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-Dr. D. Kathirvel, MD (Gen.Med), DM (Cardiology).
-Assistant Professor of Cardiology, GVMCH.
AIM of this CME
 To know the importance of recognizing Life
Threatening cause of Chest Pain, especially Acute
Coronary Syndrome,
 and treating it as early as possible.
 there by saving a life…
 By the end of the CME
Every one should be able to assess chest pain of cardiac
origin. And patient should be properly managed.
Overview of Chest Pain
 Why it is important?
In General OPD/Casualty…
1/3 pts of Chest Pain are due to Acute Coronary
 We have To Recognize other life threatening causes
 Like Pulm Embolism, Aortic dissection, Pneumothorax
2 % of ACS patients are missed – 2 fold risk of mortality
Chest pain
Epidemiology of chest pain in India1
 Emergency call….Only 17.2% (n = 41,312) of
patients called within 6 h of symptom onset. (Poor
awareness among public)
3 out of 100 pts died before the ambulance arrived
 It is 10 deaths for Tamil Nadu (Top among 11
states studied) and 9 for Andhra Pradesh.
1. Rao, et al.: Epidemiological study on cardiac emergencies in Indian ,2016
Common causes of Chest Pain
 Cardiac:
 ACS: Unstable angina, MI,
 Stable ischemic heart disease.
 Pericarditis,
 Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome,
 Aortic Stenosis,
 Rheumatic carditis,
 Infective endocarditis.
 Myocardial ischemia due to secondary cause/demand ischemia:
 Anemia,
 LV hypertrophy (LVH, HCM),
 RV hypertrophy (RVH, Severe Pulm stenosis)
 Vascular: Aortic dissection, Pulm
Embolism, Pulm HT
 Pulmonary: Pnemothorax, Pleuritis,
 GI: Pancreatitis, GERD, Peptic ulcer,
GB diseases.
 Musculoskeletal: Costochondritis,,
Myositis. Trumatic
 Neural : Herpes zoster, Cervical
neuralgia ,Panic disorder.
Chest pain due to decreased blood flow to the heart (Commonly
due to Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease –CAD)
i. Characteristic chest pain
 Retrosternal pain – constricting or crushing or squeezing,
a burning feeling, or difficulty breathing/pressure like.
 often radiates to left shoulder, neck, epigastrium or arm
 Pain builds in intensity over time, severe, intolerable.
ii. Aggravating factors (In acute MI, pain present even at rest)
 Exertion/stress (Effort Angina)
iii. Relieving factors
 Rest/Isosorbide dinitrate
All 3: Typical Angina
Any 2: Atypical Angina
Any 1: Non Anginal Chest Pain (NACP)
 Chest pain must be always considered cardiac in
nature until proven otherwise.
 Every patient is different
Assess the chest pain with…Pneumonic PQRST
 Positioning: Changing of posture, movement
 Quality: “constricting” or a “crushing” sensation
 Radiation:(66%) shoulders, arms, neck and jaws,
sometimes epigastrium.
 Severity: Accompanying symptoms (Giddiness, syncope,
nausea, vomiting and diaphoresis)
 Time: How long, intermittent, continuous. (> 20min -
<2 min are non cardiac pain
Angina – Distribution of Pain
 Sometimes pain is atypical (Angina equivalents) or
even absent in
 Diabetes Mellitus
 Women
 Elderly
 Angina Equivalents…
 Jaw , Shoulder or left arm pain
 Nausea/vomiting
 Sweating
 Angina may subside after reaching the hospital..
 Due to infarcted myocardium or recanalised artery
Non anginal chest pain
 Localised, pointing pain
 More with chest/body movements
 Tender on palpation
 Constant pain
 Brief episodes of pain
 Pain radiating to lower extremities
Chest pain due to other causes:
Distinguishing features
Pericarditis: Sharp, pleuritic pain
↑ postural change/friction rub.
Lying posture will aggravate the pain
Aortic dissection:
Excruciating ripping pain/sudden
onset/anterior chest or back/SHT, Marfans
Pulmonary Embolism:
Sudden onset dyspnea and
pain/hypoxia/RV failure.
Chest pain due to other causes:
Distinguishing features
Pulmonary HT: Exertional chest pain/ dyspnea/ Signs
of PHT.
Pleuritic pain: Localised/dyspnea.
GERD/Peptic ulcer: Burning substernal pain/epigastric
can radiates to shoulders.
↑meals, recumbent position.
Chest pain due to other causes:
Distinguishing features
 GB: Rt upper quadrant pain/ following a meal.
 Pancreatitis: Prolonged severe epigastric pain
radiates to back,
not relieved by antacid.
 Musculoskeletal:
fleeting pain/constant pain,
local tenderness.
reproduced by movements.
Chest pain due to other causes:
Distinguishing features
 Herpes zoster: Vesicular rash/ Prolonged burning
pain in dermatomal distribution.
 Panic disorder: Chest tightness not related to
Evaluation of a pt with chest pain
 Very difficult to convince our patient…
 Usually patient will attribute to
 Indigestion
 Food
 Gastric Ulcer pain
 Manual work
While evaluation of a Chest pain
 If the pain suggestive of Angina
 Ask the patient to lie down
 Check Pulse, BP, SpO2
 Take ECG.
 Get an IV line, Blood sample for Troponin T or I
RBS, CBC and start NS slowly.
 Again Take Proper History of Chest pain..
Ask for Risk factors of CAD
 Hypertension.
 Diabetes Mellitus
 Previous h/o CAD
 Dyslipidaemia
 Advanced age/Male
 Family h/o CAD.
 Peripheral vascular disease/CKD
 Smoking/tobacco/Hans use.
 Alcohol /Cocaine use.
Physical Examination
 JVP: RV infarction, associated CCF
 Pulse: absent/disparity of pulse in aortic dissection
 BP: Hypotension/Hypertension/Disparity
 SPo2: Hypoxia in PE or pulm edema
 Auscultation:
 CVS: S1, S2 (P2 loudness), murmur, friction rub
 RS: dull note, air entry, crepts, pleural rub/bronchial
breath sound
Clinical evaluation
 Should be obtained in 10 min.
 0.5 mm Changes in ST segment during pain is more
 A complete normal ECG does not rule out ACS
 Take Serial ECGs…
 Take RV leads…V3R, V4R
 Take Posterior leads V7, V8, V9
 Compare with
previous ECG
RV lead/Posterior leads
Patient presented with normal ECG
59 yrs, chest
pain with Bowel
Trop T negative
ST – T changes during Ischemia
Compare with previous ECG
When ECG/Biomarkers are not
diagnostic/suggestive of ACS….Rule out other
Role of ECHO in chest pain
 ACS – Wall motion abnormality/thinning
 Pericarditis.
 Endocarditis
 Carditis – Rheumatic
 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
 Aortic/Pulmonary stenosis.
 Aortic dissection.
 Pulmonary hypertension.
 Pulmonary embolism
Angio of pt with LAD lesion
Angio of pt with RCA lesion
Cardiac biomarkers
 Should be measured at presentation (0 hr)
and after 3 - 6 hrs of symptom onset.
 Preferred biomarker is cardiac troponin T or I.
 CK-MB is less sensitive
 only one elevated troponin level above the established
cutoff is required to establish the diagnosis of acute MI,
 Up to 80% of patients with acute MI will have an elevated
troponin level within 2-3 hours of Chest pain.
 Each Lab has their own 99th percentile upper reference
limits and 10% Coefficient of Variation levels.
 CK-MB used to diagnose reinfarction
 The 99th percentile cutoff point for cardiac troponin T
(cTnT) is well-known at 0.01 ng/mL
 The following are 99th percentile cutoff values for
acute MI for some of the commonly used troponin I
 Bayer ACS: Centaur: 0.15
 Bayer ACS:180: 0.07
 Dade Dimension RxL, second generation: 0.07
 Beckman Access, second generation: 0.04
 Roche Elecsys, third generation: 0.01
What we use..
 Troponin T Card test
 Gives Positive or Negative result - Not reliable
 Troponin I test (Quantitative)
 Most reliable test of MI
Non invasive tests
Stress ECHO,
Radionuclide scan,
CT angio
Management of ACS
 Initial therapy focuses on the following:
 Stabilizing the patient’s condition
 Relieving ischemic pain
 Providing antiplatelets/statins/antithrombotic
 Fibrinolytic therapy/PCI - (percutaneous Coronary
 Time is Muscle.. With in 4 hrs .
 Time window: Duration of
Onset of Chest pain
 TW for thrombolytic therapy
is 12 hrs
TIME is muscle…
But people will think differently…
 Relieving ischemic pain
after Inj. Ondensetron
 Inj. Morphine 2 -3 mg slow i.v upto 10mg (or)
 Inj. Pethidine 25mg or 50 mg i.v (or)
 Inj. Tramadol 50mg or 100 mg i.v
 Tab. Sorbitrate (ISDN) 5mg sublingual
 if BP > 100mmHg
 Tab. Trimetazidine 35mg MR
 Tab. Nicorandil 5mg, 10 mg
 Tab. Ivabradine 5mg.
Loading dose:
1. Give Tab. Aspirin 300mg Chewable
2. Tab. Clopidogrel 300mg
(75 x 4 tab), or
Ticagrelor 90 (2 tab).
3. Tab. Atorvastatin 10mg (8)
Loading dose precautions…
 Clopidogrel 300 mg (75 mg when age > 75 yrs)
 Prasugrel 60 mg or Ticagrelor 180 mg may be used in
place of Clopidogrel in NSTEMI/UA
 but not to patients of STEMI going to receive
thrombolytic therapy.
 Prasugrel is contraindicated in
 >75 yrs, <60 Kgs, H/o CVA.
 Pharmacologic anti-ischemic therapy includes the
 Inj. Heparin 5000 Units (1cc) iv or
Inj. LMWH 1mg/Kg s.c
 Nitrates (for symptomatic relief) if BP is normal.
 Beta blockers (eg, metoprolol): unless contraindicated
 Calcium channel Blockers: (UA/NSTEMI)
Stabilize the pt
 Brady < 40/min : Inj. Atropine 0.6mg or 1.2mg iv
 Pulm edema: Inj. Lasix 20mg to 200mg iv stat
 Nasal O2,
 Back rest
 Hypotension and Chest clear:
IVF NS 1.5 L rush..
 Hypotension still persist:
 Inotropes:
Inj. Dopamine, or
Inj. Nor adrenaline
 Time window for Fibrinolytic therapy is
12 hrs of onset of chest pain.
 Pt presented after 12 hrs and < 24 hrs, if there is on going
ischemia/Hypotension with ST Elevation – Late lysis
 Primary PCI -now preferred treatment for STEMI
 Ischemic symptoms < 12 hrs ,
 When fibrinolysis are contraindicated.
 Cardiogenic shock/Acute severe heart failure.
 Ongoing ischemia 12-24 hrs – Class II a.
 upto 36 hrs of onset of MI (Late presentation)
FMC – First Medical Contact
To simplify
 1. Nature of Chest pain - Typical Angina
 2. ECG – ACS findings
 3. ECHO - RWMA
 4. Troponins – Positive
Any one is present, then it is ACS
 we have to admit for Angiogram and manage ACS.
 If Chest pain is atypical...then do TMT.
 Loading dose should be given on the spot.
 LMWH or Heparin can be given at First Med Contact.
 Immediate referral to cardiac intervention centers.
Take home message:
 Chest pain – cardiac origin unless proven otherwise
 ACS may have normal ECG.
 Troponin is a must
 ECHO aids in diagnosis, does not rule out ACS.
 ACS : loading dose of Aspirin 300mg /Clopidogrel
300mg/Atorvastatin 8omg given on the spot.
 ACS: Sorbitrate only after measuring BP.
 STE ACS/Non ST ACS – guide the management.
 If a Chest pain patient is coming at night time – Pl
Example 1
 Hyperacute
45 yrs old man, 3 hrs Time window
After thrombolysis
Case 2, 32 yrs male, NSTEMI
After 4 hours
CASE 3: Primary PCI with stent
done for IW STEMI: RCA cut off
Take home message:
 Chest pain – cardiac origin unless proven otherwise
 ACS may have normal ECG.
 Troponin is a must
 ECHO aids in diagnosis, does not rule out ACS.
 ACS : loading dose of Aspirin 300mg /Clopidogrel
300mg/Atorvastatin 8omg given on the spot.
 ACS: Sorbitrate only after measuring BP.
 STE ACS/Non ST ACS – guide the management.
 If a Chest pain patient is coming at night time – Pl
Approach to Chest pain World Heart day 2022.pptx

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Approach to Chest pain World Heart day 2022.pptx

  • 1. -Dr. D. Kathirvel, MD (Gen.Med), DM (Cardiology). -Assistant Professor of Cardiology, GVMCH.
  • 2. AIM of this CME  To know the importance of recognizing Life Threatening cause of Chest Pain, especially Acute Coronary Syndrome,  and treating it as early as possible.  there by saving a life…  By the end of the CME Every one should be able to assess chest pain of cardiac origin. And patient should be properly managed.
  • 3. Overview of Chest Pain  Why it is important? In General OPD/Casualty… 1/3 pts of Chest Pain are due to Acute Coronary syndrome.  We have To Recognize other life threatening causes  Like Pulm Embolism, Aortic dissection, Pneumothorax 2 % of ACS patients are missed – 2 fold risk of mortality Chest pain ACS Non ACS
  • 4. Epidemiology of chest pain in India1  Emergency call….Only 17.2% (n = 41,312) of patients called within 6 h of symptom onset. (Poor awareness among public) 3 out of 100 pts died before the ambulance arrived  It is 10 deaths for Tamil Nadu (Top among 11 states studied) and 9 for Andhra Pradesh. 1. Rao, et al.: Epidemiological study on cardiac emergencies in Indian ,2016
  • 5. Common causes of Chest Pain  Cardiac:  ACS: Unstable angina, MI,  Stable ischemic heart disease.  Pericarditis,  Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome,  Aortic Stenosis,  Rheumatic carditis,  Infective endocarditis.  Myocardial ischemia due to secondary cause/demand ischemia:  Anemia,  LV hypertrophy (LVH, HCM),  RV hypertrophy (RVH, Severe Pulm stenosis)
  • 6.  Vascular: Aortic dissection, Pulm Embolism, Pulm HT  Pulmonary: Pnemothorax, Pleuritis, Pneumonia  GI: Pancreatitis, GERD, Peptic ulcer, GB diseases.  Musculoskeletal: Costochondritis,, Myositis. Trumatic  Neural : Herpes zoster, Cervical neuralgia ,Panic disorder.
  • 7. Angina Chest pain due to decreased blood flow to the heart (Commonly due to Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease –CAD) i. Characteristic chest pain  Retrosternal pain – constricting or crushing or squeezing, a burning feeling, or difficulty breathing/pressure like.  often radiates to left shoulder, neck, epigastrium or arm  Pain builds in intensity over time, severe, intolerable. ii. Aggravating factors (In acute MI, pain present even at rest)  Exertion/stress (Effort Angina) iii. Relieving factors  Rest/Isosorbide dinitrate All 3: Typical Angina Any 2: Atypical Angina Any 1: Non Anginal Chest Pain (NACP)
  • 8.  Chest pain must be always considered cardiac in nature until proven otherwise.  Every patient is different Assess the chest pain with…Pneumonic PQRST  Positioning: Changing of posture, movement  Quality: “constricting” or a “crushing” sensation  Radiation:(66%) shoulders, arms, neck and jaws, sometimes epigastrium.  Severity: Accompanying symptoms (Giddiness, syncope, nausea, vomiting and diaphoresis)  Time: How long, intermittent, continuous. (> 20min - Cardiac) <2 min are non cardiac pain
  • 10.
  • 12.  Sometimes pain is atypical (Angina equivalents) or even absent in  Diabetes Mellitus  Women  Elderly  Angina Equivalents…  Jaw , Shoulder or left arm pain  Nausea/vomiting  Sweating  Angina may subside after reaching the hospital..  Due to infarcted myocardium or recanalised artery
  • 13. Non anginal chest pain  Localised, pointing pain  More with chest/body movements  Tender on palpation  Constant pain  Brief episodes of pain  Pain radiating to lower extremities
  • 14. Chest pain due to other causes: Distinguishing features
  • 15. Pericarditis: Sharp, pleuritic pain ↑ postural change/friction rub. Lying posture will aggravate the pain
  • 16. Aortic dissection: Excruciating ripping pain/sudden onset/anterior chest or back/SHT, Marfans
  • 17. Pulmonary Embolism: Sudden onset dyspnea and pain/hypoxia/RV failure.
  • 18. Chest pain due to other causes: Distinguishing features Pulmonary HT: Exertional chest pain/ dyspnea/ Signs of PHT. Pleuritic pain: Localised/dyspnea. GERD/Peptic ulcer: Burning substernal pain/epigastric can radiates to shoulders. ↑meals, recumbent position. ↓antacid
  • 19. Chest pain due to other causes: Distinguishing features  GB: Rt upper quadrant pain/ following a meal.  Pancreatitis: Prolonged severe epigastric pain radiates to back, not relieved by antacid.  Musculoskeletal: fleeting pain/constant pain, local tenderness. reproduced by movements.
  • 20. Chest pain due to other causes: Distinguishing features  Herpes zoster: Vesicular rash/ Prolonged burning pain in dermatomal distribution.  Panic disorder: Chest tightness not related to exertion/movement
  • 21. Evaluation of a pt with chest pain  Very difficult to convince our patient…  Usually patient will attribute to  Indigestion  Food  Gastric Ulcer pain  Manual work
  • 22.
  • 23. While evaluation of a Chest pain patient…  If the pain suggestive of Angina  Ask the patient to lie down  Check Pulse, BP, SpO2  Take ECG.  Get an IV line, Blood sample for Troponin T or I RBS, CBC and start NS slowly.  Again Take Proper History of Chest pain..  CXR, ECHO
  • 24. Ask for Risk factors of CAD  Hypertension.  Diabetes Mellitus  Previous h/o CAD  Dyslipidaemia  Advanced age/Male  Family h/o CAD.  Peripheral vascular disease/CKD  Smoking/tobacco/Hans use.  Alcohol /Cocaine use.
  • 25. Physical Examination  JVP: RV infarction, associated CCF  Pulse: absent/disparity of pulse in aortic dissection  BP: Hypotension/Hypertension/Disparity  SPo2: Hypoxia in PE or pulm edema  Auscultation:  CVS: S1, S2 (P2 loudness), murmur, friction rub  RS: dull note, air entry, crepts, pleural rub/bronchial breath sound
  • 27. ECG:  Should be obtained in 10 min.  0.5 mm Changes in ST segment during pain is more significant  A complete normal ECG does not rule out ACS  Take Serial ECGs…  Take RV leads…V3R, V4R  Take Posterior leads V7, V8, V9  Compare with previous ECG
  • 29. RV MI
  • 30. Patient presented with normal ECG 59 yrs, chest pain with Bowel symptoms, ECHO - RWMA present. Trop T negative
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. ST – T changes during Ischemia
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 37.
  • 38. When ECG/Biomarkers are not diagnostic/suggestive of ACS….Rule out other causes
  • 39. Role of ECHO in chest pain  ACS – Wall motion abnormality/thinning  Pericarditis.  Endocarditis  Carditis – Rheumatic  Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy  MVPS  Aortic/Pulmonary stenosis.  Aortic dissection.  Pulmonary hypertension.  Pulmonary embolism
  • 40.
  • 41. Angio of pt with LAD lesion
  • 42. IWMI
  • 43. Angio of pt with RCA lesion
  • 44. Cardiac biomarkers  Should be measured at presentation (0 hr) and after 3 - 6 hrs of symptom onset.  Preferred biomarker is cardiac troponin T or I.  CK-MB is less sensitive  only one elevated troponin level above the established cutoff is required to establish the diagnosis of acute MI,  Up to 80% of patients with acute MI will have an elevated troponin level within 2-3 hours of Chest pain.  Each Lab has their own 99th percentile upper reference limits and 10% Coefficient of Variation levels.
  • 45.  CK-MB used to diagnose reinfarction  The 99th percentile cutoff point for cardiac troponin T (cTnT) is well-known at 0.01 ng/mL  The following are 99th percentile cutoff values for acute MI for some of the commonly used troponin I assays:  Bayer ACS: Centaur: 0.15  Bayer ACS:180: 0.07  Dade Dimension RxL, second generation: 0.07  Beckman Access, second generation: 0.04  Roche Elecsys, third generation: 0.01
  • 46. What we use..  Troponin T Card test  Gives Positive or Negative result - Not reliable  Troponin I test (Quantitative)  Most reliable test of MI
  • 47. T TMT Non invasive tests Stress ECHO, Radionuclide scan, CT angio STEMI NSTEMI UA ECG
  • 48. Management of ACS  Initial therapy focuses on the following:  Stabilizing the patient’s condition  Relieving ischemic pain  Providing antiplatelets/statins/antithrombotic  Fibrinolytic therapy/PCI - (percutaneous Coronary Intervention)  Time is Muscle.. With in 4 hrs .  Time window: Duration of Onset of Chest pain  TW for thrombolytic therapy is 12 hrs
  • 49. TIME is muscle… But people will think differently…
  • 50.  Relieving ischemic pain after Inj. Ondensetron  Inj. Morphine 2 -3 mg slow i.v upto 10mg (or)  Inj. Pethidine 25mg or 50 mg i.v (or)  Inj. Tramadol 50mg or 100 mg i.v  Tab. Sorbitrate (ISDN) 5mg sublingual  if BP > 100mmHg  Tab. Trimetazidine 35mg MR  Tab. Nicorandil 5mg, 10 mg  Tab. Ivabradine 5mg.
  • 51. Loading dose: 1. Give Tab. Aspirin 300mg Chewable 2. Tab. Clopidogrel 300mg (75 x 4 tab), or Ticagrelor 90 (2 tab). 3. Tab. Atorvastatin 10mg (8)
  • 52.
  • 53. Loading dose precautions…  Clopidogrel 300 mg (75 mg when age > 75 yrs)  Prasugrel 60 mg or Ticagrelor 180 mg may be used in place of Clopidogrel in NSTEMI/UA  but not to patients of STEMI going to receive thrombolytic therapy.  Prasugrel is contraindicated in  >75 yrs, <60 Kgs, H/o CVA.
  • 54.  Pharmacologic anti-ischemic therapy includes the following:  Inj. Heparin 5000 Units (1cc) iv or Inj. LMWH 1mg/Kg s.c  Nitrates (for symptomatic relief) if BP is normal.  Beta blockers (eg, metoprolol): unless contraindicated  Calcium channel Blockers: (UA/NSTEMI)  DILTIAZEM
  • 55. Stabilize the pt  Brady < 40/min : Inj. Atropine 0.6mg or 1.2mg iv  Pulm edema: Inj. Lasix 20mg to 200mg iv stat  Nasal O2,  Back rest  Hypotension and Chest clear:  RVMI IVF NS 1.5 L rush..  Hypotension still persist:  Inotropes: Inj. Dopamine, or Inj. Nor adrenaline
  • 56. STEMI  Time window for Fibrinolytic therapy is 12 hrs of onset of chest pain.  Pt presented after 12 hrs and < 24 hrs, if there is on going ischemia/Hypotension with ST Elevation – Late lysis  Primary PCI -now preferred treatment for STEMI  Ischemic symptoms < 12 hrs ,  When fibrinolysis are contraindicated.  Cardiogenic shock/Acute severe heart failure.  Ongoing ischemia 12-24 hrs – Class II a.  upto 36 hrs of onset of MI (Late presentation)
  • 57. STEMI FMC – First Medical Contact
  • 58. To simplify  1. Nature of Chest pain - Typical Angina  2. ECG – ACS findings  3. ECHO - RWMA  4. Troponins – Positive Any one is present, then it is ACS  we have to admit for Angiogram and manage ACS.  If Chest pain is atypical...then do TMT.  Loading dose should be given on the spot.  LMWH or Heparin can be given at First Med Contact.  Immediate referral to cardiac intervention centers.
  • 59.
  • 60. Take home message:  Chest pain – cardiac origin unless proven otherwise  ACS may have normal ECG.  Troponin is a must  ECHO aids in diagnosis, does not rule out ACS.  ACS : loading dose of Aspirin 300mg /Clopidogrel 300mg/Atorvastatin 8omg given on the spot.  ACS: Sorbitrate only after measuring BP.  STE ACS/Non ST ACS – guide the management.  If a Chest pain patient is coming at night time – Pl Admit!
  • 61.
  • 63. 45 yrs old man, 3 hrs Time window
  • 65. Case 2, 32 yrs male, NSTEMI
  • 67. PCI
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71. CASE 3: Primary PCI with stent done for IW STEMI: RCA cut off
  • 72.
  • 73.
  • 74. Take home message:  Chest pain – cardiac origin unless proven otherwise  ACS may have normal ECG.  Troponin is a must  ECHO aids in diagnosis, does not rule out ACS.  ACS : loading dose of Aspirin 300mg /Clopidogrel 300mg/Atorvastatin 8omg given on the spot.  ACS: Sorbitrate only after measuring BP.  STE ACS/Non ST ACS – guide the management.  If a Chest pain patient is coming at night time – Pl Admit!