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Dennis Waldron
Richard Hogg , CITP ERMp
Are you Ready?
May 25,
GDPR – What is it?
Per Incident
5 Key General Data Protection Regulation Obligations
Rights of EU
Data Subjects
Security of
Personal Data
Consent Accountability of
Data Protection by
Design and by Default
Concern Toxicity potential in unstructured data.
Need Approach to ID, tag and delete toxic data.
Storage management tool that
allows metadata tagging.
53% of data identified as dormant for > 5
years with a big portion possibly toxic.
Next steps
Work with data owners to choose
to delete or otherwise address flagged data.
53%of unstructured data flagged
“any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person” (Art. 2(a))
Direct identifier – E.g. name, passport number, phone number
Indirect identifier – E.g. IBM Global GDPR Evangelist
Personal Data?
*2016 survey of NA Financial Services
GDPR Client Observations
“We understand what
needs to be done and
we’ll make the
necessary incremental
A European bank
“Where do we begin, the
regulations are so confusing,
what solutions does IBM
Multinational transportation org
Multinational logistics org
“We have heard of GDPR, but
we are going to take a wait and
see approach until an
enforcement action.”
Multinational airline
Multinational pharma org
The Hare The Tortoise The Ostrich
GDPR Takes More Than Just Technology
There are five key areas that need to be addressed
Governance People &
Processes Data Security
•  Conduct GDPR risk &
privacy assessments
across governance,
people, processes,
data, security
•  Develop GDPR
Readiness Roadmap
•  Identify & Map
personal data
Assessments and
Identify GDPR impact
and plan Technical and
Organisational Measures
•  Design governance,
communication, and
process standards
•  Design privacy, data
management and
security management
Includes Data Protection
controls, processes and
solutions to be
•  Develop and embed
processes and tools
•  Deliver GDPR training
•  Develop & embed
standards & policies
using Privacy by
Design, Security by
•  Detailed Data
TOMs in place: Personal
Data discovery,
classification and
governance in place
•  Execute all relevant
business processes
•  Monitor security and
privacy using TOMs
•  Manage Consent &
data subject access
framework in
Begin the new GDPR
ready way of working
•  Monitor, assess,
audit, report and
evaluate adherence
to GDPR standards
monitoring and
Monitor TOMs execution;
deliver compliance
evidence to internal and
external stakeholders
IBM’s Overall GDPR Framework: 5 Phases to Readiness
Program and Data Governance
goals • policies • rules • compliance • vendor management • terminology • people
Data Lifecycle
identification • classification • masking • archiving
Data Catalog
metadata mgmt. • IT objects • impact analysis
Data Subject Services
enquiry • correction • erasure • portability •
Data Protection
privacy program design • risk assessment • access management
identity governance • monitoring & audit • incident response
Personal Data
physical info
InfoGov Capabilities Needed for GDPR
IBM	Commitment	to	GDPR	Readiness	Statement
Trust	in	Data	
Data	and	its	protec9on	are	becoming	increasingly	important	to	individuals	and	society.		Enterprises	must	earn	the	public’s	
trust	in	their	ability	to	steward	informa9on.	As	IBM’s	long	history	of	security	and	privacy	leadership	demonstrates,	IBM	
understands	that	protec9ng	privacy	is	essen9al	to	gaining	trust.		IBM	was	one	of	the	first	companies	to	appoint	a	
Chief	Privacy	Officer,	to	develop	and	publish	a	gene9cs	privacy	policy,	to	be	cer9fied	under	
the	APEC	Cross	Borders	Privacy	Rules	system,	and	to	sign	the	
EU	Data	Protec9on	Code	of	Conduct	for	Cloud	Service	Providers.	Now,	IBM	is	con9nuing	its	long-standing	leadership	in	the	
area	of	data	privacy	by	responding	proac9vely	to	the	General	Data	Protec9on	Regula9on	(GDPR).	
IBM	Commits	to	GDPR	Readiness	
IBM	currently	complies	with	privacy	laws	around	the	world.		IBM	is	also	preparing	to	comply	with	the	European	Union’s	new	
General	Data	Protec9on	Regula9on	(GDPR)	which	will	go	into	effect	in	May	2018.		IBM	has	established	a	global	project	to	
prepare	for	GDPR,	both	for	our	internal	processes	and	for	our	commercial	offerings.	IBM	recognises	that	our	customers	will	
rely	on	IBM’s	offerings	and	technical	assistance	to	achieve	GDPR	compliance	within	their	own	organisa9ons	and	IBM	is	well-
posi9oned	to	meet	this	cri9cal	need.	
As	part	of	its	GDPR	project,	IBM	is	enhancing	its	ongoing	commitment	to	privacy	by	design.	IBM	is	working	to	embed	data	
protec9on	principles	even	more	deeply	into	its	business	processes,	with	the	objec9ve	that	technical	and	organisa9onal	
security	measures	limit,	by	default,	the	amount	and	use	of	personal	data	to	what	is	specifically	required.	This	work	will	also	
strengthen	controls	already	in	place	to	limit	access	to	personal	data,	including	with	respect	to	mobile	applica9ons	that	rely	
on	sensible	default	seWngs	to	prevent	personal	data	from	being	inadvertently	shared	with	others.	
IBM	is	committed	to	providing	our	clients	and	partners	with	innova9ve	data	privacy,	security	and	governance	solu9ons	to	
assist	them	on	their	journey	to	GDPR	compliance.	
Learn	more	about	IBM's	own	GDPR	readiness	journey	and	our	GDPR	capabili9es	and	offerings	to	support	your	compliance	
journey	here.
Most Personal Data not
discoverable via Patterns
New IBM GDPR Accelerators
Improved insight with the ability to load contracts for
Watson to analyze & consider the key language, clauses
or paragraphs driving the need for further analysis or
Compare & Comply
IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics,
with IBM Watson Digest GDPR and identity
Controls & Obligations.
Cognitive Insights
Plug-in Extensive unstructured
personal data discovery rules using
Both RegEx and Machine Learning.
GDPR CartridgesStructured personal data discovery
& classification. Personal data
access & data subject rights audit
trails; GDPR reports; GDPR data
risk dashboard.
Data Protection
GDPR Supportive Content taxonomy
with Predefined terms, data model
elements, Against each Article.
GDPR Industry Model
GDPR program preparatory guide,
GDPR incident simulation,&
GDPR-enhanced Privacy module.
Incident Response
Discover and register data sources and the Personal
Data they contain. Golden record identification with
Workflows for all citizen SAR requests.
Subject 360 Access
Consent Service available enterprise wide, linking
Data to usage and specific per-citizen consent.
Purposeful Consent By Design
& Contracts
9	Billion	
Of	the	
breached	since	2013	
were	encrypted	3	
Average	cost	of	a	data	
breach	in	2016	2	
Likelihood	of	an	organiza9on	
having	a	data	breach	in	the	
next	24	months	1	
26%	“It’s no longer
a matter of if,
but when …”
Health	Insurance	
Portability	and	
Act	(HIPAA)	
European	Union	General	
Data	Protec9on	
Regula9on	(GDPR)		
Payment	Card	Industry	Data	
Security	Standard	(PCI-DSS)	
1, 2 Source: 2016 Ponemon Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Analysis --
3 Source: Breach Level Index --
Data protection and compliance are
business imperatives
100	Days	Over	
On	average	to	discover	
the	breach
What does information governance mean and
why is it critical
Informa(on	Governance	is	the	process	by	which	an	organiza>on	will	behave	or	act	to	ensure	the	
appropriate	execu>on	of	its	mandate,	and	typically,	protect	and	maximize	the	benefits	inherent	in	
its	data	assets	
83%	of	organiza>ons	suffer	problems	
caused	by	poor	master	data,	with	the	top	
three	problems	being	inaccurate	repor9ng	
(81%),	arguments	over	which	data	is	
appropriate	(78%),	and	bad	decisions	based	
on	incorrect	defini9ons	(54%)	
$3	Trillion	is	the	total	annual	impact	
of	poor	data	quality		
Informa9on	Governance	Organiza9on	
ensures	sustainable	business	value	of	data	
over	9me.		Standalone	cleanups	no	macer	
how	heroic	have	diminished	values	over	
A	Strong	DG	Func(on	Is	Essen(al	To	Delivering	Reliable	And	
Usable	Business	Informa(on	
35%	of	customer	informa>on	in	
enterprise	systems	may	be	inaccurate,	and	
up	to	30%	duplicated	due	to	lack	of	proper	
data	governance	policies	and	procedures	
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value 2015 Analytics research survey. Administered by
the Economist Intelligence Unit.
© 2015 IBM Institute for Business Value.
•  Uniform	communica9ons	
•  Common	understanding	
•  Rapid	cross	business	
•  Single	defini9on	
•  Quality	data	
•  Cross	business	data	usage	
•  Efficient	Investments	
With	Data	Governance	
•  Complex	
•  Silo	driven	
•  Slow	to	market	
•  Inconsistent	defini9on	
•  Poor	data	accuracy	
•  LOB	focused	data	
•  Re-solve	problems	for	each	
Without	Data	Governance	
30-40%	of	the	IT	budget	is	allocated	to	execu9on	of	data	transforma9on	
programs	within	IT	led	Financial	Services	companies	
GSIBs	will	increase	spend	on	new	data	and	analy9cs	ini9a9ves	by	10%	in	2017
§  How to easily find relevant
information ~ books, authors ?
§  How to go about archiving
important content – Micro Film?
§  How to go about Life Cycle
Management of books ?
§  How to restrict access to
important content (Policy Mgmt.) ?
Library Analogy
Discover, classify and manage
information in ways that meet the
obligations enforced by both regulatory
and corporate mandates
Regulations (e.g. GDPR)
Privacy & Protection
Records & Retention
Audit Readiness
Provide safe access to trusted, high
quality, fit-for-purpose data while
facilitating effective collaboration
among team members
Self-Service Access to Data &
Governed Enterprise Information
Repositories (such as Data Lakes)
Use Cases Driving a Unified
Governance Strategy
High Quality, Timely information for All
Empowered Data Scientists
Uncovering Unique Insights
Empowered Organization
Better Business Outcomes
•  Leverage the value of your data unlocking insight
driving competitive advantage every single time you
access data.
•  Capitalize on the data and derive revenue based on
solid information governance foundation making
data simplified and actionable.
Make Data Make Money
ensure data privacy and
facilitate compliance with
regulations such as the
faster creation of test
datasets helps to accelerate
development cycles
storage costs by
significantly reducing the
size of test datasets
View case study: Link
compliance with data-
retention regulations
reduction in amount of data
unnecessarily stored cuts
costs and risk
the headache out of audits
by providing a clear track
record and reporting
View case study: Link
a smoother user
experience for shoppers
across channels and
10 times
faster response times for
mobile app
the quality of customer data
and enables deeper insight
View case study: Link
IT and business users to
collaborate in establishing
and using common
business intelligence and
confident decision-making
analytics for faster insight
View video: Link
What our customers are saying
Strategic vision for metadata to support regulatory issues
•  NT Metadata Registry
•  Benefits
•  Approach
•  Timeline
•  Metadata Strategy
•  Data Models, Standards, & Policies
•  NT ISO Initiative
What’s in it for me?
•  Increased understanding of NT’s data.
•  Create a searchable catalog of Northern Trust’s data assets.
•  Provide transparency into the location, definition and usage of
NT’s data assets.
•  Promote the standardization of NT’s data designs, shared
definition and asset reuse.
Why do we care?
•  Increase collaboration.
•  Expose data lineage through all layers (e.g. CCAR, EDP,AML)
•  Reduce project delivery time and scope creep.
•  Reduce Risk
•  Reduce Development Time
What I need your help on?
•  Granting connections to system catalog(s) and to reverse engineer
physical schema for IIS lineage
•  We are not looking at the transactional data
•  SME help for SOR, BPM, inflow and outflows
High Level Design
Metadata Registry
o  Central location in an organization where metadata definitions are
Metadata Management
o  End to end process and governance framework for the creation,
controlling, enhancing, attributing, defining and management of
structured and unstructured data.
Design Metadata
o  Information about the structure, description, relationship and
administration of assets.
Operational Metadata
o  Point of view metadata on runtime variables, statistical processes,
matrix operations that explain how data was created and/or
Rolled out in Q1- 2017
NT ISO Model Management Process
The process for creating, maintaining, and publish a complete and
consistent “single version of the truth” for the NT ISO data model
Standards & Policies Library
A repository for data policies and standards across all pillars of
enterprise data services
Enterprise Data Services VISA
An EPMO vehicle to govern and provide clear requirements to
project teams to achieve data standards and existing processes
•  Notice: Clients are responsible for ensuring their own compliance with various laws and regulations, including the European Union
General Data Protection Regulation. Clients are solely responsibility for obtaining advice of competent legal counsel as to the
identification and interpretation of any relevant laws and regulations that may affect the clients’ business and any actions the
clients may need to take to comply with such laws and regulations. The products, services, and other capabilities described herein
are not suitable for all client situations and may have restricted availability. IBM does not provide legal, accounting or auditing
advice or represent or warrant that its services or products will ensure that clients are in compliance with any law or regulation.
•  IBM’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM’s sole discretion.
•  Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a
purchasing decision.
•  The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code
or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract.
•  The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion.
•  Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput
or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of
multiprogramming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no
assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here.
None of the statements contained herein constitutes legal advice – it is process advice only.
The purpose of Enterprise Data Architecture is to define data tools strategy, modeling
standards, and conceptual/logical models for Northern Trust enterprise data.
ü  U9lizes	enterprise	tools	that	support	trusted,	relevant,	and	governed	
ü  Enables	Northern	Trust	to	meet	or	exceed	client	and	regulator	expecta>ons	
and	obliga>ons	through	data	lineage	visualiza9on	from	source	to	
ü  Reuses	architectural	design	paQerns	and	u9lizes	a	centralized	metadata	
repository	and	informa9on	governance	catalogue	to	reduce	development	
ü  Provides	standard	informa>on	models	that	enhance	messaging	formats	and	
drive	down	risk	
ü  Builds	a	culture	within	the	organiza9on	to	treat	data	as	a	Northern	Trust	
ü  Capitalizes	on	current	design	pacerns	to	speed	development	and	data	
What it is
The value
The	processes	and	prac9ces	
that	leverage	informa9on	
assets,	rules,	policies,	
standards,	models,	and	tools	to	
support	metadata	
management	and	informa9on	
architecture,	for	successful	
integra9on	and	with	enterprise	
Data	Sources
Services	Tier
Flat	Files
Client	Tier
Engine	Tier
Quality	Stage
Service	Agents
Quality	Stage	
Information	Analyzer	
Information	Services	
Director	Services
DataStage	Services
Workbench	Services
Connector	Access	
Common	Services
Metadata	Exchange
Metadata	Services
Data	ManagementDesign
ER	StudioData	Architect
Repository	Tier
IA	Repository
Metadata	Repository
Engine	Tier
Quality	StageInformation	Analyzer
Information	Services	
Repository	Tier
MDM	AE	Repository
MDM	Services
MDM	Services
MDM	Services
MDM	CE	Repository
Blueprint Blueworks
ER	Studio	
Data	Architect	
RA	Repository
NTRS	Application
Load	Utilities,	Stored	
Data	Modeling
Modeling	Tool
Data	Integration
Data	Governance
Data	Profiling
Data	Rules
Data	Lineage
Modeling	Tool
Version	Control	
Semi	Relational
BPM	Tool
Analytics	Tool
Knowledge	Center
Thin	Clients
Thick	Clients
Data	Replication
Data	Services

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Richard Hogg & Dennis Waldron - #InfoGov17 - Cognitive Unified Governance & Privacy For GDPR

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  • 5. May 25, 2018 GDPR – What is it? 4%Or €20M Potential Penalty Per Incident Global Impact 5 Key General Data Protection Regulation Obligations Rights of EU Data Subjects Security of Personal Data Consent Accountability of Compliance Data Protection by Design and by Default
  • 6. Concern Toxicity potential in unstructured data. Need Approach to ID, tag and delete toxic data. Solution Storage management tool that allows metadata tagging. Result 53% of data identified as dormant for > 5 years with a big portion possibly toxic. Next steps Work with data owners to choose to delete or otherwise address flagged data. 53%of unstructured data flagged “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person” (Art. 2(a)) Direct identifier – E.g. name, passport number, phone number Indirect identifier – E.g. IBM Global GDPR Evangelist Personal Data? *2016 survey of NA Financial Services
  • 7. GDPR Client Observations “We understand what needs to be done and we’ll make the necessary incremental changes.” A European bank “Where do we begin, the regulations are so confusing, what solutions does IBM provide?” Multinational transportation org Multinational logistics org “We have heard of GDPR, but we are going to take a wait and see approach until an enforcement action.” Multinational airline Multinational pharma org The Hare The Tortoise The Ostrich
  • 8. GDPR Takes More Than Just Technology There are five key areas that need to be addressed Governance People & Communication Processes Data Security
  • 9. •  Conduct GDPR risk & privacy assessments across governance, people, processes, data, security •  Develop GDPR Readiness Roadmap •  Identify & Map personal data Assess Assessments and roadmap Identify GDPR impact and plan Technical and Organisational Measures (TOM) •  Design governance, training, communication, and process standards •  Design privacy, data management and security management standards Design Defined implementation plan Includes Data Protection controls, processes and solutions to be implemented •  Develop and embed procedures, processes and tools •  Deliver GDPR training •  Develop & embed standards & policies using Privacy by Design, Security by Design •  Detailed Data Discovery Transform Process enhancements completed TOMs in place: Personal Data discovery, classification and governance in place •  Execute all relevant business processes •  Monitor security and privacy using TOMs •  Manage Consent & data subject access rights Operate Operational framework in place Begin the new GDPR ready way of working •  Monitor, assess, audit, report and evaluate adherence to GDPR standards Conform Ongoing monitoring and reporting Monitor TOMs execution; deliver compliance evidence to internal and external stakeholders ActivityOutcomePhase IBM’s Overall GDPR Framework: 5 Phases to Readiness
  • 10. Program and Data Governance goals • policies • rules • compliance • vendor management • terminology • people Data Lifecycle identification • classification • masking • archiving Data Catalog metadata mgmt. • IT objects • impact analysis Data Subject Services enquiry • correction • erasure • portability • notification Data Protection privacy program design • risk assessment • access management identity governance • monitoring & audit • incident response Orchestration Processes Rules Consent Personal Data structured unstructured physical info assets printed documents … Data Subjects Data Privacy Officer Data Steward InfoGov Capabilities Needed for GDPR
  • 11. IBM Commitment to GDPR Readiness Statement Trust in Data Data and its protec9on are becoming increasingly important to individuals and society. Enterprises must earn the public’s trust in their ability to steward informa9on. As IBM’s long history of security and privacy leadership demonstrates, IBM understands that protec9ng privacy is essen9al to gaining trust. IBM was one of the first companies to appoint a Chief Privacy Officer, to develop and publish a gene9cs privacy policy, to be cer9fied under the APEC Cross Borders Privacy Rules system, and to sign the EU Data Protec9on Code of Conduct for Cloud Service Providers. Now, IBM is con9nuing its long-standing leadership in the area of data privacy by responding proac9vely to the General Data Protec9on Regula9on (GDPR). IBM Commits to GDPR Readiness IBM currently complies with privacy laws around the world. IBM is also preparing to comply with the European Union’s new General Data Protec9on Regula9on (GDPR) which will go into effect in May 2018. IBM has established a global project to prepare for GDPR, both for our internal processes and for our commercial offerings. IBM recognises that our customers will rely on IBM’s offerings and technical assistance to achieve GDPR compliance within their own organisa9ons and IBM is well- posi9oned to meet this cri9cal need. As part of its GDPR project, IBM is enhancing its ongoing commitment to privacy by design. IBM is working to embed data protec9on principles even more deeply into its business processes, with the objec9ve that technical and organisa9onal security measures limit, by default, the amount and use of personal data to what is specifically required. This work will also strengthen controls already in place to limit access to personal data, including with respect to mobile applica9ons that rely on sensible default seWngs to prevent personal data from being inadvertently shared with others. IBM is committed to providing our clients and partners with innova9ve data privacy, security and governance solu9ons to assist them on their journey to GDPR compliance. Learn more about IBM's own GDPR readiness journey and our GDPR capabili9es and offerings to support your compliance journey here.
  • 12. Most Personal Data not discoverable via Patterns
  • 13. New IBM GDPR Accelerators Improved insight with the ability to load contracts for Watson to analyze & consider the key language, clauses or paragraphs driving the need for further analysis or change. Compare & Comply IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics, with IBM Watson Digest GDPR and identity Controls & Obligations. Cognitive Insights Plug-in Extensive unstructured personal data discovery rules using Both RegEx and Machine Learning. GDPR CartridgesStructured personal data discovery & classification. Personal data access & data subject rights audit trails; GDPR reports; GDPR data risk dashboard. Data Protection GDPR Supportive Content taxonomy with Predefined terms, data model elements, Against each Article. GDPR Industry Model GDPR program preparatory guide, GDPR incident simulation,& GDPR-enhanced Privacy module. Incident Response Discover and register data sources and the Personal Data they contain. Golden record identification with Workflows for all citizen SAR requests. Subject 360 Access Consent Service available enterprise wide, linking Data to usage and specific per-citizen consent. Purposeful Consent By Design Security Regulations & Contracts Personal Data Find Personal Data Unified Catalog
  • 14. 9 Billion 4% Of the only breached since 2013 were encrypted 3 records $4M Average cost of a data breach in 2016 2 Likelihood of an organiza9on having a data breach in the next 24 months 1 26% “It’s no longer a matter of if, but when …” Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) European Union General Data Protec9on Regula9on (GDPR) Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) 1, 2 Source: 2016 Ponemon Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Analysis -- 3 Source: Breach Level Index -- Data protection and compliance are business imperatives 100 Days Over On average to discover the breach
  • 15. What does information governance mean and why is it critical Informa(on Governance is the process by which an organiza>on will behave or act to ensure the appropriate execu>on of its mandate, and typically, protect and maximize the benefits inherent in its data assets 83% of organiza>ons suffer problems caused by poor master data, with the top three problems being inaccurate repor9ng (81%), arguments over which data is appropriate (78%), and bad decisions based on incorrect defini9ons (54%) $3 Trillion is the total annual impact of poor data quality Informa9on Governance Organiza9on ensures sustainable business value of data over 9me. Standalone cleanups no macer how heroic have diminished values over 9me. A Strong DG Func(on Is Essen(al To Delivering Reliable And Usable Business Informa(on 35% of customer informa>on in enterprise systems may be inaccurate, and up to 30% duplicated due to lack of proper data governance policies and procedures Source: IBM Institute for Business Value 2015 Analytics research survey. Administered by the Economist Intelligence Unit. © 2015 IBM Institute for Business Value. •  Uniform communica9ons •  Common understanding •  Rapid cross business Implementa9on •  Single defini9on •  Quality data •  Cross business data usage •  Efficient Investments Process People Policies Tools With Data Governance •  Complex •  Silo driven •  Slow to market •  Inconsistent defini9on •  Poor data accuracy •  LOB focused data •  Re-solve problems for each LOB Without Data Governance 30-40% of the IT budget is allocated to execu9on of data transforma9on programs within IT led Financial Services companies GSIBs will increase spend on new data and analy9cs ini9a9ves by 10% in 2017
  • 16. §  How to easily find relevant information ~ books, authors ? §  How to go about archiving important content – Micro Film? §  How to go about Life Cycle Management of books ? §  How to restrict access to important content (Policy Mgmt.) ? CATALOGARCHIVEDISPOSEACCESS Library Analogy
  • 17. GOVERNANCE FOR COMPLIANCE Discover, classify and manage information in ways that meet the obligations enforced by both regulatory and corporate mandates Regulations (e.g. GDPR) Privacy & Protection eDiscovery Records & Retention Archiving Audit Readiness GOVERNANCE FOR INSIGHTS Provide safe access to trusted, high quality, fit-for-purpose data while facilitating effective collaboration among team members Self-Service Access to Data & Analytics Governed Enterprise Information Repositories (such as Data Lakes) Use Cases Driving a Unified Governance Strategy
  • 18. High Quality, Timely information for All Empowered Data Scientists Uncovering Unique Insights Empowered Organization Better Business Outcomes •  Leverage the value of your data unlocking insight driving competitive advantage every single time you access data. •  Capitalize on the data and derive revenue based on solid information governance foundation making data simplified and actionable. Make Data Make Money
  • 19. GOVERNANCE FOR COMPLIANCE Helps ensure data privacy and facilitate compliance with regulations such as the GDPR 50% faster creation of test datasets helps to accelerate development cycles Cuts storage costs by significantly reducing the size of test datasets View case study: Link Eases compliance with data- retention regulations 94.2% reduction in amount of data unnecessarily stored cuts costs and risk Takes the headache out of audits by providing a clear track record and reporting View case study: Link GOVERNANCE FOR INSIGHTS Enables a smoother user experience for shoppers across channels and brands 10 times faster response times for the mobile app Improves the quality of customer data and enables deeper insight View case study: Link Empowers IT and business users to collaborate in establishing and using common terminology Supports business intelligence and confident decision-making Accelerates analytics for faster insight View video: Link What our customers are saying
  • 20. Strategic vision for metadata to support regulatory issues •  NT Metadata Registry •  Benefits •  Approach •  Timeline •  Metadata Strategy •  Data Models, Standards, & Policies •  NT ISO Initiative EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
  • 21. NT METADATA REGISTRY BENEFITS What’s in it for me? •  Increased understanding of NT’s data. •  Create a searchable catalog of Northern Trust’s data assets. •  Provide transparency into the location, definition and usage of NT’s data assets. •  Promote the standardization of NT’s data designs, shared definition and asset reuse. Why do we care? •  Increase collaboration. •  Expose data lineage through all layers (e.g. CCAR, EDP,AML) •  Reduce project delivery time and scope creep. •  Reduce Risk •  Reduce Development Time What I need your help on? •  Granting connections to system catalog(s) and to reverse engineer physical schema for IIS lineage •  We are not looking at the transactional data •  SME help for SOR, BPM, inflow and outflows
  • 24. NT METADATA REGISTRY Metadata Registry o  Central location in an organization where metadata definitions are stored. Metadata Management o  End to end process and governance framework for the creation, controlling, enhancing, attributing, defining and management of structured and unstructured data. Design Metadata o  Information about the structure, description, relationship and administration of assets. Operational Metadata o  Point of view metadata on runtime variables, statistical processes, matrix operations that explain how data was created and/or transformed.
  • 26. DATA MODELS, STANDARDS, & POLICIES Rolled out in Q1- 2017 NT ISO Model Management Process The process for creating, maintaining, and publish a complete and consistent “single version of the truth” for the NT ISO data model Standards & Policies Library A repository for data policies and standards across all pillars of enterprise data services Enterprise Data Services VISA An EPMO vehicle to govern and provide clear requirements to project teams to achieve data standards and existing processes
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. •  Notice: Clients are responsible for ensuring their own compliance with various laws and regulations, including the European Union General Data Protection Regulation. Clients are solely responsibility for obtaining advice of competent legal counsel as to the identification and interpretation of any relevant laws and regulations that may affect the clients’ business and any actions the clients may need to take to comply with such laws and regulations. The products, services, and other capabilities described herein are not suitable for all client situations and may have restricted availability. IBM does not provide legal, accounting or auditing advice or represent or warrant that its services or products will ensure that clients are in compliance with any law or regulation. •  IBM’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM’s sole discretion. •  Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. •  The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. •  The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. •  Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here. None of the statements contained herein constitutes legal advice – it is process advice only. Disclaimer
  • 31. WHAT IS ENTERPRISE DATAARCHITECTURE AND WHAT IS THE VALUE? The purpose of Enterprise Data Architecture is to define data tools strategy, modeling standards, and conceptual/logical models for Northern Trust enterprise data. ü  U9lizes enterprise tools that support trusted, relevant, and governed informa9on ü  Enables Northern Trust to meet or exceed client and regulator expecta>ons and obliga>ons through data lineage visualiza9on from source to consump9on ü  Reuses architectural design paQerns and u9lizes a centralized metadata repository and informa9on governance catalogue to reduce development >me ü  Provides standard informa>on models that enhance messaging formats and drive down risk ü  Builds a culture within the organiza9on to treat data as a Northern Trust asset ü  Capitalizes on current design pacerns to speed development and data consump9on What it is The value The processes and prac9ces that leverage informa9on assets, rules, policies, standards, models, and tools to support metadata management and informa9on architecture, for successful integra9on and with enterprise programs.
  • 32. DATA TOOLS REFERENCE ARCHITECTUREData Tools Reference Architecture Operational Data Sources Services Tier Flat Files Oracle Client Tier Web Clients Desktop Clients Engine Tier XML DB2 DataStage Quality Stage Connectors Packs Service Agents Quality Stage Services Information Analyzer Services Information Services Director Services DataStage Services Workbench Services Connector Access Services Common Services Metadata Exchange Metadata Services Data ManagementDesign ER StudioData Architect Rational Architect Repository Tier IA Repository Metadata Repository Engine Tier DataStage Quality StageInformation Analyzer Information Services Director Metadata Workbench Repository Tier MDM AE Repository MDM AE MDM Services MDM CE MDM Services MDM RDM MDM Services MDM CE Repository MDM RDM Repository MSSQL NoSQL Hadoop Blueprint Blueworks ER Studio Repository Data Architect Repository RA Repository Blueprint Repository Blueworks Repository Composite Hive NTRS Application SQL,TSQL, BTEQ, JCL Load Utilities, Stored Procedures, Functions Iteraplan Iteraplan Repository Composite Messages Sybase
  • 33. DATA TOOLS CONCEPTUAL ARCHITECTUREData Tools Conceptual Architecture Data Modeling Logical/Physical Modeling Tool Operational Repository Data Integration Data Governance Data Profiling Data Rules Reference Repository Data Lineage Business Glossary Information Modeling Information Modeling Tool Operational Repository Asset Management Asset Management Tool Operational Repository SDLC Version Control Repository Discovery Analysis Repository Data Management Semi Relational Non-Relational Relational BusinessProcess Modeling BPM Tool Operational Repository BI Analytics Tool Operational Repository Knowledge Center Thin Clients Thick Clients ETL/ELT Data Replication Data Services Operational Repository Virtualization/ Federation Publish Exchange Store Browse Implemented Capable 2017 Implementation