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QUIZ ~ 1
Which of the following is a valid SQL Data
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 2
The full form of DDL is?
A. Dynamic Data Language
B. Detailed Data Language
C. Data Definition Language
D. Data Derivation Language
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 3
Which of the following is a legal expression in
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 4
Which of the following is a comparison operator in
A. =
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 5
Which of the following database object does not physically
A. base table
B. index
C. view
D. none of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 6
A file manipulation command that extracts some of the records from a file is called
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 7
Which one of the following is not true for a
A. View is derived from other tables.
B. View is a virtual table.
C. A view definition is permanently stored as part of the database.
D. View never contains derived columns.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 8
To delete a particular column in a relation the command used
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 9
A data manipulation command the combines the records from one or more tables is
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 10
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the SALES, CUSTOMERS, PRODUCTS, and TIMES
The PROD_ID column is the foreign key in the SALES table, which references the PRODUCTS table.
Similarly, the CUST_ID and TIME_ID columns are also foreign keys in the SALES table referencing the
CUSTOMERS and TIMES tables, respectively.
Evaluate the following CREATE TABLE command:
CREATE TABLE new_sales(prod_id, cust_id, order_date DEFAULT SYSDATE)
SELECT prod_id, cust_id, time_id
FROM sales;
Which statement is true regarding the above command?
A. The NEW_SALES table would not get created because the DEFAULT value cannot be specified in
thecolumn definition.
B. The NEW_SALES table would get created and all the NOT NULL constraints defined on the
specifiedcolumns would be passed to the new table.
C. The NEW_SALES table would not get created because the column names in the CREATE
TABLEcommand and the SELECT clause do not match.
D. The NEW_SALES table would get created and all the FOREIGN KEY constraints defined on the
specifiedcolumns would be passed to the new table.
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 11
Examine the description for the SALES table.
Which views can have all DML operations performed on it? (Choose all that apply.)
C. CREATE VIEW v2 AS SELECT prod_id, cust_id, time_id FROM SALES WHERE time_id<= SYSDATE -
D. CREATE VIEW v4 AS SELECT prod_id, cust_id, SUM(quantity_solD.FROM SALES WHERE time_id<=
SYSDATE - 2*365 GROUP BY prod_id, cust_id WITH CHECK OPTION;
Correct Answer: AB
QUIZ ~ 12
You need to extract details of those products in the SALES table where the PROD_ID column containsthe
string '_D123'.Which WHERE clause could be used in the SELECT statement to get the required output?
A. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '_' B.
WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE ''
C. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '%_'
D. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '_'
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 13 Which two statements are true regarding single row functions?
(Choose two.)
A. They accept only a single argument.
B. They can be nested only to two levels.
C. Arguments can only be column values or constants.
D. They always return a single result row for every row of a queried table.
E. They c an return a data type value different from the one that is referenced.
Correct Answer: DE
QUIZ ~ 14
Which SQL statements would display the value 1890.55 as $1,890.55? (Choose three
A. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$0G000D00')
B. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$9,999V99')
C. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99,999D99')
D. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99G999D00')
E. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99G999D99')
Correct Answer: ADE
QUIZ ~ 15 Examine the structure of the
SHIPMENTS table: name Null Type
You want to generate a report that displays the PO_ID and the penalty amount to be paid if the
SHIPMENT_DATE is later than one month from the PO_DATE. The penalty is $20 per day.
Evaluate the following two queries:
WHEN MONTHS_BETWEEN (shipment_date,po_date)>1 THEN
TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_datE.* 20) ELSE 'No Penalty' END PENALTY
FROM shipments;
(MONTHS_BETWEEN (po_date,shipment_date)>1,
TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_datE.* 20), 'No Penalty') PENALTY
FROM shipments;
Which statement is true regarding the above commands?
A. Both execute successfully and give correct results.
B. Only the first query executes successfully but gives a wrong result.
C. Only the first query executes successfully and gives the correct result.
D. Only the second query executes successfully but gives a wrong result.
E. Only the second query executes successfully and gives the correct result.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 16 Which two statements are true regarding the USING and ON clauses in table joins?
(Choose two.)
A. Both USING and ON clauses can be used for equijoins and nonequijoins.
B. A maximum of one pair of columns can be joined between two tables using the ON clause.
C. The ON clause can be used to join tables on columns that have different names but compatible data types.
D. The WHERE clause can be used to apply additional conditions in SELECT statements containing the
ONor the USING clause.
Correct Answer: CD
QUIZ ~ 17
Which statement is true regarding the INTERSECT
A. It ignores NULL values.
B. Reversing the order of the intersected tables alters the result.
C. The names of columns in all SELECT statements must be identical.
D. The number of columns and data types must be identical for all SELECT statements in the query.
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 18
Examine the structure of the PROMOTIONS
Each promotion has a duration of at least seven days .
Your manager has asked you to generate a report, which provides the weekly cost for each promotion
Which query would achieve the required result?
A. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/promo_end_date-promo_begin_date/7 FROM promotions;
B. SELECT promo_name,(promo_cost/promo_end_date-promo_begin_date)/7 FROM promotions
C. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/(promo_end_date-promo_begin_date/7) FROM promotions;
D. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/((promo_end_date-promo_begin_date)/7) FROM promotions;
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 19
Examine the structure of the PRODUCTS
All products have a list price.
You issue the following command to display the total price of each product after a discount of 25% and a tax
of 15% are applied on it. Freight charges of $100 have to be applied to all the products.
SQL>SELECT prod_name, prod_list_price-(prod_list_price*(25/100))
+(prod_list_price -(prod_list_price*(25/100))*(15/100))+100
FROM products;
What would be the outcome if all the parenthese s are removed from the above statement?
A. It produces a syntax error.
B. The result remains unchanged.
C. The total price value would be lower than the correct value.
D. The total price value would be higher than the correct value.
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 20
The following are components of a database except ________ .
A. user data B.
C. reports
D. indexes
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 21
An on-line commercial site such as is an example of a(n) ________
A. single-user database application
B. multiuser database application
C. e-commerce database application
D. data mining database application
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 22
The following are functions of a DBMS except ________
A. creating and processing forms
B. creating databases
C. processing data
D. administrating databases
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 23
Helping people keep track of things is the purpose of a(n) ________
A. database
B. table
C. instance
D. relationship
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 24
You have run an SQL statement that asked the DBMS to display data in a table named USER_TABLES. The
results include columns of data labeled "TableName," "NumberOfColumns" and "PrimaryKey." You are looking
at ________ .
A. user data.
B. metadata
C. A report
D. indexes
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 25
Every time attribute A appears, it is matched with the same value of attribute B, but not the same value of
attribute C. Therefore, it is true that:
A. A ? B.
B. A ? C.
C. A ? (B,C).
D. (B,C.? A.
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 26
The different classes of relations created by the technique for preventing modification anomalies are
A. normal forms.
B. referential integrity constraints.
C. functional dependencies.
D. None of the above is correct.
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 27
The primary key is selected from
A. composite keys.
B. determinants.
C. candidate keys.
D. foreign keys.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 28
A functional dependency is a relationship between or
A. tables.
B. rows.
C. relations.
D. attributes.
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 29
Examine the structure of the SALES, CUSTOMERS, PRODUCTS, and TIMES tables.
The PROD_ID column is the foreign key in the SALES table, which references the PRODUCTS table.
Similarly, the CUST_ID and TIME_ID columns are also foreign keys in the SALES table referencing the
CUSTOMERS and TIMES tables, respectively.
Evaluate the following CREATE TABLE command:
CREATE TABLE new_sales(prod_id, cust_id, order_date DEFAULT SYSDATE)
SELECT prod_id, cust_id, time_id
FROM sales;
Which statement is true regarding the above command?
A. The NEW_SALES table would not get created because the DEFAULT value cannot be specified in
thecolumn definition.
B. The NEW_SALES table would get created and all the NOT NULL constraints defined on the
specifiedcolumns would be passed to the new table.
C. The NEW_SALES table would not get created because the column names in the CREATE TABLE
command and the SELECT clause do not match.
D. The NEW_SALES table would get created and all the FOREIGN KEY constraints defined on the
specifiedcolumns would be passed to the new table.
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 30
Examine the description for the SALES table.
Which views can have all DML operations performed on it? (Choose all that apply.)
C. CREATE VIEW v2 AS SELECT prod_id, cust_id, time_id FROM SALES WHERE time_id<= SYSDATE -
D. CREATE VIEW v4 AS SELECT prod_id, cust_id, SUM(quantity_solD.FROM SALES WHERE time_id<=
SYSDATE - 2*365 GROUP BY prod_id, cust_id WITH CHECK OPTION;
Correct Answer: AB
QUIZ ~ 31
You need to extract details of those products in the SALES table where the PROD_ID column containsthe
string '_D123'.Which WHERE clause could be used in the SELECT statement to get the required output?
A. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '_' B.
WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE ''
C. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '%_'
D. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '_'
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 32 Which two statements are true regarding single row functions?
(Choose two.)
A. They accept only a single argument.
B. They can be nested only to two levels.
C. Arguments can only be column values or constants.
D. They always return a single result row for every row of a queried table.
E. They c an return a data type value different from the one that is referenced.
Correct Answer: DE
QUIZ ~ 33
Which SQL statements would display the value 1890.55 as $1,890.55? (Choose three
A. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$0G000D00')
B. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$9,999V99')
C. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99,999D99')
D. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99G999D00')
E. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99G999D99')
Correct Answer: ADE
QUIZ ~ 34
Examine the structure of the SHIPMENTS table:
name Null Type
You want to generate a report that displays the PO_ID and the penalty amount to be paid if the
SHIPMENT_DATE is later than one month from the PO_DATE. The penalty is $20 per day.
Evaluate the following two queries:
WHEN MONTHS_BETWEEN (shipment_date,po_date)>1 THEN
TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_datE.* 20) ELSE 'No Penalty' END PENALTY
FROM shipments;
(MONTHS_BETWEEN (po_date,shipment_date)>1,
TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_datE.* 20), 'No Penalty') PENALTY
FROM shipments;
Which statement is true regarding the above commands?
A. Both execute successfully and give correct results.
B. Only the first query executes successfully but gives a wrong result.
C. Only the first query executes successfully and gives the correct result.
D. Only the second query executes successfully but gives a wrong result.
E. Only the second query executes successfully and gives the correct result.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 35 Which two statements are true regarding the USING and ON clauses in table joins?
(Choose two.)
A. Both USING and ON clauses can be used for equijoins and nonequijoins.
B. A maximum of one pair of columns can be joined between two tables using the ON clause.
C. The ON clause can be used to join tables on columns that have different names but compatible data
types.D. The WHERE clause can be used to apply additional conditions in SELECT statements containing
the ON or the USING clause.
Correct Answer: CD
QUIZ ~ 36
Examine the structure of the CUSTOMERS table.
Which two tasks would require subqueries or joins to be executed in a single statement? (Choose two.)
A. listing of customers who do not have a credit limit and were born before 1980
B. finding the number of customers, in each city, whose marital status is 'married'
C. finding the average credit limit of male customers residing in 'Tokyo' or 'Sydney'
D. listing of those customers whose credit limit is the same as the credit limit of customers residing in the
E. finding the number of customers, in each city, whose credit limit is more than the average credit limit of
allthe customers
Correct Answer: DE
QUIZ ~ 37
Which statement is true regarding the INTERSECT
A. It ignores NULL values.
B. Reversing the order of the intersected tables alters the result.
C. The names of columns in all SELECT statements must be identical.
D. The number of columns and data types must be identical for all SELECT statements in the query.
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 38
Examine the structure of the PROMOTIONS table.
Each promotion has a duration of at least seven days .
Your manager has asked you to generate a report, which provides the weekly cost for each promotion done
Which query would achieve the required result?
A. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/promo_end_date-promo_begin_date/7 FROM promotions;
B. SELECT promo_name,(promo_cost/promo_end_date-promo_begin_date)/7 FROM promotions
C. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/(promo_end_date-promo_begin_date/7) FROM promotions;
D. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/((promo_end_date-promo_begin_date)/7) FROM promotions;
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 39
You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of the
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 40
The command to remove rows from a table 'CUSTOMER' is:
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 41
The SQL WHERE clause:
A. limits the column data that are returned.
B. limits the row data are returned.
C. Both A and B are correct.
D. Neither A nor B are correct.
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 42
Which of the following is the original purpose of
A. To specify the syntax and semantics of SQL data definition language
B. To specify the syntax and semantics of SQL manipulation languageC. To define the
data structures
D. All of the above.
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 43
The wildcard in a WHERE clause is useful
A. An exact match is necessary in a SELECT statement.
B. An exact match is not possible in a SELECT statement.
C. An exact match is necessary in a CREATE statement.
D. An exact match is not possible in a CREATE statement.
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 44
A view is which of the
A. A virtual table that can be accessed via SQL commands
B. A virtual table that cannot be accessed via SQL commands
C. A base table that can be accessed via SQL commands
D. A base table that cannot be accessed via SQL commands
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 45
The command to eliminate a table from a database
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 46
ON UPDATE CASCADE ensures which of the following?
A. Normalization
B. Data Integrity
C. Materialized Views
D. All of the above.
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 47
SQL data definition commands make up a(n) ________ .
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 48
Which of the following is valid SQL for an
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 49
The SQL keyword(s) ________ is used with
A. LIKE only
B. IN only
C. NOT IN only
D. IN and NOT IN
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 50
Which of the following is the correct order of keywords for SQL SELECT
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 51
A subquery in an SQL SELECT statement is enclosed
A. braces -- {...}.
C. parenthesis -- (...) .
D. brackets -- [...].
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 52
The result of a SQL SELECT statement is a(n) ________
A. report
B. form
C. file
D. table
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 53
Which of the following are the five built-in functions provided by
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 54
In an SQL SELECT statement querying a single table, according to the SQL-92 standard the asterisk (*)
means that:
A. all columns of the table are to be returned.
B. all records meeting the full criteria are to be returned.
C. all records with even partial criteria met are to be returned.
D. None of the above is correct.
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 55
The HAVING clause does which of the
A. Acts like a WHERE clause but is used for groups rather than rows.
B. Acts like a WHERE clause but is used for rows rather than columns.
C. Acts like a WHERE clause but is used for columns rather than groups.
D. Acts EXACTLY like a WHERE clause.
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 56
The SQL -92 wildcards are ____ and ____
A. asterisk (*); percent sign (%)
B. percent sign (%); underscore (_)
C. underscore(_); QUIZ ~ mark (?)
D. QUIZ ~ mark (?); asterisk (*)
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 57
To remove duplicate rows from the results of an SQL SELECT statement, the ________ qualifier specified
must be included.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 58
The benefits of a standard relational language include which of the
A. Reduced training costs
B. Increased dependence on a single vendor
C. Applications are not needed.
D. All of the above.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 59
DROP TABLE table_name command inserts data into a table
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 60
What is the primary clause in a SELECT
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 61
Which clause specifies the tables or views from which to retrieve the
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 62
Which clause is used to filter nonaggregate
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 63 When an aggregate function is used, which clause divides the data into
distinct groups?
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 64
What symbol is used to select all columns from a
A. /
C. *
D. &
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 65
What keyword is used to eliminate any duplicate
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 66
What clause sorts the rows
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 67
Which function is used to convert a value to a specific data
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 68
Combining two character items is known as ________.
A. Combining
B. Character modification
C. Concatenation
D. Casting
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 69
What keyword is used to provide a name for an expression in a SELECT
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 70
What is a missing or unknown
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 71
What data type is used to store the quantity of time between two dates or
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 72
Which predicate tests whether the value of a given value expression matches an item in a given list of values?
A. Comparison
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 73
Which predicate enables you to test whether a character string value expression matches a specified
character string pattern?
A. Comparison
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 74
Which predicate lets you test whether the value of a given value expression falls within a specified range of
A. Comparison
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 75
Which operator is used to include rows in the result set that did not meet the condition of the
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 76
Which operator do you use when all the conditions you combine must be met in order for a row to be included
in a result set?
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 77
Which operator do you use when either of the conditions you combine can be met in order for a row to be
included in a result set?
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 78
Correct Answer: ABC
QUIZ ~ 79
Correct Answer: E
QUIZ ~ 80
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 81
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 82
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 83
Correct Answer: E
QUIZ ~ 84
Correct Answer: E
QUIZ ~ 85
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 86
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 87
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 88
You need to ensure that tables are not dropped from your database. What should you
A. Create a DDL trigger that contains COMMIT.
B. Create a DML trigger that contains COMMIT.
C. Create a DDL trigger that contains ROLLBACK.
D. Create a DML trigger that contains ROLLBACK.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 89
You have the following two tables.
The foreign key relationship between these tables has CASCADE DELETE enabled.
You need to remove all records from the Orders table.
Which Transact-SQL statement should you use?
D. DELETE FROM OrderDetails
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 90
What would DISTINCT in a select statement do data
A. All duplicates in the table would be retrieved from the table.
B. Rows would be retrieved but all duplicates are eliminated from the result of the select statement.
C. Both duplicates and unique rows would be retireved from the table
D. DISTINCT would not have any effect on the table
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 91
Study the T-SQL code below and answer the QUIZ ~ that follows :
SELECT DrugID, DrugName, Quantity
FROM DrugDetails.DrugInStock
WHERE DrugName LIKE '%pharma%';
What is the % in the select statement?
A. An operator
B. An operand
C. A predicate
D. A wildcard
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 92
Study the T-SQL code below and answer the QUIZ ~ that follows :
SELECT DrugID, DrugName, Quantity
FROM DrugDetails.DrugInStock
WHERE DrugName LIKE '%pharma%'; The WHERE clause of the select statement
restricts rows to the condition presented within.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 93 For transactions to finally take place in
a database.
A. Commit
B. Rollback
C. Save
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 94 Restrictions defined on tables to check the
validity of data
A. Constraint
B. Triggers
C. Procedures
D. Roles
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 95
A column named ACCOUNTID has identity of seed value being 5 and an increment value being 1000.
What would be the ID of the 1st row in the column?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 1000
D. 1005
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 96
A column named ACCOUNTID has identity of seed value being 5 and an increment value being 1000.
What would be the ID of the 10th row in the column?
A. 8005
B. 5005
C. 9005
D. 10005
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 97
What would happen when the Transact-SQL code below is executed on a SQL Server instance?
DELETE from dbo.accounts
A. The first row of the table would be deleted
B. The table would be deleted from its database
C. The last row of the table would be deleted
D. All rows of the table would be deleted
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 98
Study the Transact-SQL code below and answer the QUIZ ~ that follows
SELECT city + ' ' + street + ' ' + state + ' ' + country
FROM dbo.accountdetails
WHERE accountholder LIKE "%tina";
What is the function of the + in the select statement?
A. Addition
B. Concatenation
C. Combinding
D. Compressing
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 99
Study the Transact-SQL code below and answer the QUIZ ~ that follows
SELECT city + ' ' + street + ' ' + state + ' ' + country Address
FROM dbo.accountdetails
WHERE accountholder LIKE "%tina";
How many columns would be retrieved after executing the code?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 1
D. 5
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 100
Study the Transact-SQL code below and answer the QUIZ ~ that follows
SELECT city + ' ' + street + ' ' + state + ' ' + country AS Address
FROM dbo.accountdetails
WHERE accountholder LIKE "%tina";
The name of the column that would be produced after executing the code is called a column alias.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 101 A table having its name beginning with a
single # symbol.
A. A permanent table
B. A system table C. A temporary table
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 102
Reserved words can be used as database object names.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 103 A column having identity defined on it could
contain duplicates.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 104 DDL triggers are
executed when
A. There has been a change in table structure
B. There has been a change in data
C. There has been a change in query
D. There has been the execution of a DDL command
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 105 Functions can be used in the
following except?
A. SELECT list
B. An expression
C. WHERE clause
D. All the above
E. All but B
Correct Answer: E
QUIZ ~ 106 You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of
the following?
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 107
The command to remove rows from a table 'CUSTOMER' is:
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 108 Which of the following is not an SQL keyword or
SQL clause?
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 109 Which of the following SQL clauses is used to select data from 2 or
more tables?
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 110
The NULL in SQL keyword is used to …
A. Represent 0 values.
B. Represent a missing or unknown value. NULL in SQL represents nothing.
C. Represent positive infinity.
D. Represent negative infinity.
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 111
A database can be said to be a container for objects that not only store data, but also enables data storage
and retrieval to operate in a secure and safe manner.
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 112
Arranging data so that retrieval is as efficient as possible and at the same time reducing any duplication is
known as
A. Gathering
B. Normalizing
C. Sorting
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 113 Query Editor sends queries to a database
using T-SQL.
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 114 What is
A. American National Studios Institute
B. American National Standards Institute
C. American National Servers Institute
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 115 What is
A. SQL Server Managerial Studio
B. SQL Server Management Standard
C. SQL Server Management Studio
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 116 When SQL Server is installed more than once on a computer, each installation is
called an instance.
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 117 The following are all Data Definition Language
(DDL) except.
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 118
Which system database contains the metadata about your database, logins, and configuration information
about the instance?
A. Tempdb
B. Master
C. Model
D. Msdb
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 119 Which of these databases is a temporary database whose lifetime is the duration of a SQL
Server session?
A. Master
B. Tempdb
C. AdventurerWorks
D. Model
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 120 The Structured query language (SQL) used in
SQL Server is:
A. Transact SQL (T-SQL)
D. MS Access SQL
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 121 The __________ system database is used as a template for creating all
new databases
A. Master
B. TempDB
C. Model
E. Pub
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 122
…………………… is the full form of SQL.
A. Standard Query Language
B. Sequential Query Language
C. Structured Query Language
D. Server Side Query Language
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 123
SQL Server 2005 NOT includes the following system database ………….
A. tempdb Database
B. Master Database
C. Model Database
D. sqldb Database
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 124
SQL Server stores index information in the ………………… system table.
A. sysindexes
B. systemindexes
C. sysind
D. sysindexes
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 125
………………… is a read-only database that contains system objects that are included with SQL Server 2005.
A. Resource Database
B. Master Database
C. Model Database
D. msdb Database
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 126
The SQL Server services includes …………………
A. SQL server agent
B. Microsoft distribution transaction coordinator
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 127 …………………. is a utility to capture a continuous record of server activity and provide
auditing capability.
A. SQL server profile
B. SQL server service manager
C. SQL server setup
D. SQL server wizard
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 128
The query used to remove all references for the pubs and newspubs databases from the system tables is
A. DROP DATABASE pubs, newpubs;
B. DELETE DATABASE pubs, newpubs;
C. REMOVE DATABASE pubs, newpubs;
D. DROP DATABASE pubs and newpubs;
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 129
…………………. clause specifies the groups into which output rows are to be placed and, if aggregate
functions are included in the SELECT clause.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 130
……………… are predefined and maintained SQL Server where users cannot assign or directly change the
A. Local Variables
B. Global Variables
C. Assigned Variables
D. Direct Variables
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 131 Microsoft SQL Server NOT uses which of the following
operator category?
A. Bitwise Operator B.
Unary Operator
C. Logical Operator
D. Real Operator
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 132 Which of the following query is correct for using comparison
operators in SQL?
A. SELECT sname, coursename FROM studentinfo WHERE age>50 and <80;
B. SELECT sname, coursename FROM studentinfo WHERE age>50 and age <80;
C. SELECT sname, coursename FROM studentinfo WHERE age>50 and WHERE age<80;
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 133 How to select all data from studentinfo table starting the name
from letter 'r'?
A. SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE 'r%';
B. SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE '%r%';
C. SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE '%r';
D. SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE '_r%';
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 134
Which of the following SQL query is correct for selecting the name of staffs from 'tblstaff' table where salary is
15,000 or 25,000?
A. SELECT sname from tblstaff WHERE salary IN (15000, 25000);
B. SELECT sname from tblstaff WHERE salary BETWEEN 15000 AND 25000;
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 135
The SELECT statement, that retrieves all the columns from empinfo table name starting with d to p is
A. SELECT ALL FROM empinfo WHERE ename like '[d-p]%';
B. SELECT * FROM empinfo WHERE ename is '[d-p]%';
C. SELECT * FROM empinfo WHERE ename like '[p-d]%';
D. SELECT * FROM empinfo WHERE ename like '[d-p]%';
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 136 Select a query that retrieves all of the unique countries from the
student table?
A. SELECT DISTINCT coursename FROM studentinfo;
B. SELECT UNIQUE coursename FROM studentinfo;
C. SELECT DISTINCT coursename FROM TABLE studentinfo;
D. SELECT INDIVIDUAL coursename FROM studentinfo;
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 137
Which query is used for sorting data that retrieves all the fields from empinfo table and listed them in the
ascending order?
A. SELECT * FROM empinfo ORDER BY age;
B. SELECT * FROM empinfo ORDER age;
D. SELECT * FROM empinfo SORT BY age;
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 138 Select the right statement to insert values to the
stdinfo table.
A. INSERT VALUES (“15?, “Hari Thapa”, 45, 5000) INTO stdinfo;
B. INSERT VALUES INTO stdinfo (“15?, “Hari Thapa”, 45, 5000);C. INSERT stdinfo
VALUES (“15?, “Hari Thapa”, 45, 5000);
D. INSERT INTO stdinfo VALUES (“15?, “Hari Thapa”, 45, 5000);
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 139 How to Delete records from studentinfo table with name of student
'Hari Prasad'?
A. DELETE FROM TABLE studentinfo WHERE sname='Hari Prasad';
B. DELETE FROM studentinfo WHERE sname='Hari Prasad';
C. DELETE FROM studentinfo WHERE COLUMN sname='Hari Prasad';
D. DELETE FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE 'Hari Prasad';
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 140
Constraint checking can be disabled in existing …………. and ………….. constraints so that any data you
modify or add to the table is not checked against the constraint.
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 141
………………… joins two or more tables based on a specified column value not equaling a specified column
value in another table.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 142
…………………… is a procedural extension of Oracle - SQL that offers language constructs similar to those in
imperative programming languages.
C. Advanced SQL
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 143
……………….. combines the data manipulating power of SQL with the data processing power of Procedural
C. Advanced SQL
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 144
………………. has made PL/SQL code run faster without requiring any additional work on the part of the
A. SQL Server
C. Oracle
D. SQL Lite
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 145
A line of PL/SQL text contains groups of characters known as …………………..
A. Lexical Units
B. Literals
C. Textual Units
D. Identifiers
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 146
We use …………………… name PL/SQL program objects and units.
A. Lexical Units
B. Literals
C. Delimiters
D. Identifiers
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 147 A ……………….. is an explicit numeric, character, string or Boolean value not represented
by an identifier.
A. Comments
B. Literals
C. Delimiters
D. Identifiers
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 148 If no header is specified, the block is said to be an ………………….
PL/SQL block.
A. Strong
B. Weak
C. Empty
D. Anonymous
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 149
…………. is a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed by single quotes.
A. Integers literal
B. String literal
C. String units
D. String label
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 150
In ………………………. of Oracle, the database administrator creates a user account in the database for each
user who needs access.
A. Database Authentication
B. Operating System Authentication
C. Internal Authentication
D. External Authentication
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 151 In SQL, which command is used to remove a stored function from
the database?
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 152 In SQL, which command is used to select only one copy of each set of
duplicate rows
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 153 Count function in SQL returns
the number of
A. Values
B. Distinct values
C. Groups
D. Columns
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 154
Composite key is made up of …………….
A. One column
B. One super key
C. One foreign key
D. Two or more columns
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 155
What command is used to get back the privileges offered by the GRANT command?
A. Grant
B. Revoke
C. Execute
D. Run
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 156 Which command displays the SQL command in the SQL buffer, and
then executes it?
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 157 What is a
A. Set of Extents
B. Set of Segments
C. Smallest Database storage unit
D. Set of blocks
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 158 If two groups are not linked in the data model editor, what is the hierarchy
between them?
A. There is no hierarchy between unlinked groups.
B. The group that is right ranks higher than the group that is to right or below it.
C. The group that is above or leftmost ranks higher than the group that is to right or below it.
D. The group that is left ranks higher than the group that is to the right.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 159 Which of the following types of triggers can be fired on
DDL operations?
A. Instead of Trigger
B. DML Trigger
C. System Trigger
D. DDL Trigger
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 160 What operator performs
pattern matching?
A. IS NULL operator
B. ASSIGNMENT operator
C. LIKE operator
D. NOT operator
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 161
In magnetic disk ________ stores information on a sector magnetically as reversals of the direction of
magnetization of the magnetic material.
A. Read-write head
B. Read-assemble head
C. Head-disk assemblies
D. Disk arm
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 162 A __________ is the smallest unit of information that can be read from or
written to the disk.
A. Track
B. Spindle
C. Sector
D. Platter
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 163
The disk platters mounted on a spindle and the heads mounted on a disk arm are together known as
A. Read-disk assemblies
B. Head-disk assemblies
C. Head-write assemblies
D. Read-read assemblies
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 164 The disk controller uses ________ at each sector to ensure that the data is not corrupted on
data retrieval.
A. Checksum
B. Unit drive
C. Read disk
D. Readsum
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 165 _________ is around one-half of the
maximum seek time.
A. Access time
B. Average seek time
C. Seek time
D. Rotational latency time
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 166
Once the head has reached the desired track, the time spent waiting for the sector to be accessed to appear
under the head is called the _______________.
A. Access time
B. Average seek time
C. Seek time
D. Rotational latency time
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 167
Hybrid disk drives are hard-disk systems that combine magnetic storage with a smaller amount of flash
memory, which is used as a cache for frequently accessed data.
A. Hybrid drivers
B. Disk drivers
C. Hybrid disk drivers
D. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 168
Which of these query will display the table given above ?
A. Select employee from name B.
Select name
C. Select name from employee
D. Select employee
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 169
Select ________ dept_name
from instructor;
Here which of the following displays the unique values of the column ?
A. All
B. From
C. Distinct
D. Name
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 170
The ______ clause allows us to select only those rows in the result relation of the ____ clause that satisfy a
specified predicate.
A. Where, from B.
From, select
C. Select, from
D. From, where
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 171
Select ID, name, dept name, salary * 1.1
where instructor;
The query given below will not give an error. Which one of the following has to be replaced to get the desired
A. Salary*1.1
C. Where
D. Instructor
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 172 The ________ clause is used to list the attributes desired in the
result of a query.
A. Where
B. Select
C. From
D. Distinct
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 173
Select name, course_id from
instructor, teaches where
instructor_ID= teaches_ID;
This Query can be replaced by which one of the following ?
A. Select name,course_id from teaches,instructor where instructor_id=course_id;
B. Select name, course_id from instructor natural join teaches;
C. Select name ,course_id from instructor;
D. Select course_id from instructor join teaches;
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 174
Select * from employee where salary>10000 and dept_id=101;
Which of the following fields are displayed as output?
A. Salary, dept_id
B. Employee
C. Salary
D. All the field of employee relation
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 175
Employee_id Name Salary
1001 Annie 6000
1009 Ross 4500
1018 Zeith 7000
This is Employee table.
Select * from employee where employee_id>1009;
Which of the following employee_id will be displayed?
A. 1009, 1001, 1018
B. 1009, 1018
C. 1001
D. 1018
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 176 Which of the following statements
contains an error?
A. Select * from emp where empid = 10003;
B. Select empid from emp where empid = 10006;
C. Select empid from emp;
D. Select empid where empid = 1009 and lastname = 'GELLER';
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 177
Insert into employee _____ (1002,Joey,2000);
In the given query which of the keyword has to be inserted ?
A. Table
B. Values
C. Relation
D. Field
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 178 A _____ indicates an absent value that may exist but be unknown or that may
not exist at all.
A. Empty tuple
B. New value
C. Null value
D. Old value
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 179
The predicate in a where clause can involve Boolean operations such as and.The result of true and unknown
is_______, false and unknown is _____, while unknown and unknown is _____.
A. Unknown, unknown, false
B. True, false, unknown
C. True, unknown, unknown
D. Unknown, false, unknown
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 180 Select
name from instructor
where salary is not
null; Selects
A. Tuples with null value
B. Tuples with no null values
C. Tuples with any salary
D. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 181
In a employee table to include the attributes whose value always have some value which of the following
constraint must be used ?
A. Null
B. Not null
C. Unique
D. Distinct
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 182 Using the ______ clause retains only one copy of such
identical tuples.
A. Null
B. Unique
C. Not null
D. Distinct
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 183
Create table employee (id integer,name varchar(20),salary not null);
Insert into employee values (1005,Rach,0);
Insert into employee values (1007,Ross, );
Insert into employee values (1002,Joey,335);
Some of these insert statements will produce an error. Identify the statement.
A. Insert into employee values (1005,Rach,0);
B. Insert into employee values (1002,Joey,335);
C. Insert into employee values (1007,Ross, );
D. Both a and c
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 184 The
primary key must be
A. Unique
B. Not null
C. Both a and b
D. Either a or b
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 185
You attempt to query the database with this command: (25)
select nvl (100 / quantity, none)
from inventory;
Why does this statement cause an error when QUANTITY values are null?
A. The expression attempts to divide by a null value.
B. The data types in the conversion function are incompatible.
C. The character string none should be enclosed in single quotes (' ').
D. A null value used in an expression cannot be converted to an actual value
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 186 The result of
_____unknown is unknown.
A. Xor
B. Or
C. And
D. Not
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 187
A relational database system needs to maintain data about the relations, such as the schema of the relations.
This is called
A. Metadata
B. Catalog
C. Log
D. Dictionary
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 188 Which of the following is another name for
weak entity?
A. Child
B. Owner
C. Dominant
D. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 189 The____condition allows a general predicate over the relations
being joined.
A. On
B. Using
C. Set
D. Where
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 190 Which of the join operations do not preserve non
matched tuples.
A. Left outer join
B. Right outer join
C. Inner join
D. Natural join
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 191
Select *
from student join takes using (ID);
The above query is equivalent to
A. Select * from student inner join takes
using (ID); B. Select * from student outer
join takes using (ID); C. Select *
from student left outer join takes using (ID);
D. Both a and b
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 192 What type of join is needed when you wish to include rows that do not have
matching values?
A. Equi-join
B. Natural join
C. Outer join
D. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 193
How many tables may be included with a join?
A. One B.
C. Three
D. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 194 Which are the join types in
join condition:
A. Cross join
B. Natural join
C. Join with USING clause
D. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 195 How many join types in
join condition:
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 196
Which join refers to join records from the right table that have no matching key in the left table are include in
the result set:
A. Left outer join
B. Right outer join
C. Full outer join
D. Half outer join
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 197 The operation which is not considered a basic operation of
relational algebra is
A. Join
B. Selection
C. Union
D. Cross product
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 198 In SQL the statement select * from R, S is
equivalent to
A. Select * from R natural join S
B. Select * from R cross join S
C. Select * from R union join S
D. Select * from R inner join S
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 199 Two main measures for the efficiency of an
algorithm are
A. Processor and memory
B. Complexity and capacity
C. Time and space
D. Data and space
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 200 Functional dependencies are a
generalization of
A. Key dependencies
B. Relation dependencies
C. Database dependencies
D. None of the mentioned
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 201 The space factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is
measured by
A. Counting the maximum memory needed by the algorithm
B. Counting the minimum memory needed by the algorithm
C. Counting the average memory needed by the algorithm
D. Counting the maximum disk space needed by the algorithm
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 202 The Average case occur in linear
search algorithm
A. When Item is somewhere in the middle of the array
B. When Item is not in the array at all
C. When Item is the last element in the array
D. When Item is the last element in the array or is not there at all
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 203 The complexity of the average case of
an algorithm is
A. Much more complicated to analyze than that of worst case
B. Much more simpler to analyze than that of worst case
C. Sometimes more complicated and some other times simpler than that of worst case
D. None of the mentioned
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 204 The complexity of linear
search algorithm is
A. O(n)
B. O(log n)
C. O(n2)
D. O(n log n)
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 205 The complexity of Binary
search algorithm is
A. O(n)
B. O(log )
C. O(n2)
D. O(n log n)
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 206 The complexity of Bubble
sort algorithm is
A. O(n)
B. O(log n)
C. O(n2)
D. O(n log n)
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 207
A __________ is a special kind of a store procedure that executes in response to certain action on the table
like insertion, deletion or updation of data.
A. Procedures
B. Triggers
C. Functions
D. None of the mentioned
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 208 Trigger are
supported in
A. Delete
B. Update
C. Views
D. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 209
The CREATE TRIGGER statement is used to create the trigger. THE _____ clause specifies the table name
on which the trigger is to be attached. The ______ specifies that this is an AFTER INSERT trigger.
A. for insert, on
B. On, for insert
C. For, insert
D. Both a and c
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 210 What are the
after triggers ?
A. Triggers generated after a particular operation
B. These triggers run after an insert, update or delete on a table
C. These triggers run after an insert, views, update or delete on a table
D. Both b and c
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 211 The variables in the triggers are
declared using
A. -
B. @
C. /
D. /@
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 212 The default extension for an Oracle
SQL*Plus file is:
A. .txt
B. .pls
C. .ora
D. .sql
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 213 Which of the following is NOT an Oracle-
supported trigger?
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 214 What are the
different in triggers ?
A. Define, Create
B. Drop, Comment
C. Insert, Update, Delete
D. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 215 Triggers ________
enabled or disabled
A. Can be
B. Cannot be
C. Ought to be
D. Always
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 216 Which prefixes are available to
Oracle triggers?
A. : new only
B. : old only
C. Both :new and : old
D. Neither :new nor : old
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 217 Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational
database design?
A. 2NF
B. 5NF
C. 4NF
D. 3NF
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 218 Which one of the following statements about normal
forms is FALSE?
A. BCNF is stricter than 3NF
B. Lossless, dependency-preserving decomposition into 3NF is always possible
C. Lossless, dependency-preserving decomposition into BCNF is always possible
D. Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 219
A table has fields F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5, with the following functional dependencies:
(F1,F2)->F5 in terms of normalization,
this table is in
A. 1NF B.
C. 3NF
D. None of the mentioned
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 220 Which of the
following is TRUE?
A. Every relation in 2NF is also in BCNF
B. A relation R is in 3NF if every non-prime attribute of R is fully functionally dependent on every key of R
C. Every relation in BCNF is also in 3NF
D. No relation can be in both BCNF and 3NF
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 221 Which one of the following
statements if FALSE?
A. Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF
B. A relation in which every key has only one attribute is in 2NF
C. A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in a 3 NF relation.
D. A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in a BCNF relation.
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 222 Dates must be specified
in the format
A. mm/dd/yy
B. yyyy/mm/dd
C. dd/mm/yy
D. yy/dd/mm
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 223
An ________ on an attribute of a relation is a data structure that allows the database system to find those
tuples in the relation that have a specified value for that attribute efficiently, without scanning through all the
tuples of the relation.
A. Index
B. Reference
C. Assertion
D. Timestamp
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 224
Create index studentID_index on student(ID);
Here which one denotes the relation for which index is created ?
A. StudentID_index
C. StudentID
D. Student
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 225 The user defined data type can be
created using
A. Create datatype
B. Create data
C. Create definetype
D. Create type
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 226 Values of one type can be converted to another domain using which of
the following ?
A. Cast
B. Drop type
C. Alter type
D. Convert
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 227
Create domain YearlySalary numeric(8,2)
constraint salary value test __________;
In order to ensure that an instructor's salary domain allows only values greater than a specified value use:
A. Value>=30000.00
B. Not null;
C. Check(value >= 29000.00);
D. Check(value)
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 228 Which of the following closely resembles
Create view ?
A. Create table . . .like
B. Create table . . . as
C. With data
D. Create view as
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 229
In contemporary databases the top level of the hierarchy consists of ______, each of which can contain
A. Catalogs, schemas
B. Schemas, catalogs
C. Environment, schemas
D. Schemas, Environment
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 230 Which of the following statements creates a new table temp instructor that has the same schema
as instructor.
A. create table temp_instructor;
B. Create table temp_instructor like instructor;
C. Create Table as temp_instructor;
D. Create table like temp_instructor;
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 231 To include integrity constraint in a existing
relation use :
A. Create table
B. Modify table
C. Alter table
D. Drop table
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 232 Which of the following is not a
integrity constraint ?
A. Not null
B. Positive
C. Unique
D. Check 'predicate'
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 233 Foreign key is the one in which the ________ of one relation is referenced in
another relation.
A. Foreign key
B. Primary key
C. References
D. Check constraint
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 234
Create table course ( . . . foreign key (dept namE.references department . . . ); Which of the following is used
to delete the entries in the referenced table when the tuple is deleted in course table?
A. Delete
B. Delete cascade
C. Set null
D. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 235
Domain constraints, functional dependency and referential integrity are special forms of _________.
A. Foreign key
B. Primary key
C. Assertion
D. Referential constraint
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 236 Which of the following is the right syntax
for assertion?
A. Create assertion 'assertion-name' check 'predicate';
B. Create assertion check 'predicate' 'assertion-name';
C. Create assertions 'predicates';
D. All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 237 Data integrity
constraints are used to:
A. Control who is allowed access to the data
B. Ensure that duplicate records are not entered into the table
C. Improve the quality of data entered for a specific property (i.e., table column) D.Prevent users
fromchanging the values stored in the table
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 238 Which of the following can be addressed by enforcing a referential
integrity constraint?
A. All phone numbers must include the area code
B. Certain fields are required (such as the email address, or phone number) before the record is accepted
C. Information on the customer must be known before anything can be sold to that customer
D. When entering an order quantity, the user must input a number and not some text (i.e., 12 rather than
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 239 _____________ can help us detect
poor E-R design.
A. Database Design Process
B. E-R Design Process
C. Relational scheme
D. Functional dependencies
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 240
If a multivalued dependency holds and is not implied by the corresponding functional dependency, it usually
arises from one of the following sources.
A. A many-to-many relationship set
B. A multivalued attribute of an entity set
C. A one-to-many relationship set
D. Both a and b
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 241
Which of the following has each related entity set has its own schema and there is an additional schema for
the relationship set.
A. A many-to-many relationship set
B. A multivalued attribute of an entity set
C. A one-to-many relationship set
D. Both a and b
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 242
In which of the following , a separate schema is created consisting of that attribute and the primary key of the
entity set.
A. A many-to-many relationship set
B. A multivalued attribute of an entity set
C. A one-to-many relationship set
D. Both a and b
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 243
Suppose the user finds the usage of room number and phone number in a relational schema there is
confusion.This is reduced by
A. Unique-role assumption
B. Unique-key assignment
C. Role intergral assignment
D. None of the mentioned
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 244 What is the best way to represent the attributes in a
large database?
A. Relational-and B.
C. Dot representation
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 245 Designers use which of the following to tune performance of systems to support time-
critical operations?
A. Denormalization
B. Redundant optimization
C. Optimization
D. Realization
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 246
In the schema (dept name, sizE.we have relations total inst 2007, total inst 2008 . Which dependency have
lead to this relation ?
A. Dept name, year->size
B. Year->size
C. Dept name->size
D. Size->year
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 247
Which one of the following is used to define the structure of the relation ,deleting relations and relating
schemas ?
A. DML(Data Manipulation Langauge)
B. DDL(Data Definition Langauge)
C. Query
D. Relational Schema
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 248
Which one of the following provides the ability to query information from the database and to insert tuples into,
delete tuples from, and modify tuples in the database ?
A. DML(Data Manipulation Langauge)
B. DDL(Data Definition Langauge)
C. Query
D. Relational Schema
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 249
Create table employee (name varchar ,id integer)
What type of statement is this ?
C. View
D. Integrity constraint
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 250
Select * from employee
What type of statement is this?
C. View
D. Integrity constraint
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 251 The basic data type char(n) is a _____ length character string and varchar(n) is _____
length character.
A. Fixed, equal
B. Equal, variable
C. Fixed, variable
D. Variable, equal
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 252
An attribute A of datatype varchar(20) has the value “Avi” . The attribute B of datatype char(20) has value
”Reed” .Here attribute A has ____ spaces and attribute B has ____ spaces .
A. 3, 20
B. 20, 4
C. 20 , 20
D. 3, 4
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 253
To remove a relation from an SQL database, we use the ______ command.
A. Delete
B. Purge
C. Remove
D. Drop table
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 254
Insert into instructor values (10211, 'Smith', 'Biology', 66000);
What type of statement is this ?
A. Query
C. Relational
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 255 Updates that violate __________
are disallowed .
A. Integrity constraints
B. Transaction control
C. Authorization D. DDL constraints
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 256 Having clause is processed after the GROUP BY clause and any
aggregate functions.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 257
In the context of MS SQL SERVER, with the exception of ............ column(s), any column can participate in the
GROUP BY clause.
A. bit
B. text
C. ntext
D. image
E. All of above
Correct Answer: E
QUIZ ~ 258 The sequence of the columns in a GROUP BY clause has no effect in the ordering
of the output.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 259 GROUP BY ALL generates all possible groups - even those that do not meet the query's
search criteria.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 260 All aggregate functions ignore NULLs
except for ............
A. Distinct
B. Count (*)
C. Average()
D. None of above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 261 Using GROUP BY ............ has the effect of removing duplicates
from the data.
A. with aggregates
B. with order by C. without order by
D. without aggregates
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 262
Below query is run in SQL Server 2012, is this query valid or
invalid: Select count(*) as X from Table_Name Group by ()
A. Valid
B. Invalid
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 263
For the purposes of ............, null values are considered equal to other nulls and are grouped together into a
single result row.
A. Having
B. Group By
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 264 If you SELECT attributes and use an aggregate function, you must GROUP BY the non-
aggregate attributes.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 265
A. The above example allows Jim to add other permissions to the user-defined server role named Production.
B. The above example allows Jim to add other roles to the user-defined server role named Production.
C. The above example allows Jim to add other logins to the user-defined server role named Production.
D. None of above.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 266
The CONTROL SERVER and ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE permissions are sufficient to execute ALTER
SERVER ROLE for a fixed server role.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 267
Permissions at the schema level can be granted and users the automatically inherit permissions on new
objects created in the schema.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 268
DENY revokes a permission so that it cannot be inherited. DENY takes precedence over all permissions,
except DENY does not apply to .......
A. user defined strict permissions
B. object owners
C. members of sysadmin
D. nested roles
Correct Answer: BC
QUIZ ~ 269
Roles can be nested; Permission sets that are assigned to roles are inherited by ........ members of the role.
A. elected
B. restricted
C. admin
D. all
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 270 Members of the sysadmin fixed server role and object owners cannot be
denied permissions.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 271
The permissions granted to logins and user-defined fixed server roles can be examined by using the .......
A. sys.credentials
B. sys.server_role_members
C. sys.server_permissions
D. None of above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 272
Users with the ........ permission can create new user-defined database roles to represent groups of users with
common permissions.
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 273 In SQL Server 2012, the merge join does not need any
equijoin predicate.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 274 A merge join
can be . . . . .
A. many-to-one
B. many-to-many
C. one-to-one
D. one-to-many
Correct Answer: BD
QUIZ ~ 275 Inputs to the merge join may or may not be sorted on
the join keys.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 276
With a merge join each table is read at most once, and the total cost is proportional to the . . . . . of the number
of rows in the inputs. Thus, merge join is often a better choice for larger inputs.
A. proportion
B. product
C. sum
D. none of above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 277 Merge joins support all outer and semi-
join variations.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 278
SQL Server can get sorted inputs for a merge join in two ways: It can explicitly sort the inputs using a sort
operator or it can read the rows from an index. In general, a plan using an index to achieve sort order is . . . . .
. than a plan using an explicit sort.
A. cheaper
B. costlier
C. sometimes cheaper and sometimes costlier
D. none of above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 279
A merge join necessarily need to scan every row from both inputs. As soon as it reaches the end of either
input, the merge join stops scanning.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 280
Merge join supports multiple equijoin predicates as long as the inputs are sorted on . . . . . . the join keys.
A. some of
B. one of
C. all
D. none of above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 281
Merge join supports a special case where in some cases, the optimiser generates a merge join for a full outer
join, even without an equijoin predicate.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 282 Merge join itself is generally slow, but it can be an expensive choice if sort operations
are required.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 283 Hash join is designed to handle
large . . . . inputs.
A. sorted
B. unsorted
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 284 Hash joins are used for many types of set-matching operations
such as . . . . .
A. intersection
B. inner join
C. left, right, and full outer join
D. both A & B
E. all of above
Correct Answer: E
QUIZ ~ 285
When an in-memory hash join is not possible, the Hash Warning is fired. The idea behind this event is that
grace hash join and recursive hash joins are . . . . efficient and that the DBA should be aware of this.
A. more
B. equally
C. less
D. none of above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 286 Hash join requires an
equality predicate.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 287 The term . . . . is sometimes used to describe grace hash joins or
recursive hash joins.
A. Spill bailout
B. Join bailout
C. Spill Warning bailout
D. Hash bailout
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 288 Hash join performs its operations in 2
phases . . . . . .
A. initial phase and probe phase
B. init phase and probe phase
C. build phase and probe phase
D. build phase and problem phase
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 289
It is not always possible during optimization to determine which hash join is used. Therefore, SQL Server
starts by using an in-memory hash join and gradually transitions to grace hash join, and recursive hash join,
depending on the size of the build input.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 290 A . . . . . . is a join method that used elements of both a simple in-memory hash
and grace hash.
A. combined join
B. hybrid join
C. team join
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 291
A columnstore index is a technology for storing, retrieving and managing data by using a columnar data
format, called a . . . . . . .
A. column segment
B. deltastore
C. columnstore
D. columnar
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 292
As an example, if a table has 50 columns and the query only uses 5 of those columns, the columnstore index
only fetches the . . . . . columns from disk. It skips reading in the other . . . . . . columns.
A. 5, 45
B. 45, 5
C. 10, 40
D. 40, 10
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 293
A nonclustered columnstore index and a clustered columnstore index function the same. The difference is a
nonclustered index is a secondary index created on a . . . . . . . table, whereas a clustered columnstore index is
the primary storage for the . . . . . . . table.
A. columnstore, entire
B. rowstore, entire
C. rowstore, columnstore
D. columnstore, rowstore
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 294
Columnstore indexes read compressed data from disk, which means fewer bytes of data need to be read into
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 295
Columnstore indexes give high performance gains . . . . . . . . .
A. for analytic queries that scan large amounts of data, especially on large tables
B. for queries on a small range of values
C. in case of fact tables, since they tend to require full table scans rather than table seeks
D. Both A & C
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 296
Clustered columnstore indexes collect up to 1,048,576 rows in deltastore before compressing them into the
compressed rowgroup. Once the rowgroup contains 1,048,576 rows, the delta rowgroup is marked closed
. . . .
A. but it is still available for queries and update/delete operations but the newly inserted rows go into
anexisting or newly created deltastore rowgroup.
B. and is not available for queries and update/delete operations. The newly inserted rows go into an existing
ornewly created deltastore rowgroup.
C. and is not available for queries and update/delete operations. The new rows cannot be inserted.
D. but it is still available for queries and update/delete operations but the new rows cannot be inserted.
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 297 The memory required for creating a columnstore index depends
on the . . . . . . .
A. number of columns
B. number of string columns
D. Both A & B
E. All of above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 298
If your table has fewer than one million rows, SQL Server will use only one thread to create the columnstore
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 299 By design, a columnstore table . . . . . . . a primary
key constraint.
A. allows
B. does not allow
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 300
Because data in a columnstore index is grouped by columns, rather than by rows, data can be compressed as
efficiently as with rowstore indexes.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 301
Below statement is true or false:
In order to execute INSERT statements, a user must have at least the INSERT permission assigned on the
target table.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 302 SQL Server can automatically provide
values for ......
A. nullable columns
B. IDENTITY columns
C. columns with the timestamp data type
D. columns with a default value
E. All of above
F. None of above
Correct Answer: E
QUIZ ~ 303 Which of the following insert
statements are correct:
A. INSERT INTO Persons ('xxx1','yyy1');
B. INSERT INTO [dbo].[Persons]
VALUES ('xxx',
C. INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('xxx1','yyy1');
D. INSERT INTO Persons VALUE ('xxx1','yyy1');
Correct Answer: BC
QUIZ ~ 304
In SQL Server, you use the INSERT statement to add one new row and not multiple new rows to an existing
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 305
You can insert data into a table from the results of the EXECUTE statement.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 306 You can use the INSERT statement to insert
data into a .......
A. particular column
B. all columns
C. IDENTITY columns
D. All of above
E. None of above
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 307 SQL Server supports several methods for inserting data into tables
including ........
Correct Answer: ACD
QUIZ ~ 308
INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('xxx1','yyy1'), VALUES ('xxx2','yyy2'),
Values ('xxx3','yyy3');
A. only 1 is correct
B. only 2 is correct
C. Both are correctD. None is correct
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 309
Tick the statements which are true.
It is always a good idea to provide a full-column list for INSERT statement because if the full-column list is not
specified then
A. SQL SERVER generates an error
B. SQL Server resolves full-column lists whenever the INSERT statement executes
C. INSERT statement can insert the data in different table then specified
D. INSERT statement may generate an error if the underlying table schema changes
Correct Answer: BD
QUIZ ~ 310
If during Insert you want to specify the number or percent of random rows that will be inserted then you can
use the . . . . . expression.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 311 SQL Server supports two
types of CTEs:
A. indexed and nonindexed
B. recursive and nonrecursive
C. with view and without views
D. None of above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 312
You cannot reference .............. clause in a select statement for a CTE unless the statement also includes a
TOP clause.
A. Update
B. Where
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 313 If you need to reference/join the same data set multiple times, then CTE is
not the choice.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 314
You can use a CTE within a CREATE VIEW statement.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 315 SELECT statements within recursive CTEs cannot contain which of
the following:
A. The DISTINCT Keyword
B. The TOP keyword
C. GROUP BY or Having clauses
D. All of above
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 316
CTEs are unindexable but on the other hand CTEs can use existing indexes on referenced objects.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 317
CTE is different from view in a way that CTE is not created as .............. in the database and therefore is only
available for this single statement.
A. Table
B. Link
C. Procedure
D. an object
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 318 CTEs rely on stats of the ................... as CTEs do not have dedicated
stats of their own.
A. system Tables
B. static views
C. underlying objects
D. None of above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 319 Tables which are on the remote servers cannot be
referenced in the CTE.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 320
Which logical method can be used in SQL Server 2012 to returns an item from the specified index in a list of
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 321 RAND () method
can be used for:
A. Executing the query randomly.
B. gives a pseudo-random float value
C. return values randomly
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 322 What is the significance of LEFT method in SQL
server 2012?
A. Executes left query in joins
B. There is no method called LEFT in SQL Server.
C. It gives the left part of a character input string with the mentioned no. of characters.
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 323 What is the purpose of CAST function in
SQL server?
A. It converts or casts an expression of 1 data type to another.
B. It cannot be in SQL Server
C. Add description to statement
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 324
Is there any function in SQL server which can be used to check whether value can be Casted or not? If yes,
name it.
A. No there is no method
B. Try_Cast
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 325 What is the purpose of MIN function in
SQL Server?
A. It returns the minimum value in the expression
B. It is use for decrementing the integer value
C. MIN is not a SQL server function
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 326
Which function in SQL server is used in query to find the count of the items in the concerned object (i.e. table,
view, etc.)?
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 327 A nonclustered index greatly affect the ordering and
storing of the data.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 328 Full-text indexes are
created using the
A. Create Index
B. Create Fulltext Index
C. Special System Stored Procedures
D. Both b & c
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 329
A ................ index is one which satisfies all requested columns in a query without performing a further lookup
into the clustered index.
A. Clustered
B. Non-Clustered
C. Covering
D. B-tree
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 330 Each database can have only one
clustered index.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 331
While creating an index on a column(s) in MS SQL Server you can specify that the index on each column be
either ascending or descending and this affects the performance.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 332
In a ..................., the first row added to the indexis the first record in the table, the second row is the second
record in the table and so on.
A. Clustered
B. Non-Clustered
C. Heap
D. CharIndex
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 333
In ........... index, instead of storing all of the columns for a record together, each column is stored separately
with all of the other rows in an index.
A. Clustered
B. Column Store
C. Non-Clustered
D. Row Store
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 334 Without primary key, the creation of spatial index will
not succeed.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 335 If an index is ............................. the metadata and statistics
continue to exist.
A. disabling
B. dropping
C. altering
D. Both a & b
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 336 Index rebuild and index reorganize is one and
the same thing.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 337 You can instruct SQL Server to use a specific JOIN type by
using the . . . . .
A. Query hints
B. Join hints
C. Table hints
D. All of above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 338 For Joint type "nested loop" Join
hint is . . . . . .
A. Remote join
B. Hash Join
C. Loop Join
D. Merge Join
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 339 The . . . . . hint dictates that the join operation is performed on the server hosting
the right table.
A. Remote join
B. Hash Join
C. Loop Join
D. Merge Join
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 340
For simple queries affecting a small result set, the loop join generally provides better performance than a hash
or merge join.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 341
You cannot specify join hints when you use the ANSI-style join syntax - that is, when you actually use the
keyword JOIN in the query.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 342
It is possible to specify more than one join type in the query hint and allow SQL Server to choose the
leastexpensive one.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 343 A . . . . hint takes precedence over a . . . . hint if both
are specified.
A. query, join B.
join, query
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 344
The Remote join, that is used when dealing with data from a remote server has serious affects on execution
A. True
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 345 Use a REMOTE join hint only when the . . . . table has fewer rows than
the . . . . table.
A. left, right
B. right, left
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 346 . . . . . specifies that the join order indicated by the query syntax is preserved during
query optimization.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 347
An ORDER BY can be used in a subquery.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 348
The subquery is known as a ................. subquery because the subquery is related to the outer SQL
A. Relational
B. Related
C. Correlated
D. Corelational
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 349 A subquery can itself include one or more subqueries. .............. subqueries can be nested
in a statement.
A. 16
B. 32
C. 64
D. Any number of
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 350
In case of correlated subquery the outer query is executed once. The subquery is executed ............. for every
row in the outer query.
A. Once
C. Thrice
D. Both A & B
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 351
The SELECT query of a subquery is always enclosed in parentheses and may only include an ORDER BY
clause only when a TOP clause is also specified.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 352 Below subquery is
valid or invalid:
Select (Select 5) As MySubQueryValue;
A. Valid
B. Invalid
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 353 There cannot be a subquery which is independent of
the outer query.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 354 Below is
an example of
SELECT a.EmployeeID
FROM HumanResources.Employee a
WHERE a.ContactID IN
SELECT b.ContactID
FROM Person.Contact b
WHERE b.Title = 'Mrs.'
A. Correlated Subquery
B. Noncorrelated Subquery
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 355
If a table appears only in a subquery and not in the outer query, then columns from that table can be included
in the output.
A. True
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 356 A subquery can be used anywhere an
expression is allowed.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 357 The ................. statement is used to create a table
in a database.
D. Both B and C
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 358 #table refers to a local temporary table and is visible to only the user
who created it.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 359 Which command to use in order to delete the data inside the table, and not
the table itself
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 360 Transaction rollbacks affect
Table variables
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 361 ##table refers to a ............. which is
visible to all users.
A. table variables
B. persistent temporary tables
C. local temporary tables
D. global temporary table
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 362
Delete table and Drop table are not the same though. The ......... will delete all data from the table whilst the
....... will remove the table from the database.
A. Drop,Delete
B. Delete, Drop
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 363
Below Query shows:
FROM sys.Tables
A. List of system tables of Database
B. List of temporary tables of Database
C. List of all tables of Database
D. Both A & B
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 364
sp_tables returns only the views in the database.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 365 In order to modify system tables
you can use:
A. sp_configure
B. sp_modify
C. sp_allow_updates
D. Both A & B
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 366
......... and ......... system tables maintain entries containing object definitions and other tracking information for
each object.
A. sysobjects
B. syscomments
C. systrack
D. Both A & B
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 367 What is the basic syntax for
Delete query?
A. Delete * from tablename;
B. Delete from tablename;
C. Delete column1, Column2, column(n) from tablename;
D. All are correct.
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 368 Which clause in DELETE statement leads to perform delete with
certain criteria?
A. Group
B. Group By
C. Where
D. Having
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 369 Is TOP used in
Delete Query?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 370 Which category
Delete query exits?
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 371 Does delete statement
maintains lock?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 372 Delete statements locks whole Table or a single
Row at a time?
A. Delete never locks any table or row.
B. Delete never locks any row while deleting.
C. Delete locks only Row.
D. Delete locks both Row and table.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 373
If a column in a table is set to an Identity and if user deletes the row from the table with the help of Delete
statement. Will this resets Identity value for the table?
A. Delete never retain Identity
B. Delete never recognizes identity
C. Delete retain identity value
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 374 Out of the below constraints which one is applicable on
Delete query?
A. Row level constraints
B. Page level constraintsC. Table Level constraints
D. None of the above.
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 375 Does delete statement
enables triggers?
A. Yes
B. No
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 376 Which category
Delete query exits?
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 377 Can we use Where condition
in Truncate?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 378 What is not true
about truncate?
A. Truncate delete the record from the table
B. Truncate fires trigger after deleting the record
C. Truncate is used to delete a record
D. It runs trigger after deletion
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 379 Does Truncate
maintain log?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 380 Which one is faster to
delete a table?
A. Truncate
B. Delete
C. Remove
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 381 What are the restrictions while
using Truncate?
A. Foreign Key only,
B. No restrictions
C. Foreign key, participation in indexed view
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 382 Does truncate
retain Identity?
A. Never retains Identity
B. Reset to the seed value
C. No Change on Identity
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 383 Truncate statement locks whole Table or a single
Row at a time?
A. Both
B. Only Row
C. Table
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 384
Can Truncate be used in Views?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 385 What is true about truncate with
Foreign key?
A. It will delete the rows from both the tables (child as well as parent)
B. It will not delete even if CASCADE ON DELETE option is given with parent table
C. It will delete even if CASCADE ON DELETE option is given with parent table
D. All are true
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 386 TRUNCATE can't be used if you have Replication/ CDC enabled for the
table, is it true?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 387 Which one is not applicable while
querying on a view?
A. From
C. Order By
D. Where
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 388 Can we create Clustered Index with Count
(*) in a view?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 389 Refer below query which leads to create a view named
CREATE vwEmployee VIEW
SELECT nothing
FROM dbo.Employee WHERE
ID < 100 Now, tell the problem
in query? A. Above query is
B. View name must be after keyword view and 'nothing' is not a keyword , so should be replaced with *.
C. Replace nothing with view name.
D. Replace nothing with column names.
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 390
A view always fetch up to date data from the table because it runs it's query each time it receives a call, is
this statement correct?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 391 IN SQL Server, can we Create
Partitioned Views?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 392
How can you drop more than one View in single command?
A. Drop viewname1 + viewname2 + viewname(n);
B. Drop viewname1; Drop viewname2; Drop viewname(n);
C. Drop viewname1; viewname2; viewname(n);
D. Drop viewname1, viewname2,viewname(n);
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 393 What is true about views among all the given
below statements:
A. View never references actual table for which it is created.
B. View can't use JOIN in it's query.
C. The performance of the view degrades if they are based on other views.
D. Only option to safeguard data integrity.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 394 Can we show computed values in views from different
columns of a table?
A. Yes
B. No
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 395 Views are
also called as:
A. Complex tables
B. Simple tables
C. Virtual tables
D. Actual Tables
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 396 Are views stored
in Databases?
A. Yes
B. No
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 397 Which of the following is not a Key in
SQL Server?
A. Primary
B. Foreign
C. Alternate
D. Secondary
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 398 Can a column with Primary Key
have Null value?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 399 How can a SQL developer add a
key on a table?
A. While creating a table
B. With Alter table command
C. With SQL server Properties window (by right clicking on a table)
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 400 Can a key created on a table
be Dropped?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 401
What is true about Unique and primary key?
A. Unique can have multiple NULL values but Primary can't have.
B. Unique can have single NULL value but Primary can't have even single.
C. Both can have duplicate values
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 402 Can a table have more than
one foreign key?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 403 By default, which key creates
Clustered index?
A. Foreign Key
B. Unique Key
C. Primary Key
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 404 Which key accepts multiple
NULL values?
A. Foreign Key
B. Unique Key
C. Primary Key
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 405 Can column with Unique key have
duplicate values?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 406 . While using the IN operator, the SQL engine will scan all records fetched from
the inner query.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 407 Consider
the below table.
Table tab_1:
ID Column_2 Name
11 F1 Fardeen
22 G1 Gautam
33 H1 Harish
44 I1 Fardeen
55 E1 Eklavya
0 0 0
What is the result of the below query:
select * from tab_1 where '0' in (select ID from
Tab_1 where ID in (0))
A. ID Column_2 Name
0 0 0
C. ID Column_2 Name
11 F1 Fardeen
22 G1 Gautam
33 H1 Harish
44 I1 Fardeen
55 E1 Eklavya
0 0 0
D. None of above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 408
. The select list of a subquery introduced by EXISTS almost always consists of ………. There is no reason to
list column names as you are just verifying whether rows that meet the conditions specified in the subquery
A. percent (%)
B. asterisk (*)
C. Comma (,)
D. None of above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 409 Only EXISTS can be prefixed with NOT but
IN cannot be.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 410 When EXISTS is used, SQL Server stops as soon as it finds .......... record that
matches the criteria.
A. Middle
B. LastC. One
D. None of above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 411
NOT EXISTS works like EXISTS, except the WHERE clause in which it is used is satisfied if ........... rows are
returned by the subquery.
A. Two
B. Unpinned
D. No
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 412 The keyword EXISTS is not
preceded by a ............
A. constant
B. column name
C. other expression
D. All of above
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 413 Consider
the below table.
Table dbo.tab_1
ID Column_2 Name
11 F1 Fardeen
22 G1 Gautam
33 H1 Harish
44 I1 Fardeen
55 E1 Eklavya
What is the result of the below query:
DECLARE @InList varchar(100)
SET @InList = '11,12,33,44'
FROM Tab_1 WHERE ','+@InList+',' LIKE ',%'+CAST(Id
AS varchar)+',%'
A. ID Column_2 Name
11 F1 Fardeen
33 H1 Harish
44 I1 Fardeen
B. ID Column_2 Name
11 F1 Fardeen
22 G1 Gautam
33 H1 Harish
44 I1 Fardeen
C. ID Column_2 Name
11 F1 Fardeen22 G1 Gautam 33 H1 Harish
44 I1 Fardeen
55 E1 Eklavya
D. None of above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 414 Consider
the below table.
Table tab_1
ID Column_2 Name
11 F1 Fardeen
22 G1 Gautam
33 H1 Harish
44 I1 Fardeen
55 E1 Eklavya
What will be the result of following query:
SELECT ID, column_2, Name
FROM dbo.tab_1
A. ID Column_2 Name
11 F1 Fardeen
22 G1 Gautam
33 H1 Harish
44 I1 Fardeen
55 E1 Eklavya
B. It will show an error message.
D. ID Column_2 Name
11 F1 Fardeen
22 G1 Gautam
33 H1 Harish
44 I1 Fardeen
55 E1 Eklavya
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 415 Exists uses a ............ to join values from a column to a column within
the subquery.
A. View
B. Join
C. Subquery
D. Clustered Index
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 416
Which one is correct syntax for Insert Statement?
A. Insert table_name Columns(Col1, Col2,Col3);
B. Insert into table_name (Col1, Col2,Col3) VALUES (Val1,Val2,Val3);
C. Insert Columns(Col1, Col2,Col3) VALUE (Val1, Val2,Val3) Into table_name;
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 417 Can the sequence & number of columns and values be different in an
Insert statement?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 418 Which one is correct syntax for
Update Statement?
A. Update Table table_name Columns(Col1, Col2,Col3);
B. Update into table_name (Col1, Col2,Col3) VALUES (Val1,Val2,Val3);
C. Update table_name Set Col_name=Value;
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 419 Is mentioning column name corresponding to its value mandatory in
Update Statement?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 420 What will be the consequence of omitting 'Where' clause in
Update Statement?
A. No effect on the query as well as on table.
B. All records present in the table will be updated
C. Only one record will be updated
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 421 In any case, can update statement be used in place of
insert statement?
A. Yes, if record exists with Identity value.
B. Yes, in every case
C. No, it is not possible at all.
D. None of the above.
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 422
Can insert be used in place of update?
A. True
B. False
C. It is replacement of update
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 423 Can we use 'where' clause in an
Insert statement?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 424 Which one is correct syntax for Where clause in
SQL server?
A. SELECT WHERE "Condition" Col1, Col2 FROM "Table" ;
B. SELECT "Condition" Col1, Col2 FROM "Table" WHERE;
C. SELECT Col1, Col2 FROM "Table" WHERE "condition";
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 425 What can be the condition in where clause in
a SQL query?
A. Condition that is to be met for the rows to be returned from result.
B. Boolean Condition only
C. Text condition only
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 426 Is there any limit for number of predicates/conditions to be added in a
Where clause?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 427 What is the purpose of Order By Clause in
SQL server?
A. It is used to sort the result.
B. It is used to change sequence order of columns
C. It can' be used in SQL Server
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 428 Order by can only be used by Where
Clause, correct?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 429 What needs to be added when user want to show results by
Descending Order?
A. Descending order cannot be possible.
B. User can add DESC with Order By clauseC. User can add '<>ASC' with
Order by Clause.
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 430 What is the default order of
Order by Clause?
A. Descending
B. Ascending
C. Random
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 431 Among the below Order By queries, which are
correct ones?
A. SELECT * FROM Table Order By Column;
B. SELECT * FROM Table Order By Column ASC;
C. SELECT * FROM Table Order By Column DESC;
D. SELECT * FROM Table Order By (n); --Where n is any column sequence number in a table
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
Correct Answer: E
QUIZ ~ 432 Is it possible to have both Orders (i.e. ASC/ a
single query?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 433 Can 'IN' operator be used with
Where clause?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 434
What does UNION operator do in a SQL Server statement?
A. Bring common data from the listed tables.
B. Bring data which is not common from the listed tables.
C. Bring all data from the listed tables.
D. Bring all distinct from the listed tables.
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 435 Which one is correct syntax for applying
UNION operator?
A. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name1 UNION table_name2
B. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name1UNION
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name2
C. UNION SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name1SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name2
D. SELECT FROM table_name1 AND table_name2
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 436 How can we get all records (redundant as well as non-redundant) from
union operator?
A. Using 'ALL' operator with UNION.
B. Using 'Distinct' operator with UNION.
C. We get all records (redundant as well as non-redundant) with UNION operator by default.
D. None of the above.
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 437
The column names in the result of a UNION (of tables) are always equal to the column names in the 1st
SELECT statement with the UNION operator, true or false?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 438
Is UNION or UNION ALL operator valid for LONG data type column?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 439
Can we use UNION operator in SELECT statement which contains TABLE collection expressions?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 440 UNION operator requires an extra overhead of removing redundant
rows, is it true?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 441 What is true about order by with
Union operator?
A. Order By can be issued in each result set.
B. It can be issued for the overall result set.
C. Both A & B.
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 442 The result set will have Column names from the first
query, correct?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 443
If we know the records returned by our query are unique then which operator will be preferred out of UNION
A. Union
B. Union ALL
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 444 The JOIN which does Cartesian
Product is called?
A. Left Join
B. Left Outer Join
C. Right Outer JoinD. Cross Join
Correct Answer: D
QUIZ ~ 445
Are FULL Outer Join and Cross Join Same?
A. False
B. True
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 446
The JOIN which returns all the records from the right table in conjunction with the matching records from the
left table and if there are no matching values in the left table, it returns NULL. Which is this JOIN?
A. Right JOIN
C. LEFT Join
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 447 What are also
called Self Joins?
A. OUTER Joins
B. INNER joins
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 448
What is true about NOT INNER JOIN?
A. It is a JOIN which restricts INNER JOIN to work.
B. It is one of the type of the JOINS in SQL Server.
C. When full Outer Join is used along with WHERE. This join will give all the results that were not present
inInner Join.
D. None of the above.
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 449
What is the other name of INNER JOIN?
A. Equi Join
B. In Join
C. Out Join
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: A
QUIZ ~ 450 List the types
of Inner join?
A. Out, In, Equi
B. Left, In, Cross
C. Equi, Natural, Cross
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
QUIZ ~ 451 Which type of Inner Join restricts fetching of
redundant data?
A. Equi.
B. Natural
C. Cross
D. Outer
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 452
Which join refers to join records from the right table that have no matching key in the left table are include in
the result set:
A. Left outer join
B. Right outer join
C. Full outer join
D. Half outer join
Correct Answer: B
QUIZ ~ 453
A __________ is a special kind of a stored procedure that executes in response to certain action on the table
like insertion, deletion or updation of data.
A. Procedures
B. Triggers
C. Functions
D. None of the mentioned
Correct Answer: B

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  • 1. QUIZ ~ 1 Which of the following is a valid SQL Data type? A. DATE B. NUMERIC C. FLOAT D. All of the above Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 2 The full form of DDL is? A. Dynamic Data Language B. Detailed Data Language C. Data Definition Language D. Data Derivation Language Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 3 Which of the following is a legal expression in SQL? A. SELECT NULL FROM EMPLOYEE; B. SELECT NAME FROM EMPLOYEE; C. SELECT NAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE SALARY = NULL; D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 4 Which of the following is a comparison operator in SQL? A. = B. LIKE C. BETWEEN D. All of the above Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 5 Which of the following database object does not physically exist? A. base table
  • 2. B. index C. view D. none of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 6 A file manipulation command that extracts some of the records from a file is called A. SELECT B. PROJECT C. JOIN D. PRODUCT Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 7 Which one of the following is not true for a view: A. View is derived from other tables. B. View is a virtual table. C. A view definition is permanently stored as part of the database. D. View never contains derived columns. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 8 To delete a particular column in a relation the command used is: A. UPDATE B. DROP C. ALTER D. DELETE Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 9 A data manipulation command the combines the records from one or more tables is called A. SELECT B. PROJECT C. JOIN D. PRODUCT Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 10
  • 3. View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the SALES, CUSTOMERS, PRODUCTS, and TIMES tables. The PROD_ID column is the foreign key in the SALES table, which references the PRODUCTS table. Similarly, the CUST_ID and TIME_ID columns are also foreign keys in the SALES table referencing the CUSTOMERS and TIMES tables, respectively. Evaluate the following CREATE TABLE command: CREATE TABLE new_sales(prod_id, cust_id, order_date DEFAULT SYSDATE) AS SELECT prod_id, cust_id, time_id FROM sales; Which statement is true regarding the above command? A. The NEW_SALES table would not get created because the DEFAULT value cannot be specified in thecolumn definition. B. The NEW_SALES table would get created and all the NOT NULL constraints defined on the specifiedcolumns would be passed to the new table. C. The NEW_SALES table would not get created because the column names in the CREATE TABLEcommand and the SELECT clause do not match. D. The NEW_SALES table would get created and all the FOREIGN KEY constraints defined on the specifiedcolumns would be passed to the new table. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 11 Examine the description for the SALES table. Which views can have all DML operations performed on it? (Choose all that apply.) A. CREATE VIEW v3 AS SELECT * FROM SALES WHERE cust_id = 2034 WITH CHECK OPTION; B. CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT * FROM SALES WHERE time_id<= SYSDATE - 2*365 WITH CHECKOPTION; C. CREATE VIEW v2 AS SELECT prod_id, cust_id, time_id FROM SALES WHERE time_id<= SYSDATE - 2*365 WITH CHECK OPTION; D. CREATE VIEW v4 AS SELECT prod_id, cust_id, SUM(quantity_solD.FROM SALES WHERE time_id<= SYSDATE - 2*365 GROUP BY prod_id, cust_id WITH CHECK OPTION; Correct Answer: AB QUIZ ~ 12 You need to extract details of those products in the SALES table where the PROD_ID column containsthe string '_D123'.Which WHERE clause could be used in the SELECT statement to get the required output? A. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '_' B. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '' C. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '%_' D. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '_' Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 13 Which two statements are true regarding single row functions? (Choose two.) A. They accept only a single argument. B. They can be nested only to two levels.
  • 4. C. Arguments can only be column values or constants. D. They always return a single result row for every row of a queried table. E. They c an return a data type value different from the one that is referenced. Correct Answer: DE QUIZ ~ 14 Which SQL statements would display the value 1890.55 as $1,890.55? (Choose three .) A. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$0G000D00') FROM DUAL; B. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$9,999V99') FROM DUAL; C. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99,999D99') FROM DUAL; D. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99G999D00') FROM DUAL; E. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99G999D99') FROM DUAL; Correct Answer: ADE QUIZ ~ 15 Examine the structure of the SHIPMENTS table: name Null Type PO_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(3) PO_DATE NOT NULL DATE SHIPMENT_DATE NOT NULL DATE SHIPMENT_MODE VARCHAR2(30) SHIPMENT_COST NUMBER(8,2) You want to generate a report that displays the PO_ID and the penalty amount to be paid if the SHIPMENT_DATE is later than one month from the PO_DATE. The penalty is $20 per day. Evaluate the following two queries: SQL> SELECT po_id, CASE WHEN MONTHS_BETWEEN (shipment_date,po_date)>1 THEN TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_datE.* 20) ELSE 'No Penalty' END PENALTY FROM shipments; SQL>SELECT po_id, DECODE (MONTHS_BETWEEN (po_date,shipment_date)>1, TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_datE.* 20), 'No Penalty') PENALTY
  • 5. FROM shipments; Which statement is true regarding the above commands? A. Both execute successfully and give correct results. B. Only the first query executes successfully but gives a wrong result. C. Only the first query executes successfully and gives the correct result. D. Only the second query executes successfully but gives a wrong result. E. Only the second query executes successfully and gives the correct result. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 16 Which two statements are true regarding the USING and ON clauses in table joins? (Choose two.) A. Both USING and ON clauses can be used for equijoins and nonequijoins. B. A maximum of one pair of columns can be joined between two tables using the ON clause. C. The ON clause can be used to join tables on columns that have different names but compatible data types. D. The WHERE clause can be used to apply additional conditions in SELECT statements containing the ONor the USING clause. Correct Answer: CD QUIZ ~ 17 Which statement is true regarding the INTERSECT operator? A. It ignores NULL values. B. Reversing the order of the intersected tables alters the result. C. The names of columns in all SELECT statements must be identical. D. The number of columns and data types must be identical for all SELECT statements in the query. Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 18 Examine the structure of the PROMOTIONS table. Each promotion has a duration of at least seven days . Your manager has asked you to generate a report, which provides the weekly cost for each promotion done Which query would achieve the required result? A. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/promo_end_date-promo_begin_date/7 FROM promotions; B. SELECT promo_name,(promo_cost/promo_end_date-promo_begin_date)/7 FROM promotions C. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/(promo_end_date-promo_begin_date/7) FROM promotions; D. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/((promo_end_date-promo_begin_date)/7) FROM promotions; Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 19
  • 6. Examine the structure of the PRODUCTS table. All products have a list price. You issue the following command to display the total price of each product after a discount of 25% and a tax of 15% are applied on it. Freight charges of $100 have to be applied to all the products. SQL>SELECT prod_name, prod_list_price-(prod_list_price*(25/100)) +(prod_list_price -(prod_list_price*(25/100))*(15/100))+100 AS "TOTAL PRICE" FROM products; What would be the outcome if all the parenthese s are removed from the above statement? A. It produces a syntax error. B. The result remains unchanged. C. The total price value would be lower than the correct value. D. The total price value would be higher than the correct value. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 20 The following are components of a database except ________ . A. user data B. metadata C. reports D. indexes Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 21 An on-line commercial site such as is an example of a(n) ________ . A. single-user database application B. multiuser database application C. e-commerce database application D. data mining database application Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 22 The following are functions of a DBMS except ________ . A. creating and processing forms B. creating databases
  • 7. C. processing data D. administrating databases Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 23 Helping people keep track of things is the purpose of a(n) ________ . A. database B. table C. instance D. relationship Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 24 You have run an SQL statement that asked the DBMS to display data in a table named USER_TABLES. The results include columns of data labeled "TableName," "NumberOfColumns" and "PrimaryKey." You are looking at ________ . A. user data. B. metadata C. A report D. indexes Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 25 Every time attribute A appears, it is matched with the same value of attribute B, but not the same value of attribute C. Therefore, it is true that: A. A ? B. B. A ? C. C. A ? (B,C). D. (B,C.? A. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 26 The different classes of relations created by the technique for preventing modification anomalies are called: A. normal forms. B. referential integrity constraints. C. functional dependencies. D. None of the above is correct. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 27
  • 8. The primary key is selected from the: A. composite keys. B. determinants. C. candidate keys. D. foreign keys. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 28 A functional dependency is a relationship between or among: A. tables. B. rows. C. relations. D. attributes. Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 29 Examine the structure of the SALES, CUSTOMERS, PRODUCTS, and TIMES tables. The PROD_ID column is the foreign key in the SALES table, which references the PRODUCTS table. Similarly, the CUST_ID and TIME_ID columns are also foreign keys in the SALES table referencing the CUSTOMERS and TIMES tables, respectively. Evaluate the following CREATE TABLE command: CREATE TABLE new_sales(prod_id, cust_id, order_date DEFAULT SYSDATE) AS SELECT prod_id, cust_id, time_id FROM sales; Which statement is true regarding the above command? A. The NEW_SALES table would not get created because the DEFAULT value cannot be specified in thecolumn definition. B. The NEW_SALES table would get created and all the NOT NULL constraints defined on the specifiedcolumns would be passed to the new table. C. The NEW_SALES table would not get created because the column names in the CREATE TABLE command and the SELECT clause do not match. D. The NEW_SALES table would get created and all the FOREIGN KEY constraints defined on the specifiedcolumns would be passed to the new table. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 30 Examine the description for the SALES table. Which views can have all DML operations performed on it? (Choose all that apply.) A. CREATE VIEW v3 AS SELECT * FROM SALES WHERE cust_id = 2034 WITH CHECK OPTION; B. CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT * FROM SALES WHERE time_id<= SYSDATE - 2*365 WITH CHECKOPTION;
  • 9. C. CREATE VIEW v2 AS SELECT prod_id, cust_id, time_id FROM SALES WHERE time_id<= SYSDATE - 2*365 WITH CHECK OPTION; D. CREATE VIEW v4 AS SELECT prod_id, cust_id, SUM(quantity_solD.FROM SALES WHERE time_id<= SYSDATE - 2*365 GROUP BY prod_id, cust_id WITH CHECK OPTION; Correct Answer: AB QUIZ ~ 31 You need to extract details of those products in the SALES table where the PROD_ID column containsthe string '_D123'.Which WHERE clause could be used in the SELECT statement to get the required output? A. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '_' B. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '' C. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '%_' D. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '_' Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 32 Which two statements are true regarding single row functions? (Choose two.) A. They accept only a single argument. B. They can be nested only to two levels. C. Arguments can only be column values or constants. D. They always return a single result row for every row of a queried table. E. They c an return a data type value different from the one that is referenced. Correct Answer: DE QUIZ ~ 33 Which SQL statements would display the value 1890.55 as $1,890.55? (Choose three .) A. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$0G000D00') FROM DUAL; B. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$9,999V99') FROM DUAL; C. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99,999D99') FROM DUAL; D. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99G999D00') FROM DUAL; E. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99G999D99') FROM DUAL; Correct Answer: ADE QUIZ ~ 34 Examine the structure of the SHIPMENTS table: name Null Type PO_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(3) PO_DATE NOT NULL DATE SHIPMENT_DATE NOT NULL DATE
  • 10. SHIPMENT_MODE VARCHAR2(30) SHIPMENT_COST NUMBER(8,2) You want to generate a report that displays the PO_ID and the penalty amount to be paid if the SHIPMENT_DATE is later than one month from the PO_DATE. The penalty is $20 per day. Evaluate the following two queries: SQL> SELECT po_id, CASE WHEN MONTHS_BETWEEN (shipment_date,po_date)>1 THEN TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_datE.* 20) ELSE 'No Penalty' END PENALTY FROM shipments; SQL>SELECT po_id, DECODE (MONTHS_BETWEEN (po_date,shipment_date)>1, TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_datE.* 20), 'No Penalty') PENALTY FROM shipments; Which statement is true regarding the above commands? A. Both execute successfully and give correct results. B. Only the first query executes successfully but gives a wrong result. C. Only the first query executes successfully and gives the correct result. D. Only the second query executes successfully but gives a wrong result. E. Only the second query executes successfully and gives the correct result. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 35 Which two statements are true regarding the USING and ON clauses in table joins? (Choose two.) A. Both USING and ON clauses can be used for equijoins and nonequijoins. B. A maximum of one pair of columns can be joined between two tables using the ON clause. C. The ON clause can be used to join tables on columns that have different names but compatible data types.D. The WHERE clause can be used to apply additional conditions in SELECT statements containing the ON or the USING clause. Correct Answer: CD QUIZ ~ 36 Examine the structure of the CUSTOMERS table. Which two tasks would require subqueries or joins to be executed in a single statement? (Choose two.) A. listing of customers who do not have a credit limit and were born before 1980 B. finding the number of customers, in each city, whose marital status is 'married' C. finding the average credit limit of male customers residing in 'Tokyo' or 'Sydney' D. listing of those customers whose credit limit is the same as the credit limit of customers residing in the city'Tokyo' E. finding the number of customers, in each city, whose credit limit is more than the average credit limit of allthe customers Correct Answer: DE QUIZ ~ 37 Which statement is true regarding the INTERSECT operator?
  • 11. A. It ignores NULL values. B. Reversing the order of the intersected tables alters the result. C. The names of columns in all SELECT statements must be identical. D. The number of columns and data types must be identical for all SELECT statements in the query. Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 38 Examine the structure of the PROMOTIONS table. Each promotion has a duration of at least seven days . Your manager has asked you to generate a report, which provides the weekly cost for each promotion done Which query would achieve the required result? A. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/promo_end_date-promo_begin_date/7 FROM promotions; B. SELECT promo_name,(promo_cost/promo_end_date-promo_begin_date)/7 FROM promotions C. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/(promo_end_date-promo_begin_date/7) FROM promotions; D. SELECT promo_name, promo_cost/((promo_end_date-promo_begin_date)/7) FROM promotions; Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 39 You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of the following? A. ADD B. CREATE C. INSERT D. MAKE Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 40 The command to remove rows from a table 'CUSTOMER' is: A. REMOVE FROM CUSTOMER ... B. DROP FROM CUSTOMER ... C. DELETE FROM CUSTOMER WHERE ... D. UPDATE FROM CUSTOMER ... Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 41 The SQL WHERE clause: A. limits the column data that are returned. B. limits the row data are returned. C. Both A and B are correct. D. Neither A nor B are correct. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 42
  • 12. Which of the following is the original purpose of SQL? A. To specify the syntax and semantics of SQL data definition language B. To specify the syntax and semantics of SQL manipulation languageC. To define the data structures D. All of the above. Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 43 The wildcard in a WHERE clause is useful when? A. An exact match is necessary in a SELECT statement. B. An exact match is not possible in a SELECT statement. C. An exact match is necessary in a CREATE statement. D. An exact match is not possible in a CREATE statement. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 44 A view is which of the following? A. A virtual table that can be accessed via SQL commands B. A virtual table that cannot be accessed via SQL commands C. A base table that can be accessed via SQL commands D. A base table that cannot be accessed via SQL commands Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 45 The command to eliminate a table from a database is: A. REMOVE TABLE CUSTOMER; B. DROP TABLE CUSTOMER; C. DELETE TABLE CUSTOMER; D. UPDATE TABLE CUSTOMER; Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 46 ON UPDATE CASCADE ensures which of the following? A. Normalization B. Data Integrity C. Materialized Views D. All of the above.
  • 13. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 47 SQL data definition commands make up a(n) ________ . A. DDL B. DML C. HTML D. XML Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 48 Which of the following is valid SQL for an Index? A. CREATE INDEX ID; B. CHANGE INDEX ID; C. ADD INDEX ID; D. REMOVE INDEX ID; Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 49 The SQL keyword(s) ________ is used with wildcards. A. LIKE only B. IN only C. NOT IN only D. IN and NOT IN Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 50 Which of the following is the correct order of keywords for SQL SELECT statements? A. SELECT, FROM, WHERE B. FROM, WHERE, SELECT C. WHERE, FROM,SELECT D. SELECT,WHERE,FROM Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 51 A subquery in an SQL SELECT statement is enclosed in: A. braces -- {...}.
  • 14. B. CAPITAL LETTERS. C. parenthesis -- (...) . D. brackets -- [...]. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 52 The result of a SQL SELECT statement is a(n) ________ . A. report B. form C. file D. table Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 53 Which of the following are the five built-in functions provided by SQL? A. COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN B. SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, MULT C. SUM, AVG, MULT, DIV, MIN D. SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, NAME Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 54 In an SQL SELECT statement querying a single table, according to the SQL-92 standard the asterisk (*) means that: A. all columns of the table are to be returned. B. all records meeting the full criteria are to be returned. C. all records with even partial criteria met are to be returned. D. None of the above is correct. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 55 The HAVING clause does which of the following? A. Acts like a WHERE clause but is used for groups rather than rows. B. Acts like a WHERE clause but is used for rows rather than columns. C. Acts like a WHERE clause but is used for columns rather than groups. D. Acts EXACTLY like a WHERE clause. Correct Answer: A
  • 15. QUIZ ~ 56 The SQL -92 wildcards are ____ and ____ . A. asterisk (*); percent sign (%) B. percent sign (%); underscore (_) C. underscore(_); QUIZ ~ mark (?) D. QUIZ ~ mark (?); asterisk (*) Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 57 To remove duplicate rows from the results of an SQL SELECT statement, the ________ qualifier specified must be included. A. ONLY B. UNIQUE C. DISTINCT D. SINGLE Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 58 The benefits of a standard relational language include which of the following? A. Reduced training costs B. Increased dependence on a single vendor C. Applications are not needed. D. All of the above. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 59 DROP TABLE table_name command inserts data into a table A. TRUE B. FALSE Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 60 What is the primary clause in a SELECT statement? A. SELECT B. FROM C. WHERE D. GROUP BY E. HAVING
  • 16. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 61 Which clause specifies the tables or views from which to retrieve the data? A. SELECT B. FROM C. WHERE D. GROUP BY E. HAVING Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 62 Which clause is used to filter nonaggregate data? A. SELECT B. FROM C. WHERE D. GROUP BY E. HAVING Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 63 When an aggregate function is used, which clause divides the data into distinct groups? A. SELECT B. FROM C. WHERE D. GROUP BY E. HAVING Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 64 What symbol is used to select all columns from a table? A. / B. C. * D. & Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 65
  • 17. What keyword is used to eliminate any duplicate rows? A. DISTINCT B. WHERE C. HAVING D. FROM Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 66 What clause sorts the rows returned? A. GROUP BY B. FROM C. WHERE D. ORDER BY Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 67 Which function is used to convert a value to a specific data type? A. SUM B. B. CAST C. C. MOD D. D. FLOOR Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 68 Combining two character items is known as ________. A. Combining B. Character modification C. Concatenation D. Casting Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 69 What keyword is used to provide a name for an expression in a SELECT clause? A. DISTINCT B. AS C. HAVING D. IS
  • 18. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 70 What is a missing or unknown value? A. ZERO B. EMPTY C. NOTHING D. NULL Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 71 What data type is used to store the quantity of time between two dates or times? A. DATETIME B. INTERVAL C. EXACT NUMERIC D. APPROXIMATE NUMERIC Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 72 Which predicate tests whether the value of a given value expression matches an item in a given list of values? A. Comparison B. BETWEEN C. IN D. LIKE E. IS NULL Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 73 Which predicate enables you to test whether a character string value expression matches a specified character string pattern? A. Comparison B. BETWEEN C. IN D. LIKE E. IS NULL Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 74 Which predicate lets you test whether the value of a given value expression falls within a specified range of values?
  • 19. A. Comparison B. BETWEEN C. IN D. LIKE E. IS NULL Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 75 Which operator is used to include rows in the result set that did not meet the condition of the predicate? A. IS B. ANY C. NOT D. ALL Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 76 Which operator do you use when all the conditions you combine must be met in order for a row to be included in a result set? A. OR B. AND C. NOT D. ANY E. ALL Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 77 Which operator do you use when either of the conditions you combine can be met in order for a row to be included in a result set? A. OR B. AND C. NOT D. ANY E. ALL Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 78 IDENTIFY THE THREE (3) MAIN RELATIONSHIP TYPES THAT EXIST BETWEEN ANY TWO TABLES? CHOOSE (3) A. ONE TO ONE B. ONE TO MANY C. MANY TO MANY D. ONE TO OTHER E. MANY TO OTHERS Correct Answer: ABC
  • 22. A. Create a DDL trigger that contains COMMIT. B. Create a DML trigger that contains COMMIT. C. Create a DDL trigger that contains ROLLBACK. D. Create a DML trigger that contains ROLLBACK. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 89 You have the following two tables. The foreign key relationship between these tables has CASCADE DELETE enabled. You need to remove all records from the Orders table. Which Transact-SQL statement should you use? A. DROP TABLE Orders B. DELETE FROM Orders C. TRUNCATE TABLE Orders D. DELETE FROM OrderDetails Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 90 What would DISTINCT in a select statement do data retrieval? A. All duplicates in the table would be retrieved from the table. B. Rows would be retrieved but all duplicates are eliminated from the result of the select statement. C. Both duplicates and unique rows would be retireved from the table D. DISTINCT would not have any effect on the table Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 91 Study the T-SQL code below and answer the QUIZ ~ that follows : SELECT DrugID, DrugName, Quantity FROM DrugDetails.DrugInStock WHERE DrugName LIKE '%pharma%'; What is the % in the select statement? A. An operator B. An operand C. A predicate D. A wildcard Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 92 Study the T-SQL code below and answer the QUIZ ~ that follows : SELECT DrugID, DrugName, Quantity FROM DrugDetails.DrugInStock WHERE DrugName LIKE '%pharma%'; The WHERE clause of the select statement restricts rows to the condition presented within. A. True
  • 23. B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 93 For transactions to finally take place in a database. A. Commit B. Rollback C. Save Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 94 Restrictions defined on tables to check the validity of data A. Constraint B. Triggers C. Procedures D. Roles Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 95 A column named ACCOUNTID has identity of seed value being 5 and an increment value being 1000. What would be the ID of the 1st row in the column? A. 5 B. 10 C. 1000 D. 1005 Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 96 A column named ACCOUNTID has identity of seed value being 5 and an increment value being 1000. What would be the ID of the 10th row in the column? A. 8005 B. 5005 C. 9005 D. 10005 Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 97 What would happen when the Transact-SQL code below is executed on a SQL Server instance? DELETE from dbo.accounts A. The first row of the table would be deleted B. The table would be deleted from its database C. The last row of the table would be deleted D. All rows of the table would be deleted
  • 24. Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 98 Study the Transact-SQL code below and answer the QUIZ ~ that follows SELECT city + ' ' + street + ' ' + state + ' ' + country FROM dbo.accountdetails WHERE accountholder LIKE "%tina"; What is the function of the + in the select statement? A. Addition B. Concatenation C. Combinding D. Compressing Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 99 Study the Transact-SQL code below and answer the QUIZ ~ that follows SELECT city + ' ' + street + ' ' + state + ' ' + country Address FROM dbo.accountdetails WHERE accountholder LIKE "%tina"; How many columns would be retrieved after executing the code? A. 2 B. 4 C. 1 D. 5 Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 100 Study the Transact-SQL code below and answer the QUIZ ~ that follows SELECT city + ' ' + street + ' ' + state + ' ' + country AS Address FROM dbo.accountdetails WHERE accountholder LIKE "%tina"; The name of the column that would be produced after executing the code is called a column alias. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 101 A table having its name beginning with a single # symbol. A. A permanent table B. A system table C. A temporary table D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 102 Reserved words can be used as database object names.
  • 25. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 103 A column having identity defined on it could contain duplicates. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 104 DDL triggers are executed when A. There has been a change in table structure B. There has been a change in data C. There has been a change in query D. There has been the execution of a DDL command Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 105 Functions can be used in the following except? A. SELECT list B. An expression C. WHERE clause D. All the above E. All but B Correct Answer: E QUIZ ~ 106 You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of the following? A. ADD B. INSERT C. CREATE D. MAKE Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 107 The command to remove rows from a table 'CUSTOMER' is: A. REMOVE FROM CUSTOMER ... B. DROP FROM CUSTOMER ... C. DELETE FROM CUSTOMER WHERE ... D. UPDATE FROM CUSTOMER ...
  • 26. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 108 Which of the following is not an SQL keyword or SQL clause? A. INVERT B. INSERT C. UPDATE D. SELECT Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 109 Which of the following SQL clauses is used to select data from 2 or more tables? A. WHERE B. HAVING C. JOIN D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 110 The NULL in SQL keyword is used to … A. Represent 0 values. B. Represent a missing or unknown value. NULL in SQL represents nothing. C. Represent positive infinity. D. Represent negative infinity. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 111 A database can be said to be a container for objects that not only store data, but also enables data storage and retrieval to operate in a secure and safe manner. A. True B. False C. None of the above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 112 Arranging data so that retrieval is as efficient as possible and at the same time reducing any duplication is known as A. Gathering B. Normalizing C. Sorting D. None of the above Correct Answer: C
  • 27. QUIZ ~ 113 Query Editor sends queries to a database using T-SQL. A. True B. False C. None of the above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 114 What is ANSI? A. American National Studios Institute B. American National Standards Institute C. American National Servers Institute D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 115 What is SSMS? A. SQL Server Managerial Studio B. SQL Server Management Standard C. SQL Server Management Studio D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 116 When SQL Server is installed more than once on a computer, each installation is called an instance. A. True B. False C. None of the above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 117 The following are all Data Definition Language (DDL) except. A. ALTER B. INSERT C. CREATE D. DROP Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 118 Which system database contains the metadata about your database, logins, and configuration information about the instance? A. Tempdb
  • 28. B. Master C. Model D. Msdb Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 119 Which of these databases is a temporary database whose lifetime is the duration of a SQL Server session? A. Master B. Tempdb C. AdventurerWorks D. Model Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 120 The Structured query language (SQL) used in SQL Server is: A. Transact SQL (T-SQL) B. PL SQL C. MY SQL D. MS Access SQL Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 121 The __________ system database is used as a template for creating all new databases A. Master B. TempDB C. Model D. MSDB E. Pub Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 122 …………………… is the full form of SQL. A. Standard Query Language B. Sequential Query Language C. Structured Query Language D. Server Side Query Language Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 123 SQL Server 2005 NOT includes the following system database …………. A. tempdb Database B. Master Database C. Model Database D. sqldb Database
  • 29. Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 124 SQL Server stores index information in the ………………… system table. A. sysindexes B. systemindexes C. sysind D. sysindexes Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 125 ………………… is a read-only database that contains system objects that are included with SQL Server 2005. A. Resource Database B. Master Database C. Model Database D. msdb Database Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 126 The SQL Server services includes ………………… A. SQL server agent B. Microsoft distribution transaction coordinator C. Both a & b D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 127 …………………. is a utility to capture a continuous record of server activity and provide auditing capability. A. SQL server profile B. SQL server service manager C. SQL server setup D. SQL server wizard Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 128 The query used to remove all references for the pubs and newspubs databases from the system tables is …………………….. A. DROP DATABASE pubs, newpubs; B. DELETE DATABASE pubs, newpubs; C. REMOVE DATABASE pubs, newpubs; D. DROP DATABASE pubs and newpubs; Correct Answer: A
  • 30. QUIZ ~ 129 …………………. clause specifies the groups into which output rows are to be placed and, if aggregate functions are included in the SELECT clause. A. ORDER BY B. GROUP C. GROUP BY D. GROUP IN Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 130 ……………… are predefined and maintained SQL Server where users cannot assign or directly change the values. A. Local Variables B. Global Variables C. Assigned Variables D. Direct Variables Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 131 Microsoft SQL Server NOT uses which of the following operator category? A. Bitwise Operator B. Unary Operator C. Logical Operator D. Real Operator Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 132 Which of the following query is correct for using comparison operators in SQL? A. SELECT sname, coursename FROM studentinfo WHERE age>50 and <80; B. SELECT sname, coursename FROM studentinfo WHERE age>50 and age <80; C. SELECT sname, coursename FROM studentinfo WHERE age>50 and WHERE age<80; D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 133 How to select all data from studentinfo table starting the name from letter 'r'? A. SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE 'r%'; B. SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE '%r%'; C. SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE '%r'; D. SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE '_r%'; Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 134
  • 31. Which of the following SQL query is correct for selecting the name of staffs from 'tblstaff' table where salary is 15,000 or 25,000? A. SELECT sname from tblstaff WHERE salary IN (15000, 25000); B. SELECT sname from tblstaff WHERE salary BETWEEN 15000 AND 25000; C. Both A and B D. None of the above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 135 The SELECT statement, that retrieves all the columns from empinfo table name starting with d to p is …………………….. A. SELECT ALL FROM empinfo WHERE ename like '[d-p]%'; B. SELECT * FROM empinfo WHERE ename is '[d-p]%'; C. SELECT * FROM empinfo WHERE ename like '[p-d]%'; D. SELECT * FROM empinfo WHERE ename like '[d-p]%'; Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 136 Select a query that retrieves all of the unique countries from the student table? A. SELECT DISTINCT coursename FROM studentinfo; B. SELECT UNIQUE coursename FROM studentinfo; C. SELECT DISTINCT coursename FROM TABLE studentinfo; D. SELECT INDIVIDUAL coursename FROM studentinfo; Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 137 Which query is used for sorting data that retrieves all the fields from empinfo table and listed them in the ascending order? A. SELECT * FROM empinfo ORDER BY age; B. SELECT * FROM empinfo ORDER age; C. SELECT * FROM empinfo ORDER BY COLUMN age; D. SELECT * FROM empinfo SORT BY age; Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 138 Select the right statement to insert values to the stdinfo table. A. INSERT VALUES (“15?, “Hari Thapa”, 45, 5000) INTO stdinfo; B. INSERT VALUES INTO stdinfo (“15?, “Hari Thapa”, 45, 5000);C. INSERT stdinfo VALUES (“15?, “Hari Thapa”, 45, 5000); D. INSERT INTO stdinfo VALUES (“15?, “Hari Thapa”, 45, 5000); Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 139 How to Delete records from studentinfo table with name of student 'Hari Prasad'?
  • 32. A. DELETE FROM TABLE studentinfo WHERE sname='Hari Prasad'; B. DELETE FROM studentinfo WHERE sname='Hari Prasad'; C. DELETE FROM studentinfo WHERE COLUMN sname='Hari Prasad'; D. DELETE FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE 'Hari Prasad'; Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 140 Constraint checking can be disabled in existing …………. and ………….. constraints so that any data you modify or add to the table is not checked against the constraint. A. CHECK, FOREIGN KEY B. DELETE, FOREIGN KEY C. CHECK, PRIMARY KEY D. PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 141 ………………… joins two or more tables based on a specified column value not equaling a specified column value in another table. A. OUTER JOIN B. NATURAL JOIN C. NON-EQUIJOIN D. EQUIJOIN Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 142 …………………… is a procedural extension of Oracle - SQL that offers language constructs similar to those in imperative programming languages. A. SQL B. PL/SQL C. Advanced SQL D. PQL Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 143 ……………….. combines the data manipulating power of SQL with the data processing power of Procedural languages. A. PL/SQL B. SQL C. Advanced SQL D. PQL Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 144 ………………. has made PL/SQL code run faster without requiring any additional work on the part of the programmer.
  • 33. A. SQL Server B. My SQL C. Oracle D. SQL Lite Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 145 A line of PL/SQL text contains groups of characters known as ………………….. A. Lexical Units B. Literals C. Textual Units D. Identifiers Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 146 We use …………………… name PL/SQL program objects and units. A. Lexical Units B. Literals C. Delimiters D. Identifiers Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 147 A ……………….. is an explicit numeric, character, string or Boolean value not represented by an identifier. A. Comments B. Literals C. Delimiters D. Identifiers Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 148 If no header is specified, the block is said to be an …………………. PL/SQL block. A. Strong B. Weak C. Empty D. Anonymous Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 149 …………. is a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed by single quotes. A. Integers literal B. String literal
  • 34. C. String units D. String label Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 150 In ………………………. of Oracle, the database administrator creates a user account in the database for each user who needs access. A. Database Authentication B. Operating System Authentication C. Internal Authentication D. External Authentication Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 151 In SQL, which command is used to remove a stored function from the database? A. REMOVE FUNCTION B. DELETE FUNCTION C. DROP FUNCTION D. ERASE FUNCTION Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 152 In SQL, which command is used to select only one copy of each set of duplicate rows A. SELECT DISTINCT B. SELECT UNIQUE C. SELECT DIFFERENT D. All of the above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 153 Count function in SQL returns the number of A. Values B. Distinct values C. Groups D. Columns Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 154 Composite key is made up of ……………. A. One column B. One super key C. One foreign key D. Two or more columns
  • 35. Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 155 What command is used to get back the privileges offered by the GRANT command? A. Grant B. Revoke C. Execute D. Run Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 156 Which command displays the SQL command in the SQL buffer, and then executes it? A. CMD B. OPEN C. EXECUTE D. RUN Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 157 What is a DATABLOCK? A. Set of Extents B. Set of Segments C. Smallest Database storage unit D. Set of blocks Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 158 If two groups are not linked in the data model editor, what is the hierarchy between them? A. There is no hierarchy between unlinked groups. B. The group that is right ranks higher than the group that is to right or below it. C. The group that is above or leftmost ranks higher than the group that is to right or below it. D. The group that is left ranks higher than the group that is to the right. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 159 Which of the following types of triggers can be fired on DDL operations? A. Instead of Trigger B. DML Trigger C. System Trigger D. DDL Trigger Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 160 What operator performs pattern matching?
  • 36. A. IS NULL operator B. ASSIGNMENT operator C. LIKE operator D. NOT operator Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 161 In magnetic disk ________ stores information on a sector magnetically as reversals of the direction of magnetization of the magnetic material. A. Read-write head B. Read-assemble head C. Head-disk assemblies D. Disk arm Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 162 A __________ is the smallest unit of information that can be read from or written to the disk. A. Track B. Spindle C. Sector D. Platter Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 163 The disk platters mounted on a spindle and the heads mounted on a disk arm are together known as ___________. A. Read-disk assemblies B. Head-disk assemblies C. Head-write assemblies D. Read-read assemblies Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 164 The disk controller uses ________ at each sector to ensure that the data is not corrupted on data retrieval. A. Checksum B. Unit drive C. Read disk D. Readsum Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 165 _________ is around one-half of the maximum seek time. A. Access time
  • 37. B. Average seek time C. Seek time D. Rotational latency time Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 166 Once the head has reached the desired track, the time spent waiting for the sector to be accessed to appear under the head is called the _______________. A. Access time B. Average seek time C. Seek time D. Rotational latency time Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 167 Hybrid disk drives are hard-disk systems that combine magnetic storage with a smaller amount of flash memory, which is used as a cache for frequently accessed data. A. Hybrid drivers B. Disk drivers C. Hybrid disk drivers D. All of the mentioned Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 168 . Name Annie Bob Callie Derek Which of these query will display the table given above ? A. Select employee from name B. Select name C. Select name from employee D. Select employee Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 169 Select ________ dept_name from instructor; Here which of the following displays the unique values of the column ? A. All B. From C. Distinct D. Name
  • 38. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 170 The ______ clause allows us to select only those rows in the result relation of the ____ clause that satisfy a specified predicate. A. Where, from B. From, select C. Select, from D. From, where Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 171 Select ID, name, dept name, salary * 1.1 where instructor; The query given below will not give an error. Which one of the following has to be replaced to get the desired output? A. Salary*1.1 B. ID C. Where D. Instructor Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 172 The ________ clause is used to list the attributes desired in the result of a query. A. Where B. Select C. From D. Distinct Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 173 Select name, course_id from instructor, teaches where instructor_ID= teaches_ID; This Query can be replaced by which one of the following ? A. Select name,course_id from teaches,instructor where instructor_id=course_id; B. Select name, course_id from instructor natural join teaches; C. Select name ,course_id from instructor; D. Select course_id from instructor join teaches; Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 174 Select * from employee where salary>10000 and dept_id=101; Which of the following fields are displayed as output?
  • 39. A. Salary, dept_id B. Employee C. Salary D. All the field of employee relation Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 175 Employee_id Name Salary 1001 Annie 6000 1009 Ross 4500 1018 Zeith 7000 This is Employee table. Select * from employee where employee_id>1009; Which of the following employee_id will be displayed? A. 1009, 1001, 1018 B. 1009, 1018 C. 1001 D. 1018 Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 176 Which of the following statements contains an error? A. Select * from emp where empid = 10003; B. Select empid from emp where empid = 10006; C. Select empid from emp; D. Select empid where empid = 1009 and lastname = 'GELLER'; Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 177 Insert into employee _____ (1002,Joey,2000); In the given query which of the keyword has to be inserted ? A. Table B. Values C. Relation D. Field Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 178 A _____ indicates an absent value that may exist but be unknown or that may not exist at all. A. Empty tuple B. New value C. Null value D. Old value Correct Answer: C
  • 40. QUIZ ~ 179 The predicate in a where clause can involve Boolean operations such as and.The result of true and unknown is_______, false and unknown is _____, while unknown and unknown is _____. A. Unknown, unknown, false B. True, false, unknown C. True, unknown, unknown D. Unknown, false, unknown Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 180 Select name from instructor where salary is not null; Selects A. Tuples with null value B. Tuples with no null values C. Tuples with any salary D. All of the mentioned Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 181 In a employee table to include the attributes whose value always have some value which of the following constraint must be used ? A. Null B. Not null C. Unique D. Distinct Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 182 Using the ______ clause retains only one copy of such identical tuples. A. Null B. Unique C. Not null D. Distinct Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 183 Create table employee (id integer,name varchar(20),salary not null); Insert into employee values (1005,Rach,0); Insert into employee values (1007,Ross, ); Insert into employee values (1002,Joey,335); Some of these insert statements will produce an error. Identify the statement. A. Insert into employee values (1005,Rach,0); B. Insert into employee values (1002,Joey,335);
  • 41. C. Insert into employee values (1007,Ross, ); D. Both a and c Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 184 The primary key must be A. Unique B. Not null C. Both a and b D. Either a or b Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 185 You attempt to query the database with this command: (25) select nvl (100 / quantity, none) from inventory; Why does this statement cause an error when QUANTITY values are null? A. The expression attempts to divide by a null value. B. The data types in the conversion function are incompatible. C. The character string none should be enclosed in single quotes (' '). D. A null value used in an expression cannot be converted to an actual value Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 186 The result of _____unknown is unknown. A. Xor B. Or C. And D. Not Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 187 A relational database system needs to maintain data about the relations, such as the schema of the relations. This is called A. Metadata B. Catalog C. Log D. Dictionary Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 188 Which of the following is another name for weak entity? A. Child
  • 42. B. Owner C. Dominant D. All of the mentioned Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 189 The____condition allows a general predicate over the relations being joined. A. On B. Using C. Set D. Where Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 190 Which of the join operations do not preserve non matched tuples. A. Left outer join B. Right outer join C. Inner join D. Natural join Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 191 Select * from student join takes using (ID); The above query is equivalent to A. Select * from student inner join takes using (ID); B. Select * from student outer join takes using (ID); C. Select * from student left outer join takes using (ID); D. Both a and b Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 192 What type of join is needed when you wish to include rows that do not have matching values? A. Equi-join B. Natural join C. Outer join D. All of the mentioned Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 193 How many tables may be included with a join? A. One B. Two
  • 43. C. Three D. All of the mentioned Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 194 Which are the join types in join condition: A. Cross join B. Natural join C. Join with USING clause D. All of the mentioned Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 195 How many join types in join condition: A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 196 Which join refers to join records from the right table that have no matching key in the left table are include in the result set: A. Left outer join B. Right outer join C. Full outer join D. Half outer join Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 197 The operation which is not considered a basic operation of relational algebra is A. Join B. Selection C. Union D. Cross product Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 198 In SQL the statement select * from R, S is equivalent to A. Select * from R natural join S B. Select * from R cross join S C. Select * from R union join S D. Select * from R inner join S
  • 44. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 199 Two main measures for the efficiency of an algorithm are A. Processor and memory B. Complexity and capacity C. Time and space D. Data and space Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 200 Functional dependencies are a generalization of A. Key dependencies B. Relation dependencies C. Database dependencies D. None of the mentioned Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 201 The space factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by A. Counting the maximum memory needed by the algorithm B. Counting the minimum memory needed by the algorithm C. Counting the average memory needed by the algorithm D. Counting the maximum disk space needed by the algorithm Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 202 The Average case occur in linear search algorithm A. When Item is somewhere in the middle of the array B. When Item is not in the array at all C. When Item is the last element in the array D. When Item is the last element in the array or is not there at all Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 203 The complexity of the average case of an algorithm is A. Much more complicated to analyze than that of worst case B. Much more simpler to analyze than that of worst case C. Sometimes more complicated and some other times simpler than that of worst case D. None of the mentioned Correct Answer: A
  • 45. QUIZ ~ 204 The complexity of linear search algorithm is A. O(n) B. O(log n) C. O(n2) D. O(n log n) Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 205 The complexity of Binary search algorithm is A. O(n) B. O(log ) C. O(n2) D. O(n log n) Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 206 The complexity of Bubble sort algorithm is A. O(n) B. O(log n) C. O(n2) D. O(n log n) Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 207 A __________ is a special kind of a store procedure that executes in response to certain action on the table like insertion, deletion or updation of data. A. Procedures B. Triggers C. Functions D. None of the mentioned Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 208 Trigger are supported in A. Delete B. Update C. Views D. All of the mentioned Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 209
  • 46. The CREATE TRIGGER statement is used to create the trigger. THE _____ clause specifies the table name on which the trigger is to be attached. The ______ specifies that this is an AFTER INSERT trigger. A. for insert, on B. On, for insert C. For, insert D. Both a and c Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 210 What are the after triggers ? A. Triggers generated after a particular operation B. These triggers run after an insert, update or delete on a table C. These triggers run after an insert, views, update or delete on a table D. Both b and c Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 211 The variables in the triggers are declared using A. - B. @ C. / D. /@ Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 212 The default extension for an Oracle SQL*Plus file is: A. .txt B. .pls C. .ora D. .sql Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 213 Which of the following is NOT an Oracle- supported trigger? A. BEFORE B. DURING C. AFTER D. INSTEAD OF Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 214 What are the different in triggers ?
  • 47. A. Define, Create B. Drop, Comment C. Insert, Update, Delete D. All of the mentioned Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 215 Triggers ________ enabled or disabled A. Can be B. Cannot be C. Ought to be D. Always Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 216 Which prefixes are available to Oracle triggers? A. : new only B. : old only C. Both :new and : old D. Neither :new nor : old Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 217 Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database design? A. 2NF B. 5NF C. 4NF D. 3NF Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 218 Which one of the following statements about normal forms is FALSE? A. BCNF is stricter than 3NF B. Lossless, dependency-preserving decomposition into 3NF is always possible C. Lossless, dependency-preserving decomposition into BCNF is always possible D. Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 219 A table has fields F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5, with the following functional dependencies: F1->F3 F2->F4 (F1,F2)->F5 in terms of normalization, this table is in
  • 48. A. 1NF B. 2NF C. 3NF D. None of the mentioned Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 220 Which of the following is TRUE? A. Every relation in 2NF is also in BCNF B. A relation R is in 3NF if every non-prime attribute of R is fully functionally dependent on every key of R C. Every relation in BCNF is also in 3NF D. No relation can be in both BCNF and 3NF Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 221 Which one of the following statements if FALSE? A. Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF B. A relation in which every key has only one attribute is in 2NF C. A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in a 3 NF relation. D. A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in a BCNF relation. Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 222 Dates must be specified in the format A. mm/dd/yy B. yyyy/mm/dd C. dd/mm/yy D. yy/dd/mm Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 223 An ________ on an attribute of a relation is a data structure that allows the database system to find those tuples in the relation that have a specified value for that attribute efficiently, without scanning through all the tuples of the relation. A. Index B. Reference C. Assertion D. Timestamp Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 224 Create index studentID_index on student(ID); Here which one denotes the relation for which index is created ?
  • 49. A. StudentID_index B. ID C. StudentID D. Student Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 225 The user defined data type can be created using A. Create datatype B. Create data C. Create definetype D. Create type Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 226 Values of one type can be converted to another domain using which of the following ? A. Cast B. Drop type C. Alter type D. Convert Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 227 Create domain YearlySalary numeric(8,2) constraint salary value test __________; In order to ensure that an instructor's salary domain allows only values greater than a specified value use: A. Value>=30000.00 B. Not null; C. Check(value >= 29000.00); D. Check(value) Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 228 Which of the following closely resembles Create view ? A. Create table . . .like B. Create table . . . as C. With data D. Create view as Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 229 In contemporary databases the top level of the hierarchy consists of ______, each of which can contain _____.
  • 50. A. Catalogs, schemas B. Schemas, catalogs C. Environment, schemas D. Schemas, Environment Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 230 Which of the following statements creates a new table temp instructor that has the same schema as instructor. A. create table temp_instructor; B. Create table temp_instructor like instructor; C. Create Table as temp_instructor; D. Create table like temp_instructor; Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 231 To include integrity constraint in a existing relation use : A. Create table B. Modify table C. Alter table D. Drop table Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 232 Which of the following is not a integrity constraint ? A. Not null B. Positive C. Unique D. Check 'predicate' Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 233 Foreign key is the one in which the ________ of one relation is referenced in another relation. A. Foreign key B. Primary key C. References D. Check constraint Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 234 Create table course ( . . . foreign key (dept namE.references department . . . ); Which of the following is used to delete the entries in the referenced table when the tuple is deleted in course table? A. Delete B. Delete cascade C. Set null
  • 51. D. All of the mentioned Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 235 Domain constraints, functional dependency and referential integrity are special forms of _________. A. Foreign key B. Primary key C. Assertion D. Referential constraint Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 236 Which of the following is the right syntax for assertion? A. Create assertion 'assertion-name' check 'predicate'; B. Create assertion check 'predicate' 'assertion-name'; C. Create assertions 'predicates'; D. All of the mentioned Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 237 Data integrity constraints are used to: A. Control who is allowed access to the data B. Ensure that duplicate records are not entered into the table C. Improve the quality of data entered for a specific property (i.e., table column) D.Prevent users fromchanging the values stored in the table Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 238 Which of the following can be addressed by enforcing a referential integrity constraint? A. All phone numbers must include the area code B. Certain fields are required (such as the email address, or phone number) before the record is accepted C. Information on the customer must be known before anything can be sold to that customer D. When entering an order quantity, the user must input a number and not some text (i.e., 12 rather than 'adozen') Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 239 _____________ can help us detect poor E-R design. A. Database Design Process B. E-R Design Process C. Relational scheme D. Functional dependencies
  • 52. Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 240 If a multivalued dependency holds and is not implied by the corresponding functional dependency, it usually arises from one of the following sources. A. A many-to-many relationship set B. A multivalued attribute of an entity set C. A one-to-many relationship set D. Both a and b Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 241 Which of the following has each related entity set has its own schema and there is an additional schema for the relationship set. A. A many-to-many relationship set B. A multivalued attribute of an entity set C. A one-to-many relationship set D. Both a and b Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 242 In which of the following , a separate schema is created consisting of that attribute and the primary key of the entity set. A. A many-to-many relationship set B. A multivalued attribute of an entity set C. A one-to-many relationship set D. Both a and b Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 243 Suppose the user finds the usage of room number and phone number in a relational schema there is confusion.This is reduced by A. Unique-role assumption B. Unique-key assignment C. Role intergral assignment D. None of the mentioned Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 244 What is the best way to represent the attributes in a large database? A. Relational-and B. Concatenation C. Dot representation D. All of the above
  • 53. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 245 Designers use which of the following to tune performance of systems to support time- critical operations? A. Denormalization B. Redundant optimization C. Optimization D. Realization Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 246 In the schema (dept name, sizE.we have relations total inst 2007, total inst 2008 . Which dependency have lead to this relation ? A. Dept name, year->size B. Year->size C. Dept name->size D. Size->year Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 247 Which one of the following is used to define the structure of the relation ,deleting relations and relating schemas ? A. DML(Data Manipulation Langauge) B. DDL(Data Definition Langauge) C. Query D. Relational Schema Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 248 Which one of the following provides the ability to query information from the database and to insert tuples into, delete tuples from, and modify tuples in the database ? A. DML(Data Manipulation Langauge) B. DDL(Data Definition Langauge) C. Query D. Relational Schema Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 249 Create table employee (name varchar ,id integer) What type of statement is this ? A. DML B. DDL C. View D. Integrity constraint
  • 54. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 250 Select * from employee What type of statement is this? A. DML B. DDL C. View D. Integrity constraint Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 251 The basic data type char(n) is a _____ length character string and varchar(n) is _____ length character. A. Fixed, equal B. Equal, variable C. Fixed, variable D. Variable, equal Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 252 An attribute A of datatype varchar(20) has the value “Avi” . The attribute B of datatype char(20) has value ”Reed” .Here attribute A has ____ spaces and attribute B has ____ spaces . A. 3, 20 B. 20, 4 C. 20 , 20 D. 3, 4 Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 253 To remove a relation from an SQL database, we use the ______ command. A. Delete B. Purge C. Remove D. Drop table Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 254 Insert into instructor values (10211, 'Smith', 'Biology', 66000); What type of statement is this ? A. Query B. DML C. Relational D. DDL Correct Answer: B
  • 55. QUIZ ~ 255 Updates that violate __________ are disallowed . A. Integrity constraints B. Transaction control C. Authorization D. DDL constraints Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 256 Having clause is processed after the GROUP BY clause and any aggregate functions. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 257 In the context of MS SQL SERVER, with the exception of ............ column(s), any column can participate in the GROUP BY clause. A. bit B. text C. ntext D. image E. All of above Correct Answer: E QUIZ ~ 258 The sequence of the columns in a GROUP BY clause has no effect in the ordering of the output. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 259 GROUP BY ALL generates all possible groups - even those that do not meet the query's search criteria. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 260 All aggregate functions ignore NULLs except for ............ A. Distinct B. Count (*) C. Average() D. None of above Correct Answer: B
  • 56. QUIZ ~ 261 Using GROUP BY ............ has the effect of removing duplicates from the data. A. with aggregates B. with order by C. without order by D. without aggregates Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 262 Below query is run in SQL Server 2012, is this query valid or invalid: Select count(*) as X from Table_Name Group by () A. Valid B. Invalid Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 263 For the purposes of ............, null values are considered equal to other nulls and are grouped together into a single result row. A. Having B. Group By C. Both of above D. None of above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 264 If you SELECT attributes and use an aggregate function, you must GROUP BY the non- aggregate attributes. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 265 GRANT ALTER ON SERVER ROLE::Production TO Jim ; A. The above example allows Jim to add other permissions to the user-defined server role named Production. B. The above example allows Jim to add other roles to the user-defined server role named Production. C. The above example allows Jim to add other logins to the user-defined server role named Production. D. None of above. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 266 The CONTROL SERVER and ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE permissions are sufficient to execute ALTER SERVER ROLE for a fixed server role. A. True B. False
  • 57. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 267 Permissions at the schema level can be granted and users the automatically inherit permissions on new objects created in the schema. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 268 DENY revokes a permission so that it cannot be inherited. DENY takes precedence over all permissions, except DENY does not apply to ....... A. user defined strict permissions B. object owners C. members of sysadmin D. nested roles Correct Answer: BC QUIZ ~ 269 Roles can be nested; Permission sets that are assigned to roles are inherited by ........ members of the role. A. elected B. restricted C. admin D. all Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 270 Members of the sysadmin fixed server role and object owners cannot be denied permissions. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 271 The permissions granted to logins and user-defined fixed server roles can be examined by using the ....... view. A. sys.credentials B. sys.server_role_members C. sys.server_permissions D. None of above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 272 Users with the ........ permission can create new user-defined database roles to represent groups of users with common permissions.
  • 58. A. CREATE CERTIFICATE B. CREATE CONTRACT C. CREATE LOGIN D. CREATE ROLE Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 273 In SQL Server 2012, the merge join does not need any equijoin predicate. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 274 A merge join can be . . . . . A. many-to-one B. many-to-many C. one-to-one D. one-to-many Correct Answer: BD QUIZ ~ 275 Inputs to the merge join may or may not be sorted on the join keys. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 276 With a merge join each table is read at most once, and the total cost is proportional to the . . . . . of the number of rows in the inputs. Thus, merge join is often a better choice for larger inputs. A. proportion B. product C. sum D. none of above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 277 Merge joins support all outer and semi- join variations. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 278
  • 59. SQL Server can get sorted inputs for a merge join in two ways: It can explicitly sort the inputs using a sort operator or it can read the rows from an index. In general, a plan using an index to achieve sort order is . . . . . . than a plan using an explicit sort. A. cheaper B. costlier C. sometimes cheaper and sometimes costlier D. none of above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 279 A merge join necessarily need to scan every row from both inputs. As soon as it reaches the end of either input, the merge join stops scanning. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 280 Merge join supports multiple equijoin predicates as long as the inputs are sorted on . . . . . . the join keys. A. some of B. one of C. all D. none of above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 281 Merge join supports a special case where in some cases, the optimiser generates a merge join for a full outer join, even without an equijoin predicate. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 282 Merge join itself is generally slow, but it can be an expensive choice if sort operations are required. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 283 Hash join is designed to handle large . . . . inputs. A. sorted B. unsorted Correct Answer: B
  • 60. QUIZ ~ 284 Hash joins are used for many types of set-matching operations such as . . . . . A. intersection B. inner join C. left, right, and full outer join D. both A & B E. all of above Correct Answer: E QUIZ ~ 285 When an in-memory hash join is not possible, the Hash Warning is fired. The idea behind this event is that grace hash join and recursive hash joins are . . . . efficient and that the DBA should be aware of this. A. more B. equally C. less D. none of above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 286 Hash join requires an equality predicate. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 287 The term . . . . is sometimes used to describe grace hash joins or recursive hash joins. A. Spill bailout B. Join bailout C. Spill Warning bailout D. Hash bailout Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 288 Hash join performs its operations in 2 phases . . . . . . A. initial phase and probe phase B. init phase and probe phase C. build phase and probe phase D. build phase and problem phase Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 289
  • 61. It is not always possible during optimization to determine which hash join is used. Therefore, SQL Server starts by using an in-memory hash join and gradually transitions to grace hash join, and recursive hash join, depending on the size of the build input. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 290 A . . . . . . is a join method that used elements of both a simple in-memory hash and grace hash. A. combined join B. hybrid join C. team join Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 291 A columnstore index is a technology for storing, retrieving and managing data by using a columnar data format, called a . . . . . . . A. column segment B. deltastore C. columnstore D. columnar Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 292 As an example, if a table has 50 columns and the query only uses 5 of those columns, the columnstore index only fetches the . . . . . columns from disk. It skips reading in the other . . . . . . columns. A. 5, 45 B. 45, 5 C. 10, 40 D. 40, 10 Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 293 A nonclustered columnstore index and a clustered columnstore index function the same. The difference is a nonclustered index is a secondary index created on a . . . . . . . table, whereas a clustered columnstore index is the primary storage for the . . . . . . . table. A. columnstore, entire B. rowstore, entire C. rowstore, columnstore D. columnstore, rowstore Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 294
  • 62. Columnstore indexes read compressed data from disk, which means fewer bytes of data need to be read into memory. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 295 Columnstore indexes give high performance gains . . . . . . . . . A. for analytic queries that scan large amounts of data, especially on large tables B. for queries on a small range of values C. in case of fact tables, since they tend to require full table scans rather than table seeks D. Both A & C Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 296 Clustered columnstore indexes collect up to 1,048,576 rows in deltastore before compressing them into the compressed rowgroup. Once the rowgroup contains 1,048,576 rows, the delta rowgroup is marked closed . . . . A. but it is still available for queries and update/delete operations but the newly inserted rows go into anexisting or newly created deltastore rowgroup. B. and is not available for queries and update/delete operations. The newly inserted rows go into an existing ornewly created deltastore rowgroup. C. and is not available for queries and update/delete operations. The new rows cannot be inserted. D. but it is still available for queries and update/delete operations but the new rows cannot be inserted. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 297 The memory required for creating a columnstore index depends on the . . . . . . . A. number of columns B. number of string columns C. DOP D. Both A & B E. All of above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 298 If your table has fewer than one million rows, SQL Server will use only one thread to create the columnstore index. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A
  • 63. QUIZ ~ 299 By design, a columnstore table . . . . . . . a primary key constraint. A. allows B. does not allow Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 300 Because data in a columnstore index is grouped by columns, rather than by rows, data can be compressed as efficiently as with rowstore indexes. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 301 Below statement is true or false: In order to execute INSERT statements, a user must have at least the INSERT permission assigned on the target table. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 302 SQL Server can automatically provide values for ...... A. nullable columns B. IDENTITY columns C. columns with the timestamp data type D. columns with a default value E. All of above F. None of above Correct Answer: E QUIZ ~ 303 Which of the following insert statements are correct: A. INSERT INTO Persons ('xxx1','yyy1'); B. INSERT INTO [dbo].[Persons] ([LastName], [FirstName] ) VALUES ('xxx', 'yyy' ); C. INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('xxx1','yyy1'); D. INSERT INTO Persons VALUE ('xxx1','yyy1'); Correct Answer: BC
  • 64. QUIZ ~ 304 In SQL Server, you use the INSERT statement to add one new row and not multiple new rows to an existing table. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 305 You can insert data into a table from the results of the EXECUTE statement. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 306 You can use the INSERT statement to insert data into a ....... A. particular column B. all columns C. IDENTITY columns D. All of above E. None of above Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 307 SQL Server supports several methods for inserting data into tables including ........ A. SELECT INTO B. BULK SELECT INSERT C. INSERT SELECT D. INSERT SELECT FROM OPENROWSET(BULK …) Correct Answer: ACD QUIZ ~ 308 INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('xxx1','yyy1'), VALUES ('xxx2','yyy2'), Values ('xxx3','yyy3'); A. only 1 is correct B. only 2 is correct C. Both are correctD. None is correct Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 309 Tick the statements which are true. It is always a good idea to provide a full-column list for INSERT statement because if the full-column list is not specified then A. SQL SERVER generates an error
  • 65. B. SQL Server resolves full-column lists whenever the INSERT statement executes C. INSERT statement can insert the data in different table then specified D. INSERT statement may generate an error if the underlying table schema changes Correct Answer: BD QUIZ ~ 310 If during Insert you want to specify the number or percent of random rows that will be inserted then you can use the . . . . . expression. A. TYPE B. NUMBER C. TOP D. PERCENT Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 311 SQL Server supports two types of CTEs: A. indexed and nonindexed B. recursive and nonrecursive C. with view and without views D. None of above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 312 You cannot reference .............. clause in a select statement for a CTE unless the statement also includes a TOP clause. A. Update B. Where C. an ORDER BY D. DISTINCT Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 313 If you need to reference/join the same data set multiple times, then CTE is not the choice. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 314 You can use a CTE within a CREATE VIEW statement. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A
  • 66. QUIZ ~ 315 SELECT statements within recursive CTEs cannot contain which of the following: A. The DISTINCT Keyword B. The TOP keyword C. GROUP BY or Having clauses D. All of above Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 316 CTEs are unindexable but on the other hand CTEs can use existing indexes on referenced objects. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 317 CTE is different from view in a way that CTE is not created as .............. in the database and therefore is only available for this single statement. A. Table B. Link C. Procedure D. an object Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 318 CTEs rely on stats of the ................... as CTEs do not have dedicated stats of their own. A. system Tables B. static views C. underlying objects D. None of above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 319 Tables which are on the remote servers cannot be referenced in the CTE. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 320 Which logical method can be used in SQL Server 2012 to returns an item from the specified index in a list of values? A. SELECT B. SELECTION
  • 67. C. CHOOSE D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 321 RAND () method can be used for: A. Executing the query randomly. B. gives a pseudo-random float value C. return values randomly D. All of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 322 What is the significance of LEFT method in SQL server 2012? A. Executes left query in joins B. There is no method called LEFT in SQL Server. C. It gives the left part of a character input string with the mentioned no. of characters. D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 323 What is the purpose of CAST function in SQL server? A. It converts or casts an expression of 1 data type to another. B. It cannot be in SQL Server C. Add description to statement D. None of the above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 324 Is there any function in SQL server which can be used to check whether value can be Casted or not? If yes, name it. A. No there is no method B. Try_Cast C. CAST D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 325 What is the purpose of MIN function in SQL Server? A. It returns the minimum value in the expression B. It is use for decrementing the integer value C. MIN is not a SQL server function D. None of the above
  • 68. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 326 Which function in SQL server is used in query to find the count of the items in the concerned object (i.e. table, view, etc.)? A. COUNTER B. COUNT C. DETECT D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 327 A nonclustered index greatly affect the ordering and storing of the data. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 328 Full-text indexes are created using the A. Create Index B. Create Fulltext Index C. Special System Stored Procedures D. Both b & c Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 329 A ................ index is one which satisfies all requested columns in a query without performing a further lookup into the clustered index. A. Clustered B. Non-Clustered C. Covering D. B-tree Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 330 Each database can have only one clustered index. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 331 While creating an index on a column(s) in MS SQL Server you can specify that the index on each column be either ascending or descending and this affects the performance.
  • 69. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 332 In a ..................., the first row added to the indexis the first record in the table, the second row is the second record in the table and so on. A. Clustered B. Non-Clustered C. Heap D. CharIndex Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 333 In ........... index, instead of storing all of the columns for a record together, each column is stored separately with all of the other rows in an index. A. Clustered B. Column Store C. Non-Clustered D. Row Store Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 334 Without primary key, the creation of spatial index will not succeed. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 335 If an index is ............................. the metadata and statistics continue to exist. A. disabling B. dropping C. altering D. Both a & b Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 336 Index rebuild and index reorganize is one and the same thing. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B
  • 70. QUIZ ~ 337 You can instruct SQL Server to use a specific JOIN type by using the . . . . . A. Query hints B. Join hints C. Table hints D. All of above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 338 For Joint type "nested loop" Join hint is . . . . . . A. Remote join B. Hash Join C. Loop Join D. Merge Join Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 339 The . . . . . hint dictates that the join operation is performed on the server hosting the right table. A. Remote join B. Hash Join C. Loop Join D. Merge Join Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 340 For simple queries affecting a small result set, the loop join generally provides better performance than a hash or merge join. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 341 You cannot specify join hints when you use the ANSI-style join syntax - that is, when you actually use the keyword JOIN in the query. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 342 It is possible to specify more than one join type in the query hint and allow SQL Server to choose the leastexpensive one. A. True
  • 71. B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 343 A . . . . hint takes precedence over a . . . . hint if both are specified. A. query, join B. join, query Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 344 The Remote join, that is used when dealing with data from a remote server has serious affects on execution plans. A. True
  • 72. B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 345 Use a REMOTE join hint only when the . . . . table has fewer rows than the . . . . table. A. left, right B. right, left Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 346 . . . . . specifies that the join order indicated by the query syntax is preserved during query optimization. A. KEEP PLAN B. MAX_GRANT_PERCENT C. FORCE ORDER D. EXPAND VIEWS Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 347 An ORDER BY can be used in a subquery. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 348 The subquery is known as a ................. subquery because the subquery is related to the outer SQL statement. A. Relational B. Related C. Correlated D. Corelational Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 349 A subquery can itself include one or more subqueries. .............. subqueries can be nested in a statement. A. 16 B. 32 C. 64 D. Any number of Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 350
  • 73. B. In case of correlated subquery the outer query is executed once. The subquery is executed ............. for every row in the outer query. A. Once Twice C. Thrice D. Both A & B Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 351 The SELECT query of a subquery is always enclosed in parentheses and may only include an ORDER BY clause only when a TOP clause is also specified. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 352 Below subquery is valid or invalid: Select (Select 5) As MySubQueryValue; A. Valid B. Invalid Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 353 There cannot be a subquery which is independent of the outer query. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 354 Below is an example of SELECT a.EmployeeID FROM HumanResources.Employee a WHERE a.ContactID IN ( SELECT b.ContactID FROM Person.Contact b WHERE b.Title = 'Mrs.' ) GO A. Correlated Subquery B. Noncorrelated Subquery
  • 74. B. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 355 If a table appears only in a subquery and not in the outer query, then columns from that table can be included in the output. A. True False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 356 A subquery can be used anywhere an expression is allowed. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 357 The ................. statement is used to create a table in a database. A. CREATE SQL TABLE B. CREATE TABLE C. CREATE SQL.TABLE D. Both B and C Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 358 #table refers to a local temporary table and is visible to only the user who created it. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 359 Which command to use in order to delete the data inside the table, and not the table itself A. DELETE B. TRUNCATE C. Both TRUNCATE & DELETE D. DROP Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 360 Transaction rollbacks affect Table variables A. True B. False
  • 75. B. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 361 ##table refers to a ............. which is visible to all users. A. table variables B. persistent temporary tables C. local temporary tables
  • 76. D. global temporary table Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 362 Delete table and Drop table are not the same though. The ......... will delete all data from the table whilst the ....... will remove the table from the database. A. Drop,Delete B. Delete, Drop Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 363 Below Query shows: USE DBName GO SELECT * FROM sys.Tables GO A. List of system tables of Database B. List of temporary tables of Database C. List of all tables of Database D. Both A & B Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 364 sp_tables returns only the views in the database. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 365 In order to modify system tables you can use: A. sp_configure B. sp_modify C. sp_allow_updates D. Both A & B Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 366 ......... and ......... system tables maintain entries containing object definitions and other tracking information for each object. A. sysobjects B. syscomments C. systrack
  • 77. D. Both A & B Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 367 What is the basic syntax for Delete query? A. Delete * from tablename; B. Delete from tablename; C. Delete column1, Column2, column(n) from tablename; D. All are correct. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 368 Which clause in DELETE statement leads to perform delete with certain criteria? A. Group B. Group By C. Where D. Having Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 369 Is TOP used in Delete Query? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 370 Which category Delete query exits? A. DDL B. DML C. TCLD. BPL Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 371 Does delete statement maintains lock? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 372 Delete statements locks whole Table or a single Row at a time? A. Delete never locks any table or row. B. Delete never locks any row while deleting.
  • 78. C. Delete locks only Row. D. Delete locks both Row and table. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 373 If a column in a table is set to an Identity and if user deletes the row from the table with the help of Delete statement. Will this resets Identity value for the table? A. Delete never retain Identity B. Delete never recognizes identity C. Delete retain identity value D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 374 Out of the below constraints which one is applicable on Delete query? A. Row level constraints B. Page level constraintsC. Table Level constraints D. None of the above. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 375 Does delete statement enables triggers? A. Yes B. No Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 376 Which category Delete query exits? A. DDL B. DML C. TCLD. BPL Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 377 Can we use Where condition in Truncate? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 378 What is not true about truncate? A. Truncate delete the record from the table
  • 79. B. Truncate fires trigger after deleting the record C. Truncate is used to delete a record D. It runs trigger after deletion Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 379 Does Truncate maintain log? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 380 Which one is faster to delete a table? A. Truncate B. Delete C. Remove D. None of the above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 381 What are the restrictions while using Truncate? A. Foreign Key only, B. No restrictions C. Foreign key, participation in indexed view D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 382 Does truncate retain Identity? A. Never retains Identity B. Reset to the seed value C. No Change on Identity D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 383 Truncate statement locks whole Table or a single Row at a time? A. Both B. Only Row C. Table D. None of the above Correct Answer: C
  • 80. QUIZ ~ 384 Can Truncate be used in Views? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 385 What is true about truncate with Foreign key? A. It will delete the rows from both the tables (child as well as parent) B. It will not delete even if CASCADE ON DELETE option is given with parent table C. It will delete even if CASCADE ON DELETE option is given with parent table D. All are true Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 386 TRUNCATE can't be used if you have Replication/ CDC enabled for the table, is it true? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 387 Which one is not applicable while querying on a view? A. From B. SELECT C. Order By D. Where Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 388 Can we create Clustered Index with Count (*) in a view? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 389 Refer below query which leads to create a view named vwEmployee. CREATE vwEmployee VIEW AS SELECT nothing FROM dbo.Employee WHERE ID < 100 Now, tell the problem
  • 81. in query? A. Above query is correct. B. View name must be after keyword view and 'nothing' is not a keyword , so should be replaced with *. C. Replace nothing with view name. D. Replace nothing with column names. Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 390 A view always fetch up to date data from the table because it runs it's query each time it receives a call, is this statement correct? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 391 IN SQL Server, can we Create Partitioned Views? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 392 How can you drop more than one View in single command? A. Drop viewname1 + viewname2 + viewname(n); B. Drop viewname1; Drop viewname2; Drop viewname(n); C. Drop viewname1; viewname2; viewname(n); D. Drop viewname1, viewname2,viewname(n); Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 393 What is true about views among all the given below statements: A. View never references actual table for which it is created. B. View can't use JOIN in it's query. C. The performance of the view degrades if they are based on other views. D. Only option to safeguard data integrity. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 394 Can we show computed values in views from different columns of a table? A. Yes B. No Correct Answer: A
  • 82. QUIZ ~ 395 Views are also called as: A. Complex tables B. Simple tables C. Virtual tables D. Actual Tables Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 396 Are views stored in Databases? A. Yes B. No Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 397 Which of the following is not a Key in SQL Server? A. Primary B. Foreign C. Alternate D. Secondary Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 398 Can a column with Primary Key have Null value? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 399 How can a SQL developer add a key on a table? A. While creating a table B. With Alter table command C. With SQL server Properties window (by right clicking on a table) D. All of the above E. None of the above Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 400 Can a key created on a table be Dropped? A. True B. False
  • 83. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 401 What is true about Unique and primary key? A. Unique can have multiple NULL values but Primary can't have. B. Unique can have single NULL value but Primary can't have even single. C. Both can have duplicate values D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 402 Can a table have more than one foreign key? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 403 By default, which key creates Clustered index? A. Foreign Key B. Unique Key C. Primary Key D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 404 Which key accepts multiple NULL values? A. Foreign Key B. Unique Key C. Primary Key D. None of the above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 405 Can column with Unique key have duplicate values? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 406 . While using the IN operator, the SQL engine will scan all records fetched from the inner query. A. True B. False
  • 84. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 407 Consider the below table. Table tab_1: ID Column_2 Name 11 F1 Fardeen 22 G1 Gautam 33 H1 Harish 44 I1 Fardeen 55 E1 Eklavya NULL NULL NULL 0 0 0 What is the result of the below query: select * from tab_1 where '0' in (select ID from Tab_1 where ID in (0)) A. ID Column_2 Name 0 0 0 B. ID Column_2 NameNULL NULL NULL C. ID Column_2 Name 11 F1 Fardeen 22 G1 Gautam 33 H1 Harish 44 I1 Fardeen 55 E1 Eklavya NULL NULL NULL 0 0 0 D. None of above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 408 . The select list of a subquery introduced by EXISTS almost always consists of ………. There is no reason to list column names as you are just verifying whether rows that meet the conditions specified in the subquery exist. A. percent (%) B. asterisk (*) C. Comma (,) D. None of above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 409 Only EXISTS can be prefixed with NOT but IN cannot be. A. True B. False Correct Answer: B
  • 85. QUIZ ~ 410 When EXISTS is used, SQL Server stops as soon as it finds .......... record that matches the criteria. A. Middle B. LastC. One D. None of above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 411 NOT EXISTS works like EXISTS, except the WHERE clause in which it is used is satisfied if ........... rows are returned by the subquery. A. Two B. Unpinned C. TOP D. No Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 412 The keyword EXISTS is not preceded by a ............ A. constant B. column name C. other expression D. All of above Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 413 Consider the below table. Table dbo.tab_1 ID Column_2 Name 11 F1 Fardeen 22 G1 Gautam 33 H1 Harish 44 I1 Fardeen 55 E1 Eklavya What is the result of the below query: DECLARE @InList varchar(100) SET @InList = '11,12,33,44' SELECT * FROM Tab_1 WHERE ','+@InList+',' LIKE ',%'+CAST(Id AS varchar)+',%' A. ID Column_2 Name 11 F1 Fardeen 33 H1 Harish 44 I1 Fardeen
  • 86. B. ID Column_2 Name 11 F1 Fardeen 22 G1 Gautam 33 H1 Harish 44 I1 Fardeen C. ID Column_2 Name 11 F1 Fardeen22 G1 Gautam 33 H1 Harish 44 I1 Fardeen 55 E1 Eklavya D. None of above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 414 Consider the below table. Table tab_1 ID Column_2 Name 11 F1 Fardeen 22 G1 Gautam 33 H1 Harish 44 I1 Fardeen 55 E1 Eklavya NULL NULL NULL What will be the result of following query: SELECT ID, column_2, Name FROM dbo.tab_1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT NULL) A. ID Column_2 Name 11 F1 Fardeen 22 G1 Gautam 33 H1 Harish 44 I1 Fardeen 55 E1 Eklavya B. It will show an error message. C. ID Column_2 NameNULL NULL NULL D. ID Column_2 Name 11 F1 Fardeen 22 G1 Gautam 33 H1 Harish 44 I1 Fardeen 55 E1 Eklavya NULL NULL NULL Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 415 Exists uses a ............ to join values from a column to a column within the subquery. A. View B. Join
  • 87. C. Subquery D. Clustered Index Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 416 Which one is correct syntax for Insert Statement? A. Insert table_name Columns(Col1, Col2,Col3); B. Insert into table_name (Col1, Col2,Col3) VALUES (Val1,Val2,Val3); C. Insert Columns(Col1, Col2,Col3) VALUE (Val1, Val2,Val3) Into table_name; D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 417 Can the sequence & number of columns and values be different in an Insert statement? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 418 Which one is correct syntax for Update Statement? A. Update Table table_name Columns(Col1, Col2,Col3); B. Update into table_name (Col1, Col2,Col3) VALUES (Val1,Val2,Val3); C. Update table_name Set Col_name=Value; D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 419 Is mentioning column name corresponding to its value mandatory in Update Statement? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 420 What will be the consequence of omitting 'Where' clause in Update Statement? A. No effect on the query as well as on table. B. All records present in the table will be updated C. Only one record will be updated D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 421 In any case, can update statement be used in place of insert statement?
  • 88. A. Yes, if record exists with Identity value. B. Yes, in every case C. No, it is not possible at all. D. None of the above. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 422 Can insert be used in place of update? A. True B. False C. It is replacement of update D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 423 Can we use 'where' clause in an Insert statement? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 424 Which one is correct syntax for Where clause in SQL server? A. SELECT WHERE "Condition" Col1, Col2 FROM "Table" ; B. SELECT "Condition" Col1, Col2 FROM "Table" WHERE; C. SELECT Col1, Col2 FROM "Table" WHERE "condition"; D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 425 What can be the condition in where clause in a SQL query? A. Condition that is to be met for the rows to be returned from result. B. Boolean Condition only C. Text condition only D. None of the above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 426 Is there any limit for number of predicates/conditions to be added in a Where clause? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B
  • 89. QUIZ ~ 427 What is the purpose of Order By Clause in SQL server? A. It is used to sort the result. B. It is used to change sequence order of columns C. It can' be used in SQL Server D. None of the above Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 428 Order by can only be used by Where Clause, correct? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 429 What needs to be added when user want to show results by Descending Order? A. Descending order cannot be possible. B. User can add DESC with Order By clauseC. User can add '<>ASC' with Order by Clause. D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 430 What is the default order of Order by Clause? A. Descending B. Ascending C. Random D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 431 Among the below Order By queries, which are correct ones? A. SELECT * FROM Table Order By Column; B. SELECT * FROM Table Order By Column ASC; C. SELECT * FROM Table Order By Column DESC; D. SELECT * FROM Table Order By (n); --Where n is any column sequence number in a table E. All of the above F. None of the above Correct Answer: E QUIZ ~ 432 Is it possible to have both Orders (i.e. ASC/ a single query?
  • 90. A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 433 Can 'IN' operator be used with Where clause? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 434 What does UNION operator do in a SQL Server statement? A. Bring common data from the listed tables. B. Bring data which is not common from the listed tables. C. Bring all data from the listed tables. D. Bring all distinct from the listed tables. Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 435 Which one is correct syntax for applying UNION operator? A. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name1 UNION table_name2 B. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name1UNION SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name2 C. UNION SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name1SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name2 D. SELECT FROM table_name1 AND table_name2 Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 436 How can we get all records (redundant as well as non-redundant) from union operator? A. Using 'ALL' operator with UNION. B. Using 'Distinct' operator with UNION. C. We get all records (redundant as well as non-redundant) with UNION operator by default. D. None of the above. Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 437 The column names in the result of a UNION (of tables) are always equal to the column names in the 1st SELECT statement with the UNION operator, true or false? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A
  • 91. QUIZ ~ 438 Is UNION or UNION ALL operator valid for LONG data type column? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 439 Can we use UNION operator in SELECT statement which contains TABLE collection expressions? A. True B. False Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 440 UNION operator requires an extra overhead of removing redundant rows, is it true? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 441 What is true about order by with Union operator? A. Order By can be issued in each result set. B. It can be issued for the overall result set. C. Both A & B. D. None of the above Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 442 The result set will have Column names from the first query, correct? A. True B. False Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 443 If we know the records returned by our query are unique then which operator will be preferred out of UNION or UNION ALL? A. Union B. Union ALL Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 444 The JOIN which does Cartesian Product is called? A. Left Join
  • 92. B. Left Outer Join C. Right Outer JoinD. Cross Join Correct Answer: D QUIZ ~ 445 Are FULL Outer Join and Cross Join Same? A. False B. True Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 446 The JOIN which returns all the records from the right table in conjunction with the matching records from the left table and if there are no matching values in the left table, it returns NULL. Which is this JOIN? A. Right JOIN B. CROSS JOIN C. LEFT Join D. Full OUTER JOIN Correct Answer: A QUIZ ~ 447 What are also called Self Joins? A. OUTER Joins B. INNER joins Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 448 What is true about NOT INNER JOIN? A. It is a JOIN which restricts INNER JOIN to work. B. It is one of the type of the JOINS in SQL Server. C. When full Outer Join is used along with WHERE. This join will give all the results that were not present inInner Join. D. None of the above. Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 449 What is the other name of INNER JOIN? A. Equi Join B. In Join C. Out Join D. All of the above Correct Answer: A
  • 93. QUIZ ~ 450 List the types of Inner join? A. Out, In, Equi B. Left, In, Cross C. Equi, Natural, Cross D. None of the above Correct Answer: C QUIZ ~ 451 Which type of Inner Join restricts fetching of redundant data? A. Equi. B. Natural C. Cross D. Outer Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 452 Which join refers to join records from the right table that have no matching key in the left table are include in the result set: A. Left outer join B. Right outer join C. Full outer join D. Half outer join Correct Answer: B QUIZ ~ 453 A __________ is a special kind of a stored procedure that executes in response to certain action on the table like insertion, deletion or updation of data. A. Procedures B. Triggers C. Functions D. None of the mentioned Correct Answer: B