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Handbook for Parents and Students
Cornerstone Schools
of Washington, D.C., Inc.
Cornerstone Schools
3742 Ely Place, SE
Washington, DC 20019
Phone: 202-575-0027
Fax: 202-575-0669
Updated 05/28/20
Table of Contents
Statement of Faith 3
CORNERSTONE COVENANT: Cornerstone’s Commitment to Parents and Students 4
PARENT COVENANT: Parent or Guardian Commitment to Cornerstone 4
STUDENT COVENANT: Student Commitment to Cornerstone 5
Admissions Policy and Procedures 5
Parent-Teacher Communication 5
Visiting School 6
School-to-Home Communication 6
Inclement Weather Policy 6
Disaster and Emergency Plans 6
School Entry & Exit Locations 6
Attendance Policy 7
Excessive Absence Policy 7
Late Arrival Policy 8
Early Pick-Up 8
Late Pick Up 8
Discipline Policy 8
Corporal Punishment Policy 9
Serious Misconduct 9
Academic Integrity 10
Homework Policy 10
Request for Homework Assignments after Excused Absence 10
Late Assignment Policy for Grades 7-12 10
Athletic Eligibility 11
Promotion and Retention 11
Student Health Requirement Policy 11
Dress Code Policy 11
Uniform Violations 12
Lunch and Snack Policy 13
Field Trips 13
Recess 13
Use of Cell Phones and Other Portable Devices 13
Financial Policies 14
Acceptable Use Conduct Agreement for Computer Equipment and Internet Access 14
Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C., Inc., provides a Christ-centered, nurturing and
academically rigorous education. Cornerstone seeks to instill in God’s children a lifelong joy of
learning and to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become leaders who
serve others in light of Christ and His truth.
As a condition of employment, all teaching staff and the administration must demonstrate they are
Christian role models and of sound moral character. Each staff member and board member must
sign Cornerstone’s Statement of Faith. While we do not require students and their families to be
professing Christians, Cornerstone teaches from a Christian worldview. As such, these Statements
outline the perspective from which students will be taught at Cornerstone.
Statement of Faith
The Bible
We believe that the Bible, as originally given, is in its entirety the word of God, verbally inspired and
inerrant in all that it declares, and therefore, is the supreme and final authority of faith and life (II
Timothy 3:16,17; IIPeter 1:20, 21; Hebrews 4:12).
The Trinity
We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt.
28:19; John 10:30).
The Father
We believe that God the Father is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He is the Creator,
Sustainer and Governor of everything that has been made (Jeremiah. 23:23,24; Psalms 139:8,9; Col.
2:3; Is. 40:26; Malachi 2:10)
We believe in the true deity and full humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only son (John 10:33,
Hebrews 4:15); His virgin birth (Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 7:14); His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews
7:26); His miracles (John 2:11); His vicarious and atoning death through his shed blood (I Corinthians
15:3, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 2:9); His bodily resurrection (John 11:25, ICorinthians 15:4); His
ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His bodily return in power and glory (Mark 16:19, Acts
1:11, Revelations 19:11).
The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts, regenerates, indwells, enlightens and guides (John 16:7-11; I
Corinthians 6:19; John 14:26; John 16:13-15; Romans 8:13,14).
The Creation
We believe that God created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them, and that through
His creation, in its perfect order and wonder, God makes Himself evident to man (Genesis 1:1;
Romans 1:20).
Man and Sin
We believe man was created in the image of God; that he sinned in Adam and thereby incurred both
physical and spiritual death (separation from God) and now is sinful by nature, eternally lost, and in
need of salvation (Genesis 1:27; Romans 5:12; Romans 3:23).
We believe in salvation by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ’s substitutionary payment for our
sins, not based on human merit, works, or religious ceremony. Through this salvation man is restored
into fellowship with God. We believe that the Holy Spirit therefore dwells within all who receive
Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord and enables Christians to live a godly life (Romans 6:23; John
3:16-19; Ephesians 2:8-10; John 5:24; Romans 10:13; II Corinthians 5:21; John 1:12).
The Church
We believe in the spiritual body of believers of which Christ is the Head (John 17:11; Ephesians 4:13;
I Corinthians 12:12,13; Acts 1:15; Acts 11:15; Romans 8:9; Gal. 3:26-28).
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; that they are saved to the resurrection of
life, and they that are lost to the resurrection of damnation (John 5:28, 29).
The Christian Life
We believe that all Christians are called to grow in Christ-likeness. This maturing is evidenced by
pursuit of intimacy with God, through the study of his Word, intimacy with other Christians through
fellowship and intimacy with the world through sharing hope in Christ (the Gospel) (Matthew 22:37-
39; Col. 1:28; IPeter 3:15; Ephesians 4:23,24, Micah 6:8).
CORNERSTONE COVENANT: Cornerstone’s Commitment to
Parents and Students
● We will provide a Christ-centered environment for your child to learn and to be nurtured
● We will provide an academicallyrigorous education for all children attending Cornerstone
● We will provide a safe and orderly environment for children to develop to their full potential
● We will provide a “team” environment for parents, teachers and administrators to work
together in the best interest of children
● We will provide a clear schedule prior to each school year, outlining vacation days and other
special events
● We will provide opportunities and an environment that welcomes parent/guardian
● We will provide faculty and staff who are available to meet and discuss a child’s progress
● We will be mindful in all of our policies, procedures and actions of our calling to serve Christ
and the community.
PARENT COVENANT: Parent or Guardian Commitment to Cornerstone
● I will ensure that my children are in school every day with necessary books, materials, and
● I will make sure that my children arrive at school with clean uniforms, a healthy lunch, and
have eaten a breakfast.
● I will make sure that my children attend school daily and arrive at school on time.
● I will attend all report card conferences.
● I will attend regularly scheduled parent seminars.
● I will attend Saturday School (2 times per year) with my child.
● I will work with school staff to promote appropriate speech, behavior, and social development
in each student. Close cooperation and rapid response are particularly important when a student’s
behavior is not in accordance with the standards of Cornerstone Schools.
● I will pick up the student(s) promptly at the end of the school day.
● I will provide my child(ren) with a quiet environment for homework and studies.
● I will ensure that my child(ren) complete all homework and that the work is returned to
● I will sign and/or review homework assignments every night and any other notes or messages
from the school.
● I will provide my children with ample time in evenings and weekends to complete assignments
and studies.
● I will complete required parent volunteer service hours (20/year; 30/year for families with
more than one child). Academic records will be withheld until parent service hours have been
completed. If parents do not complete service hours, their students will be on probation and may not
be asked back the following year. Parent service hours must be logged on the ParentsWeb account. It
is the parent’s responsibility to log in the hours.
● I will pay tuition and fees on time, according to agreed upon schedule of payments.
STUDENT COVENANT: Student Commitment to Cornerstone
● I will attend school every day ready to learn.
● I will arrive at school with ample time to organize books and supplies by the start of class.
● I will be seated in class with all necessary materials (pencil, paper, textbook, etc.) before the
start of each class.
● I will dress according to school dress code.
● I will be responsible for all in-class and homework assignments and prepared for quizzes, tests
and exams.
● I will help maintain and protect the school building and all school property.
● I will show respect for God by the way I conduct myself and take care of myself.
● I will show respect for Cornerstone staff and faculty by cooperating, speaking politely and
following instructions.
● I will show respect and concern for other Cornerstone students by participating in classes,
supporting others in and out of class and behaving in an appropriate and dignified manner.
● I will support a safe environment by avoiding aggressive and hurtful behavior.
● I will attend Saturday School with my parents/guardian.
Admissions Policy and Procedures
Acceptance of any child at Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C. is a decision of the Cornerstone
Admissions team, based on compatibility of school, parents, and child.
Though not required to be Christians, the parents/guardians of students at Cornerstone Schools
should have a clear understanding of the Biblical philosophy and goals of the school. This
understanding includes a willingness to have their child exposed to the clear teaching of the school's
Statement of Faith within the school curriculum.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent conferences are scheduled and required for all parents at the end of the first marking
period. Report Cards will be sent to parents (via email) after the remaining marking quarters. Parents
may request conferences at any time. The school will require conferences for students who are at risk
of failure and retention.
If you desire a conference for any reason, please call the school office or send a note or email to the
teacher to request it. The teacher will arrange a mutually convenient time to meet with you.
Under no circumstancesare unscheduled parent-teacher conferences to occur at the
beginning or the end of the school day, when teachers’ attention is focused on the students
and their safety and well-being.
Visiting School
*Parents and other visitors must sign in at the main office and receive a visitor badge before
they will be permitted to enter a classroom. We ask that parents in a classroom refrain from
correcting any children other than their own.
School-to-Home Communication
It is important that you stay in close contact with the school by checking email daily, attending
parent meetings, checking ParentsWeb, thoroughly reading Weekly Updates and information sent
home from the school, or by doing volunteer work. Please be involved!
Note: It is important that every parent provides a working email address phone number, and
signs up for the Family Portal. It is the quickest form of communication. Please check your
email daily during the school year.
Parent-Child Communication During School
If you need to reach your child during school, call the school office, and a message will be delivered to
the child.
Inclement Weather Policy
Cornerstone follows the Prince George’s County Public School inclement weather decisions.
Parents/guardians are to check local radio or TV stations to get the latest update on school closings.
On rare occasions, the school may have to close after classes have begun because of the onset of
severe weather warning, snowfall or pending ice storms, etc. In such cases, parents will be notified by
email and text alert that school is closing and they will be asked to arrange for transportation to get
Disaster and Emergency Plans
In case of an emergency at Cornerstone Schools, students will be taken to Ft. DuPont Ice Arena,
located across the street at 3779 Ely Place SE, Washington, DC 20019. The telephone number there is
202-584-5007. Students will be kept at this emergency location until parents can be contacted. In case
of other emergencies, disaster plans will be implemented according to the nature of the event. School
personnel will carry with them emergency contact information for each child. It is important that
parents update the school if contact telephone numbers change.
School Entry & Exit Locations
All students should enter on Ely Place. If being dropped off by car, pull up along the school side
curb located on Ely Place. If parking for drop-off, please do so in the upper lot. No parking in front
of the building.
At 3:00 p.m., Kindergarten through 6th
exit by the upper doors on Ridge Road; 7th
through 12th
exit by
the Ely Place doors and can be picked up curbside. Those with both lower- and upper-grade students
pick up younger child(ren) first, then exit to the right onto Ely to pick up older child(ren).
Attendance Policy
Student success at Cornerstone is dependent upon regular attendance. While some elements of a
missed classroom experience may be repeated or recovered, certain other facets are lost, to the
student’s detriment. Therefore, students are expected to be in school every day. Some absences,
however, are inevitable and unavoidable.
Each absence will be considered either excused or unexcused. The following are considered excused:
* illness (a doctor’s note is required if your child is absent for 3 or more days)
* death in the immediate family
* family emergency
* court appearances
* participation in school-approved activity
If the parent does not contact the school, the absence will be considered unexcused until/unless
appropriate documentation is submitted to the school office.
The authority for determining the legitimacy of an absence rests with the school administration.
Absences for family vacations or trips are not considered excused absences. Families should plan their
trips during times when Cornerstone is not in session. All medical/dental appointments should be
scheduled before or after school, on school holidays or during vacations.
If an absence is planned ahead of time, the parent should notify the school by note or email prior to
the absence. If a child is absent without prior notification, the parent/guardian must notify the school
by 8:30 a.m. on the date of the absence by email ( or phone (202-
575-0027), with a valid written note or email to follow within five school days of the student’s return
to school. If the student has not arrived by 9 a.m. and the school was not notified in advance, we will
contact the parent/guardian via text alert to inform them of the absence.
Cornerstone Schools will comply with the Code of the District of Columbia (D.C. Code Ann. 38-208)
in regard to truancy procedures as follows:
* Within two business days of the 10th
unexcused absence, we will notify the Office of the State
Superintendent of Education.
* Students ages 5 through 13 will be referred to the Child and Family Services Agency within
two business days after the 10th
unexcused full school day absence within the school year.
* Students ages 14 through 17 will be referred to the Court Social Services Division of the
District of Columbia and to the Office of the Attorney General Juvenile Section within two business
days after the 15th
unexcused full school day absence within the school year.
Excessive Absence Policy
Students with excessive absences will be placed on attendance probation for the following year.
Students on attendance probation will be closely monitored the following school year to ensure that
absences do not reach an excessive level.
There is a 20-day absentee limit for the school year (EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED
COMBINED). Any student missing more than 20 days in a school year may be retained.
Late Arrival Policy
Students may enter the building at 7:40 a.m. and must be in class by 7:50 a.m., or they will be
marked tardy. Students arriving after 7:50 a.m. must sign in at the office and receive a tardy slip. At
15 tardies (per quarter), the parents may be required to come in for a conference. Students who have
excessive tardies may be required to serve detention.
Throughout the school day, students are tardy to any class if they are not in their seats at the time that
class begins. A student who has a note from a staff member, with a valid reason for being late will be
marked tardy excused. Other tardy students will be marked tardy unexcused.
Most tardies and early dismissals are considered unexcused. It should be a very rare occasion
that a child is tardy due to transportation issues or is tardy or dismissed early for appointments. The
administration reserves the right to determine whether or not a tardy or early dismissal is excused.
Students may not be allowed to make up missed work for time that they have an unexcused
tardy or early dismissal.
Students who arrive after 11 a.m. are considered to have been absent halfa day.
Early Pick-Up
On the rare occasion that a student must leave prior to regular dismissal, the parent/guardian must
come to the school office and sign the student out in the Early Dismissal Log. The parent/guardian
should give the student’s teacher prior notice of early pick-up. Students should not be pulled to
leave early on a regular basis, as this is extremely disruptive to the class and to your child’s
education. It is our practice not to dismiss students in the last 15 minutes of the school day.
Late Pick Up
All students must be picked up by 3:15. Students who are not picked up by 3:15 will be placed in
after-school care, and their parents will be required to pay the regular aftercare daily fee ($20),
regardless of how long the children are in aftercare. Parents will be invoiced for aftercare fees.
Non Custodial Parent Policy
Discipline Policy
“…he who loves his son is careful to discipline him.” Proverbs 13:12b
seeks to provide an environment where students are to exemplify Christ-like behavior in all aspects of
the school day. It is imperative that our school be a safe and orderly place for children to learn and
enjoy their education. Therefore, Cornerstone holds children to high standards of conduct and
enforces consequences for any actions that violate those standards.
The classroom teacher, within the classroom, will conduct the majority of the day-to-day discipline.
However, more serious and persistent misconduct will require more intensive interactions from the
teacher and from Cornerstone Schools administration.
Disciplinary Actions
All disciplinary action will be encompassed in prayer. Disciplinary actions will be administered
according to the seriousness and/or persistence of the offense. The following disciplinary measures
are authorized:
1. Restorative practices and counseling of the student in private by the classroom teacher
concerning the student’s misconduct.
2. Praying with the child.
3. Separating the student temporarily from the other children to a reflection spot.
4. Taking away recess privileges or other classroom privileges.
5. Removal from classroom
6. Telephoning the parent/guardian to inform him/her of the misconduct.
7. Requesting a parent/teacher conference for the same day of the misconduct or as soon as
8. Keeping the student after school to complete work or complete community service. Except
for extreme cases, a student and parent must be given one day’s advance notice of this action.
9. Removal of student from his/her regular schedule of classes and assigning him/her to a
program of study under restrictive supervision for a fixed period of time.
10. Detention assigned.
11. Parents of students that continuously disrupt instruction may be required to shadow the
student in class. Without shadow supervision, the student will not be allowed in class.
12. Suspension from school for a period of up to five (5) days, depending on the nature and
severity of the offense. The student and his/her parent or guardians are required to attend a re-entry
13. Expulsion from school for the remainder of the school year: Cornerstone Schools realizes
that expelling a student from school is a very serious matter and should always be carefully dealt with
on a case-by-case basis. Forgiveness, restitution (repairing the damages of the student’s offense
through work, apologies, etc.), and restoration (repairing hurt relationships) are fundamental to our
total discipline policy. However, should a student and his parents not be able to eliminate behavioral
problems, the student will be expelled. (Note: Tuition paid will not be reimbursed upon expulsion).
CorporalPunishment Policy
Cornerstone staff does not use corporal punishment in the discipline of its students.
Serious Misconduct
Should a student commit an act with such serious consequences that Cornerstone Schools of
Washington, DC deems it necessary that the student be immediately suspended or expelled, such a
course of action may be imposed without advance notice. The notice and explanation of the facts and
circumstances surrounding the suspension or expulsion shall be given to the parent/guardian and
student as soon as possible thereafter.
The following misconduct may provide grounds for immediate suspension or expulsion depending
upon the nature and severity of the offense:
1. Acts endangering the lives of other students or staff members
2. Profane, abusive, obscene, or immoral language or behavior
3. Fighting or displaying behavior that endangers others including but not limited to physical
attack and improper touching
4. Willful and continuous disruption of school activities
5. Continued defiance of and disrespect toward authority figures or Cornerstone policies
6. Damaging school property
7. Theft
8. Possession of a weapon
9. Violations of law
10. Violent threats of any kind to anyone in the Cornerstone Community constitutes automatic
suspension or expulsion, at the discretion of the administration.
11. Bullying -- Cornerstone has a zero tolerance for bullying. The consequences for bullying are
detention, in-school suspension or expulsion, at the discretion of the administration. This includes
cyber-bullying, even when it occurs away from school.
12. Cheating on schoolwork, tests and quizzes; plagiarizing (see AcademicIntegrity Policy,
The above is not an exhaustive list of the types of behavior and actions that may result in suspension
and expulsion. Suspension and Expulsion decisions are at the discretion of the Principal.
Academic Integrity
Integrity is a Cornerstone Core Value. Dishonesty, cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated. This
includes, but is not limited to:
● Lying
● Copying another student’s classwork, homework, quizzes, tests, etc.
● Allowing another student to copy one’s classwork, homework, quizzes, tests, etc.
● Using the ideas or words of another (such as from the Internet, a book, or other resource
material) as if they are one’s own ideas or words, without crediting the source (plagiarism)
Homework Policy
Homework serves an important purpose in your child’s life. It is a means of reviewing and
reinforcing the lessons taught in school. Homework is also a way to help your child develop personal
responsibility as well as good work and study habits. You can help your child develop some routines
that will be helpful in completing homework assignments. The following suggestions are offered for
this purpose:
1. Ask your child if he/she has homework.
2. Show interest in your child’s homework. Ask your child to show and explain the homework
to you when it is completed.
3. Remember that homework is your child’s work, not yours. You should not do the homework
for your child. If you see your child struggling, please write a note to the teacher.
4. Schedule a set time to do homework each day and remain with that commitment. Free your
child of other activities at that time.
5. Provide your child with a place to work where he/she will not be disturbed or distracted.
Requestfor Homework Assignments after ExcusedAbsence
Students who have an excused absence should get their assignments from teachers on their return to
school If a child will be absent for an extended period of recovery due to accident or illness, parents
may notify the office and request to have assignments prepared for pick-up/email the following day.
For high school/middle school students, for each day missed, the student has one day to make up the
missed assignment. Work received after this period may not receive credit. For unexcused absence,
teachers are not required to allow students to make up work after returning to school.
Late Assignment Policyfor Grades 7-12
Assignments submitted one day late will receive 50% of the credit they would have originally earned.
After one day, no credit will be given.
Athletic Eligibility
Cornerstone Athletes are required to have an overall GPA of 2.0 and maintain a C average in all core
classes (English, Science, Math and History). Athletes must consistently attend school.Excessive
tardies or absences may result in being benched from practices and/or games. Athletes must embody
lion-like behavior exemplified by our core values. Love, Integrity, Opportunity, Nobility, and
Promotion and Retention
You can help your child meet the promotion standards. See that your child gets to school every day,
on time. Make sure that all homework is done. Talk often with the teachers so that problems can be
dealt with early. The student who does not complete the following criteria may be retained:
● Successful completion of the curriculum
o Achievement of grade-level benchmarks in reading and math
o Achievement of 70% or above mastery of their core subjects (math, science, English, and
● Attendance - over 20 absences (excused and unexcused combined)
● Performance on standardized testing
● Social and emotional growth and maturity
Gateway to High School: After completion of 8th
grade, students must reapply to Cornerstone in
order to be accepted into the high school. Grades, work ethic, attitude and attendance are among the
factors that will be taken into consideration.
Student Health Requirement Policy
Cornerstone follows the District of Columbia’s Department of Health and Human Services’ policies
and guidelines for physical and dental health requirements for public and private schools. Forms can
be found at: These forms must be on file before your
child begins class. Students’ information is confidential and kept in the students’ medical files.
All students must have a current immunization record on file in the school office before the
beginning of school in August. Health and dental forms should be updated each year and kept on file
in the school office
Physicals must be completed before the student participates in after-school sports and activities. The
physician must clarify if activity restrictions are needed.
If your child has the following they will not be able to attend school unless they have been medicated
for 24 hours or have been cleared by a doctor's note: a fever of 101 or more; persistent cough;
vomiting; pink eye; ringworm/ lice, or any other contagious or serious health issues.
If for any reason your child requires medication to be taken during school hours, we need to have on
file an order from your family doctor. You must meet with the office manager and complete the
necessary paperwork before sending any medication to school.
Dress Code Policy
All students are required to have the following:
● ALL-Black Shoes (ALL Black Sneakers are OK including logo, laces, soles)
o Cornerstone Logo Sweater, Zip-Up Fleece, OR Quarter Zip Pullover*
● Per our Rock Your Socks initiative, socks and tights may be any color.
Note: When the weather is cold, students CANNOT wear non-uniform sweaters or jackets in
the building. Zip-Up Hoodies are no longer permitted.
No cargo pants, skinny pants/jeans, or joggers. ALL pants must have belt loops!
Elementary Uniform Requirements (Kindergarten-6th Grade):
We are implementing a new gray polo for the Elementary School. In addition, Elementary
students will be required to purchase a gym uniform.
● Cornerstone Logo Gray Short Sleeve Polo*
● Cornerstone Logo Gray Long Sleeve Polo*
● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Gym Crewneck Sweatshirt*
● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Gym Sweatpants*
● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Gym T-Shirt*
● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Gym Shorts*
● Dark Blue Bottoms (Shorts, Pants, Skirts, Jumpers, etc.)
Middle School Uniform Requirements (7th-8th Grade):
● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Dri-Fit Short Sleeve Polo*
● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Long Sleeve Polo*
● (Optional) Cornerstone Logo Light Blue Oxford Short Sleeve*
● (Optional) Cornerstone Logo Light Blue Oxford Long Sleeve*
● Khaki Bottoms with belt loops (Shorts, Pants, Skirts, Jumpers, etc.)
● Solid, Plain Black Belt
High School Uniform Requirements (9th-12th Grade):
● Cornerstone Logo Light Blue Oxford Short Sleeve*
● Cornerstone Logo Light Blue Oxford Long Sleeve*
● (Optional for Fridays ONLY) Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Dri-Fit Short Sleeve Polo
and/or Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Long Sleeve Polo*
● Cornerstone Men’s Striped Tie or Cornerstone Women’s Navy Crossbow Tie*
● Khaki or Dark Blue Bottoms with belt loops (Shorts, Pants, Skirts, Jumpers, etc.)
● Solid, Plain Black Belt
*=Items to be purchased from Risse Brothers Uniform Store
Visible body piercing and tattoos are not encouraged, and may be addressed by the administration.
Students may be required to cover tattoos and remove piercings during the school day. Boys and girls
may wear reasonably sized earrings. No oversized jewelry. No hats are allowed.
NOTE: Students must have the school logo on their shirts. Plain blue shirts are not acceptable.
Uniforms are to be clean when the student arrives at the beginning of the day.
Uniform Violations
Teachers will report uniform violations to the Assistant Principal or the Dean of Students, who will
communicate consequences with student and parent. Some uniform pieces are available in the office
for students who are willing to trade their cell phones for the duration of the time that they use a
borrowed uniform item. For persistent uniform violations, students may be sent home.
Lunch and Snack Policy
Parents are required to provide a healthy lunch and drink for students to bring to school every
day,. Cornerstone does not have cooking facilities to prepare student lunches or access to
refrigeration to keep student lunches until lunch time. Students must bring a lunch that requires no
preparation and that will not spoil. No microwaves are available. Parents are encouraged to
purchase a thermos so that children can bring milk.
Lunch Rules:
1. Each student must bring a lunch every day
2. Students are not to trade food
3. Bring food from the major food groups (bread, meat/cheese, dairy, vegetables, and fruit)
4. NOT ALLOWED: gum, candy, soda, high sugar drinks, pop-top cans, glass bottles,
sunflower or pumpkin seeds.
5. If your child needs a spoon or fork for lunch, please pack one.
6. You may not have food delivered to school (Uber Eats, pizza delivery, etc.)
7. Middle school/high school lunch is 11:15-11:45, lunch for grades 4-6 is 11:50-12:20, and
lunch for grades K-3 is 12:25-12:55. If you are bringing lunch for your child, please arrange to
have it here by the beginning of the lunch period. If the lunch is not here on time, the student
may have to wait until later to eat.
8. Students will not be allowed to call a parent about lunch on a regular basis.
Field Trips
Field trips may be planned during the course of the year by the teachers. Permission slips must be
signed by parents or guardians before children are allowed to participate. Phone calls are not accepted
as permission, Official school forms must be used.
Students are allowed to play with recess equipment and playground equipment in the appropriate time
and manner for which the equipment was intended. Children may not play tackle football. All physical
interaction between children must be safe and risk free of injury. If a student does not play in a safe
manner or follow adult directions, the adults on duty may take away the child's recess privileges.
(Recess locations may vary due to weather and playground conditions.)
Financial Policies
All parties with legal and/ or financial responsibility for the student (e.g. parents, guardians, or other
persons) must sign tuition contracts. For full financial policy, see the Business Manager. Student
records will not be released if a financial commitment is unmet.
Fees may be assessed for after school sports and activities field trips, latepick-ups, lost or damaged
books and/or school property. All financial obligations must be met before receiving report cards.
Bounced Checks
All checks returned for insufficient funds will result in a $15 penalty fee.
Use of Cell Phones and Personal Portable Devices
Cornerstone is a personal electronic and cell phone free school. This is a ZERO-
TOLERANCE policy. All cell phones and electronic devices (including iPads, E-Readers, tablets,
iPods, music listening devices, hand-held game devices, etc.)must be turned off and stored out of
sight by 7:40 a.m., and may not be brought out at any time during the day, including lunch.
The FIRST time we see a phone it will be confiscated and turned in to the Principal or Assistant
Principal. On the first offense, the device will be returned at the end of the day. On the 2nd
offense a
parent or guardian will need to come to the school and retrieve it in person. Noncompliance with
attempted confiscation shall be subjected to additional disciplinary action consistent with the Serious
Misconduct Policy
The use of cell phones and other portable electronic devices is not permitted on Cornerstone
property or at school events or school-related activities, unless authorized by school
Cornerstone is not responsible for theft, loss or damage to cell phones and portable electronic
devices. Student who attend Cornerstone must read the Acceptable Use Conduct Agreement for
Computer Equipment and Internet Access, and sign the Agreement statement.
Handbook for Parents and Students
Signature Page
Directions: Where two parents are involved, both shouldsign this page.
Each Cornerstone studentin the family should sign this page.
Please return this page to the school office.
I have read the Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C., Handbookfor
Parents and Students, and I agree to abide by and uphold the policies and
procedures outlined in this Handbook.
Parent/guardianname (print):____________________________________________
Signature _____________________________________ Date _________________
Parent/guardianname (print):____________________________________________
Signature _____________________________________ Date _________________
Student name (print):______________________________________ Grade _____
Signature ____________________________________ Date _________________
Student name (print):______________________________________ Grade _____
Signature ____________________________________ Date _________________
Student name (print):______________________________________ Grade _____
Signature ____________________________________ Date _________________
Student name (print):______________________________________ Grade _____
Signature ____________________________________ Date _________________

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Parent Handbook 2020-2021

  • 1. Handbook for Parents and Students Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C., Inc. Cornerstone Schools 3742 Ely Place, SE Washington, DC 20019 Phone: 202-575-0027 Fax: 202-575-0669 Updated 05/28/20
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents OUR MISSION 3 WHAT WE BELIEVE 3 Statement of Faith 3 CORNERSTONE COVENANT: Cornerstone’s Commitment to Parents and Students 4 PARENT COVENANT: Parent or Guardian Commitment to Cornerstone 4 STUDENT COVENANT: Student Commitment to Cornerstone 5 OUR POLICIES 5 Admissions Policy and Procedures 5 Parent-Teacher Communication 5 Visiting School 6 School-to-Home Communication 6 Inclement Weather Policy 6 Disaster and Emergency Plans 6 School Entry & Exit Locations 6 Attendance Policy 7 Excessive Absence Policy 7 Late Arrival Policy 8 Early Pick-Up 8 Late Pick Up 8 Discipline Policy 8 Corporal Punishment Policy 9 Serious Misconduct 9 Academic Integrity 10 Homework Policy 10 Request for Homework Assignments after Excused Absence 10 Late Assignment Policy for Grades 7-12 10 Athletic Eligibility 11 Promotion and Retention 11 Student Health Requirement Policy 11 Dress Code Policy 11 Uniform Violations 12 Lunch and Snack Policy 13 Field Trips 13 Recess 13 Use of Cell Phones and Other Portable Devices 13 Financial Policies 14 Acceptable Use Conduct Agreement for Computer Equipment and Internet Access 14
  • 3. 3 OUR MISSION Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C., Inc., provides a Christ-centered, nurturing and academically rigorous education. Cornerstone seeks to instill in God’s children a lifelong joy of learning and to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become leaders who serve others in light of Christ and His truth. WHAT WE BELIEVE As a condition of employment, all teaching staff and the administration must demonstrate they are Christian role models and of sound moral character. Each staff member and board member must sign Cornerstone’s Statement of Faith. While we do not require students and their families to be professing Christians, Cornerstone teaches from a Christian worldview. As such, these Statements outline the perspective from which students will be taught at Cornerstone. Statement of Faith The Bible We believe that the Bible, as originally given, is in its entirety the word of God, verbally inspired and inerrant in all that it declares, and therefore, is the supreme and final authority of faith and life (II Timothy 3:16,17; IIPeter 1:20, 21; Hebrews 4:12). The Trinity We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19; John 10:30). The Father We believe that God the Father is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He is the Creator, Sustainer and Governor of everything that has been made (Jeremiah. 23:23,24; Psalms 139:8,9; Col. 2:3; Is. 40:26; Malachi 2:10) Jesus We believe in the true deity and full humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only son (John 10:33, Hebrews 4:15); His virgin birth (Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 7:14); His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 7:26); His miracles (John 2:11); His vicarious and atoning death through his shed blood (I Corinthians 15:3, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 2:9); His bodily resurrection (John 11:25, ICorinthians 15:4); His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His bodily return in power and glory (Mark 16:19, Acts 1:11, Revelations 19:11). The Holy Spirit We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts, regenerates, indwells, enlightens and guides (John 16:7-11; I Corinthians 6:19; John 14:26; John 16:13-15; Romans 8:13,14). The Creation We believe that God created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them, and that through His creation, in its perfect order and wonder, God makes Himself evident to man (Genesis 1:1; Romans 1:20). Man and Sin We believe man was created in the image of God; that he sinned in Adam and thereby incurred both physical and spiritual death (separation from God) and now is sinful by nature, eternally lost, and in need of salvation (Genesis 1:27; Romans 5:12; Romans 3:23).
  • 4. 4 Salvation We believe in salvation by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ’s substitutionary payment for our sins, not based on human merit, works, or religious ceremony. Through this salvation man is restored into fellowship with God. We believe that the Holy Spirit therefore dwells within all who receive Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord and enables Christians to live a godly life (Romans 6:23; John 3:16-19; Ephesians 2:8-10; John 5:24; Romans 10:13; II Corinthians 5:21; John 1:12). The Church We believe in the spiritual body of believers of which Christ is the Head (John 17:11; Ephesians 4:13; I Corinthians 12:12,13; Acts 1:15; Acts 11:15; Romans 8:9; Gal. 3:26-28). Eternity We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; that they are saved to the resurrection of life, and they that are lost to the resurrection of damnation (John 5:28, 29). The Christian Life We believe that all Christians are called to grow in Christ-likeness. This maturing is evidenced by pursuit of intimacy with God, through the study of his Word, intimacy with other Christians through fellowship and intimacy with the world through sharing hope in Christ (the Gospel) (Matthew 22:37- 39; Col. 1:28; IPeter 3:15; Ephesians 4:23,24, Micah 6:8). CORNERSTONE COVENANT: Cornerstone’s Commitment to Parents and Students ● We will provide a Christ-centered environment for your child to learn and to be nurtured ● We will provide an academicallyrigorous education for all children attending Cornerstone Schools. ● We will provide a safe and orderly environment for children to develop to their full potential ● We will provide a “team” environment for parents, teachers and administrators to work together in the best interest of children ● We will provide a clear schedule prior to each school year, outlining vacation days and other special events ● We will provide opportunities and an environment that welcomes parent/guardian participation ● We will provide faculty and staff who are available to meet and discuss a child’s progress ● We will be mindful in all of our policies, procedures and actions of our calling to serve Christ and the community. PARENT COVENANT: Parent or Guardian Commitment to Cornerstone ● I will ensure that my children are in school every day with necessary books, materials, and supplies. ● I will make sure that my children arrive at school with clean uniforms, a healthy lunch, and have eaten a breakfast. ● I will make sure that my children attend school daily and arrive at school on time. ● I will attend all report card conferences. ● I will attend regularly scheduled parent seminars. ● I will attend Saturday School (2 times per year) with my child. ● I will work with school staff to promote appropriate speech, behavior, and social development in each student. Close cooperation and rapid response are particularly important when a student’s behavior is not in accordance with the standards of Cornerstone Schools. ● I will pick up the student(s) promptly at the end of the school day.
  • 5. 5 ● I will provide my child(ren) with a quiet environment for homework and studies. ● I will ensure that my child(ren) complete all homework and that the work is returned to school. ● I will sign and/or review homework assignments every night and any other notes or messages from the school. ● I will provide my children with ample time in evenings and weekends to complete assignments and studies. ● I will complete required parent volunteer service hours (20/year; 30/year for families with more than one child). Academic records will be withheld until parent service hours have been completed. If parents do not complete service hours, their students will be on probation and may not be asked back the following year. Parent service hours must be logged on the ParentsWeb account. It is the parent’s responsibility to log in the hours. ● I will pay tuition and fees on time, according to agreed upon schedule of payments. STUDENT COVENANT: Student Commitment to Cornerstone ● I will attend school every day ready to learn. ● I will arrive at school with ample time to organize books and supplies by the start of class. ● I will be seated in class with all necessary materials (pencil, paper, textbook, etc.) before the start of each class. ● I will dress according to school dress code. ● I will be responsible for all in-class and homework assignments and prepared for quizzes, tests and exams. ● I will help maintain and protect the school building and all school property. ● I will show respect for God by the way I conduct myself and take care of myself. ● I will show respect for Cornerstone staff and faculty by cooperating, speaking politely and following instructions. ● I will show respect and concern for other Cornerstone students by participating in classes, supporting others in and out of class and behaving in an appropriate and dignified manner. ● I will support a safe environment by avoiding aggressive and hurtful behavior. ● I will attend Saturday School with my parents/guardian. OUR POLICIES Admissions Policy and Procedures Acceptance of any child at Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C. is a decision of the Cornerstone Admissions team, based on compatibility of school, parents, and child. Though not required to be Christians, the parents/guardians of students at Cornerstone Schools should have a clear understanding of the Biblical philosophy and goals of the school. This understanding includes a willingness to have their child exposed to the clear teaching of the school's Statement of Faith within the school curriculum. Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent conferences are scheduled and required for all parents at the end of the first marking period. Report Cards will be sent to parents (via email) after the remaining marking quarters. Parents
  • 6. 6 may request conferences at any time. The school will require conferences for students who are at risk of failure and retention. If you desire a conference for any reason, please call the school office or send a note or email to the teacher to request it. The teacher will arrange a mutually convenient time to meet with you. Under no circumstancesare unscheduled parent-teacher conferences to occur at the beginning or the end of the school day, when teachers’ attention is focused on the students and their safety and well-being. Visiting School *Parents and other visitors must sign in at the main office and receive a visitor badge before they will be permitted to enter a classroom. We ask that parents in a classroom refrain from correcting any children other than their own. School-to-Home Communication It is important that you stay in close contact with the school by checking email daily, attending parent meetings, checking ParentsWeb, thoroughly reading Weekly Updates and information sent home from the school, or by doing volunteer work. Please be involved! Note: It is important that every parent provides a working email address phone number, and signs up for the Family Portal. It is the quickest form of communication. Please check your email daily during the school year. Parent-Child Communication During School If you need to reach your child during school, call the school office, and a message will be delivered to the child. Inclement Weather Policy Cornerstone follows the Prince George’s County Public School inclement weather decisions. Parents/guardians are to check local radio or TV stations to get the latest update on school closings. On rare occasions, the school may have to close after classes have begun because of the onset of severe weather warning, snowfall or pending ice storms, etc. In such cases, parents will be notified by email and text alert that school is closing and they will be asked to arrange for transportation to get their children home safely. CHILDREN WILL NOT BE RELEASED TO ANYONE OTHER THAN A PARENT OR GUARDIAN UNLESS DIRECTED BY THE PARENT/GUARDIAN IN WRITING OR ORALLY. Disaster and Emergency Plans In case of an emergency at Cornerstone Schools, students will be taken to Ft. DuPont Ice Arena, located across the street at 3779 Ely Place SE, Washington, DC 20019. The telephone number there is 202-584-5007. Students will be kept at this emergency location until parents can be contacted. In case of other emergencies, disaster plans will be implemented according to the nature of the event. School
  • 7. 7 personnel will carry with them emergency contact information for each child. It is important that parents update the school if contact telephone numbers change. School Entry & Exit Locations All students should enter on Ely Place. If being dropped off by car, pull up along the school side curb located on Ely Place. If parking for drop-off, please do so in the upper lot. No parking in front of the building. At 3:00 p.m., Kindergarten through 6th exit by the upper doors on Ridge Road; 7th through 12th exit by the Ely Place doors and can be picked up curbside. Those with both lower- and upper-grade students pick up younger child(ren) first, then exit to the right onto Ely to pick up older child(ren). Attendance Policy Student success at Cornerstone is dependent upon regular attendance. While some elements of a missed classroom experience may be repeated or recovered, certain other facets are lost, to the student’s detriment. Therefore, students are expected to be in school every day. Some absences, however, are inevitable and unavoidable. Each absence will be considered either excused or unexcused. The following are considered excused: * illness (a doctor’s note is required if your child is absent for 3 or more days) * death in the immediate family * family emergency * court appearances * participation in school-approved activity If the parent does not contact the school, the absence will be considered unexcused until/unless appropriate documentation is submitted to the school office. The authority for determining the legitimacy of an absence rests with the school administration. Absences for family vacations or trips are not considered excused absences. Families should plan their trips during times when Cornerstone is not in session. All medical/dental appointments should be scheduled before or after school, on school holidays or during vacations. If an absence is planned ahead of time, the parent should notify the school by note or email prior to the absence. If a child is absent without prior notification, the parent/guardian must notify the school by 8:30 a.m. on the date of the absence by email ( or phone (202- 575-0027), with a valid written note or email to follow within five school days of the student’s return to school. If the student has not arrived by 9 a.m. and the school was not notified in advance, we will contact the parent/guardian via text alert to inform them of the absence. Cornerstone Schools will comply with the Code of the District of Columbia (D.C. Code Ann. 38-208) in regard to truancy procedures as follows: * Within two business days of the 10th unexcused absence, we will notify the Office of the State Superintendent of Education. * Students ages 5 through 13 will be referred to the Child and Family Services Agency within two business days after the 10th unexcused full school day absence within the school year.
  • 8. 8 * Students ages 14 through 17 will be referred to the Court Social Services Division of the District of Columbia and to the Office of the Attorney General Juvenile Section within two business days after the 15th unexcused full school day absence within the school year. Excessive Absence Policy Students with excessive absences will be placed on attendance probation for the following year. Students on attendance probation will be closely monitored the following school year to ensure that absences do not reach an excessive level. There is a 20-day absentee limit for the school year (EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED COMBINED). Any student missing more than 20 days in a school year may be retained. Late Arrival Policy Students may enter the building at 7:40 a.m. and must be in class by 7:50 a.m., or they will be marked tardy. Students arriving after 7:50 a.m. must sign in at the office and receive a tardy slip. At 15 tardies (per quarter), the parents may be required to come in for a conference. Students who have excessive tardies may be required to serve detention. Throughout the school day, students are tardy to any class if they are not in their seats at the time that class begins. A student who has a note from a staff member, with a valid reason for being late will be marked tardy excused. Other tardy students will be marked tardy unexcused. Most tardies and early dismissals are considered unexcused. It should be a very rare occasion that a child is tardy due to transportation issues or is tardy or dismissed early for appointments. The administration reserves the right to determine whether or not a tardy or early dismissal is excused. Students may not be allowed to make up missed work for time that they have an unexcused tardy or early dismissal. Students who arrive after 11 a.m. are considered to have been absent halfa day. Early Pick-Up On the rare occasion that a student must leave prior to regular dismissal, the parent/guardian must come to the school office and sign the student out in the Early Dismissal Log. The parent/guardian should give the student’s teacher prior notice of early pick-up. Students should not be pulled to leave early on a regular basis, as this is extremely disruptive to the class and to your child’s education. It is our practice not to dismiss students in the last 15 minutes of the school day. Late Pick Up All students must be picked up by 3:15. Students who are not picked up by 3:15 will be placed in after-school care, and their parents will be required to pay the regular aftercare daily fee ($20), regardless of how long the children are in aftercare. Parents will be invoiced for aftercare fees. Non Custodial Parent Policy
  • 9. 9 Discipline Policy “…he who loves his son is careful to discipline him.” Proverbs 13:12b seeks to provide an environment where students are to exemplify Christ-like behavior in all aspects of the school day. It is imperative that our school be a safe and orderly place for children to learn and enjoy their education. Therefore, Cornerstone holds children to high standards of conduct and enforces consequences for any actions that violate those standards. The classroom teacher, within the classroom, will conduct the majority of the day-to-day discipline. However, more serious and persistent misconduct will require more intensive interactions from the teacher and from Cornerstone Schools administration. Disciplinary Actions All disciplinary action will be encompassed in prayer. Disciplinary actions will be administered according to the seriousness and/or persistence of the offense. The following disciplinary measures are authorized: 1. Restorative practices and counseling of the student in private by the classroom teacher concerning the student’s misconduct. 2. Praying with the child. 3. Separating the student temporarily from the other children to a reflection spot. 4. Taking away recess privileges or other classroom privileges. 5. Removal from classroom 6. Telephoning the parent/guardian to inform him/her of the misconduct. 7. Requesting a parent/teacher conference for the same day of the misconduct or as soon as possible. 8. Keeping the student after school to complete work or complete community service. Except for extreme cases, a student and parent must be given one day’s advance notice of this action. 9. Removal of student from his/her regular schedule of classes and assigning him/her to a program of study under restrictive supervision for a fixed period of time. 10. Detention assigned. 11. Parents of students that continuously disrupt instruction may be required to shadow the student in class. Without shadow supervision, the student will not be allowed in class. 12. Suspension from school for a period of up to five (5) days, depending on the nature and severity of the offense. The student and his/her parent or guardians are required to attend a re-entry conference. 13. Expulsion from school for the remainder of the school year: Cornerstone Schools realizes that expelling a student from school is a very serious matter and should always be carefully dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Forgiveness, restitution (repairing the damages of the student’s offense through work, apologies, etc.), and restoration (repairing hurt relationships) are fundamental to our total discipline policy. However, should a student and his parents not be able to eliminate behavioral problems, the student will be expelled. (Note: Tuition paid will not be reimbursed upon expulsion). CorporalPunishment Policy Cornerstone staff does not use corporal punishment in the discipline of its students.
  • 10. 10 Serious Misconduct Should a student commit an act with such serious consequences that Cornerstone Schools of Washington, DC deems it necessary that the student be immediately suspended or expelled, such a course of action may be imposed without advance notice. The notice and explanation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the suspension or expulsion shall be given to the parent/guardian and student as soon as possible thereafter. The following misconduct may provide grounds for immediate suspension or expulsion depending upon the nature and severity of the offense: 1. Acts endangering the lives of other students or staff members 2. Profane, abusive, obscene, or immoral language or behavior 3. Fighting or displaying behavior that endangers others including but not limited to physical attack and improper touching 4. Willful and continuous disruption of school activities 5. Continued defiance of and disrespect toward authority figures or Cornerstone policies 6. Damaging school property 7. Theft 8. Possession of a weapon 9. Violations of law 10. Violent threats of any kind to anyone in the Cornerstone Community constitutes automatic suspension or expulsion, at the discretion of the administration. 11. Bullying -- Cornerstone has a zero tolerance for bullying. The consequences for bullying are detention, in-school suspension or expulsion, at the discretion of the administration. This includes cyber-bullying, even when it occurs away from school. 12. Cheating on schoolwork, tests and quizzes; plagiarizing (see AcademicIntegrity Policy, below). The above is not an exhaustive list of the types of behavior and actions that may result in suspension and expulsion. Suspension and Expulsion decisions are at the discretion of the Principal. Academic Integrity Integrity is a Cornerstone Core Value. Dishonesty, cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to: ● Lying ● Copying another student’s classwork, homework, quizzes, tests, etc. ● Allowing another student to copy one’s classwork, homework, quizzes, tests, etc. ● Using the ideas or words of another (such as from the Internet, a book, or other resource material) as if they are one’s own ideas or words, without crediting the source (plagiarism) Homework Policy Homework serves an important purpose in your child’s life. It is a means of reviewing and reinforcing the lessons taught in school. Homework is also a way to help your child develop personal responsibility as well as good work and study habits. You can help your child develop some routines that will be helpful in completing homework assignments. The following suggestions are offered for this purpose: 1. Ask your child if he/she has homework.
  • 11. 11 2. Show interest in your child’s homework. Ask your child to show and explain the homework to you when it is completed. 3. Remember that homework is your child’s work, not yours. You should not do the homework for your child. If you see your child struggling, please write a note to the teacher. 4. Schedule a set time to do homework each day and remain with that commitment. Free your child of other activities at that time. 5. Provide your child with a place to work where he/she will not be disturbed or distracted. Requestfor Homework Assignments after ExcusedAbsence Students who have an excused absence should get their assignments from teachers on their return to school If a child will be absent for an extended period of recovery due to accident or illness, parents may notify the office and request to have assignments prepared for pick-up/email the following day. For high school/middle school students, for each day missed, the student has one day to make up the missed assignment. Work received after this period may not receive credit. For unexcused absence, teachers are not required to allow students to make up work after returning to school. Late Assignment Policyfor Grades 7-12 Assignments submitted one day late will receive 50% of the credit they would have originally earned. After one day, no credit will be given. Athletic Eligibility Cornerstone Athletes are required to have an overall GPA of 2.0 and maintain a C average in all core classes (English, Science, Math and History). Athletes must consistently attend school.Excessive tardies or absences may result in being benched from practices and/or games. Athletes must embody lion-like behavior exemplified by our core values. Love, Integrity, Opportunity, Nobility, and Strength. Promotion and Retention You can help your child meet the promotion standards. See that your child gets to school every day, on time. Make sure that all homework is done. Talk often with the teachers so that problems can be dealt with early. The student who does not complete the following criteria may be retained: ● Successful completion of the curriculum o Achievement of grade-level benchmarks in reading and math o Achievement of 70% or above mastery of their core subjects (math, science, English, and history) ● Attendance - over 20 absences (excused and unexcused combined) ● Performance on standardized testing ● Social and emotional growth and maturity Gateway to High School: After completion of 8th grade, students must reapply to Cornerstone in order to be accepted into the high school. Grades, work ethic, attitude and attendance are among the factors that will be taken into consideration. Student Health Requirement Policy Cornerstone follows the District of Columbia’s Department of Health and Human Services’ policies and guidelines for physical and dental health requirements for public and private schools. Forms can
  • 12. 12 be found at: These forms must be on file before your child begins class. Students’ information is confidential and kept in the students’ medical files. All students must have a current immunization record on file in the school office before the beginning of school in August. Health and dental forms should be updated each year and kept on file in the school office Physicals must be completed before the student participates in after-school sports and activities. The physician must clarify if activity restrictions are needed. If your child has the following they will not be able to attend school unless they have been medicated for 24 hours or have been cleared by a doctor's note: a fever of 101 or more; persistent cough; vomiting; pink eye; ringworm/ lice, or any other contagious or serious health issues. Medication If for any reason your child requires medication to be taken during school hours, we need to have on file an order from your family doctor. You must meet with the office manager and complete the necessary paperwork before sending any medication to school. Dress Code Policy All students are required to have the following: ● ALL-Black Shoes (ALL Black Sneakers are OK including logo, laces, soles) ● MUST PURCHASE ONE OF THESE THREE OPTIONS: o Cornerstone Logo Sweater, Zip-Up Fleece, OR Quarter Zip Pullover* ● Per our Rock Your Socks initiative, socks and tights may be any color. Note: When the weather is cold, students CANNOT wear non-uniform sweaters or jackets in the building. Zip-Up Hoodies are no longer permitted. No cargo pants, skinny pants/jeans, or joggers. ALL pants must have belt loops! Elementary Uniform Requirements (Kindergarten-6th Grade): We are implementing a new gray polo for the Elementary School. In addition, Elementary students will be required to purchase a gym uniform. ● Cornerstone Logo Gray Short Sleeve Polo* ● Cornerstone Logo Gray Long Sleeve Polo* ● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Gym Crewneck Sweatshirt* ● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Gym Sweatpants* ● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Gym T-Shirt* ● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Gym Shorts* ● Dark Blue Bottoms (Shorts, Pants, Skirts, Jumpers, etc.) Middle School Uniform Requirements (7th-8th Grade): ● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Dri-Fit Short Sleeve Polo* ● Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Long Sleeve Polo* ● (Optional) Cornerstone Logo Light Blue Oxford Short Sleeve* ● (Optional) Cornerstone Logo Light Blue Oxford Long Sleeve* ● Khaki Bottoms with belt loops (Shorts, Pants, Skirts, Jumpers, etc.) ● Solid, Plain Black Belt
  • 13. 13 High School Uniform Requirements (9th-12th Grade): ● Cornerstone Logo Light Blue Oxford Short Sleeve* ● Cornerstone Logo Light Blue Oxford Long Sleeve* ● (Optional for Fridays ONLY) Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Dri-Fit Short Sleeve Polo and/or Cornerstone Logo Dark Blue Long Sleeve Polo* ● Cornerstone Men’s Striped Tie or Cornerstone Women’s Navy Crossbow Tie* ● Khaki or Dark Blue Bottoms with belt loops (Shorts, Pants, Skirts, Jumpers, etc.) ● Solid, Plain Black Belt *=Items to be purchased from Risse Brothers Uniform Store Visible body piercing and tattoos are not encouraged, and may be addressed by the administration. Students may be required to cover tattoos and remove piercings during the school day. Boys and girls may wear reasonably sized earrings. No oversized jewelry. No hats are allowed. NOTE: Students must have the school logo on their shirts. Plain blue shirts are not acceptable. Uniforms are to be clean when the student arrives at the beginning of the day. Uniform Violations Teachers will report uniform violations to the Assistant Principal or the Dean of Students, who will communicate consequences with student and parent. Some uniform pieces are available in the office for students who are willing to trade their cell phones for the duration of the time that they use a borrowed uniform item. For persistent uniform violations, students may be sent home. Lunch and Snack Policy Parents are required to provide a healthy lunch and drink for students to bring to school every day,. Cornerstone does not have cooking facilities to prepare student lunches or access to refrigeration to keep student lunches until lunch time. Students must bring a lunch that requires no preparation and that will not spoil. No microwaves are available. Parents are encouraged to purchase a thermos so that children can bring milk. Lunch Rules: 1. Each student must bring a lunch every day 2. Students are not to trade food 3. Bring food from the major food groups (bread, meat/cheese, dairy, vegetables, and fruit) 4. NOT ALLOWED: gum, candy, soda, high sugar drinks, pop-top cans, glass bottles, sunflower or pumpkin seeds. 5. If your child needs a spoon or fork for lunch, please pack one. 6. You may not have food delivered to school (Uber Eats, pizza delivery, etc.) 7. Middle school/high school lunch is 11:15-11:45, lunch for grades 4-6 is 11:50-12:20, and lunch for grades K-3 is 12:25-12:55. If you are bringing lunch for your child, please arrange to have it here by the beginning of the lunch period. If the lunch is not here on time, the student may have to wait until later to eat. 8. Students will not be allowed to call a parent about lunch on a regular basis.
  • 14. 14 Field Trips Field trips may be planned during the course of the year by the teachers. Permission slips must be signed by parents or guardians before children are allowed to participate. Phone calls are not accepted as permission, Official school forms must be used. Recess Students are allowed to play with recess equipment and playground equipment in the appropriate time and manner for which the equipment was intended. Children may not play tackle football. All physical interaction between children must be safe and risk free of injury. If a student does not play in a safe manner or follow adult directions, the adults on duty may take away the child's recess privileges. (Recess locations may vary due to weather and playground conditions.) Financial Policies Contracts All parties with legal and/ or financial responsibility for the student (e.g. parents, guardians, or other persons) must sign tuition contracts. For full financial policy, see the Business Manager. Student records will not be released if a financial commitment is unmet. Fees Fees may be assessed for after school sports and activities field trips, latepick-ups, lost or damaged books and/or school property. All financial obligations must be met before receiving report cards. Bounced Checks All checks returned for insufficient funds will result in a $15 penalty fee. Use of Cell Phones and Personal Portable Devices Cornerstone is a personal electronic and cell phone free school. This is a ZERO- TOLERANCE policy. All cell phones and electronic devices (including iPads, E-Readers, tablets, iPods, music listening devices, hand-held game devices, etc.)must be turned off and stored out of sight by 7:40 a.m., and may not be brought out at any time during the day, including lunch. The FIRST time we see a phone it will be confiscated and turned in to the Principal or Assistant Principal. On the first offense, the device will be returned at the end of the day. On the 2nd offense a parent or guardian will need to come to the school and retrieve it in person. Noncompliance with attempted confiscation shall be subjected to additional disciplinary action consistent with the Serious Misconduct Policy The use of cell phones and other portable electronic devices is not permitted on Cornerstone property or at school events or school-related activities, unless authorized by school personnel.. Cornerstone is not responsible for theft, loss or damage to cell phones and portable electronic devices. Student who attend Cornerstone must read the Acceptable Use Conduct Agreement for Computer Equipment and Internet Access, and sign the Agreement statement.
  • 15. 15 Handbook for Parents and Students Signature Page Directions: Where two parents are involved, both shouldsign this page. Each Cornerstone studentin the family should sign this page. Please return this page to the school office. I have read the Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C., Handbookfor Parents and Students, and I agree to abide by and uphold the policies and procedures outlined in this Handbook. Parent/guardianname (print):____________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Date _________________ Parent/guardianname (print):____________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Date _________________ Student name (print):______________________________________ Grade _____ Signature ____________________________________ Date _________________ Student name (print):______________________________________ Grade _____ Signature ____________________________________ Date _________________ Student name (print):______________________________________ Grade _____ Signature ____________________________________ Date _________________ Student name (print):______________________________________ Grade _____ Signature ____________________________________ Date _________________