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Description & Steps
Consult CHAPTER 13 of Writing: Ten Core Conceptsto develop
and complete your project. (You may also need to consult
CHAPTER 3, as directed by the steps in CHAPTER 13.) Below
are specific details related to this project to consider as you
progress through each core writing concept.
the topic
For this project, you will return to the problem, issue, or
controversy you researched for Writing Project 3: Annotated
Bibliography. Only this time, you will a take a stand on that
problem, issue, or controversy, arguing in order to accomplish
one or more of the following:
· “to Solve a Problem” by advocating a course of action you
think should be taken in response to it (Yagelski 319)
· “to Assert a Position” by supporting a particular view you
hold on the issue (319-320)
· “to Inquire” more deeply into the controversy, questioning
assumptions or misunderstandings about it, in order to bring
others to a better understanding of the issue (320)
· “to Prevail” by opposing and refuting a set of viewpoints on
the issue or controversy that you disagree with in order to
convince others to take a stand against it with you (320-321)
In this project, your purpose is to persuade your audience,
convincing them to accept your view (or least accept that your
view is reasonable) by asserting a position or arguing to inquire
more deeply about it, or convincing them to take the course of
action you are endorsing (or at least recognize it as credible and
worthwhile) by proposing a solution to the problem or arguing
to prevail and taking a stand against the views or actions of
Step 1 of CHAPTER 13 will guide you as you continue to refine
your opinions on the problem, issue, or controversy you are
addressing. Besides CHAPTER 13, you should also consult your
Working Outline; learning materials in Modules 12, 13, and 14;
and the Modules 11 & 12 Discussion on thesis statements, to
deepen your thinking and prepare for your first draft.
Examine rhetorical context
For this project, you will select a relevant audience based on the
problem, issue, or controversy you are writing about and the
stance you are taking on it. This will be a different audience
than the audience of classmates and instructor who wrote in for
the previous writing projects. To determine your audience, you
should consider the following questions about audience:
· Who has a stake in this issue? Who would care about your
position on this issue?
· Who do you think can benefit from hearing your arguments
about the issue?
· Who do you think needs to be made aware of the issue and
your viewpoint on it?
· Who do you think is impacted by the problem or issue that
would like to hear that someone is on their side?
· Who you do you want to persuade or convince of the view or
course of action you are advocating?
To develop a rhetorical context for this project, you will write a
purpose statement. Use the questions above, Step 2 in
CHAPTER 3, and Step 2 of CHAPTER 13, to specifically
describe your Audience, Time, Place, and Purpose for your
Argument. What you write for Step 2 will be your purpose
statement, which you will submit as part of your first draft, due
in Module 13. See Assignment Specifics, below, for information
on writing your purpose statement.
Select a medium
Your medium for this project will be a formal academic
manuscript and must meet the guidelines listed below.
Instruction on these guidelines can be found in CHAPTERS 24
or 25 of our textbook and Writing Project 3: Argument in
Module 12.
· Minimum 1250 words for the first draft; minimum 1500 words
for the final draft; both drafts double-spaced in 12-point Times
New Roman font
· Formatted according to either APA or MLA style (as specified
by your instructor)
· Use of correct in-text citations of any ideas or information
borrowed from sources
· A formal list of all sources (a References list for APA or a
Works Cited list for MLA) used, following APA or MLA style.
Have something
to say
Step 4 of CHAPTER 13 will guide you as you refine the thesis
statement from your Working Outline, with the purpose of
clearly articulating your central claim or argument to your
specific audience. Note that your thesis statement must take a
stand on the issue, problem, or controversy you address,
expressing your focused, debatable, and supportable view on
some aspect of the problem or controversy.
Back up what you say
In this step, you will begin to write a first draft for this project,
due in Module 13. This draft isn’t complete, though, until
you’ve applied ideas you developed in Step 6.
In the Working Outline, you have already begun to select
evidence to support your view. Step 5 in CHAPTER 13 will
guide you as you continue to re-examine the evidence you
previously selected and find additional evidence to build your
arguments and support your thesis statement. Much of this
evidence may come from the sources in your Annotated
Bibliography. But you may also need to find new credible and
relevant sources beyond those you’ve already collected. No
print sources may be used without instructor approval, but
additional sources may be found through the Ivy Tech Library
databases or through some other means (highly credible and
authoritative open Web sources, videos or podcasts,
documentaries or news programs, personal interviews, core
readings from the Core Readings folder, etc.).
Step 5 in CHAPTER 13 will also guide you as you develop a
counterargument. You must include at least one
counterargument in your project, in which you accurately
present at least one viewpoint or claim in opposition to your
stance and effectively refute that claim, using sound reasoning
and valid evidence.
Overall, you must use at least 5 sources, at least 4 of which are
found from the Ivy Tech Virtual Library databases. You may
certainly use (and may well need) more than 5 sources. Use at
least 10 paraphrases and/or quotations from your sources, cited
using correct APA or MLA in-text citations (as specified by
your instructor). In your essay, material from your sources
should be discernible from each other, and your own writing
voice should be discernible from those of the sources.
Establish form and structure
In the Working Outline, you have already begun to develop an
organization for this draft. This step, though, will guide you as
you refine your organizational strategy based on your rhetorical
situation and your refined thesis statement. Remember also that
CHAPTER 11 (pp. 345-348) provides some possible approaches
to organizing your arguments.
TURN IT IN: After you have applied your organizational
strategy to your first draft, you’re ready to submit your purpose
statement and first draft in Module 13. See Assessment
Specifics, below, for information on completing and turning in
the first draft and your purpose statement.
Get feedback
Students will conduct peer response in Module 14, where you
will find instructions on how to conduct peer response.
After you receive feedback from your peers in class, you will
need to review this feedback and develop a strategy for how to
apply that feedback to a revision of your first draft.
Follow this step to revise your first draft. Keep in mind that
your revision of the first draftshould incorporate peer response
feedback you received from your peers as well as guidance
offered in Step 8 of CHAPTER 13.
Along with your final draft, you will submit a cover letter,
describing and explaining the feedback you received from your
peers and how you revised your first draft based on that
feedback and on Step 8. See Assignment Specifics, below, for
information on writing the cover letter.
Strengthen your voice
In this step, you will think about and make changes to yourdraft
based on language choices: developing your voice, tone, and
writing style in the draft. CHAPTER 26 of Writing: Ten Core
Concepts offers a number of stylistic considerations. These
kinds of changes may also be discussed in your cover letter.
Make it correct
In this step, you will look for errors in grammar, punctuation,
and spelling and correct them. CHAPTER 27 of Writing: Ten
Core Concepts offers guidance on the kinds of errors to find and
correct. You will also look to confirm that you correctly cited
your sources and correctly formatted your draft according to
APA or MLA style and make any necessary corrections. Do
NOT discuss these kinds of changes in your cover letter.
TURN IT IN: After you applied this step, you’re ready to
submit your cover letter and final draft in Module 15. See
Assessment Specifics, below, for information on completing and
turning in the final draft and cover letter.
Assessment Specifics & Grading Rubrics
The following provides specific information for completing and
submitting your project assignments – the your purpose
statement and first draft, due in Module 13, and the cover letter
and final draft, due in Module 15.
FIRST DRAFT - Due in Module 13 (20 points)
Your Purpose Statement Specifics
· Minimum 200 words (successful analyses are often longer)
· Answer some of the following questions to determine your
audience: Who has a stake in this issue? Who would care about
your position on this issue?Who do you think can benefit from
hearing your arguments about the issue?Who do you think needs
to be made aware of the issue and your viewpoint on it?Who do
you think is impacted by the problem or issue that would like to
hear that someone is on their side?Who you do you want to
persuade or convince of the view or course of action you are
· Following Step 2 in CHAPTERS 3 and 13, analyze and
specifically describe your Time, Place, and Purpose of your
· Place your purpose statement at the beginning of your first
draft, before the first page of your actual composition
First Draft Specifics
· An essay taking a stand and making arguments in support of a
view or course of action on the issue, problem, or controversy
developed in Writing Project 3.
· Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement
advocating your view on the problem or controversy
· Use of evidence from sources, objectively and accurately
· Effective reasoning that demonstrates how the evidence
supports the thesis and the specific arguments being made
· A logical organizational structure that clearly and effectively
guides readers through the arguments being made
· Use of evidence from sources (at least 10 quotations and/or
paraphrases), clearly discernible from each other and from the
writer’s voice and cited using correct in-text citations
· Use of at least 5 relevant and highly credible sources, at least
4 from the Ivy Tech Library databases. (No Print Sources.)
· APA or MLA manuscript style, as specified by your instructor,
with in-text citations and a References or Works Cited list
including ALL sources used. (References or Works Cited list
does not count in the minimum word-count requirement)
· Observation of the conventions of Standard English
· 1250 words minimum for first draft (the minimum 200 words
for your purpose statement is not included in this count)
First Draft Rubric
Effective purpose statement, minimum 200 words
Complete draft with introduction including clear thesis
statement, body, and conclusion—minimum 1250 words
Correct document format in APA or MLA style, as specified by
your instructor, including a References page (APA style) or
Works Cited page (MLA style) listing at least 5 sources, at least
4 found using the Ivy Tech Virtual Library databases. No print
sources. Use of at least 10 quotes (words, phrases, or key
sentences) and/or paraphrases (key details or ideas rephrased in
your own words), cited using correct APA or MLA in-text
20 points
FINAL DRAFT - Due in Module 15 (175 points)
Cover Letter Specifics
· Minimum 200 words (successful cover letters are often longer)
· Address letter to your instructor
· Answer at least 3 of the 6 questions below (where applicable)
provide brief, specific examples of the following in your cover
· What is your primary motivation or purpose for writing your
draft? Who is your intended audience? What revisions did you
make in order to improve how you accomplish this purpose
and/or appeal to this audience?
· What feedback did you receive from your peers? How did you
use this feedback to revise your draft? How do these revisions
improve your draft?
· What feedback did you receive from other sources, such as
your instructor or tutors? How did you use this feedback to
revise your draft? How do these revisions improve your draft?
· What have you decided to revise in your draft, apart from
feedback you received? Why? How do these revisions improve
your draft?
· What problems or challenges did you encounter while writing
or revising your draft? How did you solve them?
· What valuable lessons about writing effectively have you
learned as a result of composing this project?
· Place the cover letter at the beginning of your final draft,
before the first page of your actual composition; delete your
purpose statement
Final Draft Specifics
· An essay taking a stand and making arguments in support of a
view or course of action on the issue, problem, or controversy
developed in Writing Project 3.
· Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement
advocating your view on the problem or controversy
· Use of evidence from sources, objectively and accurately
· Effective reasoning that demonstrates how the evidence
supports the thesis and the specific arguments being made
· Opposing views that are accurately presented and effectively
refuted with reasons and evidence
· A logical organizational structure that clearly and effectively
guides readers through the arguments being made
· Use of evidence from sources (at least 10 quotations and/or
paraphrases), clearly discernible from each other and from the
writer’s voice and cited using correct in-text citations
· Use of at least 5 relevant and highly credible sources, at least
4 from the Ivy Tech Library databases. (No Print Sources.)
· APA or MLA manuscript style, as specified by your instructor,
with in-text citations and a References or Works Cited list
including ALL sources used. (References or Works Cited list
does not count in the minimum word-count requirement)
· Awareness of diverse audiences and use of respectful,
inclusive language
· Observation of the conventions of Standard English
· 1500 words minimum for final draft (the minimum 200 words
for the cover letter is not included in this count)
Final Draft Rubric
Cover Letter
Effective cover letter, describing peer feedback, explaining how
peer feedback was implemented, and explaining how these
changes improved the draft
Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement
advocating your view on the problem or controversy
Introduction provides context for the position being argued and
strives to be relevant to the intended audience. Conclusion
effectively summarizes the content and conveys the significance
of the central thesis to the audience.
Organization is supported with helpful and effective transitions
and with coherent arrangement.
Effective Argument Strategies
Effective support of thesis with good reasoning, relevant and
sufficient evidence, and varied persuasive appeals (ethical,
emotional, logical) as appropriate to the purpose and audience.
Reasoning and evidence used attempts to convince readers of
the validity of the writer’s position or at least convince them
that a reasonable person could hold this view. Avoidance of
logical fallacies. Writer establishes a credible ethos as someone
informed on the topic, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and arguing
in good faith.
Counter-argument and Rebuttal
Important opposing positions are fairly and accurately
acknowledged. Counterarguments based on reasons and
evidence are offered.
Sources and citations
Use of at least 5 relevant and credible sources, at least 4 found
using the Ivy Tech Virtual Library databases. No print sources.
Use of at least 10 quotes or paraphrases from sources. Evidence
is effectively and accurately represented and cited using correct
APA or MLA in-text citations. Sources are discernible from
each other and the writer’s voice is discernible from those of
the sources.
Voice, tone, and stance are appropriate and effective for
material, purpose, and audience. Style is clear, consistent, and
cohesive, appealing appropriately to the intended audience.
Language used demonstrates awareness of diverse audiences.
Respectful language is used when discussing cultural
Clear control of language conventions with few distracting
typos or errors
Document style
Correct document format in APA or MLA style, as specified by
your instructor, including correct References page (APA) or
Works Cited page (MLA)
NOTE: Proportional points may be deducted for final drafts that
do not meet minimum word counts.
175 points

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WRITING PROJECT 4 ArgumentDescription & StepsConsult CHAPTER .docx

  • 1. WRITING PROJECT 4: Argument Description & Steps Consult CHAPTER 13 of Writing: Ten Core Conceptsto develop and complete your project. (You may also need to consult CHAPTER 3, as directed by the steps in CHAPTER 13.) Below are specific details related to this project to consider as you progress through each core writing concept. 1 Explore the topic For this project, you will return to the problem, issue, or controversy you researched for Writing Project 3: Annotated Bibliography. Only this time, you will a take a stand on that problem, issue, or controversy, arguing in order to accomplish one or more of the following: · “to Solve a Problem” by advocating a course of action you think should be taken in response to it (Yagelski 319) · “to Assert a Position” by supporting a particular view you hold on the issue (319-320) · “to Inquire” more deeply into the controversy, questioning assumptions or misunderstandings about it, in order to bring others to a better understanding of the issue (320) · “to Prevail” by opposing and refuting a set of viewpoints on the issue or controversy that you disagree with in order to convince others to take a stand against it with you (320-321) In this project, your purpose is to persuade your audience, convincing them to accept your view (or least accept that your view is reasonable) by asserting a position or arguing to inquire more deeply about it, or convincing them to take the course of
  • 2. action you are endorsing (or at least recognize it as credible and worthwhile) by proposing a solution to the problem or arguing to prevail and taking a stand against the views or actions of others. Step 1 of CHAPTER 13 will guide you as you continue to refine your opinions on the problem, issue, or controversy you are addressing. Besides CHAPTER 13, you should also consult your Working Outline; learning materials in Modules 12, 13, and 14; and the Modules 11 & 12 Discussion on thesis statements, to deepen your thinking and prepare for your first draft. 2 Examine rhetorical context For this project, you will select a relevant audience based on the problem, issue, or controversy you are writing about and the stance you are taking on it. This will be a different audience than the audience of classmates and instructor who wrote in for the previous writing projects. To determine your audience, you should consider the following questions about audience: · Who has a stake in this issue? Who would care about your position on this issue? · Who do you think can benefit from hearing your arguments about the issue? · Who do you think needs to be made aware of the issue and your viewpoint on it? · Who do you think is impacted by the problem or issue that would like to hear that someone is on their side? · Who you do you want to persuade or convince of the view or course of action you are advocating? To develop a rhetorical context for this project, you will write a purpose statement. Use the questions above, Step 2 in
  • 3. CHAPTER 3, and Step 2 of CHAPTER 13, to specifically describe your Audience, Time, Place, and Purpose for your Argument. What you write for Step 2 will be your purpose statement, which you will submit as part of your first draft, due in Module 13. See Assignment Specifics, below, for information on writing your purpose statement. 3 Select a medium Your medium for this project will be a formal academic manuscript and must meet the guidelines listed below. Instruction on these guidelines can be found in CHAPTERS 24 or 25 of our textbook and Writing Project 3: Argument in Module 12. · Minimum 1250 words for the first draft; minimum 1500 words for the final draft; both drafts double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font · Formatted according to either APA or MLA style (as specified by your instructor) · Use of correct in-text citations of any ideas or information borrowed from sources · A formal list of all sources (a References list for APA or a Works Cited list for MLA) used, following APA or MLA style. 4 Have something to say Step 4 of CHAPTER 13 will guide you as you refine the thesis statement from your Working Outline, with the purpose of clearly articulating your central claim or argument to your
  • 4. specific audience. Note that your thesis statement must take a stand on the issue, problem, or controversy you address, expressing your focused, debatable, and supportable view on some aspect of the problem or controversy. 5 Back up what you say In this step, you will begin to write a first draft for this project, due in Module 13. This draft isn’t complete, though, until you’ve applied ideas you developed in Step 6. In the Working Outline, you have already begun to select evidence to support your view. Step 5 in CHAPTER 13 will guide you as you continue to re-examine the evidence you previously selected and find additional evidence to build your arguments and support your thesis statement. Much of this evidence may come from the sources in your Annotated Bibliography. But you may also need to find new credible and relevant sources beyond those you’ve already collected. No print sources may be used without instructor approval, but additional sources may be found through the Ivy Tech Library databases or through some other means (highly credible and authoritative open Web sources, videos or podcasts, documentaries or news programs, personal interviews, core readings from the Core Readings folder, etc.). Step 5 in CHAPTER 13 will also guide you as you develop a counterargument. You must include at least one counterargument in your project, in which you accurately present at least one viewpoint or claim in opposition to your stance and effectively refute that claim, using sound reasoning and valid evidence. Overall, you must use at least 5 sources, at least 4 of which are
  • 5. found from the Ivy Tech Virtual Library databases. You may certainly use (and may well need) more than 5 sources. Use at least 10 paraphrases and/or quotations from your sources, cited using correct APA or MLA in-text citations (as specified by your instructor). In your essay, material from your sources should be discernible from each other, and your own writing voice should be discernible from those of the sources. 6 Establish form and structure In the Working Outline, you have already begun to develop an organization for this draft. This step, though, will guide you as you refine your organizational strategy based on your rhetorical situation and your refined thesis statement. Remember also that CHAPTER 11 (pp. 345-348) provides some possible approaches to organizing your arguments. TURN IT IN: After you have applied your organizational strategy to your first draft, you’re ready to submit your purpose statement and first draft in Module 13. See Assessment Specifics, below, for information on completing and turning in the first draft and your purpose statement. 7 Get feedback Students will conduct peer response in Module 14, where you will find instructions on how to conduct peer response. After you receive feedback from your peers in class, you will need to review this feedback and develop a strategy for how to apply that feedback to a revision of your first draft. 8 Revise
  • 6. Follow this step to revise your first draft. Keep in mind that your revision of the first draftshould incorporate peer response feedback you received from your peers as well as guidance offered in Step 8 of CHAPTER 13. Along with your final draft, you will submit a cover letter, describing and explaining the feedback you received from your peers and how you revised your first draft based on that feedback and on Step 8. See Assignment Specifics, below, for information on writing the cover letter. 9 Strengthen your voice In this step, you will think about and make changes to yourdraft based on language choices: developing your voice, tone, and writing style in the draft. CHAPTER 26 of Writing: Ten Core Concepts offers a number of stylistic considerations. These kinds of changes may also be discussed in your cover letter. 10 Make it correct In this step, you will look for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling and correct them. CHAPTER 27 of Writing: Ten Core Concepts offers guidance on the kinds of errors to find and correct. You will also look to confirm that you correctly cited your sources and correctly formatted your draft according to APA or MLA style and make any necessary corrections. Do NOT discuss these kinds of changes in your cover letter. TURN IT IN: After you applied this step, you’re ready to submit your cover letter and final draft in Module 15. See
  • 7. Assessment Specifics, below, for information on completing and turning in the final draft and cover letter. WRITING PROJECT 4: Argument Assessment Specifics & Grading Rubrics The following provides specific information for completing and submitting your project assignments – the your purpose statement and first draft, due in Module 13, and the cover letter and final draft, due in Module 15. FIRST DRAFT - Due in Module 13 (20 points) 1. Your Purpose Statement Specifics · Minimum 200 words (successful analyses are often longer) · Answer some of the following questions to determine your audience: Who has a stake in this issue? Who would care about your position on this issue?Who do you think can benefit from hearing your arguments about the issue?Who do you think needs to be made aware of the issue and your viewpoint on it?Who do you think is impacted by the problem or issue that would like to hear that someone is on their side?Who you do you want to persuade or convince of the view or course of action you are advocating? · Following Step 2 in CHAPTERS 3 and 13, analyze and specifically describe your Time, Place, and Purpose of your draft. · Place your purpose statement at the beginning of your first draft, before the first page of your actual composition 2. First Draft Specifics · An essay taking a stand and making arguments in support of a view or course of action on the issue, problem, or controversy developed in Writing Project 3. · Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement advocating your view on the problem or controversy · Use of evidence from sources, objectively and accurately interpreted · Effective reasoning that demonstrates how the evidence
  • 8. supports the thesis and the specific arguments being made · A logical organizational structure that clearly and effectively guides readers through the arguments being made · Use of evidence from sources (at least 10 quotations and/or paraphrases), clearly discernible from each other and from the writer’s voice and cited using correct in-text citations · Use of at least 5 relevant and highly credible sources, at least 4 from the Ivy Tech Library databases. (No Print Sources.) · APA or MLA manuscript style, as specified by your instructor, with in-text citations and a References or Works Cited list including ALL sources used. (References or Works Cited list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement) · Observation of the conventions of Standard English · 1250 words minimum for first draft (the minimum 200 words for your purpose statement is not included in this count) First Draft Rubric Criteria Points Effective purpose statement, minimum 200 words 5 Complete draft with introduction including clear thesis statement, body, and conclusion—minimum 1250 words 10 Correct document format in APA or MLA style, as specified by your instructor, including a References page (APA style) or Works Cited page (MLA style) listing at least 5 sources, at least 4 found using the Ivy Tech Virtual Library databases. No print sources. Use of at least 10 quotes (words, phrases, or key sentences) and/or paraphrases (key details or ideas rephrased in your own words), cited using correct APA or MLA in-text
  • 9. citations. 5 TOTAL 20 points FINAL DRAFT - Due in Module 15 (175 points) 1. Cover Letter Specifics · Minimum 200 words (successful cover letters are often longer) · Address letter to your instructor · Answer at least 3 of the 6 questions below (where applicable) provide brief, specific examples of the following in your cover letter: · What is your primary motivation or purpose for writing your draft? Who is your intended audience? What revisions did you make in order to improve how you accomplish this purpose and/or appeal to this audience? · What feedback did you receive from your peers? How did you use this feedback to revise your draft? How do these revisions improve your draft? · What feedback did you receive from other sources, such as your instructor or tutors? How did you use this feedback to revise your draft? How do these revisions improve your draft? · What have you decided to revise in your draft, apart from feedback you received? Why? How do these revisions improve your draft? · What problems or challenges did you encounter while writing or revising your draft? How did you solve them?
  • 10. · What valuable lessons about writing effectively have you learned as a result of composing this project? · Place the cover letter at the beginning of your final draft, before the first page of your actual composition; delete your purpose statement 2. Final Draft Specifics · An essay taking a stand and making arguments in support of a view or course of action on the issue, problem, or controversy developed in Writing Project 3. · Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement advocating your view on the problem or controversy · Use of evidence from sources, objectively and accurately interpreted · Effective reasoning that demonstrates how the evidence supports the thesis and the specific arguments being made · Opposing views that are accurately presented and effectively refuted with reasons and evidence · A logical organizational structure that clearly and effectively guides readers through the arguments being made · Use of evidence from sources (at least 10 quotations and/or paraphrases), clearly discernible from each other and from the writer’s voice and cited using correct in-text citations · Use of at least 5 relevant and highly credible sources, at least 4 from the Ivy Tech Library databases. (No Print Sources.) · APA or MLA manuscript style, as specified by your instructor, with in-text citations and a References or Works Cited list including ALL sources used. (References or Works Cited list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement) · Awareness of diverse audiences and use of respectful,
  • 11. inclusive language · Observation of the conventions of Standard English · 1500 words minimum for final draft (the minimum 200 words for the cover letter is not included in this count) Final Draft Rubric Criteria Description Points Cover Letter Effective cover letter, describing peer feedback, explaining how peer feedback was implemented, and explaining how these changes improved the draft 10 Thesis Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement advocating your view on the problem or controversy 15 Introduction/ Conclusion Introduction provides context for the position being argued and strives to be relevant to the intended audience. Conclusion effectively summarizes the content and conveys the significance of the central thesis to the audience. 15 Organization Organization is supported with helpful and effective transitions
  • 12. and with coherent arrangement. 20 Effective Argument Strategies Effective support of thesis with good reasoning, relevant and sufficient evidence, and varied persuasive appeals (ethical, emotional, logical) as appropriate to the purpose and audience. Reasoning and evidence used attempts to convince readers of the validity of the writer’s position or at least convince them that a reasonable person could hold this view. Avoidance of logical fallacies. Writer establishes a credible ethos as someone informed on the topic, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and arguing in good faith. 35 Counter-argument and Rebuttal Important opposing positions are fairly and accurately acknowledged. Counterarguments based on reasons and evidence are offered. 10 Sources and citations Use of at least 5 relevant and credible sources, at least 4 found using the Ivy Tech Virtual Library databases. No print sources. Use of at least 10 quotes or paraphrases from sources. Evidence is effectively and accurately represented and cited using correct APA or MLA in-text citations. Sources are discernible from each other and the writer’s voice is discernible from those of the sources. 20 Style Voice, tone, and stance are appropriate and effective for material, purpose, and audience. Style is clear, consistent, and cohesive, appealing appropriately to the intended audience. Language used demonstrates awareness of diverse audiences.
  • 13. Respectful language is used when discussing cultural differences. 20 Conventions Clear control of language conventions with few distracting typos or errors 15 Document style Correct document format in APA or MLA style, as specified by your instructor, including correct References page (APA) or Works Cited page (MLA) 15 TOTAL NOTE: Proportional points may be deducted for final drafts that do not meet minimum word counts. 175 points