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Presented by: Gaurav Varma
Dr.Sagar Mapare
Dr.Arjun Karra
Dr.Ram Mundada
Dr.Vijay yennawar
 The tongue is the large bundle of skeletal
muscles on the floor of the mouth that
manipulates food for chewing and swallowing .
 It is a mass of striated muscle covered with
mucous membrane.
 It is the primary organ of taste.
 The tongue, with its wide variety of possible
movements, assists in forming the sounds of
 It is sensitive and kept moist by saliva, and is
richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels to
help it move.
 As for as animals are concern tongue is
considered as SPOON.
 The Tongue has,
• A root
• A tip
• body
Root of tongue
 Attached to,
- Mandible and soft palate above and Hyoid bone
- Because of these we are not able to swallow the
tongue itself.
Tip of the tongue
 Lies behind the upper incisor teeth.
 Forms the anterior free end.
Body of tongue
 A . Dorsum of tongue
 It is a convex in all direction .
 It is divided in to two parts by V Shaped groove, the
sulcus terminalis.
a. oral part.
b. pharyngeal part.
 The 2 limits of the V meet at the median pit named
foramen caecum
inferior surface is confined to the oral part only
Superior longitudinal.
Inferior longitudinal.
Transverse .
Verticle .
 Genioglossus
 Hyoglossus
 Styloglossus
 palatoglossus
shortens the tongue and make dorsum
shortens the tongue and make dorsum
makes the tongue narrow and elongated.
makes the tongue broad and flattened.
 Genioglossus - mandible
 Hyoglossus - hyoid bone
 Styloglossus - styloid process
 Palatoglossus – palate
Protrudes the tongue out of the mouth by pulling
posterior part forward.
Depresses the tongue .
pulls it upward and backward.
Brings palatoglossus arches together, thus shutting
the oral cavity.
Blood supply
 Arterial supply of the tongue
 Lingual artery main Ascending
Venous drainage
 Deep lingual vein is the largest and principle vein
of the tongue.
Lymphatic drainage
 Tip - bilaterally to
submental nodes.
 R & L halves of Anterior
2/3rd - submandibular
nodes. Few central
lymphatics drain bilaterally
to same nodes.
 Posterior 1/3rd - bilaterally
to jugulo-omohyoid nodes.
Nerve supply
Motor nerve supply of tongue
 Hypoglossul nerve ( XII) Cranial part of
Accessory N
 All intrinsic & extrinsic muscles except
palatoglossus are supplied by Hypoglossal nerve.
 Palatoglossus – cranial part of accessory nerve
through pharyngeal plexus.
Sensory nerve supply of tongue
 Anterior 2/3rd : (except circumvallate papillae)
• Lingual nerve (V3) is nerve of general
• Chorda tympani is nerve of taste sensation.
 Posterior 1/3rd : (including circumvallate papillae)
• Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) for both general
sensation and taste sensation
 Posterior most part of the tongue :
•Vagus nerve (X) through internal laryngeal
Development of tongue
 Tongue, a soft muscular tissue is mainly made of
mucosa, muscles and its vascular and nerve
First pharyngeal arch mucosa of body
of tongue (
2/3rd )
Third pharyngeal arch mucosa of base
of tongue
 Development of tongue occurs in end of fourth
 By the following arches .
First arch.
Third arch.
Fourth arch.
Anterior 2/3-
i) from 2 lingual swelling and one tuberculam
impar i.e. from first branchial arch.
ii) supplied by lingual nerve ( post – trematic) and
chorda tympani ( pre – trematic).
Posterior 1/3 –
i) from the cranial half of the hypobranchial
eminence i.e. from third arch.
ii) Supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve.
Posterior most
i) from the fourth arch
ii) supplied by vagus nerve
Muscles develops from the occipital myotomes
which are supplied by hypoglossal nerve.
Connective tissue develops from local
Functions of normal tongue
 Has several imp function of interest to the
 Mastication, deglutition, speech, breathing.
Mastication :
 - Placing food in position (ant & lateral portions of
 - Pushes the food buccaly during Mastication.
 Deglutition
 Forming & propelling bolus in to pharynx(1st
stage of swallowing).
 - After swallowing tongue contacts hard palate
while soft palate is pulled away downward against
the post portion of the tongue.
 Speech
 Formation of sounds - s, z, t, d, sh, e, g, is
 - Elevation of tongue tip behind maxillary incisors
as in ‘s’
 Breathing :
 Nasal breathing-tongue in rest position
 Forced mouth breathing-
- Mandible is depressed, lips are opened.
- Tongue contacts laterally with lingual surfaces of
mandibular teeth dropping away from maxilla.
- The anterior portion is lowered lies on lingual
surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth.
Taste sensation
 Basic tastes:
 Salt
 Sour (acidic)
 Sweet (sugar)
 Bitter (vallate papillae)
 Umami- new taste like
 Taste buds-sensory, neuroepithelial cells.
 Seen in tongue, soft palate & pharynx.
 As applied in engineering “An object subjected to
unequal forces will be accelerated & there by will
move to a different position in space”
 It follows that if any object is subjected to a set of
forces but remains in the same position, those forces
must be in balance or equilibrium
Contemporary Orthodontics, 5th Edition, William R. Proffit
 From this perspective,
dentition is in
equilibrium as they do
not move to a new
location under usual
swallowing, speaking)
 ‘Tooth movement
occurs only when the
equilibrium against
dentition is unbalanced’
 According to T.M Graber 1200-2000/day, 4 pounds of pressure/swallow
(in class-II div1,openbite - more)
 Normal swallowing
 Abnormal swallowing
 Infantile (visceral) swallowing
 Mature (somatic) swallowing
 Simple -tongue thrust swallowing
 Complex-tongue thrust swallowing
Normal swallowing
 Teeth are inncontact,lips-closed
 Dorsum of tongue-
closely touch the palate
 Tip of the tongue- interdental
papillae of maxi incisors
 No tongue thrust
Abnormal swallowing
 Teeth are separated;
lips open close
 Dorsum of tongue
drops away from the
 Contraction of the lips
& mandible
 Tongue thrust b/w
Infantile (visceral) swallowing
 Acc Moyers
 The jaws are apart with
tongue b/w gum pads
 Mandible stabilized contraction
of facial muscles (buccinator)
& interposed tongue
 Swallow guide -
sensory interchange b/w lips
& tongue
Mature (somatic) swallowing
 Teeth together swallow
 Mandible stabilized contraction
of elevators
 Tongue tip touch
palate lightly above & behind
 Minimal contraction of the
 Def: ‘As predominant persistence of the infantile
swallowing reflex after the arrival of permanent teeth’
 - Rare, may be associated with craniofacial
developmental syndromes/neural defects
 C/F:
• Tongue thrust- ant & lateral
• Contraction of buccinator muscle
• Expression less face(facial muscles – used for
stabilizing mandible)
Morphological examination
 The tongue should be examine for size and shape
1.Macroglossia –
scalloping on the lateral borders.
2. Microglossia-
severe crowding and collapsed dental arches.
 Color –The normal color of a healthy tongue is a nice,
robust, sanguine pink - a perfectly balanced blend of
red and white.
 White, Pale: Generally indicates coldness and
deficiency, as well as an excess of cold phlegmatic
humors in the bloodstream. This may also indicate
anaemia or blood deficiency, if supported by other
signs and symptoms.
 Red: Generally indicates an excess of heat in the
1. bright red indicates acute or excessive heat
2. dark red is the sign of chronic consumptive or
deficiency heat.
 Brown: Indicates an excess of black bile or
melancholic residues in the bloodstream.
 Purple: Indicates either blood stagnation or cyanosis
due to a deficiency of vital principles - Vital Force
and/or Innate Heat - in the blood.
 Yellow: Generally indicates jaundice, or an excess of
bilious, choleric residues backed up into the blood.
Kagan, Jerome (1998). Galen's Prophecy: Temperament In Human Nature. New York:
Basic Books. ISBN 0465084052
 placing tongue out, allow it to drape over lower lip
- Functional asymmetry-change from one position
to other
- Morphological asymmetry-persists in drapped
 Clinical implications of asymmetry:
 Tongue asymmetry is imp in
• dental arch symmetry
• dental midlines
• Maintenance of treated incisal
• Open bite etc
Functional examination
 imp than clinical, position imp than size
 Tongue & lips often integrated
 Examine normal tongue function w/o displacing it
or the lips
 Proffit – “Tongue posture is far more adapt to
cause of an openbite than tongue thrust, because
the tongue is always there exerting a mild
continuous force.”
Functional analysis
 Metric evaluation- lateral ceph
 Palatography
 Cineflourography
Colour Atlas of Dental Medicine; Orthodontic-Diagnosis; Thomas Rakosi, Irmtrud Jonas
& Thomas M. Graber
 Metric evaluation of tongue posture
 Measuring the distance
b/w sup surfce of tongue
& roof mouth-size- but it
must be supported by
clinical examination
 Retracted & elevated tongue
 Downward & forwardtongue posture
 Recording the contact areas of the tongue with the
palate & teeth during speech/certain tongue functions
 A thin layer of contrasting impression material is
applied on tongue
 Tongue movements-speech/swallowing
 Palatogram records photographically
 Evaluation of the influence of functional orthodontic
appliance therapy
 Tongue movements using camera & film is made
during swallowing.
 Tracing- T.T is measured by drawing straight line
through labial surfaces of U/L incisors.
Tongue thrusting
 Definition:
 Proffit- “placement of the tongue tip forward b/w
the incisors during swallowing” (1950&60s)
 It is the habit of thrusting tongue forward against
teeth/in b/w swallowing
 No one specific cause
 Acc to Fletcher
1.Genetic factors -anatomic/neruomuscular
eg:hypertonic orbicularis oris activity
2.Learned behavior (habit)-acquired as habit
- prolonged thumb sucking, tonsillitis & URTI,
improper bottle feeding
3.Maturational –infantile swallow persists in
4.Mechanical restriction - macroglossia, constricted
dental arches, enlarged adenoids
5.Neurological disturbances - hypersensitive palate,
motor disability of tongue
6.Psyhcogenic factors – forced discontinuation of
thumb sucking
7.Younger children with reasonably normal
occlusion-transitional stage in physiologic
 According to Moyers (1970)
a. simple tongue thrust swallow
b. complex tongue thrust swallow
 Backlund (1963)
a. Ant tongue thrust
b. Post tongue thrust
 Pickett’s (1966)
a. Adaptive - missing teeth/thumb sucking
b. Transitory
c. Habitual-postural problem, habit/OB
 • James S. Brauer and Townsend V. Holt (AngleOrtho., 35:
106-12; April, 1965)(University of NorthCarolina)
 This classification is based on deformity observed rather than
on etiology.
 Type I: Non-deforming tongue thrust
 Type II: Deforming anterior tongue thrust
sub group 1- associated with AOB
sub group 2- anterior proclination
sub group 3- posterior cross bite
 Type III: Deforming lateral tongue thrust
sub group 1- posterior open bite
sub group 2- posterior cross bite
sub group 3- deep overbite
 Type IV- Deforming anterior & lateral tongue
sub group 1- anterior & posterior open bite
sub group 2- anterior proclination
sub group 3- post cross bite
Clinical features
 - Seen from birth
 - School age children-67-95%(5-8yrs)
 - If retained after 4yr- concerned &
 Proclination of ant teeth
 Bimax dental protrusion
 Post cross bite
 Post open bite in lateral T.T
Simple tongue thrust
 Tongue thrust with a teeth together swallow.
 Malocclusion
- Well circumscribed ant. Open bite.
- posterior teeth in perfect occlusion.
 open bite has definite beginning and an ending.
 Usually associate with digit sucking.
 Complex tongue thrust
 Tongue thrust with a teeth apart swallow
 Malocclusion
-poor occlusal fit
-generalized ant. Open bite
 mandibular elevators don’t contract during
 Usually associated with chronic resp. distress, mouth
breathing, tonsils and pharyngitis.
 Extra oral-facial profile, OB, AFH
 Examination of - tongue posture
- tongue function
 Careful differentiation should be made of
-Simple tongue thrust
-complex tongue thrust
-Retention of infantile swallowing pattern
- Faulty tongue posture
 Tests for diagnosis
1. Swallowing: when jaw drops- lips, mentalis
muscle contracts strongly - tongue thrust
2. Separate the lips while swallowing to watch
tongue thrust, and in doing so, strong muscle
contractions can be felt
 Methods of examination tongue dysfunction:
1.Position & size- LATERAL CEPH
2. Tongue pressure- EMG, cineradiography
palatograpic, neurolophysiologic examination
 {AJO (July 1982) vol.48, no.7, W. J. STRAUB}
• Use of a water pistol (Dr. James P. Kerrigan of
Washington D. C.)
• 2 squirts of water used.
• Either patient told to swallow the water or he will
do it
unconsciously and swallowing pattern noted.
 Simple tongue thrust
should be start before the correction of incisor
- pt. is instructed to swallow by holding the tongue
tip against the junction of hard and soft palate.
- To practice correct swallowing at least 40 times /
- Small elastic can be held by tongue tip against
the palate.
 STEP 2
- Reinforce the new swallowing pattern
- Flat, sugarless fruit drop can be used.
- To place the drop on the tip of tongue and hold it
against the palate until candy dissolve completely.
- Have the patient time how long the candy is held
in place.
 STEP 3
- Well adapt lingual arch wire with short 2 mm ,
sharp , strategically place spurs can be given
- Should not be placed as the first appliance.
Complex tongue thrust treatment
 Occlusal treatment – 1st
 Muscle exercise similar to simple T.T with minor
 Swallowing with teeth together
 Prolonged appliance therapy.
Tongue posture
- Tongue is postured forward and touch the lip while
the gum pads are held slightly apart.
- Eruption of incisor
- Downward and forward growth of mandible –
increase the intraoral volume.
- Growth of alveolar process in vertical direction .
- During mandibular posture , the dorsum touches
the palate slightly and the tongue tip normally is at
rest in lingual fossa or at the crevice of mandibular
incisor .
1 Retracted tongue posture
2 Protracted tongue posture( retained infantile
tongue posture)
- endogenous
- acquired adaptive.
Malocclusion associate with retracted
tongue posture
 Crowded mandibular incisors with lingual tipping
 Excessive overclosure
 Distoocclusion
 Posterior open bite.
Protracted tongue posture
- Retention of infantile tongue posture
- Adaptation to excessive ant. Facial height
2. Acquired
- Transitory adaptation to enlarged tonsils,
Tongue posture in various
 Le Foulon (1839) was the first to propose role of
tongue in malocclusion. “When tongue strikes against
the upper front teeth, it pushes teeth forward”.
 Breitner (1942) was the first to highlight the
importance of functional equilibrium among the forces
of tongue and those produced from action of lips and
cheek musculature.
 Sweet (1948) pointed out that in improper swallowing,
tongue thrusts forward against the anterior teeth and
hard palate in order to push bolus of food into the
pharynx. This thrusting force cause proclination of
anterior teeth.
 According to this theory, concept of tongue hitting
and moving the anterior teeth forward is not valid
but, abnormal posture and position of tongue can
definitely cause malocclusion.
Class II malocclusion
 Retracted and low
 Buccinator force is not balanced by the tongue
and this lead to narrow ‘V’ shaped maxillary arch
Class III malocclusion
 Tongue tends to lie lower in the floor of mouth
below Occlusal plane
Role of tongue in speech
 Speech production requires
1. Pulmonary bellow – which provides an air steam
that is under pressure during the phase of
2. Larynx – where sound originate
3. Organs of speech ( articulators)
 The articulators modify the shape , volume and
cross section of the opening in the oral resonating
 The tongue can divide the oral space into double
cavity , which multiplies the possible types of
resonance and create the range of words
Speech difficulties related to
1 .S,Z ( sibilants) anterior open bite , large
gap b/w
2. T,D ( linguoalveolar stops) irregular
3. F,V ( labiodental fricatives) skeletal
class III
4. Th ,sh, ch ( linguodental fricatives) ant.
Open bite
 Tongue plays a major role in the maintaining the
normal occlusion as well as it influences the
development of the dental arches
 Position of tongue and its function plays an important
role or a contributing factor in dental malocclusion.
 Correction of an abnormal tongue behavior is a
proper treatment goal for us only if it is directly related
to the etiology of malocclusion and the ultimate
treatment goals.
 Tongue thrust troubled orthodontic treatment,
discouraged orthodontists as there is more relapses
due to continuous force by tongue.
 Tongue is a very vital organ in your body
 Tongue does many important functions
 Keep your tongue safe!
 Human Anatomy Vol. 3, 4th Edition, B. D. Chaurasia
 Embryology, I. B. Singh
 Tencate’s Oral Histology, 6th Edition
 Handbook of Orthodontics, Robert E. Moyers
 Contemporary Orthodontics, 5th Edition, William R. Proffit
 Colour Atlas of Dental Medicine; Orthodontic-Diagnosis; Thomas
Rakosi, Irmtrud Jonas & Thomas M. Graber
 Anatomy of the Human Body, Henry Gray
Tongue and malocclusion - by DR. GAURAV VARMA . MDS

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Tongue and malocclusion - by DR. GAURAV VARMA . MDS

  • 1. Presented by: Gaurav Varma GUIDED BY- Dr.Sagar Mapare Dr.Baswaraj Dr.Arjun Karra Dr.Ram Mundada Dr.Vijay yennawar Dr. TONGUE AND MALOCCLUSION
  • 2. Introduction  The tongue is the large bundle of skeletal muscles on the floor of the mouth that manipulates food for chewing and swallowing .  It is a mass of striated muscle covered with mucous membrane.  It is the primary organ of taste.
  • 3.  The tongue, with its wide variety of possible movements, assists in forming the sounds of speech.  It is sensitive and kept moist by saliva, and is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels to help it move.  As for as animals are concern tongue is considered as SPOON.
  • 4. ANATOMY OF TONGUE  The Tongue has, • A root • A tip • body
  • 5. Root of tongue  Attached to, - Mandible and soft palate above and Hyoid bone below - Because of these we are not able to swallow the tongue itself.
  • 6. Tip of the tongue  Lies behind the upper incisor teeth.  Forms the anterior free end.
  • 7. Body of tongue  A . Dorsum of tongue  It is a convex in all direction .  It is divided in to two parts by V Shaped groove, the sulcus terminalis. a. oral part. b. pharyngeal part.  The 2 limits of the V meet at the median pit named foramen caecum
  • 9.  B. INFERIOR inferior surface is confined to the oral part only
  • 10. MUSCLES OF THE TONGUE  INTRINSIC Superior longitudinal. Inferior longitudinal. Transverse . Verticle .
  • 11.  EXTRINSIC  Genioglossus  Hyoglossus  Styloglossus  palatoglossus
  • 12. INTRINSIC MUSCLES SUPERIOR LONGITUDINAL MUSCLE shortens the tongue and make dorsum concave. INFERIOR LONGITUDINAL MUSCLE shortens the tongue and make dorsum convex.
  • 13.  TRANSVERSE makes the tongue narrow and elongated.  VERTICLE makes the tongue broad and flattened.
  • 14. EXTRINSIC MUSCLES  Genioglossus - mandible  Hyoglossus - hyoid bone  Styloglossus - styloid process  Palatoglossus – palate
  • 15.
  • 16.  GENIOGLOSSUS Protrudes the tongue out of the mouth by pulling posterior part forward.  HYOGLOSSUS Depresses the tongue .
  • 17. STYLOGLOSSUS pulls it upward and backward. PALATOGLOSSUS Brings palatoglossus arches together, thus shutting the oral cavity.
  • 18. Blood supply  Arterial supply of the tongue  Lingual artery main Ascending pharyngeal
  • 19. Venous drainage  Deep lingual vein is the largest and principle vein of the tongue.
  • 20. Lymphatic drainage  Tip - bilaterally to submental nodes.  R & L halves of Anterior 2/3rd - submandibular nodes. Few central lymphatics drain bilaterally to same nodes.  Posterior 1/3rd - bilaterally to jugulo-omohyoid nodes.
  • 21.
  • 23. Motor nerve supply of tongue  Hypoglossul nerve ( XII) Cranial part of Accessory N (XI)
  • 24.  All intrinsic & extrinsic muscles except palatoglossus are supplied by Hypoglossal nerve.  Palatoglossus – cranial part of accessory nerve through pharyngeal plexus.
  • 25. Sensory nerve supply of tongue  Anterior 2/3rd : (except circumvallate papillae) • Lingual nerve (V3) is nerve of general sensation. • Chorda tympani is nerve of taste sensation.  Posterior 1/3rd : (including circumvallate papillae) • Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) for both general sensation and taste sensation  Posterior most part of the tongue : •Vagus nerve (X) through internal laryngeal branch
  • 26.
  • 27. Development of tongue  Tongue, a soft muscular tissue is mainly made of mucosa, muscles and its vascular and nerve supply. First pharyngeal arch mucosa of body of tongue ( anterior 2/3rd ) Third pharyngeal arch mucosa of base of tongue (posterior 1/3rd)
  • 28.  Development of tongue occurs in end of fourth week.  By the following arches . First arch. Third arch. Fourth arch.
  • 29.  EPITHELIUM Anterior 2/3- i) from 2 lingual swelling and one tuberculam impar i.e. from first branchial arch. ii) supplied by lingual nerve ( post – trematic) and chorda tympani ( pre – trematic).
  • 30. Posterior 1/3 – i) from the cranial half of the hypobranchial eminence i.e. from third arch. ii) Supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve.
  • 31. Posterior most i) from the fourth arch ii) supplied by vagus nerve Muscles develops from the occipital myotomes which are supplied by hypoglossal nerve. Connective tissue develops from local mesenchyme.
  • 32.
  • 33. Functions of normal tongue  Has several imp function of interest to the orthodontist.  Mastication, deglutition, speech, breathing. Mastication :  - Placing food in position (ant & lateral portions of body).  - Pushes the food buccaly during Mastication.
  • 34.  Deglutition  Forming & propelling bolus in to pharynx(1st stage of swallowing).  - After swallowing tongue contacts hard palate while soft palate is pulled away downward against the post portion of the tongue.
  • 35.  Speech  Formation of sounds - s, z, t, d, sh, e, g, is  - Elevation of tongue tip behind maxillary incisors as in ‘s’
  • 36.  Breathing :  Nasal breathing-tongue in rest position  Forced mouth breathing- - Mandible is depressed, lips are opened. - Tongue contacts laterally with lingual surfaces of mandibular teeth dropping away from maxilla. - The anterior portion is lowered lies on lingual surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth.
  • 37. Taste sensation  Basic tastes:  Salt  Sour (acidic)  Sweet (sugar)  Bitter (vallate papillae)  Umami- new taste like gluatamate,aspatate  Taste buds-sensory, neuroepithelial cells.  Seen in tongue, soft palate & pharynx.
  • 38. EQUILIBRIUM THEORY:  As applied in engineering “An object subjected to unequal forces will be accelerated & there by will move to a different position in space”  It follows that if any object is subjected to a set of forces but remains in the same position, those forces must be in balance or equilibrium Contemporary Orthodontics, 5th Edition, William R. Proffit
  • 39.  From this perspective, dentition is in equilibrium as they do not move to a new location under usual circumstances (mastication, swallowing, speaking)  ‘Tooth movement occurs only when the equilibrium against dentition is unbalanced’
  • 40. Swallowing  According to T.M Graber 1200-2000/day, 4 pounds of pressure/swallow (in class-II div1,openbite - more)  Normal swallowing  Abnormal swallowing  Infantile (visceral) swallowing  Mature (somatic) swallowing  Simple -tongue thrust swallowing  Complex-tongue thrust swallowing  RETAINED INFANTILE SWALLOW
  • 41. Normal swallowing  Teeth are inncontact,lips-closed  Dorsum of tongue- closely touch the palate  Tip of the tongue- interdental papillae of maxi incisors  No tongue thrust
  • 42. Abnormal swallowing  Teeth are separated; lips open close forcibly  Dorsum of tongue drops away from the palate  Contraction of the lips & mandible  Tongue thrust b/w teeth
  • 43. Infantile (visceral) swallowing  Acc Moyers  The jaws are apart with tongue b/w gum pads  Mandible stabilized contraction of facial muscles (buccinator) & interposed tongue  Swallow guide - sensory interchange b/w lips & tongue
  • 44. Mature (somatic) swallowing  Teeth together swallow  Mandible stabilized contraction of elevators  Tongue tip touch palate lightly above & behind incisors  Minimal contraction of the lips
  • 45. RETAINED INFANTILE SWALLOW  Def: ‘As predominant persistence of the infantile swallowing reflex after the arrival of permanent teeth’  - Rare, may be associated with craniofacial developmental syndromes/neural defects  C/F: • Tongue thrust- ant & lateral • Contraction of buccinator muscle • Expression less face(facial muscles – used for stabilizing mandible)
  • 47. Morphological examination  The tongue should be examine for size and shape 1.Macroglossia – scalloping on the lateral borders. 2. Microglossia- severe crowding and collapsed dental arches.
  • 48.  Color –The normal color of a healthy tongue is a nice, robust, sanguine pink - a perfectly balanced blend of red and white.  White, Pale: Generally indicates coldness and deficiency, as well as an excess of cold phlegmatic humors in the bloodstream. This may also indicate anaemia or blood deficiency, if supported by other signs and symptoms.  Red: Generally indicates an excess of heat in the body 1. bright red indicates acute or excessive heat 2. dark red is the sign of chronic consumptive or deficiency heat.
  • 49.  Brown: Indicates an excess of black bile or melancholic residues in the bloodstream.  Purple: Indicates either blood stagnation or cyanosis due to a deficiency of vital principles - Vital Force and/or Innate Heat - in the blood.  Yellow: Generally indicates jaundice, or an excess of bilious, choleric residues backed up into the blood. Kagan, Jerome (1998). Galen's Prophecy: Temperament In Human Nature. New York: Basic Books. ISBN 0465084052
  • 50. Asymmetry-  placing tongue out, allow it to drape over lower lip - Functional asymmetry-change from one position to other - Morphological asymmetry-persists in drapped position
  • 51.  Clinical implications of asymmetry:  Tongue asymmetry is imp in • dental arch symmetry • dental midlines • Maintenance of treated incisal relationships • Open bite etc
  • 52. Functional examination  imp than clinical, position imp than size  Tongue & lips often integrated  Examine normal tongue function w/o displacing it or the lips  Proffit – “Tongue posture is far more adapt to cause of an openbite than tongue thrust, because the tongue is always there exerting a mild continuous force.”
  • 53. Functional analysis  Metric evaluation- lateral ceph  Palatography  Cineflourography Colour Atlas of Dental Medicine; Orthodontic-Diagnosis; Thomas Rakosi, Irmtrud Jonas & Thomas M. Graber
  • 54.  Metric evaluation of tongue posture
  • 55.  Measuring the distance b/w sup surfce of tongue & roof mouth-size- but it must be supported by clinical examination  Retracted & elevated tongue  Downward & forwardtongue posture
  • 56. Palatography  Recording the contact areas of the tongue with the palate & teeth during speech/certain tongue functions  A thin layer of contrasting impression material is applied on tongue  Tongue movements-speech/swallowing  Palatogram records photographically  Evaluation of the influence of functional orthodontic appliance therapy
  • 58. Cineflourography  Tongue movements using camera & film is made during swallowing.  Tracing- T.T is measured by drawing straight line through labial surfaces of U/L incisors.
  • 59. Tongue thrusting  Definition:  Proffit- “placement of the tongue tip forward b/w the incisors during swallowing” (1950&60s) OR  It is the habit of thrusting tongue forward against teeth/in b/w swallowing
  • 60. Etiology  No one specific cause  Acc to Fletcher 1.Genetic factors -anatomic/neruomuscular eg:hypertonic orbicularis oris activity 2.Learned behavior (habit)-acquired as habit - prolonged thumb sucking, tonsillitis & URTI, improper bottle feeding 3.Maturational –infantile swallow persists in adulthood
  • 61. 4.Mechanical restriction - macroglossia, constricted dental arches, enlarged adenoids 5.Neurological disturbances - hypersensitive palate, motor disability of tongue 6.Psyhcogenic factors – forced discontinuation of thumb sucking 7.Younger children with reasonably normal occlusion-transitional stage in physiologic maturation
  • 62. Classification  According to Moyers (1970) a. simple tongue thrust swallow b. complex tongue thrust swallow  Backlund (1963) a. Ant tongue thrust b. Post tongue thrust  Pickett’s (1966) a. Adaptive - missing teeth/thumb sucking b. Transitory c. Habitual-postural problem, habit/OB
  • 63.  • James S. Brauer and Townsend V. Holt (AngleOrtho., 35: 106-12; April, 1965)(University of NorthCarolina)  This classification is based on deformity observed rather than on etiology.  Type I: Non-deforming tongue thrust  Type II: Deforming anterior tongue thrust sub group 1- associated with AOB sub group 2- anterior proclination sub group 3- posterior cross bite  Type III: Deforming lateral tongue thrust sub group 1- posterior open bite sub group 2- posterior cross bite sub group 3- deep overbite
  • 64.  Type IV- Deforming anterior & lateral tongue thrust sub group 1- anterior & posterior open bite sub group 2- anterior proclination sub group 3- post cross bite
  • 65. Clinical features  - Seen from birth  - School age children-67-95%(5-8yrs)  - If retained after 4yr- concerned & needcorrection  Proclination of ant teeth  AOB  Bimax dental protrusion  Post cross bite  Post open bite in lateral T.T
  • 66. Simple tongue thrust  Tongue thrust with a teeth together swallow.  Malocclusion - Well circumscribed ant. Open bite. - posterior teeth in perfect occlusion.  open bite has definite beginning and an ending.  Usually associate with digit sucking.
  • 67.  Complex tongue thrust  Tongue thrust with a teeth apart swallow  Malocclusion -poor occlusal fit -generalized ant. Open bite  mandibular elevators don’t contract during swallowing  Usually associated with chronic resp. distress, mouth breathing, tonsils and pharyngitis.
  • 68. Diagnosis  Extra oral-facial profile, OB, AFH  Examination of - tongue posture - tongue function  Careful differentiation should be made of -Simple tongue thrust -complex tongue thrust -Retention of infantile swallowing pattern - Faulty tongue posture
  • 69.  Tests for diagnosis 1. Swallowing: when jaw drops- lips, mentalis muscle contracts strongly - tongue thrust 2. Separate the lips while swallowing to watch tongue thrust, and in doing so, strong muscle contractions can be felt  Methods of examination tongue dysfunction: 1.Position & size- LATERAL CEPH 2. Tongue pressure- EMG, cineradiography palatograpic, neurolophysiologic examination
  • 70.  {AJO (July 1982) vol.48, no.7, W. J. STRAUB} • Use of a water pistol (Dr. James P. Kerrigan of Washington D. C.) • 2 squirts of water used. • Either patient told to swallow the water or he will do it unconsciously and swallowing pattern noted.
  • 71. Treatment  Simple tongue thrust should be start before the correction of incisor proclination. STEP 1 - pt. is instructed to swallow by holding the tongue tip against the junction of hard and soft palate. - To practice correct swallowing at least 40 times / day. - Small elastic can be held by tongue tip against the palate.
  • 72.  STEP 2 - Reinforce the new swallowing pattern subconciously. - Flat, sugarless fruit drop can be used. - To place the drop on the tip of tongue and hold it against the palate until candy dissolve completely. - Have the patient time how long the candy is held in place.
  • 73.  STEP 3 - Well adapt lingual arch wire with short 2 mm , sharp , strategically place spurs can be given - Should not be placed as the first appliance.
  • 74. Complex tongue thrust treatment  Occlusal treatment – 1st  Muscle exercise similar to simple T.T with minor modification.  Swallowing with teeth together  Prolonged appliance therapy.
  • 75. Tongue posture  NEONATES - Tongue is postured forward and touch the lip while the gum pads are held slightly apart.
  • 76.  INFANTILE TO MATURE TONGUE POSTURE - Eruption of incisor - Downward and forward growth of mandible – increase the intraoral volume. - Growth of alveolar process in vertical direction .
  • 77.  MATURE TONGUE POSTURE - During mandibular posture , the dorsum touches the palate slightly and the tongue tip normally is at rest in lingual fossa or at the crevice of mandibular incisor .
  • 78.  ABNORMAL TONGUE POSTURE 1 Retracted tongue posture 2 Protracted tongue posture( retained infantile tongue posture) - endogenous - acquired adaptive.
  • 79. Malocclusion associate with retracted tongue posture  Crowded mandibular incisors with lingual tipping  Excessive overclosure  Distoocclusion  Posterior open bite.
  • 80. Protracted tongue posture 1.Endogenous - Retention of infantile tongue posture - Adaptation to excessive ant. Facial height 2. Acquired - Transitory adaptation to enlarged tonsils, pharyngitis.
  • 81. Tongue posture in various malocclusion  Le Foulon (1839) was the first to propose role of tongue in malocclusion. “When tongue strikes against the upper front teeth, it pushes teeth forward”.  Breitner (1942) was the first to highlight the importance of functional equilibrium among the forces of tongue and those produced from action of lips and cheek musculature.  Sweet (1948) pointed out that in improper swallowing, tongue thrusts forward against the anterior teeth and hard palate in order to push bolus of food into the pharynx. This thrusting force cause proclination of anterior teeth.
  • 82.  According to this theory, concept of tongue hitting and moving the anterior teeth forward is not valid but, abnormal posture and position of tongue can definitely cause malocclusion.
  • 83. Class II malocclusion  Retracted and low  Buccinator force is not balanced by the tongue and this lead to narrow ‘V’ shaped maxillary arch
  • 84. Class III malocclusion  Tongue tends to lie lower in the floor of mouth below Occlusal plane
  • 85. Role of tongue in speech  Speech production requires 1. Pulmonary bellow – which provides an air steam that is under pressure during the phase of exhalation 2. Larynx – where sound originate 3. Organs of speech ( articulators)
  • 86.  The articulators modify the shape , volume and cross section of the opening in the oral resonating cavity.  The tongue can divide the oral space into double cavity , which multiplies the possible types of resonance and create the range of words
  • 87. Speech difficulties related to malocclusion 1 .S,Z ( sibilants) anterior open bite , large gap b/w incisors 2. T,D ( linguoalveolar stops) irregular incisors 3. F,V ( labiodental fricatives) skeletal class III 4. Th ,sh, ch ( linguodental fricatives) ant. Open bite
  • 88.
  • 89.  Tongue plays a major role in the maintaining the normal occlusion as well as it influences the development of the dental arches  Position of tongue and its function plays an important role or a contributing factor in dental malocclusion.  Correction of an abnormal tongue behavior is a proper treatment goal for us only if it is directly related to the etiology of malocclusion and the ultimate treatment goals.  Tongue thrust troubled orthodontic treatment, discouraged orthodontists as there is more relapses due to continuous force by tongue.
  • 90.  Tongue is a very vital organ in your body  Tongue does many important functions  Keep your tongue safe!
  • 91.
  • 92.  Human Anatomy Vol. 3, 4th Edition, B. D. Chaurasia  Embryology, I. B. Singh  Tencate’s Oral Histology, 6th Edition  Handbook of Orthodontics, Robert E. Moyers  Contemporary Orthodontics, 5th Edition, William R. Proffit  Colour Atlas of Dental Medicine; Orthodontic-Diagnosis; Thomas Rakosi, Irmtrud Jonas & Thomas M. Graber  Anatomy of the Human Body, Henry Gray