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Nc{ Delhi, tn€ 2orh Deceftber,2016
c s.R. {E) ln excfcise ot the Powers conrere<] bv sub sections (1)
qnd (2) or scction 469 or th€ CompAnica Act, 2013 (18 ot 2or3), the Cenrral
Govemment hcreby makes lhc foll{,winA rnlc. furrhcr to amcnd the NatLonal
Company Law Tribunal Rules,2016, namclvr_
l. (1) Thes rures may be callcd lhc NalionaL companv laF Tribunal
( mcndment)Rules, 2016
{21 The} sharl doc into fo(t on thc drtc ol thcir publication in thc
2. h lrrc arional Companv L3u Tribunal Rulca, 2016 (hcreinaner refred to
as the prinopal rules), in "Pan_|", Ior lhc hcadin8 'De'initions lorms add etc "
Ute hcading 'Definitions and'shall bc sbstjtuted;
3. In the principal rules, i! rulc 2'-
{a) in clause (5), ihe words 'in tcrlocu tory apnli'etion" shall be ortitred;
(bl in clause (9), in sub_clause (d), ior
vords 'or a chartered
accou;tant d a cost accountant or a companv *dela'l' thc aords'or a
cbarlered accountdt in pracricc or a co$l uccountant in pfactice or a companv
secretary in practice'shall Dc sub6lituled.
4. ln the pnn.ipal rules, alter rul. 23 thc followinA tule shau bc nsefied,
{23A- Pt $laattor ofjot.t Pctttto!. - ll) fhc Bench m'v permn mote rnan
onc person io loin roacLh.r and pFscnt r sind( P''rnn 'f
( iq srisfied hdlrna
*,i.r to U'. "uu- "r,"r,on
and thc ndtur ol rcliel p'arcd lor'
'hat 'hfl hatr
a ;@mon interst in the m.!tcr.
(2) Such permission shall b. Srantc<l whcrc the joining ol thc peltioners bv a
single petition is specincally p€.ftited bv th. Acl "
5. In the principal rulcs, iD rulc 2s, for tho wo.ds 'in rhc form P'esdibed", rhe
word6 "in the Form No. NCLT 3C'6hall bc substitutcd.
6. ln the p.incipel ru1e6, in rulc 27, in 6ub-rulc (11' lor rhe words, "or bv dv
other advocate or authoris€d reprcsentativc whether €ngaged in the case or nol
or ii the advocate or authoriscd rcpre*ntalivc engaged in thc case
authenticates such ertificate or prcParcd bv a lranslator aPProved ror the
purpos by tbe Registrd o. pdymco( of such chdges as be mav o'der' the
words'or if th. authorise<l rcprcentaiivc engaged in rtrc
such ertificale or Prepar€d bv t lrnslalor appmvcd for the purpose bv the
Reeist d on palment of sucb chargcs os hc mav order' shall be ebslituted
7.In the prindPal flles, in rub 3a -
li) in sb rule (1), alter the "bv post,, the vords'or bv councr'shall be
(ii) in sub-rulc (2), in clause (b), aftcr ihe {ords,'a'*nowt€dglmenr due" rhc
words, of by coune.' shall b. inerrcd;
(ni) aJter sub{ule (2), thc lollowing Erplanation shall be inserred namelv :
Ixolds"on. -ro- rhe purPcacr of <uh_rJlub rll rl l'll l' erm 1dr?-
-".n. "
p.r.o' or og.n.' qhich dnnurs'rc du'umunl and pro dr( proo' o
a. In the principal rulcs, alt6 rulc 38 the lollowing Rnle shall be inserted
"34A. MulttpL rcm€dL. - A p€tition shall bc based upon a single caue of
a.tion and may eck one or morc r.licfs provided that fie reliefs arc
con$cqucntial to one another-'.
9. In lh. p.inopal rules, atter rulc 68, thc follof,ina rule shall be inserted,
.6aa. appltcador to calcc! varl.tlon of rtght ud.r .d-&cttor {2) ol
&ctlor 48.- (l) where m applicarion to .ancel d vanalion of lhc rishts
arrached ro ihe shares of any cldss is made on behall of rhe sharchold$s or
th6t cl,ss entitled to apply tor crnc.llarion under sub seclion (2) ol seclion 48
by thc lctter ofaulholity sierred by the sharcholdcrs so entitled, aulhorising thc
applicut or applicants to presnl lhe aPpli.ation on their behali, su.h l€tter oi
authoriry shall be mnexed to the appli.ation, {nd lhe names md addresscs or
all rhc sbarcholders, lhe numbcr ol lharcs bcld by each oa rhem, aggrcsalc
numb$ of such shares held an<l p..ettdgc of lhe issued slrms oftharclass
shall bc sct out in the S.hedule to rheapplication.
(2) Thc application in For lfo. ICLT. !
requir.d for lhc purposs ofthc casc and
(o) lhe particulds of reslsrarion;
(b) thc capilal structure, lhe dirfcrcn! olasscs oi shafes into whi.h thc sharc
capital of thc companl is divided and thc righ(s altached to each clsss ot
(c) thc provisions oI the memomndum or uti€les authonsing the varisrbo ot
thc riehls orra.hdd lo thr wious.liqres or *har.s:
ld) rhc btal number ofshares ofihc class whosc riBhts hale bcenvaned;
rcl tbc nature ol the
made, dnd s td as mav have b€et awiaincd
by thc applicants, lbe numbe. ot shareholders of the class who aave thcir
shall be a€ompanied by documcnts
consenr ro the raDalion or vorcd in lavour or the .eelurion tor vdiation dd
lhe number ol shares hel<l by lheml
{t the number oi shdeholders who <lid not cons.nt to the variation or wbo
voted asainst lhe resolution, ed thc numbcr of sbd..s hcld by th€m;
(g) rhe date on which the consent was givcn or rhe resolution was passedidd
th) the.easons tor opposing rhc variarbn.
l3lThe applicant shall at least lourken dlys bcforc the dale oi &e nling ofthe
pelilion advertise the applierion i. accordancc wilh rulc 35.
(4) whcrc dy objeclioD oi any pcren whos intercsr is likely to be alTecled bt
thc propo*d sppLicalion is rceivcrl by thc applicant, a coPy thcreof shall b€
seNed to the ol Companicc and Rcgronal Direto. on or before drc
tsl On m} application, the Tnbunal, allcr hcaring the opplicanr and a! olhs
pe@., as appears to it, to be intercst.{ in thc application, may, if ir is
etistcd, having regard to all the circumslanccs ol the €* lhat tbe variatio.
would ulairly prejudic€ to the sbdcholdc.s of the class rePftsdted bt th€
applicant, cancel rhe variarion and shall, iI nor so satisned, confim lbe
vdiatio. for reasons to bc rccordcd
Provided that the Tribunal may, at its discre(ion, make such ordcrs as to clst
10. In th. pdncipal rulcs, in rulc 6q, sub-rulc (3), shell be omitted
1l. ln the pdncipal rul€s, in ruj. 70, sub rulc (6), shall be omitted
12. In the p.incipal rulcs, after rulc 76, thc following rule shal be in&rtcd,
"?6A. ApPuc.ttor und.. &ctlon 130- Thc centrdl covernmen!, the
Insme !d aulhoriti.s, the Sccurilics an.i Exchnnse Boa.d of India, dv otber
shtutory regulatorr body or aulho y or any pcrson concefned mav nl. nn
applicalion in Fom No. lrcl,T. 9 for r. oi books of accounls and i.r
.c-casrinA oi linancial slatcmcnt ofa.onpnnyunder stion r30 offte 4.t tn<l
such .Ppticaliot shall be accompdicd b-!., such docunents as mentioned nl
13. In the principal rules, aftcr ole 83, lhe lollowiDs rule shall be inscrtcd,
.uh-..ctton {11 of section 2/t4r An
m.y bc lilcd belore thc Tribunal for waivcr or
oi sc.tion 244 of the Aci shich shuu Uc
as mcntion€d in A.ncnr€ 8.".
application in ForD No. !rCLT. 9
requircmcnt of clau& (a) of (b)
acconpdic{ by such documents
14. In lhe principal rules, in rulc Il2. in sub tule (31. after rhe words.'shtll
bc paid by neans of, the sords, 'rn lndjan Postal Order or bf shau be
15. In lhc pfincipel rutes, in thc schedulc of Fees, in serial numbc. lo und.r
thc hc,ding 'Natu.e of applicalion/pcfifl'n', fo. the lofd 'deposilion" thc
word,'dcposi(or' shallbe subsrnuttxt
I6. In thc p.incipal rules, in Anncnre'A,
(al fd Form No NCLT. 3, the folloving Form No NCLT
FORII !to. trclT. 3
I8.. nl. 341
B.fore th. Natlot.l ConEuy Lsw Tttbun.l
I.A. No.-' /?o
c.P,/C.l io.-2o
I! th. dtt r of cortuL. A.q mt3
Al ----Appl|6!t/Ltltlo!.tVa
qD ---.R.qro!d.!t
(lnen nanc or pstty lilir8 lh€
To : rhc Nationst CmPdY t5w ltibtnal
{Nmc sd til. numbd of mattcr bcing cdsidcrcd bv th. Nsrional
Comp.ry Lqw Tribunau
Thc Party nd.d aboE rcqu6t. that lhe Tribunal gtant llrc follding rlltcf:
(Io&rt the rclicfor ordc. 3oughtl
ln tcrns
{lns€n tF s€ction ot lhc Act,
order or Elier eughtl
lor tn. blotltt trrem
o. rhc Rul.a/R.gulstion, that Prcvid.s for thc
{ln*rl s cdcis€ 3tatcncnt ot th. circunst4cts, and
ln support oi this Applicetion, th. aPPlicel hFs alrach€d
6ettins out the facts on which the Applicant relies,
Nao. 6d TltL of !.ru! d8|tt!8 or !.h.lf of AtEuc.ltl
Aotlod!.d Slgmtory u.l ..l
Att for L tr*ttlE.l EliLr RuL 4 !!.i.t ICLT Rul..' 2016'
tror rci.bllltrtto! I
[.tt B ftoB tL.
Fo! Otllt tutteE :
lbl €Jte. Fom No NCLT 38, th€ following Foro shau be inserted' namelv:
(FORM No. CLt 3_C
I*e rule 251
B6for. th. n.ttond CortBY L.t
{c.v.rt no!
20 L
lt..dng x tn IC,RM I{o. I{CLf 4.
![.domdun of C.Y..t
1 , sct out details of rhe order 4gainst which appeal o. appli€tion or
petition is expcctcd,
Addr*B for sedice ofl lhc cav€ato.
AddE.s ior seflice on lhc Cou.sel for
*ith r€ference number3, Specify Lh. aurhority who pa8$d the order
and date (enclos copy or ords appeal.d aBAinEl).
4. s€t out the dctsils ol cxpected APPeuant (3)/Pctidone. (s)/
wirb address {i) _ ,
5. P€y6r : Lct no be PAssd in the appeel e4Ected to b. filed
6in dy petition or applicstion or intdlocutory .PPlicatim that @y be
p.dered by thc.xpected App.Uut/Pelitioner/Appli@nr sithout *wie
of notie on th. @Eator.
Thc a@tor undertakes to acept swie of or petition or
applidtion and appetr before this Tribunel on thc datc ed time at shich
the app€al/petitjon/applicatim i6 mored by cxPected appelldt/Ftitio.d/
Day- of (MonthJ
Couol fot C.Yc.tor
The caveator above nded stale dd rcriry rhat the
@veat lodged a.e true and coftct,
ve.ified at New Delhi ob This
17. h the pnncipal rules, in thc Anncxu.c R,-
(a) in se.ial number 7, unrlc. rbc b.ading 'Nrturc of
'deposition'the word "dcposito/ shaLl bc aubstnutedi
(b) in *rial numb.r 8, under thc hcdding En.loflrcs
Pctition', for th€ Fo.d
to the Petition, in ptra
2, the wo.d 'small' shall b. omitt€dr
(c) after scriaL numbe. 12, follo{ing sc :n number and -"nlrics rclatinc thcreto
shall be inserled, namely:
Etrclorur.. to the Petlttor
13. Whcrcvcr
do.ument i3
pre6$ibcd ro bc
athchcd {,iih rhc
appli€tion or prlition,
mentioned in ncxt
column @Y b.
Documcnt dd / o. other
cvidence i. suppo.t ol the
$laremcnt rode in the
application or aPPeal or
pctition, as ..€ rcasonabl:i
oPcn to rhe petitionc.{sJ;
Doomentar,! elidcnce in
pftlrf oa thc elisibiliu and
sralus oa the{sl
vilh the loting porYer held
by cach ofthem, *hercve.
Whcrc the pcntDn is
prcscntcd on bchall of
membc.s, lhe lctc. ol
con*nr givcn by them, if
statement ol pdticxla.s
showing.amcs, address,
number ol shares held,
and whethcr all calls dd
other monies due on
shares havc been Paid iD
resP.ct oi mcmbers {ho
havc given consent to the
pctition being present€d
Whcre the petition ls
prese.tcd by a m€nbe. or
mcmbers autboriscd b]
$c Cenlral Governmcnt,
$c o.der of the ccniral
Oovernment authorisng
the ofiicer(s) or menber or
members to p.e*nt the
pctition shall be simildly
dnexed to the peritioni
6. Affidavit vedrying the
apPearance with copy
the Bodd .esolution
the vekaletbam, as
9. Three copies or
not€: The principal o16
Extraqdinary, Part l!, sedo.
F No l/3O/2013 CLv
LI. , -"
9!,rlr_, S _-,, :-
lAmardep sins4 Bhatia)
Joint Se@tary
iD thc Oaztle of India,
uide number G.S.R. 716 (E),
10. Any other ddfrents
l8r{a + niq{, a€rulTtl, |{trl.2, tIFs 3, 3q'€Ec (i) i r4nrirtil
fi{*ts 614 tiTdq
-g fed, 20 fir4{, 2016
Ad{ {{4R, ilqa 3fifi{{ 2013 (2013 61 18) fi
:rm 469 :fr rqlm {l) 3it{ JqtlRr (2) <Rr Fqzd qf*dqt 6r q{}a -{e 5q
{6trq;qff Ffu 3rfu6wr B'qE 2016 61 3ik ir F €{l t R(' FFjifud
1 (1) id fi{d 6r €jaa? ar4 {qq ?lq* trfil 3iftr{lr Frr}tr4 ff"4q',
2016 Fl
(2) n {aq{ S r{nla 4l arllo d r{a dJrl
2. {r*q 6qi frft 3{fifi'r ft{s. 2016 {i}S 5s,i ls$ qrerA q{ A-ff
661 4qr fl ; "!nr-I" tr "qft ir.nt, 3it{ Ycv fffl at{_6 + Era q{ fttncr
3li{ rrc aae tff+6 {€r sRrrrf;
3 {iMn,F-qn2f -
{6) ric (5) n "ia|4$ 3,'r}{d' ?I<} 6r dc B_qr 3rs4l
(s) €i3 (9) *, 3qrn (q * '3r{dl srt6 sdr3t" sr ar4E d@r4rr qr fr$
+{dl sfuc- ?rqi - aqra q{ "qI ffi arsRRd aref 3r6rite 4
i6$ ansr{{d drlrd +€I+F qr RtS air{grqad +q* €fodr ?r< {d
4 {J fi{q *, B{n 23 i q?!r( ffifud fsc {d 3r(rJ}, 3l{i(
"23tr. riF qrfudr :fr cFfd - 0) Td ;qrq*6 ql? arq ifdi 3jt{ ql"li ?$ {16"
+ FfR t iirr c ri"d€ t fr qrrd d ti+ Rn t'6 qqrd t ai rd tr6 €
3i'fu6'aqfu 6I sgrd Fc d !-6 fi qrfr6r cFfd 6[i Ar 3r{Fff e Fre tl
(2) iq F4R 61 3rfffr dxt a qRDfr TEf6 3,ef+{{ srl]r qrffi +f €Trd
Fc t i+ €'r Tqa F{A * f{aF ?r Fq s A ?r9 F-
s {fl A_rn *, frqF 2i d ,{iFF F6c d., ?rEl ai €tTa q{ .!..dc d@T
(r,l$(rd&-3tr rr< {d irltrl
6. {d fi{c +. fiqq 27 * rcfrqF (1) + €qla c{ ffif&d asr srq{r.
'sft6$r + Farr fuS 6r@ * q-a{i Bq
* ftq $rnad 3id rirqr t
h;iT Fi-S irtr ,ncr i ffi <Fdrli 6t ffi sgr{r W 3r]H cfr * €Tq
fs q{ d qar+r{ FdFn t qr mrd 4 cs-4rd. d fff.n fuFd. f4* glft..fd
s?"fi: daF FiT rdli= cE a tru zr Frf' i F-{Fia FnTa qFffi ;
lrJlq q;r * *r:r R -6 sffird d{nT t qr ffi 16-S rTcr{6 a-dlrT ,s
F{tfi + frq. 11}{<rr --dl{r irc cnftt + (alq c{, S -6 rrAer 6t. dqr frqT
7. {i fiq{ +, F-{{ 38 *
{i) 5cfrqjr (1) ii "cr6 cre sf ?r.4 } cr.{rd "qr 4lftr( a?r{r, ar< {S
lii) 3caqq (2) d rrc (q) n F{fud qrTa * Frq- 9r<t * crst4 "qr
dtft_{{ qal{l" al< {d srq,t
lrii) 3qft4F (2) * q?nli frraRfun Tca*filr 3ia:Fqlfud I+qT d(r4r
Tqt?r6{!r iqfrqF 0) 3+{ Jqh-{q (2) t c.M * Rl' "af{T{'. Tq t t{r
EqFd qr (rtr rfil+a t .i ERr+i qn-{a 6.dr t dR gF+ qft-dri 6r !r.Fn!r
$ -ar tr
8. {fl FlqF 4 ftqE 38 * qrqtq ffifud FqF ta,Frtud i6qr irrn,
"38-. ERq rrqR.,
qrjifir (16 fl 6R!T q{ 3ilrRd d?ii 3jt{ FFd (16 !T
sfu6 lr6d axn 8i?fr rrqrn Tdf6 qF rcd (r6-{Fi ff cffi6 6f l
9. {r frqF d, F4{ 6s * q! { frtfaEd fra{ ra,Frnft-d Bqr @Ir.
"6S5. rnn 48 *r rvtm (2) i ![fri 3lffit d qfic-+i G 6d + R! tri4i-
(1) qfe rtq{rrR6t 6r +€ ar} 3t tIRr 4s 4l sqsFr (2) - 9ti-fi ri {ia fi fts
$ra{fi 6-{A 6i q]T t 5€ r4R t qrr r}q{lrr{6i Eqr{r EFdnrft-d qro4n qr
qq{r tt r}qlsr.4i ar 3rt{ t ffi 4Ii n' Et sfoar{t * cn'{+n ai € fli *
jir' 3n+qa 6adr t iil vriqa + qFr Ffl-i t$ cIQ6r{ c-{, q$ r)q{qr|6i t
ar{ 3it{ qi. ra* * rd6 aq{r qrftd ?H Sr iE:rr, trft'd t$ rtrr{l ff 1a
{iEqr jit{ srt fr(' :r( e}at * rs -t sl qfirra 61 3lr}sa 6l 3ffiS d tds
(2) cFc i6{r !-f,rM-t * }raqa b srq xlnd + FM A R! 3'ffi{
eFrAB flrq BRa 3f{ 5T6r tdts f6_qr 3lq4r
{Ar€rfilr fi EFI€art;
t*,rd Ii.{dr. rH * EAa 4!t M :iq* 4l rt{{tiS turF t
3it{ lH * rStr aJI t Ei stu6r{;
slqa qr sgdf t sciir erfid' rHi i Efia atfr t EC aft6rd
* qft#trd 6'r crqd F{ql nqT t;
iq fli + ?H 4l F +@r Frdi rec;Rl' d cf[d+d hqr rq t;
Fqtq ur(' cns8{ A rffi ft rii -6 3nd <Rr Fii'r' fiar nsr
dt. t{ dd + *arn 6l fr i@r H} cfi:f+i + iA(' liqdl Fdflfr
A t qr qft{i-a * Rq dFdc } qer i' rddrd R;qr t 3it{ ea; --dRr
t4{t1rr4t Sr {i@T Fdi cft-{fd + R! sr-FF rfi' fi qt qr F*-.c
+ kF6 Fdfla f6-qr qr 3lt{ td* --flr qftd cW *r dEqr;
artrs rd {6sfi a :rg qr 66{ tlRa i6qr {{r;
lJJ q?a{fi +r fiirr {{i - -Rsrl
(3) 3lr+<{ qrF4r srfd 6{i ;Fr arto t 6a t 6{ +46 A{ ei_d ftqa 35 }
3r{€R Jr&{i 6r Fiflqa e?Irl
{1) qfr sr+{6 6} frrdr tt aR t fi}g slqfr clq 6te t frF6r iid
cFrfa-d Jr}fi <aRr c'llfaa 6i) €r dsr{dr t ail {6 sFdt (16 cFARR gf,d6
+r drts si qr f,Ft qF& +q* {ftaeR lit{ d-{rq Fi{6 + Arrr
(s) {{ sfofi{lr 6tg 3ir}ad ffi q{ 3nir6 rit{ sqFrd i}A qr& Gt* 3ra
.{ed *r g-firt * qrqr{ qfe arF* €r srfr qftRqffi 6} eqra d TsA E
riE€ t f6 gq qft-df.{ {r fii{6 adRI cfrAfu< Rq sr G al{$rr{4i } ai
c{ lf{fud cfd{F cr{a E}rn n} af cRTfr ai iF{ {rfirr t 3it{ qfq -6 seq
afi t d .+ f€q sr} Eri 6REn t sr.I qfi{J-i 4r gk 6tn ,
c.d nFra + driq * rfud{ur Jc} i4ffi6R t t$ 3ni.r F{ ffdr f aisr
.6 5cr5f FFf I
10. {d fr4r *, fr{q 59 * rqftqF (3) 6t dtc f+qr ar(rJlrl
1t. {r Frx i, fr{{ 70 + rsfiqF (q 6r d}c Rqr 3l(',Irl
12. {d ftqq 4 frqF 76 + qrrq FItRfud frqa iaenfi-d f6sr 3rqrr,
"7f6. sm 130 * rrn'd rrt(i - i#q F{6n, rrfl-6{ clfudrt, qr(fiq cfr{F
!?i Ffi{s +1, +9 Ja sifrfuF ftq14$ dFfl qr flfufidr aI 6tg drifud
afd 5€ sfufi{s trr qr{r t3o * stlla fl* +qff er nsr d€t cidFl g.d-dra
3it{ +q* * Hrq 6ri ?idro +4{ 6d + Rq Fsc dan Ef,{ffq-d&g t
3lr+ai Fr'fd 6{ F6dr t 3ik tt Jr}ai * nrv gs q6R * s€dri.r dnq sREl
fi-6r rd*s 3critt .o" * i6qr nqr 8"1
13. {s Ftfi { fqF 83 + qa"ra, ffifud Fi{{ 3ia,€qlF-a fsqr srElr'
"83f,. ql.r 2a4 ft 3gqrtr o) + rdri rrl('.- 3lfrfr{,I fr er{r 214 * sc (o
qi lic (E) + Jqrmn t W + A(' Jfuf{q * ssF cFq t'4r qi{ffi'g n
3qniq 'E n 3ffid E drirt + srq sri4a 6lld +I sFS tl
14. {i fr{F. fr{{ 112 * Jqft{{ (3) A qq ItrF Ar n<i + crnr<
"srrirq ctFd 3l€c qr sdRr tr< 3iF,Fqrfi-a fr(, JRiil
15. {d Fqq { 6rs *f 3r{6FFra * 6F s. 10 *'l,r-{i,qrR5r ff rfFd
?i'f6 h 3nhd "frshq" ?l< + F!.ra c( fi*q*" ?r< {<r aTqn
16. {i F{c +, 3!rii?r '6' *,
(-) c5c F@r (rr$(rfr& 3 + Fna q{ FrFrfrfud qsc d@r (-rffir-3
Fw dsqr cd{t!-fi&-3
fiqF s4 iq
{Ffiq +lr$ Efu 3rfi16$T trrd
sg ' t'. 120
2013 + Erfd *
fiTqrq iic-fr fdfil sfi_6{ur
EFE qfdr
(9r€rd srid 6{} ar* clr 6r arF Fd)
tdr t,{qq +q* Efu }ftd{lr
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Nclt(amendment)rules latest one 2016 dec

  • 1. in the G@ueoal.dit oxtra_or<linary Pad II S€crio.3 Sub- MINISTRY OF CORruR{TE AFFAIRS N(/rlFlcATloll Nc{ Delhi, tn€ 2orh Deceftber,2016 c s.R. {E) ln excfcise ot the Powers conrere<] bv sub sections (1) qnd (2) or scction 469 or th€ CompAnica Act, 2013 (18 ot 2or3), the Cenrral Govemment hcreby makes lhc foll{,winA rnlc. furrhcr to amcnd the NatLonal Company Law Tribunal Rules,2016, namclvr_ l. (1) Thes rures may be callcd lhc NalionaL companv laF Tribunal ( mcndment)Rules, 2016 {21 The} sharl doc into fo(t on thc drtc ol thcir publication in thc 2. h lrrc arional Companv L3u Tribunal Rulca, 2016 (hcreinaner refred to as the prinopal rules), in "Pan_|", Ior lhc hcadin8 'De'initions lorms add etc " Ute hcading 'Definitions and'shall bc sbstjtuted; 3. In the principal rules, i! rulc 2'- {a) in clause (5), ihe words 'in tcrlocu tory apnli'etion" shall be ortitred; (bl in clause (9), in sub_clause (d), ior 'h' vords 'or a chartered accou;tant d a cost accountant or a companv *dela'l' thc aords'or a cbarlered accountdt in pracricc or a co$l uccountant in pfactice or a companv secretary in practice'shall Dc sub6lituled. 4. ln the pnn.ipal rules, alter rul. 23 thc followinA tule shau bc nsefied, {23A- Pt $laattor ofjot.t Pctttto!. - ll) fhc Bench m'v permn mote rnan onc person io loin roacLh.r and pFscnt r sind( P''rnn 'f ( iq srisfied hdlrna *,i.r to U'. "uu- "r,"r,on and thc ndtur ol rcliel p'arcd lor' 'hat 'hfl hatr a ;@mon interst in the m.!tcr.
  • 2. (2) Such permission shall b. Srantc<l whcrc the joining ol thc peltioners bv a single petition is specincally p€.ftited bv th. Acl " 5. In the principal rulcs, iD rulc 2s, for tho wo.ds 'in rhc form P'esdibed", rhe word6 "in the Form No. NCLT 3C'6hall bc substitutcd. 6. ln the p.incipel ru1e6, in rulc 27, in 6ub-rulc (11' lor rhe words, "or bv dv other advocate or authoris€d reprcsentativc whether €ngaged in the case or nol or ii the advocate or authoriscd rcpre*ntalivc engaged in thc case authenticates such ertificate or prcParcd bv a lranslator aPProved ror the purpos by tbe Registrd o. pdymco( of such chdges as be mav o'der' the words'or if th. authorise<l rcprcentaiivc engaged in rtrc 'a* authenu€tes such ertificale or Prepar€d bv t lrnslalor appmvcd for the purpose bv the Reeist d on palment of sucb chargcs os hc mav order' shall be ebslituted 7.In the prindPal flles, in rub 3a - li) in sb rule (1), alter the "bv post,, the vords'or bv councr'shall be (ii) in sub-rulc (2), in clause (b), aftcr ihe {ords,'a'*nowt€dglmenr due" rhc words, of by coune.' shall b. inerrcd; (ni) aJter sub{ule (2), thc lollowing Erplanation shall be inserred namelv : Ixolds"on. -ro- rhe purPcacr of <uh_rJlub rll rl l'll l' erm 1dr?- -".n. " p.r.o' or og.n.' qhich dnnurs'rc du'umunl and pro dr( proo' o a. In the principal rulcs, alt6 rulc 38 the lollowing Rnle shall be inserted
  • 3. "34A. MulttpL rcm€dL. - A p€tition shall bc based upon a single caue of a.tion and may eck one or morc r.licfs provided that fie reliefs arc con$cqucntial to one another-'. 9. In lh. p.inopal rules, atter rulc 68, thc follof,ina rule shall be inserted, .6aa. appltcador to calcc! varl.tlon of rtght ud.r .d-&cttor {2) ol &ctlor 48.- (l) where m applicarion to .ancel d vanalion of lhc rishts arrached ro ihe shares of any cldss is made on behall of rhe sharchold$s or th6t cl,ss entitled to apply tor crnc.llarion under sub seclion (2) ol seclion 48 by thc lctter ofaulholity sierred by the sharcholdcrs so entitled, aulhorising thc applicut or applicants to presnl lhe aPpli.ation on their behali, su.h l€tter oi authoriry shall be mnexed to the appli.ation, {nd lhe names md addresscs or all rhc sbarcholders, lhe numbcr ol lharcs bcld by each oa rhem, aggrcsalc numb$ of such shares held an<l p..ettdgc of lhe issued slrms oftharclass shall bc sct out in the S.hedule to rheapplication. (2) Thc application in For lfo. ICLT. ! requir.d for lhc purposs ofthc casc and (o) lhe particulds of reslsrarion; (b) thc capilal structure, lhe dirfcrcn! olasscs oi shafes into whi.h thc sharc capital of thc companl is divided and thc righ(s altached to each clsss ot (c) thc provisions oI the memomndum or uti€les authonsing the varisrbo ot thc riehls orra.hdd lo thr wious.liqres or *har.s: ld) rhc btal number ofshares ofihc class whosc riBhts hale bcenvaned; rcl tbc nature ol the '8iarion made, dnd s td as mav have b€et awiaincd by thc applicants, lbe numbe. ot shareholders of the class who aave thcir shall be a€ompanied by documcnts
  • 4. consenr ro the raDalion or vorcd in lavour or the .eelurion tor vdiation dd lhe number ol shares hel<l by lheml {t the number oi shdeholders who <lid not cons.nt to the variation or wbo voted asainst lhe resolution, ed thc numbcr of sbd..s hcld by th€m; (g) rhe date on which the consent was givcn or rhe resolution was passedidd th) the.easons tor opposing rhc variarbn. l3lThe applicant shall at least lourken dlys bcforc the dale oi &e nling ofthe pelilion advertise the applierion i. accordancc wilh rulc 35. (4) whcrc dy objeclioD oi any pcren whos intercsr is likely to be alTecled bt thc propo*d sppLicalion is rceivcrl by thc applicant, a coPy thcreof shall b€ seNed to the ol Companicc and Rcgronal Direto. on or before drc tsl On m} application, the Tnbunal, allcr hcaring the opplicanr and a! olhs pe@., as appears to it, to be intercst.{ in thc application, may, if ir is etistcd, having regard to all the circumslanccs ol the €* lhat tbe variatio. would ulairly prejudic€ to the sbdcholdc.s of the class rePftsdted bt th€ applicant, cancel rhe variarion and shall, iI nor so satisned, confim lbe vdiatio. for reasons to bc rccordcd Provided that the Tribunal may, at its discre(ion, make such ordcrs as to clst 10. In th. pdncipal rulcs, in rulc 6q, sub-rulc (3), shell be omitted 1l. ln the pdncipal rul€s, in ruj. 70, sub rulc (6), shall be omitted 12. In the p.incipal rulcs, after rulc 76, thc following rule shal be in&rtcd, "?6A. ApPuc.ttor und.. &ctlon 130- Thc centrdl covernmen!, the Insme !d aulhoriti.s, the Sccurilics an.i Exchnnse Boa.d of India, dv otber
  • 5. shtutory regulatorr body or aulho y or any pcrson concefned mav nl. nn applicalion in Fom No. lrcl,T. 9 for r. oi books of accounls and i.r .c-casrinA oi linancial slatcmcnt ofa.onpnnyunder stion r30 offte 4.t tn<l such .Ppticaliot shall be accompdicd b-!., such docunents as mentioned nl 13. In the principal rules, aftcr ole 83, lhe lollowiDs rule shall be inscrtcd, .uh-..ctton {11 of section 2/t4r An m.y bc lilcd belore thc Tribunal for waivcr or oi sc.tion 244 of the Aci shich shuu Uc as mcntion€d in A.ncnr€ 8.". application in ForD No. !rCLT. 9 requircmcnt of clau& (a) of (b) acconpdic{ by such documents 14. In lhe principal rules, in rulc Il2. in sub tule (31. after rhe words.'shtll bc paid by neans of, the sords, 'rn lndjan Postal Order or bf shau be 15. In lhc pfincipel rutes, in thc schedulc of Fees, in serial numbc. lo und.r thc hc,ding 'Natu.e of applicalion/pcfifl'n', fo. the lofd 'deposilion" thc word,'dcposi(or' shallbe subsrnuttxt I6. In thc p.incipal rules, in Anncnre'A, (al fd Form No NCLT. 3, the folloving Form No NCLT FORII !to. trclT. 3 I8.. nl. 341 B.fore th. Natlot.l ConEuy Lsw Tttbun.l B.nch I.A. No.-' /?o
  • 6. c.P,/C.l io.-2o I! th. dtt r of cortuL. A.q mt3 Al ----Appl|6!t/Ltltlo!.tVa qD ---.R.qro!d.!t !94SE_0!_UASO! (lnen nanc or pstty lilir8 lh€ To : rhc Nationst CmPdY t5w ltibtnal {Nmc sd til. numbd of mattcr bcing cdsidcrcd bv th. Nsrional Comp.ry Lqw Tribunau Thc Party nd.d aboE rcqu6t. that lhe Tribunal gtant llrc follding rlltcf: (Io&rt the rclicfor ordc. 3oughtl ln tcrns {lns€n tF s€ction ot lhc Act, order or Elier eughtl lor tn. blotltt trrem o. rhc Rul.a/R.gulstion, that Prcvid.s for thc {ln*rl s cdcis€ 3tatcncnt ot th. circunst4cts, and
  • 7. ln support oi this Applicetion, th. aPPlicel hFs alrach€d 6ettins out the facts on which the Applicant relies, Nao. 6d TltL of !.ru! d8|tt!8 or !.h.lf of AtEuc.ltl Aotlod!.d Slgmtory u.l ..l Att for L tr*ttlE.l EliLr RuL 4 !!.i.t ICLT Rul..' 2016' tror rci.bllltrtto! I {CLBIEIFR/A]IIFR/SC| !o. [.tt B ftoB tL. CTA/BIiR/AAIFR/UC Fo! Otllt tutteE : lbl €Jte. Fom No NCLT 38, th€ following Foro shau be inserted' namelv: (FORM No. CLt 3_C I*e rule 251 B6for. th. n.ttond CortBY L.t {c.v.rt no! -9t 20 L
  • 8. lt..dng x tn IC,RM I{o. I{CLf 4. ![.domdun of C.Y..t 1 , sct out details of rhe order 4gainst which appeal o. appli€tion or petition is expcctcd, Addr*B for sedice ofl lhc cav€ato. AddE.s ior seflice on lhc Cou.sel for *ith r€ference number3, Specify Lh. aurhority who pa8$d the order and date (enclos copy or ords appeal.d aBAinEl). 4. s€t out the dctsils ol cxpected APPeuant (3)/Pctidone. (s)/ wirb address {i) _ , {it (in) 5. P€y6r : Lct no be PAssd in the appeel e4Ected to b. filed 6in dy petition or applicstion or intdlocutory .PPlicatim that @y be p.dered by thc.xpected App.Uut/Pelitioner/Appli@nr sithout *wie of notie on th. @Eator. Thc a@tor undertakes to acept swie of or petition or applidtion and appetr before this Tribunel on thc datc ed time at shich the app€al/petitjon/applicatim i6 mored by cxPected appelldt/Ftitio.d/ Day- of (MonthJ Couol fot C.Yc.tor V.dno.tlo! The caveator above nded stale dd rcriry rhat the @veat lodged a.e true and coftct, ve.ified at New Delhi ob This -- -day 20
  • 9. 17. h the pnncipal rules, in thc Anncxu.c R,- (a) in se.ial number 7, unrlc. rbc b.ading 'Nrturc of 'deposition'the word "dcposito/ shaLl bc aubstnutedi (b) in *rial numb.r 8, under thc hcdding En.loflrcs Pctition', for th€ Fo.d to the Petition, in ptra 2, the wo.d 'small' shall b. omitt€dr (c) after scriaL numbe. 12, follo{ing sc :n number and -"nlrics rclatinc thcreto shall be inserled, namely: Etrclorur.. to the Petlttor 13. Whcrcvcr do.ument i3 pre6$ibcd ro bc athchcd {,iih rhc appli€tion or prlition, mentioned in ncxt column @Y b. Documcnt dd / o. other cvidence i. suppo.t ol the $laremcnt rode in the application or aPPeal or pctition, as ..€ rcasonabl:i oPcn to rhe petitionc.{sJ; Doomentar,! elidcnce in pftlrf oa thc elisibiliu and sralus oa the{sl vilh the loting porYer held by cach ofthem, *hercve. Whcrc the pcntDn is prcscntcd on bchall of membc.s, lhe lctc. ol con*nr givcn by them, if statement ol pdticxla.s showing.amcs, address, number ol shares held, and whethcr all calls dd other monies due on shares havc been Paid iD resP.ct oi mcmbers {ho havc given consent to the pctition being present€d Whcre the petition ls prese.tcd by a m€nbe. or mcmbers autboriscd b] $c Cenlral Governmcnt, $c o.der of the ccniral 2. L 5. Il
  • 10. Oovernment authorisng the ofiicer(s) or menber or members to p.e*nt the pctition shall be simildly dnexed to the peritioni 6. Affidavit vedrying the apPearance with copy the Bodd .esolution the vekaletbam, as 9. Three copies or not€: The principal o16 Extraqdinary, Part l!, sedo. F No l/3O/2013 CLv LI. , -" 9!,rlr_, S _-,, :- lAmardep sins4 Bhatia) Joint Se@tary iD thc Oaztle of India, uide number G.S.R. 716 (E), 10. Any other ddfrents
  • 11. l8r{a + niq{, a€rulTtl, |{trl.2, tIFs 3, 3q'€Ec (i) i r4nrirtil fi{*ts 614 tiTdq !|tu{f{r -g fed, 20 fir4{, 2016 sr.6r.F -{rI].- Ad{ {{4R, ilqa 3fifi{{ 2013 (2013 61 18) fi :rm 469 :fr rqlm {l) 3it{ JqtlRr (2) <Rr Fqzd qf*dqt 6r q{}a -{e 5q {6trq;qff Ffu 3rfu6wr B'qE 2016 61 3ik ir F €{l t R(' FFjifud 1 (1) id fi{d 6r €jaa? ar4 {qq ?lq* trfil 3iftr{lr Frr}tr4 ff"4q', 2016 Fl (2) n {aq{ S r{nla 4l arllo d r{a dJrl 2. {r*q 6qi frft 3{fifi'r ft{s. 2016 {i}S 5s,i ls$ qrerA q{ A-ff 661 4qr fl ; "!nr-I" tr "qft ir.nt, 3it{ Ycv fffl at{_6 + Era q{ fttncr 3li{ rrc aae tff+6 {€r sRrrrf; 3 {iMn,F-qn2f - {6) ric (5) n "ia|4$ 3,'r}{d' ?I<} 6r dc B_qr 3rs4l (s) €i3 (9) *, 3qrn (q * '3r{dl srt6 sdr3t" sr ar4E d@r4rr qr fr$ +{dl sfuc- ?rqi - aqra q{ "qI ffi arsRRd aref 3r6rite 4 i6$ ansr{{d drlrd +€I+F qr RtS air{grqad +q* €fodr ?r< {d 4 {J fi{q *, B{n 23 i q?!r( ffifud fsc {d 3r(rJ}, 3l{i( "23tr. riF qrfudr :fr cFfd - 0) Td ;qrq*6 ql? arq ifdi 3jt{ ql"li ?$ {16" + FfR t iirr c ri"d€ t fr qrrd d ti+ Rn t'6 qqrd t ai rd tr6 € 3i'fu6'aqfu 6I sgrd Fc d !-6 fi qrfr6r cFfd 6[i Ar 3r{Fff e Fre tl
  • 12. (2) iq F4R 61 3rfffr dxt a qRDfr TEf6 3,ef+{{ srl]r qrffi +f €Trd Fc t i+ €'r Tqa F{A * f{aF ?r Fq s A ?r9 F- s {fl A_rn *, frqF 2i d ,{iFF F6c d., ?rEl ai €tTa q{ .!..dc d@T (r,l$(rd&-3tr rr< {d irltrl 6. {d fi{c +. fiqq 27 * rcfrqF (1) + €qla c{ ffif&d asr srq{r. 3rd<: 'sft6$r + Farr fuS 6r@ * q-a{i Bq "r} * ftq $rnad 3id rirqr t h;iT Fi-S irtr ,ncr i ffi <Fdrli 6t ffi sgr{r W 3r]H cfr * €Tq fs q{ d qar+r{ FdFn t qr mrd 4 cs-4rd. d fff.n fuFd. f4* glft..fd s?"fi: daF FiT rdli= cE a tru zr Frf' i F-{Fia FnTa qFffi ; lrJlq q;r * *r:r R -6 sffird d{nT t qr ffi 16-S rTcr{6 a-dlrT ,s F{tfi + frq. 11}{<rr --dl{r irc cnftt + (alq c{, S -6 rrAer 6t. dqr frqT 7. {i fiq{ +, F-{{ 38 * {i) 5cfrqjr (1) ii "cr6 cre sf ?r.4 } cr.{rd "qr 4lftr( a?r{r, ar< {S lii) 3caqq (2) d rrc (q) n F{fud qrTa * Frq- 9r<t * crst4 "qr dtft_{{ qal{l" al< {d srq,t lrii) 3qft4F (2) * q?nli frraRfun Tca*filr 3ia:Fqlfud I+qT d(r4r Tqt?r6{!r iqfrqF 0) 3+{ Jqh-{q (2) t c.M * Rl' "af{T{'. Tq t t{r EqFd qr (rtr rfil+a t .i ERr+i qn-{a 6.dr t dR gF+ qft-dri 6r !r.Fn!r $ -ar tr 8. {fl FlqF 4 ftqE 38 * qrqtq ffifud FqF ta,Frtud i6qr irrn, "38-. ERq rrqR., "iF qrjifir (16 fl 6R!T q{ 3ilrRd d?ii 3jt{ FFd (16 !T sfu6 lr6d axn 8i?fr rrqrn Tdf6 qF rcd (r6-{Fi ff cffi6 6f l
  • 13. 9. {r frqF d, F4{ 6s * q! { frtfaEd fra{ ra,Frnft-d Bqr @Ir. "6S5. rnn 48 *r rvtm (2) i ![fri 3lffit d qfic-+i G 6d + R! tri4i- (1) qfe rtq{rrR6t 6r +€ ar} 3t tIRr 4s 4l sqsFr (2) - 9ti-fi ri {ia fi fts $ra{fi 6-{A 6i q]T t 5€ r4R t qrr r}q{lrr{6i Eqr{r EFdnrft-d qro4n qr qq{r tt r}qlsr.4i ar 3rt{ t ffi 4Ii n' Et sfoar{t * cn'{+n ai € fli * jir' 3n+qa 6adr t iil vriqa + qFr Ffl-i t$ cIQ6r{ c-{, q$ r)q{qr|6i t ar{ 3it{ qi. ra* * rd6 aq{r qrftd ?H Sr iE:rr, trft'd t$ rtrr{l ff 1a {iEqr jit{ srt fr(' :r( e}at * rs -t sl qfirra 61 3lr}sa 6l 3ffiS d tds (2) cFc i6{r !-f,rM-t * }raqa b srq xlnd + FM A R! 3'ffi{ eFrAB flrq BRa 3f{ 5T6r tdts f6_qr 3lq4r {Ar€rfilr fi EFI€art; t*,rd Ii.{dr. rH * EAa 4!t M :iq* 4l rt{{tiS turF t 3it{ lH * rStr aJI t Ei stu6r{; slqa qr sgdf t sciir erfid' rHi i Efia atfr t EC aft6rd * qft#trd 6'r crqd F{ql nqT t; iq fli + ?H 4l F +@r Frdi rec;Rl' d cf[d+d hqr rq t; Fqtq ur(' cns8{ A rffi ft rii -6 3nd <Rr Fii'r' fiar nsr dt. t{ dd + *arn 6l fr i@r H} cfi:f+i + iA(' liqdl Fdflfr A t qr qft{i-a * Rq dFdc } qer i' rddrd R;qr t 3it{ ea; --dRr t4{t1rr4t Sr {i@T Fdi cft-{fd + R! sr-FF rfi' fi qt qr F*-.c + kF6 Fdfla f6-qr qr 3lt{ td* --flr qftd cW *r dEqr; artrs rd {6sfi a :rg qr 66{ tlRa i6qr {{r; ts) (9) ({) (6) lJJ q?a{fi +r fiirr {{i - -Rsrl
  • 14. (3) 3lr+<{ qrF4r srfd 6{i ;Fr arto t 6a t 6{ +46 A{ ei_d ftqa 35 } 3r{€R Jr&{i 6r Fiflqa e?Irl {1) qfr sr+{6 6} frrdr tt aR t fi}g slqfr clq 6te t frF6r iid cFrfa-d Jr}fi <aRr c'llfaa 6i) €r dsr{dr t ail {6 sFdt (16 cFARR gf,d6 +r drts si qr f,Ft qF& +q* {ftaeR lit{ d-{rq Fi{6 + Arrr (s) {{ sfofi{lr 6tg 3ir}ad ffi q{ 3nir6 rit{ sqFrd i}A qr& Gt* 3ra .{ed *r g-firt * qrqr{ qfe arF* €r srfr qftRqffi 6} eqra d TsA E riE€ t f6 gq qft-df.{ {r fii{6 adRI cfrAfu< Rq sr G al{$rr{4i } ai c{ lf{fud cfd{F cr{a E}rn n} af cRTfr ai iF{ {rfirr t 3it{ qfq -6 seq afi t d .+ f€q sr} Eri 6REn t sr.I qfi{J-i 4r gk 6tn , c.d nFra + driq * rfud{ur Jc} i4ffi6R t t$ 3ni.r F{ ffdr f aisr .6 5cr5f FFf I 10. {d fr4r *, fr{q 59 * rqftqF (3) 6t dtc f+qr ar(rJlrl 1t. {r Frx i, fr{{ 70 + rsfiqF (q 6r d}c Rqr 3l(',Irl 12. {d ftqq 4 frqF 76 + qrrq FItRfud frqa iaenfi-d f6sr 3rqrr, 3rqfa-:. "7f6. sm 130 * rrn'd rrt(i - i#q F{6n, rrfl-6{ clfudrt, qr(fiq cfr{F !?i Ffi{s +1, +9 Ja sifrfuF ftq14$ dFfl qr flfufidr aI 6tg drifud afd 5€ sfufi{s trr qr{r t3o * stlla fl* +qff er nsr d€t cidFl g.d-dra 3it{ +q* * Hrq 6ri ?idro +4{ 6d + Rq Fsc dan Ef,{ffq-d&g t 3lr+ai Fr'fd 6{ F6dr t 3ik tt Jr}ai * nrv gs q6R * s€dri.r dnq sREl fi-6r rd*s 3critt .o" * i6qr nqr 8"1 13. {s Ftfi { fqF 83 + qa"ra, ffifud Fi{{ 3ia,€qlF-a fsqr srElr' "83f,. ql.r 2a4 ft 3gqrtr o) + rdri rrl('.- 3lfrfr{,I fr er{r 214 * sc (o qi lic (E) + Jqrmn t W + A(' Jfuf{q * ssF cFq t'4r qi{ffi'g n 3qniq 'E n 3ffid E drirt + srq sri4a 6lld +I sFS tl
  • 15. 14. {i fr{F. fr{{ 112 * Jqft{{ (3) A qq ItrF Ar n<i + crnr< "srrirq ctFd 3l€c qr sdRr tr< 3iF,Fqrfi-a fr(, JRiil 15. {d Fqq { 6rs *f 3r{6FFra * 6F s. 10 *'l,r-{i,qrR5r ff rfFd ?i'f6 h 3nhd "frshq" ?l< + F!.ra c( fi*q*" ?r< {<r aTqn 16. {i F{c +, 3!rii?r '6' *, (-) c5c F@r (rr$(rfr& 3 + Fna q{ FrFrfrfud qsc d@r (-rffir-3 Fw dsqr cd{t!-fi&-3 fiqF s4 iq {Ffiq +lr$ Efu 3rfi16$T trrd sg ' t'. 120 20 2013 + Erfd * cffi drn-o Jri{6' t'iftd: fiTqrq iic-fr fdfil sfi_6{ur EFE qfdr (9r€rd srid 6{} ar* clr 6r arF Fd) tdr t,{qq +q* Efu }ftd{lr fuqr{ fi( rr {i fifd 6I nrs ilk t6rad l
  • 16. (qirfr 4f 1TEE qr srho (3raf Tq 6l lis ica,q t) qn qr ii{erffliqra R.c'*' }|rhi crfud lrErr zT rrta iF frBfrfir-d 6Edt *l (cftjRftrd' 6r €fdlq Facwr 3i-{ JT+ai. :El Fqft}R-drn {drv) 5{ 3ni4.r i} F,r+d d, 3lri{6 + lFrrr F{ da.d f6qr t ffi a -q' A!,(r t Fla+ 3nrfi q{ 3Jr+da B-{r rrqr *l trila€ * rl{ * fRl|ra 6a] rn* afu +r ar* :it rcar*: ctfuF FrrFrf,dt rt Fdr, in-e, qi r6q qiffi Fq{, 20t6 - frc{ 4 + fi{i-r Rft-d tl 5;rdls + Frq, tn{t{ (ffi/irrgqFrra/qq3llt($'rr{/qqo fuqr: ffi d3lr{qFrRi qq3ngqF-Jfi /q{g (S* duqt qr I Ea {rx-df } frql
  • 17. EaiFA 3@ a' c?Ta +FF&F qxq lrd .Rr1+a ?-{T sR?r, csc fdr Fistldcl-s,I tfiiq{ 25 edl nqq +TA frfu rfrd{lr * Tff *frw arra I . q=d srasr Fl-{S FrF< }4-d qr 3ni{a ql qfu6r Sr rn;fr t rr fu{{lT 2. 6) +Fdq.Fl q{ dr*d + R1l qdr s) dfi(rcFdt *.61fr 6r 'l-il - R(' qdr 3. ia:i ri@r 3ft arfrs s?an rrfu qrftd -{i Eri qffi +r arq Rf*q at (RF rrirr + frq Jffd 4r '6 t + cFA nF.d si) 120 f,r tfrqr isql I csc isqr qi{l.itqa 1 + !fff6 * { qafi. }ffi rrntT+/r,reafi(6i) 6r .f-wt Jc-dq-a €r (0 (iiD 5. crdar: +fd('c6J +r {rrdr + -|*d * fr-ir sr{{ *r rri a+ 3r+fr !T F gt qlfudr qr 5'r+ad {r 3iiTS 3n+ad s} Farfifd 3rffiEr*/3rri{6 4drn rq}rr d nlrg rr IIfrfr t d atg 3narr cftd rfr f6qr rrqrnl tt€c6dY J+d qr qrfudr qr 3rd{d a} ++dr{ {{A tik 3{fu6(ur + Fsn I{ arts 3lt{ sfi{, rd rqR-d s+frfdtt{r*/3n}ar adRr sda/qrfu6r/.]n+da + lbr arnr t, a] qqa 6{-} 6r {{i anT tr
  • 18. drtrs Ad (Fr9 *ft{.6-di + Rs c{Fafr 3qgid arF 6r +frr.rdt -de 3it{ €.qlfi-a 6rdr t F6. gF +ii{. * ad fa{{dF FF rfu Ffi tl arn@ _ fia 20 61 ag AEi i + €iqrfiid Ra rrqrl fudrvr + *,'d-d qRru' ltt{Er 17 {d Fqq * 3er.irr-e d (6) 14 Fcrr 7 d., lfrf6 qft-r # eTfr, i 3nfr4 Gqtqsr. llFq + RTdq{ €rlq6" tr< asr d]r'rr: (s) 6{ €-@r 8 9., q,fu6r + arq riF.f,6, ri+6 + 3lrha r|.rr 2 *. ,Fs" lr< 6r dlq B5I a[rm; {4 6fi €_6sr 12 A c?ari FEafAfud 64 iEqr 3fu -€d €<fod cFdfuqi 3rd:F11Fd + Gi'4f, 3rrn{:- t q?n3ffia L 7. sl6q * qr*(qrfu) * R' 5fud e {r* (q|fuo + qrrar jt{ F{ S F{r A A( aTdridr €E-a ta-t * rd5 + {-cTlI FflftdR firqr gfid s6T 6fi -6 qft qrfodr Fd€} 4I rnr t qFEF lFr nl t d -;{+ <cl1r ii{T 4qr Fisfi 6r cr, Lqt dr"l Fr;
  • 19. ars, qA, qR-d rH fi €@r Erlf+ ari dtd d fia$r lik Fr F FqRl, Fnti gq* rtr S qqd 4r 3'+ ?re qfu6r q{ F6Rfr a t, * driq d' r}a{} q_{ FfF ain 3itr -d6rqr 6q41 6r grdri 6{ g+ tl qlE qrFfdr iiffq s.dl{ --dRr crfu_f_d Fi-€l Ta€c !T FqFql <dRr cEa €I rrg t A sfu6rt (s€Elfiqi aT rdF qr F-qF} 6l qrfu6r rqd f{i + frq efufd 4d qrn idlq Faan * srarr 6i qrFf6r d s* sc * iatd f6qr qrfufi 6l {I.{ft-d 6ai Erdr {c.r-qd; 6ls + t rdra * ddq * atq{-qr; +4 * €rF {r ai6riFrarxr, *6 tll Frfr 61, 4l qfr sfid EIRfr 6r nlqdj qfr+r & dra cfi:ri; 3ik crFd + sqf.r * 6}9 3ra a€rirl IrFr.{.1/30/201 3$qd-vl (3rr{frq ltd sreqr) ftqq: ra F-cq fina i {3q{, 3r{fiqnq, srrr-2, qr-3, 5cqc (D d sftI{{dT €@T sr.+r.F.716(3r) nr+q 21 Edrg, 2016 {Enr rilfiln f6( tN tl