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Empat Tingkat Bersih, Biaya
Rendah, Teknologi Air Lupa Untuk
Industri, Komersial, & Aplikasi Pertanian
(Ringkasan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia)
Ramah lingkungan, ekonomis, teknologi
bersih air efektif untuk masa depan
Environmentally Friendly, Economical,
Effective Water Cleantech for The Future	
Part 2 of 2
ABSTRACT: Presentasi ini mencakup beberapa biaya rendah, air terkait dikomersialisasikan cleantech yang
kurang dimanfaatkan atau tidak umum diketahui ada sama sekali, di daerah pembersihan 1-Lingkungan,
2- HVAC peningkatan efisiensi, 3- Ekstraksi Energi, proses, 4- Proses Industri, 5-Minum generasi air,
6-Geoengineering, 7- Selektif bio-meningkatkan, antioxidizing, dan pencegahan karat dll Beberapa dari mereka
adalah konversi untuk penggunaan di bidang energi, kesehatan, biologi, modifikasi cuaca, ilmu material dengan
keuntungan yang sama. Salah satu efek tersebut tidak sepenuhnya dijelaskan oleh ilmu kimia, belum resmi
digunakan oleh beberapa negara sekutu non-Barat, diperpanjang "struktur air", atau muatan listrik aktif
memegang kapasitas air. Ada beberapa metode pengobatan yang bisa menyebabkan berkelanjutan kemampuan
yang unik dalam air biasa selama setidaknya 4-5 hari dan digunakan tanpa bahan kimia ditambahkan atau zat
terlarut. misalnya: a- Sebagai deterjen untuk dapur komersial, tukang daging atau penghapusan minyak berat,
b- Pemotongan industri atau cairan cuci, c- Rumah Sakit ruang operasi, atau peralatan industri makanan
disinfektan, d- Medis: penyakit kulit, infeksi, organ, oksigen & agen pengiriman obat hidrofobik, e- Peningkatan
pertumbuhan tanaman / hewan, Aktifkan makan air payau, Menghapus bau tinggal hewan, f- Meningkatkan
kekuatan beton, es, kertas, g- Meningkatkan rasa pasta, kopi, roti, h- Rendah emisi bahan bakar berkualitas
tinggi dapat diproduksi oleh kelas bawah bisa digunakan hidrokarbon, i- Kimia tampilan atau efek mineral tanpa
kimia hadir di dalam air. Air sangat listrik-aktif tampaknya bahkan berfungsi sebagai "katalis fase" dan digunakan
sebagai "konsentrat air putih" untuk efek yang sama atau lebih kuat dengan pengenceran.
• Seperti kesenjangan posisi Ilmiah antara negara-negara industri Barat dan lainnya juga diamati dalam aplikasi
yang berbeda. Ini tampaknya mempengaruhi penelitian & pendanaan komersialisasi, & tingkat penyebaran yang
nyata dari proses yang efektif baru. misalnya: efek pengolahan air oleh medan waktu varian magnet & berputar
elektroda, gelombang inframerah jauh, Beberapa sub / air superkritis, bahan bakar emulsi air, Hidrodinamika
Kavitasi, Fusi dingin, Resonansi air membusuk sebagai HHO gas, Akustik berdenyut pengeringan api, Electro-
Pemulungan hujan generasi & Kosmik berdasarkan ray ide perubahan iklim. Salah satu alasan yang pasti untuk
membongkar karena efek mungkin co-display ilmiah & ekonomis yang sangat mengganggu hukum
termodinamika melanggar over-kesatuan & fenomena non-lokal. Tapi biaya rendah teknisi yang efektif
merugikan sistem berbasis kimia juga telah didukung oleh negara-negara sekutu Barat: pembersih air
Elektrokoagulasi didukung oleh kelompok-kelompok Eropa & saat mereka mendukung air diaktifkan plasma,
hidrolisis termal, Membran Distilasi, & berbagai nanofiltrasi dll Secara keseluruhan, rendah biaya "ilmu
diperebutkan" teknologi air bersih di masa lalu semakin dimanfaatkan oleh kelompok usaha marginal atau
bahkan oleh perusahaan multinasional terutama di tingkat pabrik lokal. Dan kecuali penyebaran paradigma
baru ini warung di langit-langit adaptasi rendah, "sistem tertutup" kepercayaan masyarakat arus
utama akan fundamental bergeser ke setta berdasarkan "sistem terbuka" sebelum 2030.
ABSTRACT: This presentation covers some of low cost, water related commercialized cleantech that is under-
utilized or not commonly known to exist at all, in areas of 1-Environmental cleaning, 2-HVAC improvement,
3- Energy extraction, 4-Industrial processes, 5-Drinking water generation, 6-Geoengineering, 7-Desalination &
wastewater treating, 8-Selective bio-enhancing, rust prevention etc. Some of them are convertible for a use in
field of energy, medical, biology, weather modification, material science with similar advantages. 、
One of such effects not fully explainable by chemistry, yet officially utilized by some non-Western ally nations,
is prolonged "water structure", or/& active electrical charge holding capacity of ions in water. There are
multiple treatment methods that can cause sustained unique capability in plain water for at least 4-5
days and used without added chemical or solutes. e.g. a-As detergent for commercial kitchen, butcher or
heavy oil removal, b-Non fouling industrial cutting or washing fluid, c-Hospital operation room, or food
industry equipment disinfectant, d-Medical: oxygen/hydrophobic drug delivery, skin disease/infection/organ, &
upto conventionally incurable chronic disease. e-Plant/animal growth increase, Enable brackish water feeding,
Removing animal residence odor, f-Increase strength of concrete, ice, paper, g-Enhance flavor of pasta, coffee,
bakery, h-Low emission fuel making from subgrade incombustible hydrocarbon, i-Display chemical or mineral
effect without chemistry present in water. Some exceptionally electrical-active water seems to even function
as "phase catalyst" and used as "plain water concentrate" for similar or more robust effects by dilution.、
Such Scientific Status gap in water tech by nations is fairly common and it affects research funding & market
share of effective processes. e.g: water treatment by Time variant magnetic field & Rotating/Concentric
Electrode, Far InfraRed waves, Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Sub/SuperCritical water, Non Anthraquinone H2O2,
Emulsion fuel, Cold fusion, Resonance H2O decomposing, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Dewatering, Electro-Scavenging
effect for rain generation & Cosmic Ray based climate change idea. One reason for discrediting is they might
co-display scientifically & economically disruptive seeming thermodynamic over-unity & non-
local phenomena. But low cost effective way to displace chemical based system also have been supported in
West: Electrooxidation/coagulation or multiple ways of AOP including Ozone was backed by European groups
& they are now supporting Plasma Activated Water, Thermal Hydrolysis, Membrane Distillation, & various Nano
Filtration etc. Others are accepted but only for certain use: ElectroOsmosis/Poration, Metal ion, 3chamber
electrolysis, Vacuum superheated steam, Steam eductor etc. Overall, previously science contested low cost
clean water tech is increasingly & rapidly adopted even by multinationals, often accompanied by firm back up
of mainstream media, science, & tech awards. And unless spread of this new paradigm stalls soon, limitation
based "closed system" belief of society will fundamentally shift to no-limit "open system" before 2030.
• PART 1: Separate file click [here]
p10 Crystallization: Template
sssddAssisted, Fluidized Bed etc
p21 Ozone & UV etc
p41 SuperCritical Water etc
p45 Ultrasonic, Cavitation effect,
. . . Pulsed Combustion Drying
p61 Nano/UltraFine Bubble etc
p67 PhotoCatalytic water etc
• p91 Electrolyzed acid water etc
p118 Plasma Activated Water
p126 Electrolytic + Venturi etc
p141 .Magnetic Water treatment
• p157 “Phase Catalyst” Water
p181 Torsion field/Scalar Wave
p190 Far InfraRed, Bioceramic,
…….. Minerals treated etc
• p221 Pumpable Ice Slurry....
PART 2: separate file click [here]
p228 ElectroSpray etc
p235 ElectroHydraulic effect
p245 Solar Desalination etc
p268 SuperHeated Steam etc
p288 Magnetic Resonance
. Freezing & Thawing
• p291 Ion projection
p298 Ferrous/Ferrate Ion water
p310 Vacuum Saturation/DDW,
. Steam Jet Ejector/eductor
• p338 Plant Polymer & Micelle
p343 Rain Related Weather
…….. Modification
p358 Water Technology List
AT: Scribd [click here], Issuu [here], or Yumpu [here]
This presentation might not always reflect the views of mainstream group, particularly of
western media, large NGOs, & wikipedia; hence attendants/readers are recommended to re-
assess the data from independent perspective: Listed commercialized claims include that are
contradicting mainstream science law or effectiveness acceptance level, while empirically
deemed to produce effects repeatedly. "Cleantech" here includes "clean chemicals" that are
non residual: Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic Acid, ElectroChemical reaction etc
• Compared to other industries, water technology tends to have wider & varied mechanics to
achieve intended physical effects: Labs, schools, even conservative mainstream, or mundane
looking companies often use their own effective unique processes not widely known. Many
of what is covered here are selected technologies known as effective in some sectors or by
small # of consumers but not by other sectors.Currently more detailed reference list is being
produced & will be published separately: The research is updated based on reviewing
academic papers & journals, books, speeches, presentations, patents, lab/commercialized
product testimonies/complaints, publications & public records of NGOs/media/research
institutes/think tanks/military/space & gov't agencies/industry associations. 、
• Due to space constraints, referenced individual names are given with max 3 letters of first
name with entire last name(except some non-Western names), & company names are
listed in a way that is findable by internet search. 12 page Water Tech Effect
Comparison List is at the end of this file.
• ■ 11’Hydrodynamic cavitation: WM
Accepted effect: J(BOD reduction,
Advanced Oxidizing Process, toxin/oil
field waste water/sludge decomposing)
(, For ballast
water(Globallast ua+), Enhanced oil
recovery- additional hydrocarbon quality
• Sometimes WM Disputed effect,
A(Descaling), HVAC application(HyCator,
VRTX Technologies+), Pipe
cleaning(Group Konstanta
«МАНГУСТ»+), Dairy product flow pipe
descaling is WM rejected(TEKMASH+):
B(anticorrosion of water pipes), C(Algae
removal)(CT Systems ua+), D4*(New….
• ■ Tech effects Code used in tech
lists(located at end of this
presentation) are headed by
Boldface purple letters as on the
right. Code might refer to either or
both of a-effect of static water
product, b-process effect itself on
water rather than water's effect on
• ■ Commercialized tech claims are
listed in(Blue Letter +), and “+” within
bracket means other unnamed
companies also claim same effect.
■ “*” at example D4* indicates
particularly effective application.
• How to Read Tech Detail Explanation Texts
• Technology claims are explained in details in each of 66 dedicated section
in coming pages. Example of “Hydrodynamic cavitation” below
• 66 Technology names: Well established mainstream application might
be omitted from effect explanations. Same techs are listed twice.
• 1-Crystallization: TAC(Template Assisted), FBC(Fluidized Bed)
2-Pulsed Power, 3-KDF, 4-Metal Ion, 5-Natural Acid, 6-Ozone, 7-UV,
8-Aeration/Anaerobic, 9-Sub &SuperCritical Water/Thermal Liquefaction
10-Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation water, Acoustic Pulse Fire Drying
11-HydroDynamic Cavitation, 12-Spiral Vortex flow, Rankine Vortex
13-Nanobubble-UltraFineBubble, 14-PhotoCatalytic Water treatment
• 15-Electro Deionization(EDI) & Capacitive De-Ionization(CDI)
16-Electrolysis Alkaline water, 17-Electrolysis Acid water
18-Electrolysis Acid-Alkaline mixed, 19-Boron Diamond Electrolysis
20-Electro Phoresis/migration/reclamation, 21-Fulvic Acid water
22-Nano Material Used Filter, 23-Plasma Activated Water(PAW)/H2O2
24-Electrolytic Metal Alloy & Venturi, 25-ElectroStatic treated water
26-Electric field pulse
• 66 Water Technologies PART 1: #1-26
Part 1 is available on separate file [here], Part 1&2 in one file [here]
• 27-Time Variant Magnetic Field treatment & Rotating Magnetic Field
28-“Phase Catalyst water” or “Catalytic Water”
29-HHO & Hydrogen dissolved water
• 30-EM & Other Antioxidant type Micro-organism activated water
31-Torsion field & Subtle field treated water
• 32-Scalar wave & phase conjugated paired wave treated water
33-Mineral, Bioceramic, FIR/Thz wave treated water
34-Vacuum Freezing, 35-Vacuum Flash Vaporization/Vacuum Distillation
36-Water jet, 37-Water Emulsion, 38-Pumpable Ice Slurry
39-Sabatier Reaction & Hydrocarbon production by CO2 + H2O
• 40-Electro Deposition/ElectroWinning, Plasma Electrolyte Polishing
41-ElectroSpray, 42-ElectroPoration, 43-Electro SonoPhoresis
44-Electro Hydraulic effect, 45-ElectroDialysis/Bipolar Membrane
46-ElectroFloatation, 47-ElectroHeating
• 66 Water Technologies PART 1: #27-47
Part 1 is available at separate file [here], Part 1&2 in one file [here]
• 48-Nitrogen & Carbon Dioxide infused water
49-Solar Distillation, Solar Water treatment, Atmospheric Water Collector
50-SuperCritical Water(also SubCritical, Low Temp Hydrolysis, Steam Plasma)
• 51-SuperHeated Steam, 52-Degassing/Degassed pure water
53-Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV treated water
54-Slow Acoustic Pulse wave, 55-NanoCarbon Treated water
56-NanoFiltration water
• 57-Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing-Thawing
58-Ionizing Projection in air-mist
59-Ferrous Ferric/Ferrate Ion, Its oscillation treated water, Iron Sulphate water
60-Vacuum Saturation heating or cooling & Deuterium Depleted Water
61-Membrane Distillation/Pervaporation
62-Mineral, FarInfraRed, High Pressure treated water, Deep Sea Water
63-Other “Anomalous Processes”: from overunity energy to "ORMUS" making
64-Plant NanoPolymer applied water, 65-Rain Related Weather Modification
66-Atmospheric Water Generator
• 66 Water Technologies PART 2: #48-66
Part 1 is available on separate file [here], Part 1&2 in one file [here]
• ■ 41’Electro Spray, ElectroHydroDynamic Atomization: Actual water
application in this tech is mostly minor, also see 58’Ionizing projection:
WM Accepted: J2(emulsion), Microfluidics. Electrospray for Taylor cone/
emulsion drops creation, std process, uniform DC use. Also Thin-film coating
of foods by spraying effectively emulsified water-oil, or Effective drug delivery:
• K2(charged water spray enhances combustion 10% range more than regular
sprayed water): This research has not found reliable commercialized claims
but it is a generally known phenomena for experts:(Kar Hendratna+), while
less effective(5% range combustion increase non-electrically charged spray
water has been commercialized(M-power BMW, Aquamist-Direct+)
• O2(hydroxyl radical production, bacteria killing etc), D3(Drug-hydrophobic
matter solubility, carrier), E3(Wet scrubbing), often seems to be more effective
than conventional water only types due to use of electric charge, Also superior
performance than regular Electrostatic precipitator, ”Ionized” wet
scrubber(Verantis+) (also Air cleaner, Affect air moisture such as fog reducing),
• 41’Electro Spray: Effect mix of Accepted & Rejected
by Western Mainstream(WM)
• —>>continued WM Accepted:
H3(Efficient paint spray depositing to significantly reduce paint cost, Ion
depositing): standard process in auto painting etc but not in others(Graco
inc, Electro-Spray, Mesac jp+), On-site painting at environmentally sensitive
location eg restaurant, food store(ElectroPainters+): but need extra process
for recessed area painting, water moisture contained in food stock is used in
food coating process:(Gemafoodcoating +), Also: Foliar feeding for cost
effective niche farming, Pesticide applied evenly and on target to leafs to
save costs, Best to finely atomize water spray:(Martigani, OntargetSpray+,),
Some increased effectiveness claims by adding Ultrasonic spray,
• O3(Electroscopy: Chemical analysis): Electro Spray Ionization: Liquid
chromatography–mass spectrometry etc: (NewObjective +), More versatile
Desorption Electrospray Ionization: (Prosolia)
• Unlisted effect: Nanofibre production by Taylor cone - Electrospinning:
(Electrospintech, Nanonc+),
• 41’Electro Spray: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 229
• Generally WM Rejected effect; S2(bio enhancing way to feed water to
plants): Related to ionizing/activation of water molecules?: Fairly
common knowledge amongst experimental researchers and farmers(Bas
Wainwright+): doubly effective in addition to foliar feeding for niche
farming as charged water sticks to leaves instead of dropping to the
• Not electrospray but similar presumable mechanics: very strong effect on
acoustically treated water spray, or water spray on acoustically treated
plants: combining with plant preferred harmonic resonance audio while
water spray onto plants have significant repeatable plant growth effects:
frequently 1.5-3+ times growth(WM Fully rejected or Fraud):(Sonic
Bloom+): There is no experimental data found whether electrified spray
additionally increased crops in this method. Same mechanics as
differently termed Electrostatic spraying:(also see 25’Electrostatic),
F3(weather modification): see section 65’Artificial Weather
• 41’Electro Spray: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 230
• ■ 42’Electroporation: (can be interpreted as Cold Plasma/NonThermal Plasma effect)
(also see 26’Electric Pulse), Use of generally AC electric field/pulse to increase
membrane permeability to pass through various particles/liquid/chemicals/minute
organism etc- This section refers to cell membrane in relation to bioenhancing by
increased permeation or its cell membrane breaking effects. Following Medical/DNA
uses are mainstream widely known application, works in or out of water.
S2(Bioenhancing): Introducing new DNA to cells(ElectroTransformation),
C3(Transmembrane-skin blood test/ water gaging), D3(hydrophobic drug+ solubility/
carrier/permeability increase)、
Somewhat WM media only disputed effects(complete WM science): L2(Biofuel
extraction): by affecting DNA and enhancing fermentation:(Syngas Biofuels Energy) or
simply break the cell wall(Irreversible Electroporation): (OpenAlgae, OpenCEL Trojan,
Vogelsang+), joule heating emphasis for enhanced wall breaking(Eltron research+), 、
Unlisted effects: Dewatering or nutrition extraction from food/juice/dairy(eg sugar,
protein, enzyme, high quality milk-juice-food etc):(Diversified technologies, May Ruben
Hieco, НПЦ Плазма,, フロンティアエンジニアリング, アキュサイト+),
Internal use (Pokka Sapporo, 協同乳業+), -->> cont:
• 42’Electroporation(Cold Plasma): Effect Accepted by
Western Mainstream(WM)
• —>continued WM Accepted: tech's disruptive nature for food use:、
This type of WM science legal technology is potentially very
disruptive since it can’t be debunked as using mainstream science,
This tech extracts more nutrition, some case no killing of
temperature sensitive high value enzyme, significantly reduce
coloring & heating smell etc, with much lower cost & shorter
time(1/10-1/50th), and can kill specific undesired germ with its
unique pulse frequency,
• Hence it can replace current high energy using pasteurization
process and end product having nutrition much more intact to
compete with fresh food- ie make it more difficult to have seasonal
price fluctuation benefits), might need time lagged partial step by
step mainstream introduction, in a way same micro electric
mechanics as NanoFilter effect -->>cont:
• 42’Electroporation(Cold Plasma): continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 232
• —>continued WM Accepted: tech's disruptive nature for food use:、
Furthermore, i-when this becomes mainstream, it would be difficult to
continue to debunk resonance based virus killing for medical use,
ii-But actually there is enough empirical evidence of significant medical
effect outside virus related chronic disease(and very low cost) (For more
see this report and look up "Rife": [Cold Fusion, & Other Controversial
Energy Tech Claims...] )
• Similarly: Waste water cleaning effect, Medical undesired cell removal/
killing, or precision surgery: (AngioDynamics NanoKnife +)
• Industrial dewatering: significantly enhance existing ElectroOsmotic/
Phoretic method by adding what already exists a-high pressure & b-joule
heating, c-moving water& micro matter thru microchannels by adding
ability to break small bacteria cell walls in sludge etc(basically adding
poration effect takes only frequency adjustment of electric pulse): Instead
of moisture content 80% at best by pressure only, this brings it to below
50% while using lot less energy(Ablewater jp, Kurita jp,
AWエンジニアリング 電解活性汚泥処理法 +)
• 42’Electroporation(Cold Plasma): continued 3
• ■ 43’Electro-SonoPhoresis, Electro Ion-to-resis: sound and electric charge to
move elements in water, can do so through membrane/skin without using syringe
or cutting: WM Accepted: Y2(pH acidity control), D3(hydrophobic drug
+solubility/carrier/permeability increase)
• WM media level Disputed effect: C3(Transdermal-skin blood test/water gauging):
no need for syringe injection, or physical blood taking- all done through the skin.
● Unlisted effect: Dental application: natural mineral re-depositing to fill tooth
● Medical application: Acoustic and electric oscillation added for various
bioenhancement effects(WM rejected), WM approved for some pain relief,
oversweating hands/feet therapy(Hidrexusa+),
• But currently almost ANY low cost tech to compete expensive disease treatment
is fully WM rejected or treated fraud.
• Seems to need specific accurate frequency to be effective for chronic diseases.
Also detail mechanics are disputed amongst promotors.
• 43’Electro-SonoPhoresis: Effect mix of Accepted &
Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 234
• ■ 44’ElectroHydraulic effect; shock like high voltage zapping in water causes various
effects, WM interprets as purely shocking effect(temporarily 1000bar+), ignoring
production of not only hydroxyl(then later as H2O2), but x-ray, metal molecule
structure changing etc: Most of effects except drilling is identical as Rotating magnetic
field(part of Torsion field) effect(see section 27'Time Variant Magnetic Field)
• WM Accepted effect : Y2(pH acidity control), B3(soil-sand oil extraction/separation):
This is rather disruptive effectiveness applied to Enhanced Oil Recovery. Originated in
Russia(Yutkin) & re-packaged/upgraded recently as a new tech(Molchanov+), and
funded by affluent group for world wide application: hence this part of effect is fully
WM accepted:(Ecotech EOR, Novas Energy, BlueSpark Energy+): part of Pulsed
Plasma/Plasma Pulse,
• Similarly: M3(powerful boring or severing, cutting effect), drilling deep by powerful
Pulsed Plasma(it covers non water use also): this effect attracted major funding after
WM approval(GA Drilling+), Same tech with space application (Zaptech+), This is
basically same tech as large industrial rock shuttering application - which also became
science legal in West but stays obscure without big funding(Tetra-Corporation,, Small portable scale device(VLN-tech+)
• 44’Electro-Hydraulic effect: Effect mix of Accepted,
Disputed, Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 235
• Many of Electrohydraulic effects are unexplainable on shock factor only, hence some are
WM media Disputed effect: Russia/Ukraine and ex-Soviet nations use more commonly:
O2(Hydroxyl radical production- AOP) & P2(Water filtering by coagulating some
elements in water, hence purifying/disinfecting/cleaning effect): these effects are often
byproduct and not chief purpose: •OH etc producing above O2+P2 combo effect rare
commercialization of ElectroHydraulic water electrooxidation(Clear Water Plasma+):
highly economically disruptive overunity type efficiency electron avalanche causing
standing wave - acoustic pulse/cavitation accompanying to generate wide range of
oxidants in abnormally large amount with little electricity use - also portable system.
• Q2(food preservation effect water), V2(low redox potential), by electrolysis looking
device abruptly creating shock in water(, - This effect of water is
sustained at least several days; linked to Plasma Activated Water(electrical discharge in
water). Virtually “science legalized” since PAW has been WM approved since around
• Unlisted but instant molecule structure changing type effect of Metal forming:(Bmax,
Trakonta - Траконта+): this is not necessarily water related. N3(shutters small kidney
stones): (Medispect+), ■ Unlisted effect but fractured bone fast & accurate
• 44’Electro-Hydraulic effect: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 236
• 44’Electro-Hydraulic effect: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
• --> cont: WM media Disputed effect:
Occasionally claimed disputed effects: M2(Desalination effects), Only
academic level claims(M Bazant, RM Crooks+): "Micro" Shock
Electrodialysis, again same effect as Rotating magnetic field.
• Generally WM Rejected effect, Also formally pseudoscientized in
West, only approved in some of ExSoviet & Russian allies, in some
nations as soon as Western infrastructure was invested in post Soviet
this effect was pseudoscientized(Czech+): K2(Energy generation):
dicomposes water into hydrogen far more effectively than
conventional methods(H2 Energy Renaissance+), related to
cavitation & shockwave effect. S2(Bioenhancing water production,
including significant nutrient absorption function, conversion of peat
to fertilizer), Academic & project level offering(Se Cifanskis+),
U2(significant “overunity" like shockwave effect involving cavitation):
linked to Electron Charge Cluster effect?(high voltage pulsed water
explodes)(A Ilyanok, Pe Graneau+):
WM Accepted effect: N2(Demineralizing, by separation of water from minerals):
mainstream use for food industry(dairy whey is std process), pharma, chemical, water
treatment etc, Efficient chlorine production(CDI Tunisia+), P2(water filtering/purifying/
disinfecting/cleaning/waste water)(Shang Dong Sdtianwei+) Y2(Acidity control)
(Fumatech+) Lab type environment, Wine industry use(remove tartrate): (Oenodia -
STARS, Sunactis+) etc
• Other commercialized eg: (RWLwater, GEwater, Mega cz RALEX, Astom-corp,
AkzoNobel +)
• 45’Electro Dialysis/Bipolar Membrane: Effect mix of
Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM)
• ■ 45’Electro Dialysis:
Electrolysis with ion selective
membranes inserted, option
of occasional reversing
cleaning) makes it last
longer without downtime of
• ■ 45’Electro Dialysis by Bipolar Membrane (Electrolysis
with no electrodes, system has water in separate channels
and voltage applied in one channel and water is split
through membrane due to voltage difference: Splits
water with no oxidation or reduction - no byproduct/
waste, less fumes. Effective separation of acidic(hydroxide
ion: OH-) and alkaline(Proton: H+), ion-mineral type
material: "Electro-Acidification":
• WM Disputed effectiveness: Science approved mechanics: M2(Desalination effect):for
●Regular ElectroDialysis: unlikely as near future major commercial
viability(BlueEnergy - RedStack+), But Solar power run small installation or surplus
energy use can be power cost justifiable(Deukum de), Also combining RO
Desalination discharged high salinity water with regular sea water in Reverse
ElectroDialysis(RED) to generate low salinity water feedstock for RO operation while
electrical energy is generated to save 30% range overall power(Chuyang Y Tang +)
●Bipolar Membrane ElectroDialysis: cost superiority is fully WM science approved(not
media), China leads the way in use of bipolar membrane desalination in various State
owned corporations but details seem to be scant, This is often is the case for their use
of various Western-designated- pseudoscientific-techs(China National Bluestar -
杭州水处理技术研究 +)
• Unlisted effect of Bipolar Membrane: ■ Radioactive material removal(Azotom ru+):
doesn't have to be Russian or Chinese bipolar membrane to show effectiveness but
often taboo to mention effects in West, ■ CO2 sequestering by Sodium hydroxide
production(only competitive as surplus power use) or ■ CO2 production(Eisaman+),
PEMFC(Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell) efficiency improvement
• 45’Electro Dialysis/Bipolar Membrane: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 239
• ■ 46’Electro Flotation:(Often part of ElectroCoagulation[not listed as
section in this presentation due to being major std process] and no clear
distinction, see 18'Electrolysis mix)(electrolysis to generate micro bubbles
of hydrogen and oxygen which carries impurities to surface): (e2Metrix,
Polyeco gr+), Small bubble or Microbubble generation for increased
effectiveness: (EnviroChemie, Xogen, BLDynamics, Aquaexpert ru+): Note
Nanobubble /Superfine bubble doesn't float and eventually "disappear"
with cavitation likely to cause coagulation
• WM Accepted effect : L2(biofuel/oil extraction/ waste to energy/charcoal
with no emission), P2(water filtering/purifying/disinfecting/cleaning/waste
water), Y2(consequently pH can be changed)
• Weak effects: B3(soil-and oil extraction/separation in some situations)
• WM Disputed effect: W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing elements in some
• 46’Electro Flotation: Effect mix of Accepted &
Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 240
• ■ 47’Electro Heating:(Electrical Resistance Heating): electric
current is passed through water-soil, & resistance encountered
causes heating, which generates various effects:
Electrochemical, Hydroxyl radical types, Hydrolysis etc. Same
set up Electro-migration(ion), Electro-osmosis(water) etc but
Electro-heating uses AC current.
• B2&L2(soil-oil extraction/separation)(biofuel/oil extraction/
waste to energy/charcoal with no emission): soil remediation:
(TRS Group Inc, InSitu Remediation Services, McMillan-McGee
• Weak effect: O2(toxin decomposing)
• 47’Electro Heating: Effect Accepted by Western
Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 241
• ■ 48’Nitrogen or CO2 infused water:
▶ NITROGEN water:
WM Accepted effects: Q2(food preservation water):(
+), Food lasting 50% longer over regular ice: (Showareitou+),
Nitrogen reacts with dissolved Oxygen to remove it out of water,
T2(metal rust prevention): circulating pipe or unused cooling tower
corrosion prevention also(Tofco jp+),
• Unlisted effects: ■ Ballast Water or producing oxygen deprived
circulating water:(Gazcon+,) ■ Industrial washing, in some
specific situations nanobubble nitrogen water has prefered
quality:(Kurita jp+), ■ Pure water preservation: by filling closed
container’s air portion to prevent CO2 or O2 to be dissolved into
water(Toyoshima denki+)
• 48’Nitrogen or CO2 infused water: Effect mix of
Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 242
• ▶ CO2 water:
WM Accepted effects: Y2(pH control)(PanGas ch+), or by nanobubble
infusion(TechCorporation jp+), Regulate water balance of desalination(AES Arabia+)
• Weak effect: K2(Energy material extraction): also useable for other chemical
production: accelerate hydrolysis from cellulose to monomer sugar.
• Unlisted effect: ■ Industrial washing: While preventing static electricity from generating
during semiconductor type static sensitive precision equipment parts(Matsubo -
Kobelco, CSVG eu, Akrionsystems+). Also some Ocean Tankers would use this system
to use non-static water to reduce risk of explosion. ■ Food flavor enhancement by
cooking or soaking certain food(Sinyu Giken+)
• WM Disputed effect: S2(bioenhancement), Medical effects: WM is continuing its
attempt to debunk: "there is no WM journal listed articles(often alternative type therapy
articles are rejected- particularly superior results than mainstream ones)", yet existing
alternative publications are ignored. Bathing for increased blood circulation, pain
relief, skin conditions etc. generally needs 1000ppm minimum(1g/litre) dissolved.
Since western ally nations DACH and Japan approved, it is very difficult to openly
pseudoscientize by rest of west. some are resort type set up offers, (NeoChemir,
Esundheitsressort, CO2behandlung, Kaikoukai 偕行会グループ, gozenyu 長湯温泉+).
• 48’Nitrogen or CO2 infused water: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 243
• -->> continued: ▶ CO2 water:
WM Disputed effect: S2(bioenhancement):
• Also promotes pH change and increased absorption of nutrients of farming
crops(Showa Denko+), this is different from even stronger significantly
increased plant growth & nutrition effect by infusing CO2 gas in green
house(WM accepted effect)(used only in certain nations, others ignored
possibly due to Man made exclusive CO2 based global warming idea tax
promotion benefit structure?). Plant growth increase(often combined with
Ozone water)(Mountain High Water, Seair inc+)
• Unlisted: ■ Quicker extraction process of toxin from contaminated soil by
injection(eg Trichloroethylene: C2HCl3)(Hazama Ando+), ■ Not only pipe
scaling prevention, & removal of algae/rust but also actual perceived
effect of nonchemical water softener as calcium is dissolved in CO2
water(Solucalc+), ■ Super low cost Oil-Water separation by Nitrogen
microbubble infusing(Seair inc+)
• 48’Nitrogen or CO2 infused water: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 244
• ■ 49’Solar Distillation, Solar Water treatment & Atmospheric Water Collector, Fog
Collector: Often product is difficult to obtain, especially for latter two types, sometimes
only available as design for DIY project, Fringe NGO(many large mainstream one won’t
support) run project oriented. (see 2 pages later ♛),
• WM Accepted: M2(Desalination),
●1 Solar Still usually has disinfection function by UV effect, scalable and drinking water
can be lower priced at least (note standard cost calculation puts out conventional
system to often look much lower cost in comparison to free solar tech but there are
many exceptions) upto mid sized city supply but only at high sun area with large nearby
free space available:(F Cubed Solar), most successful largest Solar Still
commercialization type,
• Other Solar Stills(SolAqua, AquaDania Waterstillar +), Solar cell electrical component
built in(Desolenator+), Agricultural set up desalination with some germ killing system
(SeawaterGreenhouse), Thin plastic layered tower structure use water collector with
minor electricity use for 0.5m3/day per module(Altela), Some high capacity small scale
pilot works mostly small sized commercialization(MaxWater Desal +): exceptions -
Brackish water desalination capability of 200m3+/day by Aqua4 Concentrated Solar
Still(Waterfx), -->>cont:
• 49’Solar Distillation, Solar Water treatment: Effect
Accepted by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 245
• 49’Solar Distillation, Water treatment, Atmospheric
Water Collector, Fog Collector: continued 2
• -->>cont: WM Accepted: M2(Desalination):
• Other types than solar still: ●2 Multiple Effect Humidification use: Makes
5m3/day containerized unit, & for wastewater cleaning units(TerraWater).
50m3/day capacity: (Mage Water Management gmbh+),、
●3 Non-porous three membrane purifier units: (Solar Dew+), Solar
based projects operating in different locations(, Most available
commercial products are <20m3/day range units(Photon Solar+),
●4 Solar based use of Membrane Distillation:(SolarSpring, Aquaver+),
●5 Low Temperature Thermal Desalination(LTTD), only half a dozen
installation in India by the state(National Institute of Ocean Technology
of Chennai): Generally lower cost than RO when deep ocean 400m is
available within 2km range or 15°C temperature difference exists under
same conditions(size etc)- at current relatively undeveloped stage energy
use is already about same as RO but much lower maintenance cost,--
>>cont: - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 246
• -->> cont: WM Accepted: M2(Desalination):
●6 Solar Driven Adsorption Desalination, can functions as low as
30°C, though commercialization type is focused on industrial
heat or used as extension of distilling desalination system use
(Medad Technologies, KACST)
• Historically, solar distillation use declined after industrial
distillation or Reverse Osmosis took over with media PR when
cost was initially higher - then eventually greatly reduced. Yet in
many large land available isolated small scale/community with
low cost labour available sunny weather locations, solar type
remains lowest cost, P2(water filtering/purifying/disinfecting/
cleaning/waste water): (Solvatten+), Portable pasteurizer bag
using photocatalytic reaction(Puralytics+),
• 49’Solar Distillation, Water treatment, Atmospheric
Water Collector, Fog Collector: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 247
• -->> cont: WM Accepted: M2(Desalination):
Unlisted method/effect: Ion exchange bridging can be used with “Thermo-
Ionic” method to desalinate water by solar distilled higher salinity water
pool & use it in combination with 3 other pools. This is "automatic self
perpetuating mechanics" needing no energy to desalinate water by use of
one way only ion passing membrane with multiple bridging among pools:
this program seems dropped after making public announcements of
commercialization intention(Saltworks Technologies+)
• ♛ Atmospheric Water Collector(Non electrical), Natural condensation-
evaporation use, Some are commercial capacity if large land is available but
often not easily available in straight forward manner: Large collection
capacity(0.1m3-100litre/day per 10m tower):(Warka Water), Another large
collection method with own bottled water selling for its ionic or vitalization
effect water(Agua de Niebla de Canarias), There are various other designs
devised but often lack of funding for commercialization(Dropnet Imke
• 49’Solar Distillation, Water treatment, Atmospheric
Water Collector, Fog Collector: continued 4 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 248
• -->> cont: WM Accepted effects: ♛ Atmospheric Water Collector: Dessert
greening or dry region agriculture use round box placed around as a cover to
plants/seedlings to collect some condensed water & prevent evaporation of
soil(Groasis, TreeTPee, Tal-Ya+), Deeproot of plants directly fed water with same
mechanics(DRIPS Project+), this type of system seem to generate significant
bioenhancing - extra plant growth effect, All quite disruptive & WM embraced.
• ♛ Fog Collector, Normally mesh based fog catcher, Suitable in certain remote
small community with no rain dense fog area(eg some high altitude areas in
Northern Chile), but needs specific spot for maximization and needs most
volunteer type maintenance work, very erratic water yield fluctuation, Product
not easily available from stores or even manufacturers: (Fog Quest, Opur
fr[Special hydrophobic film use], Technion - Watair+)(Geared only for plant or
tree growth),(FogHive+)
• ■ Unlisted tech but there are some container unitized solar run RO based water
purification system (Tranz Water Systems+),
• 49’Solar Distillation, Water treatment, Atmospheric
Water Collector, Fog Collector: continued 5 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 249
• ■ 50’SuperCritical water(also SubCritical Water, & Hydrolysis, also called
Hydrothermal Liquefaction etc), (also see 9’SuperCritical Water): (see next pages
♛on SubCritical, HydroThermal Carbonization(HTC), Hydrolysis, Steam Plasma),
high pressure with temperature above boiling point state of water, above 374°C/
221bar-22.1Mpa- 3250psi[221times ambient pressure]:
WM Accepted effect: J2(Emulsion): advanced emulsion or/& salt crystallization:
SuperCritical Hypothermal Synthesis/Hydrothermal Polymerization: eg Synthesizing
Organic-Inorganic Nanoparticle production(Itec-es jp, Promethean Particles+), or
Gemstone/Quartz crystallization from SiO2 reacting with NaOH, Na2CO3 etc is
mainstream process in this specific application(Tairus, Tokyo Denpa, Silmaco+), but
rare in other types. Instant nano emulsion(株式会社AKICO+)
K2(Energy generation): depolymerization of most trash/wastewater sludge to
produce fuel, hydrocarbon made has much less emission prone SOx or NOx
contained, Also soon competitive H2 production from wet trash: L2(biofuel/oil
extraction/ waste to energy/charcoal with no emission),(AltacaEnerji, Biomass
Technology Group BV, Earth Wind & Fire Technologies, Concord Blue+), Enhanced
Oil Recovery(JOGMEC+), Rare pretreatment for Anaerobic Digestion(Renmatix),
O2(extremely effective Advanced Oxidation Process),
• 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: Effect
Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM)
• —>> cont: WM Accepted effect:
W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing cooking[when it comes out automatically
becomes oxygen depriving superheated steam to atmospheric environment]),
B3(soil-sand oil extraction/separation), I3(metal cleaning/ metal-mineral
recovery from trash): also phosphorus recovery from waste water(Feralco Aqua
Reci, AVA-CO2, SCFI - Aqua Critox+), J3(efficient power production at turbine):
Supercritical Water Cooled Reactor (SCWR): Use of Ultra-SuperCritical water/
steam(593°C, 240bar, but Advanced USC pilot run is well over 700°C) for power
station turbine application, usually mega scale:)(Mitsubishi Hvy, Hitachi,
Toshiba, Babcock & Wilcox, IHI jp, Doosan Heavy, Alstom, Foster Wheeler +)
• Occasionally claimed effects: M3(cutting or boring holes), Q3([low temp
subcritical water only]: hot water herbicide),
• Weaker effect: M2(Desalinate): effect can be lower cost only in special
situations like zero liquid discharge requirement situation: only academic
reporting & tests(AGJ van der Ham+), U2(increase energy effectiveness),
comparatively with other effects only slight improvement - see “J3”.
• 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 2,
SCW only 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 251
• 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 3 -
SCW only 3, Western Mainstream(WM) treatment
• -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: Water treating mechanics, including easier
SubCritical water tech is not new, and mostly low tech/low cost set up
requirement(except anticorrosion element in SuperCritical), also frequently
much lower process cost & capable of MUCH faster Environmental
Remediation & Energy Generation from biomass/trash.
• Its disruptive nature to existing economical & geopolitical structure can be one
of main reasons for limited commercialized examples(besides “J2 & “J3”
category) at mainstream level:
• Many different confusing names are created & maintained at mainstream level
to segment this sector so that it becomes difficult to collectively gather data on
research & commercialization of this technology: SubCritical - SuperCritical
Hydrolysis, Catalytic Depolymerzation, Superheated Steam - Water, Thermal
Hydrolysis, Hydrothermal Liquefaction, Advanced Oxidation, Hydrothermal
Oxidation, Wet Oxidation, SuperCritical Water Oxidation, HydroPyrolysis,
Hydrothermal Combustion, Pressurized Hot Water Extraction, HydroThermal
Depolymerization - Gasification - Flame, SuperCritical Gasification ... - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 252
• -->> cont: WM Accepted effect:
Officially core mainstream type WM linked, or WM corporate SCW technology users:
(eg TurboSynthesis, NASA GRC [US], SCFI - Aqua Critox, Innoveox, BTG World - BTG
Biomass [Europe], Hanwa Chemical, Ilshin AutoClave, Asian giant engineering+[South
Korea/Taiwan], Nitto Kotasu+[Japan])
• Direct Military link: Parsons, General Atomics, Applied Research Associates, Inc, Bechtel
+, There are many defence related companies with patent in SCW tech with no officially
advertised applications: very effective in toxin/chemical weapon destruction, This
application is used worldwide, not just west.
• Segmentation of truly disruptive techs that at least partially contain WM approved effects
are fairly common, eg for water tech: Magnetic, Electric field, or Electrolytic water
treatment for industrial-agriculture-commercial building use, Bacteria based large scale
environmental remediation etc, eg for non water: Thermo dynamic over-unity effects,
Resonance anomalous or bioenhancing frequency effects, Non-local & standing wave
effects etc.
• Also in SCW, there is often mainstream avoidance to openly discussing this tech for
energy generation from organic materials, Yet compared to energy and medical area,
water technology is opening up faster for previously taboo type or pseudoscience
designated techs, seemingly driven by European led established companies & backers
• 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 4 -
SCW only 4, Western Mainstream(WM) treatment
SuperCritical fluid tech base has been built in 1970s in US and Germany, and
SuperCritical CO2 took off as major/standard industrial process.
• SCW standardization in worldwide business seems to have very large macro-
economical ramification(trash to fuel, toxin decomposition, unburnable fuel
upgrading etc). And probably something else for military type applications? Basic
prototype started in US as PERC, LBL process in 1970s/80s pilot run, while
deemed "commercialized" for space agency activities & military in at latest in
90s(Eco Waste Technology), Shell has pilot plant(HTU process) but never openly
commercialized to produce new hydrocarbon from “too low grade to use as fuel”
resources(primarily located in Venezuela, Canada, Russia): Incidentally here
Canada is a Western Ally, but key Canadian Oil Sand criticizing green NGO activity
seems to stem from Non-Canadian oil producing interests or its backers.
• The tech took off in Japan mainstream with Gov’t & large corporates openly
promoting from 90s but rather suddenly stalled around 2006 at mainstream: most
of top selling large companies with most # of patents drop all official product
lines: (Organo jp, Mitsubishi hvy, Toshiba, Kurita Kogyo, Komatsu+) -->cont
• 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 5,
SCW only 5 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 254
• 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 6,
SCW only 6
• —>>cont TECH BACKGROUND: SCW history in Japan:
Those companies are either to continue “internal use” or
unofficial sales within Japan, or dropped most product lines:
(Kobe Steel+), or scale down to sell table top size device as
“research purpose only”: (Toyo Koatsu+), But Small or fringe
companies in Japan or North America continue to offer their
device in discreet way: (Xtrudx, Rematix, Suzuki Shoko
鈴木商工,, 高圧システム+),
- while China offers on fully mainstream level(as happens for
many other disruptive techs) for mainly waste/toxic water
process - SuperCritical Water Oxidation(SCWO):
• (陕⻄万丰能源环保科技有限公司 Shaanxi Wanfeng Energy
Environmental Protection Technology, 新奥环保携创新技术有限公司
Xinao Group, 碧流天能 Blue Energy +), -->>cont: - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 255
• 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 7,
SCW only 7
• In Russia, their various very advanced SCW tech(linked to
Hydrodynamic cavitation and even antigravity/strong transmutation like
claims?, similar to V Schauberger's?) at academic level has practically no
commercialization - indication of too disruptive to bring out in public?、
Amongst Western allies, only in 2015 quiet official pilot project started on
mainstream level for hydrocarbon recovery from bitumen from
Canada(JGC), yet in segmented manner that is usually called many
different ways other than SCW, it is quietly & slowly but steadily
implemented even in energy related area from Europe and Australia
since around 2013.
• Unlisted effect: ■ Automatically WM media pseudoscientized radiation
remediation(Daioh Shinyo Co+), yet mainstream academic groups
confirmed effects(Minzhang Lin+) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 256
• ♛SubCritical Water:Generally bulk of this tech can be categorized as
a-Similar temperature range with slightly lower pressure(eg 250-450°C,
180-200bar) as SuperCritical: basically mostly same effects(few differences
are electroconductive, some salts precipitate etc) but takes longer time,
with lower cost material can be used for device(less super corrosive
oxidation power) or
b- Lower temperature with much lower pressure (180-250°C, 20-60bar):
basically same effect with additional further time consuming, often cross
over with following section “51’SuperHeated Steam”, This presentation
generally labels methods using further lower temperature with similar to
ambient pressure as Hydrolysis(often 100-230°C, 1-5bar) process.、
Also note there are unclear differentiation used by the industry between
Low temp Low pressure SubCritical water with 51’SuperHeated
Steam(used as open ambient pressure or close to it with usually
110-250°C(depends on application temperature goes up to 800°C+, but it
could be called SuperCritical Water also), or term Hydrothermal treatment
can refer to all of 50’& 51’tech、
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 8
♛SubCritical Water
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 9
♛SubCritical Water 2
• WM Accepted effect: J2(Emulsion), K2(Energy generation): Hydrothermal
Gasification(Hydromethan, Osaka Gas, Gensos nl+), L2(biofuel/oil/nutrition
extraction/ waste to energy/charcoal with no emission): (Techno-EMI, 3V
Green Eagle, Sustainable Waste Power Systems +), Algae focus(Muradel),
catalysis required "HydroPyrolysis"(D4 Energy), SubCritical Water Extraction
of polar & non-polar compounds can be done separately - suitable for food
nutrient extraction(Celabor, Mazza innovation PhytoClean+): much faster
than low temp hydrolysis listed in later pages. Also see Enhanced Oil
Recovery at 51'SuperHeated Steam B3,
• O2(effective Advanced Oxidization Process): Decomposing toxin: (Iga
kunitomo+), Medical waste:(Red Bag Solutions+), Metal recovery:
(.......................... Santai-gr+), Some company's "secret" customized recipes
to increase Oxidization ability might include things like electrolyzed acid
water as catalyst(electrolysis of subcritical water is possible since electro
conductive- unlike supercritical where salt precipitates): (Ecle-Field jp+), it
also demonstrates overunity like efficiency electrolysis, no h2 or o2
generated etc., -->>cont:
• 三泰環境システム
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 10
♛SubCritical Water 3
• -->>cont: WM Accepted effect:
• P2(wastewater decomposing: usually go together with energy generation in
SubCritical) some devices are set up to go into SuperCritical level for faster/effective
process(GRT GROUP SA+), W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing cooking[steam came
out to atmospheric environment only]), B3(soil-sand oil extraction/separation),
I3(metal cleaning/ metal recovery from trash), J3(efficient power production at
turbine) Occasionally claimed effects,
• M3(cutting/boring holes), Hydrothermal Spallation Drilling: Fast, high temp
operable, "side wall" formulation by hydrothermal flame blasting, no blade, easier
debris recovery due to buoyancy in water, Anomalous effects?- super high
temperature water in deep hole pressure to create either: Sub or SuperCritical
water, or even Hydrogen, or HHO gas? HHO can cause transmutation
effects(existence is WM rejected). No takers of commercialization licenses issued by
mainstream academics(MIT, ETH Zurich etc)? One high profile company tried is "out
of biz"(Potter Drilling), But wide acceptance might cause a string of severe
disruptions(much lower cost that can largely replace drill bits in majority of deep
drilling, and even more deep hydrocarbon and Geothermal heat easily available with
lower cost etc) -->>cont: - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 259
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 11
♛SubCritical Water 4 ♛HydroThermal Carbonization.
• -->>cont: WM Accepted effect:
Q3(water only herbicide; Hot water/boiled/low temp subcritical water only),
• Weaker effect: U2(increase energy effectiveness), Unlisted effect: radioactive material
separation from soil(, remove heavy metal from soil( jp+),
Fertilizer recovery from trash(Greentech solutions grts jp+)
• ♛HydroThermal Carbonization/Wet Pyrolysis: Same effect as SubCritical water but main
purpose is specifically to produce Bio Coal since 2007/08(Lignin/Brown Coal equivalent
quality) from organic waste and biomass. When compared to dry pyrolysis or Anaerobic
Digestion(AD) Carbon recovery(90%) cost is much lower, & compared to AD it produces
large heat(exothermic, same as dry pyrolysis) during the process, but might not be as
valuable as dry biochar. Overall production volume is much smaller than competition
method of water uninvolved dry version Torrefaction. Also slightly different but unique
catalytic HydroThermal Polymerization(lower temp & pressure, less decarboxylation
reaction/CO2 produced) of biomass requires no binder to pelletize(PCS Biofuels),、
U2(increase energy effectiveness) as WM Accepted effect in Europe, WM sometimes
Disputed in North America: It is promoted in mainstream level in Western Europe while
effectiveness is sometimes media level pseudoscience along with some willing scientists
in North America (rare Atlantic ocean science split). -->>cont. - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 260
• -->>cont: ♛HydroThermal Carbonization/Wet Pyrolysis: U2(increase energy
effectiveness) WM Accepted in Europe, Disputed in N America:
• Might be working as a precursor/introduction to full Sub/SCW acceptance,
Temperature range is often said as 200-300°C with low pressure 5-10bar/
0.5-1Mpa/75-150psi at European mainstream but actual range seems to
include significantly higher pressure and temperature types for the same final
product aim while they are not necessarily called by the same name
• Industrial size focus(CarboREN - SunCoal, Loritus, Antaco, Ingelia SL+), smaller
size installations(Grenol GmbH, Oax-eco+), Production of high value added
Hydroxymethylfurfural(5-HMF) for chemical/hydrocarbon industry(AVA-CO2),
Waste water focus(TerraNova Energy, Aqua Enviro+), Focus in Eastern Europe &
Russian market(NIREX Bio Uhlí, АБОНО Abono +), Dutch initiated movement
to turn all growing weeds into fuel stalls: TORWASH(Energieonderzoek
Centrum Nederland: ECN)
• Unlisted effect: Easy phosphorus recovery from wastewater sludge(AVA-CO2+)
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 12
♛HydroThermal Carbonization 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 261
• ♛Low temp/pressure Hydrolysis: In this section, broad range of similar
processes are categorized in a lump: 、
◇ Wet Air Oxidization: this usually means sludge type matter to be
decomposed by injecting air in pressure chamber with 150-300°C range like
SubCritical water, often Bubble Column Reactor is used to infuse air/
oxygen, 、
◇ Thermal Hydrolysis here covers generally low end 120-230°C including
sudden pressure drop at end of process: but could mean entire SubCritical
Water range of higher than100°C & above atmospheric pressure. In this
presentation "Hydrolysis" generally refers to 120°C- 230°C range(with
catalysis it could be lower): minimum temperature required to have
• But note each larger system is more or less custom made so each is unique.
Easiest/lowest cost set up system in this section 50'. Often std process in
some industries while completely void of use in other industries or segments.
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 13
♛Low Temp Hydrolysis - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 262
• ♛Low temp/pressure Hydrolysis:
• WM Accepted effect: I3(phosphorus recovery), might work with
reduced minimum acid/chemical use(Cambi - KREPRO), K2/P2(Energy-
fuel production, while waste water cleaning is done):
• ●a Sludge decomposing Wet Air Oxidation/Thermal Hydrolysis type,
often combine anaerobic reaction: This is potentially disruptive
technology(can lead to Sub/SCW water) currently fully embraced by
WM(Academic and corporate engineering docs-patents since 1960s
indicates tech leading US groups shelved it but Europeans split with
them and developed their own systems and widely installed in Western
Europe). Generate heat/electricity/fertilizer revenue or closer to energy
break-even of solidwaste/wastewater processing facility. Yet much less
"disturbing" compared to Cold Plasma Waste to Energy system(eg
Magnegas, see 23'Plasma Activated Water) -->> continued
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 14
♛Low Temp Hydrolysis 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 263
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 15
♛Low Temp Hydrolysis 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada
• -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: K2/P2(Energy-fuel production, while waste water is
cleaned): ●a Wet Air Oxidation(WAO)/Thermal Hydrolysis(TH):
• ●a-i WAO: many commercialization use is for pre/after treatment of Enzymatic process of
wastewater, but some are useable as stand alone process: (Veolia Water Athos, Bertrams
ch+), Some use catalyst(Wetox nz+), and low pressure(<150psi) with even less than 100C
workable & bordering with vacuum distillation(Eltron Water+),
• Oil Refineries(Merichem - Kenox, Paramount Limited, Zimpro Siemens, AquaDynamics
ch+): they often use metal catalyst to increase efficiency, In Chemical & Pulp-paper
industry oxidation system is mandatory/prototype(Linde, AirProducts+), Toxin
decomposing(Cyanide Destruct Systems+)
• ●a-ii HT: Usual purpose is to speed up Anaerobic Digestion by short duration process
like 30mins, often involves rapid decompression process for cell rapture(Steam
Explosion: SE): Large installations of 100,000ton/yr dry sludge capacity (Cambi THP,
Veolia Water Exelys/Biothelys +), also significant penetration by smaller players(Terax
nz, Jeongbong kr, Hydroitalia - Colsen, Eliquo BV+), Steam Explosion can be used for
other purposes eg(significantly enhanced wood pellet making, or chip digestion at
dissolving pulping process etc)(Coramexport cz, Valmet, Arbaflame+), or regular hot
water based Biological Hydrolysis from heat recovery(GE water+)
• -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: K2/P2(Energy-fuel production, while waste
water cleaning is done):
• ●b-Catalytic Depolymerization/Thermal Hydrolysis element(but tech
details are unclear & might not use water element): Claims made are at
most 1/2 cost(usually much less) of existing hydrocarbon(no refining need,
& much less fume generating) useable as is for cars as produced in raw
form out of the system: Very much paradigm changing type tech since this
tech is basically science legal(Green Power inc, GreenBase Sepadu,
Alphakat+), Or less disruptive only plastic processing or cellulose only
types(eg Sumitomo Forestry +),
• Incidentally, if Industrial hemp is similarly grown & processed this way in
mega volume it can displace few other sectors. Hence it is reasonable this
tech is allowed but ignored by media/NGO/Gov't to have smooth gradual
tech transition, otherwise it could significantly destabilize economic system.
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 16
♛Low Temp Hydrolysis 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 265
• -->> cont: WM Accepted effect:
• L2(fertilizer/protein/nutrition extraction): from biomass or sludge:(Lystek+).
Often part of std process in food stock & fertilizer industry rendering to
efficiently recover otherwise wasted cattlestock/chicken/fish etc leftover
including bone/skin/feather/some excrement, due to weak disinfection
feature diseased stock is not included for food production(Rendertech nz,
Haarslev+), Fuel production from plastic waste(Eicoh+), Lower energy use
Alkaline Hydrolysis(Bioliquidator+), P2(waste water cleaning)
• F3(efficient-fast food stock drying+): fast large food stock drying as part of
std process method(Anco Englin+), recovery food stock from fish
processing(Multivector no+),
• Unlisted effects: Key value extracting std process in overall food stock
processing/Rendering(Valleyproteins, Darling International, TEG
Environmental+), Advanced risk material processing(Sanimax+)
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 17
♛Low Temp Hydrolysis 4 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 266
• ♛Steam Plasma: Can be called Plasma Hydrolysis, Similar to SuperCritical Water in a way,
strong oxidation to breakdown organic matter to CO2 & H2O, yet do in atmospheric pressure.
Fair amount of influence from: (Institute of Plasma Physics - Czech AS+)
• lower startup and operating cost, cleaner by-product than air based plasma process(eg
NOx, Dioxin), or much more so than conventional combustion types, some projects are
focused on processing PCB( polychlorinated biphenyl) or fluorinated
materials(Nishinihon Kaden Recycle+)
• WM Accepted effects: K2(Energy generation): Plasma Enhanced Integrated Gasification
Combined Cycle(Green Science 그린사이언스), L2(biofuel/oil extraction/ waste to energy/
charcoal with no emission), O2(effective Advanced Oxidization Process)
• Mobile device offers decomposing accumulated hazardous waste(Strebl Energy Pte -
PyroGenesis, Plazarium+), while certain nations have blockage from commercializing by
• Temperature ranges from 1000°C, some process can get up to 9000°C(PlasmaAir de+),
Vortex process added Plasmawhirl(Foret Plasma Labs+), Others: (httcanada+),
• Unlisted effect: Some also make effective low cost portable plasma torch for welding, cutting
etc, easy home use with far less fumes than regular much larger welding device(MultiPlaz -
Мультиплаз, Plazmosvarka+): arc column stabilization by use of water-vapor vortex?
• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 18
♛Steam Plasma
• ■ 51’SuperHeated Steam, sort of equivalent to “50’, 9’SuperCritical water”:
WM Accepted effect: K2(Energy extraction/generation: Production of extra hydrogen by
feeding steam into gasifier), From small scale biomass type(Güssing Renewable Energy
GmbH+) to Largest scale industrial coal gasification enhancement by IGCC(CB&I E-Gas+),
L2(biofuel/oil extraction/ waste to energy/charcoal with no emission): almost SuperCritical
level process, for equiv 70,000ton/yr coal fuel production(Rematec jp+), Steam is injected
with molten metal to work like supercritical water reaction(HydroMax Diversified Energy
+), pilot plant(Ze-Gen), Biochar production:(Kankyo21, Makitech jp+), O2(Hydroxyl
production Advanced Oxidizing Process, toxin decomposing): some in-situ destruction -
some toxin is collected from ground and decomposed off site(Nishimatsu, TerraTherm+),
• P2(water filter/purifying/disinfect/clean waste water): Disinfection as drying is std
mainstream process in some sectors(GEA Barr Rosin, Enrich de+), custom process drying-
disinfection(Nippon Funmatsu+), Soil disinfecting:(Cm-regero-industries, Takezawa-web
jp+), Also see "steam cleaning" 2p later under "unlisted effect"
• Z2(Fast & efficient heat conduction within confined space- ie sealed storage(TLV+)(regular
steam in open space is opposite). ● Fast, energy saving, no dripping, high quality food
defrosting(, ● Some of effective heating, heated location's curbed mold
growth might be due to its Far InfraRed(FIR) wave emitting effect?
(SEテクノ株式会社, Ohkuradn-inc+),
• 51’SuperHeated Steam: Effect mix of Accepted &
Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM)
• —>> cont: WM Accepted effect: Z2(Fast & efficient heat conduction within confined
space: ie sealed storage(TLV+)(regular steam in open space is opposite). ● Fast,
energy saving, no dripping, high quality food defrosting(, ● Some
of effective heating, heated location's curbed mold growth might be due to its Far
InfraRed(FIR) wave emitting effect?(SEテクノ株式会社, Ohkuradn-inc+),
B3(soil-sand oil extraction/separation): Enhanced Oil Recovery(EOR):(eSteamOil,
Vinci Technologies +), EOR by solar energy superheated steam:(Frenell de, Novatec
Solar+ ), F3(efficient & fast drying): Std mainstream process in some of food
processing sector(BMA AG, SwissCombi, Okawara mfg+), High quality wood
drying(Brunner Hildebrand+), Some food products experience no case hardening of
skin while disinfected also, heat energy can be recovered for 30-50% saving than
conventional methods, particularly effective on beet pulp drying(Enerdry ApS+),
Little need to align parts for heat exposure to dry for non-warping materials due to
saturated dry steam effect. Fast heating in closed space: heating food during
carrying in carts(株式会社アイエス is-h+),
I3(metal cleaning/ metal recovery from trash): Recovery: (Mitsubishi Nagasaki
Machinery+), Very fast metal cleaning: (MHI-inc, Chubu Electric+), J3(efficient power
production at turbine) (See “J3” at section 50’SuperCritical Water),
• 51’SuperHeated Steam: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 269
• —>> cont: WM Accepted effect:
Q3(water herbicide): no chemical, barely above 100°C range steam:
(DynaSteam, WeedTechnics+), Foam hot water type:(Weeding tech, Cardley
Wave+), Large industrial/commercial type device: (WaveWeedControl+), 、
■Unlisted effect: ●1(Production/activation of Activated Carbon from Biochar)
(Tigg Activated Carbon+), ●2(Metal surface processing):1200°C
• ●3(Garment, General house interior, Steam cleaning, Carpet cleaning &
disinfection+), Steam Cleaner by use of low end Superheated steam
temperature 100-180°C at tip, to kill fungi-germ-bacteria & loosen dirt by
fully exposing to max temperature in closed area instantly due to saturated
steam(, Reliable Corporation, LadyBugSteamCleaners+).
Some devices come with vacuum function(OspreyDeepClean+). Also non-
chemical effective & lower cost replacement of chemical cleaner-disinfector
for hospital/dentistry/food-beverage-wine industry equipment(Dupray ca,
Rea UltraVapor, Menikini+),
• 51’SuperHeated Steam: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 270
• —>> cont: WM Accepted effect: ■Unlisted effect: ●3 Steam Cleaner/disinfecter:
• Further augmented disinfection by hydroxyl radical/electroporation effect
producing electrolytic venturi treatment of superheated steam(TANCS
Advanced Vapor Technologies)(also see 24'Electrolytic Metal Alloy & Venturi).
Some major players in Europe stopped guaranteeing steam temperature range
of many of their products, and fair number of manufacturers make 60-100°C tip
temperature device with often much less disinfection capability are not included
• ■Weaker effect: S2(bioenhancing effect): (Marubun Seisakusho, Simox fr, +): also
this has primary purpose strong effect of soil disinfecting. U2(increase energy
effectiveness of high powered turbine): core mainstream std process
• WM media Disputed effect: W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing cooking, elements,
preserve[vitamin C enzymes etc]): Industrial sector(Hosokawa Micron, Fuji
Electric+), Taste enhancement(Nomura-Genesis+), Home or commercial
cooking(Sanyo Healsio jp, Hitachi, Toshiba+): more nutrition preserved
compared to regular heat cooking:
• 51’SuperHeated Steam: continued 4
• ■ 52’Degassing/Degassed Pure Water: Usual mass use standard processes
methods are by vortex, heated stirring, membrane, vacuum pressure, helium,
• Less often used/underexplored methods/purpose: ultrasonic
degassing(Hielscher +), Degassing adjustable device since too big bubbles or
no bubbles hinder ultrasonic washing process(Otari-datuki access21+), Some
device can dewater relatively porous material in 5mins range, various
industrial process:(ERC jp +), boiler circulation purpose(Miuraz jp+), medical
purpose:(Reflex de+), Ballast water use (Mitsubishi Kakoki +),
• WM Accepted effects: T2(rust reduction/prevention), oxidation prevention, for
boiler circulation, stifling algae mold in water, U2(increase energy
effectiveness), in conjunction with speed up process time, & defect reduction-
quality enhancement: Medical use(
manufacturing(Liquicel+), /Food industry(Bauer-water+)/ Biotech use(Biotech
Degassi+), Beverage industry: infusing and degassing(Alfatek srl+)
• 52’Degassing/Degassed Pure Water effect Accepted
by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 272
• —>> cont WM Accepted effects:
Use of vortex vacuum with vortex tube like function device(Yokota
Manufacturing+), Y2(pH control)(Centec+), K3(Process device precision) see
“O2”, L3(make Capacitive Deionization more effective): removal of CO2,
O2(enhance precision measurements): (Sulzer+), Precision water related
gaging/research, spectroscopy etc(Shimadzu+), Q2(Food stock preservation):
by removing oxygen, applied in limited sealed sample situations only,
• Weaker effect: Z2(Fast/efficient heat conducting in sealed space)
• Unlisted effects: ■Industrial washing, Make cavitation much more effective-
disinfection effect to strengthen, ■High permeability into target medium,
■ Repeat-water-circulating for pipe scale prevention(Chiyoda-Electric+),
■Flavor enhancement of food processing by increased permeation by
degassing water(Sakurajp+), Wine quality improvement: usually part of
infusing/degassing or displacing different types gasses(MathesonGas+), Beer,
primarily CO2(Corosys+),
• 52’Degassing/Degassed Pure Water: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 273
• ■ 53’Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV:(calling “Classic Carbon” here to differentiate with
section 55’Nano Material treating) Largest promotor is Biochar specific type NGOs
that are internationally networked with some mainstream backing: (biochar-
international+), There are significant underexplored effects(often not water related) in
mainstream biochar, yet there is further large effect gap between those and some of
fringe group biochar production & usage method
• eg: Material purpose sorted & treated 600-1200°C solid wood carbon is each used
for different applications”: difference of porous honeycomb size, structure
durability, thru or nonthru pores etc. Their commercialized claim(not really water
related) effect and durability seem superior to Activated Carbon- likely at least
partly due to the way it is used(Maruko-Denshi, NaraTanka 奈良炭化工業 +),.
• WM promoted biochar can be produced from biomass by pyrolysis without
generating CO2(unlike SuperCritical water decomposition), which has economical
incentives around its sequestering. Activated Carbon filter is a part of widely used
standard water treatment system, especially at fine filtration at last stage of public
drinking water production..
• 53’Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV: Effect mix of
Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 274
• WM Accepted effect: P2(water filter): Removal of certain organic chemicals(eg
hydrocarbon related) & non organic(eg chlorine) as absorption filter Granular
Activated Carbon(GAC)/Pulverized Activated Carbon(PAC). Often a part of various
filter system, Grass roots or biochar movement NGO group promotes use of biochar
for water filter by usually offered by “non-mainstream” type or DIY focused
suppliers(Wesionline, Nextchar, Terra-Char+),
• Activated Carbon is a major part in std process of mixed hydrocarbon & other
contaminant removal from water, or commercialized for general water filter. Some of
larger producers of solid wood biochar might be selling “top grades” to some of
“fringe” group high price bidders(Haycarb, Fujian Yuanli, Carbon activated corp+):
they don’t value coal or nonsolid wood biomass based ones.
• WM (only occasionally) disputed effect: O2(Hydroxyl production): Waste water
treatment as decomposing element in addition to filtering effect of biochar:
(Carbon-terra eu.+), P2(Bioenhancing effect): Some companies claim high grade
solid wood biochar based filter actually increase “vitalization” effect of water:
(Hitousui, N-t-c jp+): This seem to have wide range of degree depended on raw
material for biochar and processing method.
• 53’Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV: continued 2
• -->> cont: WM (only occasionally) disputed effect: P2(Bioenhancing effect):
Variant forms/age of "carbon", in addition to nanocarbon, occasionally seem to
produce significant bio-active-water, some seemingly by electro conductivity
• ✔ 1 Lignite with catalytic minerals(Micelle Catalyst Willard Water+),
✔ 2 Shungite as is(Shungitnpk+): both Russian/Chinese mainstream academic
validated. As burial underground all carbon forms seem to exhibit varied degree
of anti-oxident electron activation type effects(extensive in some biochar and
shungite when "calibrated"),
• ✔ 3 Microcurrent generated by carbon pressed against differing electric
potential metals wedged by dielectric material often produces electric field type
bioactive region(as one of many Orgone energy generation methods). Depends
on set up, this self generating perpetual micro EM field has disproportionately
large directional effect on ElectroScaventing/ElectroFreezing and dispersing
microdroplets: fully pseudoscientized weather control/modification effect(for
more see 65'Precipitation Based Weather Modification)
• 53’Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 276
• -->> cont: WM (only occasionally) disputed effect: P2(Bioenhancing effect):
• ✔ 4 Processed "high grade" biochar under super high pressure under
supercritical type environment?(Ohki-Techno),
• ✔ 5 Some New age type devices use high temperature processed
biochar(high positive ion absorber) mixed with high Far InfraRed emitting
mineral, and positive ion releaser metal particles, and can work as "water
vitalization device"(Metalmega jp), also used for industrial purposes quietly
by mainstream companies in Japan domestically. 、
✔6 Fair portion of mainstream portable regular water filter system or main
water supply combines with Reverse Osmosis or others to utilize various
ceramic, media, mineral, that contain carbon/biochar or use activated
carbon/nanocarbon filter, some of which have high FIR emitting or
electrical activity to substantial degree though they might stay away from
such expression or discuss exact make up of types of biochar.
• 53’Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV: continued 4 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 277
• 54’Slow acoustic pulse wave: Effect Disputed by
Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada
• ■ 54’Slow acoustic pulse wave:
WM disputed effect:
Causes pseudoscientific- more than WM calculated permeation effect to
C3(extract oil from soil/sand, particularly effective and cost competitive in
porous structures); very slow pulse of more than second increment:(Wavefront
Technologies), combustion type activity made pulse(Svarognpo ru),
Commercialization is rare. Also similar type of non-commercialized patents.
Some academic discussions take place on this anomalous effect particularly in
• Somewhat similar mechanics increases under ground penetration for ground
soil/water remediation effects by pulsed mode injection of compressed Ozone
gas & Hydrogen Peroxide(APTwater PulseOx+): also possibly Hydroxyl Radical
formulation is enhanced.
• Are above effects something to do with acoustic wave being matched with
integer number of resonance frequencies of high pressure porous structure?
• ■ 55’Nano Material treated water: (also see 56’Nanofiltration), as Nanotube, Graphene or
Fullerene of Carbon or other materials. some “soluble” or built into water structure often on
lab level, Also aligned nanotube membrane increase permeability(at lab level, carbon
nanotube is up to 10,000times faster than conventionally maximum efficiency). Most effects
except general filter function of nanocarbon water was full pseudoscience with only Russians/
Chinese talking about it in past but now being upgraded towards WM approval status soon
as WM is starting to confirm similar effects: They are mostly research level & there is little
commercialization. ,
• WM Accepted effect: Widely used normally as P2(Water filter); see 56’Nanofiltration
• Unlisted sometimes WM approved effect: ■Water repellant surface effect or ability to make
electronic device water proof: Nanocabon can be coated/bonded to most substrate by
pulsed radio-frequency(RF) plasma etc:(p2i+), but plasma surfacing itself to make matter
hydrophobic is widely used standard process. ■Some water filtered by graphene membrane
with diamond combined shows corrosive effect(similar effect as quality generated and kept at
ambient temperature by other 28’Catalytic type water), This disruptive effect seems to have
been surprisingly WM approved recently as this result was published in mainstream WM
magazine by academics(Loh Kian Ping+), Carbon Nanotube trapped water can have different
phase change temperature: "frozen" at 105°C or higher(Mic Strano et al)
• 55’Nano Material treated water: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed
Generally Rejected, Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 279
• 55’Nano Material treated water: continued 2
• Only sometimes but WM Disputed effect, M2(Much more effective Desalination
membrane than RO): Adding ion releasing porous nanoparticles to membranes to
double permeation of RO membrane(LGWaterSolutions NanoH2O), Graphene
coating of membranes(G2O Water), CabonNanoTube(CNT) filter(Porifera inc,
Tortech Nano, Nagare, Naoasis Technologies,Shezan Labs+). Increasing "Ion
Sieving" effect based desalination such as Graphene Oxide Membrane(Kal Vasu+) is
getting mainstream approved now. Even more effective Rotating Carbon Nanotube
Membrane filter desalination(Hualin Wang+): microcurrent causes CNT to spin fast
by electron wind(ElectroMigration) effect. This no pressure required super fast filter
permeation tech can gradually replace high energy using RO system.
• Also treated water’s electrical or other properties of water alters: X2(Lower freezing
point), Z2(Increased heat conductivity). Currently same WM media is approving this
WM science claim while still making fun of Russians/Ukranians who has been making
same claims, partly because they openly confirm validity of homeopathy to alienate
interlocked Western industry-academia-media-Govn’t groups?
• ▶Other commercialized eg: (Institute of Physiological Active Compounds, Svelta+),
• -->> cont: Sometimes WM Disputed effect
Unlisted Effects: eg1: H2 generating non-sacrificial “nano aluminium alloy” from H2O (AW
Castleman+), eg2: Hydrophobic graphene/carbon nanotube turns hydrophilic at Single layer
vs mutilayers by UV-FIR wave irradiation, eg3: Extended Capillary action: Self-pumps/sucks
up water(& electricity generation)(S Hendy+), Its speed of water flow is 1000times+ violation
of Hagen–Poiseuille equation or Fluid Dynamics “law”(Majumder+), Also affects water
molecule structure, or “sucks up ions”, eg4: Water saturated soccer ball shape Fullerene-C60
makes surrounding water molecules to be structured & function as “convenient” & strong
antioxidant(neutralize radicals & decompose toxins but when excessive to organism) even
after boiling(GV Andrievsky, VN Khvorostinka+), also C60 can fully contain molecular excitons,
• WM generally Rejected:Occasionally claimed: I2(Increased solubility), Q2(Food stock
preservation water), S2(Bioenhancement): This ranges from 3d geometric fullerene contained
water to nanotube(hexagon net tube) and shape of carbon molecular structure seem to effect
also, at academic level “nanocarbon structured water” fed bioorganism have some
bioenhancement effects(Bonaccorso+),
• T2(metal rust reduction) , V2(Low redox potential water): D3(hydrophobic drug carrier,
permeable to cell): This effect is also tricky one for interlocked groups with medical industry
interest since it would benefit as drug carrier, but it would also show significant nutrition/
oxygen permeation effectiveness as it would improve patients condition without drugs
• 55’Nano Material treated water: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 281
• 56’NanoFiltration: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Generally
Rejected, Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM)
• ■ 56’NanoFiltration:(also see 22’Nano Material Used Filter), In many ways it is completely
mainstream tech but some other ways it is clearly underused. Generally referred as single digit
nanometer filtration(1-9nm), Similar effect as 55’Nano Material treating. Typically passes
monovalent ions i.e. by ionic size, also charge etc. But can to some extent customizeable -
selectively pass certain solutes or set directionality of flow by size and charge(RO rejects all: one
fixed way only by outside force): ie can function like biological ionic channels or super low cost
desalination if designed(nanopore size needs to be property arranged with specific material,
also at Carbon Nanotube case, water permeability is up to 4-5 orders of magnitude faster than
allowed by conventional science law: sometimes media debunked) if designed. And importantly
all of this disruptive base idea is approved by WM and active research continues wold wide.
Some of advanced use currently are more often for labs and pharmaceutical(MetalMembranes+)
• Wide range of claims from mainstream academics to sidelined engineers/scientists, particularly
non-west related(China+). Often key for anomalous effect is by Use of:
✔1 Various types of metal/silicon nanowire, ✔2 Janus particle(nano sized, have duel hydrophilic
and hydrophobic side) used membrane, also to some extent Charged Nanofilter Membrane
types, ✔3 Nanocarbon/Carbon Nanotube/Inorganic Nanotube or electro-conductive polymer,
✔3 Mixing/doping/coating certain nano or fine metal element such as Silver/Copper/Zinc etc,
✔4 Metal membrane(some advanced tech can make pores down to nano or smaller size, with
through straight even hole with super high flux rates, can be made to suit extreme conditions). --
>>continued - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 282
• 56’NanoFiltration: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 283
• Also due to this high electroconductivity, it might kill all virus if designed optimally for
it(electroporation). These electric or charge based Nanocarbon mechanics link to
pseudoscientized bioenhancing effect of “water activation” methods(magnetic, FIR wave,
Electric pulse, catalyzed water etc) - as they also have similar effect & light diffraction
quality etc. This superior quality can be more fully utilized in near future in mainstream
by hierarchical membrane with nanoporous on top layer supported by structurally more
robust microporous types at the base(manufactured by phase inversion).; while in some
cases this seems to be already quietly commercialized, including under vacuum filtration
mechanics - particularly by Chinese companies.
• WM Accepted effect: N2(demineralizing effect), mainstream use: e.g. demineralization/
concentration of whey/lactose at Dairy, filtering dye at Textile, or sugar at Beverage
industry is preferable to EDI, Ion exchange, or RO. Mega membrane players involved
are also expanding to underutilized use(Koch Membrane, GE water, Toray Membrane,
Dow Chemical+), some are specialized focus in specific major use industry but also
aiming for underused area(Reda Spa, Lakta-service, Milktech ru, Компания "KINGS
FOOD"+): often enables straight reuse of wastewater, e.g. laundry water reuse etc. Many
offer portable containerized/on skid portable units(Lifestream Watersystems,
Degrémont Technologies, Newterra, Kriva Rochem+), Entering nanosize as ceramic
membrane(Cerahilix+) -->>cont:
• 56’NanoFiltration: continued 3
• -->>WM Accepted effect: cont:
P2(Waterfilter): can displace existing system with low cost, likely lead by Europe with China:
Often water passing filter with electro-conductive material is treated by self generated
electricity/microplasma for automatic disinfection by hydroxyl etc, as home use(Vontron+),
counter top device(Origin Water +), When combined with
regular microfilter, system recycles water to save 90% of shower water with sufficient
disinfection even at residential level(Orbital Systems AB). Use for Reverse Osmosis for
longer lasting effects(LT Technologies, EcoChem International, SnowPure, GEA filtration+):
generally preferred minerals remain unlike RO. Chlorine exposure proof polymer based
filter(Anfiro), State backed production to decrease import(Rusnano), Fibreglass bonded with
electropositive nanoparticle/fibre for faster waterflow trapping(Argonide NanoCeram+)
• Effective enough to make oil exploration water drinkable directly after filtering(Vibe inc
Sandbox Resource+), Commercial water cleaning e.g. Agricultural or general industrial
wastewater(Microdyn-Nadir, Inopor, Synder Filtration, Инженерные системы
Мембранные, Enviropark ru+), Pulp & paper(Aslan technologies+), Also various academic
researches on customizable filter by spraying different mineral nano powder onto base
membrane intending for different purposes(Mor Endo+),Nanomanget sprayed nanofilter to
replace pool's chlorine use if regulation permits(, airborne moisture germ
trapping & killing(Toshiba CAF-D4+), Pretreatment of RO desalination(Filtroxrus+) -->>cont:
• 北京碧水源科技股份有限公司 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 284
• 56’NanoFiltration: continued 4
• -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: P2(Watefilter):
When combined with existing filter system, it further augments performance(eg acoustically
filtrated carbon nanotube filter, permeation is not driven by conventional pressure or even
gravity). Well adopted by space agency or military, also seems coagulation component to be
capable of recovering at filter(eg; extra oil recovered while filtered water is instantly drinkable).
• Nanofilteration used Forward Osmosis(FO) effect(FO is not at all exclusive to Nanofilters, neither
is below commercialized example) is lowest cost in some limited specific situations: Use of
osmotic power, by clean water side of membrane having higher solutes content than dirty water
side of membrane. Hence little to no power required while causing far less membrane
fouling. 、
Cost competitive set up is made by use of draw solutions that are easily recoverable/separable/
reuseable by temperature change etc for cost reduction, so even by combining with RO, it might
still reduce costs, nutrition is kept during concentrating process(eg juice) without heating(Oasys
water, HTI water, Modern Water, Forward Water Technologies+), use of Carbon Nanotube filter
for additional significant saving(Porifera). Mechanics example of FO: NH3 & CO2 bubbling in
water produces salts with very high osmotic pressure(NH4HCO3 etc) but easily separated/
recovered when applied low grade heat. Also in certain natural situation it might be suitable(eg
dirty water cleaning to discharge into ocean, located next to desalination reject water channel, or
making heavy sugary beverage etc). - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 285
• 56’NanoFiltration: continued 5 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 286
• -->> cont: WM Accepted effect:
• L3(run CDI more efficiently, removing CO2), W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing cooking,
elements, preserve nutrients): combo use of hydrophobic/oleophobic element use to filter
various elements: (NacoTech+), use of nano carbon activation process: (NanoCarb),
hydrophilic type for dye removal & water softening(MemTech), effective due to ion
recovery(AMS Membranes+), Previously stated Hierarchical Nanoengineered Membrane
can be particularly effective with its physical durability backed up by microporous
membrane combined, to fully deploy its hydrophillic/hydrophobic ability in customized way.
• Sometimes WM Disputed effect: M2(Desalination effect): academically it is mainstream but
probably too abrupt & disruptive(much higher permeability, far less fouling, far lower
energy use for filtration etc compared to RO membrane, by advanced salt ion management
by adding certain material in filter) for industry structure to bring out in highlighted way for
commercialization(eg Perforene - Lockheed+), So less known companies commercialize
first:(EconoPure+), Good potential for combined low pressure high flow low cost
desalination with additionally electricity generated by removing ions from seawater with
specialty Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) nanofilter(Nar Aluru+), Even more efficient if
osmotic pressure is used(Moh Heiranian+), Various disruptive Nanofiltration application
topic is widely discussed its practicality by WM academia. -->> continue
• -->> cont: Sometimes WM Disputed effect: M2(Desalination effect):
Aquaporin based filter claims to use 1/2 of energy cost of RO(Mangrove Membranes Inc -
Applied Biomimetic, Aquaporin dk+): actually it should be much less than 1/2 due to little to no
energy required, maybe due to its filter's fragile nature? Facilitated diffusion/ion-charge gradient
difference based, Also other ion channeling biomimicry filters under research. Again various
nanofilters can do this type at lab levels: Use of electrical Double Layer & charging nanopores of
filter to electromigrate/separate salt ions.
• Unlisted effect(Descaling pipes & corrosion prevention)(AquaClear LLC, WEHRLE Umwelt, Shivam
Water Treaters +)
Occasionally claimed Generally media type Rejected effect: I2(Solubility increase of treated
water), O2(Hydroxyl radical production), Currently clumsy set up as this is basically WM approved
• WM Fully rejected: Same effect claims should be made between Nanofilter & 55’Nano Material
treated water, but probably due to small number of claimant samples(less than 50), claims shown
on the list are not identical. As for effectiveness approval level by WM, finished product filter has
more severe debunking than nanocarbon. (Also See these in reference to 22’Nano Material Used
Filter), Q2(food stock preservation water), S2(Bioenhancing water), T2(metal rust reduction/
prevention), V2(Low redox potential); it can be other way around(hydroxyl production) depends on
set up, A3(Deuterium Depleted Water production),
• Weak effects J2(emulsion)
• 56’NanoFiltration: continued 6
• ■ 57’Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing/Thawing:
WM Accepted effect as obvious for freezing
application: Q2(food preservation).
• Effect of this technology is in hanging state in
mainstream. Western ally Japan widely installed this
while rest of West(including Wikipedia in all languages
also in Japanese) is still often pseudoscientizing it,
hence creating a market void in other Western nations,
yet even some mainstream group in rest of west is
quietly installing.
• 57’Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing/Thawing:
Effect mix of Accepted & Generally Rejected by (WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 288
• —>> cont: WM Accepted effect:
Magnetic/electric field oscillation(often multiples of frequencies are emitted)
to prevent freezing at below 0°C temperature, This supercooling state is
followed by “quick & even freezing” over critical temperature range that
can otherwise break cell walls of food by water expansion, this seems to be
due to small clustered ice crystals formed from water molecules, also some
effect in electroporation of breaking germ/bacteria cells(thinner-much
weaker than food cell walls).
• WM Rejected effect: P2(disinfection, suppress low temp active bacteria):
(Marche-machinery, Proton-Group net+), some combine “visible light
photocatalysis” to kill ethylene(C2H4): (Hitachi Shinku Chilled +), R2(Able to
freeze & defrost raw fish, meat, or even some salad & keep intact cell
structure): food appear fresh as if freezing never took place, U2(consistently
show much lower energy cost from user feedback): -20°C range fridge
works on par with -60°C types: (Nice01- Akiyama-Denshi+), U2(often food
lowers redox potential):(Daiwa Reiki Kogyo+), X2(lower freezing point)
• 57’Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing/
Thawing: continued 2
• -->>cont: WM Rejected:
Unlisted effects: ■i-High grade food conservation duration is extended up to
3times compared to conventional freezing tech(Abi-net Cell Alive System,
Depak jp+), Same mechanics can be used to create ■ii-Supercooled water
fridge for beverages(Boscom jp, Mars Company jp+),
• As noted prior its ■iii-Magnetic resonance frequency itself can be adjusted to
cause bioenhancement effect on plants & animals via electrically activated
water exposed to the relevant frequency, or enhanced directly by projected
nearby EM field,(Iyashiro +) ■iv-Flavor improves as frozen & stored some
duration: (Maruko Denshi+), ■v-Not publicized but organ transplant type
application used?
• Generally all of this section’s effects are equally claimed by most
manufacturers listed here. For consumer refrigerator market, key players in
Japan are selling same above supercooling effect device with different
• 57’Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing/
Thawing: continued 3
• 炭素 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 290
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
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Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
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Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
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Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
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Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries
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سطح تمیز، کم هزینه، غیر قابل تشخیص، تکنولوژی آب، صنعتی، بازرگانی، و برنامه ه...New Nature Paradigm Tech Analysis: Green, Sustainable, Collaborative
ความลับ? สี่ระดับของค่าใช้จ่ายต่ำเทคโนโลยีน้ำสะอาดในอนาคต / Four Levels of En...
ความลับ? สี่ระดับของค่าใช้จ่ายต่ำเทคโนโลยีน้ำสะอาดในอนาคต / Four Levels of En...ความลับ? สี่ระดับของค่าใช้จ่ายต่ำเทคโนโลยีน้ำสะอาดในอนาคต / Four Levels of En...
ความลับ? สี่ระดับของค่าใช้จ่ายต่ำเทคโนโลยีน้ำสะอาดในอนาคต / Four Levels of En...New Nature Paradigm Tech Analysis: Green, Sustainable, Collaborative
環境に優しく、低コストで高性能な, 知られていない水のテクノロジー / Environmentally Friendly, Low Cost, Less ...
環境に優しく、低コストで高性能な, 知られていない水のテクノロジー / Environmentally Friendly, Low Cost, Less ...環境に優しく、低コストで高性能な, 知られていない水のテクノロジー / Environmentally Friendly, Low Cost, Less ...
環境に優しく、低コストで高性能な, 知られていない水のテクノロジー / Environmentally Friendly, Low Cost, Less ...New Nature Paradigm Tech Analysis: Green, Sustainable, Collaborative
環境に優しく、低コストで高性能な, 知られていない水のテクノロジー / Environmentally Friendly, Low Cost, Less ...
環境に優しく、低コストで高性能な, 知られていない水のテクノロジー / Environmentally Friendly, Low Cost, Less ...環境に優しく、低コストで高性能な, 知られていない水のテクノロジー / Environmentally Friendly, Low Cost, Less ...
環境に優しく、低コストで高性能な, 知られていない水のテクノロジー / Environmentally Friendly, Low Cost, Less ...New Nature Paradigm Tech Analysis: Green, Sustainable, Collaborative
四級清潔, 低成本的, 被遺忘的水技術為工業, 商業及養殖應用 / Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten W...
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四級清潔, 低成本的, 被遺忘的水技術為工業, 商業及養殖應用 / Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten W...New Nature Paradigm Tech Analysis: Green, Sustainable, Collaborative
Τέσσερα επίπεδα καθαρού, χαμηλού κόστους, λιγότερο γνωστής τεχνολογίας νερού ...
Τέσσερα επίπεδα καθαρού, χαμηλού κόστους, λιγότερο γνωστής τεχνολογίας νερού ...Τέσσερα επίπεδα καθαρού, χαμηλού κόστους, λιγότερο γνωστής τεχνολογίας νερού ...
Τέσσερα επίπεδα καθαρού, χαμηλού κόστους, λιγότερο γνωστής τεχνολογίας νερού ...New Nature Paradigm Tech Analysis: Green, Sustainable, Collaborative

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سطح تمیز، کم هزینه، غیر قابل تشخیص، تکنولوژی آب، صنعتی، بازرگانی، و برنامه ه...
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Low-Cost Water Technologies for Industries

  • 1. ! BEN RUSUISIAK NEW NATURE PARADIGM TECH ANALYSIS VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA, UPDATED SEP15, 2016 Empat Tingkat Bersih, Biaya Rendah, Teknologi Air Lupa Untuk Industri, Komersial, & Aplikasi Pertanian (Ringkasan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia) Ramah lingkungan, ekonomis, teknologi bersih air efektif untuk masa depan Environmentally Friendly, Economical, Effective Water Cleantech for The Future Part 2 of 2
  • 2. • ABSTRACT: Presentasi ini mencakup beberapa biaya rendah, air terkait dikomersialisasikan cleantech yang kurang dimanfaatkan atau tidak umum diketahui ada sama sekali, di daerah pembersihan 1-Lingkungan, 2- HVAC peningkatan efisiensi, 3- Ekstraksi Energi, proses, 4- Proses Industri, 5-Minum generasi air, 6-Geoengineering, 7- Selektif bio-meningkatkan, antioxidizing, dan pencegahan karat dll Beberapa dari mereka adalah konversi untuk penggunaan di bidang energi, kesehatan, biologi, modifikasi cuaca, ilmu material dengan keuntungan yang sama. Salah satu efek tersebut tidak sepenuhnya dijelaskan oleh ilmu kimia, belum resmi digunakan oleh beberapa negara sekutu non-Barat, diperpanjang "struktur air", atau muatan listrik aktif memegang kapasitas air. Ada beberapa metode pengobatan yang bisa menyebabkan berkelanjutan kemampuan yang unik dalam air biasa selama setidaknya 4-5 hari dan digunakan tanpa bahan kimia ditambahkan atau zat terlarut. misalnya: a- Sebagai deterjen untuk dapur komersial, tukang daging atau penghapusan minyak berat, b- Pemotongan industri atau cairan cuci, c- Rumah Sakit ruang operasi, atau peralatan industri makanan disinfektan, d- Medis: penyakit kulit, infeksi, organ, oksigen & agen pengiriman obat hidrofobik, e- Peningkatan pertumbuhan tanaman / hewan, Aktifkan makan air payau, Menghapus bau tinggal hewan, f- Meningkatkan kekuatan beton, es, kertas, g- Meningkatkan rasa pasta, kopi, roti, h- Rendah emisi bahan bakar berkualitas tinggi dapat diproduksi oleh kelas bawah bisa digunakan hidrokarbon, i- Kimia tampilan atau efek mineral tanpa kimia hadir di dalam air. Air sangat listrik-aktif tampaknya bahkan berfungsi sebagai "katalis fase" dan digunakan sebagai "konsentrat air putih" untuk efek yang sama atau lebih kuat dengan pengenceran. • Seperti kesenjangan posisi Ilmiah antara negara-negara industri Barat dan lainnya juga diamati dalam aplikasi yang berbeda. Ini tampaknya mempengaruhi penelitian & pendanaan komersialisasi, & tingkat penyebaran yang nyata dari proses yang efektif baru. misalnya: efek pengolahan air oleh medan waktu varian magnet & berputar elektroda, gelombang inframerah jauh, Beberapa sub / air superkritis, bahan bakar emulsi air, Hidrodinamika Kavitasi, Fusi dingin, Resonansi air membusuk sebagai HHO gas, Akustik berdenyut pengeringan api, Electro- Pemulungan hujan generasi & Kosmik berdasarkan ray ide perubahan iklim. Salah satu alasan yang pasti untuk membongkar karena efek mungkin co-display ilmiah & ekonomis yang sangat mengganggu hukum termodinamika melanggar over-kesatuan & fenomena non-lokal. Tapi biaya rendah teknisi yang efektif merugikan sistem berbasis kimia juga telah didukung oleh negara-negara sekutu Barat: pembersih air Elektrokoagulasi didukung oleh kelompok-kelompok Eropa & saat mereka mendukung air diaktifkan plasma, hidrolisis termal, Membran Distilasi, & berbagai nanofiltrasi dll Secara keseluruhan, rendah biaya "ilmu diperebutkan" teknologi air bersih di masa lalu semakin dimanfaatkan oleh kelompok usaha marginal atau bahkan oleh perusahaan multinasional terutama di tingkat pabrik lokal. Dan kecuali penyebaran paradigma baru ini warung di langit-langit adaptasi rendah, "sistem tertutup" kepercayaan masyarakat arus utama akan fundamental bergeser ke setta berdasarkan "sistem terbuka" sebelum 2030.
  • 3. ABSTRACT: This presentation covers some of low cost, water related commercialized cleantech that is under- utilized or not commonly known to exist at all, in areas of 1-Environmental cleaning, 2-HVAC improvement, 3- Energy extraction, 4-Industrial processes, 5-Drinking water generation, 6-Geoengineering, 7-Desalination & wastewater treating, 8-Selective bio-enhancing, rust prevention etc. Some of them are convertible for a use in field of energy, medical, biology, weather modification, material science with similar advantages. 、 One of such effects not fully explainable by chemistry, yet officially utilized by some non-Western ally nations, is prolonged "water structure", or/& active electrical charge holding capacity of ions in water. There are multiple treatment methods that can cause sustained unique capability in plain water for at least 4-5 days and used without added chemical or solutes. e.g. a-As detergent for commercial kitchen, butcher or heavy oil removal, b-Non fouling industrial cutting or washing fluid, c-Hospital operation room, or food industry equipment disinfectant, d-Medical: oxygen/hydrophobic drug delivery, skin disease/infection/organ, & upto conventionally incurable chronic disease. e-Plant/animal growth increase, Enable brackish water feeding, Removing animal residence odor, f-Increase strength of concrete, ice, paper, g-Enhance flavor of pasta, coffee, bakery, h-Low emission fuel making from subgrade incombustible hydrocarbon, i-Display chemical or mineral effect without chemistry present in water. Some exceptionally electrical-active water seems to even function as "phase catalyst" and used as "plain water concentrate" for similar or more robust effects by dilution.、 Such Scientific Status gap in water tech by nations is fairly common and it affects research funding & market share of effective processes. e.g: water treatment by Time variant magnetic field & Rotating/Concentric Electrode, Far InfraRed waves, Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Sub/SuperCritical water, Non Anthraquinone H2O2, Emulsion fuel, Cold fusion, Resonance H2O decomposing, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Dewatering, Electro-Scavenging effect for rain generation & Cosmic Ray based climate change idea. One reason for discrediting is they might co-display scientifically & economically disruptive seeming thermodynamic over-unity & non- local phenomena. But low cost effective way to displace chemical based system also have been supported in West: Electrooxidation/coagulation or multiple ways of AOP including Ozone was backed by European groups & they are now supporting Plasma Activated Water, Thermal Hydrolysis, Membrane Distillation, & various Nano Filtration etc. Others are accepted but only for certain use: ElectroOsmosis/Poration, Metal ion, 3chamber electrolysis, Vacuum superheated steam, Steam eductor etc. Overall, previously science contested low cost clean water tech is increasingly & rapidly adopted even by multinationals, often accompanied by firm back up of mainstream media, science, & tech awards. And unless spread of this new paradigm stalls soon, limitation based "closed system" belief of society will fundamentally shift to no-limit "open system" before 2030.
  • 4. • PART 1: Separate file click [here] p10 Crystallization: Template sssddAssisted, Fluidized Bed etc p21 Ozone & UV etc p41 SuperCritical Water etc p45 Ultrasonic, Cavitation effect, . . . Pulsed Combustion Drying p61 Nano/UltraFine Bubble etc p67 PhotoCatalytic water etc • p91 Electrolyzed acid water etc p118 Plasma Activated Water p126 Electrolytic + Venturi etc p141 .Magnetic Water treatment • p157 “Phase Catalyst” Water p181 Torsion field/Scalar Wave p190 Far InfraRed, Bioceramic, …….. Minerals treated etc • p221 Pumpable Ice Slurry.... ........................ PART 2: separate file click [here] p228 ElectroSpray etc p235 ElectroHydraulic effect p245 Solar Desalination etc p268 SuperHeated Steam etc p288 Magnetic Resonance . Freezing & Thawing • p291 Ion projection p298 Ferrous/Ferrate Ion water p310 Vacuum Saturation/DDW, . Steam Jet Ejector/eductor • p338 Plant Polymer & Micelle p343 Rain Related Weather …….. Modification p358 Water Technology List • SELECTED CONTENTS
  • 5. • THIS FILE IS PART 2 of 2 SERIES: BOTH 2 FILES CAN BE VIEWED IN ONE FILE AT: Scribd [click here], Issuu [here], or Yumpu [here] • QUALIFICATION OF INFORMATION、 This presentation might not always reflect the views of mainstream group, particularly of western media, large NGOs, & wikipedia; hence attendants/readers are recommended to re- assess the data from independent perspective: Listed commercialized claims include that are contradicting mainstream science law or effectiveness acceptance level, while empirically deemed to produce effects repeatedly. "Cleantech" here includes "clean chemicals" that are non residual: Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic Acid, ElectroChemical reaction etc • Compared to other industries, water technology tends to have wider & varied mechanics to achieve intended physical effects: Labs, schools, even conservative mainstream, or mundane looking companies often use their own effective unique processes not widely known. Many of what is covered here are selected technologies known as effective in some sectors or by small # of consumers but not by other sectors.Currently more detailed reference list is being produced & will be published separately: The research is updated based on reviewing academic papers & journals, books, speeches, presentations, patents, lab/commercialized product testimonies/complaints, publications & public records of NGOs/media/research institutes/think tanks/military/space & gov't agencies/industry associations. 、 • Due to space constraints, referenced individual names are given with max 3 letters of first name with entire last name(except some non-Western names), & company names are listed in a way that is findable by internet search. 12 page Water Tech Effect Comparison List is at the end of this file.
  • 6. • ■ 11’Hydrodynamic cavitation: WM Accepted effect: J(BOD reduction, Advanced Oxidizing Process, toxin/oil field waste water/sludge decomposing) (, For ballast water(Globallast ua+), Enhanced oil recovery- additional hydrocarbon quality improvement(Arisdyne+), • Sometimes WM Disputed effect, A(Descaling), HVAC application(HyCator, VRTX Technologies+), Pipe cleaning(Group Konstanta «МАНГУСТ»+), Dairy product flow pipe descaling is WM rejected(TEKMASH+): B(anticorrosion of water pipes), C(Algae removal)(CT Systems ua+), D4*(New…. • ■ Tech effects Code used in tech lists(located at end of this presentation) are headed by Boldface purple letters as on the right. Code might refer to either or both of a-effect of static water product, b-process effect itself on water rather than water's effect on matter. • ■ Commercialized tech claims are listed in(Blue Letter +), and “+” within bracket means other unnamed companies also claim same effect. ■ “*” at example D4* indicates particularly effective application. • How to Read Tech Detail Explanation Texts . • Technology claims are explained in details in each of 66 dedicated section in coming pages. Example of “Hydrodynamic cavitation” below
  • 7. • 66 Technology names: Well established mainstream application might be omitted from effect explanations. Same techs are listed twice. • 1-Crystallization: TAC(Template Assisted), FBC(Fluidized Bed) 2-Pulsed Power, 3-KDF, 4-Metal Ion, 5-Natural Acid, 6-Ozone, 7-UV, 8-Aeration/Anaerobic, 9-Sub &SuperCritical Water/Thermal Liquefaction 10-Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation water, Acoustic Pulse Fire Drying 11-HydroDynamic Cavitation, 12-Spiral Vortex flow, Rankine Vortex 13-Nanobubble-UltraFineBubble, 14-PhotoCatalytic Water treatment • 15-Electro Deionization(EDI) & Capacitive De-Ionization(CDI) 16-Electrolysis Alkaline water, 17-Electrolysis Acid water 18-Electrolysis Acid-Alkaline mixed, 19-Boron Diamond Electrolysis 20-Electro Phoresis/migration/reclamation, 21-Fulvic Acid water 22-Nano Material Used Filter, 23-Plasma Activated Water(PAW)/H2O2 24-Electrolytic Metal Alloy & Venturi, 25-ElectroStatic treated water 26-Electric field pulse • 66 Water Technologies PART 1: #1-26 Part 1 is available on separate file [here], Part 1&2 in one file [here]
  • 8. • 27-Time Variant Magnetic Field treatment & Rotating Magnetic Field 28-“Phase Catalyst water” or “Catalytic Water” 29-HHO & Hydrogen dissolved water • 30-EM & Other Antioxidant type Micro-organism activated water 31-Torsion field & Subtle field treated water • 32-Scalar wave & phase conjugated paired wave treated water 33-Mineral, Bioceramic, FIR/Thz wave treated water 34-Vacuum Freezing, 35-Vacuum Flash Vaporization/Vacuum Distillation 36-Water jet, 37-Water Emulsion, 38-Pumpable Ice Slurry 39-Sabatier Reaction & Hydrocarbon production by CO2 + H2O • 40-Electro Deposition/ElectroWinning, Plasma Electrolyte Polishing 41-ElectroSpray, 42-ElectroPoration, 43-Electro SonoPhoresis 44-Electro Hydraulic effect, 45-ElectroDialysis/Bipolar Membrane 46-ElectroFloatation, 47-ElectroHeating • 66 Water Technologies PART 1: #27-47 Part 1 is available at separate file [here], Part 1&2 in one file [here]
  • 9. • 48-Nitrogen & Carbon Dioxide infused water 49-Solar Distillation, Solar Water treatment, Atmospheric Water Collector 50-SuperCritical Water(also SubCritical, Low Temp Hydrolysis, Steam Plasma) • 51-SuperHeated Steam, 52-Degassing/Degassed pure water 53-Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV treated water 54-Slow Acoustic Pulse wave, 55-NanoCarbon Treated water 56-NanoFiltration water • 57-Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing-Thawing 58-Ionizing Projection in air-mist 59-Ferrous Ferric/Ferrate Ion, Its oscillation treated water, Iron Sulphate water 60-Vacuum Saturation heating or cooling & Deuterium Depleted Water 61-Membrane Distillation/Pervaporation 62-Mineral, FarInfraRed, High Pressure treated water, Deep Sea Water 63-Other “Anomalous Processes”: from overunity energy to "ORMUS" making 64-Plant NanoPolymer applied water, 65-Rain Related Weather Modification 66-Atmospheric Water Generator • 66 Water Technologies PART 2: #48-66 Part 1 is available on separate file [here], Part 1&2 in one file [here]
  • 11. • ■ 41’Electro Spray, ElectroHydroDynamic Atomization: Actual water application in this tech is mostly minor, also see 58’Ionizing projection: WM Accepted: J2(emulsion), Microfluidics. Electrospray for Taylor cone/ emulsion drops creation, std process, uniform DC use. Also Thin-film coating of foods by spraying effectively emulsified water-oil, or Effective drug delivery: (SprayBase+), • K2(charged water spray enhances combustion 10% range more than regular sprayed water): This research has not found reliable commercialized claims but it is a generally known phenomena for experts:(Kar Hendratna+), while less effective(5% range combustion increase non-electrically charged spray water has been commercialized(M-power BMW, Aquamist-Direct+) • O2(hydroxyl radical production, bacteria killing etc), D3(Drug-hydrophobic matter solubility, carrier), E3(Wet scrubbing), often seems to be more effective than conventional water only types due to use of electric charge, Also superior performance than regular Electrostatic precipitator, ”Ionized” wet scrubber(Verantis+) (also Air cleaner, Affect air moisture such as fog reducing), • 41’Electro Spray: Effect mix of Accepted & Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) 228
  • 12. • —>>continued WM Accepted: H3(Efficient paint spray depositing to significantly reduce paint cost, Ion depositing): standard process in auto painting etc but not in others(Graco inc, Electro-Spray, Mesac jp+), On-site painting at environmentally sensitive location eg restaurant, food store(ElectroPainters+): but need extra process for recessed area painting, water moisture contained in food stock is used in food coating process:(Gemafoodcoating +), Also: Foliar feeding for cost effective niche farming, Pesticide applied evenly and on target to leafs to save costs, Best to finely atomize water spray:(Martigani, OntargetSpray+,), Some increased effectiveness claims by adding Ultrasonic spray, • O3(Electroscopy: Chemical analysis): Electro Spray Ionization: Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry etc: (NewObjective +), More versatile Desorption Electrospray Ionization: (Prosolia) • Unlisted effect: Nanofibre production by Taylor cone - Electrospinning: (Electrospintech, Nanonc+), • 41’Electro Spray: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 229
  • 13. • Generally WM Rejected effect; S2(bio enhancing way to feed water to plants): Related to ionizing/activation of water molecules?: Fairly common knowledge amongst experimental researchers and farmers(Bas Wainwright+): doubly effective in addition to foliar feeding for niche farming as charged water sticks to leaves instead of dropping to the ground, • Not electrospray but similar presumable mechanics: very strong effect on acoustically treated water spray, or water spray on acoustically treated plants: combining with plant preferred harmonic resonance audio while water spray onto plants have significant repeatable plant growth effects: frequently 1.5-3+ times growth(WM Fully rejected or Fraud):(Sonic Bloom+): There is no experimental data found whether electrified spray additionally increased crops in this method. Same mechanics as differently termed Electrostatic spraying:(also see 25’Electrostatic), F3(weather modification): see section 65’Artificial Weather • 41’Electro Spray: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 230
  • 14. • ■ 42’Electroporation: (can be interpreted as Cold Plasma/NonThermal Plasma effect) (also see 26’Electric Pulse), Use of generally AC electric field/pulse to increase membrane permeability to pass through various particles/liquid/chemicals/minute organism etc- This section refers to cell membrane in relation to bioenhancing by increased permeation or its cell membrane breaking effects. Following Medical/DNA uses are mainstream widely known application, works in or out of water. S2(Bioenhancing): Introducing new DNA to cells(ElectroTransformation), C3(Transmembrane-skin blood test/ water gaging), D3(hydrophobic drug+ solubility/ carrier/permeability increase)、 Somewhat WM media only disputed effects(complete WM science): L2(Biofuel extraction): by affecting DNA and enhancing fermentation:(Syngas Biofuels Energy) or simply break the cell wall(Irreversible Electroporation): (OpenAlgae, OpenCEL Trojan, Vogelsang+), joule heating emphasis for enhanced wall breaking(Eltron research+), 、 Unlisted effects: Dewatering or nutrition extraction from food/juice/dairy(eg sugar, protein, enzyme, high quality milk-juice-food etc):(Diversified technologies, May Ruben Hieco, НПЦ Плазма,, フロンティアエンジニアリング, アキュサイト+), Internal use (Pokka Sapporo, 協同乳業+), -->> cont: • 42’Electroporation(Cold Plasma): Effect Accepted by Western Mainstream(WM) 231
  • 15. • —>continued WM Accepted: tech's disruptive nature for food use:、 This type of WM science legal technology is potentially very disruptive since it can’t be debunked as using mainstream science, This tech extracts more nutrition, some case no killing of temperature sensitive high value enzyme, significantly reduce coloring & heating smell etc, with much lower cost & shorter time(1/10-1/50th), and can kill specific undesired germ with its unique pulse frequency, • Hence it can replace current high energy using pasteurization process and end product having nutrition much more intact to compete with fresh food- ie make it more difficult to have seasonal price fluctuation benefits), might need time lagged partial step by step mainstream introduction, in a way same micro electric mechanics as NanoFilter effect -->>cont: • 42’Electroporation(Cold Plasma): continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 232
  • 16. • —>continued WM Accepted: tech's disruptive nature for food use:、 Furthermore, i-when this becomes mainstream, it would be difficult to continue to debunk resonance based virus killing for medical use, ii-But actually there is enough empirical evidence of significant medical effect outside virus related chronic disease(and very low cost) (For more see this report and look up "Rife": [Cold Fusion, & Other Controversial Energy Tech Claims...] ) • Similarly: Waste water cleaning effect, Medical undesired cell removal/ killing, or precision surgery: (AngioDynamics NanoKnife +) • Industrial dewatering: significantly enhance existing ElectroOsmotic/ Phoretic method by adding what already exists a-high pressure & b-joule heating, c-moving water& micro matter thru microchannels by adding ability to break small bacteria cell walls in sludge etc(basically adding poration effect takes only frequency adjustment of electric pulse): Instead of moisture content 80% at best by pressure only, this brings it to below 50% while using lot less energy(Ablewater jp, Kurita jp, AWエンジニアリング 電解活性汚泥処理法 +) • 42’Electroporation(Cold Plasma): continued 3 233
  • 17. • ■ 43’Electro-SonoPhoresis, Electro Ion-to-resis: sound and electric charge to move elements in water, can do so through membrane/skin without using syringe or cutting: WM Accepted: Y2(pH acidity control), D3(hydrophobic drug +solubility/carrier/permeability increase) • WM media level Disputed effect: C3(Transdermal-skin blood test/water gauging): no need for syringe injection, or physical blood taking- all done through the skin. ● Unlisted effect: Dental application: natural mineral re-depositing to fill tooth decay:(Reminova) ● Medical application: Acoustic and electric oscillation added for various bioenhancement effects(WM rejected), WM approved for some pain relief, oversweating hands/feet therapy(Hidrexusa+), • But currently almost ANY low cost tech to compete expensive disease treatment is fully WM rejected or treated fraud. • Seems to need specific accurate frequency to be effective for chronic diseases. Also detail mechanics are disputed amongst promotors. • 43’Electro-SonoPhoresis: Effect mix of Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 234
  • 18. • ■ 44’ElectroHydraulic effect; shock like high voltage zapping in water causes various effects, WM interprets as purely shocking effect(temporarily 1000bar+), ignoring production of not only hydroxyl(then later as H2O2), but x-ray, metal molecule structure changing etc: Most of effects except drilling is identical as Rotating magnetic field(part of Torsion field) effect(see section 27'Time Variant Magnetic Field) • WM Accepted effect : Y2(pH acidity control), B3(soil-sand oil extraction/separation): This is rather disruptive effectiveness applied to Enhanced Oil Recovery. Originated in Russia(Yutkin) & re-packaged/upgraded recently as a new tech(Molchanov+), and funded by affluent group for world wide application: hence this part of effect is fully WM accepted:(Ecotech EOR, Novas Energy, BlueSpark Energy+): part of Pulsed Plasma/Plasma Pulse, • Similarly: M3(powerful boring or severing, cutting effect), drilling deep by powerful Pulsed Plasma(it covers non water use also): this effect attracted major funding after WM approval(GA Drilling+), Same tech with space application (Zaptech+), This is basically same tech as large industrial rock shuttering application - which also became science legal in West but stays obscure without big funding(Tetra-Corporation,, Small portable scale device(VLN-tech+) • 44’Electro-Hydraulic effect: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 235
  • 19. • Many of Electrohydraulic effects are unexplainable on shock factor only, hence some are WM media Disputed effect: Russia/Ukraine and ex-Soviet nations use more commonly: O2(Hydroxyl radical production- AOP) & P2(Water filtering by coagulating some elements in water, hence purifying/disinfecting/cleaning effect): these effects are often byproduct and not chief purpose: •OH etc producing above O2+P2 combo effect rare commercialization of ElectroHydraulic water electrooxidation(Clear Water Plasma+): highly economically disruptive overunity type efficiency electron avalanche causing standing wave - acoustic pulse/cavitation accompanying to generate wide range of oxidants in abnormally large amount with little electricity use - also portable system. • Q2(food preservation effect water), V2(low redox potential), by electrolysis looking device abruptly creating shock in water(, - This effect of water is sustained at least several days; linked to Plasma Activated Water(electrical discharge in water). Virtually “science legalized” since PAW has been WM approved since around 2010 • Unlisted but instant molecule structure changing type effect of Metal forming:(Bmax, Trakonta - Траконта+): this is not necessarily water related. N3(shutters small kidney stones): (Medispect+), ■ Unlisted effect but fractured bone fast & accurate repairing(Sanuwave+) • 44’Electro-Hydraulic effect: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 236
  • 20. • 44’Electro-Hydraulic effect: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada • --> cont: WM media Disputed effect: Occasionally claimed disputed effects: M2(Desalination effects), Only academic level claims(M Bazant, RM Crooks+): "Micro" Shock Electrodialysis, again same effect as Rotating magnetic field. • Generally WM Rejected effect, Also formally pseudoscientized in West, only approved in some of ExSoviet & Russian allies, in some nations as soon as Western infrastructure was invested in post Soviet this effect was pseudoscientized(Czech+): K2(Energy generation): dicomposes water into hydrogen far more effectively than conventional methods(H2 Energy Renaissance+), related to cavitation & shockwave effect. S2(Bioenhancing water production, including significant nutrient absorption function, conversion of peat to fertilizer), Academic & project level offering(Se Cifanskis+), U2(significant “overunity" like shockwave effect involving cavitation): linked to Electron Charge Cluster effect?(high voltage pulsed water explodes)(A Ilyanok, Pe Graneau+): 237
  • 21. • WM Accepted effect: N2(Demineralizing, by separation of water from minerals): mainstream use for food industry(dairy whey is std process), pharma, chemical, water treatment etc, Efficient chlorine production(CDI Tunisia+), P2(water filtering/purifying/ disinfecting/cleaning/waste water)(Shang Dong Sdtianwei+) Y2(Acidity control) (Fumatech+) Lab type environment, Wine industry use(remove tartrate): (Oenodia - STARS, Sunactis+) etc • Other commercialized eg: (RWLwater, GEwater, Mega cz RALEX, Astom-corp, AkzoNobel +) • 45’Electro Dialysis/Bipolar Membrane: Effect mix of Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) • ■ 45’Electro Dialysis: Electrolysis with ion selective membranes inserted, option of occasional reversing process(membrane cleaning) makes it last longer without downtime of operation, • ■ 45’Electro Dialysis by Bipolar Membrane (Electrolysis with no electrodes, system has water in separate channels and voltage applied in one channel and water is split through membrane due to voltage difference: Splits water with no oxidation or reduction - no byproduct/ waste, less fumes. Effective separation of acidic(hydroxide ion: OH-) and alkaline(Proton: H+), ion-mineral type material: "Electro-Acidification": • • 238
  • 22. • WM Disputed effectiveness: Science approved mechanics: M2(Desalination effect):for ●Regular ElectroDialysis: unlikely as near future major commercial viability(BlueEnergy - RedStack+), But Solar power run small installation or surplus energy use can be power cost justifiable(Deukum de), Also combining RO Desalination discharged high salinity water with regular sea water in Reverse ElectroDialysis(RED) to generate low salinity water feedstock for RO operation while electrical energy is generated to save 30% range overall power(Chuyang Y Tang +) ●Bipolar Membrane ElectroDialysis: cost superiority is fully WM science approved(not media), China leads the way in use of bipolar membrane desalination in various State owned corporations but details seem to be scant, This is often is the case for their use of various Western-designated- pseudoscientific-techs(China National Bluestar - 杭州水处理技术研究 +) • Unlisted effect of Bipolar Membrane: ■ Radioactive material removal(Azotom ru+): doesn't have to be Russian or Chinese bipolar membrane to show effectiveness but often taboo to mention effects in West, ■ CO2 sequestering by Sodium hydroxide production(only competitive as surplus power use) or ■ CO2 production(Eisaman+), PEMFC(Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell) efficiency improvement • 45’Electro Dialysis/Bipolar Membrane: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 239
  • 23. • ■ 46’Electro Flotation:(Often part of ElectroCoagulation[not listed as section in this presentation due to being major std process] and no clear distinction, see 18'Electrolysis mix)(electrolysis to generate micro bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen which carries impurities to surface): (e2Metrix, Polyeco gr+), Small bubble or Microbubble generation for increased effectiveness: (EnviroChemie, Xogen, BLDynamics, Aquaexpert ru+): Note Nanobubble /Superfine bubble doesn't float and eventually "disappear" with cavitation likely to cause coagulation • WM Accepted effect : L2(biofuel/oil extraction/ waste to energy/charcoal with no emission), P2(water filtering/purifying/disinfecting/cleaning/waste water), Y2(consequently pH can be changed) • Weak effects: B3(soil-and oil extraction/separation in some situations) • WM Disputed effect: W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing elements in some cases) • 46’Electro Flotation: Effect mix of Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 240
  • 24. • ■ 47’Electro Heating:(Electrical Resistance Heating): electric current is passed through water-soil, & resistance encountered causes heating, which generates various effects: Electrochemical, Hydroxyl radical types, Hydrolysis etc. Same set up Electro-migration(ion), Electro-osmosis(water) etc but Electro-heating uses AC current. • B2&L2(soil-oil extraction/separation)(biofuel/oil extraction/ waste to energy/charcoal with no emission): soil remediation: (TRS Group Inc, InSitu Remediation Services, McMillan-McGee +), • Weak effect: O2(toxin decomposing) • 47’Electro Heating: Effect Accepted by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 241
  • 25. • ■ 48’Nitrogen or CO2 infused water: ▶ NITROGEN water: WM Accepted effects: Q2(food preservation water):( +), Food lasting 50% longer over regular ice: (Showareitou+), Nitrogen reacts with dissolved Oxygen to remove it out of water, T2(metal rust prevention): circulating pipe or unused cooling tower corrosion prevention also(Tofco jp+), • Unlisted effects: ■ Ballast Water or producing oxygen deprived circulating water:(Gazcon+,) ■ Industrial washing, in some specific situations nanobubble nitrogen water has prefered quality:(Kurita jp+), ■ Pure water preservation: by filling closed container’s air portion to prevent CO2 or O2 to be dissolved into water(Toyoshima denki+) • 48’Nitrogen or CO2 infused water: Effect mix of Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 242
  • 26. • ▶ CO2 water: WM Accepted effects: Y2(pH control)(PanGas ch+), or by nanobubble infusion(TechCorporation jp+), Regulate water balance of desalination(AES Arabia+) • Weak effect: K2(Energy material extraction): also useable for other chemical production: accelerate hydrolysis from cellulose to monomer sugar. • Unlisted effect: ■ Industrial washing: While preventing static electricity from generating during semiconductor type static sensitive precision equipment parts(Matsubo - Kobelco, CSVG eu, Akrionsystems+). Also some Ocean Tankers would use this system to use non-static water to reduce risk of explosion. ■ Food flavor enhancement by cooking or soaking certain food(Sinyu Giken+) • WM Disputed effect: S2(bioenhancement), Medical effects: WM is continuing its attempt to debunk: "there is no WM journal listed articles(often alternative type therapy articles are rejected- particularly superior results than mainstream ones)", yet existing alternative publications are ignored. Bathing for increased blood circulation, pain relief, skin conditions etc. generally needs 1000ppm minimum(1g/litre) dissolved. Since western ally nations DACH and Japan approved, it is very difficult to openly pseudoscientize by rest of west. some are resort type set up offers, (NeoChemir, Esundheitsressort, CO2behandlung, Kaikoukai 偕行会グループ, gozenyu 長湯温泉+). • 48’Nitrogen or CO2 infused water: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 243
  • 27. • -->> continued: ▶ CO2 water: WM Disputed effect: S2(bioenhancement): • Also promotes pH change and increased absorption of nutrients of farming crops(Showa Denko+), this is different from even stronger significantly increased plant growth & nutrition effect by infusing CO2 gas in green house(WM accepted effect)(used only in certain nations, others ignored possibly due to Man made exclusive CO2 based global warming idea tax promotion benefit structure?). Plant growth increase(often combined with Ozone water)(Mountain High Water, Seair inc+) • Unlisted: ■ Quicker extraction process of toxin from contaminated soil by injection(eg Trichloroethylene: C2HCl3)(Hazama Ando+), ■ Not only pipe scaling prevention, & removal of algae/rust but also actual perceived effect of nonchemical water softener as calcium is dissolved in CO2 water(Solucalc+), ■ Super low cost Oil-Water separation by Nitrogen microbubble infusing(Seair inc+) • 48’Nitrogen or CO2 infused water: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 244
  • 28. • ■ 49’Solar Distillation, Solar Water treatment & Atmospheric Water Collector, Fog Collector: Often product is difficult to obtain, especially for latter two types, sometimes only available as design for DIY project, Fringe NGO(many large mainstream one won’t support) run project oriented. (see 2 pages later ♛), • WM Accepted: M2(Desalination), ●1 Solar Still usually has disinfection function by UV effect, scalable and drinking water can be lower priced at least (note standard cost calculation puts out conventional system to often look much lower cost in comparison to free solar tech but there are many exceptions) upto mid sized city supply but only at high sun area with large nearby free space available:(F Cubed Solar), most successful largest Solar Still commercialization type, • Other Solar Stills(SolAqua, AquaDania Waterstillar +), Solar cell electrical component built in(Desolenator+), Agricultural set up desalination with some germ killing system (SeawaterGreenhouse), Thin plastic layered tower structure use water collector with minor electricity use for 0.5m3/day per module(Altela), Some high capacity small scale pilot works mostly small sized commercialization(MaxWater Desal +): exceptions - Brackish water desalination capability of 200m3+/day by Aqua4 Concentrated Solar Still(Waterfx), -->>cont: • 49’Solar Distillation, Solar Water treatment: Effect Accepted by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 245
  • 29. • 49’Solar Distillation, Water treatment, Atmospheric Water Collector, Fog Collector: continued 2 • -->>cont: WM Accepted: M2(Desalination): • Other types than solar still: ●2 Multiple Effect Humidification use: Makes 5m3/day containerized unit, & for wastewater cleaning units(TerraWater). 50m3/day capacity: (Mage Water Management gmbh+),、 ●3 Non-porous three membrane purifier units: (Solar Dew+), Solar based projects operating in different locations(, Most available commercial products are <20m3/day range units(Photon Solar+), ●4 Solar based use of Membrane Distillation:(SolarSpring, Aquaver+), ●5 Low Temperature Thermal Desalination(LTTD), only half a dozen installation in India by the state(National Institute of Ocean Technology of Chennai): Generally lower cost than RO when deep ocean 400m is available within 2km range or 15°C temperature difference exists under same conditions(size etc)- at current relatively undeveloped stage energy use is already about same as RO but much lower maintenance cost,-- >>cont: - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 246
  • 30. • -->> cont: WM Accepted: M2(Desalination): ●6 Solar Driven Adsorption Desalination, can functions as low as 30°C, though commercialization type is focused on industrial heat or used as extension of distilling desalination system use (Medad Technologies, KACST) • Historically, solar distillation use declined after industrial distillation or Reverse Osmosis took over with media PR when cost was initially higher - then eventually greatly reduced. Yet in many large land available isolated small scale/community with low cost labour available sunny weather locations, solar type remains lowest cost, P2(water filtering/purifying/disinfecting/ cleaning/waste water): (Solvatten+), Portable pasteurizer bag using photocatalytic reaction(Puralytics+), • 49’Solar Distillation, Water treatment, Atmospheric Water Collector, Fog Collector: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 247
  • 31. • -->> cont: WM Accepted: M2(Desalination): Unlisted method/effect: Ion exchange bridging can be used with “Thermo- Ionic” method to desalinate water by solar distilled higher salinity water pool & use it in combination with 3 other pools. This is "automatic self perpetuating mechanics" needing no energy to desalinate water by use of one way only ion passing membrane with multiple bridging among pools: this program seems dropped after making public announcements of commercialization intention(Saltworks Technologies+) • ♛ Atmospheric Water Collector(Non electrical), Natural condensation- evaporation use, Some are commercial capacity if large land is available but often not easily available in straight forward manner: Large collection capacity(0.1m3-100litre/day per 10m tower):(Warka Water), Another large collection method with own bottled water selling for its ionic or vitalization effect water(Agua de Niebla de Canarias), There are various other designs devised but often lack of funding for commercialization(Dropnet Imke Hoehler+), • 49’Solar Distillation, Water treatment, Atmospheric Water Collector, Fog Collector: continued 4 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 248
  • 32. • -->> cont: WM Accepted effects: ♛ Atmospheric Water Collector: Dessert greening or dry region agriculture use round box placed around as a cover to plants/seedlings to collect some condensed water & prevent evaporation of soil(Groasis, TreeTPee, Tal-Ya+), Deeproot of plants directly fed water with same mechanics(DRIPS Project+), this type of system seem to generate significant bioenhancing - extra plant growth effect, All quite disruptive & WM embraced. • ♛ Fog Collector, Normally mesh based fog catcher, Suitable in certain remote small community with no rain dense fog area(eg some high altitude areas in Northern Chile), but needs specific spot for maximization and needs most volunteer type maintenance work, very erratic water yield fluctuation, Product not easily available from stores or even manufacturers: (Fog Quest, Opur fr[Special hydrophobic film use], Technion - Watair+)(Geared only for plant or tree growth),(FogHive+) • ■ Unlisted tech but there are some container unitized solar run RO based water purification system (Tranz Water Systems+), • 49’Solar Distillation, Water treatment, Atmospheric Water Collector, Fog Collector: continued 5 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 249
  • 33. • ■ 50’SuperCritical water(also SubCritical Water, & Hydrolysis, also called Hydrothermal Liquefaction etc), (also see 9’SuperCritical Water): (see next pages ♛on SubCritical, HydroThermal Carbonization(HTC), Hydrolysis, Steam Plasma), high pressure with temperature above boiling point state of water, above 374°C/ 221bar-22.1Mpa- 3250psi[221times ambient pressure]: WM Accepted effect: J2(Emulsion): advanced emulsion or/& salt crystallization: SuperCritical Hypothermal Synthesis/Hydrothermal Polymerization: eg Synthesizing Organic-Inorganic Nanoparticle production(Itec-es jp, Promethean Particles+), or Gemstone/Quartz crystallization from SiO2 reacting with NaOH, Na2CO3 etc is mainstream process in this specific application(Tairus, Tokyo Denpa, Silmaco+), but rare in other types. Instant nano emulsion(株式会社AKICO+) K2(Energy generation): depolymerization of most trash/wastewater sludge to produce fuel, hydrocarbon made has much less emission prone SOx or NOx contained, Also soon competitive H2 production from wet trash: L2(biofuel/oil extraction/ waste to energy/charcoal with no emission),(AltacaEnerji, Biomass Technology Group BV, Earth Wind & Fire Technologies, Concord Blue+), Enhanced Oil Recovery(JOGMEC+), Rare pretreatment for Anaerobic Digestion(Renmatix), O2(extremely effective Advanced Oxidation Process), • 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: Effect Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) 250
  • 34. • —>> cont: WM Accepted effect: W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing cooking[when it comes out automatically becomes oxygen depriving superheated steam to atmospheric environment]), B3(soil-sand oil extraction/separation), I3(metal cleaning/ metal-mineral recovery from trash): also phosphorus recovery from waste water(Feralco Aqua Reci, AVA-CO2, SCFI - Aqua Critox+), J3(efficient power production at turbine): Supercritical Water Cooled Reactor (SCWR): Use of Ultra-SuperCritical water/ steam(593°C, 240bar, but Advanced USC pilot run is well over 700°C) for power station turbine application, usually mega scale:)(Mitsubishi Hvy, Hitachi, Toshiba, Babcock & Wilcox, IHI jp, Doosan Heavy, Alstom, Foster Wheeler +) • Occasionally claimed effects: M3(cutting or boring holes), Q3([low temp subcritical water only]: hot water herbicide), • Weaker effect: M2(Desalinate): effect can be lower cost only in special situations like zero liquid discharge requirement situation: only academic reporting & tests(AGJ van der Ham+), U2(increase energy effectiveness), comparatively with other effects only slight improvement - see “J3”. • 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 2, SCW only 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 251
  • 35. • 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 3 - SCW only 3, Western Mainstream(WM) treatment • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: Water treating mechanics, including easier SubCritical water tech is not new, and mostly low tech/low cost set up requirement(except anticorrosion element in SuperCritical), also frequently much lower process cost & capable of MUCH faster Environmental Remediation & Energy Generation from biomass/trash. • Its disruptive nature to existing economical & geopolitical structure can be one of main reasons for limited commercialized examples(besides “J2 & “J3” category) at mainstream level: • Many different confusing names are created & maintained at mainstream level to segment this sector so that it becomes difficult to collectively gather data on research & commercialization of this technology: SubCritical - SuperCritical Hydrolysis, Catalytic Depolymerzation, Superheated Steam - Water, Thermal Hydrolysis, Hydrothermal Liquefaction, Advanced Oxidation, Hydrothermal Oxidation, Wet Oxidation, SuperCritical Water Oxidation, HydroPyrolysis, Hydrothermal Combustion, Pressurized Hot Water Extraction, HydroThermal Depolymerization - Gasification - Flame, SuperCritical Gasification ... - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 252
  • 36. • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: Officially core mainstream type WM linked, or WM corporate SCW technology users: (eg TurboSynthesis, NASA GRC [US], SCFI - Aqua Critox, Innoveox, BTG World - BTG Biomass [Europe], Hanwa Chemical, Ilshin AutoClave, Asian giant engineering+[South Korea/Taiwan], Nitto Kotasu+[Japan]) • Direct Military link: Parsons, General Atomics, Applied Research Associates, Inc, Bechtel +, There are many defence related companies with patent in SCW tech with no officially advertised applications: very effective in toxin/chemical weapon destruction, This application is used worldwide, not just west. • Segmentation of truly disruptive techs that at least partially contain WM approved effects are fairly common, eg for water tech: Magnetic, Electric field, or Electrolytic water treatment for industrial-agriculture-commercial building use, Bacteria based large scale environmental remediation etc, eg for non water: Thermo dynamic over-unity effects, Resonance anomalous or bioenhancing frequency effects, Non-local & standing wave effects etc. • Also in SCW, there is often mainstream avoidance to openly discussing this tech for energy generation from organic materials, Yet compared to energy and medical area, water technology is opening up faster for previously taboo type or pseudoscience designated techs, seemingly driven by European led established companies & backers • 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 4 - SCW only 4, Western Mainstream(WM) treatment 253
  • 37. • BASIC TECHNOLOGY BACKGROUND EXPLANATION: SuperCritical fluid tech base has been built in 1970s in US and Germany, and SuperCritical CO2 took off as major/standard industrial process. • SCW standardization in worldwide business seems to have very large macro- economical ramification(trash to fuel, toxin decomposition, unburnable fuel upgrading etc). And probably something else for military type applications? Basic prototype started in US as PERC, LBL process in 1970s/80s pilot run, while deemed "commercialized" for space agency activities & military in at latest in 90s(Eco Waste Technology), Shell has pilot plant(HTU process) but never openly commercialized to produce new hydrocarbon from “too low grade to use as fuel” resources(primarily located in Venezuela, Canada, Russia): Incidentally here Canada is a Western Ally, but key Canadian Oil Sand criticizing green NGO activity seems to stem from Non-Canadian oil producing interests or its backers. • The tech took off in Japan mainstream with Gov’t & large corporates openly promoting from 90s but rather suddenly stalled around 2006 at mainstream: most of top selling large companies with most # of patents drop all official product lines: (Organo jp, Mitsubishi hvy, Toshiba, Kurita Kogyo, Komatsu+) -->cont • 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 5, SCW only 5 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 254
  • 38. • 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 6, SCW only 6 • —>>cont TECH BACKGROUND: SCW history in Japan: Those companies are either to continue “internal use” or unofficial sales within Japan, or dropped most product lines: (Kobe Steel+), or scale down to sell table top size device as “research purpose only”: (Toyo Koatsu+), But Small or fringe companies in Japan or North America continue to offer their device in discreet way: (Xtrudx, Rematix, Suzuki Shoko 鈴木商工,, 高圧システム+), - while China offers on fully mainstream level(as happens for many other disruptive techs) for mainly waste/toxic water process - SuperCritical Water Oxidation(SCWO): ! • (陕⻄万丰能源环保科技有限公司 Shaanxi Wanfeng Energy Environmental Protection Technology, 新奥环保携创新技术有限公司 Xinao Group, 碧流天能 Blue Energy +), -->>cont: - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 255
  • 39. • 50’SuperCritical water(SCW) & Others: cont'd 7, SCW only 7 • —>>cont TECH BACKGROUND EXPLANATION: • In Russia, their various very advanced SCW tech(linked to Hydrodynamic cavitation and even antigravity/strong transmutation like claims?, similar to V Schauberger's?) at academic level has practically no commercialization - indication of too disruptive to bring out in public?、 Amongst Western allies, only in 2015 quiet official pilot project started on mainstream level for hydrocarbon recovery from bitumen from Canada(JGC), yet in segmented manner that is usually called many different ways other than SCW, it is quietly & slowly but steadily implemented even in energy related area from Europe and Australia since around 2013. • Unlisted effect: ■ Automatically WM media pseudoscientized radiation remediation(Daioh Shinyo Co+), yet mainstream academic groups confirmed effects(Minzhang Lin+) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 256
  • 40. • ♛SubCritical Water:Generally bulk of this tech can be categorized as a-Similar temperature range with slightly lower pressure(eg 250-450°C, 180-200bar) as SuperCritical: basically mostly same effects(few differences are electroconductive, some salts precipitate etc) but takes longer time, with lower cost material can be used for device(less super corrosive oxidation power) or b- Lower temperature with much lower pressure (180-250°C, 20-60bar): basically same effect with additional further time consuming, often cross over with following section “51’SuperHeated Steam”, This presentation generally labels methods using further lower temperature with similar to ambient pressure as Hydrolysis(often 100-230°C, 1-5bar) process.、 Also note there are unclear differentiation used by the industry between Low temp Low pressure SubCritical water with 51’SuperHeated Steam(used as open ambient pressure or close to it with usually 110-250°C(depends on application temperature goes up to 800°C+, but it could be called SuperCritical Water also), or term Hydrothermal treatment can refer to all of 50’& 51’tech、 • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 8 ♛SubCritical Water 257
  • 41. • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 9 ♛SubCritical Water 2 • WM Accepted effect: J2(Emulsion), K2(Energy generation): Hydrothermal Gasification(Hydromethan, Osaka Gas, Gensos nl+), L2(biofuel/oil/nutrition extraction/ waste to energy/charcoal with no emission): (Techno-EMI, 3V Green Eagle, Sustainable Waste Power Systems +), Algae focus(Muradel), catalysis required "HydroPyrolysis"(D4 Energy), SubCritical Water Extraction of polar & non-polar compounds can be done separately - suitable for food nutrient extraction(Celabor, Mazza innovation PhytoClean+): much faster than low temp hydrolysis listed in later pages. Also see Enhanced Oil Recovery at 51'SuperHeated Steam B3, • O2(effective Advanced Oxidization Process): Decomposing toxin: (Iga kunitomo+), Medical waste:(Red Bag Solutions+), Metal recovery: (.......................... Santai-gr+), Some company's "secret" customized recipes to increase Oxidization ability might include things like electrolyzed acid water as catalyst(electrolysis of subcritical water is possible since electro conductive- unlike supercritical where salt precipitates): (Ecle-Field jp+), it also demonstrates overunity like efficiency electrolysis, no h2 or o2 generated etc., -->>cont: • 三泰環境システム 258
  • 42. • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 10 ♛SubCritical Water 3 • -->>cont: WM Accepted effect: • P2(wastewater decomposing: usually go together with energy generation in SubCritical) some devices are set up to go into SuperCritical level for faster/effective process(GRT GROUP SA+), W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing cooking[steam came out to atmospheric environment only]), B3(soil-sand oil extraction/separation), I3(metal cleaning/ metal recovery from trash), J3(efficient power production at turbine) Occasionally claimed effects, • M3(cutting/boring holes), Hydrothermal Spallation Drilling: Fast, high temp operable, "side wall" formulation by hydrothermal flame blasting, no blade, easier debris recovery due to buoyancy in water, Anomalous effects?- super high temperature water in deep hole pressure to create either: Sub or SuperCritical water, or even Hydrogen, or HHO gas? HHO can cause transmutation effects(existence is WM rejected). No takers of commercialization licenses issued by mainstream academics(MIT, ETH Zurich etc)? One high profile company tried is "out of biz"(Potter Drilling), But wide acceptance might cause a string of severe disruptions(much lower cost that can largely replace drill bits in majority of deep drilling, and even more deep hydrocarbon and Geothermal heat easily available with lower cost etc) -->>cont: - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 259
  • 43. • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 11 ♛SubCritical Water 4 ♛HydroThermal Carbonization. • -->>cont: WM Accepted effect: Q3(water only herbicide; Hot water/boiled/low temp subcritical water only), • Weaker effect: U2(increase energy effectiveness), Unlisted effect: radioactive material separation from soil(, remove heavy metal from soil( jp+), Fertilizer recovery from trash(Greentech solutions grts jp+) • ♛HydroThermal Carbonization/Wet Pyrolysis: Same effect as SubCritical water but main purpose is specifically to produce Bio Coal since 2007/08(Lignin/Brown Coal equivalent quality) from organic waste and biomass. When compared to dry pyrolysis or Anaerobic Digestion(AD) Carbon recovery(90%) cost is much lower, & compared to AD it produces large heat(exothermic, same as dry pyrolysis) during the process, but might not be as valuable as dry biochar. Overall production volume is much smaller than competition method of water uninvolved dry version Torrefaction. Also slightly different but unique catalytic HydroThermal Polymerization(lower temp & pressure, less decarboxylation reaction/CO2 produced) of biomass requires no binder to pelletize(PCS Biofuels),、 U2(increase energy effectiveness) as WM Accepted effect in Europe, WM sometimes Disputed in North America: It is promoted in mainstream level in Western Europe while effectiveness is sometimes media level pseudoscience along with some willing scientists in North America (rare Atlantic ocean science split). -->>cont. - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 260
  • 44. • -->>cont: ♛HydroThermal Carbonization/Wet Pyrolysis: U2(increase energy effectiveness) WM Accepted in Europe, Disputed in N America: • Might be working as a precursor/introduction to full Sub/SCW acceptance, Temperature range is often said as 200-300°C with low pressure 5-10bar/ 0.5-1Mpa/75-150psi at European mainstream but actual range seems to include significantly higher pressure and temperature types for the same final product aim while they are not necessarily called by the same name • Industrial size focus(CarboREN - SunCoal, Loritus, Antaco, Ingelia SL+), smaller size installations(Grenol GmbH, Oax-eco+), Production of high value added Hydroxymethylfurfural(5-HMF) for chemical/hydrocarbon industry(AVA-CO2), Waste water focus(TerraNova Energy, Aqua Enviro+), Focus in Eastern Europe & Russian market(NIREX Bio Uhlí, АБОНО Abono +), Dutch initiated movement to turn all growing weeds into fuel stalls: TORWASH(Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland: ECN) • Unlisted effect: Easy phosphorus recovery from wastewater sludge(AVA-CO2+) • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 12 ♛HydroThermal Carbonization 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 261
  • 45. • ♛Low temp/pressure Hydrolysis: In this section, broad range of similar processes are categorized in a lump: 、 ◇ Wet Air Oxidization: this usually means sludge type matter to be decomposed by injecting air in pressure chamber with 150-300°C range like SubCritical water, often Bubble Column Reactor is used to infuse air/ oxygen, 、 ◇ Thermal Hydrolysis here covers generally low end 120-230°C including sudden pressure drop at end of process: but could mean entire SubCritical Water range of higher than100°C & above atmospheric pressure. In this presentation "Hydrolysis" generally refers to 120°C- 230°C range(with catalysis it could be lower): minimum temperature required to have decomposing(Shinko-mfg+), • But note each larger system is more or less custom made so each is unique. Easiest/lowest cost set up system in this section 50'. Often std process in some industries while completely void of use in other industries or segments. • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 13 ♛Low Temp Hydrolysis - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 262
  • 46. • ♛Low temp/pressure Hydrolysis: • WM Accepted effect: I3(phosphorus recovery), might work with reduced minimum acid/chemical use(Cambi - KREPRO), K2/P2(Energy- fuel production, while waste water cleaning is done): • ●a Sludge decomposing Wet Air Oxidation/Thermal Hydrolysis type, often combine anaerobic reaction: This is potentially disruptive technology(can lead to Sub/SCW water) currently fully embraced by WM(Academic and corporate engineering docs-patents since 1960s indicates tech leading US groups shelved it but Europeans split with them and developed their own systems and widely installed in Western Europe). Generate heat/electricity/fertilizer revenue or closer to energy break-even of solidwaste/wastewater processing facility. Yet much less "disturbing" compared to Cold Plasma Waste to Energy system(eg Magnegas, see 23'Plasma Activated Water) -->> continued • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 14 ♛Low Temp Hydrolysis 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 263
  • 47. • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 15 ♛Low Temp Hydrolysis 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: K2/P2(Energy-fuel production, while waste water is cleaned): ●a Wet Air Oxidation(WAO)/Thermal Hydrolysis(TH): • ●a-i WAO: many commercialization use is for pre/after treatment of Enzymatic process of wastewater, but some are useable as stand alone process: (Veolia Water Athos, Bertrams ch+), Some use catalyst(Wetox nz+), and low pressure(<150psi) with even less than 100C workable & bordering with vacuum distillation(Eltron Water+), • Oil Refineries(Merichem - Kenox, Paramount Limited, Zimpro Siemens, AquaDynamics ch+): they often use metal catalyst to increase efficiency, In Chemical & Pulp-paper industry oxidation system is mandatory/prototype(Linde, AirProducts+), Toxin decomposing(Cyanide Destruct Systems+) • ●a-ii HT: Usual purpose is to speed up Anaerobic Digestion by short duration process like 30mins, often involves rapid decompression process for cell rapture(Steam Explosion: SE): Large installations of 100,000ton/yr dry sludge capacity (Cambi THP, Veolia Water Exelys/Biothelys +), also significant penetration by smaller players(Terax nz, Jeongbong kr, Hydroitalia - Colsen, Eliquo BV+), Steam Explosion can be used for other purposes eg(significantly enhanced wood pellet making, or chip digestion at dissolving pulping process etc)(Coramexport cz, Valmet, Arbaflame+), or regular hot water based Biological Hydrolysis from heat recovery(GE water+) 264
  • 48. • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: K2/P2(Energy-fuel production, while waste water cleaning is done): • ●b-Catalytic Depolymerization/Thermal Hydrolysis element(but tech details are unclear & might not use water element): Claims made are at most 1/2 cost(usually much less) of existing hydrocarbon(no refining need, & much less fume generating) useable as is for cars as produced in raw form out of the system: Very much paradigm changing type tech since this tech is basically science legal(Green Power inc, GreenBase Sepadu, Alphakat+), Or less disruptive only plastic processing or cellulose only types(eg Sumitomo Forestry +), • Incidentally, if Industrial hemp is similarly grown & processed this way in mega volume it can displace few other sectors. Hence it is reasonable this tech is allowed but ignored by media/NGO/Gov't to have smooth gradual tech transition, otherwise it could significantly destabilize economic system. • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 16 ♛Low Temp Hydrolysis 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 265
  • 49. • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: • L2(fertilizer/protein/nutrition extraction): from biomass or sludge:(Lystek+). Often part of std process in food stock & fertilizer industry rendering to efficiently recover otherwise wasted cattlestock/chicken/fish etc leftover including bone/skin/feather/some excrement, due to weak disinfection feature diseased stock is not included for food production(Rendertech nz, Haarslev+), Fuel production from plastic waste(Eicoh+), Lower energy use Alkaline Hydrolysis(Bioliquidator+), P2(waste water cleaning) • F3(efficient-fast food stock drying+): fast large food stock drying as part of std process method(Anco Englin+), recovery food stock from fish processing(Multivector no+), • Unlisted effects: Key value extracting std process in overall food stock processing/Rendering(Valleyproteins, Darling International, TEG Environmental+), Advanced risk material processing(Sanimax+) • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 17 ♛Low Temp Hydrolysis 4 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 266
  • 50. • ♛Steam Plasma: Can be called Plasma Hydrolysis, Similar to SuperCritical Water in a way, strong oxidation to breakdown organic matter to CO2 & H2O, yet do in atmospheric pressure. Fair amount of influence from: (Institute of Plasma Physics - Czech AS+) • lower startup and operating cost, cleaner by-product than air based plasma process(eg NOx, Dioxin), or much more so than conventional combustion types, some projects are focused on processing PCB( polychlorinated biphenyl) or fluorinated materials(Nishinihon Kaden Recycle+) • WM Accepted effects: K2(Energy generation): Plasma Enhanced Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle(Green Science 그린사이언스), L2(biofuel/oil extraction/ waste to energy/ charcoal with no emission), O2(effective Advanced Oxidization Process) • Mobile device offers decomposing accumulated hazardous waste(Strebl Energy Pte - PyroGenesis, Plazarium+), while certain nations have blockage from commercializing by law(helix-pls+), • Temperature ranges from 1000°C, some process can get up to 9000°C(PlasmaAir de+), Vortex process added Plasmawhirl(Foret Plasma Labs+), Others: (httcanada+), • Unlisted effect: Some also make effective low cost portable plasma torch for welding, cutting etc, easy home use with far less fumes than regular much larger welding device(MultiPlaz - Мультиплаз, Plazmosvarka+): arc column stabilization by use of water-vapor vortex? • 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 18 ♛Steam Plasma 267
  • 51. • ■ 51’SuperHeated Steam, sort of equivalent to “50’, 9’SuperCritical water”: WM Accepted effect: K2(Energy extraction/generation: Production of extra hydrogen by feeding steam into gasifier), From small scale biomass type(Güssing Renewable Energy GmbH+) to Largest scale industrial coal gasification enhancement by IGCC(CB&I E-Gas+), L2(biofuel/oil extraction/ waste to energy/charcoal with no emission): almost SuperCritical level process, for equiv 70,000ton/yr coal fuel production(Rematec jp+), Steam is injected with molten metal to work like supercritical water reaction(HydroMax Diversified Energy +), pilot plant(Ze-Gen), Biochar production:(Kankyo21, Makitech jp+), O2(Hydroxyl production Advanced Oxidizing Process, toxin decomposing): some in-situ destruction - some toxin is collected from ground and decomposed off site(Nishimatsu, TerraTherm+), • P2(water filter/purifying/disinfect/clean waste water): Disinfection as drying is std mainstream process in some sectors(GEA Barr Rosin, Enrich de+), custom process drying- disinfection(Nippon Funmatsu+), Soil disinfecting:(Cm-regero-industries, Takezawa-web jp+), Also see "steam cleaning" 2p later under "unlisted effect" • Z2(Fast & efficient heat conduction within confined space- ie sealed storage(TLV+)(regular steam in open space is opposite). ● Fast, energy saving, no dripping, high quality food defrosting(, ● Some of effective heating, heated location's curbed mold growth might be due to its Far InfraRed(FIR) wave emitting effect? (SEテクノ株式会社, Ohkuradn-inc+), • 51’SuperHeated Steam: Effect mix of Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) 268
  • 52. • —>> cont: WM Accepted effect: Z2(Fast & efficient heat conduction within confined space: ie sealed storage(TLV+)(regular steam in open space is opposite). ● Fast, energy saving, no dripping, high quality food defrosting(, ● Some of effective heating, heated location's curbed mold growth might be due to its Far InfraRed(FIR) wave emitting effect?(SEテクノ株式会社, Ohkuradn-inc+), B3(soil-sand oil extraction/separation): Enhanced Oil Recovery(EOR):(eSteamOil, Vinci Technologies +), EOR by solar energy superheated steam:(Frenell de, Novatec Solar+ ), F3(efficient & fast drying): Std mainstream process in some of food processing sector(BMA AG, SwissCombi, Okawara mfg+), High quality wood drying(Brunner Hildebrand+), Some food products experience no case hardening of skin while disinfected also, heat energy can be recovered for 30-50% saving than conventional methods, particularly effective on beet pulp drying(Enerdry ApS+), Little need to align parts for heat exposure to dry for non-warping materials due to saturated dry steam effect. Fast heating in closed space: heating food during carrying in carts(株式会社アイエス is-h+), I3(metal cleaning/ metal recovery from trash): Recovery: (Mitsubishi Nagasaki Machinery+), Very fast metal cleaning: (MHI-inc, Chubu Electric+), J3(efficient power production at turbine) (See “J3” at section 50’SuperCritical Water), • 51’SuperHeated Steam: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 269
  • 53. • —>> cont: WM Accepted effect: Q3(water herbicide): no chemical, barely above 100°C range steam: (DynaSteam, WeedTechnics+), Foam hot water type:(Weeding tech, Cardley Wave+), Large industrial/commercial type device: (WaveWeedControl+), 、 ■Unlisted effect: ●1(Production/activation of Activated Carbon from Biochar) (Tigg Activated Carbon+), ●2(Metal surface processing):1200°C capable(Tokuden-upss+), • ●3(Garment, General house interior, Steam cleaning, Carpet cleaning & disinfection+), Steam Cleaner by use of low end Superheated steam temperature 100-180°C at tip, to kill fungi-germ-bacteria & loosen dirt by fully exposing to max temperature in closed area instantly due to saturated steam(, Reliable Corporation, LadyBugSteamCleaners+). Some devices come with vacuum function(OspreyDeepClean+). Also non- chemical effective & lower cost replacement of chemical cleaner-disinfector for hospital/dentistry/food-beverage-wine industry equipment(Dupray ca, Rea UltraVapor, Menikini+), • 51’SuperHeated Steam: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 270
  • 54. • —>> cont: WM Accepted effect: ■Unlisted effect: ●3 Steam Cleaner/disinfecter: • Further augmented disinfection by hydroxyl radical/electroporation effect producing electrolytic venturi treatment of superheated steam(TANCS Advanced Vapor Technologies)(also see 24'Electrolytic Metal Alloy & Venturi). Some major players in Europe stopped guaranteeing steam temperature range of many of their products, and fair number of manufacturers make 60-100°C tip temperature device with often much less disinfection capability are not included here. • ■Weaker effect: S2(bioenhancing effect): (Marubun Seisakusho, Simox fr, +): also this has primary purpose strong effect of soil disinfecting. U2(increase energy effectiveness of high powered turbine): core mainstream std process • WM media Disputed effect: W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing cooking, elements, preserve[vitamin C enzymes etc]): Industrial sector(Hosokawa Micron, Fuji Electric+), Taste enhancement(Nomura-Genesis+), Home or commercial cooking(Sanyo Healsio jp, Hitachi, Toshiba+): more nutrition preserved compared to regular heat cooking: • 51’SuperHeated Steam: continued 4 271
  • 55. • ■ 52’Degassing/Degassed Pure Water: Usual mass use standard processes methods are by vortex, heated stirring, membrane, vacuum pressure, helium, • Less often used/underexplored methods/purpose: ultrasonic degassing(Hielscher +), Degassing adjustable device since too big bubbles or no bubbles hinder ultrasonic washing process(Otari-datuki access21+), Some device can dewater relatively porous material in 5mins range, various industrial process:(ERC jp +), boiler circulation purpose(Miuraz jp+), medical purpose:(Reflex de+), Ballast water use (Mitsubishi Kakoki +), • WM Accepted effects: T2(rust reduction/prevention), oxidation prevention, for boiler circulation, stifling algae mold in water, U2(increase energy effectiveness), in conjunction with speed up process time, & defect reduction- quality enhancement: Medical use( manufacturing(Liquicel+), /Food industry(Bauer-water+)/ Biotech use(Biotech Degassi+), Beverage industry: infusing and degassing(Alfatek srl+) • 52’Degassing/Degassed Pure Water effect Accepted by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 272
  • 56. • —>> cont WM Accepted effects: Use of vortex vacuum with vortex tube like function device(Yokota Manufacturing+), Y2(pH control)(Centec+), K3(Process device precision) see “O2”, L3(make Capacitive Deionization more effective): removal of CO2, O2(enhance precision measurements): (Sulzer+), Precision water related gaging/research, spectroscopy etc(Shimadzu+), Q2(Food stock preservation): by removing oxygen, applied in limited sealed sample situations only, • Weaker effect: Z2(Fast/efficient heat conducting in sealed space) • Unlisted effects: ■Industrial washing, Make cavitation much more effective- disinfection effect to strengthen, ■High permeability into target medium, ■ Repeat-water-circulating for pipe scale prevention(Chiyoda-Electric+), ■Flavor enhancement of food processing by increased permeation by degassing water(Sakurajp+), Wine quality improvement: usually part of infusing/degassing or displacing different types gasses(MathesonGas+), Beer, primarily CO2(Corosys+), • 52’Degassing/Degassed Pure Water: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 273
  • 57. • ■ 53’Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV:(calling “Classic Carbon” here to differentiate with section 55’Nano Material treating) Largest promotor is Biochar specific type NGOs that are internationally networked with some mainstream backing: (biochar- international+), There are significant underexplored effects(often not water related) in mainstream biochar, yet there is further large effect gap between those and some of fringe group biochar production & usage method • eg: Material purpose sorted & treated 600-1200°C solid wood carbon is each used for different applications”: difference of porous honeycomb size, structure durability, thru or nonthru pores etc. Their commercialized claim(not really water related) effect and durability seem superior to Activated Carbon- likely at least partly due to the way it is used(Maruko-Denshi, NaraTanka 奈良炭化工業 +),. • WM promoted biochar can be produced from biomass by pyrolysis without generating CO2(unlike SuperCritical water decomposition), which has economical incentives around its sequestering. Activated Carbon filter is a part of widely used standard water treatment system, especially at fine filtration at last stage of public drinking water production.. • 53’Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV: Effect mix of Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 274
  • 58. • WM Accepted effect: P2(water filter): Removal of certain organic chemicals(eg hydrocarbon related) & non organic(eg chlorine) as absorption filter Granular Activated Carbon(GAC)/Pulverized Activated Carbon(PAC). Often a part of various filter system, Grass roots or biochar movement NGO group promotes use of biochar for water filter by usually offered by “non-mainstream” type or DIY focused suppliers(Wesionline, Nextchar, Terra-Char+), • Activated Carbon is a major part in std process of mixed hydrocarbon & other contaminant removal from water, or commercialized for general water filter. Some of larger producers of solid wood biochar might be selling “top grades” to some of “fringe” group high price bidders(Haycarb, Fujian Yuanli, Carbon activated corp+): they don’t value coal or nonsolid wood biomass based ones. • WM (only occasionally) disputed effect: O2(Hydroxyl production): Waste water treatment as decomposing element in addition to filtering effect of biochar: (Carbon-terra eu.+), P2(Bioenhancing effect): Some companies claim high grade solid wood biochar based filter actually increase “vitalization” effect of water: (Hitousui, N-t-c jp+): This seem to have wide range of degree depended on raw material for biochar and processing method. • 53’Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV: continued 2 275
  • 59. • -->> cont: WM (only occasionally) disputed effect: P2(Bioenhancing effect): Variant forms/age of "carbon", in addition to nanocarbon, occasionally seem to produce significant bio-active-water, some seemingly by electro conductivity effect. • ✔ 1 Lignite with catalytic minerals(Micelle Catalyst Willard Water+), ✔ 2 Shungite as is(Shungitnpk+): both Russian/Chinese mainstream academic validated. As burial underground all carbon forms seem to exhibit varied degree of anti-oxident electron activation type effects(extensive in some biochar and shungite when "calibrated"), • ✔ 3 Microcurrent generated by carbon pressed against differing electric potential metals wedged by dielectric material often produces electric field type bioactive region(as one of many Orgone energy generation methods). Depends on set up, this self generating perpetual micro EM field has disproportionately large directional effect on ElectroScaventing/ElectroFreezing and dispersing microdroplets: fully pseudoscientized weather control/modification effect(for more see 65'Precipitation Based Weather Modification) • 53’Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 276
  • 60. • -->> cont: WM (only occasionally) disputed effect: P2(Bioenhancing effect): • ✔ 4 Processed "high grade" biochar under super high pressure under supercritical type environment?(Ohki-Techno), • ✔ 5 Some New age type devices use high temperature processed biochar(high positive ion absorber) mixed with high Far InfraRed emitting mineral, and positive ion releaser metal particles, and can work as "water vitalization device"(Metalmega jp), also used for industrial purposes quietly by mainstream companies in Japan domestically. 、 ✔6 Fair portion of mainstream portable regular water filter system or main water supply combines with Reverse Osmosis or others to utilize various ceramic, media, mineral, that contain carbon/biochar or use activated carbon/nanocarbon filter, some of which have high FIR emitting or electrical activity to substantial degree though they might stay away from such expression or discuss exact make up of types of biochar. • 53’Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV: continued 4 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 277
  • 61. • 54’Slow acoustic pulse wave: Effect Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada • ■ 54’Slow acoustic pulse wave: WM disputed effect: Causes pseudoscientific- more than WM calculated permeation effect to C3(extract oil from soil/sand, particularly effective and cost competitive in porous structures); very slow pulse of more than second increment:(Wavefront Technologies), combustion type activity made pulse(Svarognpo ru), Commercialization is rare. Also similar type of non-commercialized patents. Some academic discussions take place on this anomalous effect particularly in Russia. • Somewhat similar mechanics increases under ground penetration for ground soil/water remediation effects by pulsed mode injection of compressed Ozone gas & Hydrogen Peroxide(APTwater PulseOx+): also possibly Hydroxyl Radical formulation is enhanced. • Are above effects something to do with acoustic wave being matched with integer number of resonance frequencies of high pressure porous structure? 278
  • 62. • ■ 55’Nano Material treated water: (also see 56’Nanofiltration), as Nanotube, Graphene or Fullerene of Carbon or other materials. some “soluble” or built into water structure often on lab level, Also aligned nanotube membrane increase permeability(at lab level, carbon nanotube is up to 10,000times faster than conventionally maximum efficiency). Most effects except general filter function of nanocarbon water was full pseudoscience with only Russians/ Chinese talking about it in past but now being upgraded towards WM approval status soon as WM is starting to confirm similar effects: They are mostly research level & there is little commercialization. , • WM Accepted effect: Widely used normally as P2(Water filter); see 56’Nanofiltration • Unlisted sometimes WM approved effect: ■Water repellant surface effect or ability to make electronic device water proof: Nanocabon can be coated/bonded to most substrate by pulsed radio-frequency(RF) plasma etc:(p2i+), but plasma surfacing itself to make matter hydrophobic is widely used standard process. ■Some water filtered by graphene membrane with diamond combined shows corrosive effect(similar effect as quality generated and kept at ambient temperature by other 28’Catalytic type water), This disruptive effect seems to have been surprisingly WM approved recently as this result was published in mainstream WM magazine by academics(Loh Kian Ping+), Carbon Nanotube trapped water can have different phase change temperature: "frozen" at 105°C or higher(Mic Strano et al) • 55’Nano Material treated water: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed Generally Rejected, Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 279
  • 63. • 55’Nano Material treated water: continued 2 • Only sometimes but WM Disputed effect, M2(Much more effective Desalination membrane than RO): Adding ion releasing porous nanoparticles to membranes to double permeation of RO membrane(LGWaterSolutions NanoH2O), Graphene coating of membranes(G2O Water), CabonNanoTube(CNT) filter(Porifera inc, Tortech Nano, Nagare, Naoasis Technologies,Shezan Labs+). Increasing "Ion Sieving" effect based desalination such as Graphene Oxide Membrane(Kal Vasu+) is getting mainstream approved now. Even more effective Rotating Carbon Nanotube Membrane filter desalination(Hualin Wang+): microcurrent causes CNT to spin fast by electron wind(ElectroMigration) effect. This no pressure required super fast filter permeation tech can gradually replace high energy using RO system. • Also treated water’s electrical or other properties of water alters: X2(Lower freezing point), Z2(Increased heat conductivity). Currently same WM media is approving this WM science claim while still making fun of Russians/Ukranians who has been making same claims, partly because they openly confirm validity of homeopathy to alienate interlocked Western industry-academia-media-Govn’t groups? • ▶Other commercialized eg: (Institute of Physiological Active Compounds, Svelta+), -->>cont: 280
  • 64. • -->> cont: Sometimes WM Disputed effect Unlisted Effects: eg1: H2 generating non-sacrificial “nano aluminium alloy” from H2O (AW Castleman+), eg2: Hydrophobic graphene/carbon nanotube turns hydrophilic at Single layer vs mutilayers by UV-FIR wave irradiation, eg3: Extended Capillary action: Self-pumps/sucks up water(& electricity generation)(S Hendy+), Its speed of water flow is 1000times+ violation of Hagen–Poiseuille equation or Fluid Dynamics “law”(Majumder+), Also affects water molecule structure, or “sucks up ions”, eg4: Water saturated soccer ball shape Fullerene-C60 makes surrounding water molecules to be structured & function as “convenient” & strong antioxidant(neutralize radicals & decompose toxins but when excessive to organism) even after boiling(GV Andrievsky, VN Khvorostinka+), also C60 can fully contain molecular excitons, • WM generally Rejected:Occasionally claimed: I2(Increased solubility), Q2(Food stock preservation water), S2(Bioenhancement): This ranges from 3d geometric fullerene contained water to nanotube(hexagon net tube) and shape of carbon molecular structure seem to effect also, at academic level “nanocarbon structured water” fed bioorganism have some bioenhancement effects(Bonaccorso+), • T2(metal rust reduction) , V2(Low redox potential water): D3(hydrophobic drug carrier, permeable to cell): This effect is also tricky one for interlocked groups with medical industry interest since it would benefit as drug carrier, but it would also show significant nutrition/ oxygen permeation effectiveness as it would improve patients condition without drugs • 55’Nano Material treated water: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 281
  • 65. • 56’NanoFiltration: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Generally Rejected, Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) • ■ 56’NanoFiltration:(also see 22’Nano Material Used Filter), In many ways it is completely mainstream tech but some other ways it is clearly underused. Generally referred as single digit nanometer filtration(1-9nm), Similar effect as 55’Nano Material treating. Typically passes monovalent ions i.e. by ionic size, also charge etc. But can to some extent customizeable - selectively pass certain solutes or set directionality of flow by size and charge(RO rejects all: one fixed way only by outside force): ie can function like biological ionic channels or super low cost desalination if designed(nanopore size needs to be property arranged with specific material, also at Carbon Nanotube case, water permeability is up to 4-5 orders of magnitude faster than allowed by conventional science law: sometimes media debunked) if designed. And importantly all of this disruptive base idea is approved by WM and active research continues wold wide. Some of advanced use currently are more often for labs and pharmaceutical(MetalMembranes+) • Wide range of claims from mainstream academics to sidelined engineers/scientists, particularly non-west related(China+). Often key for anomalous effect is by Use of: ✔1 Various types of metal/silicon nanowire, ✔2 Janus particle(nano sized, have duel hydrophilic and hydrophobic side) used membrane, also to some extent Charged Nanofilter Membrane types, ✔3 Nanocarbon/Carbon Nanotube/Inorganic Nanotube or electro-conductive polymer, ✔3 Mixing/doping/coating certain nano or fine metal element such as Silver/Copper/Zinc etc, ✔4 Metal membrane(some advanced tech can make pores down to nano or smaller size, with through straight even hole with super high flux rates, can be made to suit extreme conditions). -- >>continued - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 282
  • 66. • 56’NanoFiltration: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 283 • Also due to this high electroconductivity, it might kill all virus if designed optimally for it(electroporation). These electric or charge based Nanocarbon mechanics link to pseudoscientized bioenhancing effect of “water activation” methods(magnetic, FIR wave, Electric pulse, catalyzed water etc) - as they also have similar effect & light diffraction quality etc. This superior quality can be more fully utilized in near future in mainstream by hierarchical membrane with nanoporous on top layer supported by structurally more robust microporous types at the base(manufactured by phase inversion).; while in some cases this seems to be already quietly commercialized, including under vacuum filtration mechanics - particularly by Chinese companies. • WM Accepted effect: N2(demineralizing effect), mainstream use: e.g. demineralization/ concentration of whey/lactose at Dairy, filtering dye at Textile, or sugar at Beverage industry is preferable to EDI, Ion exchange, or RO. Mega membrane players involved are also expanding to underutilized use(Koch Membrane, GE water, Toray Membrane, Dow Chemical+), some are specialized focus in specific major use industry but also aiming for underused area(Reda Spa, Lakta-service, Milktech ru, Компания "KINGS FOOD"+): often enables straight reuse of wastewater, e.g. laundry water reuse etc. Many offer portable containerized/on skid portable units(Lifestream Watersystems, Degrémont Technologies, Newterra, Kriva Rochem+), Entering nanosize as ceramic membrane(Cerahilix+) -->>cont:
  • 67. • 56’NanoFiltration: continued 3 • -->>WM Accepted effect: cont: P2(Waterfilter): can displace existing system with low cost, likely lead by Europe with China: Often water passing filter with electro-conductive material is treated by self generated electricity/microplasma for automatic disinfection by hydroxyl etc, as home use(Vontron+), counter top device(Origin Water +), When combined with regular microfilter, system recycles water to save 90% of shower water with sufficient disinfection even at residential level(Orbital Systems AB). Use for Reverse Osmosis for longer lasting effects(LT Technologies, EcoChem International, SnowPure, GEA filtration+): generally preferred minerals remain unlike RO. Chlorine exposure proof polymer based filter(Anfiro), State backed production to decrease import(Rusnano), Fibreglass bonded with electropositive nanoparticle/fibre for faster waterflow trapping(Argonide NanoCeram+) • Effective enough to make oil exploration water drinkable directly after filtering(Vibe inc Sandbox Resource+), Commercial water cleaning e.g. Agricultural or general industrial wastewater(Microdyn-Nadir, Inopor, Synder Filtration, Инженерные системы Мембранные, Enviropark ru+), Pulp & paper(Aslan technologies+), Also various academic researches on customizable filter by spraying different mineral nano powder onto base membrane intending for different purposes(Mor Endo+),Nanomanget sprayed nanofilter to replace pool's chlorine use if regulation permits(, airborne moisture germ trapping & killing(Toshiba CAF-D4+), Pretreatment of RO desalination(Filtroxrus+) -->>cont: • 北京碧水源科技股份有限公司 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 284
  • 68. • 56’NanoFiltration: continued 4 • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: P2(Watefilter): When combined with existing filter system, it further augments performance(eg acoustically filtrated carbon nanotube filter, permeation is not driven by conventional pressure or even gravity). Well adopted by space agency or military, also seems coagulation component to be capable of recovering at filter(eg; extra oil recovered while filtered water is instantly drinkable). • Nanofilteration used Forward Osmosis(FO) effect(FO is not at all exclusive to Nanofilters, neither is below commercialized example) is lowest cost in some limited specific situations: Use of osmotic power, by clean water side of membrane having higher solutes content than dirty water side of membrane. Hence little to no power required while causing far less membrane fouling. 、 Cost competitive set up is made by use of draw solutions that are easily recoverable/separable/ reuseable by temperature change etc for cost reduction, so even by combining with RO, it might still reduce costs, nutrition is kept during concentrating process(eg juice) without heating(Oasys water, HTI water, Modern Water, Forward Water Technologies+), use of Carbon Nanotube filter for additional significant saving(Porifera). Mechanics example of FO: NH3 & CO2 bubbling in water produces salts with very high osmotic pressure(NH4HCO3 etc) but easily separated/ recovered when applied low grade heat. Also in certain natural situation it might be suitable(eg dirty water cleaning to discharge into ocean, located next to desalination reject water channel, or making heavy sugary beverage etc). - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 285
  • 69. • 56’NanoFiltration: continued 5 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 286 • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: • L3(run CDI more efficiently, removing CO2), W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing cooking, elements, preserve nutrients): combo use of hydrophobic/oleophobic element use to filter various elements: (NacoTech+), use of nano carbon activation process: (NanoCarb), hydrophilic type for dye removal & water softening(MemTech), effective due to ion recovery(AMS Membranes+), Previously stated Hierarchical Nanoengineered Membrane can be particularly effective with its physical durability backed up by microporous membrane combined, to fully deploy its hydrophillic/hydrophobic ability in customized way. • Sometimes WM Disputed effect: M2(Desalination effect): academically it is mainstream but probably too abrupt & disruptive(much higher permeability, far less fouling, far lower energy use for filtration etc compared to RO membrane, by advanced salt ion management by adding certain material in filter) for industry structure to bring out in highlighted way for commercialization(eg Perforene - Lockheed+), So less known companies commercialize first:(EconoPure+), Good potential for combined low pressure high flow low cost desalination with additionally electricity generated by removing ions from seawater with specialty Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) nanofilter(Nar Aluru+), Even more efficient if osmotic pressure is used(Moh Heiranian+), Various disruptive Nanofiltration application topic is widely discussed its practicality by WM academia. -->> continue
  • 70. • -->> cont: Sometimes WM Disputed effect: M2(Desalination effect): Aquaporin based filter claims to use 1/2 of energy cost of RO(Mangrove Membranes Inc - Applied Biomimetic, Aquaporin dk+): actually it should be much less than 1/2 due to little to no energy required, maybe due to its filter's fragile nature? Facilitated diffusion/ion-charge gradient difference based, Also other ion channeling biomimicry filters under research. Again various nanofilters can do this type at lab levels: Use of electrical Double Layer & charging nanopores of filter to electromigrate/separate salt ions. • Unlisted effect(Descaling pipes & corrosion prevention)(AquaClear LLC, WEHRLE Umwelt, Shivam Water Treaters +) Occasionally claimed Generally media type Rejected effect: I2(Solubility increase of treated water), O2(Hydroxyl radical production), Currently clumsy set up as this is basically WM approved effect • WM Fully rejected: Same effect claims should be made between Nanofilter & 55’Nano Material treated water, but probably due to small number of claimant samples(less than 50), claims shown on the list are not identical. As for effectiveness approval level by WM, finished product filter has more severe debunking than nanocarbon. (Also See these in reference to 22’Nano Material Used Filter), Q2(food stock preservation water), S2(Bioenhancing water), T2(metal rust reduction/ prevention), V2(Low redox potential); it can be other way around(hydroxyl production) depends on set up, A3(Deuterium Depleted Water production), • Weak effects J2(emulsion) • 56’NanoFiltration: continued 6 287
  • 71. • ■ 57’Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing/Thawing: WM Accepted effect as obvious for freezing application: Q2(food preservation). • Effect of this technology is in hanging state in mainstream. Western ally Japan widely installed this while rest of West(including Wikipedia in all languages also in Japanese) is still often pseudoscientizing it, hence creating a market void in other Western nations, yet even some mainstream group in rest of west is quietly installing. • 57’Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing/Thawing: Effect mix of Accepted & Generally Rejected by (WM) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada 288
  • 72. • —>> cont: WM Accepted effect: Magnetic/electric field oscillation(often multiples of frequencies are emitted) to prevent freezing at below 0°C temperature, This supercooling state is followed by “quick & even freezing” over critical temperature range that can otherwise break cell walls of food by water expansion, this seems to be due to small clustered ice crystals formed from water molecules, also some effect in electroporation of breaking germ/bacteria cells(thinner-much weaker than food cell walls). • WM Rejected effect: P2(disinfection, suppress low temp active bacteria): (Marche-machinery, Proton-Group net+), some combine “visible light photocatalysis” to kill ethylene(C2H4): (Hitachi Shinku Chilled +), R2(Able to freeze & defrost raw fish, meat, or even some salad & keep intact cell structure): food appear fresh as if freezing never took place, U2(consistently show much lower energy cost from user feedback): -20°C range fridge works on par with -60°C types: (Nice01- Akiyama-Denshi+), U2(often food lowers redox potential):(Daiwa Reiki Kogyo+), X2(lower freezing point) • 57’Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing/ Thawing: continued 2 289
  • 73. • -->>cont: WM Rejected: Unlisted effects: ■i-High grade food conservation duration is extended up to 3times compared to conventional freezing tech(Abi-net Cell Alive System, Depak jp+), Same mechanics can be used to create ■ii-Supercooled water fridge for beverages(Boscom jp, Mars Company jp+), • As noted prior its ■iii-Magnetic resonance frequency itself can be adjusted to cause bioenhancement effect on plants & animals via electrically activated water exposed to the relevant frequency, or enhanced directly by projected nearby EM field,(Iyashiro +) ■iv-Flavor improves as frozen & stored some duration: (Maruko Denshi+), ■v-Not publicized but organ transplant type application used? • Generally all of this section’s effects are equally claimed by most manufacturers listed here. For consumer refrigerator market, key players in Japan are selling same above supercooling effect device with different mechanics • 57’Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing/ Thawing: continued 3 • 炭素 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 290