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Occlusion and orthodontics by Almuzian
The ‘ideal’ occlusion described by orthodontists today is derived from the work published
by Angle (1900) and Andrews (1972, 1989).
It is generally assumed (Andrews, 1976; Roth, 1976) that an ideal static occlusal
relationship is compatible with an ideal functional occlusion, but this is not necessarily so
(Tipton and Rinchuse, 1991).
Ideal occlusion
It refer to an occlusion which has ideal static (Andrews six keys) and functional occlusal
relationship (mutually protected occlusion)
 It is any deviation from the physiologically acceptable contact of opposing dentition.
 It is static contact between lower teeth with upper teeth.
Static Occlusion
 it is the relationship between the maxillary and mandibular teeth when the teeth are brought
to maximum intercuspation.
Functional Occlusion
 It is the occlusal contacts of the maxillary and mandibular teeth during function (speech,
mastication, and swallowing). Therefore, this type of occlusion should be free of
interferences in the non-working side. Three types of occlusion can be aimed at to be the
goal of functional occlusion after orthodontic treatment, which are:
1. Group function occlusion
2. Canine guidance occlusion.
3. Anterior/ Incisal guidance occlusion.
Intercuspal position (ICP)
It is the occlusal position with the teeth in maximum intercuspation (Synonymous with
centric occlusion).
Working Side
The side the mandible moves to-wards in lateral excursion.
Non-Working side
The side the mandible moves away from during lateral excursions.
Lateral excursions
Posterior teeth relationship is achieved by canine protected occlusion and group function
Terminal Hinge Axis (retruded/terminal arc of closure)
It is terminology often used to describe the intercondylar axis in CR. The condyles rotate
(hinge) on this axis during initial mandibular opening, approximately 25mm, before the
translation phase of TMJ movement occurs down the articular eminences
Retruded Contact Position (RCP)
The occlusal position when the condyle in the retruded axis position. Few millimetre
discrepancies between RCP and ICP are acceptable. Coincidence of ICP and RCP found in
22% of population only (Shefter and McFall, 1984)
Habitual closing movements
The ICP of the successive closure is the result of a conditioned reflex, generated by a
‘memory’ in the neuromuscular system, known as an engram. In some individuals, the
conditioned reflex makes manipulation of the condyles into the retruded axis position very
difficult to achieve. If tooth contact is prevented by using an anterior jig or bite plane for a
short period of time (approximately 10 minutes is usually adequate; Lucia, 1964) the
proprioceptive feedback leading to reflex closure in ICP is broken. The mandible can then
be more easily guided into the retruded axis position. (Short term deprogramming
Balanced occlusion
During the entire lateral movement posterior teeth on both the working side and the non-
working side are in contact. Present day thinking has completely dismissed this concept for
restoring the natural dentition, although it is still useful in complete denture construction.
Group Function
During the entire lateral movements the buccal cusps of the posterior teeth on the working
side are in contact. There are no tooth contacts on the non-working side.
Anterior/Incisal guidance
When the front teeth are placed together on their biting edges the posterior teeth should not
Canine protected Occlusion (canine guidance)
During the lateral excursion, contact occurs only between the upper and lower canine on
the working side. There is no contact between the teeth on the non-working side. The
canine tooth is the most appropriate tooth to guide the mandibular excursion. There are a
number of reasons why this might be so:
I. The canine has a good crown/root ratio, capable of tolerating high occlusal forces;
II. The canine root has a greater surface area than adjacent teeth, providing greater
III. The shape of the palatal surface of the upper canine is concave and is suitable for guiding
lateral movements.
Andrews’s six keys of ideal occlusion:
Andrews (1972) have described the ideal occlusion in adults based on his study of 120
casts of non-orthodontics norms; compared to 1150 post-treatment study casts that were
presented at the American Association of Orthodontists. The six morphological
characteristics of optimal occlusion was the basis for the development of straight wire
appliance. It is worth mentioned that even these non orthodontic norm has a variable degree
of SD (up to 15 degree) however the occlusion stil considered optimal.
Andrews’s six keys are:
1. Molar relationship:
 The distal surface of the distal marginal ridge of the upper first permenant molar contacts
and occludes with the mesial surface of the mesial marginal ridge of the lower second
 The mesiobuccal cusp of the upper first permanent molar falls within the groove between
the mesial and middle cusps of the lower first permanent molar.
 The mesiolingual cusp of the upper first molar seats in the central fossae of the lower first
2. Crown Angulation (Tip)
In normally occluded teeth the gingival portion of the long axis of each crown is distal to
the occlusal portion of that axis. The degree of tip varies with each tooth type.
3. Crown Inclination (Torque)
Crown inclination is the angle between a line that is perpendicular to the occlusal plane,
and a line tangent to the middle of the labial or buccal clinical crown.
 Anterior crowns: In upper incisors, the occlusal portion of the crown’s labial surface is
labial to the gingival portion.
 Upper posterior crowns: Lingual crown inclination is slightly more pronounced in the
molars than in the cuspids and bicuspids.
 Lower posterior crowns: Lingual inclination progressively increases from the cuspids
through molars.
4. Rotations
Teeth should be free of undesirable rotations. If rotated, a molar or bicuspid occupies more
space than normally (a condition un-receptive of normal occlusion). A rotated incisor can
occupy less space than normal.
5. Contact points (Spacing)
In the absence of such abnormalities as genuine tooth-size discrepancies, contact points
should be tight.
6. Curve of Spee:
A flat occlusal plane should be a treatment goal. Measured from the most occlusally
prominent-cusp of the lower second molar to the lower central incisor, no curve was deeper
than 1.5mm in the non-orthodontics norms.
Roth mentioned that for a functional occlusion we need (Roth 6 keys of functional
1. ICP coincide with RCP
2. Cuspal guidance or Canine guidance (the decision to provide cuspal or canine guidance
depend on the FMPA. In high angle case, group function is the aim and opposite in low
angle case. Di Pietro 1977).
3. Incisor guidance
4. Upper teeth overlap lower
5. Biting along the LA of the teeth
The six identified characteristics were deemed to be realistic treatment objectives for
more than 90% of the patients accepted by North American orthodontists and for white
people only
Another problem lies in the dynamics of wire bending effects. For example, as you place
torque in the anterior part of the archwire you negate tip by a ratio of four-to-one (wagon
Wheel effect)
 Bennett and McLaughlin Seventh Key:
A seventh key was added by Bennett and McLaughlin (1993) which is correct tooth size;
i.e. no tooth-size discrepancies.
Importance of functional tooth contacts
It has frequently been proposed that the following problems can result from certain patterns
of functional tooth contact.
1. Mandibular dysfunction, egermark-erikson et al (1983)show no evidence
2. Bruxism, Egermark-Erikson et al (1983)show no evidence
3. Periodontal disease, there is very little work to support it except the work by Ericsson,
Thilander and Lindhe 1978) on beagle dogs with experimental periodontitis which done on
animal and can not rely on it.
4. Instability of tooth position, Roth claims that but there is no evidence.
Types of articulators in orthodontics
1. Hinge 'articulators' should be considered a cast holding instrument rather than a true
articulator. does not permit lateral movements.
2. Plane Line and Average Value articulators permit both vertical and horizontal movements
but do not address finer movements of the TMJs. The horizontal movements are based on
average angles which are usually 30 (for condylar guidance, 15( for incisal guidance and an
intercondylar distance of 110mm)
3. Semi-adjustable articulators can accept a facebow (see below) and can be adjusted in the
vertical, sagittal and horizontal planes to approximate lateral and protrusive mandibular
 ARCON - ARticulator CONdyle. The condylar ball is on the lower arm and the articular
fossa is on the upper arm (e.g. Denar).
 Non-ARCON - The condyles are on the upper arm (e.g. Dentatus).
4. Fully-adjustable articulators aim to provide more adjustments and a greater degree of
accuracy. They require pantographic tracings, which attempt to record border movements
of the mandible, and the articulator is adjusted to simulate these movements. These
instruments are expensive, time-consuming and rely on excellent laboratory support to
ensure the degree of accuracy is maintained.
The use of articulator in orthodontics by Clark 2001
There are few indications for the use of articulator-mounted casts in orthodontics.
Their use is advocated in the following circumstances:
1. Where a significant discrepancy (>2 mm) exists between RCP and ICP.
2. Multiple missing teeth.
3. Orthognathic cases.
4. Although the evidence for occlusal parameters in the aetiology of TMD is equivocal, the
articulator-mounting of study models pre-orthodontic treatment and pre-debond in
individuals with TMD is recommended. This will enable the clinician to ensure that
occlusal interferences are eliminated prior to debond and a record retained of the funcional
occlusal relationships for medico-legal purposes.
 A facebow is an instrument which records and allows the transfer of the relationship of the
terminal hinge intercondylar axis and the maxillary dentition from the patient to the
 The procedure permits a more accurate simulation of lateral and protrusive mandibular
 The facebow method is specific to the articulator system. For the more commonly used
Denar system, the posterior reference point is the external auditory meatus (in the region of
the inter-condylar axis) whilst the anterior reference point is 42mm vertically above the
incisal edge of the right lateral incisor
Inter-occlusal Record (IR)
1. ICP
 Injectable silicones (Jet-Bite, BluMouse)
 Conventional wax-bites.
2. CR
 This position, also known as 'pre-centric', is recorded to assess the first contact for the re-
organised approach for restorative dentistry
 To obtain the pre-centric record a jig is made to hold the teeth apart and stabilise the jaws
whilst the IR material hardens.
How to achieve dynamic occlusion?
A. Di Pietro, 1977, investigated the frequency of naturally occurring patterns of occlusion.
 He found canine guidance truly exists in only 35% of normal occlusions, and these always
have low Frankfort/Mandibular plane angles and flat occlusal planes.
 Group function is more frequent, and becomes progressively more posterior as the cant of
the occlusal plane increases.
B. The decision whether to aim for canine guidance or group function should thus be based on
evaluating the probability of finishing a case to a low angle, flat occlusal plane dento-facial
 In forward growth rotation, canine guidance is the aim,
 a posterior rotation will favour group function.
C. Correct bracket height, giving good levelling of the arches with adequately stiff finishing
wires will enable smooth intercuspal contacts to be achieved.
D. Consistent arch forms, with particular attention to final co-ordination will also ensure that
the arches fit together on closure.
E. The clinician must develop the ability to assess centric relation correctly and treat to that
position, eliminating any mandibular shift that may be present initially.
The 6Elements Orthodontic Philosophy by Andrews
Optimal Tooth and Arch Characteristics
An arch is optimal when: the roots are centered over basal bone, the crowns are inclined so
the teeth can interface and function optimally, the Curve of Spee is between 0 and 2.5 mm,
the contact areas abut, and skeletal maxillary width is in harmony with skeletal mandibular
width (Element III).
Optimal Anteroposterior (AP) Jaw Positions
The AP position of the maxilla is optimal when the FA points of Element I maxillary
incisors are on the Goal Anterior Limit Line (GALL). Mandibular AP position is optimal
when it is in centric relation, the incisors are Element I and they interface optimally with
Element I incisors in an optimal maxilla.
Optimal Jaw Widths
Mandibular width is naturally optimal for most individuals. Maxillary width is optimal
when the distance (X’ mm) between the mesio-lingual cusp tips of Element I maxillary rst
molars is equal to the distance (X mm) between the central fossae of the Element I
mandibular rst molars.
Optimal Jaw Heights
Jaw heights are optimal when: the tooth positions are Element I, the middle anterior, lower
anterior, and posterior face heights are equal, the maxillary incisors’ FA points are level
with the lower border of the upper lip in repose, and the occlusal plane is in harmony with
function and esthetics.
Optimal Chin Prominence
Chin prominence is measured independently AP of jaw position. Assuming normal
soft tissue thickness, chin prominence is optimal when pogonion point matches the
prominence of the FA points of Element I mandibular incisors.
Optimal Occlusion
Optimal occlusion involves: the Six Keys
to Optimal Occlusion*, Element I teeth
and arches, and the Element II, III, and IV jaw positions. Collectively, these are the
characteristics of an esthetic, functional, and healthy occlusion.
Written by Mohammed Almuzian
1. Introduction
2. Normal and Ideal Occlusion
2.1 Reasons for Classification
2.2 Historical review of Angle’s Classification
2.3 Weakness of Angle’s Classification system
2.4 Additions to Angle’s system of Classification and
other classification systems
3.0 Classification in Primary Dentition
4.0 Modern Concepts of Classification and
Treatment goals
5.0 Conclusions
6.0 References
1.0 Introduction
It is logical to create orderliness out of chaos and to simplify all things
disorganised and complex. In orthodontics, we are dealing with biological variations and
malocclusions are not so easily sorted and classified. It is not surprising then, that Angle’s
classification, although universally accepted for the last 100 years is not without its many
shortcomings. Classification itself is not diagnosis. No two Class II malocclusion are
similar .It is no wonder that orthodontics cannot be practiced primarily by any set of rules,
however cleverly devised. The following discussion will touch on normal and ideal
occlusion, the reasons for classification, a brief historical review of Angle’s classification,
additions to Angle’s classification, types of classification systems and modern concepts on
2.0 Normal and ideal occlusion
To classify malocclusion, one must have a concept of normal occlusion.
Normal occlusion is not synonymous with ideal occlusion. “Normal” implies a range
around a mean or average, whereas “ideal” represents a hypothetical concept or goal.
Therefore, a “normal” occlusion would be one with all teeth present and occluding in a
stable and pleasing manner but with variations in position within acceptable normal range.
Normal occlusion, conceived to represent 100% perfection, was a myth( Katz, 1990).
2.1 Reasons for classification
Why do we need to classify? It is done for traditional reasons, for ease of
reference, for purposes of comparison, and for ease in self communication (Moyers1988).
It is part of the diagnostic and treatment planning procedure. It summarizes diagnostic data
and implies a treatment plan. Furthermore it reduces and condenses the data base of clinical
information to a list of the patient’s problems ( Proffit, 2000).
Strang (1950) defined classification as a process of analysing cases of malocclusion for the
purpose of segregating them into a small number of groups; these groups are characterised
by certain specific and fundamental variations from normal occlusion of teeth. These
variations, in turn, become influential and deciding factors in determining the correct plan
of treatment.
According to Katz (1990), classification is a vital element in the diagnosis of a
malocclusion and in treatment planning. It also facilitates communication between
professionals since it provides dentists with a common descriptive language.
2.2 Historical review of Angle’s Classification
Edward Angle published his “Classification of Malocclusion” in 1899 in the
periodical, Dental Cosmos. He utilised the presumed constancy of the position of the
maxillary first molar to develop a morphologic standard for classification. He
supplemented the information presented in this article in the publication in 1900 of the
sixth edition of his book, Treatment of the Teeth and Fractures of the Maxillae. However,
there are some obvious and pertinent differences in the information presented in these two
publications and the information contained in the 1907, seventh edition of his book,
Treatment of Malocclusion of the Teeth.
In 1900, Angle considered the maxillary permanent first molars and maxillary permanent
canines important teeth from which to judge the mesio-distal interarch relationship of the
dental arches, but he believed all the teeth were to be taken into consideration when
determining the classification of cases.
Angle described in minute detail each contacting cusp incline to prove his point that in
ideal occlusion every tooth ( except the lower centrals and upper third molars) should have
two antagonists (fig 1.).Therefore, even if the mesiobuccal cusp of the upper first molar
fitting perfectly into the lower molar buccal groove, the patient does not possess proper
occlusion; unless the upper first molar also has a mesial crown tilt that allows the distal
incline of the distal cusp of the upper first molar to occlude with the mesial incline of the
mesial cusp of the lower second molar
An occlusion where the first molars classically fit the criteria of the upper mesiobuccal
cusp to lower buccal groove , but the premolars and canine contact only one opponent tooth
each, would be considered Class I by Angle( fig.2). However, Angle would not have
considered the occlusion as “ideal” occlusion.
Fig. 1. Angle’s prototype ideal occlusion. All teeth (except the lower centrals and upper
third molars) have two antagonists. Note proper mesial tilt of the upper first molars.
Mesio-lingual cusp of first maxillary molar must sit in central lingual fossa of lower first
. 2. Traditional Angle Class I molar
(mesiobuccal cusp in lower molar
However, teeth have only one
In his 1900,sixth edition text, Angle defined Class II malocclusion as an abnormal
mesiodistal relation of jaws and dental arches in which all mandibular teeth occlude distally
to normal by the width of one bicuspid. Class III malocclusion was defined as an abnormal
relation in which the mandibular teeth are positioned mesial to normal by the width of one
bicuspid ( Class I would have a range of approximately 14mm; if the premolar is assumed
to be of 7.5mm in width).
However, in 1907, and in his seventh edition work, he made a significant modification in
the definition of Class II and Class III malocclusions. Angle altered the amount of
deviation from ideal Class I to either Class II or Class III malocclusion from “width of a
bicuspid” to “deviation from ideal of more than one-half the width of one cusp”.( Class I
now has a range of 7mm ). He mentioned that, one must consider, first, the mesio-distal
relations of the jaws and dental arches, as indicated by the relation of the lower first molars
with the upper first molars- the keys to occlusion; and second, the positions of the
individual teeth, carefully noting their relations to the line of occlusion.
Angle summarized the classification as follows:
Class I. Arches in normal mesio-distal relations
Class II. Lower arch distal to normal in its relation to the upper arch
Division 1. Bilaterally distal, protruding upper incisors
Subdivision. Unilaterally distal, protruding upper incisors.
Division 2. Bilaterally distal, retruding upper incisors.
Subdivision. Unilaterally distal, retruding upper incisors.
Class III. Lower arch mesial to normal in its relation to upper arch.
Subdivision. Unilaterally mesial.
2.3 Weakness of Angle’s classification system
1) Although it is an adequate classification of antero-posterior relationships , it did not
include information about the transverse and vertical planes.
2) It did not consider the profile of the patient i.e the relationship of the teeth to the face
3) It contained no information as to which jaw was at fault; Angle assumed that it was
always the mandible, which was not the case and was misleading if the skeletal
proportions did not match the occlusal relationships.
4) It cannot differentiate between analogous ( having only the same occlusal relationships)
and homologous ( having all characteristics in common ) malocclusions.
5) It does not indicate the complexity and severity of the problem.
6) Cephalometrics have demonstrated that the upper first molar and canine can assume a
range of possible positions compared to the facial skeleton
7) It does not address the dynamic situation of the first molars during the transitional phase
of the late mixed primary dentition.
8) It does not address the malocclusion in primary teeth.
2.4 Additions to Angle’s systemof classification and other classification systems
The deficiencies in the original Angle system led to a series of informal
additions at an early stage. Gradually, Angle’s classification numbers were extended to
refer to four distinct but related characteristics: the classification of malocclusion, as in the
original plan; the molar relationship; the skeletal jaw relationship; and the pattern of
growth.( Proffit, 1993).
Molar and Jaw Relationship Molar and Jaw Relationship Molar and Jaw
Dental Malocclusion Skeletal and/or Dental Skeletal and/or Dental
(Crowding, etc) Malocclusion
The basis of the Angle classification was the relationship of the first molar teeth and the
alignment (or the lack of it ) of the teeth relative to the line of occlusion. It therefore has
four groups:
Normal occlusion Normal ( Class I ) molar relationship, teeth on line of
Class I malocclusion Normal ( Class I ) molar relationship, teeth crowded, rotated
Class II malocclusion Lower molar distal to upper molar, relationship of other
teeth to line of occlusion not specified
Class III malocclusion Lower molar mesial to upper, relationship of other teeth to
line of occlusion not specified.
In the United Kingdom, the labio-lingual incisor relationship is also classified as
Class I “Normal” incisor overjet and the lower incisors occluding on the incisal
third of the upper incisors
Class II Increased in overjet, the lower incisors occluding on the cingulum of
the Division 1 upper incisors or distally into the palatal tissue
Class II Deep overbite and minimal overjet
Divvision 2
Class III Three or all mandibular incisors occluding labially to maxillary incisors
In the 1930s, the German orthodontist Simon proposed a new system of
classification based on a specific recording of the vertical orientation of the jaws to the
cranium by what Simon called “gnathostatic” casts. He tried to relate the dentition to the
cranium in three dimensions of space: the median sagittal plane ( using the midpalatal
raphe) at right angles to the Frankfurt horizontal plane , at right angle to the orbital
plane.However, this system is cumbersome and little used in practice.
In 1938, Strang described his seven process of case study for classification. His emphasis
was on the position of the mandible and its superimposed dentures in relation to cranial
anatomy in determining correct classification.These processes include assessing :
1) A study of the inclined plane relationship
2) A study of the axial inclination of each dental unit
3) A frontal analysis of midline deviations and condylar positions
4) Rotations of buccal teeth, especially the maxillary molars
5) Consideration of lost teeth, unerupted , missing and supernumerary teeth
6) A study of frontal and profile photographs
7) A study of profile cephalograms
His directions required mentally repositioning the first molars to their “proper” location
using determinations such as axial positions of other teeth, especially the canines
Ricketts and others ( late 1960) designed a computerised cephalometric analysis that
classified malocclusions from a cephalometric radiograph rather than from casts. The
distance along the occlusal plane between the distal surfaces of the mandibular and
maxillary molars were used as criteria in the classification. In Class I, the mandibular molar
is 3mm forward, in Class II, the maxillary molar is forward or even, and in Class III, the
mandibular molar is more than 6mm forward.
The canines are also used, in Class I, the maxillary canine cusp tip is 2mm distal to the
mandibular canine cusp tip, in Class II, the maxillary canine cusp tip is 1mm or more
forward, and in Class III, the maxillary cusp tip is more than 5mm distal to the mandibular
In 1969, Ackerman and Proffit proposed a new classification scheme that combines five
descriptive characteristics for malocclusions : alignment in occlusal view, profile and soft
tissue, transverse plane deviations ( crossbites ), sagittal plane deviations( antero-posterior)
using Angle’s classification, and vertical problems of bite depth. The five characateristics
can each be found alone or in overlapping combination for a total of nine classification
3.0 Classification in Primary Dentition
Primary molars are classified by the relationship of the distal surface of the
lower second molar relative to the distal surface of the upper second molar. Canines are
classified by the relationship of their long axes ( Wei, 1988).
Mesial step primary molar; distal surface of the lower second molar is mesial to the distal
surface of the upper second molar. Canines are Class I; long axis of the upper canine
occludes in embrasure distal to lower canine.
Flush terminal plane; distal surfaces of upper and lower second molars and flush. Canines
are classified as end-to-end because their long axes are aligned
Distal step primary molar and Class II canine relationship; distal surface of lower second
molar is distal to the upper molar and the upper canine occludes in the embrasure mesial to
the lower canine
Mesial step molar, but the upper canine occludes farther distal than the embrasure distal to
the lower canine ; this is called a Class III canine relationship.
Proffit 2000
4.0 Modern concepts of classification and treatment goals
Remember Angle’s classification of Class I is a range. Unfortunately, many
orthodontist use Class I as a goal of successful treatment. Katz (1992) proposed a premolar
derived classification.
Class I The most anterior upper premolar fits exactly into the embrasure created by the distal
contact of the most anterior lower premolar.
When this relationship is achieved, the canines will relate correctly, as will the incisors.
Molar relation is not a major concerned. This classification will work when teeth are
extracted in only one arch. If no premolar exist in a quadrant, then the center axis of the
upper canine crown should be used as a reference to the distal contact of the lower canine.
This modified classification can also be quantified and lend it to computerisation.
For the mixed dentition, the center axis of the upper first decidous molar should split the
embrasure between both lower decidous molars. In the event that an upper first decidous
molar is lost, a line drawn through the centre axis of the edentulous space should bisect the
embrasure between the two lower deciduous molars.
5.0 Conclusion
Edward Angle’s classification of malocclusion, although with many
shortcomings as described has stood the test of time because it is easy to understand and
apply. It has become the established language of communication between orthodontist and
also accepted by the legal profession. Numerous other classifications has evolved to make
up for the weakness of the Angle’s Classification. In current practise, extraction is common
and the attainment of Class I molars is sometime not possible or desired. A modified Class
I classification has been proposed and described. Classification in the mixed dentition has
also been addressed. Most classifications are static and not truly inclusive eg. no
consideration of the temporomandibular articulations. As clinicians, we must remember
that classification is not diagnosis, it is only an aid in grouping of cases of similar
appearance for ease of communication and discussion. Each individual case should be
treated on its own merit and strict adherence to a “Classification oriented goal” is not
always desired.
6.0 References:
Angle E. Treatment of malocclusion of the teeth and fractures of maxillae.
Angle system.7th ed. Philadelphia: SS White Manufacturing ,1907
Katz M.I. et al. The 100 year dilemma: what is a normal occlusion, and how is
malocclusion classified? Quintessence Int. 1990:21:407-414.
Katz M.I. Angle classification revisited 1: Is current use reliable. Am. J.
Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop. 1992:102:173-179
Katz M.I. Angle classification revisited 2: A modified Angle classification.
Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop. 1992:102:277-284
Moyers R.E. Handbook of Orthodontics 4th ed. Year Book Medical Publishers
Inc. 1988: 183-195
Proffit W. Contemporary Orthodontics 2nd ed. Mosby Year Book Inc. 1993:
Rinchuse D. and Ambiguities of Angle’s classification. Angle Orthod.1989: 59:295-
Rinchuse D. 298.
Strang R.H.W. A text-book of Orthodontia. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Feibiger,
Wei S.H.Y. Pediatric Dentistry , total patient care. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Lea &
Feibiger, 1988: 431

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Occlusion and orthodontics by Almuzian

  • 1. Occlusion and orthodontics by Almuzian The ‘ideal’ occlusion described by orthodontists today is derived from the work published by Angle (1900) and Andrews (1972, 1989). It is generally assumed (Andrews, 1976; Roth, 1976) that an ideal static occlusal relationship is compatible with an ideal functional occlusion, but this is not necessarily so (Tipton and Rinchuse, 1991). Ideal occlusion It refer to an occlusion which has ideal static (Andrews six keys) and functional occlusal relationship (mutually protected occlusion) Malocclusion  It is any deviation from the physiologically acceptable contact of opposing dentition. Occlusion  It is static contact between lower teeth with upper teeth. Static Occlusion  it is the relationship between the maxillary and mandibular teeth when the teeth are brought to maximum intercuspation. Functional Occlusion  It is the occlusal contacts of the maxillary and mandibular teeth during function (speech, mastication, and swallowing). Therefore, this type of occlusion should be free of interferences in the non-working side. Three types of occlusion can be aimed at to be the goal of functional occlusion after orthodontic treatment, which are: 1. Group function occlusion 2. Canine guidance occlusion. 3. Anterior/ Incisal guidance occlusion.
  • 2. Intercuspal position (ICP) It is the occlusal position with the teeth in maximum intercuspation (Synonymous with centric occlusion). Working Side The side the mandible moves to-wards in lateral excursion. Non-Working side The side the mandible moves away from during lateral excursions. Lateral excursions Posterior teeth relationship is achieved by canine protected occlusion and group function occlusion. Terminal Hinge Axis (retruded/terminal arc of closure) It is terminology often used to describe the intercondylar axis in CR. The condyles rotate (hinge) on this axis during initial mandibular opening, approximately 25mm, before the translation phase of TMJ movement occurs down the articular eminences Retruded Contact Position (RCP) The occlusal position when the condyle in the retruded axis position. Few millimetre discrepancies between RCP and ICP are acceptable. Coincidence of ICP and RCP found in 22% of population only (Shefter and McFall, 1984) Habitual closing movements The ICP of the successive closure is the result of a conditioned reflex, generated by a ‘memory’ in the neuromuscular system, known as an engram. In some individuals, the conditioned reflex makes manipulation of the condyles into the retruded axis position very difficult to achieve. If tooth contact is prevented by using an anterior jig or bite plane for a short period of time (approximately 10 minutes is usually adequate; Lucia, 1964) the proprioceptive feedback leading to reflex closure in ICP is broken. The mandible can then
  • 3. be more easily guided into the retruded axis position. (Short term deprogramming manoveour) Balanced occlusion During the entire lateral movement posterior teeth on both the working side and the non- working side are in contact. Present day thinking has completely dismissed this concept for restoring the natural dentition, although it is still useful in complete denture construction. Group Function During the entire lateral movements the buccal cusps of the posterior teeth on the working side are in contact. There are no tooth contacts on the non-working side. Anterior/Incisal guidance When the front teeth are placed together on their biting edges the posterior teeth should not touch. Canine protected Occlusion (canine guidance) During the lateral excursion, contact occurs only between the upper and lower canine on the working side. There is no contact between the teeth on the non-working side. The canine tooth is the most appropriate tooth to guide the mandibular excursion. There are a number of reasons why this might be so: I. The canine has a good crown/root ratio, capable of tolerating high occlusal forces; II. The canine root has a greater surface area than adjacent teeth, providing greater proprioception; III. The shape of the palatal surface of the upper canine is concave and is suitable for guiding lateral movements. Andrews’s six keys of ideal occlusion: Andrews (1972) have described the ideal occlusion in adults based on his study of 120 casts of non-orthodontics norms; compared to 1150 post-treatment study casts that were presented at the American Association of Orthodontists. The six morphological
  • 4. characteristics of optimal occlusion was the basis for the development of straight wire appliance. It is worth mentioned that even these non orthodontic norm has a variable degree of SD (up to 15 degree) however the occlusion stil considered optimal. Andrews’s six keys are: 1. Molar relationship:  The distal surface of the distal marginal ridge of the upper first permenant molar contacts and occludes with the mesial surface of the mesial marginal ridge of the lower second molar.  The mesiobuccal cusp of the upper first permanent molar falls within the groove between the mesial and middle cusps of the lower first permanent molar.  The mesiolingual cusp of the upper first molar seats in the central fossae of the lower first molar. 2. Crown Angulation (Tip) In normally occluded teeth the gingival portion of the long axis of each crown is distal to the occlusal portion of that axis. The degree of tip varies with each tooth type. 3. Crown Inclination (Torque) Crown inclination is the angle between a line that is perpendicular to the occlusal plane, and a line tangent to the middle of the labial or buccal clinical crown.  Anterior crowns: In upper incisors, the occlusal portion of the crown’s labial surface is labial to the gingival portion.  Upper posterior crowns: Lingual crown inclination is slightly more pronounced in the molars than in the cuspids and bicuspids.  Lower posterior crowns: Lingual inclination progressively increases from the cuspids through molars.
  • 5. 4. Rotations Teeth should be free of undesirable rotations. If rotated, a molar or bicuspid occupies more space than normally (a condition un-receptive of normal occlusion). A rotated incisor can occupy less space than normal. 5. Contact points (Spacing) In the absence of such abnormalities as genuine tooth-size discrepancies, contact points should be tight. 6. Curve of Spee: A flat occlusal plane should be a treatment goal. Measured from the most occlusally prominent-cusp of the lower second molar to the lower central incisor, no curve was deeper than 1.5mm in the non-orthodontics norms. Roth mentioned that for a functional occlusion we need (Roth 6 keys of functional occlusion) 1. ICP coincide with RCP 2. Cuspal guidance or Canine guidance (the decision to provide cuspal or canine guidance depend on the FMPA. In high angle case, group function is the aim and opposite in low angle case. Di Pietro 1977). 3. Incisor guidance 4. Upper teeth overlap lower 5. Biting along the LA of the teeth The six identified characteristics were deemed to be realistic treatment objectives for more than 90% of the patients accepted by North American orthodontists and for white people only
  • 6. Another problem lies in the dynamics of wire bending effects. For example, as you place torque in the anterior part of the archwire you negate tip by a ratio of four-to-one (wagon Wheel effect)  Bennett and McLaughlin Seventh Key: A seventh key was added by Bennett and McLaughlin (1993) which is correct tooth size; i.e. no tooth-size discrepancies. Importance of functional tooth contacts It has frequently been proposed that the following problems can result from certain patterns of functional tooth contact. 1. Mandibular dysfunction, egermark-erikson et al (1983)show no evidence 2. Bruxism, Egermark-Erikson et al (1983)show no evidence 3. Periodontal disease, there is very little work to support it except the work by Ericsson, Thilander and Lindhe 1978) on beagle dogs with experimental periodontitis which done on animal and can not rely on it. 4. Instability of tooth position, Roth claims that but there is no evidence. Types of articulators in orthodontics 1. Hinge 'articulators' should be considered a cast holding instrument rather than a true articulator. does not permit lateral movements. 2. Plane Line and Average Value articulators permit both vertical and horizontal movements but do not address finer movements of the TMJs. The horizontal movements are based on average angles which are usually 30 (for condylar guidance, 15( for incisal guidance and an intercondylar distance of 110mm) 3. Semi-adjustable articulators can accept a facebow (see below) and can be adjusted in the vertical, sagittal and horizontal planes to approximate lateral and protrusive mandibular movements.
  • 7.  ARCON - ARticulator CONdyle. The condylar ball is on the lower arm and the articular fossa is on the upper arm (e.g. Denar).  Non-ARCON - The condyles are on the upper arm (e.g. Dentatus). 4. Fully-adjustable articulators aim to provide more adjustments and a greater degree of accuracy. They require pantographic tracings, which attempt to record border movements of the mandible, and the articulator is adjusted to simulate these movements. These instruments are expensive, time-consuming and rely on excellent laboratory support to ensure the degree of accuracy is maintained. The use of articulator in orthodontics by Clark 2001 There are few indications for the use of articulator-mounted casts in orthodontics. Their use is advocated in the following circumstances: 1. Where a significant discrepancy (>2 mm) exists between RCP and ICP. 2. Multiple missing teeth. 3. Orthognathic cases. 4. Although the evidence for occlusal parameters in the aetiology of TMD is equivocal, the articulator-mounting of study models pre-orthodontic treatment and pre-debond in individuals with TMD is recommended. This will enable the clinician to ensure that occlusal interferences are eliminated prior to debond and a record retained of the funcional occlusal relationships for medico-legal purposes. Facebows  A facebow is an instrument which records and allows the transfer of the relationship of the terminal hinge intercondylar axis and the maxillary dentition from the patient to the articulator.  The procedure permits a more accurate simulation of lateral and protrusive mandibular movements
  • 8.  The facebow method is specific to the articulator system. For the more commonly used Denar system, the posterior reference point is the external auditory meatus (in the region of the inter-condylar axis) whilst the anterior reference point is 42mm vertically above the incisal edge of the right lateral incisor Inter-occlusal Record (IR) 1. ICP  Injectable silicones (Jet-Bite, BluMouse)  Conventional wax-bites. 2. CR  This position, also known as 'pre-centric', is recorded to assess the first contact for the re- organised approach for restorative dentistry  To obtain the pre-centric record a jig is made to hold the teeth apart and stabilise the jaws whilst the IR material hardens. How to achieve dynamic occlusion? A. Di Pietro, 1977, investigated the frequency of naturally occurring patterns of occlusion.  He found canine guidance truly exists in only 35% of normal occlusions, and these always have low Frankfort/Mandibular plane angles and flat occlusal planes.  Group function is more frequent, and becomes progressively more posterior as the cant of the occlusal plane increases. B. The decision whether to aim for canine guidance or group function should thus be based on evaluating the probability of finishing a case to a low angle, flat occlusal plane dento-facial pattern.  In forward growth rotation, canine guidance is the aim,  a posterior rotation will favour group function. C. Correct bracket height, giving good levelling of the arches with adequately stiff finishing wires will enable smooth intercuspal contacts to be achieved. D. Consistent arch forms, with particular attention to final co-ordination will also ensure that the arches fit together on closure.
  • 9. E. The clinician must develop the ability to assess centric relation correctly and treat to that position, eliminating any mandibular shift that may be present initially. The 6Elements Orthodontic Philosophy by Andrews ELEMENT I Optimal Tooth and Arch Characteristics An arch is optimal when: the roots are centered over basal bone, the crowns are inclined so the teeth can interface and function optimally, the Curve of Spee is between 0 and 2.5 mm, the contact areas abut, and skeletal maxillary width is in harmony with skeletal mandibular width (Element III). ELEMENT II Optimal Anteroposterior (AP) Jaw Positions The AP position of the maxilla is optimal when the FA points of Element I maxillary incisors are on the Goal Anterior Limit Line (GALL). Mandibular AP position is optimal when it is in centric relation, the incisors are Element I and they interface optimally with Element I incisors in an optimal maxilla.
  • 10. ELEMENT III Optimal Jaw Widths Mandibular width is naturally optimal for most individuals. Maxillary width is optimal when the distance (X’ mm) between the mesio-lingual cusp tips of Element I maxillary rst molars is equal to the distance (X mm) between the central fossae of the Element I mandibular rst molars. ELEMENT IV Optimal Jaw Heights Jaw heights are optimal when: the tooth positions are Element I, the middle anterior, lower anterior, and posterior face heights are equal, the maxillary incisors’ FA points are level with the lower border of the upper lip in repose, and the occlusal plane is in harmony with function and esthetics.
  • 11. ELEMENT V Optimal Chin Prominence Chin prominence is measured independently AP of jaw position. Assuming normal soft tissue thickness, chin prominence is optimal when pogonion point matches the prominence of the FA points of Element I mandibular incisors. ELEMENT VI Optimal Occlusion Optimal occlusion involves: the Six Keys to Optimal Occlusion*, Element I teeth and arches, and the Element II, III, and IV jaw positions. Collectively, these are the characteristics of an esthetic, functional, and healthy occlusion.
  • 12.
  • 13. OCCLUSION and MALOCCLUSION Written by Mohammed Almuzian
  • 14. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Normal and Ideal Occlusion 2.1 Reasons for Classification 2.2 Historical review of Angle’s Classification 2.3 Weakness of Angle’s Classification system 2.4 Additions to Angle’s system of Classification and other classification systems 3.0 Classification in Primary Dentition 4.0 Modern Concepts of Classification and Treatment goals 5.0 Conclusions 6.0 References
  • 15. 1.0 Introduction It is logical to create orderliness out of chaos and to simplify all things disorganised and complex. In orthodontics, we are dealing with biological variations and malocclusions are not so easily sorted and classified. It is not surprising then, that Angle’s classification, although universally accepted for the last 100 years is not without its many shortcomings. Classification itself is not diagnosis. No two Class II malocclusion are similar .It is no wonder that orthodontics cannot be practiced primarily by any set of rules, however cleverly devised. The following discussion will touch on normal and ideal occlusion, the reasons for classification, a brief historical review of Angle’s classification, additions to Angle’s classification, types of classification systems and modern concepts on classifications.
  • 16. 2.0 Normal and ideal occlusion To classify malocclusion, one must have a concept of normal occlusion. Normal occlusion is not synonymous with ideal occlusion. “Normal” implies a range around a mean or average, whereas “ideal” represents a hypothetical concept or goal. Therefore, a “normal” occlusion would be one with all teeth present and occluding in a stable and pleasing manner but with variations in position within acceptable normal range. Normal occlusion, conceived to represent 100% perfection, was a myth( Katz, 1990). 2.1 Reasons for classification Why do we need to classify? It is done for traditional reasons, for ease of reference, for purposes of comparison, and for ease in self communication (Moyers1988). It is part of the diagnostic and treatment planning procedure. It summarizes diagnostic data and implies a treatment plan. Furthermore it reduces and condenses the data base of clinical information to a list of the patient’s problems ( Proffit, 2000). Strang (1950) defined classification as a process of analysing cases of malocclusion for the purpose of segregating them into a small number of groups; these groups are characterised by certain specific and fundamental variations from normal occlusion of teeth. These variations, in turn, become influential and deciding factors in determining the correct plan of treatment. According to Katz (1990), classification is a vital element in the diagnosis of a malocclusion and in treatment planning. It also facilitates communication between professionals since it provides dentists with a common descriptive language.
  • 17. 2.2 Historical review of Angle’s Classification Edward Angle published his “Classification of Malocclusion” in 1899 in the periodical, Dental Cosmos. He utilised the presumed constancy of the position of the maxillary first molar to develop a morphologic standard for classification. He supplemented the information presented in this article in the publication in 1900 of the sixth edition of his book, Treatment of the Teeth and Fractures of the Maxillae. However, there are some obvious and pertinent differences in the information presented in these two publications and the information contained in the 1907, seventh edition of his book, Treatment of Malocclusion of the Teeth. In 1900, Angle considered the maxillary permanent first molars and maxillary permanent canines important teeth from which to judge the mesio-distal interarch relationship of the dental arches, but he believed all the teeth were to be taken into consideration when determining the classification of cases. Angle described in minute detail each contacting cusp incline to prove his point that in ideal occlusion every tooth ( except the lower centrals and upper third molars) should have two antagonists (fig 1.).Therefore, even if the mesiobuccal cusp of the upper first molar fitting perfectly into the lower molar buccal groove, the patient does not possess proper occlusion; unless the upper first molar also has a mesial crown tilt that allows the distal incline of the distal cusp of the upper first molar to occlude with the mesial incline of the mesial cusp of the lower second molar
  • 18. An occlusion where the first molars classically fit the criteria of the upper mesiobuccal cusp to lower buccal groove , but the premolars and canine contact only one opponent tooth each, would be considered Class I by Angle( fig.2). However, Angle would not have considered the occlusion as “ideal” occlusion.
  • 19. Fig Fig. 1. Angle’s prototype ideal occlusion. All teeth (except the lower centrals and upper third molars) have two antagonists. Note proper mesial tilt of the upper first molars.
  • 20. Mesio-lingual cusp of first maxillary molar must sit in central lingual fossa of lower first molar. . 2. Traditional Angle Class I molar (mesiobuccal cusp in lower molar groove). However, teeth have only one antagonist. In his 1900,sixth edition text, Angle defined Class II malocclusion as an abnormal mesiodistal relation of jaws and dental arches in which all mandibular teeth occlude distally to normal by the width of one bicuspid. Class III malocclusion was defined as an abnormal relation in which the mandibular teeth are positioned mesial to normal by the width of one bicuspid ( Class I would have a range of approximately 14mm; if the premolar is assumed to be of 7.5mm in width). However, in 1907, and in his seventh edition work, he made a significant modification in the definition of Class II and Class III malocclusions. Angle altered the amount of deviation from ideal Class I to either Class II or Class III malocclusion from “width of a bicuspid” to “deviation from ideal of more than one-half the width of one cusp”.( Class I now has a range of 7mm ). He mentioned that, one must consider, first, the mesio-distal
  • 21. relations of the jaws and dental arches, as indicated by the relation of the lower first molars with the upper first molars- the keys to occlusion; and second, the positions of the individual teeth, carefully noting their relations to the line of occlusion. Angle summarized the classification as follows: Class I. Arches in normal mesio-distal relations Class II. Lower arch distal to normal in its relation to the upper arch Division 1. Bilaterally distal, protruding upper incisors Subdivision. Unilaterally distal, protruding upper incisors. Division 2. Bilaterally distal, retruding upper incisors. Subdivision. Unilaterally distal, retruding upper incisors. Class III. Lower arch mesial to normal in its relation to upper arch. Subdivision. Unilaterally mesial. =
  • 22. 2.3 Weakness of Angle’s classification system 1) Although it is an adequate classification of antero-posterior relationships , it did not include information about the transverse and vertical planes. 2) It did not consider the profile of the patient i.e the relationship of the teeth to the face 3) It contained no information as to which jaw was at fault; Angle assumed that it was always the mandible, which was not the case and was misleading if the skeletal proportions did not match the occlusal relationships. 4) It cannot differentiate between analogous ( having only the same occlusal relationships) and homologous ( having all characteristics in common ) malocclusions. 5) It does not indicate the complexity and severity of the problem. 6) Cephalometrics have demonstrated that the upper first molar and canine can assume a range of possible positions compared to the facial skeleton 7) It does not address the dynamic situation of the first molars during the transitional phase of the late mixed primary dentition. 8) It does not address the malocclusion in primary teeth.
  • 23. 2.4 Additions to Angle’s systemof classification and other classification systems The deficiencies in the original Angle system led to a series of informal additions at an early stage. Gradually, Angle’s classification numbers were extended to refer to four distinct but related characteristics: the classification of malocclusion, as in the original plan; the molar relationship; the skeletal jaw relationship; and the pattern of growth.( Proffit, 1993). CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III Molar and Jaw Relationship Molar and Jaw Relationship Molar and Jaw Relationship Dental Malocclusion Skeletal and/or Dental Skeletal and/or Dental (Crowding, etc) Malocclusion Malocclusion The basis of the Angle classification was the relationship of the first molar teeth and the alignment (or the lack of it ) of the teeth relative to the line of occlusion. It therefore has four groups: Normal occlusion Normal ( Class I ) molar relationship, teeth on line of occlusion Class I malocclusion Normal ( Class I ) molar relationship, teeth crowded, rotated etc.
  • 24. Class II malocclusion Lower molar distal to upper molar, relationship of other teeth to line of occlusion not specified Class III malocclusion Lower molar mesial to upper, relationship of other teeth to line of occlusion not specified. In the United Kingdom, the labio-lingual incisor relationship is also classified as Class I “Normal” incisor overjet and the lower incisors occluding on the incisal third of the upper incisors Class II Increased in overjet, the lower incisors occluding on the cingulum of the Division 1 upper incisors or distally into the palatal tissue Class II Deep overbite and minimal overjet Divvision 2 Class III Three or all mandibular incisors occluding labially to maxillary incisors In the 1930s, the German orthodontist Simon proposed a new system of classification based on a specific recording of the vertical orientation of the jaws to the cranium by what Simon called “gnathostatic” casts. He tried to relate the dentition to the cranium in three dimensions of space: the median sagittal plane ( using the midpalatal raphe) at right angles to the Frankfurt horizontal plane , at right angle to the orbital plane.However, this system is cumbersome and little used in practice. In 1938, Strang described his seven process of case study for classification. His emphasis was on the position of the mandible and its superimposed dentures in relation to cranial anatomy in determining correct classification.These processes include assessing :
  • 25. 1) A study of the inclined plane relationship 2) A study of the axial inclination of each dental unit 3) A frontal analysis of midline deviations and condylar positions 4) Rotations of buccal teeth, especially the maxillary molars 5) Consideration of lost teeth, unerupted , missing and supernumerary teeth 6) A study of frontal and profile photographs 7) A study of profile cephalograms His directions required mentally repositioning the first molars to their “proper” location using determinations such as axial positions of other teeth, especially the canines Ricketts and others ( late 1960) designed a computerised cephalometric analysis that classified malocclusions from a cephalometric radiograph rather than from casts. The distance along the occlusal plane between the distal surfaces of the mandibular and maxillary molars were used as criteria in the classification. In Class I, the mandibular molar is 3mm forward, in Class II, the maxillary molar is forward or even, and in Class III, the mandibular molar is more than 6mm forward. The canines are also used, in Class I, the maxillary canine cusp tip is 2mm distal to the mandibular canine cusp tip, in Class II, the maxillary canine cusp tip is 1mm or more forward, and in Class III, the maxillary cusp tip is more than 5mm distal to the mandibular cusp. In 1969, Ackerman and Proffit proposed a new classification scheme that combines five descriptive characteristics for malocclusions : alignment in occlusal view, profile and soft tissue, transverse plane deviations ( crossbites ), sagittal plane deviations( antero-posterior)
  • 26. using Angle’s classification, and vertical problems of bite depth. The five characateristics can each be found alone or in overlapping combination for a total of nine classification groups. 3.0 Classification in Primary Dentition Primary molars are classified by the relationship of the distal surface of the lower second molar relative to the distal surface of the upper second molar. Canines are classified by the relationship of their long axes ( Wei, 1988). Mesial step primary molar; distal surface of the lower second molar is mesial to the distal surface of the upper second molar. Canines are Class I; long axis of the upper canine occludes in embrasure distal to lower canine. Flush terminal plane; distal surfaces of upper and lower second molars and flush. Canines are classified as end-to-end because their long axes are aligned
  • 27. Distal step primary molar and Class II canine relationship; distal surface of lower second molar is distal to the upper molar and the upper canine occludes in the embrasure mesial to the lower canine Mesial step molar, but the upper canine occludes farther distal than the embrasure distal to the lower canine ; this is called a Class III canine relationship. Proffit 2000 4.0 Modern concepts of classification and treatment goals Remember Angle’s classification of Class I is a range. Unfortunately, many orthodontist use Class I as a goal of successful treatment. Katz (1992) proposed a premolar derived classification.
  • 28. Class I The most anterior upper premolar fits exactly into the embrasure created by the distal contact of the most anterior lower premolar. When this relationship is achieved, the canines will relate correctly, as will the incisors. Molar relation is not a major concerned. This classification will work when teeth are extracted in only one arch. If no premolar exist in a quadrant, then the center axis of the upper canine crown should be used as a reference to the distal contact of the lower canine. This modified classification can also be quantified and lend it to computerisation. For the mixed dentition, the center axis of the upper first decidous molar should split the embrasure between both lower decidous molars. In the event that an upper first decidous molar is lost, a line drawn through the centre axis of the edentulous space should bisect the embrasure between the two lower deciduous molars. 5.0 Conclusion Edward Angle’s classification of malocclusion, although with many shortcomings as described has stood the test of time because it is easy to understand and apply. It has become the established language of communication between orthodontist and also accepted by the legal profession. Numerous other classifications has evolved to make
  • 29. up for the weakness of the Angle’s Classification. In current practise, extraction is common and the attainment of Class I molars is sometime not possible or desired. A modified Class I classification has been proposed and described. Classification in the mixed dentition has also been addressed. Most classifications are static and not truly inclusive eg. no consideration of the temporomandibular articulations. As clinicians, we must remember that classification is not diagnosis, it is only an aid in grouping of cases of similar appearance for ease of communication and discussion. Each individual case should be treated on its own merit and strict adherence to a “Classification oriented goal” is not always desired.
  • 30. 6.0 References: Angle E. Treatment of malocclusion of the teeth and fractures of maxillae. Angle system.7th ed. Philadelphia: SS White Manufacturing ,1907 44-59 Katz M.I. et al. The 100 year dilemma: what is a normal occlusion, and how is malocclusion classified? Quintessence Int. 1990:21:407-414. Katz M.I. Angle classification revisited 1: Is current use reliable. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop. 1992:102:173-179 Katz M.I. Angle classification revisited 2: A modified Angle classification. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop. 1992:102:277-284 Moyers R.E. Handbook of Orthodontics 4th ed. Year Book Medical Publishers Inc. 1988: 183-195 Proffit W. Contemporary Orthodontics 2nd ed. Mosby Year Book Inc. 1993:
  • 31. 175-182 Rinchuse D. and Ambiguities of Angle’s classification. Angle Orthod.1989: 59:295- Rinchuse D. 298. Strang R.H.W. A text-book of Orthodontia. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Feibiger, 1950:79-106 Wei S.H.Y. Pediatric Dentistry , total patient care. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Feibiger, 1988: 431