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Organic Food Benefits Of Organic Foods Essay
Organic Foods
I chose the topic organic food benefits. Are you concerned about the health of yourself and that of your family? You should be. You might be
surprised to learn of the chemicals known to exist in the foods we eat daily. I hope to evaluate the benefits of organic food versus those of
conventional food and then you can make your own decision based on my presentment.
Organic food is an alternative to conventional food. It is marketed as pure, wholesome, natural, and still small scale. People shopping for organic
food are doing so to avoid the chemicals and not necessarily because the organic products have more nutrition. When I go shopping at the local
grocery store I will purchase fresh produce such as carrots, potatoes, fruits, and meats to avoid all the chemicals that could very possibly be part of
the nonorganic similar items. It is possible that the nonorganic carrots could very well be grown in soil that has been heavily fertilized year after
year and/or sprayed with chemical pesticides. Ever wonder why apples are so shiny? A coating of shellac is applied to apples to give apples a shiny
coating, prolong shelf life, and prevent bruising. You might reconsider the next time you reach for the shiniest red apple and remember to think about
the pesticides that were used on the apple trees. There are no pesticides sprayed on organic food. While this does make the food taste fresher, it also
means that it will go bad more quickly. Unfortunately, this increases
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Organic Food Literature Review
The need for organic food is increasing. Organic food is becoming popular globally. People are leaning towards buying organic foodstuffs based on the
knowledge that they are healthier than conventional foodstuffs (Dangour& Research is still going about the benefits of organic food,
In the meantime there is no specific systemic evidence based statement that explain the health benefits of eating organic food. The process of producing
organic foodstuff depends on specific standards that focus on protecting the environment, and limited us of chemicals in crops, no antibiotic use in
animal production. The purpose of this systemic review is to evaluate the efficacy of nutrition and how this is related to human health when it comes to
consuming organic foodstuffs. The current review does not focus on the health risks associated with contaminates present in conventional food stuffs
like (Herbicides, Fungicides, Pesticides). Neither does it look at Agriculture practices or potential ,environment and occupational health risk factors
associated with conventional agriculture. Looking at the nutritional health benefits of consuming organic food will help policy makers in developing
public health awareness on the risks and benefits of consuming organic food. It will also encourage customers to think where their food come from.
The authors of this article conducted a systemic reviews of peer reviewed literature which was published between January 1 1958 until September
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Organic and Inorganic Food
The Differences Between Organic and Unorganic Food
As we know, food is the most important thing in our lives. We can not live without food, it sounds redundant but that is the reality. Imagine if we do
not eat any food in a day, we will get very not powere because we do not get the strength that is contained in food. We realized this important thing and
now we have found that there are two types of food, organic and unorganic food. Many people still missunderstanding about the definition of organic
and unorganic food. They tend to think that organic food is the healthiest food and unorganic food is a bad food. Actually, organic food is made in a
way that complies with organic standards set by national governments and more content...
Unorganic food has a better appearance than organic food. Unorganic food farmer uses chemicals to make the harmful insects get away from his
plant. The farmer also uses chemicals to make his food shining, clean, and interesting so the consumers will prefer to buy his unorganic food than
organic food. Organic food has a worse appearance than unorganic food, because the farmer do not use chemicals to make the food looks interesting
at all. Although the organic food is less interesting than unorganic food, keep in your mind that bad appearance does not mean that the content also
bad. Food is very important for our lives. We can not live without food. Now, we have found that there are two types of food, organic food and
unorganic food. Organic food and unorganic food are not the same. Organic food is healthier than unorganic food. The farmer of organic food does
not use dangerous chemical to take care of his food. He relies on the 'friendly' insects that eat the harmful insects. Unorganic food has a better
appearance than organic food. The farmer uses chemicals to make the appearance of unorganic food more interesting, so that the consumers will prefer
to buy unorganic food. Actually, it does not matter if we eat organic or unorganic food. The most important thing is we have to keep pay attention about
the food nutrition from the food that we eat.
Name: Amanda Restu A.
Std. Number: 2009.031.004
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Organic Food
Table of Contents 01.What is Organic Food?.........................................................04 02.History of Organic Food..........................................04
03.Principles of Organic Agriculture................................05 04.How Can We Be Sure That our Food is Organic?...............07 05.Types of Organic
Food............................................07 06.Advantages of Organic Foods.....................................09 07.Organic vs.
Non–organic...........................................11 08.Organic Food market..............................................13 09.How can we market Organic
Products?................................14 10.Organic Food in Bangladesh......................................17 11.Potential for Organic Shrimp farming in
Bangladesh.........24 12.Conclusion..........................................................26 more content...
Organic agriculture should attain ecological balance through the design of farming systems, establishment of habitats and maintenance of genetic and
agricultural diversity. Those who produce, process, trade, or consume organic products should protect and benefit the common environment including
landscapes, climate, habitats, biodiversity, air and water. Principle of Fairness Organic Agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness
with regard to the common environment and life opportunities Fairness is characterized by equity, respect, justice and stewardship of the shared world,
both among people and in their relations to other living beings. This principle emphasizes that those involved in organic agriculture should conduct
human relationships in a manner that ensures fairness at all levels and to all parties – farmers, workers, processors, distributors, traders and consumers.
Organic agriculture should provide everyone involved with a good quality of life, and contribute to food sovereignty and reduction of poverty. It aims
to produce a sufficient supply of good quality food and other products. This principle insists that animals should be provided with the conditions and
opportunities of life that accord with their physiology, natural behavior and well–being. Natural and environmental resources that
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Organic Foods And Organic Food Essay
Organic food is one of the fast growing markets in the world. Only in the U.S., retail sales of organic foods were $6.2 billion in 2015: California
made up the biggest part of the country's organic food market, with $2.436 billion of total sales; Colorado was on the ninth place with $155 million
of total sales ("2015 Certified Organic Survey" 9). Today, organic products are available in almost every conventional grocery store and often have a
higher price over conventional products. In fact, the majority of consumers believe that organic products do not contain pesticides or antibiotics, and
they are better for health and the environment. Because the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulates the use of the "Organic" and "USDA Organic"
labels, it is a primary driver of the marketing success of organic products in the U.S. Misunderstanding of the principles and practices of organic
farming, labels and quality of organic food, values and motivations of consumers, have made many debates in our society.
The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 established uniform national standards for foods labeled as "organic". Now, the label "organic" is used to
show that food or another agricultural product has been produced through methods and practices defined by the U.S.
Ryzhaya 2
Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its National Organic Program (NOP) ("Organic Standards"). The term "organic" describes produce that has
been organically grown without using synthetic fertilizers,
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Importance Of Organic Food
The purpose of this research paper is to explain the reason importance of organic and the difference of it compared to natural, and inorganic
agriculture systems. Have you ever wondered why organic food cost a little bit more than regular food? We have always thought that it was
healthier in some ways but it all taste the same to me. The word organic means food that it is not chemically modified, from the taste to how it's
grown there are one hundred percent no chemicals in it. When you think of organic some words that come to mind might be expensive, healthier, and
shorter shelf life. These are all important factors but let's dive into the process of how this food gets to be called organic. In this essay we are going to
explain the difference of organic and conventional food.
First, we are going to talk about organic agriculture. The first thing that farmers do before planting more crops is reviving the soil, by this I mean that
they plow the soil so those nutrients are still being used and place manure which fertilizes and sustains the plant. After that the farmers do things like;
hand weeding, mechanical control, use mulches, cover crops, crop rotation and dense planting which is a great alternative than using pesticides and
also takes more time and work. On Jane Plant told her story and said, "I eliminated all dairy products from my diet immediately – I had
been eating organic yogurt to help my digestive tract recover from the chemotherapy, but I also
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Argumentative Essay: To Organic Or Not Organic?
To Organic or to Not Organic
As consumers, we see the label "organic" in most supermarkets that we shop at every day but do we know what makes certain food items obtain the
label organic? There is much controversy on the topic organic foods and for good reason. There are many factors to take into account when decided if
organic food is superior to conventionally grown foods. There is key components that all add to how nutritious your food is. It all comes down to the
quality of the land that the food is grown on, the farming technique, the elimination of toxic chemicals, and the increase in certain beneficial nutrients.
The only downside to being pro–organic food is the slightly increased price tag. Despite the increased cost, organic foods do provide a greater deal of
health benefits over conventionally grown foods.
In the United States, organic food has become so popular you don't have to grow your own food or even find a farmers market to be able to purchase
organic food. You can typically find it in supermarkets everywhere.Organic farming has been around for quite sometime organic farming first became
popular in the 1940s. Throughout the decade's people gained more knowledge on the benefits of farming and eating organic. George Kuepper a
sustainable agriculture specialist notes, . . . "while one can't say that the 60's counterculture invented organic farming, it is fair to say that it created the
organic industry" (9). During this time period, there was more
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Persuasive Essay On Organic Food
Organic Foods
Organic food is food that comply with the standards of organic farming, this allows biodiversity among food. So far Europe, the US, Canada, Japan,
Mexico. The standards of this practice for vegetables and other crops is to meet all of these following goals, enhance soil and water quality, reduce
pollution, provide safe, healthy livestock habitats, enable natural livestock behavior, and promote a self–sustaining cycle of resources on a farm. But
that not all, you need to restrain from using any of these following materials or practices, synthetic fertilizers to add nutrients to the soil, sewage
sludge as fertilizer, most synthetic pesticides for pest control, irradiation to preserve food or to eliminate disease or pests, genetic engineering, used to
improve disease or pest resistance or to improve crop yields, and antibiotics or growth hormones for livestock. Green manure, livestock manure, soil
quality–improving compost, plant rotation, covering crops, usage of mulch, keeping of predatory insects, certain natural pesticides, healthy living
conditions and access to the outdoors for cows, and proper vaccinations are accepted for organic farming. One health benefit for eating organic foods
is that we will live longer than normal people. It will also affect your mental and emotional health Unfortunately the phrases "natural" and "organic" do
not interchange and people do try to mix the two, natural means it was made with no artificial flavors, preservatives, or
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Literature Review On Organic Food
Name: Jolanda Seli
Matric no: S38420
Assignment: Literature Review
Consumer attitudes and Purchase Intention toward Organic Food in University Malaysia Terengganu
4.0Literature Review
Consumer are more concerned about the nutrition and quality of their daily food nowadays. They tend to find "the green aspect" in the products, as
well as their effect on earth (Minyan Yang, Sarah Al
– Shaaban and Tram B.Nguyen, 2014). This is because the emergences of the fake product that
contain a lot poisonous chemical that can lead to cancer and other critical diseases. The demand for organic food continue to rise in developed country
and the trend move to developing country including Malaysia (Chandran Somasundram, Zuliana Razali and Vicknesha Santhirasegaram, more
(2016). A Review on Organic Food Production in Malaysia. 1.
Ihsan Effendi, PahamGinting, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis and Khaira Amalia Fachruddin. (2015). Journal of Business Management. Analysis of Consumer
behaviour of Organic Food in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia, 46.
Irianto, H. (2015). consumers' attitude and intention towards organic food purchase. an extension of theory of planned behavior in gender perspective,
Leon G. Schiffman and Joseph L Wisenblit. (2015). consumer behavior eleventh edition. United States of America : Pearson Education.
Lewin, J. (2013). how to guide organic. what does organic mean?
M, C. (2009). Attitudes toward Organic food among Taiwanese as related to health consciousness,enviromental attitudes,and the mediating effect of a
healthy lifestyles. British Food Journal.
Minyan Yang, Sarah Al– Shaaban and Tram B.Nguyen. (2014). Consumer attitude and purchase intention towards organic food. a quantitative study of
China, 7.
Minyan Yang, Sarah Al–Shabaan,Trum B Nguyen. (2014). consumer attitudes and purchase intention towards organic food . a quantitative study of
China , 14.
NZFSA. (2008). NZFSA Policy on Organic Food. A Background Paper,
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Organic Food
An introduction to organic foods
In spite of the increasing popularity of Organic food these days, most of the people do not have a clear idea regarding the definition of organic food.
In simple words, Organic foods are those foods that are produced, processed and packaged without using chemicals. They have been accepted due to
their perceived health benefits over conventional food. The organic industry is growing rapidly and has caught the attention of farmers, manufacturers
and, above all, consumers. Some of the popular organic food items include organic tea, organic coffee, organic wine, organic meat, organic beef,
organic milk, organic honey, organic vegetables, organic fruits, organic rice, organic corn, organic herbs, organic more content...
The modern
Indian lifestyles and lifestyle–related diseases, as well as limited time to cook at home, are also expected
to create demand for health and wellness products in the coming years. These factors, coupled with environmental issues and growing resistance
towards genetically modified food products, are predicted to
accelerate growth in the organic food category.
Indian consumers currently spend a large portion of their income on food. Nearly 45 percent of
consumption expenditures go for food (51 percent in rural areas and 39 percent in urban areas). In urban
areas, the consumption of processed and ready–to–eat (RTE) or convenience foods is higher due to
relatively higher disposable incomes, exposure to a greater variety of processed foods, a preference for
quick meals, and familiarity with foreign foods or cuisines. Rural consumers tend to prefer traditional
Indian foods prepared at home, but exposure to processed foods is increasing even in rural areas.
Demand for premium high–value foods such as chocolates, almonds and other dried nuts, cakes and
pastries, imported fruits, fruit juices, and Indian sweets peaks during the fall festive and wedding seasons.
With the penetration of modern retailing in the suburbs and semi–urban areas, more and more Indians
have access to retail shops carrying organic food products.
Shopping habits
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Essay on Organic Foods
Organic Foods
"You are what you eat", or so they say. In today's supermarkets, organic foods are everywhere. Not only are there organic fruits and vegetables, but
there are also organic dairy products, organic meats, organic convenience foods, organic wine, beer, coffee, tea and even clothes made with organic
cotton. All of these choices have made organic foods the "fastest–growing segment of the grocery industry." The Organic Trade Association (OTA), in
its "Business Facts" fact sheet available at, cites Natural Foods Merchandiser, a trade magazine, as measuring organic industry growth at
20 percent or greater for the past nine years. Approximately two percent of the U.S. food supply is grown using organic methods. more
Many of the chemicals used to grow and process food today have greatly expedited the entire food production process. However, Researchers and
Scientists in the past relied solely on the efficiency aspect of the process with little regard to any long–term health affects potentially resulting from the
intake of such foods, especially with the younger population whose immune system is more prone to ailment.
One of the main principles of organic farming is the cultivation of products without the use of harmful chemicals and additives. This use of chemicals,
both past and present, has led to "Factory Farming," a popular term describing the mass quantities of food produced throughout the twentieth century.
The rise of these factory–produced foods caused the decline of small scale and family owned farms. However, the more recent rise in awareness and
waves of environmentalism, organic farms, small and large are back on top and often benefit local communities, land and especially the people who
farm them (B.Wyland, Personal Communication, 1, March, 2005).
The word Organic itself describes a way of growing food. It's a form of agriculture that arose in the last century in response to the increasing use of
synthetic and often toxic chemicals to grow food. The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), a governmental advisory panel to the National
Organic Program, wrote this condensed definition of organic farming in
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Organic Foods: The Real Deal Essay
The growth of the organic food industry has been drastic, growing at a rate of 20% annually since 1990. Consumers think that organic foods have more
nutritional value, better taste, and have a smaller environmental footprint. Consumers have been willing to spend 10% to 40% more than their
traditional counterpart. However, there is little evidence that organic food contains more nutrients, has a better taste, or has less of an environmental
impact than traditional foods.
In a recent study conducted at the University of Michigan, researchers discovered consumers tended to believe that organic food is more nutritious non
organic food. However, the American Cancer Society has noted: It is commonly thought that organic foods may be more content...
Mineral content may be affected by the soil such as iron; nevertheless there is no significant difference by these two farming methods in terms of
nutritional content.
Another common belief about organic food tastes better. Taste is influenced by many factors such as freshness, which is dependent on the collection
methods, production speed and shipment times of goods. In a test with organic vegetables conducted by the University of Hawaii, researchers
discovered "There was a certain difference in taste, But the organic food did not taste any better."
There also has been some debate if organic farming has been beneficial to the environment as perceived by consumers. Although, organic farming
does not utilize pesticides, the process by which crops and livestock are grown can be just as dangerous if not fully understood. The USDA requires
organic farms to grow produce without the use of synthetic fertilizers. Therefore, farmers must use poop from organically fed animals. This method
may lead to cross E–coli, and Salmonella to be cross contaminated in the food supply. Furthermore the byproduct of the animals used to fertilize
produces methane, which produce 23 times more greenhouse gasses than planes and automobiles. In addition as many as 40% of organic food are
from foreign countries and, 300 of them are in China, This consequently leaves a bigger carbon footprint to ship the products.
Foods labeled as Organic do not have any special properties that
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Reflection Paper About Organic Food
My beliefs about sustainable and organic food have changed over the course of this class. It has really opened my eyes about the food industry
and how a lot of companies are lying to us. When I started this class I was all about getting the most food for the small amount of money I had.
Once this class started it made me feel passionate about eating more sustainable and supporting organic companies. Since I am short on money I
started with making small changes I could be proud of. I started solely shopping at Trader Joe's where they have affordable organic options. My
first small change was getting rid of my regular table salt and now I use the pink Himalayan salt when I cook. I also started purchasing organic
condiments and shopping for fresh organic produce. With these changes I was able to still have affordable meals and feel good about what I was
putting in my body. My belief is that I will shop organic as often as possible and always make the best decisions for my body. My health and weight
have always been a problem my entire life. Throughout life I have gone through phases of eating healthy and making better decisions. Now that I have
taken this class I really understand what it means to eat healthy and organic. Also learning about seasonal produce and how to get the most nutrient
dense meals.
I gained tons of knowledge during my twenty service hours and gained experience teaching my local community. I learned about where my food came
from by working on the
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Organic vs. Non-organic Foods Essay examples
Organic products and non–organic products have been a subject of interest for me for a great amount of time because I have often questioned whether
there really was a difference between the two types of products. I always wondered what the nutritional, economic, laborious, and pollution differences
were, if any, in the creation of the two types of products. Through research, I have found several sources of information which allow me to determine
more than a physical difference between the two. To start, labeling something as organic is specific and determined by the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA). The regulations set are extremely specific and it is relatively difficult to meet the standards. The more content...
The only exception to the use of organic ingredients is if they are not commercially available in organic form. This gives farmers the option to make
their own organic ingredient or non–organic ingredient. The commercially unavailable ingredient is ignored when certifying the product as organic or
non–organic (6). A problem that arises in the certification oforganic food is that there exists over 40 private organizations and state agencies that
certify the production of food as organic. The standards for consideration of certification are still the same, but the requirements to receive the
certification of an "organic" product may differ from agency to agency. For example, a pesticide may be approved by some agencies, while other
agencies would prohibit it. This leads to some variance in the organic material a consumer purchases, and the product may turn out to be harmful to
the individual (6). If the product fulfills the requirements of being organically made, then it qualifies for having the option to place the USDA
organic label on the package. However, if the farmer does not wish to do so, the USDA organic label may not be placed on the crop or livestock.
There is also an alternative in the labeling, where the product can be claimed to be "made with organic ingredients." The label certifies that the good
was made with at least 70 percent organic ingredients (4, 1). The difficulty of producing organic products may
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The Pros And Cons Of Organic Food
Most of the food we get from the grocery store, to feed ourselves and our families, has been exposed to dangerous chemicals that can lead to many
health problems. Organic food on the other hand, is a safer choice, free of hormones, antibiotics, and genetic modification organisms. It is mandatory
that any food being labeled Organic, must be produced without these dangerous chemicals. The unnatural methods conventional food farmers use is an
even greater risk to the health of pregnant women and children. Residue that is left behind by these chemicals on the food we eat, is one of the highest
environmental risks for cancer. Although conventional food is cheaper thanorganic food, it may cost us many health problems, over time. Conventional
food farmers use over four hundred and fifty different pesticides and herbicides to protect their crops from mold, insects, and rodents. In the United
States, over one billion pounds of pesticide is used every year (Alavanja, 2009). Repeated contact with pesticide correlates with increased rates of
chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, birth defects, reproductive issues, respiratory problems, and countless other health issues.
Pesticides contain a dangerous chemical called organophosphates. The residue left behind from this chemical is rated one of the top environmental
risks for cancer. Conventional food is four times more likely to have residue of pesticide, than organic food (Br J Nutr. 2014). This residue is also
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Food Consumption Of Organic Food Essay
Food consumption patterns are rapidly changing nowadays as a result of environmental issues, concern about the nutritional value of food and health
issues. Issues such as quality and safety in food attract consumer interest in organic food that is free from pesticides and chemical residues. Although
the concept of "organic food" seems to be well known to many consumers the proportion of consumers who purchase organic foods on a regular basis
is low.
To better protect consumers from harmful and fake organic food, knowing the factors affecting consumers' consumption of organic products is
therefore important.
Definition of Organic Food
There is no common definition of organic food for a simple reason that different countries have different standards for products to be certified as
organic. In the simplest words, organic foods are minimally processed to maintain the integrity of the food without artificial ingredients, preservatives
or irradiation. Organic products are obtained by processes friendly to the environment, by cultivation techniques that consider both the attributes of the
final product and the production methods. Generally speaking, Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no
antibiotics or growth hormones.
Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or
ionizing radiation. More than that, "organic" is not only a set of
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Bettering one's body is one of the most common New Year's resolutions. Whether it is eating healthy or exercising, people are always searching for
ways to improve themselves. The food industry has recently seen a substantial increase in the demand for organic foods as opposed to the more
common option of conventionally grown products. In 1990, the revenue spent on organic foods was only $1 billion, soaring to $21.1 billion in 2008,
and reaching $26.6 billion in 2009 (Crinnion 4). This significant increase in demand is due to the environmental effects and the overwhelming benefits
to our bodies. When addressing significant issues such as personal health and climate change, organic foods are a solution that can conquer two birds
with one stone.
The rise of the organic food industry has been massive over the past decade alone. The increase in consumer demand has led to a wider array of
organic foods becoming readily available. Sales of organic food in the US totaled $5.4 billion in 1998, $6.5 billion in 1999, $7.8 billion in 2000,
$13.8 billion in 2005, and $24.8 billion in 2009. (Organic Trade Association). Prior to the corporate companies take over of our food system and their
use of harmful chemicals, there was a primitive method to growing food. The organic industry is now trying to reestablish that in order potential to
save time and improve crop quality.
The GMO market is comprised of a few major corporations, with the largest one being Monsanto. The Monsanto company
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Organic vs. Conventional Foods Essay
With the world's population continuing to increase, the demand for food is higher than ever. This increase in food demand also calls for more efficient
ways of growing and providing the food. Two methods that are very controversial are the organic and conventional method. While many people support
the organic method because of its known benefits, others feel that it is an over inflated industry that cheats consumers out of their money. But recently
many studies have disproved those critics. These studies prove that Organic food is a better choice than conventional because it is better for the
environment, avoids the use of chemicals, and is generally more beneficial. To help keep crops from being destroyed, conventional farmers
more content...
It is also shown that pesticides are partly responsible for the rising cancer rates and birth defects among children ("Pesticides"). Organic farming
methods avoid the use of these chemicals and rely on natural method to control crops ("Farming, Organics"). Examples of these methods are crop
rotation, which consists of planting different crops every year and disrupts the life cycle of pests and provides a natural fertilizer ("Farming,
Organics"). Organic farmers also use natural fertilizers such as sulfur and interplanting methods that alternate crops in the field, which discourages
pests to live there ("Farming, Organics").
By not using multiple chemicals to control crops, organic farming also ends up being better for the environment. Organic farmers use natural fertilizers
such as manure so that they do not release artificial chemicals into the ground ("Organic Food"). In June of 1999 a report made by the U.S. Geologic
Survey, found that most waterways and ground water supplies in both urban and rural areas contained enough pesticides to endanger aquatic life
("pesticides"). These chemicals can also leak into streams and encourage the growth of algae and intoxicate the water ("298 John P. Reganold").
Furthermore studies have found that water contaminated with pesticides may accumulate in the
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Persuasive Essay On Organic Food
Ignoring the Labels
"Are you really putting in what's right for your body?" "Ingesting pesticides can inhibit brain development." "Only organic foods can keep you safe."
Catch cries such as these seem to plague the media. However, consumers do not need to constantly worry about eating a strictly organic diet. These
phrases use the fear tactic when, in fact, these claims aren't always true. Eating conventional, or non–organic foods, is not as bad as you think. And
organic foods are not as praiseworthy as they seem to be. The organic label should not be a symbol for edible. America should stop ridiculing
conventional foods, and instead, consume them because they are safe to eat, better for a growing population, and are less expensive than their organic
counterparts. To begin, organic foods do not have significantly better nutritional and health value than conventional foods. Many people choose to go
organic because they want to live a "healthy, pesticide–free lifestyle". Contrary to popular belief, organic farming actually does use pesticides. The word
organic does not necessarily mean pesticide free. Organic food means that the pesticides used are derived from natural ingredients. Another common
misconception is that the pesticides used in organic farming are safer, just because they are natural. That is not necessarily true. When compared to
other naturally occurring pesticides, the residues of synthetic pesticides were shown to have lower levels of cancer promoting
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Organic Food Benefits Of Organic Foods Essay

  • 1. Organic Food Benefits Of Organic Foods Essay Organic Foods I chose the topic organic food benefits. Are you concerned about the health of yourself and that of your family? You should be. You might be surprised to learn of the chemicals known to exist in the foods we eat daily. I hope to evaluate the benefits of organic food versus those of conventional food and then you can make your own decision based on my presentment. Organic food is an alternative to conventional food. It is marketed as pure, wholesome, natural, and still small scale. People shopping for organic food are doing so to avoid the chemicals and not necessarily because the organic products have more nutrition. When I go shopping at the local grocery store I will purchase fresh produce such as carrots, potatoes, fruits, and meats to avoid all the chemicals that could very possibly be part of the nonorganic similar items. It is possible that the nonorganic carrots could very well be grown in soil that has been heavily fertilized year after year and/or sprayed with chemical pesticides. Ever wonder why apples are so shiny? A coating of shellac is applied to apples to give apples a shiny coating, prolong shelf life, and prevent bruising. You might reconsider the next time you reach for the shiniest red apple and remember to think about the pesticides that were used on the apple trees. There are no pesticides sprayed on organic food. While this does make the food taste fresher, it also means that it will go bad more quickly. Unfortunately, this increases Get more content on
  • 2. Organic Food Literature Review The need for organic food is increasing. Organic food is becoming popular globally. People are leaning towards buying organic foodstuffs based on the knowledge that they are healthier than conventional foodstuffs (Dangour& Research is still going about the benefits of organic food, In the meantime there is no specific systemic evidence based statement that explain the health benefits of eating organic food. The process of producing organic foodstuff depends on specific standards that focus on protecting the environment, and limited us of chemicals in crops, no antibiotic use in animal production. The purpose of this systemic review is to evaluate the efficacy of nutrition and how this is related to human health when it comes to consuming organic foodstuffs. The current review does not focus on the health risks associated with contaminates present in conventional food stuffs like (Herbicides, Fungicides, Pesticides). Neither does it look at Agriculture practices or potential ,environment and occupational health risk factors associated with conventional agriculture. Looking at the nutritional health benefits of consuming organic food will help policy makers in developing public health awareness on the risks and benefits of consuming organic food. It will also encourage customers to think where their food come from. The authors of this article conducted a systemic reviews of peer reviewed literature which was published between January 1 1958 until September Get more content on
  • 3. Organic and Inorganic Food The Differences Between Organic and Unorganic Food As we know, food is the most important thing in our lives. We can not live without food, it sounds redundant but that is the reality. Imagine if we do not eat any food in a day, we will get very not powere because we do not get the strength that is contained in food. We realized this important thing and now we have found that there are two types of food, organic and unorganic food. Many people still missunderstanding about the definition of organic and unorganic food. They tend to think that organic food is the healthiest food and unorganic food is a bad food. Actually, organic food is made in a way that complies with organic standards set by national governments and more content... Unorganic food has a better appearance than organic food. Unorganic food farmer uses chemicals to make the harmful insects get away from his plant. The farmer also uses chemicals to make his food shining, clean, and interesting so the consumers will prefer to buy his unorganic food than organic food. Organic food has a worse appearance than unorganic food, because the farmer do not use chemicals to make the food looks interesting at all. Although the organic food is less interesting than unorganic food, keep in your mind that bad appearance does not mean that the content also bad. Food is very important for our lives. We can not live without food. Now, we have found that there are two types of food, organic food and unorganic food. Organic food and unorganic food are not the same. Organic food is healthier than unorganic food. The farmer of organic food does not use dangerous chemical to take care of his food. He relies on the 'friendly' insects that eat the harmful insects. Unorganic food has a better appearance than organic food. The farmer uses chemicals to make the appearance of unorganic food more interesting, so that the consumers will prefer to buy unorganic food. Actually, it does not matter if we eat organic or unorganic food. The most important thing is we have to keep pay attention about the food nutrition from the food that we eat. Name: Amanda Restu A. Std. Number: 2009.031.004 OUTLINE
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  • 5. Organic Food Table of Contents 01.What is Organic Food?.........................................................04 02.History of Organic Food..........................................04 03.Principles of Organic Agriculture................................05 04.How Can We Be Sure That our Food is Organic?...............07 05.Types of Organic Food............................................07 06.Advantages of Organic Foods.....................................09 07.Organic vs. Non–organic...........................................11 08.Organic Food market..............................................13 09.How can we market Organic Products?................................14 10.Organic Food in Bangladesh......................................17 11.Potential for Organic Shrimp farming in Bangladesh.........24 12.Conclusion..........................................................26 more content... Organic agriculture should attain ecological balance through the design of farming systems, establishment of habitats and maintenance of genetic and agricultural diversity. Those who produce, process, trade, or consume organic products should protect and benefit the common environment including landscapes, climate, habitats, biodiversity, air and water. Principle of Fairness Organic Agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness with regard to the common environment and life opportunities Fairness is characterized by equity, respect, justice and stewardship of the shared world, both among people and in their relations to other living beings. This principle emphasizes that those involved in organic agriculture should conduct human relationships in a manner that ensures fairness at all levels and to all parties – farmers, workers, processors, distributors, traders and consumers. Organic agriculture should provide everyone involved with a good quality of life, and contribute to food sovereignty and reduction of poverty. It aims to produce a sufficient supply of good quality food and other products. This principle insists that animals should be provided with the conditions and opportunities of life that accord with their physiology, natural behavior and well–being. Natural and environmental resources that Get more content on
  • 6. Organic Foods And Organic Food Essay Organic food is one of the fast growing markets in the world. Only in the U.S., retail sales of organic foods were $6.2 billion in 2015: California made up the biggest part of the country's organic food market, with $2.436 billion of total sales; Colorado was on the ninth place with $155 million of total sales ("2015 Certified Organic Survey" 9). Today, organic products are available in almost every conventional grocery store and often have a higher price over conventional products. In fact, the majority of consumers believe that organic products do not contain pesticides or antibiotics, and they are better for health and the environment. Because the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulates the use of the "Organic" and "USDA Organic" labels, it is a primary driver of the marketing success of organic products in the U.S. Misunderstanding of the principles and practices of organic farming, labels and quality of organic food, values and motivations of consumers, have made many debates in our society. The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 established uniform national standards for foods labeled as "organic". Now, the label "organic" is used to show that food or another agricultural product has been produced through methods and practices defined by the U.S. Ryzhaya 2 Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its National Organic Program (NOP) ("Organic Standards"). The term "organic" describes produce that has been organically grown without using synthetic fertilizers, Get more content on
  • 7. Importance Of Organic Food The purpose of this research paper is to explain the reason importance of organic and the difference of it compared to natural, and inorganic agriculture systems. Have you ever wondered why organic food cost a little bit more than regular food? We have always thought that it was healthier in some ways but it all taste the same to me. The word organic means food that it is not chemically modified, from the taste to how it's grown there are one hundred percent no chemicals in it. When you think of organic some words that come to mind might be expensive, healthier, and shorter shelf life. These are all important factors but let's dive into the process of how this food gets to be called organic. In this essay we are going to explain the difference of organic and conventional food. First, we are going to talk about organic agriculture. The first thing that farmers do before planting more crops is reviving the soil, by this I mean that they plow the soil so those nutrients are still being used and place manure which fertilizes and sustains the plant. After that the farmers do things like; hand weeding, mechanical control, use mulches, cover crops, crop rotation and dense planting which is a great alternative than using pesticides and also takes more time and work. On Jane Plant told her story and said, "I eliminated all dairy products from my diet immediately – I had been eating organic yogurt to help my digestive tract recover from the chemotherapy, but I also Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay: To Organic Or Not Organic? To Organic or to Not Organic As consumers, we see the label "organic" in most supermarkets that we shop at every day but do we know what makes certain food items obtain the label organic? There is much controversy on the topic organic foods and for good reason. There are many factors to take into account when decided if organic food is superior to conventionally grown foods. There is key components that all add to how nutritious your food is. It all comes down to the quality of the land that the food is grown on, the farming technique, the elimination of toxic chemicals, and the increase in certain beneficial nutrients. The only downside to being pro–organic food is the slightly increased price tag. Despite the increased cost, organic foods do provide a greater deal of health benefits over conventionally grown foods. In the United States, organic food has become so popular you don't have to grow your own food or even find a farmers market to be able to purchase organic food. You can typically find it in supermarkets everywhere.Organic farming has been around for quite sometime organic farming first became popular in the 1940s. Throughout the decade's people gained more knowledge on the benefits of farming and eating organic. George Kuepper a sustainable agriculture specialist notes, . . . "while one can't say that the 60's counterculture invented organic farming, it is fair to say that it created the organic industry" (9). During this time period, there was more Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Organic Food Organic Foods Organic food is food that comply with the standards of organic farming, this allows biodiversity among food. So far Europe, the US, Canada, Japan, Mexico. The standards of this practice for vegetables and other crops is to meet all of these following goals, enhance soil and water quality, reduce pollution, provide safe, healthy livestock habitats, enable natural livestock behavior, and promote a self–sustaining cycle of resources on a farm. But that not all, you need to restrain from using any of these following materials or practices, synthetic fertilizers to add nutrients to the soil, sewage sludge as fertilizer, most synthetic pesticides for pest control, irradiation to preserve food or to eliminate disease or pests, genetic engineering, used to improve disease or pest resistance or to improve crop yields, and antibiotics or growth hormones for livestock. Green manure, livestock manure, soil quality–improving compost, plant rotation, covering crops, usage of mulch, keeping of predatory insects, certain natural pesticides, healthy living conditions and access to the outdoors for cows, and proper vaccinations are accepted for organic farming. One health benefit for eating organic foods is that we will live longer than normal people. It will also affect your mental and emotional health Unfortunately the phrases "natural" and "organic" do not interchange and people do try to mix the two, natural means it was made with no artificial flavors, preservatives, or Get more content on
  • 10. Literature Review On Organic Food Name: Jolanda Seli Matric no: S38420 Assignment: Literature Review Consumer attitudes and Purchase Intention toward Organic Food in University Malaysia Terengganu 4.0Literature Review Consumer are more concerned about the nutrition and quality of their daily food nowadays. They tend to find "the green aspect" in the products, as well as their effect on earth (Minyan Yang, Sarah Al – Shaaban and Tram B.Nguyen, 2014). This is because the emergences of the fake product that contain a lot poisonous chemical that can lead to cancer and other critical diseases. The demand for organic food continue to rise in developed country and the trend move to developing country including Malaysia (Chandran Somasundram, Zuliana Razali and Vicknesha Santhirasegaram, more content... (2016). A Review on Organic Food Production in Malaysia. 1. Ihsan Effendi, PahamGinting, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis and Khaira Amalia Fachruddin. (2015). Journal of Business Management. Analysis of Consumer behaviour of Organic Food in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia, 46. Irianto, H. (2015). consumers' attitude and intention towards organic food purchase. an extension of theory of planned behavior in gender perspective, 19. Leon G. Schiffman and Joseph L Wisenblit. (2015). consumer behavior eleventh edition. United States of America : Pearson Education. Lewin, J. (2013). how to guide organic. what does organic mean? M, C. (2009). Attitudes toward Organic food among Taiwanese as related to health consciousness,enviromental attitudes,and the mediating effect of a healthy lifestyles. British Food Journal. Minyan Yang, Sarah Al– Shaaban and Tram B.Nguyen. (2014). Consumer attitude and purchase intention towards organic food. a quantitative study of China, 7. Minyan Yang, Sarah Al–Shabaan,Trum B Nguyen. (2014). consumer attitudes and purchase intention towards organic food . a quantitative study of China , 14. NZFSA. (2008). NZFSA Policy on Organic Food. A Background Paper,
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  • 12. Organic Food An introduction to organic foods In spite of the increasing popularity of Organic food these days, most of the people do not have a clear idea regarding the definition of organic food. In simple words, Organic foods are those foods that are produced, processed and packaged without using chemicals. They have been accepted due to their perceived health benefits over conventional food. The organic industry is growing rapidly and has caught the attention of farmers, manufacturers and, above all, consumers. Some of the popular organic food items include organic tea, organic coffee, organic wine, organic meat, organic beef, organic milk, organic honey, organic vegetables, organic fruits, organic rice, organic corn, organic herbs, organic more content... The modern Indian lifestyles and lifestyle–related diseases, as well as limited time to cook at home, are also expected to create demand for health and wellness products in the coming years. These factors, coupled with environmental issues and growing resistance towards genetically modified food products, are predicted to accelerate growth in the organic food category. Indian consumers currently spend a large portion of their income on food. Nearly 45 percent of consumption expenditures go for food (51 percent in rural areas and 39 percent in urban areas). In urban areas, the consumption of processed and ready–to–eat (RTE) or convenience foods is higher due to relatively higher disposable incomes, exposure to a greater variety of processed foods, a preference for quick meals, and familiarity with foreign foods or cuisines. Rural consumers tend to prefer traditional Indian foods prepared at home, but exposure to processed foods is increasing even in rural areas.
  • 13. Demand for premium high–value foods such as chocolates, almonds and other dried nuts, cakes and pastries, imported fruits, fruit juices, and Indian sweets peaks during the fall festive and wedding seasons. With the penetration of modern retailing in the suburbs and semi–urban areas, more and more Indians have access to retail shops carrying organic food products. Shopping habits Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Organic Foods Organic Foods "You are what you eat", or so they say. In today's supermarkets, organic foods are everywhere. Not only are there organic fruits and vegetables, but there are also organic dairy products, organic meats, organic convenience foods, organic wine, beer, coffee, tea and even clothes made with organic cotton. All of these choices have made organic foods the "fastest–growing segment of the grocery industry." The Organic Trade Association (OTA), in its "Business Facts" fact sheet available at, cites Natural Foods Merchandiser, a trade magazine, as measuring organic industry growth at 20 percent or greater for the past nine years. Approximately two percent of the U.S. food supply is grown using organic methods. more content... Many of the chemicals used to grow and process food today have greatly expedited the entire food production process. However, Researchers and Scientists in the past relied solely on the efficiency aspect of the process with little regard to any long–term health affects potentially resulting from the intake of such foods, especially with the younger population whose immune system is more prone to ailment. One of the main principles of organic farming is the cultivation of products without the use of harmful chemicals and additives. This use of chemicals, both past and present, has led to "Factory Farming," a popular term describing the mass quantities of food produced throughout the twentieth century. The rise of these factory–produced foods caused the decline of small scale and family owned farms. However, the more recent rise in awareness and waves of environmentalism, organic farms, small and large are back on top and often benefit local communities, land and especially the people who farm them (B.Wyland, Personal Communication, 1, March, 2005). The word Organic itself describes a way of growing food. It's a form of agriculture that arose in the last century in response to the increasing use of synthetic and often toxic chemicals to grow food. The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), a governmental advisory panel to the National Organic Program, wrote this condensed definition of organic farming in Get more content on
  • 15. Organic Foods: The Real Deal Essay The growth of the organic food industry has been drastic, growing at a rate of 20% annually since 1990. Consumers think that organic foods have more nutritional value, better taste, and have a smaller environmental footprint. Consumers have been willing to spend 10% to 40% more than their traditional counterpart. However, there is little evidence that organic food contains more nutrients, has a better taste, or has less of an environmental impact than traditional foods. In a recent study conducted at the University of Michigan, researchers discovered consumers tended to believe that organic food is more nutritious non organic food. However, the American Cancer Society has noted: It is commonly thought that organic foods may be more content... Mineral content may be affected by the soil such as iron; nevertheless there is no significant difference by these two farming methods in terms of nutritional content. Another common belief about organic food tastes better. Taste is influenced by many factors such as freshness, which is dependent on the collection methods, production speed and shipment times of goods. In a test with organic vegetables conducted by the University of Hawaii, researchers discovered "There was a certain difference in taste, But the organic food did not taste any better." There also has been some debate if organic farming has been beneficial to the environment as perceived by consumers. Although, organic farming does not utilize pesticides, the process by which crops and livestock are grown can be just as dangerous if not fully understood. The USDA requires organic farms to grow produce without the use of synthetic fertilizers. Therefore, farmers must use poop from organically fed animals. This method may lead to cross E–coli, and Salmonella to be cross contaminated in the food supply. Furthermore the byproduct of the animals used to fertilize produces methane, which produce 23 times more greenhouse gasses than planes and automobiles. In addition as many as 40% of organic food are from foreign countries and, 300 of them are in China, This consequently leaves a bigger carbon footprint to ship the products. Foods labeled as Organic do not have any special properties that Get more content on
  • 16. Reflection Paper About Organic Food My beliefs about sustainable and organic food have changed over the course of this class. It has really opened my eyes about the food industry and how a lot of companies are lying to us. When I started this class I was all about getting the most food for the small amount of money I had. Once this class started it made me feel passionate about eating more sustainable and supporting organic companies. Since I am short on money I started with making small changes I could be proud of. I started solely shopping at Trader Joe's where they have affordable organic options. My first small change was getting rid of my regular table salt and now I use the pink Himalayan salt when I cook. I also started purchasing organic condiments and shopping for fresh organic produce. With these changes I was able to still have affordable meals and feel good about what I was putting in my body. My belief is that I will shop organic as often as possible and always make the best decisions for my body. My health and weight have always been a problem my entire life. Throughout life I have gone through phases of eating healthy and making better decisions. Now that I have taken this class I really understand what it means to eat healthy and organic. Also learning about seasonal produce and how to get the most nutrient dense meals. I gained tons of knowledge during my twenty service hours and gained experience teaching my local community. I learned about where my food came from by working on the Get more content on
  • 17. Organic vs. Non-organic Foods Essay examples Organic products and non–organic products have been a subject of interest for me for a great amount of time because I have often questioned whether there really was a difference between the two types of products. I always wondered what the nutritional, economic, laborious, and pollution differences were, if any, in the creation of the two types of products. Through research, I have found several sources of information which allow me to determine more than a physical difference between the two. To start, labeling something as organic is specific and determined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The regulations set are extremely specific and it is relatively difficult to meet the standards. The more content... The only exception to the use of organic ingredients is if they are not commercially available in organic form. This gives farmers the option to make their own organic ingredient or non–organic ingredient. The commercially unavailable ingredient is ignored when certifying the product as organic or non–organic (6). A problem that arises in the certification oforganic food is that there exists over 40 private organizations and state agencies that certify the production of food as organic. The standards for consideration of certification are still the same, but the requirements to receive the certification of an "organic" product may differ from agency to agency. For example, a pesticide may be approved by some agencies, while other agencies would prohibit it. This leads to some variance in the organic material a consumer purchases, and the product may turn out to be harmful to the individual (6). If the product fulfills the requirements of being organically made, then it qualifies for having the option to place the USDA organic label on the package. However, if the farmer does not wish to do so, the USDA organic label may not be placed on the crop or livestock. There is also an alternative in the labeling, where the product can be claimed to be "made with organic ingredients." The label certifies that the good was made with at least 70 percent organic ingredients (4, 1). The difficulty of producing organic products may Get more content on
  • 18. The Pros And Cons Of Organic Food Most of the food we get from the grocery store, to feed ourselves and our families, has been exposed to dangerous chemicals that can lead to many health problems. Organic food on the other hand, is a safer choice, free of hormones, antibiotics, and genetic modification organisms. It is mandatory that any food being labeled Organic, must be produced without these dangerous chemicals. The unnatural methods conventional food farmers use is an even greater risk to the health of pregnant women and children. Residue that is left behind by these chemicals on the food we eat, is one of the highest environmental risks for cancer. Although conventional food is cheaper thanorganic food, it may cost us many health problems, over time. Conventional food farmers use over four hundred and fifty different pesticides and herbicides to protect their crops from mold, insects, and rodents. In the United States, over one billion pounds of pesticide is used every year (Alavanja, 2009). Repeated contact with pesticide correlates with increased rates of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, birth defects, reproductive issues, respiratory problems, and countless other health issues. Pesticides contain a dangerous chemical called organophosphates. The residue left behind from this chemical is rated one of the top environmental risks for cancer. Conventional food is four times more likely to have residue of pesticide, than organic food (Br J Nutr. 2014). This residue is also Get more content on
  • 19. Food Consumption Of Organic Food Essay Food consumption patterns are rapidly changing nowadays as a result of environmental issues, concern about the nutritional value of food and health issues. Issues such as quality and safety in food attract consumer interest in organic food that is free from pesticides and chemical residues. Although the concept of "organic food" seems to be well known to many consumers the proportion of consumers who purchase organic foods on a regular basis is low. To better protect consumers from harmful and fake organic food, knowing the factors affecting consumers' consumption of organic products is therefore important. Definition of Organic Food There is no common definition of organic food for a simple reason that different countries have different standards for products to be certified as organic. In the simplest words, organic foods are minimally processed to maintain the integrity of the food without artificial ingredients, preservatives or irradiation. Organic products are obtained by processes friendly to the environment, by cultivation techniques that consider both the attributes of the final product and the production methods. Generally speaking, Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation. More than that, "organic" is not only a set of Get more content on
  • 20. Bettering one's body is one of the most common New Year's resolutions. Whether it is eating healthy or exercising, people are always searching for ways to improve themselves. The food industry has recently seen a substantial increase in the demand for organic foods as opposed to the more common option of conventionally grown products. In 1990, the revenue spent on organic foods was only $1 billion, soaring to $21.1 billion in 2008, and reaching $26.6 billion in 2009 (Crinnion 4). This significant increase in demand is due to the environmental effects and the overwhelming benefits to our bodies. When addressing significant issues such as personal health and climate change, organic foods are a solution that can conquer two birds with one stone. The rise of the organic food industry has been massive over the past decade alone. The increase in consumer demand has led to a wider array of organic foods becoming readily available. Sales of organic food in the US totaled $5.4 billion in 1998, $6.5 billion in 1999, $7.8 billion in 2000, $13.8 billion in 2005, and $24.8 billion in 2009. (Organic Trade Association). Prior to the corporate companies take over of our food system and their use of harmful chemicals, there was a primitive method to growing food. The organic industry is now trying to reestablish that in order potential to save time and improve crop quality. The GMO market is comprised of a few major corporations, with the largest one being Monsanto. The Monsanto company Get more content on
  • 21. Organic vs. Conventional Foods Essay With the world's population continuing to increase, the demand for food is higher than ever. This increase in food demand also calls for more efficient ways of growing and providing the food. Two methods that are very controversial are the organic and conventional method. While many people support the organic method because of its known benefits, others feel that it is an over inflated industry that cheats consumers out of their money. But recently many studies have disproved those critics. These studies prove that Organic food is a better choice than conventional because it is better for the environment, avoids the use of chemicals, and is generally more beneficial. To help keep crops from being destroyed, conventional farmers more content... It is also shown that pesticides are partly responsible for the rising cancer rates and birth defects among children ("Pesticides"). Organic farming methods avoid the use of these chemicals and rely on natural method to control crops ("Farming, Organics"). Examples of these methods are crop rotation, which consists of planting different crops every year and disrupts the life cycle of pests and provides a natural fertilizer ("Farming, Organics"). Organic farmers also use natural fertilizers such as sulfur and interplanting methods that alternate crops in the field, which discourages pests to live there ("Farming, Organics"). By not using multiple chemicals to control crops, organic farming also ends up being better for the environment. Organic farmers use natural fertilizers such as manure so that they do not release artificial chemicals into the ground ("Organic Food"). In June of 1999 a report made by the U.S. Geologic Survey, found that most waterways and ground water supplies in both urban and rural areas contained enough pesticides to endanger aquatic life ("pesticides"). These chemicals can also leak into streams and encourage the growth of algae and intoxicate the water ("298 John P. Reganold"). Furthermore studies have found that water contaminated with pesticides may accumulate in the Get more content on
  • 22. Persuasive Essay On Organic Food Ignoring the Labels "Are you really putting in what's right for your body?" "Ingesting pesticides can inhibit brain development." "Only organic foods can keep you safe." Catch cries such as these seem to plague the media. However, consumers do not need to constantly worry about eating a strictly organic diet. These phrases use the fear tactic when, in fact, these claims aren't always true. Eating conventional, or non–organic foods, is not as bad as you think. And organic foods are not as praiseworthy as they seem to be. The organic label should not be a symbol for edible. America should stop ridiculing conventional foods, and instead, consume them because they are safe to eat, better for a growing population, and are less expensive than their organic counterparts. To begin, organic foods do not have significantly better nutritional and health value than conventional foods. Many people choose to go organic because they want to live a "healthy, pesticide–free lifestyle". Contrary to popular belief, organic farming actually does use pesticides. The word organic does not necessarily mean pesticide free. Organic food means that the pesticides used are derived from natural ingredients. Another common misconception is that the pesticides used in organic farming are safer, just because they are natural. That is not necessarily true. When compared to other naturally occurring pesticides, the residues of synthetic pesticides were shown to have lower levels of cancer promoting Get more content on