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Learning Disorders in Children
Different disorders are suffered by human beings and more so in
their childhood. These disorders range from psychological
disorders to psychological disorders. Learning disorders are
among disorders that can be seen in a child during their stage of
development. There are different types of learning disorders, as
will be discussed in this paper. This paper tackles each of these
disorders differently to offer deep insight into each. For the
clear scope of each disorder, this paper covers what causes each
of these disorders, probable signs and symptoms, treatment, and
the role of patients towards the management of each disorder.
Write the Title of the Paper Here Again
History of learning disorders
The history of learning disorders among children dates to the
1860s, although the concept had to wait a century later for its
proper development. After this century was over, the concept
started popping up, and it was clearer how people understand it
differently from the past decade. It was in 1960 when educators
and doctors started realizing that there was a challenge of
learning among children, and they started to act. The
development and acknowledgment of this disorder were done
from 1960 up to 1980, and this is where another trend was
realized concerning learning disabilities. However, there were
inclusion classes that were developed in this time frame because
people had not yet gained relevant insight on how to help such
children. Between the 1980s to 1990s, measures were being
developed on how to help those children who might be suffering
from learning disorders. The development was very well
impacted and entirely reviewed, and in the early 1990s, the
IDEA was developed to stand for the educational rights of
children with disabilities. To study the different learning
challenges among children, the concept of science was brought
in from 2000 up to present. This has been necessary because it
has enabled studying different types of learning disorders
among children and, consequently, how each can be addressed
(last name of author, year of publication).
Types of learning disorders Comment by itorres: Centered,
boldfaced, and capitalize the L and the D
There are different learning disorders, but there are some which
are common among children. This does not, however, mean that
for the uncommon disorders, they have left to chances. No,
every disorder must be attended to for the learning rights of
students to be met. Some of these common disorders are:
Dyslexia Comment by itorres: Left aligned like this and in
Scope and causes Comment by itorres: In this same margin,
boldfaced and capitalize the C
This is perhaps the most common type of earning disorder and
is suffered by children who have difficulties in their sight, and
their intelligence is challenged. For children who have poor
eyesight, they develop a learning disorder where they cannot
read a text properly. There are others whose intelligence is
underdeveloped, and therefore it becomes difficult to
conceptualize text as they read along. This disease is highly
associated with a family who has had members suffering from
this disorder before; therefore, it is kinship disorder away.
Moreover, it can also be caused by premature birth, which
affected one's sight and the development of their intelligence. If
mum was used to drugs like nicotine, alcohol, one could also
give birth to children with these kinds of difficulties. There is a
high likelihood that troubled economic background can promote
the chances of a child developing this disorder because they are
brought up in a very stressful environment that does not impact
Signs and symptoms Comment by itorres: In this same
margin, inbold and capitalize the S
To identify that someone has this disorder, it is a bit difficult
because not unless a child comes up and airs complaints or
comments on how they feel, and then it might take long before
this disorder is identified. When one has these disorders, others
can identify they are difficult for them to spell, memorizing
what they read, and even understanding reading texts. In other
cases, people can observe that such a child has delayed speech
development, and their reading ability takes long before it is
established and set for studying (Alonzo, McIlraith, Catts &
Hogan, 2020). Comment by itorres: Change the fontto Times
Enew Roman. The second time you mention these authors, just
write (Alonso et al., 2020).
Treatment Comment by itorres: In bold
There are different medications and therapies that can be used
to treat a child who is fighting this disorder. Medical treatment
involves the input of a specialist, but with therapies, parents can
play some responsibility through the guidance of a therapist.
The major treatment therapies towards this disorder are
tailoring educational programs that suit a child with such
disorder. Moreover, such a student can be rehabilitated in cases
where their eyesight and intelligence were adversely affected by
an unfortunate event in their early childhood. This treatment
approach improves brain functioning hence restored intelligence
level to enable a child to have the ability to comprehend
whatever they read. One can also be subjected to specialist
treatment procedures like neurology, clinical psychology,
speech therapy, and pediatrics, among others. These are likely
Prognosis measure that can be undertaken to help a child go
through and overcome this disorder
Parents have a role to play because they are parents in the daily
lives of their children. Therefore, their inputs mean a lot in the
recovery process of their children. Parents need to constantly on
the reading ability and skills of their children who have these
disorders. Moreover, it is the role of patients to ensure they are
ever friendly with such children, and they should not blame
them for lost or forgotten homework because it is a challenge
that they have naturally. Moreover, a parent should never
compare the work of this type of child with their brothers who
do not have any learning disorders.
ADHD Comment by itorres: In this margin and in bold
This, as a learning disability, has been under debate, whether it
is a disability or is just a normal condition that any student can
suffer. This type of learning disorder is manifested, where a
child has challenges in paying attention and remaining focused
on assigned tasks. A person with this learning disability is
distracted now and then, and this is why they can't stay focused.
From the abbreviation, this disease is referred to as Attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder. This learning can, at times,
persist in a child's life such that they can suffer even in their
adulthood. It can be caused by hereditary genes that are shared
from once ancestors. In other cases, head injuries that one
suffers a child or as an adult can also lead to the development of
this disability. Some environmental conditions can also lead to
the development of these conditions, especially where one is
born is in a polluted environment that has toxic chemicals (Last
name of author, year of publication).
Signs and symptoms Comment by itorres: In bold and capitalize
the S
When one is suffering from this disorder, they tend to be very
aggressive, and they are hard to resist because they cannot
contain themselves. Moreover, a child with this disability may
also have the behavior of repeating specific actions or words.
These people may also show signs of mood swings, and they can
be irritated at any given moment. These people have a high
likelihood of developing anxiety, and they also show boredom
in what they do. Among symptoms that a child can observe are
difficulties in observing attention when earing and also the
behavior of acting abnormally, a state called hyperactivity.
Treatment Comment by itorres: In bold
The treatment of this condition can be administered through
therapies or medication approaches. Such groups are one
therapy that can help such a person with this learning disability.
They are able to learn and relate from other's experience, and
hence they are able to learn to understand how they can
overcome their learning disability. Cognitive behavior therapy
is also necessary to modify behaviors that are exhibited by such
a child, which are as a result of their disability. Anger
management is also reliable therapy, especially for people who
show abnormal aggressiveness and who feel irritated as their
mood swings. Psychoeducation is also necessary for such
children where they are taught about their mental conditions
and, consequently, empowered behaviors.
In other cases, medication can be used to attend to children who
have this learning disorder. Such medication includes cognition
enhancers, which helps patients to have a uniform mood rather
than their usual mood swings. Antihypertensive drugs can also
be used, and these reduce the patient's blood pressure.
Stimulants can also be administered to a patient in question,
which increases their neurotransmitters hence focus.
It is hence the role of parents to formulate schedules that could
allow such a child to remain focused and remain to do what they
should (Merrill, Morrow, Altszuler, Macphee, Gnagy, Greiner &
Pelham, 2017). Besides, parents should develop conducive
environments with lest distractors to foster concentration levels
of their children. Parents have a role in impacting the behaviors
of their children and looking for a specialist to attend to this
disability more professionally. Comment by itorres: Change the
font to Times New Roman and write (Merrill et al., 2017)
Dyscalculia Comment by itorres: In bold
Scope and causes Comment by itorres: Inbold and capitalize
the C
The way some children have learning disabilities in a general
approach, there are those who have these disabilities in the
specific educational field. A child with this disability finds it
difficult to contemplate anything to do with math. These
children have their brains unable to process arithmetic
information and hence cannot conceptualize what is required of
them. There are two major causes of this learning disorder; the
first one belongs to the acquisition of hereditary genes.
Therefore, it can be a condition that has been there in a certain
family. The second cause of this disorder is how the brain is
structured, as research has shown that the brain structure of
children with the disorder has a different structure.
Signs and symptoms Comment by itorres: In bold and capitalize
the S
Some signs of this disorder are the inability of such a child to
count backward. These students also have a challenge with their
memory because they cannot remember simple arithmetic
concepts. These children also show a very high anxiety level
when they are introduced in mathematical concepts, and they
also suffer a poor sense of estimations and numbers. Children
who have this disorder might also be slow in solving
mathematical problems, a sign that is as a result of poor skills
to contemplate requirements to come up with mathematical
solutions (Suri, Tirkey, Delphy & Aurelia, 2020). Comment by
itorres: Change the font to Times New Roman
Treatment Comment by itorres: Inbold
Although there are no treatment measures that such a child be
subjected to, this does not imply they are helpless, and they are
not left to battle their disorder. There are several ways that can
be used to help such a student. Such measures include the use of
multisensory instruction in school for such children. This
measure helps a student to develop a sense of numbers and
symbols. Assistive technology should also be embraced to
impact a deeper understanding under-explained rationale of the
functionality of different mathematical operations. Since these
children often have other learning disorders, they should be
subjected to respective therapies and medication procedures to
these disorders.
Role of a parent in the management of this disorderComment by
itorres: In bold and capitalize the P, M and D
Parents have a role to play whenever their children are
challenged in solving mathematical problems. Their input can
impact cognition development in their children, and
consequently, they can make good math students in the future.
Parents should embrace board games as these are games that
impact the mathematical concept of players. Parents should also
help their children with homework and elaborate on different
mathematical concepts more deeply because, at times, teachers
might not have all this time to teach students on a micro basis.
Non-verbal learning disorders Comment by itorres: In bold and
capitalize the L and D
Scope and causes Comment by itorres: In bold and capitalize
the C
Reading disabilities are given too much attention, but equally, it
is important to give attention to this type of disorder. This is
suffered where a child has difficulties in interpreting nonverbal
forms of communication and body language (Westwood, 2017).
It is hard for such children to receive the instruction to develop
cognition on an impression made or intended by certain body
language. This is associated with a certain deficit in the brain
structure in the right cerebral hemisphere in the brain.
Therefore, it becomes a challenge for these children to relate
what a body language may be used to express. Comment by
itorres: Times New Roman
Signs ns symptoms of this disease Comment by itorres: Do you
mean “and”
Bolddabe it and capitalize the S and the D
The common and obvious sign is that these people find it
difficult to make inferences of certain body language or facial
expressions. In other cases, these people ask too many questions
because they cannot relate body language with speech
expression. In other cases, these students have very poor
pyscho-motor coordination, and this is the major reason why
they cannot contemplate nonvisual communications.
Treatment Comment by itorres: In bold
There is no treatment for this disorder, but therapies do widely
help children with such learning disorders. This challenge is
suffered majorly by children, but as one grows, they are
learning how to interact with different non-verbal cues. This is
impacted by the experience that they gather as they grow up.
These children should also be guided to avoid too much
transition, and in cases, they are transiting, they should be
given several non-verbal cues. These are likely verbal cues that
they might encounter in their new environment. Such children
should be impacted to rehearse, getting from one environment to
another. This was, they are able to learn different nonverbal
cues hence improving on their non-verbal learning disorders.
Parents have an active role in helping their kids overcome this
disorder. They should, therefore, enroll their children in special
programs where they will be specialty attended to improve their
psycho-motor coordination. Moreover, parents should not
assume that their children understand different body language,
but they should accompany them with verbal cues. This
complements the feeling of impression from a certain non-
verbal cue.
Dysgraphia Comment by itorres: Boldface it
Although it is a disorder that people assume and neglect to give
it requires attention, it is a preventable disorder that has proved
to be prevalent in some kids. This is a learning disorder where a
child has problems in writing. They might have the ability to
conceptualize what is being taught but have challenges in
converting this knowledge in writing. When this problem is in a
child, the problem is caused by damaged orthographic coding
(Lopez, Hemimou, Golse & Vaivre-Douret, 2018). Therefore,
such children are not able to remember certain written words,
and they cannot program their hand's movement to write these
letters and numbers. Comment by itorres: Write it in Times New
Signs and symptoms Comment by itorres: Boldface it
It is simple to detect this disorder because affected parties do
not remember the correct spelling and wording capitalization.
They can interchange the relevance of capital letters and small
letters in word spelling. Moreover, they tend to be inconsistent
with the sizing of their letters and numbers. In other cases, such
a child might inappropriately imposition their hands and body
while writing, and this is an indication that someone has not
been impacted with writing skills. This disorder can also be
detected by children who tend to say pronounce worlds loudly
as they write. In extreme cases, these students cannot maintain
the flow of words, and hence, they tend to omit either letters or
a complete word in their sentences.
Treatment Comment by itorres: Boldface it
As most of the learning disorder, there is no specific medication
of dysgraphia, but once status can be improved through
occupational therapy. Here, a child can be taught to hold their
pencil differently from how they do for the precise writing
experience. Such kids can also be introduced in word puzzles to
impact their spelling skills and connect dots puzzle to impact
their consistency in writing. Parents should spend most of their
time with their children and practice with them word puzzle to
impact their spelling. Parents should also teach their students
how to use a computer keyboard to impact their capitalization
and other sentence structure rules.
In conclusion, learning disorders can be suffered during once
childhood, but there are some disorders that one has to live
with. There are different types of learning disorders, but there
are some which are prevalent and common among children who
are suffering from learning disorders. These include Dyslexia
and is where a child has challenges with their sight and
intelligence, ADHD which is lack of focus of attention,
dyscalculia which is difficult to concentrate in math, Non-
verbal learning disorders which is an inability to understand no
verbal cues and last the Dysgraphia disorder which are
challenges in writing. These disorders have different causes,
and they show different signs and symptoms. There is mediation
available for some, but for others, we have to learn how to live
with them. Parents have input to help their children overcome
their difficulties cope with different learning disorders, as has
been explained above.
REFERENCES: References
Alonzo, C. N., McIlraith, A. L., Catts, H. W., & Hogan, T. P.
(2020). Predicting Dyslexia in Children With Developmental
Language Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Research, 1-12.
Merrill, B. M., Morrow, A. S., Altszuler, A. R., Macphee, F. L.,
Gnagy, E. M., Greiner, A. R., ... & Pelham, W. E. (2017).
Improving homework performance among children with ADHD:
A randomized clinical trial. Journal of consulting and clinical
psychology, 85(2), 111.
Suri, S., Tirkey, A., Delphy, J., & Aurelia, S. (2020). Detection
and Behavioral Analysis of Preschoolers with Dyscalculia.
In Human, Behaviour Analysis Using Intelligent Systems (pp.
45-67). Springer, Cham.
Westwood, P. (2017). Learning disorders: A response-to-
intervention perspective. Taylor & Francis.
Lopez, C., Hemimou, C., Golse, B., & Vaivre-Douret, L.
(2018). Developmental dysgraphia is often associated with
minor neurological dysfunction in children with developmental
coordination disorder (DCD). Neurophysiologie Clinique, 48(4),
Learning Disorders in Children: Types, Signs, Treatments

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Learning Disorders in Children: Types, Signs, Treatments

  • 1. 1 Running head: LEARNING DISORDERS IN CHILDREN 13 LEARNING DISORDERS IN CHILDREN Learning Disorders in Children 3/28/2020 Abstract Different disorders are suffered by human beings and more so in their childhood. These disorders range from psychological disorders to psychological disorders. Learning disorders are among disorders that can be seen in a child during their stage of development. There are different types of learning disorders, as will be discussed in this paper. This paper tackles each of these disorders differently to offer deep insight into each. For the clear scope of each disorder, this paper covers what causes each of these disorders, probable signs and symptoms, treatment, and the role of patients towards the management of each disorder. Keywords:
  • 2. Write the Title of the Paper Here Again History of learning disorders The history of learning disorders among children dates to the 1860s, although the concept had to wait a century later for its proper development. After this century was over, the concept started popping up, and it was clearer how people understand it differently from the past decade. It was in 1960 when educators and doctors started realizing that there was a challenge of learning among children, and they started to act. The development and acknowledgment of this disorder were done from 1960 up to 1980, and this is where another trend was realized concerning learning disabilities. However, there were inclusion classes that were developed in this time frame because people had not yet gained relevant insight on how to help such children. Between the 1980s to 1990s, measures were being developed on how to help those children who might be suffering from learning disorders. The development was very well impacted and entirely reviewed, and in the early 1990s, the IDEA was developed to stand for the educational rights of children with disabilities. To study the different learning challenges among children, the concept of science was brought in from 2000 up to present. This has been necessary because it has enabled studying different types of learning disorders among children and, consequently, how each can be addressed (last name of author, year of publication). Types of learning disorders Comment by itorres: Centered, boldfaced, and capitalize the L and the D There are different learning disorders, but there are some which are common among children. This does not, however, mean that for the uncommon disorders, they have left to chances. No,
  • 3. every disorder must be attended to for the learning rights of students to be met. Some of these common disorders are: Dyslexia Comment by itorres: Left aligned like this and in bold. Scope and causes Comment by itorres: In this same margin, boldfaced and capitalize the C This is perhaps the most common type of earning disorder and is suffered by children who have difficulties in their sight, and their intelligence is challenged. For children who have poor eyesight, they develop a learning disorder where they cannot read a text properly. There are others whose intelligence is underdeveloped, and therefore it becomes difficult to conceptualize text as they read along. This disease is highly associated with a family who has had members suffering from this disorder before; therefore, it is kinship disorder away. Moreover, it can also be caused by premature birth, which affected one's sight and the development of their intelligence. If mum was used to drugs like nicotine, alcohol, one could also give birth to children with these kinds of difficulties. There is a high likelihood that troubled economic background can promote the chances of a child developing this disorder because they are brought up in a very stressful environment that does not impact learning. Signs and symptoms Comment by itorres: In this same margin, inbold and capitalize the S To identify that someone has this disorder, it is a bit difficult because not unless a child comes up and airs complaints or comments on how they feel, and then it might take long before this disorder is identified. When one has these disorders, others can identify they are difficult for them to spell, memorizing what they read, and even understanding reading texts. In other cases, people can observe that such a child has delayed speech development, and their reading ability takes long before it is established and set for studying (Alonzo, McIlraith, Catts & Hogan, 2020). Comment by itorres: Change the fontto Times Enew Roman. The second time you mention these authors, just
  • 4. write (Alonso et al., 2020). Treatment Comment by itorres: In bold There are different medications and therapies that can be used to treat a child who is fighting this disorder. Medical treatment involves the input of a specialist, but with therapies, parents can play some responsibility through the guidance of a therapist. The major treatment therapies towards this disorder are tailoring educational programs that suit a child with such disorder. Moreover, such a student can be rehabilitated in cases where their eyesight and intelligence were adversely affected by an unfortunate event in their early childhood. This treatment approach improves brain functioning hence restored intelligence level to enable a child to have the ability to comprehend whatever they read. One can also be subjected to specialist treatment procedures like neurology, clinical psychology, speech therapy, and pediatrics, among others. These are likely Prognosis measure that can be undertaken to help a child go through and overcome this disorder Parents have a role to play because they are parents in the daily lives of their children. Therefore, their inputs mean a lot in the recovery process of their children. Parents need to constantly on the reading ability and skills of their children who have these disorders. Moreover, it is the role of patients to ensure they are ever friendly with such children, and they should not blame them for lost or forgotten homework because it is a challenge that they have naturally. Moreover, a parent should never compare the work of this type of child with their brothers who do not have any learning disorders. ADHD Comment by itorres: In this margin and in bold This, as a learning disability, has been under debate, whether it is a disability or is just a normal condition that any student can suffer. This type of learning disorder is manifested, where a child has challenges in paying attention and remaining focused on assigned tasks. A person with this learning disability is distracted now and then, and this is why they can't stay focused. From the abbreviation, this disease is referred to as Attention
  • 5. deficit hyperactivity disorder. This learning can, at times, persist in a child's life such that they can suffer even in their adulthood. It can be caused by hereditary genes that are shared from once ancestors. In other cases, head injuries that one suffers a child or as an adult can also lead to the development of this disability. Some environmental conditions can also lead to the development of these conditions, especially where one is born is in a polluted environment that has toxic chemicals (Last name of author, year of publication). Signs and symptoms Comment by itorres: In bold and capitalize the S When one is suffering from this disorder, they tend to be very aggressive, and they are hard to resist because they cannot contain themselves. Moreover, a child with this disability may also have the behavior of repeating specific actions or words. These people may also show signs of mood swings, and they can be irritated at any given moment. These people have a high likelihood of developing anxiety, and they also show boredom in what they do. Among symptoms that a child can observe are difficulties in observing attention when earing and also the behavior of acting abnormally, a state called hyperactivity. Treatment Comment by itorres: In bold The treatment of this condition can be administered through therapies or medication approaches. Such groups are one therapy that can help such a person with this learning disability. They are able to learn and relate from other's experience, and hence they are able to learn to understand how they can overcome their learning disability. Cognitive behavior therapy is also necessary to modify behaviors that are exhibited by such a child, which are as a result of their disability. Anger management is also reliable therapy, especially for people who show abnormal aggressiveness and who feel irritated as their mood swings. Psychoeducation is also necessary for such children where they are taught about their mental conditions and, consequently, empowered behaviors. In other cases, medication can be used to attend to children who
  • 6. have this learning disorder. Such medication includes cognition enhancers, which helps patients to have a uniform mood rather than their usual mood swings. Antihypertensive drugs can also be used, and these reduce the patient's blood pressure. Stimulants can also be administered to a patient in question, which increases their neurotransmitters hence focus. It is hence the role of parents to formulate schedules that could allow such a child to remain focused and remain to do what they should (Merrill, Morrow, Altszuler, Macphee, Gnagy, Greiner & Pelham, 2017). Besides, parents should develop conducive environments with lest distractors to foster concentration levels of their children. Parents have a role in impacting the behaviors of their children and looking for a specialist to attend to this disability more professionally. Comment by itorres: Change the font to Times New Roman and write (Merrill et al., 2017) Dyscalculia Comment by itorres: In bold Scope and causes Comment by itorres: Inbold and capitalize the C The way some children have learning disabilities in a general approach, there are those who have these disabilities in the specific educational field. A child with this disability finds it difficult to contemplate anything to do with math. These children have their brains unable to process arithmetic information and hence cannot conceptualize what is required of them. There are two major causes of this learning disorder; the first one belongs to the acquisition of hereditary genes. Therefore, it can be a condition that has been there in a certain family. The second cause of this disorder is how the brain is structured, as research has shown that the brain structure of children with the disorder has a different structure. Signs and symptoms Comment by itorres: In bold and capitalize the S Some signs of this disorder are the inability of such a child to count backward. These students also have a challenge with their memory because they cannot remember simple arithmetic concepts. These children also show a very high anxiety level
  • 7. when they are introduced in mathematical concepts, and they also suffer a poor sense of estimations and numbers. Children who have this disorder might also be slow in solving mathematical problems, a sign that is as a result of poor skills to contemplate requirements to come up with mathematical solutions (Suri, Tirkey, Delphy & Aurelia, 2020). Comment by itorres: Change the font to Times New Roman Treatment Comment by itorres: Inbold Although there are no treatment measures that such a child be subjected to, this does not imply they are helpless, and they are not left to battle their disorder. There are several ways that can be used to help such a student. Such measures include the use of multisensory instruction in school for such children. This measure helps a student to develop a sense of numbers and symbols. Assistive technology should also be embraced to impact a deeper understanding under-explained rationale of the functionality of different mathematical operations. Since these children often have other learning disorders, they should be subjected to respective therapies and medication procedures to these disorders. Role of a parent in the management of this disorderComment by itorres: In bold and capitalize the P, M and D Parents have a role to play whenever their children are challenged in solving mathematical problems. Their input can impact cognition development in their children, and consequently, they can make good math students in the future. Parents should embrace board games as these are games that impact the mathematical concept of players. Parents should also help their children with homework and elaborate on different mathematical concepts more deeply because, at times, teachers might not have all this time to teach students on a micro basis. Non-verbal learning disorders Comment by itorres: In bold and capitalize the L and D Scope and causes Comment by itorres: In bold and capitalize the C Reading disabilities are given too much attention, but equally, it
  • 8. is important to give attention to this type of disorder. This is suffered where a child has difficulties in interpreting nonverbal forms of communication and body language (Westwood, 2017). It is hard for such children to receive the instruction to develop cognition on an impression made or intended by certain body language. This is associated with a certain deficit in the brain structure in the right cerebral hemisphere in the brain. Therefore, it becomes a challenge for these children to relate what a body language may be used to express. Comment by itorres: Times New Roman Signs ns symptoms of this disease Comment by itorres: Do you mean “and” Bolddabe it and capitalize the S and the D The common and obvious sign is that these people find it difficult to make inferences of certain body language or facial expressions. In other cases, these people ask too many questions because they cannot relate body language with speech expression. In other cases, these students have very poor pyscho-motor coordination, and this is the major reason why they cannot contemplate nonvisual communications. Treatment Comment by itorres: In bold There is no treatment for this disorder, but therapies do widely help children with such learning disorders. This challenge is suffered majorly by children, but as one grows, they are learning how to interact with different non-verbal cues. This is impacted by the experience that they gather as they grow up. These children should also be guided to avoid too much transition, and in cases, they are transiting, they should be given several non-verbal cues. These are likely verbal cues that they might encounter in their new environment. Such children should be impacted to rehearse, getting from one environment to another. This was, they are able to learn different nonverbal cues hence improving on their non-verbal learning disorders. Parents have an active role in helping their kids overcome this disorder. They should, therefore, enroll their children in special programs where they will be specialty attended to improve their
  • 9. psycho-motor coordination. Moreover, parents should not assume that their children understand different body language, but they should accompany them with verbal cues. This complements the feeling of impression from a certain non- verbal cue. Dysgraphia Comment by itorres: Boldface it Although it is a disorder that people assume and neglect to give it requires attention, it is a preventable disorder that has proved to be prevalent in some kids. This is a learning disorder where a child has problems in writing. They might have the ability to conceptualize what is being taught but have challenges in converting this knowledge in writing. When this problem is in a child, the problem is caused by damaged orthographic coding (Lopez, Hemimou, Golse & Vaivre-Douret, 2018). Therefore, such children are not able to remember certain written words, and they cannot program their hand's movement to write these letters and numbers. Comment by itorres: Write it in Times New Roman Signs and symptoms Comment by itorres: Boldface it It is simple to detect this disorder because affected parties do not remember the correct spelling and wording capitalization. They can interchange the relevance of capital letters and small letters in word spelling. Moreover, they tend to be inconsistent with the sizing of their letters and numbers. In other cases, such a child might inappropriately imposition their hands and body while writing, and this is an indication that someone has not been impacted with writing skills. This disorder can also be detected by children who tend to say pronounce worlds loudly as they write. In extreme cases, these students cannot maintain the flow of words, and hence, they tend to omit either letters or a complete word in their sentences. Treatment Comment by itorres: Boldface it As most of the learning disorder, there is no specific medication of dysgraphia, but once status can be improved through occupational therapy. Here, a child can be taught to hold their pencil differently from how they do for the precise writing
  • 10. experience. Such kids can also be introduced in word puzzles to impact their spelling skills and connect dots puzzle to impact their consistency in writing. Parents should spend most of their time with their children and practice with them word puzzle to impact their spelling. Parents should also teach their students how to use a computer keyboard to impact their capitalization and other sentence structure rules. Conclusion In conclusion, learning disorders can be suffered during once childhood, but there are some disorders that one has to live with. There are different types of learning disorders, but there are some which are prevalent and common among children who are suffering from learning disorders. These include Dyslexia and is where a child has challenges with their sight and intelligence, ADHD which is lack of focus of attention, dyscalculia which is difficult to concentrate in math, Non- verbal learning disorders which is an inability to understand no verbal cues and last the Dysgraphia disorder which are challenges in writing. These disorders have different causes, and they show different signs and symptoms. There is mediation available for some, but for others, we have to learn how to live with them. Parents have input to help their children overcome their difficulties cope with different learning disorders, as has
  • 11. been explained above. REFERENCES: References Alonzo, C. N., McIlraith, A. L., Catts, H. W., & Hogan, T. P. (2020). Predicting Dyslexia in Children With Developmental Language Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1-12. Merrill, B. M., Morrow, A. S., Altszuler, A. R., Macphee, F. L., Gnagy, E. M., Greiner, A. R., ... & Pelham, W. E. (2017). Improving homework performance among children with ADHD: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 85(2), 111. Suri, S., Tirkey, A., Delphy, J., & Aurelia, S. (2020). Detection and Behavioral Analysis of Preschoolers with Dyscalculia. In Human, Behaviour Analysis Using Intelligent Systems (pp. 45-67). Springer, Cham. Westwood, P. (2017). Learning disorders: A response-to- intervention perspective. Taylor & Francis. Lopez, C., Hemimou, C., Golse, B., & Vaivre-Douret, L. (2018). Developmental dysgraphia is often associated with minor neurological dysfunction in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Neurophysiologie Clinique, 48(4), 207-217.