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”In over 50-years doing this…OMG is my #1 all-time
recommendation.” - Bob Proctor, 2015

Greg Morrison Standing Ovation (2014) Greg Morrison Standing Ovation (2013)
"OMG is my #1 all-time
recommendation." - Bob Proctor, 2015Who paid for their OMG LIVE
tickets with OMG Money (2014)
Who paid for their OMG LIVE
tickets with OMG Money (2013)
David Mills Standing Ovation (2014)
Prologue: The Rubber Meets The Road (Meet Mike Long)
Basic fact of any business, no matter what:
Nobody makes money until the rubber meets the road.
As in: until every hole in the bucket is patched, and until somebody cuts the water on,
you’re not going to fill up a bucket with water.
Business, even online business is the same way.
Listen, I’m the first to tell you, to this day, around 18 years after I started focusing on
online marketing in 1998, I’m still a sucker for shiny objects.
Who can resist the promise of the “city of gold” where your wildest dreams will be
fulfilled? (Or to put it a simpler way, I think the offer of “easy money” tugs at our heartstrings.)
And by the same rules, when the rubber meets the road, anything is possible:
I can’t say that I ever had the goal of renting out the Playboy Mansion for a party,
though I sure liked Playboy magazine when I was a kid growing up.
Ok granted, most guru type presentation shots that I’ve ever seen, where you get to the
“triumphant success” pictures, it’s usually the guru shaking hands with Richard Branson and
Mark Cuban, or sailing on a yacht or driving an exotic car.
But the picture above is from a particularly surprising, even daring, and ultimately
nicely profitable series of money-getting chess moves. Because in every case, miraculous as it
seemed at times, the rubber met the road.
It started in 2004 with a launch that I managed of a product called Traffic Secrets, by
John Reese. John had sold a $4500/person web traffic workshop, not unlike OMG LIVE
Nashville, and John had recorded the event. John’s plan was to turn the recordings into a
DVD home study course. Early in the process I set a goal that we do a million dollars on the
launch day. At first John thought I was crazy, but ultimately it happened. Powered only by
word of mouth generated by a careful affiliate marketing campaign, we did $1,000,000 in
sales in 24-hours, by selling 1000 copies of John’s course for $1000 each.
After that, David Mills and I put together an first DVD but then soon all-digital home
study course for Magic: the Gathering, which we sold to my ecommerce customers who
bought Magic cards from me on eBay and off my Google and Yahoo rankings driven website.
That web business, MTG Secrets, got hundreds of testimonials, in what we called our
“Annihilation Engine” method of getting these success stories by getting the rubber to meet
the road with their success, and then sharing the success reports with our members at large,
motivating more to join us and apply what they are learning.
It snowballed, transforming my up and down ecommerce business into a stable, rapidly
growing venture, that was much less risky and more enjoyable.
I had never seen success on the level that our members displayed. We had constant
reports from people, where, when they joined us, they struggled to win games, to where now
they were winning whole tournaments. And our Yahoo group (similar to Facebook groups
today) was filled with life and constant ongoing scientific test results powered success.
Next, Jeff Walker did a painstaking case-study of that Traffic Secrets Million Dollar Day,
along with a case study of David and my MTG Secrets business, along some other materials,
in a DVD home study course called Product Launch Formula, and once again asked me to
manage it, and take more of a front roll with affiliates, and with copywriting.
I agreed and in 2005 Product Launch formula, launched to around a $600,000 first two
weeks in sales.
Again that was all driven by the surprising power of affiliate marketing, where several
affiliates were able to each do big sales, adding up to a massive payday. And the product had
an immediate and lasting
impact on the whole culture of
online marketing and what was
And not just in the online
marketing niche. Soon these
launches sprang up in every
niche from relationship advice
to health and fitness.
A year later, in May of
2006, I registered the website
That’s because me and
David Mills had joined forces
with Andy Jenkins and Brad
Fallon, on a Google SEO course
for ecommerce businesses,
called StomperNet, and it was both my goal and prediction that in the first 24-hours of sales
we’d do $10,000,000.
Here’s what happened:
What you’re looking at is right around $10,000,000 in sales, primarily based on $891,048
in recurring billings on a 12-payment plan. Again, this was all based on affiliate traffic. Brad
and Andy bought me and David Mills out weeks after the launch.
The Rich Jerk Playboy Mansion party, in the summer of 2007 was the next move. I
helped my friend Kelly Felix plan and market the party, where he’d rent out the mansion and
sell tickets at $2,000 per person, once again by affiliate traffic.
I even got in on the Playbody Mansion party as an affiliate, but in a bit of an “off the
wall” way. Because me and David had partnered with a man named Erik Von Markovic, who
goes by the stage name Mystery, and who the New York Times called the “Greatest Pickup
Artist in the world.” Mystery was the focus of Neil Strauss’ New York Times best seller The
We were joining forces to put together a DVD home study course to teach Mystery’s
system for helping guys meet girls more successfully.
I first met Mystery back in 2004, about a month before that Traffic Secrets Million Dollar
Day, when John Reese and took a couple of weeks out West, including a trip to LA, to attend
an event run by Eben Pagan, who went by the name David DeAngelo for his Double Your
Dating online info business, which he ran with the help of Craig Clemmons.
Craig, who was in his early 20s at the time had been to John’s traffic workshop, and
acted as our tour-guide, both explain the inner working of this whole “Pick-up Artist” thing,
and drawing back the curtain on their world, including taking us out “in field” with Mystery
and taking us to Project Hollywood, an former Rat-Pack’ers mansion in the Hollywood Hills
tucked right behind Mel’s Diner and Saddleranch.
Without getting too much in the weeds, it all “hit me” when I saw a guy who goes by
the stage name Tyler Durden (probably because he dressed and acted like the Brad Pitt Fight
Club character) and he was standing on a soap-box in the living room of this Project
Hollywood mansion, and he was encircled by spellbound men in their 20s, 30s and even 40s
and 50s, each of whom had paid hundreds for a lecture and to be coached “in field” by
Mystery and their marry band. That is what Gary Halbert would call a starving crowd.
I mentally filed away what I’d learned, and then, both before and after StomperNet I
wound up helping Neil Strauss with a couple of launches that he did, and Neil, to return the
favor, re introduced me to Mystery, along with the recommendation that we join forces.
The first time that Mystery, David Mills and I actually had that “rubber meets the road”
money-getting moment, was at the Playboy Mansion, when we took a 7000 person email
marketing list that we’d built in the previous several weeks, all by ranking videos in You
Tube and Google, and we sold a $7,000 per person “Project Hollywood” Playboy Mansion
bootcamp, where Mystery would teach for two days, and then take our students in field,
including at the Playboy Mansion.
This, by the way, was David’s idea, and is the first example that I know, of a technique
that is very powerful for launching new businesses by joining forces with the momentum of
another project, called Product Boosting. And it was shockingly successful.
We were the #1 affiliate for the Playboy Mansion Party contest (I even got my own
cabana) and we did around $100,000 in sales, and almost every single person who went to the
event gave us a video testimonial or a written one. Which was great because we also walked
with the recordings of that event, which we could package and sell as a DVD home study
From there David Mills and I launched several projects rapid fire, starting with an SEO
home study course, which launched in the half million range.
Followed by launching a million dollar venture based on the relationship advice stuff
with Mystery, including the Project Hollywood Playboy Mansion bootcamp classroom
session video recordings, on our site, where once again, just like with
the Magic: the Gathering strategy site, we just got hundreds of testimonials from thankful
guys and gals, in a business that once again snowballed strongly based on the strength of
reputation. The flaw was that we could never find the right business chemistry with Mystery
and without him to power the business it was too heavy of a lift to be worth continuing.
Then, in 2008, we launched another home study course, which also had a mid 6-figure
launch, “Millionaire Licensing Club” (several years before Mr Wonderful on Shark Tank!)
After that string of daring escapes - because each of those projects was exciting, but
with the exception of the Magic: the Gathering business, there was a common thread of
instability because of the personalities involved.
I’m not saying that me and David Mills have great personalities and the people we
worked with didn’t. But there is always a matter of chemistry and too many chefs spoiling
the broth. And the reality is that with David Mills, it’s proven to be best when he’s the chef
and everybody else can do other important jobs (in a restaurant parallel, that could include
marketing, events, waiting and service and so on.)
The Magic business was the one stable one where things were smooth, because David
did the planning for the most part, but the flaw was we thought wasn’t a big enough scale -
maybe we were wrong because we passed it on to Patrick Chapin and Pete Hoefling and
they’ve made $6-figures/yr with it for years since!
The rest of the projects I described were rocky, in a couple cases based on personality
differences, but more oft because David’s advice was often kept at arms length on critical
decisions, like not over-promising, and rushing to market before we were ready to fulfill.
You see, David was the one who had it figured out.
We took a break during the year 2009 to reflect on everything that had gone on and for
some rest. Most of what I did was try to wrap my head around the success that I just
described, despite all of the really incredible challenges we’d faced, and despite any number
of times that we had to do the money-getting version of a James Bond move and figure out
some out-of-the-blue puzzle that was standing between us and success or disaster.
I scrutinized decision after decision. And again and again David nailed it. And I mean
David, not Mike and David. While I’m certainly valuable for my energy and faith that people
can really incredibly succeed, I also was often chaotic in my decision making, which was
based on a patchwork framework that I collaged together based on scraps of advice from
friends and partners, and reading as many business books as I could. (My favorite is still
Trump: Art of the Deal.)
A lot of ideas I had were great. But some weren’t. With David, functionally speaking,
that wasn’t the case. It’s not that David never made mistakes. But he didn’t make big
mistakes, in a lot of cases because he did his best to keep us from getting chopped up by
deadlines before we had the time to reason our way through things.
I felt doubly lucky to have David’s help, the more I reflected.
(Here’s an enjoyable video montage of some of the events I described above.)
In 2010 we launched Bring the Fresh, an all digital introductory SEO home study course
plus forum community, with Kelly Felix. Also in 2010 I started work on an informercial.
By the end of 2012 Kelly wanted to buy BTF from me and David, and we agreed. We’d
wrapped up my informercial and it was looking very promising.
After a near miss, where we almost lost control of the infomercial, after having control
of it somewhat fall into our laps (well, David Mills guided it there, anyways) we decided to
move forward with a clear idea that we’d do things David’s way for a while, and see if that
got us where we wanted to go, rather than placing his Law of Implication management
strategy in a mixer with other partner’s decision making strategies.
We began with Greg Morrison, whom had come up through Bring
the Fresh, and really emerged as an SEO Superstar with a knack for coaching.
What follows is my accounting of what happened next, when David’s Law of
Implication strategy, which he’s now encapsulated in Massive Advantages for Mere Mortals
towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery, w/David Mills, which I’ll talk
more about towards the end of things…
Chapter 1: Ruthlessness (Meet David Mills)
It was two years ago to this day. October 18th, 2013. I’ll never forget that day:
“The Walk.”
David and I stepped out into the brisk Franklin Tennessee Autumn, to start walking
laps around our street, Huffine Manor Circle. Franklin is about 20 minutes drive from
Nashville, and it’s a surprisingly nice area.
Both David and I moved there earlier in the year. David moved first, when his wife,
Olya spotted Franklin as a real gem, low on crime, high levels of happiness and prosperity,
and just all around quite fun and pleasant - and close to Nashville, the 3rd fastest growing
city in America, but still on the smaller side of the big towns. I followed couple months later.
Huffine Manor Circle is a short walk from Whole Foods, and about a quarter mile more
to Drury Plaza, the hotel that we were about to hold OMG LIVE Nashville, the next month.
David and I met 18-years before, playing the collectable card game Magic: the
Gathering, and we quickly rose to #1 and #2 in the world in the Professional player circuit.
(Here’s David facing down Magic legend John Finkel in the semi-finals of Pro tour Chicago
We kept close touch and went into business years later, and had never stopped.
David started a line of questioning that made be a little nervous. Only a subconscious
twitch. David is the least judgmental person I’ve ever met. But it was hitting close to home.
1-year ago before, to the day, we began our OMG No Holds Barred coaching program.
We had, at that time, 1 retired product line, that One Man Gang (OMG) No Holds
Barred coaching, with Greg Morrison, our SEO coaching with Greg, with additional money-
getting advice from me, I just mentioned.
Then we had three other products, our “Shortcut” mini-coaching course, our
“Commission Conspiracy” course, and our “End Game” mini-coaching.
Out of the three active products David investigated each, for exactly one thing. How
many earnings reports were we getting.
Some, yes. But it wasn’t what we were getting with that NHB coaching, which had run
its course, but was still generating frequent new earnings reports from guys and gals like
Fletch, Joe Marfoglio, Tim Schmidt, Martin Lotsberg, David Hood, Lonnie Welch, Abby
Hunjo, and Trish and Andrew Reidel.
We had dozens in the $5-figure per month range. All in just one year. It was
unbelievable. But it was a small program, the way we had it set up originally, and put too
much pressure on Greg Morrison, whom we badly didn’t want to burn out.
“So each of them, we agree they have great information. And they are potentially
helpful people. But our standard isn’t copping out at feeling like we could be getting in lots
of earnings reports.”
That was it. David killed our 3 last product lines, 1, 2, 3.
Each were $6-figure successes, that we’d poured blood sweat and tears to create and get
off the ground. But what David says, goes.
You see, David has the final say in OMG, by Greg Morrison and my decision. So there
didn’t need to be a committee on it. And with good reason, which you’ll soon discover.
(Of course we continued, and to this day continue, to stream videos and supply written
instruction promised in those products, and even, for a good amount of time, update those products,
even though we were well outside of the promises we’d made, when we sold them.)
Long story short, outside of a few tickets we could still sell at OMG LIVE, we were, at
that moment a product-less business.
That was probably 4 laps around Huffine Manor into our walk…
Chapter 2: One Man Gang (Meet Greg Morrison)
One month later, Greg took the stage at OMG LIVE Nashville, Monday November 18th,
in 2013, after I introduced him.
It was already a shock…
I found myself tearing up as I introduced Greg, because I was staring into the faces of
so many people who’s lives he’d shaped, both with a free traffic step-by-system with nothing
left out…
…But also his moral example, as a driven, caring, fearless hard worker, compassionate
and humble to the bone, despite his now massive $6-figure/mo, month after month (some
months making more than doctors make in a year!), year after year, success.
As I said the words, “Ladies and gentlemen, Greg Morrison, the guy I call the One Man
Gang.” the sold out audience of around 180 people, each of whom paid $2,000 to attend and
flew in from all over the world, erupted into a roaring standing ovation.
Greg hadn’t even said a word yet. I looked out in shock. I hadn’t seen somebody get a
genuine standing ovation at a paid online marketing event in the last 10-years.
Friday evening that I introduced Alex Becker, a $6-figure per month OMG’er (one of my
really happy moments was when Alex bought his Lamborghini) who opened things with a rousing
speech on how he created an online funnel for Lawyers to pay him for SEO based on a
“Marketing for Lawyers” book he created.
The next morning, Saturday, before I began the incredible training they would get, I
asked for a show of hands, for who bought their ticket to OMG LIVE Nashville with money
they made with help and support from OMG. Here’s what happened.
Incredible. Because about 3 out of every 4 people raised their hands.
I had never, ever seen anything in the same universe as that. Even David Mills gasped.
And it was all his idea in the first place, to have a (player) coach like Greg Morrison, a guy
making $6-figures per month with SEO doing affiliate marketing and SEO Client consulting,
actually teaching a duplicable system for free traffic, based on ongoing science, taught over
his shoulder, ALL questions answered.
Now I knew why David killed those 3 product lines, because this is all that we wanted.
Overwhelming success, clear-cut.
When Greg Morrison found out he was going to be a dad, he was waking up every day
at 3 in the morning to get to work for the early, early shift as a casino operator where he lives,
near Wilmington Delaware.
Greg had a short brush with success when he made a particularly popular website
based on traffic, when he was 21. But he’d long since blown through the
couple hundred thousand he’d made selling the site.
The idea of fatherhood really motivated Greg. He found an introductory SEO course
that David Mills and I published with Kelly Felix from 2010 to 2012.
And Greg took the basic SEO template was handed him, and turned it into a work of
ongoing money-getting science.
I remember when I got Greg’s first earnings report. It was incredible. $60,000 in one
week of all-nighters ranking sites to flip them to a hot buyer in desperate need of Google
traffic sources in a competitive niche.
A couple weeks later I hosted an SEO webinar and Greg actually jumped on and gave a
bit of advice, and updated his earnings report.
Over the next year, Greg would post over 2000 times in the forum that we had for that
introductory SEO course. Just because he wanted to. Answering questions, even making
tutorial videos to explain points they might be missing.
2000 posts, in just one year. It was incredible. And Greg’s earnings racked up higher
and higher. One time Greg was texting me that he was in a bank, in the bank managers office,
and that up front, the bank was getting held up by armed robbers. Good thing, I thought, that
the robbers didn’t know, that Greg had way more money than that bank had on hand.
In less than a year Greg made his first million. And then shortly after that, his second.
Greg approached me and David about creating a best practices ebook for SEO.
David had another idea. Right around that time David and I wound up in a weird
dilemma. We had just gone through some live testing of an infomercial that I created with my
producer Tim Jasinski, which
David Mills did the planning
(Interesting split test, by
the way. The first show we
shot took over a year, ran
through $200,000 to create,
and wound up dead on
arrival because it cost $180
per book it sold in testing.
$100 is considered great. $150
Now the all-time best
performing make-money
niche infomercial of all time
that I’ve ever heard of is
Anthony Morrison’s show,
which was around $44 per
My show actually tested
out in a really good range,
similar to Anthony’s so it was
very promising. The problem
was that, the general model
with an informercial is that A)
you need to make money
relatively quickly on the
“back end” to pay for your TV
air time, and B) your buyers, who get your book, often want coaching to help them succeed.
Now there was no shortage of coaching companies ready with promises including the
sun, moon and stars. (Some also promised stars that had yet to be discovered.)
The promises were vague as they were grandiose. And mostly involved me and David
Mills getting paid massive sums and partying in Vegas.
David asked 2 questions. How much were the coaches themselves making with the
techniques they were teaching, and how much were students then making.
We never heard back with one report of earnings from a single coach or from a single
Now I have no doubt there are some. Most products have a 1% success rate. Problem is,
that about 1% of the people shopping for products on how to make money will wind ups
successful too. So if your product doesn’t have a higher success rate than the success rates of
people generally shopping for help, then that’s pretty stark.
But they weren’t looking for successful coaches or students.
David asked Greg if he’d consider doing that OMG No Holds Barred coaching with us,
with a step by step, over Greg’s shoulder approach to a training area that spelled out how
Greg gets massive free traffic. And then a couple coaching sessions a week where Greg
answered all questions.
(Or nearly every question - he may have missed one or two, but I can’t remember, even now, 3-
years later, one person remarking that Greg missed their question.)
In months Greg, David and I achieved what these coaching companies couldn’t. We had
armloads of earnings reports, and a sincere connection with a tremendous audience. Our
now legendary city on hill “OMG NHB Team” secret Facebook group got its beginnings.
And we never even wound up the informercial, because we sold about all that we could
really feel “safe” fulfilling, at least at first while we were cutting our teeth.
Though a great leader, Greg is quiet and focused on SEO and member success. He says
from the limelight and he had hardly gone to any online marketing events before OMG LIVE
Nashville, much less spoken at any.
The day before Greg mentioned that he might want me to stay up at the front of the
room with him while he presented at OMG LIVE Nashville, and fielded questions.
But by the time I handed him the mic he had a wry grin and with a wink he told me
he’d be just fine.
One man gang.
When David coined the phrase is was both descriptive and inspiring.
Because Greg had made millions without a single employee and with comparatively
very little outsourcing. Heck, he didn’t quit that day job as a casino operator until he was
almost $400,000 in!
The first time Greg and I met in purpose was right after he quit his job. Just weeks
before, Greg used to come home from work at noon, and then go straight to work on SEO
until he fell asleep to start over all again.
Quiet, direct, incredible, consistent and yet so good hearted.
Now by the end of that walk, that we covered in Chapter 1, David and I had started
from scratch, looking forward, to the future of OMG. And that meant the creation of OMG
No Holds Barred 2013: Project X.
As Greg looked out into the audience, to begin his presentation, a mountain of a man,
amongst the sold out audience, staring back at Greg with baited breath, was moving forward
into the future as a part of our OMG (player) coaching team…
Chapter 3: Burning The Boats Behind You (Meet Fletch)
Joshua “Fletch” Fletcher stood up with everybody else and applauded, hooting and
hollering, when Greg wrapped up his presentation.
To Fletch’s left was Scott Shaff, a military contractor, taking several precious days out of
his in-between-deployment time away from his wife Morgan, and at OMG LIVE Nashville
trying to figure out how to make his first dollar online after years of trying.
To Fletch’s right was Jamaal Wilson, 23-years old, and fresh from training for the March
2013 NFL Draft Combine, where he hoped his 4.3 40-yard-dash speed would be enough to
help land among the fortunate 254 players to be drafted in the April 25th-27th 2014 draft…
but just in case, Jamaal didn’t want to miss out on seeing Greg Morrison live.
During that walk, when we decide to create our OMG No Holds Barred 2013: Project X
mastermind coaching community, when David and I looked around, at what we had to work
with, our proven successful stuff, that included Greg…
…And it also included Fletch.
Fletch had done some very limited side (player) coaching for us in an experimental
program. And thank goodness we ran that experimental program, because it gave us what
would turn out to be a critical piece of our Project X program, rising like a phoenix from the
ashes of the products that David discontinued the month before, October 18th, 2013, during
the walk.
Because Fletch had a knack for connecting the dots from different angles for people and
breathed life into our wonderful OMG NHB Team secret Facebook, much like Greg Morrison
had done with the forum from that introductory SEO product.
Maybe the fact that Fletch didn’t have the easiest of beginnings with OMG made it
easier to see eye to eye with OMG’ers coming from all over the place, as they began.
Just weeks before he joined us, Fletch got a call from his wife, Natalie. He was installing
a high efficiency air conditioner. Turns out the water company had just shut off their water.
And Fletch barely
had enough money
to get enough gas
to drive home.
This job would get
him a few more
dollars. But Fletch
and Natalie
combined for less
than $20,000 the
year before as
Fletch’s business
failed to take off,
because he was
starved for sales
Now Fletch was
accomplished and
passionate. He’d made it into Harvard grad school and even hit a nice home-run, much like
Greg, with a software company he was able to exit with some good money from. But that all
felt a million miles away, when he got that phone call from Natalie.
Weeks later he was selling his truck to his friend for the money to join our OMG NHB
Coaching. He had been researching solutions to his businesses problems - getting enough
leads to survive and grow.
Fletch had never heard of SEO, the idea of getting visitors from the free listings of
Google to your website through relevant searches, say for “Roofer Franklin, TN.”
He burned the midnight oil, collapsing at midnight and scrambling back out of bed at 4
AM, when the Starbucks a short walk from him would re-open, and once again provide
precious internet, because Fletch didn’t have it at home.
Fletch had burnt the boats behind of him like Cortés. Now it was time for him to
succeed like Cortés.
He researched the free Google keyword planner for long-tail keywords all over his area.
And he started raking in leads. The phone started ringing for business. And a light went off
in Fletch’s head. Why not make the phone ring for his contractors and sub contractors, and
let them to pay him to work from home.
The introductions were the easy part. He knew everybody he would pitch. The hard
part was, while he was having success ranking, and making the phone ring, he had never
scaled it up for somebody else. Until now.
His first meeting went well, until the end, where instead of reaching for a checkbook,
the subcontractor hesitated and asked for time. “You got it,” Fletch grinned, “I am headed
across the street, but right now you’ve got first dibs.” (Referring to a competing
That was the $10,000 phrase. 45-days in. I can tell you from personal experience that
$10,000 solves a lot of problems.
And Fletch didn’t stop there, by a long-shot. By the time he arrived at OMG LIVE
Nashville, he was already hitting $5-figures every month.
But he has also paid it forward, helping other OMG’ers have success, or improve on the
success they were having.
His wide array of skills that he had already developed as he put his backbone into
getting Greg Morrison’s OMG SEO down, learning Law of Implication from David Mills, and
gleaning what he could about client consulting and web conversion from me and a host of
OMG’ers contributing earnings reports, like Joe Marfoglio, as well as integrating other things
he was naturally learning for himself along the way.
Plus Fletch is just a “glue” kind of guy. He reached out to Lonnie Welch, from Austin
Texas, whom Fletch heard about before he joined OMG, through Lonnie’s earnings report on
how he made over $50,000 in one season with his AAU youth league basketball coaching
program purely from traffic coming in through OMG SEO, because of rankings for basketball
coaching programs in nearly every small town in the Austin metro area.
Fletch just has this deep well of caring and the willingness to go out on a limb for a
friend or somebody he’s looking after.
He went to Alaska to help build an addition to his brother’s house in the middle of the
summer because it would save his brother thousands.
They jumped on Skype right away and were fast friends, supporting one another
moving forward. He also became friends with Joe and a number of other OMG’ers, even
before OMG LIVE Nashville.
Something else about Fletch is, that I know he so dearly holds that first trip to
Disneyland where, for the first time, in as long as he could remember, he swiped his debit
card without tensing up. And he so wants it for others too.
Now David has asked Fletch to come on as an OMG (player) coach for our OMG NHB
2014: Project X mastermind coaching community, on the premise that Fletch could help us
open up to more beginners and help get a broader array of questions answered.
Sort of having somebody on “zone”, like a free safety in football who’s main job is
generally is to prevent particularly big plays, while generally supporting the rest of the
defense, Fletch would be there to nip potential stumbling blocks for a broader array of
members in the bud, and also provide more opportunities to get answers about Greg’s SEO
blueprint, which Fletch is very well versed, with many of his own sites.
David named the program Project X, because it was based on the very successful
experiment we’d had with our OMG No Holds Barred coaching program, which produced
Fletch, and so many other earnings reports. How did David’s alchemy go with Project X?…
Chapter 4: Breakthrough & Snowballing (Meet Kotton)
Just under a year later, Saturday, at OMG LIVE Nashville, October 16th, 2014, I looked
out over yet another sold out audience of individuals who paid $2000 per person to join us.
Again, at the beginning of the event, when I asked, who made their trip out to OMG LIVE
with OMG profits, 3/4 of the room raised hands.
But there was a difference. The numbers were higher. Much higher.
When we were meeting a number of OMG’ers who arrived a day early at Drakes, a
terrific, fun and really accommodating bar and restaurant about a mile from OMG LIVE, and
I was walking around talking to OMG’ers it was Kurt Enget at $20,000 per month, and Lloyd
Silver at $40,000 per month, and Tim Marose at $30,000/mo, and I really could go on and on
and on.
The year before the big numbers were like $20,000 per month, like Adam Lever. But
now Adam Lever was closer to $50,000 per month.
I already knew, because when I bumped into him and his wife, Grace, the month before
she’d spilled the beans on their success.
Oh and Jamaal, who was sitting next to Fletch? Well he didn’t make the NFL. But
Jamaal was now making $50,000 per month too. Or Dave, who’s window washing business
was now up to $50,000 per month with his OMG SEO.
Then there was Gregory Ortiz, who just recent quit his job stocking shelves at Bed Bath
and Beyond because he shot up to $20,000 per month, and then well past.
Not to mention Scott Shaff, the military contractor who was also sitting next to Fletch at
OMG LIVE Nashville 2013. Right before his next deployment, in July, Scott found out, in the
same week, that his wife, Morgan, had cancer, and pregnant with their first child (which
prevented aggressive treatment.)
Fighting like a man possessed, Scott racked up $15,000 per month from Afghanistan,
with OMG SEO, while working 90-hour work-weeks, living in a bunker that comes under
almost daily attack.
Then when he got stateside Scott told his best friend since 8th grade, Stephen Twomey,
what he was doing. Now Stephen was there too, at OMG LIVE Nashville 2014, telling me
how he just wants to quit his job so he can see his kids grow up with his eyes, and not
through pictures and FaceTime when he’s on yet another road sales trip, and how Stephen
felt he was so close he could almost taste it.
Ok, so how were the numbers so much bigger than the year before?
Well for one thing Greg and Fletch kicked butt. And for another thing, OMG is a city on
a hill, a place where friends come together in providence, and our more successful members
rallied like crazy around each other.
There is no better example than Kotton Grammer.
And in some ways no more unlikely. Because at the beginning of 2014, Kotton hadn’t
worked in over a year, and he had never made a website, much less ranked one.
He had plenty going for him. After a life growing up on his Grandfather’s apple farm,
he moved to Orlando in his early 20s, and nearly washed up…things got so financially
strained that he wound up sleeping in his car, before it got repossessed that is.
Fortunately that was right when things were starting to swing in Kotton’s favor. He was
selling cell phones, when they were still quite new. And he had a knack for it.
In fact he did so well that he began training his co-workers, and moving up the chain,
from selling vacation homes to coordinating fundraisers for charities to the tune of millions,
Kotton became of of the most highly sought after sales consultant.
He quit work exhausted from working 100-hours weeks and wanting to spend the last
few precious months his grandmother had left before she passed in 2009.
Kotton didn’t want to return to the rat-race, after that. So, like Fletch, he took to the
internet to try to figure out how to build his own business from home.
He found Alex Becker, who pointed him to us. Kotton was down to his last few dollars
when he joined OMG NHB 2014: Project X.
The first 60-day were a challenging time. He was excited about OMG and what he
knew was possible with what we were sharing, and with our track record.
But there were doubters, understandably so. Here’s Kotton speaking out on his first 60-
days, when he made nothing, but built his foundation.
90-days in Kotton got his first $1,000 per month by landing a client. The next month
things exploded. $14,000. And then his income rocketed up. $25,000. $40,000. These were
monthly numbers.
And it kept snowballing.
Before he knew it Kotton hit $96,000. In a single month. It was incredible.
By the time he spoke at OMG LIVE Nashville 2014, Kotton had broken the million
dollar mark:
He did it by getting a base of clients, and
then snowballing like crazy on his reputation.
But Kotton wasn’t the only one snowballing.
One OMG’er after the next thrived from Kotton’s insight, experience, and the energy he
brought to the table.
Just like Kotton stood on Greg’s and Fletch’s shoulders, when he was getting started,
now other OMG’ers were standing on his shoulders, as he appeared on webinar after
webinar, to help expand people’s thoughts as to what was possible, and techniques for doing
Before Kotton sights were set high. $20,000 per month is a heck of a lot of money. It’s
about what a doctor makes. By OMG LIVE Nashville 2014, Kotton was making almost what a
doctor makes in a year every month.
In fact, as I introduced Kotton, at OMG LIVE Nashville 2014, I asked for a show of
hands, as to who had made money with Kotton’s advice. I was expecting several. I was
shocked to see this.
Months before, when David already saw Kotton helping one OMG’er after the next
breakthrough, David invited Kotton to join us as a (player) coach for OMG No Holds Barred
2015: Project Breakthrough.
Because David realized that Kotton had the ability to elevate what everybody around
him thought was possible, while delivering the energy needed to make that happen.
Everything was snowballing…
Chapter 5: Paying For Coaching (Meet Liz)
February 3rd, 2015, I was coming off the stage at Jason Fladlein’s ASM Masters event in
the Venetian Hotel in Vegas. Here’s the reaction to my speech.
Well I should say the “instant” reaction. Because things were about to get pretty
shocking, as a young woman, named Liz tapped me on the shoulder, a few minutes later.
Kotton and I were in Vegas that week, to meet with Jason Fladlien, a web conversion
money-getting genius, who had, like Alex Becker, been inspired to work hard and very
effectively at building OMG both from the outside and from the inside.
Kotton was busy with one of his Assimilation webinars for OMG NHB 2015: Project
Breakthrough members - his wild qna webinars + shock SEO and money-getting secrets.
Half webinar, half rock concert.
I turned to face Liz, who re-introduced herself. We had met briefly the year before,
when she was on the comeback.
April 15, 2011 the bottom had fallen out.
Liz’s heart skipped a beat that day as she quickly logged into her account. The news
was everywhere.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me…”
She had never been any good at math, but $0 is $0.
It’s not $250,000. “Shit, shit, shit, shit.”
4 mortgages. The cars. Everything. She was going to lose everything.
Liz stared at her Ultimate Bet online poker account. Chips on hold. That meant $0.
Definitely not $250,000. Ok, that’s it. It’s all gone. $1,000,000 gone.
Liz burst out laughing. She wiped a tear from her eye. Her huge grin had returned.
Eurolinx, another poker site, had done the same thing. They took her money.
Liz had come back from so many setbacks she’d lost count.
Her girlfriend made off with $6-figures worth of Pokemon cards and Star Wars
collectables that they’d built up in their eBay business.
She got deathly ill when she finally hit it big with her first million dollar ecommerce
business selling Everquest gold and items, and other online gaming virtual properties.
Heck, her dad even took her Camaro away when she made a $2000 per week event
promotion business when she was 16. Liz needed a career change. Like, yesterday. Because
her poker career was over. That’s when she started looking everywhere.
Now Liz had also been a part of that same introductory SEO program owned by me,
David and Kelly Felix (we had since sold it to Kelly at the beginning of 2013), that Greg
Morrison had been a part of, when he met me and David. And she’d followed along with
Greg in those 2000 posts in the introductory SEO forum we had, where he documented his
success and many of his techniques, while answering questions.
Liz followed along with Greg when we started OMG. Now she had crossed OMG
Google SEO with her own brand of Amazon sales. And the results were shocking.
Here’s the video earnings report that I recorded with her, that very moment.
Liz had done over $1,000,000 in sales in December.
Liz did it the same way she took the poker world by storm, before the DOJ lowered the
boom on online poker sites in 2011 forcing her exit - coaching. She got the best coaches money
could buy. And they changed her life, just like she gained from coaching with Greg.
Jared Tindler changed her life in Poker. A sports psychologist, Jared helped Liz re-shape
her emotions when she played poker.
Tilt is the killer. Feeling emotionally entitled to win. Underestimating opponents. Going
for revenge instead of going for money.
Jared helped her identify the signs of tilt, that were robbing her. And they were, because
once she got that part straight she became a $1,000,000 per year poker player.
Likewise when her emergency career change hit, she didn’t skip a beat, she went for the
best coaching she could find…
“What are you doing tonight?” I asked Liz, “Because I’ve got a couple guys I want you
to meet…”
Chapter 6: Wildcard (Meet Joe Marfoglio)
Saturday, July 11th, 2015 found me and Joe Marfoglio headed towards the hotel lobby
bar, to meet up with Liz, at the Hilton LAX, in Los Angeles, for the Bob Proctor ABC’s of
Success live event, and for Assimilation LIVE Los Angeles.
Assimilation LIVE is Kotton’s brainchild. Kotton wanted to extend his already epic
Assimilation webinars from OMG’ers virtual living rooms to their actual back-yards.
We’d already done Assimilation Dallas, with Alex Becker, a couple weeks before hand,
and it was electric getting together with so many successful and exited OMG’ers.
Already by July, Liz had taken OMG by storm. Starting that night in Vegas, me Liz and
Kotton spent 4 nights together starting at around 7 or 8 and stretching into the early hours of
the morning, getting to know one another, and then talking strategy.
Kotton asked Liz if she’d be willing to reveal what she’s been doing to have so much
success inside OMG. She was enthusiastic. Liz was such a special case because though she’d
been with us when she got her start, she’d developed so greatly, under the radar, that by the
time she emerged she was so incredibly advanced that she already fit in every way.
David invited Liz to join us as a (player) coach shortly after that.She sprang into action
packing our members area with invaluable training on her unorthodox methods of sourcing
product and using SEO traffic from You Tube videos over to her listings.
Not to mention a number of powerhouse secret weapons she had tucked into her back
pocket including a flood of her highly competent and successful friends who joined OMG.
Just earlier that afternoon
Liz, Kev and Jin Chon and I
spent the afternoon together.
Kev and Jin are incredibly
successful on Amazon, to the
point where they have their own
LA warehouse. But they have a
genuine “pay it forward” nature
to them, even before they joined
OMG they started holding, and
still hold personal meet-ups in
their area with Amazon sellers
to help and support them.
(Kev and Jin appeared on
several webinars answering
questions and even offered their
warehouse as a special weight
point for OMG’ers.)
Liz’s friend, Mike Bitler
brought OMG’s to their feet,
revealing tactics that let our
members cut past sticking
points. Two more of Liz’s
friends, Susan McDowell and
Tai, got in on things too helping
dollars roll.
And then we got even
luckier, and Jack Harvell
Jack, like Liz, had been quietly having tons of success inside of OMG. He started, like
Kotton, in SEO client consulting.
But now he was taking on more and more Amazon clients, as well as selling his own
Amazon products, powering things with Amazon traffic and with outside traffic from Google
Jack was incredibly generous, jumping on several webinars and adding over the
shoulder training.
Liz set OMG on fire. And
earnings reports like Andy
Powell’s poured in:
As Liz and I walked up to the
bar at the LAX Hilton, we spied
Kotton, Fletch and Joe
Just like the way Liz had sort of
“popped into existence already
successful” at least in terms of
mine and David Mills’
awareness, so too had Joe
appeared out of the blue.
Joe joined our OMG No Holds
Barred 2012 coaching.
Unlike Greg Morrison, Fletch,
Kotton, or even Liz, when Joe
joined us he was already
successful with online money-
In Joe’s case, after a very rocky
start, that included his wife
handing him a Home Depot
application, which was a tough
one to swallow, given that Joe
had built and sold a successful
Granite importing business.
But the crash of 2007 forced him into the same “instant career change needed” situation
that Liz had found herself in 2011.
Joe found SEO Client consulting about a year before he found OMG. At first he really
struggled. It took him months to land his first client, a tight-fisted dentist who strung along
his first deal seemingly forever before Joe finally sent him over the edge by wowing the
dentist with a quick ranking video.
But once he hit his stride he rattled off a $100,000 series of wins, all in a few weeks span.
The reason Joe joined OMG is that he saw the transparency that David Mills baked into
the program and it called to him.
Not long after that, David called me and asked me to film an interview with Joe,
because he was just so knowledgeable.
The interview turned into an emotional cage match, when I asked to roll play how Joe
gets clients, and I was roll playing the perspective client, and Joe was being himself, and Joe,
as himself told me that he wasn’t interested in
working with me, the perspective client,
because I wasn’t serious enough, based on my
behavior during the roll playing.
I was so shocked my heart jumped into
my chest. I immediately wanted to be “Joe” in
the roll play, and have him be the client.
That interview went on to be one of the
most successful mechanisms to help OMG’ers
land clients. Here’s an except from that
One of the things that I learned during
that interview was, Joe Marfoglio is a wildcard.
Because you never know what he’s going to do
next, except that it’s going to be exciting.
From day 1 payed it forward heart and
soul. And, true to form, we never knew what
would come next from Joe.
Like the time he decided he was going to transplant his wife and four kids to Costa
Rica, and he was hell bent on having Clickbank affiliate paychecks to foot the bill while he
goofed off with his kids at high tide.
Joe used help from me and David to put together a series of SEO driven affiliate sites.
One of them made over $60,000 on its own.
In 2014 Joe ran a small section in our OMG NHB 2014: Project X members area
dedicated to resources to help OMG’ers have success with affiliate marketing too. And it
worked great. Earnings reports from people like Karl pour in.
Joe had a particular skill at patching the holes in the money-getting bucket, including a
real open-ness to David Mills’ “rubber meets the road” Law of Implication training.
David asked Joe if he’d like to join us as a (player) coach for OMG NHB 2015: Project
Breakthrough. By the trip to LA this Summer, Joe was getting to meet with OMG’ers raking
in huge amounts of money, that he was helping.
Joe’s “Hot Seat” coaching sessions, where he encourages members to jump on live with
him to get under the hood of their OMG money-getting operations to either jump start or
turbo-charge, was at first a scary thing for some. But now they are now popular coachings,
both in attendance and earnings reports.
Plus Joe’s own money-getting took off:
I saw Joe take everything in as OMG’ers poured in to greet us in Los Angeles.
Bob Proctor had just proclaimed that OMG is his #1 all-time recommendation. So that
event in Los Angeles, with Bob Proctor right there, calling out to me and Liz and our (player)
coaches from the stage and once again cheering people on to get in OMG and to take it
deadly serious, as he’s been doing every since another top fighter for OMG, Anik Singal,
asked Bob to come join OMG and get involved with helping what we’re trying to do, in 2014.
Those Assimilation events, which you can read about, along with many of the events
and exciting new absolute rush of new earnings reports of 2015, are chronicles in my The
OMG Way email dispatches.
Chapter 7: Here’s The Deal (Massive Advantages for Mere
Mortals towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery)
Today is Sunday, October 18th, three years after we launched our
We now boast hundreds and hundreds of earnings reports. Now that’s not hundreds
and hundreds compared to other like programs with say 100 or 200 less than us.
1% vs 50%-95% Success
In most cases it’s the cause for a whole parade in the online marketing world when you
get one earnings report. That’s because, as I mentioned earlier, the success rate of most
programs. Problem is that’s also right about the success rate of people shopping for such
programs, whether or not they buy the program.
My point is that 1% effectiveness is really 0%. Because it’s not as if you can buy 10 such
programs and have your odds increase to 10% I know because I have behind the scenes info
that there are many such buyers, and yet, over the years, as these buyers buy more and more,
their chances don’t go up. It’s stuck at pretty much that 1% level.
What we have, under David Mills vision, planning, and guidance, is a venture that, like
our Magic business, and like our relationship advice business were the only businesses that I
know of that snowballed with success reports and, then based on that reputation explosion,
earnings of the business.
And what I’m telling you is highly duplicatable.
David Mills and I had that run ourselves, where we did it again and again, and had at
very least huge financial success on each project.
Then add to that we’re 3-for-3 on these projects with mastermind coaching
communities, to where we really got 50% to 95% success, depending on how you measure,
and who just up and completely quits, and putting in some reasonable effort (which we
always report in our marketing is, a necessity - and yes that’s the same with “Massive
Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/ David Mills.)
Now we have, in two cases, rolled out “tests” of David’s method, with projects that we
did not do anything more than plan and help a bit with the marketing, which is something
that’s scalable both for our students, and for David and I.
M-Factor October 2015 Case study 1: Mike Swanson:
OK let me do some back of the envelope math here. Mike did 380 new sales of a trial
offer we strategized for his stock trading info product. 60%, or 228, converted into
subscribers, worth on average about $1200 each. So 228 times $1200 is $273,600 in new sales
in the last 2-months.
Or about $136,800 per month. #BOOM!
Now Mike Swanson is going to come on an Annihilation Engine Acceleration Google
Hangout webby with me tomorrow, Monday at 6 PM Eastern, to blow the lid off his exciting
earnings report, and to go deeper into this Video ebook you’re reading now, and to explain
more about this exciting M-Factor.
M-Factor October 2015 Case study 2: Liz Herrera & John GIll.
Ok this one is so hot off the presses that I don’t even have a screen capture or video to
share. But it’s incredibly exciting all the same.
Liz Herrera and John Gill asked me and David to help her with a little M-Factor magic.
Well today she’s wrapping up a $300,000 project, on location in China!
And get this, I just got off the phone with Liz, from China, and she already has 20
video-testimonials locked and loaded for her M-Factor Snowballing.
We’re doing everything we can to get Liz on the line with you sometime between now
and when the clock strikes zero on this whole M-Factor event, Thursday October 22nd, at 12
Midnight Pacific time, and this opportunity wraps up until sometime (probably late) in 2016.
Here’s the rundown:
I have eaten slept and breathed David’s money-getting method, this M-Factor, for over
a decade.
In this book you’ve seen a chronicle of successes, especially the triumph of OMG.
David Mills is an individual who’s built a million dollars per month, at a 70% profit
margin business, in three years, starting from scratch.
And the success and goodwill of our members is probably 100 times our own. Not
surprisingly we’re snowballing.
Which is great because we’re all, you and I, poised at the pulse point of a multi-trillion
dollar economy with planets like Google, Amazon and You-Tube orbiting them, and blasting
off millions and millions in money-getting opportunity.
Now, for the first time ever, because Anik, who’s helped build OMG from the outside,
and from the inside, including bringing Bob Proctor, from The New York Times best seller
The Secret, inside OMG…
(Bob now calls OMG his #1 all-time recommendation in 50-years of helping people.)
…Because Anik is launching his Publish Academy coaching, where he’s really covering
a huge number of examples and techniques and offering lots of tech guidance in getting
started with digital information product publishing…
…Information products are incredibly effective, either to supercharge your physical
products (Amazon) business, to add rocket boosters to your affiliate marketing business, to
put your SEO client consulting business on steroids, or just to do as a focused venture with
none of those elements…
…They are a virtual goal mine of real
money-getting, and there’s no barrier to
entry, other than to join us and focus in
like me, Greg Morrison, Fletch, Kotton,
Liz and Joe, on listening to David Mills
…Because I’ve managed to secure a deal
with David Mills to finally open the
incredible vault of his mind, and come
out from behind the scenes, to coach you,
and create a mastermind for you to help
your success with Info products.
Introducing “Massive Advantages towards Making
Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/ David Mills.
Time for the rubber to meet the road when it comes to putting your money-getting on
the M-Factor.
Ok now what I can’t and won’t do, more out of timelines than out of stamina, is create
elaborate detailed and gripping descriptions of all of the benefits of the M-Factor advantages.
I’d actually very much enjoy doing that for you at some point. But that point is
probably going to be in late 2016.
For now what I decided to do with today, so I can wrap this video ebook and get it out
to you, is to focus my energy in on painting a really vivid picture of the context surrounding
this whole “Massive Advantages towards
Making Millions: Info Product Business
Mastery” w/ David Mills, opportunity.
Because you’ve got David Mills here
with a $1,000,000 per month information
product business, and he’s willing to help
you master that too.
You’ve got a sense of the track record
and some of the decision points. Other things
I thought about talking to you about, like the
way that David future paces his students
success. But I discarded that in favor of trying
to future pace your success by giving you a
real sense of how fun, stable, and yet
incredibly powerful and dynamic from a
money-getting, rubber-meets-the-road
perspective it is like to work inside David’s
Anti-Fragile frameworks.
Now I’ve also been through every
second of the training that David has created
for you, for “Massive Advantages towards
Making Millions: Info Product Business
Mastery” and it’s structured like a “virtual”
OMG LIVE weekend, Saturday, Sunday and
Monday, that you can do at your own pace.
And then that includes Q’n’A coaching
webinars with David.
To give some perspective on things, I was talking to David Hood right about the point
when he hit $10,000 per month with his OMG online money-getting. And David Hood asked
what me and David Mills would charge for such coaching. I said I’m sure it would be
Speaking of which, here’s David Hood’s October Earnings report:
We decided not to charge $25,000, because we decided never to do this “Massive
Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” project, because we
were too caught up with the $1,000,000 per month business that David created.
Here’s a sneak speek spy photo of your “Massive Advantages towards Making
Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills members area:
But now, because we want to especially do something great with Anik’s Publish
Academy coming out, and we want to give you David’s incredible framework, baked in with
tons of details and actionable templates for just building something so strong and enduring,
and yet lively and financially growing, then this is an advantage I can only compare to OMG
NHB 2015: Project Breakthrough, which has these earnings reports, plus lots more that I have
published in my The OMG Way email dispatches but haven’t yet added to the main page..
But wait! There’s more!
Because I’ve gotten so wrapped up with experiencing the success of one OMG’er after
the next, like so many people you’ve met in this book and many, many hundreds of others,
and now at the same time I’m getting pulled even deeper down the rabbit hole, because
David Mills comes along with this “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info
Product Business Mastery” and I’m thinking to myself that I know OMG No Holds Barred
2016: Project Assimilation is only going to be on sale until January 1st, 2016, and after that it’s
closed for registration until 2017.
So I’ve got a situation where some of my bandwidth is opening up, and it’s coming at a
time where there’s all this fresh new energy because of Massive Advantages towards
“Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills and because I’ve been
around the block with M-Factor, I know that there’s going to be a ton of incredibly successful
OMG’ers from boosting things with this M-Factor secret advantage package David has
assembled for you.
And I realize that you can go to any level, at any time. You might start making more
money than me, David and Greg Morrison combined. Maybe even that many times over.
And I want a front row seat. Now not every person out there starts with my innate energy
and relative fearlessness. But I’ve found that my energy and fearlessness are surprisingly
available to those in my general aura (whatever that exactly means.)
So I have something to bring to the table to anybody joining forces with David Mills on
“Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” in addition
to my own expertise with M-Factor after 20-years of exposure to David Mills and joining
forces with him on project after project.
Because of all of those factors I’ve decided to make a new secret Facebook group that
I’ve titled: “Rainmaker.” The group currently only has me, David Mills, and our OMG
(player) coaches, but will soon include everybody who joins “Massive Advantages towards
Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills.
The purpose of the group is for me to interact with “Massive Advantages towards
Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills members, help where I can,
and provide a venue for more q’n’a, sharing of test results, joining forces, and all that
wonderful mastermind-ing stuff that leads to the kind of snowballing that’s a calling card of
a David Mills M-factor driven info product business. (Like you’ll have, should you join us!)
I’ll create a simple to follow rules set that will include positivity, no product offers
outside something I might occasionally want to remind you of, (we may, at some point have a
separate marketplace for offers, but not for now) and, no product reviews.
Ok so let’s wrap this up.
With “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery”
w/David Mills you’re getting his secret M-Factor advantages, and you’re getting that
through having lifetime access to a members area for you to get your video training, all set in
an “OMG LIVE” weekend workshop format, Saturday, Sunday and Monday (You don’t have
to travel and you can do it, at your own pace, when you’re ready.)
And that will also include several Q’n’A coaching webinars with David, which will be
recorded live and then placed in your members area over the next few weeks.
Plus I’ve decided to create my new Rainmaker secret Facebook, where you can be
involved with me personally on this journey.
Now with all of that, like I was discussing with David Hood, a year ago I would have
told you the price tag will be $25,000.
But bound by the fact that we’re mixing in with Anik’s offer, which is a small fraction of
that cost, helped guide us to a way to essentially offer you both Massive Advantages towards
Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills and Publish Academy w/
Anik, in essence, for 50% off what the bare bones price for either would be.
Here’s the deal:
Instead of paying $25,000, or even $10,000, or even $8,000 like OMG NHB 2016: Project
Breakthrough will be, all you have to do to get “Massive Advantages towards Making
Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills, plus added to my Rainmaker secret
Facebook group, is join Anik’s Publish Academy on the Platinum plan.
Then send me an email to my personal email address, so I can personally enroll you in
“Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David
Mills, and also so I can add you to my all-new Rainmaker secret Facebook group.
You’ll want to make sure you join through this link, because if the tracking doesn’t
work you’ll have to email Anik to get your bonus from me.
(For somebody who wants to buy Publish Academy Gold instead, we’ll give a bite sized part of
“Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills.)
Come October 18th, 2016 I can tell you this, if you join us, you’re going to be in a
different universe than you are now. And let’s face it, it’s exciting to catch something when
it’s brand new and you’ve got a shot to jump in on the ground floor.
But there is a catch:
I don’t want to put any pressure here, but there’s a catch…
…Because right now you can get in by clicking through here, taking Anik’s platinum
plan, and then emailing me personally at with the receipt so I can
personally add you in to “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product
Business Mastery” w/David Mills, and also to my all-new Rainmaker secret Facebook
…But 12:01 AM, Friday morning, October 23rd, Anik’s cart closes and that will wrap up
the chance to join “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business
Mastery” w/David Mills and my Rainmaker secret Facebook group until probably this time
in 2016.
Click through here, take Anik’s platinum plan, and then email me personally at with the receipt, so I can personally add you in to “Massive
Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills, and
also to my all-new Rainmaker secret Facebook group.
See you on the inside,
Mike Long
P.S.Tomorrow at 6 PM Eastern $6-figure/mo M-Factor’er Mike Swanson is joining me
for a Google Hangout webby here, on the M-Factor event resource page.

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Publish Academy Bonus: Annihilation Engine 2015

  • 2. ”In over 50-years doing this…OMG is my #1 all-time recommendation.” - Bob Proctor, 2015 
 ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 2 Greg Morrison Standing Ovation (2014) Greg Morrison Standing Ovation (2013) "OMG is my #1 all-time recommendation." - Bob Proctor, 2015Who paid for their OMG LIVE tickets with OMG Money (2014) Who paid for their OMG LIVE tickets with OMG Money (2013) David Mills Standing Ovation (2014)
  • 3. Prologue: The Rubber Meets The Road (Meet Mike Long) Basic fact of any business, no matter what: Nobody makes money until the rubber meets the road. As in: until every hole in the bucket is patched, and until somebody cuts the water on, you’re not going to fill up a bucket with water. Business, even online business is the same way. Listen, I’m the first to tell you, to this day, around 18 years after I started focusing on online marketing in 1998, I’m still a sucker for shiny objects. Who can resist the promise of the “city of gold” where your wildest dreams will be fulfilled? (Or to put it a simpler way, I think the offer of “easy money” tugs at our heartstrings.) And by the same rules, when the rubber meets the road, anything is possible: I can’t say that I ever had the goal of renting out the Playboy Mansion for a party, though I sure liked Playboy magazine when I was a kid growing up. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 3
  • 4. Ok granted, most guru type presentation shots that I’ve ever seen, where you get to the “triumphant success” pictures, it’s usually the guru shaking hands with Richard Branson and Mark Cuban, or sailing on a yacht or driving an exotic car. But the picture above is from a particularly surprising, even daring, and ultimately nicely profitable series of money-getting chess moves. Because in every case, miraculous as it seemed at times, the rubber met the road. It started in 2004 with a launch that I managed of a product called Traffic Secrets, by John Reese. John had sold a $4500/person web traffic workshop, not unlike OMG LIVE Nashville, and John had recorded the event. John’s plan was to turn the recordings into a DVD home study course. Early in the process I set a goal that we do a million dollars on the launch day. At first John thought I was crazy, but ultimately it happened. Powered only by word of mouth generated by a careful affiliate marketing campaign, we did $1,000,000 in sales in 24-hours, by selling 1000 copies of John’s course for $1000 each. After that, David Mills and I put together an first DVD but then soon all-digital home study course for Magic: the Gathering, which we sold to my ecommerce customers who bought Magic cards from me on eBay and off my Google and Yahoo rankings driven website. That web business, MTG Secrets, got hundreds of testimonials, in what we called our “Annihilation Engine” method of getting these success stories by getting the rubber to meet the road with their success, and then sharing the success reports with our members at large, motivating more to join us and apply what they are learning. It snowballed, transforming my up and down ecommerce business into a stable, rapidly growing venture, that was much less risky and more enjoyable. I had never seen success on the level that our members displayed. We had constant reports from people, where, when they joined us, they struggled to win games, to where now they were winning whole tournaments. And our Yahoo group (similar to Facebook groups today) was filled with life and constant ongoing scientific test results powered success. Next, Jeff Walker did a painstaking case-study of that Traffic Secrets Million Dollar Day, along with a case study of David and my MTG Secrets business, along some other materials, in a DVD home study course called Product Launch Formula, and once again asked me to manage it, and take more of a front roll with affiliates, and with copywriting. I agreed and in 2005 Product Launch formula, launched to around a $600,000 first two weeks in sales. Again that was all driven by the surprising power of affiliate marketing, where several affiliates were able to each do big sales, adding up to a massive payday. And the product had ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 4
  • 5. an immediate and lasting impact on the whole culture of online marketing and what was possible. And not just in the online marketing niche. Soon these launches sprang up in every niche from relationship advice to health and fitness. A year later, in May of 2006, I registered the website That’s because me and David Mills had joined forces with Andy Jenkins and Brad Fallon, on a Google SEO course for ecommerce businesses, called StomperNet, and it was both my goal and prediction that in the first 24-hours of sales we’d do $10,000,000. Here’s what happened: ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 5
  • 6. What you’re looking at is right around $10,000,000 in sales, primarily based on $891,048 in recurring billings on a 12-payment plan. Again, this was all based on affiliate traffic. Brad and Andy bought me and David Mills out weeks after the launch. The Rich Jerk Playboy Mansion party, in the summer of 2007 was the next move. I helped my friend Kelly Felix plan and market the party, where he’d rent out the mansion and sell tickets at $2,000 per person, once again by affiliate traffic. I even got in on the Playbody Mansion party as an affiliate, but in a bit of an “off the wall” way. Because me and David had partnered with a man named Erik Von Markovic, who goes by the stage name Mystery, and who the New York Times called the “Greatest Pickup Artist in the world.” Mystery was the focus of Neil Strauss’ New York Times best seller The Game. We were joining forces to put together a DVD home study course to teach Mystery’s system for helping guys meet girls more successfully. I first met Mystery back in 2004, about a month before that Traffic Secrets Million Dollar Day, when John Reese and took a couple of weeks out West, including a trip to LA, to attend an event run by Eben Pagan, who went by the name David DeAngelo for his Double Your Dating online info business, which he ran with the help of Craig Clemmons. Craig, who was in his early 20s at the time had been to John’s traffic workshop, and acted as our tour-guide, both explain the inner working of this whole “Pick-up Artist” thing, and drawing back the curtain on their world, including taking us out “in field” with Mystery and taking us to Project Hollywood, an former Rat-Pack’ers mansion in the Hollywood Hills tucked right behind Mel’s Diner and Saddleranch. Without getting too much in the weeds, it all “hit me” when I saw a guy who goes by the stage name Tyler Durden (probably because he dressed and acted like the Brad Pitt Fight Club character) and he was standing on a soap-box in the living room of this Project Hollywood mansion, and he was encircled by spellbound men in their 20s, 30s and even 40s and 50s, each of whom had paid hundreds for a lecture and to be coached “in field” by Mystery and their marry band. That is what Gary Halbert would call a starving crowd. I mentally filed away what I’d learned, and then, both before and after StomperNet I wound up helping Neil Strauss with a couple of launches that he did, and Neil, to return the favor, re introduced me to Mystery, along with the recommendation that we join forces. The first time that Mystery, David Mills and I actually had that “rubber meets the road” money-getting moment, was at the Playboy Mansion, when we took a 7000 person email ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 6
  • 7. marketing list that we’d built in the previous several weeks, all by ranking videos in You Tube and Google, and we sold a $7,000 per person “Project Hollywood” Playboy Mansion bootcamp, where Mystery would teach for two days, and then take our students in field, including at the Playboy Mansion. This, by the way, was David’s idea, and is the first example that I know, of a technique that is very powerful for launching new businesses by joining forces with the momentum of another project, called Product Boosting. And it was shockingly successful. We were the #1 affiliate for the Playboy Mansion Party contest (I even got my own cabana) and we did around $100,000 in sales, and almost every single person who went to the event gave us a video testimonial or a written one. Which was great because we also walked with the recordings of that event, which we could package and sell as a DVD home study course. From there David Mills and I launched several projects rapid fire, starting with an SEO home study course, which launched in the half million range. Followed by launching a million dollar venture based on the relationship advice stuff with Mystery, including the Project Hollywood Playboy Mansion bootcamp classroom session video recordings, on our site, where once again, just like with the Magic: the Gathering strategy site, we just got hundreds of testimonials from thankful guys and gals, in a business that once again snowballed strongly based on the strength of reputation. The flaw was that we could never find the right business chemistry with Mystery and without him to power the business it was too heavy of a lift to be worth continuing. Then, in 2008, we launched another home study course, which also had a mid 6-figure launch, “Millionaire Licensing Club” (several years before Mr Wonderful on Shark Tank!) After that string of daring escapes - because each of those projects was exciting, but with the exception of the Magic: the Gathering business, there was a common thread of instability because of the personalities involved. I’m not saying that me and David Mills have great personalities and the people we worked with didn’t. But there is always a matter of chemistry and too many chefs spoiling the broth. And the reality is that with David Mills, it’s proven to be best when he’s the chef and everybody else can do other important jobs (in a restaurant parallel, that could include marketing, events, waiting and service and so on.) The Magic business was the one stable one where things were smooth, because David did the planning for the most part, but the flaw was we thought wasn’t a big enough scale - ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 7
  • 8. maybe we were wrong because we passed it on to Patrick Chapin and Pete Hoefling and they’ve made $6-figures/yr with it for years since! The rest of the projects I described were rocky, in a couple cases based on personality differences, but more oft because David’s advice was often kept at arms length on critical decisions, like not over-promising, and rushing to market before we were ready to fulfill. You see, David was the one who had it figured out. We took a break during the year 2009 to reflect on everything that had gone on and for some rest. Most of what I did was try to wrap my head around the success that I just described, despite all of the really incredible challenges we’d faced, and despite any number of times that we had to do the money-getting version of a James Bond move and figure out some out-of-the-blue puzzle that was standing between us and success or disaster. I scrutinized decision after decision. And again and again David nailed it. And I mean David, not Mike and David. While I’m certainly valuable for my energy and faith that people can really incredibly succeed, I also was often chaotic in my decision making, which was based on a patchwork framework that I collaged together based on scraps of advice from friends and partners, and reading as many business books as I could. (My favorite is still Trump: Art of the Deal.) A lot of ideas I had were great. But some weren’t. With David, functionally speaking, that wasn’t the case. It’s not that David never made mistakes. But he didn’t make big mistakes, in a lot of cases because he did his best to keep us from getting chopped up by deadlines before we had the time to reason our way through things. I felt doubly lucky to have David’s help, the more I reflected. (Here’s an enjoyable video montage of some of the events I described above.) In 2010 we launched Bring the Fresh, an all digital introductory SEO home study course plus forum community, with Kelly Felix. Also in 2010 I started work on an informercial. By the end of 2012 Kelly wanted to buy BTF from me and David, and we agreed. We’d wrapped up my informercial and it was looking very promising. After a near miss, where we almost lost control of the infomercial, after having control of it somewhat fall into our laps (well, David Mills guided it there, anyways) we decided to move forward with a clear idea that we’d do things David’s way for a while, and see if that got us where we wanted to go, rather than placing his Law of Implication management strategy in a mixer with other partner’s decision making strategies. We began with Greg Morrison, whom had come up through Bring the Fresh, and really emerged as an SEO Superstar with a knack for coaching. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 8
  • 9. What follows is my accounting of what happened next, when David’s Law of Implication strategy, which he’s now encapsulated in Massive Advantages for Mere Mortals towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery, w/David Mills, which I’ll talk more about towards the end of things… Chapter 1: Ruthlessness (Meet David Mills) It was two years ago to this day. October 18th, 2013. I’ll never forget that day: “The Walk.” David and I stepped out into the brisk Franklin Tennessee Autumn, to start walking laps around our street, Huffine Manor Circle. Franklin is about 20 minutes drive from Nashville, and it’s a surprisingly nice area. Both David and I moved there earlier in the year. David moved first, when his wife, Olya spotted Franklin as a real gem, low on crime, high levels of happiness and prosperity, and just all around quite fun and pleasant - and close to Nashville, the 3rd fastest growing city in America, but still on the smaller side of the big towns. I followed couple months later. Huffine Manor Circle is a short walk from Whole Foods, and about a quarter mile more to Drury Plaza, the hotel that we were about to hold OMG LIVE Nashville, the next month. David and I met 18-years before, playing the collectable card game Magic: the Gathering, and we quickly rose to #1 and #2 in the world in the Professional player circuit. (Here’s David facing down Magic legend John Finkel in the semi-finals of Pro tour Chicago 1998.) We kept close touch and went into business years later, and had never stopped. David started a line of questioning that made be a little nervous. Only a subconscious twitch. David is the least judgmental person I’ve ever met. But it was hitting close to home. 1-year ago before, to the day, we began our OMG No Holds Barred coaching program. We had, at that time, 1 retired product line, that One Man Gang (OMG) No Holds Barred coaching, with Greg Morrison, our SEO coaching with Greg, with additional money- getting advice from me, I just mentioned. Then we had three other products, our “Shortcut” mini-coaching course, our “Commission Conspiracy” course, and our “End Game” mini-coaching. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 9
  • 10. Out of the three active products David investigated each, for exactly one thing. How many earnings reports were we getting. Some, yes. But it wasn’t what we were getting with that NHB coaching, which had run its course, but was still generating frequent new earnings reports from guys and gals like Fletch, Joe Marfoglio, Tim Schmidt, Martin Lotsberg, David Hood, Lonnie Welch, Abby Hunjo, and Trish and Andrew Reidel. We had dozens in the $5-figure per month range. All in just one year. It was unbelievable. But it was a small program, the way we had it set up originally, and put too much pressure on Greg Morrison, whom we badly didn’t want to burn out. “So each of them, we agree they have great information. And they are potentially helpful people. But our standard isn’t copping out at feeling like we could be getting in lots of earnings reports.” That was it. David killed our 3 last product lines, 1, 2, 3. Each were $6-figure successes, that we’d poured blood sweat and tears to create and get off the ground. But what David says, goes. You see, David has the final say in OMG, by Greg Morrison and my decision. So there didn’t need to be a committee on it. And with good reason, which you’ll soon discover. (Of course we continued, and to this day continue, to stream videos and supply written instruction promised in those products, and even, for a good amount of time, update those products, even though we were well outside of the promises we’d made, when we sold them.) Long story short, outside of a few tickets we could still sell at OMG LIVE, we were, at that moment a product-less business. That was probably 4 laps around Huffine Manor into our walk… Chapter 2: One Man Gang (Meet Greg Morrison) One month later, Greg took the stage at OMG LIVE Nashville, Monday November 18th, in 2013, after I introduced him. It was already a shock… I found myself tearing up as I introduced Greg, because I was staring into the faces of so many people who’s lives he’d shaped, both with a free traffic step-by-system with nothing left out… ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 10
  • 11. …But also his moral example, as a driven, caring, fearless hard worker, compassionate and humble to the bone, despite his now massive $6-figure/mo, month after month (some months making more than doctors make in a year!), year after year, success. As I said the words, “Ladies and gentlemen, Greg Morrison, the guy I call the One Man Gang.” the sold out audience of around 180 people, each of whom paid $2,000 to attend and flew in from all over the world, erupted into a roaring standing ovation. Greg hadn’t even said a word yet. I looked out in shock. I hadn’t seen somebody get a genuine standing ovation at a paid online marketing event in the last 10-years. Friday evening that I introduced Alex Becker, a $6-figure per month OMG’er (one of my really happy moments was when Alex bought his Lamborghini) who opened things with a rousing speech on how he created an online funnel for Lawyers to pay him for SEO based on a “Marketing for Lawyers” book he created. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 11
  • 12. The next morning, Saturday, before I began the incredible training they would get, I asked for a show of hands, for who bought their ticket to OMG LIVE Nashville with money they made with help and support from OMG. Here’s what happened. Incredible. Because about 3 out of every 4 people raised their hands. I had never, ever seen anything in the same universe as that. Even David Mills gasped. And it was all his idea in the first place, to have a (player) coach like Greg Morrison, a guy making $6-figures per month with SEO doing affiliate marketing and SEO Client consulting, actually teaching a duplicable system for free traffic, based on ongoing science, taught over his shoulder, ALL questions answered. Now I knew why David killed those 3 product lines, because this is all that we wanted. Overwhelming success, clear-cut. When Greg Morrison found out he was going to be a dad, he was waking up every day at 3 in the morning to get to work for the early, early shift as a casino operator where he lives, near Wilmington Delaware. Greg had a short brush with success when he made a particularly popular website based on traffic, when he was 21. But he’d long since blown through the couple hundred thousand he’d made selling the site. The idea of fatherhood really motivated Greg. He found an introductory SEO course that David Mills and I published with Kelly Felix from 2010 to 2012. And Greg took the basic SEO template was handed him, and turned it into a work of ongoing money-getting science. I remember when I got Greg’s first earnings report. It was incredible. $60,000 in one week of all-nighters ranking sites to flip them to a hot buyer in desperate need of Google traffic sources in a competitive niche. A couple weeks later I hosted an SEO webinar and Greg actually jumped on and gave a bit of advice, and updated his earnings report. Over the next year, Greg would post over 2000 times in the forum that we had for that introductory SEO course. Just because he wanted to. Answering questions, even making tutorial videos to explain points they might be missing. 2000 posts, in just one year. It was incredible. And Greg’s earnings racked up higher and higher. One time Greg was texting me that he was in a bank, in the bank managers office, and that up front, the bank was getting held up by armed robbers. Good thing, I thought, that the robbers didn’t know, that Greg had way more money than that bank had on hand. In less than a year Greg made his first million. And then shortly after that, his second. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 12
  • 13. Greg approached me and David about creating a best practices ebook for SEO. David had another idea. Right around that time David and I wound up in a weird dilemma. We had just gone through some live testing of an infomercial that I created with my producer Tim Jasinski, which David Mills did the planning for. (Interesting split test, by the way. The first show we shot took over a year, ran through $200,000 to create, and wound up dead on arrival because it cost $180 per book it sold in testing. $100 is considered great. $150 shaky.) Now the all-time best performing make-money niche infomercial of all time that I’ve ever heard of is Anthony Morrison’s show, which was around $44 per customer. My show actually tested out in a really good range, similar to Anthony’s so it was very promising. The problem was that, the general model with an informercial is that A) you need to make money relatively quickly on the “back end” to pay for your TV air time, and B) your buyers, who get your book, often want coaching to help them succeed. Now there was no shortage of coaching companies ready with promises including the sun, moon and stars. (Some also promised stars that had yet to be discovered.) ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 13
  • 14. The promises were vague as they were grandiose. And mostly involved me and David Mills getting paid massive sums and partying in Vegas. David asked 2 questions. How much were the coaches themselves making with the techniques they were teaching, and how much were students then making. We never heard back with one report of earnings from a single coach or from a single customer. Now I have no doubt there are some. Most products have a 1% success rate. Problem is, that about 1% of the people shopping for products on how to make money will wind ups successful too. So if your product doesn’t have a higher success rate than the success rates of people generally shopping for help, then that’s pretty stark. But they weren’t looking for successful coaches or students. David asked Greg if he’d consider doing that OMG No Holds Barred coaching with us, with a step by step, over Greg’s shoulder approach to a training area that spelled out how Greg gets massive free traffic. And then a couple coaching sessions a week where Greg answered all questions. (Or nearly every question - he may have missed one or two, but I can’t remember, even now, 3- years later, one person remarking that Greg missed their question.) In months Greg, David and I achieved what these coaching companies couldn’t. We had armloads of earnings reports, and a sincere connection with a tremendous audience. Our now legendary city on hill “OMG NHB Team” secret Facebook group got its beginnings. And we never even wound up the informercial, because we sold about all that we could really feel “safe” fulfilling, at least at first while we were cutting our teeth. Though a great leader, Greg is quiet and focused on SEO and member success. He says from the limelight and he had hardly gone to any online marketing events before OMG LIVE Nashville, much less spoken at any. The day before Greg mentioned that he might want me to stay up at the front of the room with him while he presented at OMG LIVE Nashville, and fielded questions. But by the time I handed him the mic he had a wry grin and with a wink he told me he’d be just fine. One man gang. When David coined the phrase is was both descriptive and inspiring. Because Greg had made millions without a single employee and with comparatively very little outsourcing. Heck, he didn’t quit that day job as a casino operator until he was almost $400,000 in! ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 14
  • 15. The first time Greg and I met in purpose was right after he quit his job. Just weeks before, Greg used to come home from work at noon, and then go straight to work on SEO until he fell asleep to start over all again. Quiet, direct, incredible, consistent and yet so good hearted. Now by the end of that walk, that we covered in Chapter 1, David and I had started from scratch, looking forward, to the future of OMG. And that meant the creation of OMG No Holds Barred 2013: Project X. As Greg looked out into the audience, to begin his presentation, a mountain of a man, amongst the sold out audience, staring back at Greg with baited breath, was moving forward into the future as a part of our OMG (player) coaching team… Chapter 3: Burning The Boats Behind You (Meet Fletch) Joshua “Fletch” Fletcher stood up with everybody else and applauded, hooting and hollering, when Greg wrapped up his presentation. To Fletch’s left was Scott Shaff, a military contractor, taking several precious days out of his in-between-deployment time away from his wife Morgan, and at OMG LIVE Nashville trying to figure out how to make his first dollar online after years of trying. To Fletch’s right was Jamaal Wilson, 23-years old, and fresh from training for the March 2013 NFL Draft Combine, where he hoped his 4.3 40-yard-dash speed would be enough to help land among the fortunate 254 players to be drafted in the April 25th-27th 2014 draft… but just in case, Jamaal didn’t want to miss out on seeing Greg Morrison live. During that walk, when we decide to create our OMG No Holds Barred 2013: Project X mastermind coaching community, when David and I looked around, at what we had to work with, our proven successful stuff, that included Greg… …And it also included Fletch. Fletch had done some very limited side (player) coaching for us in an experimental program. And thank goodness we ran that experimental program, because it gave us what would turn out to be a critical piece of our Project X program, rising like a phoenix from the ashes of the products that David discontinued the month before, October 18th, 2013, during the walk. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 15
  • 16. Because Fletch had a knack for connecting the dots from different angles for people and breathed life into our wonderful OMG NHB Team secret Facebook, much like Greg Morrison had done with the forum from that introductory SEO product. Maybe the fact that Fletch didn’t have the easiest of beginnings with OMG made it easier to see eye to eye with OMG’ers coming from all over the place, as they began. Just weeks before he joined us, Fletch got a call from his wife, Natalie. He was installing a high efficiency air conditioner. Turns out the water company had just shut off their water. And Fletch barely had enough money to get enough gas to drive home. This job would get him a few more dollars. But Fletch and Natalie combined for less than $20,000 the year before as Fletch’s business failed to take off, because he was starved for sales leads. Now Fletch was accomplished and passionate. He’d made it into Harvard grad school and even hit a nice home-run, much like Greg, with a software company he was able to exit with some good money from. But that all felt a million miles away, when he got that phone call from Natalie. Weeks later he was selling his truck to his friend for the money to join our OMG NHB Coaching. He had been researching solutions to his businesses problems - getting enough leads to survive and grow. Fletch had never heard of SEO, the idea of getting visitors from the free listings of Google to your website through relevant searches, say for “Roofer Franklin, TN.” ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 16
  • 17. He burned the midnight oil, collapsing at midnight and scrambling back out of bed at 4 AM, when the Starbucks a short walk from him would re-open, and once again provide precious internet, because Fletch didn’t have it at home. Fletch had burnt the boats behind of him like Cortés. Now it was time for him to succeed like Cortés. He researched the free Google keyword planner for long-tail keywords all over his area. And he started raking in leads. The phone started ringing for business. And a light went off in Fletch’s head. Why not make the phone ring for his contractors and sub contractors, and let them to pay him to work from home. The introductions were the easy part. He knew everybody he would pitch. The hard part was, while he was having success ranking, and making the phone ring, he had never scaled it up for somebody else. Until now. His first meeting went well, until the end, where instead of reaching for a checkbook, the subcontractor hesitated and asked for time. “You got it,” Fletch grinned, “I am headed across the street, but right now you’ve got first dibs.” (Referring to a competing subcontractor.) That was the $10,000 phrase. 45-days in. I can tell you from personal experience that $10,000 solves a lot of problems. And Fletch didn’t stop there, by a long-shot. By the time he arrived at OMG LIVE Nashville, he was already hitting $5-figures every month. But he has also paid it forward, helping other OMG’ers have success, or improve on the success they were having. His wide array of skills that he had already developed as he put his backbone into getting Greg Morrison’s OMG SEO down, learning Law of Implication from David Mills, and gleaning what he could about client consulting and web conversion from me and a host of OMG’ers contributing earnings reports, like Joe Marfoglio, as well as integrating other things he was naturally learning for himself along the way. Plus Fletch is just a “glue” kind of guy. He reached out to Lonnie Welch, from Austin Texas, whom Fletch heard about before he joined OMG, through Lonnie’s earnings report on how he made over $50,000 in one season with his AAU youth league basketball coaching program purely from traffic coming in through OMG SEO, because of rankings for basketball coaching programs in nearly every small town in the Austin metro area. Fletch just has this deep well of caring and the willingness to go out on a limb for a friend or somebody he’s looking after. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 17
  • 18. He went to Alaska to help build an addition to his brother’s house in the middle of the summer because it would save his brother thousands. They jumped on Skype right away and were fast friends, supporting one another moving forward. He also became friends with Joe and a number of other OMG’ers, even before OMG LIVE Nashville. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 18
  • 19. Something else about Fletch is, that I know he so dearly holds that first trip to Disneyland where, for the first time, in as long as he could remember, he swiped his debit card without tensing up. And he so wants it for others too. Now David has asked Fletch to come on as an OMG (player) coach for our OMG NHB 2014: Project X mastermind coaching community, on the premise that Fletch could help us open up to more beginners and help get a broader array of questions answered. Sort of having somebody on “zone”, like a free safety in football who’s main job is generally is to prevent particularly big plays, while generally supporting the rest of the defense, Fletch would be there to nip potential stumbling blocks for a broader array of members in the bud, and also provide more opportunities to get answers about Greg’s SEO blueprint, which Fletch is very well versed, with many of his own sites. David named the program Project X, because it was based on the very successful experiment we’d had with our OMG No Holds Barred coaching program, which produced Fletch, and so many other earnings reports. How did David’s alchemy go with Project X?… Chapter 4: Breakthrough & Snowballing (Meet Kotton) Just under a year later, Saturday, at OMG LIVE Nashville, October 16th, 2014, I looked out over yet another sold out audience of individuals who paid $2000 per person to join us. Again, at the beginning of the event, when I asked, who made their trip out to OMG LIVE with OMG profits, 3/4 of the room raised hands. But there was a difference. The numbers were higher. Much higher. When we were meeting a number of OMG’ers who arrived a day early at Drakes, a terrific, fun and really accommodating bar and restaurant about a mile from OMG LIVE, and I was walking around talking to OMG’ers it was Kurt Enget at $20,000 per month, and Lloyd Silver at $40,000 per month, and Tim Marose at $30,000/mo, and I really could go on and on and on. The year before the big numbers were like $20,000 per month, like Adam Lever. But now Adam Lever was closer to $50,000 per month. I already knew, because when I bumped into him and his wife, Grace, the month before she’d spilled the beans on their success. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 19
  • 20. Oh and Jamaal, who was sitting next to Fletch? Well he didn’t make the NFL. But Jamaal was now making $50,000 per month too. Or Dave, who’s window washing business was now up to $50,000 per month with his OMG SEO. Then there was Gregory Ortiz, who just recent quit his job stocking shelves at Bed Bath and Beyond because he shot up to $20,000 per month, and then well past. Not to mention Scott Shaff, the military contractor who was also sitting next to Fletch at OMG LIVE Nashville 2013. Right before his next deployment, in July, Scott found out, in the same week, that his wife, Morgan, had cancer, and pregnant with their first child (which prevented aggressive treatment.) Fighting like a man possessed, Scott racked up $15,000 per month from Afghanistan, with OMG SEO, while working 90-hour work-weeks, living in a bunker that comes under almost daily attack. Then when he got stateside Scott told his best friend since 8th grade, Stephen Twomey, what he was doing. Now Stephen was there too, at OMG LIVE Nashville 2014, telling me how he just wants to quit his job so he can see his kids grow up with his eyes, and not through pictures and FaceTime when he’s on yet another road sales trip, and how Stephen felt he was so close he could almost taste it. Ok, so how were the numbers so much bigger than the year before? Well for one thing Greg and Fletch kicked butt. And for another thing, OMG is a city on a hill, a place where friends come together in providence, and our more successful members rallied like crazy around each other. There is no better example than Kotton Grammer. And in some ways no more unlikely. Because at the beginning of 2014, Kotton hadn’t worked in over a year, and he had never made a website, much less ranked one. He had plenty going for him. After a life growing up on his Grandfather’s apple farm, he moved to Orlando in his early 20s, and nearly washed up…things got so financially strained that he wound up sleeping in his car, before it got repossessed that is. Fortunately that was right when things were starting to swing in Kotton’s favor. He was selling cell phones, when they were still quite new. And he had a knack for it. In fact he did so well that he began training his co-workers, and moving up the chain, from selling vacation homes to coordinating fundraisers for charities to the tune of millions, Kotton became of of the most highly sought after sales consultant. He quit work exhausted from working 100-hours weeks and wanting to spend the last few precious months his grandmother had left before she passed in 2009. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 20
  • 21. Kotton didn’t want to return to the rat-race, after that. So, like Fletch, he took to the internet to try to figure out how to build his own business from home. He found Alex Becker, who pointed him to us. Kotton was down to his last few dollars when he joined OMG NHB 2014: Project X. The first 60-day were a challenging time. He was excited about OMG and what he knew was possible with what we were sharing, and with our track record. But there were doubters, understandably so. Here’s Kotton speaking out on his first 60- days, when he made nothing, but built his foundation. 90-days in Kotton got his first $1,000 per month by landing a client. The next month things exploded. $14,000. And then his income rocketed up. $25,000. $40,000. These were monthly numbers. And it kept snowballing. Before he knew it Kotton hit $96,000. In a single month. It was incredible. By the time he spoke at OMG LIVE Nashville 2014, Kotton had broken the million dollar mark: He did it by getting a base of clients, and then snowballing like crazy on his reputation. But Kotton wasn’t the only one snowballing. One OMG’er after the next thrived from Kotton’s insight, experience, and the energy he brought to the table. Just like Kotton stood on Greg’s and Fletch’s shoulders, when he was getting started, now other OMG’ers were standing on his shoulders, as he appeared on webinar after ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 21
  • 22. webinar, to help expand people’s thoughts as to what was possible, and techniques for doing it. Before Kotton sights were set high. $20,000 per month is a heck of a lot of money. It’s about what a doctor makes. By OMG LIVE Nashville 2014, Kotton was making almost what a doctor makes in a year every month. In fact, as I introduced Kotton, at OMG LIVE Nashville 2014, I asked for a show of hands, as to who had made money with Kotton’s advice. I was expecting several. I was shocked to see this. Months before, when David already saw Kotton helping one OMG’er after the next breakthrough, David invited Kotton to join us as a (player) coach for OMG No Holds Barred 2015: Project Breakthrough. Because David realized that Kotton had the ability to elevate what everybody around him thought was possible, while delivering the energy needed to make that happen. Everything was snowballing… Chapter 5: Paying For Coaching (Meet Liz) February 3rd, 2015, I was coming off the stage at Jason Fladlein’s ASM Masters event in the Venetian Hotel in Vegas. Here’s the reaction to my speech. Well I should say the “instant” reaction. Because things were about to get pretty shocking, as a young woman, named Liz tapped me on the shoulder, a few minutes later. Kotton and I were in Vegas that week, to meet with Jason Fladlien, a web conversion money-getting genius, who had, like Alex Becker, been inspired to work hard and very effectively at building OMG both from the outside and from the inside. Kotton was busy with one of his Assimilation webinars for OMG NHB 2015: Project Breakthrough members - his wild qna webinars + shock SEO and money-getting secrets. Half webinar, half rock concert. I turned to face Liz, who re-introduced herself. We had met briefly the year before, when she was on the comeback. April 15, 2011 the bottom had fallen out. Liz’s heart skipped a beat that day as she quickly logged into her account. The news was everywhere. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 22
  • 23. “You’ve gotta be kidding me…” She had never been any good at math, but $0 is $0. It’s not $250,000. “Shit, shit, shit, shit.” 4 mortgages. The cars. Everything. She was going to lose everything. Liz stared at her Ultimate Bet online poker account. Chips on hold. That meant $0. Definitely not $250,000. Ok, that’s it. It’s all gone. $1,000,000 gone. Liz burst out laughing. She wiped a tear from her eye. Her huge grin had returned. Eurolinx, another poker site, had done the same thing. They took her money. Liz had come back from so many setbacks she’d lost count. Her girlfriend made off with $6-figures worth of Pokemon cards and Star Wars collectables that they’d built up in their eBay business. She got deathly ill when she finally hit it big with her first million dollar ecommerce business selling Everquest gold and items, and other online gaming virtual properties. Heck, her dad even took her Camaro away when she made a $2000 per week event promotion business when she was 16. Liz needed a career change. Like, yesterday. Because her poker career was over. That’s when she started looking everywhere. Now Liz had also been a part of that same introductory SEO program owned by me, David and Kelly Felix (we had since sold it to Kelly at the beginning of 2013), that Greg Morrison had been a part of, when he met me and David. And she’d followed along with Greg in those 2000 posts in the introductory SEO forum we had, where he documented his success and many of his techniques, while answering questions. Liz followed along with Greg when we started OMG. Now she had crossed OMG Google SEO with her own brand of Amazon sales. And the results were shocking. Here’s the video earnings report that I recorded with her, that very moment. Liz had done over $1,000,000 in sales in December. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 23
  • 24. Liz did it the same way she took the poker world by storm, before the DOJ lowered the boom on online poker sites in 2011 forcing her exit - coaching. She got the best coaches money could buy. And they changed her life, just like she gained from coaching with Greg. Jared Tindler changed her life in Poker. A sports psychologist, Jared helped Liz re-shape her emotions when she played poker. Tilt is the killer. Feeling emotionally entitled to win. Underestimating opponents. Going for revenge instead of going for money. Jared helped her identify the signs of tilt, that were robbing her. And they were, because once she got that part straight she became a $1,000,000 per year poker player. Likewise when her emergency career change hit, she didn’t skip a beat, she went for the best coaching she could find… “What are you doing tonight?” I asked Liz, “Because I’ve got a couple guys I want you to meet…” Chapter 6: Wildcard (Meet Joe Marfoglio) Saturday, July 11th, 2015 found me and Joe Marfoglio headed towards the hotel lobby bar, to meet up with Liz, at the Hilton LAX, in Los Angeles, for the Bob Proctor ABC’s of Success live event, and for Assimilation LIVE Los Angeles. Assimilation LIVE is Kotton’s brainchild. Kotton wanted to extend his already epic Assimilation webinars from OMG’ers virtual living rooms to their actual back-yards. We’d already done Assimilation Dallas, with Alex Becker, a couple weeks before hand, and it was electric getting together with so many successful and exited OMG’ers. Already by July, Liz had taken OMG by storm. Starting that night in Vegas, me Liz and Kotton spent 4 nights together starting at around 7 or 8 and stretching into the early hours of the morning, getting to know one another, and then talking strategy. Kotton asked Liz if she’d be willing to reveal what she’s been doing to have so much success inside OMG. She was enthusiastic. Liz was such a special case because though she’d been with us when she got her start, she’d developed so greatly, under the radar, that by the time she emerged she was so incredibly advanced that she already fit in every way. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 24
  • 25. David invited Liz to join us as a (player) coach shortly after that.She sprang into action packing our members area with invaluable training on her unorthodox methods of sourcing product and using SEO traffic from You Tube videos over to her listings. Not to mention a number of powerhouse secret weapons she had tucked into her back pocket including a flood of her highly competent and successful friends who joined OMG. Just earlier that afternoon Liz, Kev and Jin Chon and I spent the afternoon together. Kev and Jin are incredibly successful on Amazon, to the point where they have their own LA warehouse. But they have a genuine “pay it forward” nature to them, even before they joined OMG they started holding, and still hold personal meet-ups in their area with Amazon sellers to help and support them. (Kev and Jin appeared on several webinars answering questions and even offered their warehouse as a special weight point for OMG’ers.) Liz’s friend, Mike Bitler brought OMG’s to their feet, revealing tactics that let our members cut past sticking points. Two more of Liz’s friends, Susan McDowell and Tai, got in on things too helping dollars roll. And then we got even luckier, and Jack Harvell emerged: ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 25
  • 26. Jack, like Liz, had been quietly having tons of success inside of OMG. He started, like Kotton, in SEO client consulting. But now he was taking on more and more Amazon clients, as well as selling his own Amazon products, powering things with Amazon traffic and with outside traffic from Google OMG SEO. Jack was incredibly generous, jumping on several webinars and adding over the shoulder training. Liz set OMG on fire. And earnings reports like Andy Powell’s poured in: As Liz and I walked up to the bar at the LAX Hilton, we spied Kotton, Fletch and Joe Marfoglio. Just like the way Liz had sort of “popped into existence already successful” at least in terms of mine and David Mills’ awareness, so too had Joe appeared out of the blue. Joe joined our OMG No Holds Barred 2012 coaching. Unlike Greg Morrison, Fletch, Kotton, or even Liz, when Joe joined us he was already successful with online money- getting. In Joe’s case, after a very rocky start, that included his wife handing him a Home Depot application, which was a tough one to swallow, given that Joe had built and sold a successful Granite importing business. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 26
  • 27. But the crash of 2007 forced him into the same “instant career change needed” situation that Liz had found herself in 2011. Joe found SEO Client consulting about a year before he found OMG. At first he really struggled. It took him months to land his first client, a tight-fisted dentist who strung along his first deal seemingly forever before Joe finally sent him over the edge by wowing the dentist with a quick ranking video. But once he hit his stride he rattled off a $100,000 series of wins, all in a few weeks span. The reason Joe joined OMG is that he saw the transparency that David Mills baked into the program and it called to him. Not long after that, David called me and asked me to film an interview with Joe, because he was just so knowledgeable. The interview turned into an emotional cage match, when I asked to roll play how Joe gets clients, and I was roll playing the perspective client, and Joe was being himself, and Joe, as himself told me that he wasn’t interested in working with me, the perspective client, because I wasn’t serious enough, based on my behavior during the roll playing. I was so shocked my heart jumped into my chest. I immediately wanted to be “Joe” in the roll play, and have him be the client. That interview went on to be one of the most successful mechanisms to help OMG’ers land clients. Here’s an except from that interview. One of the things that I learned during that interview was, Joe Marfoglio is a wildcard. Because you never know what he’s going to do next, except that it’s going to be exciting. From day 1 payed it forward heart and soul. And, true to form, we never knew what would come next from Joe. Like the time he decided he was going to transplant his wife and four kids to Costa Rica, and he was hell bent on having Clickbank affiliate paychecks to foot the bill while he goofed off with his kids at high tide. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 27
  • 28. Joe used help from me and David to put together a series of SEO driven affiliate sites. One of them made over $60,000 on its own. In 2014 Joe ran a small section in our OMG NHB 2014: Project X members area dedicated to resources to help OMG’ers have success with affiliate marketing too. And it worked great. Earnings reports from people like Karl pour in. Joe had a particular skill at patching the holes in the money-getting bucket, including a real open-ness to David Mills’ “rubber meets the road” Law of Implication training. David asked Joe if he’d like to join us as a (player) coach for OMG NHB 2015: Project Breakthrough. By the trip to LA this Summer, Joe was getting to meet with OMG’ers raking in huge amounts of money, that he was helping. Joe’s “Hot Seat” coaching sessions, where he encourages members to jump on live with him to get under the hood of their OMG money-getting operations to either jump start or turbo-charge, was at first a scary thing for some. But now they are now popular coachings, both in attendance and earnings reports. Plus Joe’s own money-getting took off: I saw Joe take everything in as OMG’ers poured in to greet us in Los Angeles. Bob Proctor had just proclaimed that OMG is his #1 all-time recommendation. So that event in Los Angeles, with Bob Proctor right there, calling out to me and Liz and our (player) ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 28
  • 29. coaches from the stage and once again cheering people on to get in OMG and to take it deadly serious, as he’s been doing every since another top fighter for OMG, Anik Singal, asked Bob to come join OMG and get involved with helping what we’re trying to do, in 2014. Those Assimilation events, which you can read about, along with many of the events and exciting new absolute rush of new earnings reports of 2015, are chronicles in my The OMG Way email dispatches. Chapter 7: Here’s The Deal (Massive Advantages for Mere Mortals towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery) Today is Sunday, October 18th, three years after we launched our coaching. We now boast hundreds and hundreds of earnings reports. Now that’s not hundreds and hundreds compared to other like programs with say 100 or 200 less than us. 1% vs 50%-95% Success In most cases it’s the cause for a whole parade in the online marketing world when you get one earnings report. That’s because, as I mentioned earlier, the success rate of most programs. Problem is that’s also right about the success rate of people shopping for such programs, whether or not they buy the program. My point is that 1% effectiveness is really 0%. Because it’s not as if you can buy 10 such programs and have your odds increase to 10% I know because I have behind the scenes info that there are many such buyers, and yet, over the years, as these buyers buy more and more, their chances don’t go up. It’s stuck at pretty much that 1% level. What we have, under David Mills vision, planning, and guidance, is a venture that, like our Magic business, and like our relationship advice business were the only businesses that I know of that snowballed with success reports and, then based on that reputation explosion, earnings of the business. And what I’m telling you is highly duplicatable. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 29
  • 30. David Mills and I had that run ourselves, where we did it again and again, and had at very least huge financial success on each project. Then add to that we’re 3-for-3 on these projects with mastermind coaching communities, to where we really got 50% to 95% success, depending on how you measure, and who just up and completely quits, and putting in some reasonable effort (which we always report in our marketing is, a necessity - and yes that’s the same with “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/ David Mills.) Now we have, in two cases, rolled out “tests” of David’s method, with projects that we did not do anything more than plan and help a bit with the marketing, which is something that’s scalable both for our students, and for David and I. M-Factor October 2015 Case study 1: Mike Swanson: OK let me do some back of the envelope math here. Mike did 380 new sales of a trial offer we strategized for his stock trading info product. 60%, or 228, converted into ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 30
  • 31. subscribers, worth on average about $1200 each. So 228 times $1200 is $273,600 in new sales in the last 2-months. Or about $136,800 per month. #BOOM! Now Mike Swanson is going to come on an Annihilation Engine Acceleration Google Hangout webby with me tomorrow, Monday at 6 PM Eastern, to blow the lid off his exciting earnings report, and to go deeper into this Video ebook you’re reading now, and to explain more about this exciting M-Factor. M-Factor October 2015 Case study 2: Liz Herrera & John GIll. Ok this one is so hot off the presses that I don’t even have a screen capture or video to share. But it’s incredibly exciting all the same. Liz Herrera and John Gill asked me and David to help her with a little M-Factor magic. Well today she’s wrapping up a $300,000 project, on location in China! And get this, I just got off the phone with Liz, from China, and she already has 20 video-testimonials locked and loaded for her M-Factor Snowballing. We’re doing everything we can to get Liz on the line with you sometime between now and when the clock strikes zero on this whole M-Factor event, Thursday October 22nd, at 12 Midnight Pacific time, and this opportunity wraps up until sometime (probably late) in 2016. Here’s the rundown: I have eaten slept and breathed David’s money-getting method, this M-Factor, for over a decade. In this book you’ve seen a chronicle of successes, especially the triumph of OMG. David Mills is an individual who’s built a million dollars per month, at a 70% profit margin business, in three years, starting from scratch. And the success and goodwill of our members is probably 100 times our own. Not surprisingly we’re snowballing. Which is great because we’re all, you and I, poised at the pulse point of a multi-trillion dollar economy with planets like Google, Amazon and You-Tube orbiting them, and blasting off millions and millions in money-getting opportunity. Now, for the first time ever, because Anik, who’s helped build OMG from the outside, and from the inside, including bringing Bob Proctor, from The New York Times best seller The Secret, inside OMG… ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 31
  • 32. (Bob now calls OMG his #1 all-time recommendation in 50-years of helping people.) …Because Anik is launching his Publish Academy coaching, where he’s really covering a huge number of examples and techniques and offering lots of tech guidance in getting started with digital information product publishing… …Information products are incredibly effective, either to supercharge your physical products (Amazon) business, to add rocket boosters to your affiliate marketing business, to put your SEO client consulting business on steroids, or just to do as a focused venture with none of those elements… …They are a virtual goal mine of real money-getting, and there’s no barrier to entry, other than to join us and focus in like me, Greg Morrison, Fletch, Kotton, Liz and Joe, on listening to David Mills guidance… …Because I’ve managed to secure a deal with David Mills to finally open the incredible vault of his mind, and come out from behind the scenes, to coach you, and create a mastermind for you to help your success with Info products. Introducing “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/ David Mills. Time for the rubber to meet the road when it comes to putting your money-getting on the M-Factor. Ok now what I can’t and won’t do, more out of timelines than out of stamina, is create elaborate detailed and gripping descriptions of all of the benefits of the M-Factor advantages. I’d actually very much enjoy doing that for you at some point. But that point is probably going to be in late 2016. For now what I decided to do with today, so I can wrap this video ebook and get it out to you, is to focus my energy in on painting a really vivid picture of the context surrounding ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 32
  • 33. this whole “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/ David Mills, opportunity. Because you’ve got David Mills here with a $1,000,000 per month information product business, and he’s willing to help you master that too. You’ve got a sense of the track record and some of the decision points. Other things I thought about talking to you about, like the way that David future paces his students success. But I discarded that in favor of trying to future pace your success by giving you a real sense of how fun, stable, and yet incredibly powerful and dynamic from a money-getting, rubber-meets-the-road perspective it is like to work inside David’s Anti-Fragile frameworks. Now I’ve also been through every second of the training that David has created for you, for “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” and it’s structured like a “virtual” OMG LIVE weekend, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, that you can do at your own pace. And then that includes Q’n’A coaching webinars with David. To give some perspective on things, I was talking to David Hood right about the point when he hit $10,000 per month with his OMG online money-getting. And David Hood asked what me and David Mills would charge for such coaching. I said I’m sure it would be $25,000. Speaking of which, here’s David Hood’s October Earnings report: ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 33
  • 34. We decided not to charge $25,000, because we decided never to do this “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” project, because we were too caught up with the $1,000,000 per month business that David created. Here’s a sneak speek spy photo of your “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills members area: But now, because we want to especially do something great with Anik’s Publish Academy coming out, and we want to give you David’s incredible framework, baked in with tons of details and actionable templates for just building something so strong and enduring, and yet lively and financially growing, then this is an advantage I can only compare to OMG NHB 2015: Project Breakthrough, which has these earnings reports, plus lots more that I have published in my The OMG Way email dispatches but haven’t yet added to the main page.. But wait! There’s more! ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 34
  • 35. Because I’ve gotten so wrapped up with experiencing the success of one OMG’er after the next, like so many people you’ve met in this book and many, many hundreds of others, and now at the same time I’m getting pulled even deeper down the rabbit hole, because David Mills comes along with this “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” and I’m thinking to myself that I know OMG No Holds Barred 2016: Project Assimilation is only going to be on sale until January 1st, 2016, and after that it’s closed for registration until 2017. So I’ve got a situation where some of my bandwidth is opening up, and it’s coming at a time where there’s all this fresh new energy because of Massive Advantages towards “Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills and because I’ve been around the block with M-Factor, I know that there’s going to be a ton of incredibly successful OMG’ers from boosting things with this M-Factor secret advantage package David has assembled for you. And I realize that you can go to any level, at any time. You might start making more money than me, David and Greg Morrison combined. Maybe even that many times over. And I want a front row seat. Now not every person out there starts with my innate energy and relative fearlessness. But I’ve found that my energy and fearlessness are surprisingly available to those in my general aura (whatever that exactly means.) So I have something to bring to the table to anybody joining forces with David Mills on “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” in addition to my own expertise with M-Factor after 20-years of exposure to David Mills and joining forces with him on project after project. Because of all of those factors I’ve decided to make a new secret Facebook group that I’ve titled: “Rainmaker.” The group currently only has me, David Mills, and our OMG (player) coaches, but will soon include everybody who joins “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills. The purpose of the group is for me to interact with “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills members, help where I can, and provide a venue for more q’n’a, sharing of test results, joining forces, and all that wonderful mastermind-ing stuff that leads to the kind of snowballing that’s a calling card of a David Mills M-factor driven info product business. (Like you’ll have, should you join us!) I’ll create a simple to follow rules set that will include positivity, no product offers outside something I might occasionally want to remind you of, (we may, at some point have a separate marketplace for offers, but not for now) and, no product reviews. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 35
  • 36. Ok so let’s wrap this up. With “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills you’re getting his secret M-Factor advantages, and you’re getting that through having lifetime access to a members area for you to get your video training, all set in an “OMG LIVE” weekend workshop format, Saturday, Sunday and Monday (You don’t have to travel and you can do it, at your own pace, when you’re ready.) And that will also include several Q’n’A coaching webinars with David, which will be recorded live and then placed in your members area over the next few weeks. Plus I’ve decided to create my new Rainmaker secret Facebook, where you can be involved with me personally on this journey. Now with all of that, like I was discussing with David Hood, a year ago I would have told you the price tag will be $25,000. But bound by the fact that we’re mixing in with Anik’s offer, which is a small fraction of that cost, helped guide us to a way to essentially offer you both Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills and Publish Academy w/ Anik, in essence, for 50% off what the bare bones price for either would be. Here’s the deal: Instead of paying $25,000, or even $10,000, or even $8,000 like OMG NHB 2016: Project Breakthrough will be, all you have to do to get “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills, plus added to my Rainmaker secret Facebook group, is join Anik’s Publish Academy on the Platinum plan. Then send me an email to my personal email address, so I can personally enroll you in “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills, and also so I can add you to my all-new Rainmaker secret Facebook group. You’ll want to make sure you join through this link, because if the tracking doesn’t work you’ll have to email Anik to get your bonus from me. (For somebody who wants to buy Publish Academy Gold instead, we’ll give a bite sized part of “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills.) Come October 18th, 2016 I can tell you this, if you join us, you’re going to be in a different universe than you are now. And let’s face it, it’s exciting to catch something when it’s brand new and you’ve got a shot to jump in on the ground floor. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 36
  • 37. But there is a catch: I don’t want to put any pressure here, but there’s a catch… …Because right now you can get in by clicking through here, taking Anik’s platinum plan, and then emailing me personally at with the receipt so I can personally add you in to “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills, and also to my all-new Rainmaker secret Facebook group… …But 12:01 AM, Friday morning, October 23rd, Anik’s cart closes and that will wrap up the chance to join “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills and my Rainmaker secret Facebook group until probably this time in 2016. Click through here, take Anik’s platinum plan, and then email me personally at with the receipt, so I can personally add you in to “Massive Advantages towards Making Millions: Info Product Business Mastery” w/David Mills, and also to my all-new Rainmaker secret Facebook group. See you on the inside, Mike Long P.S.Tomorrow at 6 PM Eastern $6-figure/mo M-Factor’er Mike Swanson is joining me for a Google Hangout webby here, on the M-Factor event resource page. ANNIHILATION ENGINE (2015) - BY MIKE LONG 37