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Why is the example of Jonah used to warn
the large crowds (Luke 11:32)? The
Ninevites repented at his preaching
What does Jesus’ very public healing of a
man in a synagogue prove (Luke 6:5)?
He is “Lord of the Sabbath”
What is the danger if we become obsessed
with the speck of dust in our brother’s eye?
We miss the plank in our own (Luke 6:41)
According to Jesus, from what does the
mouth speak (Luke 6:45)?
Overflow of the heart
How can we be cons of the Most High who
is kind and merciful to the wicked?
Love your enemies (Luke 6:35)
Who was praised by Jesus for his “great
faith” in Capernaum? (Luke 7:9)
The (Roman) Centurion
Why did Jesus tell someone from Nain not
to cry? (Luke 7:13) he was about to raise
from the dead a widow’s only son
John was accused of having a demon but
what charges were levelled against Jesus?
Drunkard, glutton, friend of “sinners”
What lesson about feet washing does
Jesus teach in Simon’s house (Luke 7:47)
He who has been forgiven little loves little
According to Isaiah’s prophecy, why did
Jesus speak in parables (6:9)?
“though seeing, they may not see”
Who are Jesus’ mother and brothers
(Luke 8:1)? Those who hear God’s word
and put it into practice
Complete the disciples startled question:
“Who is this?...” (Luke 8:25)
“…Even the wind and waves obey him”
How many basketfuls of leftovers were
picked up by the disciples near Bethsaida?
Twelve (Luke 9:17)
What does Jesus prophecy about his
mission after being identified as the Christ?
The Son of Man must suffer many things
At the Transfiguration, what does a voice
from the cloud command (Luke 9:35)?
“(This is my Son.) Listen to Him”
Why does Jesus permit other men to drive
out demons in His name (Luke 9:50)?
“whoever is not against you is for you”
What should the disciples ask the Lord of
the harvest (Luke 10:2)?
What exact message does Jesus entrust to
the 72 disciples he sends out (Luke 10:9)?
To send out more workers “The kingdom of God is near”
Instead of spirits submitting, what should
cause the disciples to rejoice (Luke 10:20)?
Their names written in heaven
What precise quality does the teacher of
the law identify in the Good Samaritan?
Mercy (Luke 10:37)
What better choice did Mary make when
Jesus visited (Luke 10:39)?
Sitting at the Lord’s feet & listening
If earthly dads give good gifts to their
children, what will our heavenly Father give
to those who ask (Luke 11:13)? Holy Spirit
What does Jesus promise to make his first
disciples (Mark 1)? Fishers of men What do the Pharisees love in the
synagogue (Luke 11:43)? The best seats
What was Simeon waiting for in the temple
(Luke 2:25-26)? The consolation of Israel
&/or to see the Lord’s Messiah
What year does the Messiah proclaim in
Luke 4:19? The Lord’s favour
What Scripture does the Lord use to
counter Satan’s first temptation (Luke 4:4)?
“Man shall not live on bread alone”
Why was Zechariah unable to speak after
hearing the angel’s message (Luke 1:20)?
He did not believe the promise
According to Paul, how should we live
wisely in these “evil” days (Eph. 5:16)?
Making the most of every opportunity
Whose example are husbands following
when they love their wives (Eph. 5:25)?
Christ Jesus
How does Paul describe the way we should
speak in Ephesians 4:15?
Speaking the truth in love
What is the purpose of prophets, teachers
and pastors in the church (Eph. 4:12)?
To equip his people for works of service
What encouragement does Paul give us
when praying to God in Ephesians 3:20?
Able to do immeasurably more than we ask
According to Ephesians 2:8, how have we
been saved?
By grace through faith
What wonderful assurance does the Holy
Why was it unusual for Jesus to meet the
woman at the well (John 4)?
Spirit give us (Eph. 1:14)?
Deposit, guaranteeing our inheritance
Jews & Samaritans were bitter enemies
What reward will the meek receive?
(Inherit) the earth (Matt. 5:5)
Who shall be comforted?
Those who mourn (Matt. 5:4)
How does Jesus re-define adultery?
Looking lustfully at a woman (Matt. 5:28)
How does Jesus re-define murder?
Being angry with family (Matt. 5:25)
What should you do if anyone wants to sue
you and take your shirt?
Hand over your coat as well (Matt. 5:40)
What should we not announce with
trumpets (Matt. 6:2)
Giving to the needy
What expectation is given in the Lord’s
prayer for us to receive God’s forgiveness?
As we forgive our debtors (Matt. 6:12)
Why should we store up treasures in
heaven (Matt. 6:20)?
These cannot be destroyed or stolen
What should you do if you remember
someone has something against you at the
altar (Matt. 5:24)? Seek reconciliation
What is so special about when two or three
gather in Jesus’ name (Matt. 18:20)? Our
Lord promises to be especially present
According to Proverbs, what can turn aside
wrath (15:1)? A gentle answer
According to Ecclesiastes, what kind of
cord will not be easily broken (4:12)?
One with three strands
According to Hebrews, why should we fix
our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2)?
Author and perfector of faith
What kind of sacrifice should we be for
Christ? Living, holy & pleasing to God
(Romans 12:1)
What do the thorns represent in the
Parable of the Soils (Matt. 13:22)?
Worries of life & deceitfulness of wealth
List all the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22)
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self control
Who did the Son of Man come to seek and
save (Luke 19:10)? The lost
What are the two defining characteristics of
God’s incarnate Word (John 1:14)?
Grace and truth
According to Philippians 4:6, what should
accompany our prayers and petitions?
What is Paul’s attitude to his past
achievements or failures (Philp. 3:13)
Forget what is behind & press on!
What should be our attitude to hardships
(Hebrews 12:7)?
Endure as our Father’s discipline
According to 1 Cor. 10:13, why can we trust
God’s faithfulness when tempted?
Not tempted beyond what we can bear
Why should we flee sexual immorality (1
Cor. 6:19)? Our bodies are temples of the
Holy Spirit
Complete: “But we have this treasure in
_______” (2 Cor. 4:7)
Jars of clay
Complete: “we are hard pressed on every
side but not ____; perplexed, but not in
____” (2 Cor. 4:8) crushed; despair
According to 1 Corinthians 13:13, what
three virtues remains?
Faith, hope, love
What simple message do Christ’s
ambassadors declare (2 Cor. 5:20)?
Be reconciled to God
What is one reason the Father of
compassion comforts us (2 Cor. 1:3)?
Able to comfort others in any trouble
Complete: “God will give to each person
according ________” (Romans 2:6)
To what he has done
Instead of words or tongue, how should we
love one another (1 John 3:18)?
With actions and in truth
What, for Paul, is the secret of contentment
(Philippians 4:12-13)?
Living through Christ who gives us strength
How can we demonstrate we love God who
we cannot see (1 John 4:20)?
Loving our brothers & sisters
Why does Paul consider what was gain
now loss (Philippians 3:8-10)?
For the sake of knowing Christ
What drives out fear (1 John 4:18)?
Perfect love
When did the Israelites, led by Joshua,
start to lose in their battle against the
Amalekites (Exodus 17:11)?
When Moses hands dropped
What specific ability did Moses feel he
lacked to lead the Israelites (Ex. 4:10)?
slow of speech and tongue (stammer?)
What is of greater worth than rubies (Prov.
31:10)? A wife of noble character
What does God require of man (Micah
6:8)? mercy, justice, humility
What is the definition of faith in Hebrews
11:1? Confidence in what we hope for
and/or assurance of what we do not see
What was Sarah enabled to do, by faith
(Hebrews 11:11)? Bear a (promised) child,
even though old
Who did Jesus stop to encourage en route
to Jairus’ dying daughter (Mark 5:34)?
Elderly woman healed of internal bleeding
Where did the demon-possessed man in
the Gerasenes’ region ‘live’ (Mark 5:3)?
In the tombs
Why does Jesus at first seem reluctant to
help with the wedding at Cana (John 2:3)?
“My hour has not yet come”
What was the purpose of signs, like turning
water into wine (John 2:11)?
To reveal Jesus’ glory
What time does Nicodemus come to speak
with Jesus (John 3:2)?
At night
What event in Israel’s history is compared
with the Son of Man being lifted up (John
3:14)? Moses & the bronze snake
Which three women appear in Jesus’
genealogy (Matthew 1)? Rahab, Ruth,
Uriah’s wife (Bathsheba)
What does Immanuel actually mean
(Matthew 1:23)? God with us
Which Old Testament book prophecies
“Rachel weeping for her children” (Matt.
2:18) Jeremiah (31:15)
What was fulfilled when Jesus returned
from Egypt to grow-up in Galilee (Matt.
2:22)? Prophecy he would be called a
Why will God’s word not return empty
(Isaiah 55:11)? It will achieve the purpose
How are we healed, according to Isaiah
53:5? By His (the Suffering Servant’s)
How does the Suffering Servant (Isaiah
53:7) respond to being “oppressed and
afflicted”? He did not open his mouth
Which book of the Bible actually contains
the words “great is your faithfulness”?
Lamentations (3:23) – Jerusalem destroyed
How does Job respond to losing his
possessions and family (Job 1:20)?
Tore his robe, shaved his head, falls to the
ground in worship, refuses to sin
What are the “wages of sin” AND the “gift of
God” (Romans 6:23)?
Death AND eternal life (through Christ
Jesus our Lord)
How will we be able to “test and approve
what God’s will is” (Romans 12:2)
The renewing of our minds
What is the way to “overcome evil”, rather
than be overwhelmed? (Romans 12:21)
(respond) with good
Why should Christians be subject to
governing authorities (Romans 13:1)?
They have been established by God
Why is love the fulfilment of the law
(Romans 13:10)? Love does no harm to a
What two examples does Paul give of
“disputable matters” (Romans 14)?
Eating only vegetables & considering one
day more sacred than another
Why would the Prodigal Son’s job of
looking after pigs have been particularly
shocking to Jews (Luke 15:15)?
Pigs were “unclean” (not kosher food)
At what point did the two men journeying to
Emmaus recognise who Jesus was?
After he broke the bread (Luke 24:30)
What does Jesus say leads to rejoicing in
heaven (Luke 15)?
One sinner who repents
What are the holy Scriptures useful for?
teaching, rebuking, correcting and training
in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16)
According to Amos 7:8, what was God
setting amongst His people to judge them?
A plumb line (symbolising His standard)
Who ultimately crushed the head of the
serpent (Genesis 3:15)? Jesus (by
conquering death on the cross)
How did the serpent trick Eve into eating
the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:1)? Casting
doubt on God’s word (Did He really say...?)
What was the first thing Adam and Eve
noticed immediately after eating the fruit?
Their nakedness (Gen. 3:7)
What promise did God make to Abram
(Genesis 12:3)? All peoples of the earth will
be blessed through him
What did God throw into confusion at the
arrogant Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)?
Language – ability to communicate
Why was Peter’s sermon at Pentecost so
significant (Acts 2)? Understood in multiple
mother tongues; 3000 converts…
What is Peter’s simple solution for the
heartbroken crowd? Repent and be
baptised (Acts 2:38)
What four markers shaped the early church
(Acts 2:42)? Devoted to apostles’ teaching,
fellowship, breaking of bread & prayer
Which Temple gate did the lame beggar sit
beside (Acts 3)? Beautiful
What is so special about the stone the
builders rejected? Becomes the
cornerstone (Acts 4:11)
What does the name “Barnabas” mean in
the Bible (Acts 4:36)? Son of
Why did the disciples rejoice after being
flogged (Act 5:31)? Counted worthy to
suffer disgrace for the Name
How many deacons were originally
appointed by the apostles (Acts 6)? Seven
What was the earliest qualification for
deacons (Acts 6)? Known to be full of the
Spirit and wisdom
What did those in the Sanhedrin notice
about Stephen’s face (Acts 6:15)? Like the
face of an angels
Recite (as best you can) Stephen’s final
prayer (Acts 6)? “Lord, do not hold this sin
against them.”
Which was the first city/town that Philip the
evangelist preached in after the scattering
of Jerusalem believers? Samaria
Who was the Roman centurion that helped
break down the barrier between Jew and
Gentile (Acts 10)? Cornelius
Why was Elymas (the sorcerer) struck blind
(Acts 13:10)? For his deceit & trickery;
perverting the right way of the Lord
Who did Paul appoint in Lystra, Iconium
and Antioch (Acts 14:23)? Elders for the
What practice did some in the Church want
to maintain (Acts 15)? Circumcision
What, according to Peter, enables anyone
to be saved (Acts 15:11)? grace of Jesus
How many smooth stones did David take
with his sling (1 Samuel 17:40)? five
Whilst man looks at the outward
appearance, what does God judge (1
Samuel 16:17)? The heart (inside)
What did Solomon choose when offered
any gift from God (1 Kings 3)?
Which creature helps feed Elijah during the
three-year drought (1 Kings 17:6)?
Why was Joshua encouraged to “be strong
and very courageous” (Joshua 1:6)? The
LORD “will never leave you”
What “weapon” enabled Moses to defeat
the Amalekites (Exodus 17:10)? Prayer
Why does Paul consider “everything a loss”
or “garbage” (P3:8)? Because of the
surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus
What secret has Paul learned according to
Philippians 4:12? Being content in any and
every situation
Where is Paul’s citizenship now (P3:20)? In
What does Paul say should be evident to
all (Philippians 4:5)? Our gentleness
What is the purpose of “doing everything
without grumbling or arguing” (P2:15)? So
we “shine like stars”
Even though Jesus was “in very nature
God”, what appearance did he take (P2:6-
7)? Human likeness
How should we speak the truth to others
(E4:15)? In love
What should we pray “in” according to
Ephesians 6:18? The Spirit
How should husband treat their wives
(Ephesians 5:25)? Just as Christ loved the
In what ways can we talk to each other
(Eph. 5:19)? With psalms, hymns and
songs from the Spirit
Who did Christ give to equip His people for
“works of service” (E4:12)? Apostles,
What is Paul’s prayer for the Philippian
believers’ love (1:9)? Abound more and
prophets, evangelist, teachers & pastors more in knowledge & depth of insight
What should the thief do with his hands
(E4:28)? Something useful
Who should Christians be careful not to
grieve with their words (E4:30)? The Holy
Spirit of God
Why is Paul confident when praying to God
(E3:20)? He is “able to do immeasurably
more than all we can ask or imagine”
What does Paul pray for believers to grasp
(E3:18)? How wide and long and high and
deep is the love of Christ
What will God show to us in coming ages
(E2:7)? The incomparable riches of His
How have we been saved (E2:8)? By grace
through faith (both gifts from God)
What “dividing wall of hostility” did Jesus
tear down (E2:14-18)? The barrier between
Jews and Gentiles (circumcision)
Why can God not be mocked (Gal. 6:7)? A
man reaps what he sows
What have those who belong to Christ
done with their “flesh” (Gal. 5:24)?
Crucified, along with its passions and
How did Christ redeem us (Gal. 3:13)? By
becoming a curse for us, hanging on a tree
Providence: Daniel & his three friends choose
vegetables and water, instead of the royal
food, and their faithful obedience is blessed by
the LORD with knowledge & understanding.
Move forward TWO places.
Providence: David Wilkinson decides to sell his
TV and give the time to God in watchful prayer
(see The Cross and the Switchblade for what
happens next!)
Move forward ONE place.
Providence: An angel of the Lord guides
Philip to a desert road where he meets an
Ethiopian official with serious questions.
Move forward ONE place.
Providence: Dorothea Clapp hands a teenage
George Verwer a gospel tract and puts him on
her “Holy Spirit hit list”.
Move forward TWO places.
Providence: John Wesley, worn-out from
fruitless ministry in the American colonies,
attends a Moravian meeting at Aldersgate.
Move forward TWO places.
Providence: David, trusting the LORD God
Almighty, slays the Philistines’ champion
Goliath with his trusty sling.
Move forward ONE place.
Providence: Nehemiah mourns, fasts and
prays before the God of heaven, before an
important audience with Artaxerses.
Move forward ONE place.
Providence: Under King Josiah, the Israelites
rediscover the law of the LORD as they repair
the Temple (2 Kings 22).
Move forward TWO places.
Providence: Paul is encouraged by a vision to
stay in Corinth because Christ the Lord has
“many people in this city” (Acts 18:9).
Move forward TWO places.
Providence: Peter is led out of prison, past
strangely sleepy guards, by an angel of the
Lord and surprises his local prayer meeting!
Move forward ONE place.
Providence: Gideon and 300 men defeat a
vast Amalekite army in a victory that belongs
solely to the LORD (Judges 7:20).
Move forward ONE place.
Providence: Joni Eareckson becomes
quadriplegic after diving into Chesapeake Bay
and begins a testimony that inspires millions.
Move forward TWO places.
P: “the Holy City, the new Jerusalem,
coming down” (Rev. 21:2)
P: “Seven cows, sleek and fat” (Gen. 41:2)
S: “an enormous, dazzling statue” (Dan. 2:31) S: “The LORD’s my Shepherd” (Ps. 23)
S: “You make known to me the path of life” (Ps.16) S: “God is our strength and refuge” (Ps. 46:1)
S: “a spring of water welling up to eternal life”
(John 4:13)
S: “broken cisterns that can’t hold water”
(Jer. 21)
S: “we reap what we sow” (Gal. 6:7) S: “as a dog returns to its own vomit” (Prov. 26:11)
S: “as far as the east is from the west” (Ps. 103:12)
S: “His winnowing fork is in his hand”
(Matt. 3:12)
S: Moses’ basket in reeds S: Joshua’s javelin (8:18)
S: “he saw the Spirit of God descending like a
dove and alighting on him” (Matt. 3:16)
S: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven
has come near” (Matt. 3:2)
S: “to bind up the broken-hearted” (Is. 61:1) S: “soar high on wings like eagles” (Is. 40:31)
S: The Prodigal Son S: “flaming arrows of the evil one” (Eph. 6:16)
S: Put on the helmet of salvation S: roaring lion
S: Sandals of gospel readiness S: Peter’s table cloth
S: A vengeful prophet’s sheltering vine S: Spears beaten into ploughshares
S: Jesus’ Ascension S: dry bones becoming flesh
S: The tongue is like a forest fire S: Laodicea spat out
S: Isaiah facedown before the Almighty S: Twelve spies sent into Canaan
S: Bearing one another’s burdens S: The foolish builder
S: The unmerciful servant S: Salt of the world
S: Brood of vipers S: The penitent thief on his cross
S: Simon of Cyrene S: Lazarus raised from the dead
S: The last will be first S: Like a hen gathers its chicks
S: The folded grave clothes S: The empty tomb
S: The Temple curtain torn in two S: “My God, why have you forsaken me?”
S: Jesus’ body pierced with spear (J 19:33) S: Jesus: “I am thirsty” (John 19:28)
S: The mob shouting “Crucify” (John 19:15) S: Peter weeping bitterly (Mark 14:72)
S: The Last Supper S: “my body broken for you” (Luke 22:19)
S: Judas betraying Jesus (Luke 22:48-49) S: Jesus mocked and beaten (Luke 22:63)
S: The Passover Lamb S: “Be always on the watch” (Luke 21:36)
S: Bride of Christ S: Royal Priesthood
S: The “Red Sea” dividing S: Five loaves and two fishes
S: The Cornerstone S: The Tabernacle (Tent of Meeting)
S: The Ark of the Covenant S: Solomon’s Temple
S: Golden Lampstand S: Heel crushing serpent’s head
S: Saul’s spear (1 Samuel 18:10) S: Gift of gold (Matt. 2:11)
S: David’s harp (1 Samuel 16:23) S: Gideon’s fleece (Judges 6:37)
S: Branch and root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1 –
KJV & now a common metaphor for reform!)
S: still small voice (1 Kings 19:12 – KJV)
S: Abraham’s altar for Isaac (Genesis 21) S: Eye salve to aid sight (Revelation 3:18)
S: God’s word as a hammer that breaks
rocks in pieces (Jeremiah 23:29)
S: White garments (Revelation 3:18)
S: Robes of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10) S: Crowns of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8)
A: David & Goliath A: Transfiguration
A: Daniel in the Lion’s Den A: Jonah and the big fish
A: Paul on Malta A: Three friends in a fiery furnace
A: Samson with his jaw bone A: Moses parting the Red Sea
A: The Plague of hail stones A: David dancing with all his might
A: Eve tempted by the serpent A: The Farmer sowing gospel seed
A: “The Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:33-35) A: The Prodigal’s Father
A: The Woman and her lost coin A: The wise builder
A: Zaccheus climbing a sycamore tree A: Disciples passing round the cup
A: Healing of a blind man A: Paralysed man lowered through roof
A: Jesus calming the storm A: Jesus feeding a huge crowd
A: Parable of the Pharisee & tax collector A: Paul blinded by a bright light
A: Paul singing in jail A: Jesus clearing out the temple
A: Pilate washing his hands A: Belshazzar seeing writing on the wall
A: Nebuchadnezzar becoming a beast A: Jeremiah thrown into a dry well
A: Cain murdering Abel A: Six Days of Creation
A: The Seventh Day of Rest A: Lot’s wife turned to pillar of salt
A: Jesus cooking fish beside Lake Galilee A: Jesus washing his disciples’ feet
A: Joshua and the walls of Jericho A: Moses and the burning bush
A: Moses striking the rock A: Elijah’s chariots of fire
A: Tower of Babel thrown into confusion A: Nehemiah rebuilding the walls
A: Elijah fed by ravens beside a brook A: Namaan bathing in the River Jordan
A: Esther winning a beauty contest A: David playing his harp for Saul
A: Balaam’s talking donkey A: David seducing Bathsheba
A: Jesus drives out the ‘Legion’ of demons A: Jesus’ resurrection
A: Jesus walking on water A: Peter stepping out of the boat
A: Jesus’ arrest A: Peter denying Jesus
A: Peter cutting off Malchus’ right ear A: Angels visiting Shepherds
A: Wise men bringing gifts A: Stephen stoned by angry mob
A: Jesus’ baptism A: Simon holding and blessing Jesus
A: The pearl of great price (parable) A: Elijah on Mount Carmel
A: Jacob’s ladder to heaven A: Joseph and his many-coloured coat
A: Joseph fleeing from Potiphar’s wife A: Abraham ready to sacrifice Isaac
A: Noah building the Ark A: Moses receiving Ten Commandments
A: Once-lame beggar walking, leaping and
praising God
A: Disciples looking intently into the sky
A: Clash of cymbals (Ps. 150:5) A: Five loaves & two fish (Mark 6:41)
P: Amazing Grace P: What a friend we have in Jesus
O for a thousand tongues to sing Be thou my vision
Knowing you, Jesus The Lord is gracious and compassionate
Be Bold, Be Strong
Bind us together, Lord
Let there be love shared among us Happy Day
In Christ Alone You’re the Word of God the Father
How deep the Father’s love for us What a faithful God have I
Who is there like you Take my life and let it be
Consuming Fire This little light of mine
Hark the Herald O, Come All Ye Faithful
Away in a manger Above All Powers
Abba Father Jubilate, Everybody
All, hail the power of Jesus’ name All things bright and beautiful
A new commandment At the name of Jesus
Beautiful One… Wonderful, so… Before the throne of God above
Be still for the presence of the Lord Blessed be the name of the Lord
Broken for me, broken for you Come on and celebrate
Make Way, Make Way Shout to the North and the South
You are my strength when I am weak Glory be to God the Father
Arise and shine Will your anchor hold
Christ triumphant Come, now is the time to worship
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord Amazing Love
Indescribable How great is our God
Nothing but the blood of Jesus Create in me a pure heart, O Lord
Days of Elijah El-Shaddai
Everlasting God Beautiful Saviour
My Jesus Faithful One, so unchanging
Father, I place into your hands Father, we adore you
For God so loved the world For I’m building a people of power
From the squalor of a borrowed stable Give me oil in my lamp
Give Thanks Go, tell it on the mountains
God is our strength and refuge God of the poor
Lord, you are waiting God sent his Son…
Great in power Great is He who’s the King of kings
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise Guide me, O thou Great Jehovah
Happiness is to know the Saviour He’s got the whole world in his hands
He has risen Light of the world
Heart of worship Here is love vast as the ocean
Holy, Holy, Holy Hosanna, Hosanna
How great thou art! How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
I’m gonna clap my hands to show… Jesus, you’re my superhero
I’m redeemed, yes I am I’ve got peace like a river
I have decided to follow Jesus I cannot tell, why he whom angels…
If I were a butterfly I do not know what lies ahead
My Redeemer Lives I may never march in the infantry
Immortal, Invisible In my life, Lord, be glorified
In the bleak midwinter I will sing the wondrous story
I serve a risen Saviour I am He that liveth (At your feet fall)
Here I am, Lord I want to walk with Jesus
I am a new creation I stand amazed in the presence…
I will enter His gates It’s rising up from coast to coast…
You’re the Lion of Judah Jesus, lover of my soul
Jesus Christ is alive today Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims
Jesus shall take the highest honour Joy is the flag flying high
King of Kings, Majesty Kum ba yah
Let all the world in every corner sing Let everything that has breath
Let us with a gladsome mind Colours of Day
Shine, Jesus Shine Lord, reign in me
Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us… Lord of all creation… God of wonders
I danced in the morning (Lord of the Dance) Lost in wonder
Lord for the years Love came down at Christmas
Love lifted me Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my Saviour
Majesty, worship His Majesty Make me a channel of your peace
The Lord bless you and keep you My God is so big, so strong…
Jesus, name above all names Nothing shall separate us from the love
Now, I belong to Jesus O God, our help in ages past
O church, arise O, breath of life come sweeping through us
O, holy night On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross
Jesus Christ I think up your sacrifice… One day when heaven was filled with…
Only by grace can we enter Our eyes have seen the glory of the…
Our God is a great big God How lovely on the mountains are the feet…
Peter and John went to pray
There’s a lot of pain, but a lot more healing
(Outrageous grace)
Big Man standing by the blue waterside Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus our blessed
Praise Him on the trumpet, the psaltery… The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want
Purify my heart… (Refiner’s Fire) Rejoice, Rejoice, Christ is in you…
Restore, O Lord, the honour of your name Ride On, Ride On, in majesty…
Everyone needs compassion, the love… Far and near, hear the call, worship Him…
See amid the winter snow, born for us… See Him lying on a bed of straw…
Seek ye first the kingdom of God This is our God, the Servant King…
Silent Night Sing to God new songs of worship
Soon, and very soon, we are going… We are marching in the light of God
I’m special because God has loved me… Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me…
Stand up! Stand up for Jesus… Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the…
Thank you, Jesus… thank you, Lord… Thank you for saving me, what can I say…
Behold the Lamb who bears our sins
away… (The Communion Hymn) The First Nowell
The greatest thing in all my life… All heaven declares the glory of the…
The King of love is my delight, His eyes… The Lord is King! Lift up thy voice…
There’s a place where the streets… There is a green hill far away, without…
I am a C… Who is the King of the Jungle?
God’s not dead! I may never march in the infantry…
Jesus love is very wonderful We are marching in the light of God
Hallelu, hallelu… O, the Lord is good to me…

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Bible-Venture Questions

  • 1. Why is the example of Jonah used to warn the large crowds (Luke 11:32)? The Ninevites repented at his preaching What does Jesus’ very public healing of a man in a synagogue prove (Luke 6:5)? He is “Lord of the Sabbath” What is the danger if we become obsessed with the speck of dust in our brother’s eye? We miss the plank in our own (Luke 6:41) According to Jesus, from what does the mouth speak (Luke 6:45)? Overflow of the heart How can we be cons of the Most High who is kind and merciful to the wicked? Love your enemies (Luke 6:35) Who was praised by Jesus for his “great faith” in Capernaum? (Luke 7:9) The (Roman) Centurion Why did Jesus tell someone from Nain not to cry? (Luke 7:13) he was about to raise from the dead a widow’s only son John was accused of having a demon but what charges were levelled against Jesus? Drunkard, glutton, friend of “sinners” What lesson about feet washing does Jesus teach in Simon’s house (Luke 7:47) He who has been forgiven little loves little According to Isaiah’s prophecy, why did Jesus speak in parables (6:9)? “though seeing, they may not see” Who are Jesus’ mother and brothers (Luke 8:1)? Those who hear God’s word and put it into practice Complete the disciples startled question: “Who is this?...” (Luke 8:25) “…Even the wind and waves obey him” How many basketfuls of leftovers were picked up by the disciples near Bethsaida? Twelve (Luke 9:17) What does Jesus prophecy about his mission after being identified as the Christ? The Son of Man must suffer many things At the Transfiguration, what does a voice from the cloud command (Luke 9:35)? “(This is my Son.) Listen to Him” Why does Jesus permit other men to drive out demons in His name (Luke 9:50)? “whoever is not against you is for you” What should the disciples ask the Lord of the harvest (Luke 10:2)? What exact message does Jesus entrust to the 72 disciples he sends out (Luke 10:9)?
  • 2. To send out more workers “The kingdom of God is near” Instead of spirits submitting, what should cause the disciples to rejoice (Luke 10:20)? Their names written in heaven What precise quality does the teacher of the law identify in the Good Samaritan? Mercy (Luke 10:37) What better choice did Mary make when Jesus visited (Luke 10:39)? Sitting at the Lord’s feet & listening If earthly dads give good gifts to their children, what will our heavenly Father give to those who ask (Luke 11:13)? Holy Spirit What does Jesus promise to make his first disciples (Mark 1)? Fishers of men What do the Pharisees love in the synagogue (Luke 11:43)? The best seats What was Simeon waiting for in the temple (Luke 2:25-26)? The consolation of Israel &/or to see the Lord’s Messiah What year does the Messiah proclaim in Luke 4:19? The Lord’s favour What Scripture does the Lord use to counter Satan’s first temptation (Luke 4:4)? “Man shall not live on bread alone” Why was Zechariah unable to speak after hearing the angel’s message (Luke 1:20)? He did not believe the promise According to Paul, how should we live wisely in these “evil” days (Eph. 5:16)? Making the most of every opportunity Whose example are husbands following when they love their wives (Eph. 5:25)? Christ Jesus How does Paul describe the way we should speak in Ephesians 4:15? Speaking the truth in love What is the purpose of prophets, teachers and pastors in the church (Eph. 4:12)? To equip his people for works of service What encouragement does Paul give us when praying to God in Ephesians 3:20? Able to do immeasurably more than we ask According to Ephesians 2:8, how have we been saved? By grace through faith What wonderful assurance does the Holy Why was it unusual for Jesus to meet the woman at the well (John 4)?
  • 3. Spirit give us (Eph. 1:14)? Deposit, guaranteeing our inheritance Jews & Samaritans were bitter enemies What reward will the meek receive? (Inherit) the earth (Matt. 5:5) Who shall be comforted? Those who mourn (Matt. 5:4) How does Jesus re-define adultery? Looking lustfully at a woman (Matt. 5:28) How does Jesus re-define murder? Being angry with family (Matt. 5:25) What should you do if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt? Hand over your coat as well (Matt. 5:40) What should we not announce with trumpets (Matt. 6:2) Giving to the needy What expectation is given in the Lord’s prayer for us to receive God’s forgiveness? As we forgive our debtors (Matt. 6:12) Why should we store up treasures in heaven (Matt. 6:20)? These cannot be destroyed or stolen What should you do if you remember someone has something against you at the altar (Matt. 5:24)? Seek reconciliation What is so special about when two or three gather in Jesus’ name (Matt. 18:20)? Our Lord promises to be especially present According to Proverbs, what can turn aside wrath (15:1)? A gentle answer According to Ecclesiastes, what kind of cord will not be easily broken (4:12)? One with three strands According to Hebrews, why should we fix our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2)? Author and perfector of faith What kind of sacrifice should we be for Christ? Living, holy & pleasing to God (Romans 12:1) What do the thorns represent in the Parable of the Soils (Matt. 13:22)? Worries of life & deceitfulness of wealth List all the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22) Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control Who did the Son of Man come to seek and save (Luke 19:10)? The lost What are the two defining characteristics of God’s incarnate Word (John 1:14)? Grace and truth According to Philippians 4:6, what should accompany our prayers and petitions? Thanksgiving What is Paul’s attitude to his past achievements or failures (Philp. 3:13) Forget what is behind & press on! What should be our attitude to hardships (Hebrews 12:7)? Endure as our Father’s discipline According to 1 Cor. 10:13, why can we trust God’s faithfulness when tempted? Not tempted beyond what we can bear Why should we flee sexual immorality (1 Cor. 6:19)? Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit Complete: “But we have this treasure in _______” (2 Cor. 4:7) Jars of clay Complete: “we are hard pressed on every side but not ____; perplexed, but not in ____” (2 Cor. 4:8) crushed; despair According to 1 Corinthians 13:13, what three virtues remains?
  • 4. Faith, hope, love What simple message do Christ’s ambassadors declare (2 Cor. 5:20)? Be reconciled to God What is one reason the Father of compassion comforts us (2 Cor. 1:3)? Able to comfort others in any trouble Complete: “God will give to each person according ________” (Romans 2:6) To what he has done Instead of words or tongue, how should we love one another (1 John 3:18)? With actions and in truth What, for Paul, is the secret of contentment (Philippians 4:12-13)? Living through Christ who gives us strength How can we demonstrate we love God who we cannot see (1 John 4:20)? Loving our brothers & sisters Why does Paul consider what was gain now loss (Philippians 3:8-10)? For the sake of knowing Christ What drives out fear (1 John 4:18)? Perfect love When did the Israelites, led by Joshua, start to lose in their battle against the Amalekites (Exodus 17:11)? When Moses hands dropped What specific ability did Moses feel he lacked to lead the Israelites (Ex. 4:10)? slow of speech and tongue (stammer?) What is of greater worth than rubies (Prov. 31:10)? A wife of noble character What does God require of man (Micah 6:8)? mercy, justice, humility What is the definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1? Confidence in what we hope for and/or assurance of what we do not see What was Sarah enabled to do, by faith (Hebrews 11:11)? Bear a (promised) child, even though old Who did Jesus stop to encourage en route to Jairus’ dying daughter (Mark 5:34)? Elderly woman healed of internal bleeding Where did the demon-possessed man in the Gerasenes’ region ‘live’ (Mark 5:3)? In the tombs Why does Jesus at first seem reluctant to help with the wedding at Cana (John 2:3)? “My hour has not yet come” What was the purpose of signs, like turning water into wine (John 2:11)? To reveal Jesus’ glory What time does Nicodemus come to speak with Jesus (John 3:2)? At night What event in Israel’s history is compared with the Son of Man being lifted up (John 3:14)? Moses & the bronze snake Which three women appear in Jesus’ genealogy (Matthew 1)? Rahab, Ruth, Uriah’s wife (Bathsheba) What does Immanuel actually mean (Matthew 1:23)? God with us Which Old Testament book prophecies “Rachel weeping for her children” (Matt. 2:18) Jeremiah (31:15) What was fulfilled when Jesus returned from Egypt to grow-up in Galilee (Matt. 2:22)? Prophecy he would be called a Nazarene Why will God’s word not return empty (Isaiah 55:11)? It will achieve the purpose desired How are we healed, according to Isaiah 53:5? By His (the Suffering Servant’s) wounds
  • 5. How does the Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53:7) respond to being “oppressed and afflicted”? He did not open his mouth Which book of the Bible actually contains the words “great is your faithfulness”? Lamentations (3:23) – Jerusalem destroyed How does Job respond to losing his possessions and family (Job 1:20)? Tore his robe, shaved his head, falls to the ground in worship, refuses to sin What are the “wages of sin” AND the “gift of God” (Romans 6:23)? Death AND eternal life (through Christ Jesus our Lord) How will we be able to “test and approve what God’s will is” (Romans 12:2) The renewing of our minds What is the way to “overcome evil”, rather than be overwhelmed? (Romans 12:21) (respond) with good Why should Christians be subject to governing authorities (Romans 13:1)? They have been established by God Why is love the fulfilment of the law (Romans 13:10)? Love does no harm to a neighbour What two examples does Paul give of “disputable matters” (Romans 14)? Eating only vegetables & considering one day more sacred than another Why would the Prodigal Son’s job of looking after pigs have been particularly shocking to Jews (Luke 15:15)? Pigs were “unclean” (not kosher food) At what point did the two men journeying to Emmaus recognise who Jesus was? After he broke the bread (Luke 24:30) What does Jesus say leads to rejoicing in heaven (Luke 15)? One sinner who repents What are the holy Scriptures useful for? teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16) According to Amos 7:8, what was God setting amongst His people to judge them? A plumb line (symbolising His standard) Who ultimately crushed the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15)? Jesus (by conquering death on the cross) How did the serpent trick Eve into eating the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:1)? Casting doubt on God’s word (Did He really say...?) What was the first thing Adam and Eve noticed immediately after eating the fruit? Their nakedness (Gen. 3:7) What promise did God make to Abram (Genesis 12:3)? All peoples of the earth will be blessed through him What did God throw into confusion at the arrogant Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)? Language – ability to communicate Why was Peter’s sermon at Pentecost so significant (Acts 2)? Understood in multiple mother tongues; 3000 converts… What is Peter’s simple solution for the heartbroken crowd? Repent and be baptised (Acts 2:38) What four markers shaped the early church (Acts 2:42)? Devoted to apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread & prayer Which Temple gate did the lame beggar sit beside (Acts 3)? Beautiful What is so special about the stone the builders rejected? Becomes the cornerstone (Acts 4:11) What does the name “Barnabas” mean in the Bible (Acts 4:36)? Son of Encouragement Why did the disciples rejoice after being flogged (Act 5:31)? Counted worthy to
  • 6. suffer disgrace for the Name How many deacons were originally appointed by the apostles (Acts 6)? Seven What was the earliest qualification for deacons (Acts 6)? Known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom What did those in the Sanhedrin notice about Stephen’s face (Acts 6:15)? Like the face of an angels Recite (as best you can) Stephen’s final prayer (Acts 6)? “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” Which was the first city/town that Philip the evangelist preached in after the scattering of Jerusalem believers? Samaria Who was the Roman centurion that helped break down the barrier between Jew and Gentile (Acts 10)? Cornelius Why was Elymas (the sorcerer) struck blind (Acts 13:10)? For his deceit & trickery; perverting the right way of the Lord Who did Paul appoint in Lystra, Iconium and Antioch (Acts 14:23)? Elders for the churches What practice did some in the Church want to maintain (Acts 15)? Circumcision What, according to Peter, enables anyone to be saved (Acts 15:11)? grace of Jesus How many smooth stones did David take with his sling (1 Samuel 17:40)? five Whilst man looks at the outward appearance, what does God judge (1 Samuel 16:17)? The heart (inside) What did Solomon choose when offered any gift from God (1 Kings 3)? Wisdom Which creature helps feed Elijah during the three-year drought (1 Kings 17:6)? Ravens Why was Joshua encouraged to “be strong and very courageous” (Joshua 1:6)? The LORD “will never leave you” What “weapon” enabled Moses to defeat the Amalekites (Exodus 17:10)? Prayer (triplet) Why does Paul consider “everything a loss” or “garbage” (P3:8)? Because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus What secret has Paul learned according to Philippians 4:12? Being content in any and every situation Where is Paul’s citizenship now (P3:20)? In heaven What does Paul say should be evident to all (Philippians 4:5)? Our gentleness What is the purpose of “doing everything without grumbling or arguing” (P2:15)? So we “shine like stars” Even though Jesus was “in very nature God”, what appearance did he take (P2:6- 7)? Human likeness How should we speak the truth to others (E4:15)? In love What should we pray “in” according to Ephesians 6:18? The Spirit How should husband treat their wives (Ephesians 5:25)? Just as Christ loved the church In what ways can we talk to each other (Eph. 5:19)? With psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit Who did Christ give to equip His people for “works of service” (E4:12)? Apostles, What is Paul’s prayer for the Philippian believers’ love (1:9)? Abound more and
  • 7. prophets, evangelist, teachers & pastors more in knowledge & depth of insight What should the thief do with his hands (E4:28)? Something useful Who should Christians be careful not to grieve with their words (E4:30)? The Holy Spirit of God Why is Paul confident when praying to God (E3:20)? He is “able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine” What does Paul pray for believers to grasp (E3:18)? How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ What will God show to us in coming ages (E2:7)? The incomparable riches of His grace How have we been saved (E2:8)? By grace through faith (both gifts from God) What “dividing wall of hostility” did Jesus tear down (E2:14-18)? The barrier between Jews and Gentiles (circumcision) Why can God not be mocked (Gal. 6:7)? A man reaps what he sows What have those who belong to Christ done with their “flesh” (Gal. 5:24)? Crucified, along with its passions and desires How did Christ redeem us (Gal. 3:13)? By becoming a curse for us, hanging on a tree Providence: Daniel & his three friends choose vegetables and water, instead of the royal food, and their faithful obedience is blessed by the LORD with knowledge & understanding. Move forward TWO places. Providence: David Wilkinson decides to sell his TV and give the time to God in watchful prayer (see The Cross and the Switchblade for what happens next!) Move forward ONE place. Providence: An angel of the Lord guides Philip to a desert road where he meets an Ethiopian official with serious questions. Move forward ONE place. Providence: Dorothea Clapp hands a teenage George Verwer a gospel tract and puts him on her “Holy Spirit hit list”. Move forward TWO places. Providence: John Wesley, worn-out from fruitless ministry in the American colonies, attends a Moravian meeting at Aldersgate. Move forward TWO places. Providence: David, trusting the LORD God Almighty, slays the Philistines’ champion Goliath with his trusty sling. Move forward ONE place. Providence: Nehemiah mourns, fasts and prays before the God of heaven, before an important audience with Artaxerses. Move forward ONE place. Providence: Under King Josiah, the Israelites rediscover the law of the LORD as they repair the Temple (2 Kings 22). Move forward TWO places. Providence: Paul is encouraged by a vision to stay in Corinth because Christ the Lord has “many people in this city” (Acts 18:9). Move forward TWO places. Providence: Peter is led out of prison, past strangely sleepy guards, by an angel of the Lord and surprises his local prayer meeting! Move forward ONE place. Providence: Gideon and 300 men defeat a vast Amalekite army in a victory that belongs solely to the LORD (Judges 7:20). Move forward ONE place. Providence: Joni Eareckson becomes quadriplegic after diving into Chesapeake Bay and begins a testimony that inspires millions. Move forward TWO places. P: “the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down” (Rev. 21:2) P: “Seven cows, sleek and fat” (Gen. 41:2)
  • 8. S: “an enormous, dazzling statue” (Dan. 2:31) S: “The LORD’s my Shepherd” (Ps. 23) S: “You make known to me the path of life” (Ps.16) S: “God is our strength and refuge” (Ps. 46:1) S: “a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:13) S: “broken cisterns that can’t hold water” (Jer. 21) S: “we reap what we sow” (Gal. 6:7) S: “as a dog returns to its own vomit” (Prov. 26:11) S: “as far as the east is from the west” (Ps. 103:12) S: “His winnowing fork is in his hand” (Matt. 3:12) S: Moses’ basket in reeds S: Joshua’s javelin (8:18) S: “he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him” (Matt. 3:16) S: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matt. 3:2) S: “to bind up the broken-hearted” (Is. 61:1) S: “soar high on wings like eagles” (Is. 40:31) S: The Prodigal Son S: “flaming arrows of the evil one” (Eph. 6:16) S: Put on the helmet of salvation S: roaring lion S: Sandals of gospel readiness S: Peter’s table cloth S: A vengeful prophet’s sheltering vine S: Spears beaten into ploughshares S: Jesus’ Ascension S: dry bones becoming flesh S: The tongue is like a forest fire S: Laodicea spat out S: Isaiah facedown before the Almighty S: Twelve spies sent into Canaan S: Bearing one another’s burdens S: The foolish builder S: The unmerciful servant S: Salt of the world
  • 9. S: Brood of vipers S: The penitent thief on his cross S: Simon of Cyrene S: Lazarus raised from the dead S: The last will be first S: Like a hen gathers its chicks S: The folded grave clothes S: The empty tomb S: The Temple curtain torn in two S: “My God, why have you forsaken me?” S: Jesus’ body pierced with spear (J 19:33) S: Jesus: “I am thirsty” (John 19:28) S: The mob shouting “Crucify” (John 19:15) S: Peter weeping bitterly (Mark 14:72) S: The Last Supper S: “my body broken for you” (Luke 22:19) S: Judas betraying Jesus (Luke 22:48-49) S: Jesus mocked and beaten (Luke 22:63) S: The Passover Lamb S: “Be always on the watch” (Luke 21:36) S: Bride of Christ S: Royal Priesthood S: The “Red Sea” dividing S: Five loaves and two fishes S: The Cornerstone S: The Tabernacle (Tent of Meeting) S: The Ark of the Covenant S: Solomon’s Temple S: Golden Lampstand S: Heel crushing serpent’s head S: Saul’s spear (1 Samuel 18:10) S: Gift of gold (Matt. 2:11) S: David’s harp (1 Samuel 16:23) S: Gideon’s fleece (Judges 6:37) S: Branch and root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1 – KJV & now a common metaphor for reform!) S: still small voice (1 Kings 19:12 – KJV)
  • 10. S: Abraham’s altar for Isaac (Genesis 21) S: Eye salve to aid sight (Revelation 3:18) S: God’s word as a hammer that breaks rocks in pieces (Jeremiah 23:29) S: White garments (Revelation 3:18) S: Robes of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10) S: Crowns of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8) A: David & Goliath A: Transfiguration A: Daniel in the Lion’s Den A: Jonah and the big fish A: Paul on Malta A: Three friends in a fiery furnace A: Samson with his jaw bone A: Moses parting the Red Sea A: The Plague of hail stones A: David dancing with all his might A: Eve tempted by the serpent A: The Farmer sowing gospel seed A: “The Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:33-35) A: The Prodigal’s Father A: The Woman and her lost coin A: The wise builder A: Zaccheus climbing a sycamore tree A: Disciples passing round the cup A: Healing of a blind man A: Paralysed man lowered through roof A: Jesus calming the storm A: Jesus feeding a huge crowd A: Parable of the Pharisee & tax collector A: Paul blinded by a bright light A: Paul singing in jail A: Jesus clearing out the temple A: Pilate washing his hands A: Belshazzar seeing writing on the wall
  • 11. A: Nebuchadnezzar becoming a beast A: Jeremiah thrown into a dry well A: Cain murdering Abel A: Six Days of Creation A: The Seventh Day of Rest A: Lot’s wife turned to pillar of salt A: Jesus cooking fish beside Lake Galilee A: Jesus washing his disciples’ feet A: Joshua and the walls of Jericho A: Moses and the burning bush A: Moses striking the rock A: Elijah’s chariots of fire A: Tower of Babel thrown into confusion A: Nehemiah rebuilding the walls A: Elijah fed by ravens beside a brook A: Namaan bathing in the River Jordan A: Esther winning a beauty contest A: David playing his harp for Saul A: Balaam’s talking donkey A: David seducing Bathsheba A: Jesus drives out the ‘Legion’ of demons A: Jesus’ resurrection A: Jesus walking on water A: Peter stepping out of the boat A: Jesus’ arrest A: Peter denying Jesus A: Peter cutting off Malchus’ right ear A: Angels visiting Shepherds A: Wise men bringing gifts A: Stephen stoned by angry mob A: Jesus’ baptism A: Simon holding and blessing Jesus A: The pearl of great price (parable) A: Elijah on Mount Carmel
  • 12. A: Jacob’s ladder to heaven A: Joseph and his many-coloured coat A: Joseph fleeing from Potiphar’s wife A: Abraham ready to sacrifice Isaac A: Noah building the Ark A: Moses receiving Ten Commandments A: Once-lame beggar walking, leaping and praising God A: Disciples looking intently into the sky A: Clash of cymbals (Ps. 150:5) A: Five loaves & two fish (Mark 6:41) P: Amazing Grace P: What a friend we have in Jesus O for a thousand tongues to sing Be thou my vision Knowing you, Jesus The Lord is gracious and compassionate Be Bold, Be Strong Bind us together, Lord Let there be love shared among us Happy Day In Christ Alone You’re the Word of God the Father How deep the Father’s love for us What a faithful God have I Who is there like you Take my life and let it be Consuming Fire This little light of mine Hark the Herald O, Come All Ye Faithful Away in a manger Above All Powers Abba Father Jubilate, Everybody All, hail the power of Jesus’ name All things bright and beautiful
  • 13. A new commandment At the name of Jesus Beautiful One… Wonderful, so… Before the throne of God above Be still for the presence of the Lord Blessed be the name of the Lord Broken for me, broken for you Come on and celebrate Make Way, Make Way Shout to the North and the South You are my strength when I am weak Glory be to God the Father Arise and shine Will your anchor hold Christ triumphant Come, now is the time to worship Open the eyes of my heart, Lord Amazing Love Indescribable How great is our God Nothing but the blood of Jesus Create in me a pure heart, O Lord Days of Elijah El-Shaddai Everlasting God Beautiful Saviour My Jesus Faithful One, so unchanging Father, I place into your hands Father, we adore you For God so loved the world For I’m building a people of power From the squalor of a borrowed stable Give me oil in my lamp
  • 14. Give Thanks Go, tell it on the mountains God is our strength and refuge God of the poor Lord, you are waiting God sent his Son… Great in power Great is He who’s the King of kings Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise Guide me, O thou Great Jehovah Happiness is to know the Saviour He’s got the whole world in his hands He has risen Light of the world Heart of worship Here is love vast as the ocean Holy, Holy, Holy Hosanna, Hosanna How great thou art! How sweet the name of Jesus sounds I’m gonna clap my hands to show… Jesus, you’re my superhero I’m redeemed, yes I am I’ve got peace like a river I have decided to follow Jesus I cannot tell, why he whom angels… If I were a butterfly I do not know what lies ahead My Redeemer Lives I may never march in the infantry Immortal, Invisible In my life, Lord, be glorified In the bleak midwinter I will sing the wondrous story
  • 15. I serve a risen Saviour I am He that liveth (At your feet fall) Here I am, Lord I want to walk with Jesus I am a new creation I stand amazed in the presence… I will enter His gates It’s rising up from coast to coast… You’re the Lion of Judah Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus Christ is alive today Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims Jesus shall take the highest honour Joy is the flag flying high King of Kings, Majesty Kum ba yah Let all the world in every corner sing Let everything that has breath Let us with a gladsome mind Colours of Day Shine, Jesus Shine Lord, reign in me Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us… Lord of all creation… God of wonders I danced in the morning (Lord of the Dance) Lost in wonder Lord for the years Love came down at Christmas Love lifted me Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my Saviour Majesty, worship His Majesty Make me a channel of your peace The Lord bless you and keep you My God is so big, so strong… Jesus, name above all names Nothing shall separate us from the love
  • 16. Now, I belong to Jesus O God, our help in ages past O church, arise O, breath of life come sweeping through us O, holy night On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross Jesus Christ I think up your sacrifice… One day when heaven was filled with… Only by grace can we enter Our eyes have seen the glory of the… Our God is a great big God How lovely on the mountains are the feet… Peter and John went to pray There’s a lot of pain, but a lot more healing (Outrageous grace) Big Man standing by the blue waterside Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus our blessed Praise Him on the trumpet, the psaltery… The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want Purify my heart… (Refiner’s Fire) Rejoice, Rejoice, Christ is in you… Restore, O Lord, the honour of your name Ride On, Ride On, in majesty… Everyone needs compassion, the love… Far and near, hear the call, worship Him… See amid the winter snow, born for us… See Him lying on a bed of straw… Seek ye first the kingdom of God This is our God, the Servant King… Silent Night Sing to God new songs of worship Soon, and very soon, we are going… We are marching in the light of God I’m special because God has loved me… Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me… Stand up! Stand up for Jesus… Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the…
  • 17. Thank you, Jesus… thank you, Lord… Thank you for saving me, what can I say… Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away… (The Communion Hymn) The First Nowell The greatest thing in all my life… All heaven declares the glory of the… The King of love is my delight, His eyes… The Lord is King! Lift up thy voice… There’s a place where the streets… There is a green hill far away, without… I am a C… Who is the King of the Jungle? God’s not dead! I may never march in the infantry… Jesus love is very wonderful We are marching in the light of God Hallelu, hallelu… O, the Lord is good to me…