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@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Post School Transitions for
Students with SEN
NABMSE Conference 2023,
Hodson Bay, Athlone
20 October 2023
Selina McCoy, Eamonn Carroll &
Keyu Ye @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Today’s Presentation
• Research focus and questions
• Research design/methodology
• School experience of students with SEN
• Main post-school pathways for students with SEN
• School and post-school experiences of students in
special schools
• Summary @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Research Focus and Questions
1. Why do young people end up on particular post-school
pathways? What factors influence their decisions?
2. What are the experiences of young people on different
3. What are the views of schools, families, post-school providers
regarding post-school options for young people with special
educational and learning needs?
4. What lessons can be identified from this research to support
planning and service provision for the inclusion of disabled
young people in post-school life?
3 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Research Design
Setting Spring2022 Autumn 2022
School setting
- Representative of schools
in Ireland
Wave 1 of longitudinal survey with
school leavers with SEN
10 guidance counsellor/SEN
10 parents
10 young people with SEN
Follow-up Wave 2 of longitudinal
survey with young people recruited
in school settings
10 young people with SEN
Post-school settings
- representative of post-
school settings (e.g. PLC,
NLN, day service centres)
Survey with young people recruited
in post-school settings
15 post-school pathway personnel
10 young people with SEN
Primary data collection supplemented by detailed secondary analysis of Growing Up in Ireland post-
school outcomes of the child cohort at ages 17/18 and at 20 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
School experiences of students
with SEN in mainstream schools
- Findings from School Leavers’
Survey in Spring 2022
5 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Students’ reflection on their school experiences
57.6% 56.3%
I am encouraged by
teachers to continue
my education or
training when I leave
I get all the info I
need to continue my
education after I
finish school
I find schoolwork
I get all the support I
need to learn
I like school @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Students’ perceptions of the development
of personal skills
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Being able to talk to others and make myself understood
Being able to work with others
Helping me make new friends
Being able to perform well under pressure
Helping me develop as a person
Didn't help Helped a little Helped a lot @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Students’ perception of the development of self-
determination skills
School gave me an
interest in learning
I knew how to
learn new skills
School helped me
decide what to do
after leaving
School prepared
me for living
Increased my self
confidence @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Helpfulness of extra subject supports received
at school
Peer mentoring Individual (one to
one) tuition
In a small group
outside your regular
In a large group
outside your regular
Something else @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Qualitative Survey findings: Extra Supports
• Academic:
• Learning Support, One-to-One Support, Resource
Hours, Small Group Instruction, Specific Subject
• Non-Academic:
• Mental Health Support, Organisational Skills
Support, Social Support, Therapy
• Guidance:
• Wider Guidance, More Information on Post-School
10 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Qualitative Survey findings: Extra Supports
• Accommodations:
• Assistive Technology, RACE, Safe Room, Irish
Exemption, SNA
• Access:
• Denied Asked For Help, More Assessment, Easier
Access to DARE/RACE
• Personal:
• Encouragement, Motivation, Recognition of
Needs, Communication, Segregation,
11 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Perceived expectations of parents, teachers
and young person themselves
I think I will enjoy what I
am doing next year
(course, work, attendance
at day service) more than
I enjoy school
I feel prepared for life
after school
My parents and I have the
same ideas about what I
will do after I leave school
My teachers and I have
the same ideas about
what I will do after I leave
Strongly agree/agree Neutral Strongly disagree/disagree @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Qualitative Survey findings: Excitement
• Growing Up:
• Independence, Money, Maturing
• Improvements from School:
• Shorter Days, Less Intense, Better Learning Environment,
Novelty, Leaving School
• New Contexts:
• University, PLC, Apprenticeship, Work, Specific Subject
• Social Life
• Friends, Fresh Start, Hobbies
13 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Qualitative Survey findings: Worry
• Financial:
• Immediate, Longer Term
• Course/Setting
• Getting Into Course, Choosing Course, Managing Course, Possible
Future Regret, Specific Concerns About Setting/Course
• Growing Up:
• Self-Direction, Change, Leaving Home, Starting From Scratch, Dealing
with Uncertainty, Homesickness, Future Job Choice, Loss of School
Supports, Responsibility, Stress, Immaturity
• Social Life
• Friends, Confidence
• Access to Supports
• Disability Supports, Mental Health Supports
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@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Main post-school pathways for
students with SEN
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@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Findings from Growing Up in Ireland
• At age 20, 61% of young people were currently
in or had completed a HE degree, with wide
differences by type of SEN and disability:
• 66% of those without SEN
• 62% with physical or sensory disabilities
• 49% with specific learning difficulties
• 46% of those in the ‘other disability’ category
• 40% with social-emotional SEN
• 28% with intellectual disabilities.
16 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Key Characteristics by SEN/Disability Status
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0
Fewer than 9 honours at Junior Certificate
Drumcondra test bottom quantile at 13
More than 10 days absent at 9
No degree expected by parents
Negative engagement with school
Positive engagement with school
Teacher identified academic issues at 9
Experienced economic vulnerability at either wave
Attending a DEIS school
SEN/Disability No SEN/Disability @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Higher Education Pathway Gaps
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0
No SEN at 9
SEN at 9
Non-DEIS school
DEIS school
No economic vulnerability
Economic vulnerability
3rd level expectation
No 3rd level expectation
University Level 8 IT Level 8 IT Level 6/7 FET DNF No Post-school Education @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Key Themes from Interviews with
Young People
• School Experiences
• In-school Supports
• Spectrum of Engagement with Guidance
• Family Influence
• Medium to Long term plans
19 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
School Experiences
• While students generally enjoyed school, some felt that the
type of learning required was not suited to them.
• Particularly the case where the young person described themselves
as more practical than academic
• Leaving Cert Applied was a positive experience for some, others
spoke of not being able to do it even though they would have
preferred to.
• Overall students felt school had prepared them well for
next step academically
• Most students felt able to self-direct their own learning after school,
but some remarked on lack of preparation for autonomous learning
20 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
In-School Supports
• “Good” Supports:
• Proactive rather than reactive
• Student-centred rather than prescriptive
• In particular, responsive to specific needs
• “Bad” Supports:
• Reliant on formal diagnosis, which in some cases
was not available or very late in coming
• Emphasised or even created difference from
peers rather than fostering inclusion
• Could not be accessed without “a fight”
21 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Range of Engagement with Guidance
• Students want different things around guidance and advice
for post-school planning, and some don’t know what they
• Some barely wanted or needed input from school at all
• Many knew what they wanted and how to get there but welcomed
support with specific dates and steps in the process
• Others knew the general area they wanted to go into and appreciated
support in turning this into a specific pathway
• For those who had no idea what to do, guidance was not very useful
as there was nothing for it to work with
22 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Range of Engagement with Guidance
• A lack of career guidance was mentioned only twice –
generally the young people felt they were being given
support, just not always the support they wanted
• The most common issue raised was around career
guidance not aligning with young person’s own plans
• Two separate forms of this misalignment:
• Excessive focus on HE, to the detriment of other options
• Excessive encouragement away from HE, towards other options
23 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Family Influence
• Most interviewees described their parents as
supportive of their decisions, whatever they
• Despite not feeling pressure from parents,
many young people described following in their
general footsteps, especially when unsure what
to do
• Children of parents with a degree defaulted to
higher education, children of parents without a
degree to FE, apprenticeships or work
24 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Medium to Long term plans
• Young people were generally optimistic about where
they would be in five years’ time
• Those in higher education were confident about
getting through it and continuing on to postgraduate
study or the world of work
• Those in further education felt they knew what they
had to do to enter the world of work or continue into
higher education
• Those in work or NEET were planning to return to
study in the future, though not all were sure of how to
do so
25 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
School and post-school
experiences of students in
Special Schools
26 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Case Study Research in Special Schools
• Census of all special schools to find those with young
people of school leaving age (over 16).
• Theoretical sample of 8 schools (from 23 schools)
• Mix of schools in terms of geographic location and nature
of disability/need
• Interviews with principals, teachers with responsibility for
transition planning, parents and young adults (at two
• Number of leavers ranged from a few to nearly 30 per
school @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Key Themes
• End of school:
• Curricular Provision & Certification
• Transition Preparation
• Impact of COVID
• Post-School Setting:
• Suitable Setting Availability
• Initial Transition Experiences
• Communication Between School & New Setting
• Key Challenges
28 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on School Experiences
Curricular provision and Certification
• Varied within and across schools, with many schools
reporting a ‘mixed profile of need in their school’, tailoring
provision and programmes accordingly
• Included JC Level 1/2, JC Level 3, LCA, select LC subjects, QQI
programmes & programmes devised by individual schools
• JC L1/2: Valuable life skills developed. But at that time there
was no certification:
‘they don’t really leave with any certification. That really upsets me because
they spend so much time and effort, and the teachers have as well creating
hugely differentiated resources…they left with no paperwork basically. They
still get a certificate, but it’s a school certificate. That’s why we are fighting
nationally to get the QQI [award]’ (Principal) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on School Experiences
Curricular provision and Certification
• Criticism of JC reforms
‘The junior cert has been appalling, because most of our kids would have
managed…foundation maths and now it is a common paper. For some
subjects like home economics…the common paper does not work. You
can’t have them all set at the one level…there should have been a
different level in terms of papers given’ (Principal)
• Lack of follow-on at senior cycle (and lack of focus on
special schools in senior cycle review):
‘It's in the absence of a programme [is the challenge] – there is no
suitable curricular programme for these young people – the LCA
wouldn’t be appropriate’ (Teacher) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on School Experiences
LCA: provided in a few schools – very positive views
• ‘PDST support is super, we would be lost without them’
• Certification very important
• Providing real world skills: ‘it’s a fantastic preparation’
• BUT:
• Work experience is difficult – school staff support, employer
resources, insurance
• Shorter school day creates challenges
• School buildings ‘aren’t fit for purpose’
• Challenge of running multiple programmes in one classroom
• ‘Special schools don’t have enough specialist teachers to do the
Leaving Cert Applied’ @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on School Experiences
Transition Preparation
• Each school had developed a transition programme, often
overseen by a teacher with particular responsibility
• To promote independence & life skills
• To support decision-making
‘From the Department’s point of view, they have no real
programme to prepare students for transition. So it is
really up to each school and I know special schools have
different needs but there is no real framework there for
schools to work within’ (Principal) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on School Experiences
Transition Preparation
HSE Profiling: Generally positive views from schools &
‘The HSE staff would use a profiling tool to assess the needs and establish
the level of care the child would need. Through profiling, I was able to
explore what our options were in the area we lived (e.g. name of
centres/services) … The HSE officer brought us through the process over 7
months in total, from the first contact with the guidance officer’ (Parent)
‘I did find that process quite good because I was listened to, this is what I
said I wanted and its what we got. He got his extra year [at school], he got his
transition programme….They talked about all his needs, they went through
everything…We got all the information we needed’ (Parent) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on School Experiences
Transition Preparation
HSE Profiling: Resource constrained
‘often the young person will not get the number of hours [in the post-school
setting] that the parent was hoping they would get’ (Transition Teacher)
‘There still isn’t the partnership between schools and the HSE when it comes
to the transfer [of students], they are running parallel. They go off and do
their profiling and they link with the service providers as to where they
go…..but a lot of the time the parents are still waiting in May or June to find
out what course their child will be on or what support has gone with that
child’ (Principal)
Requirement for diagnostic assessment (required for the first time
last year) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on School Experiences
Transition Preparation: Parent and Young Adult Views
• Hugely positive reflections on preparedness/efforts of
school leaders and teachers
‘He had an amazing teacher last year and she was brilliant at working on
[name of YP] strengths and building on everything up. His independence was
a big thing, trying to get him to be more independent …and they worked on
him leaving this cosy little environment’ (Parent)
‘She came on in leaps and bounds here, she loved it…if she could have got
another year she would have stayed’ (Parent)
‘For years I was dreading adult services…I was terrified. But as the time went
on, and especially in the last year, we were ready, [name of son] was ready,
we were ready to leave the school which I never thought I would have been’
(Parent) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on School Experiences
Young Adults’ Views
• All of the school leavers reflected positively on their school
days and enjoyed meeting the researchers at their ‘old
[School] was my favourite place
I loved school
I liked to learn everything
• They displayed wonderful connections with staff at the
school and were looking forward to touring the school to
catch up @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on School Experiences
Transition Preparation: Parent and YP Views
• But parents were less positive in relation to specialised supports
‘The supports were non-existent. We were lucky that we were comfortable
enough financially and we would have over the years paid…OT, speech and
language. Non-existent, it really was, it’s a joke really…you’d have somebody
seeing [name of YP] once every 6 weeks, there was no continuation of the
person giving the service…if a new person came in you had to start from
scratch. The therapies were intermittent, they weren’t of a high standard at
all’ (Parent)
• Perceived regional variation
‘[specialised supports are] not standardised across the country, it does
depend on what county you are in…it depends on your address and the
demands on the system. So there needs to be some overlook over
everything to see how this could be spread out better’ (Parent)
• Variation by need/impairment + Lasting impact of COVID-19 @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on Choice and Options
• The cohort of young adults leaving the 8 special school settings varied widely
in their post-school pathways, but many transitioned into a range of adult
services, rather than mainstream settings.
• School personnel noted that for the young adults and parents, transition to an
adult service was often seen as more reassuring, particularly where the adult
services were located in close proximity to their special school and/or home.
• Some school personnel and parents spoke positively about the pathways
available for the school leavers and the success of the transition, at least
during the initial weeks when the research was carried out.
• Others felt that not all placements were ideal and funding was seen to impact
on the suitability of the pathways on offer: ‘If there was more funding they
could offer a better range of services’ which could better meet all needs
(Transition teacher) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Reflections on Choice and Options
• Some less satisfied with diversity of provision
‘I would think that the pupils with a moderate learning disability are catered
for, mild to moderate yes, but the children with severe to profound, I don’t
feel there is an awful lot out there for them. ’ (Principal)
‘For the pupils that might have serious behavioural issues, what are the
options for them?...There are a couple of pupils in my class that will be
finishing up in a couple of years and the parents are starting to go “what’s
going to happen?”…They struggle with communication, there is behavioural
issues. A lot of places won’t want to take pupils with behavioural issues’
• Particular difficulties were noted for young adults
leaving care environments @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Initial Transition Experiences
• Parents conveyed broad satisfaction with the
initial transition experiences
‘He [son] is all excited. The first day they said what do you like…this is all
about you and his face lit up. So it is about him and they don’t ask me
permission for anything, its [name of son’s] permission, if he wants to do
something or go somewhere. [Name of son] is an adult and he gives
consent and he is capable of giving consent’ (Parent)
‘She [daughter] is in the national learning network in [name of area]. So
far so good, she has settled in very well…she seems to be very
comfortable there, she is full of chat about it.’ (Parent)
‘…we are all happy…She is happy going, she is happy coming home, she
has got her bit of independence, we are sending her on the bus…she has
made lots of friends and getting through the work’ (Parent) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Initial Transition Experiences
• BUT Insufficient pre-transition contact (particularly for parents)
‘I would like the parents to also be there on some of the sampling days…I
would like if some of the profiling was done with myself, the parent, the
young person and a staff member from the new facility together,
because we are trying to hold a holistic approach but… it is fragmented’
• Impact of COVID-19 (on sampling and visits)
• Frequent challenges around transport
‘So if they have to get to a centre, its [transport facilities are] going to be
a huge factor and a lot of the time there isn’t enough of a budget to put
transport in place’ (Transition teacher)
• Cut-off in specialised supports
‘All of that is gone [specialised supports], everything is gone…the minute
you hit 18 it’s meant to be a miracle that everything is meant to be right,
and to be honest it’s when they are older you need more medical
support’ (Parent) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Initial Transition Experiences
• Widespread implications of staffing difficulties
Challenges around recruitment and staff turnover in the day
services impacted on the readiness of service providers to enrol
young adults as planned or in the intensity of the service provided
‘Now one of the boys in my class did go out and look at two settings and he
preferred the setting that he ended up with. However, he still hasn’t started
there…they cannot find staff’ (Principal)
‘So what we hear a lot is houses are full, they have to set up a new one, it
could be November before they start…so there is always a huge delay’
‘… that was a worry for me that she could end up being that handful where
they don’t have a setting. They had the funding; they just don’t have the
people and the resources. It turned out that we were not in that situation,
but we were halfway there in that they could only offer 3 days a week’
(Parent) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Other challenges
• Changing profile of need in special schools
• Adequacy of resources
• Designation as primary school (consequences for
curricular provision, guidance, school day etc.)
‘We fight for everything we get, teachers are so motivated for children with
special needs and for young adults with special needs, to make them
independent, to push them ahead and I would hate to see that stopping
[when they leave school] and that’s sometimes what we really grapple with
… we want to see them being wonderful citizens, giving something back and
that’s our aim…our children have loads to give and that’s what I’d like to see,
the next step where they live wholesome lives where they are giving and not
taking and they have loads to give’ (Principal) @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Summary: Mainstream Schools
• Most young people were engaged at school
• Positive about the supports they received (particularly individual or
small group support)
• Distinctions between good supports (proactive rather than reactive;
student-centred rather than prescriptive, responsive to specific needs)
and bad supports (reliant on formal diagnosis, often not available/late
in coming; emphasised or even created difference from peers rather
than fostering inclusion; could not be accessed without “a fight”)
• Reflect positively on their skills development (but less so in terms of
independence skills and autonomous learning)
• High expectations for future (but less consensus with teacher ideas)
• Guidance - being given support, just not always the support they
wanted (guidance not aligning with young person’s own plans)
• Feel well informed about choices available, but less likely to feel
prepared for life after school @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Summary: Experience in Special Schools
• Concerns over curricular provision (esp. @ senior cycle)
• Hugely positive about LCA (where provided): but challenges re.
work experience: school staff support, employer resources,
insurance; shorter school day creates challenges; school buildings
‘aren’t fit for purpose’; challenge of running multiple
programmes in one classroom; lack of specialist teachers
• Each school had developed transition programmes centred on
promoting independence/social skills and supporting decision-
making (lack of DE programme)
• Hugely positive reflections on preparedness/efforts of school
leaders and teachers @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Summary: Post-School Transitions
 Positive reflections on HSE profiling, but resource constraints,
perceived variation in provision (impairment/geography)
 Disconnect from parents (once profiling done); insufficient pre-
transition contact for parents
 Timeliness & adequacy of HSE funding (esp. re. transport)
 Readiness of service providers – staffing and expertise to meet
the diversity of needs (and growing complexity)
 Disjunction in specialised supports like S&L, OT, psychology etc.
 Lack of link-back with schools and their expertise
 Need for Joined up services: that enables YP to move easily
between HSE services and the services provided by other
government agencies @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Higher Education Access Gaps
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Over 30 books in house
Over 10 days missed at 9
Positive school engagement at 13
Economic vulnerability
Parental education: 3rd level degree
Attending a DEIS school
Parental expectation: 3rd level degree
Academic difficulty at 9
9 or more Junior Certificate honours
No Yes @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
Post-school pathways
Continue education Get a job
GUI School leaver survey
Note: The number of students who decided to ‘travel/take time out’, or ‘other’ is too small to report. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
@ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications
DARE, HEAR, CAO applications
Not applied Applied

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SLIDES_Post School Transitions for Students with SEN

  • 1. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Post School Transitions for Students with SEN EVENT NABMSE Conference 2023, Hodson Bay, Athlone DATE 20 October 2023 RESEARCH TEAM Selina McCoy, Eamonn Carroll & Keyu Ye
  • 2. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 2 Today’s Presentation • Research focus and questions • Research design/methodology • School experience of students with SEN • Main post-school pathways for students with SEN • School and post-school experiences of students in special schools • Summary
  • 3. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Research Focus and Questions 1. Why do young people end up on particular post-school pathways? What factors influence their decisions? 2. What are the experiences of young people on different pathways? 3. What are the views of schools, families, post-school providers regarding post-school options for young people with special educational and learning needs? 4. What lessons can be identified from this research to support planning and service provision for the inclusion of disabled young people in post-school life? 3
  • 4. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 4 Research Design Setting Spring2022 Autumn 2022 School setting - Representative of schools in Ireland Wave 1 of longitudinal survey with school leavers with SEN Interview 10 guidance counsellor/SEN coordinator 10 parents 10 young people with SEN Follow-up Wave 2 of longitudinal survey with young people recruited in school settings Interview 10 young people with SEN Post-school settings - representative of post- school settings (e.g. PLC, NLN, day service centres) Survey with young people recruited in post-school settings Interview 15 post-school pathway personnel 10 young people with SEN Primary data collection supplemented by detailed secondary analysis of Growing Up in Ireland post- school outcomes of the child cohort at ages 17/18 and at 20
  • 5. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications School experiences of students with SEN in mainstream schools - Findings from School Leavers’ Survey in Spring 2022 5
  • 6. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Students’ reflection on their school experiences 6 71.7% 57.6% 56.3% 53.6% 38.4% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% I am encouraged by teachers to continue my education or training when I leave school I get all the info I need to continue my education after I finish school I find schoolwork hard I get all the support I need to learn I like school
  • 7. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Students’ perceptions of the development of personal skills 7 15.7% 11.1% 15.7% 33.2% 20.3% 47.8% 49.1% 40.3% 39.2% 40.3% 36.5% 39.8% 44.1% 27.6% 39.5% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Being able to talk to others and make myself understood Being able to work with others Helping me make new friends Being able to perform well under pressure Helping me develop as a person Didn't help Helped a little Helped a lot
  • 8. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Students’ perception of the development of self- determination skills 8 68.9% 83.5% 64.8% 39.3% 64.9% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% School gave me an interest in learning I knew how to learn new skills School helped me decide what to do after leaving school School prepared me for living independently Increased my self confidence
  • 9. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Helpfulness of extra subject supports received at school 9 76.9% 96.6% 89.5% 67.2% 63.6% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% Peer mentoring Individual (one to one) tuition In a small group outside your regular class In a large group outside your regular class Something else
  • 10. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Qualitative Survey findings: Extra Supports • Academic: • Learning Support, One-to-One Support, Resource Hours, Small Group Instruction, Specific Subject Support • Non-Academic: • Mental Health Support, Organisational Skills Support, Social Support, Therapy • Guidance: • Wider Guidance, More Information on Post-School Options 10
  • 11. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Qualitative Survey findings: Extra Supports • Accommodations: • Assistive Technology, RACE, Safe Room, Irish Exemption, SNA • Access: • Denied Asked For Help, More Assessment, Easier Access to DARE/RACE • Personal: • Encouragement, Motivation, Recognition of Needs, Communication, Segregation, Dignity/Respect 11
  • 12. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Perceived expectations of parents, teachers and young person themselves 12 85.1% 45.2% 55.7% 31.1% 12.3% 28.4% 25.5% 47.4% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% I think I will enjoy what I am doing next year (course, work, attendance at day service) more than I enjoy school I feel prepared for life after school My parents and I have the same ideas about what I will do after I leave school My teachers and I have the same ideas about what I will do after I leave school Strongly agree/agree Neutral Strongly disagree/disagree
  • 13. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Qualitative Survey findings: Excitement • Growing Up: • Independence, Money, Maturing • Improvements from School: • Shorter Days, Less Intense, Better Learning Environment, Novelty, Leaving School • New Contexts: • University, PLC, Apprenticeship, Work, Specific Subject • Social Life • Friends, Fresh Start, Hobbies 13
  • 14. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Qualitative Survey findings: Worry • Financial: • Immediate, Longer Term • Course/Setting • Getting Into Course, Choosing Course, Managing Course, Possible Future Regret, Specific Concerns About Setting/Course • Growing Up: • Self-Direction, Change, Leaving Home, Starting From Scratch, Dealing with Uncertainty, Homesickness, Future Job Choice, Loss of School Supports, Responsibility, Stress, Immaturity • Social Life • Friends, Confidence • Access to Supports • Disability Supports, Mental Health Supports 14
  • 15. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Main post-school pathways for students with SEN 15
  • 16. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Findings from Growing Up in Ireland • At age 20, 61% of young people were currently in or had completed a HE degree, with wide differences by type of SEN and disability: • 66% of those without SEN • 62% with physical or sensory disabilities • 49% with specific learning difficulties • 46% of those in the ‘other disability’ category • 40% with social-emotional SEN • 28% with intellectual disabilities. 16
  • 17. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Key Characteristics by SEN/Disability Status 17 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 Fewer than 9 honours at Junior Certificate Drumcondra test bottom quantile at 13 More than 10 days absent at 9 No degree expected by parents Negative engagement with school Positive engagement with school Teacher identified academic issues at 9 Experienced economic vulnerability at either wave Attending a DEIS school SEN/Disability No SEN/Disability
  • 18. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Higher Education Pathway Gaps 18 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 No SEN at 9 SEN at 9 Non-DEIS school DEIS school No economic vulnerability Economic vulnerability 3rd level expectation No 3rd level expectation University Level 8 IT Level 8 IT Level 6/7 FET DNF No Post-school Education
  • 19. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Key Themes from Interviews with Young People • School Experiences • In-school Supports • Spectrum of Engagement with Guidance • Family Influence • Medium to Long term plans 19
  • 20. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications School Experiences • While students generally enjoyed school, some felt that the type of learning required was not suited to them. • Particularly the case where the young person described themselves as more practical than academic • Leaving Cert Applied was a positive experience for some, others spoke of not being able to do it even though they would have preferred to. • Overall students felt school had prepared them well for next step academically • Most students felt able to self-direct their own learning after school, but some remarked on lack of preparation for autonomous learning 20
  • 21. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications In-School Supports • “Good” Supports: • Proactive rather than reactive • Student-centred rather than prescriptive • In particular, responsive to specific needs • “Bad” Supports: • Reliant on formal diagnosis, which in some cases was not available or very late in coming • Emphasised or even created difference from peers rather than fostering inclusion • Could not be accessed without “a fight” 21
  • 22. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Range of Engagement with Guidance • Students want different things around guidance and advice for post-school planning, and some don’t know what they want: • Some barely wanted or needed input from school at all • Many knew what they wanted and how to get there but welcomed support with specific dates and steps in the process • Others knew the general area they wanted to go into and appreciated support in turning this into a specific pathway • For those who had no idea what to do, guidance was not very useful as there was nothing for it to work with 22
  • 23. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Range of Engagement with Guidance • A lack of career guidance was mentioned only twice – generally the young people felt they were being given support, just not always the support they wanted • The most common issue raised was around career guidance not aligning with young person’s own plans • Two separate forms of this misalignment: • Excessive focus on HE, to the detriment of other options • Excessive encouragement away from HE, towards other options 23
  • 24. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Family Influence • Most interviewees described their parents as supportive of their decisions, whatever they decided • Despite not feeling pressure from parents, many young people described following in their general footsteps, especially when unsure what to do • Children of parents with a degree defaulted to higher education, children of parents without a degree to FE, apprenticeships or work 24
  • 25. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Medium to Long term plans • Young people were generally optimistic about where they would be in five years’ time • Those in higher education were confident about getting through it and continuing on to postgraduate study or the world of work • Those in further education felt they knew what they had to do to enter the world of work or continue into higher education • Those in work or NEET were planning to return to study in the future, though not all were sure of how to do so 25
  • 26. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications School and post-school experiences of students in Special Schools 26
  • 27. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 27 Case Study Research in Special Schools • Census of all special schools to find those with young people of school leaving age (over 16). • Theoretical sample of 8 schools (from 23 schools) • Mix of schools in terms of geographic location and nature of disability/need • Interviews with principals, teachers with responsibility for transition planning, parents and young adults (at two timepoints) • Number of leavers ranged from a few to nearly 30 per school
  • 28. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Key Themes • End of school: • Curricular Provision & Certification • Transition Preparation • Impact of COVID • Post-School Setting: • Suitable Setting Availability • Initial Transition Experiences • Communication Between School & New Setting • Key Challenges 28
  • 29. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 29 Reflections on School Experiences Curricular provision and Certification • Varied within and across schools, with many schools reporting a ‘mixed profile of need in their school’, tailoring provision and programmes accordingly • Included JC Level 1/2, JC Level 3, LCA, select LC subjects, QQI programmes & programmes devised by individual schools • JC L1/2: Valuable life skills developed. But at that time there was no certification: ‘they don’t really leave with any certification. That really upsets me because they spend so much time and effort, and the teachers have as well creating hugely differentiated resources…they left with no paperwork basically. They still get a certificate, but it’s a school certificate. That’s why we are fighting nationally to get the QQI [award]’ (Principal)
  • 30. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 30 Reflections on School Experiences Curricular provision and Certification • Criticism of JC reforms ‘The junior cert has been appalling, because most of our kids would have managed…foundation maths and now it is a common paper. For some subjects like home economics…the common paper does not work. You can’t have them all set at the one level…there should have been a different level in terms of papers given’ (Principal) • Lack of follow-on at senior cycle (and lack of focus on special schools in senior cycle review): ‘It's in the absence of a programme [is the challenge] – there is no suitable curricular programme for these young people – the LCA wouldn’t be appropriate’ (Teacher)
  • 31. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 31 Reflections on School Experiences LCA: provided in a few schools – very positive views • ‘PDST support is super, we would be lost without them’ • Certification very important • Providing real world skills: ‘it’s a fantastic preparation’ • BUT: • Work experience is difficult – school staff support, employer resources, insurance • Shorter school day creates challenges • School buildings ‘aren’t fit for purpose’ • Challenge of running multiple programmes in one classroom • ‘Special schools don’t have enough specialist teachers to do the Leaving Cert Applied’
  • 32. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 32 Reflections on School Experiences Transition Preparation • Each school had developed a transition programme, often overseen by a teacher with particular responsibility • To promote independence & life skills • To support decision-making ‘From the Department’s point of view, they have no real programme to prepare students for transition. So it is really up to each school and I know special schools have different needs but there is no real framework there for schools to work within’ (Principal)
  • 33. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 33 Reflections on School Experiences Transition Preparation HSE Profiling: Generally positive views from schools & parents ‘The HSE staff would use a profiling tool to assess the needs and establish the level of care the child would need. Through profiling, I was able to explore what our options were in the area we lived (e.g. name of centres/services) … The HSE officer brought us through the process over 7 months in total, from the first contact with the guidance officer’ (Parent) ‘I did find that process quite good because I was listened to, this is what I said I wanted and its what we got. He got his extra year [at school], he got his transition programme….They talked about all his needs, they went through everything…We got all the information we needed’ (Parent)
  • 34. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 34 Reflections on School Experiences Transition Preparation HSE Profiling: Resource constrained ‘often the young person will not get the number of hours [in the post-school setting] that the parent was hoping they would get’ (Transition Teacher) Disconnect ‘There still isn’t the partnership between schools and the HSE when it comes to the transfer [of students], they are running parallel. They go off and do their profiling and they link with the service providers as to where they go…..but a lot of the time the parents are still waiting in May or June to find out what course their child will be on or what support has gone with that child’ (Principal) Requirement for diagnostic assessment (required for the first time last year)
  • 35. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 35 Reflections on School Experiences Transition Preparation: Parent and Young Adult Views • Hugely positive reflections on preparedness/efforts of school leaders and teachers ‘He had an amazing teacher last year and she was brilliant at working on [name of YP] strengths and building on everything up. His independence was a big thing, trying to get him to be more independent …and they worked on him leaving this cosy little environment’ (Parent) ‘She came on in leaps and bounds here, she loved it…if she could have got another year she would have stayed’ (Parent) ‘For years I was dreading adult services…I was terrified. But as the time went on, and especially in the last year, we were ready, [name of son] was ready, we were ready to leave the school which I never thought I would have been’ (Parent)
  • 36. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 36 Reflections on School Experiences Young Adults’ Views • All of the school leavers reflected positively on their school days and enjoyed meeting the researchers at their ‘old school’ [School] was my favourite place I loved school I liked to learn everything • They displayed wonderful connections with staff at the school and were looking forward to touring the school to catch up
  • 37. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 37 Reflections on School Experiences Transition Preparation: Parent and YP Views • But parents were less positive in relation to specialised supports ‘The supports were non-existent. We were lucky that we were comfortable enough financially and we would have over the years paid…OT, speech and language. Non-existent, it really was, it’s a joke really…you’d have somebody seeing [name of YP] once every 6 weeks, there was no continuation of the person giving the service…if a new person came in you had to start from scratch. The therapies were intermittent, they weren’t of a high standard at all’ (Parent) • Perceived regional variation ‘[specialised supports are] not standardised across the country, it does depend on what county you are in…it depends on your address and the demands on the system. So there needs to be some overlook over everything to see how this could be spread out better’ (Parent) • Variation by need/impairment + Lasting impact of COVID-19
  • 38. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 38 Reflections on Choice and Options • The cohort of young adults leaving the 8 special school settings varied widely in their post-school pathways, but many transitioned into a range of adult services, rather than mainstream settings. • School personnel noted that for the young adults and parents, transition to an adult service was often seen as more reassuring, particularly where the adult services were located in close proximity to their special school and/or home. • Some school personnel and parents spoke positively about the pathways available for the school leavers and the success of the transition, at least during the initial weeks when the research was carried out. • Others felt that not all placements were ideal and funding was seen to impact on the suitability of the pathways on offer: ‘If there was more funding they could offer a better range of services’ which could better meet all needs (Transition teacher)
  • 39. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 39 Reflections on Choice and Options • Some less satisfied with diversity of provision ‘I would think that the pupils with a moderate learning disability are catered for, mild to moderate yes, but the children with severe to profound, I don’t feel there is an awful lot out there for them. ’ (Principal) ‘For the pupils that might have serious behavioural issues, what are the options for them?...There are a couple of pupils in my class that will be finishing up in a couple of years and the parents are starting to go “what’s going to happen?”…They struggle with communication, there is behavioural issues. A lot of places won’t want to take pupils with behavioural issues’ (Teacher) • Particular difficulties were noted for young adults leaving care environments
  • 40. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 40 Initial Transition Experiences • Parents conveyed broad satisfaction with the initial transition experiences ‘He [son] is all excited. The first day they said what do you like…this is all about you and his face lit up. So it is about him and they don’t ask me permission for anything, its [name of son’s] permission, if he wants to do something or go somewhere. [Name of son] is an adult and he gives consent and he is capable of giving consent’ (Parent) ‘She [daughter] is in the national learning network in [name of area]. So far so good, she has settled in very well…she seems to be very comfortable there, she is full of chat about it.’ (Parent) ‘…we are all happy…She is happy going, she is happy coming home, she has got her bit of independence, we are sending her on the bus…she has made lots of friends and getting through the work’ (Parent)
  • 41. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 41 Initial Transition Experiences • BUT Insufficient pre-transition contact (particularly for parents) ‘I would like the parents to also be there on some of the sampling days…I would like if some of the profiling was done with myself, the parent, the young person and a staff member from the new facility together, because we are trying to hold a holistic approach but… it is fragmented’ (Teacher) • Impact of COVID-19 (on sampling and visits) • Frequent challenges around transport ‘So if they have to get to a centre, its [transport facilities are] going to be a huge factor and a lot of the time there isn’t enough of a budget to put transport in place’ (Transition teacher) • Cut-off in specialised supports ‘All of that is gone [specialised supports], everything is gone…the minute you hit 18 it’s meant to be a miracle that everything is meant to be right, and to be honest it’s when they are older you need more medical support’ (Parent)
  • 42. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 42 Initial Transition Experiences • Widespread implications of staffing difficulties Challenges around recruitment and staff turnover in the day services impacted on the readiness of service providers to enrol young adults as planned or in the intensity of the service provided ‘Now one of the boys in my class did go out and look at two settings and he preferred the setting that he ended up with. However, he still hasn’t started there…they cannot find staff’ (Principal) ‘So what we hear a lot is houses are full, they have to set up a new one, it could be November before they start…so there is always a huge delay’ (Principal) ‘… that was a worry for me that she could end up being that handful where they don’t have a setting. They had the funding; they just don’t have the people and the resources. It turned out that we were not in that situation, but we were halfway there in that they could only offer 3 days a week’ (Parent)
  • 43. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 43 Other challenges • Changing profile of need in special schools • Adequacy of resources • Designation as primary school (consequences for curricular provision, guidance, school day etc.) ‘We fight for everything we get, teachers are so motivated for children with special needs and for young adults with special needs, to make them independent, to push them ahead and I would hate to see that stopping [when they leave school] and that’s sometimes what we really grapple with … we want to see them being wonderful citizens, giving something back and that’s our aim…our children have loads to give and that’s what I’d like to see, the next step where they live wholesome lives where they are giving and not taking and they have loads to give’ (Principal)
  • 44. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 44 Summary: Mainstream Schools • Most young people were engaged at school • Positive about the supports they received (particularly individual or small group support) • Distinctions between good supports (proactive rather than reactive; student-centred rather than prescriptive, responsive to specific needs) and bad supports (reliant on formal diagnosis, often not available/late in coming; emphasised or even created difference from peers rather than fostering inclusion; could not be accessed without “a fight”) • Reflect positively on their skills development (but less so in terms of independence skills and autonomous learning) • High expectations for future (but less consensus with teacher ideas) • Guidance - being given support, just not always the support they wanted (guidance not aligning with young person’s own plans) • Feel well informed about choices available, but less likely to feel prepared for life after school
  • 45. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 45 Summary: Experience in Special Schools • Concerns over curricular provision (esp. @ senior cycle) • Hugely positive about LCA (where provided): but challenges re. work experience: school staff support, employer resources, insurance; shorter school day creates challenges; school buildings ‘aren’t fit for purpose’; challenge of running multiple programmes in one classroom; lack of specialist teachers • Each school had developed transition programmes centred on promoting independence/social skills and supporting decision- making (lack of DE programme) • Hugely positive reflections on preparedness/efforts of school leaders and teachers
  • 46. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications 46 Summary: Post-School Transitions  Positive reflections on HSE profiling, but resource constraints, perceived variation in provision (impairment/geography)  Disconnect from parents (once profiling done); insufficient pre- transition contact for parents  Timeliness & adequacy of HSE funding (esp. re. transport)  Readiness of service providers – staffing and expertise to meet the diversity of needs (and growing complexity)  Disjunction in specialised supports like S&L, OT, psychology etc.  Lack of link-back with schools and their expertise  Need for Joined up services: that enables YP to move easily between HSE services and the services provided by other government agencies
  • 47. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Higher Education Access Gaps 47 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Male Over 30 books in house Over 10 days missed at 9 Positive school engagement at 13 Economic vulnerability Parental education: 3rd level degree Attending a DEIS school Parental expectation: 3rd level degree Academic difficulty at 9 9 or more Junior Certificate honours No Yes
  • 48. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications Post-school pathways 48 92.3% 2.5% 82.3% 12.4% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% Continue education Get a job GUI School leaver survey Note: The number of students who decided to ‘travel/take time out’, or ‘other’ is too small to report.
  • 49. @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications @ESRIDublin #ESRIevents #ESRIpublications DARE, HEAR, CAO applications 49 80 218 247 273 132 101 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 CAO DARE HEAR Not applied Applied