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Enigmatic Equations
A Journey Through
Mathematical Puzzles
By Abu Rayhan
Enigmatic Equations 2
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ISBN: Please refer to the back cover for the ISBN
Enigmatic Equations 3
Welcome to the World of Mathematical Puzzles..............7
Why Mathematical Puzzles? ...........................................7
The Power of Puzzles .......................................................7
Journey Through the Book..............................................8
Building Problem-Solving Skills.....................................8
Getting Started .................................................................8
How to Approach and Solve Mathematical Puzzles.........9
1. Analyzing the Puzzle: ...................................................9
2. Recognizing Patterns and Relationships: ...............10
3. Applying Mathematical Concepts and Techniques:
4. Breaking Down the Problem: ...................................13
5. Experimenting and Iterating:...................................14
6. Employing Problem-Solving Heuristics:.................15
7. Maintaining Persistence and Flexibility:.................16
8. Documenting and Reflecting:...................................17
Chapter 1: Number Sequences..............................................20
1.1 Arithmetic Sequences...................................................20
1.2 Geometric Sequences...................................................47
1.3 Fibonacci Sequences....................................................74
1.4 Recursive Sequences....................................................81
Chapter 2: Algebraic Equations............................................95
Enigmatic Equations 4
2.1 Solving Linear Equations ............................................95
2.2 Quadratic Equations..................................................123
2.3 Systems of Equations ................................................131
2.4 Exponential Equations..............................................146
Chapter 3: Geometric Puzzles.............................................156
3.1 Area and Perimeter Puzzles ......................................156
3.2 Similarity and Congruence .......................................166
3.3 Geometric Transformations .....................................172
Chapter 4: Logic and Deduction.........................................179
4.1 Logical Reasoning Puzzles ........................................179
4.2 Truth Tables and Logical Operators........................190
4.3 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning........................198
Chapter 5: Probability and Statistics .................................202
5.1 Probability Puzzles.....................................................202
5.2 Combinatorics and Counting....................................207
5.3 Data Analysis and Interpretation.............................211
5.4 Statistical Distributions ............................................218
Chapter 6: Number Theory.................................................226
6.1 Divisibility and Factors..............................................226
6.2 Prime Numbers and Prime Factorization...............231
6.3 Modular Arithmetic...................................................235
6.4 Theorems and Conjectures.......................................240
Chapter 7: Advanced Problem-Solving Techniques.........246
7.1 Mathematical Induction ............................................246
Enigmatic Equations 5
7.2 Pigeonhole Principle..................................................261
7.3 Proof by Contradiction ..............................................270
7.4 Mathematical Olympiad Problems ..........................281
Conclusion ............................................................................291
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Enigmatic Equations 7
Welcome to "Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through
Mathematical Puzzles." In this book, we embark on an
exciting exploration of the captivating realm of
mathematical puzzles. Whether you are a seasoned
puzzle enthusiast or a curious learner looking to
enhance your problem-solving skills, this book will
engage and challenge you with a wide variety of mind-
bending mathematical puzzles.
Why Mathematical Puzzles?
Mathematical puzzles offer an enchanting way to delve
into the beauty and intricacy of mathematics. They not
only entertain and engage us but also foster critical
thinking, logical reasoning, and creativity. By
unraveling the secrets hidden within these puzzles, we
develop problem-solving techniques and strengthen
our mathematical aptitude.
The Power of Puzzles
Puzzles have been an integral part of human
civilization for centuries. From ancient civilizations to
modern-day societies, puzzles have been used to
entertain, educate, and sharpen our intellectual
abilities. They can be found in various forms, including
number sequences, algebraic equations, geometric
conundrums, logical puzzles, and more. By challenging
ourselves with puzzles, we exercise our minds and
unlock new realms of mathematical understanding.
Enigmatic Equations 8
Journey Through the Book
"Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through
Mathematical Puzzles" is designed to take you on an
engaging voyage through a diverse collection of
mathematical puzzles. Each chapter focuses on a
specific puzzle type or mathematical concept, offering
a comprehensive exploration of the topic. From
number sequences and algebraic equations to
geometric puzzles and probability challenges, you will
encounter a wide range of stimulating puzzles to solve.
Building Problem-Solving Skills
While the primary goal of this book is to entertain and
intrigue you with fascinating puzzles, it also aims to
enhance your problem-solving skills. As you tackle
each puzzle, you will develop logical thinking,
analytical reasoning, pattern recognition, and
mathematical intuition. Additionally, the book
provides guidance on effective problem-solving
strategies, enabling you to approach puzzles with
confidence and efficiency.
Getting Started
Before we embark on our mathematical puzzle journey,
we will delve into essential techniques and approaches
to solving puzzles. This introductory section will equip
you with the necessary tools and mindset to tackle the
challenges that lie ahead. We will explore various
problem-solving strategies, logical reasoning methods,
Enigmatic Equations 9
and approaches to deciphering patterns and
relationships within puzzles.
As we embark on this journey together, I encourage
you to embrace the joy and excitement of mathematical
puzzles. They offer a unique opportunity to appreciate
the elegance of mathematics and enhance our
problem-solving abilities. So, get ready to sharpen your
mind, unlock your mathematical prowess, and embark
on an enchanting adventure through "Enigmatic
Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles."
Let the puzzling begin!
Mathematical puzzles have a unique power to captivate
our minds and challenge our problem-solving skills.
They offer an exhilarating journey of discovery, where
hidden patterns and relationships are unveiled, and
complex problems are untangled. In this section, we
will delve into the art of approaching and solving
mathematical puzzles, equipping you with valuable
strategies and techniques to tackle even the most
enigmatic equations. So, let's embark on this exciting
journey of exploration and problem-solving!
1. Analyzing the Puzzle:
1.1 Read and Understand the Puzzle Statement
When encountering a mathematical puzzle, the first
step is to carefully read and comprehend the puzzle
statement. Pay close attention to any given
Enigmatic Equations 10
information, constraints, or specific requirements
mentioned. Understand the problem's context and
visualize the scenario it presents.
1.2 Identify Known Information and Constraints
Once you grasp the puzzle statement, identify the
known information. Look for numbers, equations,
relationships, or any relevant data provided within the
puzzle. Additionally, note any constraints or
limitations that may guide your solution approach.
1.3 Determine the Objective or Desired Solution
Every puzzle has an objective or a desired solution
outcome. Identify what the puzzle is asking for—
whether it's finding a missing number, solving an
equation, determining a pattern, or uncovering a
hidden relationship. This understanding will serve as
your guiding light throughout the problem-solving
2. Recognizing Patterns and Relationships:
2.1 Look for Number Sequences and Progressions
Number sequences often hide intriguing patterns and
progressions. Analyze the given numbers, observe the
differences or ratios between them, and seek a
recurring pattern. This could involve arithmetic
progressions (adding a constant value), geometric
progressions (multiplying by a constant factor), or even
more intricate patterns.
Enigmatic Equations 11
2.2 Observe Geometric and Symmetric Patterns
Geometry plays a significant role in many
mathematical puzzles. Look for geometric shapes,
symmetry, or visual arrangements that might hold
essential clues. Examine angles, lengths, and spatial
relationships. Often, puzzles involving shapes or
figures rely on geometric properties for their solutions.
2.3 Consider Functional Relationships and
Mathematical puzzles often involve functional
relationships between variables. Explore how different
variables interact with each other and affect the overall
solution. Identify dependencies, proportionalities, or
inversely related factors. Understanding these
relationships can lead to significant breakthroughs.
2.4 Identify Hidden or Implicit Patterns
Some puzzles require a keen eye to spot the less
obvious patterns or relationships. Look beyond the
surface-level information and search for hidden
connections. These patterns may involve non-linear
progressions, patterns in prime numbers, or patterns
that emerge through combining different
mathematical concepts.
3. Applying Mathematical Concepts and
3.1 Utilizing Algebraic Equations and Expressions
Algebraic techniques play a vital role in solving
mathematical puzzles. Translate the puzzle statement
Enigmatic Equations 12
into algebraic equations or expressions, and use
algebraic principles to simplify, manipulate, and solve
them. Equations can help reveal unknown variables or
assist in finding missing values.
3.2 Employing Geometry and Spatial Reasoning
Geometry provides a rich toolbox for solving puzzles
related to shapes, spatial relationships, and
measurements. Utilize geometric concepts, theorems,
and formulas to analyze angles, lengths, areas, and
volumes. Visualization and spatial reasoning will aid in
unraveling geometric puzzles.
3.3 Leveraging Probability and Statistics
Probability and statistics offer powerful tools for
solving puzzles involving chance, randomness, and
data analysis. Apply probability principles to estimate
likelihoods, calculate expected values, or assess the
likelihood of specific outcomes. Statistical analysis can
reveal patterns and trends hidden within data sets.
3.4 Exploring Number Theory Principles
Number theory, the study of integers and their
properties, is particularly relevant in many
mathematical puzzles. Dive into divisibility rules,
prime numbers, modular arithmetic, and other
number theory concepts to gain insights and unlock
3.5 Employing Logical Reasoning and Deduction
Enigmatic Equations 13
Logical reasoning and deduction are crucial for solving
puzzles that require careful analysis and inference.
Develop logical arguments, construct truth tables, and
use deductive reasoning to eliminate possibilities,
identify contradictions, and arrive at valid conclusions.
Logical puzzles often involve applying rules of
inference and logical operators.
4. Breaking Down the Problem:
4.1 Divide the Puzzle into Smaller Sub-problems
Complex puzzles can often be broken down into
smaller, more manageable sub-problems. Analyze the
puzzle statement and identify distinct components or
steps required to reach the solution. Address each sub-
problem separately, gradually building towards the
overall solution.
4.2 Simplify or Transform the Puzzle Statement
Sometimes, puzzles can be simplified or transformed
into equivalent forms that are easier to solve. Look for
opportunities to simplify complex expressions, remove
redundancies, or reframe the problem to gain new
insights. Transforming the puzzle may expose hidden
relationships or patterns.
4.3 Look for Similarities to Previously Solved Problems
Many mathematical puzzles share similarities with
problems that have been solved before. Draw upon
your knowledge and experience to recognize patterns
or techniques that have been successful in similar
Enigmatic Equations 14
scenarios. Connecting the current puzzle to previously
solved problems can provide valuable guidance.
4.4 Use Auxiliary Tools or Representations (diagrams,
charts, tables)
Visualizing the puzzle through diagrams, charts, or
tables can often aid in understanding and solving the
problem. Create visual representations of the puzzle
elements, relationships, or data to gain additional
insights or perspectives. Visual aids can help organize
information and uncover hidden patterns.
5. Experimenting and Iterating:
5.1 Trial and Error Strategies
Sometimes, trial and error can be an effective approach
when solving mathematical puzzles. Experiment with
different values, formulas, or solution paths to test
their validity. Refine your approach based on the
outcomes of each trial, gradually narrowing down the
5.2 Hypothesis Testing and Refinement
Formulate hypotheses or conjectures based on
observed patterns or relationships within the puzzle.
Test these hypotheses and refine them through
experimentation or logical deductions. Adjust and
adapt your approach based on the feedback obtained.
5.3 Step-by-Step Progression and Iterative Approaches
Enigmatic Equations 15
Break down the solution process into incremental steps
and iterate through them systematically. Each step
builds upon the previous one, leading to a refined
solution. By carefully analyzing and adjusting each
step, you can gradually converge towards the correct
5.4 Adjusting Strategies Based on Feedback
Pay attention to the feedback you receive while solving
the puzzle. If a particular approach is not yielding the
desired results, be willing to adjust your strategy. Learn
from failed attempts, reassess the problem, and
consider alternative approaches to overcome obstacles.
6. Employing Problem-Solving Heuristics:
6.1 Work Backwards or Reverse Engineering
Start from the desired solution and work backward,
analyzing the steps required to reach that solution.
Reverse engineering allows you to break down the
problem in reverse order, often providing valuable
insights into the solution process.
6.2 Guess and Check
In some situations, making educated guesses and
checking their validity can lead to the correct solution.
Guess a potential answer, evaluate its impact on the
puzzle, and refine your guess iteratively until you find
the correct value.
6.3 Look for Symmetry or Mirror Solutions
Enigmatic Equations 16
Symmetry often holds essential clues in mathematical
puzzles. Identify symmetry in shapes, numbers, or
patterns and exploit it to reveal hidden relationships or
missing values. Mirror solutions can provide
alternative approaches or confirm the validity of a
proposed solution.
6.4 Seek Special Cases or Extremes
Special cases or extreme values can sometimes shed
light on the solution process. Explore scenarios where
variables take on extreme values, approach limits, or
satisfy specific conditions. These special cases can
provide valuable insights into the puzzle's underlying
6.5 Utilize Visualizations and Diagrams
Visualizations and diagrams can serve as powerful
tools to gain intuitive understanding and solve
mathematical puzzles. Create diagrams that represent
the puzzle's elements and relationships, allowing you
to visualize the problem from different perspectives
and identify potential solutions.
7. Maintaining Persistence and Flexibility:
7.1 Stay Patient and Persevere
Mathematical puzzles can be challenging and require
persistence. Do not get discouraged if you encounter
difficulties or face obstacles along the way. Maintain a
positive mindset, embrace the challenge, and stay
determined to find the solution.
Enigmatic Equations 17
7.2 Avoid Getting Stuck or Fixated
It's essential to avoid getting fixated on a particular
solution approach or being trapped by preconceived
notions. Remain open to alternative perspectives and
approaches. If a particular strategy is not yielding
results, be flexible and willing to try different methods
or angles of attack.
7.3 Embrace Alternative Perspectives and Approaches
Sometimes, thinking outside the box or adopting
alternative perspectives can lead to breakthroughs.
Consider different viewpoints, change your frame of
reference, or approach the problem from
unconventional angles. Embracing diverse
perspectives broadens the range of possible solutions.
7.4 Collaborate and Seek Help When Needed
Collaboration and seeking help from others can be
valuable in tackling challenging puzzles. Engage in
discussions with fellow puzzle enthusiasts, participate
in mathematical communities, or consult experts if
needed. Sharing ideas and insights can illuminate new
solution paths.
8. Documenting and Reflecting:
8.1 Keep Track of Your Progress and Attempts
Maintain a record of your progress, including the
strategies, approaches, and techniques you employ.
Document your attempts, failed or successful, to
understand your reasoning process. Tracking your
Enigmatic Equations 18
progress provides a valuable reference and allows you
to learn from your experiences.
8.2 Record Insights and Observations
As you solve mathematical puzzles, take note of the
insights, observations, and aha moments you
encounter along the way. These reflections can help
reinforce your understanding, identify patterns in your
problem-solving techniques, and enhance your overall
mathematical prowess.
8.3 Review and Analyze Solution Paths
After finding a solution, review and analyze the
solution path you took. Identify critical decision points,
crucial insights, or alternative approaches that could
have been taken. Reflect on the effectiveness of your
problem-solving strategies and consider how they
could be refined or expanded upon.
8.4 Reflect on the Problem-Solving Process
Take time to reflect on the overall problem-solving
process. Consider the strategies that worked well for
you, the challenges you encountered, and the skills you
developed. Embrace the joy of problem solving and
appreciate the journey of discovery that mathematical
puzzles offer.
Mastering mathematical puzzles is not merely about
finding the correct solutions—it is about developing
problem-solving skills, nurturing curiosity, and
embracing the joy of exploration. With the strategies
and techniques outlined in this section, you are
Enigmatic Equations 19
equipped to approach and solve a wide range of
mathematical puzzles. So, venture forth with
confidence, unravel the enigmatic equations, and enjoy
the boundless world of mathematical puzzles!
Enigmatic Equations 20
Arithmetic sequences involve a pattern where each
term is obtained by adding a constant value to the
previous term. In this section, we will explore 100
puzzles based on arithmetic sequences, along with
their solutions.
Puzzle 1:
5, 10, 15, ?, 25
Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 20.
Puzzle 2:
-2, 1, 4, 7, ?, 13
Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 10.
Puzzle 3:
12, 9, 6, ?, 0
Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 3.
Puzzle 4:
2, 4, 6, ?, 10, 12
Enigmatic Equations 21
Solution: The common difference is 2. Adding 2 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 8.
Puzzle 5:
17, 14, 11, ?, 5
Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 8.
Puzzle 6:
1, 3, 5, ?, 9, 11
Solution: The common difference is 2. Adding 2 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 7.
Puzzle 7:
-10, -7, -4, ?, 2, 5
Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is -1.
Puzzle 8:
20, 17, 14, ?, 8, 5
Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 11.
Enigmatic Equations 22
Puzzle 9:
3, 0, -3, ?, -9
Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is -6.
Puzzle 10:
100, 90, 80, ?, 60
Solution: The common difference is -10. Subtracting 10
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 70.
Puzzle 11:
4, 9, 14, ?, 24
Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 19.
Puzzle 12:
-1, -4, -7, ?, -13
Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is -10.
Puzzle 13:
12, 6, 0, ?, -6
Solution: The common difference is -6. Subtracting 6
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is -12.
Enigmatic Equations 23
Puzzle 14:
7, 14, 21, ?, 35
Solution: The common difference is 7. Adding 7 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 28.
Puzzle 15:
0.5, 1.5, 2.5, ?, 4.5
Solution: The common difference is 1. Adding 1 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 3.5.
Puzzle 16:
18, 15, 12, ?, 6
Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 9.
Puzzle 17:
-2, -1, 0, ?, 2
Solution: The common difference is 1. Adding 1 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 1.
Puzzle 18:
50, 45, 40, ?, 30
Solution: The common difference is -5. Subtracting 5
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 35.
Enigmatic Equations 24
Puzzle 19:
6, 11, 16, ?, 26
Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 21.
Puzzle 20:
-3, 0, 3, ?, 9
Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 6.
Puzzle 21:
10, 15, ?, 25, 30
Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 20.
Puzzle 22:
-5, -2, 1, ?, 7
Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 4.
Puzzle 23:
2, 6, 10, ?, 18
Solution: The common difference is 4. Adding 4 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 14.
Enigmatic Equations 25
Puzzle 24:
12, 8, 4, ?, -4
Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 0.
Puzzle 25:
0, 5, 10, ?, 20
Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 15.
Puzzle 26:
3, 0, -3, ?, -9
Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is -6.
Puzzle 27:
1, 4, 7, ?, 13
Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 10.
Puzzle 28:
-8, -5, -2, ?, 4
Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 1.
Enigmatic Equations 26
Puzzle 29:
20, 16, 12, ?, 4
Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 8.
Puzzle 30:
-10, -5, 0, ?, 10
Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 5.
Puzzle 31:
4, 12, 20, ?, 36
Solution: The common difference is 8. Adding 8 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 28.
Puzzle 32:
-7, -3, 1, ?, 9
Solution: The common difference is 4. Adding 4 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 5.
Puzzle 33:
13, 10, 7, ?, 1
Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 4.
Enigmatic Equations 27
Puzzle 34:
9, 4, -1, ?, -11
Solution: The common difference is -5. Subtracting 5
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is -6.
Puzzle 35:
2, 5, 8, ?, 14
Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 11.
Puzzle 36:
-2, -6, -10, ?, -18
Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is -14.
Puzzle 37:
7, 14, ?, 28, 35
Solution: The common difference is 7. Adding 7 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 21.
Puzzle 38:
20, 16, ?, 8, 4
Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 12.
Enigmatic Equations 28
Puzzle 39:
3, 1, -1, ?, -5
Solution: The common difference is -2. Subtracting 2
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is -3.
Puzzle 40:
12, 15, 18, ?, 24
Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 21.
Puzzle 41:
-3, 0, 3, ?, 9
Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 6.
Puzzle 42:
10, 5, 0, ?, -10
Solution: The common difference is -5. Subtracting 5
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is -5.
Puzzle 43:
6, 13, 20, ?, 34
Solution: The common difference is 7. Adding 7 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 27.
Enigmatic Equations 29
Puzzle 44:
-1, 1, 3, ?, 7
Solution: The common difference is 2. Adding 2 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 5.
Puzzle 45:
4, 1, -2, ?, -8
Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is -5.
Puzzle 46:
15, 10, 5, ?, -5
Solution: The common difference is -5. Subtracting 5
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 0.
Puzzle 47:
9, 14, 19, ?, 29
Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 24.
Puzzle 48:
-4, -8, -12, ?, -20
Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is -16.
Enigmatic Equations 30
Puzzle 49:
22, 18, ?, 10, 6
Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4
from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore,
the missing term is 14.
Puzzle 50:
1, 5, 9, ?, 17
Solution: The common difference is 4. Adding 4 to the
previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 13.
Puzzle 51:
7, 17, 27, ?, 47
Solution: The common difference is 10. Adding 10 to
the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the
missing term is 37.
Puzzle 52:
2, 5, 10, 17, ?, 37
Solution: The common difference increases by 1 with
each term. The difference between the first two terms
is 3, between the second and third terms is 5, between
the third and fourth terms is 7. So, the difference
between the fourth and fifth terms should be 9. Adding
9 to the previous term gives the missing term of 26.
Puzzle 53:
1, 4, 9, 16, ?, 36
Enigmatic Equations 31
Solution: The terms are the squares of consecutive
natural numbers. The missing term is the square of the
next natural number. Therefore, the missing term is
Puzzle 54:
12, 6, 2, ?, -2, -4
Solution: The common difference decreases by 4 with
each term. So, the difference between the first two
terms is 6, between the second and third terms is 4, and
between the third and fourth terms should be 2.
Subtracting 2 from the previous term gives the missing
term of 0.
Puzzle 55:
3, 8, 15, ?, 33, 44
Solution: The difference between consecutive terms
increases by 1 each time. The difference between the
first two terms is 5, between the second and third terms
is 7, and between the third and fourth terms should be
9. Adding 9 to the previous term gives the missing term
of 24.
Puzzle 56:
-1, -3, 3, ?, 15, 31
Solution: The pattern alternates between subtracting 2
and adding 6. So, subtracting 2 from -1 gives -3, adding
6 to -3 gives 3, subtracting 2 from 3 gives 1. The missing
term is obtained by adding 6 to 1, resulting in 7.
Enigmatic Equations 32
Puzzle 57:
10, 8, 13, ?, 23, 43
Solution: The pattern alternates between subtracting 2
and adding 5. So, subtracting 2 from 10 gives 8, adding
5 to 8 gives 13, subtracting 2 from 13 gives 11. The
missing term is obtained by adding 5 to 11, resulting in
Puzzle 58:
1, 4, 9, ?, 25, 36
Solution: The terms are the squares of consecutive odd
numbers. The missing term is the square of the next
odd number. Therefore, the missing term is 16.
Puzzle 59:
-2, 1, 5, ?, 14, 26
Solution: The pattern alternates between adding 3 and
adding 6. So, adding 3 to -2 gives 1, adding 6 to 1 gives
7, adding 3 to 7 gives 10. The missing term is obtained
by adding 6 to 10, resulting in 16.
Puzzle 60:
11, 21, 33, ?, 57, 73
Solution: The pattern alternates between adding 10
and adding 12. So, adding 10 to 11 gives 21, adding 12
to 21 gives 33, adding 10 to 33 gives 43. The missing
term is obtained by adding 12 to 43, resulting in 55.
Enigmatic Equations 33
Puzzle 61:
2, 5, 12, ?, 34, 59
Solution: The pattern involves squaring the terms and
then adding an increasing odd number sequence. The
missing term can be found by squaring 5 and adding
the next odd number (7), resulting in 32.
Puzzle 62:
17, 14, 24, ?, 54, 94
Solution: The pattern alternates between subtracting 3
and adding 10. So, subtracting 3 from 17 gives 14,
adding 10 to 14 gives 24, subtracting 3 from 24 gives
21. The missing term is obtained by adding 10 to 21,
resulting in 31.
Puzzle 63:
-4, 0, 9, ?, 32, 63
Solution: The pattern involves squaring the terms and
then adding a constant value. The missing term can be
found by squaring 3 and adding 6, resulting in 15.
Puzzle 64:
5, 11, 19, ?, 41, 65
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
prime number sequence. The missing term can be
found by adding the next prime number (23) to 19,
resulting in 42.
Enigmatic Equations 34
Puzzle 65:
1, 3, 8, 22, ?, 85
Solution: The pattern involves multiplying the terms by
an increasing sequence of prime numbers. The missing
term can be found by multiplying 22 by the next prime
number (5), resulting in 110.
Puzzle 66:
6, 18, 38, ?, 118, 198
Solution: The pattern involves multiplying the terms by
an increasing sequence of even numbers. The missing
term can be found by multiplying 38 by the next even
number (4), resulting in 152.
Puzzle 67:
10, 16, 34, ?, 106, 202
Solution: The pattern involves adding a sequence of
consecutive squares. The missing term can be found by
adding the next consecutive square (7^2 = 49) to 34,
resulting in 83.
Puzzle 68:
-3, 5, 24, ?, 98, 219
Solution: The pattern involves multiplying the terms by
an increasing sequence of triangular numbers. The
missing term can be found by multiplying 24 by the
next triangular number (4), resulting in 96.
Enigmatic Equations 35
Puzzle 69:
12, 25, 49, ?, 145, 229
Solution: The pattern involves squaring the terms and
then adding an increasing sequence of Fibonacci
numbers. The missing term can be found by squaring 7
and adding the next Fibonacci number (8), resulting in
Puzzle 70:
7, 11, 19, ?, 43, 71
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the next prime number
(13) to 19, resulting in 32.
Puzzle 71:
2, 5, 11, 23, ?, 95
Solution: The pattern involves doubling the terms and
then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive
prime numbers. The missing term can be found by
doubling 23 and subtracting the next prime number
(5), resulting in 41.
Puzzle 72:
9, 17, 32, ?, 77, 131
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of triangular numbers and then subtracting
the square of the term number. The missing term can
be found by adding the fourth triangular number (10)
Enigmatic Equations 36
to 32 and then subtracting the square of 4, resulting in
Puzzle 73:
14, 22, 42, ?, 132, 222
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive cubes and then subtracting a
multiple of 3. The missing term can be found by adding
the fourth cube (64) to 42 and then subtracting 12,
resulting in 94.
Puzzle 74:
-5, 11, 29, ?, 89, 173
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers and then
subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive
square numbers. The missing term can be found by
adding the fourth triangular number (10) to 29 and
then subtracting the fourth square number (16),
resulting in 23.
Puzzle 75:
3, 6, 16, ?, 96, 236
Solution: The pattern involves multiplying the terms by
an increasing sequence of prime numbers and then
adding an increasing sequence of consecutive
triangular numbers. The missing term can be found by
multiplying 16 by the third prime number (5) and then
adding the third triangular number (6), resulting in 86.
Enigmatic Equations 37
Puzzle 76:
21, 30, 56, ?, 166, 311
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers and then
subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive
square numbers. The missing term can be found by
adding the fourth pentagonal number (40) to 56 and
then subtracting the fourth square number (16),
resulting in 80.
Puzzle 77:
13, 19, 29, ?, 61, 109
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive square numbers and then
subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive
prime numbers. The missing term can be found by
adding the third square number (9) to 29 and then
subtracting the third prime number (5), resulting in 33.
Puzzle 78:
8, 14, 24, ?, 64, 116
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers and then
subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive odd
numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the
third triangular number (6) to 24 and then subtracting
the third odd number (5), resulting in 25.
Puzzle 79:
4, 11, 25, ?, 85, 170
Enigmatic Equations 38
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers and then
subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive even
numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the
fourth pentagonal number (35) to 25 and then
subtracting the fourth even number (8), resulting in 52.
Puzzle 80:
18, 32, 54, ?, 120, 216
Solution: The pattern involves multiplying the terms by
an increasing sequence of triangular numbers and then
adding an increasing sequence of consecutive odd
numbers. The missing term can be found by
multiplying 54 by the fourth triangular number (10)
and then adding the fourth odd number (7), resulting
in 547.
Puzzle 81:
3, 9, 23, ?, 77, 161
Solution: The pattern involves squaring the terms,
subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive
prime numbers, and then adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The
missing term can be found by squaring 5, subtracting
the third prime number (5), and adding the third
triangular number (6), resulting in 37.
Puzzle 82:
14, 23, 42, ?, 134, 253
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers,
Enigmatic Equations 39
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
prime numbers, and then subtracting the square of the
term number. The missing term can be found by
adding the fourth triangular number (10), multiplying
by the third prime number (5), and subtracting the
square of 4, resulting in 116.
Puzzle 83:
-6, 10, 33, ?, 121, 241
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive square numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth triangular
number (10), multiplying by the third odd number (5),
and subtracting the fourth square number (16),
resulting in 85.
Puzzle 84:
7, 20, 46, ?, 142, 277
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive square numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal
number (40), multiplying by the third prime number
(5), and subtracting the fourth square number (16),
resulting in 114.
Enigmatic Equations 40
Puzzle 85:
2, 11, 32, ?, 146, 287
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth triangular
number (10), multiplying by the third odd number (5),
and subtracting the third prime number (5), resulting
in 87.
Puzzle 86:
12, 29, 62, ?, 186, 359
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
even numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal
number (40), multiplying by the third even number
(4), and subtracting the third prime number (5),
resulting in 177.
Puzzle 87:
1, 13, 40, ?, 193, 382
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive square numbers, multiplying
by an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers,
and then subtracting an increasing sequence of
consecutive triangular numbers. The missing term can
be found by adding the fourth square number (16),
Enigmatic Equations 41
multiplying by the third odd number (5), and
subtracting the third triangular number (6), resulting
in 194.
Puzzle 88:
9, 28, 63, ?, 233, 452
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The
missing term can be found by adding the fourth
pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third
prime number (5), and subtracting the fourth
triangular number (10), resulting in 233.
Puzzle 89:
5, 22, 57, ?, 237, 470
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive square numbers, multiplying
by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime
numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence
of consecutive odd numbers. The missing term can be
found by adding the fourth square number (16),
multiplying by the third prime number (5), and
subtracting the third odd number (5), resulting in 237.
Puzzle 90:
16, 41, 82, ?, 266, 527
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers,
Enigmatic Equations 42
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal
number (40), multiplying by the third odd number (5),
and subtracting the fourth prime number (7), resulting
in 119.
Puzzle 91:
3, 16, 45, ?, 221, 446
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive square numbers, multiplying
by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime
numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence
of consecutive triangular numbers. The missing term
can be found by adding the fourth square number (16),
multiplying by the third prime number (5), and
subtracting the fourth triangular number (10),
resulting in 221.
Puzzle 92:
-7, 19, 66, ?, 293, 586
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth triangular
number (10), multiplying by the third odd number (5),
and subtracting the fourth prime number (7), resulting
in 240.
Enigmatic Equations 43
Puzzle 93:
10, 39, 96, ?, 337, 670
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive square numbers, multiplying
by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime
numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence
of consecutive odd numbers. The missing term can be
found by adding the fourth square number (16),
multiplying by the third prime number (5), and
subtracting the third odd number (5), resulting in 336.
Puzzle 94:
1, 17, 57, ?, 321, 644
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive square numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth triangular
number (10), multiplying by the third odd number (5),
and subtracting the fourth square number (16),
resulting in 320.
Puzzle 95:
8, 36, 86, ?, 476, 946
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive square numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal
number (40), multiplying by the third prime number
Enigmatic Equations 44
(5), and subtracting the third square number (9),
resulting in 85.
Puzzle 96:
12, 43, 94, ?, 545, 1072
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal
number (40), multiplying by the third odd number (5),
and subtracting the fourth prime number (7), resulting
in 549.
Puzzle 97:
-2, 21, 68, ?, 389, 776
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive odd numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth triangular
number (10), multiplying by the third prime number
(5), and subtracting the third odd number (5), resulting
in 68.
Puzzle 98:
7, 35, 90, ?, 514, 1022
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers,
Enigmatic Equations 45
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The
missing term can be found by adding the fourth
pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third odd
number (5), and subtracting the fourth triangular
number (10), resulting in 510.
Puzzle 99:
15, 58, 125, ?, 689, 1360
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The
missing term can be found by adding the fourth
pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third
prime number (5), and subtracting the third triangular
number (6), resulting in 624.
Puzzle 100:
4, 29, 88, ?, 638, 1261
Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing
sequence of consecutive triangular numbers,
multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive
odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing
sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing
term can be found by adding the fourth triangular
number (10), multiplying by the third odd number (5),
and subtracting the fourth prime number (7), resulting
in 641.
Enigmatic Equations 46
These extremely challenging arithmetic sequence
puzzles will truly put your mathematical skills and
logical thinking to the test. Enjoy the intellectual
workout and have fun solving them!
Enigmatic Equations 47
In this section, we explore the fascinating world of
geometric sequences. A geometric sequence is a
sequence of numbers where each term is found by
multiplying the previous term by a common ratio. Let's
dive into some challenging puzzles that will test your
ability to identify and predict the missing terms in
geometric sequences.
Puzzle 1:
3, 6, 12, ?, 48
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 2. Multiplying each term by 2 gives us the
missing number, which is 24.
Puzzle 2:
1, 5, 25, ?, 625
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 5. Multiplying each term by 5 gives us the
missing number, which is 125.
Puzzle 3:
2, 10, ?, 250, 1250
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 5. Dividing each term by 5 gives us the missing
number, which is 50.
Enigmatic Equations 48
Puzzle 4:
12, 8, 16, ?, 128
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 0.5. Dividing each term by 2 gives us the
missing number, which is 32.
Puzzle 5:
81, ?, 9, 1, 0.111...
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 1/9. Multiplying each term by 1/9 gives us the
missing number, which is 9.
Puzzle 6:
256, ?, 16, 1, 0.0625
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 1/4. Multiplying each term by 1/4 gives us the
missing number, which is 64.
Puzzle 7:
1, ?, 0.25, 0.0625, 0.015625
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 1/4. Multiplying each term by 1/4 gives us the
missing number, which is 0.0625.
Puzzle 8:
4, ?, 16, 32, 64
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 2. Multiplying each term by 2 gives us the
missing number, which is 8.
Enigmatic Equations 49
Puzzle 9:
27, ?, 9, 3, 1
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 1/3. Multiplying each term by 1/3 gives us the
missing number, which is 3.
Puzzle 10:
0.01, 0.1, ?, 10, 100
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 10. Multiplying each term by 10 gives us the
missing number, which is 1.
Puzzle 11:
1, 4, 16, ?, 256
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 4. Multiplying each term by 4 gives us the
missing number, which is 64.
Puzzle 12:
0.1, ?, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 0.1. Multiplying each term by 0.1 gives us the
missing number, which is 0.001.
Puzzle 13:
2, 10, ?, 250, 1250, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 5. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 5. The missing
Enigmatic Equations 50
number after 10 is 50, and the missing number after
1250 is 6250.
Puzzle 14:
9, ?, 135, ?, 2025
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 3/5. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 3/5. The missing
number after 9 is 27, and the missing number after 135
is 405.
Puzzle 15:
16, ?, 32, ?, 64, ?, 128
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 2. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 2. The missing
numbers are 8 (after 16), 16 (after 32), and 32 (after
Puzzle 16:
1, 3, ?, 27, 81
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 3. The missing number is obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 3. The missing
number after 3 is 9.
Puzzle 17:
2, 12, ?, 432, 5184
Enigmatic Equations 51
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 6. The missing number is obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 6. The missing
number after 12 is 72.
Puzzle 18:
1, ?, 4, 16, 64
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 2. The missing number is obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 2. The missing
number before 4 is 2.
Puzzle 19:
1, 4, 16, ?, 256, 1024
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 4. The missing number is obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 4. The missing
number after 16 is 64.
Puzzle 20:
0.5, ?, 0.03125, 0.001953125, 0.0001220703125
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 1/64. The missing number is obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 1/64. The missing
number before 0.03125 is 0.00048828125.
Puzzle 21:
0.5, ?, 0.125, ?, 0.03125, 0.0078125
Enigmatic Equations 52
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 1/4. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 1/4. The missing
numbers are 0.25 (after 0.5) and 0.015625 (after
Puzzle 22:
3, 9, ?, 243, 729
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 3. The missing number is obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 3. The missing
number after 9 is 27.
Puzzle 23:
1, ?, 9, ?, 81, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 3. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 3. The missing
numbers are 3 (after 1) and 27 (after 9).
Puzzle 24:
4, ?, 64, ?, 256, 1024
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 2. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 4. The missing
numbers are 16 (after 4) and 128 (after 64).
Puzzle 25:
2, 10, 50, ?, 2500, ?
Enigmatic Equations 53
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 5. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 5. The missing
numbers are 250 (after 50) and 125,000 (after 2500).
Puzzle 26:
1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 1296
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 3. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 3. The missing
numbers are 3 (after 1) and 243 (after 81).
Puzzle 27:
5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 320 (after 40) and 20,480 (after 2560).
Puzzle 28:
1, 4, ?, 64, ?, 256
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 4. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 4. The missing
numbers are 16 (after 4) and 1024 (after 64).
Puzzle 29:
2, 8, ?, 128, ?, 512
Enigmatic Equations 54
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 4. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 4. The missing
numbers are 32 (after 8) and 2048 (after 128).
Puzzle 30:
1, ?, 27, ?, 243, 729
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 3. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 3. The missing
numbers are 9 (after 1) and 81 (after 27).
Puzzle 31:
2, ?, 18, ?, 162, 1458
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 6 (after 2) and 486 (after 18).
Puzzle 32:
1, 5, ?, 125, ?, 3125
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 25. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 25. The missing
numbers are 25 (after 5) and 625 (after 125).
Puzzle 33:
4, ?, 32, 256, ?, 8192
Enigmatic Equations 55
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 64 (after 4) and 2048 (after 256).
Puzzle 34:
0.1, ?, 0.01, ?, 0.0001, 0.000001
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 0.1. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 0.1. The missing
numbers are 0.001 (after 0.01) and 0.0000001 (after
Puzzle 35:
3, ?, 81, ?, 6561, 59049
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing
numbers are 243 (after 3) and 177,147 (after 6561).
Puzzle 36:
1, 4, ?, 64, ?, 1024
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 16 (after 4) and 256 (after 64).
Puzzle 37:
2, ?, 16, ?, 128, 2048
Enigmatic Equations 56
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 4 (after 2) and 1024 (after 128).
Puzzle 38:
5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 10 (after 5) and 256 (after 320).
Puzzle 39:
3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 12 (after 3) and 3072 (after 48).
Puzzle 40:
1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing
numbers are 64 (after 8) and 46656 (after 216).
Puzzle 41:
2, ?, 32, ?, 512, 8192
Enigmatic Equations 57
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 8 (after 2) and 2048 (after 32).
Puzzle 42:
1, 10, ?, 1000, ?, 100000
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 100. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 100. The missing
numbers are 100 (after 10) and 10000 (after 1000).
Puzzle 43:
3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 9 (after 3) and 729 (after 27).
Puzzle 44:
0.1, ?, 0.001, ?, 0.00001, 0.0000001
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 0.01. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 0.01. The missing
numbers are 0.0001 (after 0.001) and 0.000000001
(after 0.00001).
Puzzle 45:
4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768
Enigmatic Equations 58
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 256 (after 4) and 16384 (after 1024).
Puzzle 46:
2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing
numbers are 72 (after 12) and 31104 (after 432).
Puzzle 47:
1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 3 (after 1) and 729 (after 81).
Puzzle 48:
5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 10 (after 5) and 1280 (after 320).
Puzzle 49:
3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288
Enigmatic Equations 59
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 12 (after 3) and 3072 (after 48).
Puzzle 50:
1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing
numbers are 64 (after 8) and 46656 (after 216).
Puzzle 51:
2, ?, 16, ?, 128, 2048, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 4 (after 2) and 16384 (after 2048).
Puzzle 52:
1, 9, ?, 81, ?, 729, 6561
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 27 (after 9) and 243 (after 81).
Puzzle 53:
3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187, ?
Enigmatic Equations 60
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 9 (after 3) and 19683 (after 2187).
Puzzle 54:
0.5, ?, 0.125, ?, 0.03125, 0.0078125, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 0.25. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 0.25. The missing
numbers are 0.03125 (after 0.125) and 0.001953125
(after 0.0078125).
Puzzle 55:
4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 256 (after 4) and 524288 (after 32768).
Puzzle 56:
2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing
numbers are 72 (after 12) and 279936 (after 7776).
Puzzle 57:
1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561, ?
Enigmatic Equations 61
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 3 (after 1) and 531441 (after 6561).
Puzzle 58:
5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 10 (after 5) and 20480 (after 2560).
Puzzle 59:
3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 12 (after 3) and 196608 (after 12288).
Puzzle 60:
1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing
numbers are 64 (after 8) and 209952 (after 7776).
Puzzle 61:
2, ?, 32, ?, 512, 8192, ?
Enigmatic Equations 62
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 8 (after 2) and 131072 (after 8192).
Puzzle 62:
1, 10, ?, 1000, ?, 100000, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 100. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 100. The missing
numbers are 100 (after 10) and 10000000 (after
Puzzle 63:
3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 9 (after 3) and 19683 (after 2187).
Puzzle 64:
0.1, ?, 0.001, ?, 0.00001, 0.0000001, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 0.01. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 0.01. The missing
numbers are 0.0001 (after 0.001) and 0.000000001
(after 0.00001).
Puzzle 65:
4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768, ?
Enigmatic Equations 63
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 256 (after 4) and 524288 (after 32768).
Puzzle 66:
2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing
numbers are 72 (after 12) and 279936 (after 7776).
Puzzle 67:
1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 3 (after 1) and 531441 (after 6561).
Puzzle 68:
5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 10 (after 5) and 20480 (after 2560).
Puzzle 69:
3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288, ?
Enigmatic Equations 64
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 12 (after 3) and 196608 (after 12288).
Puzzle 70:
1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing
numbers are 64 (after 8) and 209952 (after 7776).
Puzzle 71:
2, ?, 32, ?, 512, 8192, ?, 131072
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 8 (after 2), 2048 (after 32), and 2097152
(after 8192).
Puzzle 72:
1, 10, ?, 1000, ?, 100000, ?, 10000000
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 100. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 100. The missing
numbers are 100 (after 10), 10000 (after 1000), and
1000000000 (after 100000).
Puzzle 73:
3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187, ?, 19683
Enigmatic Equations 65
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 9 (after 3), 81 (after 27), and 59049 (after
Puzzle 74:
0.1, ?, 0.001, ?, 0.00001, 0.0000001, ?, 0.000000001
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 0.01. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 0.01. The missing
numbers are 0.0001 (after 0.001), 0.00000001 (after
0.0001), and 0.0000000001 (after 0.0000001).
Puzzle 75:
4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768, ?, 524288
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 256 (after 4), 16384 (after 1024), and
8388608 (after 32768).
Puzzle 76:
2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776, ?, 279936
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing
numbers are 72 (after 12), 15552 (after 432), and
5038848 (after 7776).
Enigmatic Equations 66
Puzzle 77:
1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561, ?, 531441
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 3 (after 1), 729 (after 81), and 4782969
(after 6561).
Puzzle 78:
5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560, ?, 20480
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 10 (after 5), 256 (after 320), and 163840
(after 2560).
Puzzle 79:
3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288, ?, 196608
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 12 (after 3), 192 (after 48), and 3145728
(after 12288).
Puzzle 80:
1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776, ?, 209952
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing
Enigmatic Equations 67
numbers are 64 (after 8), 5832 (after 216), and
56623104 (after 7776).
Puzzle 81:
2, ?, 32, ?, 512, 8192, ?, 131072, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 8 (after 2), 128 (after 32), 32768 (after
8192), and 2097152 (after 131072).
Puzzle 82:
1, 10, ?, 1000, ?, 100000, ?, 10000000, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 100. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 100. The missing
numbers are 100 (after 10), 10000 (after 1000),
100000000 (after 100000), and 100000000000
(after 10000000).
Puzzle 83:
3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187, ?, 19683, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 9 (after 3), 81 (after 27), 729 (after 243),
and 6561 (after 2187).
Enigmatic Equations 68
Puzzle 84:
0.1, ?, 0.001, ?, 0.00001, 0.0000001, ?, 0.000000001,
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 0.01. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 0.01. The missing
numbers are 0.0001 (after 0.001), 0.00000001 (after
0.0001), 0.0000000001 (after 0.0000001), and
0.000000000001 (after 0.000000001).
Puzzle 85:
4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768, ?, 524288, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 256 (after 4), 4096 (after 64), 65536 (after
1024), and 8388608 (after 32768).
Puzzle 86:
2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776, ?, 279936, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing
numbers are 72 (after 12), 15552 (after 432), 279936
(after 7776), and 10077696 (after 279936).
Puzzle 87:
1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561, ?, 531441, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
Enigmatic Equations 69
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 3 (after 1), 729 (after 81), 59049 (after
6561), and 4782969 (after 531441).
Puzzle 88:
5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560, ?, 20480, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 10 (after 5), 80 (after 40), 640 (after 320),
and 5120 (after 2560).
Puzzle 89:
3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288, ?, 196608, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 12 (after 3), 192 (after 48), 3072 (after
768), and 491520 (after 12288).
Puzzle 90:
1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776, ?, 209952, ?
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing
numbers are 64 (after 8), 1728 (after 216), 46656 (after
7776), and 5649696 (after 209952).
Puzzle 91:
2, ?, 32, ?, 512, 8192, ?, 131072, ?, 2097152
Enigmatic Equations 70
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 8 (after 2), 128 (after 32), 2048 (after
512), and 32768 (after 8192), 524288 (after 131072),
and 33554432 (after 2097152).
Puzzle 92:
1, 10, ?, 1000, ?, 100000, ?, 10000000, ?, 1000000000
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 100. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 100. The missing
numbers are 100 (after 10), 10000 (after 1000),
100000000 (after 100000), and 100000000000
(after 10000000), and 10000000000000 (after
Puzzle 93:
3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187, ?, 19683, ?, 177147
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing
numbers are 9 (after 3), 81 (after 27), 729 (after 243),
6561 (after 2187), and 59049 (after 19683).
Puzzle 94:
0.1, ?, 0.001, ?, 0.00001, 0.0000001, ?, 0.000000001,
?, 0.00000000001
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 0.01. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 0.01. The missing
Enigmatic Equations 71
numbers are 0.0001 (after 0.001), 0.00000001 (after
0.0001), 0.0000000001 (after 0.0000001), and
0.0000000000001 (after 0.000000001), and
0.000000000000001 (after 0.00000000001).
Puzzle 95:
4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768, ?, 524288, ?, 8388608
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 256 (after 4), 4096 (after 64), 65536 (after
1024), 1048576 (after 32768), and 16777216 (after
Puzzle 96:
2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776, ?, 279936, ?, 5038848
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing
numbers are 72 (after 12), 15552 (after 432), 279936
(after 7776), and 5038848 (after 279936), and
907673856 (after 5038848).
Puzzle 97:
1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561, ?, 531441, ?, 43046721
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term
Enigmatic Equations 72
by 9. The missing numbers are 3 (after 1), 729 (after
81), 59049 (after 6561), 4782969 (after 531441), and
387420489 (after 43046721).
Puzzle 98:
5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560, ?, 20480, ?, 163840
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing
numbers are 10 (after 5), 80 (after 40), 640 (after 320),
5120 (after 2560), and 40960 (after 20480).
Puzzle 99:
3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288, ?, 196608, ?, 3145728
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing
numbers are 12 (after 3), 192 (after 48), 3072 (after
768), 49152 (after 12288), and 786432 (after 196608).
Puzzle 100:
1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776, ?, 279936, ?, 10077696
Solution: The common ratio between consecutive
terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by
multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing
numbers are 64 (after 8), 1728 (after 216), 46656 (after
7776), 1259712 (after 279936), and 339738624 (after
Enigmatic Equations 73
These challenging geometric sequence puzzles will
truly test your mathematical skills. Enjoy the mental
exercise as you uncover the missing terms in these
enigmatic equations!
Enigmatic Equations 74
The Fibonacci sequence is a famous sequence of
numbers in which each number is the sum of the two
preceding ones. In this section, we will explore
Fibonacci sequences and their intriguing properties
through a series of puzzles. Can you find the missing
numbers in these Fibonacci sequences?
1. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, 2, ?, 8, 13, 21
Solution: The missing number is 3. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
2. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34
Solution: The missing number is 5. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
3. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
4. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, ?, 5, 8, 13, 21
Solution: The missing number is 2. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
5. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21
Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
Enigmatic Equations 75
6. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
7. Puzzle: 0, ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
8. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34
Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
9. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
10. Puzzle: 0, 1, ?, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
11. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55
Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
12. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34
Enigmatic Equations 76
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
13. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, 2, ?, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55
Solution: The missing number is 3. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
14. Puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89
Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
15. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
16. Puzzle: 0, 1, ?, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89
Solution: The missing number is 2. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
17. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144
Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
18. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
Enigmatic Equations 77
19. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, 2, ?, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89
Solution: The missing number is 3. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
20. Puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144
Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
21. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
22. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, 2, ?, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144
Solution: The missing number is 3. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
23. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233
Solution: The missing number is 5. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
24. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
25. Puzzle: 0, 1, ?, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144
Enigmatic Equations 78
Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
26. Puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233
Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
27. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
28. Puzzle: 0, ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144
Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
29. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377
Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
30. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
31. Puzzle: 0, 1, ?, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
Enigmatic Equations 79
Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
32. Puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377,
Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
33. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
377, 610
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
34. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, 2, ?, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
377, 610
Solution: The missing number is 3. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
35. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377,
610, 987
Solution: The missing number is 5. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
36. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
377, 610, 987
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
Enigmatic Equations 80
37. Puzzle: 0, ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,
233, 377, 610
Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
38. Puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377,
610, 987
Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
39. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
377, 610, 987, 1597
Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci
sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the
pattern continues.
40. Puzzle: 0, 1, ?, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
377, 610, 987
Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in
the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
These hardest Fibonacci sequence puzzles will truly
push your mathematical abilities to the limit. Enjoy the
challenge and let the beauty of Fibonacci sequences
unfold before you!
Enigmatic Equations 81
Recursive sequences involve generating each term
based on one or more previous terms in the sequence.
This section explores the fascinating world of recursive
sequences and presents 50 puzzles for you to solve.
Each puzzle involves finding the missing term(s) in a
given recursive sequence. Let's dive in!
Puzzle 1:
Sequence: 2, 4, 8, 16, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by doubling the
previous term.
Solution: The missing term is 32.
Puzzle 2:
Sequence: 3, 6, 12, 24, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by 2.
Solution: The missing term is 48.
Puzzle 3:
Sequence: 1, 2, 4, 8, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by doubling the
previous term.
Solution: The missing term is 16.
Enigmatic Equations 82
Puzzle 4:
Sequence: 1, 3, 9, 27, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by 3.
Solution: The missing term is 81.
Puzzle 5:
Sequence: 2, 5, 11, 23, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the
square of the previous term plus 1.
Solution: The missing term is 47.
Puzzle 6:
Sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the
two previous terms (Fibonacci sequence).
Solution: The missing term is 8.
Puzzle 7:
Sequence: 1, 4, 9, 16, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by squaring the
position number.
Solution: The missing term is 25.
Puzzle 8:
Sequence: 2, 3, 5, 8, ?
Enigmatic Equations 83
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the
two previous terms (Fibonacci-like sequence).
Solution: The missing term is 13.
Puzzle 9:
Sequence: 1, 2, 4, 7, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the
position number to the previous term.
Solution: The missing term is 11.
Puzzle 10:
Sequence: 1, 3, 6, 10, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the
position number to the previous term.
Solution: The missing term is 15.
Puzzle 11:
Sequence: 1, 2, 4, 8, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number.
Solution: The missing term is 16.
Puzzle 12:
Sequence: 1, 3, 8, 21, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the position number.
Enigmatic Equations 84
Solution: The missing term is 55.
Puzzle 13:
Sequence: 2, 5, 12, 27, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the position number squared.
Solution: The missing term is 58.
Puzzle 14:
Sequence: 3, 8, 17, 30, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and
subtracting the position number.
Solution: The missing term is 47.
Puzzle 15:
Sequence: 1, 3, 6, 11, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the
previous term to the position number squared.
Solution: The missing term is 20.
Puzzle 16:
Sequence: 2, 5, 11, 20, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and
subtracting the position number squared.
Solution: The missing term is 34.
Enigmatic Equations 85
Puzzle 17:
Sequence: 1, 4, 13, 40, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the position number cubed.
Solution: The missing term is 121.
Puzzle 18:
Sequence: 2, 4, 12, 48, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the position number factorial.
Solution: The missing term is 240.
Puzzle 19:
Sequence: 1, 2, 5, 15, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the factorial of the position number.
Solution: The missing term is 105.
Puzzle 20:
Sequence: 1, 2, 6, 24, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the factorial of the position number squared.
Solution: The missing term is 120.
Enigmatic Equations 86
Puzzle 21:
Sequence: 1, 2, 5, 13, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and
subtracting the position number squared.
Solution: The missing term is 34.
Puzzle 22:
Sequence: 3, 6, 12, 24, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the factorial of the position number.
Solution: The missing term is 96.
Puzzle 23:
Sequence: 2, 7, 26, 101, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number squared and
adding the position number cubed.
Solution: The missing term is 406.
Puzzle 24:
Sequence: 1, 4, 18, 96, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the position number factorial.
Solution: The missing term is 600.
Enigmatic Equations 87
Puzzle 25:
Sequence: 4, 18, 96, 600, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number cubed and
adding the factorial of the position number.
Solution: The missing term is 5040.
Puzzle 26:
Sequence: 2, 5, 14, 44, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the factorial of the position number squared.
Solution: The missing term is 158.
Puzzle 27:
Sequence: 1, 3, 12, 60, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the factorial of the position number cubed.
Solution: The missing term is 360.
Puzzle 28:
Sequence: 1, 2, 9, 64, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number squared and
adding the position number to the power of four.
Solution: The missing term is 625.
Enigmatic Equations 88
Puzzle 29:
Sequence: 2, 7, 36, 247, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number squared and
adding the factorial of the position number to the
power of three.
Solution: The missing term is 2180.
Puzzle 30:
Sequence: 1, 3, 16, 125, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number cubed and
adding the factorial of the position number to the
power of four.
Solution: The missing term is 1296.
Puzzle 31:
Sequence: 2, 3, 9, 35, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the factorial of the position number to the power of
Solution: The missing term is 1559.
Puzzle 32:
Sequence: 1, 4, 23, 176, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number and adding
the factorial of the position number to the power of six.
Enigmatic Equations 89
Solution: The missing term is 20737.
Puzzle 33:
Sequence: 2, 7, 44, 375, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number squared and
adding the factorial of the position number to the
power of five.
Solution: The missing term is 39062.
Puzzle 34:
Sequence: 3, 12, 89, 944, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number squared and
adding the factorial of the position number to the
power of six.
Solution: The missing term is 130687.
Puzzle 35:
Sequence: 1, 5, 46, 645, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number cubed and
adding the factorial of the position number to the
power of five.
Solution: The missing term is 100825.
Puzzle 36:
Sequence: 2, 6, 45, 548, ?
Enigmatic Equations 90
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number cubed and
adding the factorial of the position number to the
power of six.
Solution: The missing term is 978131.
Puzzle 37:
Sequence: 1, 3, 17, 207, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of four and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of five.
Solution: The missing term is 1729433.
Puzzle 38:
Sequence: 2, 8, 111, 2340, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of four and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of six.
Solution: The missing term is 73181816.
Puzzle 39:
Sequence: 3, 16, 271, 8296, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of five and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of six.
Solution: The missing term is 437366601.
Enigmatic Equations 91
Puzzle 40:
Sequence: 1, 4, 55, 1440, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of five and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of seven.
Solution: The missing term is 1718176136.
Puzzle 41:
Sequence: 2, 9, 165, 5184, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of six and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of seven.
Solution: The missing term is 219547003136.
Puzzle 42:
Sequence: 3, 25, 911, 58320, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of six and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of eight.
Solution: The missing term is 15147321443200.
Puzzle 43:
Sequence: 2, 20, 302, 7776, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
Enigmatic Equations 92
of seven and adding the factorial of the position
number to the power of eight.
Solution: The missing term is 25983182228480.
Puzzle 44:
Sequence: 1, 12, 559, 46656, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of seven and adding the factorial of the position
number to the power of nine.
Solution: The missing term is 196011280440576.
Puzzle 45:
Sequence: 4, 51, 2192, 186624, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of eight and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of nine.
Solution: The missing term is 535486258437376.
Puzzle 46:
Sequence: 3, 50, 3749, 598752, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of eight and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of ten.
Solution: The missing term is 7109985877313744.
Enigmatic Equations 93
Puzzle 47:
Sequence: 2, 41, 21912, 28531104, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of nine and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of ten.
Solution: The missing term is 127894528169676800.
Puzzle 48:
Sequence: 1, 40, 37321, 91833024, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of nine and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of eleven.
Solution: The missing term is 284880000901671424.
Puzzle 49:
Sequence: 3, 120, 213621, 850305600, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
of ten and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of eleven.
Solution: The missing term is 5040153538543603200.
Puzzle 50:
Sequence: 2, 121, 214020, 1061683200, ?
Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying
the previous term by the position number to the power
Enigmatic Equations 94
of ten and adding the factorial of the position number
to the power of twelve.
Solution: The missing term is
These extremely challenging recursive sequence
puzzles will truly put your skills to the test. Enjoy the
exhilarating journey of unraveling these complex
patterns and solving these enigmatic equations!
Enigmatic Equations 95
Puzzle 1:
3x + 5 = 14
Subtracting 5 from both sides, we get:
3x = 9
Dividing both sides by 3, we get:
x = 3
Puzzle 2:
2(4x - 3) = 14
Expanding the expression, we get:
8x - 6 = 14
Adding 6 to both sides, we get:
8x = 20
Dividing both sides by 8, we get:
x = 2.5
Enigmatic Equations 96
Puzzle 3:
2x - 3(2x + 1) = 4
Expanding the expression, we get:
2x - 6x - 3 = 4
Combining like terms, we get:
-4x - 3 = 4
Adding 3 to both sides, we get:
-4x = 7
Dividing both sides by -4, we get:
x = -7/4 or -1.75
Puzzle 4:
3(x - 1) + 2(x + 3) = 7
Expanding the expression, we get:
3x - 3 + 2x + 6 = 7
Combining like terms, we get:
5x + 3 = 7
Enigmatic Equations 97
Subtracting 3 from both sides, we get:
5x = 4
Dividing both sides by 5, we get:
x = 4/5 or 0.8
Puzzle 5:
4(2x - 1) = 3(5 - x)
Expanding the expressions, we get:
8x - 4 = 15 - 3x
Adding 3x to both sides, we get:
11x - 4 = 15
Adding 4 to both sides, we get:
11x = 19
Dividing both sides by 11, we get:
x = 19/11 or approximately 1.727
Puzzle 6:
2x + 3(x - 4) = 5x - 2
Enigmatic Equations 98
Expanding the expression, we get:
2x + 3x - 12 = 5x - 2
Combining like terms, we get:
5x - 12 = 5x - 2
Since the variables cancel out, there is no unique
solution to this equation.
Puzzle 7:
5 - 3(2x + 1) = 7 - 4x
Expanding the expression, we get:
5 - 6x - 3 = 7 - 4x
Combining like terms, we get:
-6x + 2 = -4x + 7
Subtracting 7 from both sides, we get:
-6x - 5 = -4x
Adding 4x to both sides, we get:
-2x - 5 = 0
Enigmatic Equations 99
Adding 5 to both sides, we get:
-2x = 5
Dividing both sides by -2, we get:
x = -2.5
Puzzle 8:
7x - 3(2x - 4) = 5(2x + 1)
Expanding the expressions, we get:
7x - 6x + 12 = 10x + 5
Combining like terms, we get:
x + 12 = 10x + 5
Subtracting x from both sides, we get:
12 = 9x + 5
Subtracting 5 from both sides, we get:
7 = 9x
Dividing both sides by 9, we get:
Enigmatic Equations 100
x = 7/9 or approximately 0.778
Puzzle 9:
3(4x + 2) - 5(2x - 1) = 8x - 4
Expanding the expressions, we get:
12x + 6 - 10x + 5 = 8x - 4
Combining like terms, we get:
2x + 11 = 8x - 4
Subtracting 2x from both sides, we get:
11 = 6x - 4
Adding 4 to both sides, we get:
15 = 6x
Dividing both sides by 6, we get:
x = 15/6 or 2.5
Puzzle 10:
2(x - 3) = 3(4x + 2) - 5
Enigmatic Equations 101
Expanding the expressions, we get:
2x - 6 = 12x + 6 - 5
Combining like terms, we get:
2x - 6 = 12x + 1
Subtracting 12x from both sides, we get:
-10x - 6 = 1
Adding 6 to both sides, we get:
-10x = 7
Dividing both sides by -10, we get:
x = -7/10 or -0.7
Puzzle 11:
4(3x + 1) + 2(x - 5) = 5(2x + 3) - 4
Expanding the expressions, we get:
12x + 4 + 2x - 10 = 10x + 15 - 4
Combining like terms, we get:
14x - 6 = 10x + 11
Enigmatic Equations 102
Subtracting 10x from both sides, we get:
4x - 6 = 11
Adding 6 to both sides, we get:
4x = 17
Dividing both sides by 4, we get:
x = 17/4 or 4.25
Puzzle 12:
3(2x + 1) + 2(3x - 4) = 4(5x - 2) - 1
Expanding the expressions, we get:
6x + 3 + 6x - 8 = 20x - 8 - 1
Combining like terms, we get:
12x - 5 = 20x - 9
Subtracting 20x from both sides, we get:
-8x - 5 = -9
Adding 5 to both sides, we get:
-8x = -4
Enigmatic Equations 103
Dividing both sides by -8, we get:
x = 1/2 or 0.5
Puzzle 13:
5(2x - 3) + 3(4x + 1) = 2(3x + 5) + 8
Expanding the expressions, we get:
10x - 15 + 12x + 3 = 6x + 10 + 8
Combining like terms, we get:
22x - 12 = 6x + 18
Subtracting 6x from both sides, we get:
16x - 12 = 18
Adding 12 to both sides, we get:
16x = 30
Dividing both sides by 16, we get:
x = 30/16 or 1.875
Puzzle 14:
2(3x + 4) - 3(2x - 1) = 7(x + 2) - 4
Enigmatic Equations 104
Expanding the expressions, we get:
6x + 8 - 6x + 3 = 7x + 14 - 4
Combining like terms, we get:
11 = 7x + 10
Subtracting 10 from both sides, we get:
1 = 7x
Dividing both sides by 7, we get:
x = 1/7 or approximately 0.143
Puzzle 15:
3(2x + 5) - 2(3 - 4x) = 5x + 4(1 - x)
Expanding the expressions, we get:
6x + 15 - 6 + 8x = 5x + 4 - 4x
Combining like terms, we get:
14x + 9 = x
Subtracting x from both sides, we get:
13x + 9 = 0
Enigmatic Equations 105
Subtracting 9 from both sides, we get:
13x = -9
Dividing both sides by 13, we get:
x = -9/13 or approximately -0.692
Puzzle 16:
2(x - 1) + 3(2 - x) = 4(3x + 2) - 5
Expanding the expressions, we get:
2x - 2 + 6 - 3x = 12x + 8 - 5
Combining like terms, we get:
-x + 4 = 12x + 3
Adding x to both sides, we get:
4 = 13x + 3
Subtracting 3 from both sides, we get:
1 = 13x
Dividing both sides by 13, we get:
x = 1/13 or approximately 0.077
Enigmatic Equations 106
Puzzle 17:
2(x - 3) - 4(2x + 1) = 3(4 - x) - 2
Expanding the expressions, we get:
2x - 6 - 8x - 4 = 12 - 3x - 2
Combining like terms, we get:
-6x - 10 = -3x + 10
Adding 6x to both sides, we get:
-10 = 3x + 10
Subtracting 10 from both sides, we get:
-20 = 3x
Dividing both sides by 3, we get:
x = -20/3 or approximately -6.667
Puzzle 18:
3(2x - 1) + 4(3 - x) = 5(2 - x) + 1
Expanding the expressions, we get:
6x - 3 + 12 - 4x = 10 - 5x + 1
Enigmatic Equations 107
Combining like terms, we get:
2x + 9 = 11 - 5x
Adding 5x to both sides, we get:
7x + 9 = 11
Subtracting 9 from both sides, we get:
7x = 2
Dividing both sides by 7, we get:
x = 2/7 or approximately 0.286
Puzzle 19:
5(2x - 3) + 2(3x + 4) = 4(5x - 1) - 3(2 - x)
Expanding the expressions, we get:
10x - 15 + 6x + 8 = 20x - 4 - 6 + 3x
Combining like terms, we get:
16x - 7 = 23x - 10
Subtracting 16x from both sides, we get:
-7 = 7x - 10
Enigmatic Equations 108
Adding 10 to both sides, we get:
3 = 7x
Dividing both sides by 7, we get:
x = 3/7 or approximately 0.429
Puzzle 20:
3(2x - 1) - 2(3 - 4x) = 4(3x + 1) + 5
Expanding the expressions, we get:
6x - 3 - 6 + 8x = 12x + 4 + 5
Combining like terms, we get:
14x - 9 = 12x + 9
Subtracting 12x from both sides, we get:
2x - 9 = 9
Adding 9 to both sides, we get:
2x = 18
Dividing both sides by 2, we get:
x = 9
Enigmatic Equations 109
Puzzle 21:
5(2x - 1) + 3(4 - x) = 2(3 - 2x) + 4x - 5
Expanding the expressions, we get:
10x - 5 + 12 - 3x = 6 - 4x + 4x - 5
Combining like terms, we get:
7x + 7 = 1
Subtracting 7 from both sides, we get:
7x = -6
Dividing both sides by 7, we get:
x = -6/7 or approximately -0.857
Puzzle 22:
4(x + 3) - 2(2x - 1) = 3(2 - x) + 2(1 - 3x)
Expanding the expressions, we get:
4x + 12 - 4x + 2 = 6 - 3x + 2 - 6x
Combining like terms, we get:
14 = -9x + 8
Enigmatic Equations 110
Subtracting 8 from both sides, we get:
6 = -9x
Dividing both sides by -9, we get:
x = -2/3 or approximately -0.667
Puzzle 23:
3(x - 2) + 2(3 - x) = 4(2x + 1) - 5(1 - x)
Expanding the expressions, we get:
3x - 6 + 6 - 2x = 8x + 4 - 5 + 5x
Combining like terms, we get:
x = 13x - 1
Subtracting 13x from both sides, we get:
-12x = -1
Dividing both sides by -12, we get:
x = 1/12 or approximately 0.083
Puzzle 24:
2(x + 4) + 3(x - 2) = 4(3 - 2x) - 5(x + 1)
Enigmatic Equations 111
Expanding the expressions, we get:
2x + 8 + 3x - 6 = 12 - 8x - 5x - 5
Combining like terms, we get:
5x + 2 = -13x + 7
Adding 13x to both sides, we get:
18x + 2 = 7
Subtracting 2 from both sides, we get:
18x = 5
Dividing both sides by 18, we get:
x = 5/18 or approximately 0.278
Puzzle 25:
3(2x - 1) - 4(3 - x) = 2(5 - 3x) - 5x + 1
Expanding the expressions, we get:
6x - 3 - 12 + 4x = 10 - 6x - 5x + 1
Combining like terms, we get:
10x - 15 = -11x + 11
Enigmatic Equations 112
Adding 11x to both sides, we get:
21x - 15 = 11
Adding 15 to both sides, we get:
21x = 26
Dividing both sides by 21, we get:
x = 26/21 or approximately 1.238
Puzzle 26:
4(2x + 1)
+ 3(3 - x) = 5(4 - 2x) - 2(2x - 1)
Expanding the expressions, we get:
8x + 4 + 9 - 3x = 20 - 10x - 4x + 2
Combining like terms, we get:
5x + 13 = 16 - 14x
Adding 14x to both sides, we get:
19x + 13 = 16
Subtracting 13 from both sides, we get:
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles
Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles

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Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles

  • 1.
  • 2. Enigmatic Equations A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles By Abu Rayhan
  • 3. Enigmatic Equations 2 COPYRIGHT © 2023 BY ABU RAYHAN All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permissions requests, please contact the publisher at the following address: RAYHANS 20/7, Road 5, Sector 6 Uttara, Dhaka 1230 Bangladesh Email: Website: ISBN: Please refer to the back cover for the ISBN information.
  • 4. Enigmatic Equations 3 CONTENTS Introduction..............................................................................7 Welcome to the World of Mathematical Puzzles..............7 Why Mathematical Puzzles? ...........................................7 The Power of Puzzles .......................................................7 Journey Through the Book..............................................8 Building Problem-Solving Skills.....................................8 Getting Started .................................................................8 How to Approach and Solve Mathematical Puzzles.........9 1. Analyzing the Puzzle: ...................................................9 2. Recognizing Patterns and Relationships: ...............10 3. Applying Mathematical Concepts and Techniques: ..........................................................................................11 4. Breaking Down the Problem: ...................................13 5. Experimenting and Iterating:...................................14 6. Employing Problem-Solving Heuristics:.................15 7. Maintaining Persistence and Flexibility:.................16 8. Documenting and Reflecting:...................................17 Chapter 1: Number Sequences..............................................20 1.1 Arithmetic Sequences...................................................20 1.2 Geometric Sequences...................................................47 1.3 Fibonacci Sequences....................................................74 1.4 Recursive Sequences....................................................81 Chapter 2: Algebraic Equations............................................95
  • 5. Enigmatic Equations 4 2.1 Solving Linear Equations ............................................95 2.2 Quadratic Equations..................................................123 2.3 Systems of Equations ................................................131 2.4 Exponential Equations..............................................146 Chapter 3: Geometric Puzzles.............................................156 3.1 Area and Perimeter Puzzles ......................................156 3.2 Similarity and Congruence .......................................166 3.3 Geometric Transformations .....................................172 Chapter 4: Logic and Deduction.........................................179 4.1 Logical Reasoning Puzzles ........................................179 4.2 Truth Tables and Logical Operators........................190 4.3 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning........................198 Chapter 5: Probability and Statistics .................................202 5.1 Probability Puzzles.....................................................202 5.2 Combinatorics and Counting....................................207 5.3 Data Analysis and Interpretation.............................211 5.4 Statistical Distributions ............................................218 Chapter 6: Number Theory.................................................226 6.1 Divisibility and Factors..............................................226 6.2 Prime Numbers and Prime Factorization...............231 6.3 Modular Arithmetic...................................................235 6.4 Theorems and Conjectures.......................................240 Chapter 7: Advanced Problem-Solving Techniques.........246 7.1 Mathematical Induction ............................................246
  • 6. Enigmatic Equations 5 7.2 Pigeonhole Principle..................................................261 7.3 Proof by Contradiction ..............................................270 7.4 Mathematical Olympiad Problems ..........................281 Conclusion ............................................................................291
  • 8. Enigmatic Equations 7 INTRODUCTION WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF MATHEMATICAL PUZZLES Welcome to "Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles." In this book, we embark on an exciting exploration of the captivating realm of mathematical puzzles. Whether you are a seasoned puzzle enthusiast or a curious learner looking to enhance your problem-solving skills, this book will engage and challenge you with a wide variety of mind- bending mathematical puzzles. Why Mathematical Puzzles? Mathematical puzzles offer an enchanting way to delve into the beauty and intricacy of mathematics. They not only entertain and engage us but also foster critical thinking, logical reasoning, and creativity. By unraveling the secrets hidden within these puzzles, we develop problem-solving techniques and strengthen our mathematical aptitude. The Power of Puzzles Puzzles have been an integral part of human civilization for centuries. From ancient civilizations to modern-day societies, puzzles have been used to entertain, educate, and sharpen our intellectual abilities. They can be found in various forms, including number sequences, algebraic equations, geometric conundrums, logical puzzles, and more. By challenging ourselves with puzzles, we exercise our minds and unlock new realms of mathematical understanding.
  • 9. Enigmatic Equations 8 Journey Through the Book "Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles" is designed to take you on an engaging voyage through a diverse collection of mathematical puzzles. Each chapter focuses on a specific puzzle type or mathematical concept, offering a comprehensive exploration of the topic. From number sequences and algebraic equations to geometric puzzles and probability challenges, you will encounter a wide range of stimulating puzzles to solve. Building Problem-Solving Skills While the primary goal of this book is to entertain and intrigue you with fascinating puzzles, it also aims to enhance your problem-solving skills. As you tackle each puzzle, you will develop logical thinking, analytical reasoning, pattern recognition, and mathematical intuition. Additionally, the book provides guidance on effective problem-solving strategies, enabling you to approach puzzles with confidence and efficiency. Getting Started Before we embark on our mathematical puzzle journey, we will delve into essential techniques and approaches to solving puzzles. This introductory section will equip you with the necessary tools and mindset to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. We will explore various problem-solving strategies, logical reasoning methods,
  • 10. Enigmatic Equations 9 and approaches to deciphering patterns and relationships within puzzles. As we embark on this journey together, I encourage you to embrace the joy and excitement of mathematical puzzles. They offer a unique opportunity to appreciate the elegance of mathematics and enhance our problem-solving abilities. So, get ready to sharpen your mind, unlock your mathematical prowess, and embark on an enchanting adventure through "Enigmatic Equations: A Journey Through Mathematical Puzzles." Let the puzzling begin! HOW TO APPROACH AND SOLVE MATHEMATICAL PUZZLES Mathematical puzzles have a unique power to captivate our minds and challenge our problem-solving skills. They offer an exhilarating journey of discovery, where hidden patterns and relationships are unveiled, and complex problems are untangled. In this section, we will delve into the art of approaching and solving mathematical puzzles, equipping you with valuable strategies and techniques to tackle even the most enigmatic equations. So, let's embark on this exciting journey of exploration and problem-solving! 1. Analyzing the Puzzle: 1.1 Read and Understand the Puzzle Statement When encountering a mathematical puzzle, the first step is to carefully read and comprehend the puzzle statement. Pay close attention to any given
  • 11. Enigmatic Equations 10 information, constraints, or specific requirements mentioned. Understand the problem's context and visualize the scenario it presents. 1.2 Identify Known Information and Constraints Once you grasp the puzzle statement, identify the known information. Look for numbers, equations, relationships, or any relevant data provided within the puzzle. Additionally, note any constraints or limitations that may guide your solution approach. 1.3 Determine the Objective or Desired Solution Every puzzle has an objective or a desired solution outcome. Identify what the puzzle is asking for— whether it's finding a missing number, solving an equation, determining a pattern, or uncovering a hidden relationship. This understanding will serve as your guiding light throughout the problem-solving process. 2. Recognizing Patterns and Relationships: 2.1 Look for Number Sequences and Progressions Number sequences often hide intriguing patterns and progressions. Analyze the given numbers, observe the differences or ratios between them, and seek a recurring pattern. This could involve arithmetic progressions (adding a constant value), geometric progressions (multiplying by a constant factor), or even more intricate patterns.
  • 12. Enigmatic Equations 11 2.2 Observe Geometric and Symmetric Patterns Geometry plays a significant role in many mathematical puzzles. Look for geometric shapes, symmetry, or visual arrangements that might hold essential clues. Examine angles, lengths, and spatial relationships. Often, puzzles involving shapes or figures rely on geometric properties for their solutions. 2.3 Consider Functional Relationships and Dependencies Mathematical puzzles often involve functional relationships between variables. Explore how different variables interact with each other and affect the overall solution. Identify dependencies, proportionalities, or inversely related factors. Understanding these relationships can lead to significant breakthroughs. 2.4 Identify Hidden or Implicit Patterns Some puzzles require a keen eye to spot the less obvious patterns or relationships. Look beyond the surface-level information and search for hidden connections. These patterns may involve non-linear progressions, patterns in prime numbers, or patterns that emerge through combining different mathematical concepts. 3. Applying Mathematical Concepts and Techniques: 3.1 Utilizing Algebraic Equations and Expressions Algebraic techniques play a vital role in solving mathematical puzzles. Translate the puzzle statement
  • 13. Enigmatic Equations 12 into algebraic equations or expressions, and use algebraic principles to simplify, manipulate, and solve them. Equations can help reveal unknown variables or assist in finding missing values. 3.2 Employing Geometry and Spatial Reasoning Geometry provides a rich toolbox for solving puzzles related to shapes, spatial relationships, and measurements. Utilize geometric concepts, theorems, and formulas to analyze angles, lengths, areas, and volumes. Visualization and spatial reasoning will aid in unraveling geometric puzzles. 3.3 Leveraging Probability and Statistics Probability and statistics offer powerful tools for solving puzzles involving chance, randomness, and data analysis. Apply probability principles to estimate likelihoods, calculate expected values, or assess the likelihood of specific outcomes. Statistical analysis can reveal patterns and trends hidden within data sets. 3.4 Exploring Number Theory Principles Number theory, the study of integers and their properties, is particularly relevant in many mathematical puzzles. Dive into divisibility rules, prime numbers, modular arithmetic, and other number theory concepts to gain insights and unlock solutions. 3.5 Employing Logical Reasoning and Deduction
  • 14. Enigmatic Equations 13 Logical reasoning and deduction are crucial for solving puzzles that require careful analysis and inference. Develop logical arguments, construct truth tables, and use deductive reasoning to eliminate possibilities, identify contradictions, and arrive at valid conclusions. Logical puzzles often involve applying rules of inference and logical operators. 4. Breaking Down the Problem: 4.1 Divide the Puzzle into Smaller Sub-problems Complex puzzles can often be broken down into smaller, more manageable sub-problems. Analyze the puzzle statement and identify distinct components or steps required to reach the solution. Address each sub- problem separately, gradually building towards the overall solution. 4.2 Simplify or Transform the Puzzle Statement Sometimes, puzzles can be simplified or transformed into equivalent forms that are easier to solve. Look for opportunities to simplify complex expressions, remove redundancies, or reframe the problem to gain new insights. Transforming the puzzle may expose hidden relationships or patterns. 4.3 Look for Similarities to Previously Solved Problems Many mathematical puzzles share similarities with problems that have been solved before. Draw upon your knowledge and experience to recognize patterns or techniques that have been successful in similar
  • 15. Enigmatic Equations 14 scenarios. Connecting the current puzzle to previously solved problems can provide valuable guidance. 4.4 Use Auxiliary Tools or Representations (diagrams, charts, tables) Visualizing the puzzle through diagrams, charts, or tables can often aid in understanding and solving the problem. Create visual representations of the puzzle elements, relationships, or data to gain additional insights or perspectives. Visual aids can help organize information and uncover hidden patterns. 5. Experimenting and Iterating: 5.1 Trial and Error Strategies Sometimes, trial and error can be an effective approach when solving mathematical puzzles. Experiment with different values, formulas, or solution paths to test their validity. Refine your approach based on the outcomes of each trial, gradually narrowing down the possibilities. 5.2 Hypothesis Testing and Refinement Formulate hypotheses or conjectures based on observed patterns or relationships within the puzzle. Test these hypotheses and refine them through experimentation or logical deductions. Adjust and adapt your approach based on the feedback obtained. 5.3 Step-by-Step Progression and Iterative Approaches
  • 16. Enigmatic Equations 15 Break down the solution process into incremental steps and iterate through them systematically. Each step builds upon the previous one, leading to a refined solution. By carefully analyzing and adjusting each step, you can gradually converge towards the correct answer. 5.4 Adjusting Strategies Based on Feedback Pay attention to the feedback you receive while solving the puzzle. If a particular approach is not yielding the desired results, be willing to adjust your strategy. Learn from failed attempts, reassess the problem, and consider alternative approaches to overcome obstacles. 6. Employing Problem-Solving Heuristics: 6.1 Work Backwards or Reverse Engineering Start from the desired solution and work backward, analyzing the steps required to reach that solution. Reverse engineering allows you to break down the problem in reverse order, often providing valuable insights into the solution process. 6.2 Guess and Check In some situations, making educated guesses and checking their validity can lead to the correct solution. Guess a potential answer, evaluate its impact on the puzzle, and refine your guess iteratively until you find the correct value. 6.3 Look for Symmetry or Mirror Solutions
  • 17. Enigmatic Equations 16 Symmetry often holds essential clues in mathematical puzzles. Identify symmetry in shapes, numbers, or patterns and exploit it to reveal hidden relationships or missing values. Mirror solutions can provide alternative approaches or confirm the validity of a proposed solution. 6.4 Seek Special Cases or Extremes Special cases or extreme values can sometimes shed light on the solution process. Explore scenarios where variables take on extreme values, approach limits, or satisfy specific conditions. These special cases can provide valuable insights into the puzzle's underlying principles. 6.5 Utilize Visualizations and Diagrams Visualizations and diagrams can serve as powerful tools to gain intuitive understanding and solve mathematical puzzles. Create diagrams that represent the puzzle's elements and relationships, allowing you to visualize the problem from different perspectives and identify potential solutions. 7. Maintaining Persistence and Flexibility: 7.1 Stay Patient and Persevere Mathematical puzzles can be challenging and require persistence. Do not get discouraged if you encounter difficulties or face obstacles along the way. Maintain a positive mindset, embrace the challenge, and stay determined to find the solution.
  • 18. Enigmatic Equations 17 7.2 Avoid Getting Stuck or Fixated It's essential to avoid getting fixated on a particular solution approach or being trapped by preconceived notions. Remain open to alternative perspectives and approaches. If a particular strategy is not yielding results, be flexible and willing to try different methods or angles of attack. 7.3 Embrace Alternative Perspectives and Approaches Sometimes, thinking outside the box or adopting alternative perspectives can lead to breakthroughs. Consider different viewpoints, change your frame of reference, or approach the problem from unconventional angles. Embracing diverse perspectives broadens the range of possible solutions. 7.4 Collaborate and Seek Help When Needed Collaboration and seeking help from others can be valuable in tackling challenging puzzles. Engage in discussions with fellow puzzle enthusiasts, participate in mathematical communities, or consult experts if needed. Sharing ideas and insights can illuminate new solution paths. 8. Documenting and Reflecting: 8.1 Keep Track of Your Progress and Attempts Maintain a record of your progress, including the strategies, approaches, and techniques you employ. Document your attempts, failed or successful, to understand your reasoning process. Tracking your
  • 19. Enigmatic Equations 18 progress provides a valuable reference and allows you to learn from your experiences. 8.2 Record Insights and Observations As you solve mathematical puzzles, take note of the insights, observations, and aha moments you encounter along the way. These reflections can help reinforce your understanding, identify patterns in your problem-solving techniques, and enhance your overall mathematical prowess. 8.3 Review and Analyze Solution Paths After finding a solution, review and analyze the solution path you took. Identify critical decision points, crucial insights, or alternative approaches that could have been taken. Reflect on the effectiveness of your problem-solving strategies and consider how they could be refined or expanded upon. 8.4 Reflect on the Problem-Solving Process Take time to reflect on the overall problem-solving process. Consider the strategies that worked well for you, the challenges you encountered, and the skills you developed. Embrace the joy of problem solving and appreciate the journey of discovery that mathematical puzzles offer. Mastering mathematical puzzles is not merely about finding the correct solutions—it is about developing problem-solving skills, nurturing curiosity, and embracing the joy of exploration. With the strategies and techniques outlined in this section, you are
  • 20. Enigmatic Equations 19 equipped to approach and solve a wide range of mathematical puzzles. So, venture forth with confidence, unravel the enigmatic equations, and enjoy the boundless world of mathematical puzzles!
  • 21. Enigmatic Equations 20 CHAPTER 1: NUMBER SEQUENCES 1.1 ARITHMETIC SEQUENCES Arithmetic sequences involve a pattern where each term is obtained by adding a constant value to the previous term. In this section, we will explore 100 puzzles based on arithmetic sequences, along with their solutions. Puzzle 1: 5, 10, 15, ?, 25 Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 20. Puzzle 2: -2, 1, 4, 7, ?, 13 Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 10. Puzzle 3: 12, 9, 6, ?, 0 Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 3. Puzzle 4: 2, 4, 6, ?, 10, 12
  • 22. Enigmatic Equations 21 Solution: The common difference is 2. Adding 2 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 8. Puzzle 5: 17, 14, 11, ?, 5 Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 8. Puzzle 6: 1, 3, 5, ?, 9, 11 Solution: The common difference is 2. Adding 2 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 7. Puzzle 7: -10, -7, -4, ?, 2, 5 Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -1. Puzzle 8: 20, 17, 14, ?, 8, 5 Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 11.
  • 23. Enigmatic Equations 22 Puzzle 9: 3, 0, -3, ?, -9 Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -6. Puzzle 10: 100, 90, 80, ?, 60 Solution: The common difference is -10. Subtracting 10 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 70. Puzzle 11: 4, 9, 14, ?, 24 Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 19. Puzzle 12: -1, -4, -7, ?, -13 Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -10. Puzzle 13: 12, 6, 0, ?, -6 Solution: The common difference is -6. Subtracting 6 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -12.
  • 24. Enigmatic Equations 23 Puzzle 14: 7, 14, 21, ?, 35 Solution: The common difference is 7. Adding 7 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 28. Puzzle 15: 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, ?, 4.5 Solution: The common difference is 1. Adding 1 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 3.5. Puzzle 16: 18, 15, 12, ?, 6 Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 9. Puzzle 17: -2, -1, 0, ?, 2 Solution: The common difference is 1. Adding 1 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 1. Puzzle 18: 50, 45, 40, ?, 30 Solution: The common difference is -5. Subtracting 5 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 35.
  • 25. Enigmatic Equations 24 Puzzle 19: 6, 11, 16, ?, 26 Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 21. Puzzle 20: -3, 0, 3, ?, 9 Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 6. Puzzle 21: 10, 15, ?, 25, 30 Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 20. Puzzle 22: -5, -2, 1, ?, 7 Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 4. Puzzle 23: 2, 6, 10, ?, 18 Solution: The common difference is 4. Adding 4 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 14.
  • 26. Enigmatic Equations 25 Puzzle 24: 12, 8, 4, ?, -4 Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 0. Puzzle 25: 0, 5, 10, ?, 20 Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 15. Puzzle 26: 3, 0, -3, ?, -9 Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -6. Puzzle 27: 1, 4, 7, ?, 13 Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 10. Puzzle 28: -8, -5, -2, ?, 4 Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 1.
  • 27. Enigmatic Equations 26 Puzzle 29: 20, 16, 12, ?, 4 Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 8. Puzzle 30: -10, -5, 0, ?, 10 Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 5. Puzzle 31: 4, 12, 20, ?, 36 Solution: The common difference is 8. Adding 8 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 28. Puzzle 32: -7, -3, 1, ?, 9 Solution: The common difference is 4. Adding 4 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 5. Puzzle 33: 13, 10, 7, ?, 1 Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 4.
  • 28. Enigmatic Equations 27 Puzzle 34: 9, 4, -1, ?, -11 Solution: The common difference is -5. Subtracting 5 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -6. Puzzle 35: 2, 5, 8, ?, 14 Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 11. Puzzle 36: -2, -6, -10, ?, -18 Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -14. Puzzle 37: 7, 14, ?, 28, 35 Solution: The common difference is 7. Adding 7 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 21. Puzzle 38: 20, 16, ?, 8, 4 Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 12.
  • 29. Enigmatic Equations 28 Puzzle 39: 3, 1, -1, ?, -5 Solution: The common difference is -2. Subtracting 2 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -3. Puzzle 40: 12, 15, 18, ?, 24 Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 21. Puzzle 41: -3, 0, 3, ?, 9 Solution: The common difference is 3. Adding 3 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 6. Puzzle 42: 10, 5, 0, ?, -10 Solution: The common difference is -5. Subtracting 5 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -5. Puzzle 43: 6, 13, 20, ?, 34 Solution: The common difference is 7. Adding 7 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 27.
  • 30. Enigmatic Equations 29 Puzzle 44: -1, 1, 3, ?, 7 Solution: The common difference is 2. Adding 2 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 5. Puzzle 45: 4, 1, -2, ?, -8 Solution: The common difference is -3. Subtracting 3 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -5. Puzzle 46: 15, 10, 5, ?, -5 Solution: The common difference is -5. Subtracting 5 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 0. Puzzle 47: 9, 14, 19, ?, 29 Solution: The common difference is 5. Adding 5 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 24. Puzzle 48: -4, -8, -12, ?, -20 Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is -16.
  • 31. Enigmatic Equations 30 Puzzle 49: 22, 18, ?, 10, 6 Solution: The common difference is -4. Subtracting 4 from the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 14. Puzzle 50: 1, 5, 9, ?, 17 Solution: The common difference is 4. Adding 4 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 13. Puzzle 51: 7, 17, 27, ?, 47 Solution: The common difference is 10. Adding 10 to the previous term gives the next term. Therefore, the missing term is 37. Puzzle 52: 2, 5, 10, 17, ?, 37 Solution: The common difference increases by 1 with each term. The difference between the first two terms is 3, between the second and third terms is 5, between the third and fourth terms is 7. So, the difference between the fourth and fifth terms should be 9. Adding 9 to the previous term gives the missing term of 26. Puzzle 53: 1, 4, 9, 16, ?, 36
  • 32. Enigmatic Equations 31 Solution: The terms are the squares of consecutive natural numbers. The missing term is the square of the next natural number. Therefore, the missing term is 25. Puzzle 54: 12, 6, 2, ?, -2, -4 Solution: The common difference decreases by 4 with each term. So, the difference between the first two terms is 6, between the second and third terms is 4, and between the third and fourth terms should be 2. Subtracting 2 from the previous term gives the missing term of 0. Puzzle 55: 3, 8, 15, ?, 33, 44 Solution: The difference between consecutive terms increases by 1 each time. The difference between the first two terms is 5, between the second and third terms is 7, and between the third and fourth terms should be 9. Adding 9 to the previous term gives the missing term of 24. Puzzle 56: -1, -3, 3, ?, 15, 31 Solution: The pattern alternates between subtracting 2 and adding 6. So, subtracting 2 from -1 gives -3, adding 6 to -3 gives 3, subtracting 2 from 3 gives 1. The missing term is obtained by adding 6 to 1, resulting in 7.
  • 33. Enigmatic Equations 32 Puzzle 57: 10, 8, 13, ?, 23, 43 Solution: The pattern alternates between subtracting 2 and adding 5. So, subtracting 2 from 10 gives 8, adding 5 to 8 gives 13, subtracting 2 from 13 gives 11. The missing term is obtained by adding 5 to 11, resulting in 16. Puzzle 58: 1, 4, 9, ?, 25, 36 Solution: The terms are the squares of consecutive odd numbers. The missing term is the square of the next odd number. Therefore, the missing term is 16. Puzzle 59: -2, 1, 5, ?, 14, 26 Solution: The pattern alternates between adding 3 and adding 6. So, adding 3 to -2 gives 1, adding 6 to 1 gives 7, adding 3 to 7 gives 10. The missing term is obtained by adding 6 to 10, resulting in 16. Puzzle 60: 11, 21, 33, ?, 57, 73 Solution: The pattern alternates between adding 10 and adding 12. So, adding 10 to 11 gives 21, adding 12 to 21 gives 33, adding 10 to 33 gives 43. The missing term is obtained by adding 12 to 43, resulting in 55.
  • 34. Enigmatic Equations 33 Puzzle 61: 2, 5, 12, ?, 34, 59 Solution: The pattern involves squaring the terms and then adding an increasing odd number sequence. The missing term can be found by squaring 5 and adding the next odd number (7), resulting in 32. Puzzle 62: 17, 14, 24, ?, 54, 94 Solution: The pattern alternates between subtracting 3 and adding 10. So, subtracting 3 from 17 gives 14, adding 10 to 14 gives 24, subtracting 3 from 24 gives 21. The missing term is obtained by adding 10 to 21, resulting in 31. Puzzle 63: -4, 0, 9, ?, 32, 63 Solution: The pattern involves squaring the terms and then adding a constant value. The missing term can be found by squaring 3 and adding 6, resulting in 15. Puzzle 64: 5, 11, 19, ?, 41, 65 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing prime number sequence. The missing term can be found by adding the next prime number (23) to 19, resulting in 42.
  • 35. Enigmatic Equations 34 Puzzle 65: 1, 3, 8, 22, ?, 85 Solution: The pattern involves multiplying the terms by an increasing sequence of prime numbers. The missing term can be found by multiplying 22 by the next prime number (5), resulting in 110. Puzzle 66: 6, 18, 38, ?, 118, 198 Solution: The pattern involves multiplying the terms by an increasing sequence of even numbers. The missing term can be found by multiplying 38 by the next even number (4), resulting in 152. Puzzle 67: 10, 16, 34, ?, 106, 202 Solution: The pattern involves adding a sequence of consecutive squares. The missing term can be found by adding the next consecutive square (7^2 = 49) to 34, resulting in 83. Puzzle 68: -3, 5, 24, ?, 98, 219 Solution: The pattern involves multiplying the terms by an increasing sequence of triangular numbers. The missing term can be found by multiplying 24 by the next triangular number (4), resulting in 96.
  • 36. Enigmatic Equations 35 Puzzle 69: 12, 25, 49, ?, 145, 229 Solution: The pattern involves squaring the terms and then adding an increasing sequence of Fibonacci numbers. The missing term can be found by squaring 7 and adding the next Fibonacci number (8), resulting in 57. Puzzle 70: 7, 11, 19, ?, 43, 71 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the next prime number (13) to 19, resulting in 32. Puzzle 71: 2, 5, 11, 23, ?, 95 Solution: The pattern involves doubling the terms and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing term can be found by doubling 23 and subtracting the next prime number (5), resulting in 41. Puzzle 72: 9, 17, 32, ?, 77, 131 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of triangular numbers and then subtracting the square of the term number. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth triangular number (10)
  • 37. Enigmatic Equations 36 to 32 and then subtracting the square of 4, resulting in 46. Puzzle 73: 14, 22, 42, ?, 132, 222 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive cubes and then subtracting a multiple of 3. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth cube (64) to 42 and then subtracting 12, resulting in 94. Puzzle 74: -5, 11, 29, ?, 89, 173 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth triangular number (10) to 29 and then subtracting the fourth square number (16), resulting in 23. Puzzle 75: 3, 6, 16, ?, 96, 236 Solution: The pattern involves multiplying the terms by an increasing sequence of prime numbers and then adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The missing term can be found by multiplying 16 by the third prime number (5) and then adding the third triangular number (6), resulting in 86.
  • 38. Enigmatic Equations 37 Puzzle 76: 21, 30, 56, ?, 166, 311 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal number (40) to 56 and then subtracting the fourth square number (16), resulting in 80. Puzzle 77: 13, 19, 29, ?, 61, 109 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the third square number (9) to 29 and then subtracting the third prime number (5), resulting in 33. Puzzle 78: 8, 14, 24, ?, 64, 116 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the third triangular number (6) to 24 and then subtracting the third odd number (5), resulting in 25. Puzzle 79: 4, 11, 25, ?, 85, 170
  • 39. Enigmatic Equations 38 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive even numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal number (35) to 25 and then subtracting the fourth even number (8), resulting in 52. Puzzle 80: 18, 32, 54, ?, 120, 216 Solution: The pattern involves multiplying the terms by an increasing sequence of triangular numbers and then adding an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers. The missing term can be found by multiplying 54 by the fourth triangular number (10) and then adding the fourth odd number (7), resulting in 547. Puzzle 81: 3, 9, 23, ?, 77, 161 Solution: The pattern involves squaring the terms, subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers, and then adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The missing term can be found by squaring 5, subtracting the third prime number (5), and adding the third triangular number (6), resulting in 37. Puzzle 82: 14, 23, 42, ?, 134, 253 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers,
  • 40. Enigmatic Equations 39 multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers, and then subtracting the square of the term number. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth triangular number (10), multiplying by the third prime number (5), and subtracting the square of 4, resulting in 116. Puzzle 83: -6, 10, 33, ?, 121, 241 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth triangular number (10), multiplying by the third odd number (5), and subtracting the fourth square number (16), resulting in 85. Puzzle 84: 7, 20, 46, ?, 142, 277 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third prime number (5), and subtracting the fourth square number (16), resulting in 114.
  • 41. Enigmatic Equations 40 Puzzle 85: 2, 11, 32, ?, 146, 287 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth triangular number (10), multiplying by the third odd number (5), and subtracting the third prime number (5), resulting in 87. Puzzle 86: 12, 29, 62, ?, 186, 359 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive even numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third even number (4), and subtracting the third prime number (5), resulting in 177. Puzzle 87: 1, 13, 40, ?, 193, 382 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth square number (16),
  • 42. Enigmatic Equations 41 multiplying by the third odd number (5), and subtracting the third triangular number (6), resulting in 194. Puzzle 88: 9, 28, 63, ?, 233, 452 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third prime number (5), and subtracting the fourth triangular number (10), resulting in 233. Puzzle 89: 5, 22, 57, ?, 237, 470 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth square number (16), multiplying by the third prime number (5), and subtracting the third odd number (5), resulting in 237. Puzzle 90: 16, 41, 82, ?, 266, 527 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers,
  • 43. Enigmatic Equations 42 multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third odd number (5), and subtracting the fourth prime number (7), resulting in 119. Puzzle 91: 3, 16, 45, ?, 221, 446 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth square number (16), multiplying by the third prime number (5), and subtracting the fourth triangular number (10), resulting in 221. Puzzle 92: -7, 19, 66, ?, 293, 586 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth triangular number (10), multiplying by the third odd number (5), and subtracting the fourth prime number (7), resulting in 240.
  • 44. Enigmatic Equations 43 Puzzle 93: 10, 39, 96, ?, 337, 670 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth square number (16), multiplying by the third prime number (5), and subtracting the third odd number (5), resulting in 336. Puzzle 94: 1, 17, 57, ?, 321, 644 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth triangular number (10), multiplying by the third odd number (5), and subtracting the fourth square number (16), resulting in 320. Puzzle 95: 8, 36, 86, ?, 476, 946 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive square numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third prime number
  • 45. Enigmatic Equations 44 (5), and subtracting the third square number (9), resulting in 85. Puzzle 96: 12, 43, 94, ?, 545, 1072 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third odd number (5), and subtracting the fourth prime number (7), resulting in 549. Puzzle 97: -2, 21, 68, ?, 389, 776 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth triangular number (10), multiplying by the third prime number (5), and subtracting the third odd number (5), resulting in 68. Puzzle 98: 7, 35, 90, ?, 514, 1022 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers,
  • 46. Enigmatic Equations 45 multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third odd number (5), and subtracting the fourth triangular number (10), resulting in 510. Puzzle 99: 15, 58, 125, ?, 689, 1360 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive pentagonal numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth pentagonal number (40), multiplying by the third prime number (5), and subtracting the third triangular number (6), resulting in 624. Puzzle 100: 4, 29, 88, ?, 638, 1261 Solution: The pattern involves adding an increasing sequence of consecutive triangular numbers, multiplying by an increasing sequence of consecutive odd numbers, and then subtracting an increasing sequence of consecutive prime numbers. The missing term can be found by adding the fourth triangular number (10), multiplying by the third odd number (5), and subtracting the fourth prime number (7), resulting in 641.
  • 47. Enigmatic Equations 46 These extremely challenging arithmetic sequence puzzles will truly put your mathematical skills and logical thinking to the test. Enjoy the intellectual workout and have fun solving them!
  • 48. Enigmatic Equations 47 1.2 GEOMETRIC SEQUENCES In this section, we explore the fascinating world of geometric sequences. A geometric sequence is a sequence of numbers where each term is found by multiplying the previous term by a common ratio. Let's dive into some challenging puzzles that will test your ability to identify and predict the missing terms in geometric sequences. Puzzle 1: 3, 6, 12, ?, 48 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 2. Multiplying each term by 2 gives us the missing number, which is 24. Puzzle 2: 1, 5, 25, ?, 625 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 5. Multiplying each term by 5 gives us the missing number, which is 125. Puzzle 3: 2, 10, ?, 250, 1250 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 5. Dividing each term by 5 gives us the missing number, which is 50.
  • 49. Enigmatic Equations 48 Puzzle 4: 12, 8, 16, ?, 128 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 0.5. Dividing each term by 2 gives us the missing number, which is 32. Puzzle 5: 81, ?, 9, 1, 0.111... Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 1/9. Multiplying each term by 1/9 gives us the missing number, which is 9. Puzzle 6: 256, ?, 16, 1, 0.0625 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 1/4. Multiplying each term by 1/4 gives us the missing number, which is 64. Puzzle 7: 1, ?, 0.25, 0.0625, 0.015625 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 1/4. Multiplying each term by 1/4 gives us the missing number, which is 0.0625. Puzzle 8: 4, ?, 16, 32, 64 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 2. Multiplying each term by 2 gives us the missing number, which is 8.
  • 50. Enigmatic Equations 49 Puzzle 9: 27, ?, 9, 3, 1 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 1/3. Multiplying each term by 1/3 gives us the missing number, which is 3. Puzzle 10: 0.01, 0.1, ?, 10, 100 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 10. Multiplying each term by 10 gives us the missing number, which is 1. Puzzle 11: 1, 4, 16, ?, 256 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 4. Multiplying each term by 4 gives us the missing number, which is 64. Puzzle 12: 0.1, ?, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 0.1. Multiplying each term by 0.1 gives us the missing number, which is 0.001. Puzzle 13: 2, 10, ?, 250, 1250, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 5. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 5. The missing
  • 51. Enigmatic Equations 50 number after 10 is 50, and the missing number after 1250 is 6250. Puzzle 14: 9, ?, 135, ?, 2025 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 3/5. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 3/5. The missing number after 9 is 27, and the missing number after 135 is 405. Puzzle 15: 16, ?, 32, ?, 64, ?, 128 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 2. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 2. The missing numbers are 8 (after 16), 16 (after 32), and 32 (after 64). Puzzle 16: 1, 3, ?, 27, 81 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 3. The missing number is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 3. The missing number after 3 is 9. Puzzle 17: 2, 12, ?, 432, 5184
  • 52. Enigmatic Equations 51 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 6. The missing number is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 6. The missing number after 12 is 72. Puzzle 18: 1, ?, 4, 16, 64 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 2. The missing number is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 2. The missing number before 4 is 2. Puzzle 19: 1, 4, 16, ?, 256, 1024 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 4. The missing number is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 4. The missing number after 16 is 64. Puzzle 20: 0.5, ?, 0.03125, 0.001953125, 0.0001220703125 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 1/64. The missing number is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 1/64. The missing number before 0.03125 is 0.00048828125. Puzzle 21: 0.5, ?, 0.125, ?, 0.03125, 0.0078125
  • 53. Enigmatic Equations 52 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 1/4. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 1/4. The missing numbers are 0.25 (after 0.5) and 0.015625 (after 0.125). Puzzle 22: 3, 9, ?, 243, 729 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 3. The missing number is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 3. The missing number after 9 is 27. Puzzle 23: 1, ?, 9, ?, 81, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 3. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 3. The missing numbers are 3 (after 1) and 27 (after 9). Puzzle 24: 4, ?, 64, ?, 256, 1024 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 2. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 4. The missing numbers are 16 (after 4) and 128 (after 64). Puzzle 25: 2, 10, 50, ?, 2500, ?
  • 54. Enigmatic Equations 53 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 5. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 5. The missing numbers are 250 (after 50) and 125,000 (after 2500). Puzzle 26: 1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 1296 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 3. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 3. The missing numbers are 3 (after 1) and 243 (after 81). Puzzle 27: 5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 320 (after 40) and 20,480 (after 2560). Puzzle 28: 1, 4, ?, 64, ?, 256 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 4. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 4. The missing numbers are 16 (after 4) and 1024 (after 64). Puzzle 29: 2, 8, ?, 128, ?, 512
  • 55. Enigmatic Equations 54 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 4. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 4. The missing numbers are 32 (after 8) and 2048 (after 128). Puzzle 30: 1, ?, 27, ?, 243, 729 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 3. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 3. The missing numbers are 9 (after 1) and 81 (after 27). Puzzle 31: 2, ?, 18, ?, 162, 1458 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 6 (after 2) and 486 (after 18). Puzzle 32: 1, 5, ?, 125, ?, 3125 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 25. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 25. The missing numbers are 25 (after 5) and 625 (after 125). Puzzle 33: 4, ?, 32, 256, ?, 8192
  • 56. Enigmatic Equations 55 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 64 (after 4) and 2048 (after 256). Puzzle 34: 0.1, ?, 0.01, ?, 0.0001, 0.000001 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 0.1. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 0.1. The missing numbers are 0.001 (after 0.01) and 0.0000001 (after 0.0001). Puzzle 35: 3, ?, 81, ?, 6561, 59049 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing numbers are 243 (after 3) and 177,147 (after 6561). Puzzle 36: 1, 4, ?, 64, ?, 1024 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 16 (after 4) and 256 (after 64). Puzzle 37: 2, ?, 16, ?, 128, 2048
  • 57. Enigmatic Equations 56 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 4 (after 2) and 1024 (after 128). Puzzle 38: 5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 10 (after 5) and 256 (after 320). Puzzle 39: 3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 12 (after 3) and 3072 (after 48). Puzzle 40: 1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing numbers are 64 (after 8) and 46656 (after 216). Puzzle 41: 2, ?, 32, ?, 512, 8192
  • 58. Enigmatic Equations 57 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 8 (after 2) and 2048 (after 32). Puzzle 42: 1, 10, ?, 1000, ?, 100000 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 100. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 100. The missing numbers are 100 (after 10) and 10000 (after 1000). Puzzle 43: 3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 9 (after 3) and 729 (after 27). Puzzle 44: 0.1, ?, 0.001, ?, 0.00001, 0.0000001 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 0.01. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 0.01. The missing numbers are 0.0001 (after 0.001) and 0.000000001 (after 0.00001). Puzzle 45: 4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768
  • 59. Enigmatic Equations 58 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 256 (after 4) and 16384 (after 1024). Puzzle 46: 2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing numbers are 72 (after 12) and 31104 (after 432). Puzzle 47: 1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 3 (after 1) and 729 (after 81). Puzzle 48: 5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 10 (after 5) and 1280 (after 320). Puzzle 49: 3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288
  • 60. Enigmatic Equations 59 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 12 (after 3) and 3072 (after 48). Puzzle 50: 1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing numbers are 64 (after 8) and 46656 (after 216). Puzzle 51: 2, ?, 16, ?, 128, 2048, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 4 (after 2) and 16384 (after 2048). Puzzle 52: 1, 9, ?, 81, ?, 729, 6561 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 27 (after 9) and 243 (after 81). Puzzle 53: 3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187, ?
  • 61. Enigmatic Equations 60 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 9 (after 3) and 19683 (after 2187). Puzzle 54: 0.5, ?, 0.125, ?, 0.03125, 0.0078125, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 0.25. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 0.25. The missing numbers are 0.03125 (after 0.125) and 0.001953125 (after 0.0078125). Puzzle 55: 4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 256 (after 4) and 524288 (after 32768). Puzzle 56: 2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing numbers are 72 (after 12) and 279936 (after 7776). Puzzle 57: 1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561, ?
  • 62. Enigmatic Equations 61 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 3 (after 1) and 531441 (after 6561). Puzzle 58: 5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 10 (after 5) and 20480 (after 2560). Puzzle 59: 3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 12 (after 3) and 196608 (after 12288). Puzzle 60: 1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing numbers are 64 (after 8) and 209952 (after 7776). Puzzle 61: 2, ?, 32, ?, 512, 8192, ?
  • 63. Enigmatic Equations 62 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 8 (after 2) and 131072 (after 8192). Puzzle 62: 1, 10, ?, 1000, ?, 100000, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 100. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 100. The missing numbers are 100 (after 10) and 10000000 (after 100000). Puzzle 63: 3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 9 (after 3) and 19683 (after 2187). Puzzle 64: 0.1, ?, 0.001, ?, 0.00001, 0.0000001, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 0.01. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 0.01. The missing numbers are 0.0001 (after 0.001) and 0.000000001 (after 0.00001). Puzzle 65: 4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768, ?
  • 64. Enigmatic Equations 63 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 256 (after 4) and 524288 (after 32768). Puzzle 66: 2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing numbers are 72 (after 12) and 279936 (after 7776). Puzzle 67: 1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 3 (after 1) and 531441 (after 6561). Puzzle 68: 5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 10 (after 5) and 20480 (after 2560). Puzzle 69: 3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288, ?
  • 65. Enigmatic Equations 64 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 12 (after 3) and 196608 (after 12288). Puzzle 70: 1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing numbers are 64 (after 8) and 209952 (after 7776). Puzzle 71: 2, ?, 32, ?, 512, 8192, ?, 131072 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 8 (after 2), 2048 (after 32), and 2097152 (after 8192). Puzzle 72: 1, 10, ?, 1000, ?, 100000, ?, 10000000 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 100. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 100. The missing numbers are 100 (after 10), 10000 (after 1000), and 1000000000 (after 100000). Puzzle 73: 3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187, ?, 19683
  • 66. Enigmatic Equations 65 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 9 (after 3), 81 (after 27), and 59049 (after 2187). Puzzle 74: 0.1, ?, 0.001, ?, 0.00001, 0.0000001, ?, 0.000000001 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 0.01. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 0.01. The missing numbers are 0.0001 (after 0.001), 0.00000001 (after 0.0001), and 0.0000000001 (after 0.0000001). Puzzle 75: 4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768, ?, 524288 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 256 (after 4), 16384 (after 1024), and 8388608 (after 32768). Puzzle 76: 2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776, ?, 279936 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing numbers are 72 (after 12), 15552 (after 432), and 5038848 (after 7776).
  • 67. Enigmatic Equations 66 Puzzle 77: 1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561, ?, 531441 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 3 (after 1), 729 (after 81), and 4782969 (after 6561). Puzzle 78: 5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560, ?, 20480 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 10 (after 5), 256 (after 320), and 163840 (after 2560). Puzzle 79: 3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288, ?, 196608 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 12 (after 3), 192 (after 48), and 3145728 (after 12288). Puzzle 80: 1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776, ?, 209952 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing
  • 68. Enigmatic Equations 67 numbers are 64 (after 8), 5832 (after 216), and 56623104 (after 7776). Puzzle 81: 2, ?, 32, ?, 512, 8192, ?, 131072, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 8 (after 2), 128 (after 32), 32768 (after 8192), and 2097152 (after 131072). Puzzle 82: 1, 10, ?, 1000, ?, 100000, ?, 10000000, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 100. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 100. The missing numbers are 100 (after 10), 10000 (after 1000), 100000000 (after 100000), and 100000000000 (after 10000000). Puzzle 83: 3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187, ?, 19683, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 9 (after 3), 81 (after 27), 729 (after 243), and 6561 (after 2187).
  • 69. Enigmatic Equations 68 Puzzle 84: 0.1, ?, 0.001, ?, 0.00001, 0.0000001, ?, 0.000000001, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 0.01. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 0.01. The missing numbers are 0.0001 (after 0.001), 0.00000001 (after 0.0001), 0.0000000001 (after 0.0000001), and 0.000000000001 (after 0.000000001). Puzzle 85: 4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768, ?, 524288, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 256 (after 4), 4096 (after 64), 65536 (after 1024), and 8388608 (after 32768). Puzzle 86: 2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776, ?, 279936, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing numbers are 72 (after 12), 15552 (after 432), 279936 (after 7776), and 10077696 (after 279936). Puzzle 87: 1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561, ?, 531441, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by
  • 70. Enigmatic Equations 69 multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 3 (after 1), 729 (after 81), 59049 (after 6561), and 4782969 (after 531441). Puzzle 88: 5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560, ?, 20480, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 10 (after 5), 80 (after 40), 640 (after 320), and 5120 (after 2560). Puzzle 89: 3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288, ?, 196608, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 12 (after 3), 192 (after 48), 3072 (after 768), and 491520 (after 12288). Puzzle 90: 1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776, ?, 209952, ? Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing numbers are 64 (after 8), 1728 (after 216), 46656 (after 7776), and 5649696 (after 209952). Puzzle 91: 2, ?, 32, ?, 512, 8192, ?, 131072, ?, 2097152
  • 71. Enigmatic Equations 70 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 8 (after 2), 128 (after 32), 2048 (after 512), and 32768 (after 8192), 524288 (after 131072), and 33554432 (after 2097152). Puzzle 92: 1, 10, ?, 1000, ?, 100000, ?, 10000000, ?, 1000000000 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 100. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 100. The missing numbers are 100 (after 10), 10000 (after 1000), 100000000 (after 100000), and 100000000000 (after 10000000), and 10000000000000 (after 1000000000). Puzzle 93: 3, ?, 27, ?, 243, 2187, ?, 19683, ?, 177147 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 9. The missing numbers are 9 (after 3), 81 (after 27), 729 (after 243), 6561 (after 2187), and 59049 (after 19683). Puzzle 94: 0.1, ?, 0.001, ?, 0.00001, 0.0000001, ?, 0.000000001, ?, 0.00000000001 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 0.01. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 0.01. The missing
  • 72. Enigmatic Equations 71 numbers are 0.0001 (after 0.001), 0.00000001 (after 0.0001), 0.0000000001 (after 0.0000001), and 0.0000000000001 (after 0.000000001), and 0.000000000000001 (after 0.00000000001). Puzzle 95: 4, ?, 64, ?, 1024, 32768, ?, 524288, ?, 8388608 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 256 (after 4), 4096 (after 64), 65536 (after 1024), 1048576 (after 32768), and 16777216 (after 524288). Puzzle 96: 2, 12, ?, 432, ?, 7776, ?, 279936, ?, 5038848 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 36. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 36. The missing numbers are 72 (after 12), 15552 (after 432), 279936 (after 7776), and 5038848 (after 279936), and 907673856 (after 5038848). Puzzle 97: 1, ?, 8, 81, ?, 6561, ?, 531441, ?, 43046721 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 9. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term
  • 73. Enigmatic Equations 72 by 9. The missing numbers are 3 (after 1), 729 (after 81), 59049 (after 6561), 4782969 (after 531441), and 387420489 (after 43046721). Puzzle 98: 5, ?, 40, 320, ?, 2560, ?, 20480, ?, 163840 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 8. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 8. The missing numbers are 10 (after 5), 80 (after 40), 640 (after 320), 5120 (after 2560), and 40960 (after 20480). Puzzle 99: 3, ?, 48, ?, 768, 12288, ?, 196608, ?, 3145728 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 16. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 16. The missing numbers are 12 (after 3), 192 (after 48), 3072 (after 768), 49152 (after 12288), and 786432 (after 196608). Puzzle 100: 1, 8, ?, 216, ?, 7776, ?, 279936, ?, 10077696 Solution: The common ratio between consecutive terms is 27. The missing numbers are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 27. The missing numbers are 64 (after 8), 1728 (after 216), 46656 (after 7776), 1259712 (after 279936), and 339738624 (after 10077696).
  • 74. Enigmatic Equations 73 These challenging geometric sequence puzzles will truly test your mathematical skills. Enjoy the mental exercise as you uncover the missing terms in these enigmatic equations!
  • 75. Enigmatic Equations 74 1.3 FIBONACCI SEQUENCES The Fibonacci sequence is a famous sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. In this section, we will explore Fibonacci sequences and their intriguing properties through a series of puzzles. Can you find the missing numbers in these Fibonacci sequences? 1. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, 2, ?, 8, 13, 21 Solution: The missing number is 3. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 2. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34 Solution: The missing number is 5. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 3. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 4. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, ?, 5, 8, 13, 21 Solution: The missing number is 2. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 5. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21 Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
  • 76. Enigmatic Equations 75 6. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 7. Puzzle: 0, ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 8. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34 Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 9. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 10. Puzzle: 0, 1, ?, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 11. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55 Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 12. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34
  • 77. Enigmatic Equations 76 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 13. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, 2, ?, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 Solution: The missing number is 3. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 14. Puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 15. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 16. Puzzle: 0, 1, ?, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 Solution: The missing number is 2. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 17. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 18. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues.
  • 78. Enigmatic Equations 77 19. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, 2, ?, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 Solution: The missing number is 3. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 20. Puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 21. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 22. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, 2, ?, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 Solution: The missing number is 3. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 23. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 Solution: The missing number is 5. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 24. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 25. Puzzle: 0, 1, ?, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144
  • 79. Enigmatic Equations 78 Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 26. Puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 27. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 28. Puzzle: 0, ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 29. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 30. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 31. Puzzle: 0, 1, ?, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377
  • 80. Enigmatic Equations 79 Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 32. Puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610 Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 33. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 34. Puzzle: 0, 1, 1, 2, ?, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610 Solution: The missing number is 3. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 35. Puzzle: 1, 1, 2, 3, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 Solution: The missing number is 5. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 36. Puzzle: ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues.
  • 81. Enigmatic Equations 80 37. Puzzle: 0, ?, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610 Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 38. Puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 Solution: The missing number is 8. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. 39. Puzzle: ?, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597 Solution: The missing number is 0. The Fibonacci sequence can start with 0, followed by 1, and then the pattern continues. 40. Puzzle: 0, 1, ?, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 Solution: The missing number is 1. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. These hardest Fibonacci sequence puzzles will truly push your mathematical abilities to the limit. Enjoy the challenge and let the beauty of Fibonacci sequences unfold before you!
  • 82. Enigmatic Equations 81 1.4 RECURSIVE SEQUENCES Recursive sequences involve generating each term based on one or more previous terms in the sequence. This section explores the fascinating world of recursive sequences and presents 50 puzzles for you to solve. Each puzzle involves finding the missing term(s) in a given recursive sequence. Let's dive in! Puzzle 1: Sequence: 2, 4, 8, 16, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by doubling the previous term. Solution: The missing term is 32. Puzzle 2: Sequence: 3, 6, 12, 24, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 2. Solution: The missing term is 48. Puzzle 3: Sequence: 1, 2, 4, 8, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by doubling the previous term. Solution: The missing term is 16.
  • 83. Enigmatic Equations 82 Puzzle 4: Sequence: 1, 3, 9, 27, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 3. Solution: The missing term is 81. Puzzle 5: Sequence: 2, 5, 11, 23, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the square of the previous term plus 1. Solution: The missing term is 47. Puzzle 6: Sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the two previous terms (Fibonacci sequence). Solution: The missing term is 8. Puzzle 7: Sequence: 1, 4, 9, 16, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by squaring the position number. Solution: The missing term is 25. Puzzle 8: Sequence: 2, 3, 5, 8, ?
  • 84. Enigmatic Equations 83 Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the two previous terms (Fibonacci-like sequence). Solution: The missing term is 13. Puzzle 9: Sequence: 1, 2, 4, 7, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the position number to the previous term. Solution: The missing term is 11. Puzzle 10: Sequence: 1, 3, 6, 10, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the position number to the previous term. Solution: The missing term is 15. Puzzle 11: Sequence: 1, 2, 4, 8, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number. Solution: The missing term is 16. Puzzle 12: Sequence: 1, 3, 8, 21, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the position number.
  • 85. Enigmatic Equations 84 Solution: The missing term is 55. Puzzle 13: Sequence: 2, 5, 12, 27, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the position number squared. Solution: The missing term is 58. Puzzle 14: Sequence: 3, 8, 17, 30, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and subtracting the position number. Solution: The missing term is 47. Puzzle 15: Sequence: 1, 3, 6, 11, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by adding the previous term to the position number squared. Solution: The missing term is 20. Puzzle 16: Sequence: 2, 5, 11, 20, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and subtracting the position number squared. Solution: The missing term is 34.
  • 86. Enigmatic Equations 85 Puzzle 17: Sequence: 1, 4, 13, 40, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the position number cubed. Solution: The missing term is 121. Puzzle 18: Sequence: 2, 4, 12, 48, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the position number factorial. Solution: The missing term is 240. Puzzle 19: Sequence: 1, 2, 5, 15, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the factorial of the position number. Solution: The missing term is 105. Puzzle 20: Sequence: 1, 2, 6, 24, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the factorial of the position number squared. Solution: The missing term is 120.
  • 87. Enigmatic Equations 86 Puzzle 21: Sequence: 1, 2, 5, 13, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and subtracting the position number squared. Solution: The missing term is 34. Puzzle 22: Sequence: 3, 6, 12, 24, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the factorial of the position number. Solution: The missing term is 96. Puzzle 23: Sequence: 2, 7, 26, 101, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number squared and adding the position number cubed. Solution: The missing term is 406. Puzzle 24: Sequence: 1, 4, 18, 96, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the position number factorial. Solution: The missing term is 600.
  • 88. Enigmatic Equations 87 Puzzle 25: Sequence: 4, 18, 96, 600, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number cubed and adding the factorial of the position number. Solution: The missing term is 5040. Puzzle 26: Sequence: 2, 5, 14, 44, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the factorial of the position number squared. Solution: The missing term is 158. Puzzle 27: Sequence: 1, 3, 12, 60, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the factorial of the position number cubed. Solution: The missing term is 360. Puzzle 28: Sequence: 1, 2, 9, 64, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number squared and adding the position number to the power of four. Solution: The missing term is 625.
  • 89. Enigmatic Equations 88 Puzzle 29: Sequence: 2, 7, 36, 247, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number squared and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of three. Solution: The missing term is 2180. Puzzle 30: Sequence: 1, 3, 16, 125, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number cubed and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of four. Solution: The missing term is 1296. Puzzle 31: Sequence: 2, 3, 9, 35, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of five. Solution: The missing term is 1559. Puzzle 32: Sequence: 1, 4, 23, 176, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of six.
  • 90. Enigmatic Equations 89 Solution: The missing term is 20737. Puzzle 33: Sequence: 2, 7, 44, 375, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number squared and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of five. Solution: The missing term is 39062. Puzzle 34: Sequence: 3, 12, 89, 944, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number squared and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of six. Solution: The missing term is 130687. Puzzle 35: Sequence: 1, 5, 46, 645, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number cubed and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of five. Solution: The missing term is 100825. Puzzle 36: Sequence: 2, 6, 45, 548, ?
  • 91. Enigmatic Equations 90 Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number cubed and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of six. Solution: The missing term is 978131. Puzzle 37: Sequence: 1, 3, 17, 207, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of four and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of five. Solution: The missing term is 1729433. Puzzle 38: Sequence: 2, 8, 111, 2340, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of four and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of six. Solution: The missing term is 73181816. Puzzle 39: Sequence: 3, 16, 271, 8296, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of five and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of six. Solution: The missing term is 437366601.
  • 92. Enigmatic Equations 91 Puzzle 40: Sequence: 1, 4, 55, 1440, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of five and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of seven. Solution: The missing term is 1718176136. Puzzle 41: Sequence: 2, 9, 165, 5184, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of six and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of seven. Solution: The missing term is 219547003136. Puzzle 42: Sequence: 3, 25, 911, 58320, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of six and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of eight. Solution: The missing term is 15147321443200. Puzzle 43: Sequence: 2, 20, 302, 7776, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power
  • 93. Enigmatic Equations 92 of seven and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of eight. Solution: The missing term is 25983182228480. Puzzle 44: Sequence: 1, 12, 559, 46656, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of seven and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of nine. Solution: The missing term is 196011280440576. Puzzle 45: Sequence: 4, 51, 2192, 186624, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of eight and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of nine. Solution: The missing term is 535486258437376. Puzzle 46: Sequence: 3, 50, 3749, 598752, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of eight and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of ten. Solution: The missing term is 7109985877313744.
  • 94. Enigmatic Equations 93 Puzzle 47: Sequence: 2, 41, 21912, 28531104, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of nine and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of ten. Solution: The missing term is 127894528169676800. Puzzle 48: Sequence: 1, 40, 37321, 91833024, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of nine and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of eleven. Solution: The missing term is 284880000901671424. Puzzle 49: Sequence: 3, 120, 213621, 850305600, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power of ten and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of eleven. Solution: The missing term is 5040153538543603200. Puzzle 50: Sequence: 2, 121, 214020, 1061683200, ? Recursive Rule: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by the position number to the power
  • 95. Enigmatic Equations 94 of ten and adding the factorial of the position number to the power of twelve. Solution: The missing term is 10471996813016896000. These extremely challenging recursive sequence puzzles will truly put your skills to the test. Enjoy the exhilarating journey of unraveling these complex patterns and solving these enigmatic equations!
  • 96. Enigmatic Equations 95 CHAPTER 2: ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS 2.1 SOLVING LINEAR EQUATIONS Puzzle 1: 3x + 5 = 14 Solution: Subtracting 5 from both sides, we get: 3x = 9 Dividing both sides by 3, we get: x = 3 Puzzle 2: 2(4x - 3) = 14 Solution: Expanding the expression, we get: 8x - 6 = 14 Adding 6 to both sides, we get: 8x = 20 Dividing both sides by 8, we get: x = 2.5
  • 97. Enigmatic Equations 96 Puzzle 3: 2x - 3(2x + 1) = 4 Solution: Expanding the expression, we get: 2x - 6x - 3 = 4 Combining like terms, we get: -4x - 3 = 4 Adding 3 to both sides, we get: -4x = 7 Dividing both sides by -4, we get: x = -7/4 or -1.75 Puzzle 4: 3(x - 1) + 2(x + 3) = 7 Solution: Expanding the expression, we get: 3x - 3 + 2x + 6 = 7 Combining like terms, we get: 5x + 3 = 7
  • 98. Enigmatic Equations 97 Subtracting 3 from both sides, we get: 5x = 4 Dividing both sides by 5, we get: x = 4/5 or 0.8 Puzzle 5: 4(2x - 1) = 3(5 - x) Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 8x - 4 = 15 - 3x Adding 3x to both sides, we get: 11x - 4 = 15 Adding 4 to both sides, we get: 11x = 19 Dividing both sides by 11, we get: x = 19/11 or approximately 1.727 Puzzle 6: 2x + 3(x - 4) = 5x - 2
  • 99. Enigmatic Equations 98 Solution: Expanding the expression, we get: 2x + 3x - 12 = 5x - 2 Combining like terms, we get: 5x - 12 = 5x - 2 Since the variables cancel out, there is no unique solution to this equation. Puzzle 7: 5 - 3(2x + 1) = 7 - 4x Solution: Expanding the expression, we get: 5 - 6x - 3 = 7 - 4x Combining like terms, we get: -6x + 2 = -4x + 7 Subtracting 7 from both sides, we get: -6x - 5 = -4x Adding 4x to both sides, we get: -2x - 5 = 0
  • 100. Enigmatic Equations 99 Adding 5 to both sides, we get: -2x = 5 Dividing both sides by -2, we get: x = -2.5 Puzzle 8: 7x - 3(2x - 4) = 5(2x + 1) Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 7x - 6x + 12 = 10x + 5 Combining like terms, we get: x + 12 = 10x + 5 Subtracting x from both sides, we get: 12 = 9x + 5 Subtracting 5 from both sides, we get: 7 = 9x Dividing both sides by 9, we get:
  • 101. Enigmatic Equations 100 x = 7/9 or approximately 0.778 Puzzle 9: 3(4x + 2) - 5(2x - 1) = 8x - 4 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 12x + 6 - 10x + 5 = 8x - 4 Combining like terms, we get: 2x + 11 = 8x - 4 Subtracting 2x from both sides, we get: 11 = 6x - 4 Adding 4 to both sides, we get: 15 = 6x Dividing both sides by 6, we get: x = 15/6 or 2.5 Puzzle 10: 2(x - 3) = 3(4x + 2) - 5 Solution:
  • 102. Enigmatic Equations 101 Expanding the expressions, we get: 2x - 6 = 12x + 6 - 5 Combining like terms, we get: 2x - 6 = 12x + 1 Subtracting 12x from both sides, we get: -10x - 6 = 1 Adding 6 to both sides, we get: -10x = 7 Dividing both sides by -10, we get: x = -7/10 or -0.7 Puzzle 11: 4(3x + 1) + 2(x - 5) = 5(2x + 3) - 4 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 12x + 4 + 2x - 10 = 10x + 15 - 4 Combining like terms, we get: 14x - 6 = 10x + 11
  • 103. Enigmatic Equations 102 Subtracting 10x from both sides, we get: 4x - 6 = 11 Adding 6 to both sides, we get: 4x = 17 Dividing both sides by 4, we get: x = 17/4 or 4.25 Puzzle 12: 3(2x + 1) + 2(3x - 4) = 4(5x - 2) - 1 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 6x + 3 + 6x - 8 = 20x - 8 - 1 Combining like terms, we get: 12x - 5 = 20x - 9 Subtracting 20x from both sides, we get: -8x - 5 = -9 Adding 5 to both sides, we get: -8x = -4
  • 104. Enigmatic Equations 103 Dividing both sides by -8, we get: x = 1/2 or 0.5 Puzzle 13: 5(2x - 3) + 3(4x + 1) = 2(3x + 5) + 8 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 10x - 15 + 12x + 3 = 6x + 10 + 8 Combining like terms, we get: 22x - 12 = 6x + 18 Subtracting 6x from both sides, we get: 16x - 12 = 18 Adding 12 to both sides, we get: 16x = 30 Dividing both sides by 16, we get: x = 30/16 or 1.875 Puzzle 14: 2(3x + 4) - 3(2x - 1) = 7(x + 2) - 4
  • 105. Enigmatic Equations 104 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 6x + 8 - 6x + 3 = 7x + 14 - 4 Combining like terms, we get: 11 = 7x + 10 Subtracting 10 from both sides, we get: 1 = 7x Dividing both sides by 7, we get: x = 1/7 or approximately 0.143 Puzzle 15: 3(2x + 5) - 2(3 - 4x) = 5x + 4(1 - x) Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 6x + 15 - 6 + 8x = 5x + 4 - 4x Combining like terms, we get: 14x + 9 = x Subtracting x from both sides, we get: 13x + 9 = 0
  • 106. Enigmatic Equations 105 Subtracting 9 from both sides, we get: 13x = -9 Dividing both sides by 13, we get: x = -9/13 or approximately -0.692 Puzzle 16: 2(x - 1) + 3(2 - x) = 4(3x + 2) - 5 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 2x - 2 + 6 - 3x = 12x + 8 - 5 Combining like terms, we get: -x + 4 = 12x + 3 Adding x to both sides, we get: 4 = 13x + 3 Subtracting 3 from both sides, we get: 1 = 13x Dividing both sides by 13, we get: x = 1/13 or approximately 0.077
  • 107. Enigmatic Equations 106 Puzzle 17: 2(x - 3) - 4(2x + 1) = 3(4 - x) - 2 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 2x - 6 - 8x - 4 = 12 - 3x - 2 Combining like terms, we get: -6x - 10 = -3x + 10 Adding 6x to both sides, we get: -10 = 3x + 10 Subtracting 10 from both sides, we get: -20 = 3x Dividing both sides by 3, we get: x = -20/3 or approximately -6.667 Puzzle 18: 3(2x - 1) + 4(3 - x) = 5(2 - x) + 1 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 6x - 3 + 12 - 4x = 10 - 5x + 1
  • 108. Enigmatic Equations 107 Combining like terms, we get: 2x + 9 = 11 - 5x Adding 5x to both sides, we get: 7x + 9 = 11 Subtracting 9 from both sides, we get: 7x = 2 Dividing both sides by 7, we get: x = 2/7 or approximately 0.286 Puzzle 19: 5(2x - 3) + 2(3x + 4) = 4(5x - 1) - 3(2 - x) Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 10x - 15 + 6x + 8 = 20x - 4 - 6 + 3x Combining like terms, we get: 16x - 7 = 23x - 10 Subtracting 16x from both sides, we get: -7 = 7x - 10
  • 109. Enigmatic Equations 108 Adding 10 to both sides, we get: 3 = 7x Dividing both sides by 7, we get: x = 3/7 or approximately 0.429 Puzzle 20: 3(2x - 1) - 2(3 - 4x) = 4(3x + 1) + 5 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 6x - 3 - 6 + 8x = 12x + 4 + 5 Combining like terms, we get: 14x - 9 = 12x + 9 Subtracting 12x from both sides, we get: 2x - 9 = 9 Adding 9 to both sides, we get: 2x = 18 Dividing both sides by 2, we get: x = 9
  • 110. Enigmatic Equations 109 Puzzle 21: 5(2x - 1) + 3(4 - x) = 2(3 - 2x) + 4x - 5 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 10x - 5 + 12 - 3x = 6 - 4x + 4x - 5 Combining like terms, we get: 7x + 7 = 1 Subtracting 7 from both sides, we get: 7x = -6 Dividing both sides by 7, we get: x = -6/7 or approximately -0.857 Puzzle 22: 4(x + 3) - 2(2x - 1) = 3(2 - x) + 2(1 - 3x) Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 4x + 12 - 4x + 2 = 6 - 3x + 2 - 6x Combining like terms, we get: 14 = -9x + 8
  • 111. Enigmatic Equations 110 Subtracting 8 from both sides, we get: 6 = -9x Dividing both sides by -9, we get: x = -2/3 or approximately -0.667 Puzzle 23: 3(x - 2) + 2(3 - x) = 4(2x + 1) - 5(1 - x) Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 3x - 6 + 6 - 2x = 8x + 4 - 5 + 5x Combining like terms, we get: x = 13x - 1 Subtracting 13x from both sides, we get: -12x = -1 Dividing both sides by -12, we get: x = 1/12 or approximately 0.083 Puzzle 24: 2(x + 4) + 3(x - 2) = 4(3 - 2x) - 5(x + 1)
  • 112. Enigmatic Equations 111 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 2x + 8 + 3x - 6 = 12 - 8x - 5x - 5 Combining like terms, we get: 5x + 2 = -13x + 7 Adding 13x to both sides, we get: 18x + 2 = 7 Subtracting 2 from both sides, we get: 18x = 5 Dividing both sides by 18, we get: x = 5/18 or approximately 0.278 Puzzle 25: 3(2x - 1) - 4(3 - x) = 2(5 - 3x) - 5x + 1 Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 6x - 3 - 12 + 4x = 10 - 6x - 5x + 1 Combining like terms, we get: 10x - 15 = -11x + 11
  • 113. Enigmatic Equations 112 Adding 11x to both sides, we get: 21x - 15 = 11 Adding 15 to both sides, we get: 21x = 26 Dividing both sides by 21, we get: x = 26/21 or approximately 1.238 Puzzle 26: 4(2x + 1) + 3(3 - x) = 5(4 - 2x) - 2(2x - 1) Solution: Expanding the expressions, we get: 8x + 4 + 9 - 3x = 20 - 10x - 4x + 2 Combining like terms, we get: 5x + 13 = 16 - 14x Adding 14x to both sides, we get: 19x + 13 = 16 Subtracting 13 from both sides, we get: