. Víðirrif nokkurt, brúkast til heystyrks.
Reka á jörðina fyrir utan Litlufjöru milli Hellirs og Svínár og kallast Skriðureki. Rekavon þar í minna lagi, því festifjara er
engin. Engjatak á jörðin takmarkað, þó lítið sje, í Hraunkots landi, sem Engibakki heitir, og hefur lengstum brúkast átölulaust.
Ekki vita nálægir að undirrjetta greinilega um fleiri ítök jarðarinnar, þó rómur sje á að hún hafi í fyrstunni víðar náð, þá er
það fyrir lángvarandi brúkunarleysi mönnum fornt orðið, og verður ekki því um þau fleira skrifað.
Túnið er fordjarfað af órækt og sprettur lítt, sem orsakast af leysingavatni, sem jetur úr rótina. Engið þornar upp og sprettur
lítt og er mjög víða mosavaxið og graslítið. Úthagarnir eru miklir og sæmilega grösugir, og ljær ábúandi beit til Jódísarstaða
sem áður segir.
Hætt er kvikfje fyrir Álfasíki og nokkrum lækjum. Vatnsból er erfitt fyrir fannlögum. Kirkjuvegur til Múla ut supra.
Skriðuland, partur af Skriðu. Bygð niður frá heimatúninu fyrir manna minni, en eyðilagðist í bólunni, afdeilt að túni og
engjum og reiknaðist fjórðúngur allrar jarðarinnar meðan bygðin varaði, að dýrleika xxv C, og só tíundast ut supra.
Landskuld lxx álnir, seinast bygt var, og so að fornu. Betalaðist með landaurum til heimabóndans eður fiskatali.
Leigukúgildi iii. Leigan í smjöri til heimabóndans.
Kvaðir öngvar.
Fóðrast kunni, seinast bygt var, ij kýrþúngi.
Aftur má hjer byggja, ef fólk til fengist.
Skriðu Sel, forn eyðihjáleiga hjér í landinu út í skóginum, sem hefur í eyði legið vel 40 ár, og veit því enginn nálægur um
hennar byggingarkosti að undirrjetta. Ekki má hjer aftur byggja, því túnið er víði vaxið en heyskapur enginn.
Steinstader kallast örnefni sunnarlega í Skriðu landi, þar atla menn að í fyrndinni hafi bygt verið, þó þess sjáist mjög lítil
merki tóftaleifa og girðinga, því þetta pláss er mestallt í blauta mýri komið og má því hjer ekki aftur byggja.
local resources
pasture quality
tenant farm 1 - name
tenant farm 1 - rent
tenant farm 1 - hay
tenant farm 2 - name
ecclesiastical status
property debt
social obligations
hay production
external resource rights
reservoir quality
tenant farm 1 - debt
tenant farm 1 - obligations
tenant farm 2 - reoccupation?
noteworthy toponyms
networks of homesteads
and resources
Tenant farm
Environmental resources
Local power centres
External ownership agents
Subsidiary farms
0 10 205
0 2 41
working definition
the spatial syntax of a farm comprises an assemblage of
relational networks, some relations internal to the farm
boundaries, others connecting to external nodes such as
other farms and common land.
but any definition and interpretation is supported by a
ʻsafetry netʼ of the original textual material.
just how far do these networks extend?
the edge - or ledge ! - of this type of thinking
these networks immediately call to mind the justified critique of
network analysis as rigid, deterministic, inflexible
these ʻlinesʼ are really vectors of material, human and animal flows
they are rarely straight, but crooked, spindly, storied
in terms of the underlying data, the lines are temporary
interpretations, or suggestions. this is reflected in the data structure
the ridigity and fixity of the above
networks are at odds with lived experience
but network approaches help in keeping
track of how these storied lines spiral and intersect
paying rent
in 18th century rural Iceland
using driftwood
in 18th century rural Iceland
Accessibility and issues
PostgreSQL backend
API at
WFS and WMS services to both primary geo-
metric tables and database views
FSI has focused on the site and historical information,
leaving the excavation material very unstructured
Textual, Icelandic, living
Modelled on Icelandic ʻfeudalʼ society, making
integration and comparison to
other national datasets a challenge
Not tied to our PDF gray reports, but as every object has an
ID itʼs possible to mine reports to build that relationship

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Gísli Pálsson, The Icelandic archaeo-historical database

  • 2. What is it, and how did it begin? 1994: New National Survey (FSI) Low Tech – High Concept Documents and archives survey Field survey Municipalities (hreppur) drives the work, initially for their own purposes, now legislatively required
  • 3. Organized at the top level as events relating to data capture (excavations, survey trips, historical sources written) Secondly, by the lögbýli structure, a remarkably stable feudal system of farms persisting with very little change from the 12th to the 19th century. Circa 4000 lögbýli through time, with some being abandoned and changing to deserted land, and a few tenant farms acquir- ing lögbýli status through time. A large number of non-lögbýli dwellings coming in and out of existence through history, but always related in some way to a lögbýli. Hence both event-driven and historically contextual. This leads to its own issues, but we feel the data needs historical context to be useful as a research tool.
  • 4. Archaeological Single context excavation records ca. 500, not well organized (offline Access sheets). Field survey Ca. 100.000 sites describing topography, condition, factors of threat, etc. Currently sitting in a flat table Access database, but a PostgreSQL schema has been made and deployed, with a shift planned once the time is right. Contextual/historical information Information derived from the main historical sources for Icelandic history, organized by lögbýli. three tiers of data
  • 5. SEAD FarmNo SiteNo SiteCodeAlias TrenchNo UnitNo UnitType GroupNo UnitDescription Material_keyword Contextual_keyword Date ID Farm number as from ISLEIF Feature number as from ISLEIF Excavation site code Trench number as an extension from ISLEIF Context or Unit number Type of Context or Unit - Cut, Deposit, Group, TEPHRA Group number General description of Context or Unit number Keyword defining the material nature of the unit Keyword defining the formation/use of the unit Data entry date Creator of database record Main UnitNo FindsNo BoxNo Object_Keyword Material_Keyword QuantWeight QuantCount Date ID Notes As per Main table Number given to find Number on box where find is stored Term for object from lookup table Term for material from lookup table Weight Fragment count Data entry date Creator of database record Finds Main UnitNo SampleNo Grid SpatialInfo SampleType SampleMethod ProcessType Vol_est Count Notes Processed As per Main table Sample number Grid info if applicable Location info Sample type as per lookup table Method as per lookup table Processing method as per lookup table Estimated volume Bag count Notes Yes/No Sample Info UnitNo PhotoNo PhotoType Orientation Description Date ID As per Main table Number given to photograph Type of photograph Orientation drop-down Description of photograph subject Data entry date Creator of database record Photo Info UnitNo PhaseNo TempStart TempEnd SpotDate As per Main table Phase that unit relates to Assigned start date Assigned end date Spot date Phase Grefill Ísleif Nabone Sýsla Hreppur Hreppsnúmer Sókn Heiti jarðar Númer jarðar Skipting jarðar Tún og sléttun Skráningarsaga Minjakort Landamerki Örnefni County code; also the first part of ISLEIF ID Hreppur admninistrative unit name Hreppur code - inactive designation Parish Property name Property number (ISLEIF ID) Internal property division Information on tun and tun improvement Archaeological survey history Map of archaeological features Boundary markers Place names Spjald 1 Númer jarðar Samtala Sérheiti Sérheiti-2 Tegund Hlutverk Hlutverk-2 Aldur Norður Vestur Skekkja Metrar yfir sjávarmáli Leiðarvísir Aðstæður Lögun Lengd Breidd Þvermál Hleðsluhæð Mælt/Stikað Utanmál/innanmál Ástand Ef horfin, af hverju Friðlýsing Hættumat Ástæða Fornleifakönnun Heimildarmaður Fæðingardagur og ár Heim-maður kom Heimildir Aðrar athugasemdir Uppdrættir Ljósmyndir Loftljósmyndir Skrásetjari á vettvangi Dags Skrásetjari á gagnagrunn Dagsetning innsláttar Leiðrétting Netleif Property number (ISLEIF ID) Feature number Place name Place name 2 Type Role Role 2 Estimated age Northing Easting Precision Directions to feature Environs Shape Length Width Circumference Height Surveying method Dimension measured Condition If gone, why Protection status Risk assessment Reasoning behind risk assessment Description Source Source date of birth Year source moved to property Sources Other notes Drawings Photographs Aerial photographs Creator of field entry Date Creator of database entry Date Correction Netleif link Spjald 2 Umfang Vettvangsskráning Heimildaskráning Auðkenni Skráarlýsing Friðlýsingartextinn í heild Jörð Sveitarfélag (núverandi) Sveitarfélag (árið 1990) Sýsla Örnefni X Y Staða Ástand Þinglýst? Hvenær þinglýst Hvenær undirritað Undirritað af Friðlýst sem Athugasemdir Hættumat Scope Field survey Source survey ID Description Text Property Current sveitarfélag Sveitarfélag as of 1990 County Place name X coordinate Y coordinate Status Condition Declared through parliament? When declared When ratified Ratified by Protected as Notes Risk assessment Friðlýsingardót Hættuorsök ID Source of risk ID UppflettiHættuorsök Hlutverk HlutverkSkilgreining Athugasemd ID Role of feature Definition of role Notes ID UppflettiHlutverk Minjahvarf ID Feature erosion ID UppflettiMinjahvarf Tegund TegundSkilgreining Athugasemd ID Type of feature Definition of type Notes ID UppflettiTegund Site Date SU Species Bone End Count Frag Zone Fusion Butchery Burn Gnaw Age Side Sex Comments Ref# Bd SD GL Bp GB Bfd BT BFp B L I 2 Mand/Max Perm/Decid i1 i2 i3 dc dp2 dp3 dp4 L 1 ln ? I 3 C P1 P2 ENT D P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 Postcanine Site excavation area Year collected Notes and comments on context as a whole The code for the taxa identified, may be UNI The code for the bone element or body part The end - proximal, distal, etc. The number of fragments that share all the listed characteristics The approximate maximum dimension of the fragments Taxonomic zones Fusion state code Butchery state code Burning state code Tooth marks code Age estimate code Left or right Sex assessment code Comments on the specimen Metrics reference number Space for measurement Space for measurement Space for measurement Space for measurement Space for measurement Space for measurement Space for measurement Space for measurement Space for measurement Space for measurement Space for measurement Lower or upper tooth Permanent or deciduous tooth Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Wear state Phocids NABONE Sarpur Tephrabase Finds databases
  • 6.                                                             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                                                                                             
  • 7.
  • 9.
  • 10. what is a farm? Why is it important to Icelandic settlement structure? ... and what is its spatiality?
  • 12. Main sources: Diplomatarium Islandicum Jarðabók Árna og Páls 1702-1714 Jarðatal J Johnsens 1847
  • 13.                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  • 14. Skrida (í Skriðuhverfi) Hálfkirkja eður bænhús hefur hjer að fornu verið, og stendur húsið enn, ekki hefur hjer embættað verið í manna minni. Jarðardýrleiki tíutíu hundruð með Skriðulandi, og so tíundast fjórum tíundum. Eigendur Sr. Guðmundur, Sr. Ámundi og Torfi synir Sr. Páls sáluga Ámundasonar, sem hjelt Kolfreyjustað í Fáskrúðsfirði. Ábúandinn Hallur Jónsson. Landskult lx álnir nú og tvö fyrirfarandi ár, fyrir 12 árum ii C undir 30 ár, fyrir 40 árum iii C og ekki meiri so hjer undirrjettist. Betalast í landaurum nú sem stendur, og so atla menn að oftast hafi verið, og þykjast ekki vita að hjer hafi með jafnaði fiskatal verið áskilið. Leigukúgildi vi inn til næstu 12 ára, nú i og næstu 2 ár, en þess í milli vita nálægir ekki grant að undirrjetta um kúgildisfjöldan. Leigan betalast í smjöri, og so var áður þá kúgildin voru vi. Kvaðir öngvar. Kvikfje iiii kýr, i kvíga veturgömul, xxxvii ær, xiii sauðir tvævetrir og eldri, xviii veturgamlir, xx lömb, i hestur, i hross, i foli þrevetur, iii geitur, ii hauðnur. Fóðrast kann vi kúa þúngi, so sem nálægir þykjast næst komast eftir sinni hyggju, en áþur hefur þetta sæmileg heyskapargjörð verið, en afskaplega fordjörfuð af órækt bæði til túns og engja. Útigángur góður meðan niðri nær, en mjög svipull fyrir fannlögum, og þarf roskið fje hey nærri til helminga, og lömb mesta part fóður. Hestagánga í lakara lagi. Skógur til kolgjörðar að mestu eyddur, en til eldiviðar bjarglegur. Torfrista og stúnga bjargleg. Reiðíngsrista hefur verið, meinast eydd. Víðirrif nokkurt, brúkast til heystyrks. Reka á jörðina fyrir utan Litlufjöru milli Hellirs og Svínár og kallast Skriðureki. Rekavon þar í minna lagi, því festifjara er engin. Engjatak á jörðin takmarkað, þó lítið sje, í Hraunkots landi, sem Engibakki heitir, og hefur lengstum brúkast átölulaust. Ekki vita nálægir að undirrjetta greinilega um fleiri ítök jarðarinnar, þó rómur sje á að hún hafi í fyrstunni víðar náð, þá er það fyrir lángvarandi brúkunarleysi mönnum fornt orðið, og verður ekki því um þau fleira skrifað. Túnið er fordjarfað af órækt og sprettur lítt, sem orsakast af leysingavatni, sem jetur úr rótina. Engið þornar upp og sprettur lítt og er mjög víða mosavaxið og graslítið. Úthagarnir eru miklir og sæmilega grösugir, og ljær ábúandi beit til Jódísarstaða sem áður segir. Hætt er kvikfje fyrir Álfasíki og nokkrum lækjum. Vatnsból er erfitt fyrir fannlögum. Kirkjuvegur til Múla ut supra. Skriðuland, partur af Skriðu. Bygð niður frá heimatúninu fyrir manna minni, en eyðilagðist í bólunni, afdeilt að túni og engjum og reiknaðist fjórðúngur allrar jarðarinnar meðan bygðin varaði, að dýrleika xxv C, og só tíundast ut supra. Landskuld lxx álnir, seinast bygt var, og so að fornu. Betalaðist með landaurum til heimabóndans eður fiskatali. Leigukúgildi iii. Leigan í smjöri til heimabóndans. Kvaðir öngvar. Fóðrast kunni, seinast bygt var, ij kýrþúngi. Aftur má hjer byggja, ef fólk til fengist. Skriðu Sel, forn eyðihjáleiga hjér í landinu út í skóginum, sem hefur í eyði legið vel 40 ár, og veit því enginn nálægur um hennar byggingarkosti að undirrjetta. Ekki má hjer aftur byggja, því túnið er víði vaxið en heyskapur enginn. Steinstader kallast örnefni sunnarlega í Skriðu landi, þar atla menn að í fyrndinni hafi bygt verið, þó þess sjáist mjög lítil merki tóftaleifa og girðinga, því þetta pláss er mestallt í blauta mýri komið og má því hjer ekki aftur byggja. toponym value occupant rent livestock local resources pasture quality tenant farm 1 - name tenant farm 1 - rent tenant farm 1 - hay tenant farm 2 - name ecclesiastical status owner property debt social obligations hay production external resource rights reservoir quality tenant farm 1 - debt tenant farm 1 - obligations tenant farm 2 - reoccupation? noteworthy toponyms
  • 15. networks of homesteads and resources Lögbýli Tenant farm Environmental resources
  • 16. Local power centres External ownership agents Homesteads Subsidiary farms Resources
  • 17. 0 10 205 Km 0 2 41 Km
  • 18. working definition the spatial syntax of a farm comprises an assemblage of relational networks, some relations internal to the farm boundaries, others connecting to external nodes such as other farms and common land. but any definition and interpretation is supported by a ʻsafetry netʼ of the original textual material. just how far do these networks extend?
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  • 23. the edge - or ledge ! - of this type of thinking these networks immediately call to mind the justified critique of network analysis as rigid, deterministic, inflexible these ʻlinesʼ are really vectors of material, human and animal flows they are rarely straight, but crooked, spindly, storied in terms of the underlying data, the lines are temporary interpretations, or suggestions. this is reflected in the data structure the ridigity and fixity of the above networks are at odds with lived experience but network approaches help in keeping track of how these storied lines spiral and intersect
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  • 26. paying rent in 18th century rural Iceland
  • 27. using driftwood in 18th century rural Iceland
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  • 30. Accessibility and issues PostgreSQL backend API at WFS and WMS services to both primary geo- metric tables and database views FSI has focused on the site and historical information, leaving the excavation material very unstructured Textual, Icelandic, living Modelled on Icelandic ʻfeudalʼ society, making integration and comparison to other national datasets a challenge Not tied to our PDF gray reports, but as every object has an ID itʼs possible to mine reports to build that relationship