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60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
Author: Andrey Karpov
Date: 30.05.2023
Source: 60 terrible tips for a C++ developer.
In this article, you're going to find 60 terrible coding tips — and explanations of why they are terrible. It's
a fun and serious piece at the same time. No matter how terrible these tips look, they aren't fiction, they
are real: we saw them all in the real programming world.
This is a new version of 50 terrible coding tips. Last time I wrote a separate article with the explanation
of them. This was a mistake. First, the list was boring and tedious. Second, not everyone read the
explanation — this fact almost eliminates the benefit of these tips.
I realized that not everyone had read the second article when I saw comments and questions. I had to
reply with the same thing I wrote in the article. Now I have combined tips with explanations. Enjoy!
Terrible tip N1. Only C++
Real developers code only in C++!
There's nothing wrong with writing code in C++. The world has many projects written in C++. Well, for
example, look at the list of apps from the home page of Bjarne Stroustrup.
Here is a list of systems, applications, and libraries that are completely or mostly
written in C++. Naturally, this is not intended to be a complete list. In fact, I couldn't
list a 1000th of all major C++ programs if I tried, and this list holds maybe 1000th of
the ones I have heard of. It is a list of systems, applications, and libraries that a
reader might have some familiarity with, that might give a novice an idea what is
being done with C++, or that I simply thought "cool".
It's bad when developers use this language only because it's "cool" or because it's the only language the
team knows.
The variety of programming languages reflects the variety of tasks that software developers face.
Different languages help developers solve different classes of problems effectively.
The C++ language claims to be a versatile programming language. However, versatility doesn't
guarantee that specific applications will be implemented quickly and easily. There may be languages
that are a better fit for projects than others. An appropriate programming language can help implement
a project without significant investments of time and effort.
But there's nothing wrong with developing a small additional utility in C++, although it would be more
efficient for a team to use another language for this. The costs of learning a new programming language
may exceed the benefits of using it.
The situation is different when a team needs to create a new, potentially large project. In this case, the
team needs to discuss a few questions before choosing a programming language. Will the well-known
C++ be effective for the project maintenance? Wouldn't it be better to choose another programming
language for this project?
If the answer is yes, it's clearly more efficient to use another language, then probably it's better for the
team to spend time learning this language. In the future, this can significantly reduce the cost of the
project development and maintenance. Or maybe the project should be assigned to another team that
already uses a more relevant language.
Terrible tip N2. Tab character in string literals
If you need a tab character in a string literal, feel free to press the tab key. Save t ... for somebody
else. No worries.
I'm talking about string literals where words should be separated from each other with a tab character:
const char str[] = "AAAtBBBtCCC";
Seems like there's no other way to do it. Nevertheless, sometimes developers just carelessly press the
TAB button, instead of using 't'. This thing happens in real projects.
Such code compiles and even works. However, explicit use of a tab character is bad because:
1. Literals may have spaces instead of tabs. This depends on the editor settings. Although the code
looks like there's a tab character.
2. The developer who maintains the code won't immediately understand what's used as delimiters
— tab characters or spaces.
3. During refactoring (or using code autoformatting utilities), tabs may turn into spaces, which
affects the result of the program.
Moreover, once I saw the code similar to this one in a real application:
const char table[] = "
bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-blan
bla-bla-bla bla-bla-blan
%s %dn
%s %dn
%s %dn
The string is split into parts with the '' character. Explicit tab characters are mixed with space
characters. Unfortunately, I don't know how to show it here, but trust me — the code looked bizarre.
The alignment from the beginning of the screen. Bingo! I've seen lots of strange things when developing
a code analyzer :).
The code should have been written like this:
const char table[] =
"bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-blan"
" bla-bla-bla bla-bla-blan"
" %st %dn"
" %st %dn"
" %st %dn";
You need tab characters to align the table regardless of the length of lines written in it. It is assumed
that the lines are always short. For example, the code below:
printf(table, "11", 1, "222", 2, "33333", 3);
will print:
bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla
bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla
11 1
222 2
33333 3
Terrible tip N3. Nested macros
Use nested macros everywhere. It's a good way to shorten code. You will free up hard drive space.
Your teammates will have lots of fun when debugging.
You can read my thoughts on this topic in the following article: "Macro evil in C++ code".
You can open the link in a new tab and save it for later. Keep reading this article — by the end of it you'll
have quite a collection of tabs with interesting material. Save it for the further reading :). By the way,
make yourself a cup of tea or coffee. We're just getting started.
Terrible tip N4. Disable warnings
Disable compiler warnings. They distract from work and prevent you from writing compact code.
Developers know that the compiler warnings are their best friends. They help find errors even at the
code compilation stage. Fixing an error found by a compiler is much easier and faster than debugging
However, once I discovered that some of the big project's components are compiled with warnings
completely disabled.
I wrote new code, ran the application and noticed that it didn't behave as expected. Re-reading my
code, I noticed an error and quickly fixed it. However, I was surprised that the compiler did not issue a
warning. It was a very gross error, something like using an uninitialized variable. I knew for sure that a
warning should be issued for such code, but there was none.
I did my research and found out that compiler warnings were disabled in the compiled DLL module (and
some others as well). Then I contacted my senior teammates to investigate this thing.
It turned out that these modules have been compiling with disabled warnings for several years. Once
one of the developers was instructed to migrate the build to a new compiler version. And they did it.
The updated compiler started issuing new warnings — and lots of them on the legacy code of these
I don't know what motivated the developer, but they simply disabled warnings in some modules. Maybe
they wanted to do this temporarily so that warnings would not interfere with fixing compilation errors.
But they forgot to turn the warnings back on. Unfortunately, it was impossible to get to the truth — by
that time this person was no longer working at the company.
I turned the warnings back on and started refactoring the code so that the compiler wouldn't be
triggered by anything. This didn't take me long. I spent one working day on it. But during the analysis of
the warnings, I fixed a few more errors in the code that had remained unnoticed up to that point.
Please, don't ignore the warnings issued by compilers and code analyzers!
Good tip
Try not to get any warnings when compiling the project. Otherwise, you'll see the broken windows
theory in action. If you constantly see the same 10 warnings when compiling the code, then you will not
pay attention when the 11th one appears. If not you, then your teammates will write the code for which
warnings will be issued. If you think it's ok to have warnings, then this process will soon go out of
control. The more warnings are issued during the compilation, the less attention is paid to the new ones.
Moreover, the warnings will gradually become meaningless. If you are used to the compiler constantly
issuing warnings, you simply won't notice a new one that will report a real error in the newly written
Therefore, another good tip would be to tell the compiler to treat warnings as errors. So, your team will
have zero tolerance to warnings. You will always eliminate or explicitly suppress warnings. Otherwise,
the code won't compile at all. Such approach is beneficial for the code quality.
Of course, don't push this approach too hard:
• -Werror is Not Your Friend.
• Is it a good practice to treat warnings as errors?
Terrible tip N5. The shorter the variable name is, the better
Use one or two letters to name variables. This way you'll fit a more complex expression on one line on
the screen.
Indeed, this way helps you write much shorter code. However, it'll be hard to read. In fact, the absence
of normal variable names makes the code write-only. You can write it and even debug it right away,
while you still remember what each variable means. But you won't understand a thing there after a
Another way to mess up the code is to use abbreviations instead of the normal variable names.
Example: ArrayCapacity vs AC.
In the first case, it is clear that the variable means "capacity" — the size of the reserved memory in the
container [1, 2]. In the second case, you'll have to guess what AC means.
Should you always avoid short names and abbreviations? No. Be considerate. You can name counters
in loops like i, j, k. This is common practice, and any developer understands code with such names.
Sometimes abbreviations are appropriate. For example, in code implementing numerical methods,
process modeling, etc. The code just does calculations using certain formulas described in the comments
or documentation. If a variable in the formula is called SC0, then it is better to use this name in the code.
For example, here is the declaration of variables in the COVID-19 CovidSim Model project (I checked it
int n; /**< number of people in cell */
int S, L, I, R, D; /**< S, L, I, R, D are numbers of Susceptible,
Latently infected, Infectious,
Recovered and Dead people in cell */
This is how you can name variables. The comments describe what they mean. This naming allows you to
write formulas compactly:
Cells[i].S = Cells[i].n;
Cells[i].L = Cells[i].I = Cells[i].R = Cells[i].cumTC = Cells[i].D = 0;
Cells[i].infected = Cells[i].latent = Cells[i].susceptible + Cells[i].S;
I'm not saying this is a good approach and style. But sometimes it is rational to give short names to
variables. However, be careful with any recommendation, rule, and methodology. You should
understand when to make an exception and when not.
Steve McConnell gives good arguments about how to name variables, classes, and functions in his book
"Code Complete" (ISBN 978-0-7356-1967-8). Highly recommend to read it.
Terrible tip N6. Invisible characters
Use invisible characters in your code. Let your code work like magic. That's cool.
There are Unicode characters that may be invisible. Moreover, they can change the code representation
in IDEs. Such character sequences may lead to the fact that the developer and the compiler would
interpret the code differently. However, this can be done on purpose. This type of attack is called Trojan
You can learn more about this topic in the following article: "Trojan Source attack for introducing
invisible vulnerabilities". Truly, horror fiction for developers. You should definitely read it.
Here we analyzed the attack in more detail. Fortunately, the PVS-Studio analyzer can detect suspicious
invisible characters.
Take another terrible tip. It might come in handy on April Fool's day. Apparently, there is the Greek
question mark — U+037E, which looks like a semicolon (;).
When your teammate turns away, change any semicolon in their code to this character. Sit back and
enjoy their reaction :) Everything will seem fine, but the code will not compile.
Terrible tip N7. Magic numbers
Use strange numbers. This way, the code of your program will look smarter and more impressive.
Doesn't this code line look hardcore: qw = ty / 65 - 29 * s;?
If the program code contains numbers and their purpose is unknown and unclear, they are called magic
numbers. Magic numbers are code smell. Over time, such code becomes hard to read, both for other
developers and for the authors of the code.
A much better practice is to replace magic numbers with named constants and enumerations. However,
this does not mean that each constant must be named. Firstly, there are 0 or 1 constants, whose use
cases are obvious. Secondly, programs with mathematical calculations may suffer from naming each
numeric constant. In this case, use comments to explain the formulas.
Unfortunately, one chapter isn't enough to describe the many ways to write clean and beautiful code.
Want to dive deeper? Do turn to the amazingly thorough work by S. McConnell — "Code Complete"
(ISBN 978-0-7356-1967-8). Moreover, there's a great discussion on Stack Overflow: What is a magic
number, and why is it bad?
Terrible tip N8. int, int everywhere
All old books recommend using int type variables to store array sizes and to construct loops. Let's
keep it up! No reason to break with tradition.
For a long time, on many common platforms where the C++ language was used, an array could not
contain more than INT_MAX elements.
For example, a 32-bit Windows program has a 2GB memory limit (actually, even less). So, the 32-bit int
type was more than enough to store array sizes or to index arrays.
There were times when book authors and programmers confidently used int type counters in loops. And
everything was fine.
However, in fact, the size of such types as int, unsigned, and even long may be not enough. At this point,
programmers who use Linux may wonder: why is the size of long not enough? And here's the reason: for
example, to build an app for the Windows x64 platform, MSVC compiler uses the LLP64 data model. In
this model, the long type remains 32-bit.
So what types should you use? Memsize-types such as ptrdiff_t, size_t, intptr_t, uintptr_t are safe to
store indexes or array sizes.
Let's look at a simple code example where a 32-bit counter that is used to process a large array in a 64-
bit app leads to an error.
std::vector<char> &bigArray = get();
size_t n = bigArray.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
bigArray[i] = 0;
If the container has more than INT_MAX elements, the signed int variable overflows, which leads to
undefined behavior. Moreover, you can never know where this undefined behavior will blow up. I
reviewed a similarly compelling case in the following article: "Undefined behavior is closer than you
Here's one of the examples of correct code:
size_t n = bigArray.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
bigArray[i] = 0;
This code is even better:
std::vector<char>::size_type n = bigArray.size();
for (std::vector<char>::size_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
bigArray[i] = 0;
Yeah, this code fragment seems a bit too long. And you may be tempted to use automatic type
inference. Unfortunately, you can get incorrect code again:
auto n = bigArray.size();
for (auto i = 0; i < n; i++) // :-(
bigArray[i] = 0;
The n variable will have the correct type, but the i counter won't. The 0 constant has the int type, which
means that i will also have the int type. And we're back to where we started.
So how to iterate through elements correctly, while also keeping the code short? First, you can use
for (auto it = bigArray.begin(); it != bigArray.end(); ++it)
*it = 0;
Second, you can use a range-based for loop:
for (auto &a : bigArray)
a = 0;
The reader may say that all is good and well, but there's no need for this in their programs. Their code
does not contain large arrays, so it's still okay to use int and unsigned variables. This may not work for
two reasons.
First. This approach may be dangerous for the program's future. If the program doesn't use large arrays
now, that does not mean it'll always be so. Another scenario: the code can be reused in another
application, where the processing of large arrays is routine. For example, one of the reasons why the
Ariane 5 rocket fell was the reuse of code written for the Ariane 4 rocket. The code was not designed for
the new values of "horizontal speed". Here's the article: "A space error: 370.000.000 $ for an integer
Second. The use of mixed arithmetic may cause problems even if you work with small arrays. Let's look
at code that works in the 32-bit version of the program, but not in the 64-bit one:
int A = -2;
unsigned B = 1;
int array[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int *ptr = array + 3;
ptr = ptr + (A + B); // Invalid pointer value on 64-bit platform
printf("%in", *ptr); // Access violation on 64-bit platform
Let's see how the ptr + (A + B) expression is calculated:
1. According to C++ rules, the A variable of the int type is converted to the unsigned type;
2. A and B are added together. As a result, we get the 0xFFFFFFFF value of the unsigned type;
3. Then ptr + 0xFFFFFFFFu is calculated.
The result of it depends on the pointer size on this particular architecture. If the addition takes place in a
32-bit program, the given expression will be an equivalent of ptr – 1, and we'll successfully print number
3. In the 64-bit program, the 0xFFFFFFFFu value will be added fairly to the pointer. The pointer will go
out of array bounds. We'll face problems trying to access an element by this pointer.
If you find this topic interesting and would like to gain a better understanding of it, I recommend you
explore the following:
1. 64-bit lessons. Lesson 13. Pattern 5. Address arithmetic;
2. 64-bit lessons. Lesson 17. Pattern 9. Mixed arithmetic;
3. About size_t and ptrdiff_t.
Terrible tip N9. Global variables
Global variables are exceptionally convenient because you can access them from anywhere.
Since you can access global variables from anywhere, it is unclear where and when exactly they are
accessed. This makes the program logic confusing, difficult to understand, and causes errors that are
difficult to find through debugging. It is also difficult to check functions that use global variables with
unit tests, because different functions have couplings between each other.
We're not talking about global constant variables in this case. They are constants, not variables, actually
We can endlessly discuss problems that global variables cause, but many books and articles already
cover this topic. Here are some helpful materials to read about it:
1. Stack Overflow. Are global variables bad?
2. Global Variables Are Bad
3. Global Variables and States: Why So Much Hate?
4. Why (non-const) global variables are evil
5. The Problems with Global Variables
So, to prove all that is serious, I suggest you read the article "Toyota: 81 514 issues in the code". One of
the reasons why the code is so messy and buggy is the use of 9,000 global variables.
Terrible tip N10. The abort function in libraries
A tip for those who develop libraries: when in doubt, immediately terminate the program with the
abort or terminate function.
Sometimes programs handle errors in a very simple way — they shutdown. If a program couldn't do
something, for example, open a file or allocate memory — the abort, exit or terminate function is
immediately called. This is acceptable behavior for some utilities and simple programs. And actually, it's
up to the developers to decide how their programs would handle errors.
However, this approach is unacceptable if you are developing library code. You don't know what
applications will use the code. The library code should return an error status or throw an exception. And
it is up to the user to decide how to handle the error.
For example, a user of a graphic editor won't be happy if a library designed to print an image shuts down
the application without saving the work results.
What if an embedded developer wants to use the library? Such manuals for embedded system
developers as MISRA and AUTOSAR generally prohibit to call the abort and exit functions (MISRA-C-21.8,
MISRA-CPP-18.0.3, AUTOSAR-M18.0.3).
Terrible tip N11. The compiler is to blame for everything
If something doesn't work, most likely the compiler is acting up. Try swapping some variables and
code lines.
Any experienced developer realizes that this tip is ridiculous. However, a programmer blaming the
compiler for the incorrect operation of their program is not such a rare scene.
Sure, errors may occur in compilers, and you may face them. However, in 99% of cases, when someone
says that "the compiler is buggy", they are wrong, and it's their code that is incorrect.
Most often, developers either do not understand some subtleties of the C++ language or have
encountered undefined behavior. Let's take a look at the examples.
The first story arises from a discussion [RU] that took place on the forum.
One developer complained about GCC 8's bug. However, as it turned out, it was incorrect code that led
to undefined behavior. Now let's dive deeper in this case.
Note. In the original discussion, the s variable has the const char *s type. At the same time, on the
author's target platform, the char type is unsigned. So, for clarity, I use a pointer of the const unsigned
char * type in the code.
int foo(const unsigned char *s)
int r = 0;
while(*s) {
r += ((r * 20891 + *s *200) | *s ^ 4 | *s ^ 3) ^ (r >> 1);
return r & 0x7fffffff;
The compiler does not generate code for the bitwise AND (&) operator. As a result, the function returns
negative values. However, this is not the developer's intent, and it shouldn't be happening.
The developer believes that the compiler is to blame. The function doesn't work as intended because
the undefined behavior occurs. But in this case, it's not the compiler's fault — the code is incorrect. The
function doesn't work as intended because the undefined behavior occurs.
The compiler sees that the r variable is used to calculate and store a sum. It assumes that the r variable
cannot overflow (according to the compiler). That would be considered undefined behavior, which the
compiler should not analyze and take into account. So, the compiler assumes that the r variable cannot
store a negative value after the loop is complete. Therefore, the r & 0x7fffffff operation, which sets off
the sign bit, is unnecessary. So, the compiler simply returns the value of the r variable from the function.
That was an amusing story of a programmer who hasted to complain about the compiler. Based on this
case, we implemented the new diagnostic rule in the PVS-Studio analyzer – V1026 – that helps to
identify similar defects in the code.
To fix the code, you should simply use an unsigned variable to calculate the hash value:
int foo(const unsigned char *s)
unsigned r = 0;
while(*s) {
r += ((r * 20891 + *s *200) | *s ^ 4 | *s ^ 3) ^ (r >> 1);
return (int)(r & 0x7fffffff);
The second story was previously mentioned here: "The compiler is to blame for everything." Once the
PVS-Studio analyzer issued a warning for the following code:
TprintPrefs::TprintPrefs(IffdshowBase *Ideci,
const TfontSettings *IfontSettings)
memset(this, 0, sizeof(this)); // This doesn't seem to
// help after optimization.
dx = dy = 0;
isOSD = false;
xpos = ypos = 0;
align = 0;
linespacing = 0;
sizeDx = 0;
sizeDy = 0;
The analyzer is right, while the author of code is not.
According to the comment, when optimization is enabled, the compiler is acting up and does not zero
out the class data members.
After cussing the compiler out, the developer goes on to write the code which zeroing each class data
member separately. Sadly, but most likely, the developer will be absolutely sure they have encountered
a bug in the compiler. But, in fact, there has been a trivial careless mistake.
Pay attention to the third argument of the memset function. The sizeof operator calculates the size of
the pointer, and not the size of the class. As a result, only part of the class is zeroed out. Without
optimizations, apparently, all data members were always zeroed out and it seemed that the memset
function worked correctly.
The correct calculation of the class size should look like this:
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
However, even the fixed version of the code cannot be called correct and safe. It stays that way as long
as the class is trivially copyable. Everything can crash, for example, if you add some virtual function or a
data member of a non-trivially copied type to the class.
Don't write code like that. I gave this example only because the previously described nuances pale in
comparison to the error of the class size calculation.
That's exactly how legends about glitchy compilers and brave programmers fighting them are born.
Conclusion. Don't rush to blame the compiler if your code doesn't work. And don't try to make your
program work by using various code modifications in the hope to "bypass the compiler's bug".
What you can do before blaming the compiler:
1. Ask your skilled teammates to review your code;
2. Look carefully if the compiler does not issue warnings to your code, and try these keys: -Wall, -
3. Check the code with a static analyzer. For example, PVS-Studio;
4. Check the code with a dynamic analyzer;
5. If you know how to work with the assembler, look at the assembler listing generated for the
code by the compiler. Think why the file is the way it is;
6. Reproduce an error with a minimal code example and ask a question on Stack Overflow.
Terrible tip N12. Feel free to use argv
There's no time to explain — immediately use the command line arguments. Like that, for example:
char buf[100]; strcpy(buf, argv[1]);. Checks are only for those who don't feel too confident about their
own or their teammates' coding skills.
It's not only about a buffer overflow that may occur. Data processing without prior checks opens a
Pandora's box full of vulnerabilities.
The problem of using unchecked data is a huge topic that goes beyond this discussion. If you are
interested in delving deeper into this topic, you can start with the following:
1. Shoot yourself in the foot when handling input data;
2. CWE-20: Improper Input Validation;
3. Taint analysis (taint checking);
4. V1010. Unchecked tainted data is used in expression.
Terrible tip N13. Undefined behavior is just a scary story
Undefined behavior is just a scary bedtime story for children. Undefined behavior doesn't exist in real
life. If the program works as you expected, it doesn't contain bugs. And there's nothing to discuss
here, that's that. Everything is fine.
Enjoy! :)
1. Undefined behavior.
2. What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behavior. Part 1, part 2, part 3.
3. How deep the rabbit hole goes, or C++ job interviews at PVS-Studio.
4. Undefined behavior is closer than you think.
5. Undefined behavior, carried through the years.
6. Null Pointer Dereferencing Causes Undefined Behavior.
7. Undefined Behavior Is Really Undefined.
8. With Undefined Behavior, Anything is Possible.
9. Philosophy behind Undefined Behavior.
10. Wrap on integer overflow is not a good idea.
11. An example of undefined behavior caused by absence of return.
12. YouTube. C++Now 2018: John Regehr "Closing Keynote: Undefined Behavior and Compiler
13. YouTube. Towards optimization-safe systems: analyzing the impact of undefined behavior.
14. And then just google "undefined behavior" and keep enjoying it :)
Terrible tip N14. double == double
Feel free to use the operator == to compare floating-point numbers. If there is such an operator, you
need to use it.
Well, you can compare, can't you? However, the comparison has some nuances that need to be known
and considered. Let's take a look at the example:
double A = 0.5;
if (A == 0.5) // True
double B = sin(M_PI / 6.0);
if (B == 0.5) // ????
The first comparison A == 0.5 is true. The second comparison B == 0.5 may be both true and false. The
result of the B == 0.5 expression depends upon the CPU, the compiler's version and the flags being used.
For example, as I am writing this article, my compiler outputs code that calculates the value of the B
variable to be 0.49999999999999994.
A better version of the code may look as follows:
double B = sin(M_PI / 6.0);
if (std::abs(b - 0.5) < DBL_EPSILON)
In this case, the comparison with the error presented by DBL_EPSILON is true because the result of the
sin function lies within the range [-1, 1]. C numeric limits interface:
DBL_EPSILON - difference between 1.0 and the next representable value for double
But if we handle values larger than several units, errors like FLT_EPSILON and DBL_EPSILON may be too
small. And vice versa, if we handle values like 0.00001, these errors are too large. Each time, it's better
to choose an error that is within the range of possible values.
But the question is still here. How do we compare two variables of the double type?
double a = ...;
double b = ...;
if (a == b) // how?
There is no single correct answer. In most cases, you can compare two variables of the double type by
writing the following code:
if (std::abs(a - b) <= DBL_EPSILON * std::max(std::abs(a),
But be careful with this formula, it only works for numbers with equal sign. Moreover, in a series with a
large number of calculations, an error constantly occurs, and the DBL_EPSILON constant may have a
value that is too small.
Well, is it even possible to compare floating-point values precisely?
In some cases, yes. But they are pretty limited. You may perform a comparison if the values being
compared are in fact the same values.
Here is a case where a precise comparison is possible:
// -1 - a flag denoting that the variable's value is not set
double val = -1.0;
if (Foo1())
val = 123.0;
if (val == -1.0) // OK
In this case, the comparison with the -1 value is possible because we previously initialized the variable
with exactly the same value.
This comparison will be possible even if the number cannot be represented by a finite fraction. The
following code will display "V == 1.0/3.0":
double V = 1.0/3.0;
if (V == 1.0/3.0)
std::cout << "V == 1.0/3.0" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "V != 1.0/3.0" << std::endl;
However, you have to be vigilant. If you only replace the type of the V variable with float, the condition
will become false:
float V = 1.0/3.0;
if (V == 1.0/3.0)
std::cout << "V == 1.0/3.0" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "V != 1.0/3.0" << std::endl;
Now the code displays "V != 1.0/3.0". Why? The value of the V variable is 0.333333, and the 1.0/3.0
value is 0.33333333333333. Before comparison, the V variable, which has the float type, is expanded to
the double type. The comparison is performed:
if (0.333333000000000 == 0.333333333333333)
These numbers are obviously not equal. Anyway, be careful.
By the way, the PVS-Studio analyzer can detect all the operator == and operator !=, whose operands
have a floating-point type, so that you can check this code again. Take a look at the V550 - Suspicious
precise comparison diagnostic.
Here's some additional material:
1. Bruce Dawson. Comparing floating point numbers, 2012 Edition.
2. Andrey Karpov. 64-bit programs and floating-point calculations.
3. Wikipedia. Floating point.
4. CodeGuru Forums. C++ General: How is floating point representated?
5. Boost. Floating-point comparison algorithms.
Terrible tip N15. memmove is a superfluous function
memmove is a redundant function. Use memcpy always and everywhere.
The role of the memmove and memcpy functions is identical. However, there is an important difference.
If the memory areas passed through the first two parameters partially overlap, the memmove function
guarantees that the copy result is correct. In the case of memcpy, the behavior is undefined.
Let's say, you need to shift five bytes of memory by three bytes, as shown in the picture. Then:
• memmove – there is no problem with copying overlapping areas, the content will be copied
• memcpy – there will be a problem. The source values of these two bytes will be overwritten and
not saved. Therefore, the last two bytes of the sequence will be the same as the first two.
You can also read the related discussion on Stack Overflow: memcpy() vs memmove().
So, why are there so many jokes about it if the behavior of these functions is so different? Turns out that
the authors of many projects overlook some information about these functions in the documentation.
Some distracted programmers were saved by the fact that in older versions of glibc, the memcpy
function was an alias for memmove. Here's a note on this topic: Glibc change exposing bugs.
And that's how the Linux manual page describes it:
Failure to observe the requirement that the memory areas do not overlap has been
the source of significant bugs. (POSIX and the C standards are explicit that employing
memcpy() with overlapping areas produces undefined behavior.) Most notably, in
glibc 2.13 a performance optimization of memcpy() on some platforms (including
x86-64) included changing the order in which bytes were copied from src to dest.
This change revealed breakages in a number of applications that performed copying
with overlapping areas. Under the previous implementation, the order in which the
bytes were copied had fortuitously hidden the bug, which was revealed when the
copying order was reversed. In glibc 2.14, a versioned symbol was added so that old
binaries (i.e., those linked against glibc versions earlier than 2.14) employed a
memcpy() implementation that safely handles the overlapping buffers case (by
providing an "older" memcpy() implementation that was aliased to memmove(3)).
Terrible tip N16. sizeof(int) == sizeof(void *)
The size of int is always 4 bytes. Feel free to use this number. The number 4 looks much more elegant
than an awkward expression with the sizeof operator.
The size of an int can differ significantly. The size of int is really 4 bytes on many popular platforms. But
many – it doesn't mean all! There are systems with different data models. The size of int can be 8 bytes,
2 bytes, and even 1 byte!
Formally, here's what can be said about the size of int:
1 == sizeof(char) <=
sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) <= sizeof(long long)
The pointer can just as easily differ from the size of the int type and 4. For example, on most 64-bit
systems, the size of a pointer is 8 bytes, and the size of the int type is 4 bytes.
A fairly common pattern of 64-bit error is related to this. In old 32-bit programs, developers sometimes
stored a pointer in variables of such types as int/unsigned. When such programs are ported on 64-bit
systems, errors occur — when developers write the pointer value to a 32-bit variable, the highest bits
are lost. See "Pointer packing" in "Lessons on the development of 64-bit C/C++ applications".
Additional links:
1. Fundamental types.
2. What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be?
Terrible tip N17. Don't check what the malloc function returned
It makes no sense to check if memory was allocated. Modern computers have a great amount of
memory. And if there is not enough memory to complete operations, there is no need for the program
to continue working. Let the program crash. There's nothing more you can do anyway.
If the memory runs out, a computer game can crush. It's acceptable sometimes. The crash is unpleasant
in this case, but it doesn't feel like the end of the world. Well, unless you are not participating in the
gaming championship at this moment :).
But suppose a situation: you spent half a day doing a project in a CAD system. Suddenly, there is not
enough memory for the next operation — the application crashes. It's much more unpleasant. If an
application can't perform an operation, it's one thing, and it's quite another if it crashes without a
warning. CAD and similar systems should continue working. At least, to give the opportunity to save the
There are several cases when it's unacceptable to write code that crashes if there isn't enough memory:
1. Embedded systems. They simply may have "nowhere to crash" :). Many embedded programs
have to continue working anyway. Even if it's impossible to function properly, the program must
proceed under some special scenario. For example, the program needs to turn off the hardware,
and only then stop. It is impossible to talk about embedded software in general and give
recommendations. These systems and their purpose vary greatly. The main thing is that it's not
an option for such systems to ignore the lack of memory and crash;
2. Systems where a user works with a project for a long time. Examples: CAD systems, databases,
video editing systems. A crash at random time can lead to the loss of part of the work or lead to
damage of project files;
3. Libraries. You don't know in which project the library will be used and how. So, it is simply
unacceptable to ignore memory allocation errors in them. The library code should return an
error or throw an exception. And it is up to the user application to decide how to handle the
4. Other things I forgot or didn't mention.
This topic largely overlaps with my article "Four reasons to check what the malloc function returned". I
recommend reading it. Not everything is as simple and obvious as it seems at first glance with memory
allocation errors.
Terrible tip N18. Extend the std namespace
Extend the std namespace with various additional functions and classes. After all, for you, these
functions and classes are standard and basic.
Despite that such programs are successfully compiled and executed, the modification of the std
namespace can lead to undefined behavior. The same goes for the posix namespace.
To make the situation clear, let me cite the V1061 diagnostic rule, which is designed to detect these
invalid namespace extensions.
The contents of the std namespace is defined solely by the ISO committee, and the standard prohibits
adding the following to it:
• variable declarations;
• function declarations;
• class/structure/union declarations;
• enumeration declarations;
• function/class/variable template declarations (C++14).
The standard does allow adding the following specializations of templates defined in the std namespace
given that they depend on at least one program-defined type:
• full or partial specialization of a class template;
• full specialization of a function template (up to C++20);
• full or partial specialization of a variable template not located in the <type_traits> header (up to
However, specializations of templates located inside classes or class templates are prohibited.
The most common scenarios when the user extends the std namespace are adding an overload of the
std::swap function and adding a full/partial specialization of the std::hash class template.
The following example illustrates the addition of an overload of the std::swap function:
template <typename T>
class MyTemplateClass
class MyClass
namespace std
template <typename T>
void swap(MyTemplateClass<T> &a, MyTemplateClass<T> &b) noexcept // UB
template <>
void swap(MyClass &a, MyClass &b) noexcept // UB since C++20
The first function template adds a new overload of std::swap, so this declaration will lead to undefined
behavior. The second function template is a specialization, and the program's behavior is defined up to
the C++20 standard. However, there is another way: we could move both functions out of the std
namespace and place them to the one where classes are defined:
template <typename T>
class MyTemplateClass
class MyClass
template <typename T>
void swap(MyTemplateClass<T> &a, MyTemplateClass<T> &b) noexcept
void swap(MyClass &a, MyClass &b) noexcept
Now, when you need to write a function template that uses the swap function on two objects of type T,
you can write the following:
template <typename T>
void MyFunction(T& obj1, T& obj2)
using std::swap; // make std::swap visible for overload resolution
swap(obj1, obj2); // best match of 'swap' for objects of type T
Now the compiler will select the required overload based on argument-dependent lookup (ADL): the
user-defined swap functions for MyClass and for the MyTemplateClass template. The compiler will also
select the standard std::swap function for all other types.
The next example demonstrates the addition of a specialization of the class template std::hash:
namespace Foo
class Bar
namespace std
template <>
struct hash<Foo::Bar>
size_t operator()(const Foo::Bar &) const noexcept;
According to the standard, this code is valid, and so the analyzer does not issue the warning here. But
starting with C++11, there is also another way to do this, namely by writing the class template
specialization outside the std namespace:
template <>
struct std::hash<Foo::Bar>
size_t operator()(const Foo::Bar &) const noexcept;
Unlike the std namespace, the C++ standard prohibits any modification of the posix namespace at all.
Here's some additional information:
• C++17 standard (working draft N4659), paragraph
• C++20 standard (working draft N4860), paragraph
Terrible tip N19. Old school
Your teammates should know your extensive experience with the C language. Don't hesitate to show
them your strong skills in manual memory management and in the usage of longjmp.
Another version of this tip: smart pointers and other RAII are from evil. Manage all resources manually
— this makes code simple and comprehensible.
There's no reason to refuse smart pointers and use complex constructions when working with memory.
Smart pointers in C++ don't require additional processing time. This is not garbage collection. Besides,
smart pointers help shorten and simplify code, thus, reducing the risk of making a mistake.
Let's investigate why manual memory management is unreliable and tedious. We'll start with the
simplest code in C where the memory is allocated and deallocated.
Note. In the examples, I only inspect memory allocation and deallocation. In fact, this is a huge topic of
manual resource management. You can use, for example, fopen instead of malloc.
int Foo()
float *buf = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(float));
if (buf == NULL)
int status = Go(buf);
return status;
The code is simple and clear. The function allocates memory for some purposes, uses it, and then
deallocates. Additionally, you have to check whether malloc was able to allocate memory. Terrible tip
N17 explains why this check is crucial in code.
Now imagine: you need to perform operations with two different buffers. The code immediately starts
to grow — if the next memory allocation fails, you need to take care of the previous buffer. Moreover,
now you have to consider the result of the Go_1 function.
int Foo()
float *buf_1 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_1 * sizeof(float));
if (buf_1 == NULL)
int status = Go_1(buf_1);
if (status != STATUS_OK)
return status;
float *buf_2 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_2 * sizeof(float));
if (buf_2 == NULL)
status = Go_2(buf_1, buf_2);
return status;
It gets worse. The code grows non-linearly. With three buffers:
int Foo()
float *buf_1 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_1 * sizeof(float));
if (buf_1 == NULL)
int status = Go_1(buf_1);
if (status != STATUS_OK)
return status;
float *buf_2 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_2 * sizeof(float));
if (buf_2 == NULL)
status = Go_2(buf_1, buf_2);
if (status != STATUS_OK)
return status;
float *buf_3 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_3 * sizeof(float));
if (buf_3 == NULL)
status = Go_3(buf_1, buf_2, buf_3);
return status;
Interestingly, the code is still not that complex. You can easily write and read it. However, something
feels wrong about that. More than half of the code is almost useless — it just checks statuses and
allocates/deallocates the memory. That's why, manual memory management is bad. A lot of necessary
but irrelevant code lines.
Although the code is not complex, developers can easily make a mistake with its growth. For example,
they might forget to release a pointer when exiting the function earlier and get a memory leak. We
actually encounter this error in projects when we check them with PVS-Studio. Here's a code fragment
from the PMDK project:
static enum pocli_ret
pocli_args_obj_root(struct pocli_ctx *ctx, char *in, PMEMoid **oidp)
char *input = strdup(in);
if (!input)
if (!oidp)
The strdup function creates a copy of a string in a buffer. The buffer must be then released somewhere
via the free function. Here, if the oidp argument is a null pointer, a memory leak will happen. The correct
code should look like this:
char *input = strdup(in);
if (!input)
if (!oidp)
Or you can move the argument check to the beginning of the function:
if (!oidp)
char *input = strdup(in);
if (!input)
Anyway, this is a classic error in code with manual memory management.
Let's return to the synthetic code with three buffers. Can it be simpler? Yes, with a single exit point
pattern and goto operators.
int Foo()
float *buf_1 = NULL;
float *buf_2 = NULL;
float *buf_3 = NULL;
int status;
buf_1 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_1 * sizeof(float));
if (buf_1 == NULL)
goto end;
status = Go_1(buf_1);
if (status != STATUS_OK)
goto end;
buf_2 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_2 * sizeof(float));
if (buf_2 == NULL)
goto end;
status = Go_2(buf_1, buf_2);
if (status != STATUS_OK)
goto end;
buf_3 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_3 * sizeof(float));
if (buf_3 == NULL)
goto end;
status = Go_3(buf_1, buf_2, buf_3);
return status;
The code is much better now, and this is what C developers often do. I cannot call such code good and
beautiful, but we have what we have. Manual resource management is scary anyway...
By the way, some compilers support special extension for the C language that can greatly simplify the
life of a developer. You can use constructions of the following form:
void free_int(int **i) {
int main(void) {
__attribute__((cleanup (free_int))) int *a = malloc(sizeof *a);
*a = 42;
} // No memory leak, free_int is called when a goes out of scope
Read more about this magic here: RAII in C: cleanup gcc compiler extension.
Now let's go back to the terrible tip. The problem is, some developers still use manual memory
management in C++ code even when it makes no sense! Don't do this. C++ allows to shorten and
simplify the code.
You can use containers like std::vector. Even if you need an array of bytes allocated with the operator
new [], you can make the code way better.
int Foo()
std::unique_ptr<float[]> buf_1 (new float[ARRAY_SIZE_1]);
if (int status = Go_1(buf_1); status != STATUS_OK)
return status;
std::unique_ptr<float[]> buf_2(new float[ARRAY_SIZE_2]);
if (int status = Go_2(buf_1, buf_2); status != STATUS_OK)
return status;
std::unique_ptr<float[]> buf_3(new float[ARRAY_SIZE_3]);
reutrn Go_3(buf_1, buf_2, buf_3);
Gorgeous! You don't need to check the result of calling the operator new [] — an exception will be
thrown in case of a buffer creation error. Buffers are released automatically if exceptions occur or when
the function exits normally.
So, what's the point of writing in C++ the old way? None. Why do we still meet such code? I think there
are several answers.
First. The developers do it out of habit. They don't want to learn something new and change their
coding patterns. In fact, they write code in C with a bit of additional functionality from C++. It's sad, and I
don't know how to fix it.
Second. Below is C++ code that used to be code in C. It was slightly changed, but it wasn't rewritten or
refactored. That is, malloc was simply replaced with new, and free was replaced with delete. Such code
can be easily recognized by two artifacts.
Firstly, look at these checks — they are atavisms:
in_audio_ = new int16_t[AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE_W16];
if (in_audio_ == NULL) {
return -1;
It makes no sense to check the pointer for NULL. In case of a memory allocation error, an exception of
the std::bad_alloc type will be thrown. It's a custom atavism. Of course, there's new(std::nothrow), but
it's not our case.
Secondly, there's often the following error: memory is allocated using the operator new [], and
deallocated using delete. Although it is more correct to use delete []. See "Why do arrays have to be
deleted via delete [] in C++". Example:
char *poke_data = new char [length + 2*sizeof(int)];
delete poke_data;
Third. Fear of overheads. There are no reasons to fear them. Yes, smart pointers can sometimes have
overheads, but they are minor compared to simple pointers. However, keep in mind:
1. Possible overheads from smart pointers are negligible compared to relatively slow memory
allocation and deallocation operations. If you need maximum speed, then you need to think
about how to reduce the number of memory allocation/deallocation operations and not about
whether to use a smart pointer or control pointers manually. Another option is to write your
own allocator;
2. Simplicity, reliability, and security of code that uses smart pointers, in my opinion, definitely
outweighs the overheads (which, by the way, may not be there at all).
Additional links:
• Memory and Performance Overhead of Smart Pointers.
• How much is the overhead of smart pointers compared to normal pointers in C++?
Fourth. Developers are simply unaware of how, for example, std::unique_ptr can be used. They probably
think like this:
OK, I have std::unique_ptr. It can control a pointer to the object. But I still need to
work with arrays of objects. And then there are file descriptors. In some places, I am
even forced to continue using malloc/realloc. For all this, unique_ptr is not suitable.
So, it's easier to continue managing resources manually everywhere.
Everything that is described can very well be controlled with std::unique_ptr.
// Working with arrays:
std::unique_ptr<T[]> ptr(new T[count]);
// Working with files:
std::unique_ptr<FILE, int(*)(FILE*)> f(fopen("a.txt", "r"), &fclose);
// Working with malloc:
struct free_delete
void operator()(void* x) { free(x); }
std::unique_ptr<int, free_delete> up((int*)malloc(sizeof(int)));
That's it. I hope I addressed all the doubts you may have had.
P.S. I haven't written anything about longjmp. And I don't see the point in it. In C++, exceptions should
be used for this purpose.
Terrible tip N20. Compact code
Use as few curly brackets and line breaks as possible. Try to write conditional constructs in one
line. This will reduce the code size and make the code compile faster.
The code will be shorter — it's undeniable. It's also undeniable that the code will contain more errors.
"Shortened code" is harder to read. This means that typos are more likely not to be noticed by the
author of the code and by colleagues during code review. Do you want proof? Easy!
Once, a user emailed us that the PVS-Studio analyzer was producing strange false positives for the
condition. Here's a picture attached to the email:
Can you spot the bug? Probably not. Do you know why? Because we have a big complex expression
written in one line. It's difficult to read and understand this code. I bet you did not try to find the bug
and continued reading the article :).
But the analyzer wasn't too lazy to bother trying. It correctly indicated an anomaly: some of the
subexpressions are always true or false. Let's refactor the code:
if (!((ch >= 0x0FF10) && (ch <= 0x0FF19)) ||
((ch >= 0x0FF21) && (ch <= 0x0FF3A)) ||
((ch >= 0x0FF41) && (ch <= 0x0FF5A)))
Now it's much easier to notice that the logical NOT (!) operator is applied only to the first subexpression.
Well, we just need to write additional parentheses. A more detailed story about this bug is here: "How
PVS-Studio proved to be more attentive than three and a half programmers".
In our articles, we recommend formatting complex code as a table. You can see this formatting style just
above. Table-style formatting does not guarantee the absence of typos, but it makes them easier and
faster to notice.
I'll illustrate this topic with another example. Let's inspect the code fragment from the ReactOS project.
PVS-Studio issued the following warning on it: V560 A part of conditional expression is always true:
void adns__querysend_tcp(adns_query qu, struct timeval now) {
if (!(errno == EAGAIN || EWOULDBLOCK ||
errno == EINTR || errno == ENOSPC ||
errno == ENOBUFS || errno == ENOMEM)) {
This is a small code fragment — it's not hard to find an error here. However, it may be much harder to
notice it in real code. You may simply skip the block of the same type of comparisons and go on.
The reason why we don't notice such errors is that the conditions are poorly formatted. We don't want
to read them carefully, it takes effort. We just hope that since the checks are of the same type, then
everything will be fine — the author of the code did not make mistakes in the condition.
One of the ways to deal with typos is the table-style formatting.
For those readers who want to know where the error is but don't want to search it themselves — "errno
==" is missing in one place. As a result, the condition is always true, since the EWOULDBLOCK constant is
10035. Here's the correct code:
if (!(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK ||
errno == EINTR || errno == ENOSPC ||
errno == ENOBUFS || errno == ENOMEM)) {
Now let's inspect how to refactor this fragment better. First, I'll show you the code designed in the
simplest table style. I don't like it.
if (!(errno == EAGAIN || EWOULDBLOCK ||
errno == EINTR || errno == ENOSPC ||
errno == ENOBUFS || errno == ENOMEM)) {
It got better but not that much. I don't like this style because of two reasons:
1. The error is still not very noticeable;
2. You have to insert a large number of spaces for alignment.
That's why we need to enhance code formatting. Firstly, no more than one comparison per line, then
the error is easy to notice. Indeed, the error has become more conspicuous:
a == 1 &&
b == 2 &&
c &&
d == 3 &&
Secondly, it's better to write operators &&, ||, etc. rationally — not on the right but on the left.
Notice how much work it is to write spaces:
x == a &&
y == bbbbb &&
z == cccccccccc &&
But this way there is much less work:
x == a
&& y == bbbbb
&& z == cccccccccc
The code looks unusual, but you'll get used to it.
Let's combine it all together and write the code given above in a new style:
if (!( errno == EAGAIN
|| errno == EINTR
|| errno == ENOSPC
|| errno == ENOBUFS
|| errno == ENOMEM)) {
Yes, the code now takes up more lines of code, but the error is much more noticeable.
I agree, the code looks unusual. However, I recommend this approach. I have been using it for many
years and am very satisfied, so I confidently recommend it to all readers.
The fact that the code has become longer is not a problem at all. I would even write something like this:
const bool error = errno == EAGAIN
|| errno == EWOULDBLOCK
|| errno == EINTR
|| errno == ENOSPC
|| errno == ENOBUFS
|| errno == ENOMEM;
if (!error) {
Is someone grumbling that it's long and clutters up the code? I agree. So, let's put it into a function!
static bool IsInterestingError(int errno)
return errno == EAGAIN
|| errno == EWOULDBLOCK
|| errno == EINTR
|| errno == ENOSPC
|| errno == ENOBUFS
|| errno == ENOMEM;
if (!IsInterestingError(errno)) {
It may seem that I am exaggerating and that I am too perfectionist, but errors in complex expressions
are very common. I wouldn't have remembered them if I hadn't come across them all the time: these
errors are everywhere and poorly visible.
Here is another example from the WinDjView project:
inline bool IsValidChar(int c)
return c == 0x9 || 0xA || c == 0xD ||
c >= 0x20 && c <= 0xD7FF ||
c >= 0xE000 && c <= 0xFFFD ||
c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x10FFFF;
There are only a few lines in the function, and still an error crept into it. The function always returns
true. The problem is that it is poorly designed. For many years, developers have been skipping it while
reviewing, and haven't noticed a mistake there.
Let's refactor the code in the table style. I'd add more brackets:
inline bool IsValidChar(int c)
c == 0x9
|| 0xA
|| c == 0xD
|| (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0xD7FF)
|| (c >= 0xE000 && c <= 0xFFFD)
|| (c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x10FFFF);
It's not necessary to format the code exactly as I suggest. The point of this note is to draw attention to
typos in "chaotic code". By formatting code in table style, you can avoid a lot of silly typos. And this is
great. I hope this note will help someone.
A fly in the ointment. I am an honest developer, and that's why, I must mention that sometimes table-
style formatting can be harmful. Here is an example:
void elxLuminocity(const PixelRGBi& iPixel,
LuminanceCell< PixelRGBi >& oCell)
oCell._luminance = 2220*iPixel._red +
7067*iPixel._blue +
oCell._pixel = iPixel;
This is the eLynx SDK project. The developer wanted to align the code, so they added 0 to 713.
Unfortunately, the developer forgot that 0 at the beginning of a number meant it would be represented
in octal format.
Array of strings. I hope the concept of table-style formatting is clear now. However, why don't we
review it once again? Let's inspect one code fragment. It illustrates that table-style formatting can be
applied to all language constructs, not just conditions.
The code fragment is taken from the Asterisk project. The PVS-Studio analyzer issued the following
warning: V653 A suspicious string consisting of two parts is used for array initialization. It is possible that
a comma is missing. Consider inspecting this literal: "KW_INCLUDES" "KW_JUMP".
static char *token_equivs1[] =
A typo — one comma is forgotten. As a result, two lines different in meaning are combined into one. In
fact, that's what is written here:
The error could have been avoided by using table-style formatting. In this case, the developer can easily
notice a missed comma.
static char *token_equivs1[] =
"KW_IF" ,
Let me remind you that if we put a separator on the right (in this case, it's a comma), then we have to
add a lot of spaces, which is inconvenient. Especially if you add a new long line/expression — you'll have
to reformat the whole table.
Therefore, it's better to format the code like this:
static char *token_equivs1[] =
, "KW_IF"
Now you can easily notice a missing comma and avoid adding spaces. The code looks neat and
comprehensible. Perhaps, such formatting may be unusual to you, but I urge you to try this format —
you'll quickly get used to it.
Remember: beautiful code is correct code.
Terrible tip N21. Professionals do not make mistakes
Never test anything. And don't write tests. Your code is perfect, what's there to test? It's not for
nothing that you are real C++ programmers.
I think the reader understands the irony, and no one seriously wonders why this tip is terrible. But there
is an interesting point here. By agreeing that programmers make mistakes, you most likely think that
this applies to you to a lesser degree. After all, you are an expert, and on average you understand better
than others how to program and test.
We all have a condition of cognitive bias — "illusory superiority". Moreover, from my life experience,
programmers are more susceptible to it :). Here's an interesting article on this topic: The Problem With
'Above Average Programmers'.
Terrible tip N22. Only students need analyzers
Don't use static analyzers. These are tools for students and losers.
In fact, it's the other way around. First of all, professional developers use static analyzers to improve the
quality of their software projects. They value static analysis, because it allows to find bugs and zero-day
vulnerabilities at early stages. After all, the earlier a code defect is detected, the cheaper it is to
What's interesting is that a student has a chance to write a high-quality program as part of a course
project. And they can well do it without static analysis. But it is impossible to write a project as big as a
game engine without bugs. The thing is that with the growth of the codebase, the error density
increases. To maintain the high quality of code, you need to spend a lot of effort and use various
methodologies, including code analysis tools.
Let's find out what the error density increase means. The larger the codebase size, the easier it is to
make a mistake. The number of errors increases with the growth of the project size not linearly, but
A person can no longer keep the whole project in mind. Each programmer works only with some part of
the project and the codebase. As a result, the programmer cannot foresee all the consequences that
may arise if they change some code fragment during the development process. In layman's terms:
something is changed in one place, something breaks in another.
In general, the more complex the system is, the easier it is to make a mistake. This is confirmed by
numbers. Let's look at the following table, taken from the "Code Complete" book by Stephen McConnell.
Static code analysis is a good assistant for programmers and managers who care about the project
quality and its speed development. Regular use of analysis tools reduces the error density, and this
generally has a positive effect on productivity. From the book by David Anderson "Kanban: Successful
Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business":
Capers Jones reports that in 2000, during the dot-com bubble, he evaluated the
quality of programs for North American teams. The quality ranged from six errors per
function point to less than three errors per 100 function points — 200 to one. The
midpoint is approximately one error per 0.6–1.0 functional point. Thus, teams usually
spend more than 90% of their efforts on fixing errors. There is also direct evidence of
this. In late 2007, Aaron Sanders, one of the first followers of Kanban, wrote on the
Kanbandev mailing list that the team he worked with spent 90% of the available
productivity on bug fixes.
Striving for inherently high quality will have a serious impact on the performance and
throughput of teams that make many errors. You can expect a two to fourfold
increase in throughput. If the team is initially lagging behind, then focusing on quality
allows you to increase this indicator tenfold.
Use static code analyzers, for example — PVS-Studio. Your team will be more engaged in interesting and
useful programming, rather than guessing why the code doesn't work as planned.
By the way, all written above doesn't mean that static code analyzers are useless for students. Firstly, a
static analyzer detects errors and low-quality code. It helps master the programming language faster.
Secondly, skills of working with code analyzers may be useful in the future, when you'll work with large
projects. The PVS-Studio team understands this and provides students with free license.
Additional links:
1. A post about static code analysis for project managers, not recommended for the programmers.
2. C++ tools evolution: static code analyzers.
3. Feelings confirmed by numbers.
4. How to introduce a static code analyzer in a legacy project and not to discourage the team.
Terrible tip N23. Slap stuff together and deploy!
Always and everywhere deploy any changes immediately to production. Test servers are a waste of
This is a universal terrible tip that is applicable to development in any programming language.
I don't know what else to write here that is clever and helpful. The harm of this approach is obvious.
That, however, does not prevent some people from following this approach :)
I think some interesting cautionary tale would be appropriate here. But I don't have one. Maybe some of
our readers have something to say on this topic. And then I'll add your responses here :).
Terrible tip N24. When you ask for help on a forum, make sure people
need to drag the information out of you. It will make things more
interesting for everyone
Everyone is just dreaming of helping you. So, it's worth asking on Stack Overflow/Reddit "why isn't
my code working?", and everyone is ready to overcome any barriers to answer your question.
This terrible tip is meant for those who have come to Stack Overflow, Reddit or some other forum for
help. The community is quite loyal to help newcomers, but sometimes it seems that those asking the
question do their best to be ignored. Let's look at a question I saw on Reddit.
Subject: Can someone explain to me why I have a segmentation fault?
The question's body: A link to a document located in the OneDrive cloud storage.
This is a good example of how not to ask questions.
It's an extremely inconvenient way to show your code. Instead of reading the necessary code
immediately in the body of the question, one need to follow the link. The OneDrive website required me
to log in, but I was too lazy to do so. I wasn't that interested in the code. By the lack of answers to the
question, I wasn't the only one who was lazy. Moreover, many people don't have an account on
OneDrive at all.
It is not even clear what programming language they are talking about. Is it worth looking at the code, if
it may turn out that you don't work with this programming language...
The question is not specific. I never found out what the code fragment was, but I suspect the fragment
might not have been enough to give an answer. The question does not contain any additional
information. Don't do that.
I will try to formulate the question in a way that others can help you.
The main idea. Let those you are asking for an answer be comfortable!
The question should be self-sufficient. It should contain all the necessary information so that those who
want to help do not need to ask clarifying questions. Often the questioners fall into a mental error,
believing that everything will be clear to everyone anyway. Remember, people who help you don't know
what your functions and classes do. Therefore, don't be lazy to describe all the functions/classes that are
relevant. I mean, to show how they work and/or describe them in words.
Ideally, you should provide a minimal piece of code so that people can reproduce the problem. Yes, it
does not always work out, but it is extremely useful for three reasons:
1. While you are creating a small code example to reproduce, there is a high probability that you
will understand where the error is.
2. Reproducible error is easy and convenient to work with. Most likely, you will get the help you
need from the community.
3. Once you have created a reproducible code example, you can try to detect an error using
another compiler or a static code analyzer. The Compiler Explorer website is handy for this.
There you can compile your code with different C++ compilers with different keys. Maybe one of
the compilers will issue a useful warning. Or the code analyzer will do it.
Additional links:
1. What I've learned over 10 years on Stack Overflow.
2. How do I ask a good question?
3. "Why doesn't my code work?" — to anyone learning the art of programming and writing to the
Stack Overflow community
Terrible tip N25. Diamond inheritance
The C++ language allows to perform virtual inheritance and implement diamond inheritance with it.
So why not to use such a cool thing!
You can use it. You just need to know about some subtleties. Let's take a look at them.
Initialization of virtual base classes
First, let's talk about how classes are allocated without virtual inheritance. Here's a code fragment:
class Base { ... };
class X : public Base { ... };
class Y : public Base { ... };
class XY : public X, public Y { ... };
That one's easy. The members of the non-virtual base Base class are allocated as common data
members of the derived class. It results in the XY object containing two independent Base subobjects.
Here is a scheme to illustrate that:
Figure 25.1. Multiple non-virtual inheritance.
An object of a virtual base class is included into the object of a derived class only once. This is also called
diamond inheritance:
Figure 25.2. Diamond inheritance
Figure 25.3 shows the layout of the XY object in the code fragment below with diamond inheritance.
class Base { ... };
class X : public virtual Base { ... };
class Y : public virtual Base { ... };
class XY : public X, public Y { ... };
Figure 25.3. Multiple virtual inheritance.
The memory for the shared Base subobject is most likely to be allocated at the end of the XY object. The
exact implementation of the class depends on the compiler. For example, X and Y classes can store
pointers to the shared Base object. But, as I understand, this method is out of use nowadays. More
often, a reference to a shared subobject is implemented as an offset or as information that is stored in
the vtable.
The "most derived" XY class alone knows where exactly the memory for the subobject of the virtual Base
class should be located. Therefore, it is the most derived class which is responsible for initializing all the
subobjects of virtual base classes.
The XY constructors initialize the Base subobject and pointers to it in X and Y. After that, the remaining
members of X, Y, XY classes are initialized.
Once the Base subobject is initialized in the XY constructor, it will not be re-initialized by the X or Y
constructors. The particular way it will be done depends on the compiler. For example, the compiler can
pass a special additional argument into X and Y constructors to tell them not to initialize the Base class.
Now the most interesting thing that leads to many misunderstandings and errors. Let's look at the
following constructors:
X::X(int A) : Base(A) {}
Y::Y(int A) : Base(A) {}
XY::XY() : X(3), Y(6) {}
What number will the base class constructor take as its argument — 3 or 6? None of them.
The XY constructor initializes the Base virtual subobject, but does this implicitly. By default, Base
constructor is called.
When the XY constructor calls the X or Y constructor, it does not reinitialize Base. So, there is no explicit
reference to Base with some argument.
Troubles with virtual base classes do not end here. Besides constructors, there are also assignment
operators. If I'm not mistaken, the standard tells us that the compiler-generated assignment operator
can assign to a subobject of a virtual base class multiple times. Or maybe the operator can only do it
once. So, you don't know how many times the Base object will be copied.
If you implement your own assignment operator, make sure you have prevented multiple copying of the
Base object. Let's look at the incorrect code fragment:
XY &XY::operator =(const XY &src)
if (this != &src)
X::operator =(*this);
Y::operator =(*this);
return *this;
This code leads to double copy of the Base object. To avoid this, we should add special functions into the
X and Y classes to prevent copying of the Base class's members. The contents of the Base class are
copied once here as well. Here's the fixed code:
XY &XY::operator =(const XY &src)
if (this != &src)
Base::operator =(*this);
return *this;
This code will work well, but it still doesn't look nice and clear. That's the reason why programmers are
recommended to avoid multiple virtual inheritance.
Virtual base classes and type conversion
Because of the specifics of how virtual base classes are allocated in memory, you can't perform type
conversions like this one:
Base *b = Get();
XY *q = static_cast<XY *>(b); // Compilation error
XY *w = (XY *)(b); // Compilation error
However, an insistent programmer can still convert the type by employing the 'reinterpret_cast'
XY *e = reinterpret_cast<XY *>(b);
However, the result will hardly be of any use. The address of the beginning of the Base object will be
interpreted as the beginning of the XY object. And this is not what you need at all. See Figure 25.4 for
The only way to perform a type conversion is to use the dynamic_cast operator. But using dynamic_cast
too often makes the code smell.
Figure 25.4. Type conversion.
Should we abandon virtual inheritance?
I agree with many authors that one should avoid virtual inheritance by all means, as well as common
multiple inheritance.
Virtual inheritance causes troubles with object initialization and copying. Since it is the "most derived"
class which is responsible for these operations, it has to be familiar with all the very detail of the
structure of base classes. Due to this, a more complex dependency appears between the classes, which
complicates the project structure and forces you to make some additional revisions in all those classes
during refactoring. All this leads to bugs and complicates the understanding of the project by new
The complexities of type conversion also lead to errors. You can partly solve the issues by using the
dynamic_cast operator. However, this is a slow operator. And if the operator begins to widely appear in
the program, then, most likely, this indicates a poor project architecture. Project structure can be almost
always implemented without multiple inheritance. After all, there are no such exotica in many other
languages. And it doesn't prevent programmers writing code in these languages from developing large
and complex projects.
We cannot insist on total refusal of virtual inheritance. Sometimes it is useful and convenient. However,
it's better to think twice before using it.
Pros of multiple inheritance
Well, we now understand the criticism of multiple virtual inheritance and multiple inheritance as such.
But are there any cases where this kind of inheritance is safe and convenient to use?
Yes, I can name at least one: mix-ins. If you don't know what it is, see the book "Enough Rope to Shoot
Yourself in the Foot". You can easily find it on the Internet. Start reading at section 101 and further on.
A mix-in class doesn't contain any data. All its functions are usually pure virtual. It has no constructor,
and even when if it has, the constructor doesn't do anything. It means that no troubles will occur when
creating or copying these classes.
If a base class is a mix-in class, assignment is harmless. So, even if an object is copied many times, it
doesn't matter. The program will be free of it after compilation.
Terrible tip N26. I'll do it myself
Do not use the language's standard library. What could be more interesting than writing your own
strings and lists with unique syntax and semantics?
Maybe it's really interesting. However, it's a time-consuming process. Moreover, the result is likely to be
of lower quality than the existing standard solutions. In practice, it turns out that it's not easy to write
even analogues of such simple functions as strdup or memcpy without errors. Now imagine the number
of flaws that are going to be in more complex functions and classes.
Don't believe me about strdup and memcpy? The thing is, I've started collecting errors found in custom
data copying functions long ago. Perhaps someday I'll make a separate article about that. And now, a
couple of proofs.
In the article about checking Zephyr RTOS, I described an unsuccessful attempt to implement a function
similar to strdup:
static char *mntpt_prepare(char *mntpt)
char *cpy_mntpt;
cpy_mntpt = k_malloc(strlen(mntpt) + 1);
if (cpy_mntpt) {
((u8_t *)mntpt)[strlen(mntpt)] = '0';
memcpy(cpy_mntpt, mntpt, strlen(mntpt));
return cpy_mntpt;
PVS-Studio warning: V575 [CWE-628] The 'memcpy' function doesn't copy the whole string. Use 'strcpy /
strcpy_s' function to preserve terminal null. shell.c 427
The analyzer detects that the memcpy function copies a string, but doesn't copy terminal null, and it's
strange. Seems like terminal null is copied here:
((u8_t *)mntpt)[strlen(mntpt)] = '0';
No, it's a typo that causes null character to be copied into itself. Note that the null character is written
into the mntpt array, not in cpy_mntpt. As a result, the mntpt_prepare function returns a non-null-
terminated string.
Actually, the developer wanted to write something like this:
((u8_t *)cpy_mntpt)[strlen(mntpt)] = '0';
It's unclear why the code is written in such a confusing way. As a result, a grave error crept into a small
function. The code can be simplified like this:
static char *mntpt_prepare(char *mntpt)
char *cpy_mntpt;
cpy_mntpt = k_malloc(strlen(mntpt) + 1);
if (cpy_mntpt) {
strcpy(cpy_mntpt, mntpt);
return cpy_mntpt;
And here's another example where developers wonder if they're right:
void myMemCpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n)
char *csrc = (char *)src;
char *cdest = (char *)dest;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
cdest[i] = csrc[i];
We were not analyzing this code fragment with the help of PVS-Studio — I accidentally came across it on
Stack Overflow: C and static Code analysis: Is this safer than memcpy?
However, if we check this function with PVS-Studio, it'll issue the following:
• V104 Implicit conversion of 'i' to memsize type in an arithmetic expression: i < n test.cpp 26
• V108 Incorrect index type: cdest[not a memsize-type]. Use memsize type instead. test.cpp 27
• V108 Incorrect index type: csrc[not a memsize-type]. Use memsize type instead. test.cpp 27
Indeed, this code fragment contains a flaw. The users also pointed it out in the replies to the question.
You cannot use an int variable as an index. On 64-bit platform, the int variable will most likely be 32-bit
(we don't consider exotic architectures here). Therefore, the function cannot copy more than INT_MAX
bytes. That is, no more than 2GB.
With a larger size of a copied buffer, an integer overflow will occur, which C and C++ interpret as
undefined behavior. Don't try to guess how the error will show itself. This is a complex topic. You can
read more about it in the article: "Undefined behavior is closer than you think".
It's especially funny that the code is the result of an attempt to get rid of a Checkmarx warning issued on
the memcpy function call. Developers decided to reinvent their own wheel, which, despite the simplicity
of the copy function, turned out to be wrong. So, someone did things even worse than they were
before. Instead of dealing with the reason for the issued warning, they concealed the issue by writing
their own function — and confused the analyzer. Besides, they added an error, using int for the counter.
Oh, by the way, such code may disrupt optimization. It's inefficient to use your own function instead of
optimized memcpy. Don't do this :).
Terrible tip N27. Delete stdafx.h
Get rid of that stupid stdafx.h. It's always causing those weird compilation errors.
"You just don't know how to cook it" (c). Let's find out how precompiled headers work in Visual Studio
and how to use them correctly.
Why do we need precompiled headers
Precompiled headers are designed to speed up the project build. Usually developers get acquainted with
Visual C++, using small projects. These projects hardly show any benefit from precompiled headers.
With or without them, the compile time of the program is the same by eye. This is confusing. A person
doesn't see any profit from this mechanism and decides that it's only for specific tasks and will never be
needed. And never uses them.
In fact, precompiled headers are a very useful technology. The benefit is clear even if a project consists
of a few dozen files. Especially clear if the project uses heavy libraries like boost.
If you look at the *.cpp files in a project, you may notice that many of them include the same sets of
header files. For example, <vector>, <string>, <algorithm>. These header files, in turn, include other
header files, and so on.
This leads to the fact that the preprocessor performs the same operations over and over again. It should
read the same files, insert them into each other, choose #ifdef branches and substitute macro values.
This is a colossal duplication of the same operations.
You can significantly reduce the amount of work that the preprocessor should do while compiling the
project. The idea is to preprocess a group of files in advance and then just substitute a ready-made text
Actually, there are some other steps to do. You can store not just text, but a bit more processed
information. I don't know how it works in Visual C++. But, for example, you can store there a text
already split into tokens. This will speed up the compilation.
How precompiled headers work
The file containing precompiled headers has the ".pch" extension. Usually, the file name matches the
project name. Of course, this and other names can be changed in settings. The file can be quite big — it
depends on how many header files are in it.
The *.pch file appears after compiling stdafx.cpp. The file is built with the "/Yc" key. This key tells the
compiler to create a precompiled header. The stdafx.cpp file may contain only one line: #include
The "stdafx.h" file contains the most interesting things. You need to include all header files (that will be
preprocessed in advance) in that file. For example, here's how this file may look like:
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4820)
#pragma warning(disable : 4619)
#pragma warning(disable : 4548)
#pragma warning(disable : 4668)
#pragma warning(disable : 4365)
#pragma warning(disable : 4710)
#pragma warning(disable : 4371)
#pragma warning(disable : 4826)
#pragma warning(disable : 4061)
#pragma warning(disable : 4640)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#pragma warning(pop)
The "#pragma warning" directives are necessary to get rid of the warnings issued on standard libraries, if
there's a high level of warnings enabled in compiler settings. This is a code fragment from an old project.
Perhaps now all these pragmas are not needed. I just wanted to show you how to suppress redundant
warnings if such occur.
Now "stdafx.h" should be included in all *.c/*.cpp files. At the same time, you need to remove already
included headers with "stdafx.h".
What if similar but different sets of headers are used? For example, these:
• File A: <vector>, <string>
• File B: <vector>, <algorithm>
• File C: <string>, <algorithm>
Should we create separate precompiled headers? You can do it, but it's not necessary.
It's enough to create one precompiled header, in which <vector>, <string>, and <algorithm> are
expanded. The benefit of not having to read lots of files and insert them into each other is much greater
than the losses of parsing unnecessary code fragments.
How to use precompiled headers
When you create a new project, Visual Studio's Wizard creates two files: stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp. The
precompiled headers mechanism is implemented with their help.
In fact, these files can have various names. The name doesn't matter, the compilation parameters in the
project settings do.
In *.c/*.cpp files, you can use only one precompiled header. However, one project may have several
precompiled headers. For now, we'll assume that our project has only one.
So, if you use a wizard, you already have stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp. Besides, you set all the necessary
compilation keys.
If a project doesn't use the precompiled headers mechanism, then let's inspect how to enable it. I
suggest the following steps:
1. Enable using precompiled headers in all configurations for all *.c/*.cpp files. You can do it in the
"Precompiled Header" tab:
• Set the "Use (/Yu)" value for the "Precompiled Header" parameter.
• Set "stdafx.h" for the "Precompiled Header File" parameter.
• Set "$(IntDir)$(TargetName).pch" for the "Precompiled Header Output File" parameter.
2. Create the stdafx.h file and add to the project. In the future, we'll add to it those header files
that we want to preprocess in advance.
3. Create the stdafx.cpp file and add it to the project. It has only one line: #include "stdafx.h".
4. In all configurations, change settings for the stdafx.cpp file. Set the "Create (/Yc)" value for the
"Precompiled Header" parameter.
So, we enabled the precompiled headers mechanism. Now if we compile a project, the *.pch file will be
created. However, then compilation stops because of errors.
For all *.c/*.cpp files we set that they should use precompiled headers. This is not enough. Now you
need to add #include "stdafx.h" to each of the files.
The "stdafx.h" header file should be included in the *.c/*.cpp file the very first. Absolutely! Otherwise,
compilation errors will appear sooner or later.
If you think of it, it has logic. When "stdafx.h" is placed at the very beginning, you can substitute already
preprocessed text. The text is always the same and doesn't depend on anything.
Imagine if we could include another file before "stdafx.h". And write #define bool char in that file.
Ambiguity arises. We change the contents of all files in which "bool" occurs. Now you cannot substitute
preprocessed text. The whole "precompiled headers" mechanism breaks. I think that's one of the
reasons why "stdafx.h" should be located at the beginning. Perhaps, there are others.
Life hack!
Writing #include "stdafx.h" in all *.c/*.cpp files is tedious and boring. Additionally, there will be a
revision in the version control system, where a huge number of files will be changed. Not good.
Another inconvenience is standard libraries (in the form of code files) included in a project. It's pointless
to edit all these files. The correct option would be to disable the use of precompiled headers. However,
if you use several third-party libraries, it's inconvenient. The developers always stumble over
precompiled headers.
There is an option how to use precompiled headers easily and simply. This option is not universal but it
often helped me.
You can skip writing #include "stdafx.h" in all files, and use the "Forced Included File" mechanism.
Open settings, go to the "Advanced" tab. Select all configurations. In "Forced Included File" write:
Now "stdafx.h" will automatically be included at the beginning of ALL compiled files. PROFIT!
Now you no longer need to write #include "stdafx.h" at the beginning of *.c/*.cpp files. The compiler
will do it itself.
What to include in stdafx.h
This is a crucial moment. If you mindlessly include everything in "stdafx.h", the compilation will just slow
All files that include "stdafx.h" depend on its contents. Let's say that the "X.h" file is included in
"stdafx.h". If you change anything in "X.h", this may lead to a full project recompilation.
Rule. Include in "stdafx.h" only those files that will never change or change VERY rarely. Header files of
systems and third-party libraries are good candidates.
If you include in "stdafx.h" your own files from the project, be extremely careful. Include only those files
that change very, very rarely.
If a *.h file changes monthly, this is too often. Usually, it's almost impossible to make all the edits in the
h file in the first try — it takes 2-3 iterations. Agree, recompiling the project 2-3 times a month is not a
pleasing task. Besides, not all your teammates need a recompilation process.
Don't get carried away with immutable files. Include only those files that are frequently used. There's no
reason to include <set>, if it's needed only in two places. Include this header file only where it's needed.
Multiple precompiled headers
Why do you need multiple precompiled headers in one project? This doesn't happen often, but let me
show you a couple of examples.
The project uses both *.c and *.cpp files. You can't use the *.pch file for both of them. The compiler will
issue an error.
You need to create two *.pch files. One is the result of compiling a C file (xx.c), and the other is the
result of compiling a C++ file (yy.cpp). Therefore, you need to specify in the settings that one
precompiled header is used in C files, and the other — in C++ files.
Note. Don't forget to specify different names for *.pch files. Otherwise, one file will rewrite the other.
Another case. One part of the project uses one big library, and another one uses another big library.
Of course, all code fragments don't need to know about both libraries. Besides, in (bad) libraries, names
of some entities may overlap.
It's more logical to create two precompiled headers and use them in different parts of the program. As I
mentioned above, you can specify any file names from which *.pch files are generated. You can also
change the *.pch file name. Of course, you need to be careful with that, but there's nothing hard in
using two precompiled headers.
Typical errors with precompiled headers
After reading the material above, you will be able to understand and fix the errors related to stdafx.h.
However, let's go through the typical compilation errors and inspect their causes.
Fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: 'Debugproject.pch': No such file or directory
You're trying to compile a file that uses a precompiled header. But the *.pch file is missing. Possible
1. The stdafx.cpp file wasn't compiled, and, as a result, the *.pch file hasn't been created yet. This
happens if you clean the project first (Clean Solution), and then try to compile one *.cpp file.
Solution: compile the whole project or at least the stdafx.cpp. file.
2. The settings don't specify any file from which the *.pch file should be generated. This refers to
the /Yc compilation key. Usually, newcomers end up in such a situation when they want to use
precompiled headers for their project. See the "How to use precompiled headers" section to
learn how to handle this.
Fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you forget to add
'#include "stdafx.h"' to your source?
The message is very clear. The file is compiled with the /Yu key. This means you should use precompiled
headers. However, the "stdafx.h" file is not included in the file.
You need to write #include "stdafx.h" into a file.
If it's impossible, then you should not use the precompiled header for this *.c/*.cpp file. Just remove the
/Yu key.
Fatal error C1853: 'project.pch' precompiled header file is from a previous version of the compiler, or
the precompiled header is C++ and you are using it from C (or vice versa)
The project contains both C (*.c) and C++ (*.cpp) files. You can't use the *.pch file for both of them.
Possible solutions:
1. Disable the use of precompiled headers for all C files. Experience shows that *.c files are
preprocessed several times faster than *.cpp files. If there are not so many *.c files, then by
disabling precompiled headers for them, you will not lose anything;
2. Create two precompiled headers. The first one should be created from stdafx_cpp.cpp,
stdafx_cpp.h. The second — from stdafx_c.c, stdafx_c.h. Therefore, different precompiled
headers should be used in *.c and *.cpp files. Of course, the names of *.pch files should also
The compiler is buggy because of the precompiled header
Most likely, something was done wrong. For example, #include "stdafx.h" is not located at the very
Look at the example:
int A = 10;
#include "stdafx.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
return A;
The code won't compile. The compiler will issue a warning which may look strange at first:
error C2065: 'A' : undeclared identifier
The compiler considers that everything that is specified before #include "stdafx.h" (including it), is a
precompiled header. When compiling the file, the compiler will replace everything before #include
"stdafx.h" to the text from the *.pch file. As a result, the "int A = 10" line is lost.
Here's the correct code:
#include "stdafx.h"
int A = 10;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
return A;
Another example:
#include "my.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
The contents of "my.h" won't be used. As a result, you cannot use functions declared in this file. This
behavior is very confusing for programmers. They "treat" it by completely disabling precompiled
headers and then tell stories about glitches in Visual C++. Remember, the compiler is one of the most
rarely buggy tools. In 99.99% of cases, you should not be angry at the compiler but look for the error
yourself (see terrible tip N11).
To avoid such situations, ALWAYS write #include "stdafx.h" at the very beginning of the file. You can
leave comments before #include "stdafx.h". They don't participate in the compilation in any way.
Another option — use Forced Included File. See the "Life hack!" section above.
Because of precompiled headers, the project is constantly recompiled
stdafx.h has a file that is regularly edited. Or an auto-generated file is accidentally included.
Carefully check the contents of "stdafx.h". It must include only those header files that do not change or
change very rarely. Note that included files may not change, but they refer to other changing *.h files.
Something strange is going on
Sometimes it happens that you fix the code, but the warning doesn't go away. The debugger shows
something strange.
The *.pch file may be the reason for that. Somehow the compiler does not notice changes in one of the
header files and does not rebuild the *.pch file. As a result, the old code is substituted. Perhaps this was
due to some failures related to the time of file modification.
This is a VERY rare situation. However, this may happen, and you need to know about that. I have
encountered it only 2-3 times over many years of programming. A full project recompilation helps.
Terrible tip N28. An array on the stack is the best thing ever
Besides, memory allocation is evil. char c[256] is enough for everyone, and if it's not enough, we'll
change it to 512. At the very least – to 1024.
Creating an array on the stack does have a number of advantages, compared to allocating memory on
the heap using the malloc function or the operator new []:
1. The allocation and deallocation of memory occurs instantly. In assembly code, it all boils down
to decreasing/increasing the stack pointer.
2. No need to worry about freeing up memory. It will be automatically deallocated, when you exit
the function.
So, what's wrong with the construction of char c[1024]?
Reason N1. The magic number 1024 implies that the code author doesn't really know how much
memory will be needed for data processing. They assume that one kilobyte will always be enough.
Doesn't sound very reliable, does it?
If we know that the buffer of a certain size will hold all the necessary data, most likely, we'll see a named
constant in the code, for example, char path[MAX_PATH].
The approach of creating a "buffer with a reserve" is unreliable. First, there's a possibility that the
"reserve" may not be enough in some cases — and this may lead to a buffer overflow. Second, such
code has a potential vulnerability. There's a possibility that certain data can be submitted to the
program input. It may overflow the buffer or change the program's behavior in the way desired for an
attacker. This is a big topic, and it deserves a separate article. So, here I'll just leave several links:
1. Wikipedia. Buffer overflow.
2. OWASP. Buffer Overflow.
3. Common Weakness Enumeration. CWE-120: Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input ('Classic
Buffer Overflow').
4. "Computer Security: A Hands-on Approach" authored by Wenliang Du. Chapter 4 - Buffer
Overflow Attack.
Reason N2. As we discussed, a fixed buffer size is bad because it may not be enough. Besides, in most
cases, the memory allocated in a buffer is much more than needed. Almost always the memory is
allocated more than it's then used. If you get carried away with creating such arrays on a stack, the stack
may suddenly end. You'll get stack overflow.
The compiler settings allow you to specify how much stack memory is available to the application. For
example, in Visual Studio, the /F key is used for this. You can specify a "reserve" here. However, this
solution is still unreliable — you can't predict how much stack memory an application will need, especially
if many arrays are created on the stack.
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer
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60 terrible tips for a C++ developer

  • 1. 60 terrible tips for a C++ developer Author: Andrey Karpov Date: 30.05.2023 Source: 60 terrible tips for a C++ developer. In this article, you're going to find 60 terrible coding tips — and explanations of why they are terrible. It's a fun and serious piece at the same time. No matter how terrible these tips look, they aren't fiction, they are real: we saw them all in the real programming world. This is a new version of 50 terrible coding tips. Last time I wrote a separate article with the explanation of them. This was a mistake. First, the list was boring and tedious. Second, not everyone read the explanation — this fact almost eliminates the benefit of these tips. I realized that not everyone had read the second article when I saw comments and questions. I had to reply with the same thing I wrote in the article. Now I have combined tips with explanations. Enjoy! Terrible tip N1. Only C++ Real developers code only in C++! There's nothing wrong with writing code in C++. The world has many projects written in C++. Well, for example, look at the list of apps from the home page of Bjarne Stroustrup. Here is a list of systems, applications, and libraries that are completely or mostly written in C++. Naturally, this is not intended to be a complete list. In fact, I couldn't list a 1000th of all major C++ programs if I tried, and this list holds maybe 1000th of
  • 2. the ones I have heard of. It is a list of systems, applications, and libraries that a reader might have some familiarity with, that might give a novice an idea what is being done with C++, or that I simply thought "cool". It's bad when developers use this language only because it's "cool" or because it's the only language the team knows. The variety of programming languages reflects the variety of tasks that software developers face. Different languages help developers solve different classes of problems effectively. The C++ language claims to be a versatile programming language. However, versatility doesn't guarantee that specific applications will be implemented quickly and easily. There may be languages that are a better fit for projects than others. An appropriate programming language can help implement a project without significant investments of time and effort. But there's nothing wrong with developing a small additional utility in C++, although it would be more efficient for a team to use another language for this. The costs of learning a new programming language may exceed the benefits of using it. The situation is different when a team needs to create a new, potentially large project. In this case, the team needs to discuss a few questions before choosing a programming language. Will the well-known C++ be effective for the project maintenance? Wouldn't it be better to choose another programming language for this project? If the answer is yes, it's clearly more efficient to use another language, then probably it's better for the team to spend time learning this language. In the future, this can significantly reduce the cost of the project development and maintenance. Or maybe the project should be assigned to another team that already uses a more relevant language. Terrible tip N2. Tab character in string literals If you need a tab character in a string literal, feel free to press the tab key. Save t ... for somebody else. No worries. I'm talking about string literals where words should be separated from each other with a tab character: const char str[] = "AAAtBBBtCCC"; Seems like there's no other way to do it. Nevertheless, sometimes developers just carelessly press the TAB button, instead of using 't'. This thing happens in real projects. Such code compiles and even works. However, explicit use of a tab character is bad because: 1. Literals may have spaces instead of tabs. This depends on the editor settings. Although the code looks like there's a tab character. 2. The developer who maintains the code won't immediately understand what's used as delimiters — tab characters or spaces. 3. During refactoring (or using code autoformatting utilities), tabs may turn into spaces, which affects the result of the program.
  • 3. Moreover, once I saw the code similar to this one in a real application: const char table[] = " bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-blan bla-bla-bla bla-bla-blan %s %dn %s %dn %s %dn "; The string is split into parts with the '' character. Explicit tab characters are mixed with space characters. Unfortunately, I don't know how to show it here, but trust me — the code looked bizarre. The alignment from the beginning of the screen. Bingo! I've seen lots of strange things when developing a code analyzer :). The code should have been written like this: const char table[] = "bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-blan" " bla-bla-bla bla-bla-blan" " %st %dn" " %st %dn" " %st %dn"; You need tab characters to align the table regardless of the length of lines written in it. It is assumed that the lines are always short. For example, the code below: printf(table, "11", 1, "222", 2, "33333", 3); will print: bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla 11 1 222 2 33333 3 Terrible tip N3. Nested macros Use nested macros everywhere. It's a good way to shorten code. You will free up hard drive space. Your teammates will have lots of fun when debugging. You can read my thoughts on this topic in the following article: "Macro evil in C++ code". You can open the link in a new tab and save it for later. Keep reading this article — by the end of it you'll have quite a collection of tabs with interesting material. Save it for the further reading :). By the way, make yourself a cup of tea or coffee. We're just getting started.
  • 4. Terrible tip N4. Disable warnings Disable compiler warnings. They distract from work and prevent you from writing compact code. Developers know that the compiler warnings are their best friends. They help find errors even at the code compilation stage. Fixing an error found by a compiler is much easier and faster than debugging code. However, once I discovered that some of the big project's components are compiled with warnings completely disabled. I wrote new code, ran the application and noticed that it didn't behave as expected. Re-reading my code, I noticed an error and quickly fixed it. However, I was surprised that the compiler did not issue a warning. It was a very gross error, something like using an uninitialized variable. I knew for sure that a warning should be issued for such code, but there was none. I did my research and found out that compiler warnings were disabled in the compiled DLL module (and some others as well). Then I contacted my senior teammates to investigate this thing. It turned out that these modules have been compiling with disabled warnings for several years. Once one of the developers was instructed to migrate the build to a new compiler version. And they did it. The updated compiler started issuing new warnings — and lots of them on the legacy code of these modules. I don't know what motivated the developer, but they simply disabled warnings in some modules. Maybe they wanted to do this temporarily so that warnings would not interfere with fixing compilation errors. But they forgot to turn the warnings back on. Unfortunately, it was impossible to get to the truth — by that time this person was no longer working at the company. I turned the warnings back on and started refactoring the code so that the compiler wouldn't be triggered by anything. This didn't take me long. I spent one working day on it. But during the analysis of the warnings, I fixed a few more errors in the code that had remained unnoticed up to that point. Please, don't ignore the warnings issued by compilers and code analyzers! Good tip
  • 5. Try not to get any warnings when compiling the project. Otherwise, you'll see the broken windows theory in action. If you constantly see the same 10 warnings when compiling the code, then you will not pay attention when the 11th one appears. If not you, then your teammates will write the code for which warnings will be issued. If you think it's ok to have warnings, then this process will soon go out of control. The more warnings are issued during the compilation, the less attention is paid to the new ones. Moreover, the warnings will gradually become meaningless. If you are used to the compiler constantly issuing warnings, you simply won't notice a new one that will report a real error in the newly written code. Therefore, another good tip would be to tell the compiler to treat warnings as errors. So, your team will have zero tolerance to warnings. You will always eliminate or explicitly suppress warnings. Otherwise, the code won't compile at all. Such approach is beneficial for the code quality. Of course, don't push this approach too hard: • -Werror is Not Your Friend. • Is it a good practice to treat warnings as errors? Terrible tip N5. The shorter the variable name is, the better Use one or two letters to name variables. This way you'll fit a more complex expression on one line on the screen. Indeed, this way helps you write much shorter code. However, it'll be hard to read. In fact, the absence of normal variable names makes the code write-only. You can write it and even debug it right away, while you still remember what each variable means. But you won't understand a thing there after a while. Another way to mess up the code is to use abbreviations instead of the normal variable names. Example: ArrayCapacity vs AC. In the first case, it is clear that the variable means "capacity" — the size of the reserved memory in the container [1, 2]. In the second case, you'll have to guess what AC means. Should you always avoid short names and abbreviations? No. Be considerate. You can name counters in loops like i, j, k. This is common practice, and any developer understands code with such names. Sometimes abbreviations are appropriate. For example, in code implementing numerical methods, process modeling, etc. The code just does calculations using certain formulas described in the comments or documentation. If a variable in the formula is called SC0, then it is better to use this name in the code. For example, here is the declaration of variables in the COVID-19 CovidSim Model project (I checked it once): int n; /**< number of people in cell */ int S, L, I, R, D; /**< S, L, I, R, D are numbers of Susceptible, Latently infected, Infectious, Recovered and Dead people in cell */
  • 6. This is how you can name variables. The comments describe what they mean. This naming allows you to write formulas compactly: Cells[i].S = Cells[i].n; Cells[i].L = Cells[i].I = Cells[i].R = Cells[i].cumTC = Cells[i].D = 0; Cells[i].infected = Cells[i].latent = Cells[i].susceptible + Cells[i].S; I'm not saying this is a good approach and style. But sometimes it is rational to give short names to variables. However, be careful with any recommendation, rule, and methodology. You should understand when to make an exception and when not. Steve McConnell gives good arguments about how to name variables, classes, and functions in his book "Code Complete" (ISBN 978-0-7356-1967-8). Highly recommend to read it. Terrible tip N6. Invisible characters Use invisible characters in your code. Let your code work like magic. That's cool. There are Unicode characters that may be invisible. Moreover, they can change the code representation in IDEs. Such character sequences may lead to the fact that the developer and the compiler would interpret the code differently. However, this can be done on purpose. This type of attack is called Trojan Source. You can learn more about this topic in the following article: "Trojan Source attack for introducing invisible vulnerabilities". Truly, horror fiction for developers. You should definitely read it. Here we analyzed the attack in more detail. Fortunately, the PVS-Studio analyzer can detect suspicious invisible characters. Take another terrible tip. It might come in handy on April Fool's day. Apparently, there is the Greek question mark — U+037E, which looks like a semicolon (;).
  • 7. When your teammate turns away, change any semicolon in their code to this character. Sit back and enjoy their reaction :) Everything will seem fine, but the code will not compile. Terrible tip N7. Magic numbers Use strange numbers. This way, the code of your program will look smarter and more impressive. Doesn't this code line look hardcore: qw = ty / 65 - 29 * s;? If the program code contains numbers and their purpose is unknown and unclear, they are called magic numbers. Magic numbers are code smell. Over time, such code becomes hard to read, both for other developers and for the authors of the code. A much better practice is to replace magic numbers with named constants and enumerations. However, this does not mean that each constant must be named. Firstly, there are 0 or 1 constants, whose use cases are obvious. Secondly, programs with mathematical calculations may suffer from naming each numeric constant. In this case, use comments to explain the formulas. Unfortunately, one chapter isn't enough to describe the many ways to write clean and beautiful code. Want to dive deeper? Do turn to the amazingly thorough work by S. McConnell — "Code Complete" (ISBN 978-0-7356-1967-8). Moreover, there's a great discussion on Stack Overflow: What is a magic number, and why is it bad?
  • 8. Terrible tip N8. int, int everywhere All old books recommend using int type variables to store array sizes and to construct loops. Let's keep it up! No reason to break with tradition. For a long time, on many common platforms where the C++ language was used, an array could not contain more than INT_MAX elements. For example, a 32-bit Windows program has a 2GB memory limit (actually, even less). So, the 32-bit int type was more than enough to store array sizes or to index arrays. There were times when book authors and programmers confidently used int type counters in loops. And everything was fine. However, in fact, the size of such types as int, unsigned, and even long may be not enough. At this point, programmers who use Linux may wonder: why is the size of long not enough? And here's the reason: for example, to build an app for the Windows x64 platform, MSVC compiler uses the LLP64 data model. In this model, the long type remains 32-bit. So what types should you use? Memsize-types such as ptrdiff_t, size_t, intptr_t, uintptr_t are safe to store indexes or array sizes. Let's look at a simple code example where a 32-bit counter that is used to process a large array in a 64- bit app leads to an error. std::vector<char> &bigArray = get(); size_t n = bigArray.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) bigArray[i] = 0; If the container has more than INT_MAX elements, the signed int variable overflows, which leads to undefined behavior. Moreover, you can never know where this undefined behavior will blow up. I
  • 9. reviewed a similarly compelling case in the following article: "Undefined behavior is closer than you think". Here's one of the examples of correct code: size_t n = bigArray.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) bigArray[i] = 0; This code is even better: std::vector<char>::size_type n = bigArray.size(); for (std::vector<char>::size_type i = 0; i < n; i++) bigArray[i] = 0; Yeah, this code fragment seems a bit too long. And you may be tempted to use automatic type inference. Unfortunately, you can get incorrect code again: auto n = bigArray.size(); for (auto i = 0; i < n; i++) // :-( bigArray[i] = 0; The n variable will have the correct type, but the i counter won't. The 0 constant has the int type, which means that i will also have the int type. And we're back to where we started. So how to iterate through elements correctly, while also keeping the code short? First, you can use iterators: for (auto it = bigArray.begin(); it != bigArray.end(); ++it) *it = 0; Second, you can use a range-based for loop: for (auto &a : bigArray) a = 0; The reader may say that all is good and well, but there's no need for this in their programs. Their code does not contain large arrays, so it's still okay to use int and unsigned variables. This may not work for two reasons. First. This approach may be dangerous for the program's future. If the program doesn't use large arrays now, that does not mean it'll always be so. Another scenario: the code can be reused in another application, where the processing of large arrays is routine. For example, one of the reasons why the Ariane 5 rocket fell was the reuse of code written for the Ariane 4 rocket. The code was not designed for the new values of "horizontal speed". Here's the article: "A space error: 370.000.000 $ for an integer overflow" Second. The use of mixed arithmetic may cause problems even if you work with small arrays. Let's look at code that works in the 32-bit version of the program, but not in the 64-bit one: int A = -2; unsigned B = 1;
  • 10. int array[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; int *ptr = array + 3; ptr = ptr + (A + B); // Invalid pointer value on 64-bit platform printf("%in", *ptr); // Access violation on 64-bit platform Let's see how the ptr + (A + B) expression is calculated: 1. According to C++ rules, the A variable of the int type is converted to the unsigned type; 2. A and B are added together. As a result, we get the 0xFFFFFFFF value of the unsigned type; 3. Then ptr + 0xFFFFFFFFu is calculated. The result of it depends on the pointer size on this particular architecture. If the addition takes place in a 32-bit program, the given expression will be an equivalent of ptr – 1, and we'll successfully print number 3. In the 64-bit program, the 0xFFFFFFFFu value will be added fairly to the pointer. The pointer will go out of array bounds. We'll face problems trying to access an element by this pointer. If you find this topic interesting and would like to gain a better understanding of it, I recommend you explore the following: 1. 64-bit lessons. Lesson 13. Pattern 5. Address arithmetic; 2. 64-bit lessons. Lesson 17. Pattern 9. Mixed arithmetic; 3. About size_t and ptrdiff_t. Terrible tip N9. Global variables Global variables are exceptionally convenient because you can access them from anywhere. Since you can access global variables from anywhere, it is unclear where and when exactly they are accessed. This makes the program logic confusing, difficult to understand, and causes errors that are difficult to find through debugging. It is also difficult to check functions that use global variables with unit tests, because different functions have couplings between each other. We're not talking about global constant variables in this case. They are constants, not variables, actually :). We can endlessly discuss problems that global variables cause, but many books and articles already cover this topic. Here are some helpful materials to read about it: 1. Stack Overflow. Are global variables bad? 2. Global Variables Are Bad 3. Global Variables and States: Why So Much Hate? 4. Why (non-const) global variables are evil 5. The Problems with Global Variables So, to prove all that is serious, I suggest you read the article "Toyota: 81 514 issues in the code". One of the reasons why the code is so messy and buggy is the use of 9,000 global variables. Terrible tip N10. The abort function in libraries A tip for those who develop libraries: when in doubt, immediately terminate the program with the abort or terminate function.
  • 11. Sometimes programs handle errors in a very simple way — they shutdown. If a program couldn't do something, for example, open a file or allocate memory — the abort, exit or terminate function is immediately called. This is acceptable behavior for some utilities and simple programs. And actually, it's up to the developers to decide how their programs would handle errors. However, this approach is unacceptable if you are developing library code. You don't know what applications will use the code. The library code should return an error status or throw an exception. And it is up to the user to decide how to handle the error. For example, a user of a graphic editor won't be happy if a library designed to print an image shuts down the application without saving the work results. What if an embedded developer wants to use the library? Such manuals for embedded system developers as MISRA and AUTOSAR generally prohibit to call the abort and exit functions (MISRA-C-21.8, MISRA-CPP-18.0.3, AUTOSAR-M18.0.3). Terrible tip N11. The compiler is to blame for everything If something doesn't work, most likely the compiler is acting up. Try swapping some variables and code lines. Any experienced developer realizes that this tip is ridiculous. However, a programmer blaming the compiler for the incorrect operation of their program is not such a rare scene. Sure, errors may occur in compilers, and you may face them. However, in 99% of cases, when someone says that "the compiler is buggy", they are wrong, and it's their code that is incorrect. Most often, developers either do not understand some subtleties of the C++ language or have encountered undefined behavior. Let's take a look at the examples. The first story arises from a discussion [RU] that took place on the forum. One developer complained about GCC 8's bug. However, as it turned out, it was incorrect code that led to undefined behavior. Now let's dive deeper in this case. Note. In the original discussion, the s variable has the const char *s type. At the same time, on the author's target platform, the char type is unsigned. So, for clarity, I use a pointer of the const unsigned char * type in the code. int foo(const unsigned char *s) { int r = 0; while(*s) { r += ((r * 20891 + *s *200) | *s ^ 4 | *s ^ 3) ^ (r >> 1); s++; } return r & 0x7fffffff; } The compiler does not generate code for the bitwise AND (&) operator. As a result, the function returns negative values. However, this is not the developer's intent, and it shouldn't be happening.
  • 12. The developer believes that the compiler is to blame. The function doesn't work as intended because the undefined behavior occurs. But in this case, it's not the compiler's fault — the code is incorrect. The function doesn't work as intended because the undefined behavior occurs. The compiler sees that the r variable is used to calculate and store a sum. It assumes that the r variable cannot overflow (according to the compiler). That would be considered undefined behavior, which the compiler should not analyze and take into account. So, the compiler assumes that the r variable cannot store a negative value after the loop is complete. Therefore, the r & 0x7fffffff operation, which sets off the sign bit, is unnecessary. So, the compiler simply returns the value of the r variable from the function. That was an amusing story of a programmer who hasted to complain about the compiler. Based on this case, we implemented the new diagnostic rule in the PVS-Studio analyzer – V1026 – that helps to identify similar defects in the code. To fix the code, you should simply use an unsigned variable to calculate the hash value: int foo(const unsigned char *s) { unsigned r = 0; while(*s) { r += ((r * 20891 + *s *200) | *s ^ 4 | *s ^ 3) ^ (r >> 1); s++; } return (int)(r & 0x7fffffff); } The second story was previously mentioned here: "The compiler is to blame for everything." Once the PVS-Studio analyzer issued a warning for the following code: TprintPrefs::TprintPrefs(IffdshowBase *Ideci, const TfontSettings *IfontSettings) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(this)); // This doesn't seem to // help after optimization. dx = dy = 0; isOSD = false; xpos = ypos = 0; align = 0; linespacing = 0; sizeDx = 0; sizeDy = 0; ... } The analyzer is right, while the author of code is not. According to the comment, when optimization is enabled, the compiler is acting up and does not zero out the class data members.
  • 13. After cussing the compiler out, the developer goes on to write the code which zeroing each class data member separately. Sadly, but most likely, the developer will be absolutely sure they have encountered a bug in the compiler. But, in fact, there has been a trivial careless mistake. Pay attention to the third argument of the memset function. The sizeof operator calculates the size of the pointer, and not the size of the class. As a result, only part of the class is zeroed out. Without optimizations, apparently, all data members were always zeroed out and it seemed that the memset function worked correctly. The correct calculation of the class size should look like this: memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); However, even the fixed version of the code cannot be called correct and safe. It stays that way as long as the class is trivially copyable. Everything can crash, for example, if you add some virtual function or a data member of a non-trivially copied type to the class. Don't write code like that. I gave this example only because the previously described nuances pale in comparison to the error of the class size calculation. That's exactly how legends about glitchy compilers and brave programmers fighting them are born. Conclusion. Don't rush to blame the compiler if your code doesn't work. And don't try to make your program work by using various code modifications in the hope to "bypass the compiler's bug". What you can do before blaming the compiler: 1. Ask your skilled teammates to review your code; 2. Look carefully if the compiler does not issue warnings to your code, and try these keys: -Wall, - pedantic; 3. Check the code with a static analyzer. For example, PVS-Studio; 4. Check the code with a dynamic analyzer; 5. If you know how to work with the assembler, look at the assembler listing generated for the code by the compiler. Think why the file is the way it is; 6. Reproduce an error with a minimal code example and ask a question on Stack Overflow. Terrible tip N12. Feel free to use argv There's no time to explain — immediately use the command line arguments. Like that, for example: char buf[100]; strcpy(buf, argv[1]);. Checks are only for those who don't feel too confident about their own or their teammates' coding skills. It's not only about a buffer overflow that may occur. Data processing without prior checks opens a Pandora's box full of vulnerabilities. The problem of using unchecked data is a huge topic that goes beyond this discussion. If you are interested in delving deeper into this topic, you can start with the following: 1. Shoot yourself in the foot when handling input data; 2. CWE-20: Improper Input Validation;
  • 14. 3. Taint analysis (taint checking); 4. V1010. Unchecked tainted data is used in expression. Terrible tip N13. Undefined behavior is just a scary story Undefined behavior is just a scary bedtime story for children. Undefined behavior doesn't exist in real life. If the program works as you expected, it doesn't contain bugs. And there's nothing to discuss here, that's that. Everything is fine. Enjoy! :) 1. Undefined behavior. 2. What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behavior. Part 1, part 2, part 3. 3. How deep the rabbit hole goes, or C++ job interviews at PVS-Studio. 4. Undefined behavior is closer than you think. 5. Undefined behavior, carried through the years. 6. Null Pointer Dereferencing Causes Undefined Behavior. 7. Undefined Behavior Is Really Undefined. 8. With Undefined Behavior, Anything is Possible. 9. Philosophy behind Undefined Behavior. 10. Wrap on integer overflow is not a good idea. 11. An example of undefined behavior caused by absence of return. 12. YouTube. C++Now 2018: John Regehr "Closing Keynote: Undefined Behavior and Compiler Optimizations". 13. YouTube. Towards optimization-safe systems: analyzing the impact of undefined behavior. 14. And then just google "undefined behavior" and keep enjoying it :) Terrible tip N14. double == double
  • 15. Feel free to use the operator == to compare floating-point numbers. If there is such an operator, you need to use it. Well, you can compare, can't you? However, the comparison has some nuances that need to be known and considered. Let's take a look at the example: double A = 0.5; if (A == 0.5) // True foo(); double B = sin(M_PI / 6.0); if (B == 0.5) // ???? foo(); The first comparison A == 0.5 is true. The second comparison B == 0.5 may be both true and false. The result of the B == 0.5 expression depends upon the CPU, the compiler's version and the flags being used. For example, as I am writing this article, my compiler outputs code that calculates the value of the B variable to be 0.49999999999999994. A better version of the code may look as follows: double B = sin(M_PI / 6.0); if (std::abs(b - 0.5) < DBL_EPSILON) foo(); In this case, the comparison with the error presented by DBL_EPSILON is true because the result of the sin function lies within the range [-1, 1]. C numeric limits interface: DBL_EPSILON - difference between 1.0 and the next representable value for double respectively. But if we handle values larger than several units, errors like FLT_EPSILON and DBL_EPSILON may be too small. And vice versa, if we handle values like 0.00001, these errors are too large. Each time, it's better to choose an error that is within the range of possible values. But the question is still here. How do we compare two variables of the double type? double a = ...; double b = ...; if (a == b) // how? { } There is no single correct answer. In most cases, you can compare two variables of the double type by writing the following code: if (std::abs(a - b) <= DBL_EPSILON * std::max(std::abs(a), std::abs(b)))
  • 16. { } But be careful with this formula, it only works for numbers with equal sign. Moreover, in a series with a large number of calculations, an error constantly occurs, and the DBL_EPSILON constant may have a value that is too small. Well, is it even possible to compare floating-point values precisely? In some cases, yes. But they are pretty limited. You may perform a comparison if the values being compared are in fact the same values. Here is a case where a precise comparison is possible: // -1 - a flag denoting that the variable's value is not set double val = -1.0; if (Foo1()) val = 123.0; if (val == -1.0) // OK { } In this case, the comparison with the -1 value is possible because we previously initialized the variable with exactly the same value. This comparison will be possible even if the number cannot be represented by a finite fraction. The following code will display "V == 1.0/3.0": double V = 1.0/3.0; if (V == 1.0/3.0) { std::cout << "V == 1.0/3.0" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "V != 1.0/3.0" << std::endl; } However, you have to be vigilant. If you only replace the type of the V variable with float, the condition will become false: float V = 1.0/3.0; if (V == 1.0/3.0) { std::cout << "V == 1.0/3.0" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "V != 1.0/3.0" << std::endl; } Now the code displays "V != 1.0/3.0". Why? The value of the V variable is 0.333333, and the 1.0/3.0 value is 0.33333333333333. Before comparison, the V variable, which has the float type, is expanded to the double type. The comparison is performed:
  • 17. if (0.333333000000000 == 0.333333333333333) These numbers are obviously not equal. Anyway, be careful. By the way, the PVS-Studio analyzer can detect all the operator == and operator !=, whose operands have a floating-point type, so that you can check this code again. Take a look at the V550 - Suspicious precise comparison diagnostic. Here's some additional material: 1. Bruce Dawson. Comparing floating point numbers, 2012 Edition. 2. Andrey Karpov. 64-bit programs and floating-point calculations. 3. Wikipedia. Floating point. 4. CodeGuru Forums. C++ General: How is floating point representated? 5. Boost. Floating-point comparison algorithms. Terrible tip N15. memmove is a superfluous function memmove is a redundant function. Use memcpy always and everywhere. The role of the memmove and memcpy functions is identical. However, there is an important difference. If the memory areas passed through the first two parameters partially overlap, the memmove function guarantees that the copy result is correct. In the case of memcpy, the behavior is undefined. Let's say, you need to shift five bytes of memory by three bytes, as shown in the picture. Then: • memmove – there is no problem with copying overlapping areas, the content will be copied correctly; • memcpy – there will be a problem. The source values of these two bytes will be overwritten and not saved. Therefore, the last two bytes of the sequence will be the same as the first two. You can also read the related discussion on Stack Overflow: memcpy() vs memmove(). So, why are there so many jokes about it if the behavior of these functions is so different? Turns out that the authors of many projects overlook some information about these functions in the documentation. Some distracted programmers were saved by the fact that in older versions of glibc, the memcpy function was an alias for memmove. Here's a note on this topic: Glibc change exposing bugs. And that's how the Linux manual page describes it:
  • 18. Failure to observe the requirement that the memory areas do not overlap has been the source of significant bugs. (POSIX and the C standards are explicit that employing memcpy() with overlapping areas produces undefined behavior.) Most notably, in glibc 2.13 a performance optimization of memcpy() on some platforms (including x86-64) included changing the order in which bytes were copied from src to dest. This change revealed breakages in a number of applications that performed copying with overlapping areas. Under the previous implementation, the order in which the bytes were copied had fortuitously hidden the bug, which was revealed when the copying order was reversed. In glibc 2.14, a versioned symbol was added so that old binaries (i.e., those linked against glibc versions earlier than 2.14) employed a memcpy() implementation that safely handles the overlapping buffers case (by providing an "older" memcpy() implementation that was aliased to memmove(3)). Terrible tip N16. sizeof(int) == sizeof(void *) The size of int is always 4 bytes. Feel free to use this number. The number 4 looks much more elegant than an awkward expression with the sizeof operator. The size of an int can differ significantly. The size of int is really 4 bytes on many popular platforms. But many – it doesn't mean all! There are systems with different data models. The size of int can be 8 bytes, 2 bytes, and even 1 byte! Formally, here's what can be said about the size of int: 1 == sizeof(char) <= sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) <= sizeof(long long) The pointer can just as easily differ from the size of the int type and 4. For example, on most 64-bit systems, the size of a pointer is 8 bytes, and the size of the int type is 4 bytes. A fairly common pattern of 64-bit error is related to this. In old 32-bit programs, developers sometimes stored a pointer in variables of such types as int/unsigned. When such programs are ported on 64-bit systems, errors occur — when developers write the pointer value to a 32-bit variable, the highest bits are lost. See "Pointer packing" in "Lessons on the development of 64-bit C/C++ applications". Additional links: 1. Fundamental types. 2. What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be? Terrible tip N17. Don't check what the malloc function returned It makes no sense to check if memory was allocated. Modern computers have a great amount of memory. And if there is not enough memory to complete operations, there is no need for the program to continue working. Let the program crash. There's nothing more you can do anyway.
  • 19. If the memory runs out, a computer game can crush. It's acceptable sometimes. The crash is unpleasant in this case, but it doesn't feel like the end of the world. Well, unless you are not participating in the gaming championship at this moment :). But suppose a situation: you spent half a day doing a project in a CAD system. Suddenly, there is not enough memory for the next operation — the application crashes. It's much more unpleasant. If an application can't perform an operation, it's one thing, and it's quite another if it crashes without a warning. CAD and similar systems should continue working. At least, to give the opportunity to save the result. There are several cases when it's unacceptable to write code that crashes if there isn't enough memory: 1. Embedded systems. They simply may have "nowhere to crash" :). Many embedded programs have to continue working anyway. Even if it's impossible to function properly, the program must proceed under some special scenario. For example, the program needs to turn off the hardware, and only then stop. It is impossible to talk about embedded software in general and give recommendations. These systems and their purpose vary greatly. The main thing is that it's not an option for such systems to ignore the lack of memory and crash; 2. Systems where a user works with a project for a long time. Examples: CAD systems, databases, video editing systems. A crash at random time can lead to the loss of part of the work or lead to damage of project files; 3. Libraries. You don't know in which project the library will be used and how. So, it is simply unacceptable to ignore memory allocation errors in them. The library code should return an error or throw an exception. And it is up to the user application to decide how to handle the situation; 4. Other things I forgot or didn't mention. This topic largely overlaps with my article "Four reasons to check what the malloc function returned". I recommend reading it. Not everything is as simple and obvious as it seems at first glance with memory allocation errors. Terrible tip N18. Extend the std namespace Extend the std namespace with various additional functions and classes. After all, for you, these functions and classes are standard and basic. Despite that such programs are successfully compiled and executed, the modification of the std namespace can lead to undefined behavior. The same goes for the posix namespace. To make the situation clear, let me cite the V1061 diagnostic rule, which is designed to detect these invalid namespace extensions. The contents of the std namespace is defined solely by the ISO committee, and the standard prohibits adding the following to it: • variable declarations; • function declarations; • class/structure/union declarations;
  • 20. • enumeration declarations; • function/class/variable template declarations (C++14). The standard does allow adding the following specializations of templates defined in the std namespace given that they depend on at least one program-defined type: • full or partial specialization of a class template; • full specialization of a function template (up to C++20); • full or partial specialization of a variable template not located in the <type_traits> header (up to C++20); However, specializations of templates located inside classes or class templates are prohibited. The most common scenarios when the user extends the std namespace are adding an overload of the std::swap function and adding a full/partial specialization of the std::hash class template. The following example illustrates the addition of an overload of the std::swap function: template <typename T> class MyTemplateClass { .... }; class MyClass { .... }; namespace std { template <typename T> void swap(MyTemplateClass<T> &a, MyTemplateClass<T> &b) noexcept // UB { .... } template <> void swap(MyClass &a, MyClass &b) noexcept // UB since C++20 { .... }; } The first function template adds a new overload of std::swap, so this declaration will lead to undefined behavior. The second function template is a specialization, and the program's behavior is defined up to the C++20 standard. However, there is another way: we could move both functions out of the std namespace and place them to the one where classes are defined: template <typename T> class MyTemplateClass {
  • 21. .... }; class MyClass { .... }; template <typename T> void swap(MyTemplateClass<T> &a, MyTemplateClass<T> &b) noexcept { .... } void swap(MyClass &a, MyClass &b) noexcept { .... }; Now, when you need to write a function template that uses the swap function on two objects of type T, you can write the following: template <typename T> void MyFunction(T& obj1, T& obj2) { using std::swap; // make std::swap visible for overload resolution .... swap(obj1, obj2); // best match of 'swap' for objects of type T .... } Now the compiler will select the required overload based on argument-dependent lookup (ADL): the user-defined swap functions for MyClass and for the MyTemplateClass template. The compiler will also select the standard std::swap function for all other types. The next example demonstrates the addition of a specialization of the class template std::hash: namespace Foo { class Bar { .... }; } namespace std { template <> struct hash<Foo::Bar>
  • 22. { size_t operator()(const Foo::Bar &) const noexcept; }; } According to the standard, this code is valid, and so the analyzer does not issue the warning here. But starting with C++11, there is also another way to do this, namely by writing the class template specialization outside the std namespace: template <> struct std::hash<Foo::Bar> { size_t operator()(const Foo::Bar &) const noexcept; }; Unlike the std namespace, the C++ standard prohibits any modification of the posix namespace at all. Here's some additional information: • C++17 standard (working draft N4659), paragraph • C++20 standard (working draft N4860), paragraph Terrible tip N19. Old school Your teammates should know your extensive experience with the C language. Don't hesitate to show them your strong skills in manual memory management and in the usage of longjmp. Another version of this tip: smart pointers and other RAII are from evil. Manage all resources manually — this makes code simple and comprehensible. There's no reason to refuse smart pointers and use complex constructions when working with memory. Smart pointers in C++ don't require additional processing time. This is not garbage collection. Besides, smart pointers help shorten and simplify code, thus, reducing the risk of making a mistake. Let's investigate why manual memory management is unreliable and tedious. We'll start with the simplest code in C where the memory is allocated and deallocated. Note. In the examples, I only inspect memory allocation and deallocation. In fact, this is a huge topic of manual resource management. You can use, for example, fopen instead of malloc. int Foo() { float *buf = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(float)); if (buf == NULL) return STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATE; int status = Go(buf); free(buf); return status; }
  • 23. The code is simple and clear. The function allocates memory for some purposes, uses it, and then deallocates. Additionally, you have to check whether malloc was able to allocate memory. Terrible tip N17 explains why this check is crucial in code. Now imagine: you need to perform operations with two different buffers. The code immediately starts to grow — if the next memory allocation fails, you need to take care of the previous buffer. Moreover, now you have to consider the result of the Go_1 function. int Foo() { float *buf_1 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_1 * sizeof(float)); if (buf_1 == NULL) return STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATE; int status = Go_1(buf_1); if (status != STATUS_OK) { free(buf_1); return status; } float *buf_2 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_2 * sizeof(float)); if (buf_2 == NULL) { free(buf_1); return STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATE; } status = Go_2(buf_1, buf_2); free(buf_1); free(buf_2); return status; } It gets worse. The code grows non-linearly. With three buffers: int Foo() { float *buf_1 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_1 * sizeof(float)); if (buf_1 == NULL) return STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATE; int status = Go_1(buf_1); if (status != STATUS_OK) { free(buf_1); return status; } float *buf_2 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_2 * sizeof(float)); if (buf_2 == NULL) { free(buf_1); return STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATE;
  • 24. } status = Go_2(buf_1, buf_2); if (status != STATUS_OK) { free(buf_1); free(buf_2); return status; } float *buf_3 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_3 * sizeof(float)); if (buf_3 == NULL) { free(buf_1); free(buf_2); return STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATE; } status = Go_3(buf_1, buf_2, buf_3); free(buf_1); free(buf_2); free(buf_3); return status; } Interestingly, the code is still not that complex. You can easily write and read it. However, something feels wrong about that. More than half of the code is almost useless — it just checks statuses and allocates/deallocates the memory. That's why, manual memory management is bad. A lot of necessary but irrelevant code lines. Although the code is not complex, developers can easily make a mistake with its growth. For example, they might forget to release a pointer when exiting the function earlier and get a memory leak. We actually encounter this error in projects when we check them with PVS-Studio. Here's a code fragment from the PMDK project: static enum pocli_ret pocli_args_obj_root(struct pocli_ctx *ctx, char *in, PMEMoid **oidp) { char *input = strdup(in); if (!input) return POCLI_ERR_MALLOC; if (!oidp) return POCLI_ERR_PARS; .... } The strdup function creates a copy of a string in a buffer. The buffer must be then released somewhere via the free function. Here, if the oidp argument is a null pointer, a memory leak will happen. The correct code should look like this: char *input = strdup(in);
  • 25. if (!input) return POCLI_ERR_MALLOC; if (!oidp) { free(input); return POCLI_ERR_PARS; } Or you can move the argument check to the beginning of the function: if (!oidp) return POCLI_ERR_PARS; char *input = strdup(in); if (!input) return POCLI_ERR_MALLOC; Anyway, this is a classic error in code with manual memory management. Let's return to the synthetic code with three buffers. Can it be simpler? Yes, with a single exit point pattern and goto operators. int Foo() { float *buf_1 = NULL; float *buf_2 = NULL; float *buf_3 = NULL; int status; buf_1 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_1 * sizeof(float)); if (buf_1 == NULL) { status = STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATE; goto end; } status = Go_1(buf_1);
  • 26. if (status != STATUS_OK) goto end; buf_2 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_2 * sizeof(float)); if (buf_2 == NULL) { status = STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATE; goto end; } status = Go_2(buf_1, buf_2); if (status != STATUS_OK) { status = STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATE; goto end; } buf_3 = (float *)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE_3 * sizeof(float)); if (buf_3 == NULL) { status = STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATE; goto end; } status = Go_3(buf_1, buf_2, buf_3); end: free(buf_1); free(buf_2); free(buf_3); return status; } The code is much better now, and this is what C developers often do. I cannot call such code good and beautiful, but we have what we have. Manual resource management is scary anyway... By the way, some compilers support special extension for the C language that can greatly simplify the life of a developer. You can use constructions of the following form: void free_int(int **i) { free(*i); } int main(void) { __attribute__((cleanup (free_int))) int *a = malloc(sizeof *a); *a = 42; } // No memory leak, free_int is called when a goes out of scope Read more about this magic here: RAII in C: cleanup gcc compiler extension. Now let's go back to the terrible tip. The problem is, some developers still use manual memory management in C++ code even when it makes no sense! Don't do this. C++ allows to shorten and simplify the code.
  • 27. You can use containers like std::vector. Even if you need an array of bytes allocated with the operator new [], you can make the code way better. int Foo() { std::unique_ptr<float[]> buf_1 (new float[ARRAY_SIZE_1]); if (int status = Go_1(buf_1); status != STATUS_OK) return status; std::unique_ptr<float[]> buf_2(new float[ARRAY_SIZE_2]); if (int status = Go_2(buf_1, buf_2); status != STATUS_OK) return status; std::unique_ptr<float[]> buf_3(new float[ARRAY_SIZE_3]); reutrn Go_3(buf_1, buf_2, buf_3); } Gorgeous! You don't need to check the result of calling the operator new [] — an exception will be thrown in case of a buffer creation error. Buffers are released automatically if exceptions occur or when the function exits normally. So, what's the point of writing in C++ the old way? None. Why do we still meet such code? I think there are several answers. First. The developers do it out of habit. They don't want to learn something new and change their coding patterns. In fact, they write code in C with a bit of additional functionality from C++. It's sad, and I don't know how to fix it. Second. Below is C++ code that used to be code in C. It was slightly changed, but it wasn't rewritten or refactored. That is, malloc was simply replaced with new, and free was replaced with delete. Such code can be easily recognized by two artifacts. Firstly, look at these checks — they are atavisms: in_audio_ = new int16_t[AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE_W16]; if (in_audio_ == NULL) { return -1; } It makes no sense to check the pointer for NULL. In case of a memory allocation error, an exception of the std::bad_alloc type will be thrown. It's a custom atavism. Of course, there's new(std::nothrow), but it's not our case. Secondly, there's often the following error: memory is allocated using the operator new [], and deallocated using delete. Although it is more correct to use delete []. See "Why do arrays have to be deleted via delete [] in C++". Example: char *poke_data = new char [length + 2*sizeof(int)]; .... delete poke_data;
  • 28. Third. Fear of overheads. There are no reasons to fear them. Yes, smart pointers can sometimes have overheads, but they are minor compared to simple pointers. However, keep in mind: 1. Possible overheads from smart pointers are negligible compared to relatively slow memory allocation and deallocation operations. If you need maximum speed, then you need to think about how to reduce the number of memory allocation/deallocation operations and not about whether to use a smart pointer or control pointers manually. Another option is to write your own allocator; 2. Simplicity, reliability, and security of code that uses smart pointers, in my opinion, definitely outweighs the overheads (which, by the way, may not be there at all). Additional links: • Memory and Performance Overhead of Smart Pointers. • How much is the overhead of smart pointers compared to normal pointers in C++? Fourth. Developers are simply unaware of how, for example, std::unique_ptr can be used. They probably think like this: OK, I have std::unique_ptr. It can control a pointer to the object. But I still need to work with arrays of objects. And then there are file descriptors. In some places, I am even forced to continue using malloc/realloc. For all this, unique_ptr is not suitable. So, it's easier to continue managing resources manually everywhere. Everything that is described can very well be controlled with std::unique_ptr. // Working with arrays: std::unique_ptr<T[]> ptr(new T[count]); // Working with files: std::unique_ptr<FILE, int(*)(FILE*)> f(fopen("a.txt", "r"), &fclose); // Working with malloc: struct free_delete { void operator()(void* x) { free(x); } }; .... std::unique_ptr<int, free_delete> up((int*)malloc(sizeof(int))); That's it. I hope I addressed all the doubts you may have had. P.S. I haven't written anything about longjmp. And I don't see the point in it. In C++, exceptions should be used for this purpose. Terrible tip N20. Compact code
  • 29. Use as few curly brackets and line breaks as possible. Try to write conditional constructs in one line. This will reduce the code size and make the code compile faster. The code will be shorter — it's undeniable. It's also undeniable that the code will contain more errors. "Shortened code" is harder to read. This means that typos are more likely not to be noticed by the author of the code and by colleagues during code review. Do you want proof? Easy! Once, a user emailed us that the PVS-Studio analyzer was producing strange false positives for the condition. Here's a picture attached to the email: Can you spot the bug? Probably not. Do you know why? Because we have a big complex expression written in one line. It's difficult to read and understand this code. I bet you did not try to find the bug and continued reading the article :). But the analyzer wasn't too lazy to bother trying. It correctly indicated an anomaly: some of the subexpressions are always true or false. Let's refactor the code: if (!((ch >= 0x0FF10) && (ch <= 0x0FF19)) || ((ch >= 0x0FF21) && (ch <= 0x0FF3A)) || ((ch >= 0x0FF41) && (ch <= 0x0FF5A))) Now it's much easier to notice that the logical NOT (!) operator is applied only to the first subexpression. Well, we just need to write additional parentheses. A more detailed story about this bug is here: "How PVS-Studio proved to be more attentive than three and a half programmers". In our articles, we recommend formatting complex code as a table. You can see this formatting style just above. Table-style formatting does not guarantee the absence of typos, but it makes them easier and faster to notice. I'll illustrate this topic with another example. Let's inspect the code fragment from the ReactOS project. PVS-Studio issued the following warning on it: V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 10035L. void adns__querysend_tcp(adns_query qu, struct timeval now) { ... if (!(errno == EAGAIN || EWOULDBLOCK ||
  • 30. errno == EINTR || errno == ENOSPC || errno == ENOBUFS || errno == ENOMEM)) { ... } This is a small code fragment — it's not hard to find an error here. However, it may be much harder to notice it in real code. You may simply skip the block of the same type of comparisons and go on. The reason why we don't notice such errors is that the conditions are poorly formatted. We don't want to read them carefully, it takes effort. We just hope that since the checks are of the same type, then everything will be fine — the author of the code did not make mistakes in the condition. One of the ways to deal with typos is the table-style formatting. For those readers who want to know where the error is but don't want to search it themselves — "errno ==" is missing in one place. As a result, the condition is always true, since the EWOULDBLOCK constant is 10035. Here's the correct code: if (!(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR || errno == ENOSPC || errno == ENOBUFS || errno == ENOMEM)) { Now let's inspect how to refactor this fragment better. First, I'll show you the code designed in the simplest table style. I don't like it. if (!(errno == EAGAIN || EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR || errno == ENOSPC || errno == ENOBUFS || errno == ENOMEM)) { It got better but not that much. I don't like this style because of two reasons: 1. The error is still not very noticeable; 2. You have to insert a large number of spaces for alignment. That's why we need to enhance code formatting. Firstly, no more than one comparison per line, then the error is easy to notice. Indeed, the error has become more conspicuous: a == 1 && b == 2 && c && d == 3 && Secondly, it's better to write operators &&, ||, etc. rationally — not on the right but on the left. Notice how much work it is to write spaces: x == a && y == bbbbb && z == cccccccccc && But this way there is much less work: x == a
  • 31. && y == bbbbb && z == cccccccccc The code looks unusual, but you'll get used to it. Let's combine it all together and write the code given above in a new style: if (!( errno == EAGAIN || EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR || errno == ENOSPC || errno == ENOBUFS || errno == ENOMEM)) { Yes, the code now takes up more lines of code, but the error is much more noticeable. I agree, the code looks unusual. However, I recommend this approach. I have been using it for many years and am very satisfied, so I confidently recommend it to all readers. The fact that the code has become longer is not a problem at all. I would even write something like this: const bool error = errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR || errno == ENOSPC || errno == ENOBUFS || errno == ENOMEM; if (!error) { Is someone grumbling that it's long and clutters up the code? I agree. So, let's put it into a function! static bool IsInterestingError(int errno) { return errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR || errno == ENOSPC || errno == ENOBUFS || errno == ENOMEM; } .... if (!IsInterestingError(errno)) { It may seem that I am exaggerating and that I am too perfectionist, but errors in complex expressions are very common. I wouldn't have remembered them if I hadn't come across them all the time: these errors are everywhere and poorly visible. Here is another example from the WinDjView project: inline bool IsValidChar(int c) { return c == 0x9 || 0xA || c == 0xD ||
  • 32. c >= 0x20 && c <= 0xD7FF || c >= 0xE000 && c <= 0xFFFD || c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x10FFFF; } There are only a few lines in the function, and still an error crept into it. The function always returns true. The problem is that it is poorly designed. For many years, developers have been skipping it while reviewing, and haven't noticed a mistake there. Let's refactor the code in the table style. I'd add more brackets: inline bool IsValidChar(int c) { return c == 0x9 || 0xA || c == 0xD || (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0xD7FF) || (c >= 0xE000 && c <= 0xFFFD) || (c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x10FFFF); } It's not necessary to format the code exactly as I suggest. The point of this note is to draw attention to typos in "chaotic code". By formatting code in table style, you can avoid a lot of silly typos. And this is great. I hope this note will help someone. A fly in the ointment. I am an honest developer, and that's why, I must mention that sometimes table- style formatting can be harmful. Here is an example: inline void elxLuminocity(const PixelRGBi& iPixel, LuminanceCell< PixelRGBi >& oCell) { oCell._luminance = 2220*iPixel._red + 7067*iPixel._blue + 0713*iPixel._green; oCell._pixel = iPixel; } This is the eLynx SDK project. The developer wanted to align the code, so they added 0 to 713. Unfortunately, the developer forgot that 0 at the beginning of a number meant it would be represented in octal format. Array of strings. I hope the concept of table-style formatting is clear now. However, why don't we review it once again? Let's inspect one code fragment. It illustrates that table-style formatting can be applied to all language constructs, not just conditions. The code fragment is taken from the Asterisk project. The PVS-Studio analyzer issued the following warning: V653 A suspicious string consisting of two parts is used for array initialization. It is possible that a comma is missing. Consider inspecting this literal: "KW_INCLUDES" "KW_JUMP".
  • 33. static char *token_equivs1[] = { .... "KW_IF", "KW_IGNOREPAT", "KW_INCLUDES" "KW_JUMP", "KW_MACRO", "KW_PATTERN", .... }; A typo — one comma is forgotten. As a result, two lines different in meaning are combined into one. In fact, that's what is written here: .... "KW_INCLUDESKW_JUMP", .... The error could have been avoided by using table-style formatting. In this case, the developer can easily notice a missed comma. static char *token_equivs1[] = { .... "KW_IF" , "KW_IGNOREPAT" , "KW_INCLUDES" , "KW_JUMP" , "KW_MACRO" , "KW_PATTERN" , .... }; Let me remind you that if we put a separator on the right (in this case, it's a comma), then we have to add a lot of spaces, which is inconvenient. Especially if you add a new long line/expression — you'll have to reformat the whole table. Therefore, it's better to format the code like this: static char *token_equivs1[] = { .... , "KW_IF" , "KW_IGNOREPAT" , "KW_INCLUDES" , "KW_JUMP" , "KW_MACRO" , "KW_PATTERN" ....
  • 34. }; Now you can easily notice a missing comma and avoid adding spaces. The code looks neat and comprehensible. Perhaps, such formatting may be unusual to you, but I urge you to try this format — you'll quickly get used to it. Remember: beautiful code is correct code. Terrible tip N21. Professionals do not make mistakes Never test anything. And don't write tests. Your code is perfect, what's there to test? It's not for nothing that you are real C++ programmers. I think the reader understands the irony, and no one seriously wonders why this tip is terrible. But there is an interesting point here. By agreeing that programmers make mistakes, you most likely think that this applies to you to a lesser degree. After all, you are an expert, and on average you understand better than others how to program and test. We all have a condition of cognitive bias — "illusory superiority". Moreover, from my life experience, programmers are more susceptible to it :). Here's an interesting article on this topic: The Problem With 'Above Average Programmers'. Terrible tip N22. Only students need analyzers Don't use static analyzers. These are tools for students and losers. In fact, it's the other way around. First of all, professional developers use static analyzers to improve the quality of their software projects. They value static analysis, because it allows to find bugs and zero-day vulnerabilities at early stages. After all, the earlier a code defect is detected, the cheaper it is to eliminate. What's interesting is that a student has a chance to write a high-quality program as part of a course project. And they can well do it without static analysis. But it is impossible to write a project as big as a game engine without bugs. The thing is that with the growth of the codebase, the error density increases. To maintain the high quality of code, you need to spend a lot of effort and use various methodologies, including code analysis tools. Let's find out what the error density increase means. The larger the codebase size, the easier it is to make a mistake. The number of errors increases with the growth of the project size not linearly, but exponentially.
  • 35. A person can no longer keep the whole project in mind. Each programmer works only with some part of the project and the codebase. As a result, the programmer cannot foresee all the consequences that may arise if they change some code fragment during the development process. In layman's terms: something is changed in one place, something breaks in another. In general, the more complex the system is, the easier it is to make a mistake. This is confirmed by numbers. Let's look at the following table, taken from the "Code Complete" book by Stephen McConnell. Static code analysis is a good assistant for programmers and managers who care about the project quality and its speed development. Regular use of analysis tools reduces the error density, and this generally has a positive effect on productivity. From the book by David Anderson "Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business": Capers Jones reports that in 2000, during the dot-com bubble, he evaluated the quality of programs for North American teams. The quality ranged from six errors per function point to less than three errors per 100 function points — 200 to one. The midpoint is approximately one error per 0.6–1.0 functional point. Thus, teams usually spend more than 90% of their efforts on fixing errors. There is also direct evidence of this. In late 2007, Aaron Sanders, one of the first followers of Kanban, wrote on the Kanbandev mailing list that the team he worked with spent 90% of the available productivity on bug fixes. Striving for inherently high quality will have a serious impact on the performance and throughput of teams that make many errors. You can expect a two to fourfold increase in throughput. If the team is initially lagging behind, then focusing on quality allows you to increase this indicator tenfold. Use static code analyzers, for example — PVS-Studio. Your team will be more engaged in interesting and useful programming, rather than guessing why the code doesn't work as planned.
  • 36. By the way, all written above doesn't mean that static code analyzers are useless for students. Firstly, a static analyzer detects errors and low-quality code. It helps master the programming language faster. Secondly, skills of working with code analyzers may be useful in the future, when you'll work with large projects. The PVS-Studio team understands this and provides students with free license. Additional links: 1. A post about static code analysis for project managers, not recommended for the programmers. 2. C++ tools evolution: static code analyzers. 3. Feelings confirmed by numbers. 4. How to introduce a static code analyzer in a legacy project and not to discourage the team. Terrible tip N23. Slap stuff together and deploy! Always and everywhere deploy any changes immediately to production. Test servers are a waste of money. This is a universal terrible tip that is applicable to development in any programming language. I don't know what else to write here that is clever and helpful. The harm of this approach is obvious. That, however, does not prevent some people from following this approach :) I think some interesting cautionary tale would be appropriate here. But I don't have one. Maybe some of our readers have something to say on this topic. And then I'll add your responses here :). Terrible tip N24. When you ask for help on a forum, make sure people need to drag the information out of you. It will make things more interesting for everyone Everyone is just dreaming of helping you. So, it's worth asking on Stack Overflow/Reddit "why isn't my code working?", and everyone is ready to overcome any barriers to answer your question.
  • 37. This terrible tip is meant for those who have come to Stack Overflow, Reddit or some other forum for help. The community is quite loyal to help newcomers, but sometimes it seems that those asking the question do their best to be ignored. Let's look at a question I saw on Reddit. Subject: Can someone explain to me why I have a segmentation fault? The question's body: A link to a document located in the OneDrive cloud storage. This is a good example of how not to ask questions. It's an extremely inconvenient way to show your code. Instead of reading the necessary code immediately in the body of the question, one need to follow the link. The OneDrive website required me to log in, but I was too lazy to do so. I wasn't that interested in the code. By the lack of answers to the question, I wasn't the only one who was lazy. Moreover, many people don't have an account on OneDrive at all. It is not even clear what programming language they are talking about. Is it worth looking at the code, if it may turn out that you don't work with this programming language... The question is not specific. I never found out what the code fragment was, but I suspect the fragment might not have been enough to give an answer. The question does not contain any additional information. Don't do that. I will try to formulate the question in a way that others can help you. The main idea. Let those you are asking for an answer be comfortable! The question should be self-sufficient. It should contain all the necessary information so that those who want to help do not need to ask clarifying questions. Often the questioners fall into a mental error, believing that everything will be clear to everyone anyway. Remember, people who help you don't know what your functions and classes do. Therefore, don't be lazy to describe all the functions/classes that are relevant. I mean, to show how they work and/or describe them in words. Ideally, you should provide a minimal piece of code so that people can reproduce the problem. Yes, it does not always work out, but it is extremely useful for three reasons: 1. While you are creating a small code example to reproduce, there is a high probability that you will understand where the error is. 2. Reproducible error is easy and convenient to work with. Most likely, you will get the help you need from the community. 3. Once you have created a reproducible code example, you can try to detect an error using another compiler or a static code analyzer. The Compiler Explorer website is handy for this. There you can compile your code with different C++ compilers with different keys. Maybe one of the compilers will issue a useful warning. Or the code analyzer will do it. Additional links: 1. What I've learned over 10 years on Stack Overflow. 2. How do I ask a good question?
  • 38. 3. "Why doesn't my code work?" — to anyone learning the art of programming and writing to the Stack Overflow community Terrible tip N25. Diamond inheritance The C++ language allows to perform virtual inheritance and implement diamond inheritance with it. So why not to use such a cool thing! You can use it. You just need to know about some subtleties. Let's take a look at them. Initialization of virtual base classes First, let's talk about how classes are allocated without virtual inheritance. Here's a code fragment: class Base { ... }; class X : public Base { ... }; class Y : public Base { ... }; class XY : public X, public Y { ... }; That one's easy. The members of the non-virtual base Base class are allocated as common data members of the derived class. It results in the XY object containing two independent Base subobjects. Here is a scheme to illustrate that: Figure 25.1. Multiple non-virtual inheritance. An object of a virtual base class is included into the object of a derived class only once. This is also called diamond inheritance: Figure 25.2. Diamond inheritance Figure 25.3 shows the layout of the XY object in the code fragment below with diamond inheritance. class Base { ... };
  • 39. class X : public virtual Base { ... }; class Y : public virtual Base { ... }; class XY : public X, public Y { ... }; Figure 25.3. Multiple virtual inheritance. The memory for the shared Base subobject is most likely to be allocated at the end of the XY object. The exact implementation of the class depends on the compiler. For example, X and Y classes can store pointers to the shared Base object. But, as I understand, this method is out of use nowadays. More often, a reference to a shared subobject is implemented as an offset or as information that is stored in the vtable. The "most derived" XY class alone knows where exactly the memory for the subobject of the virtual Base class should be located. Therefore, it is the most derived class which is responsible for initializing all the subobjects of virtual base classes. The XY constructors initialize the Base subobject and pointers to it in X and Y. After that, the remaining members of X, Y, XY classes are initialized. Once the Base subobject is initialized in the XY constructor, it will not be re-initialized by the X or Y constructors. The particular way it will be done depends on the compiler. For example, the compiler can pass a special additional argument into X and Y constructors to tell them not to initialize the Base class. Now the most interesting thing that leads to many misunderstandings and errors. Let's look at the following constructors: X::X(int A) : Base(A) {} Y::Y(int A) : Base(A) {} XY::XY() : X(3), Y(6) {} What number will the base class constructor take as its argument — 3 or 6? None of them. The XY constructor initializes the Base virtual subobject, but does this implicitly. By default, Base constructor is called. When the XY constructor calls the X or Y constructor, it does not reinitialize Base. So, there is no explicit reference to Base with some argument. Troubles with virtual base classes do not end here. Besides constructors, there are also assignment operators. If I'm not mistaken, the standard tells us that the compiler-generated assignment operator
  • 40. can assign to a subobject of a virtual base class multiple times. Or maybe the operator can only do it once. So, you don't know how many times the Base object will be copied. If you implement your own assignment operator, make sure you have prevented multiple copying of the Base object. Let's look at the incorrect code fragment: XY &XY::operator =(const XY &src) { if (this != &src) { X::operator =(*this); Y::operator =(*this); .... } return *this; } This code leads to double copy of the Base object. To avoid this, we should add special functions into the X and Y classes to prevent copying of the Base class's members. The contents of the Base class are copied once here as well. Here's the fixed code: XY &XY::operator =(const XY &src) { if (this != &src) { Base::operator =(*this); X::PartialAssign(*this); Y::PartialAssign(*this); .... } return *this; } This code will work well, but it still doesn't look nice and clear. That's the reason why programmers are recommended to avoid multiple virtual inheritance. Virtual base classes and type conversion Because of the specifics of how virtual base classes are allocated in memory, you can't perform type conversions like this one: Base *b = Get(); XY *q = static_cast<XY *>(b); // Compilation error XY *w = (XY *)(b); // Compilation error However, an insistent programmer can still convert the type by employing the 'reinterpret_cast' operator: XY *e = reinterpret_cast<XY *>(b);
  • 41. However, the result will hardly be of any use. The address of the beginning of the Base object will be interpreted as the beginning of the XY object. And this is not what you need at all. See Figure 25.4 for details. The only way to perform a type conversion is to use the dynamic_cast operator. But using dynamic_cast too often makes the code smell. Figure 25.4. Type conversion. Should we abandon virtual inheritance? I agree with many authors that one should avoid virtual inheritance by all means, as well as common multiple inheritance. Virtual inheritance causes troubles with object initialization and copying. Since it is the "most derived" class which is responsible for these operations, it has to be familiar with all the very detail of the structure of base classes. Due to this, a more complex dependency appears between the classes, which complicates the project structure and forces you to make some additional revisions in all those classes during refactoring. All this leads to bugs and complicates the understanding of the project by new developers. The complexities of type conversion also lead to errors. You can partly solve the issues by using the dynamic_cast operator. However, this is a slow operator. And if the operator begins to widely appear in the program, then, most likely, this indicates a poor project architecture. Project structure can be almost always implemented without multiple inheritance. After all, there are no such exotica in many other languages. And it doesn't prevent programmers writing code in these languages from developing large and complex projects. We cannot insist on total refusal of virtual inheritance. Sometimes it is useful and convenient. However, it's better to think twice before using it. Pros of multiple inheritance Well, we now understand the criticism of multiple virtual inheritance and multiple inheritance as such. But are there any cases where this kind of inheritance is safe and convenient to use? Yes, I can name at least one: mix-ins. If you don't know what it is, see the book "Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot". You can easily find it on the Internet. Start reading at section 101 and further on.
  • 42. A mix-in class doesn't contain any data. All its functions are usually pure virtual. It has no constructor, and even when if it has, the constructor doesn't do anything. It means that no troubles will occur when creating or copying these classes. If a base class is a mix-in class, assignment is harmless. So, even if an object is copied many times, it doesn't matter. The program will be free of it after compilation. Terrible tip N26. I'll do it myself Do not use the language's standard library. What could be more interesting than writing your own strings and lists with unique syntax and semantics? Maybe it's really interesting. However, it's a time-consuming process. Moreover, the result is likely to be of lower quality than the existing standard solutions. In practice, it turns out that it's not easy to write even analogues of such simple functions as strdup or memcpy without errors. Now imagine the number of flaws that are going to be in more complex functions and classes. Don't believe me about strdup and memcpy? The thing is, I've started collecting errors found in custom data copying functions long ago. Perhaps someday I'll make a separate article about that. And now, a couple of proofs. In the article about checking Zephyr RTOS, I described an unsuccessful attempt to implement a function similar to strdup: static char *mntpt_prepare(char *mntpt) { char *cpy_mntpt; cpy_mntpt = k_malloc(strlen(mntpt) + 1); if (cpy_mntpt) { ((u8_t *)mntpt)[strlen(mntpt)] = '0'; memcpy(cpy_mntpt, mntpt, strlen(mntpt)); } return cpy_mntpt; } PVS-Studio warning: V575 [CWE-628] The 'memcpy' function doesn't copy the whole string. Use 'strcpy / strcpy_s' function to preserve terminal null. shell.c 427 The analyzer detects that the memcpy function copies a string, but doesn't copy terminal null, and it's strange. Seems like terminal null is copied here: ((u8_t *)mntpt)[strlen(mntpt)] = '0'; No, it's a typo that causes null character to be copied into itself. Note that the null character is written into the mntpt array, not in cpy_mntpt. As a result, the mntpt_prepare function returns a non-null- terminated string. Actually, the developer wanted to write something like this: ((u8_t *)cpy_mntpt)[strlen(mntpt)] = '0';
  • 43. It's unclear why the code is written in such a confusing way. As a result, a grave error crept into a small function. The code can be simplified like this: static char *mntpt_prepare(char *mntpt) { char *cpy_mntpt; cpy_mntpt = k_malloc(strlen(mntpt) + 1); if (cpy_mntpt) { strcpy(cpy_mntpt, mntpt); } return cpy_mntpt; } And here's another example where developers wonder if they're right: void myMemCpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n) { char *csrc = (char *)src; char *cdest = (char *)dest; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) cdest[i] = csrc[i]; } We were not analyzing this code fragment with the help of PVS-Studio — I accidentally came across it on Stack Overflow: C and static Code analysis: Is this safer than memcpy? However, if we check this function with PVS-Studio, it'll issue the following: • V104 Implicit conversion of 'i' to memsize type in an arithmetic expression: i < n test.cpp 26 • V108 Incorrect index type: cdest[not a memsize-type]. Use memsize type instead. test.cpp 27 • V108 Incorrect index type: csrc[not a memsize-type]. Use memsize type instead. test.cpp 27 Indeed, this code fragment contains a flaw. The users also pointed it out in the replies to the question. You cannot use an int variable as an index. On 64-bit platform, the int variable will most likely be 32-bit (we don't consider exotic architectures here). Therefore, the function cannot copy more than INT_MAX bytes. That is, no more than 2GB. With a larger size of a copied buffer, an integer overflow will occur, which C and C++ interpret as undefined behavior. Don't try to guess how the error will show itself. This is a complex topic. You can read more about it in the article: "Undefined behavior is closer than you think". It's especially funny that the code is the result of an attempt to get rid of a Checkmarx warning issued on the memcpy function call. Developers decided to reinvent their own wheel, which, despite the simplicity of the copy function, turned out to be wrong. So, someone did things even worse than they were before. Instead of dealing with the reason for the issued warning, they concealed the issue by writing their own function — and confused the analyzer. Besides, they added an error, using int for the counter. Oh, by the way, such code may disrupt optimization. It's inefficient to use your own function instead of optimized memcpy. Don't do this :).
  • 44. Terrible tip N27. Delete stdafx.h Get rid of that stupid stdafx.h. It's always causing those weird compilation errors. "You just don't know how to cook it" (c). Let's find out how precompiled headers work in Visual Studio and how to use them correctly. Why do we need precompiled headers Precompiled headers are designed to speed up the project build. Usually developers get acquainted with Visual C++, using small projects. These projects hardly show any benefit from precompiled headers. With or without them, the compile time of the program is the same by eye. This is confusing. A person doesn't see any profit from this mechanism and decides that it's only for specific tasks and will never be needed. And never uses them. In fact, precompiled headers are a very useful technology. The benefit is clear even if a project consists of a few dozen files. Especially clear if the project uses heavy libraries like boost. If you look at the *.cpp files in a project, you may notice that many of them include the same sets of header files. For example, <vector>, <string>, <algorithm>. These header files, in turn, include other header files, and so on. This leads to the fact that the preprocessor performs the same operations over and over again. It should read the same files, insert them into each other, choose #ifdef branches and substitute macro values. This is a colossal duplication of the same operations. You can significantly reduce the amount of work that the preprocessor should do while compiling the project. The idea is to preprocess a group of files in advance and then just substitute a ready-made text fragment. Actually, there are some other steps to do. You can store not just text, but a bit more processed information. I don't know how it works in Visual C++. But, for example, you can store there a text already split into tokens. This will speed up the compilation. How precompiled headers work The file containing precompiled headers has the ".pch" extension. Usually, the file name matches the project name. Of course, this and other names can be changed in settings. The file can be quite big — it depends on how many header files are in it. The *.pch file appears after compiling stdafx.cpp. The file is built with the "/Yc" key. This key tells the compiler to create a precompiled header. The stdafx.cpp file may contain only one line: #include "stdafx.h". The "stdafx.h" file contains the most interesting things. You need to include all header files (that will be preprocessed in advance) in that file. For example, here's how this file may look like: #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4820) #pragma warning(disable : 4619) #pragma warning(disable : 4548) #pragma warning(disable : 4668)
  • 45. #pragma warning(disable : 4365) #pragma warning(disable : 4710) #pragma warning(disable : 4371) #pragma warning(disable : 4826) #pragma warning(disable : 4061) #pragma warning(disable : 4640) #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <map> #include <list> #include <deque> #include <memory> #pragma warning(pop) The "#pragma warning" directives are necessary to get rid of the warnings issued on standard libraries, if there's a high level of warnings enabled in compiler settings. This is a code fragment from an old project. Perhaps now all these pragmas are not needed. I just wanted to show you how to suppress redundant warnings if such occur. Now "stdafx.h" should be included in all *.c/*.cpp files. At the same time, you need to remove already included headers with "stdafx.h". What if similar but different sets of headers are used? For example, these: • File A: <vector>, <string> • File B: <vector>, <algorithm> • File C: <string>, <algorithm> Should we create separate precompiled headers? You can do it, but it's not necessary. It's enough to create one precompiled header, in which <vector>, <string>, and <algorithm> are expanded. The benefit of not having to read lots of files and insert them into each other is much greater than the losses of parsing unnecessary code fragments. How to use precompiled headers When you create a new project, Visual Studio's Wizard creates two files: stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp. The precompiled headers mechanism is implemented with their help. In fact, these files can have various names. The name doesn't matter, the compilation parameters in the project settings do. In *.c/*.cpp files, you can use only one precompiled header. However, one project may have several precompiled headers. For now, we'll assume that our project has only one.
  • 46. So, if you use a wizard, you already have stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp. Besides, you set all the necessary compilation keys. If a project doesn't use the precompiled headers mechanism, then let's inspect how to enable it. I suggest the following steps: 1. Enable using precompiled headers in all configurations for all *.c/*.cpp files. You can do it in the "Precompiled Header" tab: • Set the "Use (/Yu)" value for the "Precompiled Header" parameter. • Set "stdafx.h" for the "Precompiled Header File" parameter. • Set "$(IntDir)$(TargetName).pch" for the "Precompiled Header Output File" parameter. 2. Create the stdafx.h file and add to the project. In the future, we'll add to it those header files that we want to preprocess in advance. 3. Create the stdafx.cpp file and add it to the project. It has only one line: #include "stdafx.h". 4. In all configurations, change settings for the stdafx.cpp file. Set the "Create (/Yc)" value for the "Precompiled Header" parameter. So, we enabled the precompiled headers mechanism. Now if we compile a project, the *.pch file will be created. However, then compilation stops because of errors. For all *.c/*.cpp files we set that they should use precompiled headers. This is not enough. Now you need to add #include "stdafx.h" to each of the files. The "stdafx.h" header file should be included in the *.c/*.cpp file the very first. Absolutely! Otherwise, compilation errors will appear sooner or later. If you think of it, it has logic. When "stdafx.h" is placed at the very beginning, you can substitute already preprocessed text. The text is always the same and doesn't depend on anything. Imagine if we could include another file before "stdafx.h". And write #define bool char in that file. Ambiguity arises. We change the contents of all files in which "bool" occurs. Now you cannot substitute preprocessed text. The whole "precompiled headers" mechanism breaks. I think that's one of the reasons why "stdafx.h" should be located at the beginning. Perhaps, there are others. Life hack! Writing #include "stdafx.h" in all *.c/*.cpp files is tedious and boring. Additionally, there will be a revision in the version control system, where a huge number of files will be changed. Not good. Another inconvenience is standard libraries (in the form of code files) included in a project. It's pointless to edit all these files. The correct option would be to disable the use of precompiled headers. However, if you use several third-party libraries, it's inconvenient. The developers always stumble over precompiled headers. There is an option how to use precompiled headers easily and simply. This option is not universal but it often helped me. You can skip writing #include "stdafx.h" in all files, and use the "Forced Included File" mechanism. Open settings, go to the "Advanced" tab. Select all configurations. In "Forced Included File" write:
  • 47. StdAfx.h;%(ForcedIncludeFiles) Now "stdafx.h" will automatically be included at the beginning of ALL compiled files. PROFIT! Now you no longer need to write #include "stdafx.h" at the beginning of *.c/*.cpp files. The compiler will do it itself. What to include in stdafx.h This is a crucial moment. If you mindlessly include everything in "stdafx.h", the compilation will just slow down. All files that include "stdafx.h" depend on its contents. Let's say that the "X.h" file is included in "stdafx.h". If you change anything in "X.h", this may lead to a full project recompilation. Rule. Include in "stdafx.h" only those files that will never change or change VERY rarely. Header files of systems and third-party libraries are good candidates. If you include in "stdafx.h" your own files from the project, be extremely careful. Include only those files that change very, very rarely. If a *.h file changes monthly, this is too often. Usually, it's almost impossible to make all the edits in the h file in the first try — it takes 2-3 iterations. Agree, recompiling the project 2-3 times a month is not a pleasing task. Besides, not all your teammates need a recompilation process. Don't get carried away with immutable files. Include only those files that are frequently used. There's no reason to include <set>, if it's needed only in two places. Include this header file only where it's needed. Multiple precompiled headers Why do you need multiple precompiled headers in one project? This doesn't happen often, but let me show you a couple of examples. The project uses both *.c and *.cpp files. You can't use the *.pch file for both of them. The compiler will issue an error. You need to create two *.pch files. One is the result of compiling a C file (xx.c), and the other is the result of compiling a C++ file (yy.cpp). Therefore, you need to specify in the settings that one precompiled header is used in C files, and the other — in C++ files. Note. Don't forget to specify different names for *.pch files. Otherwise, one file will rewrite the other. Another case. One part of the project uses one big library, and another one uses another big library. Of course, all code fragments don't need to know about both libraries. Besides, in (bad) libraries, names of some entities may overlap. It's more logical to create two precompiled headers and use them in different parts of the program. As I mentioned above, you can specify any file names from which *.pch files are generated. You can also change the *.pch file name. Of course, you need to be careful with that, but there's nothing hard in using two precompiled headers.
  • 48. Typical errors with precompiled headers After reading the material above, you will be able to understand and fix the errors related to stdafx.h. However, let's go through the typical compilation errors and inspect their causes. Fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: 'Debugproject.pch': No such file or directory You're trying to compile a file that uses a precompiled header. But the *.pch file is missing. Possible reasons: 1. The stdafx.cpp file wasn't compiled, and, as a result, the *.pch file hasn't been created yet. This happens if you clean the project first (Clean Solution), and then try to compile one *.cpp file. Solution: compile the whole project or at least the stdafx.cpp. file. 2. The settings don't specify any file from which the *.pch file should be generated. This refers to the /Yc compilation key. Usually, newcomers end up in such a situation when they want to use precompiled headers for their project. See the "How to use precompiled headers" section to learn how to handle this. Fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you forget to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source? The message is very clear. The file is compiled with the /Yu key. This means you should use precompiled headers. However, the "stdafx.h" file is not included in the file. You need to write #include "stdafx.h" into a file. If it's impossible, then you should not use the precompiled header for this *.c/*.cpp file. Just remove the /Yu key. Fatal error C1853: 'project.pch' precompiled header file is from a previous version of the compiler, or the precompiled header is C++ and you are using it from C (or vice versa) The project contains both C (*.c) and C++ (*.cpp) files. You can't use the *.pch file for both of them. Possible solutions: 1. Disable the use of precompiled headers for all C files. Experience shows that *.c files are preprocessed several times faster than *.cpp files. If there are not so many *.c files, then by disabling precompiled headers for them, you will not lose anything; 2. Create two precompiled headers. The first one should be created from stdafx_cpp.cpp, stdafx_cpp.h. The second — from stdafx_c.c, stdafx_c.h. Therefore, different precompiled headers should be used in *.c and *.cpp files. Of course, the names of *.pch files should also differ. The compiler is buggy because of the precompiled header Most likely, something was done wrong. For example, #include "stdafx.h" is not located at the very beginning. Look at the example: int A = 10;
  • 49. #include "stdafx.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { return A; } The code won't compile. The compiler will issue a warning which may look strange at first: error C2065: 'A' : undeclared identifier The compiler considers that everything that is specified before #include "stdafx.h" (including it), is a precompiled header. When compiling the file, the compiler will replace everything before #include "stdafx.h" to the text from the *.pch file. As a result, the "int A = 10" line is lost. Here's the correct code: #include "stdafx.h" int A = 10; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { return A; } Another example: #include "my.h" #include "stdafx.h" The contents of "my.h" won't be used. As a result, you cannot use functions declared in this file. This behavior is very confusing for programmers. They "treat" it by completely disabling precompiled headers and then tell stories about glitches in Visual C++. Remember, the compiler is one of the most rarely buggy tools. In 99.99% of cases, you should not be angry at the compiler but look for the error yourself (see terrible tip N11). To avoid such situations, ALWAYS write #include "stdafx.h" at the very beginning of the file. You can leave comments before #include "stdafx.h". They don't participate in the compilation in any way. Another option — use Forced Included File. See the "Life hack!" section above. Because of precompiled headers, the project is constantly recompiled stdafx.h has a file that is regularly edited. Or an auto-generated file is accidentally included. Carefully check the contents of "stdafx.h". It must include only those header files that do not change or change very rarely. Note that included files may not change, but they refer to other changing *.h files. Something strange is going on Sometimes it happens that you fix the code, but the warning doesn't go away. The debugger shows something strange. The *.pch file may be the reason for that. Somehow the compiler does not notice changes in one of the header files and does not rebuild the *.pch file. As a result, the old code is substituted. Perhaps this was due to some failures related to the time of file modification.
  • 50. This is a VERY rare situation. However, this may happen, and you need to know about that. I have encountered it only 2-3 times over many years of programming. A full project recompilation helps. Terrible tip N28. An array on the stack is the best thing ever Besides, memory allocation is evil. char c[256] is enough for everyone, and if it's not enough, we'll change it to 512. At the very least – to 1024. Creating an array on the stack does have a number of advantages, compared to allocating memory on the heap using the malloc function or the operator new []: 1. The allocation and deallocation of memory occurs instantly. In assembly code, it all boils down to decreasing/increasing the stack pointer. 2. No need to worry about freeing up memory. It will be automatically deallocated, when you exit the function. So, what's wrong with the construction of char c[1024]? Reason N1. The magic number 1024 implies that the code author doesn't really know how much memory will be needed for data processing. They assume that one kilobyte will always be enough. Doesn't sound very reliable, does it? If we know that the buffer of a certain size will hold all the necessary data, most likely, we'll see a named constant in the code, for example, char path[MAX_PATH]. The approach of creating a "buffer with a reserve" is unreliable. First, there's a possibility that the "reserve" may not be enough in some cases — and this may lead to a buffer overflow. Second, such code has a potential vulnerability. There's a possibility that certain data can be submitted to the program input. It may overflow the buffer or change the program's behavior in the way desired for an attacker. This is a big topic, and it deserves a separate article. So, here I'll just leave several links: 1. Wikipedia. Buffer overflow. 2. OWASP. Buffer Overflow. 3. Common Weakness Enumeration. CWE-120: Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input ('Classic Buffer Overflow'). 4. "Computer Security: A Hands-on Approach" authored by Wenliang Du. Chapter 4 - Buffer Overflow Attack. Reason N2. As we discussed, a fixed buffer size is bad because it may not be enough. Besides, in most cases, the memory allocated in a buffer is much more than needed. Almost always the memory is allocated more than it's then used. If you get carried away with creating such arrays on a stack, the stack may suddenly end. You'll get stack overflow. The compiler settings allow you to specify how much stack memory is available to the application. For example, in Visual Studio, the /F key is used for this. You can specify a "reserve" here. However, this solution is still unreliable — you can't predict how much stack memory an application will need, especially if many arrays are created on the stack.