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Burn Fat and Look Younger.
What they never told you about weight loss...
Robert Stackly
Copyright 2017, All Rights Reserved.
Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at
press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage,
or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any
other cause.
This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a
physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require
diagnosis or medical attention.
Although the methods in this book are intended to be fully implemented, sometimes they are not, which could result
in a lack of progress/results for the user. If you implement the products and services from this book correctly you
should see amazing results, however it must be disclaimed that even when consumers implement any methods from
this book it is still possible they will not get the results they may have expected and it is also possible they will not
lose fat or gain muscle or achieve any positive results of any kind.
Hi, I'm here to tell you the no nonsense truth about weight loss, or more
specifically fat loss. I'm going to tell you the foods that help your body build
muscle and burn fat. I'll tell you the workout plan that will help you do the same,
as well as help you to look younger.
Did you know that certain hormones are released with different foods and
workouts combined that will not only slow the aging process, but actually help
you to look years younger with improved hair growth, reduced wrinkles, glowing
skin among many other bonuses to eating and working out the right way.
Let's get something clear: This works for men and women, regardless of your age
or current level of fitness. As with any fitness / diet routine, get your doctor's
permission before you begin any new routine.
Before we get started, take a quick second to sign up to my email list.
Occasionally, we send out diet, weight loss and exercise products to our
subscribers for free, just for telling me what you think of them. You can sign up
here – it only takes a second, and randomly selected subscribers may also be
drawn to win cool prizes! Sign up now.
Foods You Need To Eat, And Foods You Need To Drop.
I'm going to keep this section short and sweet. I'm getting right to the point when it
comes to diet. It's very simple, if you eat sugars and fat producing food, you
simply will not burn fat. Go back a re-read that again.
Most people have heard the saying: “Just eat around the outside of the grocery
store and you'll be fine.” This is still for the most part true, Veggies, Meat, Dairy
and Some Healthy Fats (like a handful of nuts or avocados.)
Avoid breads, pastas, pizza and foods with high carbs and or sugars. Don't eat
foods that are made from flour (I'm not just talking about white flour, I'm talking
about ALL flour.) Stay away from high fructose corn syrup! Start reading the
nutritional information on everything you eat. Don't eat fried foods or foods high
in saturated fat.
Think High Protein, Low Carb. Also diets high in natural dietary fiber (that you
get from vegetables) are great, and keep you feeling full longer. There's a great list
of the foods you should be eating and their nutritional values here.
And when it comes to food, diet and nutrition there's pretty much no better food on
the planet then Organifi Green Juice. It's made of nearly every superfood on
earth: Moringa, Mint, Green Tea, Ashwagandha, Lemon, Chlorella, Spirulina,
Beets, Wheatgrass, Turmeric, Coconut Water and more.
It's not only amazing for your health in general, it both supercharges your fat
burning capabilities and is phenomenal when it comes to anti-aging. Just google a
few of these ingredients and see what they do for your body! Now think about
having them all combined into one amazing drink. Not only is it extremely
powerful, but think of what a time saver, and how convenient it is to have them all
in one place.
Honestly, there's probably never been a more powerful health drink available
before in history, I strongly urge you to check out Organifi here.
Fat Burning: A Different Approach
No more cardio? Well, not quite—but if you train with weights correctly, you
won’t need to visit that boring treadmill quite as often to keep your abs sharp.
And I’m not talking about interval cardio, although the weight-training method
I’ve been preaching has an High Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT for short) feel
to it. That’s the F4X method, (featured in Old School New Body) which is
moderate-weight, high-fatigue training with short rests between sets. It burns more
fat and pumps up your muscles like crazy too. Here’s the drill:
You take a weight with which you can get 15 reps, but you only do 10; rest 30
seconds, then do it again—and so on for four sets. On the fourth set, you go to
failure, and if you get 10 reps, you increase the weight on the exercise at your next
workout. Notice how those sets are like intervals with short breaks between—you
can even pace between sets to burn extra calories, but there’s more.
Fat-burning pathway 1: While that training style does great things for muscle
growth, via myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic expansion, you also get loads of muscle
burn. That lactic acid pooling has a spiking effect on your growth hormone output
—and GH is a potent fat burner. Fire up muscle burning to get your GH churning.
(GH also amplifies other anabolic hormones, so it effects both muscle and
Fat-burning pathway 2: If you do the reps correctly on every set, you’ll also get
myofibrillar trauma. The myofibrils are the force-generating strands in muscle
fibers. By “damaging” them with slower, controlled negative strokes, you force the
need for extra energy during recovery. In other words, your body runs hotter while
you’re out of the gym as it revs to repair the microtears.
To attain that extra fat-burning trauma, use one-second positives and three-second
negatives on all 10 reps of all four sets. On a bench press that’s one second up and
three seconds down. It’s the slow lowering that will produce the metabolic
momentum after your workout. (That rep speed will also give you 40 seconds of
tension time on every set, an ideal hypertrophic TUT.)
Fat-burning pathway 3: Now if you really want to get some blubber-busting
microtrauma, try your last set of a F4X sequence in X-centric style. That’s one-
second positives and six-second negatives. You may have to reduce the weight, but
it will be worth it. Try for eight of those, 56 seconds of tension time, and you
should feel the results the next day. Your muscles will be aching, but it’s a good
indication that fat is baking.
F4X for a GH surge, slower negatives for fat-burning micro trauma and X-centric
for even more time under tension and fat extinction. It all adds up to faster
leanness with less meanness—because you’ll need less cardio. Prepare for acid-
etched abs! Yes!! Even as you age this system works, in fact it is the closest thing
we have to the fountain of youth.
Revving Your Lean Machine: The Truth About Soreness
When you first started working out, you probably hated it. Soreness hurts! But as
you progressed, you no doubt embraced it—most of us consider it a signal that
we’ve done our diligence and stimulated plenty of muscle growth. But is that true?
The fact is, there are no studies connecting muscle soreness to hypertrophy. Okay,
don’t stop reading yet; you will get some good stuff from being a bit sore–and
you’ll probably even want to strive for it. But first you need to know what causes
muscle soreness.
It’s believed that the pain is caused by microtrauma in muscle fibers—and it’s
primarily triggered by the negative, or eccentric, stroke of an exercise—like when
you lower a bench press, squat or curl rep.
Once your body repairs those microtears, it follows that the muscle should grow
larger; however, that trauma is in the myofibrils, the force-generating actin and
myosin strands in the fiber. Those strands grab onto and pull across one another to
cause muscular contraction. When you control the negative stroke of a rep, there is
friction as those strands drag across each other in an attempt to slow movement
speed to prevent injury—and that dragging, it’s believed, is what inflicts the
That’s a simplification, but you get the idea. So it appears that some growth can
occur after muscle soreness is repaired, but it’s in the myofibrils. More and more
research is beginning to show that those force-generating strands do not contribute
the majority of muscle size; serious mass comes via sarcoplasmic expansion.
That’s the “energy fluid” in the fibers that’s filled with glycogen (from carbs),
ATP, calcium, noncontractile proteins, etc.
So if soreness is an indication of only small amounts of muscle growth, why strive
for it? Well, even small amounts of growth contribute to overall mass. Most of us
want every fraction we can scrape up. But the real reason to seek some soreness is
to burn more fat.
When the myofibrils are damaged by emphasizing the eccentric, the body attempts
to repair them as quickly as possible. That repair process takes energy, a lot of
which comes from body fat. The process usually takes many days, so your
metabolism is stoked to a higher level for 48 hours or more, helping you get leaner
faster. (Note: High-intensity interval training, like sprints alternated with slow
jogs, damages muscle fibers during the intense intervals, the sprints, which is why
HIIT burns more fat in the long run than steady-state cardio where no muscle
damage occurs.)
Do you need heavy negative-only sets to get that extra bit of size and metabolic
momentum? That’s one way, but negative-accentuated, or X-centric, sets may be a
better, safer way.
For an X-centric set you take a somewhat lighter poundage than your 10RM and
raise the weight in one second and lower it in six. That one-second-positive/six-
second-negative cadence does some great things, starting with myofibrillar trauma
for some soreness. While you’re coping with that extra post workout muscle pain,
remember that it can build the myofibrils and that it’s stoking your metabolism
during the repair process for more fat burning.
The second BIG advantage is sarcoplasmic expansion. At seven seconds per rep
and eight reps per set, you get almost an entire minute of tension time (seven times
eight is 56 seconds). A TUT of 50 to 60 seconds is something most bodybuilders
never get—which is a shame because that’s optimal stress for an anabolic cascade
and this is the perfect way to train as you age. I call it Old School New Body!
You can do an X-centric set after your heavy pyramid—if you’re into heavy
training. In other words, use it as a backoff set.
If you’re more into moderate-poundage, high-fatigue mass building, as I am with
the F4X method featured in the Old School New Body method, you can use X-
centric as the last set of the sequence. Reduce the weight and do a one-up-six-
down cadence. You’ll get sore, build some extra size and—bonus—burn for fat.
How great is that?
Old School New Body
If you're serious about burning the most fat possible, while building lean muscle
and looking younger, I highly recommend you check out Old School New Body,
an awesome course by Steve and Becky Holman. Steve's the editor of one of the
oldest fitness magazines around, Iron Man Magazine.
They'll show you:
• The 5 main things to avoid in any diet / anti-aging program.
• What exercises actually accelerate the aging process (stop doing these now!)
• The 4 easy exercises that are the only exercises you need to do to burn fat
and look younger (no need to workout for hours)
• The fastest and most efficient way to look 10 years younger (you won't find
this anywhere else!)
I firmly believe that all men and women over 30 should be using their
revolutionary system. Check out Old School New Body Now.
Built For Life: Motto for a New You
Built for Life.” Kind of an interesting title, if you think about it, because it has two
meanings. The first is staying in attention-grabbing muscular shape for as long as
you’re alive and able to exercise—you will remain “built” your entire life, never
embarrassed to peel off your shirt at the beach, lake or pool. And as my colleague
60-plus-year-old bodybuilder Tony DiCosta so aptly put it, “You’ll usually be the
best built guy or gal in the room.” (Talk about a conversation piece!)
The second meaning is that you’re mentally and physically tough, prepared for
whatever life throws at you. You’re “built” to withstand the stress, pressures and
problems that come your way throughout your time on this planet—almost like
you’ve created a bulletproof mental and physical fortress, able to deflect any
negatives, that attitude-altering artillery shot at all of us every day.
Proper weight training can give you both of those—and contrary to popular belief,
it doesn’t take joint-busting, spine-crushing poundages to make it happen.
In fact, training with max weights can be a negative, especially as you get older.
Sure, if you’re a young ego-driven dude looking for a monster bench press,
training heavy is where it’s at. Low reps and lots of sets will build your strength to
the extreme—but not necessarily lots of muscle, just be careful. There’s a
cumulative cost. I’m still dealing with injuries I sustained during my powerlifting
I’m not saying powerlifting or power bodybuilding are bad training models—just
that throwing around mega weights is NOT necessary for you to build an
impressive bodybuilder-type physique, a body so muscular that people comment
on the size of your arms or the width of your back or the vascularity streaking
down your forearms. You can have a muscular look for a lifetime, and it doesn’t
take soft-tissue damage or as much work as you think—if you train smart.
Whether you’re 18 and just starting the muscle-building journey or a 50-something
trainee who’s been lifting for decades (like me), lifting smart means training in the
most efficient, safest and fastest ways to build muscle and burn fat.
I promise you that Old School New Body is a no-B.S. program—that’s because
my sole goal is for you to have all the ammunition you need to own a physique
that turns heads and raises eyebrows and one that supports your health and well
being. I want you to be able to keep that attention-grabbing, muscular look—and
feel healthy doing it—for the rest of your days.
I hope you've learned more about what you should and shouldn't be doing in and
out of the gym. Use the list of good foods frequently. Read those nutrition labels.
And allow yourself a cheat day to eat something you want here and there (just not
to often, and don't go nuts!) And if you haven't yet, sign up to my list – you may
be chosen to receive free weight loss products, you may even be drawn to win an
awesome prize!

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Burn fat and look younger

  • 1. Burn Fat and Look Younger. What they never told you about weight loss... Robert Stackly Copyright 2017, All Rights Reserved.
  • 2. Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Although the methods in this book are intended to be fully implemented, sometimes they are not, which could result in a lack of progress/results for the user. If you implement the products and services from this book correctly you should see amazing results, however it must be disclaimed that even when consumers implement any methods from this book it is still possible they will not get the results they may have expected and it is also possible they will not lose fat or gain muscle or achieve any positive results of any kind.
  • 3. Introduction Hi, I'm here to tell you the no nonsense truth about weight loss, or more specifically fat loss. I'm going to tell you the foods that help your body build muscle and burn fat. I'll tell you the workout plan that will help you do the same, as well as help you to look younger. Did you know that certain hormones are released with different foods and workouts combined that will not only slow the aging process, but actually help you to look years younger with improved hair growth, reduced wrinkles, glowing skin among many other bonuses to eating and working out the right way. Let's get something clear: This works for men and women, regardless of your age or current level of fitness. As with any fitness / diet routine, get your doctor's permission before you begin any new routine. Before we get started, take a quick second to sign up to my email list. Occasionally, we send out diet, weight loss and exercise products to our subscribers for free, just for telling me what you think of them. You can sign up here – it only takes a second, and randomly selected subscribers may also be drawn to win cool prizes! Sign up now.
  • 4. Foods You Need To Eat, And Foods You Need To Drop. I'm going to keep this section short and sweet. I'm getting right to the point when it comes to diet. It's very simple, if you eat sugars and fat producing food, you simply will not burn fat. Go back a re-read that again. Most people have heard the saying: “Just eat around the outside of the grocery store and you'll be fine.” This is still for the most part true, Veggies, Meat, Dairy and Some Healthy Fats (like a handful of nuts or avocados.) Avoid breads, pastas, pizza and foods with high carbs and or sugars. Don't eat foods that are made from flour (I'm not just talking about white flour, I'm talking about ALL flour.) Stay away from high fructose corn syrup! Start reading the nutritional information on everything you eat. Don't eat fried foods or foods high in saturated fat. Think High Protein, Low Carb. Also diets high in natural dietary fiber (that you get from vegetables) are great, and keep you feeling full longer. There's a great list of the foods you should be eating and their nutritional values here.
  • 5. And when it comes to food, diet and nutrition there's pretty much no better food on the planet then Organifi Green Juice. It's made of nearly every superfood on earth: Moringa, Mint, Green Tea, Ashwagandha, Lemon, Chlorella, Spirulina, Beets, Wheatgrass, Turmeric, Coconut Water and more. It's not only amazing for your health in general, it both supercharges your fat burning capabilities and is phenomenal when it comes to anti-aging. Just google a few of these ingredients and see what they do for your body! Now think about having them all combined into one amazing drink. Not only is it extremely powerful, but think of what a time saver, and how convenient it is to have them all in one place. Honestly, there's probably never been a more powerful health drink available before in history, I strongly urge you to check out Organifi here.
  • 6. Fat Burning: A Different Approach No more cardio? Well, not quite—but if you train with weights correctly, you won’t need to visit that boring treadmill quite as often to keep your abs sharp. And I’m not talking about interval cardio, although the weight-training method I’ve been preaching has an High Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT for short) feel to it. That’s the F4X method, (featured in Old School New Body) which is moderate-weight, high-fatigue training with short rests between sets. It burns more fat and pumps up your muscles like crazy too. Here’s the drill: You take a weight with which you can get 15 reps, but you only do 10; rest 30 seconds, then do it again—and so on for four sets. On the fourth set, you go to failure, and if you get 10 reps, you increase the weight on the exercise at your next workout. Notice how those sets are like intervals with short breaks between—you can even pace between sets to burn extra calories, but there’s more. Fat-burning pathway 1: While that training style does great things for muscle growth, via myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic expansion, you also get loads of muscle burn. That lactic acid pooling has a spiking effect on your growth hormone output —and GH is a potent fat burner. Fire up muscle burning to get your GH churning.
  • 7. (GH also amplifies other anabolic hormones, so it effects both muscle and rippedness.) Fat-burning pathway 2: If you do the reps correctly on every set, you’ll also get myofibrillar trauma. The myofibrils are the force-generating strands in muscle fibers. By “damaging” them with slower, controlled negative strokes, you force the need for extra energy during recovery. In other words, your body runs hotter while you’re out of the gym as it revs to repair the microtears. To attain that extra fat-burning trauma, use one-second positives and three-second negatives on all 10 reps of all four sets. On a bench press that’s one second up and three seconds down. It’s the slow lowering that will produce the metabolic momentum after your workout. (That rep speed will also give you 40 seconds of tension time on every set, an ideal hypertrophic TUT.) Fat-burning pathway 3: Now if you really want to get some blubber-busting microtrauma, try your last set of a F4X sequence in X-centric style. That’s one-
  • 8. second positives and six-second negatives. You may have to reduce the weight, but it will be worth it. Try for eight of those, 56 seconds of tension time, and you should feel the results the next day. Your muscles will be aching, but it’s a good indication that fat is baking. F4X for a GH surge, slower negatives for fat-burning micro trauma and X-centric for even more time under tension and fat extinction. It all adds up to faster leanness with less meanness—because you’ll need less cardio. Prepare for acid- etched abs! Yes!! Even as you age this system works, in fact it is the closest thing we have to the fountain of youth.
  • 9. Revving Your Lean Machine: The Truth About Soreness When you first started working out, you probably hated it. Soreness hurts! But as you progressed, you no doubt embraced it—most of us consider it a signal that we’ve done our diligence and stimulated plenty of muscle growth. But is that true? The fact is, there are no studies connecting muscle soreness to hypertrophy. Okay, don’t stop reading yet; you will get some good stuff from being a bit sore–and you’ll probably even want to strive for it. But first you need to know what causes muscle soreness. It’s believed that the pain is caused by microtrauma in muscle fibers—and it’s primarily triggered by the negative, or eccentric, stroke of an exercise—like when you lower a bench press, squat or curl rep. Once your body repairs those microtears, it follows that the muscle should grow larger; however, that trauma is in the myofibrils, the force-generating actin and myosin strands in the fiber. Those strands grab onto and pull across one another to cause muscular contraction. When you control the negative stroke of a rep, there is friction as those strands drag across each other in an attempt to slow movement speed to prevent injury—and that dragging, it’s believed, is what inflicts the microtrauma. That’s a simplification, but you get the idea. So it appears that some growth can occur after muscle soreness is repaired, but it’s in the myofibrils. More and more research is beginning to show that those force-generating strands do not contribute the majority of muscle size; serious mass comes via sarcoplasmic expansion. That’s the “energy fluid” in the fibers that’s filled with glycogen (from carbs), ATP, calcium, noncontractile proteins, etc.
  • 10. So if soreness is an indication of only small amounts of muscle growth, why strive for it? Well, even small amounts of growth contribute to overall mass. Most of us want every fraction we can scrape up. But the real reason to seek some soreness is to burn more fat. When the myofibrils are damaged by emphasizing the eccentric, the body attempts to repair them as quickly as possible. That repair process takes energy, a lot of which comes from body fat. The process usually takes many days, so your metabolism is stoked to a higher level for 48 hours or more, helping you get leaner faster. (Note: High-intensity interval training, like sprints alternated with slow jogs, damages muscle fibers during the intense intervals, the sprints, which is why HIIT burns more fat in the long run than steady-state cardio where no muscle damage occurs.) Do you need heavy negative-only sets to get that extra bit of size and metabolic momentum? That’s one way, but negative-accentuated, or X-centric, sets may be a better, safer way. For an X-centric set you take a somewhat lighter poundage than your 10RM and raise the weight in one second and lower it in six. That one-second-positive/six- second-negative cadence does some great things, starting with myofibrillar trauma for some soreness. While you’re coping with that extra post workout muscle pain, remember that it can build the myofibrils and that it’s stoking your metabolism during the repair process for more fat burning. The second BIG advantage is sarcoplasmic expansion. At seven seconds per rep and eight reps per set, you get almost an entire minute of tension time (seven times eight is 56 seconds). A TUT of 50 to 60 seconds is something most bodybuilders never get—which is a shame because that’s optimal stress for an anabolic cascade and this is the perfect way to train as you age. I call it Old School New Body!
  • 11. You can do an X-centric set after your heavy pyramid—if you’re into heavy training. In other words, use it as a backoff set. If you’re more into moderate-poundage, high-fatigue mass building, as I am with the F4X method featured in the Old School New Body method, you can use X- centric as the last set of the sequence. Reduce the weight and do a one-up-six- down cadence. You’ll get sore, build some extra size and—bonus—burn for fat. How great is that?
  • 12. Old School New Body If you're serious about burning the most fat possible, while building lean muscle and looking younger, I highly recommend you check out Old School New Body, an awesome course by Steve and Becky Holman. Steve's the editor of one of the oldest fitness magazines around, Iron Man Magazine. They'll show you: • The 5 main things to avoid in any diet / anti-aging program. • What exercises actually accelerate the aging process (stop doing these now!) • The 4 easy exercises that are the only exercises you need to do to burn fat and look younger (no need to workout for hours) • The fastest and most efficient way to look 10 years younger (you won't find this anywhere else!) I firmly believe that all men and women over 30 should be using their revolutionary system. Check out Old School New Body Now.
  • 13. Built For Life: Motto for a New You Built for Life.” Kind of an interesting title, if you think about it, because it has two meanings. The first is staying in attention-grabbing muscular shape for as long as you’re alive and able to exercise—you will remain “built” your entire life, never embarrassed to peel off your shirt at the beach, lake or pool. And as my colleague 60-plus-year-old bodybuilder Tony DiCosta so aptly put it, “You’ll usually be the best built guy or gal in the room.” (Talk about a conversation piece!) The second meaning is that you’re mentally and physically tough, prepared for whatever life throws at you. You’re “built” to withstand the stress, pressures and problems that come your way throughout your time on this planet—almost like you’ve created a bulletproof mental and physical fortress, able to deflect any negatives, that attitude-altering artillery shot at all of us every day. Proper weight training can give you both of those—and contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t take joint-busting, spine-crushing poundages to make it happen. In fact, training with max weights can be a negative, especially as you get older. Sure, if you’re a young ego-driven dude looking for a monster bench press, training heavy is where it’s at. Low reps and lots of sets will build your strength to the extreme—but not necessarily lots of muscle, just be careful. There’s a cumulative cost. I’m still dealing with injuries I sustained during my powerlifting years. I’m not saying powerlifting or power bodybuilding are bad training models—just that throwing around mega weights is NOT necessary for you to build an impressive bodybuilder-type physique, a body so muscular that people comment on the size of your arms or the width of your back or the vascularity streaking down your forearms. You can have a muscular look for a lifetime, and it doesn’t take soft-tissue damage or as much work as you think—if you train smart.
  • 14. Whether you’re 18 and just starting the muscle-building journey or a 50-something trainee who’s been lifting for decades (like me), lifting smart means training in the most efficient, safest and fastest ways to build muscle and burn fat. I promise you that Old School New Body is a no-B.S. program—that’s because my sole goal is for you to have all the ammunition you need to own a physique that turns heads and raises eyebrows and one that supports your health and well being. I want you to be able to keep that attention-grabbing, muscular look—and feel healthy doing it—for the rest of your days. I hope you've learned more about what you should and shouldn't be doing in and out of the gym. Use the list of good foods frequently. Read those nutrition labels. And allow yourself a cheat day to eat something you want here and there (just not to often, and don't go nuts!) And if you haven't yet, sign up to my list – you may be chosen to receive free weight loss products, you may even be drawn to win an awesome prize!