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Are males going to become extinct?
Contents of discussion 
I. When one should evaluate a male in fertility work-ups? 
II. What is the Overall contribution of male in infertility? 
III. What things should be kept in mind while going for Basic 
evaluation ( reproductive history and semen analysis ) ? 
IV. What is the relevance of Advanced evaluation: endocrines, 
ultrasonography ,specialized tests and DNA Fragmentation tests 
V. Role of Genetic screening of infertile males?
Lets revise the old basics of fertility evaluation
 Involve both partners (not the female only) 
 Provide information 
Chances of conception (theirs and realistic) 
Frequency and timing of sexual intercourse(say no to 
ovulation kits/temp charting etc) 
 Psychological effects of fertility problems & counseling 
 Peer pressure/social family pressure (make things worse) 
NICE , 2011
Contents of discussion 
I. When one should evaluate a male in fertility work-ups? 
II. What is the Overall contribution of male in infertility? 
III. What things should be kept in mind while going for Basic 
evaluation ( reproductive history and semen analysis ) ? 
IV. What is the relevance of Advanced evaluation: endocrines, 
ultrasonography ,specialized tests and DNA Fragmentation tests 
V. Role of Genetic screening of infertile males?
In most cases, there are NO obvious signs of an infertility problem. 
Intercourse, erections and ejaculation will usually happen without 
difficulty. The quantity and appearance of the ejaculated semen 
generally appears normal to the naked eye
Evaluation for infertility is indicated for couples who fail to achieve a 
successful pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected 
Earlier evaluation and treatment may be justified, based on medical 
history and physical findings and is warranted after 6 months for 
couples in which the female partner is over age 35 years 
ASRM , 2008
Earlier evaluation and treatment in males: 
Problems with sexual function — for example, difficulty with 
erection, penetration or ejaculation 
Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area 
Recurrent respiratory infections 
Decreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosomal or 
hormonal abnormality 
Have had groin, testicle, penis or scrotum surgery 
Any history of radiation or chemotherapy or trauma
Contents of discussion 
I. When one should evaluate a male in fertility work-ups? 
II. What is the Overall contribution of male in infertility? 
III. What things should be kept in mind while going for Basic 
evaluation ( reproductive history and semen analysis ) ? 
IV. What is the relevance of Advanced evaluation: endocrines, 
ultrasonography ,specialized tests and DNA Fragmentation tests 
V. Role of Genetic screening of infertile males?
Relative prevalence of the etiologies of 
Male factor 25-40% 
Both male and female factors 10% 
Female factor 40-50% 
Unexplained infertility 10% 
Novak's Gynecology ,14 Ed. 
A male factor is solely responsible in approximately 20% of infertile 
couples and contributes in another 30% to 40% of couples 
Thonneau P, et al., 1991
Nieschlag E, Behre HM (eds), 1997
Contents of discussion 
I. When one should evaluate a male in fertility work-ups? 
II. What is the Overall contribution of male in infertility? 
III. What things should be kept in mind while going for Basic 
evaluation ( reproductive history and semen analysis ) ? 
IV. What is the relevance of Advanced evaluation: endocrines, 
ultrasonography ,specialized tests and DNA Fragmentation tests 
V. Role of Genetic screening of infertile males?
At a minimum, the initial screening evaluation of the male partner of 
an infertile couple should include a reproductive history and analysis 
of at least one semen sample. If the initial evaluation is abnormal, 
then complete evaluation of the male partner is recommended 
ASRM , 2008
Karavolos S,et al., 2013
Male age Ford WC et al, 2000 
Baird DT et al, 2005 
Eskenazi et al,2003 
ASRM , 2008 
RCOG, 2011 
occupational exposures 
heat, X-rays, heavy metals (lead, mercury), glycol ethers 
and pesticides; dibromochloropropane (DBCP) 
RCOG Press; 2004 
Jurewicz J, 2009 
Sharpe RM, 2010 
Cherry N, 2008 
electromagnetic waves 
mobile Phones / laptops 
Agarwal A,2008 
Erogul O, 2006 
Wdowiak A, 2007 
Environmental estrogens (Phytoestrogens) Toppari J, 1996; 
Testicular hyperthermia 
(wearing loose-fitting underwear /sedentary lifestyle) 
Tiemessen CH,1996 
Munkelwitz R,1998 
RCOG Press; 2004 
Magnusdottir EV,2005
(by imbalance of reproductive hormone levels, reduced 
SHBG and elevated estrogen levels. Sedentary lifestyle 
factors ) 
Sharpe RM, 2002 
Hammoud AO, 2008 
Anabolic-androgenic steroids 
(by interfering with HPG axis, loss of libido and erectile 
dysfunction secondary to low endogenous testosterone 
Gazvani MR, 1997 
Menon DK, 2003 
de Souza GL, 2011 
Heavy alcohol consumption/Tobacco/ smoking 
Cannabis/recreational drugs such as cocaine, 
amphetamines and opiates 
Buffum J, 1982 
Vine MF, 1996 
Nudell DM, 2002
•Size/ volume 
Per rectal 
 About 90% of semen volume is made up of secretions from the 
accessory organs, mainly the prostate and seminal vesicles, with 
minor contributions from the bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands and 
Weiske, 1994 
 The quality of semen specimens varies depending on how the 
ejaculate is produced. Ejaculates produced by masturbation and 
collected into containers in a room near the laboratory can be of lower 
quality than those recovered from non-spermicidal condoms used 
during intercourse at home. This difference may reflect a different 
form of sexual Arousal 
Zavos & Goodpasture, 1989 ; Pound et al., 2002
 During ejaculation the first semen fractions voided are mainly sperm-rich 
prostatic fluids, whereas later fractions are dominated by seminal 
vesicular fluid 
Björndahl & Kv,2003 
 The time since the last sexual activity. In the absence of ejaculation, 
spermatozoa accumulate in the epididymides, then overflow into the 
urethra and are flushed out in urine 
Cooper et al., 1993; De Jonge et al., 2004 
 Sperm vitality and chromatin are unaffected by increased length of 
Tyler et al.,1982; De Jonge et al., 2004
 sperm concentrations in semen from young and old men may be the 
same, but total sperm numbers may differ, as both the volume of 
seminal fluid and total sperm output decrease with age. 
Ng et al., 2004 
 It is impossible to characterize a man’s semen quality from evaluation 
of a single semen sample. It is helpful to examine two or three 
samples to obtain baseline data 
Poland et al., 1985; Berman et al., 1996; Carlsen et al., 2004; 
Castilla et al., 2006; Keel, 2006.
Cooper et al., 2010
 This is not a test for fertility but a guide for minimal standards of 
 Semen parameters that lie within the 95% reference interval do not 
guarantee fertility and otherwise 
 these are not absolute limits and should always be interpreted in 
conjunction with relevant clinical information 
 There may be regional differences in semen quality, or differences 
between laboratories; laboratories should consider preparing their own 
reference ranges.
Contents of discussion 
I. When one should evaluate a male in fertility work-ups? 
II. What is the Overall contribution of male in infertility? 
III. What things should be kept in mind while going for Basic 
evaluation ( reproductive history and semen analysis ) ? 
IV. What is the relevance of Advanced evaluation: endocrines, 
ultrasonography ,specialized tests and DNA Fragmentation tests 
V. Role of Genetic screening of infertile males?
 Some experts believe that all infertile males merit an endocrine 
evaluation, but there is no established consensus of opinion. The 
minimum initial hormonal evaluation should include measurement of 
serum FSH and total testosterone 
 An endocrine evaluation is indicated for men having: 
1) abnormal semen parameters(<10 million/mL) 
2) impaired sexual function 
3) other clinical findings that suggest a specific 
ASRM, 2012
 When the total testosterone level is low (<300 ng/mL), a more 
extensive evaluation is indicated and should include a second 
measurement of total testosterone and measurements of serum free 
testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin. 
 Testosterone levels undergo diurnal variation; they are highest in the 
morning, and therefore random measurements should be interpreted 
with caution if the result is borderline 
Karavolos S,2013 
 Inhibin B levels are significantly lower in infertile men than in fertile 
men and correlate better with sperm parameters than FSH levels , But 
cost is a factor. 
Kumanov P, 2006
 ultrasonography is only indicated for a minority of infertile male 
patients .It can act as a supplementary tool for confused diagnosis 
 most scrotal pathology, including varicoceles, spermatoceles, absent 
vasa, epididymal induration, and testicular masses can be identified by 
careful physical examination
Can be a useful supplementary tool in: 
 testicular tumor is detected on physical examination. 
 obstructive azoospermia cases to see dilated seminal vesicles or 
ejaculatory ducts and/or midline cystic prostatic structures 
 Renal ultrasound scan in CBAVD(30% linkage) 
 Inconclusive physical examination of the scrotum 
 Spermatic venography : recurring varicocele
Prevalence of genetic abnormalities 
Category Karyotypic 
micro deletions 
CFTR mutation 
< 1% 2% Not Increased 
Severely impaired 
5% 7% Not Increased 
NonOb Azoospermia 10-15% 16% Not Increased 
Not Increased Not Increased 80%(CBAVD) 
50% (CUAVD) 
Van Assche E, et al, 1996;Ravel C, et al, 2006 Pryor JL, et al. 1997
 The prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities( both sex and 
autosomal) and Y-chromosome microdeletions are increased in 
infertile men and are inversely proportional to sperm count, although 
sex chromosomal aneuploidy ( Klinefelter syndrome; 47,XXY) is 
more common and accounts for about two-thirds of all chromosomal 
abnormalities observed in infertile men. 
 Couples wherein the male has a gross Karyotypic abnormality are at 
increased risk for miscarriages and for having children with 
chromosomal and congenital defects 
Ravel C, 2006 ; De Braekeleer,1991; Debiec-Rychter M,1992
 Y-chromosome microdeletions are too small to be detected by 
standard karyotyping, but can be identified using polymerase chain 
reaction techniques to analyze sequence tagged sites that have been 
mapped along the entire length of the Y chromosome 
 Y deletion analysis has both a diagnostic and prognostic value for 
testicular sperm retrieval 
• AZAa: very poor prognosis for sperm retrieval 
• AZAb: very poor prognosis for sperm retrieval 
• AZAc: sperm retrieval can be tried 
Oates RD, 2002; Brandell RA, 1998; Krausz C ,2000
Although a microdeletion of the Y chromosome is not known to be 
associated with other health problems (besides infertility in son), 
recent reports have come up with other phenotype issues like SHOX 
gene abnormalities , associated with short stature, mental retardation 
and arm and wrist deformities 
Jorgez CJ, 2011
 Men with non-obstructive azoospermia or severe oligospermia (<5 
million/ mL) are at increased risk for having a definable genetic 
abnormality and should be offered karyotype and Y-chromosome 
analysis before performing ICSI using their sperm 
 Genetic testing for CFTR mutations (to rule out the possibility of 
offspring affected with cystic fibrosis) should be offered to the female 
partner of men with CBAVD before proceeding with treatments that 
use sperm from the affected man. 
 Genetic counseling may be offered when a genetic abnormality is 
suspected/detected in either the male or female partner 
ASRM, 2013
 Evaluation of a patient with a varicocele should include a careful 
medical and reproductive history, physical examination and at least 
two semen analyses. 
 The physical examination should be performed with the patient in 
both the recumbent and upright positions. 
 Feels like a ‘‘bag of worms’’ which disappears or significantly 
reduced in recumbent postion. 
 Perform a Valsalva maneuver in a standing position in difficult 
Only larger varicoceles, which are typically easily palpable have been 
clearly associated with infertility. Therefore, ancillary diagnostic 
measures, such as scrotal ultrasonography, thermography, Doppler 
examination, radionuclide scanning, and spermatic venography, 
should not be used for the detection of subclinical varicoceles in 
patients without a palpable abnormality 
ASRM, 2008
When ALL of the following conditions are met: 
1) The varicocele is palpable on physical examination of the scrotum( 
2) the couple has known infertility 
3) the female partner has normal fertility or a potentially treatable 
cause of infertility 
4) the male partner has abnormal semen parameters
say NO to varicocele repair in: 
 Normal semen with clinical palpable varicocele 
 Abnormal semen with usg / Doppler showing higher grade 
varicocele but clinical non-palpable 
 Azoospermia with varicocele?? 
 Idiopathic semen abnormality 
 When otherwise IVF is indicated in couples with the aim being to 
improve semen parameters for IVF standards
Excessive numbers of leukocytes in the ejaculate (leukocytospermia, 
pyospermia) can impair sperm motility and DNA integrity through an 
oxidative attack but the damage depends on factors that are impossible 
to infer from a semen sample, such as the reason for, timing and 
anatomical location of the infitration,as well as the nature of the 
leukocytes involved and whether they are in an activated state 
Tomlinson et al., 1993; Aitken & Baker, 1995; Rossi & Aitken, 1997
Leukocytes or spermatocytes/tids (Round cells) 
 Papanicolaou procedure 
 staining coloration 
 Nuclear size and shape 
 absence of intracellular peroxidase 
 leukocyte-specific antigens 
 stains specific for the developing acrosome , lectins or specific 
Couture et al., 1976; Homyk et al., 1990; Ezeh et al., 1998; Johanisson 
et al., 2000
 ASAs can form when there is a breach in the blood-testis barrier 
(trauma, torsion, biopsy, orchitis, testicular cancer, and vasectomy) 
 Sperm-bound antibodies can decrease motility, block penetration of 
the cervical mucus and prevent fertilization and decrease the 
likelihood for conception 
Ayvaliotis B,1985
 Sperm antibodies can be present without sperm agglutination; 
equally, agglutination can be caused by factors others than sperm 
 The mere presence of sperm antibodies is insufficient for a diagnosis 
of sperm autoimmunity. It is necessary to demonstrate that the 
antibodies interfere severely with sperm function; done by a sperm– 
mucus penetration test
 sperm washing prevents clumping and agglutination, but fertility 
rates are similar in patients with or without ASAs 
 steroids for both partners has been attempted, with mild improvement 
in pregnancy rates and high rates of side effects (60%) 
 Routine testing for ASAs can not be recommended, although a high 
prevalence is noted in isolated asthenospermia with normal count, 
unexplained infertility and semen with high agglutination 
Hendry WF, 1990; Francavilla F,1992; Nagy ZP, 1995
DNA fragmentation studies: 
 DNA fragmentation’’ refers to denatured or damaged sperm DNA 
that cannot be repaired 
• single-cell gel electrophoresis assay (Comet) 
• terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay 
• Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA) 
 Threshold values used to define an abnormal test are greater than or 
equal to 25% to 27% for the SCSA and greater than or equal to 36% 
for TUNEL assays 
Larson-Cook KL, 2003; Henkel R, 2004
Possible Indications of DNA F studies. 
unexplained infertility / arrested embryo development / 
poor blastocyst development / multiple failed IVF/ICSI / recurrent 
miscarriages / advanced age / varicocoele / 
poor semen parameters / exposure to harmful substances 
Vanderzwalmen et al., 1991; Ahmadi and Ng ,1999; Twigg et al., 1998; 
Larson et al., 2000; Tomlinson et al., 2001
 Although no treatment for abnormal DNA integrity has proven of 
clinical value, varicocele repair and antioxidant use may affect sperm 
DNA integrity. 
 Sperm retrieved from the testis tend to have better sperm DNA quality 
in men with abnormal ejaculated sperm DNA integrity. 
 The routine use of DNA integrity tests in the clinical evaluation of 
male factor infertility is controversial 
Collins JA, 2008 ; ASRM, 2008
 Semen analysis should be done by standards laid down by WHO,2010 
 Basic evaluation involves detailed reproductive history and semen 
analysis done at least once. 
 Repeat if abnormal and go for endocrines and physical examination 
 Routine use of ultrasonography is not justified but can act as a 
supplementary tool
 Genetic testing ( Karyotype and Y-Chromosome Microdeletions) 
followed by counseling should be offered to every NOA and men with 
severe oligospermia(<5 M/Ml) 
 CFTR mutation should be offered to obstructive azoospermia cases of 
CBAVD/CBAUD patients. 
 Routine use of following should be discouraged till further RCTs: 
ASA / DFI / ROS /ACROSOME tests/ Accessory gland functions 
( Zinc, Fructose or a-Glucosidase )
Evaluation of infertile male

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Evaluation of infertile male

  • 1.
  • 2. Are males going to become extinct?
  • 3. Contents of discussion I. When one should evaluate a male in fertility work-ups? II. What is the Overall contribution of male in infertility? III. What things should be kept in mind while going for Basic evaluation ( reproductive history and semen analysis ) ? IV. What is the relevance of Advanced evaluation: endocrines, ultrasonography ,specialized tests and DNA Fragmentation tests V. Role of Genetic screening of infertile males?
  • 4. Lets revise the old basics of fertility evaluation
  • 5.  Involve both partners (not the female only)  Provide information Chances of conception (theirs and realistic) Frequency and timing of sexual intercourse(say no to ovulation kits/temp charting etc)  Psychological effects of fertility problems & counseling  Peer pressure/social family pressure (make things worse) NICE , 2011
  • 6. Contents of discussion I. When one should evaluate a male in fertility work-ups? II. What is the Overall contribution of male in infertility? III. What things should be kept in mind while going for Basic evaluation ( reproductive history and semen analysis ) ? IV. What is the relevance of Advanced evaluation: endocrines, ultrasonography ,specialized tests and DNA Fragmentation tests V. Role of Genetic screening of infertile males?
  • 7. In most cases, there are NO obvious signs of an infertility problem. Intercourse, erections and ejaculation will usually happen without difficulty. The quantity and appearance of the ejaculated semen generally appears normal to the naked eye
  • 8. Evaluation for infertility is indicated for couples who fail to achieve a successful pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected intercourse Earlier evaluation and treatment may be justified, based on medical history and physical findings and is warranted after 6 months for couples in which the female partner is over age 35 years ASRM , 2008
  • 9. Earlier evaluation and treatment in males: Problems with sexual function — for example, difficulty with erection, penetration or ejaculation Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area Recurrent respiratory infections Decreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality Have had groin, testicle, penis or scrotum surgery (cryptochidism) Any history of radiation or chemotherapy or trauma
  • 10. Contents of discussion I. When one should evaluate a male in fertility work-ups? II. What is the Overall contribution of male in infertility? III. What things should be kept in mind while going for Basic evaluation ( reproductive history and semen analysis ) ? IV. What is the relevance of Advanced evaluation: endocrines, ultrasonography ,specialized tests and DNA Fragmentation tests V. Role of Genetic screening of infertile males?
  • 11. Relative prevalence of the etiologies of infertility(%) Male factor 25-40% Both male and female factors 10% Female factor 40-50% Unexplained infertility 10% Novak's Gynecology ,14 Ed. A male factor is solely responsible in approximately 20% of infertile couples and contributes in another 30% to 40% of couples Thonneau P, et al., 1991
  • 12. Nieschlag E, Behre HM (eds), 1997
  • 13. Contents of discussion I. When one should evaluate a male in fertility work-ups? II. What is the Overall contribution of male in infertility? III. What things should be kept in mind while going for Basic evaluation ( reproductive history and semen analysis ) ? IV. What is the relevance of Advanced evaluation: endocrines, ultrasonography ,specialized tests and DNA Fragmentation tests V. Role of Genetic screening of infertile males?
  • 14. At a minimum, the initial screening evaluation of the male partner of an infertile couple should include a reproductive history and analysis of at least one semen sample. If the initial evaluation is abnormal, then complete evaluation of the male partner is recommended ASRM , 2008
  • 16. CAUSE EVIDENCE Male age Ford WC et al, 2000 Baird DT et al, 2005 Eskenazi et al,2003 ASRM , 2008 RCOG, 2011 occupational exposures heat, X-rays, heavy metals (lead, mercury), glycol ethers and pesticides; dibromochloropropane (DBCP) RCOG Press; 2004 Jurewicz J, 2009 Sharpe RM, 2010 Cherry N, 2008 electromagnetic waves mobile Phones / laptops Agarwal A,2008 Erogul O, 2006 Wdowiak A, 2007 Environmental estrogens (Phytoestrogens) Toppari J, 1996; Testicular hyperthermia (wearing loose-fitting underwear /sedentary lifestyle) Tiemessen CH,1996 Munkelwitz R,1998 RCOG Press; 2004 Magnusdottir EV,2005
  • 17. EVIDENCE CAUSE Obesity (by imbalance of reproductive hormone levels, reduced SHBG and elevated estrogen levels. Sedentary lifestyle factors ) Sharpe RM, 2002 Hammoud AO, 2008 Anabolic-androgenic steroids (by interfering with HPG axis, loss of libido and erectile dysfunction secondary to low endogenous testosterone levels) Gazvani MR, 1997 Menon DK, 2003 de Souza GL, 2011 Heavy alcohol consumption/Tobacco/ smoking Cannabis/recreational drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines and opiates Buffum J, 1982 Vine MF, 1996 Nudell DM, 2002
  • 18. •Hypospadias •Micripenis •Size/ volume •Consistancy •Location Per rectal examination •CBAVD/CUAVD •Epididymal cyst/distension/ induration •Size •Consistancy Varicocele (Grade)
  • 19.
  • 20.  About 90% of semen volume is made up of secretions from the accessory organs, mainly the prostate and seminal vesicles, with minor contributions from the bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands and epididymides Weiske, 1994  The quality of semen specimens varies depending on how the ejaculate is produced. Ejaculates produced by masturbation and collected into containers in a room near the laboratory can be of lower quality than those recovered from non-spermicidal condoms used during intercourse at home. This difference may reflect a different form of sexual Arousal Zavos & Goodpasture, 1989 ; Pound et al., 2002
  • 21.  During ejaculation the first semen fractions voided are mainly sperm-rich prostatic fluids, whereas later fractions are dominated by seminal vesicular fluid Björndahl & Kv,2003  The time since the last sexual activity. In the absence of ejaculation, spermatozoa accumulate in the epididymides, then overflow into the urethra and are flushed out in urine Cooper et al., 1993; De Jonge et al., 2004  Sperm vitality and chromatin are unaffected by increased length of abstinence Tyler et al.,1982; De Jonge et al., 2004
  • 22.  sperm concentrations in semen from young and old men may be the same, but total sperm numbers may differ, as both the volume of seminal fluid and total sperm output decrease with age. Ng et al., 2004  It is impossible to characterize a man’s semen quality from evaluation of a single semen sample. It is helpful to examine two or three samples to obtain baseline data Poland et al., 1985; Berman et al., 1996; Carlsen et al., 2004; Castilla et al., 2006; Keel, 2006.
  • 23.
  • 25.  This is not a test for fertility but a guide for minimal standards of adequacy  Semen parameters that lie within the 95% reference interval do not guarantee fertility and otherwise  these are not absolute limits and should always be interpreted in conjunction with relevant clinical information  There may be regional differences in semen quality, or differences between laboratories; laboratories should consider preparing their own reference ranges.
  • 26. Contents of discussion I. When one should evaluate a male in fertility work-ups? II. What is the Overall contribution of male in infertility? III. What things should be kept in mind while going for Basic evaluation ( reproductive history and semen analysis ) ? IV. What is the relevance of Advanced evaluation: endocrines, ultrasonography ,specialized tests and DNA Fragmentation tests V. Role of Genetic screening of infertile males?
  • 27. ENDOCRINES  Some experts believe that all infertile males merit an endocrine evaluation, but there is no established consensus of opinion. The minimum initial hormonal evaluation should include measurement of serum FSH and total testosterone  An endocrine evaluation is indicated for men having: 1) abnormal semen parameters(<10 million/mL) 2) impaired sexual function 3) other clinical findings that suggest a specific endocrinopathy ASRM, 2012
  • 28.  When the total testosterone level is low (<300 ng/mL), a more extensive evaluation is indicated and should include a second measurement of total testosterone and measurements of serum free testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin.  Testosterone levels undergo diurnal variation; they are highest in the morning, and therefore random measurements should be interpreted with caution if the result is borderline Karavolos S,2013  Inhibin B levels are significantly lower in infertile men than in fertile men and correlate better with sperm parameters than FSH levels , But cost is a factor. Kumanov P, 2006
  • 30. ULTRASONOGRAPHY  ultrasonography is only indicated for a minority of infertile male patients .It can act as a supplementary tool for confused diagnosis  most scrotal pathology, including varicoceles, spermatoceles, absent vasa, epididymal induration, and testicular masses can be identified by careful physical examination
  • 31. Can be a useful supplementary tool in:  testicular tumor is detected on physical examination.  obstructive azoospermia cases to see dilated seminal vesicles or ejaculatory ducts and/or midline cystic prostatic structures  Renal ultrasound scan in CBAVD(30% linkage)  Inconclusive physical examination of the scrotum  Spermatic venography : recurring varicocele
  • 32. GENETIC SCREENING Prevalence of genetic abnormalities Category Karyotypic chromosomal abnormalities Y-chromosome micro deletions CFTR mutation Normal spermatogenesis < 1% 2% Not Increased Severely impaired spermatogenesis 5% 7% Not Increased NonOb Azoospermia 10-15% 16% Not Increased Obstructive Azoospermia Not Increased Not Increased 80%(CBAVD) 50% (CUAVD) Van Assche E, et al, 1996;Ravel C, et al, 2006 Pryor JL, et al. 1997
  • 33.  The prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities( both sex and autosomal) and Y-chromosome microdeletions are increased in infertile men and are inversely proportional to sperm count, although sex chromosomal aneuploidy ( Klinefelter syndrome; 47,XXY) is more common and accounts for about two-thirds of all chromosomal abnormalities observed in infertile men.  Couples wherein the male has a gross Karyotypic abnormality are at increased risk for miscarriages and for having children with chromosomal and congenital defects Ravel C, 2006 ; De Braekeleer,1991; Debiec-Rychter M,1992
  • 34.  Y-chromosome microdeletions are too small to be detected by standard karyotyping, but can be identified using polymerase chain reaction techniques to analyze sequence tagged sites that have been mapped along the entire length of the Y chromosome  Y deletion analysis has both a diagnostic and prognostic value for testicular sperm retrieval • AZAa: very poor prognosis for sperm retrieval • AZAb: very poor prognosis for sperm retrieval • AZAc: sperm retrieval can be tried Oates RD, 2002; Brandell RA, 1998; Krausz C ,2000
  • 35. Although a microdeletion of the Y chromosome is not known to be associated with other health problems (besides infertility in son), recent reports have come up with other phenotype issues like SHOX gene abnormalities , associated with short stature, mental retardation and arm and wrist deformities Jorgez CJ, 2011
  • 36.  Men with non-obstructive azoospermia or severe oligospermia (<5 million/ mL) are at increased risk for having a definable genetic abnormality and should be offered karyotype and Y-chromosome analysis before performing ICSI using their sperm  Genetic testing for CFTR mutations (to rule out the possibility of offspring affected with cystic fibrosis) should be offered to the female partner of men with CBAVD before proceeding with treatments that use sperm from the affected man.  Genetic counseling may be offered when a genetic abnormality is suspected/detected in either the male or female partner ASRM, 2013
  • 37.
  • 38.  Evaluation of a patient with a varicocele should include a careful medical and reproductive history, physical examination and at least two semen analyses.  The physical examination should be performed with the patient in both the recumbent and upright positions.  Feels like a ‘‘bag of worms’’ which disappears or significantly reduced in recumbent postion.  Perform a Valsalva maneuver in a standing position in difficult situations.
  • 39. Only larger varicoceles, which are typically easily palpable have been clearly associated with infertility. Therefore, ancillary diagnostic measures, such as scrotal ultrasonography, thermography, Doppler examination, radionuclide scanning, and spermatic venography, should not be used for the detection of subclinical varicoceles in patients without a palpable abnormality ASRM, 2008
  • 40. INDICATIONS FOR TREATMENT OF A VARICOCELE When ALL of the following conditions are met: 1) The varicocele is palpable on physical examination of the scrotum( AND NOT BY USG/DOPPLER) 2) the couple has known infertility 3) the female partner has normal fertility or a potentially treatable cause of infertility 4) the male partner has abnormal semen parameters
  • 41. say NO to varicocele repair in:  Normal semen with clinical palpable varicocele  Abnormal semen with usg / Doppler showing higher grade varicocele but clinical non-palpable  Azoospermia with varicocele??  Idiopathic semen abnormality  When otherwise IVF is indicated in couples with the aim being to improve semen parameters for IVF standards
  • 42. LEUKO-CYTOSPERMIA Excessive numbers of leukocytes in the ejaculate (leukocytospermia, pyospermia) can impair sperm motility and DNA integrity through an oxidative attack but the damage depends on factors that are impossible to infer from a semen sample, such as the reason for, timing and anatomical location of the infitration,as well as the nature of the leukocytes involved and whether they are in an activated state Tomlinson et al., 1993; Aitken & Baker, 1995; Rossi & Aitken, 1997
  • 43. Leukocytes or spermatocytes/tids (Round cells)  Papanicolaou procedure  staining coloration  Nuclear size and shape  absence of intracellular peroxidase  leukocyte-specific antigens  stains specific for the developing acrosome , lectins or specific antibodies Couture et al., 1976; Homyk et al., 1990; Ezeh et al., 1998; Johanisson et al., 2000
  • 44. IMMUNOLOGICAL INFERTILITY:  ASAs can form when there is a breach in the blood-testis barrier (trauma, torsion, biopsy, orchitis, testicular cancer, and vasectomy)  Sperm-bound antibodies can decrease motility, block penetration of the cervical mucus and prevent fertilization and decrease the likelihood for conception Ayvaliotis B,1985
  • 45.  Sperm antibodies can be present without sperm agglutination; equally, agglutination can be caused by factors others than sperm antibodies.  The mere presence of sperm antibodies is insufficient for a diagnosis of sperm autoimmunity. It is necessary to demonstrate that the antibodies interfere severely with sperm function; done by a sperm– mucus penetration test
  • 46.  sperm washing prevents clumping and agglutination, but fertility rates are similar in patients with or without ASAs  steroids for both partners has been attempted, with mild improvement in pregnancy rates and high rates of side effects (60%)  Routine testing for ASAs can not be recommended, although a high prevalence is noted in isolated asthenospermia with normal count, unexplained infertility and semen with high agglutination Hendry WF, 1990; Francavilla F,1992; Nagy ZP, 1995
  • 47. DNA fragmentation studies:  DNA fragmentation’’ refers to denatured or damaged sperm DNA that cannot be repaired • single-cell gel electrophoresis assay (Comet) • terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay (TUNEL) • Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA)  Threshold values used to define an abnormal test are greater than or equal to 25% to 27% for the SCSA and greater than or equal to 36% for TUNEL assays Larson-Cook KL, 2003; Henkel R, 2004
  • 48. Possible Indications of DNA F studies. unexplained infertility / arrested embryo development / poor blastocyst development / multiple failed IVF/ICSI / recurrent miscarriages / advanced age / varicocoele / poor semen parameters / exposure to harmful substances Vanderzwalmen et al., 1991; Ahmadi and Ng ,1999; Twigg et al., 1998; Larson et al., 2000; Tomlinson et al., 2001
  • 49.  Although no treatment for abnormal DNA integrity has proven of clinical value, varicocele repair and antioxidant use may affect sperm DNA integrity.  Sperm retrieved from the testis tend to have better sperm DNA quality in men with abnormal ejaculated sperm DNA integrity.  The routine use of DNA integrity tests in the clinical evaluation of male factor infertility is controversial Collins JA, 2008 ; ASRM, 2008
  • 50. SUMMARY  Semen analysis should be done by standards laid down by WHO,2010  Basic evaluation involves detailed reproductive history and semen analysis done at least once.  Repeat if abnormal and go for endocrines and physical examination (must)  Routine use of ultrasonography is not justified but can act as a supplementary tool
  • 51. SUMMARY  Genetic testing ( Karyotype and Y-Chromosome Microdeletions) followed by counseling should be offered to every NOA and men with severe oligospermia(<5 M/Ml)  CFTR mutation should be offered to obstructive azoospermia cases of CBAVD/CBAUD patients.  Routine use of following should be discouraged till further RCTs: ASA / DFI / ROS /ACROSOME tests/ Accessory gland functions ( Zinc, Fructose or a-Glucosidase )