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1) Read a path from user and display all directories and files on that path
along with their properties. (Python)
# import OS module
import os
# Get the list of all files and directories
path = "C:UsersIMRDDesktopABC"
dir_list = os.listdir(path)
print("Files and directories in '", path, "' :")
# prints all files
2) Write a program to demonstrate class, object, Inheritance. (Python)
class Animal:
def speak(self):
print("Animal Speaking")
#child class Dog inherits the base class Animal
class Dog(Animal):
def bark(self):
print("dog barking")
d = Dog()
3) Write a program to demonstrate Module and Package. (Python)
File 1)
person1 = {
"name": "John",
"age": 36,
"country": "Norway"
File 2)
import mymodule #mymodule is the first file name
a = mymodule.person1["age"]
Note: Run (save File 1 as a name and this name use as
a package in File 2)
4) Write a function to print prime number in the given range n1 to n2(Python)
print("Prime no.between",lower,"änd",upper,"are:")
for num in range(lower,upper+1):
if num>1:
for i in range(2,num):
5) Write a program to find sum of array.(Python)
def _sum(arr):
sum = 0
for i in arr:
sum = sum + i
# main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
# input values to list
arr = [12, 3, 4, 15]
n = len(arr)
ans = _sum(arr)
print('Sum of the array is ', ans)
Output: Sum of the array is 34
6) Demonstrate exception handling with minimum 3 types of
file.write("hey this is my file")
file =open("111.txt" ,"a")
file.write("n new line ")
7) Write and demonstrate program to read an integer and functions to check
given number is Armstrong or not. (Python).
num=int(input("Enter a number:"))
while temp>0:
digit=temp % 10
sum += digit ** 3
temp //= 10
if num==sum:
print(num,"is an armstrong number")
print(num,"is not an armstrong number")
8) Write the program to read and multiply two matrices of given size. (Python)
# take a 2x2 matrix
A = [[2,2],
# take a 2x2 matrix
B = [[7,1],
result = [[0, 0],
[0, 0,]]
# iterating by row of A
for i in range(len(A)):
# iterating by column by B
for j in range(len(B[0])):
# iterating by rows of B
for k in range(len(B)):
result[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j]
for r in result:
9) Write the program to demonstrate lambda and filter(Python)
d=lambda p:p*5
t=lambda p:p*2
result=list(map(lambda x:x*2+2-4,nums))
print (result)
result=filter (lambda v:v%2!=0,t)
print (list(result))
10) Create a dictionary by adding the key value pair from user. Check for
duplicate before adding. Display the value of key given by user. (Python)
dict = {}
dict['one'] = "This is one"
dict[2] = "This is two"
tinydict = {'name': 'john','code':6734, 'dept': 'sales'}
print (dict['one']) # Prints value for 'one' key
print (dict[2]) # Prints value for 2 key
print (tinydict) # Prints complete dictionary
print (tinydict.keys()) # Prints all the keys
print (tinydict.values())
11) Demonstrate List and Dictionary with its important function (minimum
4). (Python)
a = ["abc", "pqr", "www"]
#define dictionary's
del d[10]
12) Write a program to read a path string from user and list all directories
and filename separately. (Python).
from os import walk
# folder path
dir_path = r'Desktop'
# list to store files name
res = []
for (dir_path, dir_names, file_names) in walk(dir_path):
13) Program to demonstrate function from path module. (Python)
# Python program to explain os.path.normpath() method
# importing os.path module
import os.path
# Path
path = 'Desktop'
# Normalize the specified path
# using os.path.normpath() method
norm_path = os.path.normpath(path)
# Print the normalized path
14) Program to demonstrate function from path module. (Python)
i) Join ii)Split
def split_string(string):
# Split the string based on space delimiter
list_string = string.split(' ')
return list_string
def join_string(list_string):
# Join the string based on '-' delimiter
string = '-'.join(list_string)
return string
# Driver Function
if __name__ == '__main__':
string = 'hey this is my file'
# Splitting a string
list_string = split_string(string)
# Join list of strings into one
new_string = join_string(list_string)
iii) normpath() Method
import os.path
path = r'C:/Users'
norm_path = os.path.normpath(path)
path = r'C:Users.Documents'
norm_path = os.path.normpath(path)
path = r'C:Usersadmintemp..Documents'
norm_path = os.path.normpath(path)
Output: C:Users
iv) exit() Method
# Python program to demonstrate
# exit()
for i in range(10):
if i == 5:
15) Python Program for GUI Architecture-
i)Python Tkinter Widgets – Button
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
top = Tk()
def helloCallBack():
msg=messagebox.showinfo( "Hello Python", "Hello World")
B = Button(top, text ="Hello", command = helloCallBack),y=50)
ii) Python Tkinter Widgets - Checkbutton:
>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> CheckVar1=IntVar()
>>> CheckVar2=IntVar()
>>> C1=Checkbutton
>>> C1.pack()
>>> C2.pack()
>>> top.mainloop()
iii) Python Tkinter Widgets - Canvas :
>>> from tkinter import *
>>> from tkinter import messagebox
>>> top=Tk()
>>> C=Canvas(top,bg="cyan",height=100,width=100)
>>> coord=10,50,90,70
>>> arc=C.create_arc(coord,start=0,extent=97,fill='black')
>>> line=C.create_line(10,10,50,70,fill='white')
>>> C.pack()
>>> top.mainloop()
iv) Python Tkinter Widgets - Entry:
>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> L1=Label(top,text="Enrolment Number")
>>> L1.pack(side=LEFT)
>>> E1=Entry(top,bd=3)
>>> E1.pack(side=RIGHT)
>>> top.mainloop()
v) Python Tkinter Widgets - Frame:
>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> frame=Frame(top)
>>> frame.pack()
>>> frametwo=Frame(top)
>>> frametwo.pack(side=BOTTOM)
>>> redbutton=Button(frame,text="One",fg="red")
>>> redbutton.pack(side=LEFT)
>>> bluebutton=Button(frame,text="Two",fg="blue")
>>> bluebutton.pack(side=LEFT)
>>> greenbutton=Button(frametwo,text="Three",fg="green")
>>> greenbutton.pack(side=BOTTOM)
>>> top.mainloop()
vi) Python Tkinter Widgets - Listbox:
>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> LB1=Listbox(top)
>>> LB1.insert(1,"Hindi")
>>> LB1.insert(2,"Romanian")
>>> LB1.insert(3,"English")
>>> LB1.insert(4,"Gujarati")
>>> LB1.pack()
>>> top.mainloop()
vii) Python Tkinter Widgets – Menu Button:
>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> mb=Menubutton(top,text="style",relief=RAISED)
>>> mb.grid()
>>> mb["menu"]
>>> balayageVar=IntVar()
>>> sombreVar=IntVar()
>>> mb.pack()
>>> top.mainloop()
viii) Python Tkinter Widgets – Radiobutton:
>>> from tkinter import *
>>> def sel():
selection=f"Enjoy your {var.get()}"
>>> top=Tk()
>>> var=StringVar()
>>> R1=Radiobutton(top,text="pizza
>>> R1.pack(anchor=W)
>>> R2=Radiobutton(top,text="burger",variable=var,value='burger',command=sel)
>>> R2.pack(anchor=W)
>>> R3=Radiobutton(top,text="fries",variable=var,value='fries',command=sel)
>>> R3.pack(anchor=W)
>>> label=Label(top)
>>> label.pack()
>>> top.mainloop()
iX) Python Tkinter Widgets – Scrollbar:
>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> scrollbar=Scrollbar(top)
>>> scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=X)
>>> scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=Y)
>>> list=Listbox(top,yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set)
>>> for line in range(22):
list.insert(END,f"Line {str(line)}")
>>> list.pack(side=LEFT,fill=BOTH)
>>> scrollbar.config(command=list.yview)
>>> top.mainloop()
16)Write a function to replace smiley characters in a given sentence with Emoji
/ word sentiment using Dictionary. (Python)
# grinning face
# grinning squinting face
# rolling on the floor laughing
#Crying face
print("N{crying face}")
# grinning face
print("N{grinning face}")
# slightly smiling face
print("N{slightly smiling face}")
# winking face
print("N{winking face}")
17) Create a sample log file and demonstrate Rotating of files
import logging
import time
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
def create_rotating_log(path):
Creates a rotating log
logger = logging.getLogger("Rotating Log")
# add a rotating handler
handler = RotatingFileHandler(path, maxBytes=20,
for i in range(10):"This is test log line %s" % i)
if __name__ == "__main__":
log_file = "test.log"
NOTE-[Before executing this program make sure firstly you create folder and save
this program in a folder because log files is also create at same location.]

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Or else the work is fine only. Lot to learn buddy.... Improve your basics in designing.

  • 1. 1 1) Read a path from user and display all directories and files on that path along with their properties. (Python) # import OS module import os # Get the list of all files and directories path = "C:UsersIMRDDesktopABC" dir_list = os.listdir(path) print("Files and directories in '", path, "' :") # prints all files print(dir_list) 2) Write a program to demonstrate class, object, Inheritance. (Python) class Animal: def speak(self): print("Animal Speaking") #child class Dog inherits the base class Animal class Dog(Animal): def bark(self): print("dog barking") d = Dog() d.bark() d.speak()
  • 2. 2 3) Write a program to demonstrate Module and Package. (Python) File 1) person1 = { "name": "John", "age": 36, "country": "Norway" } File 2) import mymodule #mymodule is the first file name a = mymodule.person1["age"] print(a) Note: Run (save File 1 as a name and this name use as a package in File 2) 4) Write a function to print prime number in the given range n1 to n2(Python) lower=1 upper=10 print("Prime no.between",lower,"änd",upper,"are:") for num in range(lower,upper+1): if num>1: for i in range(2,num): if(num%i)==0: break else: print(num)
  • 3. 3 5) Write a program to find sum of array.(Python) def _sum(arr): sum = 0 for i in arr: sum = sum + i return(sum) # main function if __name__ == "__main__": # input values to list arr = [12, 3, 4, 15] n = len(arr) ans = _sum(arr) print('Sum of the array is ', ans) Output: Sum of the array is 34 6) Demonstrate exception handling with minimum 3 types of exception.(python) i) file=open("111.txt","w") file.write("hey this is my file") file.close() ii) file=open("111.txt","r") print(someText) file.close()
  • 4. 4 iii) file =open("111.txt" ,"a") file.write("n new line ") file.close() 7) Write and demonstrate program to read an integer and functions to check given number is Armstrong or not. (Python). num=int(input("Enter a number:")) sum=0 temp=num while temp>0: digit=temp % 10 sum += digit ** 3 temp //= 10 if num==sum: print(num,"is an armstrong number") else: print(num,"is not an armstrong number") 8) Write the program to read and multiply two matrices of given size. (Python) # take a 2x2 matrix A = [[2,2], [1,1]] # take a 2x2 matrix B = [[7,1], [11,2]]
  • 5. 5 result = [[0, 0], [0, 0,]] # iterating by row of A for i in range(len(A)): # iterating by column by B for j in range(len(B[0])): # iterating by rows of B for k in range(len(B)): result[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j] for r in result: print(r) 9) Write the program to demonstrate lambda and filter(Python) d=lambda p:p*5 t=lambda p:p*2 x=7 x=d(x) x=t(x) x=d(x) print(x) nums=[6,16,26,36,46,56] result=list(map(lambda x:x*2+2-4,nums)) print (result) t=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] result=filter (lambda v:v%2!=0,t) print (list(result))
  • 6. 6 10) Create a dictionary by adding the key value pair from user. Check for duplicate before adding. Display the value of key given by user. (Python) dict = {} dict['one'] = "This is one" dict[2] = "This is two" tinydict = {'name': 'john','code':6734, 'dept': 'sales'} print (dict['one']) # Prints value for 'one' key print (dict[2]) # Prints value for 2 key print (tinydict) # Prints complete dictionary print (tinydict.keys()) # Prints all the keys print (tinydict.values()) 11) Demonstrate List and Dictionary with its important function (minimum 4). (Python) #List a = ["abc", "pqr", "www"] print(a) print(a[1]) #define dictionary's d={6:"six"} d[5]="five" d[10]="ten" print("dictionary",d) del d[10] print("dictionary",d) 12) Write a program to read a path string from user and list all directories and filename separately. (Python). from os import walk # folder path
  • 7. 7 dir_path = r'Desktop' # list to store files name res = [] for (dir_path, dir_names, file_names) in walk(dir_path): res.extend(file_names) print(res) 13) Program to demonstrate function from path module. (Python) # Python program to explain os.path.normpath() method # importing os.path module import os.path # Path path = 'Desktop' # Normalize the specified path # using os.path.normpath() method norm_path = os.path.normpath(path) # Print the normalized path print(norm_path) 14) Program to demonstrate function from path module. (Python) i) Join ii)Split def split_string(string): # Split the string based on space delimiter list_string = string.split(' ')
  • 8. 8 return list_string def join_string(list_string): # Join the string based on '-' delimiter string = '-'.join(list_string) return string # Driver Function if __name__ == '__main__': string = 'hey this is my file' # Splitting a string list_string = split_string(string) print(list_string) # Join list of strings into one new_string = join_string(list_string) print(new_string) iii) normpath() Method import os.path path = r'C:/Users' norm_path = os.path.normpath(path) print(norm_path) path = r'C:Users.Documents' norm_path = os.path.normpath(path) print(norm_path)
  • 9. 9 path = r'C:Usersadmintemp..Documents' norm_path = os.path.normpath(path) print(norm_path) Output: C:Users C:UsersDocuments C:UsersadminDocuments iv) exit() Method # Python program to demonstrate # exit() for i in range(10): if i == 5: print(exit) exit() print(i) Output: 0 1 2 3 4
  • 10. 10 15) Python Program for GUI Architecture- i)Python Tkinter Widgets – Button from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox top = Tk() top.geometry("100x100") def helloCallBack(): msg=messagebox.showinfo( "Hello Python", "Hello World") B = Button(top, text ="Hello", command = helloCallBack),y=50) top.mainloop() ii) Python Tkinter Widgets - Checkbutton: >>> from tkinter import * >>> top=Tk() >>> CheckVar1=IntVar() >>> CheckVar2=IntVar() >>> C1=Checkbutton >>>C1=Checkbutton(top,text="Pizza",variable=CheckVar1,onvalue=1,offvalue=0,h eight=5,width=20) >>>C2=Checkbutton(top,text="Fries",variable=CheckVar2,onvalue=1,offvalue=0,h eight=5,width=20) >>> C1.pack()
  • 11. 11 >>> C2.pack() >>> top.mainloop() iii) Python Tkinter Widgets - Canvas : >>> from tkinter import * >>> from tkinter import messagebox >>> top=Tk() >>> C=Canvas(top,bg="cyan",height=100,width=100) >>> coord=10,50,90,70 >>> arc=C.create_arc(coord,start=0,extent=97,fill='black') >>> line=C.create_line(10,10,50,70,fill='white') >>> C.pack() >>> top.mainloop() iv) Python Tkinter Widgets - Entry: >>> from tkinter import * >>> top=Tk() >>> L1=Label(top,text="Enrolment Number") >>> L1.pack(side=LEFT) >>> E1=Entry(top,bd=3) >>> E1.pack(side=RIGHT) >>> top.mainloop()
  • 12. 12 v) Python Tkinter Widgets - Frame: >>> from tkinter import * >>> top=Tk() >>> frame=Frame(top) >>> frame.pack() >>> frametwo=Frame(top) >>> frametwo.pack(side=BOTTOM) >>> redbutton=Button(frame,text="One",fg="red") >>> redbutton.pack(side=LEFT) >>> bluebutton=Button(frame,text="Two",fg="blue") >>> bluebutton.pack(side=LEFT) >>> greenbutton=Button(frametwo,text="Three",fg="green") >>> greenbutton.pack(side=BOTTOM) >>> top.mainloop() vi) Python Tkinter Widgets - Listbox: >>> from tkinter import * >>> top=Tk() >>> LB1=Listbox(top) >>> LB1.insert(1,"Hindi") >>> LB1.insert(2,"Romanian") >>> LB1.insert(3,"English") >>> LB1.insert(4,"Gujarati")
  • 13. 13 >>> LB1.pack() >>> top.mainloop() vii) Python Tkinter Widgets – Menu Button: >>> from tkinter import * >>> top=Tk() >>> mb=Menubutton(top,text="style",relief=RAISED) >>> mb.grid() >>>,tearoff=0) >>> mb["menu"] >>> balayageVar=IntVar() >>> sombreVar=IntVar() >>>'Balayage',variable=balayageVar) >>>'Sombre',variable=sombreVar) >>> mb.pack() >>> top.mainloop() viii) Python Tkinter Widgets – Radiobutton: >>> from tkinter import * >>> def sel(): selection=f"Enjoy your {var.get()}" label.config(text=selection) >>> top=Tk()
  • 14. 14 >>> var=StringVar() >>> R1=Radiobutton(top,text="pizza slice",variable=var,value='pizza',command=sel >>> R1.pack(anchor=W) >>> R2=Radiobutton(top,text="burger",variable=var,value='burger',command=sel) >>> R2.pack(anchor=W) >>> R3=Radiobutton(top,text="fries",variable=var,value='fries',command=sel) >>> R3.pack(anchor=W) >>> label=Label(top) >>> label.pack() >>> top.mainloop() iX) Python Tkinter Widgets – Scrollbar: >>> from tkinter import * >>> top=Tk() >>> scrollbar=Scrollbar(top) >>> scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=X) >>> scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=Y) >>> list=Listbox(top,yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) >>> for line in range(22): list.insert(END,f"Line {str(line)}") >>> list.pack(side=LEFT,fill=BOTH) >>> scrollbar.config(command=list.yview)
  • 15. 15 >>> top.mainloop() 16)Write a function to replace smiley characters in a given sentence with Emoji / word sentiment using Dictionary. (Python) # grinning face print("U0001f600") # grinning squinting face print("U0001F606") # rolling on the floor laughing print("U0001F923") #Crying face print("N{crying face}") # grinning face print("N{grinning face}") # slightly smiling face print("N{slightly smiling face}") # winking face print("N{winking face}") 17) Create a sample log file and demonstrate Rotating of files import logging import time from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
  • 16. 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_rotating_log(path): """ Creates a rotating log """ logger = logging.getLogger("Rotating Log") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # add a rotating handler handler = RotatingFileHandler(path, maxBytes=20, backupCount=5) logger.addHandler(handler) for i in range(10):"This is test log line %s" % i) time.sleep(1.5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": log_file = "test.log" create_rotating_log(log_file) NOTE-[Before executing this program make sure firstly you create folder and save this program in a folder because log files is also create at same location.]