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Chapter 0.5: The Beginning
[Carmine Angelo is seen, holding a picture of himself and Pasquale Aprile, reminiscing over
the past events]
Chapter 1: Reunion
[1 month after the events of the first film, we see Carmine Angelo walking through a street
into his safe house that we saw in the first film, Angelo enters the house and the door closes]
Carmine: Where did I go so wrong? This room brings back memories, nightmares even,
knowing that Pasquale spent some of the last moments of his life... here, oh how I failed you,
my friend.
[The scene then cuts to an unknown figure walking through the same street and seemingly to
Angelo's safe house, there's a knock at the door]
Carmine: (with a confused look), huh? Who's that? I never told anybody about this place,
except for.... no, it can't be?
[Carmine picks up his gun and walks to the door, he can see someone but he can't make out
whom, as he gets the closer there's background music, it gets quicker and louder, the door
Pasquale: Surprise... I'm Pasquale Aprile, a gangster, and I come back to you now at the turn
of the tide.
Carmine: (looking shocked), uhh.... yeah c-c-come in, we have a lot to talk about. Business
has been.... slow.
Pasquale: I would love to, I never thought I'd see Murrayfield again, but I can't come in,
brings back some dark memories, come outside.
Carmine: Of course, let's walk and talk.
[Carmine and Pasquale begin to walk through the street and talk about mafia business]
Carmine: We got him good, didn't we?
Pasquale: (With a smirk), yes, indeed we did. Rizzo fell for it, after laying low for so long I
missed the thrill of this life, and now I have more reason than ever, let's take down John
Chapter 2: War is Coming
[The scene begins with a close-up of John Rizzo in his office]
John: (John is talking to someone but we do not know who) Been ever so quiet lately, hell,
I'm beginning to miss Angelo and his little crew, the Testa's were a good family, shame
Aprile had to go.
(The camera pans out, and it's established that he's talking to Rizzo family soldier Angelo
Angelo: I never had any experience with those guys until the Aprile beef, weren't you and
Carmine close before?
John: Yes, I will admit. We were in a street gang called The Romans, we were both young at
the time. It was headed by Anthony Testa, you know, the guy who the Testa family is named
after.. Testa loved Carmine, he had Carmine handpicked to be a boss from day one, even
when Testa disbanded the Romans he was sure that Carmine was going to take his spot when
Testa eventually died... I was left in the dark, I felt unappreciated, so I left, and the Rizzo
family was born... Pasquale was apart of this too, he was always Carmine's right hand man.
Angelo: I didn't realize there was so much history, I guess this situation was a long time
coming... It's a shame, war is never good for business
John: You're right, although I know Carmine, even with the odds stacked against him, he'll
never stop until he's dead, you shoot him in a dream, you best wake up and apologize.
Chapter 3: Testa comeback
[The scene cuts back to Carmine Angelo and Pasquale Aprile in a public place, Carmine is
sat down and Pasquale sits close to him but not too close]
Carmine: So, how are we going to do this? I was hit hard by Rizzo moving in on everything,
all I have is numbers, I barely make enough to get by, Rizzo didn't think it was worth the
hassle, he had to leave me something I guess.
Pasquale: That's true, and to tell you, I don't know. I've been laying low so mob strategy
hasn't really been on my mind lately. Maybe we go in all guns blazing, whack some of them.
Carmine: Well, it would make my life harder, Rizzo would go insane. I suggest that we....
call a few friends of mine in Rizzo's circle, I still have one or two tricks up my sleeve.
Pasquale: Who? I would've assumed you were on everyone's bad side
Carmine: Angelo Marinucci and Enzo Savastano.
Pasquale: Enzo?! The guy who was with you on the day I was supposed to be clipped?
You're walking a thin line, can you trust them?
Carmine: I'm not sure, but we'll make sure they do if they still have any objections. We'll
have to get our hands dirty, but in this situation: we've got no choice.
Pasquale: Agreed, it's either we take Rizzo down or we die trying. Testa would've done the
same thing, I wonder how he dealt with conflict back in the day.
Carmine: I wonder that too, coming up we were kept out of the loop when he was in a beef
with Joseph Anastasia, we were told that he had it under control, I wish I had this under
control, I wish life was easier. So, we're going to kidnap Enzo and Angelo, let's go.
[Music plays while they get up and leave]
Chapter 4: Into Action
[The scene begins with an establishing shot of a park entitled: Ezra Park, Angelo is walking]
Carmine: [In balaclava type headwear] Hello, Angelo, long time no see, eh?
Angelo: W-what the... Who are you? What do you want?
Carmine: Don't make this harder than it needs to be, just come with us, and nothing bad will
happen to you, I promise.
Pasquale: [Also in mask], he's right Angelo, we've always thought you were a good man
despite being with Rizzo, come on, play nice.
Angelo: What the? Are you with Gambetti...? I mean we're sorry but the drug business was
rightfully ours, your guy wasn't holding his end of the bargain up, we had to take control!
Carmine: We aren't with Gambetti, that idiot to put it nicely means nothing to us, we're just
friends of Rizzo. Pasquale.... let's get him
[Carmine Angelo and Pasquale Aprile capture Angelo Marinucci and knock him out, he then
wakes up tied to a chair with Carmine and Pasquale unmasked]
Angelo: Where am I...? What happened....?
Pasquale: You're in hell, welcome. Now, I think you remember me, don't you not?
Angelo: Pasquale... I thought you were dead, we told Carmine to kill you.
Pasquale: You're right, but sadly for you and the entire Rizzo family, I can't be killed, and I'm
not going to start now. Well, I've done enough talking, let's have Carmine come in and
explain what's going to happen to you.
Carmine: Thank you Pasquale, now, we're not going to torture you.... we think. But if you go
running to Rizzo then we'll have to take action, we have soldiers outside your home, you do
anything, you'll be slaughtered before you can even say mozzarella.
Angelo: I guess I don't have a choice... Let's go
[Carmine Angelo and Pasquale Aprile leave Angelo Marianucci tied up and leave the room]
Chapter 5: Rizzo's Trumpet!
John: [Talking to himself] What the, where is Angelo? It's been a few days and he hasn't
showed up, I have a bad feeling about this, it can't be Carmine, can it? No.... he wouldn't
dare.. Or would he? That stupid son of a.... FUCK! I should've killed him and Aprile with my
bare hands, but he's by himself so how did he get Ange? Unless....? No... he's alive....?
[The scene cuts to Carmine on the phone to an unknown person]
Carmine: I need your help, I need some guns... fast, I can't say much but I really need you to
help. Meet me somewhere discreet, I'll text you the details later. Thanks.
[The scene then cuts to the location meet, Carmine meets his contact, the arms dealer Russell
Russell: Never thought we'd meet like this that's for sure. Why isn't Rizzo dead yet, everyone
hates him yet he's now at the top of the mafia, what happened?
Carmine: A lot, you know Pasquale stole from Joey, I was told that I had to kill him but I
didn't. And if Rizzo even suspects I didn't do it he's going to go to war, which is why I'm
Russell: Can't blame you, gangsters haven't been known for their patience. Okay, that'll be
one thousand.
Carmine: Thanks. Always a pleasure.
Chapter 6: Almost there
Carmine: [Reading the Art of War, by Niccolo Machiavelli, Pasquale enters]
Pasquale: You got them?
Carmine: Of course I do, now, let's back to our 'friend', Mr Marianucci.
Pasquale: I almost forgot....
Chapter 7: First Blow
[Carmine and Pasquale go back into the room where they're keeping Angelo]
Carmine: Hey Ange, hope you've been doing well.
Angelo: How do you think I'm doing? You tied me up, you think I should thank you for that?
Thank you for kidnapping me and threatening my family, thank you very much!
Pasquale: Get off your high horse, don't act like you don't deserve this. Associating with
Rizzo is enough to have you killed right now, but we can't, because you're apparently useful..
for now. We don't claim to be saints because we're not, but you, you're acting like you have
some sort of moral compass. Well guess what? You don't, so shut it.
Angelo: [Looking visibly shocked] Okay I'm sorry that the contract was put on you, if it
means anything I didn't hate you that much Pasquale, but the rules are rules, you had to go. If
we let you off, it'd send a message that anyone could get away with everything and it'd make
us lose face. It was nothing personal, just business.
Carmine: The man has a point, but nobody is squeaky clean. Rules are made to be followed...
and broken, we break the law on a daily basis, and people are still shocked when we don't
follow even our rules? The world is full of saints and sinners. I don't know what we are.
Pasquale: We're getting sidetracked, business is more important than morals.
Angelo: Yeah yeah, you know Enzo? Savastano? Well I think you should go for him first, he
takes a walk by himself sometimes, it's a good chance to start this whole thing off. He runs
their drug operations, the one they took from the Gambetti family, you kill two birds with one
stone. You kill a guy who wanted your friend dead, and you hit Rizzo where it hurts most, his
pocket. I think
Carmine: Let's do him, he won't know what hit him. Call him and set it up
Angelo: [On the phone], Enzo...? Yeah it's Angelo, meet me at Ezra Park, I have something
on Carmine. 30 minutes? Yeah, sure. See you then.
Chapter 8: The End of Enzo
[Enzo Savastano is walking through a park]
Enzo: [Humming to a song], Strange, Angelo is always the first one to a meeting. He'd be
early for his own damn funeral.
Carmine: He's over there. How should we do this?
Pasquale: We'll shoot him, it may attract attention but we've done this hundreds of times
before, nothing we can't handle.
Carmine: Sounds good, let's do this.
[Tense music plays, it gets faster as Carmine and Pasquale get closer]
Enzo: Where is Ang- [he gets shot]
[The music that plays while Enzo is dying is the same music from the Godfather where
Michael kills Sollozzo and McCluskey]
Enzo's body is seen on the floor, the camera zooms out at his lifeless body
Carmine: I didn't think we had him, thank god we did
Pasquale: It was, Rizzo is going to go ballistic when he finds out..
Carmine: Good, let him. Then the entire Sunderland underworld will rebel against him, we'll
take back the power we once had.
Chapter 9: At His Wits
[Rizzo has just listened to the radio, hearing that Enzo has been killed]
Rizzo: I should've killed him, that little rat should've gone with Pasquale. Angelo still hasn't
turned up and I'm going crazy over here. I need to do this myself
[The phone rings]
Carmine: [Over the phone] hello John
Rizzo: Listen here you little rat, you're going to die, you hear me? You're done
Carmine: I don't think so, me and a friend of mine, you know him, right? Have started a
rebellion against you, I think you'll be clocking out, permanently.
Rizzo: W-what do you mean? You're bluffing, you've got nothing
Carmine: I have something, rising up from the dead, unlike Enzo.
Rizzo: You think you're so special don't you? One day I'm going to get you.
Carmine: You keep thinking that, goodbye John.
Chapter 10: The Oddfather
Carmine: I want to kill John Rizzo. No ifs and or buts about it, he needs to die. It's been too
long, he should've been killed instead of Enzo, but it doesn't matter.
Pasquale: Wait, we have to kill Angelo now surely? He knows too much about this, about us.
He's gotta go too.
Carmine: I'll give it a thought, let's kill that rat Rizzo first. Something I've wanted to do since
Moses wore short pants.
Pasquale: There's nothing more in life I want than to take his. But, I need to have a word with
you, now if you will
Carmine: Sure, we've got plenty of time I suppose. Ask away
Pasquale: What shall we do when this is over? I mean, the police will be looking for us after
all these killings, the senseless violence, the public won't be happy
Carmine: Since when did you care about the public...? We're gangsters, not priests, since
when is it our job to have good relations with the public.
Pasquale: That's true, but I just want to know, are we back in the game? This would seem all
for nothing if not
Carmine: That's what I want to say, we should go our separate ways and be done with this.
The mob has treat me well, but what's it all for? You can have all the money, the power, but
no freedom. How do you think John Gotti felt? He was at the top of the Gambino family but
ended up in jail for life, we're lucky, we still have a chance. We'd be doing the public a favor
by being rid of that punk. But we're no better.
Pasquale: I suppose, but what will I do? I mean, I'm not good at anything else apart from
being a wiseguy. What can I do, be a taxi driver? What am I, Travis Bickle?
Carmine: Well, I don't know. But we're old enough, we can survive on our own, you
managed to survive having a hit put out on you.
Pasquale: It doesn't feel that way. I feel like a klutz. The time for talking is over, Rizzo goes
Carmine: Let's do this, once we do this we'll be underworld legends. Everyone will remember
[Carmine and Pasquale get up and get their equipment ready, they then leave]
[One hour passes and Rizzo is out somewhere by himself]
John: Who does he think he is?? I'm the boss of Sunderland, he doesn't run this town, I do!
Carmine Angelo is a nobody, without Testa he'd be nothing and a bum. He'd be on the streets
begging for a note! I hate him, so so much.
[Carmine and Pasquale are walking around a known Rizzo hangout, they're desperately
looking for him, it is established that they're dressed as undercover police, they have hats on
making them hard to recognize from a distance]
Carmine: There he is! We'll pretend to arrest him and put 3 bullets in him.
[Carmine and Pasquale notice him slowing down, then Pasquale runs ahead]
Carmine: Pat!
Pasquale: [Coughs], John Rizzo, you are under arrest for money laundering, fraud, assault,
murder, and for the crime of underestimating the Testa crime family.
John: It's you! You are going to regret this, you should've died when you were supposed to.
Pasquale: I'm dead inside anyway, nothing you can do affects me.
Carmine: Do you want to put the bullet in him, or should I?
Pasquale: I've seen enough bloodshed in my short career, you do it.
Carmine: Fine by me... John Rizzo, any last words?
John: Yes, carpe diem.
[Carmine shoots John Rizzo dead]
[The two gangsters say nothing, and just walk away]
[1 week has passed, the two gangsters meet on a beach]
Pasquale: It's been quite a week, I've been laying low ever since, what about yourself?
Carmine: There's still some heat from the cops, but to me it seems like they don't care.
Nobody liked him, so like I said before, we're doing everyone a favor.
Pasquale: That is true, but we need to go our separate ways, our goal was to get rid of Rizzo,
not become another one, we had some good moments together, ones I'll never forget. Also,
whatever happened with Angelo...?
Carmine: I let him go, he did what he had to, even in our thing you only do what you've been
told to do.
Pasquale: I didn't think you were capable of mercy, I thought he'd be gone.
Carmine: No, neither did I. But that's the thing, you never fully know what you're capable of.
Pasquale: You don't, but most importantly: I think this is the end for the Testa family, we had
a good run, but it needs to end, this life isn't for anybody, let someone else think they can be
untouchable, I don't care.
Carmine: I agree, it's been an honour Pat. Good luck with your life, maybe I'll see you again
[They shake hands and Pasquale walks away from him]
Carmine: Amico Nostra.
Carmine: [narration] A quote that always stuck out to me was from a favourite show of mine.
"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them"
and that is the case here, I've been the king of the mafia, but just as quickly I fell from the
ladder. Take it from me: this isn't something you want to do. Goodbye.

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Oddfather 2 script

  • 1. Chapter 0.5: The Beginning [Carmine Angelo is seen, holding a picture of himself and Pasquale Aprile, reminiscing over the past events] Chapter 1: Reunion [1 month after the events of the first film, we see Carmine Angelo walking through a street into his safe house that we saw in the first film, Angelo enters the house and the door closes] Carmine: Where did I go so wrong? This room brings back memories, nightmares even, knowing that Pasquale spent some of the last moments of his life... here, oh how I failed you, my friend. [The scene then cuts to an unknown figure walking through the same street and seemingly to Angelo's safe house, there's a knock at the door] Carmine: (with a confused look), huh? Who's that? I never told anybody about this place, except for.... no, it can't be? [Carmine picks up his gun and walks to the door, he can see someone but he can't make out whom, as he gets the closer there's background music, it gets quicker and louder, the door opens] Pasquale: Surprise... I'm Pasquale Aprile, a gangster, and I come back to you now at the turn of the tide. Carmine: (looking shocked), uhh.... yeah c-c-come in, we have a lot to talk about. Business has been.... slow. Pasquale: I would love to, I never thought I'd see Murrayfield again, but I can't come in, brings back some dark memories, come outside. Carmine: Of course, let's walk and talk. [Carmine and Pasquale begin to walk through the street and talk about mafia business] Carmine: We got him good, didn't we? Pasquale: (With a smirk), yes, indeed we did. Rizzo fell for it, after laying low for so long I missed the thrill of this life, and now I have more reason than ever, let's take down John Rizzo.... Chapter 2: War is Coming [The scene begins with a close-up of John Rizzo in his office] John: (John is talking to someone but we do not know who) Been ever so quiet lately, hell, I'm beginning to miss Angelo and his little crew, the Testa's were a good family, shame Aprile had to go.
  • 2. (The camera pans out, and it's established that he's talking to Rizzo family soldier Angelo Marianucci) Angelo: I never had any experience with those guys until the Aprile beef, weren't you and Carmine close before? John: Yes, I will admit. We were in a street gang called The Romans, we were both young at the time. It was headed by Anthony Testa, you know, the guy who the Testa family is named after.. Testa loved Carmine, he had Carmine handpicked to be a boss from day one, even when Testa disbanded the Romans he was sure that Carmine was going to take his spot when Testa eventually died... I was left in the dark, I felt unappreciated, so I left, and the Rizzo family was born... Pasquale was apart of this too, he was always Carmine's right hand man. Angelo: I didn't realize there was so much history, I guess this situation was a long time coming... It's a shame, war is never good for business John: You're right, although I know Carmine, even with the odds stacked against him, he'll never stop until he's dead, you shoot him in a dream, you best wake up and apologize. Chapter 3: Testa comeback [The scene cuts back to Carmine Angelo and Pasquale Aprile in a public place, Carmine is sat down and Pasquale sits close to him but not too close] Carmine: So, how are we going to do this? I was hit hard by Rizzo moving in on everything, all I have is numbers, I barely make enough to get by, Rizzo didn't think it was worth the hassle, he had to leave me something I guess. Pasquale: That's true, and to tell you, I don't know. I've been laying low so mob strategy hasn't really been on my mind lately. Maybe we go in all guns blazing, whack some of them. Carmine: Well, it would make my life harder, Rizzo would go insane. I suggest that we.... call a few friends of mine in Rizzo's circle, I still have one or two tricks up my sleeve. Pasquale: Who? I would've assumed you were on everyone's bad side Carmine: Angelo Marinucci and Enzo Savastano. Pasquale: Enzo?! The guy who was with you on the day I was supposed to be clipped? You're walking a thin line, can you trust them? Carmine: I'm not sure, but we'll make sure they do if they still have any objections. We'll have to get our hands dirty, but in this situation: we've got no choice. Pasquale: Agreed, it's either we take Rizzo down or we die trying. Testa would've done the same thing, I wonder how he dealt with conflict back in the day.
  • 3. Carmine: I wonder that too, coming up we were kept out of the loop when he was in a beef with Joseph Anastasia, we were told that he had it under control, I wish I had this under control, I wish life was easier. So, we're going to kidnap Enzo and Angelo, let's go. [Music plays while they get up and leave] Chapter 4: Into Action [The scene begins with an establishing shot of a park entitled: Ezra Park, Angelo is walking] Carmine: [In balaclava type headwear] Hello, Angelo, long time no see, eh? Angelo: W-what the... Who are you? What do you want? Carmine: Don't make this harder than it needs to be, just come with us, and nothing bad will happen to you, I promise. Pasquale: [Also in mask], he's right Angelo, we've always thought you were a good man despite being with Rizzo, come on, play nice. Angelo: What the? Are you with Gambetti...? I mean we're sorry but the drug business was rightfully ours, your guy wasn't holding his end of the bargain up, we had to take control! Carmine: We aren't with Gambetti, that idiot to put it nicely means nothing to us, we're just friends of Rizzo. Pasquale.... let's get him [Carmine Angelo and Pasquale Aprile capture Angelo Marinucci and knock him out, he then wakes up tied to a chair with Carmine and Pasquale unmasked] Angelo: Where am I...? What happened....? Pasquale: You're in hell, welcome. Now, I think you remember me, don't you not? Angelo: Pasquale... I thought you were dead, we told Carmine to kill you. Pasquale: You're right, but sadly for you and the entire Rizzo family, I can't be killed, and I'm not going to start now. Well, I've done enough talking, let's have Carmine come in and explain what's going to happen to you. Carmine: Thank you Pasquale, now, we're not going to torture you.... we think. But if you go running to Rizzo then we'll have to take action, we have soldiers outside your home, you do anything, you'll be slaughtered before you can even say mozzarella. Angelo: I guess I don't have a choice... Let's go [Carmine Angelo and Pasquale Aprile leave Angelo Marianucci tied up and leave the room] Chapter 5: Rizzo's Trumpet!
  • 4. John: [Talking to himself] What the, where is Angelo? It's been a few days and he hasn't showed up, I have a bad feeling about this, it can't be Carmine, can it? No.... he wouldn't dare.. Or would he? That stupid son of a.... FUCK! I should've killed him and Aprile with my bare hands, but he's by himself so how did he get Ange? Unless....? No... he's alive....? [The scene cuts to Carmine on the phone to an unknown person] Carmine: I need your help, I need some guns... fast, I can't say much but I really need you to help. Meet me somewhere discreet, I'll text you the details later. Thanks. [The scene then cuts to the location meet, Carmine meets his contact, the arms dealer Russell Johnson] Russell: Never thought we'd meet like this that's for sure. Why isn't Rizzo dead yet, everyone hates him yet he's now at the top of the mafia, what happened? Carmine: A lot, you know Pasquale stole from Joey, I was told that I had to kill him but I didn't. And if Rizzo even suspects I didn't do it he's going to go to war, which is why I'm preparing. Russell: Can't blame you, gangsters haven't been known for their patience. Okay, that'll be one thousand. Carmine: Thanks. Always a pleasure. Chapter 6: Almost there Carmine: [Reading the Art of War, by Niccolo Machiavelli, Pasquale enters] Pasquale: You got them? Carmine: Of course I do, now, let's back to our 'friend', Mr Marianucci. Pasquale: I almost forgot.... Chapter 7: First Blow [Carmine and Pasquale go back into the room where they're keeping Angelo] Carmine: Hey Ange, hope you've been doing well. Angelo: How do you think I'm doing? You tied me up, you think I should thank you for that? Thank you for kidnapping me and threatening my family, thank you very much! Pasquale: Get off your high horse, don't act like you don't deserve this. Associating with Rizzo is enough to have you killed right now, but we can't, because you're apparently useful.. for now. We don't claim to be saints because we're not, but you, you're acting like you have some sort of moral compass. Well guess what? You don't, so shut it.
  • 5. Angelo: [Looking visibly shocked] Okay I'm sorry that the contract was put on you, if it means anything I didn't hate you that much Pasquale, but the rules are rules, you had to go. If we let you off, it'd send a message that anyone could get away with everything and it'd make us lose face. It was nothing personal, just business. Carmine: The man has a point, but nobody is squeaky clean. Rules are made to be followed... and broken, we break the law on a daily basis, and people are still shocked when we don't follow even our rules? The world is full of saints and sinners. I don't know what we are. Pasquale: We're getting sidetracked, business is more important than morals. Angelo: Yeah yeah, you know Enzo? Savastano? Well I think you should go for him first, he takes a walk by himself sometimes, it's a good chance to start this whole thing off. He runs their drug operations, the one they took from the Gambetti family, you kill two birds with one stone. You kill a guy who wanted your friend dead, and you hit Rizzo where it hurts most, his pocket. I think Carmine: Let's do him, he won't know what hit him. Call him and set it up Angelo: [On the phone], Enzo...? Yeah it's Angelo, meet me at Ezra Park, I have something on Carmine. 30 minutes? Yeah, sure. See you then. Chapter 8: The End of Enzo [Enzo Savastano is walking through a park] Enzo: [Humming to a song], Strange, Angelo is always the first one to a meeting. He'd be early for his own damn funeral. Carmine: He's over there. How should we do this? Pasquale: We'll shoot him, it may attract attention but we've done this hundreds of times before, nothing we can't handle. Carmine: Sounds good, let's do this. [Tense music plays, it gets faster as Carmine and Pasquale get closer] Enzo: Where is Ang- [he gets shot] [The music that plays while Enzo is dying is the same music from the Godfather where Michael kills Sollozzo and McCluskey] Enzo's body is seen on the floor, the camera zooms out at his lifeless body Carmine: I didn't think we had him, thank god we did Pasquale: It was, Rizzo is going to go ballistic when he finds out..
  • 6. Carmine: Good, let him. Then the entire Sunderland underworld will rebel against him, we'll take back the power we once had. Chapter 9: At His Wits [Rizzo has just listened to the radio, hearing that Enzo has been killed] Rizzo: I should've killed him, that little rat should've gone with Pasquale. Angelo still hasn't turned up and I'm going crazy over here. I need to do this myself [The phone rings] Carmine: [Over the phone] hello John Rizzo: Listen here you little rat, you're going to die, you hear me? You're done Carmine: I don't think so, me and a friend of mine, you know him, right? Have started a rebellion against you, I think you'll be clocking out, permanently. Rizzo: W-what do you mean? You're bluffing, you've got nothing Carmine: I have something, rising up from the dead, unlike Enzo. Rizzo: You think you're so special don't you? One day I'm going to get you. Carmine: You keep thinking that, goodbye John. Chapter 10: The Oddfather Carmine: I want to kill John Rizzo. No ifs and or buts about it, he needs to die. It's been too long, he should've been killed instead of Enzo, but it doesn't matter. Pasquale: Wait, we have to kill Angelo now surely? He knows too much about this, about us. He's gotta go too. Carmine: I'll give it a thought, let's kill that rat Rizzo first. Something I've wanted to do since Moses wore short pants. Pasquale: There's nothing more in life I want than to take his. But, I need to have a word with you, now if you will Carmine: Sure, we've got plenty of time I suppose. Ask away Pasquale: What shall we do when this is over? I mean, the police will be looking for us after all these killings, the senseless violence, the public won't be happy Carmine: Since when did you care about the public...? We're gangsters, not priests, since when is it our job to have good relations with the public.
  • 7. Pasquale: That's true, but I just want to know, are we back in the game? This would seem all for nothing if not Carmine: That's what I want to say, we should go our separate ways and be done with this. The mob has treat me well, but what's it all for? You can have all the money, the power, but no freedom. How do you think John Gotti felt? He was at the top of the Gambino family but ended up in jail for life, we're lucky, we still have a chance. We'd be doing the public a favor by being rid of that punk. But we're no better. Pasquale: I suppose, but what will I do? I mean, I'm not good at anything else apart from being a wiseguy. What can I do, be a taxi driver? What am I, Travis Bickle? Carmine: Well, I don't know. But we're old enough, we can survive on our own, you managed to survive having a hit put out on you. Pasquale: It doesn't feel that way. I feel like a klutz. The time for talking is over, Rizzo goes today. Carmine: Let's do this, once we do this we'll be underworld legends. Everyone will remember us. [Carmine and Pasquale get up and get their equipment ready, they then leave] [One hour passes and Rizzo is out somewhere by himself] John: Who does he think he is?? I'm the boss of Sunderland, he doesn't run this town, I do! Carmine Angelo is a nobody, without Testa he'd be nothing and a bum. He'd be on the streets begging for a note! I hate him, so so much. [Carmine and Pasquale are walking around a known Rizzo hangout, they're desperately looking for him, it is established that they're dressed as undercover police, they have hats on making them hard to recognize from a distance] Carmine: There he is! We'll pretend to arrest him and put 3 bullets in him. [Carmine and Pasquale notice him slowing down, then Pasquale runs ahead] Carmine: Pat! Pasquale: [Coughs], John Rizzo, you are under arrest for money laundering, fraud, assault, murder, and for the crime of underestimating the Testa crime family. John: It's you! You are going to regret this, you should've died when you were supposed to. Pasquale: I'm dead inside anyway, nothing you can do affects me. Carmine: Do you want to put the bullet in him, or should I? Pasquale: I've seen enough bloodshed in my short career, you do it.
  • 8. Carmine: Fine by me... John Rizzo, any last words? John: Yes, carpe diem. [Carmine shoots John Rizzo dead] [The two gangsters say nothing, and just walk away] [1 week has passed, the two gangsters meet on a beach] Pasquale: It's been quite a week, I've been laying low ever since, what about yourself? Carmine: There's still some heat from the cops, but to me it seems like they don't care. Nobody liked him, so like I said before, we're doing everyone a favor. Pasquale: That is true, but we need to go our separate ways, our goal was to get rid of Rizzo, not become another one, we had some good moments together, ones I'll never forget. Also, whatever happened with Angelo...? Carmine: I let him go, he did what he had to, even in our thing you only do what you've been told to do. Pasquale: I didn't think you were capable of mercy, I thought he'd be gone. Carmine: No, neither did I. But that's the thing, you never fully know what you're capable of. Pasquale: You don't, but most importantly: I think this is the end for the Testa family, we had a good run, but it needs to end, this life isn't for anybody, let someone else think they can be untouchable, I don't care. Carmine: I agree, it's been an honour Pat. Good luck with your life, maybe I'll see you again someday. [They shake hands and Pasquale walks away from him] Carmine: Amico Nostra. Carmine: [narration] A quote that always stuck out to me was from a favourite show of mine. "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them" and that is the case here, I've been the king of the mafia, but just as quickly I fell from the ladder. Take it from me: this isn't something you want to do. Goodbye.