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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)
(FIGO 2018-NICE 2018-ACOG 2012, ACOG 2013)
Abdelrahman Elqusy
Aetiology Of AUB (PALM-COEIN)
Approach for diagnosis
Treatment of Acute and chronic AUB
Normal Menstrual flow
Average duration of
menses 4 days (2 – 7)
Average amount 35 ml
(10 -80 ml)
Average duration of
menstrual cycle 28days
(21 – 35 days)
Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is
 bleeding from the uterus that is longer than usual
or that occurs at an irregular time.
 Uterine bleeding of abnormal quantity, duration, or
Old Terminology
Polymenorrhoea: cyclic bleeding of normal amount
occurs at too frequent interval < 21 days
Oligomenorrhea cyclic bleeding of normal amount
occurs at infrequent interval > 35 days
Menorrhagia: Excessive (>80 ml) & / or prolonged
bleeding (> 7days) occurs at regular intervals at time
of menstruation
Metrorrhagia: Acyclic bleeding of normal or reduced amount
occurs at irregular intervals (intermittent or continuous)
Hypomenorrhea : Menstrual flow < 30 ml
Menometrorrhagia: prolonged / or excessive bleeding occurs
at irregular intervals
Breakthrough spotting: mild bleeding occurs intermenstrual
due to hormonal therapy
18 to 25 years: cycle length variance >9 days
26 to 41 years: cycle length variance >7 days
42 to 45 years: cycle length variance >9 days
New terminology
Abnormality in Amount
Prolonged menstrual bleeding is defined as menstrual bleeding
consistently lasting >8 days; this is often, but not always,
associated with heavy menstrual bleeding
Heavy Menstrual bleeding (HMB) is >80 mL menstrual blood
loss per cycle
 It should be noted that some patients have had HMB
"normalized" by family members, friends, or health care
providers, and therefore think their heavy volume is "normal.“
 Bleeding volume sufficient to interfere with the woman’s
quality of life
Light menstrual bleeding is uncommon and rarely
related to pathology, although it may be a
presenting symptom of cervical stenosis or
intrauterine synechiae
<5 mL is considered "low volume," a metric that
can only be assessed quantitatively with methods
like the alkaline hematin assay
Abnormalities in frequency
Frequent menstrual bleeding refers to periods that start at
intervals <24days.
Infrequent menstrual bleeding refers to periods that start at
intervals>38 days.
Absent – Absence of menses is either primary (absence of
menarche by age 15 years)or secondary (absence of
spontaneous menstrual bleeding for six months in a patient
who previously had menstrual bleeding) amenorrhea
Intermenstrual bleeding refers to AUB that occurs between well-
defined cyclical menses
1- Cyclical midcycle intermenstrual bleeding
A small amount of bleeding around midcycle associated with the midcycle
drop in circulating estradiol levels that occurs just after ovulation
2- Acyclical intermenstrual bleeding
– Intermenstrual bleeding that is not cyclical or predictable is typically
associated with non-malignant lesions, such as chronic cervicitis /
endometritis or polyps of the cervix or endometrium or intracavitary
uterine fibroids; postcoital bleeding is a frequent symptom
New terminology
1. Heavy Menstrual bleeding (HMB)
2. Heavy Prolonged Menstrual bleeding (HPMB)
3. Intermenstrual bleeding (IMB) (Cyclic – Acyclic)
4. Postmenopausal bleeding (PMB)
Acute versus chronic AUB
Chronic non-gestational AUB in the reproductive years is defined as
bleeding from the uterine corpus that is abnormal in duration,
volume, frequency, and/or regularity, and has been present for the
majority of the preceding 6 months.
 Acute AUB :
Excessively heavy or prolonged bleeding of uterine origin sufficient
in volume as to require urgent or emergency intervention
Bleeding that is profuse and soaks a large sanitary pad or tampon at
every hour or two and continues for two or more hours
Aetiology OF AUB
Aetiology OF AUB (FIGO 2012, 2018)
Diagnosis Nomenclature
Patient with AUB due adenomyosis
Aetiology According Age
New born
Estrogen withdrawal bleeding from maternal blood passage to the
 Premenarche
1. Foreign body
2. Precocious puberty
3. Vulvovaginitis of children
4. Sarcoma of vagina, cervix
 Perimenarche
1. AUB-O , AUB-E
2. Coagulapathy
Childbearing period
1. Complications of pregnancy
2. Traumatic & inflammatory causes
3. benign lesions Myoma , Polyp
4. AUB-O :PCOs
5. Iatrogenic causes; contraception
6. General causes (hemophilia ,ITP, drug-induced)
2.Benign and malignant tumors
3.Traumatic and inflammatory causes
Post menopausal
1.Atrophic endometritis
2.Malignant causes
 Uterine polyps are growths that occur in the
inner lining (endometrium) of the uterus.
 Uterine polyps are usually Benign, but they may
cause problems with periods (menstruation) or
 Usually presented with HMB
 Diagnosed by Transvaginal ultrasound,
Sonohysterography and Hysteroscopy.
 Treatment Hysteroscopic Polypectomy or D&C
 Adenomyosis is the presence of ectopic endometrial glands and stroma located within the
myometrium of the uterine wall.
 diffuse or focal involvement of the myometrium.
 C/P pelvic pain, progressive dysmenorrhea, HMB, and tender symmetrically enlarged
 Investigation
1- U/S : diffusely symmetrically enlarged uterus with cystic areas found within the
myometrial wall (Myometrial cyst).
2- MRI Accurate diagnosis .Diffuse or focal widening of JZ(--Increase junctional zone >12 mm)
 Treatment : LNG-IUS , adenomyomectomy and Hysterectomy
 Leiomyoma uteri is a benign smooth muscle growth of the myometrium
 the possible etiology is hyperestrinism estrogen-dependent tumors
 Submucous fibroid usually associated AUB
 Diagnosis ultrasound ,SIS,MRI
 Treatment : Medical or surgical
Vulval , Vaginal , Cervical ,Uterine and adnexal
 Presented Intermenstrual bleeding , postcoital
bleeding and postmenpuasal bleeding
Coagulation disorder such as Von willebrand disease, ITP ,
Drug –induced and hemophilia
Indications for screen
 Heavy menstrual bleeding since menarche
 One of the following:
1. Postpartum hemorrhage
2. Surgery-related bleeding
3. Bleeding associated with dental work
Two or more of the following
1. Bruising one to two times per month
2. Epistaxis one to two times per month
3. Frequent gum bleeding
4. Family history of bleeding symptoms
Old term : Anovulatory Dysfunctional uterine bleeding ,Metropathia
Acyclic bleeding
HMB, Intermenstrual bleeding, Oligomenorrhea, Amenorrhea
Pathophysiology :During an anovulatory cycle, the corpus luteum does
not form. Thus, the normal cyclical secretion of progesterone does not
occur, and estrogen stimulates the endometrium unopposed. Without
progesterone, the endometrium continues to proliferate, eventually
outgrowing its blood supply; it then sloughs incompletely and bleeds
irregularly and sometimes profusely or for a long time
(Chronic Proliferative Endometrium)
Usually common extremes of age (Perimenarche, Perimenopause)
Cuases of Anovulation
1. Hypothalamic (severe weight loss, stress, drug-induced,
2. Pituitary (Pituitary tumours including prolactinoma, trauma and
3. Ovarian (PCOs)
4. Hypothyroidism ,cushing syndrome
Endometrial Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
1. Abnormalities in platelet plug
2. Inadequate production of VC PGF2-alpha
3. Excessive production of VD PG prostacyclin
Forms :
1. HPMB.
2. Frequent menstrual bleeding (Polymenorrhea)
 Short follicular phase (rapid maturation of GF)
 Short luteal phase (rapid degeneration CL)
3. Infrequent menstrual bleeding (Oligomenorrhea)…..persistent
corpus luteum (Halban disease )
Abnormal uterine bleeding due to medications ….Hormonal
Usually type of bleeding …..Breakthrough bleeding
Usualy some medication causes hyperprolactinemia as
Antipsychotic drugs
Anticoagulant therapy
Not yet classified
1. Uterine arteriovenous malformation
• May be congenital or Acquired
• Doppler ultrasound and CT Angiography may be helpful
• Treatment : uterine artery embolization, Hysterectomy
2. Infection: endometritis , cervicitis
Causes Intermenstrual bleeding
3.Uterine Niche
Postmenstrual spotting
Ultrasound and hystrescopy have a good role for diagnosis
Repair : laparotomy, Laparoscopy, Vaginal and Hysteroscopic
Approach for Diagnosis
History (ACOG 2013)
Age of menarche and menopause
Menstrual bleeding patterns (Calendar based)
 Severity of bleeding (clots or flooding)
 Pain (severity and treatment)
Medical conditions (thyroid , hyperprolactinemia)
Surgical history
Use of medications
 Symptoms and signs of possible bleeding disorder
History suggest Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
1. Passing one blood clot > 1 inch in diameter
2. Changing pads more frequent than every 3 hours
3. Pictoreal blood loss assessment score > 100
4. Flooding or gush sensation
5. Leakage from Protection
6. Diagnosed with anaemia
Menstrual calender
Physical Examination
 General physical
 Vital signs : tachycardia , pale
 Obese ,Acne ,Hirsuitism …..PCOs
 Bruises ,Echymosis ….bleeding disorder
 Enalrged thyroid gland
 Breast show galactorrhea
 Pelvic Examination
 External
 Speculum with Pap test, if needed*
 Bimanual
Laboratory Tests
1. Pregnancy test (blood or urine)
2. Complete blood count , serum ferritin
3. Targeted screening for bleeding disorders (when indicated)† :
Prothrombine time and concetration, platelet function test,
Vonwillebrand factor
4. Thyroid-stimulating hormone level
5. Serum Prolactin level
6. FSH , LH
7. Chlamydia trachomatis
ACOG 2013
Indications of Targeted screening for bleeding disorders
(ACOG 2013)
Heavy menstrual bleeding since menarche
One of the following:
1. Postpartum hemorrhage
2. Surgery-related bleeding
3. Bleeding associated with dental work
Two or more of the following symptoms:
1. Bruising one to two times per month
2. Epistaxis one to two times per month
3. Frequent gum bleeding
4. Family history of bleeding symptoms
NICE 2018
 Do not routinely carry out a serum ferritin test for women with HMB
 Do not carry out female hormone testing for women with HMB.
 Do not carry out thyroid hormone testing for women with HMB unless
other signs and symptoms of thyroid disease are present.
 Testing for coagulation disorders (for example, von Willebrand's disease)
should be considered for women who:
1. have had HMB since their periods started and
2. have a personal or family history suggesting a coagulation disorder
Available Diagnostic or Imaging Tests (when indicated)
1. Saline infusion sonohysterography
2. Transvaginal ultrasonography
3. Magnetic resonance imaging
4. Hysteroscopy
NICE 2018
ACOG 2013
Available Tissue Sampling Methods (when indicated)
typically performed for select patients with HMB with risk
factors, or suspicion, for uterine malignancy
1. Office endometrial biopsy
2. Hysteroscopy directed endometrial sampling (office or
operating room
High risk for Endometrial malignancy
1. Increasing age
2. Unopposed estrogen therapy
3. Tamoxifen therapy
4. Early menarche
5. Late menopause (after age 55)
6. Nulliparity
7. Polycystic ovary syndrome (chronic anovulation)
8. Obesity
9. Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposiscolorectal cancer)
10. Family history of endometrial, ovarian, breast, orcolon cancer
Treatment of Acute and
chronic AUB
Treatment of Acute severe HMB
ACOG 2013
Establish hemodynamic stability
Exclude pregnancy
Identify the source of bleeding
Evaluate the volume of blood loss
Medical management should be the initial treatment for most
patients, if clinically appropriate. Options include
1. IV conjugated equine estrogen,
2. Multi-dose regimens of Ocs
3. Oral progestins
4. Tranexamic acid.
Decisions should be based on the patient’s medical history and
contraindications to therapies.
Patients at high risk for thrombosis
 Estrogen therapy and tranexamic acid are contraindicated in
patients at a high risk of thrombosis
Once the acute bleeding episode has been controlled,
transitioning the patient to long-term maintenance therapy is
Role of intrauterine tamponade
Intrauterine tamponade may be used in conjunction with administration
of blood products to stabilize the patient while more definitive therapy
Surgical options include
1. Dilation and curettage (D&C),
2. Endometrial ablation,
3. Uterine artery embolization
4. Hysterectomy.
The choice of surgical modality (eg, D&C versus hysterectomy) is
based on mentioned factors plus the patient’s desire for future fertility
Specific treatments,
Hysteroscopy with D&C, polypectomy, or myomectomy, may
be required if structural abnormalities are suspected as the
cause of acute AUB
Endometrial ablation,
• should be considered only if other treatments have been
ineffective or are contraindicated, and it should be performed
• only when a woman does not have plans for future
• when the possibility of endometrial or uterine cancer has
been reliably ruled out as the cause of the acute AUB
ACOG 2022
Hemodynamically unstable patients acute uterine
bleeding :Initial stabilization includes obtaining vascular
access and blood product replacement. 'Stabilizing the
patient‘ above.For most patients, we suggest uterine
curettage rather than medical therapy
Uterine curettage can be performed rapidly and is both
diagnostic and therapeutic(cessation or decreased
bleeding is expected in less than one hour).
NB : Patients with a suspected uterine arteriovenous malformation
may be managed differently.
Intrauterine tamponade may be used in conjunction
with administration of blood products while more
definitive therapy (eg, transfer to a high-acuity setting,
preparation for uterine curettage, arrival of a surgeon)
is implemented, or after completion of uterine
curettage should bleeding continue.
ACOG 2022
ACOG 2022
For patients with persistent bleeding after uterine
curettage or prevention of recurrent bleeding, or for
those in whom a waiting period of three or more hours is
not likely to result in the need for additional blood
product transfusion or medical complications, we suggest
intravenous conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) alone
rather than othe rmedical or surgical therapy
ACOG 2022
For hemodynamically stable patients with acute
uterine bleeding we suggest high-dose combined
oral contraceptives (OCs) rather than treatment
with high-dose oral estrogens alone, progestins, or
tranexamic acid
ACOG 2022
For patients in whom medical therapy is contraindicated
or unsuccessful, we suggest endometrial ablation rather
than uterine curettage or uterine artery embolization
(UAE). However, ablation should only be performed in
patients in whom malignancy has been excluded and in
those who have completed childbearing. For patients who
have not completed childbearing, uterine curettage is
Treatment of Chronic uterine bleeding
Non-hormonal treatments for abnormal uterine bleeding
due to ovulatory dysfunction have fewer risks and adverse
effects than hormone therapy and can be given
intermittently, when bleeding occurs. They are used mainly
to treat women who desire pregnancy, who wish to avoid
hormone therapy, or who have heavy regular bleeding
(menorrhagia). Choices include
1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which
reduce bleeding by 25 to 35% and relieve dysmenorrhea
by reducing prostaglandin levels
2. Tranexamic acid, which inhibits plasminogen activator,
reducing menstrual blood loss by 40 to 60%
B- Hormone therapy
(eg, oral contraceptives, progestogens, a long-acting progestin-
releasing intrauterine device [IUD]) is often tried first in women
who want contraception or who are perimenopausal.
This therapy does the following:
Suppresses endometrial development
Reestablishes predictable bleeding patterns
Decreases menstrual flow
Hormone therapy is usually given until bleeding has been
controlled for a few months.
Oral contraceptives (OCs) are commonly given.
OCs, used cyclically or continuously, can control abnormal uterine bleeding due
to ovulatory dysfunction:
 Decrease menstrual blood loss by 40 to 50%
 Decrease breast tenderness and dysmenorrhea
 Decrease risk of uterine and ovarian cancer
 Combination formulations consisting of an estrogen and a progestin or a
progestin alone may be used. Risks of an OC depend on the type of OC,
dose, duration of use, and patient factors.
 If patients using cyclic progestins or progesterone wish to prevent
pregnancy, contraception should be used. Contraceptive options
1. levonorgestrel-releasing IUD: It is effective in up to 97% by 6
months, provides contraception, and relieves dysmenorrhea.
2. Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate injections: They cause
amenorrhea and provide contraception but may cause irregular
spotting and reversible bone loss.
A progestogen can be used alone in the following cases:
1. Estrogen is contraindicated (eg, for patients with cardiovascular risk
factors or prior deep vein thrombosis).
2. Estrogen is declined by the patient.
3. Combination OCs are ineffective after about 3 months of use.
Withdrawal bleeding may be more predictable with cyclic progestin
1. (medroxyprogesterone acetate 10 mg/day orally or norethindrone
acetate 2.5 to 5 mg/day orally) given for 21 days a month than with a
combination OC.
2. Cyclic natural (micronized) progesterone 200 mg/day for 21 days a month
Other treatments that are occasionally used to treat abnormal
uterine bleeding due to ovulatory dysfunction include
1. Danazol:
 It reduces menstrual blood loss (by causing endometrial atrophy)
but has many androgenic adverse effects, which may be lessened by
using lower doses or a vaginal formulation.
 To be effective, danazol must be taken continuously, usually for
about 3 months.
 It is usually used only when other forms of therapy are
2. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists:
 These drugs suppress ovarian hormone production and cause
amenorrhea; they are used to shrink fibroids or the endometrium
 However, their hypoestrogenic adverse effects (eg, osteoporosis)
limit their use to 6 months; they are often used concurrently with
low-dose hormone therapy.
3. Ergot derivatives
are not recommended for treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding due
to ovulatory dysfunction because they are rarely effective.
If pregnancy is desired and bleeding is not heavy, ovulation
induction with clomiphene (50 mg orally on days 5 through 9 of
the menstrual cycle) can be tried.
Hysteroscopy with dilation and curettage (D & C)
 may be therapeutic as well as diagnostic;
 it may be the treatment of choice when anovulatory bleeding is
severe or when hormone therapy is ineffective.
 Structural causes such as polyps or fibroids may be identified or
removed during hysteroscopy.
 This procedure may decrease bleeding but, in some women,
causes amenorrhea due to endometrial scarring (Asherman
Endometrial ablation
(eg, laser, rollerball, resectoscopic, thermal, or freezing)
may help control bleeding in 60 to 80%.
Ablation is less invasive than hysterectomy, and the
recovery time is shorter. .
 Endometrial ablation does not prevent pregnancy.
Pregnancy rates may be as high as 5% after ablation.
Ablation causes scarring which may make sampling the
endometrium difficult later.
Hysterectomy, abdominal or vaginal,
 may be recommended for patients who decline hormone
therapy or who, despite other treatments, have
symptomatic anemia or poor quality of life caused by
persistent, irregular bleeding.

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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB): Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

  • 1. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) Up-to-date (FIGO 2018-NICE 2018-ACOG 2012, ACOG 2013) Abdelrahman Elqusy 2022
  • 2. Definition Terminology Aetiology Of AUB (PALM-COEIN) Approach for diagnosis Treatment of Acute and chronic AUB
  • 3. Normal Menstrual flow Average duration of menses 4 days (2 – 7) Average amount 35 ml (10 -80 ml) Average duration of menstrual cycle 28days (21 – 35 days)
  • 5. Definition Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is  bleeding from the uterus that is longer than usual or that occurs at an irregular time.  Uterine bleeding of abnormal quantity, duration, or schedule
  • 6. Old Terminology Polymenorrhoea: cyclic bleeding of normal amount occurs at too frequent interval < 21 days Oligomenorrhea cyclic bleeding of normal amount occurs at infrequent interval > 35 days Menorrhagia: Excessive (>80 ml) & / or prolonged bleeding (> 7days) occurs at regular intervals at time of menstruation
  • 7. Metrorrhagia: Acyclic bleeding of normal or reduced amount occurs at irregular intervals (intermittent or continuous) Hypomenorrhea : Menstrual flow < 30 ml Menometrorrhagia: prolonged / or excessive bleeding occurs at irregular intervals Breakthrough spotting: mild bleeding occurs intermenstrual due to hormonal therapy
  • 8. 18 to 25 years: cycle length variance >9 days 26 to 41 years: cycle length variance >7 days 42 to 45 years: cycle length variance >9 days
  • 9. New terminology Abnormality in Amount Prolonged menstrual bleeding is defined as menstrual bleeding consistently lasting >8 days; this is often, but not always, associated with heavy menstrual bleeding Heavy Menstrual bleeding (HMB) is >80 mL menstrual blood loss per cycle  It should be noted that some patients have had HMB "normalized" by family members, friends, or health care providers, and therefore think their heavy volume is "normal.“  Bleeding volume sufficient to interfere with the woman’s quality of life
  • 10. Light menstrual bleeding is uncommon and rarely related to pathology, although it may be a presenting symptom of cervical stenosis or intrauterine synechiae <5 mL is considered "low volume," a metric that can only be assessed quantitatively with methods like the alkaline hematin assay
  • 11. Abnormalities in frequency Frequent menstrual bleeding refers to periods that start at intervals <24days. Infrequent menstrual bleeding refers to periods that start at intervals>38 days. Absent – Absence of menses is either primary (absence of menarche by age 15 years)or secondary (absence of spontaneous menstrual bleeding for six months in a patient who previously had menstrual bleeding) amenorrhea
  • 12. Intermenstrual bleeding refers to AUB that occurs between well- defined cyclical menses 1- Cyclical midcycle intermenstrual bleeding A small amount of bleeding around midcycle associated with the midcycle drop in circulating estradiol levels that occurs just after ovulation 2- Acyclical intermenstrual bleeding – Intermenstrual bleeding that is not cyclical or predictable is typically associated with non-malignant lesions, such as chronic cervicitis / endometritis or polyps of the cervix or endometrium or intracavitary uterine fibroids; postcoital bleeding is a frequent symptom
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  • 16. New terminology 1. Heavy Menstrual bleeding (HMB) 2. Heavy Prolonged Menstrual bleeding (HPMB) 3. Intermenstrual bleeding (IMB) (Cyclic – Acyclic) 4. Postmenopausal bleeding (PMB)
  • 17. Acute versus chronic AUB Chronic non-gestational AUB in the reproductive years is defined as bleeding from the uterine corpus that is abnormal in duration, volume, frequency, and/or regularity, and has been present for the majority of the preceding 6 months.  Acute AUB : Excessively heavy or prolonged bleeding of uterine origin sufficient in volume as to require urgent or emergency intervention Bleeding that is profuse and soaks a large sanitary pad or tampon at every hour or two and continues for two or more hours
  • 19. Aetiology OF AUB (FIGO 2012, 2018) PALM COEIN
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  • 21. Diagnosis Nomenclature Example Patient with AUB due adenomyosis P0A1L0M0C0O0E0I0N0
  • 22. Aetiology According Age New born Estrogen withdrawal bleeding from maternal blood passage to the fetus  Premenarche 1. Foreign body 2. Precocious puberty 3. Vulvovaginitis of children 4. Sarcoma of vagina, cervix  Perimenarche 1. AUB-O , AUB-E 2. Coagulapathy
  • 23. Childbearing period 1. Complications of pregnancy 2. Traumatic & inflammatory causes 3. benign lesions Myoma , Polyp 4. AUB-O :PCOs 5. Iatrogenic causes; contraception 6. General causes (hemophilia ,ITP, drug-induced)
  • 24. Perimenopausal 1.AUB-O , AUB-E 2.Benign and malignant tumors 3.Traumatic and inflammatory causes Post menopausal 1.Atrophic endometritis 2.Malignant causes 3.HRT
  • 25. AUB-P  Uterine polyps are growths that occur in the inner lining (endometrium) of the uterus.  Uterine polyps are usually Benign, but they may cause problems with periods (menstruation) or fertility.  Usually presented with HMB  Diagnosed by Transvaginal ultrasound, Sonohysterography and Hysteroscopy.  Treatment Hysteroscopic Polypectomy or D&C
  • 26. AUB-A  Adenomyosis is the presence of ectopic endometrial glands and stroma located within the myometrium of the uterine wall.  diffuse or focal involvement of the myometrium.  C/P pelvic pain, progressive dysmenorrhea, HMB, and tender symmetrically enlarged uterus  Investigation 1- U/S : diffusely symmetrically enlarged uterus with cystic areas found within the myometrial wall (Myometrial cyst). 2- MRI Accurate diagnosis .Diffuse or focal widening of JZ(--Increase junctional zone >12 mm)  Treatment : LNG-IUS , adenomyomectomy and Hysterectomy
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  • 28. AUB-L  Leiomyoma uteri is a benign smooth muscle growth of the myometrium  the possible etiology is hyperestrinism estrogen-dependent tumors  Submucous fibroid usually associated AUB  Diagnosis ultrasound ,SIS,MRI  Treatment : Medical or surgical
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  • 31. AUB-M Vulval , Vaginal , Cervical ,Uterine and adnexal cancer  Presented Intermenstrual bleeding , postcoital bleeding and postmenpuasal bleeding
  • 32. AUB-C Coagulation disorder such as Von willebrand disease, ITP , Drug –induced and hemophilia Indications for screen  Heavy menstrual bleeding since menarche  One of the following: 1. Postpartum hemorrhage 2. Surgery-related bleeding 3. Bleeding associated with dental work Two or more of the following symptoms: 1. Bruising one to two times per month 2. Epistaxis one to two times per month 3. Frequent gum bleeding 4. Family history of bleeding symptoms
  • 33. AUB-O Old term : Anovulatory Dysfunctional uterine bleeding ,Metropathia Hemorragica Acyclic bleeding HMB, Intermenstrual bleeding, Oligomenorrhea, Amenorrhea Pathophysiology :During an anovulatory cycle, the corpus luteum does not form. Thus, the normal cyclical secretion of progesterone does not occur, and estrogen stimulates the endometrium unopposed. Without progesterone, the endometrium continues to proliferate, eventually outgrowing its blood supply; it then sloughs incompletely and bleeds irregularly and sometimes profusely or for a long time (Chronic Proliferative Endometrium)
  • 34. AUB-O Usually common extremes of age (Perimenarche, Perimenopause) Cuases of Anovulation 1. Hypothalamic (severe weight loss, stress, drug-induced, 2. Pituitary (Pituitary tumours including prolactinoma, trauma and inflammation) 3. Ovarian (PCOs) 4. Hypothyroidism ,cushing syndrome
  • 35. AUB-E Endometrial Dysfunctional uterine bleeding Cyclic Causes 1. Abnormalities in platelet plug 2. Inadequate production of VC PGF2-alpha 3. Excessive production of VD PG prostacyclin
  • 36. Forms : 1. HPMB. 2. Frequent menstrual bleeding (Polymenorrhea)  Short follicular phase (rapid maturation of GF)  Short luteal phase (rapid degeneration CL) 3. Infrequent menstrual bleeding (Oligomenorrhea)…..persistent corpus luteum (Halban disease )
  • 37. AUB- I Iatrogenic Abnormal uterine bleeding due to medications ….Hormonal contraception Usually type of bleeding …..Breakthrough bleeding Usualy some medication causes hyperprolactinemia as Antipsychotic drugs Anticoagulant therapy
  • 38. AUB-N Not yet classified 1. Uterine arteriovenous malformation • May be congenital or Acquired • HPMB • Doppler ultrasound and CT Angiography may be helpful • Treatment : uterine artery embolization, Hysterectomy
  • 39. 2. Infection: endometritis , cervicitis Causes Intermenstrual bleeding 3.Uterine Niche Postmenstrual spotting Ultrasound and hystrescopy have a good role for diagnosis Repair : laparotomy, Laparoscopy, Vaginal and Hysteroscopic
  • 41. History (ACOG 2013) Age of menarche and menopause Menstrual bleeding patterns (Calendar based)  Severity of bleeding (clots or flooding)  Pain (severity and treatment) Medical conditions (thyroid , hyperprolactinemia) Surgical history Contraception Use of medications  Symptoms and signs of possible bleeding disorder
  • 42. History suggest Heavy Menstrual Bleeding HMB 1. Passing one blood clot > 1 inch in diameter 2. Changing pads more frequent than every 3 hours 3. Pictoreal blood loss assessment score > 100 4. Flooding or gush sensation 5. Leakage from Protection 6. Diagnosed with anaemia
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  • 46. Physical Examination  General physical  Vital signs : tachycardia , pale  Obese ,Acne ,Hirsuitism …..PCOs  Bruises ,Echymosis ….bleeding disorder  Enalrged thyroid gland  Breast show galactorrhea  Pelvic Examination  External  Speculum with Pap test, if needed*  Bimanual
  • 47. Laboratory Tests 1. Pregnancy test (blood or urine) 2. Complete blood count , serum ferritin 3. Targeted screening for bleeding disorders (when indicated)† : Prothrombine time and concetration, platelet function test, Vonwillebrand factor 4. Thyroid-stimulating hormone level 5. Serum Prolactin level 6. FSH , LH 7. Chlamydia trachomatis
  • 49. Indications of Targeted screening for bleeding disorders (ACOG 2013) Heavy menstrual bleeding since menarche One of the following: 1. Postpartum hemorrhage 2. Surgery-related bleeding 3. Bleeding associated with dental work Two or more of the following symptoms: 1. Bruising one to two times per month 2. Epistaxis one to two times per month 3. Frequent gum bleeding 4. Family history of bleeding symptoms
  • 50. NICE 2018  Do not routinely carry out a serum ferritin test for women with HMB  Do not carry out female hormone testing for women with HMB.  Do not carry out thyroid hormone testing for women with HMB unless other signs and symptoms of thyroid disease are present.  Testing for coagulation disorders (for example, von Willebrand's disease) should be considered for women who: 1. have had HMB since their periods started and 2. have a personal or family history suggesting a coagulation disorder
  • 51. Available Diagnostic or Imaging Tests (when indicated) 1. Saline infusion sonohysterography 2. Transvaginal ultrasonography 3. Magnetic resonance imaging 4. Hysteroscopy NICE 2018
  • 53. Available Tissue Sampling Methods (when indicated) typically performed for select patients with HMB with risk factors, or suspicion, for uterine malignancy 1. Office endometrial biopsy 2. Hysteroscopy directed endometrial sampling (office or operating room
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  • 55. High risk for Endometrial malignancy 1. Increasing age 2. Unopposed estrogen therapy 3. Tamoxifen therapy 4. Early menarche 5. Late menopause (after age 55) 6. Nulliparity 7. Polycystic ovary syndrome (chronic anovulation) 8. Obesity 9. Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposiscolorectal cancer) 10. Family history of endometrial, ovarian, breast, orcolon cancer
  • 56. Treatment of Acute and chronic AUB
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  • 58. Treatment of Acute severe HMB ACOG 2013
  • 59. Establish hemodynamic stability Exclude pregnancy Identify the source of bleeding Evaluate the volume of blood loss Medical management should be the initial treatment for most patients, if clinically appropriate. Options include 1. IV conjugated equine estrogen, 2. Multi-dose regimens of Ocs 3. Oral progestins 4. Tranexamic acid. Decisions should be based on the patient’s medical history and contraindications to therapies.
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  • 62. Patients at high risk for thrombosis  Estrogen therapy and tranexamic acid are contraindicated in patients at a high risk of thrombosis Once the acute bleeding episode has been controlled, transitioning the patient to long-term maintenance therapy is recommended.
  • 63. Role of intrauterine tamponade Intrauterine tamponade may be used in conjunction with administration of blood products to stabilize the patient while more definitive therapy Surgical options include 1. Dilation and curettage (D&C), 2. Endometrial ablation, 3. Uterine artery embolization 4. Hysterectomy. The choice of surgical modality (eg, D&C versus hysterectomy) is based on mentioned factors plus the patient’s desire for future fertility
  • 64. Specific treatments, Hysteroscopy with D&C, polypectomy, or myomectomy, may be required if structural abnormalities are suspected as the cause of acute AUB Endometrial ablation, • should be considered only if other treatments have been ineffective or are contraindicated, and it should be performed • only when a woman does not have plans for future childbearing • when the possibility of endometrial or uterine cancer has been reliably ruled out as the cause of the acute AUB
  • 65. ACOG 2022 Hemodynamically unstable patients acute uterine bleeding :Initial stabilization includes obtaining vascular access and blood product replacement. 'Stabilizing the patient‘ above.For most patients, we suggest uterine curettage rather than medical therapy Uterine curettage can be performed rapidly and is both diagnostic and therapeutic(cessation or decreased bleeding is expected in less than one hour). NB : Patients with a suspected uterine arteriovenous malformation may be managed differently.
  • 66. Intrauterine tamponade may be used in conjunction with administration of blood products while more definitive therapy (eg, transfer to a high-acuity setting, preparation for uterine curettage, arrival of a surgeon) is implemented, or after completion of uterine curettage should bleeding continue. ACOG 2022
  • 67. ACOG 2022 For patients with persistent bleeding after uterine curettage or prevention of recurrent bleeding, or for those in whom a waiting period of three or more hours is not likely to result in the need for additional blood product transfusion or medical complications, we suggest intravenous conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) alone rather than othe rmedical or surgical therapy
  • 68. ACOG 2022 For hemodynamically stable patients with acute uterine bleeding we suggest high-dose combined oral contraceptives (OCs) rather than treatment with high-dose oral estrogens alone, progestins, or tranexamic acid
  • 69. ACOG 2022 For patients in whom medical therapy is contraindicated or unsuccessful, we suggest endometrial ablation rather than uterine curettage or uterine artery embolization (UAE). However, ablation should only be performed in patients in whom malignancy has been excluded and in those who have completed childbearing. For patients who have not completed childbearing, uterine curettage is preferred
  • 70. Treatment of Chronic uterine bleeding
  • 71. Non-hormonal treatments for abnormal uterine bleeding due to ovulatory dysfunction have fewer risks and adverse effects than hormone therapy and can be given intermittently, when bleeding occurs. They are used mainly to treat women who desire pregnancy, who wish to avoid hormone therapy, or who have heavy regular bleeding (menorrhagia). Choices include 1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which reduce bleeding by 25 to 35% and relieve dysmenorrhea by reducing prostaglandin levels 2. Tranexamic acid, which inhibits plasminogen activator, reducing menstrual blood loss by 40 to 60%
  • 72. B- Hormone therapy (eg, oral contraceptives, progestogens, a long-acting progestin- releasing intrauterine device [IUD]) is often tried first in women who want contraception or who are perimenopausal. This therapy does the following: Suppresses endometrial development Reestablishes predictable bleeding patterns Decreases menstrual flow Hormone therapy is usually given until bleeding has been controlled for a few months.
  • 73. Oral contraceptives (OCs) are commonly given. OCs, used cyclically or continuously, can control abnormal uterine bleeding due to ovulatory dysfunction:  Decrease menstrual blood loss by 40 to 50%  Decrease breast tenderness and dysmenorrhea  Decrease risk of uterine and ovarian cancer  Combination formulations consisting of an estrogen and a progestin or a progestin alone may be used. Risks of an OC depend on the type of OC, dose, duration of use, and patient factors.
  • 74.  If patients using cyclic progestins or progesterone wish to prevent pregnancy, contraception should be used. Contraceptive options include 1. levonorgestrel-releasing IUD: It is effective in up to 97% by 6 months, provides contraception, and relieves dysmenorrhea. 2. Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate injections: They cause amenorrhea and provide contraception but may cause irregular spotting and reversible bone loss.
  • 75. A progestogen can be used alone in the following cases: 1. Estrogen is contraindicated (eg, for patients with cardiovascular risk factors or prior deep vein thrombosis). 2. Estrogen is declined by the patient. 3. Combination OCs are ineffective after about 3 months of use. Withdrawal bleeding may be more predictable with cyclic progestin therapy 1. (medroxyprogesterone acetate 10 mg/day orally or norethindrone acetate 2.5 to 5 mg/day orally) given for 21 days a month than with a combination OC. 2. Cyclic natural (micronized) progesterone 200 mg/day for 21 days a month
  • 76. Other treatments that are occasionally used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding due to ovulatory dysfunction include 1. Danazol:  It reduces menstrual blood loss (by causing endometrial atrophy) but has many androgenic adverse effects, which may be lessened by using lower doses or a vaginal formulation.  To be effective, danazol must be taken continuously, usually for about 3 months.  It is usually used only when other forms of therapy are contraindicated.
  • 77. 2. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists:  These drugs suppress ovarian hormone production and cause amenorrhea; they are used to shrink fibroids or the endometrium preoperatively.  However, their hypoestrogenic adverse effects (eg, osteoporosis) limit their use to 6 months; they are often used concurrently with low-dose hormone therapy. 3. Ergot derivatives are not recommended for treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding due to ovulatory dysfunction because they are rarely effective.
  • 78. If pregnancy is desired and bleeding is not heavy, ovulation induction with clomiphene (50 mg orally on days 5 through 9 of the menstrual cycle) can be tried.
  • 79. Hysteroscopy with dilation and curettage (D & C)  may be therapeutic as well as diagnostic;  it may be the treatment of choice when anovulatory bleeding is severe or when hormone therapy is ineffective.  Structural causes such as polyps or fibroids may be identified or removed during hysteroscopy.  This procedure may decrease bleeding but, in some women, causes amenorrhea due to endometrial scarring (Asherman syndrome).
  • 80. Endometrial ablation (eg, laser, rollerball, resectoscopic, thermal, or freezing) may help control bleeding in 60 to 80%. Ablation is less invasive than hysterectomy, and the recovery time is shorter. .  Endometrial ablation does not prevent pregnancy. Pregnancy rates may be as high as 5% after ablation. Ablation causes scarring which may make sampling the endometrium difficult later.
  • 81. Hysterectomy, abdominal or vaginal,  may be recommended for patients who decline hormone therapy or who, despite other treatments, have symptomatic anemia or poor quality of life caused by persistent, irregular bleeding.