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Dr. Huda Moutaz Ismael
College of dentistry /University of Baghdad
Department of oral & maxillofacial surgery
Regional Classification of Bones:
 Axial skeleton 80 bones
 Appendicular skeleton 126 bones
Regional Classification of Bones:
 Axial skeleton 80 bones
 Skull
 Hyoid 1
 Vertebrae
 Thoracic cage
Regional Classification of Bones:
 Axial skeleton 80 bones
 Skull
 Cranium
 Face
 Auditory ossicles
The Head
The head is formed mainly by the skull with the brain and its covering
meninges enclosed in the cranial cavity.
The special senses, the eye and the ear, lie within the skull bones or in the
cavities bounded by them.
The brain gives rise to 12 pairs of cranial nerves, which leave the brain and
pass through foramina and fissures in the skull.
Bones of the Skull
The skull is composed of several separate bones united at immobile
joints called sutures.
The connective tissue between the bones is called a sutural
The mandible is an exception to this rule, for it is united to the skull
by the mobile temporomandibular joint
Bones of the Skull
The bones of the skull can be divided into those of the cranium and those of the face.
The bones of the skull are 22 bones divided into 8 bones of cranium and 14 bones of the face.
The vault is the upper part of the cranium, and the base of the skull is the lowest part of the
Sagittal section of a human skull, showing the cranial vault
Bones of the Skull
The cranium consists of the following bones, two of which are paired :
Frontal bone: 1
Parietal bones: 2
Occipital bone: 1
Temporal bones: 2
Sphenoid bone: 1
Ethmoid bone: 1
Bones of the Skull
The facial bones consist of the following, two of which are single:
Zygomatic bones: 2
Maxillae: 2
Nasal bones: 2
Lacrimal bones: 2
Vomer: 1
Palatine bones: 2
Inferior conchae: 2
Mandible: 1
Bone of cranium
Frontal bone: (forehead bone):
curves downward to make the upper margins of the orbits.
The superciliary arches can be seen on either side, and the supraorbital
notch, or foramen, can be recognized.
Contains the frontal paranasal sinuses.
Has two primary centers that ossify along the frontal suture (metopic) in
the 2nd year.
Helps form the foramen cecum, which allows passage of an emissary vein
that connects to the superior sagittal sinus.
There is 1 frontal bone.
Anterior View of the Skull:
Frontal bone:
Medially, the frontal bone articulates with the frontal
processes of the maxillae and with the nasal bones.
Laterally, the frontal bone articulates with the zygomatic
Parts: All parts are of intramembranous ossifications
1. Squamous portion
2. Orbital portion
 Forms the roof of the orbit and floor of the anterior cranial fossa.
3. Nasal portion
 The trochlea of the orbit articulates with the orbital portion.
 Articulates with the nasal bones and the frontal process of the maxilla to form the root of the nose.
Squamous portion
 The largest part of the frontal bone.
 Forms the majority of the forehead.
 Forms the supraorbital margin and
the superciliary arch.
 The zygomatic process of the
frontal bone extends from the
posterior part of the supraorbital
 Arachnoid foveae—depressions
caused by arachnoid granulations that
push on the dura mater, causing bone
resorption on the endocranial surface
Nasal portion
 The trochlea of the orbit articulates with the orbital portion.
 Articulates with the nasal bones and the frontal process of the
maxilla to form the root of the nose
Frontal bone:
Within the frontal bone, just above the orbital
margins, are two hollow spaces lined with mucous
membrane called the frontal air sinuses. These
communicate with the nose and serve as voice
 Characteristics
• majority of the cranial vault
• four corners
• 2 parietal bones
• square, forming roof and sides
of the cranial vault.
• Endocranial surface filled with grooves made by
branches of the middle meningeal artery.
Parts: All parts undergone
intramembranous Ossification
Has 4 angles
1. Frontal— located at bregma.
2. Sphenoid— located at pterion.
3. Occipital— located at lambda.
4. Mastoid— located at asterion.
 Characteristics
 Forms the posterior part of the
cranial vault.
 Articulates with the atlas.
 The squamous and lateral portions
normally ossify together by year 4.
 The basilar portion unites to this
section at year 6.
 There is 1 occipital bone.
 Parts: the squamous portion has intramembranous
ossification while the other
parts has endochondral ossification.
1. Squamous portion
 Articulates with the temporal and parietal bones.
 The largest portion of the occipital bone.
 Located posterior and superior to the foramen magnum.
 Has the external occipital protuberance (more pronounced
in males). Has the superior and the inferior nuchal lines.
 Has grooves on the internal surface for 3 of the sinuses
forming the confluence
of the sinuses (the superior sagittal and the right and left
transverse sinuses)
 The depression superior to the transverse sinus is for the
occipital lobes of the
 The depression inferior to the transverse sinus is for the
2. Lateral portion
 Articulates with the temporal bone.
 It is the portion lateral to the foramen magnum.
 Has the occipital condyles that articulate with the atlas.
 Contains the hypoglossal canal.
 Forms a portion of the jugular foramen.
3. Basilar portion
 Articulates with the petrous part of the temporal and the sphenoid bones.
 It is the portion immediately anterior to the foramen magnum.
 Pharyngeal tubercle is part of the basilar portion that provides attachment
the superior constrictor muscle.
 Internal surface of the basilar portion is called the clivus, and part of the
brainstem lies against it.
internal occipital crest
 Temporal portion is the thin large area on
the squamous part of the temporal.
 On the internal surface of the temporal
portion lies a groove for the middle
meningeal artery.
 Zygomatic process
 The zygomatic process extends
laterally and anteriorly from the
squamous portion; it articulates with
the temporal process of the
zygomatic bone to make the
zygomatic arch.
 Glenoid fossa
 Glenoid fossa is inferior and medial to
the zygomatic process; it articulates
with the mandibular condyle, forming
the temporomandibular joint
2. Petrous part: Endochondral ossification
 Forms the solid portion of bone.
 The auditory and vestibular apparatuses are located within the
petrous part.
 The medial part articulates with the sphenoid bone to form the foramen
 Internal acoustic meatus is observed on the medial side of the petrous part.
 Carotid canal lies on the inferior part of the petrous part.
 Petrotympanic fissure lies between the petrous part of the temporal bone
the tympanic part of the temporal bone.
 On the posterior inferior surface of the petrous part lies the jugular fossa.
 Between the jugular fossa and the carotid canal is the tympanic canaliculus.
 The mastoid process extends posteriorly and has large mastoid air cells.
The mandibular fossa
mandibular fossa
3. Tympanic part: Intramembranous ossification
 A plate of bone forming the anterior, posterior,
and inferior portions of the
external acoustic meatus.
 Anterior part forms the posterior portion of
the glenoid fossa
4. Styloid process: Endochondral ossification
 A projection from the temporal bone.
 The stylomastoid foramen lies posterior to this
The stylomastoid foramen
 Characteristics
 Forms the majority of the middle portion
of the cranial base.
 Contains the sphenoid paranasal sinus.
 There is 1 sphenoid bone.
 Parts
1. Body: Endochondral ossification
 Superior part of the body, known as the
sella turcica, is saddle-shaped and
possesses the anterior and
posterior clinoid processes.
 Hypophyseal fossa, the deepest part
of the sella turcica, houses the pituitary
 Dorsum sellae is a square-shaped part
of the bone that lies posterior to the sella
 Clivus is the portion that slopes
posterior to the body.
 Body contains the sphenoid paranasal
 Lateral portion of the body is covered by
the cavernous sinus.
 Optic canal is found in the body of the
2. Greater wing: Endochondral and intramembranous ossification
 Anterior portion lies in the orbit.
 Contains 3 foramina:
 Foramen spinosum.
 Foramen rotundum.
 Foramen ovale.
3. Lesser wing: Endochondral ossification
 Extends laterally and anteriorly from the superior portion of
the sphenoid body.
 Separated from the greater wing by the superior orbital
4. Pterygoid process: Intramembranous ossification
 Arises from the inferior surface of the body.
 There are 2 pterygoid processes each has a:
 Lateral pterygoid plate.
 Medial pterygoid plate.
 Pterygoid hamulus extends from the medial pterygoid plate.
 Two canals are associated with the pterygoid process:
 Pterygoid canal.
 Pharyngeal canal
 Characteristics
 A porous bone that forms the major portion of the
middle part of the face between the
 Helps form the orbit, nasal cavity, nasal septum,
and anterior cranial fossa.
 There is 1 ethmoid bone
 Parts: all parts are endochondral ossification
1. Perpendicular plate
 A flat plate that descends from the cribriform plate
to form part of the nasal septum.
 Articulates with the vomer inferiorly.
3. Ethmoid labyrinth
 The largest part of the ethmoid bone.
 Descends inferiorly from the cribriform plate.
 Ethmoid paranasal sinuses are located within
the ethmoid labyrinth.
 Ethmoid labyrinth forms 2 major structures
within the nasal cavity:
 Superior nasal concha.
 Middle nasal concha.
 Ethmoid bulla is the large elevation of bone
located by the middle ethmoid paranasal
 Uncinate process is a curved piece of bone.
 Between the uncinate process and the ethmoid
bulla is the hiatus semilunaris.
Anterior View of the Skull:
Nasal bones
The two nasal bones form the bridge of the nose.
Their lower borders, with the maxillae, make the anterior nasal
The nasal cavity is divided into two by the
bony nasal septum, which is largely formed
by the vomer.
The superior and middle conchae are
shelves of bone that project into the nasal
cavity from the ethmoid on each side; the
inferior conchae are separate bones.
Anterior View of the Skull:
The two maxillae form the upper jaw, the anterior part of the
hard palate, part of the lateral walls of the nasal cavities,
and part of the floors of the orbital cavities.
The two bones meet in the midline at the intermaxillary
suture and form the lower margin of the nasal aperture.
Below the orbit, the maxilla is perforated by the infraorbital
infraorbital foramen.
Anterior View of the Skull:
The alveolar process projects downward and, together with
the fellow of the opposite side, forms the alveolar arch, which
carries the upper teeth.
Within each maxilla is a large, pyramid- shaped cavity lined
with mucous membrane called the maxillary sinus. This
communicates with the nasal cavity and serves as a voice
Anterior View of the Skull:
The zygomatic bone
forms the prominence of the cheek and part of the
lateral wall and floor of the orbital cavity.
The zygomatic bone is perforated by two foramina for
the zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal nerves.
Anterior View of the Skull:
The zygomatic bone
Medially, it articulates with the maxilla
Laterally it articulates with the zygomatic process of
the temporal bone to form the zygomatic arch.
Anterior View of the Skull:
The mandible, or lower jaw, consists of a horizontal body and two
vertical rami
Lateral View of the Skull
The frontal bone forms the anterior part of the side of the skull and articulates
with the parietal bone at the coronal Suture
The parietal bones form the sides and roof of the cranium and articulate with
each other in the midline at the sagittal suture. They articulate with the occipital
bone behind, at the lambdoid suture.
Lateral View of the Skull
The skull is completed at the side by the squamous part of the occipital bone; parts of the temporal
bone, namely, the squamous, tympanic, mastoid process, styloid process, and zygomatic process;
and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.
The ramus and body of the mandible lie inferiorly.
Lateral View of the Skull
The thinnest part of the lateral wall of the skull is where the anteroinferior
corner of the parietal bone articulates with the greater wing of the sphenoid;
this point is referred to as the pterion.
Clinically, the pterion is an important area because it overlies the anterior
division of the middle meningeal artery and vein.
Lateral View of the Skull
The superior and inferior temporal lines, which
begin as a single line from the posterior margin
of the zygomatic process of the frontal bone and
diverge as they arch backward.
The temporal fossa lies below the inferior
temporal line.
Lateral View of the Skull
The infratemporal fossa lies below the infratemporal crest
on the greater wing of the sphenoid.
The pterygomaxillary fissure is a vertical fissure that lies
within the fossa between the pterygoid process of the
sphenoid bone and back of the maxilla. It leads medially
into the pterygopalatine fossa.
Lateral View of the Skull
The inferior orbital fissure is a horizontal fissure between the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and
the maxilla. It leads forward into the orbit.
Lateral View of the Skull
The pterygopalatine fossa is a small space
behind and below the orbital cavity.
It communicates:
 laterally with the infratemporal fossa through
the pterygomaxillary fissure,
medially with the nasal cavity through the
sphenopalatine foramen,
superiorly with the skull through the foramen
anteriorly with the orbit through the inferior
orbital fissure.
Posterior View of the Skull
The posterior parts of the two parietal bones with
the intervening sagittal suture are seen above.
Below the parietal bones articulate with the
squamous part of the occipital bone at the lambdoid
Posterior View of the Skull
On each side the occipital bone articulates with the temporal bone.
In the midline of the occipital bone is a roughened elevation called the external
occipital protuberance, which gives attachment to muscles and the ligamentum
On either side of the protuberance the superior nuchal lines extend laterally
toward the temporal bone.
external occipital protuberance
Inferior nuchal line
Superior View of the Skull
Anteriorly, the frontal bone articulates with the two
parietal bones at the coronal suture.
Occasionally, the two halves of the frontal bone fail to
fuse, leaving a midline metopic suture.
Behind, the two parietal bones articulate in the midline
at the sagittal suture.
Inferior View of the Skull
If the mandible is discarded, the anterior part of this aspect
of the skull is seen to be formed by the hard palate . The
palatal processes of the maxillae and the horizontal plates
of the palatine bones can be identified.
In the midline anteriorly is the incisive fossa and foramen.
Posterolaterally are the greater and lesser palatine
Inferior View of the Skull
Above the posterior edge of the hard palate are the Choanae (posterior nasal
apertures). These are separated from each other by the posterior margin of the
vomer and are bounded laterally by the medial pterygoid plates of the phenoid
The inferior end of the medial pterygoid plate is prolonged as a curved spike of
bone, the pterygoid hamulus.
Inferior View of the Skull
Posterolateral to the lateral pterygoid plate, the greater wing of the
sphenoid is pierced by the large foramen ovale and the small foramen
Posterolateral to the foramen spinosum is the spine of the sphenoid.
Inferior View of the Skull
Behind the spine of the sphenoid, in the interval between the greater wing of the
sphenoid and the petrous part of the temporal bone, is a groove for the
cartilaginous part of the auditory tube.
The opening of the bony part of the tube can be identified.
Inferior View of the Skull
The styloid process of the temporal bone projects
downward and forward from its inferior aspect.
Inferior View of the Skull
The opening of the carotid canal can be seen on the
inferior surface of the petrous part of the temporal
Carotid canal.
Inferior View of the Skull
The medial end of the petrous part of the temporal bone
is irregular and, together with the basilar part of the
occipital bone and the greater wing of the sphenoid,
forms the foramen lacerum.
During life, the foramen lacerum is closed with fibrous
tissue, and only a few small vessels pass through this
foramen from the cavity of the skull to the exterior.
2. Cribriform plate
 A horizontal bone that forms the superior
surface of the ethmoid and it contains
numerous foramina for the olfactory
 Crista galli is a vertical plate that extends
superiorly from the cribriform plate
providing attachment for the falx cerebri
of the meninges.
 Associated with a small foramen cecum.
Foramen lacerum (is a triangular hole in the base of the
skull located between the sphenoid, apex of petrous
temporal and basilar part of occipital)
Inferior View of the Skull
The tympanic plate, which forms part of
the temporal bone, is C shaped on section
and forms the bony part of the external
auditory meatus.
Inferior View of the Skull
In the interval between the styloid and mastoid
processes, the stylomastoid foramen can be seen.
Medial to the styloid process, the petrous part of the temporal bone has a deep
notch, which, together with a shallower notch on the occipital bone, forms the
jugular foramen.
Inferior View of the Skull
Behind the posterior apertures of the nose and in
front of the foramen magnum are the sphenoid
bone and the basilar part of the occipital bone.
The pharyngeal tubercle is a small prominence on
the undersurface of the basilar part of the occipital
bone in the midline.
Inferior View of the Skull
The occipital condyles articulate with the superior aspect of
the lateral mass of the first cervical vertebra, the atlas.
Superior to the occipital condyle is the hypoglossal canal for
transmission of the hypoglossal nerve
occipital condyles
The probe is pointing through the
hypoglossal canal, which is located
directly superior and slightly anterior
to its corresponding occipital
Inferior View of the Skull
Posterior to the foramen magnum in the midline is
the external occipital protuberance. The superior
nuchal lines should be identified as they curve
laterally on each side.
External Occipital Protuberance
superior nuchal lines
Thank u
Q1/Identify the
black arrow?
Q2-write one characteristic
of this bone
Q3 Identify

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Lec 5 skull

  • 1. SKULL By Dr. Huda Moutaz Ismael College of dentistry /University of Baghdad Department of oral & maxillofacial surgery
  • 2. Regional Classification of Bones:  Axial skeleton 80 bones  Appendicular skeleton 126 bones
  • 3. Regional Classification of Bones:  Axial skeleton 80 bones  Skull  Hyoid 1  Vertebrae  Thoracic cage
  • 4. Regional Classification of Bones:  Axial skeleton 80 bones  Skull  Cranium  Face  Auditory ossicles
  • 5. The Head The head is formed mainly by the skull with the brain and its covering meninges enclosed in the cranial cavity. The special senses, the eye and the ear, lie within the skull bones or in the cavities bounded by them. The brain gives rise to 12 pairs of cranial nerves, which leave the brain and pass through foramina and fissures in the skull.
  • 6. Bones of the Skull Composition: The skull is composed of several separate bones united at immobile joints called sutures. The connective tissue between the bones is called a sutural ligament. The mandible is an exception to this rule, for it is united to the skull by the mobile temporomandibular joint
  • 7. Bones of the Skull The bones of the skull can be divided into those of the cranium and those of the face. The bones of the skull are 22 bones divided into 8 bones of cranium and 14 bones of the face. The vault is the upper part of the cranium, and the base of the skull is the lowest part of the cranium.
  • 8. Sagittal section of a human skull, showing the cranial vault
  • 9.
  • 10. Bones of the Skull The cranium consists of the following bones, two of which are paired : Frontal bone: 1 Parietal bones: 2 Occipital bone: 1 Temporal bones: 2 Sphenoid bone: 1 Ethmoid bone: 1
  • 11.
  • 12. Bones of the Skull The facial bones consist of the following, two of which are single: Zygomatic bones: 2 Maxillae: 2 Nasal bones: 2 Lacrimal bones: 2 Vomer: 1 Palatine bones: 2 Inferior conchae: 2 Mandible: 1
  • 13. Bone of cranium Frontal bone: (forehead bone): curves downward to make the upper margins of the orbits. The superciliary arches can be seen on either side, and the supraorbital notch, or foramen, can be recognized. Characteristics Contains the frontal paranasal sinuses. Has two primary centers that ossify along the frontal suture (metopic) in the 2nd year. Helps form the foramen cecum, which allows passage of an emissary vein that connects to the superior sagittal sinus. There is 1 frontal bone.
  • 14. Anterior View of the Skull: Frontal bone: Articulation Medially, the frontal bone articulates with the frontal processes of the maxillae and with the nasal bones. Laterally, the frontal bone articulates with the zygomatic bone.
  • 15. Parts: All parts are of intramembranous ossifications 1. Squamous portion . 2. Orbital portion  Forms the roof of the orbit and floor of the anterior cranial fossa. 3. Nasal portion  The trochlea of the orbit articulates with the orbital portion.  Articulates with the nasal bones and the frontal process of the maxilla to form the root of the nose.
  • 16. Squamous portion  The largest part of the frontal bone.  Forms the majority of the forehead.  Forms the supraorbital margin and the superciliary arch.  The zygomatic process of the frontal bone extends from the posterior part of the supraorbital margin.  Arachnoid foveae—depressions caused by arachnoid granulations that push on the dura mater, causing bone resorption on the endocranial surface
  • 17.
  • 18. Nasal portion  The trochlea of the orbit articulates with the orbital portion.  Articulates with the nasal bones and the frontal process of the maxilla to form the root of the nose
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  • 20. Frontal bone: Within the frontal bone, just above the orbital margins, are two hollow spaces lined with mucous membrane called the frontal air sinuses. These communicate with the nose and serve as voice resonators.
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  • 23. 2.PARIETAL BONE  Characteristics • majority of the cranial vault • four corners • 2 parietal bones • square, forming roof and sides of the cranial vault. • Endocranial surface filled with grooves made by branches of the middle meningeal artery.
  • 24. Parts: All parts undergone intramembranous Ossification Has 4 angles 1. Frontal— located at bregma. 2. Sphenoid— located at pterion. 3. Occipital— located at lambda. 4. Mastoid— located at asterion.
  • 25.
  • 26. OCCIPITAL BONE  Characteristics  Forms the posterior part of the cranial vault.  Articulates with the atlas.  The squamous and lateral portions normally ossify together by year 4.  The basilar portion unites to this section at year 6.  There is 1 occipital bone.
  • 27.  Parts: the squamous portion has intramembranous ossification while the other parts has endochondral ossification. 1. Squamous portion  Articulates with the temporal and parietal bones.  The largest portion of the occipital bone.  Located posterior and superior to the foramen magnum.  Has the external occipital protuberance (more pronounced in males). Has the superior and the inferior nuchal lines.  Has grooves on the internal surface for 3 of the sinuses forming the confluence of the sinuses (the superior sagittal and the right and left transverse sinuses)  The depression superior to the transverse sinus is for the occipital lobes of the brain.  The depression inferior to the transverse sinus is for the cerebellum
  • 28.
  • 29. . 2. Lateral portion  Articulates with the temporal bone.  It is the portion lateral to the foramen magnum.  Has the occipital condyles that articulate with the atlas.  Contains the hypoglossal canal.  Forms a portion of the jugular foramen.
  • 30.
  • 31. 3. Basilar portion  Articulates with the petrous part of the temporal and the sphenoid bones.  It is the portion immediately anterior to the foramen magnum.  Pharyngeal tubercle is part of the basilar portion that provides attachment for the superior constrictor muscle.  Internal surface of the basilar portion is called the clivus, and part of the brainstem lies against it.
  • 33.
  • 34. Temporal  Temporal portion is the thin large area on the squamous part of the temporal.  On the internal surface of the temporal portion lies a groove for the middle meningeal artery.
  • 35.
  • 36.  Zygomatic process  The zygomatic process extends laterally and anteriorly from the squamous portion; it articulates with the temporal process of the zygomatic bone to make the zygomatic arch.  Glenoid fossa  Glenoid fossa is inferior and medial to the zygomatic process; it articulates with the mandibular condyle, forming the temporomandibular joint
  • 37.
  • 38. 2. Petrous part: Endochondral ossification  Forms the solid portion of bone.  The auditory and vestibular apparatuses are located within the petrous part.  The medial part articulates with the sphenoid bone to form the foramen lacerum.  Internal acoustic meatus is observed on the medial side of the petrous part.  Carotid canal lies on the inferior part of the petrous part.  Petrotympanic fissure lies between the petrous part of the temporal bone and the tympanic part of the temporal bone.  On the posterior inferior surface of the petrous part lies the jugular fossa.  Between the jugular fossa and the carotid canal is the tympanic canaliculus.  The mastoid process extends posteriorly and has large mastoid air cells.
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  • 44. 3. Tympanic part: Intramembranous ossification  A plate of bone forming the anterior, posterior, and inferior portions of the external acoustic meatus.  Anterior part forms the posterior portion of the glenoid fossa 4. Styloid process: Endochondral ossification  A projection from the temporal bone.  The stylomastoid foramen lies posterior to this process.
  • 46. SPHENOID BONE  Characteristics  Forms the majority of the middle portion of the cranial base.  Contains the sphenoid paranasal sinus.  There is 1 sphenoid bone.
  • 47.  Parts 1. Body: Endochondral ossification  Superior part of the body, known as the sella turcica, is saddle-shaped and possesses the anterior and posterior clinoid processes.  Hypophyseal fossa, the deepest part of the sella turcica, houses the pituitary gland.  Dorsum sellae is a square-shaped part of the bone that lies posterior to the sella turcica.  Clivus is the portion that slopes posterior to the body.  Body contains the sphenoid paranasal sinuses.  Lateral portion of the body is covered by the cavernous sinus.  Optic canal is found in the body of the sphenoid.
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  • 53. 2. Greater wing: Endochondral and intramembranous ossification  Anterior portion lies in the orbit.  Contains 3 foramina:  Foramen spinosum.  Foramen rotundum.  Foramen ovale. .
  • 54. 3. Lesser wing: Endochondral ossification  Extends laterally and anteriorly from the superior portion of the sphenoid body.  Separated from the greater wing by the superior orbital fissure. 4. Pterygoid process: Intramembranous ossification  Arises from the inferior surface of the body.  There are 2 pterygoid processes each has a:  Lateral pterygoid plate.  Medial pterygoid plate.  Pterygoid hamulus extends from the medial pterygoid plate.  Two canals are associated with the pterygoid process:  Pterygoid canal.  Pharyngeal canal
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  • 57. ETHMOID BONE  Characteristics  A porous bone that forms the major portion of the middle part of the face between the orbits.  Helps form the orbit, nasal cavity, nasal septum, and anterior cranial fossa.  There is 1 ethmoid bone  Parts: all parts are endochondral ossification 1. Perpendicular plate  A flat plate that descends from the cribriform plate to form part of the nasal septum.  Articulates with the vomer inferiorly.
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  • 60. 3. Ethmoid labyrinth  The largest part of the ethmoid bone.  Descends inferiorly from the cribriform plate.  Ethmoid paranasal sinuses are located within the ethmoid labyrinth.  Ethmoid labyrinth forms 2 major structures within the nasal cavity:  Superior nasal concha.  Middle nasal concha.  Ethmoid bulla is the large elevation of bone located by the middle ethmoid paranasal sinuses.  Uncinate process is a curved piece of bone.  Between the uncinate process and the ethmoid bulla is the hiatus semilunaris.
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  • 63. Anterior View of the Skull: Nasal bones The two nasal bones form the bridge of the nose. Their lower borders, with the maxillae, make the anterior nasal aperture.
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  • 65. The nasal cavity is divided into two by the bony nasal septum, which is largely formed by the vomer. The superior and middle conchae are shelves of bone that project into the nasal cavity from the ethmoid on each side; the inferior conchae are separate bones.
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  • 68. Anterior View of the Skull: Maxillae The two maxillae form the upper jaw, the anterior part of the hard palate, part of the lateral walls of the nasal cavities, and part of the floors of the orbital cavities. The two bones meet in the midline at the intermaxillary suture and form the lower margin of the nasal aperture. Below the orbit, the maxilla is perforated by the infraorbital foramen.
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  • 73. Anterior View of the Skull: Maxillae The alveolar process projects downward and, together with the fellow of the opposite side, forms the alveolar arch, which carries the upper teeth. Within each maxilla is a large, pyramid- shaped cavity lined with mucous membrane called the maxillary sinus. This communicates with the nasal cavity and serves as a voice resonator.
  • 74.
  • 75. Anterior View of the Skull: The zygomatic bone forms the prominence of the cheek and part of the lateral wall and floor of the orbital cavity. The zygomatic bone is perforated by two foramina for the zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal nerves.
  • 76. Anterior View of the Skull: The zygomatic bone Articulation Medially, it articulates with the maxilla Laterally it articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone to form the zygomatic arch.
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  • 78. Anterior View of the Skull: The mandible, or lower jaw, consists of a horizontal body and two vertical rami
  • 79.
  • 80. Lateral View of the Skull The frontal bone forms the anterior part of the side of the skull and articulates with the parietal bone at the coronal Suture The parietal bones form the sides and roof of the cranium and articulate with each other in the midline at the sagittal suture. They articulate with the occipital bone behind, at the lambdoid suture.
  • 81.
  • 82. Lateral View of the Skull The skull is completed at the side by the squamous part of the occipital bone; parts of the temporal bone, namely, the squamous, tympanic, mastoid process, styloid process, and zygomatic process; and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone. The ramus and body of the mandible lie inferiorly.
  • 83. Lateral View of the Skull The thinnest part of the lateral wall of the skull is where the anteroinferior corner of the parietal bone articulates with the greater wing of the sphenoid; this point is referred to as the pterion. Clinically, the pterion is an important area because it overlies the anterior division of the middle meningeal artery and vein.
  • 84. Lateral View of the Skull The superior and inferior temporal lines, which begin as a single line from the posterior margin of the zygomatic process of the frontal bone and diverge as they arch backward. The temporal fossa lies below the inferior temporal line.
  • 85. Lateral View of the Skull The infratemporal fossa lies below the infratemporal crest on the greater wing of the sphenoid. The pterygomaxillary fissure is a vertical fissure that lies within the fossa between the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone and back of the maxilla. It leads medially into the pterygopalatine fossa.
  • 86.
  • 87. Lateral View of the Skull The inferior orbital fissure is a horizontal fissure between the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla. It leads forward into the orbit.
  • 88. Lateral View of the Skull The pterygopalatine fossa is a small space behind and below the orbital cavity. It communicates:  laterally with the infratemporal fossa through the pterygomaxillary fissure, medially with the nasal cavity through the sphenopalatine foramen, superiorly with the skull through the foramen rotundum, anteriorly with the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure.
  • 89.
  • 90. Posterior View of the Skull The posterior parts of the two parietal bones with the intervening sagittal suture are seen above. Below the parietal bones articulate with the squamous part of the occipital bone at the lambdoid suture.
  • 91. Posterior View of the Skull On each side the occipital bone articulates with the temporal bone. In the midline of the occipital bone is a roughened elevation called the external occipital protuberance, which gives attachment to muscles and the ligamentum nuchae. On either side of the protuberance the superior nuchal lines extend laterally toward the temporal bone.
  • 93.
  • 95. Superior View of the Skull Anteriorly, the frontal bone articulates with the two parietal bones at the coronal suture. Occasionally, the two halves of the frontal bone fail to fuse, leaving a midline metopic suture. Behind, the two parietal bones articulate in the midline at the sagittal suture.
  • 96.
  • 97. Inferior View of the Skull If the mandible is discarded, the anterior part of this aspect of the skull is seen to be formed by the hard palate . The palatal processes of the maxillae and the horizontal plates of the palatine bones can be identified. In the midline anteriorly is the incisive fossa and foramen. Posterolaterally are the greater and lesser palatine foramina.
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  • 100. Inferior View of the Skull Above the posterior edge of the hard palate are the Choanae (posterior nasal apertures). These are separated from each other by the posterior margin of the vomer and are bounded laterally by the medial pterygoid plates of the phenoid bone. The inferior end of the medial pterygoid plate is prolonged as a curved spike of bone, the pterygoid hamulus.
  • 101. Inferior View of the Skull Posterolateral to the lateral pterygoid plate, the greater wing of the sphenoid is pierced by the large foramen ovale and the small foramen spinosum. Posterolateral to the foramen spinosum is the spine of the sphenoid.
  • 102.
  • 103. Inferior View of the Skull Behind the spine of the sphenoid, in the interval between the greater wing of the sphenoid and the petrous part of the temporal bone, is a groove for the cartilaginous part of the auditory tube. The opening of the bony part of the tube can be identified.
  • 104. Inferior View of the Skull The styloid process of the temporal bone projects downward and forward from its inferior aspect.
  • 105. Inferior View of the Skull The opening of the carotid canal can be seen on the inferior surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone. Carotid canal.
  • 106. Inferior View of the Skull The medial end of the petrous part of the temporal bone is irregular and, together with the basilar part of the occipital bone and the greater wing of the sphenoid, forms the foramen lacerum. During life, the foramen lacerum is closed with fibrous tissue, and only a few small vessels pass through this foramen from the cavity of the skull to the exterior.
  • 107. 2. Cribriform plate  A horizontal bone that forms the superior surface of the ethmoid and it contains numerous foramina for the olfactory nerve.  Crista galli is a vertical plate that extends superiorly from the cribriform plate providing attachment for the falx cerebri of the meninges.  Associated with a small foramen cecum.
  • 108. Foramen lacerum (is a triangular hole in the base of the skull located between the sphenoid, apex of petrous temporal and basilar part of occipital)
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  • 110. Inferior View of the Skull The tympanic plate, which forms part of the temporal bone, is C shaped on section and forms the bony part of the external auditory meatus.
  • 111. Inferior View of the Skull In the interval between the styloid and mastoid processes, the stylomastoid foramen can be seen. Medial to the styloid process, the petrous part of the temporal bone has a deep notch, which, together with a shallower notch on the occipital bone, forms the jugular foramen.
  • 112. Inferior View of the Skull Behind the posterior apertures of the nose and in front of the foramen magnum are the sphenoid bone and the basilar part of the occipital bone. The pharyngeal tubercle is a small prominence on the undersurface of the basilar part of the occipital bone in the midline.
  • 113. Inferior View of the Skull The occipital condyles articulate with the superior aspect of the lateral mass of the first cervical vertebra, the atlas. Superior to the occipital condyle is the hypoglossal canal for transmission of the hypoglossal nerve occipital condyles
  • 114. The probe is pointing through the hypoglossal canal, which is located directly superior and slightly anterior to its corresponding occipital condyle
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  • 116. Inferior View of the Skull Posterior to the foramen magnum in the midline is the external occipital protuberance. The superior nuchal lines should be identified as they curve laterally on each side. External Occipital Protuberance
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