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⦿ Philosophy of nursing states our
thoughts on what we believe to be true
about the nature of the profession of
nursing and provide a basis for nursing
 Idealism
 Naturalism
 Romanticism
 Realism
 Philosophical theism
 Theistic realism
 humanism
 Existentialism
⦿ Naturalism is the oldest known philosophy in the
western world , which can be traced back to Aristotle,
in the fourth century formulated by Thomas
Aquinas(1225 and 1274). NATURALISMis "the
philosophical belief that everything arises from natural
properties and causes, and supernatural or spiritual
explanations are excluded or discounted.“ Adherents
of naturalism (i.e., naturalists) assert that natural laws
are the rules that govern the structure and behavior of
the natural universe, that the changing universe at
every stage is a product of these laws
 An action is good if it is accord with
human nature; bad if it iscontrary to
the nature
 The nature of thingscan be
discovered by reason.
⦿ There are two principles of natural law ethics have
special importance for health care. These are
principle of double effect and principle of totality.
 Principle of double effect: health care professionals
may become involved in the situation sthat result in
evil consequences regardless of what courses of
action istaken. Decision of administer a drug to
relieve a cancer patient’s pain; for example remove
of pregnant woman cancerous uterus will result in the
death of the foetus
 The natural of totality: according to the roman
catholic version of natural law, individual can
ethically dispose of their organs or interfere with those
organ’s ability to function only to the extent that the
well of the whole body requires.
⦿ The strength of naturalism is its simplicity.
Itoffers individual freedom from
presumption and decreases the
influences of the influence of confusion
in our society today.
⦿Weaknesses: the primary weakness of
naturalism isits simplicity. Life and
existence isso simplified that deep
insight and adequate explanation
cannot be formed.
 Thomas Aquinas
 Thales
 Jonathan Barnes
 Jean Buridan
⦿ Innursing practice:the nurse practionnershould the good
and the evil of the care administered to the patient and
make sure the good ishigher than ever
⦿ Innursing education: in nursing school, student learn
professional mortality, ethnics principles in order to show
them what isaccepted and unaccepted in their
professional practice.
⦿ Innursing research: many researches have been
conducted to asses patient’s conceptions about natural
methods in family planning and the acceptance of organ
⦿ Innursing management :the nurse manager supervise the
staff in order to see if their practice is according to naturalism
philosophy principle.
⦿ Innursing behavior: naturalism brings about signing the form
of consent with the patient before any treatment practice
⦿ Naturalism isscience-based. Naturalists
believe that science isthe most reliable
descriptor of the world. Phenomena that
cannot be scientifically proven (including
fate(death), heaven and hell) are seen as
imaginary. In addition, naturalists do not
believe in the soul, instead postulating that
biology, neurology and psychology fulfill
the soul's supposed function.
Philosophical Naturalism isthe idea that
nature isall there is. Also known as
metaphysical naturalism, it isan outright
rejection of all supernatural. Even in the
presence of a seemingly supernatural
situation, metaphysical naturalism will claim
that there isa natural explanation
underlying it.
⦿ Religious Naturalism isa fast-growing
movement within the free-thought
community. Itis essentially scientific
naturalism coming together with religious
language. This movement, which boasts
Ursula Good enough as one of it’s
intellectual heavyweights, includes the
diverse community of Pantheists. Religious
Naturalism isbased on the knowledge that,
for the majority of human history, social rules
and practices have been reinforced by
⦿isthe process of reconciling facts about
the natural world with social and
emotional states that shape human
behavior. The facts about the natural
world are best revealed to us through
science. In essence, cultural naturalism
attempts to reconcile scientific facts with
human emotions, by placing the
naturalistic facts in the context of human
social life.
⦿ Methodological naturalism posits that the naturalistic
method isthe only way for us humans to understand
the universe. By definition, it concedes that there
might exist non-naturalistic entities but the tools that
we as humans possess can only identify natural
entities. Thisisan epistemological claim (a claim
about the nature and acquisition of knowledge). The
scientific method as a refined systematic process is
the culmination of a long history of honing the tools
that we possess in order to understand reality. Itis
based on the philosophy of naturalism. Scientific
Naturalism requires that hypothesisbe formed and
tested under the assumption that there are natural
causesfor all phenomena.
⦿In philosophy, idealism is the group of
philosophies which assert that reality, or
reality as we can know it, is
fundamentally mental, mentally
constructed, or otherwise immaterial.
Epistemologically, idealism manifests as a
skepticism about the possibility of
knowing any mind-independent thing.
⦿Gorge bakeley
⦿ David Hume
⦿Emmanuel Kant
⦿For nursing practice:The argument
developed here begins by aligning by
aligning medicine and related
conception of nursing with materialism.
⦿For nursing education: students learn
consider the patient holistically; the
body, mind and the influence of the
environment because one aspect may
affect the other.
⦿ For nursing research: the research has been
conducted and revealed that necessity to care
holistically to the patient, considering the body, mind
and the environment.
⦿ For nursing management research: Nurse manager
supervises the staff to make sure the care given to the
clientsin consideration of holistic principles.
⦿ For nursing behavior: the alternative , idealism, brings
with it a new set of problems, particularly the tendency
to react against the perceived dominance of the
medical profession instead of positing a philosophy of
nursing that reflects a more considered response.
⦿CLASSICAL IDEALISM:M o n istic idealism
holds that consciousness, not matter, is
the ground of all being. It is monist
because it holds that there is only one
type of thing in the universe and idealist
because it holds that one thing to be
⦿Subjective Idealism (immaterialism or
phenomenalism) describes a relationship
between experience and the world in
which objects are no more than
collections or "bundles"of sense data in
the perceiver.
Transcendental idealism, founded by
Immanuel Kant in the eighteenth century,
maintains that the mind shapes the world
we perceive into the form of space-and-
Objective idealismasserts that the
reality of experiencing combinesand
transcends the realities of the object
experienced and of the mind of the
. Proponents include Thomas
Hill Green, Josiah Royce, Benedetto
Croce and CharlesSandersPeirce.
Schelling (1775–1854) claimed that the
Fichte's "I"needs the Not-I, because there is
no subject without object, and vice versa.
So there isno difference between the
subjective and the objective, that is,the
ideal and the real. This isSchelling's
"absolute identity":the ideas or mental
images in the mind are identical to the
extended objects which are external to the
⦿Actual Idealism isa form of idealism
developed by Giovanni Gentile that
grew into a "grounded" idealism
contrasting Kant and Hegel.
⦿Pluralistic idealism such as that of
Gottfried Leibniz[44] takes the view that
there are many individual minds that
togetherunderlie the existence of the
observed world and make possible the
existence of the physical universe.Unlike
absolute idealism, pluralistic idealism
does not assume the existence of a
single ultimate mental reality or
"Absolute". Leibniz' form of idealism,
⦿Itcomes from a Greek word “pragmata”
which means, act, affairs, or business it a
method of logic for determining the
meaning of intellectual concept.
⦿Italso defined asa way of approaching
situation or solving problemsthat
emphasisis practical applications and
⦿ Charles Sander Peirce (1839-1904) was the
founder of American pragmatism( later
called pierce pragmatism)
⦿ William James( 1842-1910)
⦿ John Dewey( 1859-1952) prominent
philosophers of education referred to his
brand of progmatism as instrumentalism.
pragmatismisa way of doing philosophy
solving disputes in involving nursing
may other wise beinterminable.
nt is the basic
oceeds,and our human
ent practic,not on
Man is the measure of things,truth is what
ts adherent to look at specific
of act ,ideas or concept.
helpful in day
should live
⦿Romanticism isa broad movement of
thought in philosophy, the arts, history,
and political theory, at its height in
Germany, England and France towards
the end of the 18th and in the earlier
part of the 19th centuries.
The Romantics focused on the individual.
They viewed the Self as a divine spark
linking all human beings to one another
and to a Greater T
ruth. Romantic
musicians, poets and visual artistscreated
art that reflected personal experiences, but
represented universal themes.
Romantic artists, musicians and poets saw
nature as a dynamic teacher that helped
humans understand their place in the
⦿ Emotions
The Romantics explored emotional extremes in
their work. For example, rather than simply
depicting the subject's likeness, Romantic
painters created portraits that explored their
emotional and psychological states.
⦿ Transcendentalism
Inthe United States, Romanticism gave rise to
the transcendentalists, an offshoot of liberal
Christianity. Transcendentalists, such as Ralph
Waldo Emerson, explored the role of individual
thought in the perception of the world, the
creative power of the consciousness and the
unification of the human soul with the
Universal Spirit or the One.
Realism, the philosophy of science which
asserts that
science can provide us with access to
structures that
exist independently of us (Bhaskar, 1997),
has been
gaining an increasingly significant position
⦿Nursing education: nurses are in continuous
pursuit for further studies to fulfill their
pleasure in education since there are
permanent possibilities of happiness.
DEF:isthe belief that God exists (or must exist)
independent of the teaching or revelation of any
particular religion. It represents belief in a personal
God entirely without doctrine. Some philosophical
theists are persuaded of God's existence by
philosophical arguments, while others consider
themselves to have a religious faith that need not
be, or could not be, supported by rational
Philosophical theism has parallels with the 18th
century philosophical view called Deism.
⦿Theism- isbelief that one god exists.
⦿ Atheism- an absence of belief in
any gods or deities, or belief that
gods or deities do not exist at all.
⦿Deism- the belief that a god exists,
but does not interact with events at
the scale of human being.
⦿Agnosticism-the opinion that it isnot
possible to know whethergods or
deities exist, or the opinion that one
does not know.
⦿Monolatry: the belief that there may be
more than one deity, but not only one
should be worshipped.
⦿Henotheism- the belief that there may
be more than one deity, but one is
⦿Kat henotheism-The belief that there is
more that one deity, but only one deity
at a time should be worshipped. Each is
supreme in turn
Philosophical theism conceives of nature
(science), humanity (logic), and rational
thought (reason), although possibly never
completely understandable. Here are
some theistic religion:Hinduism, Christianity,
Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Islam,…
Atheistic religion Are Confucianism and
⦿Thomas jay Oord
⦿David Basinger
⦿Martin Freeman
⦿ Winkie Pratney
⦿Martin Garener
⦿Walter Kaufmann
⦿David Hume
⦿Joseph Mecabe
⦿Gordon Olson
⦿Theism in nursing practice: nurse are
always with patients who have
different believes about God and
deities. Nurse should respect the
belief of each patient in providing
health care.
⦿Theism in nursing education: the
curriculum includes the different
beliefsand how to manage
patient/client’s beliefs
⦿Theism in nursing management: A
is a philosophy based on the idea that
God is real, acts in the universe, and is
knowable through the senses and reason.
As such, theistic realism stands as a
middle ground between philosophical
naturalism and fideism. While
philosophical naturalism holds that the
universe is self-explanatory, theistic
realism holds that the universe can only
be comprehensively explained with
reference to God.
⦿St. Thomas Aquinas
⦿Phillip Johnson
⦿Gerard L. Gutek
⦿ Professors at Baylor college of Medicine
⦿Influence to nursing practice: in defining
nature, theistic realistic stated that the
purpose of science isto understand
nature and God acts naturally, then, the
purpose of science isto understand God
Florence nightingale said that caring isto
put patient in good condition then the
nature will act on him.
⦿ Influence to nursing education: about
theistic realism, true knowledge begin
⦿ Influence to nursing management: to
manage others, nurse manager have to be
wise and knowledgeable.
⦿ Influence to nursing behaviors: The true
knowledge begin with the
acknowledgement of God and his power,
since , to be good and knowledgeable
nurse you have to believe in God.
⦿Isabroad category of ethical
philosophiesthat affirmthe dignity and
worth of all people, based on the ability
to determine right and wrong by appeal
to universal human qualities particularly
⦿Socrate(470-399 BCE),
⦿Plato(384-345 BCE),
⦿Corliss Lamont(1997)
⦿Josephine Peterson and Loretta Zderad
⦿ InNursing practice: many theorists have used the
humanism philosophy as the bases of their theories.
Leininger;Paterson&Zderad; Watson; noted that humanism
isa philosophy that isstrongly held as a value of the
profession. The human-centered theory of life iseasily
recognized in the views of the earliest nursing professionals
who described nursing as professionalized , humanistic
care, or a way of caring forthe patient as a unique
person.(Henderson ,nightingale).
Florence Nightingale claimed that the essence of nursing
rested on the nurse’scapacity to provide humane,
sensitive care to the sick, which she believed would allow
⦿ InNursing behavior: The practice of nurses must ensure the
great good of client in the natural world according to the six
tenets of humanism philosophy:
As health care givers nurses are cognizant of the client in the
client’s beliefs religious and beliefs and learn to evaluate how
those beliefs influence the response to hisenvironment.
- Ensure that the quality of life forthe client ismaintained up
to death.
- Using the scientific method to resolve the problem of client
(nursing process)
- Encouraging the patients for making theirown choice
concerning their care plan.
- T
he nurse must be careful in ethical and moral values, and
to make an effort not to impose ourvaluessystem on the
- Ensuring a “ good life” for the client in providing an internal
and externla environment conducive to health.
⦿ In nursing readership: Humanistic leaders
are those with emotional intelligence who
constantly question themselves and seek
awareness of themselves and others.
⦿ In nursing education: principle of humanism
are taught in nursing school. A humanism
philosophy allow fluidity in nurse student’s
beliefs and encourages them to consider
the humanness of the along which the
scientific and technological advances of
their care.
Read more :
2.Agnew L. (1958)
Florence Nightingale –
American Journal of Nursing
3.The Possibility of Naturalism: a Philo-
sophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences
2nd edn. Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead.
Bhaskar R. (1997)
4.Read more :

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  • 1.
  • 2. ⦿ Philosophy of nursing states our thoughts on what we believe to be true about the nature of the profession of nursing and provide a basis for nursing activities..
  • 3.  Idealism  Naturalism  Romanticism  Realism  Philosophical theism  Theistic realism  humanism  Existentialism
  • 4. ⦿ Naturalism is the oldest known philosophy in the western world , which can be traced back to Aristotle, in the fourth century formulated by Thomas Aquinas(1225 and 1274). NATURALISMis "the philosophical belief that everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded or discounted.“ Adherents of naturalism (i.e., naturalists) assert that natural laws are the rules that govern the structure and behavior of the natural universe, that the changing universe at every stage is a product of these laws
  • 5.  An action is good if it is accord with human nature; bad if it iscontrary to the nature  The nature of thingscan be discovered by reason.
  • 6. ⦿ There are two principles of natural law ethics have special importance for health care. These are principle of double effect and principle of totality.  Principle of double effect: health care professionals may become involved in the situation sthat result in evil consequences regardless of what courses of action istaken. Decision of administer a drug to relieve a cancer patient’s pain; for example remove of pregnant woman cancerous uterus will result in the death of the foetus  The natural of totality: according to the roman catholic version of natural law, individual can ethically dispose of their organs or interfere with those organ’s ability to function only to the extent that the well of the whole body requires.
  • 7. ⦿ The strength of naturalism is its simplicity. Itoffers individual freedom from presumption and decreases the influences of the influence of confusion in our society today. ⦿Weaknesses: the primary weakness of naturalism isits simplicity. Life and existence isso simplified that deep insight and adequate explanation cannot be formed.
  • 8.  Thomas Aquinas  Thales  Jonathan Barnes  Jean Buridan
  • 9. ⦿ Innursing practice:the nurse practionnershould the good and the evil of the care administered to the patient and make sure the good ishigher than ever . ⦿ Innursing education: in nursing school, student learn professional mortality, ethnics principles in order to show them what isaccepted and unaccepted in their professional practice. ⦿ Innursing research: many researches have been conducted to asses patient’s conceptions about natural methods in family planning and the acceptance of organ ablation. ⦿ Innursing management :the nurse manager supervise the staff in order to see if their practice is according to naturalism philosophy principle. ⦿ Innursing behavior: naturalism brings about signing the form of consent with the patient before any treatment practice
  • 10. ⦿ Naturalism isscience-based. Naturalists believe that science isthe most reliable descriptor of the world. Phenomena that cannot be scientifically proven (including fate(death), heaven and hell) are seen as imaginary. In addition, naturalists do not believe in the soul, instead postulating that biology, neurology and psychology fulfill the soul's supposed function. ⦿
  • 11. Philosophical Naturalism isthe idea that nature isall there is. Also known as metaphysical naturalism, it isan outright rejection of all supernatural. Even in the presence of a seemingly supernatural situation, metaphysical naturalism will claim that there isa natural explanation underlying it.
  • 12. ⦿ Religious Naturalism isa fast-growing movement within the free-thought community. Itis essentially scientific naturalism coming together with religious language. This movement, which boasts Ursula Good enough as one of it’s intellectual heavyweights, includes the diverse community of Pantheists. Religious Naturalism isbased on the knowledge that, for the majority of human history, social rules and practices have been reinforced by religion
  • 13. ⦿isthe process of reconciling facts about the natural world with social and emotional states that shape human behavior. The facts about the natural world are best revealed to us through science. In essence, cultural naturalism attempts to reconcile scientific facts with human emotions, by placing the naturalistic facts in the context of human social life.
  • 14. ⦿ Methodological naturalism posits that the naturalistic method isthe only way for us humans to understand the universe. By definition, it concedes that there might exist non-naturalistic entities but the tools that we as humans possess can only identify natural entities. Thisisan epistemological claim (a claim about the nature and acquisition of knowledge). The scientific method as a refined systematic process is the culmination of a long history of honing the tools that we possess in order to understand reality. Itis based on the philosophy of naturalism. Scientific Naturalism requires that hypothesisbe formed and tested under the assumption that there are natural causesfor all phenomena.
  • 15. ⦿In philosophy, idealism is the group of philosophies which assert that reality, or reality as we can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial. Epistemologically, idealism manifests as a skepticism about the possibility of knowing any mind-independent thing.
  • 16. ⦿Gorge bakeley ⦿ David Hume ⦿Emmanuel Kant ⦿R.Fith
  • 17. ⦿For nursing practice:The argument developed here begins by aligning by aligning medicine and related conception of nursing with materialism. ⦿For nursing education: students learn consider the patient holistically; the body, mind and the influence of the environment because one aspect may affect the other.
  • 18. ⦿ For nursing research: the research has been conducted and revealed that necessity to care holistically to the patient, considering the body, mind and the environment. ⦿ For nursing management research: Nurse manager supervises the staff to make sure the care given to the clientsin consideration of holistic principles. ⦿ For nursing behavior: the alternative , idealism, brings with it a new set of problems, particularly the tendency to react against the perceived dominance of the medical profession instead of positing a philosophy of nursing that reflects a more considered response.
  • 19. ⦿CLASSICAL IDEALISM:M o n istic idealism holds that consciousness, not matter, is the ground of all being. It is monist because it holds that there is only one type of thing in the universe and idealist because it holds that one thing to be consciousness.
  • 20. ⦿Subjective Idealism (immaterialism or phenomenalism) describes a relationship between experience and the world in which objects are no more than collections or "bundles"of sense data in the perceiver.
  • 21. Transcendental idealism, founded by Immanuel Kant in the eighteenth century, maintains that the mind shapes the world we perceive into the form of space-and- time
  • 22. Objective idealismasserts that the reality of experiencing combinesand transcends the realities of the object experienced and of the mind of the observer . Proponents include Thomas Hill Green, Josiah Royce, Benedetto Croce and CharlesSandersPeirce.
  • 23. Schelling (1775–1854) claimed that the Fichte's "I"needs the Not-I, because there is no subject without object, and vice versa. So there isno difference between the subjective and the objective, that is,the ideal and the real. This isSchelling's "absolute identity":the ideas or mental images in the mind are identical to the extended objects which are external to the mind.
  • 24. ⦿Actual Idealism isa form of idealism developed by Giovanni Gentile that grew into a "grounded" idealism contrasting Kant and Hegel.
  • 25. ⦿Pluralistic idealism such as that of Gottfried Leibniz[44] takes the view that there are many individual minds that togetherunderlie the existence of the observed world and make possible the existence of the physical universe.Unlike absolute idealism, pluralistic idealism does not assume the existence of a single ultimate mental reality or "Absolute". Leibniz' form of idealism,
  • 26. DEFINITION ⦿Itcomes from a Greek word “pragmata” which means, act, affairs, or business it a method of logic for determining the meaning of intellectual concept. ⦿Italso defined asa way of approaching situation or solving problemsthat emphasisis practical applications and consequences.
  • 27. ⦿ Charles Sander Peirce (1839-1904) was the founder of American pragmatism( later called pierce pragmatism) ⦿ William James( 1842-1910) ⦿ John Dewey( 1859-1952) prominent philosophers of education referred to his brand of progmatism as instrumentalism.
  • 28. PRAGMATISM TO EDUCATION pragmatismisa way of doing philosophy solving disputes in involving nursing may other wise beinterminable. CTICE nt is the basic oceeds,and our human ent practic,not on
  • 29. INFLUENCE OF PRAGMATISM TO BEHAVIOR OF NURSING Man is the measure of things,truth is what ts adherent to look at specific of act ,ideas or concept. SION helpful in day should live
  • 30. ⦿Romanticism isa broad movement of thought in philosophy, the arts, history, and political theory, at its height in Germany, England and France towards the end of the 18th and in the earlier part of the 19th centuries.
  • 31. ⦿Individualism The Romantics focused on the individual. They viewed the Self as a divine spark linking all human beings to one another and to a Greater T ruth. Romantic musicians, poets and visual artistscreated art that reflected personal experiences, but represented universal themes. ⦿Nature Romantic artists, musicians and poets saw nature as a dynamic teacher that helped humans understand their place in the
  • 32. ⦿ Emotions The Romantics explored emotional extremes in their work. For example, rather than simply depicting the subject's likeness, Romantic painters created portraits that explored their emotional and psychological states. ⦿ Transcendentalism Inthe United States, Romanticism gave rise to the transcendentalists, an offshoot of liberal Christianity. Transcendentalists, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, explored the role of individual thought in the perception of the world, the creative power of the consciousness and the unification of the human soul with the Universal Spirit or the One.
  • 33. Introduction Realism, the philosophy of science which asserts that science can provide us with access to structures that exist independently of us (Bhaskar, 1997), has been gaining an increasingly significant position within
  • 34. ⦿Nursing education: nurses are in continuous pursuit for further studies to fulfill their pleasure in education since there are permanent possibilities of happiness.
  • 35. DEF:isthe belief that God exists (or must exist) independent of the teaching or revelation of any particular religion. It represents belief in a personal God entirely without doctrine. Some philosophical theists are persuaded of God's existence by philosophical arguments, while others consider themselves to have a religious faith that need not be, or could not be, supported by rational argument. Philosophical theism has parallels with the 18th century philosophical view called Deism.
  • 36. ⦿Theism- isbelief that one god exists. ⦿ Atheism- an absence of belief in any gods or deities, or belief that gods or deities do not exist at all. ⦿Deism- the belief that a god exists, but does not interact with events at the scale of human being. ⦿Agnosticism-the opinion that it isnot possible to know whethergods or deities exist, or the opinion that one does not know.
  • 37. ⦿Monolatry: the belief that there may be more than one deity, but not only one should be worshipped. ⦿Henotheism- the belief that there may be more than one deity, but one is supreme. ⦿Kat henotheism-The belief that there is more that one deity, but only one deity at a time should be worshipped. Each is supreme in turn
  • 38. Philosophical theism conceives of nature (science), humanity (logic), and rational thought (reason), although possibly never completely understandable. Here are some theistic religion:Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Islam,… Atheistic religion Are Confucianism and Buddhism
  • 39. ⦿Thomas jay Oord ⦿David Basinger ⦿Martin Freeman ⦿ Winkie Pratney ⦿Martin Garener ⦿Walter Kaufmann ⦿David Hume ⦿Joseph Mecabe ⦿Gordon Olson
  • 40. ⦿Theism in nursing practice: nurse are always with patients who have different believes about God and deities. Nurse should respect the belief of each patient in providing health care. ⦿Theism in nursing education: the curriculum includes the different beliefsand how to manage patient/client’s beliefs ⦿Theism in nursing management: A
  • 41. is a philosophy based on the idea that God is real, acts in the universe, and is knowable through the senses and reason. As such, theistic realism stands as a middle ground between philosophical naturalism and fideism. While philosophical naturalism holds that the universe is self-explanatory, theistic realism holds that the universe can only be comprehensively explained with reference to God.
  • 42. ⦿Paul ⦿St. Thomas Aquinas ⦿Phillip Johnson ⦿Gerard L. Gutek ⦿ Professors at Baylor college of Medicine
  • 43. ⦿Influence to nursing practice: in defining nature, theistic realistic stated that the purpose of science isto understand nature and God acts naturally, then, the purpose of science isto understand God Florence nightingale said that caring isto put patient in good condition then the nature will act on him. ⦿ Influence to nursing education: about theistic realism, true knowledge begin
  • 44. ⦿ Influence to nursing management: to manage others, nurse manager have to be wise and knowledgeable. ⦿ Influence to nursing behaviors: The true knowledge begin with the acknowledgement of God and his power, since , to be good and knowledgeable nurse you have to believe in God.
  • 45. ⦿Isabroad category of ethical philosophiesthat affirmthe dignity and worth of all people, based on the ability to determine right and wrong by appeal to universal human qualities particularly rationalism.
  • 46. ⦿Socrate(470-399 BCE), ⦿Plato(384-345 BCE), ⦿Aristole(384-322BCE) ⦿Corliss Lamont(1997) ⦿Josephine Peterson and Loretta Zderad
  • 47. ⦿ InNursing practice: many theorists have used the humanism philosophy as the bases of their theories. Benner&Wrubel;Green-Hernandez; Leininger;Paterson&Zderad; Watson; noted that humanism isa philosophy that isstrongly held as a value of the profession. The human-centered theory of life iseasily recognized in the views of the earliest nursing professionals who described nursing as professionalized , humanistic care, or a way of caring forthe patient as a unique person.(Henderson ,nightingale). Florence Nightingale claimed that the essence of nursing rested on the nurse’scapacity to provide humane, sensitive care to the sick, which she believed would allow healing.
  • 48. ⦿ InNursing behavior: The practice of nurses must ensure the great good of client in the natural world according to the six tenets of humanism philosophy: As health care givers nurses are cognizant of the client in the client’s beliefs religious and beliefs and learn to evaluate how those beliefs influence the response to hisenvironment. - Ensure that the quality of life forthe client ismaintained up to death. - Using the scientific method to resolve the problem of client (nursing process) - Encouraging the patients for making theirown choice concerning their care plan. - T he nurse must be careful in ethical and moral values, and to make an effort not to impose ourvaluessystem on the others. - Ensuring a “ good life” for the client in providing an internal and externla environment conducive to health.
  • 49. ⦿ In nursing readership: Humanistic leaders are those with emotional intelligence who constantly question themselves and seek awareness of themselves and others. ⦿ In nursing education: principle of humanism are taught in nursing school. A humanism philosophy allow fluidity in nurse student’s beliefs and encourages them to consider the humanness of the along which the scientific and technological advances of their care.
  • 50. Read more : 1. beliefs-romanticism.html 2.Agnew L. (1958) Florence Nightingale – statistician. American Journal of Nursing 3.The Possibility of Naturalism: a Philo- sophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences , 2nd edn. Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead. Bhaskar R. (1997) 4.Read more :