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on Steroids
Taking LiveData to the next level
Giora Shevach &
Shahar Ben Moshe
● Observable data holder
LiveData (vanilla)
LiveData (vanilla)
● Observable data holder
● Lifecycle-aware
○ Auto handling of lifecycle-related stuff
○ Avoids stupid crashes
○ Avoids memory leaks
○ App doesn’t do more work than it
LiveData (vanilla)
● Observable data holder
● Lifecycle-aware
○ Auto handling of lifecycle-related stuff
○ Avoids stupid crashes
○ Avoids memory leaks
○ App doesn’t do more work than it
class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() {
private lateinit viewModel: WeatherDashboardViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this)
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { // it: Weather
class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel {
val weather: LiveData<Weather> =
class WeatherRepo {
val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>()
// code to manipulate weather
class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() {
private lateinit viewModel: WeatherDashboardViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this)
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { // it: Weather
class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel {
val weather: LiveData<Weather> =
class WeatherRepo {
val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>()
// code to manipulate weather
class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() {
private lateinit viewModel: WeatherDashboardViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this)
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { // it: Weather
class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel {
val weather: LiveData<Weather> =
class WeatherRepo {
val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>()
// code to manipulate weather
class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() {
private lateinit viewModel: WeatherDashboardViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this)
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { // it: Weather
class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel {
val weather: LiveData<Weather> =
class WeatherRepo {
val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>()
// code to manipulate weather
class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() {
private lateinit viewModel: WeatherDashboardViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this)
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { // it: Weather
class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel {
val weather: LiveData<Weather> =
class WeatherRepo {
val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>()
// code to manipulate weather
LiveData - where it falls short
val weather: LiveData<Weather> =
val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>()
fun fetchNewWeather() {
// do some network stuff…
weather.value =
fun onForeground() {
val weatherError = MutableLiveData<Exception>()
val weatherError = weatherRepo.weatherError
fun observeWeatherAndOtherThingsAsWell() {, Observer { weather -> // : Weather
viewModel.weatherError.observe(this, Observer { weatherError -> // : Exception
viewModel.weatherLoading.observe(this, Observer {weatherLoading -> // : Boolean
if (weatherError != null && != lastError) {
lastError =
} else {
if (weatherLoading) {
} else {
if (weather != null) {
} else {
⬢ How we built it
⬢ How to use it
⬢ How it solves common scenarios in daily app operation
⬢ Integration in existing code & libraries
⬢ Super powers
❏ Get updates upon data changes
❏ Be lifecycle-aware
❏ Support every data type
❏ Know when the data is retrieved successfully and ready to
❏ Know when the data is loading, and supply some partial data
❏ Know when an error occurred, and know what the error is
abstract class StatefulData<T> {
class Success<T>(val data: T) : StatefulData<T>()
class Error<T>(val throwable: Throwable) : StatefulData<T>()
class Loading<T>(val loadingData: Any?) : StatefulData<T>()
❏ Get updates upon data changes
❏ Be lifecycle-aware
❏ Support every data type
❏ Know when the data is retrieved successfully and ready to use
❏ Know when the data is loading, and supply some partial data
❏ Know when an error occurred, and know what the error is
abstract class StatefulData<T> {
class Success<T>(val data: T) : StatefulData<T>()
class Error<T>(val throwable: Throwable) : StatefulData<T>()
class Loading<T>(val loadingData: Any?) : StatefulData<T>()
❏ Get updates upon data changes
❏ Be lifecycle-aware
✓ Support every data type
✓ Know when the data is retrieved successfully and ready to use
✓ Know when the data is loading, and supply some partial data
✓ Know when an error occurred, and know what the error is
typealias StatefulLiveData<T> = LiveData<StatefulData<T>>
typealias MutableStatefulLiveData<T> = MutableLiveData<StatefulData<T>>
typealias MediatorStatefulLiveData<T> = MediatorLiveData<StatefulData<T>>
val weather: LiveData<Weather> =
val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>()
fun fetchNewWeather() {
// do some network stuff…
weather.value =
fun onForeground() {
val weatherError= MutableLiveData<Exception>()
val weatherError= weatherRepo.weatherError
val weather: StatefulLiveData<Weather> =
val weather = MutableStatefulLiveData<Weather>()
fun fetchNewWeather() {
// do some network stuff…
weather.value =
fun onForeground() {
class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity()
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather>
When (it) {
is Success -> { // Weather
is Loading -> { // it.loadingData: Any?
showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String)
is Error -> { // it.throwable: Throwable
class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity()
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather>
When (it) {
is Success -> { // Weather
is Loading -> { // it.loadingData: Any?
showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String)
is Error -> { // it.throwable: Throwable
class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity()
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather>
When (it) {
is Success -> { // Weather
is Loading -> { // it.loadingData: Any?
showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String)
is Error -> { // it.throwable: Throwable
class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity()
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather>
When (it) {
is Success -> { // Weather
is Loading -> { // it.loadingData: Any?
showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String)
is Error -> { // it.throwable: Throwable
Simple State Observation
class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather>
When (it) {
is Success -> showTemperatureInBig( // Weather
is Loading -> {
showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String) // it.loadingData: Any?
is Error -> {
log(it.throwable) // it.throwable: Throwable
class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: Weather
observeLoading, observeError
class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: Any?
showLocationName(it as? String)
class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: Throwable
Flexible Observation
class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather>
When (it) {
is Success -> showTemperatureInBig( // Weather
is Loading -> {
showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String) // it.loadingData: Any?
is Error -> {
log(it.throwable) // it.throwable: Throwable
class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {
.onSuccess{ // it: Weather
.onError{ // it: Throwable
class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {
.onSuccess{ // it: Weather
.onError{ // it: Throwable
class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {
.onSuccess{ // it: Weather
.onError{ // it: Throwable
class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {
.onSuccess{ // it: Weather
.onError{ // it: Throwable
class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {
.onSuccess{ // it: Weather
.onError{ // it: Throwable
class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() {
val temperature: StatefulLiveData<Temperature> = { // it : Weather
It.temperature ^map
class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() {
val temperature: StatefulLiveData<Temperature> = { // it : Weather
It.temperature ^map
class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() {
val radarImage: StatefulLiveData<List<RadarImage>> = { // it : Weather
repo.getRadarImages(it.latLng) // ^switchMap
class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() {
val temperature: StatefulLiveData<Temperature> = { // it : Weather
It.temperature ^map
typealias MediatorStatefulLiveData<T> = MediatorLiveData<StatefulData<T>>
typealias MediatorStatefulLiveData<T> = MediatorLiveData<StatefulData<T>>
class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() {
val fusedForecast = MediatorStatefulLiveData<Forecast>().apply {
addSource(repo.todayForecast) { // it: Forecast
// handle data
addSource(repo.tomorrowForecast) { // it: StatefulData<Forecast>
// handle stateful data
class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val vanillaWeather: LiveData<Weather> =
class WeatherDasboardViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val vanillaWeather: LiveData<Weather> =
.mapToLiveData(errorMapFunction = { // it : Throwable
return Weather()
fun <T> StatefulLiveData<T>.mapToLiveData(
errorMapFunction: (Throwable) -> T? = { _ -> null },
loadingMapFunction: (Any?) -> T? = { _ -> null },
fallbackMapFunction: () -> T? = { null }
): LiveData<T>
fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putData(data: T)
fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putLoading(loadingData: Any?)? = null)
fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putError(error: Throwable)
fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putData(data: T)
fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putLoading(loadingFunction: (() -> Any?)? = null)
fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putError(error: Throwable)
class WeatherDasboardViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val mutableWeather = MutableStatefulLiveData<Weather>()
private fun setWeatherLoading() {
mutableWeather.putLoading() //loadingData = null
mutableWeather.putLoading(”Please wait...”) // loadingData: String
mutableWeather.putLoading(53) // loadingData: Int - show % progress
mutableWeather.putLoading(oldWeather) // loadingData: Weather
class WeatherDasboardViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val mutableWeather = MutableStatefulLiveData<Weather>()
private fun setWeatherLoading() {
mutableWeather.putLoading() //loadingData = null
mutableWeather.putLoading(”Please wait...”) // loadingData: String
mutableWeather.putLoading(53) // loadingData: Int - show % progress
mutableWeather.putLoading(oldWeather) // loadingData: Weather
class WeatherDasboardViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val mutableWeather = MutableStatefulLiveData<Weather>()
private fun setWeatherLoading() {
mutableWeather.putLoading() //loadingData = null
mutableWeather.putLoading(”Please wait...”) // loadingData: String
mutableWeather.putLoading(53) // loadingData: Int - show % progress
mutableWeather.putLoading(oldWeather) // loadingData: Weather
class WeatherDasboardViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val mutableWeather = MutableStatefulLiveData<Weather>()
private fun setWeatherLoading() {
mutableWeather.putLoading() //loadingData = null
mutableWeather.putLoading(”Please wait...”) // loadingData: String
mutableWeather.putLoading(53) // loadingData: Int - show % progress
mutableWeather.putLoading(oldWeather) // loadingData: Weather
fun <T> LiveData<T>.observeOnce(
observer: Observer<T>,
retainForLoadingState: Boolean = true)
fun createClient(baseUrl: String): Retrofit {
return Retrofit
fun createClient(baseUrl: String): Retrofit {
return Retrofit
fun createClient(baseUrl: String): Retrofit {
return Retrofit
interface MyRetrofitService {
fun getWeather(): Call<Weather>
fun createClient(baseUrl: String): Retrofit {
return Retrofit
interface MyRetrofitService {
fun getWeather(): StatefulLiveData<Weather>
class FirestoreRepo {
private val firestoreDb: FirebaseFirestore = … // init FirebaseFirestore
fun getUser(userId: String) : Task<User> {
val getUserTask = firestoreDb
.whereEqualTo(“userId”, userId)
return getUserTask
class FirestoreRepo {
private val firestoreDb: FirebaseFirestore = … // init FirebaseFirestore
fun getUser(userId: String) : StatefulLiveData<User> {
val getUserTask = firestoreDb
.whereEqualTo(“userId”, userId)
return getUserTask.toStatefulLiveData()
class FirestoreRepo {
private val firestoreDb: FirebaseFirestore = … // init FirebaseFirestore
fun getUser(userId: String) : StatefulLiveData<Account> {
val getUserTask = firestoreDb
.whereEqualTo(“userId”, userId)
return getUserTask.toStatefulLiveData { // User: task result
val userAccount: Account = … // map User -> Account
userAccount ^toStatefulLiveData
class LoadingWithPercent(val percent: Int) : StatefulData<Int>()
class LoadingWithPercent(val percent: Int) : StatefulData<Int>()
class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() {
private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather>
When (it) {
is ... -> {...}
is LoadingWithPercent -> {
showProgress(it.percent) // it.percent: Int
class LoadingWithPercent(val percent: Int) : StatefulData<Int>()
fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putLoadingWithPercent(percent: Int) {...}
fun <T> StatefulLiveData<T>.observeLoadingWithPercent(owner: LifecycleOwner,
observer: Observer<in Any?>): StatefulLiveData<T> {...}
Event bus Callback listener Rx StatefulLiveData
Life cycle aware X X X
Low learning
Lean X X
Data retention X X
Memory leaks
Use the right tool for the job
(or make one if it doesn’t exist)
Got get Stateful, It’s Live!
Thank you!

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  • 1. 1 LiveData on Steroids Taking LiveData to the next level Giora Shevach & Shahar Ben Moshe
  • 2.
  • 4. 4 ● Observable data holder LiveData (vanilla)
  • 5. 5 LiveData (vanilla) ● Observable data holder ● Lifecycle-aware ○ Auto handling of lifecycle-related stuff ○ Avoids stupid crashes ○ Avoids memory leaks ○ App doesn’t do more work than it
  • 6. 6 LiveData (vanilla) ● Observable data holder ● Lifecycle-aware ○ Auto handling of lifecycle-related stuff ○ Avoids stupid crashes ○ Avoids memory leaks ○ App doesn’t do more work than it
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() { private lateinit viewModel: WeatherDashboardViewModel override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this) .get(WeatherDashboardViewModel::java.class) observeWeather() } private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { // it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) }) } } class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel { val weather: LiveData<Weather> = } class WeatherRepo { val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>() // code to manipulate weather }
  • 10. class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() { private lateinit viewModel: WeatherDashboardViewModel override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this) .get(WeatherDashboardViewModel::java.class) observeWeather() } private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { // it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) }) } } class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel { val weather: LiveData<Weather> = } class WeatherRepo { val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>() // code to manipulate weather }
  • 11. class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() { private lateinit viewModel: WeatherDashboardViewModel override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this) .get(WeatherDashboardViewModel::java.class) observeWeather() } private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { // it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) }) } } class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel { val weather: LiveData<Weather> = } class WeatherRepo { val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>() // code to manipulate weather }
  • 12. class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() { private lateinit viewModel: WeatherDashboardViewModel override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this) .get(WeatherDashboardViewModel::java.class) observeWeather() } private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { // it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) }) } } class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel { val weather: LiveData<Weather> = } class WeatherRepo { val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>() // code to manipulate weather }
  • 13. class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() { private lateinit viewModel: WeatherDashboardViewModel override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this) .get(WeatherDashboardViewModel::java.class) observeWeather() } private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { // it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) }) } } class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel { val weather: LiveData<Weather> = } class WeatherRepo { val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>() // code to manipulate weather }
  • 14. LiveData - where it falls short
  • 15. 15 WeatherDashboardActivity WeatherDashboardViewModel val weather: LiveData<Weather> = WeatherRepo val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>() fun fetchNewWeather() { // do some network stuff… weather.value = } AppLifecycleObserver @OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_RESUME) fun onForeground() { weatherRepo.fetchNewWeather() } val weatherError = MutableLiveData<Exception>() val weatherError = weatherRepo.weatherError viewModel.weatherError.observe(...)
  • 16. fun observeWeatherAndOtherThingsAsWell() {, Observer { weather -> // : Weather viewModel.weatherError.observe(this, Observer { weatherError -> // : Exception viewModel.weatherLoading.observe(this, Observer {weatherLoading -> // : Boolean if (weatherError != null && != lastError) { showErrorMessage() lastError = } else { if (weatherLoading) { showLoader() } else { if (weather != null) { showTemperatureInBig(weather.temperature) } else { showErrorMessage() } } } }) }) })
  • 18.
  • 19. 19 StatefulLiveData ⬢ How we built it ⬢ How to use it ⬢ How it solves common scenarios in daily app operation ⬢ Integration in existing code & libraries ⬢ Super powers
  • 20. 20 ❏ Get updates upon data changes ❏ Be lifecycle-aware ❏ Support every data type ❏ Know when the data is retrieved successfully and ready to use ❏ Know when the data is loading, and supply some partial data ❏ Know when an error occurred, and know what the error is Requirements StatefulLiveData
  • 21. StatefulData abstract class StatefulData<T> { class Success<T>(val data: T) : StatefulData<T>() class Error<T>(val throwable: Throwable) : StatefulData<T>() class Loading<T>(val loadingData: Any?) : StatefulData<T>() } ❏ Get updates upon data changes ❏ Be lifecycle-aware ❏ Support every data type ❏ Know when the data is retrieved successfully and ready to use ❏ Know when the data is loading, and supply some partial data ❏ Know when an error occurred, and know what the error is
  • 22. StatefulData abstract class StatefulData<T> { class Success<T>(val data: T) : StatefulData<T>() class Error<T>(val throwable: Throwable) : StatefulData<T>() class Loading<T>(val loadingData: Any?) : StatefulData<T>() } ❏ Get updates upon data changes ❏ Be lifecycle-aware ✓ Support every data type ✓ Know when the data is retrieved successfully and ready to use ✓ Know when the data is loading, and supply some partial data ✓ Know when an error occurred, and know what the error is
  • 23. StatefulLiveData LiveData<StatefulData<T>> typealias StatefulLiveData<T> = LiveData<StatefulData<T>> typealias MutableStatefulLiveData<T> = MutableLiveData<StatefulData<T>> typealias MediatorStatefulLiveData<T> = MediatorLiveData<StatefulData<T>>
  • 24.
  • 25. WeatherDashboardActivity WeatherDashboardViewModel val weather: LiveData<Weather> = WeatherRepo val weather = MutableLiveData<Weather>() fun fetchNewWeather() { // do some network stuff… weather.value = } AppLifecycleObserver @OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_RESUME) fun onForeground() { weatherRepo.fetchNewWeather() } val weatherError= MutableLiveData<Exception>() val weatherError= weatherRepo.weatherError viewModel.weatherError.observe(...)
  • 26. WeatherDashboardActivity WeatherDashboardViewModel val weather: StatefulLiveData<Weather> = WeatherRepo val weather = MutableStatefulLiveData<Weather>() fun fetchNewWeather() { // do some network stuff… weather.value = } AppLifecycleObserver @OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_RESUME) fun onForeground() { weatherRepo.fetchNewWeather() }
  • 27. class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather> When (it) { is Success -> { // Weather showTemperatureInBig( } is Loading -> { // it.loadingData: Any? showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String) showLoader() } is Error -> { // it.throwable: Throwable showErrorMessage() log(it.throwable) } } }) } }
  • 28. class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather> When (it) { is Success -> { // Weather showTemperatureInBig( } is Loading -> { // it.loadingData: Any? showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String) showLoader() } is Error -> { // it.throwable: Throwable showErrorMessage() log(it.throwable) } } }) } }
  • 29. class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather> When (it) { is Success -> { // Weather showTemperatureInBig( } is Loading -> { // it.loadingData: Any? showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String) showLoader() } is Error -> { // it.throwable: Throwable showErrorMessage() log(it.throwable) } } }) } }
  • 30. class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather> When (it) { is Success -> { // Weather showTemperatureInBig( } is Loading -> { // it.loadingData: Any? showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String) showLoader() } is Error -> { // it.throwable: Throwable showErrorMessage() log(it.throwable) } } }) } }
  • 33. class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather> When (it) { is Success -> showTemperatureInBig( // Weather is Loading -> { showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String) // it.loadingData: Any? showLoader() } is Error -> { showErrorMessage() log(it.throwable) // it.throwable: Throwable } } }) } }
  • 34. 34 observeSuccess class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) }) } }
  • 35. 35 observeLoading, observeError class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: Any? showLocationName(it as? String) showLoader() }) } } class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: Throwable showErrorMessage() log(it) }) } }
  • 37. class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather> When (it) { is Success -> showTemperatureInBig( // Weather is Loading -> { showLocationName(it.loadingData as? String) // it.loadingData: Any? showLoader() } is Error -> { showErrorMessage() log(it.throwable) // it.throwable: Throwable } } }) } }
  • 38. class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() { .onSuccess{ // it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) } .onError{ // it: Throwable showErrorMessage() log(it) } .observe() } }
  • 39. class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() { .onSuccess{ // it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) } .onError{ // it: Throwable showErrorMessage() log(it) } .observe() } }
  • 40. class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() { .onSuccess{ // it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) } .onError{ // it: Throwable showErrorMessage() log(it) } .observe() } }
  • 41. class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() { .onSuccess{ // it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) } .onError{ // it: Throwable showErrorMessage() log(it) } .observe() } }
  • 42. class WeatherDasboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() { .onSuccess{ // it: Weather showTemperatureInBig(it.temperature) } .onError{ // it: Throwable showErrorMessage() log(it) } .observe() } }
  • 43.
  • 44. 44 Transformations.Map class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() { val temperature: StatefulLiveData<Temperature> = { // it : Weather It.temperature ^map } }
  • 45. 45 Transformations.Map class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() { val temperature: StatefulLiveData<Temperature> = { // it : Weather It.temperature ^map } } Transformations.SwitchMap class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() { val radarImage: StatefulLiveData<List<RadarImage>> = { // it : Weather repo.getRadarImages(it.latLng) // ^switchMap } }
  • 46. 46 class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() { val temperature: StatefulLiveData<Temperature> = { // it : Weather It.temperature ^map } } Transformations.MapWithCoroutine
  • 48. 48 typealias MediatorStatefulLiveData<T> = MediatorLiveData<StatefulData<T>> StatefulLiveDataMediator
  • 49. 49 typealias MediatorStatefulLiveData<T> = MediatorLiveData<StatefulData<T>> StatefulLiveDataMediator class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() { val fusedForecast = MediatorStatefulLiveData<Forecast>().apply { addSource(repo.todayForecast) { // it: Forecast // handle data } addSource(repo.tomorrowForecast) { // it: StatefulData<Forecast> // handle stateful data } } }
  • 50.
  • 51. 51 class WeatherDashboardViewModel : ViewModel() { private val vanillaWeather: LiveData<Weather> = } mapToLiveData
  • 52. 52 mapToLiveData class WeatherDasboardViewModel : ViewModel() { private val vanillaWeather: LiveData<Weather> = .mapToLiveData(errorMapFunction = { // it : Throwable return Weather() }) } fun <T> StatefulLiveData<T>.mapToLiveData( errorMapFunction: (Throwable) -> T? = { _ -> null }, loadingMapFunction: (Any?) -> T? = { _ -> null }, fallbackMapFunction: () -> T? = { null } ): LiveData<T>
  • 53. Put
  • 54. 54 Put fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putData(data: T) fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putLoading(loadingData: Any?)? = null) fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putError(error: Throwable)
  • 55. 55 Put fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putData(data: T) fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putLoading(loadingFunction: (() -> Any?)? = null) fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putError(error: Throwable)
  • 57. 57 class WeatherDasboardViewModel : ViewModel() { private val mutableWeather = MutableStatefulLiveData<Weather>() private fun setWeatherLoading() { mutableWeather.putLoading() //loadingData = null mutableWeather.putLoading(”Please wait...”) // loadingData: String mutableWeather.putLoading(53) // loadingData: Int - show % progress mutableWeather.putLoading(oldWeather) // loadingData: Weather } } loadingData
  • 58. 58 class WeatherDasboardViewModel : ViewModel() { private val mutableWeather = MutableStatefulLiveData<Weather>() private fun setWeatherLoading() { mutableWeather.putLoading() //loadingData = null mutableWeather.putLoading(”Please wait...”) // loadingData: String mutableWeather.putLoading(53) // loadingData: Int - show % progress mutableWeather.putLoading(oldWeather) // loadingData: Weather } } loadingData
  • 59. 59 class WeatherDasboardViewModel : ViewModel() { private val mutableWeather = MutableStatefulLiveData<Weather>() private fun setWeatherLoading() { mutableWeather.putLoading() //loadingData = null mutableWeather.putLoading(”Please wait...”) // loadingData: String mutableWeather.putLoading(53) // loadingData: Int - show % progress mutableWeather.putLoading(oldWeather) // loadingData: Weather } } loadingData
  • 60. 60 class WeatherDasboardViewModel : ViewModel() { private val mutableWeather = MutableStatefulLiveData<Weather>() private fun setWeatherLoading() { mutableWeather.putLoading() //loadingData = null mutableWeather.putLoading(”Please wait...”) // loadingData: String mutableWeather.putLoading(53) // loadingData: Int - show % progress mutableWeather.putLoading(oldWeather) // loadingData: Weather } } loadingData
  • 61. 61 fun <T> LiveData<T>.observeOnce( observer: Observer<T>, retainForLoadingState: Boolean = true) observeOnce
  • 62.
  • 63. 63 Stateful.Live.Data.Call.Adapter fun createClient(baseUrl: String): Retrofit { return Retrofit .Builder() .baseUrl(baseUrl) .addCallAdapterFactory(StatefulLiveDataCallAdapterFactory.create()) .build() }
  • 64. 64 Stateful.Live.Data.Call.Adapter fun createClient(baseUrl: String): Retrofit { return Retrofit .Builder() .baseUrl(baseUrl) .addCallAdapterFactory(StatefulLiveDataCallAdapterFactory.create()) .build() }
  • 65. 65 Stateful.Live.Data.Call.Adapter fun createClient(baseUrl: String): Retrofit { return Retrofit .Builder() .baseUrl(baseUrl) .addCallAdapterFactory(StatefulLiveDataCallAdapterFactory.create()) .build() } interface MyRetrofitService { @GET("weather/current") fun getWeather(): Call<Weather> }
  • 66. 66 Stateful.Live.Data.Call.Adapter fun createClient(baseUrl: String): Retrofit { return Retrofit .Builder() .baseUrl(baseUrl) .addCallAdapterFactory(StatefulLiveDataCallAdapterFactory.create()) .build() } interface MyRetrofitService { @GET("weather/current") fun getWeather(): StatefulLiveData<Weather> }
  • 67. 67 class FirestoreRepo { private val firestoreDb: FirebaseFirestore = … // init FirebaseFirestore fun getUser(userId: String) : Task<User> { val getUserTask = firestoreDb .collection(“Users”) .whereEqualTo(“userId”, userId) return getUserTask } } Task<T>.toStatefulLiveData
  • 68. 68 class FirestoreRepo { private val firestoreDb: FirebaseFirestore = … // init FirebaseFirestore fun getUser(userId: String) : StatefulLiveData<User> { val getUserTask = firestoreDb .collection(“Users”) .whereEqualTo(“userId”, userId) return getUserTask.toStatefulLiveData() } } Task<T>.toStatefulLiveData
  • 69. 69 Task<T>.toStatefulLiveData class FirestoreRepo { private val firestoreDb: FirebaseFirestore = … // init FirebaseFirestore fun getUser(userId: String) : StatefulLiveData<Account> { val getUserTask = firestoreDb .collection(“Users”) .whereEqualTo(“userId”, userId) return getUserTask.toStatefulLiveData { // User: task result val userAccount: Account = … // map User -> Account userAccount ^toStatefulLiveData } } }
  • 71. 71 class LoadingWithPercent(val percent: Int) : StatefulData<Int>()
  • 72. 72 class LoadingWithPercent(val percent: Int) : StatefulData<Int>() class WeatherDashboardActivity : Activity() { private fun observeWeather() {, Observer { //it: StatefulData<Weather> When (it) { is ... -> {...} is LoadingWithPercent -> { showProgress(it.percent) // it.percent: Int } } }) } }
  • 73. 73 class LoadingWithPercent(val percent: Int) : StatefulData<Int>() fun <T> MutableStatefulLiveData<T>.putLoadingWithPercent(percent: Int) {...} fun <T> StatefulLiveData<T>.observeLoadingWithPercent(owner: LifecycleOwner, observer: Observer<in Any?>): StatefulLiveData<T> {...}
  • 74. 74 Event bus Callback listener Rx StatefulLiveData Life cycle aware X X X Low learning curve X Lean X X Data retention X X Memory leaks free X X X
  • 75. 75 Use the right tool for the job (or make one if it doesn’t exist)
  • 76. 76 Got get Stateful, It’s Live! Thank you!