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TheraSuit’in Hikayesi
 Takım elbise terapisinin
araştırılması ve
geliştirilmesi, Rusya'nın
uzay programında
başladı; bu, ağırlıksızlığın
vücut üzerindeki zararlı
etkilerine karşı koymak
için uzay uçuşunda
giyilecek olan özel, hafif
bir elbise olan Penguin
kıyafetinin bulunmasıyla
Vücuda binen ağırlığın azalmasıyla:
 Kemik Yoğunluğunda Azalma
 Azalmış Duyusal ve Motor girdiler
 Kaslarda Atrofi
 Kardiyovaskuler Dekondisyon
 Vücut Sıvısı Dengesizliği
 PenguenSuit yıllardır. Astronotlar üzerinde yukarıdaki
sorunları azaltmak için kullanılmaktaydı. Daha sonra
bu teknoloji rehabilitasyonda kullanılması için
uzmanlarla paylaşıldı. Rus Bilim Akademisinin
Pediyatri bölümü ‘Adeli Suit’ i geliştirdi. Başarılı
sonuçları, Adeli Suitin serebral felci ve diğer nörolojik
rahatsızlıkların tedavisinde uygulanabilir bir bileşen
haline gelmesiyle, Suit Therapy tamamen yeni bir
metodun kapısını açtı.
 Adeli Suit’in modifiye edilmiş bir versiyonu olan
TheraSuit, Birleşik Devletlerde ve yurtdışında yoğun
Suit terapisinin öncülerinden olan polonyalı terapistler
Richard ve Izabela Koscielny tarafından tasarlandı.
 TheraSuit™, bu tür cihazlar içerisinde Amerikan İlaç
ve Gıda Dairesi (FDA) tarafından tescilli, tüm
gereksinimleri ve düzenlemeleri yerine getiren tek
ekipman. Amerika'da ve Avrupa'da TheraSuit'i başarılı
bir şekilde kullanan 75 den fazla klinik var. Ayrıca
TheraSuit'i günlük kullanan eğitimli yüzlerce aile var.
 TheraSuit™, yapısı ve eşsiz dizaynıyla hava alabilir
yumuşak dinamik bir ortezden meydana gelir.
 TheraSuit™ şunlardan oluşur:
· Başlık
· Yelek
· Şort
· Diz pedleri
· Ayakkabı bağları
 The overall concept of Intensive Suit Therapy – TheraSuit® Method is to recruit and
create new pathways to the brain at a faster pace. Research has shown that,
after any brain injury, there is great potential for the brain to reorganize and repair itself
to compensate for damage or loss of cells. This is accomplished by repetitive muscle
strengthening and active functional movements performed in various ways. Intensive
Suit Therapy targets specific muscle groups that are impacted by the effects of the injury,
which affect function. Patients make significant gains over the three week program. The
main focus of intensive therapy is to allow movement to become automatic and more
 Intensive Suit Therapy allows for amazing results: children make significant gains in just
3 weeks. It can accelerate children’s progress in sensory processing and motor skills
through strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, coordination, vestibular, and enhanced
functional skill training. Children who undergo intensive therapy have acquired skills like
rolling, crawling, sitting, standing and walking, which they may not have been able to
achieve with traditional therapy or would have taken many months or years to achieve.
Children have also demonstrated improvement with cognitive, sensory processing, social
and communication skills, allowing them to better engage and focus on tasks, and
interact with others.
Kimler Faydalanabilir
 Spastik Serebral Palsi
 Ataksi
 Atetoz
 Hipertoni veHipotoni
 İnme Sonrası (CVA)
 Travmatik Beyin Yaralanması
 Duyusal İşlemleme Problemleri
 Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğu
 Down Sendromu ve Diğer Genetik Hastalıklar
 Gelişim Geriliği
TheraSuit Nasıl Çalışır?
 Çalışma düzeneği, afferent vestibular-proprioseptif girdi (vestibular sisteme ulaşan bilgi)' yi
normalleştirmeye olanak sağlar. Vestibular sistem çok önemli bir merkez. Kaslar, eklemler ve
tendonlardan gelen bilgileri işler, birleştirir ve geri gönderir. Kas tonusu, denge ve vücudun
boşluktaki pozisyonu üzerine tesir eder.
 Eklemler, ligamentler, kaslar, tendonlar ve eklem kapsülünün propriosepsiyonu ne kadar iyi
olursa kasların ve vücut kısımlarının dizilim ve uyuşması da o kadar doğru olur. Böylece kötü
döngü kırılır (resim1) ve yanlış olan şey yerini yeni doğru bilgiye bırakır. (resim2)
 Düzgün paterni yakalamak için, serebral palsili bir hasta ve diğer nöromotor rahatsızlığı olan
çocuklarda belli hareketlerin normalden kat kat fazla yüzlerce defa tekrar edilmesi gerekir.
Bununla birlikte, serebral palsili
bir çocuk için yeni becerileri
öğrenmek veya başarmak için,
normalde epeyce düşük olan bu
'sihirli sayı' binlerce veya daha
fazla tekrar yapmayı gerektirir.
 TheraSuit™' in uzun süreli
giyilmesi propriosepsiyonu
düzeltir ve gelişimi hızlandırır.
TheraSuit™ ve fiziksel hareket
(terapi seansları) sayesinde
çalışılan hareketler daha düzgün
hale gelir ve daha az çaba
gerektirir. Böylece TheraSuit™
oturma, ayakta durma, yürüme
gibi yeni kaba ve ince motor
becerilerin gelişimini
Faydaları Nelerdir?
· Merkezi sinir sistemini yeniden eğitir
· Kas tonusunu normalize eder
· Vücudu mümkün olduğunca normale yakın düzeltir
· Dinamik düzeltme sağlar
· Yürüyüş modelini normalize eder (düzeltir)
· Taktil stimulasyon (Dokunma hissi)'un gelişimi
· Vestibular sistemi etkiler
· Dengeyi ve Koordinasyonu geliştirir
· Ataksi ve atetozda kontrolsüz hareketleri azaltır
· propriosepsiyonu geliştirir
· Zayıf kasları destekler ve güçlendirir.
· Güçlü kasların daha da kuvvetlenmesi için direnç uygular
· Baş kontrolü gövde desteği sayesinde ses üretimini ve akıcı konuşmayı geliştirir
· Kemik dansitesini geliştirir
· Kontraktürleri azaltmaya yardım eder
· Kalça eklemine dikey düzlemde yükleme sayesinde kalça düzgünlüğünün gelişimine yardımcı
· Kaba ve ince motor becerilerin gelişimine yardımcı olur
Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken
 · Kalp hastalıkları
 · Kontrolsüz nöbet atakları
 · Kalça supluksasyonu
 · Hidrosefali -VP Şant- (Beyinde su toplanması)
 · Diyabet
 · Böbrek problemleri
 · Yüksek kan basıncı
Kimlere Uygulanmaz!!
 %50'den fazla kalça subluksasyonu
 Ağır (45 derece üzeri) skolyoz
 Yakın zamanda Selektif Dorsal Rizotomi (Cerrah
uygun görmediği Sürece)
Diğer Giyilebilir Ortezler
 Theratogs
 Fizyoterapistler tarafından terapi esnasında kullanılan, el
tutuşlarının dokunuşlarının çeşitli giydirme ve çektirme
yöntemleri ile tekrarlanmasını ve devamlılığını sağlayan
modern bir destek tedavi yöntemidir.
 Theratogs günlük kıyafetlerin altına rahatlıkla giyilebilen
ve gün içerisinde özel gereksinimli bireye olabildiğince
destek sağlayan özel bir giysidir.
 Wunzi ise Theratogs’un bebekler için zıbın şeklinde
tasarlanmış ürünüdür. Bilhassa prematüre ve nörolojik
etkilenimli bebeklerin erken dönemde yaşadığı hipotoni
için sıklıkla tercih edilmektedir.
Comparison of efficacy of Adeli suit and neurodevelopmental
treatments in children with cerebral palsy.
MAYIS 2006
 This study compared the efficacy of Adeli suit treatment (AST) with neurodevelopmental treatment
(NDT) in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Twenty-four children with CP, Levels II to IV according to
the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), were matched by age and functional status
and randomly assigned to the AST or NDT treatment groups. In the AST group (n=12; eight males,
four females; mean age 8.3 y [SD 2.0]), six children had spastic/ataxic diplegia, one triplegia and five
spastic/mixed quadriplegia. In the NDT group (n=12; nine males, three females; mean age 8.1 y [SD
2.2]), five children had spastic diplegia and seven had spastic/mixed quadriplegia. Both groups were
treated for 4 weeks (2 hours daily, 5 days per week, 20 sessions). To compare treatments, the Gross
Motor Function Measure (GMFM-66) and the mechanical efficiency index (EIHB) during stair-
climbing were measured at baseline, immediately after 1 month of treatment, and 10 months after
baseline. The small but significant time effects for GMFM-66 and EIHB that were noted after 1 month
of both intensive physiotherapy courses were greater than expected from natural maturation of
children with CP at this age. Improvements in motor skills and their retention 9 months after
treatment were not significantly different between the two treatment modes. Post hoc analysis
indicated a greater increase in EIHB after 1 month (p=0.16) and 10 months (p=0.004) in AST than that
in NDT, predominantly in the children with higher motor function (GMFCS Levels II and III). The
results suggest that AST might improve mechanical efficiency without a corresponding gain in gross
motor skills, especially in children with higher levels of motor function.
The effect of suit wear during an intensive therapy program in children with
cerebral palsy.
Bailes AF1, Greve K, Burch CK, Reder R, Lin L, Huth MM.
Author information
 Abstract
 To examine the effects of suit wear during an intensive therapy program on motor
function among children with cerebral palsy.
 Twenty children were randomized to an experimental (TheraSuit) or a control (control
suit) group and participated in an intensive therapy program. The Pediatric Evaluation of
Disability Inventory (PEDI) and Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM)-66 were
administered before and after (4 and 9 weeks). Parent satisfaction was also assessed.
 No significant differences were found between groups. Significant within-group
differences were found for the control group on the GMFM-66 and for the experimental
group on the GMFM-66, PEDI Functional Skills Self-care, PEDI Caregiver Assistance
Self-care, and PEDI Functional Skills Mobility. No adverse events were reported.
 Children wearing the TheraSuit during an intensive therapy program did not
demonstrate improved motor function compared with those wearing a control suit
during the same program.
The effects of progressive resistance training for children with cerebral palsy Jan F Morton Yorkhill
NHS Trust, Glasgow (community paediatric service) and Glasgow Caledonian University, also The
National Centre for Education and Training in Prosthetics and Orthotics, Strathclyde University,
Glasgow, Margaret Brownlee and Angus K McFadyen Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow,
Scotland Received 21st October 2003; returned for revisions 27th January 2004; revised manuscript
accepted 6th April 2004.
 Objectives: To investigate the effects of progressive resistance training of quadriceps and hamstrings
muscles in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Design: Pilot study using a repeated measures design with
measurements at baseline, immediately after six weeks training then at four-week follow-up. Setting: The
project was undertaken within the physiotherapy department of two special schools in Glasgow.
 Subjects: A convenience sample of eight children aged between six and 12 years, with hypertonic CP.
Intervention: The subjects participated three times per week in a six-week, progressive, free-weight,
strengthening programme.
 Outcome measures: Maximum isometric muscle strength and resistance to passive stretch were measured
with a hand-held myometer. The Gross Motor Function Measure and a 10-metre timed walking test, were
used to assess function and gait parameters respectively.
 Results: Muscle strength increased, with the quadriceps to hamstrings strength ratio moving towards
normal. These changes were retained at follow-up. Muscle tone decreased and continued to decrease to
follow-up. The standing (D) and walking, running and jumping (E) goal areas of the Gross Motor Function
Measure showed improvement that continued towards follow-up. Walking speed and step rate increased.
 Conclusions: A future large-scale randomized controlled study would be of value to substantiate these
results as the small convenience sample and lack of control group limit this study. However, the finding that
no adverse effect accompanied the positive outcomes in strength and function may encourage clinicians to
consider resistance training alongside standard therapeutic interventions.
Effects of combined Adeli suit and neurodevelopmental treatment
in children with spastic cerebral palsy with gross motor function
classification system levels I and II
 Background
 Children with cerebral palsy (CP) exhibit diverse gait patterns depending on their neurological
deficits and musculoskeletal problems. The Adeli suit treatment (AST) has been proposed as an
intensive exercise protocol in the management of CP.
 Objectives
 The aim of this study was to compare the effects of a 6-week programme of combined AST and
neurodevelopment treatment (NDT) with those of NDT alone on Gross Motor Function Measure
(GMFM), balance, and gait in children with CP.
 Methods
 Twenty children with CP of Gross Motor Function Classification System levels I and II were randomly
assigned to one of the following two groups: (1) NDT or (2) AST/NDT. The participants were assessed
using the GMFM, Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS), Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, and spatiotemporal
gait parameters.
 Results
 The GMFM, PBS, and TUG test for both groups showed a statistically significant increase (p < 0.05).
Three children were excluded. Compared to the NDT group (n = 9), the AST/NDT group (n = 8)
demonstrated a significant increase in spatiotemporal gait parameters (p < 0.05).
 Conclusion
 These results provide evidence for the greater effectiveness of combined AST/NDT than NDT alone in
improving spatiotemporal gait parameters but not GMFM, PBS, and TUG test.
Efficacy of suit therapy on functioning in children and adolescents with
cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
27 November 2015
 Aim
 This systematic review and meta-analysis presents an overview of the efficacy of suit therapy on
functioning in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP).
 Method
 A systematic review with meta-analysis was conducted. A comprehensive search of peer-reviewed
articles was performed on electronic databases, from their inception to May 2014. Studies included
were rated for methodological quality using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale. Effects of
suit therapy on functioning were assessed using meta-analytic techniques.
 Results
 From the 46 identified studies, four met the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis.
Small, pooled effect sizes were found for gross motor function at post-treatment (g=0.46, 95%
confidence interval [CI] 0.10–0.82) and follow-up (g=0.47, 95% CI 0.03–0.90).
 Interpretation
 The small number of studies, the variability between them, and the low sample sizes are limitations
of this review. Findings suggest that to weigh and balance benefits against harms, clinicians, patients,
and families need better evidence to examine and prove the effects of short intensive treatment such
as suit therapy on gross motor function in children and adolescents with CP. Therefore, more research
based on high-quality studies focusing on functioning in all dimensions of the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health perspective is necessary to clarify the impact of
suit therapy.
Effects of Modified Adeli Suit Therapy on Improvement of Gross Motor
Function in Children With Cerebral Palsy
 Objective
 This study aimed to investigate the effects of the Modified Adeli suit therapy (MAST) on
improvement of gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy (CP).
 Methods
 Thirty-six children with CP assigned by match pairs to three equal groups such as the
MAST, the AST, and the Neurodevelopmental Treatment. They were treated for 4 weeks,
2 hr/d, 5 d/wk. All children were tested by the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM)
at baseline, immediately before and 16 weeks after treatments.
 Results
 All groups had improvement in the GMFM after treatment (p < .01) and there were
significant differences among groups (p < .01). In the follow-up study, no significant
improvement in the GMFM was seen within groups (p > .05), but again there were
significant differences among groups (p < .01).
 Conclusion
 The MAST was more effective than using either the AST or the Neurodevelopmental
treatment on improvement of gross motor function in children with CP after treatment
and at follow-up.
Effect of Modified Suit Therapy in Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy - A Single Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial
OCAK 2011
 Background & Objective: Development of gross motor function in children with cerebral
palsy has been a primary goal of physical therapists for decades. Suit therapy has been
proposed as an adjunct to conventional physiotherapy to treat the impairments
associated with cerebral palsy. Providing an orthosis along with the conventional therapy
improves the motor performance of the child. Hence, this study aimed to determine the
effect of modified suit therapy in gross motor function of spastic diplegic children.
Method: A simple random sample of 30 spastic diplegic subjects in age group of 4-12
years fulfilling inclusion criteria from Mobility India, Bangalore was included. The
outcome was evaluated using Gross Motor Function Measure-88 scale before and after
the intervention. Suit therapy along with the conventional therapy is given for 2hrs daily
for duration of 3 weeks. Results & Conclusion: Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann-
Whitney U test were used to find the significance of improvement before and after the
intervention. There was statistically significant difference between the experimental and
control groups (P=0.030). It is concluded that modified suit therapy along with
conventional physiotherapy is effective in improving the gross motor function of children
with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy.
Effect of Adeli suit treatment on gait in a child with cerebral
palsy: a single-subject report.
 The purpose of this research report is to investigate the long-term effect of
Adeli suit treatment (AST) in a child with cerebral palsy (CP) on spatial-
temporal gait parameters, 10-meter walking speed, gross motor functional
measure (GMFM) and performance on the pediatric balance scale (PBS). An
eight-year-old girl with spastic diplegia classified as level III on the Gross
Motor Function Classification System participated in this single-subject A-B
design study, with a baseline and an intervention phase. The baseline phase
was collected at one-week intervals for six weeks and then the AST intervention
phase was carried out with 18 AST sessions, 50 min per session, once a week for
an 18-week period. Spatial-temporal gait parameters significantly improved
after the completion of 18 sessions. Furthermore, 10-meter walking speed,
GMFM and PBS changed significantly from the baseline measurement
(p < 0.05). In conclusion, the AST was effective in improving gait, gross motor
function and balance in a child with diplegic CP. Clinically, neuro-
rehabilitation with AST provided a complementary and alternative treatment
for lower extremity rehabilitation in this child with CP. These findings provide
preliminary evidence supporting the effectiveness of AST in children with
spastic CP, and thus underscore the need for additional research in this area.

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Therasuit Adeli Suit Uzay Terapi Theratogs

  • 1.
  • 2. TheraSuit’in Hikayesi  Takım elbise terapisinin araştırılması ve geliştirilmesi, Rusya'nın uzay programında başladı; bu, ağırlıksızlığın vücut üzerindeki zararlı etkilerine karşı koymak için uzay uçuşunda giyilecek olan özel, hafif bir elbise olan Penguin kıyafetinin bulunmasıyla sonuçlandı.
  • 3. Vücuda binen ağırlığın azalmasıyla:  Kemik Yoğunluğunda Azalma  Azalmış Duyusal ve Motor girdiler  Kaslarda Atrofi  Kardiyovaskuler Dekondisyon  Vücut Sıvısı Dengesizliği
  • 4.  PenguenSuit yıllardır. Astronotlar üzerinde yukarıdaki sorunları azaltmak için kullanılmaktaydı. Daha sonra bu teknoloji rehabilitasyonda kullanılması için uzmanlarla paylaşıldı. Rus Bilim Akademisinin Pediyatri bölümü ‘Adeli Suit’ i geliştirdi. Başarılı sonuçları, Adeli Suitin serebral felci ve diğer nörolojik rahatsızlıkların tedavisinde uygulanabilir bir bileşen haline gelmesiyle, Suit Therapy tamamen yeni bir metodun kapısını açtı.
  • 5.  Adeli Suit’in modifiye edilmiş bir versiyonu olan TheraSuit, Birleşik Devletlerde ve yurtdışında yoğun Suit terapisinin öncülerinden olan polonyalı terapistler Richard ve Izabela Koscielny tarafından tasarlandı.  TheraSuit™, bu tür cihazlar içerisinde Amerikan İlaç ve Gıda Dairesi (FDA) tarafından tescilli, tüm gereksinimleri ve düzenlemeleri yerine getiren tek ekipman. Amerika'da ve Avrupa'da TheraSuit'i başarılı bir şekilde kullanan 75 den fazla klinik var. Ayrıca TheraSuit'i günlük kullanan eğitimli yüzlerce aile var.
  • 6.  TheraSuit™, yapısı ve eşsiz dizaynıyla hava alabilir yumuşak dinamik bir ortezden meydana gelir.  TheraSuit™ şunlardan oluşur: · Başlık · Yelek · Şort · Diz pedleri · Ayakkabı bağları
  • 7.  The overall concept of Intensive Suit Therapy – TheraSuit® Method is to recruit and create new pathways to the brain at a faster pace. Research has shown that, after any brain injury, there is great potential for the brain to reorganize and repair itself to compensate for damage or loss of cells. This is accomplished by repetitive muscle strengthening and active functional movements performed in various ways. Intensive Suit Therapy targets specific muscle groups that are impacted by the effects of the injury, which affect function. Patients make significant gains over the three week program. The main focus of intensive therapy is to allow movement to become automatic and more normalized.  Intensive Suit Therapy allows for amazing results: children make significant gains in just 3 weeks. It can accelerate children’s progress in sensory processing and motor skills through strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, coordination, vestibular, and enhanced functional skill training. Children who undergo intensive therapy have acquired skills like rolling, crawling, sitting, standing and walking, which they may not have been able to achieve with traditional therapy or would have taken many months or years to achieve. Children have also demonstrated improvement with cognitive, sensory processing, social and communication skills, allowing them to better engage and focus on tasks, and interact with others.
  • 8. Kimler Faydalanabilir  Spastik Serebral Palsi  Ataksi  Atetoz  Hipertoni veHipotoni  İnme Sonrası (CVA)  Travmatik Beyin Yaralanması  Duyusal İşlemleme Problemleri  Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğu  Down Sendromu ve Diğer Genetik Hastalıklar  Gelişim Geriliği
  • 9. TheraSuit Nasıl Çalışır?  Çalışma düzeneği, afferent vestibular-proprioseptif girdi (vestibular sisteme ulaşan bilgi)' yi normalleştirmeye olanak sağlar. Vestibular sistem çok önemli bir merkez. Kaslar, eklemler ve tendonlardan gelen bilgileri işler, birleştirir ve geri gönderir. Kas tonusu, denge ve vücudun boşluktaki pozisyonu üzerine tesir eder.  Eklemler, ligamentler, kaslar, tendonlar ve eklem kapsülünün propriosepsiyonu ne kadar iyi olursa kasların ve vücut kısımlarının dizilim ve uyuşması da o kadar doğru olur. Böylece kötü döngü kırılır (resim1) ve yanlış olan şey yerini yeni doğru bilgiye bırakır. (resim2)  Düzgün paterni yakalamak için, serebral palsili bir hasta ve diğer nöromotor rahatsızlığı olan çocuklarda belli hareketlerin normalden kat kat fazla yüzlerce defa tekrar edilmesi gerekir.
  • 10.  Bununla birlikte, serebral palsili bir çocuk için yeni becerileri öğrenmek veya başarmak için, normalde epeyce düşük olan bu 'sihirli sayı' binlerce veya daha fazla tekrar yapmayı gerektirir.  TheraSuit™' in uzun süreli giyilmesi propriosepsiyonu düzeltir ve gelişimi hızlandırır. TheraSuit™ ve fiziksel hareket (terapi seansları) sayesinde çalışılan hareketler daha düzgün hale gelir ve daha az çaba gerektirir. Böylece TheraSuit™ oturma, ayakta durma, yürüme gibi yeni kaba ve ince motor becerilerin gelişimini kolaylaştırır.
  • 11. Faydaları Nelerdir? · Merkezi sinir sistemini yeniden eğitir · Kas tonusunu normalize eder · Vücudu mümkün olduğunca normale yakın düzeltir · Dinamik düzeltme sağlar · Yürüyüş modelini normalize eder (düzeltir) · Taktil stimulasyon (Dokunma hissi)'un gelişimi · Vestibular sistemi etkiler · Dengeyi ve Koordinasyonu geliştirir · Ataksi ve atetozda kontrolsüz hareketleri azaltır · propriosepsiyonu geliştirir · Zayıf kasları destekler ve güçlendirir. · Güçlü kasların daha da kuvvetlenmesi için direnç uygular · Baş kontrolü gövde desteği sayesinde ses üretimini ve akıcı konuşmayı geliştirir · Kemik dansitesini geliştirir · Kontraktürleri azaltmaya yardım eder · Kalça eklemine dikey düzlemde yükleme sayesinde kalça düzgünlüğünün gelişimine yardımcı eder · Kaba ve ince motor becerilerin gelişimine yardımcı olur
  • 12. Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Durumlar!!  · Kalp hastalıkları  · Kontrolsüz nöbet atakları  · Kalça supluksasyonu  · Hidrosefali -VP Şant- (Beyinde su toplanması)  · Diyabet  · Böbrek problemleri  · Yüksek kan basıncı
  • 13. Kimlere Uygulanmaz!!  %50'den fazla kalça subluksasyonu  Ağır (45 derece üzeri) skolyoz  Yakın zamanda Selektif Dorsal Rizotomi (Cerrah uygun görmediği Sürece)
  • 14. Diğer Giyilebilir Ortezler  Theratogs  Fizyoterapistler tarafından terapi esnasında kullanılan, el tutuşlarının dokunuşlarının çeşitli giydirme ve çektirme yöntemleri ile tekrarlanmasını ve devamlılığını sağlayan modern bir destek tedavi yöntemidir.  Theratogs günlük kıyafetlerin altına rahatlıkla giyilebilen ve gün içerisinde özel gereksinimli bireye olabildiğince destek sağlayan özel bir giysidir.  Wunzi ise Theratogs’un bebekler için zıbın şeklinde tasarlanmış ürünüdür. Bilhassa prematüre ve nörolojik etkilenimli bebeklerin erken dönemde yaşadığı hipotoni için sıklıkla tercih edilmektedir.
  • 15.
  • 16. Kaynaklar  it   metodu-ile-tedavi/1270025  suit-therapy/
  • 17.
  • 18. Comparison of efficacy of Adeli suit and neurodevelopmental treatments in children with cerebral palsy. MAYIS 2006  This study compared the efficacy of Adeli suit treatment (AST) with neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Twenty-four children with CP, Levels II to IV according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), were matched by age and functional status and randomly assigned to the AST or NDT treatment groups. In the AST group (n=12; eight males, four females; mean age 8.3 y [SD 2.0]), six children had spastic/ataxic diplegia, one triplegia and five spastic/mixed quadriplegia. In the NDT group (n=12; nine males, three females; mean age 8.1 y [SD 2.2]), five children had spastic diplegia and seven had spastic/mixed quadriplegia. Both groups were treated for 4 weeks (2 hours daily, 5 days per week, 20 sessions). To compare treatments, the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-66) and the mechanical efficiency index (EIHB) during stair- climbing were measured at baseline, immediately after 1 month of treatment, and 10 months after baseline. The small but significant time effects for GMFM-66 and EIHB that were noted after 1 month of both intensive physiotherapy courses were greater than expected from natural maturation of children with CP at this age. Improvements in motor skills and their retention 9 months after treatment were not significantly different between the two treatment modes. Post hoc analysis indicated a greater increase in EIHB after 1 month (p=0.16) and 10 months (p=0.004) in AST than that in NDT, predominantly in the children with higher motor function (GMFCS Levels II and III). The results suggest that AST might improve mechanical efficiency without a corresponding gain in gross motor skills, especially in children with higher levels of motor function.
  • 19. The effect of suit wear during an intensive therapy program in children with cerebral palsy. Bailes AF1, Greve K, Burch CK, Reder R, Lin L, Huth MM. Author information  Abstract  PURPOSE:  To examine the effects of suit wear during an intensive therapy program on motor function among children with cerebral palsy.  METHOD:  Twenty children were randomized to an experimental (TheraSuit) or a control (control suit) group and participated in an intensive therapy program. The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) and Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM)-66 were administered before and after (4 and 9 weeks). Parent satisfaction was also assessed.  RESULTS:  No significant differences were found between groups. Significant within-group differences were found for the control group on the GMFM-66 and for the experimental group on the GMFM-66, PEDI Functional Skills Self-care, PEDI Caregiver Assistance Self-care, and PEDI Functional Skills Mobility. No adverse events were reported.  CONCLUSIONS:  Children wearing the TheraSuit during an intensive therapy program did not demonstrate improved motor function compared with those wearing a control suit during the same program.
  • 20. The effects of progressive resistance training for children with cerebral palsy Jan F Morton Yorkhill NHS Trust, Glasgow (community paediatric service) and Glasgow Caledonian University, also The National Centre for Education and Training in Prosthetics and Orthotics, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Margaret Brownlee and Angus K McFadyen Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland Received 21st October 2003; returned for revisions 27th January 2004; revised manuscript accepted 6th April 2004.  Objectives: To investigate the effects of progressive resistance training of quadriceps and hamstrings muscles in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Design: Pilot study using a repeated measures design with measurements at baseline, immediately after six weeks training then at four-week follow-up. Setting: The project was undertaken within the physiotherapy department of two special schools in Glasgow.  Subjects: A convenience sample of eight children aged between six and 12 years, with hypertonic CP. Intervention: The subjects participated three times per week in a six-week, progressive, free-weight, strengthening programme.  Outcome measures: Maximum isometric muscle strength and resistance to passive stretch were measured with a hand-held myometer. The Gross Motor Function Measure and a 10-metre timed walking test, were used to assess function and gait parameters respectively.  Results: Muscle strength increased, with the quadriceps to hamstrings strength ratio moving towards normal. These changes were retained at follow-up. Muscle tone decreased and continued to decrease to follow-up. The standing (D) and walking, running and jumping (E) goal areas of the Gross Motor Function Measure showed improvement that continued towards follow-up. Walking speed and step rate increased.  Conclusions: A future large-scale randomized controlled study would be of value to substantiate these results as the small convenience sample and lack of control group limit this study. However, the finding that no adverse effect accompanied the positive outcomes in strength and function may encourage clinicians to consider resistance training alongside standard therapeutic interventions.
  • 21. Effects of combined Adeli suit and neurodevelopmental treatment in children with spastic cerebral palsy with gross motor function classification system levels I and II  Background  Children with cerebral palsy (CP) exhibit diverse gait patterns depending on their neurological deficits and musculoskeletal problems. The Adeli suit treatment (AST) has been proposed as an intensive exercise protocol in the management of CP.  Objectives  The aim of this study was to compare the effects of a 6-week programme of combined AST and neurodevelopment treatment (NDT) with those of NDT alone on Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM), balance, and gait in children with CP.  Methods  Twenty children with CP of Gross Motor Function Classification System levels I and II were randomly assigned to one of the following two groups: (1) NDT or (2) AST/NDT. The participants were assessed using the GMFM, Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS), Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, and spatiotemporal gait parameters.  Results  The GMFM, PBS, and TUG test for both groups showed a statistically significant increase (p < 0.05). Three children were excluded. Compared to the NDT group (n = 9), the AST/NDT group (n = 8) demonstrated a significant increase in spatiotemporal gait parameters (p < 0.05).  Conclusion  These results provide evidence for the greater effectiveness of combined AST/NDT than NDT alone in improving spatiotemporal gait parameters but not GMFM, PBS, and TUG test.
  • 22. Efficacy of suit therapy on functioning in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis 27 November 2015  Aim  This systematic review and meta-analysis presents an overview of the efficacy of suit therapy on functioning in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP).  Method  A systematic review with meta-analysis was conducted. A comprehensive search of peer-reviewed articles was performed on electronic databases, from their inception to May 2014. Studies included were rated for methodological quality using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale. Effects of suit therapy on functioning were assessed using meta-analytic techniques.  Results  From the 46 identified studies, four met the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. Small, pooled effect sizes were found for gross motor function at post-treatment (g=0.46, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.10–0.82) and follow-up (g=0.47, 95% CI 0.03–0.90).  Interpretation  The small number of studies, the variability between them, and the low sample sizes are limitations of this review. Findings suggest that to weigh and balance benefits against harms, clinicians, patients, and families need better evidence to examine and prove the effects of short intensive treatment such as suit therapy on gross motor function in children and adolescents with CP. Therefore, more research based on high-quality studies focusing on functioning in all dimensions of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health perspective is necessary to clarify the impact of suit therapy.
  • 23. Effects of Modified Adeli Suit Therapy on Improvement of Gross Motor Function in Children With Cerebral Palsy 2011  Objective  This study aimed to investigate the effects of the Modified Adeli suit therapy (MAST) on improvement of gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy (CP).  Methods  Thirty-six children with CP assigned by match pairs to three equal groups such as the MAST, the AST, and the Neurodevelopmental Treatment. They were treated for 4 weeks, 2 hr/d, 5 d/wk. All children were tested by the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) at baseline, immediately before and 16 weeks after treatments.  Results  All groups had improvement in the GMFM after treatment (p < .01) and there were significant differences among groups (p < .01). In the follow-up study, no significant improvement in the GMFM was seen within groups (p > .05), but again there were significant differences among groups (p < .01).  Conclusion  The MAST was more effective than using either the AST or the Neurodevelopmental treatment on improvement of gross motor function in children with CP after treatment and at follow-up.
  • 24. Effect of Modified Suit Therapy in Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy - A Single Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial OCAK 2011  Background & Objective: Development of gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy has been a primary goal of physical therapists for decades. Suit therapy has been proposed as an adjunct to conventional physiotherapy to treat the impairments associated with cerebral palsy. Providing an orthosis along with the conventional therapy improves the motor performance of the child. Hence, this study aimed to determine the effect of modified suit therapy in gross motor function of spastic diplegic children. Method: A simple random sample of 30 spastic diplegic subjects in age group of 4-12 years fulfilling inclusion criteria from Mobility India, Bangalore was included. The outcome was evaluated using Gross Motor Function Measure-88 scale before and after the intervention. Suit therapy along with the conventional therapy is given for 2hrs daily for duration of 3 weeks. Results & Conclusion: Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann- Whitney U test were used to find the significance of improvement before and after the intervention. There was statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups (P=0.030). It is concluded that modified suit therapy along with conventional physiotherapy is effective in improving the gross motor function of children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. 
  • 25. Effect of Adeli suit treatment on gait in a child with cerebral palsy: a single-subject report.  The purpose of this research report is to investigate the long-term effect of Adeli suit treatment (AST) in a child with cerebral palsy (CP) on spatial- temporal gait parameters, 10-meter walking speed, gross motor functional measure (GMFM) and performance on the pediatric balance scale (PBS). An eight-year-old girl with spastic diplegia classified as level III on the Gross Motor Function Classification System participated in this single-subject A-B design study, with a baseline and an intervention phase. The baseline phase was collected at one-week intervals for six weeks and then the AST intervention phase was carried out with 18 AST sessions, 50 min per session, once a week for an 18-week period. Spatial-temporal gait parameters significantly improved after the completion of 18 sessions. Furthermore, 10-meter walking speed, GMFM and PBS changed significantly from the baseline measurement (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the AST was effective in improving gait, gross motor function and balance in a child with diplegic CP. Clinically, neuro- rehabilitation with AST provided a complementary and alternative treatment for lower extremity rehabilitation in this child with CP. These findings provide preliminary evidence supporting the effectiveness of AST in children with spastic CP, and thus underscore the need for additional research in this area.