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 STIs are spread through contact:
 Penis
 Vagina
 Rectum
 Breaks in skin
 Mucous membranes And Needle Sharing
 Blood contact
 Vertical transmission (Mother-to-child)
Infectious diseases most commonly transmitted
 through sexual contact.
Can also be transmitted by
 Blood
 Blood products
 Autoinoculation
 IV drug use
 Other substance abuse
 High-risk sexual activity
 Younger age at beginning of sexual activity
 Inner city residence
 Poverty/lower socioeconomic status
 Poor nutrition
 Poor hygiene
Pathogen = Bacteria
1. Chlamydia
2. Gonorrhea
3. Bacterial Vaginosis*
4. Syphilis
Pathogen= Virus
1. Herpes
2. Hepatitis B
3. Genital Warts (HPV)
Pathogen= Parasite
1. Pubic Lice
2. Scabies
3. Trichomoniasis
 Pain during urination
 Bump/sores
 Bleeding between periods
 Unusual discharge
 Pain during intercourse
 Rash
 Many people can have no symptoms (asymptomatic)
and still pass on a STI.
 Infections caused by
 This agent represents
about half of the stis
 Bacterial infections are
 Medication does not
protect against future
 Direct mucous membrane contact with the germ during
 sexual contact.
 Using condoms and
 dental dams lowers chance of transmission.
 · Culture sample (can be done during pap smear)
 · Urine sample
Etiology and Pathophysiology :-
 2nd most frequently reported STD in US
 Caused by Neustria gonorrhea
 Gram-negative bacteria
 Direct physical contact with infected host
 Killed by drying, heating, or washing with antiseptic
 Incubation: 3-8 days
In Men
 Initial site of infection is urethra
 Symptoms
 Develop 2 to 5 days after infection
 Dysuria
 Profuse, purulent urethral discharge
 Unusual to be asymptomatic
In Women
 Mostly asymptomatic or have minor symptoms
 Vaginal discharge
 Dysuria
 Frequency of urination
 After incubation
 Redness and swelling occur at site of contact.
In women
 Greenish, yellow purulent exudate often develops
 May develop abscess
 Transmission more efficient from men to women.
Anorectal gonorrhea
 Usually from anal intercourse
 Soreness, itching, and anal discharge
 Orogenital
 Gonoccocal pharyngitis can develop
In Men
 Include prostatitis, urethral strictures, and sterility
 Often seek treatment early so less likely to
 develop complications
In Women
 Include pelvic inflammatory disease (PID),
 Bartholin’s abscess, ectopic pregnancy, and
 infertility
 Usually asymptomatic so seldom seek treatment
 until complication are present
 History and physical examination
 Laboratory tests
 Gram-stained smear to identify organism
 Culture of discharge
 Nucleic acid amplification test
 Testing for other STDs
Drug therapy
 Treatment generally instituted without culture results
 Treatment in early stage is curative
Most common
 IM dose of ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
 All sexual contacts of patients must be evaluated and
 Patient should be counseled to abstain from sexual
intercourse and alcohol during treatment
 Reexamine if symptoms persist after treatment
 Caused by Treponema pallidum
 Spirochete bacterium
 Enters the body through breaks in skin or mucous
 Destroyed by drying, heating or washing
 May also spread via contact with lesions and sharing of
 Incubation 10 to 90 days
 Spread in utero after 10th week of pregnancy
 Infected mother has a greater risk of a stillbirth or
having a baby who dies shortly after birth Association
with HIV.
 Syphilitic lesions on the genitals enhance HIV
 Evaluation includes testing for HIV with patient’s
Primary stage
 Painless indurate lesions
 Occur 10 to 90 days after inoculation
 Lasting 3 to 6 weeks
Secondary stage
 Systemic
 Begins a few weeks after chancres
 Blood-borne bacteria spread to all major organ systems
 Flu-like symptoms
 Bilateral symmetric rash
 Mucous patches
 Condylomata lata
Latent or hidden stage
 Immune system is suppressing infection
 No signs/symptoms at this time
 Diagnosed by positive specific treponema antibody
test for syphilis with normal cerebrospinal fluid
Tertiary or late stage :-
 Manifestations rare
 Significant morbidity/mortality rates
 Gummas
 Cardiovascular system
 Neurosyphilis
 Occur mostly in late syphilis
 Irreparable damage to bone, liver, or skin from
 Pain from pressure on structures such as intercostal
nerves by aneurysms
 Scarring of aortic valve
 Neurosyphilis
 Tabes dorsalis
 Sudden attacks of pain
 Loss of vision and sense of position
 History including sexual history
 PE
 Examine lesions
 Note signs/symptoms
 Dark-field microscopy
 Serologic testing
 Testing for other STDs
Drug therapy
 Benzathine penicillin G (Bicillin)
 Aqueous procaine penicillin G
 Monitor neurosyphilis
 Confidential counseling and HIV testing
 Case finding
 Surveillance
Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis
 Gram-negative bacteria
 Transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex
 Incubation period: 1 to 3 weeks
Risk factors
 Women and adolescents
 New or multiple sexual partners
 History of STDs and cervical ectopy
 Coexisting STDs
 Inconsistent/incorrect use of condoms
 “Silent disease”
 Symptoms may be absent or minor
 Infection often not diagnosed until complications
In Men
 Urethritis
 Dysuria
 Urethral discharge
 Proctitis
 Epididymitis
 Unilateral scrotal pain
 Swelling
 Tenderness
 Fever
 Possible infertility and reactive arthritis
 Rectal discharge
 Pain during defecation
 Cervicitis
 Mucopurulent discharge
 Hypertrophic ectopy
 Urethritis
 Dysuria
 Frequent urination
 Pyuria
 Bartholinitis
 Purulent exudate
 Perihepatitis
 Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, malaise,
abnormal vaginal bleeding, menstrual abnormalities.
 Can lead to chronic pain and infertility
 Fever, nausea, vomiting, right upper quadrant pain
 Laboratory tests
 Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)
 Direct fluorescent antibody (DFA)
 Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
 Testing for other STDs
 Culture for chlamydia
Drug therapy
 Doxycycline (Vibramycin) 100 mg BID for 7 days
 Azithromycin (Zithromax) 1 g in single dose
 Alternatives include erythromycin, ofloxacin
(Floxin), or levofloxacin (Levaquin
 Abstinence from sexual intercourse for 7 days after
 Follow-up care for persistent symptoms
 Treatment of partners
 Encourage use of condoms
 limit the number of sexual partner &
 use condoms & spermicides
 Not a reportable disease in most states
 Caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV)
Etiology and Pathophysiology
 Enters through mucous membranes or breaks in the skin
during contact with infected persons
 HSV reproduces inside cell and spreads to surrounding
Two different strains
1. HSV-1
 Causes infection above the waist.
2. HSV-2
 Frequently infects genital tract and perineum
 Either strain can cause disease on mouth or genitals
 Primary (initial) episode
 Burning or tingling at site
 Small vesicular lesion appear on penis, scrotum,
vulva, perineum, perianal areas, vagina, or cervix
 Primary lesions present for 17 to 20 days
 New lesions sometimes continue to develop for 6
 Lesions heal spontaneously
Recurrent genital herpes :-
 Occurs in 50% to 80% in following year
 Triggers
 Stress
 Fatigue
 Sunburn
 Menses
 Prodromal symptoms of tingling, burning,
itching at lesion site
 Lesions heal within 8 to 12 days
 With time, lesions will occur less frequently
 Aseptic meningitis
 Lower neuron damage
 Autoinoculation to extragenital sites
 High risk of transmission in pregnancy with episode near
 Herpes simplex virus keratitis
 History and physical examination
 Viral isolation by tissue culture
 Antibody assay for specific HSV viral type
 Drug therapy
 Inhibit viral replication
 Suppress frequent recurrences
 Acyclovir (Zovirax)
 Valacyclovir (Valtrex)
 Famciclovir (Famvir)
 Not a cure but shorten duration, healing time and
reduce outbreaks
 Symptomatic care
 Genital hygiene
 Loose-fitting cotton underwear
 Lesions clean and dry
 Sitz baths
 Barrier methods during sexual activity
 Drying agents
 Pain: dilute urine with water, local anesthetic
1. Treatment: use Betadine on lesions to dry & prevent
secondary infections, however, Acyclovir (Zovirax)
eases symptoms & lessens reoccurrence but is not a
2. If Untreated: in fetus/newborns there is a risk of
spontaneous abortion; neonatal herpes; mental
retardation, death
3.Prevention: limit number of sexual partners and
using condoms & spermicidal foam may reduce
 Nursing Implications
 Most common STD in the US
 Often asymptomatic so patient maybe unaware of
 Caused by human papilloma virus (HPV)
 Usually types 6 and 11
 Highly contagious
 Frequently seen in young, sexually active adults
 Minor trauma causes abrasions for HPV to enter and
proliferate into warts
 Epithelial cells infected undergo transformation and
proliferation to form a warty growth
 Incubation period 3 to 4 months
 Discrete single or multiple growths
 White to gray and pink-fleshed colored
 May form large cauliflower-like masses
 Warts in men: penis, scrotum, around anus, in
 Warts in women: vulva, vagina, cervix
 Can have itching with an genital warts & bleeding
on defecation with anal warts
 Serologic and cytological tests
 HPV DNA test to determine if women with
abnormal Pap test results need follow-up
 Identify women who are infected with high-risk
HPV strains
 Primary goal: Removal of symptomatic warts
 Removal may or may not decrease infectivity
 Difficult to treat
 Often require multiple office visits and variety of
treatment modalities
 Chemical
 Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
 Bichloroacetic acid (BCA)
 Podophyllin resin
 For small external genital warts
 Patient managed
 Podofilox (Condylox.Condylox gel0
 Imiquimod (Aldara)
 Immune response modifier
 If warts do not regress with previously mentioned
 Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen
 Electrocautery
 Laser therapy
 Use of α-interferon
 Surgical excision
 Recurrences and reinfection possible
 Careful long-term follow-up advised
 Vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, precancerous
genital lesion, and genital warts due to HPV
 Found is saliva, urine, semen, and vaginal secretions.
 symptoms include pharyngitis, malaise, fever and
lymphadenopathy, heterophil antibody negative, blood
smears may show atypical lymphocytes.
 may be fatal to those patients with AIDS.
 Most resolve spontaneoulsy
 Therapy is often required for
 Immunosuppressed patients
 Ganciclovir
Infectivity: The vagina is the most
 common site of infection in women, and the urethra (urine
canal) is the most common site of infection in men.
 The parasite is sexually transmitted through penis-to-vagina
intercourse or vulva-to-vulva (the genital area outside the
vagina) contact with an infected partner.
 Women can acquire the disease from infected men or
women, but men usually contract it only from infected
Organism:- Trichomoniasis is caused by the
 single celled protozoan parasite,
 Trichomonas
 vaginalis
Most men with Trichomoniasis do not have signs or
 some men may temporarily have an
 Irritation inside the penis,
 Mild discharge, or
 Slight burning after urination or ejaculation.
Symptoms in women :-
 Frothy, yellow-green vaginal discharge with a strong
 Discomfort during intercourse and urination,
 Irritation and itching of the female genital area.
 Lower abdominal pain
 Incubation: 4 to 10 days
Trichomoniasis can usually be cured with
the prescription drug, metronidazole, given by mouth
in a single dose.
If Untreated: increases a woman's susceptibility to
HIV infection if she is exposed to the virus.
 Pregnant women with Trichomoniasis may have
babies who are born early or with low birth weight
(less than five pounds).
 limit number of sexual partners and
 using condoms & spermicidal foam may reduce
 transmission
 HIV is NOT the same as having AIDS, it is only the
virus that causes AIDS.
 Currently there is NO cure but drug therapies "show
great promise in managing HIV infection".
 "HIV infected people are healthy and do not realize they
have been infected. HIV primarily infects certain white
blood cells that manage the operation of the immune
 Eventually, the virus can disable the immune system,
leaving the person with HIV infection vulnerable to a
number of life-threatening illnesses.
 People who have HIV infection may not have
symptoms for many years, especially if they receive
good medical care and effective therapies" (American
College Health Association [ACHA] , 2001).
 "When symptoms do develop, they are usually
similar at first to those of common minor illnesses,
such as the "flu", except that they last longer and are
more severe.
 Persistent tiredness, unexplained fevers, recurring
night sweats, prolonged enlargement of the lymph
nodes, and weight loss are all common.
 • People with HIV infection can transmit the virus to
others - even if they have no symptoms and even if
they do not know they have been infected.
 • HIV can be transmitted
 (1) by sexual contact(anal, vaginal, & oral);
 (2) by direct exposure to infected blood; and
 (3) from an HIVinfected woman to her fetus
during pregnancy
or childbirth, or to her infant during
breastfeeding" (ACHA, 2001).
 "Make careful choices about sexual activity,
 Communicate assertively with your sexual partner
And negotiate for safer sexual practices,
 Remove alcohol and drugs from sexual activity,"
 "Use latex condoms for intercourse" (ACHA,

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Sexually transmitted diseases

  • 3. MODES OF TRANSMISSION  STIs are spread through contact:  Penis  Vagina  Rectum  Breaks in skin  Mucous membranes And Needle Sharing  Blood contact  Vertical transmission (Mother-to-child)
  • 4. CONT… Infectious diseases most commonly transmitted  through sexual contact. Can also be transmitted by  Blood  Blood products  Autoinoculation
  • 6. RISK FACTORS  IV drug use  Other substance abuse  High-risk sexual activity  Younger age at beginning of sexual activity  Inner city residence  Poverty/lower socioeconomic status  Poor nutrition  Poor hygiene
  • 7. PATHOGEN Pathogen = Bacteria 1. Chlamydia 2. Gonorrhea 3. Bacterial Vaginosis* 4. Syphilis Pathogen= Virus 1. Herpes 2. Hepatitis B 3. Genital Warts (HPV) 4. HIV/AIDS Pathogen= Parasite 1. Pubic Lice 2. Scabies 3. Trichomoniasis
  • 8. COMMON SYMPTOM  Pain during urination  Bump/sores  Bleeding between periods  Unusual discharge  Pain during intercourse  Rash  Many people can have no symptoms (asymptomatic) and still pass on a STI.
  • 9. BACTERIAL INFECTION  Infections caused by bacteria,  This agent represents about half of the stis identified.  Bacterial infections are curable.  Medication does not protect against future exposure.
  • 10. CHLAMYDIA AND GONORRHEA Transmission  Direct mucous membrane contact with the germ during  sexual contact.  Using condoms and  dental dams lowers chance of transmission. Testing  · Culture sample (can be done during pap smear)  · Urine sample
  • 11. GONORRHEA Etiology and Pathophysiology :-  2nd most frequently reported STD in US  Caused by Neustria gonorrhea  Gram-negative bacteria  Direct physical contact with infected host  Killed by drying, heating, or washing with antiseptic  Incubation: 3-8 days
  • 12. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION OF GONORRHEA In Men  Initial site of infection is urethra  Symptoms  Develop 2 to 5 days after infection  Dysuria  Profuse, purulent urethral discharge  Unusual to be asymptomatic
  • 13. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION OF GONORRHEA In Women  Mostly asymptomatic or have minor symptoms  Vaginal discharge  Dysuria  Frequency of urination  After incubation  Redness and swelling occur at site of contact.
  • 14. CONT… In women  Greenish, yellow purulent exudate often develops  May develop abscess  Transmission more efficient from men to women. Anorectal gonorrhea  Usually from anal intercourse  Soreness, itching, and anal discharge  Orogenital  Gonoccocal pharyngitis can develop
  • 15.
  • 16. COMPLICATION In Men  Include prostatitis, urethral strictures, and sterility  Often seek treatment early so less likely to  develop complications In Women  Include pelvic inflammatory disease (PID),  Bartholin’s abscess, ectopic pregnancy, and  infertility  Usually asymptomatic so seldom seek treatment  until complication are present
  • 17. GONORRHEA DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES  History and physical examination  Laboratory tests  Gram-stained smear to identify organism  Culture of discharge  Nucleic acid amplification test  Testing for other STDs
  • 18. TREATMENT & NURSING CARE OF GONORRHEA Drug therapy  Treatment generally instituted without culture results  Treatment in early stage is curative Most common  IM dose of ceftriaxone (Rocephin)  All sexual contacts of patients must be evaluated and treated  Patient should be counseled to abstain from sexual intercourse and alcohol during treatment  Reexamine if symptoms persist after treatment
  • 19. SYPHILIS  Caused by Treponema pallidum  Spirochete bacterium  Enters the body through breaks in skin or mucous membranes  Destroyed by drying, heating or washing  May also spread via contact with lesions and sharing of needles
  • 20. ETIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF SYPHILIS  Incubation 10 to 90 days  Spread in utero after 10th week of pregnancy  Infected mother has a greater risk of a stillbirth or having a baby who dies shortly after birth Association with HIV.  Syphilitic lesions on the genitals enhance HIV transmission.  Evaluation includes testing for HIV with patient’s Consent.
  • 21. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION Primary stage  Painless indurate lesions  Occur 10 to 90 days after inoculation  Lasting 3 to 6 weeks Secondary stage  Systemic  Begins a few weeks after chancres  Blood-borne bacteria spread to all major organ systems  Flu-like symptoms
  • 22. CONT..  Bilateral symmetric rash  Mucous patches  Condylomata lata Latent or hidden stage  Immune system is suppressing infection  No signs/symptoms at this time  Diagnosed by positive specific treponema antibody test for syphilis with normal cerebrospinal fluid
  • 23. CONT… Tertiary or late stage :-  Manifestations rare  Significant morbidity/mortality rates  Gummas  Cardiovascular system  Neurosyphilis
  • 24. COMPLICATIONS  Occur mostly in late syphilis  Irreparable damage to bone, liver, or skin from gummas.  Pain from pressure on structures such as intercostal nerves by aneurysms  Scarring of aortic valve  Neurosyphilis  Tabes dorsalis  Sudden attacks of pain  Loss of vision and sense of position
  • 25. DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES  History including sexual history  PE  Examine lesions  Note signs/symptoms  Dark-field microscopy  Serologic testing  Testing for other STDs
  • 26. TREATMENT AND NURSING CARE Drug therapy  Benzathine penicillin G (Bicillin)  Aqueous procaine penicillin G  Monitor neurosyphilis  Confidential counseling and HIV testing  Case finding  Surveillance
  • 27. CHLAMYDIAL INFECTION Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis  Gram-negative bacteria  Transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex  Incubation period: 1 to 3 weeks Risk factors  Women and adolescents  New or multiple sexual partners  History of STDs and cervical ectopy  Coexisting STDs  Inconsistent/incorrect use of condoms
  • 28. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION  “Silent disease”  Symptoms may be absent or minor  Infection often not diagnosed until complications appear In Men  Urethritis  Dysuria  Urethral discharge  Proctitis
  • 29. CONT…  Epididymitis  Unilateral scrotal pain  Swelling  Tenderness  Fever  Possible infertility and reactive arthritis  Rectal discharge  Pain during defecation
  • 30. IN WOMEN  Cervicitis  Mucopurulent discharge  Hypertrophic ectopy  Urethritis  Dysuria  Frequent urination  Pyuria  Bartholinitis  Purulent exudate  Perihepatitis
  • 31. WOMEN CONT…  PID  Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, malaise, abnormal vaginal bleeding, menstrual abnormalities.  Can lead to chronic pain and infertility  Fever, nausea, vomiting, right upper quadrant pain
  • 32. DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES  Laboratory tests  Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)  Direct fluorescent antibody (DFA)  Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)  Testing for other STDs  Culture for chlamydia
  • 33. TREATMENT AND NURSING CAREOF CHLAMYDIAL INFECTION Drug therapy  Doxycycline (Vibramycin) 100 mg BID for 7 days  Azithromycin (Zithromax) 1 g in single dose  Alternatives include erythromycin, ofloxacin (Floxin), or levofloxacin (Levaquin
  • 34. CONT…  Abstinence from sexual intercourse for 7 days after treatment.  Follow-up care for persistent symptoms  Treatment of partners  Encourage use of condoms
  • 35. PREVENTION  limit the number of sexual partner &  use condoms & spermicides
  • 36. GENITAL HERPES  Not a reportable disease in most states  Caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) Etiology and Pathophysiology  Enters through mucous membranes or breaks in the skin during contact with infected persons  HSV reproduces inside cell and spreads to surrounding cells
  • 37. CONT… Two different strains 1. HSV-1  Causes infection above the waist. 2. HSV-2  Frequently infects genital tract and perineum  Either strain can cause disease on mouth or genitals
  • 38. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION OF GENETIC HERPES  Primary (initial) episode  Burning or tingling at site  Small vesicular lesion appear on penis, scrotum, vulva, perineum, perianal areas, vagina, or cervix  Primary lesions present for 17 to 20 days  New lesions sometimes continue to develop for 6 weeks  Lesions heal spontaneously
  • 39. GENETIC HERPES CONT… Recurrent genital herpes :-  Occurs in 50% to 80% in following year  Triggers  Stress  Fatigue  Sunburn
  • 40. CONT..  Menses  Prodromal symptoms of tingling, burning, itching at lesion site  Lesions heal within 8 to 12 days  With time, lesions will occur less frequently
  • 41. COMPLICATIONS  Aseptic meningitis  Lower neuron damage  Autoinoculation to extragenital sites  High risk of transmission in pregnancy with episode near delivery  Herpes simplex virus keratitis
  • 42. DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES  History and physical examination  Viral isolation by tissue culture  Antibody assay for specific HSV viral type
  • 43. TREATMENT AND NURSING CARE  Drug therapy  Inhibit viral replication  Suppress frequent recurrences  Acyclovir (Zovirax)  Valacyclovir (Valtrex)  Famciclovir (Famvir)  Not a cure but shorten duration, healing time and reduce outbreaks
  • 44. TREATMENT & NURSING CARE CONT’D  Symptomatic care  Genital hygiene  Loose-fitting cotton underwear  Lesions clean and dry  Sitz baths  Barrier methods during sexual activity  Drying agents  Pain: dilute urine with water, local anesthetic
  • 45. GENETIC HERPES 1. Treatment: use Betadine on lesions to dry & prevent secondary infections, however, Acyclovir (Zovirax) eases symptoms & lessens reoccurrence but is not a cure 2. If Untreated: in fetus/newborns there is a risk of spontaneous abortion; neonatal herpes; mental retardation, death 3.Prevention: limit number of sexual partners and using condoms & spermicidal foam may reduce transmission  Nursing Implications
  • 46. GENITAL WARTS  Most common STD in the US  Often asymptomatic so patient maybe unaware of infection  Caused by human papilloma virus (HPV)  Usually types 6 and 11  Highly contagious  Frequently seen in young, sexually active adults
  • 47. CONT…  Minor trauma causes abrasions for HPV to enter and proliferate into warts  Epithelial cells infected undergo transformation and proliferation to form a warty growth  Incubation period 3 to 4 months
  • 48. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION  Discrete single or multiple growths  White to gray and pink-fleshed colored  May form large cauliflower-like masses  Warts in men: penis, scrotum, around anus, in urethra  Warts in women: vulva, vagina, cervix  Can have itching with an genital warts & bleeding on defecation with anal warts
  • 49. DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES  Serologic and cytological tests  HPV DNA test to determine if women with abnormal Pap test results need follow-up  Identify women who are infected with high-risk HPV strains  Primary goal: Removal of symptomatic warts  Removal may or may not decrease infectivity  Difficult to treat  Often require multiple office visits and variety of treatment modalities
  • 50. TREATMENT & NURSING CARE  Chemical  Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)  Bichloroacetic acid (BCA)  Podophyllin resin  For small external genital warts  Patient managed  Podofilox (Condylox.Condylox gel0  Imiquimod (Aldara)  Immune response modifier
  • 51. TREATMENT & NURSING CONT’D  If warts do not regress with previously mentioned therapies  Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen  Electrocautery  Laser therapy  Use of α-interferon  Surgical excision
  • 52. GENITAL WARTS TREATMENT & NURSING CARE CONT’D  Recurrences and reinfection possible  Careful long-term follow-up advised  Vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, precancerous genital lesion, and genital warts due to HPV
  • 53. CMV - CYTOMEGALOVIRUS  Found is saliva, urine, semen, and vaginal secretions.  symptoms include pharyngitis, malaise, fever and lymphadenopathy, heterophil antibody negative, blood smears may show atypical lymphocytes.  may be fatal to those patients with AIDS.
  • 54. TREATMENT  Most resolve spontaneoulsy  Therapy is often required for  Immunosuppressed patients  Ganciclovir
  • 55. TRICHOMONIASIS Infectivity: The vagina is the most  common site of infection in women, and the urethra (urine canal) is the most common site of infection in men.  The parasite is sexually transmitted through penis-to-vagina intercourse or vulva-to-vulva (the genital area outside the vagina) contact with an infected partner.  Women can acquire the disease from infected men or women, but men usually contract it only from infected women.
  • 56. TRICHOMONIASIS CONT… Organism:- Trichomoniasis is caused by the  single celled protozoan parasite,  Trichomonas  vaginalis
  • 57. SIGN SYMPTOMS Most men with Trichomoniasis do not have signs or symptoms;  some men may temporarily have an  Irritation inside the penis,  Mild discharge, or  Slight burning after urination or ejaculation.
  • 58. CONT.. Symptoms in women :-  Frothy, yellow-green vaginal discharge with a strong odor  Discomfort during intercourse and urination,  Irritation and itching of the female genital area.  Lower abdominal pain  Incubation: 4 to 10 days
  • 59. TREATMENT Trichomoniasis can usually be cured with the prescription drug, metronidazole, given by mouth in a single dose. If Untreated: increases a woman's susceptibility to HIV infection if she is exposed to the virus.  Pregnant women with Trichomoniasis may have babies who are born early or with low birth weight (less than five pounds).
  • 60. PREVENTION  limit number of sexual partners and  using condoms & spermicidal foam may reduce  transmission
  • 61. HIV (HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS) AIDS (ACQUIRED IMMUNITY DEFICIENCY SYNDROME)  HIV is NOT the same as having AIDS, it is only the virus that causes AIDS.  Currently there is NO cure but drug therapies "show great promise in managing HIV infection".  "HIV infected people are healthy and do not realize they have been infected. HIV primarily infects certain white blood cells that manage the operation of the immune system.
  • 62. CONT..  Eventually, the virus can disable the immune system, leaving the person with HIV infection vulnerable to a number of life-threatening illnesses.  People who have HIV infection may not have symptoms for many years, especially if they receive good medical care and effective therapies" (American College Health Association [ACHA] , 2001).
  • 63. CONT..  "When symptoms do develop, they are usually similar at first to those of common minor illnesses, such as the "flu", except that they last longer and are more severe.  Persistent tiredness, unexplained fevers, recurring night sweats, prolonged enlargement of the lymph nodes, and weight loss are all common.
  • 64. CONT…  • People with HIV infection can transmit the virus to others - even if they have no symptoms and even if they do not know they have been infected.  • HIV can be transmitted  (1) by sexual contact(anal, vaginal, & oral);
  • 65. CONT…  (2) by direct exposure to infected blood; and  (3) from an HIVinfected woman to her fetus during pregnancy or childbirth, or to her infant during breastfeeding" (ACHA, 2001).
  • 66. PREVENTION  "Make careful choices about sexual activity,  Communicate assertively with your sexual partner And negotiate for safer sexual practices,  Remove alcohol and drugs from sexual activity," And  "Use latex condoms for intercourse" (ACHA, 2001).