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Evaluation Of An Antibiotic
Streamlining Service
Nidale Bchara, Marielle Fares, Rania Slika
Pharm.D. candidates
School of Pharmacy
Lebanese American University
 Introduction And Background
 Background
 Rationale
 Objective
 Materials And Methods
 Study Results
 Discussion
 Conclusion
Health care system with limited financial
Increased pressure to decrease
overall health care bill
Drug cost
Hospital length of stay (LOS )
Rate of hospital admissions
 30 % of an institution drug budget
 30% of institutionalized patients On
 Inappropriate antibiotic usage
 Increasing Cost
 Resistance
Arch Intern Med 1997;157:1689-1694
↑ in
Increased healthcare
Limited alternatives:
- more antibiotic
Ineffective empiric
↑ in
Antibiotic use
Relationship between antibiotic use, resistance, treatment failure and
healthcare burden
E.coli* Pseudomonas K.pneumoniae **
Bactrim 45% 50%
- - 78% 76%
Amox/clav 57% - - - 76% -
Ciprofloxacin 62% 80%
88% 84%
90% 86%
Ceftazidime 86% 87%
88% 77%
75% 76%
Imipenem 100% 98%
85% 82%
100% 98%
Cefotaxime 85% 89%
- - 83% 76%
•* E.coli (ESBL) prevalence: 4.3 % **K.pneumoniae (ESBL) prevalence: 11%
Crit Care Med 2001;29:121-127
 Resistance
 Intrinsic
 Acquired
 Accelerated by inappropriate Abx use
 Resistance is more prevalent in hospitals
most heavily exposed to antibiotics
 The impact of resistance underestimated :
 Long-term effect
 Difficult to quantify
 « Cost of Resistance » US 1.3 billion $ annually
 Need of expensive broad spectrum agents
 Need to develop newer antimicrobials (cost of R & D)
 Cost for care: increased LOS, therapy failure or
 Need for isolation, infection control, microbiology,
ID experts
 Sophisticated lab test to detect resistant pathogens
Ann Intern Med 2000;133:128-135
 Corrective strategies
 Guidelines’ implementation
 Computer assisted technologies
 Educational programs
 Formulary restriction
 Antibiotic streamlining
 Role of pharmacist…
Emerging Infectious diseases
Corrective Strategies
1. Practice guidelines
 Achieve uniformity of drug use
 Improve prescribing practices
 Decrease costs of therapy
 Disadvantages:
 Passive Educational method , ineffective in changing
prescribing practices
 Threat to professional autonomy : “daily practice= cooking
 Low credibility from physicians
 Loss of patient individualization
 Impact on specific patient outcomes not evaluated
 Need for Update, rules and regulations
Corrective Strategies
 Educational order forms
 Appropriate dosing of antibiotics
 Pharmacokinetic parameters
 Antibiotic costs
 Computer assisted technologies
 Microbiological sensitivity data
 Alert for resistant organisms
 Algorithms for antibiotic choices towards
specific isolates/indications
Ann Intern Med 2000:133;125-138
Corrective Strategies
 Restriction programs
 Implemented in most hospitals
 Formulary restriction
 Automatic stop date
 Requiring approval for usage from ID
 Shown to decrease cost and resistance
…???  role of antibiotic cycling
 Perceived as authoritarian
Ann Intern Med 2000,133;125-138
Corrective Strategies
Antibiotic Streamlining
 In the mid 80’s to describe:
“Converting patients from complicated broad spectrum
parenteral regimen to a single agent with a narrower
spectrum or oral agent as soon as possible ”
 Streamlining is “interchanged” with “transitional”,
“sequential”, “step down”, ”switch” therapy even though
they are not exactly the same…
 Appropriate in managing patients with serious
infections after acute phase of illness (around day 3)
CID 1997;24(Suppl 2)S231-7
Antibiotic Streamlining
 Discontinuing of antimicrobial
 Narrowing the spectrum /regimen change
 After culture and sensitivity results
 Shift to less costly and/or less complex regimen
without compromising clinical efficacy
 Switching to oral therapy if possible
 Ability to tolerate oral medications
 Availability of a oral alternative with good bioavailability
 Patient responding to parenteral therapy
 Optimizing antimicrobial pharmacotherapy
 Therapeutic drug monitoring, adjusting dosage
regimen to maximize benefit from PK/PD
Streamlining Advantages:
 Optimizing antimicrobial therapy
 Patient comfort without compromising efficacy
 Judicious usage of abx
 Prevention of side effects
 Minimize resistance
 Cost reduction/containment
 Broad spectrum
 Not needed abx
 Resistance cost?
Antibiotic Streamlining
ParenteraL to Oral Switch
 Drug Oral Bioavailability
TMP/SMX 90-100%
Levo, Ofloxacin 98%
Moxifloxacin 90%
Clindamycin 90%
Metronidazole 90%
Amox/clav 75%
Macrolides ~50%
Fluconazole ~100%
Physicians were always reluctant to such changes
 Belief that oral agents are less effective
CID 1997;24(Suppl 2):S231-7,
David N. Gilbert,The Sanford guide to Antimicrobial Therapy
2002, 32 nd edition,Hyde Park, p.58
Parenteral to Oral Switch
Patient benefit
 Increased mobility ,reducing incidence of
Deep Vein thrombosis and Pulmonary
 Earlier removal of painful catheter
 Earlier return to usual daily activity
 Improved quality of life
 Restoration of autonomy and mobility
 Better participation in his/her own healthcare
 Earlier return to his/her environment
CID1997;24(Suppl 2):S231-7
Parenteral to Oral Switch
Cost Containment
 Early switching to oral route
 Reduces drug administration and acquisition
 Parenteral drug costs
 Supply costs of catheters and tubings.
 Nursing and pharmacist time reduction.
Cost of Antibiotics
AUBMC contract pricing 2004
Drug IV route
Cost/Unit (l.l.)
Oral route
Cost/ unit (l.l.)
Ciprofloxacin 120,000/ 400 mg 6,600/ 500mg
Levofloxacin 78,000/ 500 mg 9,000/500 mg
Fluconazole 71,000/ 200mg 28,000 /150 mg
Pip/tazo 55,000/4.5g
Amox/clav 10,000/1.2g
Ceftizoxime 17,000/1g
Parenteral to Oral Switch
Cost Containment
 Am J Health Syst Pharm 2002,59(22):2209-2215
 Objective: Assess economic and clinical
outcomes of a pharmacist active intervention
program using a 3 level economic
analysis.(drug, supplies, length of stay)
 Methods :2 month period , comparison of an
observational group (n=82) to an active
conversion program of iv to po
 60% patients were candidates in each control
and intervention grp after 3.4 d
 Costs (drug /supplies/administration) were
sig. less among active conversion grp 91$
than observational grp 155 $ (p=0.002)
Parenteral to Oral Switch
Cost Containment
 Reduction of Adverse effects related
costs : Catheter’s complications
 Bacteremias
 Phlebitis
 Cost of treating 1 episode of catheter
related sepsis is : 4000-6000 $
Parenteral to Oral Switch
Cost Containment
 Early Switch to PO may lead to earlier
hospital discharge
 May reduce LOS by a mean of 2.4 days
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1992;13;21-32
 ‘’Switch to oral levofloxacin’’ program proved
less LOS costs : 13,931$ (switched pt ) vs
17,198 $ (candidate pt) (p=0.021)
Am J Health Syst Pharm 2002;59(22),2209-2215
 Reduction in LOS may save 884$-1291$
per patient in hospital and drug bed costs
Arch Int Med 1995;155:1273-6
Ann Pharmacother1995;29:561-5
Inappropriate Antibiotic Usage
 Common errors seen in practice include:
 Overuse of intravenous drugs
 Prolonged courses of antibiotics
 Use of agent with inappropriate spectrum
 Administration of an antibiotic with no
evidence of infection
JAC 2004, vol 54 no2, 295-298
Inappropriate Antibiotic Usage
In Lebanon
 Am J Health Syst Pharm 2003;60:934-9
 Objective: Evaluation of management of CAP for
consistency with IDSA guidelines
 Methods : 6 month period, n=65
 Results: Consistency with guidelines, BUT…
 Discussion :
 Antimicrobial prescribing practice needs
 Iv Levofloxacin overused, may be replaced by a
macrolide and beta lactam, according to risk
Role of ID Pharmacist
Early 1980’sPharmacoeconomic Role of the
Clinical Pharmacist :
 Engage in patient rounds , discuss dosing and
side effects  Optimization and
individualization of pharmaceutical care
 Pharmacokinetic services (therapeutic drug
 Anticoagulation, diabetes, HIV, lipid, asthma,
and immunization clinics
Role of ID Pharmacist
 Integration of all data from microbiological lab,
medical / financial records, individual patient
 Monitoring daily use of antimicrobials, and
deviation from restriction programs / guidelines
 Assisting in policy development related to Abx
 Conducting educational campaigns to house
staff/other health care professionals
Role of ID Pharmacist
 Cannot accomplish his role unless
 Part of a multidisciplinary team with
infectious disease specialists, infectious
control personnel, microbiologists….
 Develop constructive relationship with
the team members leading to trust and
JAC 2004, vol 54 no2, 295-298
Role of ID pharmacist
 Needs to be more active inside the team
 Write suggestions on medical records
Arch Inter Med 1997;157:1689-1694
 Randomised controlled trial n=260
 3 month Antibiotic Streamlining service run by a
multidisciplinary team including a clinical
 Patient specific antibiotic related suggestions were
placed in the medical record in the intervention
 50% pts could be safely streamlined after 3 days.
 Antibiotic charges were reduced by 400$ /patient
 Economic crisis in Lebanon
 Inappropriate Antibiotic Usage in various
 Emergence of resistance in lebanon
 Previous data from lit. showing benefits
of Streamlining service
 No Pharmacoeconomic study on
multidisciplinary Antibiotic Streamlining
in Lebanon
 To evaluate the economic and outcome
benefit of a potential multidisciplinary
antibiotic streamlining service composed
of clinical pharmacists and ID specialist.
Materials and Methods:
1. Setting
The American University of Beirut Medical
Center (AUBMC)
 a 400-bed
 university medical center
 acute and tertiary care
 Patients of all ages in Lebanon and
the region
Materials and Methods:
2. Study Design
 Prospective Observational Evaluation
conducted over a two months period
from April, 2004-June, 2004
 Study protocol was reviewed and
approved by the Institutional Review
Board and Ethics Committee at AUBMC
Materials and Methods
3. Patients
Patients identified from pharmacy record of
restricted antibiotic orders
 Inclusion criteria:
 > 18 yrs of age
 Receiving restricted antibiotics >72 hrs
 Exclusion criteria :
 < 18yrs of age patients
 Patients with serious infections (meningitis,
endocarditis, undrained abscesses)
AUBMC Restricted Antibiotics
P & T 4/2003
Amphotericin B
Ciprofloxacin IV
Fluconazole IV
Levofloxacin IV
Ofloxacin IV
Materials and Methods
4. Streamlining
 Prospective evaluation of medical records and
patient data from the first day of restricted
antibiotic administration
 Data collected on special flow charts and
included medical history, patient clinical status,
and medication used
 If Candidates for streamlining after 72 hrs of
the therapy , the recommendation was
communicated verbally to the medical team
Criteria for Streamlining
 Clinical stability
Decline in peak temperature
Normalizing white blood cell count
Systolic blood pressure >90 mmHg
Heart rate <100 bpm
 Resolving Signs and Symptoms of
 A clinical response is noted
 Availability of culture growing a pathogen
sensitive to a narrower spectrum agent
Criteria to Switch IV to PO
 Hemodynamic stability of the patient
 Resolution of signs of infection
 Integrity of gastrointestinal function
 Ability to tolerate oral medication, oral intake
 Oral bioavailability maintained
Materials and Methods:
4. Streamlining
 Types of recommendations
 Regimen changes (simplifying regimen to
a single narrow agent)
 Dosing changes
 Intravenous to oral antibiotic conversions
 Discontinuance of antibiotics
 The final decision of accepting or
rejecting a recommendation is made
solely by the treating physician
Primary endpoint
Cost of antibiotic used
• oral
• parenteral
Secondary endpoint
Outcome assessment
• Mortality
• Cure or improvement
• Length of stay
• Rehospitalisation rate
Primary endpoint
Cost of antibiotic used
• oral
• Parenteral
Secondary endpoint
Outcome assessment
• Mortality
• Cure or improvement
• Length of stay
• Rehospitalisation rate
Data collection +
Measure Recommendations Outcomes
Materials and Methods
5. Pharmacoeconomic analysis
Comparing accepted vs rejected recommendations
The economic Impact assessed in a 2 level analysis
 Level 1: acquisition price of antibiotic used
 Level 2 : in addition cost related to antimicrobial
use (supplies, pharmacy time and nursing time and
treatment of adverse effects)
 Medication costs were obtained from AUBMC
contract pricing of 2004
Materials and Methods:
5. Pharmacoeconomic analysis
Comparing accepted vs rejected recommendations
The defined daily dose was used to quantitate the intensity of antibiotic use
 Defined daily dose (DDD):
Average adult maintenance dose for the primary indication of the drug
 DDD :Unit of measurement endorsed by the WHO as a mean to
compare drug use among populations
 Number of DDD = (qtty of drug X Strength )
WHO ddd
 Sum DDD= Added ‘’number of ddds’’ for the same drug for all patients
 Cost/DDD
Materials and Methods:
5. Pharmacoeconomic analysis
 Cefepime 2g q12 for 10 days
 DDD: 2g
 # DDD= 40 × 1g = 20
 L1’ = 40 × 25,250 L.L.( price of 1g vial)
= 1,010,000 L.L.
 L2’ = L1’ + NT(1000 L.L/infusion)
= 1,030,000 L.L.
 Cost/DDD = 2g × 20 × 25,250 L.L
= 1,010,000 L.L
Statistical analysis
 Descriptive statistics were used
N (%)
80 (61%)
81 (39%)
9 d ± 6
Patient characteristics
Age, mean yrs
Hospital admission within 1 month
Cx with resistant pathogen within 1yr
LOS, mean days ± SD
Infection characteristics
 Infection distribution
 Nosocomial 36.8%
 Community 63.2%
Prophylaxis, 20
SSTI, 13
Infections, 15
UTI, 42
LRTI, 53
Neutropenia, 7
Infection characteristics
 Culture site* N (%)
Total 172
Urine 63 (36.7%)
Blood 37 (21.5%)
DTA 27 (15.7%)
Sputum 10 (5.8%)
Others 35 (20.3%)
* Include all cultures (with or without growth)
Infection characteristics
 Breakdown of pathogen isolated
 Pathogens
( N=130* )
*The remaining are fungi
Gram +
Gram -
S. Pneumo (1)
S. Aureus (9)
S. Epi (14)
Others (3)
E.Coli (44)
Pseudomonas (22)
Klebsiella (8)
Others (19)
Infection characteristics
 Resistant pathogens 2002-2003
MRSA 4/9 (44.4%) (AUH 26%)
MRSE 8/14 (57%) (AUH 69%)
MDRPA 7/22
ESBL (AUH 4.3%)
(AUH 11%)
E.Coli 22/44 (50%)
Klebsiella 2/8 (25%)
Results All Patients (207)
Rec group (80) Nonrec group (127)
Accepted rec
Nonacc Rec
Recommendations Distribution
*more than one recommendation was done on some pts
80/207 patients
# of recommendations*
6/80 patients
Accepted recommendations
# of accepted recommendations
Types of recommendations 88 Cost savings/2m
Converting broad spectrum to a
narrower spectrum
• Tazocin cefoxitin (Aug)
Dosing regimen changes
•Tazocin q6 q8
•Cefepime q8 q12
D/C abx
Switching IV PO
Switching amikacin gentamicin
25,753,050 L.L
9,046,550 L.L
15,714,750 L.L
5,125,250 L.L
434000 L.L
Antibiotic use and cost
Comparison of the sum of DDDs among all pts prior to
nonRec (127)
Rec (80)
All pts (207)
Comparison of the sum of DDDs among the Recommended
group Sum DDDs
Total Rec (80)
Rej Rec (74)
Acc Rec (6)
With Rec
No Rec
With Rec
No Rec
With Rec
No Rec
Cost savings among the recommended group/2m
*L1’: cost savings per drug/2m
L2’: cost savings per drug & nursing time/2m
pharmacy salary: 1,200,000 L.L/m
Total Rec (80)
Rej Rec (74)
Acc Rec
salary (L.L)*/2M
Cost savings among recommended group/year
Total Rec
Rej Rec
Acc Rec
Cost savings/yr
Cost (L.L.)/ddd
sum DDDs
No Rec With Rec
No Rec. With Rec
Comparison of sum Of DDDs & cost in the most
commonly used RESTRICTED abx among the
Rec group
Comparison of sum Of DDDs & cost in the most
commonly used NON RESTRICTED abx among
the Rec group
Cost (L.L.)/ddd
sum DDDs
W/O interv. W interv.
W/O interv. W interv.
Augmentin IV
Augmentin PO
Comparison of outcome among the recommended group
Rej Rec
Acc Rec
9 d
11 d
10 d
Mean LOS
Summary of the results:
---I) 38.6 % candidates for streamlining (80/207
 ~7.5% only accepted (6/80)
 Very low rate of acceptance (vs.~80% in other
studies in U.S.A)
Arch Intern Med. 1997; 157: 1689-1694
Reasons for not accepting our recommendations:
 Third party reimbursement concerns
 Difficulty communicating with medical team
 Resistance to change
 Outcome concerns
 “In the broad spectrum, we trust” theory
 Graduate students, not part of managing team
 Medical team verbally agreed with
recommendation but the orders were not
 For some unknown political/geographical/regional
Approaches to increase acceptance:
 Placement of suggestion in the medical record
 Intervention initiated by opinion leaders in ID
 Patient-specific educational materials
 Direct physician contact, pharmacist being part of the
 Third-party reimbursement law modifications??
Arch Intern Med. 1997; 157: 1689-1694
Summary of the results:
---II) ON 6 patients : Yearly savings by
extrapolation: 14 682 000 L.L
 Pharmacist salary /year: 14 400 000 L.L
282 000 L.L
No big-time win but NO LOSS ?!!
“ A better job could be done for 74 other patients”
 on 80 candidates:
Savings/2 months = 56 073 600 L.L
Pharmacist salary/2months = 2 400 000 L.L
NET BENEFIT / YEAR = 322 041 600 L.L
Summary of the results:
---III) > 75% of reported recommendations :
 Narrowing spectrum
 Dosing changes
 discontinuing unnecessary antibiotic
 Switching from IV to PO
> 50% of savings come from ”easy recommendations..”:
 Inappropriate dosing, unneeded antibiotic
 Cefepime 2g q8h
 Piperacillin/tazobactam 4.5g q6h
 ---IV) restricted vs non restricted
 Decrease in restricted abx use in favor of non restricted
 Certain drugs issue: cefepime, imipenem…
 Knowing use of restricted before could have been less
Formulary restriction:
 Identified specific drug-problems:
 Restriction on the restriction
 “Antibiotic cycling”: more appropriate for AUBMC?
 Other strategies?
---V) Impact on resistance:
- short- term study
- “Alarming numbers” for AUBMC
- “ Bad bugs, No drugs”
E.coli* Pseudomonas K.pneumoniae **
Ciprofloxacin 62% 88% 90%
Ceftazidime 86 88 75
Imipenem 100 85 100
•* E.coli (ESBL) prevalence: 4.3 %
•**K.pneumoniae (ESBL) prevalence: 11%
---IV) secondary outcomes
 Length of stay
 Patient outcomes
Could not be assessed properly due to our major
limitation: “Low acceptance rate”
Limitations :
 Non- controlled
 short-term study
 Low acceptance rate by physicians
 not implemented
 Patients lost to follow-up
 Urgent need for well-structured Antibiotic
Management Program (AMP)
 Goal : Optimizing antibiotic use according to the
best available scientific evidence:
 Do not use antibiotics when not needed
 Target the narrowest possible spectrum
 Deliver them in correct concentrations, at the right time,
using the safest route, to the right patient
 Use the most cost- effective alternative
 Antibiotic management program (AMP)
 Form a team to:
 Distribute workload
 Integrate diverse interests
 Arbitrate disputes
 clinical pharmacist , microbiologist, ID specialist,
infection control specialist.
 All individuals implicated in AMP should disclose potential
conflicts of interest
 Adapting AMP to institution (AUBMC)
 Patient population
 Nature of the services
 Recent trends in antibiotic use/costs, prevalence of
 Problem-areas: certain drugs, departments…
 Identify potentially useful interventions
Check C/S
Correct spectrum
Choose ABX
No Yes
Yes Yes
Follow guidelines? Justified?
Deliver ABX
Check C/S
Correct spectrum
ABX needed?
No Yes
At 48-72
 “Restriction on the restriction”, antibiotic cycling
 Automatic stop-date, automatic switch
 Rapid C/S results, MIC…
 Empiric therapy consult ?
 Continuing education

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Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of an Antibiotic Streamlining Service

  • 1. Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation Of An Antibiotic Streamlining Service Nidale Bchara, Marielle Fares, Rania Slika Pharm.D. candidates School of Pharmacy Lebanese American University
  • 2. Outline  Introduction And Background  Background  Rationale  Objective  Materials And Methods  Study Results  Discussion  Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction Health care system with limited financial resources Increased pressure to decrease overall health care bill Drug cost Hospital length of stay (LOS ) Rate of hospital admissions
  • 4. Introduction  30 % of an institution drug budget Antibiotics  30% of institutionalized patients On Antibiotics  Inappropriate antibiotic usage  Increasing Cost  Resistance Arch Intern Med 1997;157:1689-1694
  • 5. ↑ in resistance Increased healthcare resources Limited alternatives: - more antibiotic -↑mortality Ineffective empiric therapy ↑ in Antibiotic use Introduction Relationship between antibiotic use, resistance, treatment failure and healthcare burden
  • 7. Introduction Antibiogram 2002-2003 E.coli* Pseudomonas K.pneumoniae ** AUBMC KAMC AUBMC KAMC AUBMC KAMC Bactrim 45% 50% (2423) - - 78% 76% (978) Amox/clav 57% - - - 76% - Ciprofloxacin 62% 80% (2424) 88% 84% (1734) 90% 86% (978) Ceftazidime 86% 87% (2423) 88% 77% (1733) 75% 76% (976) Imipenem 100% 98% (1485) 85% 82% (1128) 100% 98% (667) Cefotaxime 85% 89% (2425) - - 83% 76% (976) •* E.coli (ESBL) prevalence: 4.3 % **K.pneumoniae (ESBL) prevalence: 11%
  • 8. Crit Care Med 2001;29:121-127 Introduction  Resistance  Intrinsic  Acquired  Accelerated by inappropriate Abx use  Resistance is more prevalent in hospitals most heavily exposed to antibiotics
  • 9. Introduction  The impact of resistance underestimated :  Long-term effect  Difficult to quantify  « Cost of Resistance » US 1.3 billion $ annually  Need of expensive broad spectrum agents  Need to develop newer antimicrobials (cost of R & D)  Cost for care: increased LOS, therapy failure or complications  Need for isolation, infection control, microbiology, ID experts  Sophisticated lab test to detect resistant pathogens Ann Intern Med 2000;133:128-135
  • 10. Introduction  Corrective strategies  Guidelines’ implementation  Computer assisted technologies  Educational programs  Formulary restriction  Antibiotic streamlining  Role of pharmacist…
  • 11. Emerging Infectious diseases 2004;10:522-525 Introduction Corrective Strategies 1. Practice guidelines  Achieve uniformity of drug use  Improve prescribing practices  Decrease costs of therapy  Disadvantages:  Passive Educational method , ineffective in changing prescribing practices  Threat to professional autonomy : “daily practice= cooking recipe”  Low credibility from physicians  Loss of patient individualization  Impact on specific patient outcomes not evaluated  Need for Update, rules and regulations
  • 12. Corrective Strategies  Educational order forms  Appropriate dosing of antibiotics  Pharmacokinetic parameters  Antibiotic costs  Computer assisted technologies  Microbiological sensitivity data  Alert for resistant organisms  Algorithms for antibiotic choices towards specific isolates/indications Ann Intern Med 2000:133;125-138
  • 13. Corrective Strategies  Restriction programs  Implemented in most hospitals  Formulary restriction  Automatic stop date  Requiring approval for usage from ID specialists  Shown to decrease cost and resistance …???  role of antibiotic cycling  Perceived as authoritarian Ann Intern Med 2000,133;125-138
  • 14. Corrective Strategies Antibiotic Streamlining  In the mid 80’s to describe: “Converting patients from complicated broad spectrum parenteral regimen to a single agent with a narrower spectrum or oral agent as soon as possible ”  Streamlining is “interchanged” with “transitional”, “sequential”, “step down”, ”switch” therapy even though they are not exactly the same…  Appropriate in managing patients with serious infections after acute phase of illness (around day 3) CID 1997;24(Suppl 2)S231-7
  • 15. Antibiotic Streamlining  Discontinuing of antimicrobial  NO LONGER NEEDED  Narrowing the spectrum /regimen change  After culture and sensitivity results  Shift to less costly and/or less complex regimen without compromising clinical efficacy  Switching to oral therapy if possible  Ability to tolerate oral medications  Availability of a oral alternative with good bioavailability  Patient responding to parenteral therapy  Optimizing antimicrobial pharmacotherapy  Therapeutic drug monitoring, adjusting dosage regimen to maximize benefit from PK/PD
  • 16. Streamlining Advantages:  Optimizing antimicrobial therapy  Patient comfort without compromising efficacy  Judicious usage of abx  Prevention of side effects  Minimize resistance  Cost reduction/containment  LOS  Broad spectrum  Not needed abx  Resistance cost?
  • 17. Antibiotic Streamlining ParenteraL to Oral Switch  Drug Oral Bioavailability TMP/SMX 90-100% Levo, Ofloxacin 98% Moxifloxacin 90% Clindamycin 90% Metronidazole 90% Amox/clav 75% Macrolides ~50% Fluconazole ~100% Physicians were always reluctant to such changes  Belief that oral agents are less effective CID 1997;24(Suppl 2):S231-7, David N. Gilbert,The Sanford guide to Antimicrobial Therapy 2002, 32 nd edition,Hyde Park, p.58
  • 18. Parenteral to Oral Switch Patient benefit  Increased mobility ,reducing incidence of Deep Vein thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism…..  Earlier removal of painful catheter  Earlier return to usual daily activity  Improved quality of life  Restoration of autonomy and mobility  Better participation in his/her own healthcare  Earlier return to his/her environment CID1997;24(Suppl 2):S231-7
  • 19. Parenteral to Oral Switch Cost Containment  Early switching to oral route  Reduces drug administration and acquisition costs  Parenteral drug costs  Supply costs of catheters and tubings.  Nursing and pharmacist time reduction.
  • 20. Cost of Antibiotics AUBMC contract pricing 2004 Drug IV route Cost/Unit (l.l.) Oral route Cost/ unit (l.l.) Ciprofloxacin 120,000/ 400 mg 6,600/ 500mg Levofloxacin 78,000/ 500 mg 9,000/500 mg Fluconazole 71,000/ 200mg 28,000 /150 mg Pip/tazo 55,000/4.5g Amox/clav 10,000/1.2g Ceftizoxime 17,000/1g
  • 21. Parenteral to Oral Switch Cost Containment  Am J Health Syst Pharm 2002,59(22):2209-2215  Objective: Assess economic and clinical outcomes of a pharmacist active intervention program using a 3 level economic analysis.(drug, supplies, length of stay)  Methods :2 month period , comparison of an observational group (n=82) to an active conversion program of iv to po levofloxacin(n=49)  60% patients were candidates in each control and intervention grp after 3.4 d  Costs (drug /supplies/administration) were sig. less among active conversion grp 91$ than observational grp 155 $ (p=0.002)
  • 22. Parenteral to Oral Switch Cost Containment  Reduction of Adverse effects related costs : Catheter’s complications  Bacteremias  Phlebitis  Cost of treating 1 episode of catheter related sepsis is : 4000-6000 $ (CID1993;16:778-84)
  • 23. Parenteral to Oral Switch Cost Containment  Early Switch to PO may lead to earlier hospital discharge  May reduce LOS by a mean of 2.4 days Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1992;13;21-32  ‘’Switch to oral levofloxacin’’ program proved less LOS costs : 13,931$ (switched pt ) vs 17,198 $ (candidate pt) (p=0.021) Am J Health Syst Pharm 2002;59(22),2209-2215  Reduction in LOS may save 884$-1291$ per patient in hospital and drug bed costs Arch Int Med 1995;155:1273-6 Ann Pharmacother1995;29:561-5
  • 24. Inappropriate Antibiotic Usage  Common errors seen in practice include:  Overuse of intravenous drugs  Prolonged courses of antibiotics  Use of agent with inappropriate spectrum  Administration of an antibiotic with no evidence of infection JAC 2004, vol 54 no2, 295-298
  • 25. Inappropriate Antibiotic Usage In Lebanon  Am J Health Syst Pharm 2003;60:934-9  Objective: Evaluation of management of CAP for consistency with IDSA guidelines  Methods : 6 month period, n=65  Results: Consistency with guidelines, BUT…  Discussion :  Antimicrobial prescribing practice needs improvement  Iv Levofloxacin overused, may be replaced by a macrolide and beta lactam, according to risk levels
  • 26. Role of ID Pharmacist Early 1980’sPharmacoeconomic Role of the Clinical Pharmacist :  Engage in patient rounds , discuss dosing and side effects  Optimization and individualization of pharmaceutical care  Pharmacokinetic services (therapeutic drug monitoring)  Anticoagulation, diabetes, HIV, lipid, asthma, and immunization clinics
  • 27. Role of ID Pharmacist  Integration of all data from microbiological lab, medical / financial records, individual patient information  Monitoring daily use of antimicrobials, and deviation from restriction programs / guidelines  Assisting in policy development related to Abx  Conducting educational campaigns to house staff/other health care professionals
  • 28. Role of ID Pharmacist  Cannot accomplish his role unless  Part of a multidisciplinary team with infectious disease specialists, infectious control personnel, microbiologists….  Develop constructive relationship with the team members leading to trust and respect JAC 2004, vol 54 no2, 295-298
  • 29. Role of ID pharmacist  Needs to be more active inside the team  Write suggestions on medical records Arch Inter Med 1997;157:1689-1694  Randomised controlled trial n=260  3 month Antibiotic Streamlining service run by a multidisciplinary team including a clinical pharmacist  Patient specific antibiotic related suggestions were placed in the medical record in the intervention group  50% pts could be safely streamlined after 3 days.  Antibiotic charges were reduced by 400$ /patient
  • 30. Rationale  Economic crisis in Lebanon  Inappropriate Antibiotic Usage in various hospitals  Emergence of resistance in lebanon  Previous data from lit. showing benefits of Streamlining service  No Pharmacoeconomic study on multidisciplinary Antibiotic Streamlining in Lebanon
  • 31. Objective  To evaluate the economic and outcome benefit of a potential multidisciplinary antibiotic streamlining service composed of clinical pharmacists and ID specialist.
  • 32. Materials and Methods: 1. Setting The American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC)  a 400-bed  university medical center  acute and tertiary care  Patients of all ages in Lebanon and the region
  • 33. Materials and Methods: 2. Study Design  Prospective Observational Evaluation conducted over a two months period from April, 2004-June, 2004  Study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board and Ethics Committee at AUBMC
  • 34. Materials and Methods 3. Patients Patients identified from pharmacy record of restricted antibiotic orders  Inclusion criteria:  > 18 yrs of age  Receiving restricted antibiotics >72 hrs  Exclusion criteria :  < 18yrs of age patients  Patients with serious infections (meningitis, endocarditis, undrained abscesses)
  • 35. AUBMC Restricted Antibiotics P & T 4/2003 Amikacin Amphotericin B Aztreonam Caspofungin Ceftizoxime Cefotaxime Cefepime Cefodizime Ceftriaxone Ceftazidime Piperacillin/Tazobactam Imipenem Vancomycin Teicoplanin Ciprofloxacin IV Fluconazole IV Levofloxacin IV Ofloxacin IV
  • 36. Materials and Methods 4. Streamlining  Prospective evaluation of medical records and patient data from the first day of restricted antibiotic administration  Data collected on special flow charts and included medical history, patient clinical status, and medication used  If Candidates for streamlining after 72 hrs of the therapy , the recommendation was communicated verbally to the medical team
  • 37. Criteria for Streamlining  Clinical stability Decline in peak temperature Normalizing white blood cell count Systolic blood pressure >90 mmHg Heart rate <100 bpm  Resolving Signs and Symptoms of infection  A clinical response is noted  Availability of culture growing a pathogen sensitive to a narrower spectrum agent
  • 38. Criteria to Switch IV to PO  Hemodynamic stability of the patient  Resolution of signs of infection  Integrity of gastrointestinal function  Ability to tolerate oral medication, oral intake  Oral bioavailability maintained
  • 39. Materials and Methods: 4. Streamlining  Types of recommendations  Regimen changes (simplifying regimen to a single narrow agent)  Dosing changes  Intravenous to oral antibiotic conversions  Discontinuance of antibiotics  The final decision of accepting or rejecting a recommendation is made solely by the treating physician
  • 40. PROTOCOL Overview Accepted Primary endpoint Cost of antibiotic used • oral • parenteral Secondary endpoint Outcome assessment • Mortality • Cure or improvement • Length of stay • Rehospitalisation rate Primary endpoint Cost of antibiotic used • oral • Parenteral Secondary endpoint Outcome assessment • Mortality • Cure or improvement • Length of stay • Rehospitalisation rate Data collection + Measure Recommendations Outcomes Refused
  • 41. Materials and Methods 5. Pharmacoeconomic analysis PART I Comparing accepted vs rejected recommendations The economic Impact assessed in a 2 level analysis  Level 1: acquisition price of antibiotic used  Level 2 : in addition cost related to antimicrobial use (supplies, pharmacy time and nursing time and treatment of adverse effects)  Medication costs were obtained from AUBMC contract pricing of 2004
  • 42. Materials and Methods: 5. Pharmacoeconomic analysis PART II Comparing accepted vs rejected recommendations The defined daily dose was used to quantitate the intensity of antibiotic use  Defined daily dose (DDD): Average adult maintenance dose for the primary indication of the drug  DDD :Unit of measurement endorsed by the WHO as a mean to compare drug use among populations  Number of DDD = (qtty of drug X Strength ) WHO ddd  Sum DDD= Added ‘’number of ddds’’ for the same drug for all patients  Cost/DDD
  • 43. Materials and Methods: 5. Pharmacoeconomic analysis  Cefepime 2g q12 for 10 days  DDD: 2g  # DDD= 40 × 1g = 20 2g  L1’ = 40 × 25,250 L.L.( price of 1g vial) = 1,010,000 L.L.  L2’ = L1’ + NT(1000 L.L/infusion) = 1,030,000 L.L.  Cost/DDD = 2g × 20 × 25,250 L.L = 1,010,000 L.L
  • 44. Statistical analysis  Descriptive statistics were used
  • 46. Results N (%) 207 59 18-94 127(39%) 80 (61%) 81 (39%) 26(13%) 9 d ± 6 Patient characteristics Total Age, mean yrs Range Gender Male Female Hospital admission within 1 month Cx with resistant pathogen within 1yr LOS, mean days ± SD
  • 47. Results Infection characteristics  Infection distribution  Nosocomial 36.8%  Community 63.2% Surgical Prophylaxis, 20 SSTI, 13 Abdominal Infections, 15 UTI, 42 LRTI, 53 Febrile Neutropenia, 7
  • 48. Results Infection characteristics  Culture site* N (%) Total 172 Urine 63 (36.7%) Blood 37 (21.5%) DTA 27 (15.7%) Sputum 10 (5.8%) Others 35 (20.3%) * Include all cultures (with or without growth)
  • 49. Results Infection characteristics  Breakdown of pathogen isolated  Pathogens isolated ( N=130* ) *The remaining are fungi Gram + Gram - S. Pneumo (1) S. Aureus (9) S. Epi (14) Others (3) E.Coli (44) Pseudomonas (22) Klebsiella (8) Others (19)
  • 50. Results Infection characteristics  Resistant pathogens 2002-2003 MRSA 4/9 (44.4%) (AUH 26%) MRSE 8/14 (57%) (AUH 69%) MDRPA 7/22 ESBL (AUH 4.3%) (AUH 11%) E.Coli 22/44 (50%) Klebsiella 2/8 (25%)
  • 51. Results All Patients (207) Rec group (80) Nonrec group (127) Accepted rec (6) Nonacc Rec candidates (74)
  • 52. Results Recommendations Distribution *more than one recommendation was done on some pts 38.6% 80/207 patients Recommendations 42.5% 88/207 # of recommendations* 7.5% 6/80 patients Accepted recommendations 8.75% 7/80 # of accepted recommendations
  • 53. Results Types of recommendations 88 Cost savings/2m 25 Converting broad spectrum to a narrower spectrum • Tazocin cefoxitin (Aug) 24 Dosing regimen changes •Tazocin q6 q8 •Cefepime q8 q12 23 D/C abx 13 Switching IV PO 3 Switching amikacin gentamicin 25,753,050 L.L 9,046,550 L.L 15,714,750 L.L 5,125,250 L.L 434000 L.L
  • 54. Results Antibiotic use and cost Comparison of the sum of DDDs among all pts prior to recommendations SUM DDDs nonRec (127) Rec (80) All pts (207) 862 1061 1923 Parenteral 25 0 25 Oral 787 922 1709 Restricted 100 139 239 Nonrestricted
  • 55. Results Comparison of the sum of DDDs among the Recommended group Sum DDDs Total Rec (80) Rej Rec (74) Candidates Acc Rec (6) With Rec No Rec With Rec No Rec With Rec No Rec 471 1061 413 976 58 85 Parenteral 163 0 149 0 14 0 Oral 305 922 270 837 35 85 Restricted 329 139 292 136 37 3 Nonrestricted
  • 56. Results Cost savings among the recommended group/2m *L1’: cost savings per drug/2m L2’: cost savings per drug & nursing time/2m pharmacy salary: 1,200,000 L.L/m Total Rec (80) Rej Rec (74) Candidates Acc Rec (6) 55,080,600 52,676,600 2,404,000 L1’*/L.L 56,073,600 53,626,600 2,447,000 L2’*/L.L 73,580,650 70,616,650 2,964,000 Cost/DDD 53,673,600 51,226,600 47,000 L2’-pharmacy salary (L.L)*/2M
  • 57. Results Cost savings among recommended group/year Total Rec Rej Rec candidates Acc Rec 322,041,600 307,359,600 282,000 Cost savings/yr (L.L)
  • 58. Results Cost (L.L.)/ddd sum DDDs No Rec With Rec No Rec. With Rec 9,090,000 11,312,000 180 224 Cefepime 0 14,641,000 0 121 Ceftazidime 660,000 16,500,000 4 100 Piperacillin/tazo 3,850,000 7,546,000 50 98 ceftriaxone 0 9,702,000 0 63 Imipenem 0 9,750,000 0 65 Ciprofloxacin 0 888,000 0 24 Amikacin Comparison of sum Of DDDs & cost in the most commonly used RESTRICTED abx among the Rec group
  • 59. Results Comparison of sum Of DDDs & cost in the most commonly used NON RESTRICTED abx among the Rec group Cost (L.L.)/ddd sum DDDs W/O interv. W interv. W/O interv. W interv. 693,000 18,000 77 2 Gentamicin 640,000 0 32 0 Augmentin IV 79,200 0 63 0 Augmentin PO 5,742,000 0 44 0 Cefoxitin 144,000 0 12 0 Ciprofloxacin PO
  • 60. Results Comparison of outcome among the recommended group Total (207) Non-rec (127) Rej Rec (74) Acc Rec (6) Outcome 5 5 0 0 Death 190 113 72 5 Cure 3 3 0 0 Relapse 9 6 2 1 Rehospitilization 9 d 8d 11 d 10 d Mean LOS
  • 61. Discussion Summary of the results: ---I) 38.6 % candidates for streamlining (80/207 patients)  ~7.5% only accepted (6/80)  Very low rate of acceptance (vs.~80% in other studies in U.S.A) Arch Intern Med. 1997; 157: 1689-1694
  • 62. Discussion Reasons for not accepting our recommendations:  Third party reimbursement concerns  Difficulty communicating with medical team  Resistance to change  Outcome concerns  “In the broad spectrum, we trust” theory  Graduate students, not part of managing team  Medical team verbally agreed with recommendation but the orders were not changed  For some unknown political/geographical/regional reasons..
  • 63. Discussion Approaches to increase acceptance:  Placement of suggestion in the medical record  Intervention initiated by opinion leaders in ID  Patient-specific educational materials  Direct physician contact, pharmacist being part of the team  Third-party reimbursement law modifications?? Arch Intern Med. 1997; 157: 1689-1694
  • 64. DISCUSSION Summary of the results: ---II) ON 6 patients : Yearly savings by extrapolation: 14 682 000 L.L  Pharmacist salary /year: 14 400 000 L.L NET BENEFIT 282 000 L.L
  • 65. DISCUSSION No big-time win but NO LOSS ?!! HOWEVER “ A better job could be done for 74 other patients”
  • 66. DISCUSSION  on 80 candidates: Savings/2 months = 56 073 600 L.L Pharmacist salary/2months = 2 400 000 L.L NET BENEFIT / YEAR = 322 041 600 L.L
  • 67. Discussion Summary of the results: ---III) > 75% of reported recommendations :  Narrowing spectrum  Dosing changes  discontinuing unnecessary antibiotic  Switching from IV to PO > 50% of savings come from ”easy recommendations..”:  Inappropriate dosing, unneeded antibiotic  Cefepime 2g q8h  Piperacillin/tazobactam 4.5g q6h
  • 68. DISCUSSION  ---IV) restricted vs non restricted  Decrease in restricted abx use in favor of non restricted  Certain drugs issue: cefepime, imipenem…  Knowing use of restricted before could have been less Formulary restriction:  Identified specific drug-problems:  Restriction on the restriction  “Antibiotic cycling”: more appropriate for AUBMC?  Other strategies?
  • 69. Discussion ---V) Impact on resistance: - short- term study - “Alarming numbers” for AUBMC - “ Bad bugs, No drugs”
  • 70. Discussion AUBMC antibiogram 2002-2003 E.coli* Pseudomonas K.pneumoniae ** Ciprofloxacin 62% 88% 90% Ceftazidime 86 88 75 Imipenem 100 85 100 •* E.coli (ESBL) prevalence: 4.3 % •**K.pneumoniae (ESBL) prevalence: 11%
  • 71. DISCUSSION ---IV) secondary outcomes  Length of stay  Patient outcomes Could not be assessed properly due to our major limitation: “Low acceptance rate”
  • 72. Discussion Limitations :  Non- controlled  short-term study  Low acceptance rate by physicians  not implemented  Patients lost to follow-up
  • 73. Recommendations  Urgent need for well-structured Antibiotic Management Program (AMP)  Goal : Optimizing antibiotic use according to the best available scientific evidence:  Do not use antibiotics when not needed  Target the narrowest possible spectrum  Deliver them in correct concentrations, at the right time, using the safest route, to the right patient  Use the most cost- effective alternative
  • 74. Recommendations  Antibiotic management program (AMP)  Form a team to:  Distribute workload  Integrate diverse interests  Arbitrate disputes  clinical pharmacist , microbiologist, ID specialist, infection control specialist.  All individuals implicated in AMP should disclose potential conflicts of interest
  • 75. Recommendations  Adapting AMP to institution (AUBMC)  Patient population  Nature of the services  Recent trends in antibiotic use/costs, prevalence of resistance…  Problem-areas: certain drugs, departments…  Identify potentially useful interventions
  • 77. Choose ABX RESTRICTED? No Yes Prescribe ABX Yes Yes No No Follow guidelines? Justified? Optimal dose/interval/route? Deliver ABX Correct patient/dose/time? Check C/S results Correct spectrum class? Yes Yes Yes STOP! ABX needed? No Yes No No No At 48-72 hrs
  • 78. Recommendations  “Restriction on the restriction”, antibiotic cycling  Automatic stop-date, automatic switch  Rapid C/S results, MIC…  Empiric therapy consult ?  Continuing education