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Newlywed’s	Leader	Guide	
Lesson	topic:	Balancing	School,	Work	and	Family	Life	
	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 90	Minutes		
§ Computer	and	projector		
§ Speakers		
§ Pens		
§ Printed	handouts	and	worksheets	in	folders		
§ Light	refreshments		
§ UVU	classroom	with	desks	all	facing	the	front	of	the	room			
§ Wednesday	evenings	from	6:30-8:00			
§ The	class	is	designed	for	newlywed	couples	without	children	
§ Approximately	20	people	will	be	attending		
§ Light	refreshments	will	be	provided	for	the	participants	
§ Upon	successful	completion	of	this	lesson,	participants	will	be	able	to:	
§ Have	open	communication	regarding	their	personal	and	
companionship	goals	and	priorities.		
§ Set	goals	and	make	plans	to	accomplish	the	things	they	want.	
§ Create	more	harmony	in	their	lives.		
§ Prioritize	their	life.
I.	 Introduction	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	
1.	Explain		
§ It	is	exciting	to	be	a	newlywed!	You	have	now	met,	and	have	fallen	in	
love	with	your	spouse,	and	are	embarking	on	your	new	life	as	a	couple.	
One	aspect	of	being	a	newlywed	that	you	may	not	be	expecting	is	the	
new	balance	of	life.	Now	you	are	sharing	time	with	each	other,	possibly	
going	to	school,	working,	spending	time	with	both	your	parents	and	your	
in-laws,	not	to	mention	your	hobbies,	or	those	of	your	spouse,	etc.	
Balancing	all	of	these	things	can	be	really	difficult	and	frustrating	at	
times,	but	learning	how	to	manage	and	prioritize	your	time	will	be	of	
great	benefit	to	you	and	your	spouse,	mentally,	emotionally,	and	
physically.	It	is	vital	to	have	good	communication	skills	with	your	spouse	
while	figuring	out	this	balance.	As	a	couple	you	can	talk	about	which	
aspects	are	most	important,	and	work	on	creating	a	system	that	works	
for	you.	One	Psychologist,	named	Dr.	Jim	Healy	said,	“Most	problems	in	
life	don’t	get	‘solved,’	they	get	managed.	We	make	corrections	and	
adjustments	as	we	go.	When	asked	what	it	took	to	be	happy,	Sigmund	
Freud	said,	‘to	love	and	to	work.’	In	this	case,	he	wasn’t	far	wrong.	Only,	
keep	them	balanced!’”	(Healy,	2016).	In	one	article	written	by	a	man	
named	Dave	Boehi	said,	“Don’t	consider	a	marriage	a	50/50	affair!	
Consider	it	a	100	percent	affair.	The	only	way	you	can	make	a	marriage	
work	is	to	have	both	parties	give	a	hundred	percent	every	time”	(Boehi,	
2.	Ask		
§ “Why	do	you	feel	that	it	is	important	to	balance	in	a	marriage?”	
II.	 Balancing		 	
1.	Activity:	Role-play
§ A	husband	walks	into	talk	to	his	wife	on	the	couch.	She	is	working	on	
homework.	He	asks	her	if	she	has	a	second	to	talk	about	his	work.	She	
says	yes,	and	he	begins	to	tell	her	that	a	position	at	work	has	opened	up	
that	will	require	upwards	of	60	hours	a	week.	He	feels	like	this	would	be	
very	beneficial	to	them	to	earn	the	extra	money,	however	he	won’t	be	
able	to	see	her	very	much.	His	only	hours	off	would	be	when	she	is	at	
school,	or	asleep.	She	doesn’t	look	like	she	approves.	Even	though	they	
don’t	have	much	money.	She	tells	him	that	she	wants	to	be	able	to	see	
him,	and	that	spending	a	little	time	together	is	what	she	wants,	and	if	he	
takes	this	job	she	won’t	be	able	to	see	him.	They	decide	to	talk	about	
their	priorities,	they	feel	that	their	young	family	can	get	along	okay	
without	the	extra	money	right	now,	but	if	the	job	opportunity	is	only	
temporary	it	may	be	helpful	to	save	extra	to	prepare	for	future	kids.	They	
decide	that	as	long	as	it	is	a	temporary	job	to	get	them	out	of	their	school	
debts	then	they	will	do	it.		as	they	want	to	start	having	children	within	
the	next	few	years.	
§ Punch	line:	Clearly	communicate	with	your	spouse	in	setting	
expectations	and	establishing	priorities.	
§ Say:	This	is	an	example	of	what	goes	on	while	trying	to	create	a	
balance	in	marriage.		
2.	Ask	
§ What	kinds	of	balancing	situations	have	you	experienced	as	
newlyweds?	(Start	fishing	for	possible	scenarios,	and	coaching	
§ How	have	you	worked	through	them,	or	what	would	you	like	to	learn	
3.	Read	
§ “We	learn	our	patterns	of	togetherness	and	individuality	in	our	
families	of	origin.	Different	families	have	different	styles.	Some	families	
emphasize	closeness,	while	others	accentuate	individual	needs	and	
activities.	Your	partner	will	have	different	expectations	shaped	by	their
family	experience,	so	you	may	have	to	find	a	new	balance.	It’s	common	
for	couples	to	struggle	over	finding	the	“right	balance	of	time	spent	
together	and	apart,	as	well	as	what	level	of	closeness	to	maintain	with	
one’s	original	family.	However,	your	aim	should	be	to	find	a	cooperative	
rather	than	adversarial	way	to	engage	in	this	essential	process”	
(Kuhlman,	Gregory,	&	Patricia,	2003).	
4.	Demonstration		
§ Have	an	empty	mason	jar	in	the	front	of	the	classroom	on	a	table.	Next	
to	the	jar	have	a	designated	amount	of	large	stones.	Also	have	a	
designated	amount	of	rice	in	a	cup	next	to	the	stones.	Hold	up	the	jar	to	
show	the	class,	tell	them	that	you	need	to	fill	up	the	jar	with	all	the	rice,	
and	all	of	the	stones.	The	rice	are	things	of	little	importance	and	the	
stones	are	of	greater	importance.	Set	the	jar	back	on	the	table.	Begin	
pouring	in	the	rice.	When	all	the	rice	is	in	the	jar,	pick	up	some	of	the	
stones	and	begin	filling	the	jar	until	it	is	full.	There	will	not	be	enough	
room	to	put	in	all	of	the	stones.	So	pull	the	stones	back	out,	and	empty	
the	rice	back	into	the	cup.	Explain	to	the	class	that	it	is	essential	to	
prioritize	what	is	most	important	as	a	couple	so	you	can	put	the	most	
important	things	in	first.	If	there	is	enough	room	you	can	add	in	more.	
Hold	up	each	stone	one	by	one,	with	the	class	giving	suggestions	of	what	
each	of	the	stones	represent.	Then	after	all	the	stones	are	in	the	jar,	talk	
about	what	the	rice	could	represent	and	begin	to	pour	the	rice	into	the	
jar.	Everything	will	fit	into	the	jar	when	it	is	balanced.	The	most	
important	things	going	first.	Talk	to	the	class	about	what	they	have	
learned	from	this	demonstration.	
5.	Activity:	The	Importance	of	Balancing	Handout		
§ Have	the	class	write	down	what	are	the	most	important	priorities	that	
they	have	in	their	life	(stones).	As	well	as	what	is	less	important	(rice).	
This	will	help	set	the	stage	for	the	planner,	and	the	5-year	plan.	
6.	Coaching	
§ How	to	balance	a	situation	with	someone	in	the	audience.
III.	 Compromising		
1.	Explain	
§ Being	able	to	effectively	and	clear	communicate	with	each	other	is	key	
to	compromising	and	help	brings	mutual	understanding.		
§ Never	assume	
§ Consider	all	the	options	
§ Be	consistent	with	your	decisions	
§ Be	an	active	listener.	(Don’t	listen	with	the	intent	to	reply,	listen	with	
the	intent	to	understand).	Video:		
§ Check	in	with	one	another	
§ “Compromise	is	the	art	of	acknowledging	that	the	other	person,	with	
his	or	her	unique	character	traits	and	ways	of	doing	things,	might	also	be	
right,	and	in	affirming	that	the	relationship	is	more	important	than	the	
difference	in	opinion.”(D’souza,	M.,	n.d)	In	simple	terms	it	is,	A	
settlement	of	differences	by	a	mutual	agreement	(The	definition	of	
compromise,	2016).	
2.	Activity:	Watch	Videos		
§	(Funny)	
IV.	 Making	a	Plan			
1.	Explain		
§ Talking	as	a	couple	about	your	priorities,	and	goals,	as	well	as	
expectations	as	individuals	and	as	a	couple.	
§ Keep	a	planner.	
§ Talk	about	what	you	want	out	of	your	school,	work,	and	family	life.	
§ Compromise	to	create	a	balanced	plan	that	each	person	is	happy	with.
2.	Activity:	5	Year	Plan		
§ Hand	each	couple	a	blank	five-year	plan.	At	the	top	of	the	page	it	asks	
what	are	his/her	expectations	with	school,	work	and	family	life.		
§ Tell	the	class:	That	they	will	be	working	on	them	for	7	minutes	by	
themselves.	Only	filling	out	personal	information.	After	the	7	minutes	the	
couple	will	share	with	each	other	what	they	wrote	(3	minutes).	Then	
they	will	have	10	minutes	to	work	on	combining	their	plans,	and	figuring	
out	what	their	main	goals	are.		
§ Instructor	walks	around	the	classroom	to	answer	or	clarify	any	
§ The	students	will	most	likely	not	finish	this	during	the	appointed	time;	
instruct	them	to	start	on	the	major	points.	Their	homework	is	finishing	
their	5-year	plan.	
3.	Ask		
§ What	was	your	experience	with	starting	your	5-year	plan?	
4.	Activity	
§ Give	couples	a	scenario	of	something	they	may	have	to	balance.	5	
minutes	Teach:	Teach	them	what	they	can	do	to	talk	to	each	other,	using	
good	communication	skills	to	come	to	a	mutual	agreement.	Teach	them	
to	speak,	listen	and	cooperate.	5	minutes	Show:	Call	someone	out	of	the	
audience	to	show	and	practice	in	front	of	the	group.	After	it	has	been	
demonstrated,	have	the	participant	sit	back	down.	6	minutes	Do:	Have	
the	couples	take	turns	practicing	what	they	learned.	Each	turn	is	3	
5.	Possible	Scenario		
§ The	Husband	comes	home	from	work,	the	same	time	as	his	wife	pulls	
into	the	driveway	from	school.	She	tells	him	that	her	parents	just	called	
her	inviting	them	to	Sunday	dinner.	He	also	had	told	his	parents	they	
would	go	to	Sunday	dinner	at	their	house.	Both	parents	are	anxious	for	
their	kids	to	come	to	dinner.	The	couple	begins	arguing	about	whose	
house	they	are	going	to	go	to.	They	can’t	figure	out	a	solution.	After	a
minute,	the	husband	asks	his	wife	how	they	can	make	both	of	their	
parents	happy.	The	wife	thinks	for	a	minute	and	offers	the	suggestion	
that	they	trade	off	each	month	whose	parent’s	they	spend	Sunday	dinner	
with.	Her	husband	agrees,	and	tells	his	wife	that	they	can	start	by	going	
to	her	parent’s	house	first.	
6.	Ask	
§ What	have	you	learned	tonight	that	you	can	apply	into	your	lives	to	
help	find	better	balance?	
V.	 Conclusion	
1.	Depending	on	time	ask	some	people	to	share	what	they	have	learned.	
2.	Ask	if	there	are	any	questions	
3.	Summarize	what	was	taught	
§ “As	you	continue	learning	these	skills	and	improving	upon	them,	you	
will	be	able	to	find	more	balance	in	your	lives.”		
4.	Thank	them	for	coming.	
VII. References	
Boehi,	D.	(n.d.)	The	50/50	Myth.	Retrieved	March	26,	2016,	from
D’souza,	M.	(n.d.).	The	importance	of	Compromise	in	a	relationship.		
Retrieved	March	31,	2016,	from
Healy,	J.,	PhD.	(2016).	Balancing	Family	and	Work.	Retrieved	March	24,	2016,	
Khulman,	G.,	&	Khulman,	P.	(2003).	Build	the	foundation	for	your	lifetime	together.	
Retrieved	March	31,	2016,	from	
The	definition	of	compromise.(2016).	Retrieved	March	31,	2016,	from

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