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Lynx Allen Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Please be sure to
use the proper font and heading as per MLA guidelines.
Also, use the header space to insert page numbers and last name
(MLA guidelines)
Dr. Allen
HIST 1302
14 February 2022
Reflection One Comment by Allen, Jennifer: The title is
PROMPT: What does it mean to “kill the Indian” and “save the
man”? How does that statement reflect US policy towards
American Indian populations from 1860-1890, and what
parallels can you draw between the treatment of Native
Americans at the time and race relations today? Comment by
Allen, Jennifer: The prompt is restated, according to the
Word Count: 798 Comment by Allen, Jennifer: The word
count ONLY includes the actual words of the reflection – the
heading, title, and works cited are NOT included!
The American government’s relationship with Native American
tribes has been complicated from the beginning of the republic.
Once the United States won its independence from Great
Britain, the Treaty of Paris (1787) made no mention of
relationship parameters with Native Americans and the new
nation. Regardless of the past, the new nation could treaty with
the tribes or take land by force. Moreover, tribal law was murky
insofar as the leader’s ability to sign official agreements with
foreign governments. Ultimately, “treaty-making ended as a
whole in 1871, when Congress ceased to recognize the tribes as
entities capable of making treaties” (National Geographic).
Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Please note this paper is left-
justified. The paper is NOT centered. Only the title and the
“works cited” words are centered. This is important, so follow
the rules. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: In text citations for
anything quoted. And notice the quotes are integrated with the
paragraph. Quotes should NEVER be standalone sentences.
Confusing and oft ignored policymaking between the United
States and Native Americans culminated in the late nineteenth
century as Anglo citizens pushed westward in search of land and
new lifestyles. The post-Civil War era provided the United
States with the opportunity to assimilate Native Americans into
Anglo culture, and the easiest way to accomplish this task was
through Indian boarding schools. As Captain Richard H. Pratt
discussed in his speech, the goal was to “kill the Indian in him
and save the man” (Pratt). Instead of physically killing anyone
of Native American descent, Pratt posited efforts should be
undertaken to remove the person’s Indianness and make them
more culturally Anglo. As a former Civil War soldier in the
Union Army, Pratt founded the Carlisle Indian School in
Carlisle, Pennsylvania in 1879, where he ran it until he retired
in 1904 (Johnson 120). The concept of the Carlisle Indian
School was to “transfer the savage-born infant to the
surroundings of civilization,” with the result being that the
students will be filled “with the spirit of loyalty to the stars and
stripes” (Pratt), because the student will have been
indoctrinated into Anglo American culture. The man remained,
but any Native American culture has been erased. Comment by
Allen, Jennifer: Required use of the primary source.
Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Paraphrased but still cited
because I had to look this up. Comment by Allen, Jennifer:
This answers the first question asked in the prompt.
Pratt’s statements in his speech reflected US policy towards
American Indian populations for the latter half of the nineteenth
century as “allotment and assimilation” (National Geographic)
became the major focus of the government. No other piece of
legislation spotlights the American attitude towards Native
American populations than the General Allotment Act, better
known as the Dawes Severalty Act (1887), allowing the United
States Government to dismantle tribal lands. This helped
American attempts to assimilate Native Americans into
mainstream life (National Archives). The Carlisle schools were
to “teach Indian students, some as young as four or five,
industrial trades so they could be ‘useful members of American
society’ and take that training back to their communities”
(Yellowhorse Kesler). At their pinnacle, the Indian Boarding
School system numbered 367, with more than seventy-three still
in operation today (National Native American Boarding School
Healing Coalition). Comment by Allen, Jennifer: This is the
second question asked so I placed it here to make sure I
answered it and stayed on task. Comment by Allen,
Jennifer: Supporting and reliable information from reliable
sources Comment by Allen, Jennifer: US policy – I used the
Dawes Act because it is obvious and a legal support
Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Comment made about Indian
schools, and I must cite it because I did not know the exact
numbers – or that there were some STILL in existence!
Although the Dawes Act was supposed to protect Native
property rights, the opposite transpired. Many of the Native
Americans who signed up for property and enrolled with the
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) were provided land incapable of
sustaining crops and cheated out of their rights from a corrupt
government entity. The land size allotted for each person was
too small to sustain a family and Native Americans had no
resources to invest in tools needed for farming startups, nor did
they know how to farm by white standards. In addition, the BIA
was completely inept at allocating land or maintaining equity
amongst individuals. The Dawes Act, Indian Boarding Schools,
and other government policies succeeded in annihilating Indian
tribal culture, stealing over 60% of Native American land, and
almost destroying the reservation system. Comment by
Allen, Jennifer: The previous information provides support for
the second question asked in the prompt. STAY ON TASK
Parallels between the treatment of Native Americans by
the US government and the treatment of Black Americans can
be drawn. The Fair Housing Act (1968) was necessary to pass
so that non-Anglo people could purchase houses wherever they
chose to do so; until that point, Black American housing options
were restricted because of race. Relocating Native Americans to
reservations and forcing them to live in specific areas of the
country is the equivalent of Black American real estate options
prior to 1968. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Third question in
the prompt – modern day parallels. I chose Black Americans.
You do not need to discuss every race, ethnicity, religion,
etc.…choose one and stick to it. Comment by Allen,
Jennifer: Because I know these facts (and let’s hope I do
because I teach them – LOL) I do not need to quote anything
here. If you do not know something and must look it up, you
CITE the source.
Education has also segregated communities. Although not
specifically relegated to boarding schools like Native American
children, Black students were legally segregated by race until
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954). Although the
Brown decision was a watershed in its attempts to equalize the
educational opportunities open to all American schoolchildren,
forced busing because of Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg
Board of Education (1971) had to transpire but did not address
desegregation across district lines (Milliken v. Bradley) unless
public school districts had expressly implemented segregationist
policies. De facto segregation, like white flight to the suburbs,
continued to reinforce segregated schools. Because of centuries
of systemic racism and forced segregation towards both Native
American and Black American populations, the results for both
groups are eerily similar in that opportunities offered to Anglo-
Americans were not available to others. Comment by Allen,
Jennifer: I am a legal historian, so my support came from legal
cases that I have studied. These are all common US Supreme
Court cases any student would learn if they studied the
American legal system. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: I have
kept my opinions out of the discussion as best as possible
because this is history. The prompt did not ask for your
Works Cited Comment by Allen, Jennifer: The Works Cited
page is always a new page, regardless of how many citations
you have.
Please do NOT center the entire page – only the title.
Citations are placed in alphabetical order by author.
Government agencies are listed by the agency, as no one usually
authors the item.
Johnson, N.R. The Chickasaw Rancher. Boulder: University
Press of Colorado, 2001.
National Archives. “The Dawes Act (1887),”, 6 December 1886. Accessed 14
February 2022.
National Geographic. “The United States Government’s
Relationship with Native Americans,”, 11 December 2019. Accessed
14 February 2022.
National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition.
“American Indian Boarding Schools by State,” in Healing
Voices, Volume 1: A Primer on American Indian and Alaska
Native Boarding Schools in the US. 2nd Ed. Minneapolis:
The National Native American Boarding School Healing
Coalition, 2020.
Pratt, Richard H. “Kill the Indian, and Save the Man.” Official
Report of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of Charities and
Correction. 1892, pp. 46-59.
Yellowhorse Kesler, Sam. “Indian Boarding Schools’ Traumatic
Legacy, and the Fight to Get Native Ancestors Back,”, 28 August 2021. Accessed 14 February 2022.
Assessment Description
Review your problem or issue and the study materials to
formulate a PICOT question for your capstone project change
proposal. A PICOT question starts with a designated patient
population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical
problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The
intervention used to address the problem must be a nursing
practice intervention. Include a comparison of the nursing
intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the
nursing intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to
implement the change process. Formulate a PICOT question
using the PICOT format (provided in the assigned readings) that
addresses the clinical nursing problem.
The PICOT question will provide a framework for your
capstone project change proposal.
In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical
problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.
Describe the problem in the PICOT question as it relates to the
1. Evidence-based solution
2. Nursing intervention
3. Patient care
4. Health care agency
5. Nursing practice
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the
APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An
abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A
link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located
in Class Resources if you need assistance.
PICOT Question Paper - Rubric
Collapse All PICOT Question Paper - RubricCollapse All
PICOT Question
10 points
Criteria Description
PICOT Question
5. Excellent
10 points
A PICOT question is presented and provides a clear framework
for the capstone project change proposal.
4. Good
8.9 points
A PICOT question is presented. Some detail is needed for
3. Satisfactory
7.9 points
A PICOT question is presented. The PICOT generally follows
the correct format.
2. Less Than Satisfactory
7.5 points
An incomplete PICOT question is presented. The PICOT does
not follow the correct format.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
A PICOT question is not presented.
Nursing Intervention
10 points
Criteria Description
Nursing Intervention
5. Excellent
10 points
A nursing intervention used to address the problem is clearly
presented. A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient
population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and
timeframe needed to implement the change process, are
thoroughly discussed.
4. Good
8.9 points
A nursing intervention used to address the problem is presented.
A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population
not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe
needed to implement the change process, are discussed.
3. Satisfactory
7.9 points
A nursing intervention used to address the problem is presented.
A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population
not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe
needed to implement the change process, are summarized. Some
information is needed. There are minor inaccuracies.
2. Less Than Satisfactory
7.5 points
The intervention used to address the problem is not based on a
nursing practice intervention. A comparison of the nursing
intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the
nursing intervention, and timeframe needed to implement the
change process, are omitted.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
The intervention and comparison are omitted
Clinical Problem and Patient Outcome
10 points
Criteria Description
Clinical Problem and Patient Outcome
5. Excellent
10 points
The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient
outcome are thoroughly discussed. Strong rationale is offered
for support.
4. Good
8.9 points
The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient
outcome are presented. Some minor detail is needed for clarity.
3. Satisfactory
7.9 points
The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient
outcome are summarized. More information and rationale are
2. Less Than Satisfactory
7.5 points
The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient
outcome are incomplete.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient
outcome are omitted.
PICOT Problem
10 points
Criteria Description
PICOT Problem
5. Excellent
10 points
The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution,
nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and
nursing practice is described. Some minor detail is needed for
4. Good
8.9 points
The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution,
nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and
nursing practice is described. Some minor detail is needed for
3. Satisfactory
7.9 points
The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution,
nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and
nursing practice is summarized. More information and rationale
are needed.
2. Less Than Satisfactory
7.5 points
The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution,
nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and
nursing practice is incomplete.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution,
nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and
nursing practice is omitted.
Thesis Development and Purpose
2.5 points
Criteria Description
Thesis Development and Purpose
5. Excellent
2.5 points
Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper.
Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
4. Good
2.23 points
Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper.
Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and
appropriate to the purpose.
3. Satisfactory
1.98 points
Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.
2. Less Than Satisfactory
1.88 points
Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.
Argument Logic and Construction
2.5 points
Criteria Description
Argument Logic and Construction
5. Excellent
2.5 points
Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a
distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are
4. Good
2.23 points
Argument shows logical progression. Techniques of
argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of
claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are
3. Satisfactory
1.98 points
Argument is orderly but may have a few inconsistencies. The
argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument
logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources
used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the
2. Less Than Satisfactory
1.88 points
Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks
consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some
sources have questionable credibility.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The
conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is
incoherent and uses noncredible sources.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar,
language use)
2.5 points
Criteria Description
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar,
language use)
5. Excellent
2.5 points
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic
4. Good
2.23 points
Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may
be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective
figures of speech are used.
3. Satisfactory
1.98 points
Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not
overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and
audience-appropriate language are used.
2. Less Than Satisfactory
1.88 points
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader.
Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence
structure, or word choice are present.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede
communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or
sentence construction is used.
Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and
1 points
Criteria Description
Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and
5. Excellent
1 points
All format elements are correct.
4. Good
0.89 points
Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in
formatting style.
3. Satisfactory
0.79 points
Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some
minor errors may be present.
2. Less Than Satisfactory
0.75 points
Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken;
lack of control with formatting is apparent.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is
rarely followed correctly.
Documentation of Sources
1.5 points
Criteria Description
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references,
bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)
5. Excellent
1.5 points
Sources are completely and correctly documented, as
appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
4. Good
1.34 points
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style,
and format is mostly correct.
3. Satisfactory
1.19 points
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style,
although some formatting errors may be present.
2. Less Than Satisfactory
1.13 points
Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as
appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Sources are not documented.
Verma 1
Abhishek Verma
History 1302-22701
February 15, 2022
The native Americans and the white Americans had a
tainted relationship from their early years. Initially, the native
Americans had lived in peace, tilling their lands, and keeping
their animals peacefully until new settlers who had whiter skin
color emerged from the sea. These new settlers came with the
critical mission of conquering this new land for their mother
countries while at the same time establishing their homes there.
However, the major problem arose with how these white settlers
would live together with the land's original owners- the native
Americans. First, the problem emerged because the white
settlers soon wanted to take all the fertile lands, displacing their
hosts. Second, the Europeans came with certain aspects of
cultural attributes that were foreign, such as religious practices.
Third, the Europeans appeared to have brought a broad array of
afflictions in the form of diseases that plagued the native
Americans. Amid all these troubles, the dynamics of American
society underwent immense changes. For example, the country
attained self-rule from the British crown, and it became
apparent that the native Americans had to be integrated into the
entire American population. This integration on religion, work,
and even governance effectively achieved this fete, which felt
that the native Americans had to be fully assimilated into the
new cultural dimensions. One of these cultural assimilation
strategies was formulated by Captain Richard H. Pratt, who
designed the slogan "Kill the Indian, and Save the Man."
The slogan "Kill the Indian, and Save the Man" was
colloquially coined to assimilate native Americans into
accepting the "modern" education system. The term killing does
not mean physical action but ensures that native Indians lose
their hard stance towards their cultural attributes (Pratt). This
aspect was after it emerged that it would be difficult to make
them conform to the new official requirements owing to their
substantial conformity with their traditions. The first step to
assimilating native Americans was to go through the stipulated
education system that the government provided. It was
perceived as a matter of great national interest to mingle the
Indians with white Americans to ensure that the country grew
steadfast through an inclusion system of governance.
Education was the first mode of killing the Indians
among the native Americans. After Pratts's declaration, the
government embarked on a mission to enroll many native
American young people into boarding schools (Little, 12). An
example of these boarding schools was the Carlisle industrial
schools established in 1879 and ran up to the onset of the 20th
century. It would be easier for them to see sense in some
government acts and grow up to appreciate and support certain
aspects of the government's decision through education. For
example, native American students were forbidden from using
their native names and speaking their language to ensure that
they conformed to the stipulations of "killing the Indian" in
them. Second, they were not allowed to practice their religion,
maintain their clothing, and do away with their haircut.
The call for assimilation of the Native Americans
was a demonization of their tradition and cultures. This aspect
is because eliminating any element of their culture was seen as
a way of degrading and dismissing the existence or importance
of their cultural practices or attributes (Bentley, 9). The mere
suggestion of doing away with cultural importance or attributes
shows that American society has come a long way as far as the
fight for equal rights has come. Moreover, the term used by
Pratt also indicates that there is a likelihood that it is not only
the African Americans who endured stints of troubles from the
hands of the white Americans but also the native Americans.
For example, in 1887 there was passed the general allotment
act. This act mandated the president to break all the native
reservation land from the communal set-up of ownership to
individual ownership. The principal aim of this act was to force
the native Americans into stopping to put more effort and
emphasis on cultural aspects such as land and instead focus on
other social-economic elements like the other white Americans.
The forced system of assimilation placed the native Americans
in certain difficult situations that disadvantaged them
economically and socially.
Work cited
Bentley, Matthew Steven. "Kill the Indian, Save the Man":
Manhood at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 1879-
1918. Diss. University of East Anglia, 2012.
Little, Becky. "How boarding schools tried to 'kill the Indian
'through assimilation." History. com (2017).
Pratt, Richard H. "Kill the Indian, and Save the Man." Official
Report of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of Charities and
Correction. 1892, pp. 46-59.
*******Read The Instruction carefully and follow the
Reflection Two
******Topic: Freedom and American Identity*****
Rationale: No idea is more fundamental to American sense of
self than freedom. To the United States, freedom and liberty
are interchangeable and seemingly universal. However, that is
misleading. Freedom is not fixed or a lone definition; rather, it
is an ideal as well as a reality. It also defines American identity
as a collective and as individual groups within the country.
******Question: Evaluate the American women’s rights
movement in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. What was
the extent to which the ratification of the Nineteenth
Amendment to the Constitution, which guaranteed women the
right to vote, marked a turning point in United States women’s
history? How have subsequent efforts in the last fifty years
advanced the movement? Explain your argument.**********
You are required to use at least TWO different documents to
provide your argument for this question. You may use outside
documents for your argument. Your response will be uploaded
through SafeAssign in eCampus to check for plagiarism. Any
portion of your response that does not follow the directions and
guidelines regarding writing, grammar, mechanics, plagiarism,
or fails to answer the question will result in a zero for this
portion of your exam.
Your response should be a minimum of 650 words, Times New
Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and no other heading than
your first and last name. Remember, all papers are uploaded in
DOC format. No other format will be accepted.
You are required to cite all quotes and sources in MLA format.
This does not count toward your minimum total length. These
citations need to be included in the text and in a works cited
sheet (which is a separate sheet at the end of your response). If
you do not know how to craft a works cited page, please visit
the Brookhaven library. Noodle Tools is available for you to use
via the library website.
Please understand that you are required to answer the questions
asked. This includes college level writing and editing. There
should be no first person anywhere in your response, as you
were not there to witness these events.
If you have questions, ASK before the night it is due. I am
available to assist you, and the history tutors are available to
assist you. Do not wait until it is too late to attempt completion.
Document Options:
Proceedings of the Trial of Susan B. Anthony (1873)
Mueller v. Oregon (1908)
Nineteenth Amendment (1920)
Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race (1920)
A Word to the Wives (1955)
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)
National Organization of Women Statement of Purpose (1966)
Shirley Chisholm, Equal Rights for Women (1969)
Roe v. Wade (1973)
Hillary Clinton, Women’s Rights are Human Rights (1995)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, We Should All Be Feminists
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on Equality, 2016
Women’s March (2017)
Angela Davis, The Women’s March on Washington (2017)
A Conversation with Betty Freidan
Title IX
Your reflection must meet the minimum criteria in order to be
considered for a grade. If you choose to not meet any of the
above criteria, you will not earn credit for the

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1AllenLynx AllenComment by Allen, Jennifer Please be sur

  • 1. 1 Allen Lynx Allen Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Please be sure to use the proper font and heading as per MLA guidelines. Also, use the header space to insert page numbers and last name (MLA guidelines) Dr. Allen HIST 1302 14 February 2022 Reflection One Comment by Allen, Jennifer: The title is centered. PROMPT: What does it mean to “kill the Indian” and “save the man”? How does that statement reflect US policy towards American Indian populations from 1860-1890, and what parallels can you draw between the treatment of Native Americans at the time and race relations today? Comment by Allen, Jennifer: The prompt is restated, according to the directions. Word Count: 798 Comment by Allen, Jennifer: The word count ONLY includes the actual words of the reflection – the heading, title, and works cited are NOT included! The American government’s relationship with Native American tribes has been complicated from the beginning of the republic. Once the United States won its independence from Great Britain, the Treaty of Paris (1787) made no mention of relationship parameters with Native Americans and the new nation. Regardless of the past, the new nation could treaty with the tribes or take land by force. Moreover, tribal law was murky insofar as the leader’s ability to sign official agreements with foreign governments. Ultimately, “treaty-making ended as a whole in 1871, when Congress ceased to recognize the tribes as
  • 2. entities capable of making treaties” (National Geographic). Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Please note this paper is left- justified. The paper is NOT centered. Only the title and the “works cited” words are centered. This is important, so follow the rules. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: In text citations for anything quoted. And notice the quotes are integrated with the paragraph. Quotes should NEVER be standalone sentences. Confusing and oft ignored policymaking between the United States and Native Americans culminated in the late nineteenth century as Anglo citizens pushed westward in search of land and new lifestyles. The post-Civil War era provided the United States with the opportunity to assimilate Native Americans into Anglo culture, and the easiest way to accomplish this task was through Indian boarding schools. As Captain Richard H. Pratt discussed in his speech, the goal was to “kill the Indian in him and save the man” (Pratt). Instead of physically killing anyone of Native American descent, Pratt posited efforts should be undertaken to remove the person’s Indianness and make them more culturally Anglo. As a former Civil War soldier in the Union Army, Pratt founded the Carlisle Indian School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania in 1879, where he ran it until he retired in 1904 (Johnson 120). The concept of the Carlisle Indian School was to “transfer the savage-born infant to the surroundings of civilization,” with the result being that the students will be filled “with the spirit of loyalty to the stars and stripes” (Pratt), because the student will have been indoctrinated into Anglo American culture. The man remained, but any Native American culture has been erased. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Required use of the primary source. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Paraphrased but still cited because I had to look this up. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: This answers the first question asked in the prompt. Pratt’s statements in his speech reflected US policy towards American Indian populations for the latter half of the nineteenth century as “allotment and assimilation” (National Geographic) became the major focus of the government. No other piece of
  • 3. legislation spotlights the American attitude towards Native American populations than the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Severalty Act (1887), allowing the United States Government to dismantle tribal lands. This helped American attempts to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream life (National Archives). The Carlisle schools were to “teach Indian students, some as young as four or five, industrial trades so they could be ‘useful members of American society’ and take that training back to their communities” (Yellowhorse Kesler). At their pinnacle, the Indian Boarding School system numbered 367, with more than seventy-three still in operation today (National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition). Comment by Allen, Jennifer: This is the second question asked so I placed it here to make sure I answered it and stayed on task. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Supporting and reliable information from reliable sources Comment by Allen, Jennifer: US policy – I used the Dawes Act because it is obvious and a legal support Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Comment made about Indian schools, and I must cite it because I did not know the exact numbers – or that there were some STILL in existence! Although the Dawes Act was supposed to protect Native property rights, the opposite transpired. Many of the Native Americans who signed up for property and enrolled with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) were provided land incapable of sustaining crops and cheated out of their rights from a corrupt government entity. The land size allotted for each person was too small to sustain a family and Native Americans had no resources to invest in tools needed for farming startups, nor did they know how to farm by white standards. In addition, the BIA was completely inept at allocating land or maintaining equity amongst individuals. The Dawes Act, Indian Boarding Schools, and other government policies succeeded in annihilating Indian tribal culture, stealing over 60% of Native American land, and almost destroying the reservation system. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: The previous information provides support for
  • 4. the second question asked in the prompt. STAY ON TASK Parallels between the treatment of Native Americans by the US government and the treatment of Black Americans can be drawn. The Fair Housing Act (1968) was necessary to pass so that non-Anglo people could purchase houses wherever they chose to do so; until that point, Black American housing options were restricted because of race. Relocating Native Americans to reservations and forcing them to live in specific areas of the country is the equivalent of Black American real estate options prior to 1968. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Third question in the prompt – modern day parallels. I chose Black Americans. You do not need to discuss every race, ethnicity, religion, etc.…choose one and stick to it. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: Because I know these facts (and let’s hope I do because I teach them – LOL) I do not need to quote anything here. If you do not know something and must look it up, you CITE the source. Education has also segregated communities. Although not specifically relegated to boarding schools like Native American children, Black students were legally segregated by race until Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954). Although the Brown decision was a watershed in its attempts to equalize the educational opportunities open to all American schoolchildren, forced busing because of Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education (1971) had to transpire but did not address desegregation across district lines (Milliken v. Bradley) unless public school districts had expressly implemented segregationist policies. De facto segregation, like white flight to the suburbs, continued to reinforce segregated schools. Because of centuries of systemic racism and forced segregation towards both Native American and Black American populations, the results for both groups are eerily similar in that opportunities offered to Anglo- Americans were not available to others. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: I am a legal historian, so my support came from legal cases that I have studied. These are all common US Supreme Court cases any student would learn if they studied the
  • 5. American legal system. Comment by Allen, Jennifer: I have kept my opinions out of the discussion as best as possible because this is history. The prompt did not ask for your opinions. Works Cited Comment by Allen, Jennifer: The Works Cited page is always a new page, regardless of how many citations you have. Please do NOT center the entire page – only the title. Citations are placed in alphabetical order by author. Government agencies are listed by the agency, as no one usually authors the item. Johnson, N.R. The Chickasaw Rancher. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2001. National Archives. “The Dawes Act (1887),”, 6 December 1886. Accessed 14 February 2022. National Geographic. “The United States Government’s Relationship with Native Americans,”, 11 December 2019. Accessed 14 February 2022. National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition. “American Indian Boarding Schools by State,” in Healing Voices, Volume 1: A Primer on American Indian and Alaska Native Boarding Schools in the US. 2nd Ed. Minneapolis: The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition, 2020. Pratt, Richard H. “Kill the Indian, and Save the Man.” Official Report of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of Charities and Correction. 1892, pp. 46-59. Yellowhorse Kesler, Sam. “Indian Boarding Schools’ Traumatic Legacy, and the Fight to Get Native Ancestors Back,”, 28 August 2021. Accessed 14 February 2022.
  • 6. PICOT Assessment Description Review your problem or issue and the study materials to formulate a PICOT question for your capstone project change proposal. A PICOT question starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention used to address the problem must be a nursing practice intervention. Include a comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process. Formulate a PICOT question using the PICOT format (provided in the assigned readings) that addresses the clinical nursing problem. The PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project change proposal. In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome. Describe the problem in the PICOT question as it relates to the following: 1. Evidence-based solution 2. Nursing intervention 3. Patient care 4. Health care agency 5. Nursing practice Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
  • 7. PICOT RUBRIC PICOT Question Paper - Rubric Collapse All PICOT Question Paper - RubricCollapse All PICOT Question 10 points Criteria Description PICOT Question 5. Excellent 10 points A PICOT question is presented and provides a clear framework for the capstone project change proposal. 4. Good 8.9 points A PICOT question is presented. Some detail is needed for clarity. 3. Satisfactory 7.9 points A PICOT question is presented. The PICOT generally follows the correct format. 2. Less Than Satisfactory 7.5 points An incomplete PICOT question is presented. The PICOT does not follow the correct format. 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points A PICOT question is not presented. Nursing Intervention 10 points Criteria Description Nursing Intervention 5. Excellent 10 points A nursing intervention used to address the problem is clearly presented. A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient
  • 8. population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe needed to implement the change process, are thoroughly discussed. 4. Good 8.9 points A nursing intervention used to address the problem is presented. A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe needed to implement the change process, are discussed. 3. Satisfactory 7.9 points A nursing intervention used to address the problem is presented. A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe needed to implement the change process, are summarized. Some information is needed. There are minor inaccuracies. 2. Less Than Satisfactory 7.5 points The intervention used to address the problem is not based on a nursing practice intervention. A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe needed to implement the change process, are omitted. 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points The intervention and comparison are omitted Clinical Problem and Patient Outcome 10 points Criteria Description Clinical Problem and Patient Outcome 5. Excellent 10 points The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome are thoroughly discussed. Strong rationale is offered for support. 4. Good
  • 9. 8.9 points The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome are presented. Some minor detail is needed for clarity. 3. Satisfactory 7.9 points The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome are summarized. More information and rationale are needed. 2. Less Than Satisfactory 7.5 points The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome are incomplete. 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome are omitted. PICOT Problem 10 points Criteria Description PICOT Problem 5. Excellent 10 points The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and nursing practice is described. Some minor detail is needed for clarity. 4. Good 8.9 points The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and nursing practice is described. Some minor detail is needed for clarity. 3. Satisfactory 7.9 points The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and
  • 10. nursing practice is summarized. More information and rationale are needed. 2. Less Than Satisfactory 7.5 points The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and nursing practice is incomplete. 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and nursing practice is omitted. Thesis Development and Purpose 2.5 points Criteria Description Thesis Development and Purpose 5. Excellent 2.5 points Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. 4. Good 2.23 points Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. 3. Satisfactory 1.98 points Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose. 2. Less Than Satisfactory 1.88 points Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear. 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Argument Logic and Construction
  • 11. 2.5 points Criteria Description Argument Logic and Construction 5. Excellent 2.5 points Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative. 4. Good 2.23 points Argument shows logical progression. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative. 3. Satisfactory 1.98 points Argument is orderly but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. 2. Less Than Satisfactory 1.88 points Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility. 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 2.5 points Criteria Description Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar,
  • 12. language use) 5. Excellent 2.5 points Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. 4. Good 2.23 points Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. 3. Satisfactory 1.98 points Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. 2. Less Than Satisfactory 1.88 points Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present. 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) 1 points Criteria Description Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) 5. Excellent 1 points All format elements are correct. 4. Good 0.89 points
  • 13. Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style. 3. Satisfactory 0.79 points Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. 2. Less Than Satisfactory 0.75 points Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent. 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Documentation of Sources 1.5 points Criteria Description Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 5. Excellent 1.5 points Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error. 4. Good 1.34 points Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. 3. Satisfactory 1.19 points Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. 2. Less Than Satisfactory 1.13 points Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.
  • 14. 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points Sources are not documented. Verma 1 Abhishek Verma History 1302-22701 February 15, 2022 The native Americans and the white Americans had a tainted relationship from their early years. Initially, the native Americans had lived in peace, tilling their lands, and keeping their animals peacefully until new settlers who had whiter skin color emerged from the sea. These new settlers came with the critical mission of conquering this new land for their mother countries while at the same time establishing their homes there. However, the major problem arose with how these white settlers would live together with the land's original owners- the native Americans. First, the problem emerged because the white settlers soon wanted to take all the fertile lands, displacing their hosts. Second, the Europeans came with certain aspects of cultural attributes that were foreign, such as religious practices. Third, the Europeans appeared to have brought a broad array of afflictions in the form of diseases that plagued the native Americans. Amid all these troubles, the dynamics of American society underwent immense changes. For example, the country attained self-rule from the British crown, and it became apparent that the native Americans had to be integrated into the entire American population. This integration on religion, work, and even governance effectively achieved this fete, which felt that the native Americans had to be fully assimilated into the new cultural dimensions. One of these cultural assimilation strategies was formulated by Captain Richard H. Pratt, who designed the slogan "Kill the Indian, and Save the Man."
  • 15. The slogan "Kill the Indian, and Save the Man" was colloquially coined to assimilate native Americans into accepting the "modern" education system. The term killing does not mean physical action but ensures that native Indians lose their hard stance towards their cultural attributes (Pratt). This aspect was after it emerged that it would be difficult to make them conform to the new official requirements owing to their substantial conformity with their traditions. The first step to assimilating native Americans was to go through the stipulated education system that the government provided. It was perceived as a matter of great national interest to mingle the Indians with white Americans to ensure that the country grew steadfast through an inclusion system of governance. Education was the first mode of killing the Indians among the native Americans. After Pratts's declaration, the government embarked on a mission to enroll many native American young people into boarding schools (Little, 12). An example of these boarding schools was the Carlisle industrial schools established in 1879 and ran up to the onset of the 20th century. It would be easier for them to see sense in some government acts and grow up to appreciate and support certain aspects of the government's decision through education. For example, native American students were forbidden from using their native names and speaking their language to ensure that they conformed to the stipulations of "killing the Indian" in them. Second, they were not allowed to practice their religion, maintain their clothing, and do away with their haircut. The call for assimilation of the Native Americans was a demonization of their tradition and cultures. This aspect is because eliminating any element of their culture was seen as a way of degrading and dismissing the existence or importance of their cultural practices or attributes (Bentley, 9). The mere suggestion of doing away with cultural importance or attributes shows that American society has come a long way as far as the fight for equal rights has come. Moreover, the term used by Pratt also indicates that there is a likelihood that it is not only
  • 16. the African Americans who endured stints of troubles from the hands of the white Americans but also the native Americans. For example, in 1887 there was passed the general allotment act. This act mandated the president to break all the native reservation land from the communal set-up of ownership to individual ownership. The principal aim of this act was to force the native Americans into stopping to put more effort and emphasis on cultural aspects such as land and instead focus on other social-economic elements like the other white Americans. The forced system of assimilation placed the native Americans in certain difficult situations that disadvantaged them economically and socially. Work cited Bentley, Matthew Steven. "Kill the Indian, Save the Man": Manhood at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 1879- 1918. Diss. University of East Anglia, 2012. MSPhD.pdf Little, Becky. "How boarding schools tried to 'kill the Indian 'through assimilation." History. com (2017). Pratt, Richard H. "Kill the Indian, and Save the Man." Official Report of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of Charities and
  • 17. Correction. 1892, pp. 46-59. *******Read The Instruction carefully and follow the exact****** Reflection Two ******Topic: Freedom and American Identity***** Rationale: No idea is more fundamental to American sense of self than freedom. To the United States, freedom and liberty are interchangeable and seemingly universal. However, that is misleading. Freedom is not fixed or a lone definition; rather, it is an ideal as well as a reality. It also defines American identity as a collective and as individual groups within the country. ******Question: Evaluate the American women’s rights movement in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. What was the extent to which the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which guaranteed women the right to vote, marked a turning point in United States women’s history? How have subsequent efforts in the last fifty years advanced the movement? Explain your argument.********** You are required to use at least TWO different documents to provide your argument for this question. You may use outside documents for your argument. Your response will be uploaded through SafeAssign in eCampus to check for plagiarism. Any portion of your response that does not follow the directions and guidelines regarding writing, grammar, mechanics, plagiarism, or fails to answer the question will result in a zero for this portion of your exam. Your response should be a minimum of 650 words, Times New
  • 18. Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and no other heading than your first and last name. Remember, all papers are uploaded in DOC format. No other format will be accepted. You are required to cite all quotes and sources in MLA format. This does not count toward your minimum total length. These citations need to be included in the text and in a works cited sheet (which is a separate sheet at the end of your response). If you do not know how to craft a works cited page, please visit the Brookhaven library. Noodle Tools is available for you to use via the library website. Please understand that you are required to answer the questions asked. This includes college level writing and editing. There should be no first person anywhere in your response, as you were not there to witness these events. If you have questions, ASK before the night it is due. I am available to assist you, and the history tutors are available to assist you. Do not wait until it is too late to attempt completion. Document Options: Proceedings of the Trial of Susan B. Anthony (1873) documents/proceedings-trial-susan-b-anthony-6 Mueller v. Oregon (1908) Nineteenth Amendment (1920) Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race (1920) documents/documents/msanger-woman-and-new-race-1920.pdf A Word to the Wives (1955) oner4/mp4/&f=ch24_video_4&ft=mp4&a=0
  • 19. Equal Pay Act of 1963 Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) National Organization of Women Statement of Purpose (1966) Shirley Chisholm, Equal Rights for Women (1969) rights-women Roe v. Wade (1973) wade.pdf Hillary Clinton, Women’s Rights are Human Rights (1995) documents/womens-rights-are-human-rights Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, We Should All Be Feminists (2012) ld_all_be_feminists Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on Equality, 2016 Women’s March (2017) Angela Davis, The Women’s March on Washington (2017) angela-davis-rally-womens-march-on-washington/ A Conversation with Betty Freidan
  • 20. Title IX Your reflection must meet the minimum criteria in order to be considered for a grade. If you choose to not meet any of the above criteria, you will not earn credit for the assignment. PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE ("REFLECTION TWO") TO SUBMIT YOUR WORK.