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em python:
metaclass e decorators
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python 2.4
o que é
def	say_hello():	
				return	"Hello	Python	Brasil	:)"	
def	hello_rest():	
								return	"Hello	folks	:)"
funções são objetos
de primeira classe
como funciona
def	do_nothing(func):	
				def	internal():	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
print	foo()	
>	"bar"
def	example(func):	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
foo	=	example(foo)	
print	foo()	
>	"bar"
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
foo	=	example(foo)
def	example(func):	
				def	internal():	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
foo	=	example(foo)
def	example(func):	
				def	internal():	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
foo	=	example(foo)
def	example(func):	
				def	internal():	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
foo	=	example(foo)
def	example(func):	
				def	internal():	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
foo	=	log(foo)
def	example(func):	
				def	internal():	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
foo	=	example(foo)
print	foo	
<function	foo	at	0x105909c80>	
foo	=	example(foo)	
print	foo	
<function	internal	at	0x105909cf8>
def	example(func):	
				def	internal():	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
foo	=	example(foo)	
print	foo()
def	example(func):	
				def	internal():	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
foo	=	example(foo)	
print	foo()	
>	"Hello"
def	example(func):	
				def	internal():	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
foo	=	example(foo)	
print	foo()	
>	"Hello"
def	example(func):	
				def	internal():	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
def	foo():	
				return	"bar"	
print	foo()	
>	"Hello"
from	datetime	import	datetime	
def	log(func):	
				def	internal():	
								now	=		
	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	.strftime(“%d/%m/%Y	%H:%M:%S")	
								print	"Funcao	chamada:	%s	as	%s"	%							
														(func.func_name,	now)	
								return	func()	
				return	internal	
print	foo()	
>	"Funcao	chamada:	foo	as	5/11/2015	
>	"bar"
def	log(func):	
	 	 def	internal():	
	 	 	 now	=	…								
	 	 	 print	"Funcao	chamada	..."	
	 	 	 return	func()					
	 	 return	internal	
def	say(message):	
				return	message	
def	goodbye():	
				return	“goodbye"	
print	goodbye()	
>	Funcao	chamada:	goodbye	as	5/11/2015	16:30:23	
>	goodbye	
print	say("Python	Brasil")	
>	TypeError:	internal()	takes	no	arguments	(1	given)
def	log(func):	
	 	 def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
	 	 	 now	=	…	
	 	 	 print	"Funcao	chamada:	…"		
	 	 	 return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
	 	 return	internal
args é iterável
kwargs é {}
def	example(func):	
				def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
							return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
				return	internal	
def	sum_base(a,	b,	base=12):	
				return	a+b+base	
print	sum_base(6,	10,	base=12)	
>	28
def	example(func):	
				def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
								print	args,	type(args)	
								print	kwargs,	type(kwargs)	
								return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
				return	internal	
def	sum_base(a,	b,	base=12):	
				return	a+b+base	
print	sum_base(6,	10,	base=12)	
>	(6,	10)	<type	'tuple'>	
>	{'base':	12}		<type	'dict'>	
>	28
def	timestamp(func):	
				def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
								print	"funcao	chamada	em	%s"	%	(	
								return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
				return	internal	
def	log(func):	
				def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
								print	func	
								return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
				return	internal	
def	somar(a,b,base=12):	
				return	a+b+base	
print	somar(6,	7,	base=12)	
>	funcao	chamada	em	2015-07-17	17:32:48.209305	
>	<function	somar	at	0x100872cf8>	
>	25
def	sum_base(a,b,base=12):	
				return	a+b+base	
sum_base	=	timestamp(log(sum_base))
def	about():	
				return	'The	about	page'	
@unittest.skip('Failing	test')	
def	test_example(self):	
				self.assertEquals(1,	2)	
def	authentication(msg):	
				def	decorator(func):	
								def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
												user	=	get_session_user()	
												if	user.valid:	
																return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
																raise	Exception(msg)	
								return	internal	
				return	decorator
@authentication("User	is	not	valid")	
def	say_hello():	
				return	"Hello"	
say_hello	=		
authentication(“User	is	not	valid")(say_hello)	
print	say_hello()	
>	"Hello”	
#quando	usuario	nao	eh	valido	
print	say_hello()	
>	raise	Exception(msg)	
Exception:	User	is	not	valid
def	products():	
				return	{'products':	get_products()}	
def	get_static_file(file_path):	
				return	open(file_path)	
def	delete_user():	
def	get_user(model_user)	
				#	transforma	json	em	objeto	python	
cobre 90%
dos casos
def	example(func):	
				def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
								"""Useless	decorator"""	
								return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
				return	internal	
def	say_hello():	
				"""A	simple	function	that	says	hello"""	
				return	"Hello"	
print	say_hello.func_name	
print	say_hello.func_doc	
>	"internal"	
>	"Useless	decorator"
def	example(func):	
				def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
								"Useless	decorator"	
								return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
				internal.func_name	=	func.func_name	
				internal.func_doc	=	func.func_doc	
				return	internal	
def	say_hello():	
				"Function	that	says	hello"	
				return	"Hello"	
print	say_hello.func_name,	say_hello.func_doc	
>	“say_hello"	"Function	that	says	hello"
from	functools	import	wraps	
def	example(func):	
				def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
								"Useless	decorator"	
								return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
			return	internal	
def	say_hello():	
				"Function	that	says	hello"	
				return	"Hello"	
print	say_hello.func_name,	say_hello.func_doc	
>	“say_hello"	"Function	that	says	hello"
from	functors	import	wraps	
def	example(func):	
				def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
								"Useless	decorator"	
								return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
			return	internal	
def	say_hello():	
				"Function	that	says	hello"	
				return	"Hello"	
print	say_hello.func_name,	say_hello.func_doc	
>	“say_hello"	"Function	that	says	hello"
WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS	=	('__module__',	'__name__',	‘__doc__')
import wrapt
import	wrapt	
def	example(func):	
				def	internal(*args,	**kwargs):	
								"Useless	decorator"	
								return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
				return	internal
objetos de primeira classe
class	User(object):	
print	dir(User),	User.__dict__	
>	['__class__',	'__doc__','__getattribute__',		
	'__hash__',	'__init__',	'__module__',	'__new__',		
	'__repr__',	'__setattr__',	'__sizeof__',	‘__str__’]	
>	{'__dict__':	<attribute	'__dict__'	of	'User'	objects>,	
'__module__':	'__main__',		
	'__weakref__':	<attribute	'__weakref__'	of	'User'	objects>,	
'__doc__':	None}
def	hello():	
				print	'hello'	
User.our_method	=	hello	
objetos de primeira classe
def	init(instance,	name):	=	name	
				instance.track	=	'web'	
EventRuntime	=		
type('Event',	(object,),	{'__init__':	init})	
u	=	EventRuntime('PythonBrasil[11]')	
>	“PythonBrasil[11]“	
print	u.track	
>	"web"	
print	type(u)	
>	<class	'__main__.Event'>
>	str	
>	str	
>	True
a	=	User()	
>	'__main__.User'
>	type	
>	type
metaclass class
isinstance(User,	type)	
>	True	
isinstance(str,	type)	
>	True
User type
metaclass class
__call__ __init__
user = User()
3 2
class	Log(type):	
class	Example(object):	
				__metaclass__	=	Log	
class	Log(type):	
class	Example(metaclass=Log):	
class	MyMetaclass(type):	
class	Person(object):	
				__metaclass__	=	MyMetaclass	
print	type(Person)	
>	<class	'__main__.	MyMetaclass'>
import	inspect	
def	log(func):	
				def	inner(*args,	**kwargs):	
								print	'[LOG]	%s	was	called'	%	(func.func_name,)	
								return	func(*args,	**kwargs)	
				return	inner	
class	Log(type):	
				def	__init__(cls,	*args,	**kwargs):	
								for	prop	in	args[2]:	
												method	=	getattr(cls,	prop)	
												if	inspect.ismethod(method):	
																decorated_method	=	log(method)	
																setattr(cls,	prop,	decorated_method)	
								return	type.__init__(cls,	*args,	**kwargs)
class	Person(object):	
				__metaclass__	=	Log	
				def	say(self):	
								return	'hi'	
p	=	Person()	
print	p.say()	
>	"[LOG]	say	function	called"	
>	"hi"
pessoa_json	=	{'name':	'felipe',	'age':	22}
class	Pessoa(object):	
			def	__init__(self,	name,	age):
nova_pessoa	=	Pessoa()	
for	key,	value	in	pessoa_json.items():	
				setattr(nova_pessoa,	key,	value)
import	inspect	
class	ModelProtocol(type):	
				def	__new__(cls,	name,	parents,	properties):	
								if	'__init__'	in	properties:	
												init_function	=	properties['__init__']	
												init_inspection	=	inspect.getargspec(init_function)	
												if	init_inspection.defaults	is	None	and	
len(init_inspection.args)	>	1:	
																raise	Exception(‘The	object	must	have	a	keywords	
arguments	in	__init__')	
								return	type.__new__(cls,	name,	parents,	properties)
import	inspect	
class	ModelProtocol(type):	
				def	__new__(cls,	name,	parents,	dct):	
								if	'__init__'	in	dct:	
												init_function	=	dct['__init__']	
												init_inspection	=	inspect.getargspec(init_function)	
												if	init_inspection.defaults	is	None	and	
len(init_inspection.args)	>	1:	
																raise	Exception(‘The	object	must	have	a	keywords	
arguments	in	__init__')	
								return	type.__new__(cls,	name,	parents,	dct)	
ArgSpec(args=['self',	‘name'],	varargs=None,	keywords=None,	defaults=None)
class	User(object):	
				__metaclass__	=	ModelProtocol	
				def	__init__(self,	name,	age):	
class	User(object):	
				__metaclass__	=	ModelProtocol	
				def	__init__(self,	name=None,	age=18):	
class	User(object):	
				__metaclass__	=	ModelProtocol	
				def	__init__(self,	name,	age):	
any_user	=	User('speaker',	22)	
>	Exception:	A	modelobject	must	have		
a	keywords	arguments	in	__init__
class	User(object):	
				__metaclass__	=	ModelProtocol	
				def	__init__(self,	name=None,	age=18):	
user_json	=	{'name':	'felipe',	'age':	22}	
new_user	=	User()	
for	key,	value	in	user_json.items():	
				setattr(new_user,	key,	value)	
print,	new_user.age	
>	"felipe	22"
user_json	=	{'name':	'felipe',	'age':	22}	
def	to_instance(clazz,	object_json):	
				instance	=	clazz()	
				for	prop,	value	in	object_json.items():	
								if	prop	in	instance.__dict__:	
												setattr(instance,	prop,	value)	
				return	instance	
new_user	=	to_instance(User,	user_json)
from	google.appengine.ext	import	ndb	
class	Event(ndb.Model):	
				name	=	ndb.StringProperty(required=True)	
				description	=	ndb.TextProperty(required=True)	
				logo	=	ndb.BlobKeyProperty(default=None)	
				date	=	ndb.DateTimeProperty()

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