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Shooting script
Description Shot
1 CU Close up parallel with the back wheel on a bike as the bike is being pedalled from
the right of the bike so you see the houses/parked cars on the other side of the
bike. The last 2 seconds of the shot will have the bike turning down a road to the
left- the camera will still continue in the direction is was going as the bike peels off.
2 LS Following the bike again but from the back at a long shot- the audience see the
protagonist (KATI) for the first time. The protagonist is slumped over lazily cycling-
doesn’t want to be there cycling.
3 MS Focused on the rider on the bike from the right side as they continue down the
street- the facial expression is bored and tired- doesn’t want to be there. The
camera is parallel to the bike and is going at the same speed.
4 LS Full shoot of the girl on the bike as she cycles. Camera stays parallel to the bike at
the same speed for 5 seconds then camera stops and pans up to focus on the
cloudy/overcast sky pans for 3 stops for 3.
5 LS Starts by looking up at the cloudy sky (same as how 4 finished) pans down for 3
and stops at bike shed entrance. Stationary facing bike shed within in the school as
you see KATI ride into the shed and put her bike away, she then takes of her
helmet and walks out past the camera.
6 LS Stationary looking over the heads of children walking into school as KATI walks in
with them.
7 CU Same shot as 1 3
8 LS Same shot as 2, KATI is wearing different clothes 2
9 MS Sams shot as 3, KATI is wearing different clothes and hair is in a different style 2
10 LS Same shot as 4, KATI is wearing different clothes and camera doesn’t pan up to
11 LS Starts by looking at the bike shed. Same as shot 5 3
16-20 Same sequence as 7-11 but KATI is wearing different clothes and hairstyles in
each shot. Shots are also half the time
21 EST Establishing shot of KATI sat at a bonfire on the beach with a boy on a blanket
holding a bottle of alcohol looking obviously uncomfortable and you can see her
eyes darting around as if she doesn’t want to be there. Slight very slow zoom
towards KATI. KATI is sat on the right and the boy is on the left.
22 LS Closer shot of KATI sat at the bonfire. You cannot see the fire in this shot, but the
orange glow on KATI’s face. KATI is talking to the boy but still obviously not
interested in the conversation. Slight zoom on KATI but still ends on a long shot.
23 MS You see the back of the boy’s head and KATI’s face as they are talking. KATI does
look like she is not as uninterested however, still doesn’t want to be there. Slight
zoom on KATI’s face.
24 MS Back of KATI’s head as the camera focuses on the boy’s facial expressions- he is
very interested in KATI wants to talk, isn’t getting the hint she isn’t that interested.
2 (64.5)
25 LS The camera is slightly off centre to the left and you see the flames in the right
corner. As the boy is talking animatedly KATI looks up from her bottle across the
26 LS The camera is slightly off centre to the right and the flames are in the left corner as
the camera is looking at a girl (MEGAN) as she is staring off across the bonfire (at
KATI) and smirking.
27 MS Over the boy’s shoulder focused on KATI’s face as she looks down bashfully. And
is playing with the top of the bottle
28 CU Of KATI’s face as she glances up in MEGAN’s direction- almost scared/unsure. 2
29 CU Of MEGAN’s face as she looks in KATI’s direction- she is smiling confidently. 2
30 MS Looking over KATI’s shoulder as she is looking down again. The boy says
something and looks a bit rejected- waits for an answer.
31 MS Straight on looking at both KATI and the boy as KATI shakes her head and looks
up half a smile as the boy gets up and leaves.
32 MS KATI looks back at where MEGAN was sat and looks disappointed/upset, looks
down and fiddles with the bottle again.
33 MS Facing KATI from where the boy was sat as you see MEGAN approach from
behind her with two beer bottles in her hands. KATI is still looking down and fiddling
with the bottle- her face is looking unsure and bored again.
34 LS Looking straight on at the two girls with the bonfire in the right bottom corner.
MEGAN taps KATI on the shoulder and holds the beer out to her. KATI looks up in
surprise and smiles accepting the bottle. Camera slightly zooms in on the two girls
as MEGAN sits down with KATI.
35 MS Looking straight on at the two girls as they both turn in closer to each other. Both
are smiling and talking.
36 MS Behind MEGAN’s shoulder focusing on KATI as she looks happy- is laughing
although is still slightly reserved.
37 MS Behind KATI’s shoulder focusing on MEGAN as she is looking happy and
confident- keeps making jokes that make KATI laugh and then smiles at her as she
watches KATI laugh in an adoring way.
38 MS Straight on showing both of them sat facing each other as they talk/laugh- the
camera moves back ‘zooming out’ as the talk to end on a long shot.
39 LS From the other side so you see their backs as they are talking and KATI puts down
her bottle finished and MEGAN stands up.
40 MS Same position as 39 but closer so you can see KATI panicking as MEGAN stands
up. As MEGAN fully stands she looks at KATI and holds out her hand
41 CU On KATI’s face as she realises what MEGAN is doing and smiles as she looks up
42 CU On MEGAN’s hand- showing that’s what KATI is staring at. 1
43 CMS Close Mid Shot of KATI looking down at the hand and staring for a second before
she snaps out of her daze and takes MEGAN’s hand.
44 CU MEGAN and KATI’s hands linked as MEGAN helps KATI up. 3 (125.5)
45 MS KATI standing up with MEGAN’s help. 2
46 CU Their hands as they change positions to link better- from the front 2
47 CU Starts as a CU of their hands but from behind and as they walk down the beach the
camera stays in its position and the shot becomes a LS as they walk
48 MS KATI is lying in bed looking up at the ceiling deep in thought. She turns over to look
at her phone checks the time and her notifications before turning back round and
trying to sleep.
49 LCS Long close shot of KATI’s face as she lies trying to go to sleep. Looking down on
KATI’s face from above. Slight zoom in on KATI’s face.
50 LS Camera from the side of KATI as she’s sat on her laptop with headphones on.
Phone is nest to her on charge. She looks bored and tired. Slight zoom in on KATI
– that’s the focus not her room.
51 MS From behind the laptop – you see the lid and KATI’s face as she is watching the
52 LS Same as shot 50 but notification pops up on KATI’s phone and KATI looks down at
53 CS Focused on the phone and the message. 2
54 LS Same shot as 52 as KATI picks up the Phone and looks at the notification. 4
55 MS Same as 51 as KATI opens the phone and smiles when she sees the account and
she goes to click on the phone
56 CS Focused on the phone as it shows MEGAN’s Instagram and KATI clicking to follow
– it is private so cannot see the photos.
57 LS Same as 54 as KATI puts the phone down and continues to watch the film. 3
58 CS Focused on the phone as two more messages come through saying she accepted
the follow request and then a few seconds later a message come through as KATI
picks the phone up
59 MS KATI picking the phone up and smiling as she looks at the notification. 3
60 CS Focused on the phone as KATI opens it and looks at the message and her thumbs
move over the keyboard not too sure what too write.
61 MS Same as 59 as KATI is smiling whilst replying the message and then waiting and
reading before replying again. Camera is slowly pulling backwards/zooming out.
62 LS In the street as KATI comes towards the camera so happy almost skipping 3
63 LS Of the front of the coffee shop as KATI walks in – you see her back as she walks in. 4
64 MS From the inside of the coffee shop as she opens the door and goes in- she looks
around for someone.
65 MS From behind as she walks into the coffee shop and gets her phone out looking at
the messages
66 CU Focused on the phone as you read her messages from MEGAN saying where she
is sat and that she has her favourite tea
67 MS From behind again as KATI looks up to the back corner and finds MEGAN sat
68 LS Looking straight at the girls as they are sat talking and laughing drinking their drinks
the camera slowly zooms out as they are talking.
69 LS Slow zoom in on the girls as they are sat on MEGAN’s bed watching film and eating
70 MS Slow zoom in from the side as they are sat there and KATI turns and says
something to MEGAN which makes them both laugh.
71 MS From the back off the car as they are singing and talking whilst MEGAN is driving. 4
72 CU Of KATI’s face as she stops and just looks at MEGAN whilst smiling 3
73 CU Of MEGAN stopping when she realises that KATI isn’t singing- she looks over at
KATI for a split second
74 MS From the back of the car as MEGAN looks over for a second and they both start
75 LS From behind as they walk hand in hand towards a house- you can see people
milling about drinking outside. Camera follows them
76 LS Still from behind as they walk into the house and people call them and they turn
and wave as they receive closed beer bottles- still holding hands
77 LS Them dancing and drinking with everyone one else in the room 4
78 MS Them still dancing but more focused on just them 3
79 LS Them sat on a sofa together just talking and drinking and watching everyone else at
the party. Slow zoom in on them as they are sat there
80 LS After the party MEGAN walks them back to her house and as they are walking KATI
is drunk and cannot walk in a straight line however they are still laughing and
giggling as they walk back to MEGAN’s.
81 MS Closer shot of them walking from behind 3
82 LS As KATI walking out of school smiling and talking to a group of people as they all
leave she slows down and gets her phone out.
83 CU Focused on the phone as she texts MEGAN saying shes finished with her last
84 LS KATI runs down the path from school into MEGAN’s arms and they hug. The
camera follows KATI running from behind and then as they hug it moves around
them circling them twice.
85 LS MEGAN holds open the door for KATI as they get into MEGAN’s car. Camera is
facing the front of the car.
86 LS Both the girls at the beach running around near the sea 6
87 MS Closer of the girls as they mess around on the beach 3
88 CU Focused on two envelopes they are holding with their names on them. 2
89 MS Camera facing the girls as they are sat in MEGAN’s car terrified to open their
90 CU Of KATI’s hands shaking as she opens her envelope and looks at the paper. 6
91 LS From the back of the car as both the girls are smiling and giggling and hugging in
92 MS From the inside of the house facing the door as MEGAN walks in looking visibly
tired and worn out as she turns to look at the post pile.
93 CU Camera is positioned over the letters look at each one as she flips through them,
until her hands stops on one addressed to her and in the top corner it says
94 MS MEGAN is on the phone and very energetic and happy with the letter- talking very
quickly and crying.
95 CU Focused on the phone as MEGAN adds the call with “MOTHER” and hesitates then
calls “KATI”
96 MS Same as 94 but not as excited- still happy and crying but a layer of sadness mixed
97 LS In the car with MEGAN’s parents looking out of the front window as they drive past
98 MS MEGAN and KATI in the back seat- MEGAN a mixture of excitement and sadness-
KATI trying to put on a brave face but upset
99 MS MEGAN’s parents getting her luggage out of the car at the airport camera facing
the boot of the car
100 MS At the side of the car KATI is facing them hugging herself not too sure how to feel 4
101 MS MEGAN laughing with her Dad as she takes the luggage from him. 3
102 LS Facing the family as they walk towards the airport- KATI and MEGAN holding
hands taking the luggage talking and MEGAN’s parents walking behind them half
hugging looking extremely proud
103 MS Circling MEGAN and KATI as they hug and are both crying 4
104 LS MEGAN walking off and then turning around and waving 4
105 LS KATI and MEGAN’s parents standing smiling and waving back 4
106 MS KATI is driving looking thoughtful 2
107 CU Phone on passenger seat vibrates 2
108 MS KATI pulls up at her house and picks up her phone 4
109 MS Facing KATI from the front window- she is smiling at her phone and typing a reply 4
110 CU On phone as she replies to MEGAN’s text 4
111 CU On KATI’s face as she is texting MEGAN from the side. KATI is smiling as she talks
112 MS Camera facing KATI through the driver side door as she picks her keys and bag up
and leaves her car.
113 LS KATI is at a friend’s house with a group of 5 when a text comes through and she
114 MS KATI outside in the garden on the phone to MEGAN. Camera moves around her
slowly in a semi-circle.
115 LS KATI is sat on her bed in the afternoon with her iPad in front of her- talking and
looking at it. Camera is at the end of her bed and slowly zooms in on her.
116 MS From the side of KATI’s face as she’s talking- happy but not overjoyed. Camera
pans down to focus on the iPad which has MEGAN on it looking exhausted and not
overjoyed (night for MEGAN)
117 MS Facing KATI from behind the iPad as she is on her phone at the same time as
talking to MEGAN. Slight pan upwards
118 LS Same as shot 113. Although KATI doesn’t reply to the text and puts the phone back
in her pocket before continuing to talk to the group
119 MS KATI sat at home doing work with headphones on when her phone starts ringing
and she looks down at it.
120 CU Of the phone ringing displaying MEGAN’s name as KATI picks it up taking it out of
121 MS Behind KATI’s shoulder as she decline’s and texts saying sorry she’s in a lecture
before putting the phone down
122 MS In front of KATI as she puts the phone down and continues with her work. 4
123 LS KATI out walking with her family when she stops and checks her phone. 4
124 MS Over KATI’s shoulder as she opens her phone and clicks on texts and it
automatically goes to MEGAN’s thread showing they haven’t spoken in weeks
125 MS From the front as KATI locks the phone and pouts it in her pocket 4
126 MS From behind as KATI re-joins her family in their walk picking up her little sister and
smiling as they go
127 LS KATI is sat in her room on her iPad when she picks her phone up and starts
128 MS From the front as KATI is sat their staring at her phone 2
129 CU Of the phone on a photo from Instagram of MEGAN with friends for New Years. 3
130 MS Behind KATI’s shoulder as she texts MEGAN saying they need to talk 4
131 CU MEGAN’s name comes up on the screen as she phones KATI 2
132 MS From the end of KATI’s bed as she’s on the phone to MEGAN crying. camera
slowly zooms out
LS Mirror sequence of shot 1-6 but KATI is cycling happily the sun is shining and she is
content with her life.
137 CU On a piece of paper that KATI is writing on 4
138 LS The end shot is of a photo of MEGAN and KATI in a photo frame as credits play. 10
All scenes have no dialogue or sounds effects only audio is the music and KATI’s narration.

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Shooting script

  • 1. Shooting script Shot No. Shot type Description Shot duration (seconds) 1 CU Close up parallel with the back wheel on a bike as the bike is being pedalled from the right of the bike so you see the houses/parked cars on the other side of the bike. The last 2 seconds of the shot will have the bike turning down a road to the left- the camera will still continue in the direction is was going as the bike peels off. 5 2 LS Following the bike again but from the back at a long shot- the audience see the protagonist (KATI) for the first time. The protagonist is slumped over lazily cycling- doesn’t want to be there cycling. 3 3 MS Focused on the rider on the bike from the right side as they continue down the street- the facial expression is bored and tired- doesn’t want to be there. The camera is parallel to the bike and is going at the same speed. 5 4 LS Full shoot of the girl on the bike as she cycles. Camera stays parallel to the bike at the same speed for 5 seconds then camera stops and pans up to focus on the cloudy/overcast sky pans for 3 stops for 3. 9 5 LS Starts by looking up at the cloudy sky (same as how 4 finished) pans down for 3 and stops at bike shed entrance. Stationary facing bike shed within in the school as you see KATI ride into the shed and put her bike away, she then takes of her helmet and walks out past the camera. 8 6 LS Stationary looking over the heads of children walking into school as KATI walks in with them. 3 7 CU Same shot as 1 3 8 LS Same shot as 2, KATI is wearing different clothes 2 9 MS Sams shot as 3, KATI is wearing different clothes and hair is in a different style 2 10 LS Same shot as 4, KATI is wearing different clothes and camera doesn’t pan up to sky 3 11 LS Starts by looking at the bike shed. Same as shot 5 3 16-20 Same sequence as 7-11 but KATI is wearing different clothes and hairstyles in each shot. Shots are also half the time 7.5 21 EST Establishing shot of KATI sat at a bonfire on the beach with a boy on a blanket holding a bottle of alcohol looking obviously uncomfortable and you can see her eyes darting around as if she doesn’t want to be there. Slight very slow zoom towards KATI. KATI is sat on the right and the boy is on the left. 4 22 LS Closer shot of KATI sat at the bonfire. You cannot see the fire in this shot, but the orange glow on KATI’s face. KATI is talking to the boy but still obviously not interested in the conversation. Slight zoom on KATI but still ends on a long shot. 3 23 MS You see the back of the boy’s head and KATI’s face as they are talking. KATI does look like she is not as uninterested however, still doesn’t want to be there. Slight zoom on KATI’s face. 2 24 MS Back of KATI’s head as the camera focuses on the boy’s facial expressions- he is very interested in KATI wants to talk, isn’t getting the hint she isn’t that interested. 2 (64.5) 25 LS The camera is slightly off centre to the left and you see the flames in the right corner. As the boy is talking animatedly KATI looks up from her bottle across the bonfire. 3 26 LS The camera is slightly off centre to the right and the flames are in the left corner as the camera is looking at a girl (MEGAN) as she is staring off across the bonfire (at KATI) and smirking. 3
  • 2. 27 MS Over the boy’s shoulder focused on KATI’s face as she looks down bashfully. And is playing with the top of the bottle 3 28 CU Of KATI’s face as she glances up in MEGAN’s direction- almost scared/unsure. 2 29 CU Of MEGAN’s face as she looks in KATI’s direction- she is smiling confidently. 2 30 MS Looking over KATI’s shoulder as she is looking down again. The boy says something and looks a bit rejected- waits for an answer. 4 31 MS Straight on looking at both KATI and the boy as KATI shakes her head and looks up half a smile as the boy gets up and leaves. 5 32 MS KATI looks back at where MEGAN was sat and looks disappointed/upset, looks down and fiddles with the bottle again. 4 33 MS Facing KATI from where the boy was sat as you see MEGAN approach from behind her with two beer bottles in her hands. KATI is still looking down and fiddling with the bottle- her face is looking unsure and bored again. 4 34 LS Looking straight on at the two girls with the bonfire in the right bottom corner. MEGAN taps KATI on the shoulder and holds the beer out to her. KATI looks up in surprise and smiles accepting the bottle. Camera slightly zooms in on the two girls as MEGAN sits down with KATI. 5 35 MS Looking straight on at the two girls as they both turn in closer to each other. Both are smiling and talking. 3 36 MS Behind MEGAN’s shoulder focusing on KATI as she looks happy- is laughing although is still slightly reserved. 3 37 MS Behind KATI’s shoulder focusing on MEGAN as she is looking happy and confident- keeps making jokes that make KATI laugh and then smiles at her as she watches KATI laugh in an adoring way. 3 38 MS Straight on showing both of them sat facing each other as they talk/laugh- the camera moves back ‘zooming out’ as the talk to end on a long shot. 4 39 LS From the other side so you see their backs as they are talking and KATI puts down her bottle finished and MEGAN stands up. 3 40 MS Same position as 39 but closer so you can see KATI panicking as MEGAN stands up. As MEGAN fully stands she looks at KATI and holds out her hand 3 41 CU On KATI’s face as she realises what MEGAN is doing and smiles as she looks up at MEGAN. 3 42 CU On MEGAN’s hand- showing that’s what KATI is staring at. 1 43 CMS Close Mid Shot of KATI looking down at the hand and staring for a second before she snaps out of her daze and takes MEGAN’s hand. 3 44 CU MEGAN and KATI’s hands linked as MEGAN helps KATI up. 3 (125.5) 45 MS KATI standing up with MEGAN’s help. 2 46 CU Their hands as they change positions to link better- from the front 2 47 CU Starts as a CU of their hands but from behind and as they walk down the beach the camera stays in its position and the shot becomes a LS as they walk 6
  • 3. 48 MS KATI is lying in bed looking up at the ceiling deep in thought. She turns over to look at her phone checks the time and her notifications before turning back round and trying to sleep. 10 49 LCS Long close shot of KATI’s face as she lies trying to go to sleep. Looking down on KATI’s face from above. Slight zoom in on KATI’s face. 3 50 LS Camera from the side of KATI as she’s sat on her laptop with headphones on. Phone is nest to her on charge. She looks bored and tired. Slight zoom in on KATI – that’s the focus not her room. 4 51 MS From behind the laptop – you see the lid and KATI’s face as she is watching the screen. 3 52 LS Same as shot 50 but notification pops up on KATI’s phone and KATI looks down at it. 2 53 CS Focused on the phone and the message. 2 54 LS Same shot as 52 as KATI picks up the Phone and looks at the notification. 4 55 MS Same as 51 as KATI opens the phone and smiles when she sees the account and she goes to click on the phone 3 56 CS Focused on the phone as it shows MEGAN’s Instagram and KATI clicking to follow – it is private so cannot see the photos. 2 57 LS Same as 54 as KATI puts the phone down and continues to watch the film. 3 58 CS Focused on the phone as two more messages come through saying she accepted the follow request and then a few seconds later a message come through as KATI picks the phone up 3 59 MS KATI picking the phone up and smiling as she looks at the notification. 3 60 CS Focused on the phone as KATI opens it and looks at the message and her thumbs move over the keyboard not too sure what too write. 2 61 MS Same as 59 as KATI is smiling whilst replying the message and then waiting and reading before replying again. Camera is slowly pulling backwards/zooming out. 5 62 LS In the street as KATI comes towards the camera so happy almost skipping 3 63 LS Of the front of the coffee shop as KATI walks in – you see her back as she walks in. 4 64 MS From the inside of the coffee shop as she opens the door and goes in- she looks around for someone. 2 65 MS From behind as she walks into the coffee shop and gets her phone out looking at the messages 2 66 CU Focused on the phone as you read her messages from MEGAN saying where she is sat and that she has her favourite tea 3 67 MS From behind again as KATI looks up to the back corner and finds MEGAN sat there. 2 68 LS Looking straight at the girls as they are sat talking and laughing drinking their drinks the camera slowly zooms out as they are talking. 3
  • 4. 69 LS Slow zoom in on the girls as they are sat on MEGAN’s bed watching film and eating pizza 5 70 MS Slow zoom in from the side as they are sat there and KATI turns and says something to MEGAN which makes them both laugh. 3 71 MS From the back off the car as they are singing and talking whilst MEGAN is driving. 4 72 CU Of KATI’s face as she stops and just looks at MEGAN whilst smiling 3 73 CU Of MEGAN stopping when she realises that KATI isn’t singing- she looks over at KATI for a split second 3 74 MS From the back of the car as MEGAN looks over for a second and they both start laughing. 3 75 LS From behind as they walk hand in hand towards a house- you can see people milling about drinking outside. Camera follows them 4 76 LS Still from behind as they walk into the house and people call them and they turn and wave as they receive closed beer bottles- still holding hands 5 77 LS Them dancing and drinking with everyone one else in the room 4 78 MS Them still dancing but more focused on just them 3 79 LS Them sat on a sofa together just talking and drinking and watching everyone else at the party. Slow zoom in on them as they are sat there 4 80 LS After the party MEGAN walks them back to her house and as they are walking KATI is drunk and cannot walk in a straight line however they are still laughing and giggling as they walk back to MEGAN’s. 4 81 MS Closer shot of them walking from behind 3 82 LS As KATI walking out of school smiling and talking to a group of people as they all leave she slows down and gets her phone out. 8 83 CU Focused on the phone as she texts MEGAN saying shes finished with her last exam. 5 84 LS KATI runs down the path from school into MEGAN’s arms and they hug. The camera follows KATI running from behind and then as they hug it moves around them circling them twice. 10 85 LS MEGAN holds open the door for KATI as they get into MEGAN’s car. Camera is facing the front of the car. 6 86 LS Both the girls at the beach running around near the sea 6 87 MS Closer of the girls as they mess around on the beach 3 88 CU Focused on two envelopes they are holding with their names on them. 2 89 MS Camera facing the girls as they are sat in MEGAN’s car terrified to open their envelopes. 4
  • 5. 90 CU Of KATI’s hands shaking as she opens her envelope and looks at the paper. 6 91 LS From the back of the car as both the girls are smiling and giggling and hugging in happiness. 5 92 MS From the inside of the house facing the door as MEGAN walks in looking visibly tired and worn out as she turns to look at the post pile. 6 93 CU Camera is positioned over the letters look at each one as she flips through them, until her hands stops on one addressed to her and in the top corner it says HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 5 94 MS MEGAN is on the phone and very energetic and happy with the letter- talking very quickly and crying. 7 95 CU Focused on the phone as MEGAN adds the call with “MOTHER” and hesitates then calls “KATI” 4 96 MS Same as 94 but not as excited- still happy and crying but a layer of sadness mixed in 5 97 LS In the car with MEGAN’s parents looking out of the front window as they drive past BOURNEMOUTH AIRPORT sign 4 98 MS MEGAN and KATI in the back seat- MEGAN a mixture of excitement and sadness- KATI trying to put on a brave face but upset 4 99 MS MEGAN’s parents getting her luggage out of the car at the airport camera facing the boot of the car 4 100 MS At the side of the car KATI is facing them hugging herself not too sure how to feel 4 101 MS MEGAN laughing with her Dad as she takes the luggage from him. 3 102 LS Facing the family as they walk towards the airport- KATI and MEGAN holding hands taking the luggage talking and MEGAN’s parents walking behind them half hugging looking extremely proud 5 103 MS Circling MEGAN and KATI as they hug and are both crying 4 104 LS MEGAN walking off and then turning around and waving 4 105 LS KATI and MEGAN’s parents standing smiling and waving back 4 106 MS KATI is driving looking thoughtful 2 107 CU Phone on passenger seat vibrates 2 108 MS KATI pulls up at her house and picks up her phone 4 109 MS Facing KATI from the front window- she is smiling at her phone and typing a reply 4 110 CU On phone as she replies to MEGAN’s text 4
  • 6. 111 CU On KATI’s face as she is texting MEGAN from the side. KATI is smiling as she talks to MEGAN. 4 112 MS Camera facing KATI through the driver side door as she picks her keys and bag up and leaves her car. 5 113 LS KATI is at a friend’s house with a group of 5 when a text comes through and she replies. 4 114 MS KATI outside in the garden on the phone to MEGAN. Camera moves around her slowly in a semi-circle. 4 115 LS KATI is sat on her bed in the afternoon with her iPad in front of her- talking and looking at it. Camera is at the end of her bed and slowly zooms in on her. 5 116 MS From the side of KATI’s face as she’s talking- happy but not overjoyed. Camera pans down to focus on the iPad which has MEGAN on it looking exhausted and not overjoyed (night for MEGAN) 6 117 MS Facing KATI from behind the iPad as she is on her phone at the same time as talking to MEGAN. Slight pan upwards 4 118 LS Same as shot 113. Although KATI doesn’t reply to the text and puts the phone back in her pocket before continuing to talk to the group 6 119 MS KATI sat at home doing work with headphones on when her phone starts ringing and she looks down at it. 4 120 CU Of the phone ringing displaying MEGAN’s name as KATI picks it up taking it out of shot 3 121 MS Behind KATI’s shoulder as she decline’s and texts saying sorry she’s in a lecture before putting the phone down 5 122 MS In front of KATI as she puts the phone down and continues with her work. 4 123 LS KATI out walking with her family when she stops and checks her phone. 4 124 MS Over KATI’s shoulder as she opens her phone and clicks on texts and it automatically goes to MEGAN’s thread showing they haven’t spoken in weeks 5 125 MS From the front as KATI locks the phone and pouts it in her pocket 4 126 MS From behind as KATI re-joins her family in their walk picking up her little sister and smiling as they go 6 127 LS KATI is sat in her room on her iPad when she picks her phone up and starts scrolling 4 128 MS From the front as KATI is sat their staring at her phone 2 129 CU Of the phone on a photo from Instagram of MEGAN with friends for New Years. 3 130 MS Behind KATI’s shoulder as she texts MEGAN saying they need to talk 4 131 CU MEGAN’s name comes up on the screen as she phones KATI 2
  • 7. 132 MS From the end of KATI’s bed as she’s on the phone to MEGAN crying. camera slowly zooms out 6 133- 136 LS Mirror sequence of shot 1-6 but KATI is cycling happily the sun is shining and she is content with her life. 30 137 CU On a piece of paper that KATI is writing on 4 138 LS The end shot is of a photo of MEGAN and KATI in a photo frame as credits play. 10 All scenes have no dialogue or sounds effects only audio is the music and KATI’s narration.