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Michael Keever
Fun Stories
and Shorts
imly, through an ever-thin glimmer of un-
natural light, he is noticed only by his barely visible
eye. And a fantastically noticeable eye
it was, even in the depths of encom-
passing daylight. It darted throughout
that glimmer, searching for points of
reference to convince himself of his
own existence. In a flash of great clar-
ity, whether physical light or subcon-
scious coherence; the cause unknown,
it made contact. Through the void, it
saw a skewed shape, transforming ac-
cording to his imagination and focus into all sorts of ob-
jects until reality became dominant. It was a mirror,
but because of the abundant lack of light, he could only
see the reflection of darkness. And suddenly, in that re-
flection, darkness abounded and the glimmer fainted
into a desperate hope, fueled by its pri-
mordial desire to see. Exhaustion
kicked in, and his eye grew tired, even-
tually conceding to darkness, the lid
collapsing under increased weight.
Illuminated in immaculate sunlight, it
thrives with absolute stimulation,
wide open and grasping everything.
The other opens and rationalizes
depth, adding further stimuli. They look down to see
feet and up to see hands. A body emerges as these eyes
Section 1
Imagined Light
finish connecting all but the face, until they find that
same mirror, now reflecting perceivable images. Yet all
they find is themselves, staring back, no head housing
them leaving little else to focus on. As a microscope en-
larges the tiniest cell, so do they inspect themselves.
Each layer grows clearer: cornea, iris, pupil, lens. And
through into the center, becoming to the imagination a
planet core, swirling with magma. Deeper in they dive,
until the power behind them is discovered. He sees the
outer tissue of his brain as the intricate network of syn-
apses light up as the skies on any major holiday. It was
a most fantastic show, and when the ridged cerebral sur-
face became fully illuminated, his eyes shut again.
A little boy yawns powerfully as he climbs out of bed.
Stretching down near the wall across the room, this lit-
tle boy clasps a small, flickering bulb and tears it from
an electrical socket. Exchanging its fading glow for a
much brighter source, he flicks a switch, circuiting elec-
tricity to several bulbs on the ceiling-- and prompted by
clarity, the boy reenters reality, moving into kitchen for
a morning bowl of cereal.
(he’s fallen asleep and is dreaming (having a night-
mare?)... child wakes up and unplugs flickering (dying)
“Together forever,” etched in a tree on the top of a
hill beckoned its authors once again to their commit-
ment. One locked away in a dungeon far below and the
other trapped by evil in tower high above.
Amidst that hopeless remorse, he, buried in the
Earth’s core, still felt the tender embrace of his dearest
love and even though separated by miles of stone,
could even hear her amorous call. As if conversing face
to face, he whispers comfort in her ear and she into
his. He looks up and remembers his doom; hopeless-
ness resumes.
Atop that endless peak, she sits in solitude among
the clouds burdened by unbearable loneliness. Sud-
denly, she sees him in billow, caressed in sunlight here
to rescue her. A shining knight, he sweeps her up and
brushes the hair from her face to look with deep ro-
mance. As they kiss passionately, the billow fades and
she wakes from her nightmare to recognize her torture.
Still that tree on the top of a hill announces their
ever-lasting bond and remains to entice the lovers
closer to each other.
A new day, he scours the pit for food and finds
some crumbs left for him. His stricken and starved
bones creak as he scoops them up for tasteless dissatis-
faction. He, physically so close to death and dead al-
ready in personal willpower clings to the ever-present
yet ever-elusive memory of their life together on the
surface before tragedy flung them toward opposite
depths of the Earth. And for a moment, the two lovers
connected with the same mind in recollection. They
tilted their heads up, one looking up at a cell wall, the
other through haze of fog, and remembered:
Section 2
Body Language
Fire ran wild like those panicked by the flames, bouncing off every surface looking for
oxygen. Ash fell in thick waves in metronomic rhythm, allowing light through only in short win-
dows. It covered everything, but even if the ground was ashless, the dead plants, animals and
friends lay as a basecoat.
He ran hysterically from the river where their family loved to spend time together. He
and the kids looked everywhere for her as fire continued to fall around them. They spent so
much time looking for her, no one realized how thick the ash started to get. Eventually they
could hardly move. He struggled to bring them to safety, but the ash continued to fall.
As those same fires fell around her, she darted from the other end of the river where
she was admiring plants. She also looked everywhere with devastatingly limited vision. Before
collapsing under the weight of ash and fatigue, she resolved to seek higher ground and climbed
a hill for better vantage. But by then, ash and fire veiled everything and she could hardly see
her own hands held right in front of her face. And even atop that hill, the ash reached and en-
veloped her.
They carved in that tree atop the hill before the tragedy and even before their kids were born. It was a happy,
sunshiny day unparalleled in clarity. And they would see it again, for it still stands.
He, his children suffocated by ash, clawed out of avalanches in agony, himself severely poisoned. As
he crawled in pain gasping for air, the ground below him caved in. He accidentally stumbled into a hole
veiled by fronds intended to trap animals. And with ash still falling, he was veiled from all existence,
trapped in darkness. All he could do was wait, and so he did. He waited. For a sound. A sign. After days
and nights of trying to climb himself out and shouting for help, all he could do was wait. Wait and listen.
One, locked far below.
She too struggled for freedom from invading suffocation and burial. So she climbed higher until the
hills became to steep to face. Always her will to survive pushed her to find breathe, but ash eventually
trapped her too. Not in burial, but it forced her to a place she could not climb down from. So the race
now was not to escape suffocation, but starvation.
The other, trapped high above.
The tree, now withered and worn, void of vegetation and basically just a dead stick, still bore their insignia, an-
nouncing that now very faint and forgotten memory of love.
One day, rescue came for the two forlorn lovers and brought them back to civilization. They are happy as ever,
now bringing joy to everyone who comes to see them.
The Place: Unknown. The Year: Irrelevant. Who,
what, how and why, I know perfectly well and am
happy to share. In this unknown place, possibly a
parallel dimension to the one you’re reading this from,
possibly not, the majority of our population is a race of
super-advanced snails who might call themselves
superior if they could speak audibly. They’ve modified
from the typical unimpressive and incredibly slow
Earth snails into absolutely mind-boggling and slightly
less slow Unknown snails. In accordance with this
speed upgrade, the scientific community felt it
appropriate to change their classification from “snails”
to “snalz” to adapt the speed at which it is spelled.
Another, and much more important to this story,
adaptation these super slugs underwent dealt with
their size, which is nearly twice what it is on Earth.
This only seems insignificant to you because you are
unaware of the massive size they’ve grown within the
last few centuries. Consider the ominous size of the
lengthy sperm whale!!
Now forget that and imagine an average sedan;
that is roughly the size of snalz. I suppose it neither is
relevant because the average size of most other things
also increased to a similar degree. But nonetheless,
their disgusting features are much more visible. And
remember what I said a few lines earlier about them
being the most populous animal. So seeing those
things everywhere in, on, and throughout everything is
quite unappetizing.
One hermaphrodite hermit, your average joe
shmoette, stood out from among the rest. I don’t know
Section 3
Section 3
its name or any personal details, but as she slimed up
onto a park bench, the clouds open up, allowing light
only to focus right there. His shell sparkled, covered by
morning dew, yet also dimmed by a meek personality:
it was very unkept and lacked pizzaz.
(S)he exists in a state of simultaneous order and
chaos caused, unbeknownst to pretty much everyone,
the Syzygy, a bizarre phenomenon happening only once
before in all history. Now, this Syzygy did not involve
planetary alignment so much as an uncanny alignment
of other things, even though perhaps the planets may
have themselves also been aligned by some odd
coincidence. No, this anomaly could not be mistaken
for such a common and trivial occurrence.
This alignment dealt solely in paradoxes, by which
everything and its variance simultaneously coexist.
As you may have already noticed, that which
appears one way always is revealed to also be
something unexpectedly different. Well, I suppose you
couldn’t have known that, could you. At least now you
know the context of this crazy atmosphere. And for the
sake of expected pronoun confusions coming with
paradoxical language and the confusing biology of
snails, i’ll refer to our enigmatically gendered hero by a
neutral name, Avery.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Let us now begin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Section 4
Latus Laterālis
	 This planet is cubical with a ovular rails hidden inside. Just like illustration above,
there are “ports” in the center of each surface giving one access to those hidden rails,
making travel to any other surface logically possible in accordance with gravity. Sides are
named by numbers just like dice. Also, polar surfaces (1 & 6, 2 & 4, 3 & 5) are
environmental opposites
2 3
Protagonists come from different sides and meet in the middle for an adventure to discover the mysterious nature of
their planet (journey to the center of the earth-esque)
1Nature (Uninhabited by Humans) 6 Supernatural (Uninhabited by Nature)
[1 and 6 hold the key to the mystery)
2 Order (Nala) 4 Chaos (Alan)
3 Light (Alec) 5 Dark (Cela)
they later find out the ancient name of their planet; each side has a different name
Swarming through the darkness, writhing in pain
and despair, roots confusedly dart back and forth in
like flies stuck behind a window. Their leaves and
branches, equally frustrated, desperately contort
looking for light. Bushes, weeds, and other plants with
less resolve tipped over destitute. Eventually, those
with sufficient energy would follow them to death in
the dust. The only survivors are native.
They are dark formations; like stalactites, they
dangle from the roof of the sky ill conformed to science
or basic logic. They needed no water or sunlight-- only
darkness. And there is plenty of that here! But this is
not a cave or some hole in the ground. This is everyday
on our surface. The minimal light that survives here is
purely artificial. It’s an impossible existence achieved
by no other species. But it’s home nonetheless, here on
The air around her is congealed with toxicants, and
even as she dreams, death is but a breathe away. And
she is no different than the nine others who live in her
community. And neither was she different than the
many other members dwelling in scattered
communities across Five. All were threatened daily by
these harsh surroundings. The only source of oxygen
came from artificial sources; it is stale, unsatisfying and
requires of people triple the effort to fill their lungs. At
least they had the Pods to shelter them.
Rolling with a yawn, she raises, rubbing her sore
neck from a rough night’s sleep. Her eyes widened with
shock after realizing her nightmare never happened.
Cela was often victimized by horrific scenarios of
inescapable demise. Any hopeless place remotely like
Five naturally causes such nightmares and feelings of
being trapped. “How many days so far,” she asked
exhaustedly. Not even listening for a response, Liz
thought about the irony surrounding that figure of
speech, days. There is no day to mark time, or any
reliable method for that matter. “Too many.” No one
knew how long they’d been trapped there for.
Strange phenomena much like the pattern of
Earth’s seasons grace this side of the planet. But unlike
Earth, these environmental shifts are not tied to
weather, but involve primarily changes to atmosphere.
And only a couple weeks a year is the air suitable for
humans. Another voice disrupts a long silence between
them, “I think about seven months, two weeks and a
day, exactly.” Garret was the paranoid type and kept
records of nearly everything: things he ate or saw or did
during every ordinary day, always labeling that list with
the current date. He chuckled to think we’d forgotten
for he also made it a habit of sharing with the group the
irrelevant and entirely boring details of his lists. “Out of
sheer boredom, I’ve memorized some of those lists,”
Cela thought to herself, remembering a few months
back. Relaxing on her stomach, elbows pointed like a
triangle holding up her head, she vocalized these
thoughts: “April, 11-- Today’s strange thoughts. What
if, instead of using noses to breathe, what if they were
meant to drink? We’d have to stick our whole heads
into the cup. Haha, weird. ; Imagined a squirrel today.
But I don’t really remember what they look like so it
was kind of amorphous. Like, a jelly squirrel-thingy. ;
What is my name spelled backwards? Te-rag? Tee-rag?
What is a tea rag? Haha, weird... Her mouth continued
There was really nothing else to do here in the Pod.
It was only about the size of a one bedroom apartment.
Garrett might say about 500 sq. ft. exactly. Enough
room for living, but not sufficient for a wide
arrangement of activities. And them three had to share
this limited space with four others. Even seven living in
one Pod is roomy to most other Pods on Five, usually
housing twelve to fifteen. Certainly no room for
theaters or parks or restaurants to pass time. Nor space
for many belongings to keep them company, and that
means no TV, stereo or computers. That also means no
refrigerator, microwave or oven, leaving very few
avenues for entertainment.
Cela, still listing to herself, seemed lost in her
imagination, mentally averted from her roommates and
luckily didn’t hear Garret’s further irrelevance, this
time spelling out loud funny sounding words. The Pod-
mate sleeping beneath her, the one she question
earlier, felt too tired and discouraged to deal with his
shenanigans and, like a child, plugged her ears and
shouted, “A la la la la la la! Can’t hear you, la la la la!”
But this worsened her problem, causing the extremely
irritable cabin to explode in frustration. Because their
artificially pumped air was less potent and required
much more energy to consume, residents here tired far
easier. And so, because all seven of them started
shouting, continuing until no one remembered what
they were shouting about, the cabin quelled quickly
after out of exhaustion And before anyone realized, the
“day” was over and they yearned for sleep. Maybe it’s a
good thing that they don’t have many activities to do.
The eldest two thought so. All they wanted to do was
dream; there is no imprisonment. That is the extent of
“life” on Five.
□ □ □
They were there, and she was here. She
reaches out for them, claws ferociously for a
touch. Her legs are broken and arms withered
to a nub. She is lost; she is alone. Crying out,
she longs, “Where are you!” She is an
unnoticed speck of sand in a desert of
mountains. Numbness overcomes her body and
looking down, she sees herself, an ox, searching
ravenously for sustenance in the frozen tundra.
She finds a mouthful of nutrition-less grass,
her patterned behavior ever dull and
monotonous. She looks not for her drove, nor
is she the least bit interested in them. Always
focused on meaningless repetition, she
searches and chews, never feeling satisfied. She
is an apple fallen from the tree. Delicious and
red, she taunts the eyes of passersby. So
distracted by these admirers, she cannot hear
the warnings of unfallen friends and family.
She is taken far away and left to rot atop a
pantry. She is a girl. She is alone.
□ □ □
The Pod woke the same confused way it always
did, everyone thinking loudly per their individual
habits. But instead of immediately resorting to a state
of familiar hopelessness, Cela rummaged through her
sheets. She inspected the pillow and every angle above
and beneath her mattress, all in a desperation most
frightening. Her eyes wide and forehead sweating, an
exclamation arose: “Where are you!”
“Why are you so upset? Did you lose something?”
Garret questioned the relevance of his question, for
what does any of them posses to lose in the first place?
I wonder if it’s something immaterial or metaphorical.
These thoughts transfer seamlessly into vocalized
speech: “But why then is she searching her physical
space if that which was lost is non-physical?”
“Who are you talking to, G?” His own bunkmate
already knew a great deal about his peculiar personality
and felt sufficiently answered by his own question.
“Ya, what are you blabbering about this time?”
Cela watched with eyebrows angled, tightly gripping a
forgotten object with unparalleled fervor. Delving
deeply into an unwavering whirlwind of thought,
Garret didn’t even notice her standing there without
any signs of distress. “How absent minded am I,
The mysterious item, lubricated by the sweat of
her palm squirmed as she fiddled. Cela was still very
wound and her fidgeting became so fierce, this item
slipped and dropped to the floor several times. And like
a flash, she’d swoop down to get it before anyone could
glimpse lest they acquire a clue as to its identity. But
nonetheless, in spite of still being frazzled, it comforted
her and emitted a pulse of hopefulness. It was so
dominant inside of her, a material light manifested
underneath her skin. (Have you ever heard of someone
glowing with joy? Well that’s actually a literally true
statement, but there is typically light in ever space. But
as we discovered earlier, light is very scarce here, and
so, Cela’s “inner-illumination” was undefiled by light
pollution and easily noticed within the darkness of
Five). And after hanging it around her neck, this
phenomenon became consistent and ever-observable.
Soon following this event, that Pod changed
forever. No longer dwelling on an unending
imprisonment nor counting the days of sorrow. No
longer were they short with one another nor did anyone
give a reason that justified shortness. Those
acquaintances transformed into family because of the
new light of hope and optimism in Cela. It did have a
tangible effect on others, specifically those who are ter
downtrodden. No more days would ever be spend in
sorrow for a blessing had struck them.
The next day, everyone woke without a yawn. They
arose, completely rested and regenerated. None of
them could remember the last time that happened, and
they joined in marvel. “This is great!” “I feel fantastic!”
“Why am I not sore like usual?” “Who are you people,
so joyful and woe-less?” Garret could hold back the
urge to disrupt this perfect consensus. Cela responded
with wisdom well beyond her previous capacity. It
rocked the whole Pod with supernatural thunder and
felled them back with a connecting blow. Everyone,
mouths’ gaping, starred at her in awe.
Surrender doubt and analyze ‘the truth’
She went on the explain how their recent state of
affairs had been altered and proposed several reasons
for this, analyzing and questioning each in greater
detail. The objective truth before was primarily “were
hopeless, trapped, and doomed.” Now, it is “were
captured by such intense joy that it affects us in all
physicality. “You saw with you own eyes how daily
exhaustion disappeared overnight. Is that random?
Well what are the chances a regular occurrence, rather
a constant occurrence would dissipate without a cause.
That obstructs the fundamental laws of science: cause
and effect. It stands to reason that this phenomenon
was caused, and I presume caused by that light
destroying shadow. So why do you insist on
depression? Surrender doubt and analyze ‘the truth’ for
□ □ □
I didn’t know that fear could be dispelled with a
sentence. I am ever grateful for this new attitude
permeating this community and I’ve even adopted this
lifestyle as my own. Emitting a light, however feint, of
my own, I too strive for contentment, sentenced by a
fear of fear itself. It forces me to seek freedom, guiding
with a gentle shove. My path is unclear before me,
hazed and twisted by doubt. I know there is something
else going on here. I feel a disturbance in her
newfound genuineness. As a resident from birth, I
know very well the manifested difference in the few
I’ve met from other sides. And I intently question her
genuineness as one who claims the same residency as
I. Who is this never before seen Cela? She is changed in
a hundred ways. And who are “they?”
□ □ □
“We’ve been given a second chance!,” she shouted,
others nodding in agreement. We cannot waste our
lives whining and waiting anymore...” Cela’s gaze left
her friends and with a tone of regret, she finished her
speech, whispering, “I’m leaving.” “Will you?” this time
resounding clearly. The only response was silence and
shock. The most depressed and hopeless of their group,
now so determined and strong-willed. In their minds
they doubted if she could even survive in the darkness,
for so many had perished in it before. But even as Cela
approached a exit many had forgotten was even there,
she never wavered. She wasn’t in the least bit afraid.
After all, she had light in her, the greatest weapon
against darkness. She felt impervious to its toxic
nature, and looked it too. Still no one responded and as
she laid hands on the hatch, they quivered against a
back wall.
A dozen locks barred it shut, and tensions swelled
as each one unfastened with explosive force, the sound
marching valiantly through memories of captivity.
Clank! Another. Clank! One left. Clunk! Everyone held
their breath, starring fiercely at her hand. No one
spoke, nobody moved, not even sweat dared to distract
one from that hatch. The only sound in that Pod came
from their mighty anxiety, “Boom boom, boom boom,
boom boom, boom boom...” Cela’s heart pounded the
loudest; that door still as menacing as the same as
when they entered. They shut their eyes, afraid to even
gaze into the night. “Are we dead yet,” Garret poked.
He was the first to open his eyes and discover that
Cela stood in front like an action hero, wind
blowing in her hair. Her demeanor was that of one
walking slowly away from an enormous explosion
without looking back, the Pod being that thing to leave
behind. But she walked not into death, but into Life.
The light of hope pierced the heart of darkness, and a
protective dome sheltered them. It followed Cela, the
center and source of light. Utterly awestruck, they
forbid their bodies from moving, instead drooling like
braindead monkeys. It was the most amazing thing any
of them ever experienced. And suddenly they were
afraid of her. Amazement turned to despair and that
bravery they perceived in Cela seemed like foolishness.
They huddled in safety within the Pod, away from her
and thus, away from challenge to storehouses full of
cultural expectation. “It’s only a few months till we can
leave and meet back up with our families again!” “Ya!
It’s not worth the risk!” “Why should we trust you?
We’re staying here!”
Those doubtful faces hated her so quickly. Once so
admiring and grateful for the hope she brought, now
immersed in illusory ideology. “This is how we survive,
how we’ve survived since the beginning! Our ancestors
and their ancestors...” The accusations continuously
poured out, the only one to remain silent in awe was
the most skeptical of them all. He whose thoughts,
most skilled in deep observation and analysis, stepped
closer to Cela despite the many calls behind him. He
grabbed her outstretched hand, never looking back into
that Pod. And surprising even to me, his urge to jeer
ducked its head in reverence. They stood together,
Garret and Cela, and recognized only each other,
shouts of insult, doubt, confusion, humiliation, and
most other manifestations of verbal negativity fell on
deaf ears. They were one against many and walked out,
persecuted but unshaken. Closing hinges also screamed
for them to leave and when the door finally boomed
shut, exiling them forever, Cela and Garret felt oddly
relaxed. In fact, they were more relieved than ever. All
that stress accumulated inside the Pod, gone; the two
shared a celebratory nod, a moment still very much
effected by the very clearly expressed hatred of their
former friends.
They soon shook off the reality of them being
outcasted, setting their eyes for the first time on that
which was so recently feared. Yet since no one had ever
seen their home world in the light of day, there wasn’t
any knowledge to guide a reaction. Only
disproportioned imaginings. And to both their surprise,
nothing compared truthfully to descriptions listed in
their storybooks. It was not speckled with writhing
anomalies manifesting death or despair. Nor was it
void of life, for they beheld many critters and
creatures-- though still quite macabre. Sheltered by
light of revelation, they were no longer hindered by
terror. What was there to be afraid of anyway? What
did they ever have to be afraid of? If only they’d been
brave enough to peak out of that Pod. Yes,
although I’ll bet their brains would explode.
Did Cela’s light shine so powerfully just now and
expose hidden thoughts locked away behind
impassable vaults of the mind?
Damn. I’m a little weirded out
(light protects them from 5’s harmful atmosphere. they
leave the Pod to rescue other poddies; after that, Cela,
having already opened the item revealing a ppicture,
leaves on the “train” to find her family.
Cela has another nightmare while helping
others on 5; the real problem is unsolved; she
needs to find her family for real
Cat Taro and his feline shenanigans: looses 8 of his 9
lives in the process and becomes an indoor cat
thereafter, afraid of adventure until he realizes his life
was wasted worrying and goes out with a bang
Section 5
A Cannily Curious Cat
character achieves two negative things in one action--
use humorous irony (tries to do good for someone but
ends up causing a fiasco)
“What do you mean, Santa Claus isn’t real?!!”
(listening through the apartment walls)
Section 6
Two Birds With One Stone
Among several varieties of tumors that arise in the area of the pineal gland, Germinoma
commonly causes headaches, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes patients have diculty
looking up, which was the case for me.
Related Glossary Terms
Testimonial - In and Out and All Around
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God’s legal standards
“The wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23). God set various commandments to which we are
to abide. Do not murder, steal, commit adultery, etc. All of the laws set forth throughout all
scripture are meant for our own good, as they keep us from temptation and other
dangerous situations. So when we disobey, that is when we sin and fall short of God’s legal
standards: he demands us to be perfect and sinless.
Related Glossary Terms
Testimonial - In and Out and All Around
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Modern sensibility
The unwritten rules of today’s society that assert one’s supposedly inherent right to believe
whatever you want, acts in whatever way makes you most happy, and to be whoever you
most want to be. This seems to be mostly concerned with sexuality and gender issues.
Related Glossary Terms
Essays and Organized Thoughts - Good v. Evil
Not happy
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Not happy
True happiness cannot be found in temporary things like material possessions, friends or
family. Only in that which transcends all limitations can we, in undeled happiness, rest. In
short, only God gives lasting joy.
Related Glossary Terms
Essays and Organized Thoughts - Was It Worth It?
Modern sensibility
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Abbreviation for “New Testament,” the chapters in the Bible describing events after the
birth of Christ.
Related Glossary Terms
Essays and Organized Thoughts - Good v. Evil
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Abbreviation for “Old Testament,” chapters of the Bible with content concerning the time
before Christ’s birth.
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Essays and Organized Thoughts - Good v. Evil
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Ravings of a lunatic collection

  • 1. Ravings of a Lunatic Michael Keever A STORY AND ESSAY COLLECTION
  • 3. imly, through an ever-thin glimmer of un- natural light, he is noticed only by his barely visible eye. And a fantastically noticeable eye it was, even in the depths of encom- passing daylight. It darted throughout that glimmer, searching for points of reference to convince himself of his own existence. In a flash of great clar- ity, whether physical light or subcon- scious coherence; the cause unknown, it made contact. Through the void, it saw a skewed shape, transforming ac- cording to his imagination and focus into all sorts of ob- jects until reality became dominant. It was a mirror, but because of the abundant lack of light, he could only see the reflection of darkness. And suddenly, in that re- flection, darkness abounded and the glimmer fainted into a desperate hope, fueled by its pri- mordial desire to see. Exhaustion kicked in, and his eye grew tired, even- tually conceding to darkness, the lid collapsing under increased weight. ----- Illuminated in immaculate sunlight, it thrives with absolute stimulation, wide open and grasping everything. The other opens and rationalizes depth, adding further stimuli. They look down to see feet and up to see hands. A body emerges as these eyes Section 1 Imagined Light 26 D
  • 4. finish connecting all but the face, until they find that same mirror, now reflecting perceivable images. Yet all they find is themselves, staring back, no head housing them leaving little else to focus on. As a microscope en- larges the tiniest cell, so do they inspect themselves. Each layer grows clearer: cornea, iris, pupil, lens. And through into the center, becoming to the imagination a planet core, swirling with magma. Deeper in they dive, until the power behind them is discovered. He sees the outer tissue of his brain as the intricate network of syn- apses light up as the skies on any major holiday. It was a most fantastic show, and when the ridged cerebral sur- face became fully illuminated, his eyes shut again. ----- A little boy yawns powerfully as he climbs out of bed. Stretching down near the wall across the room, this lit- tle boy clasps a small, flickering bulb and tears it from an electrical socket. Exchanging its fading glow for a much brighter source, he flicks a switch, circuiting elec- tricity to several bulbs on the ceiling-- and prompted by clarity, the boy reenters reality, moving into kitchen for a morning bowl of cereal. (he’s fallen asleep and is dreaming (having a night- mare?)... child wakes up and unplugs flickering (dying) nightlight 27
  • 5. “Together forever,” etched in a tree on the top of a hill beckoned its authors once again to their commit- ment. One locked away in a dungeon far below and the other trapped by evil in tower high above. Amidst that hopeless remorse, he, buried in the Earth’s core, still felt the tender embrace of his dearest love and even though separated by miles of stone, could even hear her amorous call. As if conversing face to face, he whispers comfort in her ear and she into his. He looks up and remembers his doom; hopeless- ness resumes. Atop that endless peak, she sits in solitude among the clouds burdened by unbearable loneliness. Sud- denly, she sees him in billow, caressed in sunlight here to rescue her. A shining knight, he sweeps her up and brushes the hair from her face to look with deep ro- mance. As they kiss passionately, the billow fades and she wakes from her nightmare to recognize her torture. Still that tree on the top of a hill announces their ever-lasting bond and remains to entice the lovers closer to each other. A new day, he scours the pit for food and finds some crumbs left for him. His stricken and starved bones creak as he scoops them up for tasteless dissatis- faction. He, physically so close to death and dead al- ready in personal willpower clings to the ever-present yet ever-elusive memory of their life together on the surface before tragedy flung them toward opposite depths of the Earth. And for a moment, the two lovers connected with the same mind in recollection. They tilted their heads up, one looking up at a cell wall, the other through haze of fog, and remembered: Section 2 Body Language 28
  • 6. Fire ran wild like those panicked by the flames, bouncing off every surface looking for oxygen. Ash fell in thick waves in metronomic rhythm, allowing light through only in short win- dows. It covered everything, but even if the ground was ashless, the dead plants, animals and friends lay as a basecoat. He ran hysterically from the river where their family loved to spend time together. He and the kids looked everywhere for her as fire continued to fall around them. They spent so much time looking for her, no one realized how thick the ash started to get. Eventually they could hardly move. He struggled to bring them to safety, but the ash continued to fall. As those same fires fell around her, she darted from the other end of the river where she was admiring plants. She also looked everywhere with devastatingly limited vision. Before collapsing under the weight of ash and fatigue, she resolved to seek higher ground and climbed a hill for better vantage. But by then, ash and fire veiled everything and she could hardly see her own hands held right in front of her face. And even atop that hill, the ash reached and en- veloped her. They carved in that tree atop the hill before the tragedy and even before their kids were born. It was a happy, sunshiny day unparalleled in clarity. And they would see it again, for it still stands. He, his children suffocated by ash, clawed out of avalanches in agony, himself severely poisoned. As he crawled in pain gasping for air, the ground below him caved in. He accidentally stumbled into a hole veiled by fronds intended to trap animals. And with ash still falling, he was veiled from all existence, trapped in darkness. All he could do was wait, and so he did. He waited. For a sound. A sign. After days and nights of trying to climb himself out and shouting for help, all he could do was wait. Wait and listen. One, locked far below. 29
  • 7. She too struggled for freedom from invading suffocation and burial. So she climbed higher until the hills became to steep to face. Always her will to survive pushed her to find breathe, but ash eventually trapped her too. Not in burial, but it forced her to a place she could not climb down from. So the race now was not to escape suffocation, but starvation. The other, trapped high above. --- The tree, now withered and worn, void of vegetation and basically just a dead stick, still bore their insignia, an- nouncing that now very faint and forgotten memory of love. One day, rescue came for the two forlorn lovers and brought them back to civilization. They are happy as ever, now bringing joy to everyone who comes to see them. 30
  • 8. The Place: Unknown. The Year: Irrelevant. Who, what, how and why, I know perfectly well and am happy to share. In this unknown place, possibly a parallel dimension to the one you’re reading this from, possibly not, the majority of our population is a race of super-advanced snails who might call themselves superior if they could speak audibly. They’ve modified from the typical unimpressive and incredibly slow Earth snails into absolutely mind-boggling and slightly less slow Unknown snails. In accordance with this speed upgrade, the scientific community felt it appropriate to change their classification from “snails” to “snalz” to adapt the speed at which it is spelled. Another, and much more important to this story, adaptation these super slugs underwent dealt with their size, which is nearly twice what it is on Earth. This only seems insignificant to you because you are unaware of the massive size they’ve grown within the last few centuries. Consider the ominous size of the lengthy sperm whale!! Now forget that and imagine an average sedan; that is roughly the size of snalz. I suppose it neither is relevant because the average size of most other things also increased to a similar degree. But nonetheless, their disgusting features are much more visible. And remember what I said a few lines earlier about them being the most populous animal. So seeing those things everywhere in, on, and throughout everything is quite unappetizing. One hermaphrodite hermit, your average joe shmoette, stood out from among the rest. I don’t know Section 3 Syzygy 31 Section 3 Syzygy
  • 9. its name or any personal details, but as she slimed up onto a park bench, the clouds open up, allowing light only to focus right there. His shell sparkled, covered by morning dew, yet also dimmed by a meek personality: it was very unkept and lacked pizzaz. (S)he exists in a state of simultaneous order and chaos caused, unbeknownst to pretty much everyone, the Syzygy, a bizarre phenomenon happening only once before in all history. Now, this Syzygy did not involve planetary alignment so much as an uncanny alignment of other things, even though perhaps the planets may have themselves also been aligned by some odd coincidence. No, this anomaly could not be mistaken for such a common and trivial occurrence. This alignment dealt solely in paradoxes, by which everything and its variance simultaneously coexist. As you may have already noticed, that which appears one way always is revealed to also be something unexpectedly different. Well, I suppose you couldn’t have known that, could you. At least now you know the context of this crazy atmosphere. And for the sake of expected pronoun confusions coming with paradoxical language and the confusing biology of snails, i’ll refer to our enigmatically gendered hero by a neutral name, Avery. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Let us now begin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 32
  • 10. 33
  • 11. Section 4 Latus Laterālis 34 This planet is cubical with a ovular rails hidden inside. Just like illustration above, there are “ports” in the center of each surface giving one access to those hidden rails, making travel to any other surface logically possible in accordance with gravity. Sides are named by numbers just like dice. Also, polar surfaces (1 & 6, 2 & 4, 3 & 5) are environmental opposites 1 2 3 5 6 4
  • 12. Protagonists come from different sides and meet in the middle for an adventure to discover the mysterious nature of their planet (journey to the center of the earth-esque) 1Nature (Uninhabited by Humans) 6 Supernatural (Uninhabited by Nature) [1 and 6 hold the key to the mystery) 2 Order (Nala) 4 Chaos (Alan) 3 Light (Alec) 5 Dark (Cela) they later find out the ancient name of their planet; each side has a different name 35
  • 13. Swarming through the darkness, writhing in pain and despair, roots confusedly dart back and forth in like flies stuck behind a window. Their leaves and branches, equally frustrated, desperately contort looking for light. Bushes, weeds, and other plants with less resolve tipped over destitute. Eventually, those with sufficient energy would follow them to death in the dust. The only survivors are native. They are dark formations; like stalactites, they dangle from the roof of the sky ill conformed to science or basic logic. They needed no water or sunlight-- only darkness. And there is plenty of that here! But this is not a cave or some hole in the ground. This is everyday on our surface. The minimal light that survives here is purely artificial. It’s an impossible existence achieved by no other species. But it’s home nonetheless, here on Five. The air around her is congealed with toxicants, and even as she dreams, death is but a breathe away. And she is no different than the nine others who live in her community. And neither was she different than the many other members dwelling in scattered communities across Five. All were threatened daily by these harsh surroundings. The only source of oxygen came from artificial sources; it is stale, unsatisfying and requires of people triple the effort to fill their lungs. At least they had the Pods to shelter them. Rolling with a yawn, she raises, rubbing her sore neck from a rough night’s sleep. Her eyes widened with shock after realizing her nightmare never happened. Cela was often victimized by horrific scenarios of inescapable demise. Any hopeless place remotely like Five naturally causes such nightmares and feelings of being trapped. “How many days so far,” she asked exhaustedly. Not even listening for a response, Liz thought about the irony surrounding that figure of speech, days. There is no day to mark time, or any reliable method for that matter. “Too many.” No one knew how long they’d been trapped there for. Strange phenomena much like the pattern of Earth’s seasons grace this side of the planet. But unlike Earth, these environmental shifts are not tied to weather, but involve primarily changes to atmosphere. And only a couple weeks a year is the air suitable for humans. Another voice disrupts a long silence between them, “I think about seven months, two weeks and a day, exactly.” Garret was the paranoid type and kept records of nearly everything: things he ate or saw or did during every ordinary day, always labeling that list with the current date. He chuckled to think we’d forgotten for he also made it a habit of sharing with the group the irrelevant and entirely boring details of his lists. “Out of sheer boredom, I’ve memorized some of those lists,” Cela thought to herself, remembering a few months 36
  • 14. back. Relaxing on her stomach, elbows pointed like a triangle holding up her head, she vocalized these thoughts: “April, 11-- Today’s strange thoughts. What if, instead of using noses to breathe, what if they were meant to drink? We’d have to stick our whole heads into the cup. Haha, weird. ; Imagined a squirrel today. But I don’t really remember what they look like so it was kind of amorphous. Like, a jelly squirrel-thingy. ; What is my name spelled backwards? Te-rag? Tee-rag? What is a tea rag? Haha, weird... Her mouth continued remembering. There was really nothing else to do here in the Pod. It was only about the size of a one bedroom apartment. Garrett might say about 500 sq. ft. exactly. Enough room for living, but not sufficient for a wide arrangement of activities. And them three had to share this limited space with four others. Even seven living in one Pod is roomy to most other Pods on Five, usually housing twelve to fifteen. Certainly no room for theaters or parks or restaurants to pass time. Nor space for many belongings to keep them company, and that means no TV, stereo or computers. That also means no refrigerator, microwave or oven, leaving very few avenues for entertainment. Cela, still listing to herself, seemed lost in her imagination, mentally averted from her roommates and luckily didn’t hear Garret’s further irrelevance, this time spelling out loud funny sounding words. The Pod- mate sleeping beneath her, the one she question earlier, felt too tired and discouraged to deal with his shenanigans and, like a child, plugged her ears and shouted, “A la la la la la la! Can’t hear you, la la la la!” But this worsened her problem, causing the extremely irritable cabin to explode in frustration. Because their artificially pumped air was less potent and required much more energy to consume, residents here tired far easier. And so, because all seven of them started shouting, continuing until no one remembered what they were shouting about, the cabin quelled quickly after out of exhaustion And before anyone realized, the “day” was over and they yearned for sleep. Maybe it’s a good thing that they don’t have many activities to do. The eldest two thought so. All they wanted to do was dream; there is no imprisonment. That is the extent of “life” on Five. □ □ □ They were there, and she was here. She reaches out for them, claws ferociously for a touch. Her legs are broken and arms withered to a nub. She is lost; she is alone. Crying out, she longs, “Where are you!” She is an unnoticed speck of sand in a desert of mountains. Numbness overcomes her body and looking down, she sees herself, an ox, searching 37
  • 15. ravenously for sustenance in the frozen tundra. She finds a mouthful of nutrition-less grass, her patterned behavior ever dull and monotonous. She looks not for her drove, nor is she the least bit interested in them. Always focused on meaningless repetition, she searches and chews, never feeling satisfied. She is an apple fallen from the tree. Delicious and red, she taunts the eyes of passersby. So distracted by these admirers, she cannot hear the warnings of unfallen friends and family. She is taken far away and left to rot atop a pantry. She is a girl. She is alone. □ □ □ The Pod woke the same confused way it always did, everyone thinking loudly per their individual habits. But instead of immediately resorting to a state of familiar hopelessness, Cela rummaged through her sheets. She inspected the pillow and every angle above and beneath her mattress, all in a desperation most frightening. Her eyes wide and forehead sweating, an exclamation arose: “Where are you!” “Why are you so upset? Did you lose something?” Garret questioned the relevance of his question, for what does any of them posses to lose in the first place? I wonder if it’s something immaterial or metaphorical. These thoughts transfer seamlessly into vocalized speech: “But why then is she searching her physical space if that which was lost is non-physical?” “Who are you talking to, G?” His own bunkmate already knew a great deal about his peculiar personality and felt sufficiently answered by his own question. “Ya, what are you blabbering about this time?” Cela watched with eyebrows angled, tightly gripping a forgotten object with unparalleled fervor. Delving deeply into an unwavering whirlwind of thought, Garret didn’t even notice her standing there without any signs of distress. “How absent minded am I, really?” The mysterious item, lubricated by the sweat of her palm squirmed as she fiddled. Cela was still very wound and her fidgeting became so fierce, this item slipped and dropped to the floor several times. And like a flash, she’d swoop down to get it before anyone could glimpse lest they acquire a clue as to its identity. But nonetheless, in spite of still being frazzled, it comforted her and emitted a pulse of hopefulness. It was so dominant inside of her, a material light manifested underneath her skin. (Have you ever heard of someone glowing with joy? Well that’s actually a literally true statement, but there is typically light in ever space. But as we discovered earlier, light is very scarce here, and so, Cela’s “inner-illumination” was undefiled by light pollution and easily noticed within the darkness of 38
  • 16. Five). And after hanging it around her neck, this phenomenon became consistent and ever-observable. Soon following this event, that Pod changed forever. No longer dwelling on an unending imprisonment nor counting the days of sorrow. No longer were they short with one another nor did anyone give a reason that justified shortness. Those acquaintances transformed into family because of the new light of hope and optimism in Cela. It did have a tangible effect on others, specifically those who are ter downtrodden. No more days would ever be spend in sorrow for a blessing had struck them. The next day, everyone woke without a yawn. They arose, completely rested and regenerated. None of them could remember the last time that happened, and they joined in marvel. “This is great!” “I feel fantastic!” “Why am I not sore like usual?” “Who are you people, so joyful and woe-less?” Garret could hold back the urge to disrupt this perfect consensus. Cela responded with wisdom well beyond her previous capacity. It rocked the whole Pod with supernatural thunder and felled them back with a connecting blow. Everyone, mouths’ gaping, starred at her in awe. Surrender doubt and analyze ‘the truth’ She went on the explain how their recent state of affairs had been altered and proposed several reasons for this, analyzing and questioning each in greater detail. The objective truth before was primarily “were hopeless, trapped, and doomed.” Now, it is “were captured by such intense joy that it affects us in all physicality. “You saw with you own eyes how daily exhaustion disappeared overnight. Is that random? Well what are the chances a regular occurrence, rather a constant occurrence would dissipate without a cause. That obstructs the fundamental laws of science: cause and effect. It stands to reason that this phenomenon was caused, and I presume caused by that light destroying shadow. So why do you insist on depression? Surrender doubt and analyze ‘the truth’ for yourself. □ □ □ I didn’t know that fear could be dispelled with a sentence. I am ever grateful for this new attitude permeating this community and I’ve even adopted this lifestyle as my own. Emitting a light, however feint, of my own, I too strive for contentment, sentenced by a fear of fear itself. It forces me to seek freedom, guiding with a gentle shove. My path is unclear before me, hazed and twisted by doubt. I know there is something else going on here. I feel a disturbance in her newfound genuineness. As a resident from birth, I know very well the manifested difference in the few I’ve met from other sides. And I intently question her 39
  • 17. genuineness as one who claims the same residency as I. Who is this never before seen Cela? She is changed in a hundred ways. And who are “they?” □ □ □ “We’ve been given a second chance!,” she shouted, others nodding in agreement. We cannot waste our lives whining and waiting anymore...” Cela’s gaze left her friends and with a tone of regret, she finished her speech, whispering, “I’m leaving.” “Will you?” this time resounding clearly. The only response was silence and shock. The most depressed and hopeless of their group, now so determined and strong-willed. In their minds they doubted if she could even survive in the darkness, for so many had perished in it before. But even as Cela approached a exit many had forgotten was even there, she never wavered. She wasn’t in the least bit afraid. After all, she had light in her, the greatest weapon against darkness. She felt impervious to its toxic nature, and looked it too. Still no one responded and as she laid hands on the hatch, they quivered against a back wall. A dozen locks barred it shut, and tensions swelled as each one unfastened with explosive force, the sound marching valiantly through memories of captivity. Clank! Another. Clank! One left. Clunk! Everyone held their breath, starring fiercely at her hand. No one spoke, nobody moved, not even sweat dared to distract one from that hatch. The only sound in that Pod came from their mighty anxiety, “Boom boom, boom boom, boom boom, boom boom...” Cela’s heart pounded the loudest; that door still as menacing as the same as when they entered. They shut their eyes, afraid to even gaze into the night. “Are we dead yet,” Garret poked. He was the first to open his eyes and discover that truth. Cela stood in front like an action hero, wind blowing in her hair. Her demeanor was that of one walking slowly away from an enormous explosion without looking back, the Pod being that thing to leave behind. But she walked not into death, but into Life. The light of hope pierced the heart of darkness, and a protective dome sheltered them. It followed Cela, the center and source of light. Utterly awestruck, they forbid their bodies from moving, instead drooling like braindead monkeys. It was the most amazing thing any of them ever experienced. And suddenly they were afraid of her. Amazement turned to despair and that bravery they perceived in Cela seemed like foolishness. They huddled in safety within the Pod, away from her and thus, away from challenge to storehouses full of cultural expectation. “It’s only a few months till we can leave and meet back up with our families again!” “Ya! It’s not worth the risk!” “Why should we trust you? We’re staying here!” 40
  • 18. Those doubtful faces hated her so quickly. Once so admiring and grateful for the hope she brought, now immersed in illusory ideology. “This is how we survive, how we’ve survived since the beginning! Our ancestors and their ancestors...” The accusations continuously poured out, the only one to remain silent in awe was the most skeptical of them all. He whose thoughts, most skilled in deep observation and analysis, stepped closer to Cela despite the many calls behind him. He grabbed her outstretched hand, never looking back into that Pod. And surprising even to me, his urge to jeer ducked its head in reverence. They stood together, Garret and Cela, and recognized only each other, shouts of insult, doubt, confusion, humiliation, and most other manifestations of verbal negativity fell on deaf ears. They were one against many and walked out, persecuted but unshaken. Closing hinges also screamed for them to leave and when the door finally boomed shut, exiling them forever, Cela and Garret felt oddly relaxed. In fact, they were more relieved than ever. All that stress accumulated inside the Pod, gone; the two shared a celebratory nod, a moment still very much effected by the very clearly expressed hatred of their former friends. They soon shook off the reality of them being outcasted, setting their eyes for the first time on that which was so recently feared. Yet since no one had ever seen their home world in the light of day, there wasn’t any knowledge to guide a reaction. Only disproportioned imaginings. And to both their surprise, nothing compared truthfully to descriptions listed in their storybooks. It was not speckled with writhing anomalies manifesting death or despair. Nor was it void of life, for they beheld many critters and creatures-- though still quite macabre. Sheltered by light of revelation, they were no longer hindered by terror. What was there to be afraid of anyway? What did they ever have to be afraid of? If only they’d been brave enough to peak out of that Pod. Yes, although I’ll bet their brains would explode. Did Cela’s light shine so powerfully just now and expose hidden thoughts locked away behind impassable vaults of the mind? Damn. I’m a little weirded out ... ... ... ... 41
  • 19. (light protects them from 5’s harmful atmosphere. they leave the Pod to rescue other poddies; after that, Cela, having already opened the item revealing a ppicture, leaves on the “train” to find her family. Cela has another nightmare while helping others on 5; the real problem is unsolved; she needs to find her family for real 42
  • 20. Cat Taro and his feline shenanigans: looses 8 of his 9 lives in the process and becomes an indoor cat thereafter, afraid of adventure until he realizes his life was wasted worrying and goes out with a bang Section 5 A Cannily Curious Cat 43
  • 21. character achieves two negative things in one action-- use humorous irony (tries to do good for someone but ends up causing a fiasco) “What do you mean, Santa Claus isn’t real?!!” (listening through the apartment walls) Section 6 Two Birds With One Stone 44
  • 22. Germinoma Among several varieties of tumors that arise in the area of the pineal gland, Germinoma commonly causes headaches, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes patients have diculty looking up, which was the case for me. Related Glossary Terms Index Testimonial - In and Out and All Around Drag related terms here Find Term
  • 23. God’s legal standards “The wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23). God set various commandments to which we are to abide. Do not murder, steal, commit adultery, etc. All of the laws set forth throughout all scripture are meant for our own good, as they keep us from temptation and other dangerous situations. So when we disobey, that is when we sin and fall short of God’s legal standards: he demands us to be perfect and sinless. Related Glossary Terms Index Testimonial - In and Out and All Around Drag related terms here Find Term
  • 24. Modern sensibility The unwritten rules of today’s society that assert one’s supposedly inherent right to believe whatever you want, acts in whatever way makes you most happy, and to be whoever you most want to be. This seems to be mostly concerned with sexuality and gender issues. Related Glossary Terms Index Essays and Organized Thoughts - Good v. Evil Not happy Find Term
  • 25. Not happy True happiness cannot be found in temporary things like material possessions, friends or family. Only in that which transcends all limitations can we, in undeled happiness, rest. In short, only God gives lasting joy. Related Glossary Terms Index Essays and Organized Thoughts - Was It Worth It? Modern sensibility Find Term
  • 26. NT Abbreviation for “New Testament,” the chapters in the Bible describing events after the birth of Christ. Related Glossary Terms Index Essays and Organized Thoughts - Good v. Evil OT Find Term
  • 27. OT Abbreviation for “Old Testament,” chapters of the Bible with content concerning the time before Christ’s birth. Related Glossary Terms Index Essays and Organized Thoughts - Good v. Evil NT Find Term